#spy book tag
pinwheel-plant · 7 days
the things u do when u have to wait a long time in between books (im imagining an entire spy school musical adaptation In My Mind)
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havendance · 4 months
I think we should torture Dick by coming up with an AU where Tim's the one to get dealt the faked death/undercover in spyral thing instead. Like, congratulations man! You're the last one standing. (Well, except for Jason I suppose but Jason's probably causing problems on purpose.) You've won an even bigger than usual guilt complex. No, you can't opt out.
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baggy-holmes · 8 months
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goodnight nerds 🫶🏼
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He's in IKEA trying to find his minions because they got lost
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Why did I decide to bring them here?
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wonder-worker · 3 months
"If anonymity was required [for reconnaissance and espionage] the woman going about her business, between markets, was the perfect messenger. The Compaignon's news was taken to Lille by a female courier. Writing to the English government on the eve on a projected Scottish invasion Sir William Bulmer was interrupted by the arrival of the wife of one of his spies who had come because 'hir husband was suspect, so that he durst not come hyself. . .'. Equally, Sir William reported that among his spies in Scotland in 1523 he numbered one he called 'the Priores'. In the border war of intelligence it was reported, two years later, that the Scots had lost a female spy at Durham where she was captured and interrogated. There should be little surprise at this, for as Philippe Contamine points out women were much involved in medieval warfare and were employed as messengers and spies throughout the Hundred Years War. But again it is to Edward IV, and the great crisis of his reign, that we must turn. With Warwick and Clarence in France allying with Margaret of Anjou, the king sent Lady Isabel Neville one of her servants bearing an offer of peace. The woman's real business was to plead with Clarence not to be the ruin of his family, and to remind him of the deadly feud between York and Lancaster. Did he really take Warwick at his word when, having done homage to Henry VI's son, he said he would make Clarence king?* The choice of this woman was made because of her shrewdness and because she could gain access to her lady, and thus Clarence, quicker than any male agent."
-Ian Arthurson, "Espionage and Intelligence from the Wars of the Roses to the Reformation", Nottingham Medieval Studies (1991)
*The source for this is the memoirs of Philippe de Commynes, who later served in the French court and was very cognizant of espionage in contemporary politics and warfare. It's not proven or disproven by any other source.
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a-ramblinrose · 7 months
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 I haven’t been a very good chronicler of my book hoarding habits lately. This lovely stack is a mix of multiple stores, online, and little free library finds! If I’m honest this isn’t even everything from the last month...whoops. At least most of the other books are from the local little free libraries giving my budget a break. My gremlin habits were also very happy to find the Eraserhead Pop on clearance at TJ Maxx of all places!!!
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pancakehouse · 9 months
my top nine books : ') @fastasyoucan1999 @serethereal merci my darlings xx
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tagging @maybebabyplease @mblematic @colgatebluemintygel @bex2313 @belleandsaintsebastian @loseraccount @ernestonlysayslovelythings + open tag always always !!
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clockwrkpendrxgon · 2 months
i put this on twt yesterday but i’d love to know what everyone thinks on here too. *giggle*
what’s the first thing that crosses your mind when you hear the word firstprince spy au? like what’s something you’d REALLY love to see in a spy au?
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chaos-circus · 4 months
Okay so Spy School Wild West AU
Thoughts? 👁️👁️
I think that Ben would definitely have a special connection with the horses. He'd be a stable boy or something like that, working on his parents' ranch. And, since we're talking Wild West, Alexander has to be the sherif that everyone in town looks up to with a seemingly endless list of amazing feats (all of which are lies, of course). Erica's a sherif in-training, of course. The Hale family has been watching over the town for generations, and it's a legacy that Erica is determined to uphold. And I guess everyone else would just live in town (since I assume that "sherif school" wouldn't be a thing in this AU). Murray is a criminal on the run, going from town to town, leaving before anyone can recognize him. That is until, one night, he hides out in a stable. The next day, he meets Ben, they become friends, and Murray sticks around for much longer than he intended. SPYDER probably wouldn't be called SPYDER, but they would be a gang of bandits. Maybe they would offer Murray money, maybe even a new identity. Whatever it is, it's too much for Murray to refuse. He disappears during the night and, when the town wakes up, something important is missing from the town hall. Murray's the prime suspect and the town seems to have caught on to his criminal status, and they know he's been with Ben. So, the sherif goes to Ben and offers him a job. All he has to do is track down Murray. Or something like that.
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toasteaa · 2 months
Huge fan of Furina being the worst fucking wingman for Neuvillette btw.
She gets the faintest whiff that Neuvillette is having emotions and she's all over it.
She's not subtle about anything. Most of the "facts" she knows about romance are via cheesy novels that she's read over the years. The same novels that she gives to Neuvillette and is ADAMANT that these will help him understand human emotion. They don't, but he appreciates the effort.
She's tried multiple times to schedule bullshit meetings between you and Neuvillette just so he can see you and try to talk with you (you and Neuvillette already meet almost every day because he finds himself stealing time to talk with you and learn more about you). There's like, five notes from "Neuvillette" on your desk that are so clearly written by Furina. The number of times she's tried to spy on you and Neuvillette to see if he's taking her advice is overcome by the fact that she's so obviously staring at the two of you the whole time like 👁👁
Busts into his office at any given free moment he has, ignores his exhausted sigh at knowing what's coming, and practically shouts, "Have you kissed them yet?!"
Hydro Archon who? Archon of "getting the Chief Justice to stop hiding in his office and acknowledge that he's in love" 💅🏾 (she is very bad at it but you can't just tell her that -)
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pinwheel-plant · 7 months
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it isn’t the best book but as a us history nerd it’s good IN MY HEART ok
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blizzardstarx · 3 months
old (2022) oc art dump
halfmask, blizzardstar, and gingerstar v
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eclipse and gingerstar my lesbian cats <3 v
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aura and i forgot her name the silver bengal
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and paw anatomy
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burninblood · 1 year
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working on some character design for my YA work portfolio right now and inspired by Winter Soldier: Cold Front I decided to do 16 yo, but totally already 17 yo, and maybe also totally 25 yo, “agent Bucky” with a foot in a bucket.
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Have been battling the thought of rewatching Cambridge Spies for weeks now. Girl don't do it, most mediocre series ever!!!
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cream-and-tea · 1 year
i was tagged by @flowerprose right when i was in the middle of writing this bit from chapter 13. providence! serendipity! i went a liiiiitle bit over the 7 lines but anyways *pallas voice* my fucking god these bitches gay. sucks for them. i hope they die.
Pallas peers over the statue's carved shoulder, eyes narrowing in on the two people in its shadow. Because Judge would never do something so frantic as pace Calliope is doing it for her and the contrasting energy (one sitting at the statues base, one standing and gesturing wildly) makes them look even more incongruous than usual. Judge, tall and dark and everwatching as the trees outside; and Calliope, something out of this world, as fragmentary as Judge is solid. Judges dark tweed coat covering her from neck to ankle, Calliope in silk and tulle, shoulders and arms and neck frighteningly bare. The white cloth renders his hair absurdly red and their eyes absurdly yellow. She looks like an unpopped zit. As Pallas watches he pauses with his arms mid-flail, then visibly slumps,  moving back towards Judge, who spreads her knees so Calliope can better stand between them. This, briefly, turns Pallas’s stomach, the sensation only made worse when Judge wraps a gentle hand around Calliopes wrist and brings his palm to her mouth.
i’ll tag @saltwaterbells @rydykg @albatris @andromedaexists @lychniscitrus @phantomnations and @retrogayyde (no pressure ofc!) as well as anyone else who wants to do it <3
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tarczar · 8 months
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these posca markers sure do make the drafting part a lot easier
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