#spoken like someone who spends most of their time on Twitter
defokelore-13 · 10 months
Tumblr I love you
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thebroccolination · 3 months
Lindsay Ellis uploaded this video to YouTube framed around the myth that Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles. It's phenomenal, as her work often is. I'll probably watch the whole thing multiple times in the near future.
Toward the end of the video, Lindsay expands on the morbid paradox of fame. Many of us see it as this aspirational thing that famous people should be grateful to have, and yet we're also aware that the circumstances of being famous often lead to tragic ends for celebrities, either by violence or by their own self-destruction.
Over the past week, I made this thread to explain the events that led to Krist putting his foot down after months of trying to placate the segment of KristSingto fans who are vocally opposed to Krist sharing any part of his continued close friendship with Gawin, Krist's costar from his 2023 BL series "Be My Favorite."
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The day he started his break from social media, Krist addressed his fans about what he'd been dealing with very clearly and characteristically sincerely. He expressed his confusion, explained the impossible situation this unreasonable portion of his fanbase had put him in, and ultimately just gave the vibe of a very tired teacher. Coupled with the reality that Krist's fanbase is on average much older than he is, it's a little absurd that a twenty-eight-year-old had to tell a fair number of middle-aged, tax-paying adults that he's allowed to have friends.
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Krist concluded his TikTok Live only to be tagged in even more abuse and complaints on Twitter. I saw some of it and didn't bother saving receipts, but you can imagine it. You're hurting your comeback with Singto by posting Gawin's photos, Krist. This comeback isn't going well, Krist, and it's your fault. You're supposed to be loyal to Singto, Krist. You abandoned Singto at the outing, Krist. If you hate it here so much then just go back to Gawin, then. Don't you feel guilty for ruining Gawin's career, too? He must be good in bed for you to come to his defense like this.
Oh, wait, I did save that one.
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Presumably sensing that he had done everything he possibly could, Krist addressed fans one last time on his Instagram Broadcast channel.
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Let no one misinterpret this: Krist left social media mainly and specifically because some Peraya were viscerally outraged that Krist didn't cast Gawin aside and spend 100% of his time adhered to Singto. Even though Krist is the one who wanted the comeback, a significant number of Peraya seem to think he's not trying hard enough.
"Not trying hard enough" even though he was so obsessed with getting Peraya Party right that he made himself sick.
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This tweet was when he admitted himself for an IV to keep himself healthy, and then he ended up getting admitted anyway for almost a week. During which time he continued working on the concert from his iPad, messaging staff and Singto who continued with rehearsals.
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"Not trying hard enough" isn't something Krist knows how to do. He's a self-professed perfectionist who identified so strongly with the character of Anxiety in "Inside Out 2" that he posted about her on his Facebook seven different times. He has an Anxiety plush. He even tweeted about the anxiety attack scene when he visited Beijing for work.
Krist has spoken about his experiences with depression. He moved back home in 2022 to be with his parents at the suggestion of his psychiatrist, the fourth he'd seen.
It's widely known that Krist hates being alone. Singto recently said it's something that concerns him, that Krist has someone or other at his house most of the time because he doesn't want to be on his own. Just last year Krist said his favorite thing about his four cats is that they're with him always, whereas people eventually have to go their own homes.
Rather than close himself off, however, Krist has remained a phenomenally open and affectionate person. He treats his fans like friends. (The ones who aren't trying to control his life.) He took the time to address fans twice in text and in video.
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And yet, as soon as Krist stepped away from the helm of his own narrative, some fans were horrified by the idea that Krist might be mad at them. Others began to twist his words and intentions to suit a more palatable narrative. This wasn't about Gawin, no. He did it for Singto.
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And while, yes, Krist did also make it clear that he won't tolerate people trash-talking one of his favorite people, this was about Krist.
It wasn't only about Singto or Gawin. This was Krist facing down fans who have relentlessly demanded more than he could have or even should have ever reasonably done for them.
It's a special kind of horrifying to me that fans are misrepresenting Krist when Krist clearly said as recently as last October that what hurts him most is being misrepresented.
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I spoke with some Peraya in DMs about this whole mess.
A few said they have no issue with Gawin, they're only envious of the closeness he has with Krist. They're both musicians and singers, and they're both people-shaped emotions who went through hell together during all the "lol who asked for this pairing" and "ew I'm not watching the homophobe show" nonsense.
Others said Krist is behaving childishly and that he should just ignore everyone.
After all, all of this comes with the territory of being famous. It's normal. He shouldn't overreact. He's taken the wife role. He should be cute and soft and sweet at all times.
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When I posted my thread about this, some were underwhelmed by the informational tone and had hoped it would be more of a call-out. Thing is, I'd already criticized that portion of the Peraya fandom:
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It's frankly beyond my comprehension how Krist has made it this far as stable and as kind as he is. He was bashed by homophobes for starring in SOTUS in 2016, then stalked at his university by fans who disapproved of him having a girlfriend since he belonged to Singto, harassed about his sexuality until he snapped, vilified by international fans who showed up late to the party in 2020 and made everything a thousand times worse by not bothering to fact-check anything they were seeing, tormented off social media, put through four different psychiatrists, lost the partner he'd been through all of this with, found a new one, lost him, and gained his original partner back only for fans to demand more from him.
And the thing is, I don't want to say all of this on Twitter because it's becoming more and more of a noxious hellscape with every passing day, and the people who need to embrace this aren't going to read it. But I did want to say it somewhere.
Watching Lindsay's video, I felt such a bolt of fear. He's just been pushed so far, and fame isn't what destroys: it's people.
So I'm so proud of him for handling this with composure and strength. I'm proud of him for keeping the promise he made to Gawin in October last year at his solo concert, that nothing would change between them.
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One of my Gawin fan friends said it best: Krist was the first person to see Gawin's potential and then show the world. He featured Gawin in his own solo concert, he mentored him through promotion, he opened up to Gawin about his life and his thoughts. He would never cast Gawin aside, and the fact that people are still trying to hand-wave how important Gawin is to him is maddening.
He loves Singto. He also loves Gawin. One doesn't cheapen the other. He loves a lot of people. That's who Krist is.
The idea that Krist should be cute and demure and ignore constant harassment he can't avoid because he needs to use social media for work is so unimaginably cruel I can't fathom how it could even transform from an idea to a real belief. Whether you like it or not, he's standing up for himself now.
Being famous eases some things and barbs others. You'll get free stuff and fans who admire you, but you may also get a deterioration of your mental health and fans who feel entitled to your body, soul, and mind.
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You tell 'em, sweetie.
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alwaysonf1 · 11 months
lewis is doing what?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warning: Changes in the timeline for the sake of the story.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: This is my first F1 fic, which makes me nervous so why not start with a series.
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Many Drive to Survive haters like to pretend everything that comes from the show and what it’s about are beneath them. That they couldn’t possibly care, and that the only important thing is the race on Sunday. And yet the day after the latest season drops you can find them amongst the chaos trying to figure out what the hell were all those hints about a new form of content that F1 plans to release. 
Interwoven with the usual storylines and mild dramatics there was a lot of talk about how drivers show their families the support they’re given. How they show up for them in their careers and bits of their lives. It was weird at first, but then it sent off alarm bells when an almost fourth wall breaking moment happened where the Netflix team was blatantly dismissed. 
“I think we have this one Netflix, but thanks for the help.” Those were the exact words spoken by the head of marketing as she closed the door to a room where you get a glimpse of team paraphernalia but see no faces. 
Every social platform that you can find an F1 fan on has it trending and the conversations (and screams into the void) are fast paced. But Twitter is where the real unhinged and brain cell losing behavior is happening. 
And the most accurate guessing.
Almost everyone within the community is discussing what that snippet could mean. Is it the end of DTS as they know it? The end of it completely? Are F1 and Netflix severing ties? Will F1 be taking over? Is this some little game they're playing with their viewers to keep them tuned in? Is it something completely different? What the actual fuck is going on?
In the middle of those questions are those who think themselves a genius or are delusional enough that they can’t help but form some wild ideas of what’s to come.
Someone must be retiring. Multiple people are retiring. There’s going to be a reality show ala Keeping Up with the Verstappens, where everyone learns that Max’s little trauma dumpy memories with Jos are just the surface level of how insane that man is. Someone is getting married. Someone is getting married to another driver. A nepo baby is going to become the “voice of the fandom” and host a show about the drivers during race weekends and it’s going to be all the wrong things. A dating show for all the singles. A behind the scenes at the lives of drivers and their families, but like Family Feud. And the penultimate dude bro dream of them getting to spend the season hanging out with drivers and get confirmation that their toxic thoughts that alienate most of the fan base is true.
After about twenty-four hours it all dies down. Everyone is still wondering, but they don’t feel like they’re losing their minds while they try to be the one who can say they were right when they news drops.
As if timed, the second that F1 drops in trends the F1 admin drops a graphic with the faces of six people who are clearly positioned like the thinking face emoji on every platform that they use. In the captions it says: Week in the Life - Sibling Edition.
If Twitter was home to the first wave of screaming, it belongs to Tumblr the second go round. Everyone is so excited for the content that someone must have thrown up from how aggressively happy they feel. Everyone is talking about who they want it to be and what content they’d love to see from which sibling. Those who make gifs are especially excited to get everything they can, though they won’t be outdone by those whose brains and fingers will be entities on their own once they get hold of a singular moment that will inspire the fic of everyone’s dreams.
Those who always have something negative to say are there as usual, but they aren’t as loud or upset as they often are. Being nosy doesn’t stop just because you want to pretend that you only care about the race, as if someone doesn’t have a file of screenshots from all the times, they’ve attacked the character of a driver for something not race related at all.
The reaction to this is the kind that instills faith in what is being done. The kind of thing that tells all the upper management who didn’t like it that it was a good idea, but also puts a certain bit of weight on the content team. They need this to deliver. Need to keep the hype, especially since the first episode doesn’t drop until the start of December and they’ve already recorded half the series so a failure could stop the rest.
So once the Singapore GP ends, Daniel Ricciardo’s face is no longer gray. You get to see that goofy smile and wink. You’d think they told everyone he was getting a permanent seat with a three year contract with the reception to it.
It’s Charles Leclerc for Japan. 
Lance Stroll for Qatar.
Carlos Sainz for COTA.
Alex Albon for Mexico.
And coming off his first P1 of the season, Lewis Hamilton for Brazil.
For the next week or so if a tweet isn’t about excitement, disdain, or shock in regard to this new F1 exclusive content, it has a certain main character at its center.
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
I Could Never Hate You (ex!reader x matty healy)
a/n: this is a bit of an add-on to this blurb so it'll kinda make more sense if you read that too but its not totally needed
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As the clock ticked closer to midnight, you got more and more antsy. Finally, after over two years, you were finally letting the world into your passion project. An album that you started with love, then loneliness and heartbreak. It took you through the hardest few months of your life, the breakup with the man who you thought you would spend the rest of your life with. It wasn’t even some big event, you just realised that you couldn’t grow together. You and Matty had spent most of your relationship alone together, in isolation away from the rest of the world. And that worked well for a while–living in stasis–but when it came time to join the real world again, you found that everyone else had changed, drastically, and you both needed to change as well, and not together.
Well, that was the start of it. Once you’d both had to start living single, for the first time in years, and it quickly became apparent that things would not settle easily. First was the awkwardness from your mutual friends, not knowing whether to take sides or not, then the jealousy in seeing just how happy you both seemed on social media without one another–of course, this was all a facade, you were both very unhappy but just too stubborn to admit it.
Hearing the things he would say about you on stage, in his songs, in interviews, you were so hurt. Not to mention shocked, you didn’t know he’d be so upset, when you split there wasn’t much animosity, just heartache. You didn’t know he felt so threatened over the mere idea of you dating someone else–all rumours made up by tabloids, you were nowhere near ready to date somebody else.
It was ten minutes until midnight. You had almost finished your final listen through it, while it was still just your’s, only two songs left. And then the whole world could listen, and learn about the past couple years that you held so sacred. 
You didn’t even realise you were crying until the tears finally spilled over your cheeks as the ending chords of the final track played in your empty flat. Living through that whole journey each time you listened was like another blow to your chest over and over, but some part of you yearned for it each time–it was your only gateway to the last time you felt actually happy with yourself. Since you broke up with him, it had all been a complete mess of bathroom breakdowns and many nights with too much wine.
As you composed yourself with a tissue there was only about a minute left, this was it. 
You watched your phone’s time turn to Friday, it was like a weight was lifted off your back. All your worries, the emotional labour you endured while making the record, just melted away. You opened the Twitter app and read through the first few tweets of excited fans who were live-tweeting their first listen to the album. You smiled at all their anticipation, typing their initial thoughts in all caps.
And soon the texts came rolling in. Your manager, peers, friends from school, the head of your label, and…him.
Just listened to it all. I can’t believe I know someone as talented as you. Seriously. Just wow.
The text touched your heart. You’d sent a very similar message when Being Funny was released, all of it true. It was a truly heartfelt and all-over fantastic record, you were just glad you could live up to that standard. You quickly typed a response.
Oh you flatter me! 
Ping! An immediate reply back.
I try…
This was the first time you’d properly spoken in months. It felt so good. It was almost like you’d gotten your Matty back–something you wished for so deeply.
I meant what I said in the ig post btw. I wanna be friends.
The second you pressed send, you were worried you’d overstepped, and when the typing bubble appeared on the screen.
Me too.
-And then another message.
Are you busy right now? I still have a 92 Bordeaux I haven’t opened…
Your favourite wine. You typed another text.
I’ll be over in 10.
It was a short walk. A route you’d thought about taking time and time again in your lowest times. Though now you were riding a hit of euphoria like no other.
You still knew the code to his apartment block–after all, it was once yours too–so you could get in easily, placing four firm knocks on his door.
When he opened the door, you were met with a sight for sore eyes. Without thinking you launched on him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You could feel him freeze for a second, before relaxing into your grasp, arms going around your waist.
You forgot his scent, the musk mixed with tobacco smoke–something that on anyone else could very well be repulsive, but not on Matty, never on Matty.
“We should get inside,” he said, muffled from his face being pressed into your shoulder.
“Okay,” you chuckled. 
You finally let go of him and you felt so suddenly cold without contact. You walked through the door and you were hit with the memories of when it was home for you–the good and bad.
Matty had set up the dark bottle on the coffee table with two glasses. He knew you always liked to open the bottle yourself so it was left still wrapped, a bottle opener laying next to it. You couldn’t help but smile a little to yourself at the sight of it, knowing that Matty still remembered.
You placed your bag on the armrest of the sofa and got to your job, unpeeling the foil and prying open the bottle. You pocketed the cork, you wanted something to remember this night by.
Matty was simply watching you from his normal spot on the sofa as you poured the two glasses and handed one to him.
“I should tell you again…” he started after you made yourself comfortable on the sofa you both spent months picking out. “It’s a fucking good album.”
“Thanks, darling,” you smiled.
“I’m serious! I could never have written something so…tender and so..so personal. Ever.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” you joked, he laughed.
“And I want you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.”
“You’re not completely blameless in all this! We’ve both said and done…things,” you argued.
“I know, I just…I could never deal with you hating me.”
“Matthew. I could never hate you.”
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fierrochase-falafel · 2 years
5 underrated TGCF moments in my humble opinion (and bonus)- expect spoilers!
When Xie Lian saved Mu Qing in book 5 at the volcano: We do NOT talk about book 5 enough, as I will mention further in this list, but when we do, we rightfully talk about Mu Qing's f-f-friends confession (which I would love to talk about more, but that's for another time), but we never seem to talk about the bit before where it's revealed Mu Qing took a cursed shackle for Xie Lian but nobody believes him or really plans on saving him except Xie Lian, despite the huge risk to himself. When Xie Lian makes it clear he would save Mu Qing anyways and Hua Cheng also has a great line to Feng Xin about how dianxia gets to make his own decisions no matter what, even if Hua Cheng himself is uncomfortable with them- something that contrasts him perfectly with White No-Face that gets overshadowed a lot. This scene and the scene leading up to it (the tunnel chase and Xie Lian being too nice to that empty-shelled mutant is just brilliant) all in all feels so underrated. Like I love the f-f-friends confession, don't get me wrong, I could talk about that anyday, but please gods can someone talk about the saving Mu Qing scene.
The virgin-detecting sword in book 3: The fact that Jun Wu even HAD a virgin-detecting sword is one of the funniest things about book 3, but the whole scene where Shi Qingxuan digs Xie Lian into a hole like "I bet he's never kissed anyone!" is just beautiful. The fact everyone assumes he's a virgin before Jun Wu even mentions that his cultivation path requires abstinence never fails to amuse me- me too, Xie Lian, me too. The virgin-detecting sword being his saviour in that moment surely must've been something. It's so funny but I've seen 1 piece of fanart of it on twitter and I think this is incredibly memorable. Since book 3 is so long, a lot of brilliant moments go less spoken about by the fan community, I feel, such as...
Xie Lian tricking Hua Cheng into revealing himself in book 3: One of my favourite scenes in the entirety of TGCF is where Xie Lian tricks Hua Cheng (disguised as Lang Ying) to reveal himself. We've already got the deadpan back-and-forth of "Who's the strongest?", "The one in red", "Who's the richest?", "The one in red", "Who's the dumbest?", "The one in green", with no beats skipped. Then he says "it's a must" to inviting Hua Cheng over, Quan Yizhen takes a bite of a yam through the window (as one does) and then he gets him to try and write an establishment plaque for Puqi Shrine and it's so funny- Xie Lian can be so funny, he's just playing around waiting to see how Hua Cheng will respond and is having the time of his LIFE. B*tch in the best way possible, this man. It's perfect. And then we get, "Only having met you did I rediscover that it's such a simple thing to be happy" which is so simple and lovely and just-- this scene is perfect, okay? We do not talk about this scene enough at ALL.
The scene where Yin Yu 'dies' in book 5: Back to me going off about how much love book 5 deserves, what with that moment between beefleaf and that massive gege statue. However, I'm choosing moments I think are the most underrated, and I just HAVE to mention Yin Yu. This man is underrated in life, in godhood and in banishment alike. The way he chose not to harm Quan Yizhen anyways- "Just because I hate him doesn't mean I have to hurt him!" This moment really links him to Xie Lian, especially just after book 4, as once again White No-Face tries to manipulate someone into weaponising their resentment the way he did, and once again he is denied the satisfaction of thinking what he did was justifiable because Yin Yu chose not to spend his life motivated solely by pain and hatred. One can argue that in book 4, after the bamboo hat incident, Xie Lian may not necessarily have had his faith in humanity at large restored but rather his faith in the power of choice. The choice to care, the choice to help, the choice not to hurt others just because you can- as opposed to the choice that was stolen from him in the 100 swords scene, and the 'choice' people claimed not to have when they stabbed him. The choice Xie Lian made when he chose not to massacre Yong'an despite his pain is like the choice Yin Yu makes when he chooses not to steal Quan Yizhen's power despite his pain. It's so satisfying to see Yin Yu stand up for his own actions when he's been cast aside by everyone, and no matter how much resentment you harbour you can still choose what to do about it.
The pagoda collapsing in book 2: This scene was the tipping point in book 2 where Xie Lian himself realised he didn't believe in his own potential anymore, and it is soul-crushing. The way he spends 3 days trying to hold up the celestial pagoda in pure desperation and anguish, and then being surrounded on all sides constantly until the pagoda collapses with people begging him to save them and him realising he can do nothing...if book 4 is the full-on descent to rock-bottom, book 2 is the anxiety-packed precursor without which book 4 would not hit as hard as it did, and sometimes it feels like it's overshadowed by book 4 completely. Book 4 may hit harder, but the end of book 2 is gut-punching as it is. You can FEEL Xie Lian being overwhelmed and trying so hard to pretend everything is fine when his life and nation are collapsing in front of him, piece by piece. Hands shoving him, some even strangling him until he keels over in the most helpless moment of his god-pleasing life as everyone calls him a fraud and begs for his help, when he has none to give or recieve. And after all that, chasing White No-Face only to break his leg, being the nail in the coffin of Xie Lian's unshakeable will that facilitated his rise and fall. It's haunting, it's poetic, it's the epitome of tragedy. Bonus!!! : Is it just me, or does nobody seem to talk about the book 5 fight scene? There's so much fanart of Hua Cheng fading into butterflies, which is honestly more compelling for me because of the Wuming reveal and their dynamic; however, Xie Lian finally out-manoevering and stabbing Jun Wu after being flooded with spiritual power by his bf, and then Guoshi calmly addressing Jun Wu asking him if he's exhausted...I think needs more attention too. It's the ultimate fight scene! Xie Lian gets a fighting win over Jun Wu that somehow feels numbing because at the end of the day, Xie Lian's triumph over him was never in revenge or in physical combat. Almost the opposite actually, it was in his choosing not to let his anger and resentment of White No-Face control him. Xie Lian winning is well-earned but ultimately the focus is what a sad, angry, tired man Jun Wu is. I think MXTX writes this wonderfully and really gets that message across...much as I'd like to see more discourse on the fight scene, I can see why there isn't because of how bleak it is and just generally-- unfulfilling compared to Xie Lian's character development. It's the climax wherein the main character had his personal climax 800 years ago, and I love it for how antithetic it feels compared to Xie Lian's other power moves and his overall development. This is just my view, of course, I would really love to see more opinions on this!
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misseviehyde · 1 year
This is a tribute story to one of my favourite artists and online friends. Ashley Hacksaw whose OC Vivian is a sexy slime Goddess. Please check out her work at @hacsaw8 on Twitter. Vivian is her character and I have posted this with her permission.
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Billy cowered and whimpered as he listened to his bully Josh tearing up and down the corridor outside the computer room looking for him.
"You can't hide for long nerd, my mates have the exits blocked. I'm gonna tear your fucking head off when I find you. Come out!"
Hiding behind a row of computers, his palms sweaty and his heart pounding, the computer nerd had no intention of complying. Billy was small and weak, Josh powerful and strong. The muscled quarterback was the biggest bully at school and had put people who crossed him into hospital, so perhaps hacking into his social media accounts and sending nudes of Josh's huge cock to every girl at school (including the female teachers) to get him into trouble hadn't been such a good idea.
No one had known it was him of course, but Billy hadn't been able to resist the temptation to brag about what he'd done and now the whole school knew after someone had blabbed. It didn't matter really who had got him in the shit, as soon as he told one person it was inevitable the secret would get out.
And now he was dead.
There was no way out of the computer room and this section of the school. The exits were blocked and Josh would find him soon. What was he going to do?
An amused female voice, sexy and confident with a mischievous and slightly malicious catch to it was laughing near his head. He nearly jumped out of his skin until he realised it was coming from one of the computer monitors.
"What the hell?" he gasped as he lifted his head a little to look at the screen.
A strange... creature... was looking out of the screen with a toothy white grin, breaking the fourth wall and regarding him with big hypnotic eyes. She was clearly female... VERY DEFINITELY female, with curves in all the right places and huge round breasts. Her body was entirely black and her skin looked strangely latexy, as if it could stretch and flow at will. Magnificent red hair cascaded down from her head, flickering and flowing like it was alive like the flames of a fire. Pointed ears swept back from a beautiful perfect face, with full firm lips and the cheekbones of a Goddess. She tapped her face thoughtfully with long sensuous nails... or were they claws?
Hello Billy. I'm Vivian.
Billy backed away, terrified beyond his wits. Was this some prank? An AI accidentally left loaded on the computer, or just some youtube video left open? But no... it.... SHE... had spoken to him. It seemed like her voice was being projected directly into his head. Like she was rooting through his mind.
Oh dear Billy. You're really in the shit aren't you? I like to flow and surf through the web looking for fun and I was drawn by the drama of this situation. You're a weak, pathetic little boy about to be destroyed by a strong powerful Alpha. I really don't see any hope for you and I thought it would be fun to watch. I can really cum hard to something like this.
"This... this isn't real. I'm having a fucking mental breakdown," whimpered Billy - his troubles with Josh forgotten. "What the fuck are you?"
Ohhhh, I'm lots of things. A void creature from another dimension, an all powerful slime Goddess, a sex obsessed little slutty bitch - I'm so fucking much that reality struggles to contain my power. I have to spend most of my time existing here, though I like to pop into reality from time to time. This situation is kinda intriguing. How about I pop through now and say hi.
Billy's head felt fuzzy and he thought he was going to faint as the screen began to bulge. Then with a pop, a sexy head with a crown of dark flames and long red hair pushed through. Moaning and grunting, using her clawed hands to drag herself forward - Vivian pulled herself out of the screen with a hot wet gloop. Her body slid out till with a plop she landed on the floor in front of Billy. She smelled delicious and being near her, Billy felt a strange dusky pheromone rising from her body that made him unbearably horny. Her body... her skin... her hair. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to feel that body.... to know what it was like.
Vivian was tiny, she stood at full head height with her lips at his crotch. For some reason that made his dick twitch hard and the thought of what she could do from that position made him groan with lust. He noticed now for the first time that her hair was so long and thick it was like a tail. It swished behind her like a cat. He wondered how it would feel to grab onto it, to use it to pound her harder. What the fuck was wrong with him?
Her hypnotic eyes held his gaze and she tossed her amazing hair sexily with another wicked grin.
"Like what you see? Unfortunately for you, my scent drives losers like you wild. You're already falling under my control. You see... I can't manifest long in real life without a host. I need someone inside me... I need someone to BECOME me. So I wanna make you a bargain. Get inside me Billy. Become me and I'll protect you from that nasty bully."
As if summoned by her words, Billy heard Josh laugh in triumph from outside. "There's only one place you can be loser, I'm on my way to the computer room."
Jumping up onto the computer bench Vivian spread her legs wide and giggled. Between her wicked thighs Billy could now see a tight slit, a hot wet pussy that was already dripping with lust.
"Fuck your way inside me Billy... get your dick inside my slot and let me flow all over you. Thrust and fuck your way into Goddess until YOU ARE me."
Vivian's obscene scent was blotting out all thought. Her body seemed to ooze power and the thought of mounting her, pushing into her, becoming her was getting too hot to resist. As Vivian he would be unstoppable and safe from the pathetic bully. By allowing her to possess him, Billy would never be weak again.
"Yesssssss," he hissed eagerly as Vivian grinned happily.
"Oh I love it when guys get horny to become me. Hurry up and get inside, I wanna feel you inside me."
Dropping his pants, his cock hard Billy advanced. Vivian eagerly slid forward to meet his cock, moaning as he pushed into her for the first time. "Yessss that's it baby, TAKE ME!"
"Oh my GOD!" screamed Billy. He was a virgin and had never fucked a pussy, so not only was Vivian his first but he had never felt anything so good. Her legs wrapped round his waist, dragging him in even deeper as her hungry pussy seemed to suck and pump him in with every thrust.
"Give yourself to me Billy," hissed Vivan. "Become my boy-host."
"Ohhh my God, I want to become you so badly, take me!" groaned Billy as Vivian's grin nearly split her face and with a laugh she began to melt and ooze all over Billy. Vivian turned to sticky black goo, Billy melting inside and it closing up around him as he jerked and pumped with desperate thrusts.
His cock began to erupt, sperm blasting out everywhere as Vivian absorbed him inside her body, her hair coiling around his head and rooting into his scalp. He felt her claws spring from his fingers, her breasts greedily suck onto his chest. Her face closed over his and he gave her his soul, becoming a willing passenger in his own body as Vivian took full control.
Vivian giggled, her red hair moving as if it had a mind of it's own. She was bigger now - temporarily human sized now she was on a host, and her breasts were even bigger. With Billy inside her, she no longer needed to concentrate on holding her form and now all her powers were at her disposal.
Vivian raised an eyebrow and laughed as she saw that Josh had finally found her. He had stormed halfway into the room expecting to see Billy, but now as his eyes drank in the monstrous, yet alluring creature in front of him - it was clear he didn't know what to do.
"Hello baby," laughed the slime Goddess. Raising her arms, she levitated slightly into the air and floated across the room towards Joshua... his mouth dropping open as he beheld her true power.
"Wh... what the hell are you?" he gasped in confusion.
"Call me Vivian. That little nerd you want to destroy is inside me, so unfortunately you can't touch him anymore. What he doesn't realise though is that I LOVE a mean bully Alpha. I want you to fuck me Josh. His tiny dick barely satisfied me, but I know you have more to give me."
Josh groaned, Vivian's proximity making him horny and unable to resist. This creature was like no woman he had ever known before, yet somehow she was the sexiest and most wicked creature he had ever beheld. She was making him horny in ways a mortal woman never had.
"My pussy is tighter... my body better than any bitch you've ever fucked baby. I can make you cum so hard you'll be pumping cum into me until your balls run dry. And best of all - all that cum will be going into Billy as well. Just think of him - deep inside me, absorbed but still conscious of every feeling. Helpless to stop you breeding me with your Alpha bully cum until he is addicted to the taste."
Sinking to her knees, her hair whipping out and dragging down Josh's pants, Vivian opened her mouth and slid her thick wet lips around his cock.
Glug, glug, glug.
Joshua moaned as Vivian's sucking mouth slurped and worked up and down his throbbing cock. She didn't appear to need to breathe, so the suction was constant and perfect. Her claws played with his balls, tickling them as her perfect goo like body sent shivers of pleasure into him.
Josh gasped - he'd never had a blowjob this intense, this perfect before. It was like being sucked off by a greedy hoover desperate for cum. It was too much, and with a heaving groan he began to cum.
Vivian moaned happily, gulping down thick loads of hot white cum. Deep inside her, Billy groaned as it flowed into him - his own bullies semen flowing into his stomach.
"Mmmmmh more," she gasped pulling her head off his cock and laying back. Her hair whipped out and dragged Josh in and he groaned as his massive cock slid effortlessly inside her pussy. He had only just cum, but the feelings were so intense and so good that in moments he was horny again.
"Yessss fuck me Joshua," groaned Vivian. "You're such a fucking stud, so much better than Billy. Pump more cum inside me. Pump it in my pussy, my ass - cream me so he's drowning in your semen."
Joshua was only too happy to obey. He groaned as he erupted again, and Vivian screamed in happiness as cum blasted deep inside her and within her perfect body Billy was pumped full of more and more.
"I can't believe I ever considered using Billy as my host," laughed Vivian as Joshua remained buried in her pussy - her legs wrapped round his waist. "It's time to upgrade. Become me Joshua. You know you want this body. Take me from Billy."
Joshua wanted it. He wanted Vivian's body, her power for himself. "Yes bitch, give me your fucking body. Make me into you!"
"Yes Joshua, take it - I'm yours!" screamed Vivian and he began to pound and thrust into her. Each sucking pump of his huge cock now caused Vivian's body to flow and melt, sucking backwards and over his skin.
"NOOOOOO!" screamed Billy as Vivian was ripped off him by his bully. Joshua laughed triumphantly as Vivian flowed all over him - her oozing black slime eagerly attaching to his superior body.
Standing up, the last of Vivian merging with her new host - the slime Queen looked down at her body with glee. Joshua's huge cock still jutted from her crotch. His muscled body meant that she was now over six feet in height and muscled and toned.
She looked down at Billy whimpering below her. He had cum oozing out of his mouth, his ass - it was all over his face and in his hair.
"Look at how pathetic you are Billy," she giggled. "Did I forget to warn you - I'm really bad at sticking to bargains. I just take what I want when I want it. Merged with Joshua, now I'm even more powerful and he LOVES being me."
Grabbing Billy's hair she dragged him up. "Thanks to your little stint inside me, you're now addicted to Joshua's cum. But don't worry, I can give you plenty more."
Moaning and grinning with her wicked toothy smile, Vivan gasped as she slid her huge cock into Billy's eager mouth and he began to suck.
"Good boy, you're my personal cumslut from now on."
Vivian felt herself relax nicely as Billy sucked her off. She was going to enjoy manifesting in this town. She'd spend a few weeks here corrupting and fucking everyone she pleased - then perhaps she'd leave and dive back into the net.
Afterall - there was always another loser looking to make a bad bargain with her.
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indigoraysoflight · 1 year
This One Is For Melissa Mcbride (And Her Fans ❤️)
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(original photo via @/calivero92 on IG)
Let me get straight to it. 
There should’ve been an official announcement of Melissa McBride’s return. After a lackluster final season, the absolute nightmare that last year must’ve been for her – she deserved nothing but joy, celebration, and endless praise for her in the media. Instead, her announcement was whittled down to a cheap click bait storm perpetuated by someone who had no right to speak for her (I don’t care how well-intentioned it may or may not have been). 
We all have some deep feelings about the Twitter storm + clickbait articles that followed yesterday. If you read the tweet in question and were hurt, angry, sad, confused, conflicted, or felt a mixture of everything – ALL YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. 
Let me preface this by saying I wasn't around for all that happened last year. But I have spoken to a lot of fans – many of them have emotional scars, asked reasonable questions, and were respectful towards people involved in the spinoff. From what I've seen, a handful of people crossed the line by harassing NR and threatening his family – that was vile and disgusting, and they should be called out for it. And they should’ve taken accountability for their actions. Nobody deserves that treatment. 
HOWEVER, bunching the entire fandom together with those few that didn’t control their vitriol and calling everyone “toxic” is infuriating and just plain sad. Especially when we remember that this relates to a TV show that THRIVES on showing us the gray areas of moral behaviour. 
These are the fans that put their wallets down to watch TWD. The people who passionately talk about their favourites, make fan art, write beautiful letters to the actors, and watch the shows to give them strength and hope in their lives. People who line up at cons, cosplay characters, buy expensive tickets and photo ops just to spend a few minutes with their favourite actors. 
But let’s talk specifically about Melissa McBride’s fans. 
My question is to anyone who believes all of Melissa’s fans are festering in toxicity – do you know what the fans she has ACTUALLY nurtured look like?
Let me introduce you. 
The majority of the fans that adore Carol are survivours like her. The type of abuse they face may have different names – but they resonated with Carol deeply because she showed them they were stronger than their trauma. Stronger than the people who caused those traumas. She taught them how to fight back. To rise up. 
These are some of the strongest, most vulnerable, perceptive, passionate, and empathetic people in the fandom. They’ve watched this show and looked up to Carol to get them through whatever difficult times they faced. Some are still deciding whether or not to subscribe to watch any future spinoffs.  
Here’s another question to anyone who believes the narrative from last year (not by Melissa or her reps) that was spread again yesterday – Do you *KNOW* Melissa McBride? 
Melissa McBride is the woman who has spent over a decade breathing life into Carol Peletier. She has shown us Carol’s strength, her raw vulnerability, and her tenacious spirit. Qualities that come from within Melissa that she harnessed to bring Carol to our screens. She is a class act. Everyone who has ever worked with her has called her wonderful and professional. She is charming, sweet, remarkably intelligent, and an extremely eloquent speaker.
And she can speak her truth for herself – when she wants to or if she wants to. 
She has written to her fans, and treated her fans with love and respect. She’s spent hours at cons speaking to them. With her performance, she has helped DV survivours leave difficult situations. She has inspired people to move through their traumas and get out of toxic situations. She even skipped the red carpet at the finale event to skip the limelight and go spend time with her fans. 
And through all this, Melissa has shown nothing but love, gratitude, and respect for her fans. She has been a beacon of light in the lives of her fans. And most importantly, she has taught us how to stand up for ourselves. 
Did they honestly think that when the time came to stand up for her – we would sit still? They better think again. 
Melissa McBride doesn't just deserve better...
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She deserves the goddamn world.
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abimee · 6 months
Hello Rylan, Don't answer if this is question is invasive, but I wanted to ask how you converted to Islam? I was raised Catholic and for a really long time I've been dealing with the trauma that participating in the religion brought me. But I've heard the way my muslim friends and other muslim people I've come across talk about their religion and their god, and I feel like it is a faith I could find peace within. I guess it's a little weird for me to ask this to an artist I admire, but none of my muslim friends are converts and I don't really know where I would start to look into this. Regardless of if you answer or not, I hope you have a wonderful day! Ramadan mubarak
i converted to islam around ->2017 after bouncing around a few religious explorations (beforehand i was huge into the whole paganism/wiccan thing that was big on tumblr since my great grandmother on my mom's side was like the family witch), and it was mainly spending months reading the Q'uran every morning on my bus ride to school, reading specific books about converting to islam, watching videos made by muslim creators about islam, following a wide breath of people on twitter from muslim jail abolitionists, islamic scholars in architecture, mythology, religion, etc, reading external information about the life of prophets, and talking to a couple other muslims including my friend who while doesnt Practice islam is culturally muslim. I was also already previously introduced to concepts from islam and cultural islam prior, both from following/being friends with people who were open about their muslim identity and from engaging in works from people who are/were muslim that weren't predominently about islam
i would say by the time i had decided on trying to convert i had slightly above average understanding of islam for a white midwestern child of atheist/nonreligious parents, and had no prior religious leanings that would influence my experience in conversion. I also recognized that even upon conversion that I still had a long way to go before I could claim any major understanding of islam, as again I came to it as someone who was not raised in or around a culture/society that was islamic, and in many ways I would never fully know or understand the intriciacies of islam and that my entirely life shall be spent working towards understanding it, as again I come from a society built on christian values within it's very basic morals and way of life instead of islamic values.
if you wanna know why I converted, I think it was because I did partially enjoy the teachings of christianity and the concept of God, but something about christianity just never Connected with me --- I dont have any religious trauma, so when I talk about christianity I consider it more like I am standing outside of a building, and while the door is open for me and it looks inviting, I feel like there's no space for me there and that I don't feel like I should enter.
but when reading the Q'uran and anecdotes about the prophets in my journey to converting to islam, it felt much more at home; the passages the ways that God spoke and was spoken of felt more aligned with something that felt warm in my heart.
If christianity felt like an open door to a space I didn't feel like I could get comfortable in, then Islam felt like someone taking my hand and walking me in and getting me a comfortable chair to sit down in as they introduced me to everyone else in the room --- it's a distinct feeling, and this is again me experience a very isolated and singular experience of Islam, a very private form of it since I do not have a community or a place of worship I attend. My islam is like a small altar in my house that only I see, it's rough and it's not perfect and definitely doesn't look like most other's altar, but I spent my time slowly building it and decorating it and making it mine, and I cherish it in my heart while understandinf that it is something personal for me, and that I don't want people to base their altars off of mine or think my altar is the Way to Do It.
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to end this post heres a real picture of my very real altar i had before and kept up with through my conversion to islam, unrelated to my metaphor about a personal altara. the deck of tarot was given to me by my mother who got it from her grandmother, and you can see stuff like the blessings angel my dads mom sent to me and the 3d printed bear statue i got at a zoo in like 2015-2016 when 3d printing was quaint and new. Good luck with whatever path you take anon and allahu akram :]
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heartbrake-hotel · 1 year
Ugh. You won't believe this. I'm sorry to bug you, but I just needed to vent.
I saw some idiot on twitter saying that when E met Priscilla he had an eleven year old girl living with him in Germany. They mentioned Scotty Moore said that in his book so I looked it up. What he said was at the time E met Cilla, he had an "even younger German girl" (his words) living in the house with his father and grandmother. Except...well, I can't find any proof of this; there’s no evidence nor mention of this girl (or how old she was) anywhere else in the book nor in any other books written about him. No proof he had anyone else like that living with him in Germany.
So I don’t think that claim is true. Where do people come up with this stuff anyway? How do you not get into an argument with these idiots? Because it's super annoying.
ugh, believe it or not, baby, im not surprised at all. but you could never bug me !!! 💖 sorry it took me so long to answer this, but rest assured i haven't calmed down about this any since you first sent it 😅
a couple notes‐ honestly, i'm inclined to believe scotty. NOT TWITTER to clarify lol.. eleven seems young for him even if you are looking to view e through the most unflattering light possible 😬 but it seems likely to me that he had another teenage girl maybe not uh. officially on the lease or anything but staying over most nights ! more than ONE even sounds plausible.. we all know that someone didn't like his bed cold.!
people who claim to hate elvis sure spend an awful lot of time reviling him on the internet, especially by regurgitating half-remembered anecdotal evidence without citing their sources. 🙄 on the other hand, it's also easy to fall into the trap of too-faithful elvis historian; by that i mean that the fact that so much of his life is documented sometimes makes us complacent in our belief that if it can't be verified by multiple primary sources that it must not have happened. but we can't always say, and getting too involved as if the historical accuracy of one particular proposed event is the end-all be-all of elvis fandom can get exhausting.!
i wouldn't be surprised to find out either way, that this was or wasn't true. but you're free to make up your own mind, and if it distresses you, then fwiw i think you Totally have a leg to stand on affirming it never happened, like you said !! ultimately, it doesn't have much bearing on right now- if you like elvis, this vague and nebulous criticism probably isn't the thing that'll make you stop liking elvis, and if you hate elvis, you're probably determined to keep doing that regardless.
regarding the twitdiots- while looking into this claim i found a lady on there who legitimately believed that agent elvis tells the true story of how e was experimented on and mind controlled into drug abuse by the government.. like she said That with her whooole chest. so i don't put much stock in public opinion over there 😂😂💀
i want to fight those people extremely often (they're not just on twitter, either- it seems to have died down a little praise GOD but especially in early days after the movie there was a wave of ppl on here who would put their elvis hate in the main tags. WHICH DROVE ME BATTY), but i come from the "don't feed the trolls" era of fandom. as much as id like to rip 'em a new one when they rehash the same two issues over and over and OVER again ad nauseum, i content myself with the fact that they're living a pathetic existence in which they actively choose to fill their life with something they dislike for... no discernable reason.?
no one who spends their time bringing up a dead celebrity at all opportunities just to bash them is actually open to a discussion. and i do think there is a discussion to be had- his life was certainly very troubled, and i think there are a lot of nuanced issues that benefit from being spoken about openly !!!
but i like to debate bc i like to WIN- so jackasses tend to be a waste of my time 😘
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psychic-refugee · 2 years
Thanks to the Anon on @heyharoldsboo 's page who gave me a shout out. Sorry I don’t do Anon Asks, frankly I don’t believe in anons. I barely believe in people who have fully developed blogs that have been operating for years. People curate and create online personas, myself included. It’s smart to not put your real life online. So, I take everything I see and hear on the internet with a grain of salt.
I do very much believe in protecting my peace, however. I’ve seen way too many people get brave behind the anon feature and just go absolutely vile.
As much as I know some anons are sweet and well meaning, “I won’t set myself on fire to keep you warm.” Tumblr and writing are a hobby, my mental health is the biggest source of wealth for me. I’m going to protect it at all costs.
My other justification is that Tumblr is free, it doesn’t cost anything to create a blog and to do the minimal work to make it not look like a porn bot. People can create a blog and ask me things that way if they really wanted to.
Sorry if a newcomer with an empty blog has tried to follow me, I’m pretty heavy handed with the block feature if I presume you’re a porn bot.
I do appreciate the thoughts and shout out.
So, lets talk about Cease and Desist letters. They mean nothing. lol That’s the long and short of it. They’re used as an intimidation tactic. Sometimes the threat of a lawsuit is enough to get the recipient to back down. It’s part of legal theatre.
They are not legally binding on either the sender or the recipient. If the accusers got anything, they could wipe their butts with it for all that it technically matters. You can write as many demands as you want, the recipients have the choice to ignore it. Most firms send it as an extra-judicial way of hopefully avoiding litigation. Why litigate for thousands upon thousands of Can$ if they can just send a warning shot? Sometimes, C&Ds are bluffs. Now, most people would take threats of legal action seriously, but given the accusers’ erratic behavior and immaturity they’ve shown thus far, they could also just as easily dismiss it as a joke.
It’s probably true that they do not have the money for attorneys. By that same logic, they do not have the money to make a suit worth it on PHW’s end. Will he really spend that much money on principals? Not sure a C&D is worth the time and money either.
If they say they haven’t gotten anything, I’m more inclined to believe them.
One anon made a good point regarding addresses. PHW’s representation might be having a hard time locating these women. Assuming he hasn’t spoken to them since high school, we’re talking at least three years. That’s plenty of time to have moved to a bunch of places if they don’t have steady employment. Did they go to university? Are they still in university? Could they be staying with a friend and don’t have a legal address? Could they still list their parents house while they’re living somewhere else?
So far, they’ve done PHW’s legal case more of a favor by continuing to post rather than to go dark. Given how toothless C&Ds are, it’s not worth the billable hours or fancy heavy stock letterhead to write one IMO, plus on top of hiring someone to find them.
I also see these women as being petty enough to have posted the letters if they got them. It’s not illegal to show a letter you’ve gotten. It’s their letter, if they show they got one, then they’re just stating facts. There’s no implied or enforceable gag order on not revealing they got a C&D.
His legal team may not want to prematurely reveal themselves either. Given how volatile Twitter and Tumblr could be, I wouldn’t want to expose my firm to trolls.
C&Ds aren’t required either. If I was going to sue, which they may still be considering at this stage, then I would just serve them an actual complaint. I don’t think a C&D is worth it at this stage if ever.
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z-cerulean · 2 years
I analyse Marianne's supports (Three Houses)
I did this as a Twitter thread a while back but that was... a while back, and lacking twitter's character limit gives me a bit more freedom to do something like this.
Marianne is a character from Three Houses, and part of the Golden Deer class. Over time she's become my usual name for my favourite character in any piece of media and has become quite important to me for a number of reasons, as I'm sure is the case for most people's favourites.
So I'm going to go over each of Marianne's supports in Three Houses. I'll get around to one for Three Hopes when I do Azure Gleam.
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Disclaimer, this is just what I think. Fair warning, while I'll keep to a minimum, there will be spoilers for Three Houses if you're yet to play it. Marianne's narrative is rather isolated from the rest of the game's story, so if you don't mind knowing that, there's no problem.
Who is Marianne?
Marianne is the adoptive daughter of Margrave Edmund, one of the Leicester Alliance's up and coming noble houses, and is sent to Garreg Mach's Officer's Academy as per his demands. Marianne herself is shy and reclusive, often only speaking when spoken to and generally evasive of conversation where possible, often freezing up for not knowing what to say. Claude, in his introduction of her to Byleth, says he knows not much about her himself and wouldn't be surprised if someone had never heard her speak. Marianne seemingly spends most of her spare time around animals or praying to the goddess. Her self-esteem is demonstrably low and is quick to disparage herself, she claims that individuals around her suffer misfortune, and keeps details of her Crest to herself, Margrave Edmund himself playing a considerable amount of money to Garreg Mach to keep Marianne's Crest a secret.
Marianne's paralogue isn't available until partway through the War arc of the game, where she's harassed by a scholar over her Crest. Her ancestry can be traced back to the forgotten 11th Elite from the Nemesis and the 10 Elites legend, Maurice. Maurice, through overextending his own limits with his Heroes' Relic, had been thought to be cursed into a Demonic Beast and to this day stalks a forest near Edmund territory, the basis of a legend that his descendants would likewise become beasts. The paralogue follows Marianne going to said forest, finding Demonic Beast Maurice still alive. Upon defeat, the only things left of him were his Relic, Blutgang, and human bones. The scholar that harassed her initially, seeing the sword, found himself proven wrong and apologises. Marianne, finally able to prove rumours she herself believed about her crest were wrong, is finally able to move on. In her solo ending, following the war's end, she becomes a celebrated hero and skilled orator, inheriting Edmund territory.
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Of course, this is a broad simplification of her journey, that does get significantly fleshed out in her supports. Speaking of:
M/F Byleth Support
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Doing both of these together since both Byleth supports are effectively identical, except for the M!Byleth S support existing.
I... admittedly don't really like this support that much. For reasons that become more apparent as the other supports are discussed, should say, but this support is definitely a victim of being... a Byleth support, since Byleth doesn't get proper lines like Kris, Robin and Corrin before them. As a result this support very much reads like an overview of Marianne's arc, rather than Byleth engaging as much with her. At points it very much feels like Marianne speaking to a brick wall, for lack of a better term. Though points for the A support having an added line if her paralogue is completed, stuff like that is fun. I'll be making more solid arguments for why I'd say this is my least favourite Marianne support once the others are brought up.
Though this is also where we get a window into her relationship with her adoptive father. Marianne seems to mostly perceive him as using her for political legitimacy, since she has a crest, and plans to marry her off for similar gains. Since Margrave Edmund never appears in person, even in Three Hopes, Marianne's perception is all we have of them.
Claude Support
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Now here's a step up over the Byleth support. The Claude supports follows Claude making a guess about her crest issues, describing both her Crest and his dual heritage as 'burdens', saying they can be cast aside no matter how difficult, and offering his support to her.
This is a pretty sweet support all around. It's one of the few Claude opens up to someone in, purely for someone else's betterment at that.
While this isn't my favourite depiction of it, it's also an introduction to what is my favourite aspect of Marianne's conflict. Putting it as Claude does, "...people are born with burdens to carry. That much is undeniable. But whether they bind us or we cast them aside... that's up to us. " Nothing changes about Marianne's burdens if she does nothing towards casting them off. But, by putting in the effort and with help from others, she can move towards a better tomorrow.
This is something I feel the Byleth support doesn't portray that well, and is a big part of why I'd rank it fairly low. Though that could be an opinion influenced by some individuals perceiving the support as Byleth 'fixing' Marianne, which entirely defeats a big reason why I like Marianne.
There's also the first case of Marianne 'talking' to animals, as she puts it, specifically to Dorte, a horse at the monastery. That gets touched on a bit more later.
Hilda Support
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This support is one of the few where it isn't about Marianne confronting her Crest. Instead, Marianne and Hilda tidying turns into the Hilda's help being repaid by tea parties provided for by Marianne.
I like this support. If anything, I wish Marianne had a few more that weren't as serious like this one. It's basically the only support where Marianne's clumsiness comes into play, which I'm glad isn't played up too much.
I don't really have as much else to say about this one, it's pretty good.
Leonie Support
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In brief, Leonie loses her temper at Marianne for putting down her own abilities without attempt, with Leonie apologising and helping her with conversation in the B support.
This support is very... fine. It does the job for sure, but there's not as much to it. This is the first showing of Marianne expecting the worst of more simple gestures, to extent of refusing to help from those more catastrophic outcomes. I kind of wish the B support leaned a bit more explicitly into this, I guess, based on what's here.
Lysithea Support
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The Lysithea support is also... fine, for being basically just another incarnation of the Leonie support, though about an accident this time rather than a supply run, followed by a second event with a battle strategy enquiry this time in the B support.
I think I'd probably put this one beneath the Leonie support, it didn't need to spend two supports mostly on effectively the same thing, though I like the ending of the B support.
Lorenz Support
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The support is a bit more compelled by Lorenz than it is Marianne. I think it's a fine support, I like the B support, though I'd not call it a favourite, a lot of the big moments are mostly due to Lorenz. If anything though, their paired ending with them becoming 'the mother and father of horses and cattle' with Lorenz hating it is pretty funny.
Ignatz Support
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The Ignatz support is another mostly compelled by Ignatz, in some ways it's effectively another version of the Lorenz support. I think I like this one a bit more than that overall, the angle of 'words aren't necessary for communication' is nice, and anything where Marianne is motivated towards an active effort is nice.
Raphael Support
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The last of her in-house supports, the Raphael one... I have mixed opinions on.
One hand it has a couple nice moments and it is one of the few more relaxed supports, on the other I'm finding it's sort of hamstrung by Raphael's sheer idiocy at points. Not to say I dislike Raphael, he's fine, but I feel like I could have done without it.
Ferdinand Support
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The Ferdinand support is pretty nice as well, it's basically the only time Marianne gets openly frustrated, and I like the resolutions where she ends up approaching others herself about her problems or resolutions. Plus Ferdinand is just kind of a cool dude to begin with, so yeah I'd put this one pretty highly.
Linhardt Support
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It's nice, Linhardt putting in active effort (albeit related to his vested interests) is a fun change of pace and the closure on Marianne's part is nice. I'm not as crazy about this support as others are, but it's nice.
Sylvain Support
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Sylvain's another character I like a lot from this game, so pretty great as is, and the Marianne support definitely helps with that. I kind of wish they got an A support to cap it off, but I guess Sylvain will have to deal with only being able to A support like three of the rest of the female cast.
Ashe Support
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While I like this support for sure, it mostly just reads like a slightly lamer version of the Ferdinand support to me. Not an inherent negative, but one of my gripes with Marianne's support lineup is how homogenous a lot of her supports end up being, I'd have liked a few more like the Hilda support where she mostly just gets to relax, is how to put it.
Dimitri Support
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This one's my single favourite support of Marianne's set. Whether that's bias on also liking Dimitri a lot, debatable, but this one just hits. The A support is phenomenal, in particular. The two of them basically just get each other and in short I do basically every Heroes' Journey with these two now.
Hanneman Support
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Man, the Hanneman support is pretty great. It's the most directly confrontational towards her bloodline, which allows this one to hit the hardest on it for not having overused it too much in the other supports. Also the A support is great.
If I had to rank Marianne's supports on a tier list it'd probably be something like this:
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Depending on the day I'd probably order them differently, so mostly just take them as within tier. I'd have liked a few more 'Marianne just gets to relax and have fun' supports, as said before, but for what we have I'm fine with it. From what I've seen of Three Hopes so far, she gets a couple more along those lines, so I'll do another of these for when I get around to Azure Gleam in that game.
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xaracosmia · 7 months
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name / alias: Laur age: 28 pronouns: She/they ooc contact: mikagihazuki on twitter other characters in xc: Vanitas, Akira Kurusu, Aventurine
name: Jun Kurosu age: 17 pronouns: He/they series: Persona 2 (Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment) canon point: Post Persona 2 Innocent Sin app triggers: Possession/influence, suicide, death, arson, death, murder
Jun Kurosu possesses a warm and nurturing heart. He is someone who is incredibly soft-spoken, selfless, and melancholic. Jun harbours a deep love for his friends and is also very protective over them and his memories of them. Jun is someone compassionate and romantic, someone who feels very strongly about a lot of things, despite how seemingly reserved and quiet he is. When it comes to those he holds dear, he comes across as very confident and self-assured. Jun is highly intelligent and very philosophical and can hold very long and deep conversations with people when the topic pertains to things like astrology and/or flowers. Jun has a deep understanding of astrology and has a keen and deep-routed interest in flowers and flower language. More often than not, Jun can and will tie his friends and people to astrology. Despite how loving and kind Jun is, however, he is extremely anti-social, and prefers not to spend his time in big groups. Rather, Jun will most likely prefer direct one-on-one conversation in order to get to know someone.
Of course Jun has been under the influence of Nyarlathotep in the past. Whilst under the influence, he presented himself as some vengeful madman, looking for revenge specifically against Tatsuya Suouh for arson against Maya. This was, of course, Nyarlathotep feeding into Jun’s insecurities of losing his friends and seeing his friends be harmed and betrayed. Jun does wear his heart on his sleeve when it comes to his attachment and love for his friends, but otherwise can be extremely reserved to anyone else. It’s not that Jun is necessarily untrustworthy, but rather, he’s extremely cautious and hesitant. It’s still possible of course to make friends with Jun, but it will take both time and effort. Nonetheless, bringing up the topic of flowers or astrology is a sure way down his good path.
Jun’s confidence does shine through his interests and intelligence. He can surprise many people with how self-assured he can come across when it comes to the things he’s most passionate about. Passion is something that means a lot to Jun, and is a really good word to define him by. He also wears passion on his sleeve, in that regard.
something your muse struggles with: Trust, making friends, self confidence, self guilt, anti-social, distant, melancholic, deeply insecure.
your muse’s greatest strength: Intelligent, romantic, nurturing, selfless, protective and loving.
history / background:
This will contain spoilers only for Persona 2: Innocent Sin including Jun Kurosu’s backstory.
When Jun Kurosu attended Seven Sisters High School, he was bullied. Little did these bullies know that Jun harboured a volatile Persona that ended up injuring the bullies pretty badly. This incident caused Jun to move schools to Kasugayama High School. When he was a lot younger, he’d made friends with Tatsuya Suouh, Lisa Silverman, and Eikichi Mishina. Jun was actually neglected pretty badly by his mother, who often got into arguments with Jun’s father. When meeting these three, it was like a sweet escape for him, and the three of them became the Masked Circle. Just a little later, the three of them met Maya Amano. When Jun started to get closer to Tatsuya specifically, at the same time, he began to hate his parents. Jun denied who his father was when he showed up, and wished that Maya was his guardian instead. Nyarlathotep soon came into the picture taking the form of what Jun considered was an ideal father, conveniently at the time that Jun thought he lost Maya due to a fire at Alaya Shrine that almost killed her. It was at this time that Jun Kurosu took the form of Joker, fulfilling a prophecy he was unaware of. The prophecy of Lak’ech.
Since then, whilst under Nyarlathotep’s influence, Jun, as Joker, was lead to believe that Maya died, and that it was Tatsuya’s fault. From then, he began to seek revenge, his insecurities being fed and taken advantage of by Nyarlathotep. Eventually, however, the party confronted Jun at Caracol. After he was defeated, Jun Kurosu lay neglected and stripped of all his powers, but Yukino Mayuzumi gave Jun her Persona using ability. After that, Jun joined Tatsuya and the gang.
Later, Jun is almost whisked away through the influence of a duplicate of his mother, who used Jun’s feelings to gain advantage of him, reminding him of the abuse he endured. It was thanks to Maya that Jun was able to remain with everyone by reminding him of his worth, especially to Tatsuya. When ultimately losing Maya, Jun, along with Lisa and Eikichi, all offer up their memories to help recreate the world again. He tells Tatsuya that he won’t ever forget him, or his sin.
powers / abilities:
Jun’s choice of weapon is flowers.
Fusion Spell: When summoning his Persona, Jun can sync his attack with 2 other people. This combination of ability can be a lot stronger than attacking solo.
Hermes is Jun’s first Persona, and is of the Fortune arcana.
Reflect: Hermes can reflect any kind of attack.
Nullify: Hermes can also nullify dark attacks.
Garula: Deals medium wind damage.
Sukukaja: Can increase its own agility.
Wind Slash: Can do low sword damage and wind damage to an enemy.
Illuzone: Can do almighty illusion damage to an enemy but only has a 24% chance.
Magarula: Medium wind damage to multiple foes.
Recarm: Can revive someone and recover only some of their HP.
Garudyne: Deals high amount of wind damage to a foe.
Chronos: Chronos is Jun’s Persona. It has a variety of abilities.
Garudyne: Deals high wind damage to one enemy.
Wing flap: Deals medium havoc damage to all enemies.
Heartfelt Prayer: Can recover HP for all allies. This ability cannot be used outside of battle.
Magarudyne: Deals high wind damage to a group of enemies.
Cross Fortune: Deals both wind and light damage to all enemies.
Samarecarm: Can revive an ally and recover all of their HP.
Chronos also harbours the ability to turn back time.
Jun can also be ‘Joker.’ In his Joker form, Jun was able to spread ‘rumours’ with the ability of them coming true.
inherent abilities:
Flower Language: Jun is well-versed in flower language and can also use it to his advantage. Knowing the different flowers and their meanings has actually given Jun the upper hand when it comes to trying to charm demons into talking with them and striking some sort of deal instead of fighting. Jun is extremely knowledgeable of flowers and chooses to wield them as a weapon, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s just a power/ability.
Intelligent: Jun Kurosu is highly intelligent, especially in the fields of maths, physics, and astrology. He actually aspires to be a physics teacher. Opening up a discussion about anything philosophical as well may prove to be a challenge if you plan on outtalking Jun.
Loyal: Jun is extremely loyal. Jun’s loyalty knows no bounds once he places his utmost trust in someone. It ties into his stubbornness and determination, which is pretty much hellbent. Jun would do absolutely anything and everything for those he cares about.
Astrology: Like flowers and flower language, Jun is highly versed in astrology. He will most likely bring it up in a conversation at one point, most likely multiple times.
items / weapons:
Jun’s flowers which are his weapon of choice.
Just a book on flower language!
A book labelled ‘Le Petit Prince’ by French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
starting ability: The ability to summon Hermes but only with the ability to reflect if possible!
starting item: His flowers…!
extra: Please let Jun tell your muses fortune or facts about their zodiacs.
discord id: junkurosu. (with the period!)
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heartate · 11 months
lol sorry ANOTHER VENT because the COMEDIC timing men have like i swear sometimes men have this knack of just coming in and fucking shit up at the worst time possible. please ignore me LMAO i just need to scream into the void because i'm so mad!!!!
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like you have got to be KIDDING ME. i have a tellonym because it's what the cool kids on ffxiv twitter are doing. i made it with the intention of people sending me questions about cherry, but no one does that so i just gave up and stopped posting about having it. i don't publicly post my answers anymore, but i still answer them in the app when i'm bored, as long as they're not too personal, because most of the questions are from bots. i didn't even realize the ex-situationship knew i had one, because he's barely on his main twitter anymore lmao and i just never followed his gpose twitter bc idk i didn't wanna overstep bc i noticed he made it during a time he wasn't... clueing me into his life anymore even tho we were still... a thing. so out of respect for him, i just left it alone and muted the account so that i wouldn't see it pop up on my feed, because i found out about it to begin with bc a mutual of mine had retweeted a collab gpose they'd done with him.
ANYWAYS. i haven't spoken to him since the 17th bc he stopped answering me and i just felt so annoying and he's been going through it so i figured he'd talk when he was ready, but then the days kept going by, and i wanted to reach out again, but then i stopped myself and said, no, you've done enough of that. all you do is reach out. all you do is give and give and give and you never get. cut that shit out.
so, i haven't.
but i'm so pissed off because you went the MOST roundabout way possible to contact me when you could 1) message me on discord (most convenient) 2) message me on snapchat 3) or even TEXT me because you have my number.
how dare you "even if we can't be together" you are the only thing standing in between that, because i've expressed to you over and over my willingness and my desire to be with you and move forward and be happy with you, and that i'd be willing to wait for you no matter how long it took, and that i'd be happy to move at your pace, but i started to change my feelings on that when i realized how torn up you were over some other girl you barely knew compared to me, how you lied to me, how you went and ruined yourself over someone who treated you like garbage, when i've sat here even after all this time like a stupid idiot pining over your ass and still loving you and just, being so stupidly faithful to someone who's chasing any other girl but the one he said he was in love with for over a year.
you were the one who said i love you first. you asked me for permission to say it first. you were the one who brought up living together all the time. you were the one who started asking about pets and just one child. all of this was your idea, not mine, because i never wanted to overstep and make you feel uncomfortable when i knew you weren't rushing or ready for something official. but you discarded me so quickly for some literal flavor of the month who even your friends think is crazy manipulative. like.
don't you dare say "i will do anything for you if it makes you happy" because i've asked for just a few things: just to spend time with you and chat with you, and the one thing i really want from you, i'll never ask for because i'm not going to make you feel cornered or rope you into a relationship that you don't want. i just. how DARE you come swooping in the moment i decided that i didn't want to keep doing this anymore and keep hurting myself and being sad over you. it's been over three months of this and i cannot keep doing this to myself. i'm so miserable all the time. i have sat here and cried and cried so much and so hard over you for so long, and it hurt so badly that i felt like i could die because it was just so excruciating to feel that hurt. like a normal person's emotions are at a 10 and i'm at 1000 like it hurt. so. much. i cried every day for almost 2 months straight like i was not. okay. and finally, one day i stopped. i was trying to go on, while still holding out hope, but i'm tired of it now. i can't do that again. i can't put myself through that again.
the timing of this is just so. funny to me. it's just. laughable. seriously. the second i tell myself that i give up, that i'm not going to try anymore, that if we never speak again, "oh well." i cannot believe this lol. why is it always when you're drunk too. people say that people are the most honest when they're drunk, but. if you can't say this shit to me when you're sober, then. what's the point. i'm not. putting myself through this anymore. i'm done.
you have shut me out for so long. you don't let me in. why should i lean on you and let you in when you've shown me i can't even rely on that, because when i've asked you if i could talk to you and vent to you about things, you just. leave me hanging and i don't feel better, ever. which makes me feel even more annoying and like i'm too much, and i don't want to put that burden on ppl and u say i'm not one, but i just. feel like one, especially when you just. don't say anything at all. like im not asking for u to process my feelings and like talk in depth about it but like. a little acknowledgement goes a long way for someone like me. idk. it's so stupid. it's so so so stupid and i'm just done. i've spent the past 2 weeks trying to get over myself and move on and then you just come in like this. on TELLONYM of all things. and then just. god.
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
BITE ME : profiles 2
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synopsis: you're more than familiar with the concept of 'beards' - you've been one for a few of your gay friends to protect them from the suspicious glares of their families within the horribly conservative korean society. however when lee felix - infamous at yonsei for breaking men's hearts - asks you, someone he has spoken to maybe twice, to pretend to date him so he can shake the rumours and prove he really isn't gay, you find yourself caught up in a very complex situation, a mild identity crisis and... wait - are those fangs???
pairing: felix x fem!reader
felix's friend group (aka bang chan's coven)
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felix: dance major and the youngest member of the coven, turned at the age of 19 in 2019 after being attacked in the street. has to help the other members with modern life and has a mild tiktok obsession. has a long list of things he wants to do with eternal life blu-tacked to his dorm room wall. roommates with chan. a shy but incredibly friendly dork. spends his nights baking since he doesn't need to sleep anymore. has seen what we do in the shadows (the movie, not the show) millions of times. has a reputation for breaking men's hearts despite never having dated anyone properly and has no idea why :(
chan: leader of the chan coven at yonsei, having turned all of them himself while they were dying. was turned in the mid 1700s at the age of 21 by a doctor he never met again and has constantly struggled to adjust to modernising life. had to teach himself how to adjust to being a vampire and carries a lot of guilt over mistakes he made at the beginning; and as such takes it upon himself to train the vampires he turns. started his musical career as a violinist and still thinks classical music is superior, but has grown to like hip hop and edm. music major who can play most instruments in an orchestra (living hundreds of years gives you a lot of time to practice!) and is a great producer even though he needs help with technology sometimes. felix's best friend, treats him like a younger brother.
changbin: another member of 3racha, changed in 1935 at the age of 20. lived in america for a while after being changed due to conflict between japan and korea. has the largest apartment and lives alone - is also constantly throwing parties. music major often found in the studio with chan and very protective over the younger members. one of the strongest vampires in korea alongside chan and one of the fastest in seoul. had a decade long period in the 70s where he rebelled against chan due to him feeling overly restricted, which chan is still salty about to this day.
minho: second oldest member of the covern turned at 21 in 1842. dance major who performed in theatres across the country through the late 1800s and 1900s. jisung's very affectionate (with him only) best friend and roommate - everyone thinks they're gay and they play into it to fuck with them. constantly needs felix's help with technology but learns extremely fast. has 3 cats and would die for them. closest in the coven to jeongin as they're both into literature, and constantly trying to get him to keep quiet about their existence.
jisung: turned in 2006 at the age of 19 and is pretty good with the modern age (although he misses myspace and aol lmao). immediately became close with minho and often produces music for him to choreograph to. music major, the other third of 3racha and, like seungmin, hates what he is and pushes it away as much as possible. minho is constantly trying to make him accept himself since he doesn't have much choice anyway. allergic to human blood (none of them know why) and lives off animal blood. hates the twilight comparisons this gets him from felix and jeongin.
+lix's priv :)
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a/n: first chapter will be up either tonight or tuesday morning :') fun fact: felix made and chose chan's twitter header. also convinced him it means 'man i love frogs' for a good 2 years back when they first met. feedback is as always extremely appreciated, asks comments n rbs with tags always really make my day :)
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librarycards · 2 years
Hi Sarah :-) Do you think it’s possible to work w autistic ppl in a professional capacity ethically? I’m hesitantly looking into becoming an SLP or OT, but I’m really wary of going into a field and being molded by it/not being able to make it better/generally doing harm. I love hanging out w other autistic kids tho and want to make things better for them (and make rent if possible) and idk if I’m cut out for academia or advocacy strictly speaking
hi! these asks are always tricky to answer, because your non-/participation in these ableist institutions will not 1) erase demand for them, nor 2) erase the fundamental needs that they, however inadequately/violently, are said to address. that is, there are populations with needs which are not being filled. enter these "therapeutic" interventions, which do not fill the need, but are the most visible/socially accepted/however meagerly, funded. it makes those interested in actually improving the lives of fellow disabled/Madppl feel as though institutional channels are the only way of offering others the support they need.
while i can't speak for every disabled/Madperson in these professions, of those I've spoken to, many emerge with a sense of disillusionment and frustration greater than the one they entered with. before you make a decision, think about whether or not taking this path might lead to further discouragement/hopelessness, and whether the structural limitations on the ways you can engage with your clients might make the solidarity you hope for more difficult to achieve. what are the pros and cons of hoping to support others through established, ableist, and hierarchical channels? where are *you* best able to spend your energy: mitigating harm within institutional psychology, or making connections outside and against it? while i don't believe in "change from within" as a form of "harm reduction" these aren't leading questions –– i mean, i see a therapist, a pcp, a psychiatrist. these are fundamentally violent industries, but a mass exodus of decent human beings from them makes life qualitatively worse for patients. what i'm asking is:
what is your skillset - do you anticipate working to transform professional behavior/engagement if you do end up in mainstream OT/SLP - are you willing to violate rules and norms in order to best support the kids you're working with - do you have the emotional bandwidth to continue showing up for clients, even when the profession feels hopeless and doomed - can you trust yourself to be vigilant against complacency with the 'way things are'?
so, what to do? first and foremost, i recommend doing the readings: there's a ton of work up on google scholar from disabled/critical OTs and SLPs. i'm also thinking in particular about the Deaf/HoH speech therapists and related professionals on platforms like twitter, where there's a ton of excellent conversations happening around the ableism + normalizing project of these interventions. i also recommend speaking to existing disabled OTs/SLPs, as well as survivors of abusive OT/SLP. as someone who had really painful OT experiences as a kid - while not ABA, they shared an aversion/denial-based ethos - i am particularly wary of claims to be able to change the industry from within. not because i think you're a bad person, but because we are all working under conditions beyond our own control.
clearly, i don't have a yes or no answer to your question. instead, i ask what abilities you have, and where they might best be utilized in support of a better world.
PS - relatedly: you might not be the right person to be in the academy or policy sphere full-time. however, EVERYONE can and should be a scholar and an advocate. everyone is capable of reexamining the world as they have learned it, to the best of their ability, and with the resources available to them. this is because we do not live and learn alone: collaboration with others - especially for us as disabled people - affords each of us the opportunity to better understand the conditions under which we live, and the opportunity to take action, however small, to bring joy, support, and fulfillment to ourselves and our community. you do not need to have any special skills or training to do this. you only need to bring yourself. you have enough.
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charspnp · 4 years
Hey can I request a really fluffy Karl imagine? Where they’ve been friends for ages and realise they like each other or something
- anonymous
not a kissing booth
「 karl jacobs x g/n!reader 」
a/n: i feel like i didn't really fulfill the request fully djddjf but i hope you like it! :)
saying goodbye always was and always will be the hardest part of moving. it doesn't matter if you're moving a mile away or a thousand miles away, having to say goodbye to someone you love is borderline unbearable.
but... saying bye to karl was... different… why? well, who knows, really. maybe it was because you've known each other your whole life? or maybe it's because you spend pretty much every day together talking and talking but never running out of things to talk about?
or, perhaps, the reason saying bye to karl was so different is because you were in love with him. 
the hug you shared wasn't like any other hug you'd shared with the man. it was tight, comforting, a silent plea to stay in touch, to call or text him every day (as if you weren't going to already). then the very insistent, repeated, spoken plea to call or text him every day came and, for some reason, that's when you couldn't hold back your tears any longer.
as soon as he saw the first tear fall, karl grabbed your face softly and wiped it away.
"no, no, no, don't cry," he spoke softly, "don't-don't cry cause we're not saying goodbye, okay? we're-we're gonna talk every day, alright? every single day, i don't care what time it is for me cause i'll pick up, i'll answer. always. okay?" though he was asking for you not to cry, he started tearing up himself. he nodded to you, asking for an affirmation that you knew he would always be there. you nodded back and put your hands softly on his, leaning into is touch. you nodded once again, confirmation to yourself that he would be there. 
from behind the two of you, your mother honked the car horn to signal that you had to go. glancing back at the car then back to your best friend, you let go of his hands and wrapped them around his middle tightly. he returned the sentiment just as affectionately. 
"call me when you get there, okay?"
"hey," he pulled away but still kept you close, "i love you, okay? and-and i'll miss you."
yes, goodbyes are hard, but the two of you kept your promise. although, it wasn't too hard when the both of you became streamers and played together 24/7. you and karl just had small names in the community before karl got picked up by mr beast and dream with his server. after the dream smp blew up, so did karl. any other person would've felt left in the dust or forgotten, but with you it was quite the opposite. you were happy for karl, ecstatic that he grew to fame and had so many loyal fans.
every time karl asked if you wanted to be on the smp, you declined, though, no matter how badly you wanted to accept. it was because of those loyal fans that you always declined. you were scared that they would psychoanalyze you and your behavior and find out about your crush on karl. yup. it's a stupid thought, but valid at the same time. you don't know when you started having this crush, whether it started when you two were in grade school or if it was recent, but it's the and you hate it. you hate having to hide your feelings from your best friend and lying to him when he asked for the reason as to why you didn't want to join the smp.
"but whyyyy," karl whined, hoping you would give a different reason as to not stream with him (or maybe even finally agree).
"because! that's a lot of eyes on me, karl. it's scary." liar.
"dude, you're a streamer, you have eyes on you anyways! you can't say you never thought you'd get over 1k viewers at a time."
"yes i can! because i never thought my best friend would get so famous so fast and suddenly have, like, over 60, or even 100k viewers at a time!"
"c'mon, just- please? please play on the smp with me? stream with me- for me?" he begged with his stupid, cute puppy dog eyes you can never say no to. bastard.
you huffed, "fine- fine! i'll play on the dream smp with you."
karl's face lit and as he bounced around his room, yelling, "yes! yes! finally!" 
you chuckled and shook your head at him, "yeah, yeah."
karl stopped hopping around and leaned down to his mic to speak, "when can you play?"
"just, whenever."
"tomorrow?" he grinned widely, excitement noticeable in his eyes even from across the country.
"t-tomorrow?" you weren't expecting it to be that early, but still, you couldn't let down karl. "s-sure. yeah, tomorrow's fine. what time?"
"3pm, my time." though he had calmed himself for the most part, you could still see him jittering and fidgeting with excitement.
"o-okay. sounds good," you spoke warily. changing the subject, the two of you continued talking all night.
when the next day came, you were immediately reminded of what was to come later that day when karl sent you your daily good morning text. reading through the small message, you ran a hand through your hair and sighed, turning to your pillow to just lay there. though it wasn't until the afternoon, you were already stressing how it would go.
after about 10 minutes of just lying there in bed, you responded to karl with your own good morning text then turned off your phone. running your hands down your face, you got up out of bed to start the day.
"how ya feelin?" karl asked, seeing how much you were fidgeting.
"nervous," you responded truthfully. karl already had his 'starting soon' screen up and you were yet to even begin yours. "i don't want them to hate me, y'know."
"dude, they're not gonna hate you, i promise. even if they don't like you, they'll see how much i love you and they'll learn to accept it."
you blushed at his words, knowing he didn't have a clue as to what they did to you. "y-yeah. yeah, i hope."
finally starting your stream with your own 'starting soon' screen, you tweeted out that you're gonna be playing on the dream smp, and almost immediately your viewership was more than it ever has been. taking a deep breath, you waited until karl turned on the facecam to his stream.
"hi! hello, everyone!" karl began, "welcome! welcome to the stream!"
while he made small talk with his stream, you changed your screen from 'starting soon' to your facecam. you deafened yourself on discord and began welcoming your stream as well. you explained what was happening and what you were gonna be doing when karl started spamming "UNDEAFEN" in your chat. you chuckled before undeafening, only to hear karl making a monotone "aaaahhhhhh" sound. you called his name a couple times and when he didn't stop, you turned on your funny mic to get his attention.
"KARL!" you yelled, the audio coming out distorted as all hell. he finally acknowledged you by breaking character and laughing. "let's get this show on the road, shall we?"
about an hour and a half and a whole lotta laughter later, karl took you over to a large red building in the shape of a heart. glancing at your chat, all you saw was "DON'T GO IN" but you just laughed it off.
"okay, y/n, this is not a kissing booth," karl explained.
"not a kissing booth?" 
"yes, definitely-definitely not a kissing booth. now wait-wait here," he instructed you before his character moved around the side of the building. you gave your camera a questioning look as you waited for whatever karl told you to wait for. as you were looking up at the building, you saw karl's character go inside the pink, glass heart. your jaw dropped at the adorable sight.
"karl! that's so cute!" you said as you crouched at his character.
"thank you," he giggled wildly (what you didn't know was that he was blushing profusely). "now," he exited the heart and came back around to you, "come in here."
he walked into the building and you followed, taking a quick moment to read the signs on the outside. you stood on the inside of the kissing booth, the crafting tables on the ground making you laugh quietly.
karl flipped a lever on one side of the room, "okay, so these are called the levers of consent. it takes two parties to consent, so mine is already down. if you consent, flip your lever."
you shook your head, but agreed anyways, "okay, i consent." you flipped the lever and suddenly the whole room went dark. you looked over to karl's character, only to see him crouching, slowly making his way over to you. you crouched back at him so you were eye level to him. your characters were close to touching before you got close to your mic and said, "are we about to kiss right now?"
his character stopped crouching as he started laughing wildly again, his giggles high pitched and absolutely adorable. our face split into a grin at the sound and your chat spammed your guys' ship name they came up with as well as "SIMP" which, in their defense, was very accurate.
deciding to mess with him a little, you looked karl's character in the eyes before saying, "karl, i'd say the s-word and get banned for you."
his giggles started up again, becoming high pitched and muffled as he covered his face. "no, no, stop, y/n please."
you giggled at him before pressing your character against his and making an over exaggerated "mwah!" sound.
to be expected, yours and karl's ship name was trending #1 on twitter with thousands of supporters.
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