#spn kaia
shallowseeker · 9 months
I'm not trying to be contrary but I'm genuinely curious why you think Jack would be jealous of Claire rather than follow her around like a lost puppy.
I mean, he might try to be friends at first. Jack likes to style himself as a polite, young fellow, after all. Plus, he appears to be uncomfortable about Jimmy Novak, if you go by the script outlines. There'd be guilt mixed up with everything, too. He has his dad because she lost hers. Claire is someone he'd instantly want to protect.
But Claire is mean as a fuckin' snake, and Jack's feelings aren't iron-clad. He also can tend to get snipey and sassy when pressed, especially if he thinks Claire is doing something dangerous.
For her part, Claire doesn't want to be protected. She wants to show off and be the superior hunter, which of course gets her into trouble.
And well. Jack's never really had to share Cas before. Not like that. I don't know if he'll understand at first why he's so uncomfortable, but he definitely will be.
Maybe you're right that you'd need one of those serpent tongues around to voice the most uncharitable interpretations of events, in true SPN fashion. This way, Jack's fears and jealousy can get riled up more properly (Claire, on the other hand, doesn't need any help getting riled up).
Instead of a demon or villain of the week to be the mouthpiece, I'd choose Dark Kaia. I mean, Dark Kaia is ruthless and cunning and blunt and cruel...and she tried to skewer Claire. Plus...
REGULAR KAIA IN HER DEBUT: I mean, you picked the wrong bait. I'm not the kind of girl folks come for. In this world, I don't even rank a milk carton. No one is gonna come for me. I'm not white, rich, blonde. No one's gonna fight for me. I don't matter.
Still, regular Kaia fell in love with Claire, even though she was milk-carton gorgeous. But Dark Kaia tried to kill Claire, because Claire was the thing taking her twin from her.
We also understand that Dark Kaia is jealous of Kaia for even having a Claire in the first place, just like she admits to being jealous of her world.
In 15x12, Dark Kaia too sees a beautiful, Claire-like face in a magazine and angrily shoves it across the table. Like regular Kaia, she seems to have hang-ups about the sort of person society seems to "instantly care about."
All that to say, she'd totally be the voice in Jack's ear pointing out the contrasts between how Claire is treated versus how Jack is treated. Look how soft they all are on Claire, how precious she is, how they protect her, etc. etc.
Sorry, that wasn't really your question, was it. The real answer is...because I like the flavor.
Claire is jealous because TFW gives Jack more responsibility; Jack is jealous because they give her less.
It's spicy.
ADDENDUM: If she'd been an active player in the plot, Claire would absolutely volunteer to "Kill Jack Kline...so Cas, Dean, and Sam don't have to." Dark Kaia would agree, and regular Kaia would be looking for a way to save him. If Jack killed Claire, that might be the thing that motivates Cas to act more visibly out of character, similar to how Mary's death pushed Sam and Dean to the brink.
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i just made the most stupid thing
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thenameisgul · 8 days
If supernatural doesn’t end with Sam, Dean and Cas finally retiring and getting to live a peaceful happy life
while they see off Jack, Claire and Kaia as they leave for a hunt in Baby and as they turn a corner Jack tries to change the music and Claire bats his hand away with a ‘house rules, kid. driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole’ all the while Kaia looks on in amusement at her girlfriend and her brother bickering as they carry on the winchester legacy while Carry On Wayward Son plays in the background
if it doesn’t end that way, it’s not the series finale. I don’t make the rules
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deansraspberrypie · 5 months
"You’re the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know"
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💝🍰 Happy Birthday, My Hero Dean Winchester! I love you so much 🥧💖
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @mrsjenniferwinchester @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men 🥧
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take-it-on-the-run · 1 month
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pollsnatural · 2 months
The minor spn characters rarely interact with each other, especially the women. It goes without saying how rare it is for spn women to have meaningful relationships (in the broad sense of the word) with other women. So.
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today-in-the-bunker · 28 days
Today, the crew celebrates Jack's birthday. Dean makes them a cherry pie and they are visited by Charlie, Jody and Donna, who brings by Claire, Kaia, Patience and Alex to celebrate the day with their new friend. Jack is very happy that they are able to spend the day with such a loving family, however they secretly wish their mother could be here with them. They catch Cas's eye while thinking about her and he replies with a bittersweet smile and a wave of love and support.
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captainchilly · 1 month
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"Yeah, the whole world's insane. You get used to it." ↳ 13.09 - THE BAD PLACE
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bluelikesad · 2 months
hi! Have you done claire or kaia?
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Kaia <3
[if anyone wants to support me ☕]
Hey! I hope you like it :3
Requests still open, please don't repost
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shinyelfriend · 10 months
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My Supernatural fanart
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*Charlie, Gilda, Claire, Kaia, Jody, and Donna running behind Team Free Will in the streets.*
Dean: *throws some random person, who just so happened to be on the sidewalk, into oncoming traffic*
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deancasbisexual · 2 months
Thinking about Supernatural's queer characters.
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I don't think I missed any but let me know if I did!
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perplexed-angel · 2 months
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*there is technically other people in this shot but it's the gal in white this is about
Trying this as recognising the character means you actually recognise the shot sorta but any feedback on thia version would be much appreciated!
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lower-the-volume · 3 months
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14.09 The Spear
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today-in-the-bunker · 15 days
Today, Dean reveals to the group that he has planned a vacation for them and their friends. A large beach house with plenty of rooms is rented to accommodate Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jack, Charlie, Donna, Jody, Alex, Claire, Patience, and Kaia. The younger girls and Jack enjoy touring the local shops, as well as hanging out around the house's pool. Charlie, Donna, and Jody find a bead store where they make their own jewelry, and also relax in the hot tub. Sam, Dean, and Cas, when not having fun with the others, tend to gravitate towards the beach, presently misty wind in their hair, and sand between their toes. Dean and Cas sport matching Hawaiian shirts as they peacefully exhale their stress.
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pollsnatural · 3 months
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