#spn anael fanfiction
thebiggerbear · 9 months
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Anael Prompt Response
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Summary: Anael is not happy that you've agreed to help the Winchesters with their far-fetched plan to destroy Chuck via Jack. She reluctantly accompanies you to the Bunker and this sets events in motion that prompt a conversation between you and Dean on just why the angel is so important to you.
Pairing: Anael x Female!Reader; Anael x Huntress!Female!Reader; past-ish Dean Winchester x Female!Reader; Dean Winchester x Huntress!Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @thelonelyempath. I really wanted to play with this sort of triangle dynamic that popped up while I was writing. This is still an Anael x Reader one shot/prompt response but Dean's my boy and I really loved the backstory that developed between him and the reader which then led to Anael. Hope it all came together okay.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
There will be a note at the end.
Warnings: guns; implied threats of violence/killing; mentions of sex; torture; death; angst
Word Count: 10k+
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Anael Taglist: @nancymcl; @brightlilith
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Tom version ✨ Jason version ✨ SDV Alex version
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You glanced to your right and rolled your eyes when you saw the angel who was currently sitting in your passenger seat, still fuming. You turned back to the road and gently tapped the steering wheel, wondering what you could say to get her to let this go. In the end, you decided to just be direct.
“Are you still upset about this?”
“Are you still going through with this ridiculous plan?” She snapped.
You bit your lip to keep from sighing in aggravation like you wanted to. You knew if she heard you do that, she’d never let up. “It’s not a bad plan…”
“Oh, yeah. Not a bad plan. Just have God’s sister trap him in the Winchesters’ basement. I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to wait for the weapon that will kill him to arrive.”
You nearly winced at her biting sarcasm. She had a point; this wasn’t the best plan and it was definitely a long shot but it was all any of you had. Sam and Dean had asked for your help and you were determined to give it to them, no matter what might happen. They always had your back when you needed it. You were going to return the favor — pissed off angel alongside you or not. Not to mention if this didn’t succeed then the world was literally going to be over. You all had to try.
“Look, it’s not exactly the most…sound plan but it’s the best we’ve got. We have to do something, Ana. If we don’t, then it’s lights out. That’s it.”
“We,” she scoffed, turning to glare out the window with her arms crossed. 
You tightened your grip on the steering wheel at the same time your jaw clenched. “Don’t do that.”
She turned back to you. “Are you really going to pretend that he doesn’t have something to do with this suicidal decision you’ve made?”
You kept your eyes focused on the road. “He does.” After her huff, you added unapologetically, “He will always matter to me. Even if the world wasn’t on the line, I would still be there if he asked me. He would do the same for me. That’s how it’s always going to be between us.”
A moment of tense silence passed before she spit at you, “Then you’re dumber than I gave you credit for.” She looked out the window again and you turned up the music, pressing your foot further down on the gas. The sooner you got to your destination the better.
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You opened up the bunker door, allowing Ana to walk inside first. She hadn’t said another word to you for the rest of the car ride (something unusual for her), and barely even looked at you. You knew she was furious, at everything from this plan to what you’d said earlier, but it couldn’t be helped. 
When you followed her, shutting the door behind you, and both of you came to a stop at the railing, glancing down, you didn’t know what you had expected to see. It certainly hadn’t been Jack Kline standing in the map room, staring up at you, with a hand raised. “Hello.”
You and Ana briefly glanced at each other and you gave the boy a nod. “Uh, hey Jack. Sam and Dean here?”
He shook his head. “They had a last minute case come up. Something about an old friend asking for help, I think.”
“Ironic,” Ana quipped.
Jack furrowed his brows at her, not understanding her meaning, while you shot her a look. Of course, she just smirked at you in response and you could feel your body tensing in the same aggravation you’d felt in the car. “Is Cas here?” You asked instead.
Jack went to speak when you heard, “I’m here,” before a familiar dark-haired man walked into the room. It had been a while since you’d seen him but he still looked the same. He was still wearing the trenchcoat and the suit, no matter how many times Dean tried to get him to change up his wardrobe.
“Hey, Cas.”
He gave you a nod of greeting before turning a small relieved smile on Ana. “Anael, you’ve decided to help us in this fight after all.”
“Don’t get too excited, Castiel. I’m only here because it turns out she’s just as smart as the Winchesters.” She gestured towards you.
You gritted your teeth. “Ana…”
She gave you that smile she always gave you when she knew she was getting on your last nerve.
Cas glanced back and forth between you, a sudden realization of something beginning to dawn on his features. Jack still looked somewhat confused but also curious. 
You cleared your throat. “So, any idea when the boys will be back?”
“Soon. I believe they just wrapped up their case and they’re headed back. They should be here by nightfall,” Cas supplied.
You gave him a wan smile as he appeared to study you intently. “Well, I’m starved. Got any food in that big kitchen of yours?”
“We have a lot of food,” Jack offered, trying to be helpful. “Sam went shopping the other day.”
“Great,” you responded with a little too much enthusiasm. “Let’s see what we’ve got.” You ignored Ana watching you in disapproval and Cas’ penetrative gaze as you descended the steps and followed Jack to said kitchen. Let Ana deal with whatever thoughts Cas might put voice to — you’d had enough angel judgment for one day.
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You and Jack were just putting the finishing touches on shepherd’s pie (the only thing you knew how to make outside of eggs and grilled cheese if you were being honest) when Sam and Dean returned home. 
You had spent most of the day avoiding Cas and thankfully, when Ana joined you in the kitchen, she chose to relegate any commentary she made to your cooking skills (or lack thereof) alone. There was tension thick in the air but whether it had to do with what was going on in the background, Ana’s animosity towards you, or a mixture of both, you had no idea. Cas had eventually strode into the room, curious and happy to watch you teach Jack how to make the one dish your Grams had taught you to make. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smile when Jack asked you why it was called shepherd’s pie if the recipe didn’t come from any shepherds. Despite his questions, Jack seemed to be enjoying himself, learning something new and taking his mind off of what was coming. You felt badly for the kid; he was going to sacrifice himself to save the world. You couldn’t even imagine the weight of that burden on his young shoulders, Nephilim or not. So you were happy to provide a little distraction for him as well as yourself.
“Cas? Jack?” You heard Sam call.
“We’re back,” Dean added.
Cas was immediately on his feet, looking towards Ana and then you, before hurrying out of the room. You had to wonder what that was all about. It wasn’t as if the brothers weren’t expecting you. Plus, you were pretty sure Cas must have texted or called them to give them a heads up that you were here.
Ana turned back to you, her jaw tight and giving you a look. You rolled your eyes and helped Jack get out a stack of plates to set the table with. When you were done, you noticed Ana had stood up and moved away from the two of you, creating distance. Your own jaw clenched when you saw it. Why did she have to be so difficult sometimes?
“No plate for you?” You threw at her, knowing very well she wasn’t going to eat since she didn’t need to.
“Not just yet.”
Your brow creased in confusion. What was that response?
You didn’t have much time to think about it, though, because Dean and Sam rushed into the room, with Cas right behind them. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Jo?” Dean boomed, heading right for Ana and carrying an angel blade. 
“Dean,” Cas called, trying to get in front of him.
You watched as Ana raised her hand and sent both Winchesters flying backward, knocking them on their asses, and more importantly, the blade out of Dean’s hand.
“Anael,” Cas warned.
“I’m just supposed to allow them to kill me, Castiel? I don’t think so.”
You were torn. You wanted to rush over to the boys, make sure they were alright, but another part of you was telling you that you needed to get closer to Ana. What if she was right and Dean had really meant to kill her just then?
Both Winchesters were already up, Dean glaring at Ana. “You almost got us killed! Sending us to Hell on that wild goose chase! Hell, you almost got Cas killed!”
“He had to go to The Empty to ask Ruby where the Occultem was!” Sam added, thrusting a finger at her. “He almost didn’t make it back!”
“You’re Jo?” Jack asked, his expression hardening. “I thought your name was Anael.”
Ana didn’t spare him a glance. “That’s my angel name. Sister Jo is my brand, you could say.”
“Occultem?” You whispered, not ever having heard of it before though you tried racking your brains. 
Ana flashed you a look, silently telling you she would fill you in later, before resting her eyes on the two men again. “That was a priceless item. You didn’t really expect me to give it up so easily for your little war with God, did you?” Her brown eyes narrowed. “No matter how much better looking than him you might be.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head and turned onto Dean who still hadn’t noticed your presence yet. He was glaring straight at Ana and you noticed the blade was back in his hand. When had you missed him picking it back up? 
“You shouldn’t have come here,” he said in an all-too familiar menacing tone, before he began moving forward again, Sam right behind him with his own angel blade. Cas tried to put up a placating hand but he was ignored. Jack watched as it all happened, glowering in Ana’s direction now, not making a move to stop his dads. Your brain shut off and before you knew it, you were in front of Ana, gun raised.
Dean stopped short, his eyes slightly widening as he finally saw you. Sam’s did, too. You were sure they highly doubted you would be on opposite sides over an angel, with a gun pointed at them no less. 
“Put the blades down,” you ordered.
You watched as Dean’s green eyes briefly softened upon hearing you speak but then hardened again when he realized you meant business. Something was now layering his expression that looked an awful lot like betrayal. “You’re protecting her?” He asked in disbelief. “What the hell, Y/N?”
You could feel Ana right behind you, her energy filling the air. She was charged up and you felt a familiar static electricity feeling at your back. You wouldn’t be surprised if her eyes were doing their usual glowing trick right about now. 
“This is what I was trying to tell you before you two charged in here.” Cas stood next to Dean, looking at him and Sam.
“Tell us what?” Dean demanded.
“She’s with me.” All three glanced over at you, Cas giving a subtle nod as he dropped his gaze. Sam wasn’t sure what to make of it but you noticed him starting to lower the blade in his hand. Dean kept glaring between you and Ana over your shoulder. Only when Cas urged him with a quiet “Dean”, nodding towards the blade in his hand, did he finally put it down. “You’ve gotta be freaking’ kidding me,” he growled before storming out of the room. Cas briefly glanced over at you before following him. Jack, who now scowled in your direction as well as Ana’s, slowly left the room. You lowered your gun, disappointment starting to swell in your chest. So much for a nice, quiet family dinner then.
Only Sam was left and he looked torn between wanting to follow his family and coming over to give you a hug like he normally would. You made it easy for him. “It’s okay, Sam. I understand. Go.”
He pressed his lips together, giving you a sad look, before he nodded and left the room as well.
You let out a heavy breath and hung your head. The Winchesters were the only family you had left and now…it looked like they were gone, too.
You felt a hand gently lay on your shoulder, the electric charge from before gone, and you slowly lifted your head. “We should go,” you whispered after a minute. Ana let you go and you turned to throw on your jacket, sling your bag over your shoulder, and then you led her out of the room. You kept your gun handy in case it wasn’t just a straight pass to the stairs. Thankfully, it was and a piece of your heart broke that Dean hadn’t even given you a chance to explain before he’d written you off for good.
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You kept your eyes on the road as headlights repeatedly washed over you from passing cars in the opposite lane. It was deathly quiet, you having chosen not to turn on the radio. Your thoughts kept going back to the betrayal you’d seen in Dean’s face when he realized you weren’t going to let him get to the angel standing behind you. While Ana wasn’t Cas, didn’t he understand how things like this worked by now? Even when you’d been together for a period of time, you’d bore witness to his profound bond with Cas playing out repeatedly. You’d seen Cas’ effect on Dean and vice versa, today even. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
You heard Ana’s quiet words that seemed to be laced with a shocking mix of surprise and what sounded like awe. You didn’t know why; it wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before when you two fought side by side. “Do what?” You decided you’d rather play dumb than talk about the elephant sitting between you. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the red-headed angel giving you a look. “Don’t. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You shouldn’t have put yourself at risk for me.” She knew what it cost you and how badly it was tearing you up inside. And to think she had been worried about Chuck, the plan, Jack, and even Dean, though for a whole other reason on that last one. 
You shrugged. “That’s what we do. It’s what you’ve done for me. Why wouldn’t I?”
You turned in time to see the surprise you’d heard earlier now taking up residence in her expression. It was a fleeting glimpse you caught right before she schooled her features and focused on the highway instead.
You did the same and you finally spoke the question that had been burning your tongue for the last hour into existence. “So, are you going to tell me about the Occultem and why they’re pissed at you enough to want to kill you? I sort of got an idea from earlier but I want to hear it from you.”
You heard a familiar scoff and if you weren’t so torn up inside, you might have smiled. It was nice to hear her annoyance not aimed at you for once this entire day. “They ambushed me at my place of business, threatened me, and then expected me to hand them the Occultem on a silver platter. Just like that. That’s what happened.”
“I think there’s a little more to it than that, Ana.” You glanced over at her. “Start from the beginning.” When she narrowed her eyes in your direction, you spoke before she could. “You owe me that at the very least,” you muttered.
You turned back to the road and you weren’t sure if she saw the pain you were feeling (most likely since she always seemed to be able to see right through you; it was annoying most of the time), but she agreed. “Fine.”
You swallowed down the lump that had formed in your throat at the thought track repeating in your head of “You’re protecting her? What the hell, Y/N?” and the images of Dean’s back as he walked away from you. You were happy to focus on something else and Ana’s voice actually began to soothe you as it filled the car. 
You didn’t know how but somehow you knew everything was going to work out, Chuck ending the world or not.
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You heard a familiar rumbling outside your motel room door and you quickly glanced in Ana’s direction. She looked up at you from her chair, money in her hands that she had been counting from her last service, and you gave her a nod. You threw your jacket on, keeping the gun in your pocket and easy to reach just in case. “Be careful,” you murmured.
“You first.”
You pressed your lips together and turned back to the door. You took a deep breath before you opened it and stepped out, seeing Dean shutting the car door and meeting your eyes. He didn’t appear to be armed and he was alone as he’d claimed he would be when he called you earlier, asking where you were so you two could talk. You weren’t one hundred percent sure it wasn’t a trap, which you absolutely hated thinking, but after Ana told you what she’d done to them and their reaction to her earlier…well, you could see why they weren’t exactly thrilled with her. And if they didn’t try to hurt her, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t do a blood sigil and banish her to someplace far away from you. You were on high alert for any possibility. 
“Hey,” he gruffed out.
“Hey.” You shut the door behind you and stuffed your hands in your pockets.
You didn’t see any traces of the betrayal or hurt or anger that you’d seen earlier so that was a good sign. His green eyes were no longer hard when they focused on you. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”
“I can’t. Have to stay close.” You gestured back to the room. It was something Ana had asked you to do when you went over possible contingencies after Dean’s call but she hadn’t needed to; you already planned to stay within running distance if you needed to get back right away.  
Dean’s jaw clenched when he looked towards the room. “So, she’s got you on a short leash, huh?”
You huffed a snort, shaking your head. “Goodbye, Dean.” You began to turn back to the room, thinking this had been a colossal waste of time which just broke your heart further.
“Y/N, wait! I— I’m sorry.” 
You spun back around to face him, glaring.
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” you bit out.
Dean licked his lips and momentarily moved his gaze around until he settled on something to his left. “What about over there? Is that close enough?”
You glanced where he was inclining his head towards. Across the parking lot sat what looked to be a makeshift pergola gazebo or something they’d tried to make into one anyway. A wooden picnic table sat under it and there were some lights haphazardly hung on the edges up top, snaking around the thin posts. You gave him a nod of agreement, it was private enough but still kept you close. 
You waited for him to start walking and as you followed, you glanced around, making sure no one was trying to sneak their way up to your door or that there were any warning signs of an impending ambush. “Looks clear,” you mentally prayed to Ana. “But keep your guard up.” For a moment, you wished you also had the angelic super hearing she had or the ability to tune into Angel Radio to be able to hear her back.
Dean took a seat on the table and you did the same, keeping some distance between you. He noticed it and his jaw clenched again. “Really? You’re that pissed at me?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line as you thought it over, and then you moved slightly closer. 
He let out a snort. “Didn’t realize that much had changed between us.”
You stared out over the highway. “It did.”
Dean studied you for a moment and then followed suit. “Yeah, well, probably for the best.” 
You could feel a familiar stinging in the corner of your eyes. Dean always had the ability of using words to hit you where it hurt the most. “Probably.”
There was a moment of tense silence between you before he spoke again. “Cas mentioned things might be different now…for you.”
You shrugged but didn’t respond. At this point, you just wanted him to spit out what he came to say and leave. Which was indeed different from how you usually felt about getting alone time with him, but he was being a dick.
Almost as if he heard your thoughts, he turned to look at you. “I’m not trying to be a dick, Y/N. I’m really not. But all this time and you never told me once that you had an angel riding shotgun with you? The same angel who tricked us and took Lucifer’s side, and then tricked us again and almost got us all killed?”
You looked over at him with a scoff. “When was I supposed to tell you, Dean? In between Chuck trying to end the world and you helping with Jack’s powering up regimen so he can take him down? Or during Michael’s mindwalk inside your head? When was I supposed to tell you? We never talk anymore.”
“That’s not true,” he argued.
You got to your feet, glaring at him. “Yes, it is! The only time I hear from you is when you need something.” You ignored Dean’s angry expression and continued. “When you need help for a case, information, whatever it is. That is the only time I hear from you!”
“Yeah, well, it’s a two-way street. When was the last time you called just to check in? Tell us how you’re doing? When?”
You let out a laugh of disbelief. “You told me we were done, Dean! Right after Michael possessed you the first time. You remember that?”
Now he was on his feet, too, scowling at you. “Me saying we were done didn’t mean we were out of each other’s lives forever! If I didn’t call you about hunts or Sam didn’t call you to ask you to keep an eye out for something wherever you were, we wouldn’t even know you were still alive!” 
That last word made you wince. You tried to hide it but Dean saw it. He let out a breath and the next time he spoke, he was no longer yelling. “You can blame me all you want, Y/N, but you didn’t tell Sam, either.”
“There was nothing to tell,” you mumbled, sitting back down on the table, refusing to look at him.
He gave you a look before sitting back down next to you, closer than before. “Look, I didn’t come here to fight. I want to clear the air. You’ve never pulled a gun on me before.”
You arched your brows over at him. You had done it quite a few times over the years, when he was a demon being the most recent.
“Not on me,” he clarified. 
You turned back to the road but didn’t say a word.
He laid a gentle hand on your knee. “I want us to be good, Y/N. You’re family…and you’re still important to me.”
You briefly closed your eyes in pain. It had always been a tough balancing act, straddling the line of family and you and Dean being something more to one another. Even before you got together and made it official. Even back when you were teenagers. But ever since he put an end to your relationship, it had become almost impossible for you to continue doing. But he was right…you both were still family, and you didn’t want him shut out of your life. You had been broken-hearted at the thought of it not a mere hour ago before he’d called.
You covered his hand with yours. “I know. You’re still important to me, too, and you’re right, we’re family.”  
Dean's eyes were transfixed on your hands until he glanced up at you, his eyes softer than before.
You squeezed his hand. “We’re good.” You gave him a nod and let him go, waiting a moment before you added, “As long as you leave Ana alone.”
He shot you a look but you never glanced away. He needed to know you meant it.
Dean sighed, studying you. “For now,” he agreed. 
“Dean, that’s—”
“That’s all you’re getting out of me.” He rubbed his thumb over your knee. “Unless you tell me what happened.”
You dropped your gaze to your lap. “Why do you want to know about that? I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Because,” Your eyes lifted to his, hearing the breaks in his voice. “I need to know why Cas sees the claim she has on your soul.”
Crap. You should have known from how Cas was studying you since you’d set foot in the Bunker. “It’s not what you think,” you started.
“Then what is it? Because it looks to me like she tricked you into selling your soul to her.”
You moved your knee from under his hand and pulled away. “That’s not what happened. She didn’t trick me.”
“Then what did happen?” He cupped your cheeks and forced you to look at him. “Y/N, talk to me,” he implored. “I need to know what’s going on.”
You thought it over for a moment, realizing you really didn’t have a way around this, now that Dean knew. And truthfully, you didn’t really want one, though you still felt the heavy weight of shame wrapped around you, something you knew would be even heavier by the time you finished explaining. 
You grabbed his hand and turned to kiss his wrist before getting to your feet. Dean let you go and you took a few steps away, your arms crossed and your back to him, taking a deep breath. “Do you remember the witch who killed my family?”
“Yeah, back in Phoenix. Dad tried to track her down after but couldn’t. Why?”
You pressed your lips together. “I found her.” You didn’t need to turn around to know Dean was frozen in shock. “I came across her during another case.”
Dean was in front of you before you could blink. “Please tell me you didn’t take her on alone.”
You stared at him, saying nothing.
“Dammit, Y/N! You should have called us! What the hell were you thinking?”
 “I was thinking the bitch had killed my family and I wanted her dead.”
He shook his head, angry at you as you knew he would be. “But you don’t go it alone! We’ve talked about this. Never alone!”
“Yeah, I know and you’re right, alright? But I’m standing here in front of you now so do you want me to finish the story or not?” You snapped.
His jaw clenched and he glared at you but remained quiet.
You let out an aggravated breath. “I didn’t have time to call anyone else. I didn’t want her to escape and be in the wind again so the hunter I was with at the time, Carrie, she and I went after her.” Dean briefly closed his eyes but kept his gaze on you. “She had a pack of werewolves she was working with and she set them on me. I killed a few but there were too many. They ripped me apart. Carrie, too.” You felt a lump begin to form in your throat at the thought of the hunter you’d gotten killed but you swallowed it back down. “They were about to finish me off when two other hunters showed up. Carrie thought we might be going into a trap so she called them while I was gearing up. There were still too many werewolves but they managed to get us out of there. They drove us straight to this church in the next town where a faith healer had set up shop. The rumor going around the hunter community at that time was that this healer might actually be an angel, one of the fallen.” Your eyes began to well up. “Carrie didn’t make it.”
Dean briefly dropped his gaze down to the ground.
“I almost didn’t and honestly, I wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for Ana. She healed me.” You nearly winced thinking about the next part you would have to tell him. “Once I was up and moving around again, I didn’t want the witch to disappear and she already had a hell of a head start so I asked Rick, one of the hunters that helped us, if he knew of a crossroads in town.”
You saw Dean’s lips part in shock and then his eyes hardened. “Are you kidding me? After everything Sam and I told you, after everything you saw happen with my deal, you still—”
“You didn’t hear the screams my sister made when she was dying, Dean!” He pressed his lips into a thin line but didn’t say anything to that. How could he? Sure, he’d seen people die in some of the worst ways imaginable since becoming a hunter, but he also saw the nightmares you had for years afterwards. They all had.
Dean had held you as you shook in terror, crying into his neck as he tried to assure you that you were safe. There were many nights your cries had woken Sam up as well and he’d slip into Dean’s bed, laying his head on your back and hugging you from behind while you sobbed and his brother whispered reassurances to you. If John was around when the nightmares happened, he’d keep quiet while his sons comforted you but the next morning, he’d let you pick the music you wanted to hear and would offer you to ride shotgun if you wanted. You would choose Dean’s favorite Led Zeppelin tape every time and sit in the back, opting to let Sam take the front. Dean would hold your hand and rub tender circles into your skin while you stared out the back window of the Impala until you would get sleepy and rest your head on his shoulder. Dean, Sam, John — none of them could keep the nightmares away, but they made you feel safe again after you’d lost your family. They became your family and John trained you to become a hunter just like his boys.
Tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. “She was only six years old!” You had to watch as the witch had liquefied her insides, causing as much pain and torment as possible. You’d not only heard her painful screams but the terrified yells of your mother as she also witnessed your sister’s death before the witch moved onto your older brother. John got there in time to save you, the last one left; you’d had to watch and hear them all die — your parents, your siblings — helpless to do anything since you were magically bound. “I would have done anything to get that bitch and make sure she never hurt anyone else ever again.”
Dean’s fist clenched at his side but he nodded. He understood; you knew he did.
“As it turns out, I didn’t get that far. Ana overheard our conversation. Rick was trying to talk me out of it but I was insistent. She pulled me to the side and told me that if I was going to throw my life away to go after the hag, then she had a one-time offer for me. She offered me the same deal a crossroads demon would have: my soul for the witch. But instead of ten years, there would be no ticking clock over my head, no monsters from Hell would come to drag me down to the pit, and once I died, whenever that would be, my soul would belong to her and her alone. No Heaven, no Hell, just hers, to do with as she wished.”
“Y/N,” Dean let out in a broken whisper. You could see this was killing him but you had to finish explaining, make him understand. As ashamed as you were, you still wanted him to know the truth.
“I took it, Dean.”
A tear dropped down his cheek and you fought every impulse you had to reach over and wipe it away.
“And she kept her part of the bargain. She packed up and traveled with us to where the witch was hiding out. We caught them off guard. Rick and Layla finished off the rest of the werewolf pack and Ana stayed with me. The witch used some sort of spell to banish Ana and then it was just me and her.” You knew this next part was going to hurt him but you had to say it. “She killed me, Dean.”
He stared at you in horror.
“The same way she killed my family. I felt everything they did.” You were looking through Dean now, awash in memories. “You see, she recognized me and she decided to finish me off the same way she did them. I heard her laughing in the background while she... The pain alone…” You came back to yourself with a jolt, realizing you were no longer in that place, writhing in agony on the floor as your insides burned and turned to liquid, blood pouring from your eyes, nose, and mouth as you screamed and screamed. “The next thing I remember, Ana was crouching over me. She had healed my body and put my soul back inside.” You whispered the last part in awe. That part of the story still inspired wonder for you, even now. 
“She had overpowered the witch somehow when she was able to get back to us. Ana left her for me to deal with and deal with her, I did.” You clenched and unclenched your jaw at the memory of the bitch’s screams of agony before you finished her off. You made sure she felt everything your family did, everything you had, and Ana had been more than willing to help you.
“You died?” Dean choked out.
You glanced up at him and noticed the devastation in his expression, his eyes still wet. “For only a few minutes,” you tried to reassure him. He didn’t need to know that it had been a little longer than that. You could see how torn up he was already now that he knew what happened to you. “The witch’s spell wasn’t as effective as an angel banishing sigil so Ana was able to come back pretty quickly.”
You watched as he reached for you, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into him. His lips were on yours before you could react and you let him kiss you, feeling his desperation, knowing he was reassuring himself that you were okay, here in his arms, alive. When he finally broke away from you, he gently grasped your arms and laid his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes. “I should’ve never let you go,” he whispered. “I was only trying to keep you safe, I’m sorry.”
Your brows furrowed slightly. “Dean, what are you talking about?”
He sighed and pressed a tender kiss to your nose before lifting his head. “When Michael let me go the first time, I was scared he was going to come after everybody I cared about so I…” You saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “I ended it between us.”
Your jaw dropped. “Why would you do that? I could have helped you track him down!”
“Because I wanted you safe!” He yelled in exasperation. “I didn’t know what Michael was gonna do, okay? I didn’t want you getting caught in the crossfire!”
“You don’t get to make that decision for me!” You argued.
“Yeah, I do, because I love you, goddammit!” He looked just as surprised as you felt by his accidental admission.
His words hit you like a semi on a slippery freeway. A part of you wanted to respond and the other part…the other part wanted to skip right past it as if it had never been said. Especially when you thought back to the heartbreak you’d felt when he coldly told you that you were done and he needed some space, implying you needed to leave the Bunker asap. No explanation, no goodbye, just…done.
The lump was back in your throat again, forcing you to swallow it back down. “Yeah, well, that still doesn’t give you the right to do what you did.” You crossed your arms and looked away from him, back towards the motel, so he wouldn’t see the tears building in your eyes at his declaration that you would have given anything to hear more than a year ago. You saw the Impala still parked where Dean had left it and you remembered it was facing your room and who was in that room. Too little, too late now.    
You felt Dean’s fingers gently grip your chin and turn your head back towards him. His green eyes were glistening, full of a deep sadness you’d only seen before when he talked about his mom and their family back in the day or when he’d finally managed to tell you about his time with Lisa and Ben. “And it didn’t keep you all that safe, did it?” The corners of his lips tipped up in a remorseful smile.
You watched him for a moment and then lifted up on your toes, gripping his face to kiss him. You put everything you felt for him into it, not wanting him to ever doubt just how much of a hold he still had on your heart. When you pulled back, you looked into his eyes and spoke truly. “I love you, Dean. I’m always going to love you. You’re the love of my life.” His eyes softened at your words. “But things are different now. I’m different. And things will never be as they were before.” You ran your thumb tenderly over his lips before stepping back, putting more distance between you. 
You saw as he tried to recover from what you’d said, nodding and turning from you to run a hand down his face, effectively wiping away the wetness from his stubbled cheeks. You heard a quiet sniffle and gave him a moment. 
“And, uh,” You glanced up at him. “What about your soul? Cas said you still have her mark. Are you still stuck in some deal?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “Not technically. It’s there as more of a failsafe.”
“In case something happens to me, then my soul goes to her. Just like it did the last time.”
“And what if something happens to her?”
You frowned, not liking that possibility being voiced, especially given the current circumstances. Plus, you wouldn’t put it past Dean to be thinking over options to free you. “Then the mark disappears. But then it’s anybody’s game.”
“But you’d be free,” he insisted.
Your jaw clenched and you lifted your chin defiantly. You knew it; you knew Dean and the way he thought way too well. You’d been trained together and hunted together for years, after all. “I don’t want to be free. Not the way you’re implying.”
His brows drew together in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you want to be free?”
“You have Cas. You should understand.”
“Cas doesn’t own my soul, Y/N. That’s completely different.”
“Is it?”
“Uh, yeah, I’d say it is.”
He obviously didn’t get your meaning, or he was trying hard not to. You decided to let it go. “We may not have the profound bond that you and Cas do, but what we have works for us. Let’s just leave it at that.”
He scrubbed at his jaw, staring at you, before closing the distance between you again. This time you expected it when he kissed you and you held onto his jacket, kissing him back. You hadn’t lied before; he was the love of your life, deep within your heart, and he always would be. “If you ever want out of this, you call me,” he whispered. 
You nodded, closing your eyes when he leaned in to kiss you again. You knew you wouldn’t be making that call but you knew he would refuse to let you go unless you gave him that reassurance. He rubbed his nose along yours and you nearly smiled at the memory it produced from when you two used to make out as teenagers.
“What about the plan for Chuck? And Amara? Do you still want my help with that?”
“No, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I want you as far from here as you can get. Just in case things go South.”
You stared up at him sadly. “Dean, I know you and Ana have history but she’s only there to protect me. We could help.”
“That’s not it. If this plan doesn’t work, with Jack, then we’re all screwed.”
You tugged at his jacket with your hands. “Which is why you can use all the help you can get.”
“Y/N, you can’t help on this one.” You were about to protest when he spoke again. “Not this time.”
“Then why did you call me?”
He gave you a sad smile and you felt his arms tighten around you. ‘Why do you think?”
Memories flashed through the forefront of your mind: 
…“Blaze of Glory” by Bon Jovi playing in the background of the Impala and Dean singing it into your ear as you fell asleep on his shoulder in the backseat,
…Conversations with him and Sam about how you all would like to go out fighting if you had a choice on how you’d die as a hunter,
…Dean holding your bare body to his in the bed of a motel room that he’d been able to secure after a few successful games of Pool while John was on a hunt, with Sam in the next room and you two having just lost your virginities to each other, murmuring how he wanted to keep you with him always, believing that you’d fallen asleep,
…Him cuddling up to you in the Dean Cave during a western you’d seen a thousand times (because it was one of his favorites) and him telling you that he and Sam would be Butch and Sundance but you would be Etta Place which would cause you to frown and him to then grumble that you could be his Sundance which would earn him a kiss on the cheek while Sam rolled his eyes.
You knew right then that he didn’t fully believe Billie’s plan would work, though he hoped it would. Which meant you might never see him again. Because there was no way Chuck wouldn’t be pissed at the attempt and come right after him and Sam.
Your vision began to blur with the building tears and you gave him your own sad smile. “And now you’re sending me away? Again? That’s not how it’s supposed to go. Remember?”
He wiped your cheeks with both thumbs. “You said it yourself, sweetheart, things are different now. Besides, Sam and I talked it over before I came out here. He agrees. We both want you somewhere safe.”
“So you’re making me Etta Place again?” You choked out.
 “Baby,” A tear made its way down his cheek. “You were never supposed to be anyone else.”
You sobbed out a laugh and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go. “You could come with us. You and Sam and Cas and Jack. You could leave this all behind and come with us. Just as long as you don’t pick Bolivia.”
He chuckled into your ear. “I wish I could, sweetheart. Chuck would find us wherever we tried to go. Billie’s plan is the best we’ve got. We’re going to see it through. And the only way I can do that,” He pulled back from you and held onto your arms, rubbing soothing circles into them with his thumbs. “Is if I know you’re far away from here. She’s another dick angel in my book and I don’t trust her, but if she’ll keep you safe, then that’s all I care about right now.”
You nodded and sniffled. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?”
He framed your face with his hands and shook his head. 
More tears spilled down your cheeks. “I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you, too, sweetheart. Always have,” He pulled you into an embrace and kissed the side of your head. “Always will.”
You didn’t know how long you stayed like that for but he held you until the tears finally stopped flowing. You were ashamed at how easily you had been willing to dismiss him from your life after he had broken your heart, after he’d threatened Ana, and now you might never see him again. Your heart literally felt torn in two. A part of you wanted to go with him, no matter how he or Ana might protest, no matter if you ended up dying, but the other part wanted to give him what he asked for. So he could have peace of mind and be able to focus on the plan if for nothing else.   
You had loved Dean Winchester since you were ten years old. You knew in that moment, just as you did back then and all of the time between, that you would love him for the rest of your life, however long that might be. He would always have a piece of your heart, even if your soul belonged to somebody else.  
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You watched as Dean backed Baby out of her spot in front of your room and you gave him a wave. He’d wiped away your tears, kissed you goodbye one last time, and told you to haul ass out of Kansas by morning. He’d promised to call you the following evening with an update. 
Once he was speeding down the road out of sight, you opened the door, letting out a breath of relief to see Ana still sitting where you’d left her. You knew Dean didn’t mean her any harm at the moment, but you weren’t sure just how much of your goodbye with Dean she’d actually heard. Probably everything, if her stare was anything to go by. 
“I take it you heard everything?”
“I did.” She got to her feet, making her way over to you. “So you still love him, just as I said earlier which you completely denied.”
You gave her a look. “Ana, if you heard everything then you know—”   
“I do.” Her eyes studied your face, most likely seeing the puffiness underneath your bloodshot eyes from crying so much. She reached out a hand and cupped your cheek, tenderly stroking it with her thumb. “I’ll give Castiel one thing, human love is beyond puzzling. I certainly didn’t need a magic 8 ball to know how that little convo was going to go. Despite how much Dean Winchester has hurt you, I was pretty sure for a moment there you were going to get another room and I was going to have to listen to the sounds of two primates mating in the wild.”
You yanked your face away and glared at her. “Stop it, Ana.” You made your way to the bed, roughly unzipping your bag and tossing everything of yours inside. “Dean said we should get out of Kansas as soon as possible. He doesn’t know when the next part of Billie’s plan is kicking off or when Amara is going to show up with Chuck, so it might not be safe to spend the night. We should keep moving.” You felt her hand on your shoulder and you let out an irritated sigh before turning to scowl at her. “What?”
She stared at you for a moment before leaning down to brush her lips over yours. You froze, unsure of what to do. Ana had never done something like this before and even stranger, you could feel yourself responding to it. Just like you had with Dean, though it was different, softer, and lit up a separate part of you inside. You felt yourself attempting to deepen the kiss but she pulled away, leaving you feeling dazed, yearning, guilty, and frustrated — a confusing swirl of emotions.
She smirked down at you, pleased with your reaction and trailed a gentle finger over your lips. “We should be fine here for the night. We can leave in the morning when you’ve gotten some sleep so you can drive. I’ll keep watch.” She turned and walked away, still smirking, and left you watching after her in complete shock.
You shook it off the best you could and went about getting the things you would need for the night out of your bag. Ana was kissing you now? That was new. Could today get any more complicated?
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You were submerged in darkness, nothing but pure black everywhere you looked. The last thing you knew you were screaming out in agony, feeling infinite pain, mentally begging for death. Then, nothing. You were just floating along in…nothing.
“Come to me.”
You heard the sweetest voice you had ever heard, calling out to you, and you wanted to go to it but you weren’t sure how. When you attempted to move, you couldn’t. You were frozen in a sea of nothing. 
“Y/N,” the voice called. “Come to me now.” As soothing as that voice had been, you could hear the clear command at the end. You wanted to go but how? 
Suddenly, a shaft of bright blue-white light appeared right in front of you. “Let’s go,” the voice called, sounding much closer and it vibrated off of the blackness surrounding you. The light reached out to you and you somehow reached back. You liked the light, trusted it, and it felt warm when it touched you. Warmth that reminded you of your grandmother’s homemade apple pie fresh out of the oven, Dean and Sam snuggled up against you in the motel rooms you’d stayed in often as children, your mother’s smile as you and your siblings played on the swingset in the backyard, the blanket your father wrapped around you when you were home sick from school, the feeling of Dean’s hand in yours — pure warmth. You felt completely safe and whole, as if nothing bad or painful could get at you here, not while the light was touching you.
“There.” The light pulled you further into it and it was so blindingly beautiful that you felt the urge to cry at the same time that you wanted to smile. “Come to me.” At this final command, you pushed into the light at the same time it pulled you forward and everything went white.
The next second, you were back in your body, staring up at a familiar red-headed woman though her eyes were glowing the same color light you had been moving towards a mere moment ago. Two little dots of the blue-white light focused on you as the angel’s hands rested on your chest, a golden glow emanating from them. 
You blinked and coughed and the lights faded from her eyes as did the glow from her hands. Now very worried looking brown eyes were gazing down at you. “Took you long enough,” she muttered. “How do you feel?”
You coughed again and tried to sit up with her helping you. You suddenly took notice of a familiar face, a face that haunted your dreams every single night, sneering at you, her hands bound by an invisible force, hanging from something unseen. Her lips also appeared to be sealed by that same force. “What…happened?” You rasped out.
“There’s no easy way to say this. You died.”
You turned wide eyes on her. “What? H-How?”
Ana glared over at the witch. “Her.”
You met the witch with your own glare and it all came back to you in a flash: the pain, the torture, the screaming, your family. At that last thought, you slowly got to your feet, Ana helping to steady you. “What’s holding her?”
She smirked over at the old hag. “Me.”
Something occurred to you just then. “Why did you bring me back? You had my soul. You could’ve just walked away with it. No one would’ve been the wiser. So why bring me back?” You were very well aware of how this angel operated. You had been brought to the forefront of her business after all, bleeding and torn up on death’s door. Granted, she hadn’t charged you for saving your life but you weren’t ignorant to the donations she usually collected for her services. 
Her jaw tightened and you could tell she was thinking it over before she turned to answer you. “I’m nothing if not an excellent businesswoman. A deal’s a deal. The witch was alive and you weren’t. That wasn’t the terms of our agreement so I brought you back. I can’t have word getting around that I don’t hold up my end of the deal. It’s not good for business.”
You weren’t quite sure you believed her. Not only because she was an angel (and an angel that charged people money to heal them) but because somehow you just knew that hadn’t been the reason she’d done it. But that was a problem for later. Now, your focus was on the witch. “So, are you going to let her go so I can finally finish her off?”
“Hmm, I don’t really think that’s a good idea, do you? Last time you went toe to toe with her, you died.”
“You weren’t here then as my backup generator. Now, you are.”
“Oh, really, Rocky? That’s what you think I am? A defibrillator? Maybe I should let her go and let you die again. And this time, I won’t bring you back. You would make a nice addition to my collection of beautiful things stored in my Louis Vuitton. You know, they say diamonds are forever but it’s really all about souls this year.”
You both heard the witch trying to yell something but unable due to her invisible gag. “Okay, seriously, we can argue later. Let her go, Ana, I’ve got this.” You picked up the blade that had been thrust out of your hand before the pain and screaming started, and tensed in preparation.
The angel turned to you with brows drawn together. “Ana?”
“Jo then. Now, come on, let’s do this.” You were more than ready to take this bitch down.
“No. I like the sound of Ana. It’s better.”
You glanced at her in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“Oh. Right.” She went to wave her hand in the witch’s direction when she stopped. “Actually, may I make a suggestion for this little revenge fantasy of yours?” 
You shot her a look. 
“I think you’ll like it.” She gave you a wicked smirk and then leaned in to whisper in your ear. A smirk started to appear on your own face the more she talked. She had been right. You liked her suggestion. It was going to take you hours to finish the witch and since you had just been brought back to life, fully healed, you had more than enough energy to pull it off. 
Bright flashes happened and you could hear the witch’s muffled screams as you carved into her and Ana then healed her. More bright flashes and you could see Ana’s devious smirk as she began to neutralize her angel-style but stopped right before it took. Another bright flash and you glared into the witch’s eyes as you stabbed her, gritting out, “That was for my sister.” As you’d anticipated after agreeing to Ana’s suggestion, it took both of you hours to torture and kill the witch. Ana had liquified her insides multiple times throughout before bringing her back from the brink. Rick and Layla had left long ago, satisfied that they had gotten payback for Carrie with the werewolves they took out and not wanting to be a part of what you and Ana were doing to the witch. Another bright flash and the witch’s lips unsealed with a scream that sounded an awful lot like your sister’s that then turned into booming thunder.
You woke with a gasp and grabbed your gun that always had a few rounds of witch-killing bullets loaded, sitting straight up and glancing around the dark room, aiming for anything that might move. Your eyes came to a stop on Ana, sitting in the same chair as before, her eyes glowing that familiar bluish-white light. You lowered your gun in relief. To anyone else, this very picture might scare them but to you it was soothing and made you feel safe; it reminded you of when she’d brought you back and how it felt before you were back in your body completely. 
The glowing light suddenly disappeared and the dark reigned once more. “It’s okay,” she reassured. “It’s just a thunderstorm.” Almost as if to solidify her explanation, a loud clap of thunder sounded overhead. “No one’s here but me.”
You nodded and when the room lit up with a lightning flash, you could see she was right. You placed your gun back underneath your pillow and hugged your knees to your chest. “I had that dream again.”
Ana stopped counting her money and glanced up at you. You always marveled at her ability to see in complete darkness, to the point that she could do things like that without any light whatsoever. “The witch one?”
“Yeah,” you whispered. 
“From when you were younger or from when she killed you?”
“When I died. I think telling Dean maybe got me thinking about it again so that’s why…” You gestured towards your head. “I was remembering the pain and the screaming…” 
You heard the chair lightly scrape across the floor and in the next flash of lightning, you saw her coming over to you. She gently sat on the bed next to you and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close until your head was on her shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t get there fast enough.” 
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. You saved me and then helped me finish her.”
“True.” She ran a tender hand over your hair. “But I wish you didn’t have those memories.” After a moment, she added, “I could take them away if you wanted.” She’d made you this offer before but you had refused it then and you were going to refuse it now.
“No, thanks though. I need those memories to keep me sharp, help keep me alive.”
“I thought that’s what you had me for,” she teased.
You smiled. “My defibrillator?”
Ana scoffed. “I still can’t believe you called me that.”
“You called yourself that. I said you were my backup generator.”
“Same thing.”
You lifted your head and shot her a look. “Hardly.”
She smiled and you couldn’t help but study her. Remembering the kiss earlier, you knew she cared for you more than the average human (any other human really) but you never thought in a million years that she could possibly have feelings…like that. She was an angel and you were only human after all. Didn’t Cas say once that his true form was the size of a Chrysler building and that humans were mere ants to angels? How did the Chrysler building feel anything for an ant?
You remembered seeing Ana’s face for the first time through a haze of pain. She had stared down at you as she started to heal you, her lips parted in shock before they pressed together in determination. You thought back to her insistence that you take her up on her offer of a soul deal to get what you wanted, assuring you that demon deals were a nasty, messy business that you definitely had to read the fine print on before you signed. And the one thing you hadn’t told Dean is that when Ana brought you back after the witch killed you, her mark was no longer on your soul. When you died, your soul had gone to her as per the deal you’d made, but once you were back inside your body, breathing again, your soul was your own. So her whole line of wanting to make sure you both got what you wanted out of the deal had been complete bullshit. Something you didn’t find out until later on, when she reamed you out for almost dying again on another hunt: a dark entity in an abandoned asylum outside of Chicago. By that time, you trusted Ana enough to make another deal with her. If something happened to you, you trusted that she would keep your soul safe until she revived you or otherwise. What that otherwise was you couldn’t be sure, but you trusted her implicitly to look out for you. Something she had been doing ever since you crossed each other’s paths.
Things suddenly became so clear to you, almost as if you had been trying to see out of a foggy window but no matter how much you rubbed at it or turned the defroster on, it never cleared…until now. 
Her smile faded slightly when you leaned in and gently brushed your lips against hers, pulling back to see what she would do. Another lightning flash lit up the room and you could see her glancing back and forth between you and your mouth, leaning in slowly. You met her halfway and a light fluttery feeling bloomed in your chest when you connected and this time it was more than just a brush of lips. You turned your body slightly towards her and cupped her cheek, taking control of the kiss. It surprised you a little but it felt like you were kissing someone who was inexperienced. You couldn’t tell if it had to do with you being a woman or a human, and she was holding back either way, or if she had never truly done this before. Regardless, you looked forward to finding out.
She began to mimic your movements and the kiss grew more passionate. You realized that you wanted more of the kiss, more of her. You reached up and began to slowly unbutton her Mulberry silk blouse (as she’d told you so many times before when warning you not to get it dirty if you opened something near her) but her hand covered yours, stopping you. 
You broke away from her, your brows drawn together. “What?”
She trailed fingertips from your cheek down to your lips, intently studying you.
Her eyes met yours. “You need sleep so you can drive in the morning. I said we would be okay staying here tonight, but once morning hits, we need to leave.” You went to protest when she shook her head. “Once we’re far enough away, we’ll have plenty of time for this. But for now, sleep.”
You wanted to argue that Chuck could soon end all life as you knew it so there was no time like the present but this was also new to you. You’d never been with a woman before, never mind an angel. What were the rules? How did it go? Being with Dean, you’d seen some porn in your time so you vaguely had an idea how it went with women, but nothing concrete. You’d only ever been with Dean and a few other guys after all. But an angel inside a female human vessel…and a female human…put point blank, how the hell did that work?     
So, you didn’t push and instead, nodded your agreement. Ana got off the bed and you laid back down, settling the sheets over you once more. She took a seat next to you, sitting against the headboard, and began to gently brush your hair back with her hand. You had always wondered why she always seemed to be touching you or caressing you when you two were alone (and she wasn’t miffed at you); now you knew why. It wasn’t long before your eyes started to close and you began to drift off, hoping you wouldn’t go straight back into a nightmare. Thankfully, the thunder seemed to be moving away from your location.
Almost as if she heard your thoughts, Ana murmured, “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe.”
You nearly smiled at her words. You never told her this because not only would she have gotten offended but she would’ve denied it to the ground, but most times, you almost felt like you had a guardian angel watching over you. A guardian angel that dressed better than most humans and would kill for a top of the line Hermes handbag (and you meant that literally). Who gave you dirty looks and a hard time most days, but a guardian nonetheless. Now, you weren’t quite sure what she would be to you. You were now glad she had stopped you before. You both had some things to figure out and a discussion should be had whenever you got to where you were going next, but regardless, one thing was for sure: you knew she would keep you safe.
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A/N: I know Cas had to stick his hand inside a human's chest to be able to read the marks of an angel on the bones of that human, but I decided to adjust it for fic purposes. I initially was going to do something similar to the handprint but I liked this idea better.
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blondie20000 · 7 months
SPN Season 14 Recs
Season 14, the season that had so much potential. As I am in an SPN mood, I'm going to recommend some season 14 fics that I love! Links are in the titles of the fics. Fics are from both Ao3 and FF.
I also added my fics because while I do have a masterlist in my pinned post if anyone is looking for a specific season, they can look here.
More fics may be added later on.
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The Bringer of War by MadisonTheGeek
"Now that the archangel Michael has made it to a new world and taken possession of Dean Winchester, he can begin to put his plans in motion for a new world order. Meanwhile, the rest of the Winchester group search restlessly for the missing Dean and slowly being to unravel Michael's plans."
Not All Good News by trevelies
"Michael is caged inside Dean's mind for now. But there's grace leaking from the cracks, banging on the doors, and Dean knows what happens at the end of this story. With borrowed (and confusing) Archangel abilities, a group of mistrustful Apocalypse Universe Hunters, and too many Michael Monsters to deal with, Team Free Will 2.0 is ready to clean up the mess that Michael's left behind and stop another apocalypse. Not all the danger is locked inside a bar's walk-in freezer, though - and the Winchesters need to watch out for old and new enemies around every corner.
And at the end of it all, Dean needs to decide how far he'll go to get rid of Michael once and for all."
Gonna Leave a Scar by trevelies
"Michael repossesses Dean in Kansas City, and Team Free Will 2.0 isn't exactly on board. It doesn't matter that their only weapon and chance at defeating Michael is currently broken into pieces - family never gets left behind. And that goes double for Winchesters. Sam does a deep dive into Dean's head because he's not letting Dean disappear on his watch, even if it means facing an Archangel on his own turf."
All On You by trevelies
"The Spear" speculation. Dean's vision is swimming - literally. But Team Free Will 2.0 has much bigger problems. The angels have finally located Michael, and the Winchesters have Kaia's Spear, an angel and a half, and about three weeks of bad memories to take out on Michael's feathery ass."
The Abyss Gazes Back by Water_of_life
"Dean was able to convince Sam to go along with his plan of locking Michael (and Dean) away in the ma'lak box and dumping it in the Pacific Ocean. Sam gave in to Dean then, but he never gave up searching for another way to save Dean and the rest of the world from Michael. Now that a group of deep sea researchers have stumbled upon the box, Sam is about to find out if he put the reprieve to good use, and if they are all ready to face what is coming."
Omission, Lies, and False Truths by GalaxyThreads, SpiritClusters
"In the wake of Lucifer's death, with Dean missing, Sam falling apart, and Cas struggling to keep everyone together, Jack realizes there are a lot of things he doesn't know about the Winchesters and Cas. Things he should know. Things he's going to fight to learn."
10 Years Gone by cayuga
"What if Nick had kidnapped Mary before she'd gone into Donna's workshop and saw the Ma'lak box in Damaged Goods? What might have happened if Dean had managed to go through with his trip to the bottom of the Pacific without telling Sam."
the lies I tell myself by randomfills (spnfanatic)
"Alt. take on season 14, episode “Nihilism”. Sam and Cas have a plan to bring Dean, literally, out of his head, but Michael is ready for them and once they enter Dean’s mind, they quickly realize they’re in Michael’s playground and Dean has been hiding things...things that even Sam didn’t know. (mentions of abuse, flashbacks)."
The Room by Fantasticly_Anonymous
"Sam learns what it is that Dean’s been doing up at Donna’s cabin and he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like it enough that he thinks up his own solution to their little Michael problem. A bit of a bottle episode, a ‘What If?’ scenario, and a character exploration between the different members of Team Free Will and the archangel thorn in Dean’s mind. In which, nobody, not even the entire world, needs to die."
Rather be the hunter than the prey by vrskaandrea (MalicMalic)
"The story takes place in S14E15 Peace of Mind , only instead of Dean, Cas is the one to take Jack to Donatello to try and find out if he still has his soul. Sam and Dean take on a simple salt and burn where they meet up with Ketch. Upon their return, they are welcomed by a sight that has Sam experiencing Deja vu. Forgotten plotlines."
Match made in Heaven by vrskaandrea (MalicMalic)
"Two people the world forgot about find each other by accident. Their love is so strong, so powerful when they run into an army of monsters, this unlikely couple ends up being a bigger threat their leader ever anticipated. Michael just couldn't let something as powerful slip thought his fingers and he will end up biting off more then he could chew. Set during season 14"
Roles Reversed by vrskaandrea (MalicMalic)
"What if when Dean got hit in the head and the doors of Michael's cage opened, something happened that made them reverse their roles? That made Dean an archangel who could just snap his fingers and instantly kill demons? That made Michael nothing but a pitiful soul that kept drowning in his own nightmares? Come and see."
It's all in the blood by Becciehill1976
"Faced with recurring fears about Michael returning as well as trying to fit back in to life in a busy bunker, Dean needs time away from everyone, so he can get his confidence back and find his place in the world Sadly, being a famous hunter has it’s draw back as Dean finds out the hard way when kidnapped whilst on a hunt. From there, Dean gets to find out that there are worse things than being the Archangel Michael’s vessel, as he battles powerful vampires. Will he be able to escape his new prison or will his family find him in time?"
One of a kind by MalicMalic
"Someone told me that someone told them there aren't enough of Michael/Dean fics out there. Let's change that. While we're at it, why not add another Michael to the mix and see what happens."
Passenger by moonlightsdean
"With Michael having escaped Dean's mind and caused destruction in the bunker, Jack took the initiative to end things once and for all with Michael. Now with Michael dead and Dean freed of having Michael trapped within his mind, he'll be able to relax and have time to deal with the aftermath of what happened with the AU hunters. But what if Michael's relinquish from Dean's mind wasn't as clear cut as it was made out to be? When things start going awry for Dean he's left to wonder what really happened during the time he was unconscious, and why he just can't catch a break."
The Price You Pay by Jadeys_World
"It was a miracle that Sam survived taking on the Archangel Michael. Team Free Will is going to find out what it takes for a miracle like that to happen and what it costs when a Reaper and unreliable Rogue Angel each decide to help in their own way. There are secrets and betrayals, a world that needs saving once again, but at least they have each other."
An Alternative Ending by AnotherWriterWhoWrites
"Michael isn't sure how long he's been in the cage, time is meaningless to him. But as his sanity slips further and further away, resentment to his father sets in. And once Lucifer takes Sam and Jack away a desperate Dean is more than willing to let what should've happened years ago, to happen now."
Of All The Burdens I Must Bear... by Jadeys_World
"Chuck constructs the perfect punishment for Sam after the events of Moriah. Lucifer is given a new life to make amends for the burden his father placed on him when they defeated The Darkness. Sam is adrift and alone in his new life, left to find a new strength to cope without his new reality as the enemy."
At What Cost by Jadeys_World
"Mary is gone, taken beyond any Winchester deal or pleading, but there's one option left to them. They can get her back, but it will come at a price, a price that might be too much for Dean to pay. A story of family, betrayal and the things you will do for the people you love."
Burned Away by AnotherWriterWhoWrites
"In which Sam is the one with Jack at S14E17 Game Night and as a result, a different person dies."
Testing by AnotherWriterWhoWrites
"Mary takes a pregnancy test. Post Episode 13 Lebanon."
Peace When You're Done by kittenofdoomage
"Dean puts himself in the box in S14 when there’s no other way to defeat Michael. Canon divergent from the end of “Ouroboros”."
Dean in the Box by Secretwrittenword
"The box came to a rest on the deepest floor of the ocean. The pressure pushing down on it caused the structure to creak and groan... Set in Season 14, with no other option, Dean seals himself into the Malák box and sinks to the furtherest depths of the ocean. Once there he has nothing but time to kill and an Archangel to annoy."
Dog Dean Afternoon by Secretwrittenword
"Sam and Cas go on a hunt leaving Dean and Jack alone in the bunker to recuperate. After going for a walk Jack finds something that just might be the key to help Dean recover from his ordeal with Michael."
Escape of the Archangel by themodernteen
"Adaptation of the 14x14 episode "Ouroboros" when Dean is unconscious after getting his head slammed into the wall by the demigod. My own interpretation of the episode, what goes through Dean's mind in his internal battle against Michael, and a worried Sam and Castiel watching him endure it."
Nemesis of the Mind by TiTivillus
"In an attempt to save Dean from Michael, Sam delves into Dean's mind. Things don't go as expected."
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by TiTivillus
"Dean is back… or is he? Coda to 14x02 "Gods and Monsters".
Consequences by Jadeys_World
"Season 14 AU. Sam is determined to free Dean from Michael and turns to Rowena and the Book of the Damned for help. She finds a spell that will work, but, of course, there will be consequences, and this time, Sam will be paying the ultimate price unless Dean can find a way to save him in return."
Consequences by Blondie2000
"For some reason, Lisa found herself drawn to him. She reaches out and places her hand on his cheek. As soon as she touched him, she felt a jolt of electricity go through her. The touch it felt so familiar. The buzz it gave her felt familiar."
"Dean." She repeated his name. "Dean."
Black by Blondie2000
"AU of Game Night. Jack wanted Mary to leave him alone. He gets what he wants and accidentally sends Mary to a place where no humans go. Now with Mary gone Jack has to get her back before the Winchesters and Castiel find out and Mary has to survive the dark forces that lurk in the Empty."
Snow Day by Blondie2000
"Jack experiences his first ever snow day."
One Time Deal by Blondie2000
"Sam and Jack have been kidnapped by Lucifer. Time is running out. What if Dean never said yes to Alternative Michael but instead says yes to our Michael. It is a risky deal but Dean will do whatever it takes to rescue his family and beat the devil once and for all."
The French Mistake 2: An Archangel Nightmare by Blondie2000
Dean is gone, Michael has retaken control, and his army is outside, ready to come in and tear everyone apart. With no way out, Sam seeks out help that causes everyone to be sent to a world where their lives are a T.V show and they are actors. Not only do they have this world to worry about, but they still have Michael riding around in Dean's body on the set. Can TFW 2.0 get back home?
The Road to Hell by Blondie2000
"The Winchesters find a way to save Dean from Michael. This results in Michael becoming the thing that he grew to hate. He ends up going on the road to Hell. Will he make it to the end? Read and find out."
Who is a Wee Cutie Pie? by Blondie2000
"To stop Michael, Rowena puts an adorable curse on him. Set Season 14 Episode 14. AU where Michael never possessed Rowena but stays in Dean instead."
We are One by Blondie2000
"Dean confronts Michael. It leads to unexpected results."
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Their Little Play Thing
Pairing: Anael x Reader x Ruby
Warnings: slight smut, ball gags, being tied up, teasing
Word Count: 287
ruby/anael for @spnfemslashbingo
A/N: nsfw aesthetic linked under the cut. pictures are not mine, but i made the aesthetic.
Rope bonds your ankles to the end of the bed, handcuffs hold your wrists to the headboard, and a ball gag rests comfortably in the middle of your mouth. You’ve been naked and tied up for at least twenty minutes while your girlfriends watch you at the foot of the bed. They can see how much you need them to do something, anything, but they just stand there with smirks on their faces.
“What should we do to her?” Ruby asks Anael with a smirk.
“She’s been such a good girl. I think she deserves a reward.”
You want to moan and squirm underneath their gazes, but you know moving without permission is against the rules. You’ve been such a good girl to them, and you can’t wait until you have their hands on you.
“Then let’s give it to her.”
Anael approaches the point where your head is and Ruby slinks up to your feet. She crawls on the bed and presses kisses to your calves, egging you on and teasing you.
“You know, Ruby just loves the taste of pussy, and I’ve been telling her how sweet you taste,” Anael whispers. Ruby kisses up your legs, inching closer to the place where you crave her the most. “It’s okay, you can moan if you want.”
Ruby reached your inner thighs, and you let out a whimper. If you could move, you'd be angling your hips closer to her face. Ruby smirks and grips your thighs, spreading them to give her better access.
“Look at you, so pretty for us. And we’ve barely even touched you,” Ruby chuckles.
Your girls love to tease you, but in the end, you’ll know they’ll take great care of you.
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Hey y’all! I finally got around to making a masterlist of all my fics! Please let me know if any of the links arent working. Enjoy!
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Sam X Reader
Coughs and Kisses
Eye of a Hurricane
Not Enough
New Kid
The Mysterious Barista 
Imagine being pregnant with Sam’s baby
Imagine Sam going engagement ring shopping with Dean to find you the perfect ring.
Imagine Dean walking in on you and Sam making out
Imagine You and Sam showing constant PDA.
Imagine Sam finding you screaming over a spider.
Imagine helping Sam when he begins to doubt Jack.
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Dean X Reader
Wildest Dreams
Imagine Dean staying awake all night with your son
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Castiel X Reader
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Kevin Tran X Reader
Imagine dating Kevin Tran
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Sister Jo/Anael X Reader
Imagine recognizing the faith healer, Sister Jo, as your old friend, Anael.
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Winchester Sibling! Reader
Imagine coming out as gay to your brothers, Sam and Dean.
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Destiel (Dean X Castiel)
Imagine finding out that Dean and Cas are dating.
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First Kiss
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In It to Win It
Pairing: Dean x Anael
Square Filled: Coach!Dean
Warnings: Nothing really. Grumpy Dean if that’s a warning
Rating: General
Word Count: 448
A/N: This one is written for @spnaubingo and it is betaed by my sweet wonderful lil sis @mysupernaturalfics.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Anael was stubborn. Dean remembered her from when he was just starting out, working as hand to head coaches. He remembered how she held her head high, when people told her she was too tall to be a jockey or how she snapped back when some jerk had the audacity to tell her women weren’t strong enough to rein the true power of a thoroughbred. Back then he had chuckled behind his boss’ back when she had walked straight up to him, telling him he would eat his words when she beat his horse when someone wiser than him, had hired her. She had too. Anael wasn’t all talk. She was one of the best damn jockeys Dean had ever seen and he hadn’t thought twice about hiring her, when Bobby Singer hired him as head coach for Singer Stables.
Anael was smart as hell. She was brave and she knew just how to read her own horse along with the opponents within split seconds. She was courageous and took chances few other jockeys dare. They paid off and she rode Singer stables to victory again and again.
Anael was infuriating. She never just did what Dean told her to do. She questioned everything, made suggestions when Dean just wanted her to follow orders. She made him think about the choices that had been obvious in his mind. Sometimes when he defended them, she crocked her head in thought before nodding in agreement, while others she stood her ground until Dean agreed to at least try things her way once, before dismissing her. Even if Dean hated to admit it, she made him a better coach.
Anael was gracious and absolutely breathtaking. Dean weren’t sure when it had happened, when they had gone from fighting and him considering firing her every other day, to him seeking out her company when the days work ended. He wasn’t sure what it was about this woman, but he was head over heels without even registering he he had begun falling.
Anael was strong, headstrong, brilliant, a pain in Dean’s ass and absolutely drop dead gorgeous. The day the mare she and Dean had trained together from the day she was born won the derby she had, wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck the second she got off the horse. Her lips collided with Dean’s and his arms instinctively closed around her waist pulling her closer. The way his head was spinning and she was smiling, when they pulled apart for air, proved to Dean with absolute certainty he was in way over his head, but he also didn’t want it any other way.
Anael was Dean’s and he was hers.
Please reblog; help me spread my work - Leave a comment. Feedback is fuel
Unsure who to tag so Dean and Jenneel tag teams it is. Sorry if this is not your thing. 
Dean Tag Team
@mizzzpink @emoryhemsworth @not-moose-one-shots @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogaruke @mysupernaturalfics @fatalcrossbow @mrswhozeewhatsis  @crushing83 @arryn-nyxx @superapplepie @salvachester @docharleythegeekqueen @ruined-by-destiel @blushingdean  @winchasterdean @peaceloveancolor @theoriginalvicki @feelmyroarrrr  @shamelesslydean @katymacsupernatural @jensen-gal @mysterious-398  @ericaprice2008 @adriellej @ashleydivine @waywardmoeyy  @canadianjelly @percywinchester27 @featherleaf12 @percussiongirl2017 @sis-tafics @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester   @ruprecht0420 @jayankles @torn-and-frayed @its-not-a-tulpa  @spn-fan-girl-173 @ryantherandomhero @lupine-princess @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @sylverminx @kathaswings @becs-bunker @mery-magizoologist @sandlee44  @sillesworldofwriting    @bebravekeeponfighting @smoothdogsgirl  @winchester-writes @amotleyworld @winchester-wannabe99  @keepcalmandbeajunkie @19agbrown  @evansrogerskitten @wayward-and-worn @impalaimagining @babyismyspiritanimal @caitthejourno @love-kittykat21 @thelittleredwhocould @destielsangels  @there-must-be-a-lock  @born-to-be-his-baby88 @carryonmyswansong @super100012 @khelmatic @imanunbrokenfangirl @jadalecki-jackles @cassieraider @curedean @iwantthedean @aubreystilinski @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @kristendanwayne @akshi8278 @sleep4eternity @ambermei  @jackasaurus-strax @whimsicalrobots @rebeccathefangirl
Padackles Tag Team (Jenneel and Jarevieve)
@mrspadalackles @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogaruke @crushing83 @theoriginalvick @jensen-gal @mysterious-398 @ericaprice2008 @adriellej @ashleydivine @percywinchester27 @becs-bunker @queen-of-deans-booty @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @smoothdogsgirl @ryantherandomhero @sillesworldofwriting @docharleythegeekqueen @mysupernaturalfics @evansrogerskitten @mrswhozeewhatsis @carryonmyswansong @thelittleredwhocould @super100012 @opeeta @cassieraider @lonelygolheart @jayankles @ambermei @oneshoeshort
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waywardfamilywrites · 4 years
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@wonder-cole main blog. I’m a 34 year old mom of 2 from Louisiana. I say things like “y’all” and “oh honey” sometimes. My fics are often set in Southern states. I’m pretty much an open book so ask me anything! I’m a lover, not a fighter, but I will protect my family with a fierce vengeance.
I write mostly Supernatural right now but will be branching out into Marvel, Sons of Anarchy, and possibly The Boys.
I flat out refuse to write underage and incest of any kind - including Lannister. 
I have no problems writing male reader, female reader, non-binary/gender neutral reader, smut involving all over-age participants, angst, and fluff. 
@padalelli​ . Originally from the south but now a Mountain Human. Been writing Supernatural reader insert (fem/neutral) fanfic since 2014, you can find me on AO3 under same url. Right now I am focusing on bingos but will gladly fill some good requests (e.g. angst fluff & smut). Examples of requests I WILL NOT WRITE: incest, non-con, underage. Although I haven't written for any fandoms other than SPN, I would certainly be willing to if it’s the right one.
@glazedhoneywriting​, My name is Honey. I've been writing fanfiction since 2015 and have been currently dabbling in the Supernatural Universe and planning on expanding. You can also find me on Ao3 here and on Wattpad @Soundtracks23 however I will not post any new work and plan to revise what's already there. 
Masterlist to my own writing blog! 
My top three characters right now as Anael (SPN), Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) and Rachel Gatina (OTH). 
 Fandoms I Write For: Supernatural, Harry Potter, Knives Out, Marvel, DC and One Tree Hill 
Things I Don't Write For Requests: Incest, Wincest, Destiel, Nipple Clamps, Anal, Rimming, Maschoism and Toilet Play
 @zombitch-cas​, My name is Sarah. I have been writing fanfic since 2007 started writing online around 2012-2013. 
 The Fandoms I write/ do aesthetics for at the moment are: American Horror Story, Anime and Manga, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Cobra Kai, Dc, Dexter,  Disney, Gilmore Girls,  Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, iZombie, Lucifer, The Magicians,  Marvel, New Girl, Psych, Queen of the Damned, Real Person, Riverdale, Sabrina Spellman, Sherlock, Sons of Anarchy, Supernatural, Vampire Academy (books), The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Z-Nation. 
 Things I won’t write for: Incest, Wincest, Anal, Toilet Play
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 14x17, liveblog, collected posts (all 27 of them) or as i like to call it: *bugs bunny voice* it’s fwidging season
How many cookies is Donatello baking? Like that’s a lot.
#also again… good food wasted :/ #those delicious cookies
 Ohhhhh, I had a thing like that as a kid asdfgh :D
#the game evening is cute though
 “Feeling better?” “Everybody keeps asking me that.” “We’re family, it’s our job.” “Well, It’s annoying.” Mary’s eyebrow raise.
 Dean roasting Jack for eating pineapple on his pizza asdfghj
Anael is so hot asdfghj
#shes a very pretty lady
 Ewwwwwww, Nick is back :(
#i hate nick so much #pls kill him #i hope Mary gets to punch him in the face
 “Kiddo how old am I? go for it, put me out of my misery” asdfh
#he pulls back real quick though asdfgh #coward
 Sam getting to be angry at Nick is so good! Hell yeah!
#he trusted him
 Sam is so smart. I love my smart boy.
#the fact that he manages to think clearly while hes out of his mind angry is also good #but ahahaha the glee at getting to kill Nick is so Sexy
 Of course, Sam is blaming himself again… Baby :(
 “Nick’s choices are his. Just his. You didn’t know. You gave him a chance because you felt for him. Because you’re a good man. You are. It’s one of the reasons I’m so proud of you.”
Me: cries like a baby
#ahhhhhhhhhh #this is the best #the very very best
 Nick is like “Oh Dean, we have so much in common, we’re like brothers.”
Dean: I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative
#same energy as when Jack was like Its Like Im You and Dean was just like No Its Not asdfgh
 “Being one with one of them changes you” asdfgh Nick’s so gay
#he thirsty af
 “even your three dads” ahhhhhhhhh
#jack is like: Lucifer lives don’t matter
 Jack headbutting Nick and breaking his own nose is good asdfgh
#disaster boy
 “I’m so sorry”, he says, while laughing
#nick is such a bastard
 “We’re finally alone. Feels like I never get a chance to talk to you anymore.” Ew ewww ewwwwww
#Nick is so incredibly creepy its disgusting #also don’t effing call him Sammy you piece of shit
 “It won’t be easy. You’ll have to prove yourself. The Winchesters will be a problem. But you can use that, twist it…” uhmmmmmm not saying that this is My Nick, from my fanfiction, but this is My Nick, from my fanfiction
#le gasp
 Sam choking Nick out is very good
#but of course hes a good dude and he can’t kill him. So then he gets his skull fractured
 “Lucifer’s perfect vessel. Not so perfect now, are you?” ohhhh, he’s so jelly!!!
 “Let’s play, Baby.”
This kills the woman
#i am dead I am deceased I am still dying
 Also the repeated shots Sam has been taking to the head finally seem to take a toll
#nice nice nice #llike I don’t want Sam to die but he’s just so pretty in red
 Ufff, the darkness Lucifer is gross af
#but ufff Nick is super into him #Nick seeing that princess mononoke slime parasite bs: take me daddy
 Jack just fucking tearing apart Nick’s hand is so sexy of him tbh
#and fulfilling Sam’s promise of ‘you can burn’ #nice nice nice
 Listen, was the way Jack killed Nick a bit extreme, sure. But he also deserved it sooooo
#i have no empathy! #although I do understand that Mary feels different about this
 God, I love Mary, she’s just worried about her third child!
#and now im sad :( #spn writers be like: I see a woman I floor it
 I don’t think it’s Jack’s fault, nor Mary’s, but it still sucks very, very much :(
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2LB17Gs
by abiotic_butterfly
Hey anyone who sees this! I’m having trouble thinking of ideas for fanfiction so if you see your fandom or ship in the tags I’d be happy to listen to your ideas for prompts and ships. You can list more than one ship if you’d like.
If you notice a ship name that is not correct feel free to tell me because I just looked them up. Not 100% sure on all of them.
 Thanks, leave your suggestions in the comments and look forward (hopefully) to some new fanfiction.
Yay boredom!
Words: 2, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ruby (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Castiel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jessica Moore, Meg Masters, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spengler, Tessa, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash Hervelle, Victor Henriksen, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Karen Singer, Rufus Turner, Pamela Barnes, Samuel Campbell, Anna Milton, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Claire Novak, Becky Rosen, Jody Mills, Death - Character, Gwen Campbell, Christian Campbell, Balthazar, Gavin MacLeod, Eleanor Visyak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Benny Lafitte, Amelia Novak, Amelia Richardson, Samandriel (Supernatural), Josie Sands, Amara, Gadreel, Donna Hanscum, Hannah (Supernatural), Ingrid, Alex Jones, Cole Trenton, Billie, Eileen Leahy, Donatello Redfield, Vince Vincente, Kelly Kline, Patience Turner, Sister Jo (Supernatural), Anael (Supernatural: Devil's Bargain), Azazel, Gordon Walker, Gabriel, Lilith, Uriel, Alastair, Zachariah, Raphael, Michael, Alpha Vampire (Supernatural), Eve (Supernatural), Edgar (Supernatural), Dick Roman, Naomi (Supernatural), Abaddon (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Fergus MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Dagon (Supernatural), Asmodeus (Supernatural)
Relationships: AbadDean - Relationship, Billen, Bobrvelle, Castiel/Anna Milton, Chestervelle, Deanna - Relationship, Dela - Relationship, Dean Winchester/Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Dean Winchester/Jessica Moore, Duby, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Megstiel, Castiel/Kelly Kline, Samelia, Sela - Relationship, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, Suby, Samrah, Lucifer/Sister Jo, Lucifer/Anael, Adamiriel, balthean, cabriel, Calthazar - Relationship, Casifer - Relationship, Chuckean, Chuckam, Crobby, Crowstiel - Relationship, Deanifer - Relationship, Deaneath, Deathifer, Debriel - Relationship, Deley, Denny - Relationship, Destair - Relationship, Destiel, Godeath, Micham, Michean, Michifer, Moosely, Sabriel - Relationship, Salthazar, Sameath, Samifer, Samchael, Sassy - Relationship, Sastiel, Sevin - Relationship, Wincest, Clark Barker/Jack Kline, Jack Kline/Kaia Nieves, Annaby, Annvelle, Charlena - Relationship, Darlie - Relationship, Charvelle, Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Alex Jones/Claire Novak, Alex Jones/Kaia Nieves, Krissy Chambers/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Patience Turner/Alex Jones, Patience Turner/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Patience Turner, amelia/jimmy novak, Debriestiel, Micheanifer, Sabrifer - Relationship, Salthabriel, Samicasifer - Relationship, team free will - Relationship, Wincestiel, Seanicca, Team Free Love - Relationship, Hanniel, Hannah/Castiel, Chuck Shurley/Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen/Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Angelcest, holy hell, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, purgaytory, holy fucking hell, Angst with a Happy Ending, Awkwardness, Drugs, Birthday, Children, Blood, Falling In Love, Confessions, Feels, Female Relationships, Female Characters, male characters, striaght, Gay, girlxgirl, BoyxBoy, Flirting, Flashbacks, Jealousy, Hatred, Future, Manipulations, Demons, Angels, AU, Vampires, Werewolves, Priests, sinning, Other SPN Monsters, Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Violence, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Weapons, Nephilim, Archangels
Link: https://ift.tt/2LB17Gs
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thebiggerbear · 9 months
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Anael Prompt Response
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Summary: Anael calls you to pick her up after she leaves Cas back at the Emporium. Having just come off of a rough hunt, you're really not that inclined to be at the angel's beck and call.
Pairing: Anael x Female!Reader; Anael x Female!Huntress Reader
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). For Anael's version of this prompt response, I had quite a few ideas that got written but just didn't seem to work out for one reason or another. Eventually, I settled on this and the more I wrote it, the more it felt right to me. So, I hope it's okay.
This is meant to take place right after 14x17.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: mentions of drug-like usage/using behavior; implied sex; mentions of child death
Word Count: 4186
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Anael Taglist: @nancymcl; @brightlilith
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Jason version ✨ Tom version ✨ CJ version ✨ Rachel version ✨ Alec version ✨ SDV Leah version
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Your phone started to buzz on the table and when you glanced at the screen, you let out a snort. You seriously contemplated letting the call go to voicemail but you figured that would be more trouble than it was worth in the end. You swiped up on the screen and held the phone to your ear. 
“Yeah,” You greeted.
“It’s me.”
You rolled your eyes. “I know. What do you want?”
You heard her scoff on the other end. Good, maybe she was finally getting the message. “Wow, bypassing the small talk and getting right to it, huh? Why, I’m doing well, Y/N, and thanks for asking. I’m so glad I called.”
You wiped your hands on a rag. “Cut the crap, Ana. You and I both know you wouldn’t have called if you didn’t need something. So, what do you need?”
She was silent for a moment and you could just imagine the scowl on her face. “I need a ride,” she sniffed.
“A ride?” You nearly laughed. “Last I checked, you’re an angel. Can’t you, you know, fly wherever you need to?” You knew you were being a bit of an ass but you didn’t care; it was better this way.
“You know I can’t fly.” You could practically hear her eyes roll through the phone. “And even if I could, with everything that’s going on right now, it’s better to keep a low profile.”
“Michael’s gone, Ana. Well, that Michael anyway. You don’t need to worry anymore,” you assured her, a bit of compassion leaking from your tone. You couldn’t help it; you’d seen how unsettled she’d been after Michael, who was wearing Dean Winchester at the time, paid her a visit. She’d almost looked scared and as she told you all too often, angels didn’t get scared. It had taken some coaxing (not as much as you expected though) but you managed to finally get her to do the right thing and call Sam Winchester to give him a heads up about his brother’s location as well as Michael’s plan. That was the thing about the angel you were currently on the line with. She talked a big game and pretended she didn’t care, she appeared to only be interested in money, couture, and having the table tilted towards her. However, you knew differently.
For instance, when she counted money, yes she was committing the amount to mind, but she also did it as a nervous tic (which was weird for an angel to have). While as a super-strong celestial being she could brazenly count her money anywhere in front of anyone and never worry, she never did it in front of the people she was helping. “Bad for business.” That’s what she’d told you when you first asked but you noticed that she counted the same bills that she had counted an hour beforehand and the amount hadn’t changed. There was something comforting to her about having the cash in hand, whether because she had been smart and made it on her own, or it gave her a sense of freedom from the existence she had known previously as well as instilling a feeling of value within her. Before she’d been a button pusher and punished for asking questions; now she was a self-made businesswoman and her own boss, answering to no one.
She also appeared to be vain and completely full of herself, thanks to her vessel’s beautiful looks and how she presented herself through the actual Jo. Though through your association together, when she believed you and the others weren’t looking, you caught her healing a hurt child or a sick old woman without asking for any form of payment. You’d gotten to know her and you believed there was a good side to her, when she wasn’t being self-serving that is. But then again what did you know about celestial beings? 
Which is what had you straightening up and clearing your throat quietly, removing all softness from your voice. “So you can get someone else to pick you up, hell take an Uber for all I care, but I’m in the middle of something and I can’t just drop everything to come get you whenever the hell you decide to call.”
You tossed the rag you had been using onto the workbench. You had been changing the oil on your car, having just arrived back from a particularly brutal case the night before. Maintaining the classic car you drove, keeping to routine, that was your own source of comfort. You waited for her to respond to you, most likely some snippy yet witty reply. Most other hunters might not be willing to risk pissing off an angel, but Ana was no ordinary angel and you weren’t any other hunter. You two might not have the bond Dean Winchester had with Castiel, but you and Ana seemed to share an understanding. Well, most of the time.
“How bad?”
“How bad?” She repeated. “The case. How bad was it?”
You hung your head, pressing your lips into a thin line. She definitely knew you more than you gave her credit for. “Pretty bad,” you mumbled.
“Your crew?”
You let out a breath. “Still all accounted for. Though they’ll be taking a well-earned short vacation for the time being.” The truth was you all needed a breather after that.
“Come pick me up,” she urged, not sounding so demanding this time. “I’m not that far from you.”
This wasn’t a good idea. “Ana, I don’t—”
“Come see me,” she coaxed softly. “You need me, I can tell.”
Your reflex was to automatically protest her words. “I don’t need—” But then you thought about how you hadn’t slept a wink since what happened and how you’d had to consistently bury yourself into something to occupy your mind, trying not to think of the sound of the kids’ screams or how they’d looked after. You also thought about how you were running on fumes, hanging by a thread, and you were struggling really hard to put this one behind you.
“You do,” she insisted, almost as if she heard your thoughts. 
You thought it over for a moment. You really could go for a drive, to try to clear your head if for nothing else. But at the same time, you wanted your space and company was the last thing you wanted, especially hers. She had a way of seeing right through you; you supposed it was her being an angel and all. But right now all you wanted to do was curl into yourself and retreat from the world until things in your head made sense again (because the world never would). 
“Y/N,” she tried again, her tone still gentle yet also letting you know she wasn’t going to let this go. The more you resisted, the more she was going to push. Even if she did indeed have to get a ride from someone else. You could almost guarantee, somehow, someway, she’d be on your doorstep before the night’s end. 
Fuck it. You sighed and moved over to the sink to wash your hands. “What’s the address?” 
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You watched as Ana approached the old pick-up you’d chosen to drive instead of your car, opting to stay lowkey, and she got in. Her brown eyes were intent on you from the moment she settled into her seat. You knew she could see just how broken you were after last night, how you were barely hanging on, and you hated it.
“Find us a place,” she commanded.
You shot her a look. “Ana…”
“Find one.” Her tone brooked no argument.
You flashed a glare over at her but shifted the truck into gear regardless and did as she said. You knew she wouldn’t let up until you did.
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You coasted to a stop and put the truck into park before turning it off. You had found an inconspicuous spot at what looked to be a park for bike riders, power walkers, and wanderers alike. There appeared to be a pond in the middle and ducks were floating along the glassy surface that was studded with flowers and lilypads. The wind rustled through the trees and the sun was just starting to sink down behind the mountains, painting the sky in hues of pink, purple, yellow, and orange — a marriage of shades of color that Man had not been able to replicate entirely, leaving Nature as the sole artist to achieve that palette. It was beautiful and all you could think about was how the family you’d tried to save would never get to see a sky like this ever again (or any sky for that matter). It poured salt into the wound when you spied two young children running around, laughing, as their mother playfully chased after them, smiling wide. You hoped they would stay as happy as they were in this moment and that they would never know the horrors that you knew all too well, that they would never know what existed in the shadows of this world around them, just waiting to gobble them up and snuff them out.
“You’re not injured,” Ana determined, her penetrative gaze still roaming over you. “Not physically at least.”
Your eyes flickered to hers and you gave her a look, but you didn’t say anything before you turned back to the sunset.    
You felt her hand begin to cover yours and you moved it quickly away, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. “Ana…”
“Y/N.” She sounded completely unfazed by your pulling away, so much so that you turned to look at her. She was focused on you, her eyes never moving from yours, as she reached out to you. “Let me help,” she urged.
“Ana, I don’t think—”
She huffed out an impatient breath. “That’s your problem. Stop thinking.” She slid closer to you in the bucket seat and her hands framed your face. “Let me help you,” she murmured before leaning in and placing her lips over yours.
As expected, a warm tingly feeling shot through you from where her lips and hands connected to your skin. It was almost like that warm feeling you get in your gut after taking your first shot of liquor that feels like fanning an ember back into a slow-building flame. Though this particular warmth was now throughout every single inch of your body, touching every single cell of your existence. And it grew and grew until a huge wave of warm and light washed over you. Once it did, your head slowly fell back against the headrest and a bright blue-white haze covered your vision. You could see Ana smiling down at you, from her perch on your lap that she had somehow moved into during the kiss. She looked even more beautiful in this light though you still couldn’t see past the face of Jo to Ana’s true form. That disappointed you a little though you expected it. She had told you some time ago that you would never be able to see it, that it was dangerous to humans if they tried and could even prove fatal. It still didn’t mean you didn’t want to see a glimpse of it though someday. You had no idea why you wanted to see it; you just did.
Ana moved some loose strands of hair out of your face. “There. Feel better?”
“Mmm.” You slowly closed your eyes, enjoying the feelings coursing through you. “Much.” It was true. You felt like you could jump out of the truck and go run a 5K or climb the highest mountain without having to take one single break. You even felt like you could swim the English Channel. It was amazing what a little angelic grace could do to the human body.
“Good.” She laid her hands against your cheeks and forced your gaze up to meet hers. You noticed that she was inches from your lips again. “Now, take me somewhere nice.”
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The nicest place ended up being a motel on the edge of town (the best room they had of course, one that the clerk assured Ana was cleaned regularly while he looked clearly annoyed that she had the nerve to ask) where you holed up for the next day or so. It was a blur of moans, tender caresses, and grace injections as you’d come to refer to them. Each time you were about to crash, Ana would take your angel blade and cut a tiny slice on the skin of her neck that immediately glowed bluish-white. You loved it when she did that because you would latch your lips to that spot and consume the little bit of grace you could get before the wound closed, and she would arch her back before prettily moaning into your ear, gently holding the back of your head to that spot.
You weren’t a grace junkie as Ana liked to call you sometimes but you couldn’t deny that when she offered up trace amounts of grace like this, especially when you needed a boost, you absolutely took it. In your line of work, with what you’d see on the daily, how could you not take it when offered? The thin thread you’d been hanging on now felt as if it wouldn’t snap so easily, like it had been fortified in steel or something. But at the same time, you hated yourself for allowing the energy into your system, allowing her to be the one to feed it to you, though you would never take it from any other angel.
One of the rare moments in between injections, Ana was laying next to you, holding herself up by her elbow, her head in her hand as she studied you. You were on your back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Feel like talking about it now?”
You briefly glanced over at her, huffing a laugh, as you folded an arm behind your head. “Is that what this was all about? Getting me to talk about it?”
“You were in pain,” she defended.
Your eyes met hers and you could see the tender concern behind them. It always caught you off guard, the genuine care she seemed to have for you. That certainly hadn’t been the case when you two first met. It seemed like a lifetime ago when you’d held an angel blade to her throat, demanding to know where a certain rogue angel was located. And now, here you were…in this very weird space otherwise known as your working relationship.
You supposed she was right; you had been in pain, in a way. You turned your head to stare back up at the ceiling, not wanting to look at Ana for this part. “It was a Rugaru. It got to a family before we could stop it.” You briefly squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting those images to come back. “It was feeding on the two small kids when we got there. The parents were already gone. The screams, Ana…” You shook your head. “We killed it right there. But, um, it was too late for the kids.” You wiped a stray tear that had made its way down your cheek. “They hadn’t even made it to double digits yet.” You clenched your jaw. “We should have figured it out and gotten there sooner.”
Ana tenderly brushed hair away from your face. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“Yeah, it is,” you whispered. “Any other hunter would have picked up on what they were dealing with and saved that family.”
“Okay, first off, that’s not true. Second, you were not the only hunter there. And third, who’s to say if other hunters had been in your place that they would have been able to save the family?”
“They would’ve. Had it been the Winchesters, they definitely would’ve.”
Ana gripped your chin and turned you to look at her. “Don’t do this to yourself. The monster killed that family, not you. And you put an end to it so it will never hurt anyone again. You hunters do more for this flawed world in a week than most people do in their lifetimes. You do more than angels or Heaven or God himself even. You put your life on the line every single day to help people you’ve never met before, to keep them safe. You stand in between them and the monsters. You don’t get paid, you hardly get any thanks, you see some of the worst things that most humans will never see, and yet, you still continue to do it.”
“Isn’t that the job? Saving people, hunting things?” You teased.
She frowned down at you. “Don’t do that. Don’t make light of what I’m saying because you feel uncomfortable.”
“I’m not,” you insisted. “I just…” You threw up a hand, shaking your head.
Her expression softened and she stroked your cheek. “You’re a good person, Y/N, and a good hunter. Don’t ever doubt yourself. You can’t save everyone though you try. By killing that monster, you saved many families. Don’t forget that.”
You pressed your lips together and dropped your gaze. You knew she meant well and she was right, you couldn’t save everyone, but it still was going to take you some time to get past this one. You weren’t the only one feeling that way, either. You weren’t entirely sure if all of the hunters in your group would be coming back, two individuals in particular. They’d been the ones to tend to the kids and hold them as they died while you and the others took down the Rugaru. You couldn’t blame them if they decided to hang it up after this.
Ana gripped your chin a little tighter, making your eyes dart up to her face, and you watched as she studied you, appearing to be contemplating something. Before you could ask what she was thinking, she slowly leaned down and pressed her lips to yours. This time, though, you didn’t feel any grace coursing through your skin. 
She pulled away after a few moments and you stared up at her in confusion. Giving you a tender smile, she trailed her finger along your jawline. “I like you, Y/N. You’re one of the better humans I’ve met since I’ve been down here.”
“You like me?” You asked in disbelief.
“Does that surprise you?”
“Um, yeah? I thought you couldn’t stand me most of the time.”
“Not most of the time, just sometimes. I certainly can stomach you more than any other human.”
“Wow. I feel special.” 
“You should.” She ran her finger down the bridge of your nose to the tip. “Do you think I go around giving my grace to just anyone?”
“Well, there was Lucifer.”
“That was different,” she snapped.
“You heal a lot of people, which I’m all for by the way.”
She leaned back in. “But they don’t get it directly from the source and they don’t get the perks I give you,” she finished right above your lips before kissing you again. This time, you could feel grace being infused into your skin and running rampant through your system. When she broke away from you, you opened your eyes to find that familiar bluish-white haze covering your vision. It was like seeing in 20/20 vision, only a hundred thousand times better.
Ana ran a finger along your lips and as always, you could feel the touch that much more, sending tingles through your body. Glancing up at her, you started thinking about other touches and how they would feel magnified like this. Then you remembered what some people usually did to feel alive again after seeing death and how fleeting life could be.
Within seconds, you were sitting up and you grabbed her and moved her to your lap, very aware that she had let you do it. You saw her smirking down at you as she framed your face with your hands.
“You know, you say you like me but I’m wondering just how much.”
“Oh really?”
“I think we should find out.” You yanked her closer against you and she shook her head, smirking even wider. You tugged the back of her hair, forcing her to arch her neck and she let out a tiny gasp. You knew it was more for theatrical effect than anything else. 
“Don’t forget, this is Mulberry silk,” she warned you. “You get blood on it, I’ll kill you, no matter if I like you.”
You used your free hand to place a finger to her lips. “You’re talking way too much. All I want to hear out of this mouth right now are the pretty sounds you make or you begging me for more.” Normally, unless you were in the bedroom you didn’t talk like this, but you could feel the grace fueling everything deep within you, even your ego.
“I won’t be begging.”
“You will,” you whispered into her ear before nibbling on the lobe. “I’ll make sure of it.” 
You grabbed the angel blade and created a tiny slice in her skin, seeing the grace peeking out at you from within. Ana placed her hands on your shoulders but she didn’t resist as you swiped your tongue over the wound. “I hate you,” she finished in a moan.
You huffed out a laugh when you felt her pull you closer, her fingers winding into your hair to hold you to her. “You have a weird way of showing that.” You dropped the angel blade on the floor and moved in for the kill. 
You had been right; not only did you get Ana to beg, you felt everything a hundred million times more than you normally would. And she had been right; not only did she like you, the shattered glass littering the room and the car horns blaring outside when you were finished proved just how much. 
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You licked your lips nervously as you parked the pickup, your body having returned to its normal state less than an hour ago. “Listen,” you started. “That was a one time thing.”
Ana turned a smirk onto you, knowing full well how this little back and forth went between you afterwards. “No. It wasn’t.”
“Yeah, it was.”
She turned in her seat to fully face you, laying a hand on your shoulder. “It wasn’t the last few times it happened and it won’t be the next few times. Not to mention we have another motel we nearly destroyed.” She squeezed your shoulder. “I know you don’t want to admit it to yourself, but you like me, too.”
Your jaw tightened and you glared at her, but kept quiet. 
She leaned in and you didn’t stop her when she kissed you, no grace involved this time. “Now, you go enjoy your well-deserved break from hunting. Me? I’ve got some business to take care of.” She inclined her head towards the church you were dropping her off at, the sign welcoming Sister Jo, the faith healer. “I’ll call you when I’m finished.”
You watched as she got out of the truck and turned back to you, resting her hand on the open window ledge. Her smirk was cocky, knowing, but her eyes appeared a little softer when she trained them on you. “Until then, Y/N.” She shot you a wink and then walked away.
You watched as she made her way into the church. You thought over what she said. Yeah, you liked her, but you weren’t about to admit that to her. It didn’t matter if she admitted it to you first. She was still an angel, a fallen angel who lied when it suited her and money was the name of the game for her. At least on the outside. But the Ana you’d gotten to know over the last year, ever since you’d crossed her path in your quest for revenge against one of her fallen brothers who had murdered your hunting partner…she was different and she was who you liked. You just wished…well, that things could be different. That she wasn’t an angel and that you could have met some other way. But no matter what you wished, this was your reality and there was no changing it. Ana was an angel and you were having whatever this was with one. If your old hunting partner could see you now…
You shook that thought out of your head and started the pickup, driving away from the church, headed back to your place. You told yourself for the millionth time that the next time Ana called you, you wouldn’t pick up. But a part of you knew that you would, and this scenario would play out again, as it had many times before. You knew she was right and you hated her for that. The disappointment you felt at yourself knew no bounds. 
You switched on the radio, picking a familiar song and choosing to get lost in the music instead of your thoughts. Until then.
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ao3feedsabriel · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
by abiotic_butterfly
Hey anyone who sees this! I’m having trouble thinking of ideas for fanfiction so if you see your ship in the tags I’d be happy to listen to your ideas for prompts and ships. You can list more than one ship if you’d like.
If you notice a ship name that is not correct feel free to tell me because I just looked them up. Not 100% sure on all of them.
 Thanks, leave your suggestions in the comments and look forward (hopefully) to some new fanfiction.
Yay boredom!
Words: 2, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ruby (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Castiel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jessica Moore, Meg Masters, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spengler, Tessa, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash Hervelle, Victor Henriksen, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Karen Singer, Rufus Turner, Pamela Barnes, Samuel Campbell, Anna Milton, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Claire Novak, Becky Rosen, Jody Mills, Death - Character, Gwen Campbell, Christian Campbell, Balthazar, Gavin MacLeod, Eleanor Visyak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Benny Lafitte, Amelia Novak, Amelia Richardson, Samandriel (Supernatural), Josie Sands, Amara, Gadreel, Donna Hanscum, Hannah (Supernatural), Ingrid, Alex Jones, Cole Trenton, Billie, Eileen Leahy, Donatello Redfield, Vince Vincente, Kelly Kline, Patience Turner, Sister Jo (Supernatural), Anael (Supernatural: Devil's Bargain), Azazel, Gordon Walker, Gabriel, Lilith, Uriel, Alastair, Zachariah, Raphael, Michael, Alpha Vampire (Supernatural), Eve (Supernatural), Edgar (Supernatural), Dick Roman, Naomi (Supernatural), Abaddon (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Fergus MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Dagon (Supernatural), Asmodeus (Supernatural)
Relationships: AbadDean - Relationship, Billen, Bobrvelle, Castiel/Anna Milton, Chestervelle, Deanna - Relationship, Dela - Relationship, Dean Winchester/Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Dean Winchester/Jessica Moore, Duby, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Megstiel, Castiel/Kelly Kline, Samelia, Sela - Relationship, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, Suby, Samrah, Lucifer/Sister Jo, Lucifer/Anael, Adamiriel, balthean, cabriel, Calthazar - Relationship, Casifer - Relationship, Chuckean, Chuckam, Crobby, Crowstiel - Relationship, Deanifer - Relationship, Deaneath, Deathifer, Debriel - Relationship, Deley, Denny - Relationship, Destair - Relationship, Destiel, Godeath, Micham, Michean, Michifer, Moosely, Sabriel - Relationship, Salthazar, Sameath, Samifer, Samchael, Sassy - Relationship, Sastiel, Sevin - Relationship, Wincest, Clark Barker/Jack Kline, Jack Kline/Kaia Nieves, Annaby, Annvelle, Charlena - Relationship, Darlie - Relationship, Charvelle, Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Alex Jones/Claire Novak, Alex Jones/Kaia Nieves, Krissy Chambers/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Patience Turner/Alex Jones, Patience Turner/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Patience Turner, amelia/jimmy novak, Debriestiel, Micheanifer, Sabrifer - Relationship, Salthabriel, Samicasifer - Relationship, team free will - Relationship, Wincestiel, Seanicca, Team Free Love - Relationship, Hanniel, Hannah/Castiel, Chuck Shurley/Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen/Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Angelcest, holy hell, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, purgaytory, holy fucking hell, Angst with a Happy Ending, Awkwardness, Drugs, Birthday, Children, Blood, Falling In Love, Confessions, Feels, Female Relationships, Female Characters, male characters, striaght, Gay, girlxgirl, BoyxBoy, Flirting, Flashbacks, Jealousy, Hatred, Future, Manipulations, Demons, Angels, AU, Vampires, Werewolves, Priests, sinning, Other SPN Monsters, Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Violence, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Weapons, Nephilim, Archangels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
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Forbidden Love
Pairing: Anael x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Relationships between humans and angels are strictly forbidden, but you and Anael prove that there can be good--and love--between the two species.
wing fic (2020 and 2021) for @spnfluffbingo​
secret identity for @spnfemslashbingo​
Author’s Note: This is unbeta’d and all mistakes are mine. If you have any requests, please send them in!
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The best part about dating an angel is the adventures you get to take together. No modern human can say that they’ve been on top of the pyramids, or that they’ve flown above the clouds. You’ve been on these magical and crazy adventures with the love of your life, but you can never tell anyone. Humans know that angels exist, but there is a strict rule against humans and angels dating and falling in love. The only contact angels are allowed to have with humans is when they are looking over their shoulder and protecting them from the evils within this world.
Your angel started off as that until you started to notice her everywhere you go. She stood out from the rest of the crowd, always right behind you, never too far away. Most humans ignore their angel unless something tragic happens, but you’ve established you’re not like most humans. Instead of living your life the way it’s supposed to be lived, you thought it was a good idea to confront your angel and talk to her.
Anael was shocked you wanted something to do with her, but she didn’t turn you away. The rules stated that if a human isn’t in danger or putting themselves in danger, then there is no reason to talk to them or even let them know an angel is watching over them. However, Anael took one look at you and decided you were worth talking to.
If your friends and family knew what you’ve been doing, they would disown you. If Anael’s superiors knew what she did when she left Heaven, then she would for sure get punished for centuries to follow. It’s why you two only talk, hang out, and enjoy each other’s company in the comfort of your home. The more you spent time with her, the more you fell for her.
It’s not like you wanted it to happen, but you can’t choose who you fall in love with. It’s strange how much an angel understands you more than your own family and friends. For as long as you can remember, there has always been a hole inside your heart that was always too big to fill. Clearly, there was something missing, and you spend years trying to figure out the puzzle piece.
When you met Anael, the piece finally fell into place. You couldn’t let her go, and she refused to let you go.
It sucked you couldn’t tell your friends about your angel, what you two have been doing, and the fact that you’ve been growing closer to the point where your relationship takes a turn into Romanceville. You wanted to gush to your friends about your new girlfriend, but they would never understand. Anael wanted so badly to tell her friends about the amazing woman she met and how happy you make her feel, but she could never expose you like that.
So, you’re forced to keep your relationship a secret, but you honestly didn’t mind. As long as you have Anael by your side, you were okay with anything. Maybe one day you’d get to tell the world about your relationship, but today is not that day.
You and Anael sit on your couch, limbs tangled together, her fingers through your hair, and yours brushing against her wings. You’ve never seen what they look like since humans aren’t able to see them with the naked eye. You’ve touched them, got touched by them, smelled them, and even heard them, but you yearn to see them. You really want to know if they are as beautiful as they feel.
It’s the kind of night that you spend inside. It’s raining, the fire is going in the fireplace, and a movie is playing on your flat-screen TV. Your fingers dance against the soft feathers, touching and memorizing the feel of each one you come into contact with. It’s the perfect evening that requires no speaking whatsoever. There are no words that need to be said that describe how you feel in this exact moment—it’s all in how you handle her wings with care and delicacy.
“You know, I’ve never been to one of those,” you state.
There is a masquerade ball happening in the movie, and it looks like everyone is having a good time. You’ve always wanted to go to one of those and dress up and meet someone mysterious. Well, you’ve already met someone mysterious, but it would be nice to dress up and pretend to be someone else for a night.
“There’s an angel ball coming up. My bosses like to throw one just to celebrate all the good work we do, and because it’s on Earth, it’s why we wear masks. The bouncer is an angel so he doesn’t let in any humans despite them always trying to get in,” Anael laughs.
“But I’m human. There are rules against us dating.”
“I got that covered,” she smirks.
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You’re not sure what Anael meant when she said, “I got that covered”. It could mean a lot of things, but your only instruction was that you go get ready and look sexy. You’ve decided to wear a deep red strapless dress that poofs out at the bottom. It’s more like Ariel’s pink dress from the Little Mermaid than anything, just deep red. The mask you’re wearing covers the top half of your face, is red lace, and there is a black feather on the right side sticking up. It’s sexy and beautiful, and you can’t wait to finally go out with your girlfriend.
You stand in front of your body mirror and look at yourself, rubbing your lips together to even out your lipstick. Anael enters the bedroom with a knife in her hand, and you turn to her in confusion. You’re shocked by how gorgeous she looks. She’s wearing a slim gold dress that goes down to her feet and a white mask that only covers half of her face in lace. Her hair is done in soft curls, and she pinned her left side to her head so that her right side is flowering on her own. However, with the knife in your hand, you’re distracted in the worst way.
“What are you doing with that knife?” you ask.
“You look so beautiful,” she grins.
“So do you. What’s going on?”
“I’m doing the only thing I know will guarantee your safety. I’m giving you some of my grace.”
“What? Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Not the amount I’m giving you. It’s only going to be in your system for a few hours. Long enough for us to have fun at the ball and make it home in time. The other angels won’t see past the grace and will believe you’re an angel.”
“Are you sure?”
She takes out a small vial and cuts her throat so that a white light shines through. Her grace flows out of her and into the vial, filling it up quickly. Once there is enough, she runs a finger over the wound and it closes. The grace shines brightly in the vial, mesmerizing you. It sparkles in the light, but you don’t have time to dwell on it for too long.
“Open your mouth.”
You do as you’re told, and the grace flows out of the vial and into you. To say that it feels weird is an understatement. You feel like you can do anything with the grace that runs through your veins. Your whole body is consumed by it, and you can see things you’ve never seen before. A film covers your eyes, and Anael’s wings come into view.
They are big and beautiful, almost as tall as your ceiling. The feathers flutter and dance when they know they’re being watched, and you can’t help but smile. You want to cry but you don’t want to ruin your makeup.
“Your wings are so pretty,” you gasp.
“They're a pain in the ass,” she laughs. “Now, the grace will only last a few hours, so we have to go now.”
The ball is all the way downtown, but that’s no problem for an angel. Just to assure herself that no time will be wasted, she teleports you and her to the alley behind the place just to get there faster. You two head to the front where the angelic bouncer is. You’re nervous as hell, but you stay silent as to not ruin this. The bouncer looks at Anael and then at you, eyeing you suspiciously.
“Is there a problem?” she asks with a sweet smile.
He takes a few pauses before answering.
“No. Have a good time, ladies.”
He lets you in, and only until you’re out of his sight do you giggle in relief. The party is in full effect, and there are angels everywhere. There are tables of food scattered around, but you thought angels didn’t have to eat. Anael eats with you only so you don’t feel left out, but you know she doesn’t particularly enjoy it.
There are a group of female angels huddled by the corner and when they see Anael, they squeal and greet her with hugs and smiles. Anael seems so happy to see her friends, but the sight only makes you feel guilty. She can’t hang with her friends when you’re around, but you can hang with yours when she’s around. It’s not fair, and you don’t know how to make it better for her.
“Hey! Ladies, this is Y/N… my girlfriend,” Anael introduces you.
“Girlfriend?? Why have you been hiding her?”
The girls mutter excitedly to each other before turning to face you.
“We’re Anna, Mabel, and Sabrina. How long have you two been together?” Anna asks.
“About a year now,” you smile brightly.
Anael seems happy with her friends, so you decided to explore on your own so she can catch up with them. You’re starving, so you head over to one of the tables to grab something to eat. They have everything you can think of, and one of your favorite snacks is just sitting there begging you to take a bite. You do, and just about everyone in the room stops and stares at you.
Anael rushes over to you and grabs your hand, smiling sweetly at you.
“Angels don’t eat, sweetheart.” There is evidence left on your face from the food you were just eating, and she wipes it away with her thumb. “Come on. I’ll get you something to eat when we’re done. Right now, I want to dance with you.”
“Okay, sorry,” you chuckle and finish swallowing.
She takes you to the middle of the dance floor and pulls you close. Her hands go to your waist and yours wrap around her neck. Being here with her is magical, and you couldn’t have been more happier than in this moment.
“I love you so much,” you grin.
“I love you.”
She leans in and kisses you slowly, moving her lips in time with yours. It’s said that when angels are happy, their grace glows brightly for all to see.
Right now, you and Anael light up the entire dance floor, content with being in each other’s arms.
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Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why! Follow my library blog @queenofdeansbooty-writes​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can follow that if you can’t be tagged!
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Imagine recognizing the faith healer, Sister Jo, as your old friend, Anael.
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You sat at the back of the auditorium, staring at her familiar face as she healed a disabled man. Her hands glowed as she placed them in front of his chest and everyone watched in awe. You scoffed as they bought her act; it was ingenious really. Pretend to be human, not an angel, to heal people, and to make money off it. You couldn't believe that she had been here this whole time. You had looked for her for a while after the fall but to no avail.  
And, God, you couldn't believe she had named herself ‘Sister Jo’. Jo was something you had nicknamed her years ago and you couldn't even remember why at this point. You felt something indescribable when you realised that she had remembered it after all this time.
You watched her with awe; she really hadn't changed a bit. She was still using the same vessel, with those dark eyes and the smile that you never seemed to forget, even if it had been years since you last saw her last, God, you missed her. It was embarrassing how much you missed her.
She had been your best friend, the only other angel you had been close to. You told her everything, including your doubts in your father after it seemed he had left. There was also some underlying feelings that either of you mentioned. You had always wondered what had been. Maybe if you had been together during the fall you could have told her. Maybe you both could have figured out humanity together. Maybe you both of you could have been together...
By the time you had broken free from your thoughts, everyone was filing out of the auditorium. You immediately started to panic. What if Anael didn't want to see you? What if she had completely forgotten about you? You thought it was best to leave and come back another day and so you began to leave. As you were almost at the door you heard a voice from behind you. A voice you'd never thought you'd hear again.
‘Y/N? Is that actually you?’
Taking a deep breath, you somehow manage to find the courage to turn and to respond.
‘Hey, Anael. Long time no see.’
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archivingspn · 3 years
Persons of Interest
Adam Glass- s6-s11 writer • s6 supervising producer • s7 co-executive producer • s11-s8 executive producer Adam William- s11-13 visual effects coordinator • s8-10, s14-15 visual effects I/O coordinator Alexander Calvert- actor for Jack/Belphegor • s12 guest star • s13-s15 series regular Andrew Dabb- s4-15 writer • s7 producer • s8 supervising producer • s9-11 co-executive producer • s12-15 executive producer • s12-15 showrunner Anna Fricke- walker creator • walker s1 showrunner • walker s1 executive producer • walker s1 writer 
Ben Edlund- s2-8 writer • s2 consulting producer • s3-4 co-executive producer • s5-6 executive producer • s6-9 consulting producer • s6-7 director • Ghostfacers theme lyrics writer Brad Buckner- s1, s7-15 writer • s8-9 consulting producer • s10-11 co-executive producer • s12-15 executive producer • (Eugenie’s writing partner)
Cathryn Humphris- s1-s4 writer Chad Kennedy- 2011-2016 Director, Current Programs of Warner Bros. Television • 2018-2021 Vice President of Warner Bros. Television • 2021-present Senior Vice President, Current Programming at Warner Bros. Television studios
Danneel Ackles- actress for Anael/Sister Jo • RA board member • FBBC owner • Chaos Machine Productions • married to Jensen Ackles Davy Perez- s12-15 writer • s12 executive story editor • s14 co-producer • s15 producer • s15 supervising producer Dawn Ostroff- president of entertainment of the CW broadcast Network 2006-2010
Emma Peterson- s6 production assistant • s11 2nd assistant production coordinator • s12 assistant production coordinator • s13-15 first assistant production coordinator Eric Kripke- spn creator • s1-6 writer • s7-s15 executive consultant • s1-6 executive producer • s2, s4 director • s1-5 showrunner • the boys creator • s1-3 the boys showrunner • s1-3 the boys head writer Eugenie Ross-Leming- s1, s7-s15 writer • s8-s9 consulting producer • s10-12 co-executive producer • s12-15 executive producer • (Buckner’s writing partner)
Genevive Padalecki- actress for Ruby s4-15 • actress of Emily Walker • RA board member • married to Jared Padalecki Guillermo Rojas- Latin American? voice actor for Dean Winchester
I -
Jason Fischer- s2-3 first assistant production coordinator • s5-15 production coordinator • s2-4 production assistant • s12 executive consultant Jared Padalecki- actor for Sam Winchester • actor for Cordell Walker • spn co-lead actor s1-15 • walker lead actor s1 • walker s1 executive producer • founder of the AKF campaign • YANA? •  MANTRA Labs co-founder • married to Genevive Padalecki Jay Gruska - s1-15 composer • s1-13 soundtrack Jay Julier- 15x01 additional second assistant director • s15 third assistant director Jensen Ackles- actor for Dean Winchester • actor for Soldier Boy • spn co-lead actor s1-15 •s6-8, s10-11, and s15 director • 1x04 performer “Some Kind of Monster” • 10x01 performer “Imaginary Lover”? • 11x10 performer “De Camptown Races” • 15x07 performer “Good Ol’ Boys” • YANA? • FBBC owner • Chaos Machine Productions • Radio Company co-founder • married to Danneel Ackles Jeremy Adams- s13 co-writer • s15 writer • s15 story editor Jeremy Carver- s3-5, s8-11 writer • s3 story editor • s4 executive story editor • s5 co-producer •s8-13 executive producer • showrunner s8-11 Jerry Wanek- s1-6, s13, s15 production designer • s4-15 co-producer • s7, s9, s11 director Jim Michaels- s5 producer • s6-15 co-executive producer
Kevin Parks- s1-15 first assistant director • s15 co-producer • s8-9 director
Mark Pedowitz- Chairman and CEO of the CW Television Network 2011-present Mark Sheppard- actor for Crowley • s5-s9 guest star • s10-12 series regular Meghan Fitzmartin- s14-15 writer • s12-14 executive assistant to Dabb Meredith Glynn- s12-15 writer • s12 co-producer • s13 producer • s14 supervising producer • s15 co-executive producer Misha Collins- actor for Castiel • s4 guest star • s5-6 series regular • s7-8 guest star • s9-15 series regular • s9 director • 2019 member/manager for Stands • founder of Gishwhes • co founder and board president of RA • YANA?
Osric Chau- actor for Kevin Tran
Philip Sgriccia- s10 co-writer • s1-2 supervising producer • s3-4 co-executive producer • s5-14 executive producer • s1-14 director 
Rachel Miner- actress for Demon Meg/Empty s5-s15 • 2017-current executive director of RA Richard Speight Jr.- actor for Gabriel/Loki • guest star s2-s3, s5, s9, and s13 • s11-15 director • writer and producer of Kings of Con Robbie Thompson- s7-s11 writer • s7 executive story editor • fanfiction musical lyrics writer • s8 co-producer • s9 producer • s10-s12 co-executive producer Rob Benedict- actor for Chuck/God • Don’t Call Me Shurley “Fare Thee Well” performer • The Bad Seed “Big One” performer/writer • The Slice Girls “Worlds Collide” performer/writer • writer and producer of Kings of Con • Louden Swain lead vocalist and guitarist Robert (Bobo) Berens- s9-15 writer • s10-11 story editor • rock never dies “bloody messiah” lyrics • s12 supervising producer • s13-14 co-executive producer • s15 executive producer Robert (Bob) Singer- s3, s6-7, s13, s15 co-writer • s1-15 spn director • s11 executive consultant • s1-10, s12-15 executive producer • s12-15 showrunner • married to Eugenie Ross-Leming
Samantha Smith- actress for Mary Winchester Sera Gamble- s1-7 writer • s1 story editor • s2 executive story editor • s3 producer • s4 supervising producer • s5-7 executive producer • showrunner s6-7
Talli Buchanan- s14-15 writers’ production assistant
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ao3feedsastiel · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
by abiotic_butterfly
Hey anyone who sees this! I’m having trouble thinking of ideas for fanfiction so if you see your fandom or ship in the tags I’d be happy to listen to your ideas for prompts and ships. You can list more than one ship if you’d like.
If you notice a ship name that is not correct feel free to tell me because I just looked them up. Not 100% sure on all of them.
 Thanks, leave your suggestions in the comments and look forward (hopefully) to some new fanfiction.
Yay boredom!
Words: 2, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ruby (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Castiel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jessica Moore, Meg Masters, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spengler, Tessa, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash Hervelle, Victor Henriksen, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Karen Singer, Rufus Turner, Pamela Barnes, Samuel Campbell, Anna Milton, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Claire Novak, Becky Rosen, Jody Mills, Death - Character, Gwen Campbell, Christian Campbell, Balthazar, Gavin MacLeod, Eleanor Visyak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Benny Lafitte, Amelia Novak, Amelia Richardson, Samandriel (Supernatural), Josie Sands, Amara, Gadreel, Donna Hanscum, Hannah (Supernatural), Ingrid, Alex Jones, Cole Trenton, Billie, Eileen Leahy, Donatello Redfield, Vince Vincente, Kelly Kline, Patience Turner, Sister Jo (Supernatural), Anael (Supernatural: Devil's Bargain), Azazel, Gordon Walker, Gabriel, Lilith, Uriel, Alastair, Zachariah, Raphael, Michael, Alpha Vampire (Supernatural), Eve (Supernatural), Edgar (Supernatural), Dick Roman, Naomi (Supernatural), Abaddon (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Fergus MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Dagon (Supernatural), Asmodeus (Supernatural)
Relationships: AbadDean - Relationship, Billen, Bobrvelle, Castiel/Anna Milton, Chestervelle, Deanna - Relationship, Dela - Relationship, Dean Winchester/Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Dean Winchester/Jessica Moore, Duby, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Megstiel, Castiel/Kelly Kline, Samelia, Sela - Relationship, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, Suby, Samrah, Lucifer/Sister Jo, Lucifer/Anael, Adamiriel, balthean, cabriel, Calthazar - Relationship, Casifer - Relationship, Chuckean, Chuckam, Crobby, Crowstiel - Relationship, Deanifer - Relationship, Deaneath, Deathifer, Debriel - Relationship, Deley, Denny - Relationship, Destair - Relationship, Destiel, Godeath, Micham, Michean, Michifer, Moosely, Sabriel - Relationship, Salthazar, Sameath, Samifer, Samchael, Sassy - Relationship, Sastiel, Sevin - Relationship, Wincest, Clark Barker/Jack Kline, Jack Kline/Kaia Nieves, Annaby, Annvelle, Charlena - Relationship, Darlie - Relationship, Charvelle, Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Alex Jones/Claire Novak, Alex Jones/Kaia Nieves, Krissy Chambers/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Patience Turner/Alex Jones, Patience Turner/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Patience Turner, amelia/jimmy novak, Debriestiel, Micheanifer, Sabrifer - Relationship, Salthabriel, Samicasifer - Relationship, team free will - Relationship, Wincestiel, Seanicca, Team Free Love - Relationship, Hanniel, Hannah/Castiel, Chuck Shurley/Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen/Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Angelcest, holy hell, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, purgaytory, holy fucking hell, Angst with a Happy Ending, Awkwardness, Drugs, Birthday, Children, Blood, Falling In Love, Confessions, Feels, Female Relationships, Female Characters, male characters, striaght, Gay, girlxgirl, BoyxBoy, Flirting, Flashbacks, Jealousy, Hatred, Future, Manipulations, Demons, Angels, AU, Vampires, Werewolves, Priests, sinning, Other SPN Monsters, Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Violence, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Weapons, Nephilim, Archangels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
0 notes
ao3feed-abaddean · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
by abiotic_butterfly
Hey anyone who sees this! I’m having trouble thinking of ideas for fanfiction so if you see your ship in the tags I’d be happy to listen to your ideas for prompts and ships. You can list more than one ship if you’d like.
If you notice a ship name that is not correct feel free to tell me because I just looked them up. Not 100% sure on all of them.
 Thanks, leave your suggestions in the comments and look forward (hopefully) to some new fanfiction.
Yay boredom!
Words: 2, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ruby (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Castiel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jessica Moore, Meg Masters, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spengler, Tessa, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash Hervelle, Victor Henriksen, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Karen Singer, Rufus Turner, Pamela Barnes, Samuel Campbell, Anna Milton, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Claire Novak, Becky Rosen, Jody Mills, Death - Character, Gwen Campbell, Christian Campbell, Balthazar, Gavin MacLeod, Eleanor Visyak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Benny Lafitte, Amelia Novak, Amelia Richardson, Samandriel (Supernatural), Josie Sands, Amara, Gadreel, Donna Hanscum, Hannah (Supernatural), Ingrid, Alex Jones, Cole Trenton, Billie, Eileen Leahy, Donatello Redfield, Vince Vincente, Kelly Kline, Patience Turner, Sister Jo (Supernatural), Anael (Supernatural: Devil's Bargain), Azazel, Gordon Walker, Gabriel, Lilith, Uriel, Alastair, Zachariah, Raphael, Michael, Alpha Vampire (Supernatural), Eve (Supernatural), Edgar (Supernatural), Dick Roman, Naomi (Supernatural), Abaddon (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Fergus MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Dagon (Supernatural), Asmodeus (Supernatural)
Relationships: AbadDean - Relationship, Billen, Bobrvelle, Castiel/Anna Milton, Chestervelle, Deanna - Relationship, Dela - Relationship, Dean Winchester/Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Dean Winchester/Jessica Moore, Duby, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Megstiel, Castiel/Kelly Kline, Samelia, Sela - Relationship, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, Suby, Samrah, Lucifer/Sister Jo, Lucifer/Anael, Adamiriel, balthean, cabriel, Calthazar - Relationship, Casifer - Relationship, Chuckean, Chuckam, Crobby, Crowstiel - Relationship, Deanifer - Relationship, Deaneath, Deathifer, Debriel - Relationship, Deley, Denny - Relationship, Destair - Relationship, Destiel, Godeath, Micham, Michean, Michifer, Moosely, Sabriel - Relationship, Salthazar, Sameath, Samifer, Samchael, Sassy - Relationship, Sastiel, Sevin - Relationship, Wincest, Clark Barker/Jack Kline, Jack Kline/Kaia Nieves, Annaby, Annvelle, Charlena - Relationship, Darlie - Relationship, Charvelle, Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Alex Jones/Claire Novak, Alex Jones/Kaia Nieves, Krissy Chambers/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Patience Turner/Alex Jones, Patience Turner/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Patience Turner, amelia/jimmy novak, Debriestiel, Micheanifer, Sabrifer - Relationship, Salthabriel, Samicasifer - Relationship, team free will - Relationship, Wincestiel, Seanicca, Team Free Love - Relationship, Hanniel, Hannah/Castiel, Chuck Shurley/Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen/Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Angelcest, holy hell, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, purgaytory, holy fucking hell, Angst with a Happy Ending, Awkwardness, Drugs, Birthday, Children, Blood, Falling In Love, Confessions, Feels, Female Relationships, Female Characters, male characters, striaght, Gay, girlxgirl, BoyxBoy, Flirting, Flashbacks, Jealousy, Hatred, Future, Manipulations, Demons, Angels, AU, Vampires, Werewolves, Priests, sinning, Other SPN Monsters, Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Violence, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Weapons, Nephilim, Archangels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
0 notes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uGhGXx
by abiotic_butterfly
Hey anyone who sees this! I’m having trouble thinking of ideas for fanfiction so if you see your ship in the tags I’d be happy to listen to your ideas for prompts and ships. You can list more than one ship if you’d like.
If you notice a ship name that is not correct feel free to tell me because I just looked them up. Not 100% sure on all of them.
 Thanks, leave your suggestions in the comments and look forward (hopefully) to some new fanfiction.
Yay boredom!
Words: 2, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ruby (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Castiel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jessica Moore, Meg Masters, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spengler, Tessa, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash Hervelle, Victor Henriksen, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Karen Singer, Rufus Turner, Pamela Barnes, Samuel Campbell, Anna Milton, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Claire Novak, Becky Rosen, Jody Mills, Death - Character, Gwen Campbell, Christian Campbell, Balthazar, Gavin MacLeod, Eleanor Visyak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Benny Lafitte, Amelia Novak, Amelia Richardson, Samandriel (Supernatural), Josie Sands, Amara, Gadreel, Donna Hanscum, Hannah (Supernatural), Ingrid, Alex Jones, Cole Trenton, Billie, Eileen Leahy, Donatello Redfield, Vince Vincente, Kelly Kline, Patience Turner, Sister Jo (Supernatural), Anael (Supernatural: Devil's Bargain), Azazel, Gordon Walker, Gabriel, Lilith, Uriel, Alastair, Zachariah, Raphael, Michael, Alpha Vampire (Supernatural), Eve (Supernatural), Edgar (Supernatural), Dick Roman, Naomi (Supernatural), Abaddon (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Fergus MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Dagon (Supernatural), Asmodeus (Supernatural)
Relationships: AbadDean - Relationship, Billen, Bobrvelle, Castiel/Anna Milton, Chestervelle, Deanna - Relationship, Dela - Relationship, Dean Winchester/Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Dean Winchester/Jessica Moore, Duby, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Megstiel, Castiel/Kelly Kline, Samelia, Sela - Relationship, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, Suby, Samrah, Lucifer/Sister Jo, Lucifer/Anael, Adamiriel, balthean, cabriel, Calthazar - Relationship, Casifer - Relationship, Chuckean, Chuckam, Crobby, Crowstiel - Relationship, Deanifer - Relationship, Deaneath, Deathifer, Debriel - Relationship, Deley, Denny - Relationship, Destair - Relationship, Destiel, Godeath, Micham, Michean, Michifer, Moosely, Sabriel - Relationship, Salthazar, Sameath, Samifer, Samchael, Sassy - Relationship, Sastiel, Sevin - Relationship, Wincest, Clark Barker/Jack Kline, Jack Kline/Kaia Nieves, Annaby, Annvelle, Charlena - Relationship, Darlie - Relationship, Charvelle, Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Alex Jones/Claire Novak, Alex Jones/Kaia Nieves, Krissy Chambers/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Patience Turner/Alex Jones, Patience Turner/Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves/Patience Turner, amelia/jimmy novak, Debriestiel, Micheanifer, Sabrifer - Relationship, Salthabriel, Samicasifer - Relationship, team free will - Relationship, Wincestiel, Seanicca, Team Free Love - Relationship, Hanniel, Hannah/Castiel, Chuck Shurley/Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen/Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Angelcest, holy hell, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, purgaytory, holy fucking hell, Angst with a Happy Ending, Awkwardness, Drugs, Birthday, Children, Blood, Falling In Love, Confessions, Feels, Female Relationships, Female Characters, male characters, striaght, Gay, girlxgirl, BoyxBoy, Flirting, Flashbacks, Jealousy, Hatred, Future, Manipulations, Demons, Angels, AU, Vampires, Werewolves, Priests, sinning, Other SPN Monsters, Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Violence, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Weapons, Nephilim, Archangels
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