#spn episode coda
boywifesammy · 28 days
spn fic rec fest - 8
AUGUST 28 - episode codas
as before, i've tagged authors that have their tumblr public on their ao3. if you'd like me to remove the @, just lmk. @spnficrecfest for more info on the event.
034 - adrenaline by ani_coolgirl (@ani-coolgirl) 2x12 Nightshifter, Sam/Dean, 2k, E
Sam & Dean crash at a motel after the bank heist in Milwaukee, but they’re way too wired to sleep. i really had to restrain myself from putting every coda in the Every First Time series into this list :') the way ani writes the boys is perfect for episode codas/missing scenes because she just absolutely NAILS their characterization and tone of voice. i love how chaotic and desperate this fic is, it’s really like sam and dean are like two black holes collapsing into each other. very electric & sublime.
Hail, The Son by HandsAcrossTheSea 4x1 Lazarus Rising, Sam/Dean, 2k, E
When Dean comes back from hell, Sam’s buff & broody. With a little push from Dean, they rediscover the sexual relationship they had before. ok so this ones mostly on the list for being scorchingly hot and having one of my fav hell!headcanons, that sam&dean came back from hell with foreskin. dunno why but it has cemented in my brain and refuses to leave. its also so cozy seeing them find comfort in each other during really tough arcs like post-hell seasons, and this fic really exemplifies that <3
True Face by WetSammyWinchester (@wetsammywinchester) 12x11 Regarding Dean, Sam/Dean, 5k, E
Rowena can't undo Dean's amnesia curse. Sam deals with the aftermath. this fic is the perfect mix of angst with absolutely adorable wincest. its basically 5k of dean crushing hard on sam & being able to show it without inhibitions while sam has a mini freakout every time dean forgets who he is and finds their terrifying hunting gear lol <3 great fic
acid by goshen/applecrumbledore (@goshen-applecrumbledore) 11x17 Red Meat, Sam/Dean, 15k, E
Dean's romeo-juliet suicide attempt in red meat spurs Sam into starting a conversation about their codependency that Dean really does not want to have. ok so-- not TECHNICALLY a coda, because it veers away from red meat pretty quick, but i haven't recced one of goshen's fics in this fest yet and that's just plain wrong. the dahmer conversation in this is crazy and totally something sam serial-killer-junkie winchester would ramble about. i also loved the scene later on about sam pointing out how much they know about each other and how they’re basically synced up 24/7. i luv my codependent boys :3
Sometimes I Think It's A Sin by TatteredBurningWings/angelshotgun 4x22 Lucifer Rising, Sam/Dean, 3k, E
After accidentally freeing Lucifer, Sam is certain that Dean will want to kill him. He hopes that sex will put Dean in a better mood, at least. a voicemail fix it!!! this is my brand of angst, i cant explain it but i loveeeeee when characters feel that overwhelming sense of guilt & humiliation and push themself into doing whatever they can to appease the other person. this fic hits that little guilty-pleasure spot in my brain. plus its hurt with comfort and the ending is soft and a great ending to the scene ❤️
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Something Stupid
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Just a one shot coda to Red Meat (11x17) that I'm not sure how to tag. It's not explicitly wincest but it's also not not wincest, you know? Weirdly close, boundaries what boundaries sort of thing.
Sam/Dean, but also maybe more Sam&Dean, idek, they do kiss but it's not that kind of kiss, except maybe it kinda is??? Honestly, your guess is as good as mine.
words: 2765
read it on AO3
It was a nineteen hour drive back to the Bunker, they did it in seventeen. Dean insisted on driving the whole way, with only the fewest necessary pit stops to piss and refuel. And even with long hours of sleep to the soothing rumble of the Impala, better than any skeezy Magic Fingers bed as far as Sam was concerned, he gave a groaning sigh of relief when he unfolded himself from the passenger seat and stood, carefully stretching, in the Men of Letters garage. 
“How’s the side?” Dean asked, eyes on Sam’s stomach, where he’d had to dig a bullet out of him less than two days ago, as he opened the trunk and grabbed out their duffles.
“Sore, but, uh, the meds are still doing their thing, so, not too bad.”
Dean quietly grunted and gave a nod. 
Sam knew, before he offered, that Dean wouldn’t let him carry his own bag, so he wasn’t surprised by the gruff, “I got it,” as his brother shut the trunk and started around towards him and the stairs down into the rest of the Bunker.
He still didn’t know what Dean had done while they’d been separated back in Grangeville, but he knew him and couldn’t help but see the extra weight he was carrying that was affecting him way more than a couple of duffle bags. He turned and fell into step beside him.
“You okay?” he asked.
A rapid flash of emotion played over Dean’s face before it settled into a weary smile. 
Huh, his faking it smile used to be so much brighter, and the thought rolled over Sam in a wave of loss.
“We’re home, I’m good.” Dean said through the smile that was still miles away from his eyes. The emphasis on the first word wasn’t lost on Sam.
They both took the stairs a little slow, stiff and sore. Dean’s left knee audibly crunching as he bent it, something that had started up a couple of years ago. He insisted it didn’t hurt, that it sounded worse than it felt, but on days like today Sam silently doubted him.
Dean set both bags down on the map table and rested his hands on them for a moment. Normally, when they returned from a hunt, they’d both sort their stuff, throw a load of the grossest clothes into the washing machine, and put their gear away before crashing. Sometimes though, the crashing came first and Sam definitely felt like this was one of those times. He started to move off towards the hallway that led to his room.
“You hungry?” Dean asked suddenly, pulling Sam up short. “We’ve barely eaten in days. Come on, I’ll make you a sandwich.”
Sam wasn’t hungry, not even remotely, and he was fairly certain that Dean wasn’t either.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’d be good,” he said anyway.
Dean tilted his head towards the doorway that led to the kitchen and started to walk the long way around the map table ensuring that Sam would be ahead of him, where he could see him. Something clicked, even when his eyes had been on the road, driving back to the bunker, Dean hadn’t really looked away from Sam, always keeping him in his periphery, his gaze flicking over to verify that his brother was actually there and still breathing. And he was still doing it, still keeping Sam where he could see him, like he was afraid that if he took his eyes off of him for more than a moment, Sam would somehow vanish.
They’d both had so many (too many) close calls, brushes with death, some of which were painted in fast, broad, vague strokes, an impression of the end. While some were full, layered, oil paintings with photo-realistic detailing, way too real to just shrug off. Sam got it, he understood the struggle to settle and accept that they’d managed to slip past Death one more time, that they were both still here, still together.
So he wandered into the kitchen, Dean right on his heels. And as Dean busied himself throwing together a couple of sandwiches, Sam pulled two beers from the fridge, because even though he had no idea what time it actually was, they’d been up for so long, so fucking long, and the beer would help wash down the sandwiches. Sam ate his without tasting anything, mechanically, methodically consuming it simply to make Dean happy. They ate in companionable silence.
Still, the worry about what Dean may have done (definitely did) was beginning to loom up around them again, awkward and ominous. He found he didn’t have the energy to deal with it right then. He cleared his throat.
“Iron Maiden’s playing in Chicago next week, think we could still get tickets?”
Dean nodded, thinking about that, “Yeah, worth a try, and, uh, Scorpions is gonna be in St. Louis in May. 50th anniversary tour. That’d be cool to see.”
It was Sam’s turn to nod. “Wow, fifty years. That’s, that’s a long run.”
Dean lifted his beer, “To old guys who still rock.”
Sam huffed out a laugh and clicked his bottle against Dean’s, but as he drained the rest of his beer, his thoughts were on how impossibly exhausting forty more years of their own brand of rocking felt.
When they were done and had cleaned up, Dean looked at him. “How’re you doing?”
“Yeah, me too. Come on, off to bed with you.”
Sam wandered towards his room, Dean right beside him still. When they got to the point where they’d have to separate to go to their rooms, Dean asked, “You good to get that bandage changed before you crash?”
“I, uh, I forgot to grab the kit, would you mind...”
“Yep. Get changed, I’ll be right back.”
In his room, Sam stripped out of his jeans and underwear, replacing them with a clean pair of shorts and sweatpants. Dean strolled in as Sam was pulling his tee shirt over his head, packs of gauze pads, medical tape, and a tube of antibiotic ointment in hand.
“Whoa, look at you. You’re basically one big bruise.”
Sam grimaces as he lowers his left arm back down. “Yep. That’ll happen when you get thrown through a table by a werewolf and then shot.”
Dean began carefully peeling off the old gauze. “Yeah, but then you took down three of them after being mostly dead all night.” 
Sam sucked a sharp breath through his teeth as the part of the bandage that was stuck to the scabbed over wound pulled free. “After I killed that first one.”
Dean dabs at Sam’s stitched up bullet wound with the ointment and then peels open a fresh, sterile gauze pad
“So that’s four for me and…”
Dean places the gauze against Sam’s side, grabs his left hand and places it over the gauze, holding it in place while he rips a piece of tape.
“... and, uh, one for you.”
Instead of getting annoyed at Sam’s competitive tone, Dean just grins proudly up at him. “Yeah, you did good, Sammy.”
He finished taping the gauze and then tidied up as Sam tugged a clean shirt over his head.
“Think fast.”
Despite feeling like he’d been thrown through a table, shot, and then came dangerously close to bleeding out, Sam managed to catch the pill bottle that Dean had tossed at him. He sat down on the side of his bed and twisted off the cap. Dean got him a glass of water from the sink and he washed down a pill and handed the glass back to Dean, who sat it back by the sink and then turned and leaned back against the porcelain.
Sam pulled the covers down and carefully laid down on his right side, which put his back towards Dean. The fact that Dean hadn’t excused himself from the room, Sam could tell he was still leaning against the sink, confirmed Sam’s suspicions from earlier that his brother wasn’t ready to be alone. 
“Quite lurking by the door.” He patted the mattress. 
Dean didn’t move.
“Just sit down and talk to me for a bit.”
“What do you want me to talk about?” he asked, but he walked around the bed and sat down against the headboard. He still had his boots on, so he kept his right foot on the floor and bent his left leg so that his foot hung off the side of the bed, he crossed his arms across his chest.
“Anything. Uh, you still want to go see Batman vs. Superman?”
“Pfft! Yeah.”
“Even with Affleck as Batman?”
Sam didn’t care about the movie, but he knew that Dean had thoughts about it so that was all it took to get his brother talking. Sam just mmhmm’ed and uh-huh’ed along until Dean lapsed back into silence. Sam would have been asleep by then, but there was that worrying little thought he still couldn’t quite shake.
“What did you do? Seriously, I know you. You know I know you. And I know that had to be… I know what it feels like, Dean.” He waited, this was the moment, Dean was either going to leave or he’d start talking.
Finally, his brother nodded his head, just a little, and started picking at a hangnail.
“Nothing good. It’s never anything good. It’s like I… I can’t… like all the good choices are just gone and only the stupid ones are left.”
When it became clear that Dean wasn’t going to say anything more, Sam gently asked, “You gonna tell me about it?”
“No. No, I don’t think I am. I just, you’re all I’ve… ”
Sam waited again to see if he’d finish. After a few long moments he sighed and softly said, “I know. You too, you know? For me. Things are, uh, they’re harder when you’re… when you’re gone. They, uh, they get…”
“Yeah,” Sam sighed and pushed his hand a little closer to Dean, stopping an inch or two from his leg, just letting his hand rest on top of the covers.
“So what do we do?”
Dean cut his eyes to the side and looked at Sam. “About what?”
“Well, we, uh, we either need to stop dying, which…”
Dean scoffed, “What’re the odds of that happening?”
“Right? Or… or we need to figure out how to make better choices when… when things get bleak.”
“Sam, I… I can’t.” There was a finality to his voice that broke something in Sam, another crack in his foundation that caused him to cant a little bit more towards his brother. Some days it felt like all he was was sloppily patched and cobbled together frame-work that should, by all rights, have collapsed by now. 
“Dear boy, you're all duct tape and safety pins inside. How are you alive?” 
He had lost count of all the times Vesta’s words had echoed through his thoughts over the years. But the fact of the matter was that he was still alive because Dean was alive, because his brother wouldn’t, couldn’t let him be dead.
The silence stretched on. He knew that the way things were going, the way their lives went, one or both of them was bound to get killed again, and there was never a guarantee of another resurrection, or of getting yet another do-over. At some point their story would end and the thought that he was going to lose his brother made it hard to breathe.
Dean shifted and for a moment Sam thought he was going to get up and go. But instead, Dean relaxed his arms so that his left hand came to rest beside his leg, his pinky brushing feather-light against the tips of Sam’s fingers.
“I should let you get some rest.”
Before he’d even finished talking, Sam had curled his fingers around Dean’s. 
“Stay.” His heart lurched and he softly added. “I don’t want to be alone.” And he meant there in the room and right then and there, he did, but he was also speaking to his fears for the future. But he wasn’t ready to talk about that, didn’t know if he ever would be.
A tremor ran through his brother’s hand before he gave Sam’s fingers a squeeze. And Sam didn’t think he’d imagined the catch in Dean’s voice as he said, “Yeah, okay. Until you fall asleep.” So maybe Dean had heard the deeper meaning anyway.
Exhaustion took him almost immediately and for the first time in a long, long time he slept soundly, unbothered by dreams or nightmares.
When he woke up, he was still on his side, he hadn’t moved at all, which confirmed how soundly he’d slept. Usually, he tossed and turned, waking up enough to note the passing time every two hours or so. 
He moved his hand to wipe the drool from the side of his mouth and found that his fingers were still entwined with Dean’s. He blinked his eyes open and was met with his brother’s eyes, already open and looking at him from where he was curled up under the covers on the other side of the bed.
“Please tell me you haven’t just been laying there watching me sleep.” He joked as his eyes shut and he yawned.
“I can’t lose you.” Dean’s voice was quiet and low, rough with too much emotion and Sam was surprised to see tears welling up when he opened his eyes again. 
Before he could react though, Dean reached up and wiped the corner of Sam’s mouth, catching the remnants of drool with his thumb and giving a small fond smile that broke through the sadness like the sun shining through gaps in a cloud filled sky. His eyes flicked down to watch as he rubbed his fingertips together. When they were dry he looked back at Sam, his eyes tracing along the features of his face, and he brushed Sam’s hair back, his fingers curling around the back of his head. Dean pulled Sam forward as he leaned in and placed a kiss on his forehead. It was a slow press that lingered for a long moment. Sam’s heart caught in his throat. When Dean pulled back, it was only far enough to tip his own head down until their foreheads and noses were touching and they were breathing each other’s air. 
Dean’s thumb rubbed gently, back and forth, against Sam’s cheek. His eyes were moving, too close to focus but like he was trying to take in every detail anyway. He smoothed Sam’s hair back from his face again and then started to pull him even closer.
“What? What’re you…” Sam started.
“Something stupid.” Dean whispered as he let his eyes fall shut and pressed their lips together.
Sam’s heart was pounding, his mind reeling. 
He knew that Dean must have kissed him at some point when they were kids. Kisses goodnight, that was a thing that little kids did, right? So surely it must have happened. But he couldn’t remember a single occurrence, not once in his memory. And now, in the span of just a moment, his brother had kissed him twice. He was kissing him. Right then, Dean was kissing him. It was a simple, closed mouth kiss, that may have been chaste and innocent if, you know, they were the type of family that kissed, at all. But even then, Dean was shaking. He was shaking and he hitched a breath in as he parted his lips just as he started to pull away.
“I’m sorry.” Dean said as the shaking increased, a clear note of panic creeping into his voice.
All at once, the shock that had frozen Sam in place was gone and he grabbed Dean’s head with both hands, holding him in place.
“Don’t be sorry. Please don’t be sorry.” He said as he pulled him back into another kiss. It wasn’t open mouthed or anything but there was an undeniable desperation to it, a fevered pitch of longing and need that Sam wasn’t even trying to wrap his head around. And when he broke away he didn’t pull away. Instead he burrowed down and tucked himself under Dean’s chin and held him even tighter. “It’s okay. We’re okay. We’re both still here, okay?”
Dean choked out a laugh. “We are so fucked up.” But he wrapped his arms around his brother and pulled him closer.
There was bound to be at least a moment of awkwardness when they untangled, Sam decided he wasn’t going to worry about that, not yet.
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Damage Control - 1x15 The Benders
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The hike back to town is long, and dawn is already breaking when they finally reach the Impala parked near the police station.
Sam notices that Dean doesn’t even debate riding shotgun this time. While they’ve both been knocked around pretty badly in the last 48 hours, Sam’s had some time to recover, and Dean’s clearly taken the brunt of the damage. His gait had been a little unsteady walking back, and dried blood is covering the entire right side of his face. He’s not using his left arm, now cradled protectively in his lap, and there’s a ragged hole in his shirt that flags an injury underneath.
“What is that?” Sam asks, reaching over to check. “Stab wound?”
Dean bats the intruding hand away. “Will you focus on driving?! It’s just a burn. Hot poker.”
Sam flinches in sympathy. “Ouch. Deep? Think you need a hospital?”
“No. No hospital. I’m still a wanted man, remember?” He peels the flap of his shirt back and squints underneath, grimacing. “No. Nurse Winchester will have to do.”
Sam frowns, not exactly thrilled at the prospect of treating a burn wound with nothing but tweezers and whiskey at his disposal. “What about your shoulder? It’s not dislocated is it?”
“No.” Dean tentatively rolls the injured limb and stops with a grunt. “Just bruised, I guess. Fucker slammed me into a door post.”
“Concussion?” Walking beside Dean, Sam had seen him gingerly touch the back of his head.
“Frying pan. No worries. I’ve got a thick skull. You?”
“Got over it.”
This is how they do it: brave banter after trauma, to cover up the hurt. It’s a tried-and-true method. A manly shorthand that keeps them functioning until they’re somewhere they don’t have to - in this case, another faceless motel Sam checks them into while Dean - looking too garish - waits in the car.
Once inside their room, painted in depressing shades of brown but at least clean and spacy, Dean disappears into the bathroom. Water splashes, Sam hears some muffled cursing, and when Dean reemerges, his face is clean and he’s holding a wad of toilet paper to the cut on his forehead. He’s shed his worker shirt, but he’s still wearing his t-shirt.
“Couldn’t get it off. Damn thing’s stuck to the wound.”
“I’ll help you. Sit down.” Sam points to one of the beds where he’s already laid out what they’ll need: tweezers, antiseptic, bandages. On the nightstand, next to a bowl with warm water, a whiskey bottle is waiting with its cap unscrewed.
“Medicate,” Sam says, tossing his seated brother a pill bottle.
Face brooding, Dean swallows a couple of Vicodin with the aid of Jack Daniels. Normally, Sam would lecture his brother on mixing alcohol with opiates, but they both know that, although the wound isn’t that big, this is going to hurt like hell and, without the benefit of a local anesthetic, booze and pills is all they have. While Dean works on his blood alcohol level, Sam searches the small kitchen counter and gets lucky: He finds a pair of scissors that he uses to cut Dean’s t-shirt off him, leaving only a small patch behind where the fabric has adhered to the wound. He soaks it with warm water, and Dean curses.
Dean grunts and takes another swig from the bottle. They both know there’s much more swearing ahead.
The whiskey is a good quarter empty by the time Sam has managed to peel the cotton patch off Dean’s wound. The burn looks ugly - a mix of oozing blisters and charred, peeling flesh. It’s a partial thickness burn at least and will leave a nasty scar. There are still a few shreds of fabric embedded in the whole mess and, slightly nauseous, Sam reaches for the tweezers.
“Hold on,” he says warningly. “This’ll hurt like hell.”
He’s not wrong. In the next few minutes, Dean turns into a sweating, cussing mess, doing his best to hold still while Sam meticulously debrides his wound. At some point, they use Dean’s belt for him to bite on. And if Sam’s hands shake a little by the time they’re done, Dean is too focused on control-breathing and blinking through tears to notice.
“Okay. Okay, okay.” Sam shucks the tweezers aside and straightens, exhaling deeply. He pats Dean’s leg. “That’s it. You’re good.”
“Sonofa–...” Panting, Dean looks down at his shoulder, lips forming a disgusted rectangle, teeth bared. “That mother–” Shakily, he wipes at his brow with his good arm, smearing blood over his face. The cut on his brow is oozing again, and all the flop sweat isn’t helping.
“Gimme that.” Sam takes the whiskey from his brother and takes a swig of his own. Then he points from the bottle to Dean’s wound. “You ready?”
Dean eyes him warily, then closes his eyes for a moment and takes a fortifying breath, nodding. “Go ahead.”
Without delay, Sam tips the bottle over and douses Dean’s wound.
“Hunghhh…! The veins on Dean’s neck stand out as he bites back the pain. Sam winces in sympathy.
But at least the worst is over now. Sam bandages the wound with non-adherent gauze he finds buried deep in their medical field kit (he’s going to restock and expands its contents, Sam promises himself), then moves on to close the cut on Dean’s forehead with butterfly stitches. The Vicodin and the whiskey have mellowed Dean enough to just sit through it all in exhausted silence, propped up against the headboard, grimacing sluggishly now and then. He doesn’t even protest when Sam wrangles his arm into a sling. It’ll do both the burn and his bum shoulder good, although Sam has little hope that Dean will put up with it for more than a day.
“You good?” Sam asks, stepping back to watch his handiwork.
“Freakin’ fantastic.” Dean toasts to him with the near-empty bottle of Jack.
“Get some sleep, then.”
Sam swipes the bandage wrappers and used gauze up with his hands and goes to discard them in the trash. He’s tired and sore. It’s been a shocking two days that have taught them that, in some cases, humans were worse than monsters. But they’ve come out the other side alive and largely intact. Dean would heal up, albeit with an unwanted souvenir etched into his skin. He’d come looking for Sam and not given up until he’d found him. Had risked his skin - literally - to get him out. It’s a comforting feeling. One that trumps all the ugliness of this latest hunt. That it ended with Sam having to patch up his big brother wasn’t exactly fun, but it’s leaving Sam feeling somehow content.
They’ve got each other’s backs. And for the first time since Dean picked him up at Stanford Sam thinks that maybe he’s not just staying with Dean to find their father. Or to revenge Jess. There’s something else there. A feeling of companionship. Of family. Maybe, if he’s honest, he’s missed his brother more than he’d liked to admit.
Marveling, Sam opens the freezer and grabs a bottle of beer that he’s definitely earned. Behind him, he hears Dean softly beginning to snore.
Damage Control Masterlist
Read the entire Damage Control series on AO3 here:
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ambersock · 1 year
Best Wishes
A little heartbreak to ruin your day.
Best Wishes - AmberSock - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
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spnsabrielbang · 2 months
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You and Me (and the pranks make three)
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Author & Artist ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ @supernatural-flowers (AO3: CutieOrange) & @alexiescherryslurpy ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Rated ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Not Rated ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Word count ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ 14,826 words (114 minute read) ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Warnings ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ No Major Warnings Apply ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Tags ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ AU-Alternate Ending, Happy Ending, 5+1 things, Fluff, Angst, Episodes CODA ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Characters ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Gabriel, Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Relationships ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Gabriel / Sam Winchester
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Summary ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ A retelling of each time Sam and Gabriel meet and find their way into love.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ [ FIC ] <-║-> [ ART ] ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─
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support banner from [HERE] || SPN divider from [HERE]
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jensenscomedyelbows · 1 month
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Outsider POV
Sex magic
First Time
Trope: F or Die, Light Angst
Sam and Dean are both victims of sex magic hex dust pollen, maybe Sam a bit more than Dean, initially at least
~lazy_daze what can I say? Her catalog is a TREASURE.~
Trope: Schmoop *Rated M*
So, so beautifully written. That title is exactly what they are
BLEEDING HEART by dugindeep (hot sauce)
Trope: Sex magic, sex pollen, f or die, you get the idea
Witches, some flower pollen, and Dean will surely die IF NOT FOR Sam. This one is super hot
Trope: sex magic
The Viagra fairy hits Dean
STAY THE DISTANCE by lazy_daze
Trope: First time, H/C 24K words, also posting this later in Episode Codas, sorry not sorry.
Sam’s wall has fallen, and he’s afflicted with the necessity of remaining physically close to Dean or risking death. The boys have to confront the not just their physical boundaries, but their emotional, spatial, temporal , and spiritual codependency. Lots of h/c, which is not my thing, but it worked for me in this story incredibly well. (See note above on lazy_daze!)
Trope: F or Die, dub con, teenagers
They have the worst luck. But it’s great luck for us
ACCIDENTAL VOYEURISM by sasha_davidnova
Trope: OUTSIDER POV of an OFC who winesses some very oral Wincest
Trope: Outsider POV of a waitress in a dive bar who sees and overhears a LOT that should maybe be private
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dean-winchesters-clit · 11 months
Edit: Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised, given the date.
Edit #2: If you'd like to read the first 2 out of 3 chapters +an epilogue of said Destiel fic, it's on my AO3 account, linked below. Those OFMD fics will still be happening and also eventually available at the link below, don't you worry!
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dirigibleplumbing · 2 years
for years I’ve read plotless SPN episode coda fic and thought to myself, “why? what was the point of this?” and decided repeatedly that they are just not for me.
it turns out I had contracted Never Watched Supernatural With Tumblr While It Was Airing Syndrome
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
What's the most random tv show/media you've ever written fanfic for? I had a phase years ago when I was younger where I was into the Little House on the Prairie tv show, and while I didn't consider it "fanfic" at the time, I liked writing my own "episodes" for it and a few other shows I was into at the time (they were very general, PG rated stories). I knew they were obscure shows and no one would read them, but to this day when I get a fanfic idea, it won't leave me alone until I write it:P
heck... i mean, technically i've really only written fic for spn. i never wrote fanfic for other media before, which is weird considering how old i was when i started lol :'D
but i have written some crossover fics with a couple other things...
In Jeopardy! is the last installment I wrote for the Everything is Subtext 'verse, even though someday maybe there'll be more. Canon case fic-ish, Cas goes on Jeopardy and wins a lot of money :') But... the Jeopardy stuff is all verified authentic to how it works in our universe too (or did when i was on the show back in 2010 lol)
Around the World in 24 Days is the last installment I wrote for the Tumblr Anonymous 'verse, again even if I might someday write more for it. AU Cas, Dean, and friends participate in an around the world race a la the show The Amazing Race. Written during a time when so many reality competition shows were getting fanfic treatment, and I was disappointed nobody else would write this one for me :'D (includes the tag "blatant misuse of an IKEA" lol)
Until I Know This Sure Uncertainty, I'll Entertain The Offered Fallacy 6 way body swap! Canon case fic, but also very very loosely inspired by the Comedy of Errors. but SIX WAY BODY SWAP!
Hurry Up And Wait canon case fic with all the LotR references
Ultraviolet human!impala case fic that's also secretly my love letter to U2's Achtung Baby...
The Terminal Job canon case fic so titled because it's just ~a tiny bit Leverage-y, but not really. but it sort of inspired the feel of the fic.
Cakepocalypse! canon case fic (yes REALLY I SWEAR) that's also a baker Dean/tv producer Cas au (this will make sense as you read it, because it's also 13.23 coda fic...). Essentially a Nailed It! au.
Baby X-File written for GISH 2022, Item 4: “Fanfic through the Ages”: Write a special crossover fanfic of a character from a 1990s show, book, or video game and a character from a 2000s show, book, or game meeting in a different 2010s universe. I sent TFW to meet Mulder and Scully. :'D
one working part 15.19/15.20 fix it fic, told like It's A Wonderful Life.
I can't help thinking there's more, but I think that's enough to go on for now lol.
I mean, all of these are still firmly spn/destiel fic because really that's all the fic I've ever written. Before fic, I only wrote original fiction. Until I was in my late 30's. Which again, apparently isn't the usual fic author trajectory of "i used to write stories based on my childhood cartoons" or whatever. I've been writing since I was a kid, sure, but I just... never was inspired to write fanfic of anything until Dean and Cas forced my hand :')
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pranzill · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Thanks for the ask!❤️
I would like to self rec but it's gonna be mostly WIP recs...
Completed and published - Fall into you : my first spn fic ever, wrote before I ended the show for the first time (I was on s6 when I began to write it). The brothers fight off screen. They overthink everything and during the night the tension builds, until they surrender to each other. It's just a little sad and self-indulgent first time ❤️ (omw to translate it!)
Completed, not published - God knows I begged: John Winchester's A+ parenting (not really a John critic cause I like him in his complexity, but he messed up a lot so...) Dean (16) gets hurt on a hunt with John. They come back to a 12yo Sam that decides that this life will never be his, but learns the hard way that his brother is not on the same page, cause he already accepted this fate.🫶🏻 (Omw to translate this too!)
WIP - Sucker Love: beginning of S10, Castiel doesn't stop Demon Dean right after the hammer chase but it takes more time for him to come to the rescue. What Dean does in that time is something the boys should need to face later. Lots of angst and trauma for the both of them, yay!💔
WIP - After Lebanon: a coda to the 14x13 episode. Dean admits that he's not sure if he summoned the real John or some projection of his desires. Overwhelmed by the sadness it all brought upon them he asks Sam a favor and he obliges, knowing perfectly what his brother needs. Very sad but very hot fucking...👀
Not a fic not a wip, just a lot of thinking. I'd like to write a sastiel/wincestiel fic full of sad "missing Dean hours" so so bad! Also a Drowley with unrequited Moosley🙏🏻
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hello-starlingfics · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hell Trauma, Massage, Non-Sexual Kink, Blindfolds, Supernatural Kink Bingo 2023, Gencest | Emotionally Incestuous but Non-Sexual Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester, no beta we die like the winchesters
Series: Part 3 of SPN Kink Bingo June-July 2023 Prompt Fills
A kind of episode coda to 13x11 Breakdown.
Sam is struggling with the return of Lucifer and the trauma it dredged up. Dean uses an old technique to calm him.
Written for @spnkinkevents prompt ‘blindfold’.
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cupcraft · 2 years
also another spn fandom advice. you can write codas and fix-it fics right now if it helps srsly after every spn episode i read codas and fix-its and its how i coped with the finale.
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theflagscene · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell us about it. Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. If you don't write, list your art WIPs!
I saw this done by @diminuel and I was intrigued so I’m going to play as well ☺️ I’ll post my wip from newest to oldest.
I’ll put the fandom next to some of the WIPs because a few of them are just random letters lol.
Myungha x Yeowoon Summer Loving
PheeJin Canon Divergence
PhayaTharn EP9
PhayaTharn Morning after
Episode Seven (the sign)
PhayaTharn Bathroom Scene
MhokDay Sunflower
Do I Every Cross Your Mind ch 6 (not me/the eclipse)
CQL Family Cute (mo dao zu shi)
AkkAyan Feb2023
Crossing A Line ch 2 (between us)
Headache (never let me go)
Even MORE ToddBlack
The Longest Car Ride Ever (the eclipse)
MovieNight (between us)
A second chance at a first touch (the eclipse)
FighterTutor Coda Scene
SPN/The Void Crossover from hell
I have no idea (supernatural)
FIMMF (supernatural)
SFSB (supernatural)
Thinking About Things That Are Deadly (supernatural)
I honestly down know if I can remember who I follow writes or not so I’m not going to try to tag 25 individual people, instead if you see this and wanna play, consider yourself tagged! 🥰
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I think I got most of the rant out in the A03 comments, but this won’t be very coherent either.
anyway, yeah, I just found your hurt/comfort coda SPN fic, and I am not getting over it anytime soon. It’s far beyond good and into words-aren’t-working territory.
Just wanted to say thank you for the nth time. I will absolutely be re-reading and coming back as I watch more episodes.
goodness I’m having such a good experience getting into SPN. How did I never know this show existed?
Your flurry of comments made my day, @examishbookwyrm! They were so heartfelt and immediate and genuine. My jaw dropped when I received all those notifications! Thank you so, so much! 🥰
I remember how it felt for me when I discovered Supernatural, not even two years ago. I fell head over heels, wondering, like you, how I could’ve not known about the show when it was still running! I regret coming so late to the party, but, amazingly, it’s all still there - the love, the crazy fandom, the fanfic!
Welcome to the emotional rollercoaster this show and everything that comes with it provides, @examishbookwyrm! And welcome to my lovely little following of readers. I hope I can keep delivering with my stories. I’ve been working on the next Damage Control series chapter over the weekend, and your comments have given me quite a boost. Thank you!🙏
Have a wonderful Sunday!☀️
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crackers4jenn · 2 years
So, @dollsome-does-tumblr did this – she took writing prompts and, instead of filling them anew, used her existing stories – and I have to admit, it looked fun. And it was.
hug – here’s a map, here’s a shovel, here’s my achilles heel (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – Post-15x19. Turns out, Dean doesn't have to ask to get Cas back.
crown – Alternate Energy (the key to a brighter tomorrow) (Community, Jeff/Annie) – The obligatory Jeff-and-Annie continuation of this truthy moment from 2.09.
repulsed – Out of my Mind (The Office, Dwight and Pam) – Dwight has an usual and unprofessional dream about Pam. (Takes place in season 3.)
blood – lights down low (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – When Dean comes to, it’s with a fuzzy, head-pounding disorientation. He’s on his back, on the ground, that much he immediately knows, where there’s an overgrown lawn cushioning what must’ve been one hell of a landing. (Or, my excuse to do a canon-compliant Dean/Cas rom-com.)
flower – sink (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – “Where to?” A 9.06 coda.
clothing – resetting the feminist movement (Community) – “Let me get this straight. You dressed like Britney Spears, just to… drive home a point Tyra Banks already teaches us every episode of her hit show, The Tyra Banks Show?”
god – Filming Jesus (Community/Supernatural crossover) – God is not here, Dean. (Or, Jeff and Annie meet Dean and Castiel. Set during Community s3 and SPN s5.)
dance – Wedding Guy (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – “I’m Castiel. I wanted to let you know I’ve been noticing you all night, and I wanted to leave this with you, before I left.” (aka Cas slips Dean his number at a wedding, and a friendship/relationship takes off from there.)
music – Pardner in Crime (New Girl, Jess/Schmidt) – It’s Valentine’s Day, and Jess lands herself a wingman. Who is Schmidt.
magic – something wicked (Good Mythical Morning, Rhett/Link) – “Why’s it always gotta be witches.”
kiss – 35 yrs time (Good Mythical Morning, Rhett/Link) – It takes a little while for Rhett and Link to figure things out, but eventually they get on the same page.
ending – keep me as your finish line (Stranger Things, Steve/Nancy) – So badly she wants to lie to herself and pretend she doesn’t know where this conversation, this confession, is coming from, like they haven’t been building up to it since the night Steve leapt headfirst into Lover’s Lake. The symbolism of that, by the way, isn’t lost on her.
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I don't really miss being in the spn fandom, but I do miss being able to just bang out drabbles like I would write a fix it coda after every single episode. Now if I try to write something it has to be a 15k chapter in an endless multi chap fic or nothing at all. I should try to get back into writing drabbles
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