#squid in the back bored af
salternateunreality2 · 5 months
Preggoroth: Nesting
Sephiroth: How can I help you, Genesis?
Genesis: *plunks down in chair, kicks feet up on Seph's desk, starts talking about his day*
One-Winged Angel: *starts playing*
Genesis: *jumps* What the fuck?
Sephiroth: You disturbed the nest. Prepare for war.
The single innocent paperclip that started all this by being moved 3cm to the left: 📎
Poor Cloud Strife. He and Zack have been identified by Seph's lizard brain as "BABIES".
Kidnapping, surprise cuddling, feeding, swaddling, and lots and lots of proud staring and purring.
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My babies. My perfect, beautiful babies.
Sephiroth's inner child is being HEALED through this process. He has built nests EVERYWHERE, from his office to Lazard's office to his apartment to Angeal's kitchen to Cloud's barracks to Genesis' closet -- any space that Sephiroth has ever felt a little bit safe or a little bit comfortable has at minimum a very soft blanket.
Zack is HERE for it, and has bought him ALL THE PLUSHIES. Not content with the Shinra SOLDIER propaganda plushies, homeboy found an entire zoo's worth of (hopefully) stuffed animals and even hand-made a few extra.
One of the homemade ones is an octopus/squid/tarantula/chameleon monstrosity that is Sephiroth's second favorite, after his lizard.
Zack created the chimera after years of listening to Sephiroth's voice warm slightly when talking about how a tentacle could hug you really well, that many eyes in weird places would be great for recon, and how he felt like he could never be his whole, true self, like a chameleon.
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Shinra Official Baby Shower
Boring AF, with lots of stupid gifts, schmoozing, and ceremony.
Scarlet gifted him a bunch of mechanical mobiles, which Genesis "accidentally" firagad later.
President Shinra gifted a (for him) measly check and publicly announced that the children will be "Sons of the Company" and offered "medical" treatment for life and an apartment closer to said "medical" treatment, and "nannies". Fortunately, the Turks jiggled some wires and oops the broadcast was fucked. President Shinra was uninformed about who the father is, but those in the know laughed at him behind his back for the "Sons of the Company" thing.
Heidegger had his people prepare a gift basket, but Cloud got a hold of the order and makes it secretly great, with boring stuff on top. Lots of tasty and helpful gifts for the expectant Sephiroth buried under bland diapers and onesies.
Reeve made some unhackable baby monitors to prevent Hojo's tampering or observations. He told Sephiroth about the unhackability in private, when he also gave him a mobile and a white noise machine, all also unhackable.
Hojo somehow came down with the flu and didn't make it, and his gift got accidentally incinerated. Oops.
Rufus gave Sephiroth the majority of the registry's big ticket items, like strollers, car seats, etc.
Palmer had his administrative assistant buy something off the registry, and Anne, a surprisingly insightful woman, got it in blue with a bunch of squirmy sea creatures on it. Sephiroth wrote a thank you note just to her.
Other employees brought generic cards and cheap registry items.
Cadet Baby Shower
The cadets couldn't afford jack shit, but organized a diaper drive and it turned out to be one of the best and most needed gifts of all.
SOLDIER and Turk Shower
This was actually more like a rager, with a ton of fun games and the rest of the registry getting filled out.
Many of the Turks and SOLDIERS gave miniature weapons of all sorts that Sephiroth was completely delighted with and squirreled away almost immediately. To this day, Lazard is still emptying tiny-weapons caches all over the Tower. The SOLDIER-Turk merch war was absurd as well.
His closest friends gave him a set of 150 bug-out bags hidden around the city and Gaia. Each bag contained cash, food, and clothes for him, a friend, and his babies, and...
His most treasured gift: a USB with a photo album plus a handful of physical pics, including 4 Lucrecia hard copies in each bag. All his friends and comrades were represented, and his closest friends had written letters to be stored on the USBs. AGSL had each hidden a quarter of them, and no one except Sephiroth himself knew the location of all of the bags.
Zack was not permitted to know the location of more than 3. It's not his fault his mouth is so fast! He's a speedy guy!
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Sephiroth, unable to sleep, has repainted the entire SOLDIER floor and all of his nest areas 300 times by now.
He has also done heavy and light construction work all over his and his friends' apartments.
He considered building a "baby gate" to Cloud's dorm, but stopped himself while carrying the lumber and a drill onto the elevator, realizing he didn't want to become his father. To be perfectly clear, it wasn't the "imprisoning an adult employee against his will", it was the "anti-Hojo sentiment" that stopped him.
"Sephiroth, darling, we need to talk about the 3am construction," said Lazard, holding Sephiroth's hand and looking him in the eye.
"Oh, yes, I can't sleep, so I prepare for the babies. They seem to enjoy it, as they stop kicking my bladder every 2 seconds while I'm up," Sephiroth replied, glaring gently at his belly. "In fact, they're getting excited now. It is the third time this hour!"
Lazard winced.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, that sounds awful. I'll let you go in just a second, but could you please give some thought to another hobby? Several of your colleagues and even myself are experiencing fatigue due to the construction noise. Perhaps knitting would help? I know you're preparing for the babies, and you're doing an excellent job."
"Oh! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I forget sometimes that not everyone is used to sleep deprivation. I will certainly consider it. Now if you'll excuse me, the children are getting restless and I drank a gallon of water."
"Of course," said Lazard, and let him go, relieved at the easy acquiescence.
It wasn't until the next day when he woke up to newly knitted carpeting throughout the entire SOLDIER floor that he began to question his suggestion.
"It's better than the construction," he muttered under his breath...until he passed Cloud and Zack knitted into the wall.
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Excess blankets/tiny socks/hats/etc. get donated and save some cold children's lives ❤️ Helpfulroth ❤️
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Episode 10
• different logo. It's! yeah!!
• Forcefully gives Walter guns to carry. Immediately almost gets shot by him
• Took flying lessons! Will come in handy later
• thinks CO2 canisters look like torpedos
• The Shining reference. Thinks he's killed enough people to be qualified as insane
• talks to himself, says he's a little schizophrenic because of that
• has no clue how long he's been stuck I'm Black Mesa for, assumes a couple hours even though his earlier guess was a day
• not happy to see another scientist locked in a train car
• then gets locked in the train car with Rosenberg, tells the military they'll hear from his lawyer
• says he's stealthy as a ninja
• “Barney Calhoun, demolitions expert”
• doesn't know what wound Rosenberg is talking about, says ‘this thing?’ but says it's just a scratch
• gets injects with some *strong* shit. Very high
• thinks Rosenberg was doing pull-ups in the train car after he said he needed to rest
• says he's now ‘totally peaced out right now’
• gets people bits in his mouth, thinks he's a cannibal now
• says being totally covered in blood is a new Gothic look
• was probably not listening when he was told they'd have to go *back* through the facility
• lost count of how many times he's been covered in blood
• assumes he's being shot at because of how much blood he's covered in
• says he'll never meet a soldier he likes
• calls Gordon his best bud :)
• not sure the elevator they're in is safe says he has a bad experience with them
• left behind Walter :(
• damn counter: 0?
Episode 11
• back to the normal logo
• repeated ‘I hate elevators’ while hiding and crouched in the corner
• calls Rosenberg a nerd while he's a ‘buff badass machine-gun toting alien killing security guard.’
• very confused how Walter made it to the labs before him and Rosenberg. More confused than that time he got high and watched an animated version of the Hobit
• finds everything Rosenberg is saying boring
• not surprised he's the only one able to go to the border world
• does *not* like all the lasers of death
• thinks his crappy laptop starts up faster than the teleporter
• the portals tingle
• thinks Xen is creepy
• also Xen is sticky. Fun
• gets stabbed by one of the… pointy tentacle things.
• healing pools are comforting
• gets distracted terrorizing the little light things, reminds himself to focus
• has lots of fun with Xen's lower gravity
• doesn't like caves. Or crawling through things
• hates bees
• thinks the crystals are radioactive
• damn counter; 1
Episode 12
• says that with the aliens, soldiers, and head humpers. Cancer is the least of his worries
• only remembers complex cancer names because Gordon told him them 2 year ago
• confused why a dead HEV suited scientist was carrying grenade shells
• “The tunnel suddenly widens into a small cavern as our protagonist sneaks forward-” Gets cut off by a headcrab but nerd ass moments going on
• getting pissed off by the headcrabs
• says they're as bad as his college roommate, who used to hide around corners and scare Barney. Probably stopped after jumping out and scaring Gordon one time and getting punched in the face. Why was Gordon there? shrug
• thinks Gordon can be badass whenever he wants to. Says he could take Gordon
• needs a name for the Bullsquids. Comes up with Bullsquids cause they remind him of bulldogs and squids.
• really hates bees
• says he doesn't need a bag to hold his stuff because he has Walter
• mimics the dying Barnacle noises
• “soothing warmth of pooly goodness.”
• officially done with being in sewers
• comments on the lack of handrails on an alien planet
• has absolutely no clue if he's going the right way
• says he's a pro at jumping now
• “giant flying donuts”
• more sewers!
• alien sewers smell worse than human ones
• now officially smells. R.I.P
• “yay! I'm alive!”
• thinks about going down and going on the alien trampoline again but decides not to
• damn counter: 7
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 43
Booo, the weird art style is back :( Oh well. This one was okay. They're clearly ramping up to more "serious" battles for the finale, but I was just kinda annoyed by all the drama (lots of shots of the characters looking stressed/pained/emo). It was nice to get more Ken backstory though. Can't believe there's still stuff to reveal from his Digimon Kaiser days...
Digimon introduced: Imperialdramon (Fighter mode), SkullSatamon, MarineDevimon, Millenniummon, Daemon
-I really don't get the "What!? Daisuke said something sensible??" gags. They're just really unfunny and kinda mean spirited. Besides, it's not like Daisuke is THAT big of an idiot. I feel like it would make more sense if he was. (Notably, both times this gag has happened they changed the dialogue in the dub, indicating to me that the localizers agreed that these scenes make no sense lol).
-I like Ken's ace flag sweater (I don't really headcanon him as ace but as an aroace my eye is trained to spot the colors lol)
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-Seeing Taichi have night time deep talks with Hikari was interesting. This season could really benefit from a bigger emphasis on these mentor-mentee dynamics.
-MarineDevimon's design is kind of silly, but the thought of a humanoid, deep sea digimon is actually terrifying. Like imagine seeing him next to a giant squid in the deep, dark abyss D: (somehow, seeing him above water drastically reduces the fear lol)
-Maybe I'm a perv for noticing, but they definitely drew in an outline of nipple for LadyDevimon and I was surprised to see that this wasn't censored in the dub. (Not that I'm against nipples, I would just expect early 2000s anime localizers to be lol).
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-I really dislike that there was another LadyDevimon vs. Angewomon slap/hair pulling fight. It just feels icky and demeaning. (Didn't really like it the first time either). Glad they cut it from the dubbed version.
-Not really a fan of Imperialdramon's fighter form. He went from a cool dragon to a generic mecha mon. For whatever reason, my eyes glaze over whenever I see a mecha. They're just boring to me.
-New bad guy's design looks bland af, like a generic villain from a very early Final Fantasy game or something. It's interesting that there's competing villains now I suppose. We'll see where this goes...
-SkullSatamon holding the bus up felt very Spiderman movie haha. How convenient that he held it up for like 10 minutes, patiently waiting for Imperialdramon to attack. Also, Imperialdramon's attack should have totally harmed the bus too, but oh well. Who need physics am I right?
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patbob · 3 years
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The energy this image holds.
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koreandragon · 3 years
Full offense but hellbound was boring af. I was so excited for it especially since yoo ah in hasn’t been in a drama in a while and was sorely disappointed. Locals are just grabbing on to kdramas as a trend like they did with Gangnam style back in 2000 whatever and then ignored other artists until BTS blew up
that's what i think too like i definitely understood the hype around squid game. it had memorable outfits, logos etc and it was actually really good but i have to say i expected more from hellbound. i didn't like the trailer either because i thought the cgi michelin men were goofy as hell so i was thinking about not watching it then i saw it was only 6 eps so i was like what the hell. but that just remained the same in the show. like i really don't think this was an adaptable story for screen, it just didn't work like it would in a webtoon. but now with squid game's popularity locals are waiting for new netflix kdramas to come out plus it was very bingeable with 6 episodes so that's definitely part of that. i don't know how i feel about locals getting into kdramas....
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staysuki · 3 years
sHHhhHH nO seungmin has YHAM, felix has PPHEART. no, yes. i kenat hurt myself by shipping y/n with more of the guys :"> but ugh the seungmin route seems to be going well. felix on the other hand, needs to step up his game 😩 like imagine the 4 of them confesses to y/n but surprisingly jeongin or jisung would be endgame 😭💔 JUST IMAGINE ,,, THATD BE SO ENTERTAINING HAHAHAAHA
YES SUPLADA SI ATE GURL 😩💔 bet ko yarns. #seungminperalta for the win 🙇🙏
hOY floor dance is still a floor dance !!! even if yes, its just an improved back door choreo step x"d. "sana ol mic" 😭
we stan all-rounder ash 🙌
i tried forcing practicing writing using my left hand, i mean it did improve a lot but i got bored af repeating it endlessly everyday and just forgot abt it :"> imagine all the things you could do being ambidextrous 🤩 if you exert patience and effort with a ton lot of passion, maybe you could even conquer the world 😎
good luck watching squid game huhu
https://ibb.co/m5RsSYF 😌👌
- bs
JSHWJSHSS you trying to balance for me? 😩 the shipping is wild rn. i’m gonna torture everybody with the #loveteams. there will be no satisfaction mwahahahaha. or its a slow burn thing ig 🤔. jeongin isn’t gonna let go of his #bachelorlifestyle and jisung is… well, jisung.
IM TRYING TO 😭 she’s a bit too nice rn, maybe i should make her try to talk a bit more condescendingly or tsundere-ish
sana ol floor
“imagine all the things you could do being ambidextrous”—LIKE WHAT EVEN 💀💀💀 what are you trynna say her bs hm 😪. i will conquer the world, one hand at a time, and i have two! so that’s like? two worlds.
i will take my time 😮‍💨
and it’s still ongoing 🙊 maybe i won’t stop EHALOJ until i max out the tags or smth jkjk.
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ronweasleyisourking · 4 years
Next gen headcanons
Edward "Teddy" Remus Lupin
Nonbinary, uses he/him and they/them pronouns
Pansexual, but has mostly dated boys
Mixed bag of depression and anxiety
Tattoos and piercings everywhere. Also, a tattoo artist.
Walks with a cane due to chronic back pain
His first kiss was with his best friend, Basil Haywood-Karasu
He dated Victoire for a bit, but it didn't work out. They're better as friends
Lived in between houses for most of his life. His grandmother Andromeda and his godparents, Harry and Ginny share custody
When Andromeda began having a hard time getting around on her own, Harry and Ginny opened up their house to her happily, though this was after Teddy moved out on his own
Winifred "Winnie" Margaret Weasley-Wood
Daughter of Percy and Oliver
Gryffindor but almost Ravenclaw
Named after her late uncle and Grandma Molly, whose full name was Margaret, though she would never admit it
Has read every book in the restricted section, whether she was allowed to or not
Hands are constantly in motion. Does math in the air, taps fingers on surfaces, sometimes just does random stuff with her hands, has to stop herself from doing hand motions when talking, etc. Has no idea what causes it.
The shortest of all her siblings/cousins
Hosts a Qudditch Little League for her siblings/cousins
Victoire "Vic" Apolline Weasley
Sort of a preppy punk. Loves faux leather jackets but also loves tiaras :) completely beautiful, let's be honest
Curses in French all the time
Attended Magik N.O.U., a wizarding school in New Orleans in her 7th year, which sparked her love for travel
Learned wandless and non-verbal magic just because people thought she couldn't; the dictionary definition of "girls can be smart AND pretty"
Could totally kick Teddy Lupin's ass
Has to worst temper of anyone in her extended family. And that's really saying something
International Hit Wizard
Georgie Rhyme Jordan
Child of Lee Jordan, honorary Weasley due to his relationship with Fred prior to his Fred's death
Pansexual and Genderqueer; he/him or any pronouns
Feminist AF
Really into street art. May have graffiti-ed a few anti-Brexit and anti-Tory pieces around England, but there's no proof
Not vegetarian but has cut down on meals with meat
Was born with atrial septal defect
Megara "Meg" Rhys Weasley-Wood
Demigirl. Experiences some dysphoria but not a lot
Partially deaf due to an untreated ruptured eardrum.
Has a huge, fluffy, orange cat named Hercules
Blind enough that she has to wear coke bottle glasses.
Animal lover right to the core. Donates to any and all shelters that she knows have good practices and tries to adopt as many animals as possible from the bad ones
Loves divination. Has minor seer powers.
Has a magical disorder where smoke comes out of her hears when she gets mad.
Frederick "Freddie" Gideon Weasley II
Bisexual. In love with Taras Krum, who was in a student exchange program with Durmstrang and Hogwarts.
Suffered severely after getting hit by a bludger in his 6th year; a concussion and head trauma leading to epilepsy
Severe depression and imposter syndrome
Not much of a prankster
James "Jamie" Sirius Potter
Red hair + hazel eyes + freckles everywhere
Got a gold tongue piercing at fourteen and that's how he found out that he was allergic to gold
Smoked pixie dust once
Lover of poorly timed finger guns and funky socks (yes, he is bisexual, why do you ask?)
Not a professional quidditch player or auror
He runs a diner called "Lumos" that serves the best burgers in the wizarding world
Doesn't think he can do anything right
River Lee Jordan
Trans girl; lesbian
Allergic to cinnamon
Loves pranking; Dominique, Lily, Romany, and her prank their cousins all the time. They're terrifying.
Writer but she works as a herbologist assistant, waitress, and cashier at WWW on the side just to support herself
Can hear magic. It's an almost constant buzzing when she's around her family and at Hogwarts. Sometimes just needed to be alone so that she couldn't hear the buzzing.
Gwendolyn "Wendy" Lucille Weasley-Wood
Has a genderfluid s/o, Ari Spinnet-Bell
Very environmentalist. Tries not to be annoying about it.
Founded a Hogwarts theatre club and actually wrote a few, very very gay plays and musicals
Hosts a podcast/blog with her roommates (River, Ari & Susmita) called Witches Unstitched where they talk about anything and everything under the sun
Helped create a bunch of healing potions with all the plants she has in her greenhouse(s)
Dominique "Dom" Gabrielle Weasley
Pansexual and Aromantic
In a QPR with Lorcan Scamander, her best friend
Hates being compared to her older sister
When Lorcan got cancer and got pulled out of school, she took time off school while he was getting treatment
Shaved off all her hair when he lost his
Leader of the Pluto is a Planet society at Hogwarts
Best friend in the family is James, despite the fact that she and Arthur are in the Slytherin! Marauders together
Loves firewhiskey and menthol cigarettes (don't tell Wendy)
Illegal animagus - a white cat. Her nickname is Duchess.
Arthur "Art" Rubeus Potter
Gay + in love with Scorpius Malfoy
Dyed the tips of his hair green and silver when he was 12
Loves leather jackets, chokers, and combat boots
Has too many piercings to count, but his favorite is his deep purple nose ring. Hates the idea of a tongue ring
Trained himself in Legilimency and Occlumency
Learned Parseltongue, Mermish, and several other creature languages because "he was bored"
Knows quite a bit of dark magic, but is not a dark wizard
Had a lot of tattoos. Most were of creatures from the Black Lake, the Giant Squid taking up his entire back, and a merperson takes up his upper left arm
But over his heart is the Scorpius constellation, sketches of the four animagi are on his left hip, and on his ankle are magically fading footsteps that would eerily familiar to anyone who had looked at the Marauder’s Map
Went to a wizarding school located in the Great Barrier Reef, which offered courses for 18 - 21 year olds who had graduated from wizarding schools around the world
Loves puns, boxing, extra greasy pizza, potions, pet names, horror movies that are actually scary, singing in the shower, and his boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy
Marine Mazoologist
Roxanne "Roxy" Fabian Weasley
Has been known to "experiment" with girls. In the Quidditch locker rooms. Forgets to lock doors. Oops
Her patronus is a coyote. Her happiest memory is of when her and Fred jumped of the roof of Hogwarts with their brooms. They had been trying to recreate the last scene of Pratical Magic, but like, with brooms
Loves cooking and knitting with her Grandma Molly
Studies in the strangest places. Lily once found her studying in the secret passage to Hogsmeade one night. Her brother found her sleeping in the Astronomy tower, with books strewn around her. Scorpius and Arthur once found her studying in a secret alcove (they still won’t admit to her why they had wanted to be in secret alcove in the first place)
Down to fight anyone for any reason
In love with Susmita Patil
Rosa "Rose" Bud Granger-Weasley
An absolute foodie
Named after a Charles Dickens character
Allergic to cats, which irks her mom and pleases her dad
President of the current Hogwarts chapter of S.P.C.W. (Society for the Promotion of Creature Welfare). Hermione has worked tirelessly in the ministry to get laws passed but even ministers can't change everything in a day
After graduating, her, Arthur, Dominique, Roxanne, Scorpius, Lorcan, and Lysander all went on a camping trip. Harry, Ron, and Hermione got really anxious about it
Loves reading trashy tabloids to call down. Circles all the stories about her family to torture her cousins with (jokingly)
It's a 50/50 shot whether she going to argue with you, and cite her sources, or if she is going to knock your teeth out
Spent her 7th year at The Salem Witches Institute in Massachusetts, a private all-girls school
Historian for wizarding history. Runs a small museum out of Grimmauld Place, which the Potters don't live in but Harry stills owns + has cleaned up a bit
Lily "Lils" Euphemia Luna Potter
Has meniere's disease
Vegetarian for medical reasons
Needs to wear glasses but never does
Gryffindor, but wanted to be in Slytherin
Will help out anyone and everyone if she can
Lived with Teddy for a bit after he moved out on his own
Asexual and Panromantic. In a polyamorous relationship with Frankie Longbottom and Estelle Huang
Had a pet snake named Besa. The snake was nearly longer than she was tall, non-poisonous, and the sweetest thing ever (at least, according to Lily)
Beat up James when he said that she "threw like a girl". She cracked one of his ribs, gave him a black eye, and broke his nose in three places. To this day, he claims that his nose is a little crooked (he was nine. she was five.)
Went to a wizarding school in the Himalayas in her 5th year, on the international student exchange program
Has very long hair that is almost always up in bun(s), braid(s) or ponytails. Has to magically shorten it for Quidditch games
Loves mysteries
Hugo "Go-Go" Cabret Granger-Weasley
Genderfluid [they/them]
Colorblind, dyslexic, and has ADHD
Dragonologist in Sweden, but almost went into wandmaking
In love with Allie Longbottom, who always painted her face Hufflepuff colors for games after Hugo got on the team
Uses medically prescribed pixie dust to help with their extreme anxiety; is careful not to take too much
Has a pet ferret that they named Star Boy
Joshua "Josh" Wilhelm Weasley-Wood
On the autistic spectrum
He takes his emotional support golden retriever, Laurel, to Hogwarts with him to help with the changing enviorment
Loves matchbox cars. Has hundreds of them. Carries one or two around with him at all times to fidget with
Loves hiking through the Forbidden Forest, with supervision from his dad, Professor Percy Weasley, or one of the other teachers, of course. All of them are willing to walk with him when they have time, but he loves hiking with his dad most
Has a hard time focusing when there's a lot of noise around him, so of course he has noise cancelling headphones
Learned how to fix up cars and bikes from his grandfather; opened up his own mechanic shop; loves riding the first motorcycle that he and his grandfather fixed up through the streets of London, especially with his girlfriend Lavi
It took him a while to overcome balance issues, but with training to be a seeker in Quidditch, and a lot of time spent taking practice drives on his bike in the fields around the Burrow, he was able to overcome them and once he did, he was on his motorcycle every chance he got
Has accomandations made for him when it comes to eating at Hogwarts, because the food can bother him sometimes
Hates when different foods on his plate touch
Romany "Romy" Charlotte Weasley-Wood
Lesbian-Oriented aroace; in a qpr with Maisie Greengrass
Is prone to accidental magic and has a bit of an anger issue that she works through with a punching bag, bring a beater on the Quidditch team, and playing drums
Her, Tessa Weasley, and Sariel Goyle formed a band called Bloody Bitchin' Babes that played underground gigs at Hogwarts parties before getting work at parties and bars
Hates all of her classes, except Transfiguration
Her plans look like the walls of detectives in murder mysteries. Photographs, post-it notes, paper ripped out of notebooks, red strings, and everything
Burnt Hufflepuff
Royal "King" Kingsley Jordan
Bigender + Bisexual; xe/xem pronouns
Loves all types of clothing but especially suits, flowery blouses, crop tops, chunky belts, scarves, and Doc Martins
Plays the piano all the time, xe even has a piano in xyr room
Gets chronic migraines, has been known to sit/lay in the dark for hours until the pain subsides. Hates taking meds for it
Never has her phone screen brightness above the lowest setting because xe hates that xyr light sensitivity may take xyr away from xyr phone, which is xyr life
Would love to travel one day
Louis "Louie" Antoine Weasley
Only has a little bit of veela charm, usually enough to get him out of minor trouble, and it isn't always permanent
Started taking in magical creatures when he was seven, when Luna gave him a suitcase like Newt Scamander's and got another one when he started adopting muggle creatures as well. He especially loves his mokes and his chickens.
He loves swimming in the Great Lake with the Giant Squid
Loves carmelized apricots, pumpkin gorgonzola flan, cinnamon roll cheesecake, molasses cookies, Bulgarian candy -specifically chocolate bars, sweet potato pancakes, and homemade butter-maple syrup
Was in a student exchange program with Beauxbatons in his 4th year and again in 6th year with the Canadian wizarding school and he loved both experiences
Tessa "Tess" Rue Weasley
Can see people's auras
An expert at potions. Began working on a cure for lycanthropy at the age of 13 and a long 17 years later, she finally accomplished it. She always says that she would have done it quicker if only she didn't have to sleep to live
Part of the potions club at Hogwarts, which is a much less snobby version of the Slug Club that actually has to so with potions talent and not just fame
With her cousin Louis's help, she was actually able to tame a baby raccoon and named him Meeko after the raccoon in Pochahantas to help her and also trained him to help her nick a few things from her cousins sometimes
Loves classic fantasy lit, especially Narnia. Tried to charm a wardrobe to take her to Narnia, and let's just say that it didn't turn out very well and that it was really hard to reverse
Shaves her head in fourth year, because she was tired of all the work it took to take care of her hair
Penelope "Penny" Elodie Weasley-Wood
Named after Penelope Clearwater, who was her father's best friend and who died in the Battle of Hogwarts
She was adopted from Ukraine and loves everything about the country. The language, the music, the art, the people...
Went on to be a dragon tamer at a Ukranian dragon reserve, which she applied to as soon as she turned 17, and when she got an offer, she took her N.E.W.T.s in her 6th year so that she could take the job immediately
At the dragon reserve, she met Norma Hawryluk, who she fell in love with and a baby Ironbelly whom she named Vera and raised. No one but she had Norma could touch Vera though, because of the dragons' extreme rage issues
Constantly stole her sibling's and cousin's clothing
Gets stuck in her head sometimes
Romulus "Rome" Wolff Jordan
Asexual and Aromantic
Has a fluffy white cat named Marigold (Royal named her)
Loves wearing a ton of rings. Like, one on each finger.
Will only eat rocky road ice cream, and no other flavor ever
Has aphantasia, or the inability to voluntarily visualize images in his mind, but can still dream, because it's involuntary
Loves to sketch a lot. Will sketch everything he sees
Loves turtlenecks; hates crocs to no end
Big windows with amazing views are his favorite thing
Genevieve "Genny" Maribel Weasley
Prone to anxiety attacks
Polyamorous lesbian, in a closed poly relationship with Noa Spinnet-Bell and Lyric Scamander
Best friends with Romulus, her cousin. She is loud and fierce, and he’s quiet and passionate, and together they’re going to take over the world two steps at a time
Figures out that technology works in the Room of Requirement and starts a tech club that meets on Wednesdays, and has movie nights on Fridays
Brought a pet pig named Prince to Hogwarts
Unofficially a freelance curse breaker, but worked as an intern at the dragon reserve in Romania with her Uncle Charlie the summer after Hogwarts. Eventually moves to South America because her girlfriend, Noa Spinnet-Bell, got recruited by their Quidditch team, Tarapoto Tree-Skimmers
They move to a farm where Genny gets her own horses!!!
Elias "Simon" Jacques Weasley
Has fibromyalgia, which makes it difficult for him to stay in Hogwarts. With the chronic joint pain, fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty with memory, it was easier for him to get privately tutored by his dad, who was the Ancient Runes professor
Severe anxiety and depression, which was most likely caused by his fibromyalgia, but there's no telling
Vegetarian for personal reasons, and had James teach him how to make vegetarian burgers and other vegetarian meals
Loves water-based magic and might have gone into the exchange program for underwater schools in the Bermudas or Oceania, but he didn't want to risk his condition
Can beat anyone at any board game. No one knows how he does it. Ron played wizard chess with him for eight hours once, but eventually gave up on ever beating him
Is the publisher of a Hogwarts exclusive magazine. Uses his older sister’s computers to work on it. Works on his novel in his spare time. Occasionally holds poetry slams by the Great Lake. Just loves writing in general
Matilda "Tilly" Honey Granger-Weasley
Has a photographic/eidetic memory
Got expelled from Hogwarts in her sixth year for using an unforgivable curse on another student who was bullying/harassing Elias, but doesn't regret it all.
Finishes up her studies at a small non-boarding wizarding school in Romania, where she lives with her Uncle Charlie and his queerplatonic partner, Barnaby, and their cat, Wick
With the help of Barnaby, dyes her hair platinum white (think Zoe Kravitz when she had white hair)
Moves to America almost as soon as she graduates
Travels the world to write about different wizarding communities for the Quibbler and for her sister's museum
A little too obsessed with Joan Jett
Loves lucid dreaming
Elliott "Ellie" Ryleigh Weasley-Wood
Has narcolepsy. Tired all the time and been known to dose off during class. And meals. And conversations
Needs to wear glasses but doesn’t, because they don’t want to look like a nerd. Looks like a complete nerd when they run into shit all the time and it doesn't help that their notes are always wrong because they refuse to sit in the front of class
Witnessed a car accident on a street one day and has been able to see thestrals ever since. Hates to think about it
Loves strong tasting food. Spicy, hot, cold, salty, super sugary, bitter... down to eat anything to be honest
Became a therapist for the wizarding community
Amare "Mar" Sabra Weasley
Own a huge shaggy grey and white dog named Ollie who she took to Hogwarts with her and is her best friend
Ellie, her cousin, is her other best friend and they love building huge forts and watching Disney movies together with tons and tons of snacks. Ollie always joins
Didn’t care one bit about school. Hated studying with a passion. Barely ever showed up to class. Was in detention more than all of her siblings and cousins combined
Worked as an intern at Lee Jordan’s radio broadcasting company for a few summers and hosted her own show that was based around old music after her sixth year
Alcoholic. Can't even be around firewhiskey
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viranlly · 5 years
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I love New York. I love drinking. I abso-fuck*n-lutely love drinking in New York. I love it so much I went to New York just to drink - caution: this trip is not, and I repeat, not for everybody. I mean, what’s not to love about drinking in New York?! The endless supply of bars; the attractive, charming and talented bar staffs, and let’s not forget the beyond delicious libations they serve up ‘til 3 (even 4) AM on a Monday - astounding, especially when you come from a small town where last call is 12.45, if you’re lucky. Before our trip, we agreed on the ‘one-drink-one-bar-rule’ - a rule that we slowly abandoned as the night progressed. After what felt like a 12 hour commute from YVR, I arrived in Penn Station, starved and parched. A quick change and a touch up later, I finally made it to dinner at WildAir: a hip, trendy, wine-focused Lower East Side restaurant from the boys who opened the Michelin-starred Contra. The food menu is a fairly simple: tartare, mushrooms, clams, and allegedly out-of-this-world fried squid. The wine list, on the other hand, is extensive and edgy. If you’re into the whole natural, skin-contact wine situation like we are, you’ll probably see us there again with a bottle of Susucaru, snacking on some fried squid. A couple blocks down from Wildair, is Bar Goto. A cozy Japanese bar with a MOOD AF lighting, brought to you by Kenta Goto, a Pegu club alumn. The man himself made me a plum Sazerac the last time I was in. It easily became one of those cocktails you crave over and over again. So naturally, I got one, and another one for good measure. The whisky finally kicked in. With a little buzz and a much better mood, we made it to Death and Company and put our name on the list. Wait time was about an hour and 30 mins, enough for a cocktail or two at Angel’s Share – or so we thought. It’s another 45 mins wait for us, but luckily, they have a sister bar next door that’s much less crowded, a little brighter, and slightly more peaceful. Our new friend Ryan, who’s bartending that night made me a ‘Bewitched’, a riff on Old Fashioned with grilled and spiced truffle-infused whisky, cognac, Kokuto syrup, bitters and Kaffir lime leaf. It’s as decadent as it sounds. Stunning mixture of flavour, texture, and aroma on each indulgent sip. It was on point. It’s finally time for us to get to Death and Co. Their Manhattan’s been calling my name since September last year. Everything about Death and Co’s Manhattan is perfect: the bourbon, the vermouth, the ratio, the temperature, just everything. Say what you want (I actually got into an argument on this) but this, is the best Manhattan in Manhattan. The night spiralled down the rabbit hole after the next drink, a Boulevardier - I remember we had two more cocktails there, but I can’t, for the sake of me, remember what they were. I know there was gin, somewhere, somehow. I won’t bore you with the details of our challenging journey home so let’s skip to the morning after - two bottles of Pedialyte, two advils, and a hot shower later. Our mind was focused on a bougie-ish scrambled eggs and caviar at Buvette, and so was the whole West Village apparently. “50 minutes” - the cute European host said. Other people would typically take this time to walk around, maybe get an oat-mylk latte and a croissant. Since we’re no ordinary people, and it just so happened that their sister bar ‘Pisellino’ just opened down the street (what a coincidence), we kinda had to stop by for a drink. It’s 1145, and in front of me was a full, frosty glass (and a mini carafe) of dry martini with olive and twist on the side. What a perfect West Village morning: sunny, breezy, and boozy. By the time we sat down for breakfast, I was a little buzzed, again. But nothing a plate fluffy scrambled eggs and caviar, waffle with berry compotes, croque madame, and another bottle of bubbly rosé can’t fix. We then spent the afternoon roaming around Soho, shopping for all the things we convinced ourselves we desperately needed - Hello new Thom Browne fragrance! It’s a quarter to eight, we were dressed to the nines, ready for a 10/10 night out in New York City. Our plan to have a chic pre-dinner cocktail at Polo Bar was cancelled because someone (aka me) forgot to call and make a reso, and it was packed there. We had to settle for the King Cole Bar across the street where the drinks were meh and the price tag was awfully expensive (no more $25, bland, overly spicy Red Snapper for us) - I went in purely to relive my Andy Sachs’ Harry Potter unpublished manuscript moment and nothing more. Dinner tonight was at the hyped up Korean steakhouse Cote in Flatiron. The one Michelin-starred restaurant is all about high quality meat, delectable side dishes, and impressive wine list (Their beverage director is such a star!). Here’s the thing, if you can make a hanger steak taste so succulently delicious, you’re doing something right. That’s exactly what they do at Cote. The steak (aside from the Galbi) is prepared in the simplest fashion: heat and salt, no marinade, no spices, no nothing - it was perfect. The service was impeccable, the timing of each dish was flawless. With a tummy filled with steak, scallion salad, and rice, we decided to walk our way back to the West Village - seemed crazy far, but at that point, it was necessary. We made it to Dante, who recently crowned #1 bar in the world, so naturally it was very busy. The apero-focused bar is famous for their ‘Negroni Sessions’, which is impressive and can be adventurous. From the most classic, to the most unexpected variation with tequila, banana and pineapple shrub, they do it, and they do it well. If you’re in the mood to splurge (we weren’t lol), their vintage martini is absolutely worth the $65 price tag (the Plymouth gin from ‘60s alone is drool-worthy). I, decided to go for the Olivette: a savoury, brine-y, less serious cousin of the vesper. We then visited Katana Kitten. Another bar in the village that scored a spot in this year’s 50 Best Bars, number 14 to be exact. It’s a fun (the owner Masahiro Urushido is also quite a legend), non pretentious neighbourhood bar with playful and whimsical cocktails. I obviously started with a Hinoki martini, yet another variation of the vesper, while Handika was having a slushy, boozy, crushed-icy ‘dessert’ (didn’t count as a drink, apparently). It was difficult to have just one drink here: would you skip on a yuzu-sisho daiquiri? how about a genever-based negroni with umeshu? or a calpico swizzle? Ya I don’t think so either. We had one of each, plus a another sisho G&T, and the classic highball. YOLO. For the sake of settling our argument on the best Manhattan in Manhattan, I invited Doris to join us at Employees Only across the street from Katana Kitten, conveniently. By the time we saw each other, my Manhattan was gone, and I was drinking a Monkey 47 martini yet again. That’s about all I can recall from that night. Oh wait, there was a tequila shot and another Manhattan - the end. Monday morning - not enough Pedialyte, water nor Advil in the world to bring me back to life. I, somehow, managed to meet Patrick for coffee, had a bite of a mushroom toast, and stayed alive. I made it back to the hotel just in time for a much-needed nap before check out and a trip to Williamsburg for lunch. It was rough. I kept telling myself another lie of “I’m never drinking again” for the 30 minute subway ride to Peter Luger. Peter Luger is a classic: steak (yes, another one), burger, with a side of onion, tomatoes, and fries. We then gathered enough energy to get to DUMBO for a picture of two (hundreds) before saying goodbye to each other - sad. I zipped back downtown for a meeting. A VERY EXCITING MEETING. I got the pleasure to visit the Bon Appetit test kitchen, thanks for the my lovely host Chris Morocco (Yes - we’re friends now HA!). it’s only appropriate that I wore my ‘Thirsty for Andy’ t-shirt - Andy was there, and we obvs. bonded over my OOTD. Claire was doing her ‘Gourmet Makes’, Carla was there, Molly too, Oh I also got to meet Alex Delany and Em Scultz too. It’s a casual Monday afternoon at BA test kitchen. It’s now cocktail hour and the one man I got to meet this time was the man everyone needs in their life: mister Steven Huynh himself. An instagram-turned-real-life-friend that I’ve known for 7 years. We met for the first time that night and we got along over dry martini-inspired cocktails and crudité at Thomas Keller’s TAK room (in the Hudson Yards). Sitting at the bar at TAK room feels luxurious but not intimidating. The bar team was friendly, interactive, and passionate about amaro. They even took us downstairs to check out the vintage amaro collections at their speakeasy, Bookbinder. After a snack break, we visited David Chang’s new restaurant Kawi downstairs. Steven had a pineapple rum daiquiri, I, had a ‘New Fashioned’ - a play of the classic Old Fashioned with coconut-washed Japanese whisky, sencha and bitters. It was delicious. The buzz is back on, and I felt so much better (HA!). Our next stop was The Nomad Hotel - our absolute favorite. We felt like we’re home right away, especially after a delicious Monkey 47 martini (Nobody’s counting, right?). Zanib joined us later that night for a negroni, and of course, I had to refresh my almost empty drink. Another friend Erik joined us for one more drink. Things started to get blurry real quick, I recall there was a Manhattan, a Brooklyn, a rum cocktail of some sort, fried chicken, and a Macallan 12 at one point before we’re back in the car for a nightcap at Blacktail. A tiki-focused sister bar of Dead Rabbit. We’re welcomed by a pink slushy daiquiri, and the bartender made me a delicious, stirred rum cocktail to sip on - don’t ask what it’s called. I finally tapped out and made my way back to Brooklyn. With close to zero voice, I got to Newark and flew back to Vancouver via. Denver - yes, I made a stop to Death and Co for a Sazerac-esque cocktail called the Uncanny Valley and a lobster ceviche. Here I am two weeks later, still recovering from the worst sore throat of my life, slowly getting my voice back (still can’t hit Mariah’s note tho :s). Will I do it again? ABSOLUTELY! Thanks for the amazing time New York - until next time!
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guess-im-emo-again · 5 years
I Made Notes While I Listened To The New BMC Album For The First Time
More than survive:
- Wills signature whine translates really well to Jeremy
- It was weird to not hear the stretch in “good morning”
- “Hnn GHA I wish I had the skill”
- More dialogue!
- Wills “micheal!” Is a lot less gay sksksk
- Boyf!!!!
- MOTHERS!!!!!
- High notes?!?!?
- I really enjoy the high notes but I’m sad we lost the desperation in the last two “christine”’s
I love play rehearsal:
- I’m so happy with this! My biggest problem with the cast recording has always been that it makes Christine look boring so I didn’t like her till I started watching bootlegs. Finally my goofy queen gets the recognition she deserves!
- Honestly I went to right down every single line in this song I’m so happy about it!!!
- I have too much to say about this one lol
More than survive (reprise):
-“ At least I didn’t have a breakdown, and have to go to the nurse” me too man
The squip song:
- “So suicidal” sounds sadder oof
- Wills fucking anime voice on “yOu GoT qUiCk!?”
- Aw they cut the “picture this” verse :(
- The vocoder is supposed to be Rich’s squip holy shit
- Y’all behind the squip there’s his inner dialogue and it has a fucking lisp I’m so In love with this version.
Two player game:
- Tbh I’ve never liked this song a lot
- Micheal sounds high lol
- More 8 bit!
- How did “know that you’re my favorite person” go from “hey dude you’re my best friend” to “MICHAEL I LOVE YOU UWU”
- Honestly yeah I’m still bored by this song :/
The squip enters:
- Sexy anime girl is now sexy cat girl I see
- I....i completely fucking hate the squip.
- I cannot stand the new squid voice I want scary teacher man back
- “I do NOT”
- His singing voice is nice :)
- I hate the surfer/stoner voice so much
- Kinda a downgrade in my opinion
Be more chill pt.1:
- I do like the squips singing voice but I really really prefer to og
- I do appreciate Jason’s aggressions in the “take your hands out of your pockets” line
- Jeremy sounds so sad in this :(
- “Everything about you makes me wanna die” *hyperventilating*
- Is...is that George just doing a silly voice
- “Everything about you SUCKS”
- The looking sexy Brooke line is incredible
- -“she had a shirt just like this HEEH”
Do you wanna ride:
- Nothing is really different other than it’s a little faster and the “pink berry” but it’s already such a banging song so no complaints
- I can only think of the Boyfs version now oof
Be more chill pt.2:
- “everything about me makes me wanna die?
- “bE mOrE cHiLl....hehe~”
- Squip is a much better manipulator here, he’s not just scary
Sync up:
- “Come one go gGhAAAAA”
- This song is just a roast change my mind
- “You should ignore her” :( Jenna no
- The squip override is really funny to me idk why
- Overall a nice addition to the soundtrack
A guy that is kinda be into:
- Like “do you wanna ride” there’s not a big difference, but that’s okays because I love this song
- “I guess a part of me likes to- who knew?”
- The clapping is cute aww
- another song I don’t really like lol
- Brook got all “Janet from rocky horror” With her voice and I dig it
- THEY CUT “take me inside you forever” IM CANCELING JASONS SQUIP OVER THIS
- Jearbear? What is this fanfic?
- Jakes character development makes me so happy!
- “Sounds like” “an act? Yeah is not” oh my god they gave jake so much character
- “Player 2” Fuck Jeremy Heere, in this essay I will-
- “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” watch me caption an edgy picture with that in a week
Looser Geek Whatever:
- *chuckles* I’m in danger
- “I felt....in-cons-e*quential*”
- “I knew I had no....potential”
- The beginning of this song sounds like words fail form DEH
- “Being lonely is stupid tough” OOF me too
- You shut the fuck up about Michael
- “geEk”
- I hate this I hate it it’s so much meaner than the og
- “the problem Has Always BEen ME” *music cuts out*
- Out of context this song is so good but in context it makes me big sad:(
- “I’m player one” no you ain’t
- Micheals gentleness is “Jeremy, you coming?” And then Jeremy’s panic and fear in “optic nerve blocking on” is so much better than the og
- this is my favorite song so it better slap just as hard
- “Wo-a-o-WOO”
- New verse slaps
- RICH SAYING “and gasoline” IS NOT OKAY
- I still prefer the og but this was really good
Do you wanna hang:
- I HATE this song so much already
- The dialogue really helps explain that this song is borderline assault
- Bitch sound like Lola from big mouth
- Asweep uwu
- Yeah I’m fully done with this song it makes me uncomfortable af
Micheal in the bathroom:
- Xylophone is way more prominent wow
- Come through synthesizer
- The music matching to “I wanna dance with somebody” is a gift from god
- He really portrays the panic attack so much better here wow
- That chest voice on “wish I was never born” hit me hard
A guy that id kinda be into (reprise):
- no comment tbh
Smartphone hour:
- I love this Jenna wow
- The high voice for “this shit”
- “Yeah I know”
- “Jakes house” nice addition
- “Ignore >:(“
- Saxophone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- “For a tiny guy” “aww”
- That whistle tho
- The scream lol
The pants song:
- Oh new Mr. heere oof
- The dialogue underscore is Michael in the bathroom oh no
- He says pants so aggressively
- This song is another one of my favorites
- “He called me a looser-” “he called ME a looser”
- This dialogue is so sweet
The pitiful children:
- Woah new intro
- This version is....more threatening if that makes sense? Like this squip seemed genuinely dangerous
- “Oh and Mountain Dew” “okay 😋”
- The opera singer is singing smartphone hour lol
The play:
- That director is a big mood
- THEY CUT “to bad you don’t have one of those, anymore” IM LIVID
- Wills glitches without editing wow
- The dialogue is so sweet holy fuck
- “Hewwo jake will you make jwemy dwink this”
- The in sync screams lol
- The creepy twin dialogue is better
- The build up instead of harsh cut to Christine is interesting
- “oh god” “OW” Oh God” “GAH” OH GOd” “nooo” “OH GOD”
Voices in my head:
- New intro
- It’s faster
- Rich sounds like such a dork omg
- Everyone unfollow me this is all I’m gonna talk about for a while
- New girl lines!! I like these ones better
- I just wanna know who Rich’s squip is okay
- They pitched Michael up
- Holy hell Im living for the squip interactions
30 notes · View notes
Ooh can we kick off the positivity fest with fun Star Wolf headcanons?
Yes!  We!  Can!
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^ This is a gif of Wolf going straight to Happy, Funtime Land, btw
Star Wolf Headcanons – Fun Edition!  
Some of these have served as inspiration for Burning Stars, so please enjoy.  Oh, I will also be covering Star Wolf throughout its multiple renditions, not just SF64 or Assault Star Wolf.
Wolf is actually incredibly athletic.  When he lived on Eladard as a scrapper (a guy who goes around and salvages parts from space carriers, mostly ones abandoned in Meteo or in the nearby space zone), he would spend some of his free time playing ball in the back alleyways.  He was pretty good at it and enjoyed the competition.
Pigma is an incredibly lucky individual.  He’s survived multiple encounters in which he should have ended up dead.  He’s actually noticed this and somewhat thinks he can just luck/wing his way through life.  He took his luck to some of the casinos on Eladard once and ended up pretty rich.  And… then he blew it all on various things.  Relatable, but not entirely wise.  Oh well, that’s Pigma for you.
Leon gets cold very, very easily, as he is from a warm-temperature planet.  When the team does missions on cold planets like Fichina that involve them getting out of their Wolfens, Wolf usually lets Leon either stay behind or makes sure he is wrapped up super tight.  Wolf sometimes bundles Leon up too tight and Leon can’t move his arms at all (think like that kid from A Christmas Story).  
Wolf is pretty lowkey into spa days– being covered in mud and blood just reminds him of Bad Memories™ so he always makes a point to shower after every mission if possible.  He doesn’t let the others know for awhile… until Panther stumbles across Wolf using a bath bomb.  From then on, Panther secretly buys Wolf more bath bombs and other spa things just because Panther is a man who can appreciate wanting to be clean and beautiful.
Panther likes to go sight-seeing and takes selfies.  His phone is pretty much mostly out of storage space because of how many selfies he takes.  At one point, he sends a friend request to Fox on Lylatgram.  Fox accepts it because, you know, it’d be a great way to spy on the enemy if Panther’s constantly taking selfies of where the Star Wolf team is at.  One day, after a skirmish between Star Fox and Star Wolf, Fox looks at Lylatgram and sees that Panther somehow managed to take selfies and fight at the same time and is both baffled and intrigued.
Leon CAN in fact change colors!  Sometimes it’s emotion-based, sometimes it’s environment-based.  Leon tries to keep a good grasp of his emotions in order to keep himself from spontaneously changing colors, but it can be very difficult at times for him to do so.  He prefers not to change because he thinks the others will make fun of him for it. 
Before Wolf became the leader of Star Wolf, he was a fairly infamous space pirate.  His schemes and stunts garnered him a lot of fans and sites dedicated to idolizing him appeared.  Andrew, while he would never admit it nowadays, was an avid fan of Wolf’s and was super excited to meet him in person.  He may or may not have run a small shrine fansite for Wolf at some point…
Along that same line, occasionally when the team is bored, Pigma will read off quotes from fans about Wolf to the rest of the group and they all laugh… except Wolf, who is usually super embarrassed. 
Krystal expects she will have to clean up everything when she joins the team and goes to their hideout.  She’s shocked to find that the team is probably neater than Star Fox, keeping the Sargasso as immaculate as they can.  Each member has their own chores.  Panther does dishes, Leon dusts and sweeps, and Wolf wipes down all the counters.  Krystal is left to vacuum.  She is lowkey impressed by their organization.
Andrew’s room is surprisingly normal.  The others don’t have as many things in theirs, but Andrews is surprisingly full.  He has an older generation gaming console, a bean bag, a bed, and a desk with a chair in his room.  Pictures hang on the walls, mostly family photos.  He keeps one of himself with his mom and uncle near his bedside.
When the team gets really bored, they all watch soap operas together.  Panther and Wolf get especially into them.  Leon finds them incredibly asinine but watches them regardless. Krystal is usually the one in the middle eating popcorn and trying to ward off the others from stealing it all.
Once a year, Wolf takes the team to a vacation spot.  He thinks Zoness is bad luck since he was arrested there, so he never takes them there.  Their vacation spots include, but are not limited to: Aquas (Pigma almost got eaten by a giant squid), Katina (Pigma convinced Andrew to eat some mushrooms and Andrew got messed up and had to go to the hospital.  They didn’t tell Andross about it), Fortuna (Leon and Panther got lost in the jungle), Eladard (Wolf was pissed af but Panther wanted to gamble, so they went there and ended up chased out of the city by the end of the second night), and Sauria (Krystal wanted to show them around and Leon was mistaken for a SharpClaw by the CloudRunners and nearly roasted alive). 
Star Wolf is a bunch of memes that try to act tough, but we know better.
Hope you enjoyed! :D 
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stargate365 · 6 years
[SG-1] 5.08: The Tomb
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Yes Jack, not a pyramid.
Um… cigarette butts? What the fuck?? What do you mean the Russians are misbehaving again?
Ohh boy.
Jack stop being an asshole.Say what now? We’re playing with the Russians?
Daniel looks annoyed. “The Russians are coming.”
Oh boy, that’s not good.
Jack, behave.
Yes, thankyou Russian 2IC for focussing on the task at hand.
Everybody looks bored af.
Daniel is badass and all, but what about the guys who built this kind of shit ten thousand years ago. How did they do it??
Uh-oh. Dead guy is really dead… how’d that happen… he’s… he’s not even skin and bones, just bones.
Today I learn how to swear in Russian. Yes. Have always wanted to know how.
The lighting in here sucks balls.
Typical, he triggered a booby trap.
Yikes, that’s a shit way to die…
Okay, yikes! Fuck, that thing is still in there!
That’s just gross.
Oh shit, it’s there!!!
Oh great, he’s got the Eye.
Well is t that wizard.
Venom? Maybe it’s to make her unable to fight back.
“Yes, you go down the dark hallway alone and I’ll wait here in the dark room alone.” Daniel is such a snarky baby.
Holy crap! What the… it looks like a weird squid with teeth and creepy af eyes.
Where did the snake go??
Oh fuck… if it’s not there… who got snaked?
Here we go, the nice Major now plays for another team.
Well that was fun…
Oh dear, is that a fried crystal?
Yay Grenades!
Yay C4!!
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so-very-small · 7 years
for the latest ask meme, I hope you got some time to kill :P 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 17, 20, 24, 25, 28, 47, 50, 54, 60, 61, 62, 67 (atm and all time), 74, 80, 92, 95, 105, 107, 113, 117, 125, 129, 143, 148, 167 ok have fun :D
Hell yeah I have time to kill thanks anon!
under a readmore bc this is long af
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)
I want a opossum? And a raccoon. And a chain chomp. Chain chomps are adorable I’d totally have one as a pet
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
Super Paper Mario, it’s still my absolute fave!
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Doesn’t talk much, thinks way too much.
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
TEA. I drink like 2-5 cups a day, currently have five boxes of tea in my room, and 20ish in the kitchen. I lov tea so much.
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?
Elf. I always liked elves.
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Jamie. My current name is Ash (short for Ashley which I hate), I’m p cool with Ash, but I like the name Jamie. There’s a ton of names I use as online handles or for rp’ing, but Jamie’s the most gender neutral one so
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?
Holy shit I love both I love stars and black holes and empty soundless voids but I also love deep and dark an SQUIDS MAN I LOVE SQUIDS i lov them both i wanna explore them both
24: Favorite constellation?
I love them all this is like choosing between my children
25: Favorite star?
again it’s like chosing between kids i love them all equally
28: Do you think global warming is real?
i skipped like every science course i had so
47: What is a sound you really hate?
I cannot stand water being poured into a glass cup. I hate it. I hate it. even the word ‘pour’ grates my nerves
50: Can you do the splits?
nope I have the joints of a 50+ year old
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
I dyed mine blue recently so I’m happy with what I got!
60: Do you believe in evolution?
okay so like I was raised super super Christian so my entire life it’s been “EVOLUTION IS EVIL AND A LIE” and like I just got out of a ton of internalized shit like working past all the hateful stuff I grew up with as part of a super religious family, and so I’m still working on bettering myself and am gonna consider my thoughts on evolution/big bang/how life started another time
plus tbh to me it doesnt rlly matter like? i’m here. people i love are here. lifes here. its cool discovering our roots, but the rest of life lies before us, and i wanna focus on that!
61: What makes you unfollow a blog?
any type  of lgbt-phobia, too much sexual content, or if they get into a fandom that has bad memories for me. im still like following blogs from 2012 tho lmao so i don’t unfollow ppl often
62: What makes you follow a blog?
i like their stuff and wanna see more of their stuff
67: Favorite meme:
at the moment it’s ‘i lik the bred’, all time it’s probably this https://vine.co/v/iZ9Ml6iB31q
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?
I have been wearing the same hoodie to sleep every night for the past few years (i wash it like daily so it aint gross, i just love this hoodie). That’s the hoodie I always draw my tinysona in. Another fun fact, the hoodie says NYC but I have never been to New York City
80: Some thing you wish did exist:
92: A store you hate?
I don’t like places like Ross or TJMaxx or Marshalls bc they seem gross and I always have allergic reactions in them?
95: Do you like to wear camo?
hell naw
105: Do you drink milk?
sometimes yeah, not often tho. i used to drink it all the fucking time as a kid
107: Do you like spiders?
yes they’re my friends
117: What color do you wish the sky was?
i love the sky being pink and blue and gold and black, it’s already so many pretty colors. red and sometimes green or purple or even little patches of white. the sky’s already beautiful i love her
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?
all of em yeah, life’s too boring to think that nothing much is out there. i think there’s a lot, we just can’t see it
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
“Tea you later” as a reference to my love for tea and a foreboding reminder that i am coming back
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:
its kinda hard to see but one of my eyes is a tad lighter than the other and its rad, like ones more green and the others more brown
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
nope! we’re here and the universe is big and great and that’s all that matters!
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