#spoil 4.7
erabu-san · 4 months
(read this when u finished Cyno's story quest)
Dude he's so silly, I love the fact we get to see Serious Cyno again, but also get to see him being himself silly with his friends😍
And Cyno and Cyrus Son and father relationship 😭❤️ I'm crying
I enjoyed every second of it and yEAH... CYRUS AND CYNO WAS SO ADORABLE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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willfulabyss · 4 months
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birbsong · 4 months
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gold-rhine · 4 months
4.7 dain quest SPOILERS ooh, the start of the quest is about ppl missing a person, but not being able to remember anything about him? sounds like Irminsul manipulation, like he was erased like Scara was. Tho unclear if the erasure was incomplete so they can still remember the fact he existed, but no details, OR mb it was complete and the emotions linger when memories can't. no one liked scara before he tried to kill himself tho, so hard to compare:\
btw, pls don't spoil, i'm doing a little liveblog
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (29)
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29. The Red Keep
Summary: A horrible lie could change the war
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) 
SPECIAL WARNINGS... if you read the last chapter, the Crestan part, you might guess what is coming.. either way.. VIOLENCE AND THREATS REGARDING MINORS, THREATS OF SA AGAINST A MINOR, VIOLENCE.
Wordcount: 4.7 k.
Notes: This is an intense one, honestly I thought I had reached 5k, anyways... more notes at the end I don't want to spoil anything...
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When Aemond came back, one week later, he found the Red Keep submerged in madness. 
He found maids and ladies crying, he found soldiers running around in distress, something was really, really wrong. 
He had been away, leading the Baratheon army that was now outside King’s Landing’s gates, he ran upstairs, towards Maegor’s holdfast, ready to march North, or wherever they needed them to go. With Lord Borros’ support 
But as long as he was going upwards… he realized something wrong, really, really wrong, had happened. 
When he reached the superior levels, he could hear her… his mother screaming… he ran the last hallway to the hall, and froze, right there, in the middle of a private chamber, over four beds, were three bodies. Already prepared as a silent sister was finishing the shrouds on the feet of the last body. His breath got caught in his throat.
They were two women, and two children, and his mother’s beaten face could only mean one thing
“No”, he whined, as soon as Alicent saw him, she ran towards him, and he embraced her in his arms
“What is this?”, he asked, he felt like a glass ball was stuck in his throat, “what happened?”
“They came in the night”, she cried, “they…they…”
“Who? who did this?”, he said urgently, and her mother weeped even more
“They said that a nephew for a niece”, she cried, “they… killed the children, Helaena and Aemma, and took Jahaera”
And something inside Aemond just snapped. 
72 hours earlier
Crestan had spent the last two days searching for a way into the Keep, and failing completely at it. He couldn’t just ask around people [hey, do you know a way into the Castle?”, so he scouted all possible entrances all around the castle, but it was useless…
If he didn’t hurry, he was not going to be able to stop it, your child could be in danger.
He didn’t have any money, he didn’t have any time, he was looking for a secret way in into the biggest castle he had ever seen, to look for a Princess he had never seen or even know how she looks like, and probably save yet another child that he had never seen, nor he didn’t even know what he looked like either. 
He was fucked
For all he knows, that kid might be long dead by now.
He was running out of ideas
Until… Nighttime
He was posing as a vagabond, all covered with an old rag he found somewhere and sitting against the Red Keep’s outer wall. from there he could see people coming and going, when suddenly, a girl passed by him, a servant girl, that by now he acknowledged as one of the palace servants because of her clothes.
There weren’t any houses not gates to the castle in that direction so she was definitely coming from the Keep and towards the city, and he smiled
If he knew something for sure, it is that no matter how big the castle, it has always a passageway, nor matter small or big. 
So he waited, patiently, until the girl came back at a very late hour of the night. way past the hour of the owl, so he followed her… right towards the water, and the harbor by the keep. 
There it was… a small passageway right embedded in the stone. Fuck yeah… he haden’t been that way since at daytime merchants and soldier would pass constantly, but at night… it was a different thing entirely. 
Thank the gods he still had his sword… so he made sure to drink water, some wine and have some food in a tavern, before adventuring in the passageways… He didn’t know how long they went, and they are most likely going to be dead ends.
So he entered the guts of the Red Keep, into her insides… oh yeah if he was going to go inside something it has to be a “her”
He walked through the dark hallways… he barely found a torch or two lit up along the way, so through his touch on the stone and his steady feet he walked along the deepest passageways. his right hand at his sword the entire time… 
His breath got caught in his throat when he found a giant skull, the most gigantic thing he had ever witnessed, he had a hard time believing it belonged to what was once a living breathing animal. A dragon, he guessed, you don’t fuck around with the Targaryen. But the candles and everything led him to believe this was a recurrent place visited by some people at the castle… 
He had this
36 hours earlier
He did not have this. 
Through a day and a half he had toured the insides of the Red Keep, he found different rooms, some abandoned, some not, he even found the Royal family’s kitchen, where he waited long enough to steal some food, he was starving… he also found the Servant’s room, where he stole some uniforms in case he needed to blend in, and one for their scape. He also heard through false doors at voices and persons, he even managed to find what he guessed was a very intimate private chamber for audiences (the small council room).
He had been really lucky nobody had seen him
So he took the giant skull as a starting point, and from there he started to reach every door and passageway,and then he came back to start again. Day and a half after he was positive he had visited at least half of all the possible ways to go… So his time, even if he even had any left, was running out. He was also sure that if there had been a prince assassinated he would have heard something…
He had seen people through his visits, he had seen an auburn haired woman, that a servant called “your grace”, so that could be the Queen. He had seen what was probably the King, with a crown on his head, but he was terribly injured, by fire, he gathered.
So now he was going to go through the right side, looking at the skull, he felt he was getting closer and closer
He tried a few doors, to empty rooms, but he noticed they were getting more opulent, so he knew he was going the right way… Alright, a silver haired young princess, younger than nineteen, he guessed seventeen or so… trapped in her room, she should be easier to see. For a moment he considered grabbing a random servant and threatening them to tell them where she might be… but then… he would have to kill them, and he didn’t like that, now, he was close… 
Aemma’s sleep was alluding to her these past nights, she couldn’t sleep no matter how much she tried, so she entertained herself by stoking the fire in her hearth, to keep the only light in the room lightened. Fire comforted her 
That only, he heard a creaking noise, like an old door, being opened. She instantly looked at the door but it was closed, and probably locked, like always, so it wasn’t that, and then, she saw an entire panel on the wall move. Her breath got caught in her throat but she still managed to stand up slowly, as she saw the now discovered hidden door being opened more widely, and then, she gasped when he saw someone trying to enter. 
And then his eyes met 
She screamed for a second before he could shush her, entering quickly, showing her his hands in a manner to prove he meant no harm to her. She grabbed the poker as a weapon, as she took long steps backwards to separate herself from him. She grabbed whatever she could find nearer to her… a book, and threw it at him, he managed to avoid it, and retrieved a little by the door 
“Aemma?”, he asked, still half hidden behind the door
“Who are you?”, she demanded, as she threw now a base at him
“I’m a friend of your mother!”, he said, “I’m here to help!”
“My mother is dead!”, she said, tears now falling down her face
“She might be, I still have my doubts!”, he explained
“What is your name?”, she asked, “What are you doing here?”. Crestan had been looking for this princess for the past five days and still he didn’t find a clue of what he was going to say when he found her
“My name is Crestan Naharis”, he said gently, “Your mother send me, like two fortnights ago, to find you”, she lowered her weapon, blinking rapidly the tears away
“How do I know you are telling the truth?”, she asked
“I was in Dragon Stoned”, he said firmly
“Dragonstone?”, she asked
“Yes, they were all there, your father, your siblings, your aunt, the Queen?, whatever I was there when the war broke out, your mother was so worried about you, I offered myself to come get you, but then she left for a diplomatic mission, told me that at her return she was going to tell how to rescue you… but she never came back”, he told her. And Aemma believed him as a tear fell down her face
“Where are you going to take me?”, she asked then
“Wherever you want”, he said, “Stoned dragon, or Harrenhell”
“Whenever”, he whispered. “But we need to leave, now!”, she nodded rapidly, and jumped from where she stood, and started grabbing things. Without even caring about Crestan being there she put on her riding gear that she had fashioned in a red fabric, instead of black like it was accustomed to.And she gathered a few items too, some clothes of hers, and since she was going to get her dragon, and this was her mother’s old bedroom, she grabbed a map she had made, and a compass, to know where she was heading. 
“I’m ready!”, she said, trusting some guy she had never seen before, but she was done being here, feeling scared, feeling like her own life didn’t belong to herself. 
So following him, she began to travel to a very unknown world to her, the secret passageways
“You're telling me this was here this whole time?”, she whispered
“I’ve been traveling these corridors for three days Princess”, he muttered, “and I haven’t even finished exploring them all yet. And he wanted to kick himself because of how fast and soon they reached the stairs that led to their freedom, from here, they could see the whole city, and the faint lights of a new day on the horizon
“Wait!”, she said, “We can’t leave!”
“What do you mean we can’t leave?”, he cried, “I need to take you to safety”, he said, trying to grab her arm but she took a step back
“How are you going to do that exactly?”. Crestan sighed, he didn’t had a fucking clue, when he was wondering the city he catched a glimpse at the docs, his boat, SHIP, was gone, that white haired bastard abandoned him here, “Right so we take MY dragon there, so technically, who is saving who?”, Crestan was opening his mouth to protest when they heard steps in the hallway, so they hid away
“What do you mean we can’t leave?”, he asked
“We can”, she corrected, “but first we need to take someone out of a cell”
“A cell?”, he asked, “who? certainly not a good man”
“Yes he is!”, she insisted, “she is my mother’s sworn sword we need to get him out”, she insisted. He grabbed her
“Look princess, I haven’t seen any cells, and we need to get out of here, there are some awful men coming, and they are going to”, and then he stopped, she was right, they couldn’t leave, “is your friend good with a sword?”, he asked
“He is good with a sword on each hand, he is a King’s guard, a white cloak”, even in Essos you could hear the legends that were the White cloaks, the finest knights in Westeros, so he nodded
“Let’s break your friend out of his cell”, he confirmed. She nodded, suddenly excited, Crestan gave her the maid dress he had found alongside that thing girls put in their heads, he thought, liked seeing girl’s hair, but whatever….
They got dressed over their clothes and both looked positively ridiculous, but at this hour, nobody was going to notice, or at least they hoped so. They entered the main castle by one of the passageways that was in the inferior levels, and this time, went ten times easier since Aemma knew where she was going. She and Aemond as kids used to go together and toured the entire castle, of course holding hands because she got scared. 
She shook those thoughts out of her mind, once she was out of here,, and made sure her family was alright, she could convince Aemond to switch to her side. 
They kept walking, and they got very lucky, because the keep was still deep in sleep, they managed to avoid some guards, most of them sleeping in the corners, to the cells. She knew they were going to keep him in the upper levels of the cell floors.
“Steffon?”, she whispered. Crestan tried to shush her, but she made him shush instead, “Steffon!”, she said loudly
“Aemma?”, from the very last one of the cells, appeared a hand reaching out. Aemma ran towards it, grabbing an ax from a table in the corner, she didn't stop to think about what they would do with that to the prisoners, but she didn’t care
“Wait Princess!”, called Crestan, but she didn’t heard him, she used the heavy ax and with one swing, she snapped the lock of the cell open
Crestan had to help her though, to open the heavy door
Steffons stumped out of the cell, he was dirty, had grown a beard, and his hair was longer, but he look well
“Steffon!”, she couldn’t help but embrace him, and he embraced her back
“My sweet girl”, he whispered, “what are you doing here?”, when they separated, he noticed the man standing, “Who are you?”, he asked
“Excuse me, I’m the man that saved her and then you”
“He saved me from my rooms, he is taking me to the Dragonpit”
“Nobody said anything about the Dragonpit”, he said urgently, Steffon looked at him
“Vermithor is there, with him we can leave, without him we are grounded”, she muttered
“Alright I’ll take you to the Dragonpit”, he said rapidly, “but first we need to leavethis fucking hallway!”, they heard hurried steps by the hallways, so they ran, Aemma caught Steffon arms to place it around her shoulders, she could tell he was limping
When they were in the safety of the secret passageways, they stopped to catch their breaths. Aemma thought they were lucky for being able to sneak that way, the Red Keep is not what it used to, she guessed half the court and servants were… dismissed because of their alliances, but she couldn't think more about it
“Alright, so what’s your name?”, asked Steffon
“Crestan Naharis, pirate”
“A pirate?/you are a pirate?”, they asked at the same time, Steffon kind of disgusted, but Aemma excited 
“And you are?”, asked Crestan all defiantly
“Steffon Mangold, former white cloak”, he muttered
“So a knight, fallen in disgrace?”, he mocked
“Stop it!”, she begged
“I chose my side”, he said firmly, “Sadly it wasn’t the one that holds this castle”, he said firmly
“Enough! you are not going to start fighting, we are all on this together!”, she whispered, and both men looked at each other, and nodded
“What do we do next?”, Crestan asked
“We get to the dragonpit”, said Aemma, gesticulating catching both of their attentions, “I get to my dragon, we burn some bitches up!”, said Aemma
“We are not burning any bitches”, said Steffon
“Why not?”, asked Crestan.
“Because…”, he stopped talking as they heard something, or someone. They all stopped talking and walked slowly backwards until they were hidden in the darkness
It was two men, one big and bulky, dark haired with a mustache, and the other smaller and thinner, mainly bald but with sickened strands of hair. The three of them stood so still, they didn’t see them, as they walked by
“Are you certain this is the way, Cheese?”
“That way”, he pointed, “pay attention you fuck”, he drawled, and they disappeared trough the dark hallways
When they were certain they left they found each other
“Who the fuck were those?”, asked Steffon
“Yes, about those bad men I told you about, Aemma…”, he whispered. 
Helaena had fallen asleep in her children’s rooms, as she was until late hours of the night reading to her babies. 
And she was roughly awoken.
Blood snatched Jaehaerys from his bed, as Cheese snatched Maelor
“No!”, she screamed, trying to stop them, but Blood pushed her, making her trip and fall against the bed
“Shut up you cunt!”, laughed cheese
“Who are you?”, she cried, “what do you want?”
“A nephew for a niece”, said Cheese, “the one-eyed took the princess, we will take his nephew instead”, Helaena shrieked in terror, grabbing Jahaera who was crying and held her tightly
“They didn’t do anything!” she begged 
“Now, which one of your children would you like to die?”, asked cheeses. Helaena looked at both men, the blood already in their blades suggest they killed the guard who should have been posted at the door, there was no one to save her… 
“Take me instead”, she said
“It has to be one of the boys”, he continued, those wretched looking men, “c’mon mommy, which is it?”, The boys started crying, calling for her
“I can’t!”, she cried, I can’t choose, please”
“You rather choose one, or we are taking them all, Blood here will especially take her…”, Cheeses couldn’t finish his sentence, as he saw in horror how Blood was being impaled from behind by a blade across his chest. He tried to speak, or scream, but only a river of blood came out of his mouth 
He didn’t got to react as an arm caught him by the neck, immobilizing him
“Drop the kid, you sick fuck”, Crestan bitted out in his ear, and he did. Jaehaerys had ran towards his mother, and Maelor got released too
“Helaena, close their eyes!”, warned Aemma from behind, as Crestan sliced Cheese’s neck, and then stabbed him in the heart to prevent him from squirming and scaring the children. 
Blood fell to the ground as a hard bag of rocks, bleeding all around
“I take no pleasure in killing a man on his back”, muttered Steffon, “he certainly deserved a slowed and more painful death”, he whispered
“Don’t sweat it, I won’t tell anyone”, mocked Crestan
“Steffon”, Helaena called, and she ran towards Steffon and hugged him tightly, Steffon hug her back, “Aemma!”, she called, reaching for the girl who was behind her two saviors 
The girls hugged tightly, as Steffon tended to the children, making sure they didn’t see, Crestan covered the two wretched men with a tapestry from the floor so the kids won’t look at them. 
“I’m so glad you were here”, Helaena cried
“Yes, me too, but we have to go”, muttered Crestan, but the girls wouldn’t part
“Yes princess, probably a full set of guards are coming this way!”, said Steffon, cleaning the sword that belonged to the white cloaked killed in the hallway, it was the only weapon he could muster. 
“You have to take me with you!”, Helaena begged
“We can’t steal a Queen!”, Crestan said
“I’m not leaving without her”, said Aemma, grabbing her hand tightly 
“I know all of their battle plans”, she said firmly, and the three of them looked at her, “I will tell you everything I know if you take me to the dragonpit” 
“Let’s go then!” said Steffon, grabbing Jaehaerys, Helaena nodded grabbing the children warmest clothes, and  Crestan grabbed little Maelor who cling to his neck, and little Jahaera also hold onto him
“Let’s go!”
Not the maesters, Mushroom, or I have a clue how they managed to get away with every mess they needed to pull through that night, but with the old gods and the new, they managed to get back to the secret passageways, dress the children, because Helaena already knew where they were going, the only place that made sense really, and then they abandoned the Keep, for the streets of king’s landing 
Gold cloaks saw them pass by, but as they saw Aemma their commander’s daughter, they didn’t even tried to stop them, instead they guarded them towards the pit
The Queen Helaena, Princess Aemma, princes Jaehaerys, Maelors and Jahaera, the former white cloak Steffon Mangold, and the Essosi pirate Crestan Naharis, ran through the streets of King’s landing, that were only minutes away from awakening to a brand new and sunny day 
I must be mad if I’m entering willingly the most dangerous building in the world”, whined Crestan, as they ran up the long stairs leading to the Dragonpit, “I will protect you, sweet Queen”, said Crestan with a nod looking at Helaena, that only nodded with a shy smile. 
“This isn’t so bad”, Crestan muttered, looking at the huge building
“The dragons are down there”, said Aemma, pointing at a ramp leading down
“Oh well, I’ll wait for you here then”, he said with an apologizing look. Aemma looked at Helaena and she looked back at her
Helaena said a few kind words to her children, and then they went down the ramp. 
“Scared, pirate?”, asked Steffon, releasing prince Jaehaerys, dropping him to the floor, the boy stayed put and looked up at the men with a shy smile, his sibling still clinged onto the colrful clothes of the pirate as he had released himself from all the disguises he wore during those long days. 
“You would find, Knight, that I don’t scare so easily, furthermore, I… HOLY SHIT!”, he screamed, as he saw Dreamfyre climbing up the ramp. The children giggled, but they asked to be released from his embrace which he did, the children ran towards their mother, and her huge she-dragon. And behind her, emerged the King of dragons, Vermithor, crawling deadly and silently alongside Aemma
“Of course the sweetest princesses have the most badasses dragons”, he said, looking at both beasts, he had seen caraxes and he was not impressed, not like now, Vemrithor was fucking huge, he wonder how he entered the pit. 
“Alright, so what is the plan?”, asked Steffon
“Helaena told me, plus what I already know… I’ll have go west”, Aemma said, “if the Lannisters reach Highgarden, we are fucked, I need to get the treasury back, and I need to defend Highgarden and win their allegiance, with that ally, we can secure the South
“I really think you should go and see your family”, said Crestan
“There is no time”, she said
“What are you going to do?”, Steffon asked Helaena
“I’ll go to Harrenhal instead”, she said firmly
“You can’t go there”, Crestan said, “that is probably the most dangerous place to be right now, everyone is meeting there”
“That is exactly why I should go”, she said, “black and green will make red”, she muttered
“What?”, whispered Aemma
“I will go there”, she said, “there is someone waiting for me”, she said, smiling reassuringly, “Trust me, you should go East, and I will go to Harrenhal, I will tell your family that you are safe”, Aemma nodded
Aemma believed, with all her heart, even if she wanted to see her family, her heart made of fire told her she needed to go to Highgarden, to stop the Lannister’s plans.
“I will go with you”, muttered Steffon, and Aemma nodded
“I will take you”, Helaena said to Crestan, who still had the two children curled up against him.
“Wait, wait, on that dragon?”, he asked, looking suspiciously at that blue giant beast
“Yes”, she said simply, she grabbed her children and help them climb onto Dreamfyre, she had a huge basket looking second saddle to carry her children with her when she went on her long flies
So the Dragon keepers opened the huge doors, and through them, on the Bronze Fury, flew Aemma, Steffon grabbing onto her and both securely strapped to the saddle, and then Dreamfyre flew behind them. Crestan grabbing onto Helaena so hard she could barely breathe
“Oh fuck what did I got intooooo”, he screamed, when when he made sure he was well strapped tot he saddle and he wasn’t going to fell off, he released Helaena, pushing his hands on the air, “wooohooooo” 
24 hours later
Alicent was praying, luckily or not, she didn't come to see her daughter in the morning, and Otto was first informed of the servants and guards who found two men killed in the princes’ chambers, but no signs of Helaena and the children, and Aemma was also gone. 
“This is our chance, M’lord”, muttered Larys, who has also been called by the Hand, looking at the two men killed. Otto looked at him
“Princess Aemma is also missing, this could be our chance, to finally turn Aemond to the Greens, his heart, his love, is gone, we shall rip him from his chest completely, make him believe they are forever lost, and blame them for it… he will not hesitate in destroying them” 
Otto only smiled
Aegon was missing
How the fuck did you loose a man that could barely walk? that was beyond all of them knowing.. the thing is… that he couldn’t handle the loss of his heirs, so he disappeared with no trace, a murder was discarted, as well as a kidnapping, no, he had left on his own accord, since he himself has dismissed his Royal guards.
And the thing is that everybody was so shocked about Helaena and the children, that nobody seemed to notice or care that he was gone, sad, but true. 
“Aemond, you need to prepare for the inevitable”, Queen Alicent said, grabbing his arm. She found him in the throne room, looking up at the Iron Throne, as one time long ago the princess had found him, and together they discussed how a good king should be.
“The Gods might have put your brother in the earth first, but now, without him, it’s you”, she said gently, “It’s you who will take power”
“Aegon is missing, Helaena and her children are dead, Aemma too, and you want me to worry about who will sit the Iron Throne?”, he asked bitterly 
“It's the will of the Gods”, she said, grabbing his arm, “you were always the better brother, that scholar, that studied and trained and rides the mightiest beast in all of Westeros”, she said, “The gods set a bloody path, but in the end, you will sit the Iron Throne”, 
“What good is the throne if you don’t have anyone that stands by your side?”, he whispered, his heart was broken in a million pieces because of a lie
“What good is it to be King, if you don’t have a Queen?”
“You will have a Queen”, she said, grabbing his arm, but just like Helaena used to do, Aemond shaked her away, for the very first time
“She was my Queen”, he said firmly
“Lord Borros has renewed his interest to make an alliance, I’m sure any of his daughters would be…”
“They aren’t her”, he said, “Every great King had a great Queen by their side. Aegon had Visenya and Rhaenys and he was the greatest King that ever lived… Maegor didn’t have a great Queen and looked at what happened…. Jaehaerys had The Good Queen Alysanne, and together they ruled over 60 years of peace and prosperity… And my father….”, Alicent looked at him unblinking, with a terrified look on her face. He sighed and said nothing
“You want two wives?”
“No!”, he growled, frustrated. 
“You want Aemma, now you can’t have her, so avenge her”, Otto said, arriving, of course he was eavesdropping. Aemond looked at him, “take Harrenhal, ride to battle, win this war”
And he only nodded 
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More notes: DID I GET YOU? did you for a sec think that they died?? SORRY, I love the dramatics…
Long notes... I actually cried writing that scene, I spared them, but the true story is so so horrible, sweet Helaena... turns my legs to jelly
No but Otto is a horrible person, mother f*cker I’m going to enjoy giving him what he deserves! (my scape goat or in this case, the goat they like to feed the dragons with), And Larys??? I imagine he is the Westeros’ Loki (like the mythological one) 
Anyways… YES i’m a firm believer not everybody knows of the secret passageways… Rhaenyra didn’t know until Daemon showed her, and in this he also showed Reader… she was going to teach Crestan, but she never managed to… ANYHOW
Poor Helaena,  nobody pays attentions to her visions so now she has to act on them herself haha
Taglist! ❤️ @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy @mikariell95 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed @notmundane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss
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rexonalapis · 4 months
I miss wrio and I love your thoughts on him. So if it’s alright, could you share your current brain worms on him? Canon/Hc’s are okay :D
When will hoyo let him out of the dungeon😔 I need more quests and events dedicated to him he deserves it!!!
hahaha thanks! well i don't wanna spoil much but let's just say he is more than getting out of hoyojail in 4.7 (allegedly) 😉
i feel like i def write lots oh hcs about him (wrio being scottish, or that he's actually well read, etc etc) but yeah i think he still has great potential to be explored despite the fact that i can't really see his role expands after archon quest (with the exception of maybe a quest in relation to, say, regrator.)
also he seems to uphold some sort of agreement with callas and i feel like the last chance for hoyo to reveal it is by adding it into clorinde's sq/character story.
i have a few thoughts about why he loves tea so much tho. i def think sige 'i am fontaine's esteemed beauty guru' winne would Not want him to drink coffee ofc, but also it's just not as addictive as coffee and i can imagine relying on a caffeinated drink while you used to have to pay for a glass of water wouldnt be a good idea for survival. like ofc he doesn't have to worry about that now. he, if i assume right, could be the richest person in fontaine, but yeah it does become a habit i guess. it's good to constantly keep himself warm while he's living under the sea with a cryo vision without having to worry about upsetting his stomach
(side note my pet peeves is when people make an au where wrio is like a dumb jock because like where did you even get the idea that wriothesley is dumb? he is canonically a self made tech tycoon?? make it make sense???)
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stelliferousduo · 4 months
;;ooc: Heads up. I'm about to start the Dain quest.
Please blacklist 'genshin spoilers' if you do not wish to be spoiled of any 4.7 content!
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adndmonsteraday · 2 months
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Hill giants, called haugjotunen in their own language, were voracious, primitive giants defined by their gluttony. They were the least of the commonly recognized "true giants", the shortest in stature, weakest in mind, and lowest in rank according to the Ordning. Granted domain over the rolling hills by Annam All-Father millennia ago, they were masters of its slopes and deeply connected to the land itself.
“Don’t be fooled by its brutish appearance. A hill giant is as close to the earth beneath your feet as a storm giant is to the thunderhead above you.” — Noldir of Hammerfast.
Hill giants normally stood around 16 feet (4.9 meters) tall, but males could reach about 17 feet (5.2 meters) in height, although some reports of giants from other worlds put them at around 10​ to ​10.5 feet (3​ to ​3.2 meters). Females tended to be a bit shorter, at 15 feet and ​5 inches​ to ​16 feet and ​4 inches (4.7​ to ​4.98 meters). Their reported weight was around 4,500 pounds (2,000 kilograms), but morbidly obese (and immobile) individuals were known to weigh over 10 tons (9,100 kilograms). Their skin was a deep, ruddy brown, but they could also be light tan in coloration as a result of a life spent under the sun. Their hair ranged from brown to black, and their eyes shared that color in addition to having red rims.
Hill giants were selfish and brutish bullies that often forced weaker creatures to do their bidding. They lived as uncivilized savages, surviving by foraging, hunting, and raiding for food when not coercing other, smaller beings into doing the work and feeding them.
Although prone to evil behaviors, a hill giant's acts of cruelty were normally more along the lines of angry reactions than deliberate decisions. They were short-tempered creatures whose form of chaotic evil was known to be defined by violent mood swings and losses of patience. They were likely to go on a violent rampage if they felt deceived, mocked, or otherwise humiliated, and in their tantrums would rage against the guilty and innocent alike until they calmed down, grew hungry, or were otherwise distracted. Their memories were also normally too short to hold grudges, with some reported to forget those they recently met after waking up (which conversely could mean that any previously built rapport could be forgotten).
Despite lacking brainpower and being infamously clumsy, hill giants were capable combatants. Some of the already physically formidable beings even trained to become barbarians. When they went looking for food, hill giants did so alone or with an animal companion, such as a dire wolf, to avoid having to split their spoils with other tribe mates.
Like other breeds, hill giants had developed their own value system over the millennia, and their unique culture was centered around one thing — food. According to the hill giant belief system, the one true meaning of life was to satisfy one's appetites, and over the years the dull creatures had managed to take this simple philosophy of hedonism to surprisingly deep extremes. Unusually learned hill giants were known to write elaborate poems using food and consumption in complex metaphors regarding the many trials of life.
A hill giant's position in the Ordning (the social ranking system among giant breeds and giants as a whole) was based around an odd combination of physical might and gastral superiority. Though the latter skill might seem like a strange factor to use for determining the chain of command, among hill giants, it was a trait synonymous with virtue. Because hill giants believed the purpose of life was self-gratification, it only made sense that the development of skills that helped them to accomplish that goal were the most worthy of being pursued, and thus that the giant who had best mastered such skills was obviously the most fit to lead.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hill_giant
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sourcreammachine · 4 months
so in the 1997 election, the worst election ever for the tory party, they failed to win any seats in Scotland or Wales and became an england-only party
despite the fact that in 2024 they’re predicted to do much worse in terms of both votes and seats, current forecasts show them retaining seats in both countries. but current forecasts may be incomplete
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per electionmaps.uk , two seats in wales would remain with the tories, after losing all others. Aberhonddu, Maesyfed & Cwm Tawe in south powys is forecast 💙29.2%, 🧡27.9%, ❤️18.1%, 🩵14.8%, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿6%; Maldwyn & Glyndŵr in north powys is forecast 💙32.3%, ❤️31.7%, 🩵15.4%, 🧡9%, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿6.5%. both forecasts are very tight. both seats have 🩵reform forecast slightly higher than they are across the island, and while wales naturally has a lower rate of so-called ‘british nationalism’ than england, powys is typically higher than the rest of wales — the replacement of tice should increase the reform numbers here at the tory’s expense. with 1.3% and 0.6% majorities forecast in these seats, the reform boost should mean that both seats spoil for labour and the liberals, and the tories are evicted from wales again
scotland, however, is a different story. the election in scotland is far more dynamic than england and wales, and the tories are forecast to retain all six of their defences despite intense swings against them. every one of these seats show double-digit swings against both the tories and against the snp. in two of these seats, labour emerges as the second party: Dumfries & Galloway is forecast to be 💙30.6%,❤️29.8%, 💛27.1%, 🩵4.7%, and Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale is forecast 💙33.5%,❤️27.9%, 💛24.7%, 🩵4.8%. douggie ross is far more popular than rishi sunak, and the 🩵reform rates are far less than any given rural seat south of the border, so the incoming drift from tory to reform is going to be much less than elsewhere. labour taking these seats from the tories is not a done deal. in the aberdeenshire seats, the tories lead the snp (respectively from north to south) by 6.4%, 8.5%, and 1.8%, with the snp on around 30%, labour in the high teens, and the liberals on ten-ish everywhere bar the north. there is SERIOUS fog-of-war with these numbers and, as i’ve said, the election is extremely dynamic. but regardless of what occurs: if labour gains on the snp during the campaign, they would win the dumfriesshire seats while preventing the snp from winning the aberdeenshire ones, and if the snp gain on labour then they’ll win the aberdeenshire seats while preventing labour from winning the dumfriesshire ones. but regardless regardless: ross seems to be polling well enough, not good, but well enough to allow the scots tories to at the absolute minimum retain berwickshire and north aberdeenshire. though the election is very dynamic in the other seats, it would take ross being exposed as an absolute MegaNonce in order for the tory leads to be squandered, or for sarwar or swinney to be exposed as an absolute MegaNonce for the three-horse race to collapse to two. but i’m no scot. anything could happen
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sealcub · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Wooden Reversible Dog Hanging Sign New‎.
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erabu-san · 4 months
THIS QUEST WAS SO GOOD OMG Cyrus being the type of father who carries his child baby photos around and shows it without shame is something I always want to know cnyonari share tent they share tent I also like Sethos there's so many good things here AAAAAAHHHHH
How do you feel?
ERHM again. I do not SHIP cyn*ri and it makes UNCOMFORTABLE PLZ😭 i am getting overwhelmed since days because of that
I usually block when someone mention it but,, you look kind anon, maybe you just didn't know </3 (and i want to yapp abt cyno's quest.)
(Spoiler plz dont look)
Oh I believe this quest is definitively a Cyno AND Tighnari's quest ! (We learnt more abt tighnari'ancestor and this is so GOOD) and all interaction we got wAAAAH they are all so lovely 😭😭😭😭
Sethos is so likable. I love him so much and I hope Cyno will take his arms and show him around Sumeru's city (even if he already saw it,, but now it is with company), drinking coffee with friends, and show what friendship is. I hope Sethos will finally find his answer as Cyno did !
I am sure Sethos knew Cyno's existence, and he believes only him would understand him. But when he saw him bringing friends, he was wondering if they live in the same world. Akademiya changed after all, it became more peaceful ! But what if he is curious about Cyno's world ? How someone similar of him could be so different ?? What if Sethos always felt lonely ? (Man is enthousiastic and extrovert, but I believe people tend more to worship him, and his grandpa had expectation.. so he doesn't know what is a genuine friendship is)
That's why when Cyno Tighnari and Traveler stayed w Sethos after his grandpa passed, he slowly started understand what friendship looks like (TY CYNO)
I need to see more interaction between them I AM SO HYPE TO HAVE SETHOS AND LEARN MORE ABOUt HIM !!!
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Trump is now under siege at his stashes and caches all of them really in the tunnels and it doesn't really work for him and he's sitting there saying nothing's happening he says I'm mad he said we're going to hit you and use it to our advantage like everybody else we don't care if you're bad little freaking spoiled b****.
-there's a few of them that have been breached out of the 20 very large there are about 13 that are breached badly and seven more than a breached yeah all of them are and they see the technique is to destroy the army's protecting it and if they pitch in it'll spread it out and they'll all get stuff but they want Brian to send himself out and to send himself and they're waiting and he moves and he's got three more he's going in top side now he has to get situated and control the situation so he's been working on this other bunkers and he just placed some smaller groups that have been losing a lot of people and that's going to slow down so there's 14 left with wars in the tunnels out of those 14 three are minority monologue and they're really big and they are in the water and out of the remaining 11 two of them are miscellaneous including people with extra strength and out of the nine six or Max and three are us. And we are almost done with their armies and they're going to be out of there well there's remaining three are the pseudo empire and Dakota and above the Great lakes those are the three and they are having a war with this idiot in there tired of him and it's a real war and he is a complete a****** on top of it. There are large ones about 300 Tommy Allen is at about 75 and see the remainder a split unevenly minority 25 miscellaneous have 30 pseudo empire have about 50 I am the max have about 80 as a remainder under attack by mixed groups believe it or not. And then there are the small it's about 3,000 and a broken kind of the same way as therdium and there's about a few million TV was broken up with everybody and all of them are beset and all his people are being attacked cuz they're going after all these small ones every single one of them is go time and everybody's on it. They're fighting Trump over gold that are in conduits in the cities and other items in the cities including buildings they're fighting over the money and businesses stocks and possessions antiquities cars trucks and motorcycles and old buildings is a huge fight over everything and they're fighting over these s***** cities tooth and nail and they need the armament just to get by and the people putting their effort in it won't be too long he dropped down and yeah all these bunkers of his that's only about 1.5% of the general populace and out of his remaining 3.7% off Island it was up there it's really 4.7 but kind of was there last week and he has had a few losses but not real large so that's where it is but at the bunkers it's about 2.3%. it's a huge number and everyone's going there and it's going to kind of a half and more so consider sending armies to help protect it it's going on right now there's going to be a massive battle in the rings right now and it's gigantic they're about a hundred million from each side total now and they went through almost 100 million each already recently and those numbers are very big and they're fighting elsewhere in Florida and they're starting to come in here into Florida to do it in the households drops two about 92. There's a couple more things this guy next door is ripe and he follows her son everywhere and we need to get a stocking order on him and more. We need to go through some stuff to figure out what to do here in punta Gorda this is a disaster zone everybody isn't happy.
More shortly
Thor Freya
Thor Freya
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asbestos-11 · 4 months
pssst hey fellas don't spoil me anything about 4.7 thx
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Skin Care Products Market Share Analysis, Key Segments, Competitive Landscape, and Market Size & Estimations
The global skin care products market was valued at $136,304 million in 2016, and is projected to reach $194,961 million in 2024, registering a CAGR of 4.5% from 2017 to 2023. The report offers an extensive analysis of changing market trends, key segments, top investment pockets, regional scenario, Porter’s Five Forces, and competitive scenario.
Request The Free Sample PDF Of This Report @https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/1844
The skin care products market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period, owing to changing lifestyle and rapid urbanization. Moreover, rise in awareness towards skin care by use of advanced skin care products and consumers shift towards use of skin care products to maintain their skin from getting damage and spoiled, due to climatic changes, boost the market growth. However, limited shelf life of skin care products and high price of natural and organic ingredients used in these products are expected to restrict the market growth.
Change in lifestyle patterns in emerging countries due to rapid urbanization, rise in awareness towards skin care with advanced skin care products, and increase in demand of skin care products drive the growth of the global skin care products market. However, limited shelf life of skin care products hinders the market growth.
Among the various types of products, the face cream segment occupied the dominant share in 2016 and is expected to maintain this trend throughout the forecast period. Skin care products are applied to the skin to maintain it; avoid early aging symptoms, black patches, and pimples; and enhance beauty.
Based on type, the face cream segment held the highest market share in 2016, accounting for more than two-thirds of the global skin care products market, and is estimated to maintain its leadership status throughout the forecast period. Due to climatic changes consumers are moving towards the usage of skin care products to maintain their skin from getting damage and spoiled. This in turn drives the market for face creams market. Moreover, the same segment is projected to manifest the highest CAGR of 4.7% from 2016 to 2024.
Based on region, Asia-Pacific, followed by Europe & North America, held the highest market share in terms of revenue 2016, accounting for around two-fifths of the global skin care products market. This is attributed to changing lifestyle in combination with rapid urbanization Moreover, LAMEA is expected to witness the fastest CAGR of 6.4% during the forecast period, owing to rise in awareness towards skin care products.
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The Covid-19 pandemic has a vital impact on the growth of the global Skin Care Products Market and altered several market scenarios. The lockdown across various countries and ban on international travel has disrupted the supply chain and revenue chain. The report includes a thorough analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic on the growth of the global Skin Care Products Market.
Key Benefits:
○ The study provides an in-depth analysis of the skin care products market with current and future trends to elucidate the imminent investment pockets. ○ It offers information regarding key drivers, restraints, and opportunities with a detailed impact analysis. ○ Porter’s Five Forces model analysis of the industry illustrates the potency of the buyers and suppliers. ○ Market player positioning provides a clear understanding of the position of leading companies.
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systemic-chaos · 2 years
This contains spoilers of the hotel podcast up until episode 4.7! I can't figure out how to do read more on mobile so please scroll past if you don't have the tag #the hotel podcast spoilers blocked if you don't want that to be spoiled!
Honestly my current working theory about why the guests are in the hotel and how they get there (I just finished ep 4.7 so this theory may not be up to date with all the episodes) is that they were destined to die or already died before reaching their hotel room. This is mostly based on the beginning of the bee and pollen ballroom ep, since at the beginning the man presumably died of hypothermia before (?) reaching the hotel. He was meant to die before he got to the hotel, which somehow transported him there?
Though that whole sequence could've been an illusion from the hotel. She could've picked him before he even began his journey to his party. Hm...
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Skin Care Products Market will Land $194,961 Million | CAGR of 4.5% - Unilever PLC, Avon Products
According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, Skin Care Products Market by Product: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2014-2024 the global skin care products market was valued at $136,304 million in 2016, and is projected to reach $194,961 million in 2024, registering a CAGR of 4.5% from 2017 to 2023. Among the various types of products, the face cream segment occupied the dominant share in 2016 and is expected to maintain this trend throughout the forecast period. Skin care products are applied to the skin to maintain it; avoid early aging symptoms, black patches, and pimples; and enhance beauty.
Key Findings of the Skin Care Products Market:
In 2016, Asia-Pacific dominated the global market with around two-fifth share, in terms of value.
LAMEA is estimated to witness the highest growth rate of 6.4% from 2017 to 2024.
Based on product, the face cream segment generated the highest revenue in 2016, and is also expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 4.7%.
Skin brightening cream occupied around one-third share of the global face cream market in 2016.
Premium body care lotions are expected to witness highest CAGR in the global body care lotion market.
In 2016, U.S. dominated the global market, owing to rise in demand for organic face creams and body lotions, driven by the increase in purchasing power of the end users.
Surge in demand for organic and natural ingredients in skin care products accelerated the market growth. In addition, new product innovation, and high investment by private investors and government in emerging countries support substantial growth in global skin care products market.
Get Free Sample Copy Research @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/1844
Top Key Players:
Johnson & Johnson, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc., Unilever PLC, Avon Products Inc., L'Oral S.A., Kao Corporation, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Shiseido Company, Beiersdorf AG, and Procter & Gamble
skin care products marketis expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period, owing to changing lifestyle and rapid urbanization. Moreover, rise in awareness towards skin care by use of advanced skin care products and consumers shift towards use of skin care products to maintain their skin from getting damage and spoiled, due to climatic changes, boost the market growth. However, limited shelf life ofskin care productsand high price of natural and organic ingredients used in these products are expected to restrict the market growth.
In 2016, the antiaging cream and skin brightening cream segments collectively accounted for 75.6% market share of the global face cream market.
Key Benefits:
The study provides an in-depth analysis of the skin care products market with current and future trends to elucidate the imminent investment pockets.
It offers information regarding key drivers, restraints, and opportunities with a detailed impact analysis.
Porter’s Five Forces model analysis of the industry illustrates the potency of the buyers and suppliers.
Market player positioning provides a clear understanding of the position of leading companies.
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