#spn s13e18
stellernorth · 11 months
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he's thinking about it
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lower-the-volume · 8 months
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13.18 Bring 'em Back Alive
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spn-caps · 1 year
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elfie4306 · 2 years
I forgot I made a google doc with my reactions from S13E18 “Bring ‘Em Back Alive”
Cas being so angry Sam let Dean go to apocalypse world alone.
“Well you’re not my type either”, so you’re saying you have a type of man though
Hold on, why am i shipping Ketch and Dean rn?I’m not crazy, they were literally playing violin in the background, what was I supposed to think while Ketch had his hand on Deans forehead?
The episode is literally called bring em back alive, please bring back charlie
How are they going to have Sam be happy hunting, proud of it, and Dean wants nothing more than to get out, AND THEN THEY”RE GONNA KILL HIM AND SAMS GONNA LIVE A NORMAL LIFE WTF
Man the SPN writers really made all this gay dialogue and gay actions and told you all you were crazy. That’s hilarious to me.
I fucking CANNOT with Sam’s whole-hearted speech, the emotional tone, just punctuated by Gabriel’s first words being “porn stars”
If they’re not going to bring Charlie back, they better at least not make me watch her fucking die again
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funkytownwinchester · 2 months
SPN Gif Masterlist
Jack and Cas - "I love you. I love you all."
Sam and Dean - "I can't do this alone."
Dean - S01 vs. S12
Misc (Actors)
Jensen and Jared pose for the camera
Jensen and Jared dancing/striking poses in blooper reels
Jensen's smile
Jensen winks at the camera
Jensen laughing in bloopers - part 1
Jensen laughing in bloopers - part 2
Jared laughing in bloopers
Misha laughing in bloopers
Jared looking good
Dancing in the cage
"I've got dialogue."
Jared's social media joke
Jensen squishing Jared's arm
Jensen throws a bottle at Jared's head
Misc (Characters)
Out of context reaction images
Sam helping Dean through moments of anxiety
Dean cradling Sam's face
Dean's nicknames for Cas
Crowley poses
Dean opens Sam's beer
Cas flirts with the camera
Dean's little wiggle
Cas and Dean dancing
Smiling family
Dean fights a pillow
"Why were you praying to him?" / "'cause he's my friend."
Dean eating a powdered donut
Dean clings to Sam
Dean's knees stop working
Dean in a vest
Dean tackles Sam
Click 'keep reading' for a list of all my gifs, separated by seasons.
Season 1
S01E01 - "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."
S01E01 - Sam and Dean interview two girls in a cafe
S01E01 - Dean's boobs
S01E05 - Dean smashes the mirror terrorising Sam
S01E14 - Dean being a big brother to Sam
Season 2
S02E03 - "Lighten up, Sammy!"
S02E04 - Sam and Dean, the grief counselors
S02E09 - Dean refuses to let anyone hurt Sam
S02E10 - Ava attends therapy
S02E15 - Conjoined twins
S02E19 - Dean gets his mugshot taken
S02E19 - Dean and Sam bicker in front of Deacon
S02E20 - Dean escapes his djinn-cursed reality
S02E22 - "You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
Season 3
S03E03 - Sam loses his shoe
S03E06 - Dean loses it when Bella has his car towed
S03E07 - Dean gets fed on and tossed around
S03E11 - "Rise 'n' shine, Sammy!"
S03E11 - Dean asks if a bra he found is Sam's
S03E11 - Sam makes it to Wednesday for the last time
S03E14 - Dean's little eyebrow wiggle
Season 4
S04E08 - Dean says 'please'.
S04E10 - Alistair chokes Cas
Season 5
S05E03 - Cas calls Raphael a little bitch
S05E07 - Dean's happy dance
S05E08 - Son of a bitch
S05E14 - Endverse!Cas laughing at everything that pisses endverse!Dean off
S05E17 - "Don't ask stupid questions."
S05E22 - Cas, the little angel
S05E22 - Dean's not gonna let Sam die alone
Season 6
S06E03 - Dean prays to Cas
S06E11 - Bobby's suicide joke
Season 7
S07E02 - Dean talking Sam down during hallucinations
S07E09 - Dean gets drugged by a sandwich
S07E21 - Cas giggles
S07E21 - The aftermath of Cas taking on Sam's trauma
Season 8
S08E04 - "Do I really say awesome a lot?"
S08E05 - Benny bickering with Cas
S08E10 - Cas is tormented
S08E20 -Dean asks Sam to punch him
Season 9
S09E05 - Dean hopes to interrogate a canine witness using a spell that lets him speak with animals
S09E11 - Sam the guinea pig
S09E11 - "It's the bloody mark of Cain!"
S09E15 - Thinman tries to kill Dean
S09E16 - "You don't know what it's like to be human!"
S09E22 - "I got this."
S09E22 - Cas and word play
Season 10
S10E02 - Demon!Dean looking hot.
S10E05 - "I'm gonna Barbra Streisand this bitch."
S10E06 - Murphy's law
S10E08 - Dean's pretend job
S10E14 - Dean collapses on Sam's shoulder
Season 11
S11E03 - Cas collapses from the attack dog spell
S11E16 - Bobby asks if Rufus has ever been nice
S11E16 - Sam holds Dean
S11E19 - Dean teases Sam for smoking in college
S11E21 - Dean informs Sam that he's babbling
Season 12
S12E09 - Cas doesn't regret saving the Winchesters (part 1)
S12E10 - Cas doesn't regret saving the Winchesters (part 2)
Season 13
S13E08 - Someone insults Sam in front of Dean
S13E18 - Ketch cares for Dean
S13E16 - "Be like Elsa; let it go."
Season 14
S14E03 - Dean makes fun of Sam's beard.
S14E04 - Sam's messed up childhood.
Season 15
S15E01 - Dean tells a joke while cleaning Sam's wound
S15E08 - Cas being sarcastic
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supersailorgoku · 1 year
I got into this stuff all backwards: I’m a diehard Boys fan and got into SPN over a year ago from a coworker while I was gushing over The Boys TV/Comic adaption heavy lifting (especially Soldier Boy; that is a whole essay in itself and I’ve never seen a trick pulled like that for a character that was on maybe 3-4 issues of the comics entire run and how it’s a total Rubik’s Cube move while making him somehow less sympathetic in his TV role - nevermind the entire lifetime it would take to talk about the clear Homelander-shaped elephant in the room, the actual groundwork of a true Kripkeverse and - well, that’s another post!)
My darling coworker - that I would later recognize her amazing, always equipped custom earrings that said JERK and BITCH for entirely different reasons other than social commentary/affirmation - she literally yelped and was like WOODS YOU ARE WATCHING SUPERNATURAL RIGHT NOW YOU ARE GOING TO SIT AND WATCH AN EPISODE and I did and that episode was Scoobynatural S13E18
I was sold so hard it was like a brick was dropped on me. I’m mad in some ways that it was my first whole ass experience because, as I would find later, almost every episode - some Buick-sized exceptions - is a “pilot” episode and you’ll never go wrong just jumping into that pool and hitting shuffle. How rare. Due to that crucial first impression, I cannot do anything but view Supernatural on the shelf that houses both Red Dwarf and Farscape and I say that with complete, utter, gibbering love. Supernatural, to me, is perfect example of any-size-fits. Get in, the water’s fine.
It really is for everybody. It’s got something for everyone and everyone where I live has fucking seen it because they filmed episodes here so it’s one of my few shows - if any - I feel actually talking to with a person who is looking right at me and within striking distance when I say “Bad Day At Black Rock S3E3 and Dog Dean Afternoon S9E5 and should be shown in college-level courses.” I’m real brave like that.
But that crucial introduction; the sheer coincidence of just avoiding a damn near two decades of this particular piece of media made me realize I’ve never been paying much attention to the internet. tumblr least of all and tumblr - man.
This place is an battleground: bloodied and cracked with bullets, craters, and ghosts and angels and acres upon acres of tapestries and paintings and offerings and so many goddamn words and miles of poetry and I’m taking a tourist walk through the settled, pockmarked earth. I can sit on a bench, made on the backs of fans, built around a rock with a plaque filled with names that never end - but it thrives. It hums with life.
I want to divine with extreme patience, using a stack of dvd and blu-rays - all passed from second-hand sources - (with their owners names and I feel like I know them already; there’s that rarity again) - and copious amounts of unmeasurable time ask the hoof prints and the bullet holes and the angelic ghosts what, exactly, happened here.
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Oh this is definitely hell world -> it's winter!
as a Canadian, this is undoubtedly apocalyptic
oh my god it'd been so long since we heard wings!
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there's too many characters in this episode, I'm gonna hit tags limit in ten seconds if it keeps going
Okay Lucifer is good content
eases my pain at seeing 😭Gabriel😭 like that
holy shit
Gabriel is not okay 😭😭😭
okay I CAN believe that was a fake and Gabriel survived somehow, but bringing him back like this is FUCKING BULLSHIT
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Lucifer saves this entire season tbh
Fuck, man, that wound doesn't look good
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Dean, baby
bitch, what the fuck
Lucifer 😂
he's so done with everyone hating him without having met him
poor boy 😂
Mark P's about to kill Daneel 🤷🏽‍♀️
oh, nope, he let her go, for now at least
I'm not a fan of the Bunker in these late seasons
1. It's somehow fixed from when they BLEW UP ONE WALL???
2. so many people have breached its security, it doesn't feel safe AT ALL
3. everyone now knows where it is, angels and demons alike, so what's the point???
I still hate that they brought him back, but I love him endlessly ❤️❤️❤️
Dean telling Charlie she's a lesbian?
why 😭😂
wow, they brought him back for THAT???
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it was satisfying to hear him fly away tho, but for ONCE in this GODDAMN SHOW, could a character JUST DIE and STAY DEAD?!
Of course Charlie's not leaving
she's a fighter, she's not leaving her fight behind
they always are just like 🤷🏽‍♀️ welp things happen
but Dean's pissed
and it gives this some sort of importance
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annie-thyme · 6 years
okay but consider this: 13x18 written by Robbie Thompson instead of fucklemming
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cascaps · 2 years
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deanscaps · 3 years
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leatafandom · 3 years
I made an angsty Sabriel, guys. I swear I was going for sassy fluff and then angst just flew in an took over the plot. I actually reordered it because after I posted the first preview I immediately wrote a new first chapter that made Date Night in the Orchard a second, by comparison, happier chapter.
Seasonal Healing, Chapter One: I Heard You Screaming, Rated T, on my Ao3.
Thank you @sdktrs12 for making this great Fall/Halloween prompt list because this short story wouldn’t have happened without your prompts.
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lower-the-volume · 8 months
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13.18 Bring 'em Back Alive
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spn-caps · 1 year
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elfie4306 · 2 years
I'm on S13E18 of Supernatural. I swear to god, if they don't bring Charlie back. I know they're probably not but oh my god please, if the SPN writers ever did something good, please let it be this. I need Charlie back, I need her dynamic with Dean back.
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Dean ► Bring ‘em Back Alive (13.18)
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cyanspica · 6 years
On the Benefits of Taking a Break
Pairings: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Minor Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Sometimes, Gabriel thought that he might just be a little bit in love with Sam Winchester. Most of the time, though? Most of the time, he fucking hated the kid. Or that was what he told himself, anyways.
AO3 Link: Here
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               Sometimes, Gabriel thought that he might be just a little bit in love with Sam Winchester.
               Sam Winchester, whose soul still shone bright white even between dark stains and bloody gouges that’d been so much shallower when Gabriel had seen him last. Sam, who’d always seen good in him even when Gabriel didn’t know where to find it anymore. Sam, the kid that Gabriel had damned to kickstart the apocalypse because of a couple mistakes he’d made a few millennia ago, but who’d soldiered on to save the world anyways.
               Wasn’t like Gabriel hadn’t tried to atone for what he’d done, though.
               Fuck, had he tried.
               Trying to save Sam Tuesday after Tuesday was the first thing he’d really fought to do in centuries. Every day was another chance for him to try to nail his lesson into Sam’s head, but all it’d ended up doing was dashing what little remained of Sam’s faith on the rocks. The kid hadn’t learned anything; all he’d done was grow colder and quieter.
               No matter what Gabriel had ever said or done past or present, the Mystery Spot had never been a game. It was him trying to save Sam, trying to show him how to break the toxic cycle he and Dean had started with each other.
               Now that he’d been to Hell, experienced it for himself? He would’ve put Sam through a hundred thousand more Tuesdays if the lesson might’ve finally caught, saved the kid from that very place.
               Obviously, Sam hadn’t ever caught onto that. From what Gabriel had pieced together, unleashing an ancient evil was still a biennial event for the Winchesters and their company.
               Gabriel wanted to say he was too bitter, too angry to bother with a single one of them anymore.
               It would’ve been a lie, of course, because the truth was that he was just tired.
               He was tired of a world that didn’t want to stay saved, tired of the duty everyone kept telling him he was tied to, tired of being asked to toss himself around for a greater good that he just didn’t really give a damn about anymore.
               It wasn’t his job to clean up the messes the Winchesters made. And if this happened to be the time they’d let something too big to be stuffed back into the hole it’d crawled out of?
               Well, it wasn’t his fucking problem, was it?
               Because most of the time? Most of the time, Gabriel regretted the day he ever bothered to spare Sam Winchester a second look. That was what he told himself, anyways.
               Maybe the kid had had finally taken one too many hits over the head during the time Gabriel had been gone. He must’ve, Gabriel reasoned, to ask him to take on a souped-up archangel only minutes after he’d dragged himself out of the corner Asmodeus had him crammed into for centuries.
               Michael outranked Gabriel easily, and that was even without factoring in that he was coming back into the game after a long leave of absence. To take him on now would be a death sentence, and Gabriel’s taken on one too many of those for the Winchesters already.
               If Sam doesn’t know that he’d been damning him to a smiting, then he was even more of a goddamned idiot than Gabriel would’ve given him credit for. What was more likely, Gabriel decided, is that he really doesn’t give a damn about him.
               Hell, the only reason Sam had even helped Gabriel in the first place was out of need. They’d needed his Grace, needed him healed to clean up the shit show they’d put into play.
               He didn’t owe any of them jack shit.
               Sam least of all.
               And right then? Right then, he really, really hated Sam, because the stupid kid’s voice wouldn’t stop rattling around in his head.
               I need you.
“Fuck off,” Gabriel snarled to himself, nails digging deep grooves into his palms.
               But it wasn’t like Sam had ever listened to him to begin with.
“Not enjoying the show?” came a confused voice in response—one that was decidedly feminine, and decidedly not Sam’s.
               Gabriel snapped back to reality, doing his best to shake off any higher thought processes. Fuck. He’d forgotten he had an audience—or that he was the audience, more accurately.
“My bad, sweetheart. Just have a lot on my mind,” Gabriel reassured her, flashing his most disarming smile as he leaned forwards to slip a hundred in her garter. “Keep doing your thing.”
               Gabriel settled back into his chair, doing his best to shove any intrusive thoughts of idiots out of his mind to focus on what was in front of him.
               He didn’t necessarily have a type, but there was certainly something about her in particular that’d caught his attention tonight. She was tall and lean, with doe eyes and long, brown hair he couldn’t help but want to thread his fingers through and—fucking Christ.
               Sensing his change in mood, she paused. Sympathy filtering onto her features in a way that only a stripper could really manage, and she smiled consolingly at him.
“Girlfriend problems?”
               He scrubbed a hand over his face, vaguely wishing that Lucifer had picked the right duplicate.
“Something like that.”
               Gabriel threw himself back into his work. The concentration of assholes on the world was a hell of a lot higher than it was when he was on it last, so he got back on track with gusto. His modus operandi veered less towards humiliating and more towards violent compared the masterpieces he’d pulled off just before he’d been captured.
               Fine. He didn’t make a point of dwelling on it. If the fuckers that’d screwed him over knew he was coming, then he’d just have all the more fun hunting them down.
               His success was that was going slower than he would’ve liked, but he had been out of the game for a while. He’d get where he needed to go, given enough time.
               Hell, with the added distraction of catching up on work, he’d even managed to push thoughts of the Winchesters and his baby brother out of mind.
“Gabriel doesn’t have the right to say no.”
               Or so he’d thought, right up until Dean’s voice pushed its way into his mind, hostile and harsh.
               Gabriel blinked for a moment, freezing where he stood. There was a terrified frat boy at his feet, babbling bullshit about how he hadn’t meant to poison some pledge, but he was already beneath the focus of the archangel’s notice.
               There was only so much blasphemy Gabriel was willing to take, and he’d heard his fair share already.
“I’ll be right back,” he darkly assured the kid before cutting into the prayer line Dean had inadvertently opened with his name.
               Now that he had a lock on their home base, it was only a quick one-two snap before Gabriel stood in the center of their bunker. Before the Winchesters could even so much as react to his presence, he was already in motion.
               Gabriel lunged for Dean, hauled him up off his feet by the collar of his stupid fucking flannel, and slammed him hard enough against a wall that the hunter’s skull would’ve cracked if there’d been an ounce more of force behind him. Dean—the absolute fucking bastard—even had the nerve to look stunned, like he was expecting anything else.
“That’s where you’re wrong, kid,” Gabriel snarled. His voice bordered dangerously on his Voice, and every lightbulb in the room burst into a thousand shards to prove just how pissed he was. “You should show me some fucking respect.”
               Dean sputtered in response, his face was already turning a lovely shade of oxygen deprived blue.
“Gabriel,” Sam tried to start, but Gabriel cut him off with a snap of his fingers.
               There was no way he was about to let the only person capable of convincing him that it was a good idea to flip calendar over to Wednesday get a word in edgewise, and even less when he wanted a favor that was probably going to be more than a little fatal.
               Apparently enough time around the Winchesters was enough to make even his baby brother lose his mind, because he sprang forwards like he was going to take Gabriel on in a one-on-one match to free Dean. Castiel flew back with a wave of his hand, and Gabriel only felt a little bad when he heard his baby brother crack as he collided with a bookshelf on the opposite corner of the room. He heard the seraph groan, though, so Gabriel figured he’d be no worse for the wear.
               Sam mouthed uselessly at him for a moment before he seemed to piece together that his voice had been whisked away until further notice, and thankfully he was clever enough not to make a move, because Gabriel really would’ve regretted bruising up a face like his.
               The archangel spun back to Dean, eyes glowing blue. The air around him crackled ominously, overcharged with electricity that he was just barely avoiding letting loose, and the scent of ozone was thick and heavy in the air.
“You can’t comprehend how many rules I’ve broken for you. For all of you. How many times have I tried to save you? How many times have I helped you? Every lesson I’ve ever tried to drill into your skulls has been for a reason. But even with everything I’ve given you, all of you have still managed to break the world more times than you’ve saved it,” Gabriel growled, jerking Dean just a little bit higher off the ground. “Your messes aren’t mine to clean up, not anymore.”
               Dean’s fingers tried to tear away the fingers at his throat, but he must’ve forgotten that Gabriel was an archangel, too. Would make sense, given just how much respect they gave him.
“Leave me out of this,” Gabriel harshly warned him just as Dean’s eyes started to roll back into his head.
               He dropped the hunter, watching with no small amount of amusement as he crumpled bonelessly to the ground.
“Funny,” Dean snapped at him the moment Castiel’s hand had pulled away. Or he tried to snap, at least. He didn’t sound nearly as threatening when his face was bright cherry red and he was wheezing for air. “Sam was just telling me we should do the same thing.”
               Gabriel eyes flickered to his favorite Winchester, who still stood frozen behind him, and he was helpless to stop the smile that crept up at the edges of his mouth.
“Always knew there was a reason you were my favorite,” Gabriel commented, tone just a touch too fond.
               He froze for just a flash as the realization hit him before he reverted back to his usual smile, even if was a little more forced than usual. As long as Sam didn’t know the reason why, he figured.
               Gabriel snapped his fingers once. Sensing his vocal restrictions were off, Sam opened his mouth to say something. But what exactly it was, Gabriel didn’t stick around to find out.
               Dean still wouldn’t shut up about him, so Gabriel pulled out a truly ingenious old trick of his, mixed it with a little spellwork, said a couple words. And like a charm, any Winchester or any one of their angels stupid enough to so much as mention his name started coughing up slugs soon after.
               Huge ones, too—the nasty banana kind. Gabriel didn’t believe in cutting corners when he’d been wronged.
               Sam didn’t exactly pray at the first instance his little trick was put into play, per se, but there was enough of a thought about the archangel to qualify as a prayer. It was with less reluctance than he should’ve that he tuned in, and as if there hadn’t been enough on his mind already, now he had the sound of Sam’s laughter spinning through his skull at all hours of the day.
               Dean was too busy cursing him until he was choking on mouthfuls of escargot, but the archangel was too distracted to give much of a damn.
               Sam really ought to laugh more often.
               Gabriel sighed, ran a hand through his hand, and reminded himself that there were worse things to have stuck in his head.
               It took Sam a whopping total of six days for him to nearly die after Gabriel’s initial departure. It was more than the archangel would’ve given him, all things considered.
“Gabriel,” Sam’s mind supplied, woozy and faint like he’d slurred it out before he’d had a chance to think better of it.
               Gabriel knew that if he were smart, he’d shut Sam’s little prayer hotline down in a second. But even though he was capable of realizing when he was doing something obscenely stupid that he was imminently going to regret, that didn’t mean he ever actually listened.
               Gabriel should’ve cut him off, but instead he just fine-tuned the radio until he was there. Metaphysically, that was. He was still smart enough not to teleport himself to the scene outright.
                Maybe he should’ve, though. Between the semi-intact hand he had slammed over his stomach and the majority of his guts trying to ooze their way around it, Sam wasn’t in good shape.
               Gabriel dragged in a ragged inhale at the sight of blood.
               Sam was far from through with him yet, it seemed, because before panic could truly take hold of him, Gabriel was thrown into a memory.
               Prayer, at its core, was nothing more than concentrated thoughts. And thoughts were never expressed only in words alone; thoughts were feelings, sights, colors, sounds. Words only happened naturally in short bursts, and people thought with memories most of all.
               The only thing that came as a surprise was that Gabriel saw himself. He’d expected Dean. Castiel, even. He wouldn’t have put down his face as the one Sam would think of when faced with death on any given day, and he still wasn’t entirely convinced it was him.
               But Lucifer stood in the foreground, so that had to be him standing nearby, blade raised as he shifted around the room. So they were at Elysian Fields, then. Gabriel moved cautiously, careful to keep himself Sam and Dean and Kali behind him, and Lucifer in front.
               A feeling of hope surged through Sam, but beneath that, a deep fear cut him down to his core. Scarred-over loss slashed itself back open, bring a fresh surge of guilt with it. Sam was afraid for him, Gabriel realized.
               Gabriel glanced back to Sam over his shoulder, but before the hunter could get a good luck, get a grasp on what it might mean, Dean dragged him out the door.
“Please,” Sam’s mind desperately supplied, eyes locked onto Gabriel and Lucifer until the second the door slammed shut in front of him. There was a surge of something else now, something that Gabriel was more familiar with than he wanted to admit when it came to Sam. “Come back.”
               The memory ended, and Gabriel was back to looming over a room with a violently overpowered witch on one end and a bleeding out Sam on the other.
               Gabriel didn’t want to manifest. He really didn’t want to, because that’d mean that he’d gotten involved. And the last time he’d gotten involved, he’d had to feign sacrificing himself just to get Heaven, Hell, and hunters off his back.
               But he wanted to see Sam die even less. Enough to risk having go through the whole thing again—hell, even enough to not just feign death.
               He was willing to die for a Winchester, and the thought hit him so hard that he couldn’t help but to wonder how Castiel ever kept it under wraps.
               By actually dying, maybe? He had died a lot recently, hadn’t he?
               Gabriel would have to ask.
               Sam opened his mouth like he was going to ask for help, but instead just slurred out a weak sorry, then slumped forwards into an unconscious heap.
“Damn you,” Gabriel hissed even though he couldn’t even muster up any real bitterness in his voice, already raising a hand to snap himself there.
               And maybe he’d accidentally said loud enough for Sam to hear, because a quick one-two flash of something that Gabriel didn’t really want to think too much about flickered on Sam’s face.
               As it turned out, though, he never had to finish the motion.
               Splinters rained across the room as Castiel blasted down the door, Dean in tow with a particularly vicious looking shotgun. He lowered his hand for a moment, then raised it right back up and snapped himself somewhere tropical.
               He had a lot of thinking to do, and none of it needed to be done sober.
                Gabriel lasted all of three days before he broke.
                He snapped himself into the bunker early in the morning, and he must’ve had a rare streak of luck, because he timed it just right. Sam seemed to have just sat down for breakfast, but Dean and his mother hen were nowhere in sight. Gabriel crossed his arms, heaving out a dramatic sigh.
“You should start cutting back the number of instances you nearly die in a month.”
               Sam spun around his seat like a whirlwind, and Gabriel nearly ended up fallen victim to the indignity of being stabbed by a butter knife. Still, it was more than worth it for the withering glare sent his way alone. He sauntered forwards, ignoring every single empty chair around the table in favor of sitting in the one right next to Sam’s.
“You’ve been missing for two weeks and that’s all you have to say?” Sam questioned, almost certainly not sounding nearly as angry as he’d meant to.
Gabriel grinned, his smile just edging on sideways. He leaned forwards on his elbows, arching a brow before pointedly asking,
“I came back, didn’t I?”
               Sam froze like a deer in headlights over his bowl of whatever tasteless pulp he was trying to pass off as food, and Gabriel knew he’d struck the right chord.
“Gabriel,” Sam started, voice edging on panic before he abruptly cut himself off.
               He started choking about two seconds later, and it was only after a slug made it onto the table that Gabriel remembered he hadn’t lifted that particular spell yet.
               Gabriel was too busy laughing—genuinely laughing for the first time in longer than he could remember—to bother with lifting the curse until fingers tangled in his collar and yanked him close, and, yeah, he really didn’t want to down gastropod this early in the morning. The spell was gone in a snap, and he met him easily, lips fitting perfectly against the piece he hadn’t even known he’d been missing.
               Yeah, Gabriel decided, maybe there were still some things he could never get tired of.
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