#square peg in a round hole
frenchiefitzhere · 2 years
Five Things You Never Get Tired of Writing — Songs Edition
I did this one as a general "5 things I Never Get Tired of Writing" post already, but @autisticempathydaemon tagged me for songs specifically and I thought that was kinda cool so...
1. Fun Stuff for Villains
Because I love me some juxtaposition. And I was raised on Disney and the Muppets and sometimes a bad guy just needs a song.  Villain Song Count: 21
A select sampling:
Moore than the Average Mortal Man
Welcome to Wonderworld  (Adam)
The House Always Wins (Imperium Sofia)
2. Quick Turnover for a Whole-Ass Gutwrencher
a.k.a. Erik works hard but Frenchie’s always on his heels. (j kidding)
It’s just that, like many fic writers, I get seized by the urge to write the thing as soon as I’m inspired. So a few of my favorites have actually been things I finished within hours of the Redacted content that inspired it. 
Lighter than Air
Hey Buddy
Hoodie Song
End of the Earth (Hey Buddy Imperium Reprise)
3. Lullabies
My first song was a lullaby. Jess was the initial inspiration. It's a fun little genre, and it's sometimes my favorite thing to do a lullaby when it's totally inappropriate for the situation (i.e. here come some more villain songs hehehehehe).
Lullaby Song Count: 12
Sleep Tight (Vega's Lullaby)
A Little Drizzle of Blake Syrup
A Lullaby from the Desk of President Moore
Power Down (Aaron's Lullaby)
4. Cheesy, spur-of-the-moment shit
I sometimes write songs in under 30 minutes, but these don’t always get posted publicly. Often I just share them in a private server and they’re a response to some art or an inside joke.  
One of my very first songs qualifies as this category (although I’d say it’s solid gold). 
Pocket Caelum Suite
Tooth Fairy Song
Hero of the Purge
5. Challenge Pieces
There are a few things that have been a lot of work for me on a composition level and/or production level. These are the ones that may not necessarily be the “favorites” but they’re the ones I’m most proud of because I had to push myself. I don’t have much formal music education (just a lot of experience). And I definitely don’t know wtf I’m doing in GarageBand. So the fact that any of this has been worth posting on the internets is a small miracle. 
Song for a Young Steward
Powerless (**This is the prettiest shit I've ever done.**)
By the Lights
Inversion Rap (Summarize 1 month of content in 6 minutes? Yes I did)
Not pictured: Content that isn’t Redacted fan art. I’m having a hard time getting up the nerve to post the stuff I have on deck I think. 
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extremely-moderate · 10 months
Square Pegs and Fledgling Nations: How the Founding Fathers Would Tackle Political Moderation
Ah, the never-ending saga of the square peg in a round hole. It's a conundrum that has plagued humanity since time immemorial and continues to baffle even the brightest minds of our era. But fear not, dear readers, for today we shall embark on a journey through the annals of history and explore how the Founding Fathers of the United States would have approached the delicate art of being politically moderate in times of mismatched shapes. Picture this: it's the late 18th century, and our illustrious and bewigged Founding Fathers are pondering the conundrum before them. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and the rest of the gang are gathered around, exchanging witty banter and sipping their mugs of tea. With parchment and quill in hand, they set about drafting a roadmap for political moderation that would make even the most stubborn square pegs feel right at home in a sea of round holes. Firstly, dear readers, let us remember that the Founding Fathers were no strangers to compromise. They understood that the key to successful governance was finding common ground between disparate ideas and forging a path where square pegs could peacefully coexist in a world dominated by round holes. So, the first lesson in political moderation is to embrace the art of negotiation and seek out compromise, just as these visionaries did with the creation of the United States Constitution. But where, you may ask, does one even begin to navigate the treacherous waters of political moderation? Well, fear not, for the Founding Fathers have some sage advice. They recognized the importance of critical thinking and reasoned discourse in fostering a society where varying viewpoints can thrive. It is a call to arms for each and every one of us to engage in civil conversations, listen to different perspectives, and resist the temptation to dismiss those who do not align perfectly with our own ideologies. Moreover, let us not forget the importance of empathy, a virtue that the Founding Fathers held dear. They knew that understanding the struggles and aspirations of others, even those seemingly incompatible with our own, was crucial to bridging the gap between square pegs and round holes. By fostering empathy and seeking to understand the perspectives of others, we can extend an olive branch across the divide and work towards unity. Lastly, dear readers, let us not underestimate the power of humor in the pursuit of political moderation. The Founding Fathers were known for their clever wit and ability to diffuse tension through laughter. In a world where debates can often turn heated and discussions spiral into chaos, a well-timed joke or a humorous remark can work wonders in bringing different sides together and finding common ground amidst the clash of shapes. So, my fellow seekers of political moderation, take a page out of our Founding Fathers' book. Embrace compromise, engage in civil discourse, practice empathy, and sprinkle some humor along the way. Together, we can navigate the complex world of mismatched shapes and build a society where square pegs and round holes coexist harmoniously. Remember, in the words of Franklin, 'A perfect political solution is like a square peg in a round hole - elusive, but not unattainable if we dare to think differently.'
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wurds-fur-nurds · 10 months
"Let it be known that I, Sir Reginald the Imaginary Historian, proclaim this profound wisdom: 'A square peg in a round hole is an audacious symbol of resilience and innovation. For it is in the face of adversity that true greatness emerges, as the square peg reshapes the confines of the round hole, forever defying conventional limitations.' "
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Unveiling the Captivating Psychopathy of Capitalism and the Square Peg in a Round Hole
Welcome, dear readers, to a mind-boggling exploration of the enthralling connection between capitalism and the perplexing analogy of the square peg in a round hole. Prepare to be captivated as we unravel the hidden psychopathy embedded within the very fabric of our economic system. Take a moment to picture a square peg desperately attempting to fit into a round hole. The relentless struggle, the sheer frustration—it echoes the plight of individuals under the influence of capitalistic forces. But how, you may wonder, does capitalism embody the characteristics of a psychopath? First and foremost, let's delve into the nature of psychopathy itself. Psychopaths exhibit a distinct lack of empathy, a manipulative nature, and a relentless pursuit of personal gain without any consideration for others. Now, pause for a second and scrutinize capitalism from this perspective. Capitalism, at its core, places emphasis on self-interest, competition, and the pursuit of profit. It thrives on an insatiable desire for success, often disregarding the well-being of individuals and communities. Just as a psychopath remains indifferent to the suffering they cause, capitalism turns a blind eye to the societal and environmental consequences of its actions. But what about the square peg in a round hole? This analogy perfectly encapsulates the struggles faced by individuals who find themselves at odds with the rigid structures and inequalities perpetuated by capitalism. Society tends to favor those who align with its values and structures, leaving those who don't feeling alienated, and well, like a square peg attempting to force their way into a round hole. In this captivating dance between capitalism and the square peg in a round hole, we witness the crushing weight of conformity and the stifling of individuality. It is a battle against a system that often fails to accommodate and nurture the diversity that exists within our society. And yet, in this very struggle, lies the potential for change and the seeds of a more inclusive and empathetic future. Dear readers, as we conclude this exhilarating journey through the depths of capitalism's psychopathy, we urge you to question, to raise your voice against inequalities, and to champion an economic system that embraces the uniqueness of every individual. Let us strive for a world where the square pegs find the holes just right for them, and where empathy and compassion triumph over callous self-interest. Together, we can reshape the world into one that truly reflects the beautiful diversity of humanity.
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kick-the-clouds · 10 months
Unleashing the Power of Self-Policing Institutions: Embracing the Square Peg in a Round Hole
“"🔍 Self-policing institutions: the challenge of fitting a square peg in a round hole! 💡Exploring how organizations adapt to and regulate themselves, even when faced with unconventional circumstances. Innovating the mold rather than breaking it! 🔄✨ #SelfPolicing #Institutions"”
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lady-raziel · 2 months
hilarious that with each new day that passes a new bit of dirt from JD Vance's past gets discovered and plastered over the internet...it's almost as if this is why presidential campaigns have always announced their running mates well before the convention...so that if glaring issues with a candidate came to light quickly there would be time to replace them on the ticket before they were officially locked in...it's almost as if certain things in political campaigns were done for a reason, donald...because the very same critical failures had happened before...but no i'm sure you and your guys attempt to recreate a fantasy version of history while ignoring all the reasons that history was a disaster will work this time...because you are built different and the 10000th time trying fascism will work like a charm...
#us politics#politics tw#i view the MAGA movement like this:#the conservatives have been desperately trying to jam a square peg into a round hole for a very long time#and they keep trying because one of these times its GOT to work! a very long time ago they heard the hole was more squarelike#so if they just TRY hard enough it will work!#failing to understand that the hole has become weathered and changed over time and the solution they are trying#will never work (if it ever did)#and then donald trump comes along and looks at the square peg#lobs one of the corners off and proclaims 'this is a triangle! THIS will work! I am so smart!'#and everyone around him is like 'whoa! this guy gets it! he's a genius and understands the problem! he's our savior!'#ignoring the fact that the peg is not a fucking triangle. it's just a deformed square now#so its still not going to work. and even if it WAS a triangle it still wouldn't work because THE HOLE IS ROUND.#it's the same damn peg but it looks a little different so everyone thinks its a genius solution that is DEFINITELY going to work#so they're all excited! they're FINALLY going to prove those idiots trying different types of oval pegs wrong!#they were right all along and it just took donald trump to see it! thank goodness he came along!#but that's just it-- he WAS just COMING ALONG. he was just walking by and saw an opportunity. he never spent time trying to make pegs#all he did was saw a crowd and took a chance to break an already failing peg even further#but because the people were desperate and it was different enough it seemed revolutionary#and now some of the conservatives--who can still see that the 'triangle' peg isnt a triangle are starting to look around#and see that elsewhere there have been some who have forced a triangle into the center of the round hole#and these people think well what if we ACTUALLY tried a real triangle?#and it does not matter to them in the slightest that it will never be the true solution to filling the hole#they just want credit for solving the problem#and so they are going to back donald trump and when the time is right put a real triangle in his hand#while the people trying ovals are busy arguing over the right type of oval#and once the triangle has been jammed into that hole...well...#it is going to be really really hard to force out#anyway thats a long and complicated metaphor and i probably should have just put it in its own post aaaaaahgh#long story short dont be a fascist triangle alright
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utilitycaster · 9 months
Now that I'm thinking about that video criticizing C3, I think a much more valid criticism of Campaign 3 is how disconnected the characters are from political institutions. Orym is the only one with any such connections going into the story, and his are a very specific and limited situation. Chetney is intelligent, but he's also been a loner and isn't from Marquet. This is in fact a very political story - international cooperation from many disparate nations to address a global threat, a violent cult deliberately fomenting unrest, one key figure in that cult ruthlessly using the resources of the Dwendalian Empire (and earlier, Molaesmyr) to pursue these goals, another key figure a former war hero - and yet no one in the party knows shit. I am bringing up Campaign 2 not so much to bemoan that this is not a repeat campaign - I don't in fact want that - so much as that it's a very good illustrative example, but that was also an extremely political story and it was one that succeeded because there were characters like Caleb and Beau who were both knowledgeable about and deeply invested in the outcome, and tied to the institutions involved. The same can frankly be said about Vox Machina. I think if this campaign had leaned into those political aspects instead of having a group that's largely apolitical and to be honest ignorant even of very recent history they lived through, that would have helped both with the sense of party agency and with the sense of stakes and consequences. Political stakes in actual play are incredibly popular - again, see both the previous two campaigns as well as Dimension 20 and Worlds Beyond Number (and, for all its faults, RQG) - and it feels like Bells Hells is often avoiding them.
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outism-had-a-purpose · 11 months
Mobydick Ishmael was an oarsman and not a harpooner. So, would this mean that the one our lcb Ishmael uses in her base ego can be very likely Queequeg's?
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smilesession · 3 months
I’m a Gen X soul I love the dream of wearing big stupid glasses and being sort of an academic burnout in spite of my curious and independent mind and watching subversive cartoons and listening to crazy thought provoking rock music like r.e.m and thinking fellers and sonic youth and country teasers and guided by voices and understanding sardonic literary and cultural references and i like reading odd books and being sort of a contrarian and having a sort of droll sense of humor and this fucking world is so stacked against those traits, in a young theythemette in the middle of rural nowhere
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kstripling · 4 months
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hazel-callahan · 1 year
if kit tanthalos and hazel callahan met, that would be the craziest interaction.
hazel would be absolutely starry-eyed over how effortlessly cool kit is as a princess knight with her sword, and i genuinely think kit would hate hazel immediately the way she hated elora. and then kit would see that hazel can take a beating and can actually fight AND can also make bombs out of thin air…..
basically i think they’d be best friends in the end.
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piipaw · 2 months
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Another older Gertrude
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Sometimes I find myself thinking about Din Djarin a little too much that I get concerned and think that I really should go to therapy...
Well, I'm finally doing that (again) tomorrow... :)
Feeling pretty nervous about it but hoping that because I now know I'm autistic it will help me understand/explain things a little better! Hopefully this is the start of a journey to finally become a healthier, happier version of myself :)
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wurds-fur-nurds · 10 months
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valentinsylve · 5 months
I don't know what sweet baby angel put themselves in charge of my day, but although I woke up on a bizarrely wrong side of the bed where I was under the impression that I hated everything ever, I went into the office and realized by 9 AM that I was actually fine, and my bad mood went away? And then the meeting I'd been rehearsing in my head and dreading for weeks actually gave me amazing news. The part of my job that was absolutely going to be the last straw that made me quit because there was no way for me to succeed in it given the resources I had available and how terribly suited it was to my actual skill set? They're cutting it out immediately and hiring an entire other person to do it, and offering me a different gig with a research center that's undergoing a reboot, and the Director is someone I worked with like 15 years ago and this is going to be so great.
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fireheartedpup · 3 months
When I start talking to people about getting a new car it's almost like they try to talk me out if it 😭 I just want to drive a vehicle that I actually like. Why you gotta start talking about my employment
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