#spop peekablue
mustardflavoredbear · 3 months
This is a shit post for my polycute. I'm super gay for these characters
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radi0activelob1ani · 8 months
An old hyperfixation has resurfaced fellas. Have some she-ra doodles from that one episode
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this might be a bit of a nitpick and you’ve been warned but…
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can we talk about how everyone except glimmer wears the same exact outfits for the princess prom and glimmer’s coronation?
like,, these are PRINCESSES. they’re ROYALTY. are you seriously telling me they’ve only got ONE outfit that they wear for every special occasion?
and i can’t really think of a practical reason for this, because surely the creators could come up with different outfits for the coronation episode? it’s just one episode, i’m assuming it wouldn’t be that hard.
especially since SOMEONE *cough* catra- *cough* got a plethora of different outfits throughout the series despite being a child soldier with presumably very little money and yet the literal princesses who live in luxury have to reuse the same outfits. it’s actually hilarious when you think about it.
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crouble · 1 month
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mimdecisive · 9 months
does anyone else find it kinda weird that SPOP just casually dropped in the fact that there’s a Prince who can see ANYWHERE in the world magically, aka the perfect spy, and Glimmer just… didn’t think of recruiting him?
Why wasn’t Peekablue already part of the Rebellion??? What is he using his powers for that’s soooo important? He could literally see all of the Horde’s plans and warn the Rebellion and give them a HUGE leg up on them, and he wasn’t even mentioned until S5.
I know he was a hermit almost never seen but are you telling me Glimmer wouldn’t even TRY to find him and convince him to join?That’s a mystery in itself; where IS Peekablue, and why does no one care? Is he literally missing? Because if he’s literally missing, maybe someone should help him.
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swearyshera · 1 year
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marydegrayskull · 7 months
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Today is Peekablue's Birthday 🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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shyrgyrryn · 1 year
One of the (many) things that confuses me about She-ra is Prince Peekablue. So you have a character who can see the future with no known drawbacks or limitations to his power but only find him useful in the final season? Wouldn't he have been useful the entire series? Like the princesses, for all we know, could've beaten the Horde by the end of season 1. Also, wouldn't the Horde also find him useful? The Princesses and the Horde should be scrambling to get their hands on Prince Peekablue, but for some reason, he's irrelevant until season 5. That makes literally no sense...
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cosmiquealiene · 2 years
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So, what if Entrapta had made spacesuits for everyone? 🤔 Part 2!
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
What are your personal thoughts on Peekablue in your rewrite? Is Peekablue still a woman like the original or a trans man like in the reboot?
First up, Thank you for your question. hopefuly this post will awnser it but I did ramble a bit. By a bit i mean a lot.
Now about Peekablue. Well, since you ask. 
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(sorry for the info dump I am about to subject to too) 
They are (drum roll) non-binary and use they/them pronouns.  
My fan comic is primarily based on the original she-ra animated show with some elements taken from other adaptations of the story. But I didn't take much from the new series because I don't like it.  The main thing I took from the 2018 show was the sibling rivalry between Catra and Adora. To be honest, the decision to make Peekablue a trans man confuses me because the creator said the reason they made him a man is because the og character has male peacock feathers. But wouldn't that make them a trans woman? Like a woman with male characteristics, wouldn’t making them a trans woman or intersex be more logical? Maybe that’s just me. Originally, I was going to have Peekablue be a trans woman but I changed my mind when I chose to make them a spiritual leader and learned more about Balka.   
Peekablue is loosely based on Bakla from the Philippines who were AMAB people who adopted a feminine gender expression, in pre-colonial times they were considered spiritual leaders. I suggest you do your own research into them because Peekablue is not an accurate representation of them as Peekablue is inspired by multiple southeast asian religions and queer expressions. 
Peekablue is part of a alien race on a alien planet they are not ment to be a one to one parallel to earth. Every one dose have a parallel to a real country but they are not from that country.
IMPORTANT: If you are Southeast Asian, and find my depiction here inaccurate or offensive please let me know and I will change it. 
Peekablue was AMAB (which is why they have male features like their tail) but preferred a more feminine gender expression but sees themself as neither so they use they, them pronouns. They are a spiritual leader who was granted the ability to see into the past and future (using their peacock tail, They have a peacock tail because they are from a race of bird people.) by their goddess who they are closer too, because of  their feminine presentation, feminine mannerisms and their strong empathy making it so they are able to connect more with the goddess.  
They are extremely kind and patient but are afraid of their own shadow. They believe in the rebellion but are too afraid to fight so they help from the side lines. Because they are a spiritual leader, people come to them for advice both spiritual and personal. Peekablue always helps them no matter how big the problem is.  The people who Peekablue is the most empathetic towards are younger queer people who are still figuring themselves out as Peekablue know what it’s like to be in their shoes.   
They play a big role in the story. They are the first person to show kindness to Despara (because they have seen Adora's past) and using their powers they  show Despara her past (by holding hands with a person they can share their powers) and tell Despara the name their parents gave them. They also show Adora the harm the horde is doing to the people of etheria. Peekablue act of kindness and trust in Despara/Adora is what finally gets Despara to leave the horde putting her on the path to becoming She-ra. 
Here is the first design I have for Peekablue it will probably change a lot. I am thinking of basing them on a white and blue peacock and giving them vitiligo.  I also think their design is too simular to Shadow weaver.
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If you have any ideas for their design, please tell me (if you want to do art of how you would interpret this version of the character please send them to me), I would love to hear/see them. Likewise, if you have any ideas for their character, please let me know especially if you are Southeast Asian or non-binary as I am neither.
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foolforshera · 1 year
Double Trouble is trying to create a tourist video. It's not working out so well. Just a short fic I thought would be funny.
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A classic. Very good, very good.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Alliances of the Heart
A She-Ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
For centuries, the All Princess Ball has been a time for the nobility of Etheria to let loose. Flaunting their power, prestige, and fashion for all to see. The ball had always been politically neutral, but, as tension from the war rises, not everyone is so keen to forget what happens beyond the walls of Castle Chill.
Lord Hordak, along with Princess Scorpia and Force Captian Catra, have come to the party to make alliances and find out everything there is to know about their enemies. Careful to not arouse the suspicion of the Princess Alliance.
Princess Entrapta, being the scientist she is, decides to come to the party to decode the secrets of body language, despite getting the same data from every other party she has ever attended.
When the two rulers cross paths, their plans flip on their heads as the two grow closer. Now it is up to Catra and Scorpia to push the two together as Adora and Glimmer stick their noses where they do not belong.
Hi everyone. Sorry about not posting this earlier today, stuff came up. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter.
It has also come to my attention that I have been spelling Salineus wrong, so I'll have to take some time to go back and fix that. Also, the map I'm creating should be finished in maybe two days, depending on my mood.
Chapter 4: What Are We?
“Ok,” Adora dropped a pad of paper onto the table. “Here are the notes I made on Lord Hordak and Princess Entrapta’s intera- where is Bow?”
“I don’t know.” Glimmer buried herself further into the armchair. “Probably having fun with his new best friend Perfuma.” Adora rolled her eyes. Recalling how Catra acted whenever Adora spent time with anyone else, and how Catra would whine until Adora spent time with her, neglecting everyone else in the process.
“Whatever. Let’s see, Lord Hordak was seen dancing with Princess Entrapta well after the two should have separated. Lord Hordak has always been known to be a stickler for the rules, so this must be a big enough deal that he would engage in such a ‘flagrant breach of conduct’.”
“Wait didn’t Mermista mention in one of her stupid sea-themed mystery books that the murderer seduced some dutchess to then murder her? Maybe Hordak is trying to charm Princess Entrapta into allying with him and the Horde!”
“Oh please, all Lord Hordak does is yell at people to get away from him. There’s no way he can ‘seduce’ anyone.”
“Well, he must have done something because Princess Entrapta went on the spend the entire rest of the evening with him! The two have probably struck some kind of deal already to unite their forces and crush the rebellion!”
“You’re right. We have to convince Princess Entrapta to join our side.”
“How? Every time we bring up allying our forces she finds some excuse to leave.”
“Then we need to get her in a position where she can’t get away.”
“Can we talk with her tonight?”
“No, I want to make sure of what we are seeing before we do anything. That and we need to figure out the angle in which we need to approach her.”
Entrapta entered the ballroom for the second night of festivities. She made a beeline for one of the many snack tables, filling her pockets with enough miniature desserts to last the night.
She raked her eyes over the sugared confections laid before her. The best part about parties such as this is the food. Everything was always miniaturized for efficiency, which is why Entrapta loved tiny food. They had small cupcakes dyed blue with snowflake candies sprinkled on. Miniature cookies frosted with floral shapes coated in edible glitter. Moon pies are colored to look like the 12 moons of Etheria. Stacks of macarons in every color of the rainbow. Every type of chocolate a person could think of covers ripe strawberries. Milk chocolate poured out of a miniature fountain. Tables like these were scattered across the ballroom filling the room with the scent of baked goods and chocolate.
“Hi, Princess Entrapta!” Called out Scorpia who was pushing past the other glittering guests.
“Hi Princess Scorpia, where is Catra?”
“Right here,” Catra said, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Catra placed her hand on Entrapta’s shoulder. “How have you been, we barely got to see you last night after you ran off with our boss.”
“Oh, I’m fine. Another night of data to collect. Heh,'' Entrapta's hair slipped Catra’s hand off of her shoulder.
“Hey, Princess Entrapta, what were you and Lord Hordak doing last night,” Scorpia asked, trying to desperately contain a smile.
“Oh, he just told me about the Fright Zone and what to expect when I get there. We told each other about some of the things we have created in the past. He was very nice to me throughout the whole evening” Catra chuckled. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, it’s just the words ‘nice’ and ‘Hordak’ don’t go together.”
“Yeah, you must be really special to have him be so nice to you. He’s usually really grumpy and aloof.” Scorpia explained.
As Entrapta’s cheeks began to flush, she pulled her mask down pondering all the meaning Scorpia’s statement could have.
“Well, we better get going. You do have all that important data to collect. Enjoy your evening Princess Entrapta.” At that, the two women left a flustered Entrapta alone.
As her mind raced to find the meaning behind Scorpia’s words, she remembered her fleeting conversation that afternoon with Morella. Was there another reason she wished to ally with Lord Hordak? Even in one evening, they had formed a connection. They both understood each other in ways others could not. She was unable to describe what they had. Were they friends or just acquaintances that understood each other’s interests? In her 29 years of living, she had never met another person who could keep up with her the way he could. Everyone either couldn’t understand what she was talking about and played dumb while desperately trying to change the subject, or they did understand her but didn’t care about her ideas. Hordak has been one of the few people who understood her ideas and saw their potential of them. 
Entrapta was brought out of her trance when someone bumped into her. It was Princess Spinerella and Princess Netossa of the Unnamed Kingdom.
“Oh, I’m sorry Princess Entrapta.” Spinerella apologized, putting her hand over her heart.
“It’s ok. I shouldn’t have been standing there for so long. Have you two decided on a name for your new kingdom yet?” Before the marriage of Spinerella and Netossa, their kingdoms were completely separate. Then when they did get married and united the two kingdoms, they had no clue what to name their newfound kingdom; hence, why it has been called the ‘Unnamed’ or ‘Unknown’ Kingdom.
“Not yet, turns out naming a kingdom is harder than it looks,” Netossa admitted. “Speaking of kingdoms, have you decided to join the Princess Alliance yet?”
“I’ve decided to join the Horde.” Entrapta smiled despite the dread that crept up her spine.
“Say what now?”
“Um Princess Entrapta, are you sure about that decision?”
“Yes actually. The Drylian ideals and politics better line up with those of the Scorponi kingdom; furthermore, their economy is better and the wealth is more evenly distributed across the kingdom.” Entrapta prepared herself for the onslaught of criticism.
“I-I um… Very well Princess Entrapta. We are glad your mind has been made up.” Spinerella shot Entrapta a fake smile and lead her wife away into the crowd.
That was weird. Entrapta pulled out her recorder, clicking it on.
“Princess Prom night two, log one: after informing the Princesses Spinerella and Netossa of my newfound political alliances they did not react outright negatively, even though they opposed me joining the Horde. Instead, they expressed their relief at my decision-making. They then made a hasty getaway, a trademark occurrence when I speak about tech to other people. I theorize they were not looking for a conflict or a debate with me so they escaped the conversation as fast as they could. Further analysis will have to be made through gaging the reactions of others when the topic of my allegiances is brought up.”
Hordak stood off to the side, sipping a glass of wine and listening in on the conversations around him. Thus far, he has gathered Prince Peekablue is a no-show. He saw who he believes is his girlfriend, Princess Sweet Bee, wailing that he, once again, did not come as promised. Which was unfortunate because Hordak was hoping he would be in attendance so he could get him on his side. His powers of foresight could greatly help with the war by predicting what campaigns bore fruit and what campaigns resulted in disaster. Perhaps he could find him another day despite his status as a hermit. He also gathered the Head Sorcerous Castaspella was also not in attendance which he found odd since, according to his sources, she was there at the previous Princess Prom. Perhaps something is happening in Mystacor he was unaware of.
Then something caught his ear. It was the Princesses Netossa and Spinerella of the Unnamed Kingdom whispering something to the Star Sisters. He walked closer to them, trying to look inconspicuous. Staining his hearing to gauge what they were talking about.
“Princess Entrapta has allied herself with the Horde,” Netossa whispered. The three sisters gasped quietly.
“Why would she do that?” Asked the blonde sister.
“Something about their political ideals lining up and having a better economy.”
“Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I did see Princess Entrapta and Lord Hordak sitting close to each other up in the rafter the other night.” whispered the thinnest sister.
“Perhaps they are having an affair?” The pink-haired sister suggested.
“Perhaps it is none of your business.” Hordak’s crimson eyes pierced through the souls of the five women. Terror froze their faces. They gave small apologies before scampering away.
How dare they speak about Princess Entrapta that was. Fury courses through his veins, boiling his blood. It took him every ounce of willpower in him not to scalp the five women, mounting it on his wall as a warning. He balled up his fists, unaware of the wine glass he broke in his hands until a poor servant came to clean it up.
A wave of embarrassment flooded him, washing out all the rage he felt. Hordak apologized profusely, getting down on his knees to help clean up. This astounded the servant who, while earning the occasional apology, never got help from a royal. After cleaning the area Hordak put a gold coin, twice his daily wage, in the servant’s hands. The servant gave him a swift bow before returning to his post.
Hordak took a deep breath, still modified at his public outburst. He moved to a wall where there were few people. He bit the inside of his cheek as he wallowed in his embarrassment. Why must I act like this? Why did I act like that? Why was I so offended on behalf of someone I barely know? If it was anyone else, say one of his commanders, he would be miffed they were speaking ill of one of his associates; however, he would never react in the way he had just done. An associate is what Entrapta was, so why did simple petty words get such a rise out of him? Perhaps, subconsciously, he saw her as more than a work associate. Perhaps, he saw Entrapta as a friend? Utterly ridiculous! They had just met yesterday how could he have such a bond with her? Even though the two had similar interests, were able to keep up with each other verbally, and understood each other's goals and ideas does not mean they were friends. Were they? Gah! Curse his minuscule emotional range! No matter. He will continue as he did before. He did not want to jump to conclusions without Entrapta’s input.
Speaking of, where had the princess gone? Hordak served the crowd of sparkles, spotting the princess conversating with Scorpia. He was tempted to join the two, but he knew he shouldn’t. Entrapta had a scientific excursion to pursue, and he does not need to be a distraction. Besides, he has his work to do.
Also, if you want to know who the Star Sisters are, look it up on the Wiki. Aka, the MVP of this fic.
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
Now that I've spent a good day thinking about how hot it is when Catra is a terrible person corrupted by setting off a portal, I'm ready to go back to (re)watching her try to be Good lolol
well okay more than one day.
I mean I literally spent the last four? five? days listening to songs off The Downward Spiral over and over while thinking about Catra and practicing my makeup for my Catra cosplay and ordering more of the things I need for it; like literally just staring off into space at work between phone calls thinking about Catra
I'm totally a well-adjusted middle-aged adult, thanks for asking!
Shit where did I even leave off
Oh right
SO HEY if you're new here, I've been rewatching all of the 2018 She-Ra, and I started doing it for fic-writing reasons but predictably I have become deeply obsessed. Anyway these posts sometimes have a lot of asides and commentary and references to other stuff and dumb jokes among a ton of screenshots, also (and it feels odd saying it this close to the end of the show) it's a RE-watch, so there's often spoilers for later bits of the story, also I keep trying NOT to just describe the entire plots of the episodes but I keep failing lol
s5 ep7 Perils of Peekablue
Adora's trying to become She-Ra (without an immanent threat) and then Bow and Glimmer distract her, and then the door opens on Catra and
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I literally did a YES YES YESSSS AHAHAH out loud bc this is the point at which Catra just starts OPENLY FLIRTING, as opposed to just uhhhh flirtatiously taunting I suppose lol
like you're SITTING IN HER LAP
Also while rewinding it to watch again I paused it at the most hilarious moment
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look at Catra's FACE
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help I can't stop laughing but also look at Bow's expression
Glimmer: omg I'm gonna get to see my dad Catra: *gets up and leaves*
But also I make this face when a cat leaves my lap before I wanted them to:
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Anyway they're a day out from arriving at Etheria
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Adora's trying so hard
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the intro finally changed!! I can't get a good screenshot but now when Catra (with short hair) and Adora (in She-Ra's new get-up) are fighting they stop much faster and they're both smiling omgggg
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and there she is!! with everyone else!!
okay I'm going to take way less screenshots etc of the underwater speakeasy thing because let's be honest: that part of the plot isn't what I'm here for lol
But yeah they're going to the speakeasy thing to get Prince Peekablue who can see to the edges of the galaxy and can maybe tell them where Adora and the others are because they don't know what happened
Oh also Spinarella is chipped and Netossa is realizing something is off/weird about her but doesn't know what
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Oh hey! You used to work for Huntara in the Crimson Wastes
Sea Hawk has pissed off approximately half the people in the room it seems (by lighting their ships on fire at some point)
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Scorpia and Perfuma are the cutest and I can absolutely see how they end up together
In my fic I originally had Adora talking to some kind of therapist but I wasn't sure they existed on Etheria, and last week I edited that bit so Adora is talking to these two (which makes the conversation more fun AND easier to write anyway)
Perfuma: "Scorpia. You should do things not because you're good at them, but because they make you happy." THAT IS ONE OF MY LIFE PHILOSOPHIES thank you Perfuma you're 100% correct and I tell people this ALL THE TIME
Mermista: "I might've set their boat on fire. Just to see what it felt like."
Sea Hawk:
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YESSSS I love this scene
Perfuma makes a flower, throws it to Scorpia as she sings, and she blushes and tucks it into her hair, these two are so sweet and cute
oh god I forgot that when "Prince Peekablue" get stung by Scorpia they go through the last half-dozen shapeshifts before turning into a (passed-out) Double Trouble.
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lolol instead of "cash cow" it's an insult to poor Catra
Anyway they have the info the Rebellion wanted!
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Horde Prime is pissed and has blockaded the planet, also half the people at the speakeasy were chipped....and now so is Mermista, though nobody realizes that yet
But also the phrasing of "She-ra stole his little kitten away" is just amazing
But also the last they heard, Adora and Bow and Entrapta had left to rescue Glimmer, do they think Double Trouble is talking about Glimmer here or what
(which. they did. they just also went back for Catra.)
Netossa realizes her wife (and most of the people around them) are chipped D:
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And a chipped Mermista is gonna drown them all
oh shit Micah is also chipped
Entrapta gets the comms working!
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"The Rebellion's been compromised! Horde Prime has them! We lost, I'm so sorry! We lost them!" --and then the comms go to static
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jimmysherfy · 2 years
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I’d love to wear my Prince Peekablue again… 🥰 Even if no one knows the character. 😆 💙💙💙 🔷🔷🔷 🟦🟦🟦 #shera #princepeekablue #cosplay #spop #gaygeek #dragking #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #cosplayer #dragartist #peekablue #sheracosplay #genderfluid #sheranetflix #dreamworksshera #prettyboy #sheraprincessofpower #hillcrest #urbanmos #representationmatters #gay #lgbt (at MO's Bar and Grill) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjdv4H7vwnb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swearyshera · 1 year
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