#spn 15x1
afterplaidshirtdays · 7 months
Dean admitted that Jack was his kid (kinda) 🥺
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homoangel · 1 year
so after 14 seasons of uhm how do you say.. not wearing these stupid ass uniforms
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they decided to yk ..wear these stupid ass uniforms
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and so i guess my question is just um why?? why did they do that??
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scentedluminarysoul · 19 days
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cpopnatural · 4 months
15x1 Notes
-carrying Jack’s corpse and just sprinting
-that title card kinda goes hard
-the way the CG is a little better this season?
-the way Cas was not helping
-“we are not twinsies”
-yoooo they got the drone shots in SPN now
-Belphegor calling Dean gorgeous?????
-the FBI shirt cracks me up
-that’s actually the funniest throwback to hell ahsjshvdjsbs
-the fucking NPCs are still standing there slcjskhdjs
-literally just snatched it I adore Bel
-“you shot me” <~<
-if you all run you’ll all have time
-I feel like I’m watching a Youtube sketch. A Hillywood Show parody
-“you okay?” “Good” Dean being worried enough to ask Cas how he is but having too much pride to talk it out
This is such an inherently interesting episode to me because they knew they were ending it (for good), so it changes how they approach the story compared to other seasons. Belphegor is such a fun character and I’m so happy that we’re introducing characters we enjoy again. Other than that and some fun character moments, this episode was kinda generic. 6.5/10
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castielsgal · 5 years
Castiel realizing his son is gone is probably the most difficult thing he ever had to face .
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lis-likes-fics · 3 years
Me: *watches season fifteen of supernatural*
Belphegor: Hello. My name is Belphegor.
Me: Belfa-what now?
Me: Belfawhore.
Me: Belfafore?
Me: *searches it on Google*
Me: Belphagore? Belphegar?
Me: I'm gonna called you Bela.
Me: And you're gonna have a nickname to your nickname. Bels.
Me: Hell yeah, this is gonna be fun!
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amira-zahirah · 5 years
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I was borrowing pen tablet from my campus, I tried it and made this doodle
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random-fangirl-13 · 5 years
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He had been staring at you since for the past half hour and you were slowly going nuts. It didn’t help that he was in your best friend’s meat suit. It actually did quite the opposite. You missed Jack, despite all of his huge and recent mistakes. The fact that Belphegor was using Jack’s dead body made it extremely hard to even look at him. 
You also tried to hint that you wanted nothing to do with him, but you couldn’t help but laugh at some of the jokes he had made, which ultimately sent the wrong message. It’s not your fault that he has a sense of humour. It was also pretty embarrassing when you’d look at him and your laughter would turn into crying hysterically because he looks like your recently deceased best friend. 
You were walking back to the Impala after getting yourself and your dad a coffee from one of the shops in town. Neither of you had gotten much sleep since Chuck decided to free all of the souls from hell. Unfortunately for Dean, he was stuck listening to the demon gush about you, his daughter.
“Look at them now!” Belphegor said when you punched a random pedestrian who was harassing you. You were fascinating and gorgeous. You were nothing like the human he used to know when he was human. You were tough, smart, and you could talk in complete sentences.
“What?” Your dad asked. He was not only confused about what the demon was talking about, but he was also not in the mood to talk.
“Y/N.” He clarified. “She’s amazing... and hot.” 
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that!” 
“Why?”, He asked. What was so bad about complimenting somebody.  “it’s a compliment and it’s true.”
“Let me give you some advice. One, you don’t talk about someone like that to their parent. It just makes them want to shoot you. Second, stay the hell away from her. I don’t need her hanging around some demon.”
“Right, because letting her hunt monsters is much safer,” Belphegor said sarcastically. 
Opening the passenger door, you hand your dad his coffee. He thanked you before he began to sip on it. You were about to take a sip of yours when you felt somebody staring at you again.
“Are you staring at me?” You asked, hoping that you were wrong. 
“Yeah, why?” He answered casually. You saw your dad spit a bit of his coffee out before glaring at Belphegor.
“It’s kind of considered rude these days.” You said as you turned in your seat to look at him.
“Sorry. You're just really good-looking.” 
“Hey!” Your dad yelled. “Did you not hear a word I was telling you.” Were they talking about you while you were out? You turned back in your seat to face the window so that you wouldn’t have to look at the demon or your dad.
“Just because you gave me advice doesn’t mean I have to take it.”
You tried to stop it, but a blush rose to your cheeks and you found yourself fighting a light smile. What the hell is going on? Although you didn’t want to, you found yourself liking the demon a little more.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Your dad said when he looked at you. After this, he’s really going to need a drink.
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fanickingfandom · 5 years
Apocalypse: starts*
TFW: Rowenaaaaa
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15x01 “Back and to the Future”
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memes-saved-me · 5 years
Mate, if Cas and Dean don't sort their shit out this season never happened and the world just ended in season 14.
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casifer-gabriel · 5 years
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guys i made a thing
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queer-birb-rights · 5 years
there’s literally no reason for dean to be such a dick to cas. what did he even do. what the fuck. I’m gonna fight the writers. he deserves better.
like what happened to their “profound bond”? what happened to the eye sex and “personal space, cas?” do the writers just expect us to forget what they used to be? how did they manage to go from barely repressed love to barely repressed hatred? cas still feels the same way, you can tell that he does, but dean? what the fuck
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they-stare-i-ship · 5 years
yk that little scene in the end of episode 1 where Dean and Sam are talking about just them against the rest of the world? and Dean’s like I like those odds. Well ykw mister? I dont. Bc Cas is standing 5 feet away and you 2 are just talking about yourselves. I wouldnt still be watching this shitshow if it werent for Cas and I am so tired of everyone never counting him in. I am so tired 
also literally none of you apologized to Cas for pulling what you pulled last season. You got his son killed. You didnt pull the trigger but you were gonna and YOUR choices and actions got him there in the first place
i’m definitely over reacting 
but i am just so tired 
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catsplushellhounds · 5 years
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amira-zahirah · 5 years
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Me after watching the trailer: SAMIFER?!
Me after watching ep 1: Boy King Sam???
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