#spoken reasons
reppyy · 1 year
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dead-n-cide · 1 year
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explore-nation · 1 year
Do you think about what it would’ve been like? What could’ve been if only we’d got our shit together.
Yeah. All time. I think about how if it had been perfect, our senior year could’ve been you and I trying everything new for the first time, together. How I could’ve been there for your parents betrayal and divorce, and you for the first time I stood up to my mum. We would’ve spent endless nights under the stars planning our future. I like to think you would’ve joined me on my travels. We would’ve seen the world and discovered ourselves alongside it.
But then I think about how it wasn’t perfect. And we were just a little too fucked up to ever get it right. I think about how you needed someone stable and steady. To be there for you and keep you grounded when all you wanted was to drift off into the clouds. And I think about how I couldn’t wait to get out. To run as far far away as possible from the place we both called home. How I was more than reckless and furthest thing from stable and steady.
I think about how if we had tried to make it work with who we were then. It would’ve ended in fire and brimstone. Leaving deeper scars on our hearts than ones we could ever cut into our skin.
So now, I think about how you made through the rockiness and how I left and only to come home again. I think about how being exactly what we didn’t need then kept us together in ways we didn’t even realise. And I thank the stars under which we lay today that because we couldn’t get it right then. I get to have you in my life now.
So yes. I do think about what it would’ve been like. But I wouldn’t change a thing about it.
- shower floor thoughts. 923
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oughh.. your movie william affers design is too silly… love him ❤️
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Tbh I haven’t drawn him nearly enough, gotta fix that
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yunolearning · 2 years
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Maximizing Your Score in IELTS Speaking: Tips and Strategies
Yuno Learning provides tips and strategies to maximize the score of a student on the IELTS speaking test.
Website: www.yunolearning.com
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softnmartacademy · 2 years
Spoken English Course
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আপনার চতুর্দিকে ইংলিশ কোচিং এর ছড়াছড়ি কিন্তু আপনি সিদ্ধান্তহীনতায় ভুগছেন কোথায় আপনার ইংলিশ এর আসল চর্চা হতে পারে? Spoken English এর কথা বলেও যখন কোর্স করতে গিয়ে দেখেন যে সেখানে সঠিক নিয়মে শিখানো হচ্ছে না অথবা আপনার বাক্তিগত কোন skill ডেভেলপ হচ্ছে না, আপনি যেখানে ছিলেন সেখানেই রয়ে গেছেন বরং আপনার এক রকম financial লস হয়েছে বটে কেননা যেই কোর্সে এত আশা নিয়ে গিয়েছিলেন যে আপনার ইংলিশের fluency বাড়বে এবং আপনি ইংলিশে কথা বলতে এবং লিখতে পারবেন একজন সুদক্ষ English speaker এর মত, সেখানে শুধু হতাশা আর হতাশা। আপনার স্বপ্ন স্বপ্নই রয়ে যাবে।
আপনার চতুর্দিকে ইংলিশ কোচিং এর ছড়াছড়ি কিন্তু আপনি সিদ্ধান্তহীনতায় ভুগছেন কোথায় আপনার ইংলিশ এর আসল চর্চা হতে পারে? Spoken English এর কথা বলেও যখন কোর্স করতে গিয়ে দেখেন যে সেখানে সঠিক নিয়মে শিখানো হচ্ছে না অথবা আপনার বাক্তিগত কোন skill ডেভেলপ হচ্ছে না, আপনি যেখানে ছিলেন সেখানেই রয়ে গেছেন বরং আপনার এক রকম financial লস হয়েছে বটে কেননা যেই কোর্সে এত আশা নিয়ে গিয়েছিলেন যে আপনার ইংলিশের fluency বাড়বে এবং আপনি ইংলিশে কথা বলতে এবং লিখতে পারবেন একজন সুদক্ষ English speaker এর মত, সেখানে শুধু হতাশা আর হতাশা। আপনার স্বপ্ন স্বপ্নই রয়ে যাবে।
Read More: https://softnmartacademy.com/courses/spoken-english-course
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shigayokagayama · 3 months
a moment i think about a lot is the bit in 7th division arc where mob wakes up in the cursed room and gives ritsu a hug bc a little detail i never see anyone talk about
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teru breathes a sigh of relief. like. he barely knew anything about their interpersonal situation before they went in, all he knew is ritsu went mad with power then got kidnapped. based on the fact that ritsu was up an about when mob got up and that they're all untied, i assume ritsu's probably been up for a while. did he tell teru about their situation? their history? his fear that his brother wouldn't forgive him? idk it sticks out in my mind a lot.
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hilacopter · 4 months
I find it ironic that western leftists demand israelis leave israel because we're all white colonizers in their eyes (regardless of the fact that even if jews really weren't indigenous to the levant, which we are, over half the population is middle eastern anyway), but when we do leave israel for other countries we get hatecrimed. it would be bad enough if we had people telling us "good on you for going back to where you came from" or some shit but no they really just view us as inherently irredeemable and evil no matter where we are. almost feels like they're trying to lure us into being harassed overseas.
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maulfucker · 5 months
racism in star wars will have wikis saying shit like "this species that is inspired on a real life non-white people is just too stupid to use the Force"
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reppyy · 1 year
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irawhiti · 1 year
kia ora! i would like to suggest the coining of a term that would hopefully help a large demographic of mostly-forgotten-about māori to connect with each other and share our experiences to feel less alone, congregate around a concept regardless of country of origin and upbringing, and organise as activists.
i politely ask as many people to spread this as possible to help indigenous people organise with each other and to get the largest amount of interactions possible.
anyway, with all that being said,
i would like to coin the term "ngāti rangiātea" for māori who do not know their iwi to use.
this is based on the well known whakataukī/proverb, "i will never be lost, for i am a seed which was sown from rangiātea." i chose this whakataukī due to the spiritual significance of rangiātea as a place in māori culture, as well as to emphasise that no matter how it feels, we are not lost, we can find ourselves in each other, we can experience strength and self-realisation, and that we will exist with mana and without whakamā as rightful tangata whenua.
i've put my reasoning, personal experiences shaping my viewpoints on the matter, and various statistics under the cut to make this post reblog-friendly and i would suggest fellow māori read it regardless of whether or not they know their iwi. i also ask for the opinions of other māori, ESPECIALLY AND SPECIFICALLY other māori who do not know their iwi. in fact, i politely ask māori to share this with their whānau and people in general to share this with māori they know, especially any they know who do not know their iwi. a wide reach is what i am going for to get the largest amount of voices, critiques, and opinions on the topic and to avoid this from just becoming a very small thing that stays in an online echo-chamber.
to begin, the 2018 aotearoan census shows that, of the 775,836 people identifying as māori in aotearoa, roughly 17% are unable to identify their iwi in the census. this has gone up by 1% since 2006, showing that we are a considerably stable percentage of people. along with this, there are more than 170,000 māori living in australia and, while there are no solid statistics, there are an estimated 8,000 māori living in the UK, 3,500 in the US, 2,500 in canada, and 8,000 in other countries where there's no option for māori or any polynesians on the census.
this number adds up to 967,816 total māori and while there's no census in these countries asking for your iwi, i would go as far as to assume that there's a larger number of diaspora māori who are no longer able to identify their iwi than there are in aotearoa. of course, this is just speculation based on my lived experiences and conversations with other diaspora māori, however even assuming that it's the exact same amount globally, 17%, this is roughly 164,532 māori worldwide who do not know their iwi. nearly one in five māori do not know their iwi.
regardless of the specific statistics, the hard fact here is that there is a large percentage of māori who are unsure of their iwi for whatever reason. it's extremely easy to feel unsure of yourself, lost, disconnected, and uncomfortable speaking on issues regarding te ao māori when you're unsure of your iwi (or your hapū, whānau, waka, or anything else, but there is heavy emphasis on the iwi) and it's very easy for whakamā to take hold, especially when many māori who can recite their whakapapa aren't very polite or understanding about your situation to say the least.
and there are a lot of those people.
unfortunately, i've spoken to many māori who are of the opinion that not knowing your iwi due to colonialism, assimilation, forced disconnection, etc. means that you should not, cannot, call yourself māori. this is a disgusting viewpoint to have and in my opinion it spits on the fundamental concepts of māori culture and worldviews. thankfully this is a small yet vocal group of people, but even so, they add to the collective experience that makes it extremely difficult to navigate a world while full of whakamā and internalised racism. it can feel like there's no space for you, no term you can use, nobody you can relate to, no mana you can claim, nothing. when you cannot recite your whakapapa, it can feel like there's a part of you that's fundamentally missing.
as well as this, even when people mean well, when you are in this situation, you're usually told to just do some genealogy work, do some research, ask your family what they know. sometimes, these steps are simply not possible. other times, we've already done everything suggested over and over and over again. we're generally told "oh, that sucks, but one day you'll find out, keep looking!" in response to our lack of iwi. sure, they mean well, but i have never once been told anything along the lines of "that's okay, some things are lost to time through no fault of your own. don't beat yourself up over something your whānau had to hide to survive, what you do now to uphold your family's mana, what you do know about your whānau, and who you ultimately become is more important than what you no longer know."
and why? why is it seen as shameful to say matter-of-factly that i don't know my iwi? i'm not looking for comfort, i'm not looking to be told that, aww, there there, i'll find it eventually. i'm stating a fact. i do not need pity, i need my mana and voice to be respected.
this concept is what i want to emphasise by coining ngāti rangiātea. some things are lost to time, but we aren't. our loss of knowledge does not mean that we are unworthy of being māori, that we are unworthy of basic human respect. it does not mean that we have lost everything that our whānau knows. it is a scar, a reminder of what colonisation took from us, yes, but we cannot allow it to continue to be an open bleeding wound. we will not be lost to time and we should not bow our heads and act like we do not exist, that we're inconvenient, that we damage the "image" that māori have. in fact, we are an important aspect of māori culture and ignoring our existence does harm to everybody.
and of course we can't speak on some topics regarding te ao māori. this seems to be a topic that comes up frequently as a strawman. yes, there are some topics that would be irresponsible to speak on when we have no experience with them. this doesn't mean we can't speak on anything. having a collective identity, an "iwi" to congregate around even just politically, would help us speak on topics that we are more qualified to speak on than māori with knowledge of their iwi (yes, those topics exist, shockingly.)
we will never be lost, for we are a seed sown in rangiātea.
by identifying as ngāti rangiātea, i wish to emphasise that it's important to accept that sometimes, someone just won't be able to find every piece of information. loss of family knowledge is literally one of the primary goals of forced assimilation! we all went through it as colonised peoples, why must we continue to attach shame to those of us who were forced to obfuscate our history to keep our children alive? it's not a personal flaw, it's not a dirty secret, it's a fact of life that must not continue to be kept quiet out of shame, and the sooner we can focus on healing this subsection of our community, the stronger māori as a whole will become.
so, this is why i'd like to coin a term for māori who are unsure of their iwi. this is what i intend to achieve by giving us a name, our own "iwi" to congregate around, to identify ourselves as. instead of hanging my head and saying "i'm not sure what my iwi is, i'm sorry", instead of feeling inclined to beg like a dog to be treated with respect, i would like to look people in the eye and tell them that i am ngāti rangiātea. i would like this label to be synonymous with strength and not shame, that i refuse to let my whakamā swallow me, that i am just as worthy of calling myself māori as anyone else, that there are many others in my iwi (or lack thereof). i would like other people to have that as well and i would like those like me to feel less lost when all they've been told is "well, you'll learn your iwi eventually!" as if that's going to help someone feel better if they can't find their iwi.
and even if a person finds their iwi eventually, it's absolutely disgraceful that people are treated that they're not allowed to access many basic parts of te ao māori until they discover something they are not even 100% destined to find. i think that this view contributes to a lot of people who eventually find their iwi becoming unnecessarily arrogant towards those who truly cannot find this information, that they're just not putting enough effort in. if a person finds their iwi after identifying as ngāti rangiātea, they are fully welcome to continue to identify as this political label along with the iwi they now know they belong to as i wish for it to be a term that describes your experiences, your upbringing, and your community. you don't suddenly lose your whānau or your lived experience when you discover your whakapapa.
finally, this hopefully goes without saying, but ngāti rangiātea is not meant to function as a real existing iwi does. the term will hopefully be used as a way to identify yourself and other people and organise but i don't expect nor do i want this to be treated like a coordinated iwi. i expect and hope for this to be a decentralised way of identifying and experiencing community to make it easier to organise as a people. think of this the way the terms ngāti kangaru, ngāti rānara, ngāti tūmatauenga etc. are used.
so, the tl;dr is that i feel like coining a name for a phenomenon that nearly one in five of all māori experience in quiet shame, to make it easier for us to congregate and find each other, speak on our experiences, organise as activists, feel less lost, and ultimately give us the ability to regain our mana as a community with shared goals and experiences. i have spoken to many māori who feel this way and my suggestion for this term is ngāti rangiātea, to show homage to the well known whakataukī, "i will never be lost, for i am a seed sown from rangiātea", to give us a community to work with, and to give us an "iwi" to list when asked instead of fumbling for words and feeling whakamā.
i would like to take the emphasis off of constantly looking to the future for what you may or may not even find with this identity. we are not broken, we are not lost, for we are seeds sown in ngāti rangiātea.
tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa, and if you got this far, thank you for reading.
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ironmansbay · 2 months
hiding from leaks rn so im posting to preoccupy myself. still thinking about how the first and so far only time that Larys has ever made physical contact with another person on the show was him helping Aegon back to bed… still screaming too!!!
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everchased · 3 months
i have a small headcanon that one of the reasons finch and lae'zel get along so well and so quickly is both of their tendencies to subtly express themselves through their long fuckign ears
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bluehairperson · 6 months
Sometimes I see posts about how "I, Strahd" Tatyana has the personality of a cardboard but I don't think I agree honestly.
We only see her in very few scenes (all from Strahd's POV) and she's always very gentle and soft spoken.
Which makes completely sense since she was a lowborn orphan trying to make a good impression on her future brother in law, who is not only the ruler of the valley but also a feared war criminal. Of course she would try to be as nice as possible in front of him.
I also think that Strahd was extremely genuine in thinking he was in love with Tatyana, it's just that he never really knew her the way Sergei did. He only knew a facet.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
actually love talking 2 straight people abt succession it’s like cultural exchange i was chatting w my sister’s boyfriend + he was like oh i love tom & greg + i was like omg no way + he was like yeah i love their friendship + i was like oh i see it more as tom having an unhealthy psychosexual obsession w greg like they’re not lovers but i do think tom wants 2 fuck greg + he was like woah…i just thought they were buddies…and i was like lol yeah well i mean even if u don’t think there’s anything gay abt it it’s still fun cause it’s such a fucked up relationship like tom is definitely abusive towards greg but greg has his own manipulations going on etc + he was like what u think it’s abusive + i was like ??? do u not?? + he was like no i like them together because i think they’re good friends to each other like tom is so much better when he’s around greg + i was like WHAT tom like insults him constantly + demeans him + physically assaults him…wdym he’s a better person + he was like no but that’s just what guy friendships are like…that’s just dudes hanging out…
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itsjaywalkers · 16 days
been thinking about the regulus & walburga ivent a mom who wants to be saved post for. days. DAYS laurie!!!!!! because like, to me, walburga is sirius’ devil. he’s not really capable of seeing her as anything else than his abusive mom. incapable of seeing her as a person. which is why it’s ’’’’easier’’’’ for him to leave. BUT REGULUS DOESSSSSSS. regulus sees his mom as a person and he loves her in this deeply twisted way and cant leave and/or abandon her because he’s just. cursed. to also see her as a person. ive been feeling so sick over this and it’s all your fault……..
i agree with u, i think sirius sees walburga as his abuser, as a monster. even if there might a part of him who sort of . still craves her love and approval, he can't see past the abuse. he's able to leave the family, turn his back on her and cut all ties. stop seeing her as his mother even. he doesn't think walburga can be saved, and even if she could be, sirius probably wouldn't want to. he doesn't think he ever loved him, and he can't forgive her
regulus, however.. not only does he love walburga, he also wholeheartedly believes she loves him back. even if it's in her own fucked up way. that's one of the reason why he stays, i think. he's loyal to a fault, and family is always the most important thing for him (he's a black after all). at the end of the day, and despite all the wrong she's done and all the pain she's caused, walburga is still a person to regulus. she makes mistakes and she hurts him, but she's his mother. everything she does is out of love for him. that's enough for him to forgive her. or, maybe not exactly forgive her, but to endure. and deep down, regulus thinks he can save her. he wants to, more than anything, but the truth is that she doesn't want to be. she doesn't believe she needs to, but even if she did, she wouldn't allow it
that's why i loveeee to explore reg's dynamic with his parents, especially with walburga. i have a few stories in which he leaves with sirius, or leaves after him, and also cuts all ties etc. but in my True Version of regulus.. he can never abandon them. even if he ends up moving out or reconnecting with sirius, he always keeps in contact with both walburga and orion. he can't help it. those are his parents, and he's always gonna love them, despite the ugly and despite the pain, because that's what family is supposed to be, to him!!!
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