#squish | daybreak
desperrados · 1 year
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Massive doodle dump. Tagging this will be hell.
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mundanemiseries · 10 months
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@tximidity :
👤 I bow to your powers
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[ Send me a 👤 and I'll make a promo banner for your blog | always accepting, will be answered slowly ]
// gently sets down a lil postcard themed banner for the babby :3
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
𝐼𝓂𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝓎𝓃𝒹𝓇𝑜𝓂𝑒
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Summary: Miles is the villain. You are the hero. You two shouldn't be in love...
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, afab!reader, canon typical Marvel violence. the reader is an undefined hero (but you can think of them as Spidergirl). No NSFW but both reader and Miles are 18+
Part #2 (The Perfect Girl)
part#3 (The Spider's Web)
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There's something about the New York nights, that leaves a faint melancholy glow across Miles's soul. 
Some vanquished feeling that humbles him as the stars and moon look down laughing. Celestial bodies that mock him for every sin he's ever committed. Howling at the blood that drips from the edge of his claws. 
Miles never thought he was an insomniac. It just so happened that most of his life and routine took place in the dead of night. It had all been a coincidence until he met you. Now he's not sure if it's bad habits or sheer serendipity. All he knows is that he needs to see your face before the night comes to an end. 
He hadn't really met you. Not in the traditional sense at least. He'd been sent to kill you. An initiation from the sinister six. Back then he'd thought you were just another sanctimonious fool who was trying to play the role of the righteous hero. There had been many like you before. foolish and virtuous. All were left dead in some ally by daybreak. And yet when you'd landed punch after punch to his ribs. Your body slam caused him to spew blood from behind his mask. You were a tough bug to squish he'd give you that much.
Miles hadn't fallen in love with you that night. Nor the nights after that. 
It wasn't love the first time your web dagger nearly missed his heart.
It wasn't love when he had you pinned between his body and the cold street concrete, as you tried to pry off his mask to gouge out his eyes. 
It wasn't love when he'd shattered the bones in your leg and you'd been out of commission for a week.
It wasn't love when the two of you lay bleeding on a rooftop. Delusional enough from all the blood loss to try and trace constellations in the polluted night sky.
It wasn't love when you'd returned to that same rooftop the next week to beat him up. And he'd managed to lay a nasty blow to your face. 
It hadn't been love all those times. Yet all he knows is that somewhere along the lines Miles Morales had fallen in love with the new hero in town. 
He knows you're coming 
Senses your presence right as one of the sinister six's weapon cartels blows up in the distance. You never were one to be caught in the aftermath. Ever the dramatic sweetheart, who didn't like to get her hands dirty. 
He waits for the telltale sign of your feet hitting the rooftop to turn around. Mask on and heart on his sleeve. "Prowler" you greet, courteous as always. "Hey," he responds. Solid and simple and overflowing with every emotion he wishes he could spill at your feet. 
His eyes roam over your suit. Modest and girly, all things you wouldn't expect from New York's only superhero. You look like a doll. All porcelain and ivory. How you've survived so long in this city is beyond him. 
There's something wrong with you. Something Miles just can't put his finger on. Every time he looks at you it's like looking into a broken mirror. You're Disfigured, mangled, damaged. Yet all he sees in those shattered shards is the face of the boy he once thought he'd be. 
You're the light of New York. The one that promises to save this nightmare of a city. Made up of frilly bows and dreams to big to keep locked up in your head. The rage of the city, of the civilians boils through your blood. 
He's the Prowler. A boy born with rebellion in his bones and violence in his veins. A broken heart and a broken soul stitched together with barbwire and cheap glue. He's the sinister six's newest protege and uncle Aaron’s last hope. 
He's the villain and you're the hero. You shouldn't be in love. 
You skip across the rooftop, arms locked behind your back and spinning when it takes your fancy. You've long since shed any fear you may have once held for him. Standing on your tip toes you rest your chin on his shoulder. "Whatcha looking at?" you ask, with a voice filled with daisies and the summer breeze. "Pieces for my new suit were in the warehouse you just blew up." Oh how Miles wishes he could throw you over the edge. Watch you fall to your death. Maybe then you'd stop plaguing his every thought. 
"Sorry, Prowler just doing my job." You sound so carefree, it almost reminds him of how he used to be when his dad had still been alive. "You're an insufferable little insect, you know that?" He feels you smile  from under your silk mask."I try" 
You're not meant to be the hero. He knows this in his bones. You're too naive and soft-hearted to deal with the terrors of this city. More than anything else Miles Just wants to drag you away. To lock you up somewhere. Somewhere only he knows. A home where the burdens and terrors of this world can't find either of you. A place where you two can finally become one. 
 But you're not him and he's not you. All this is just a puppy dog crush. And puppy love is for baby-faced boys who didn't watch the life drain from their father's eyes. It's for sweet boys who didn't have their first kill at ten years old. 
"what's it like being the hero?" Miles asks, eyes glazing over the stars, staring straight at destiny. Who chose their roles anyway? Who made him the monster carved from rage and pain? Who painted you as the Guardian angel in gold? Why couldn't he be the hero?
You don't respond. Breath hitching and for a second Miles thinks he's hit a nerve. No one ever said doing the right thing was easy. He wonders if you claw away at your own soul. Peeling off your flesh each night to replace it with a silk suit and copper-tainted values. 
He imagines you throwing cheap knives at the night sky, watching as God's light deflects them back into your heart. 
You walk over to the edge of the roof and sit down. And for the first time ever Miles thinks he sees you for who you really are. Actually sees you. A kid with the weight of the world on their shoulders. An onomatopoeia of breaking glass and the cheers of the cities oppressed. 
"They're coming for me, Prowler." You pull your knees to your chest. Eyes looking over the city skyline. "I don't mind. I knew what I was getting into...It's just."
"Just what" his voice reverberates through his mask, he's grateful the metal and digital layers keep the  anxiety from seeping through.
"I just never thought I'd die this way" There's a smile in your voice. A  final giggle before an impending war. Miles takes a step back. Head heavy as the weight of your words crash down on him. "I saw Venom lurking through my apartment before I came here. They found me, I think they plan to strike tonight." 
He wishes he could tear this city apart, break its seams, and rapture its pillars. He can't let you die. He just can't. With a forceful tug on your shoulder he turns you his way. Mask slipping away as he slides his finger under your silk facade as he pulls it away. 
Miles's lips capture yours. As he kisses the dying stars trapped under your tongue and behind your teeth. His lips trail down your neck as he kisses the fatigue from your bones. Metal claws clutched tightly around you as if you may decay if he lets go. 
Sometimes he wants to dismantle his ribcage, piece by piece. Pickaway at the ribs and offer you his blackened heart on a silver platter. It's not his fault that he fell in love with the girl stitched together from radioactive spider bites and misplaced nightmares. 
every time Miles sees you he feels a certain feeling like the world turned upside down. Like he woke up fundamentally broken with no way to piece himself back. 
His claws trace up, gliding past your shoulders' to your neck. You don't refuse him, feeling safe for the first time since you dawned your mask and made your vows. You let him touch your neck as your naivety shines through. He won't hurt me, you think. But oh, how wrong you are. 
Miles wraps his fingers around your neck. Squeezing and squeezing as he watches you claw at metal. You look so beautiful suspended over the edge like this. There's something about being half awake and half asleep and half dead and half alive that makes you glow. He wants to say something along the lines of 'I love you'. He doubts you're conscious enough to hear him.
You're not his, not exactly. But Miles can't bear to let anyone else lay claim to you. It's a sickness he knows. But he'd rather be sick than lose you.
He'll keep you safe, he swears it. By the time you awaken, he'll have found somewhere safe for the two of you to hideout until he can convince his "mentors" to spare your life. It'll be fine, It has to be, after all...
He's Miles Morales, the Prowler
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loveume · 1 year
# rain at daybreak ☔
nagi is beautiful.
you always thought so. from the moment you first met him until now, nagi seishiro has been beautiful. even more so when he sleeps.
laying on his stomach with his arms tucked under his pillow, cheek squished against it with his head turned to the side. he's lovely.
his hair sits messily, and his expression is peaceful. eyes closed with his lashes kissing his skin. lips so pretty pink and slightly parted, and a fading love bite beneath his jaw.
it's not often you get to watch him sleep like this, quietly reveling in his existence in your bed. usually he's up and long gone before you awaken, off to morning practice with a mumble of; "this is such a pain". one hand slinging his bag over his shoulder while he reaches down with the other to smooth your hair away from your face, pressing a kiss against the corner of your mouth. so you try to savor the moment.
you can hear the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops outside, the blue light of the morning creeping past the fabric of your curtains to bathe across nagi's bare back.
you slide a hand across the bedsheets and under nagi's pillow to intertwine your fingers with the hand closest to you. gently pulling it out to where you can actually see it, littering the back of his hand with soft pecks.
with your free arm you reach over to start lightly tracing your fingers across the expanse of your boyfriend's skin. it's mindless really, and you're glad he sleeps heavy. you continue your tracing, drawing shapes and writing your name as well as his. soon you move to phrases, etching i love you i love you i love you down his spine.
soon your hand tires from the movement and comes to just rest on his back. your fingers of your other hand are still curled with his as you lean over to kiss his shoulder. "seishiro, my love, you are so beautiful." you tell him, breathless.
you watch his face as his lips curl into a soft sweet smile. he peels his eyes open slowly to peek out at you from beneath his snow white hair.
"thank you," he murmurs.
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poltergeistpanda · 7 months
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Day 6: twilight/daybreak
I want to SQUISH them.
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Soldier Of My Past
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Male!Reader
Summary: You meet up with Doctor Borisyuk again after a scary run-in with the Winter Soldier. He lets you in on a little secret, and you don't know how to handle it.
AN: Does anyone have any good Bucky x Readers to suggest? I'd appreciate it, and it would help me see how others write him(it's surprisingly hard to write how characters act even though I've watched them a million times).
Chapter V: Little Secret
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The room they gave me wasn’t much.
The walls were painted a dull gray alongside a tiny bed, and footlocker to match. If I weren't careful, the lackluster room could drive me crazy. But it wasn't like they let me stay in here constantly, not with all the missions they had the Winter Soldier go on.
My eyes trail toward the wall, where a single clock resides. It reads two twenty-four.
Instead of resting as Doctor Borisyuk had suggested, I lay on the bed staring at the cracks in the ceiling. It's hard to sleep when you're plauged by nightmares and your mind is all over the place.
What did Doctor Borisyuk have to say to me?
Was it about the recent mission?
Or did he know I was gathering intel on HYDRA every time I woke up?
No, that couldn't be it. I didn't have a single thing against HYDRA physically. And even if I could get something against them, they would see it. These people keep an eye on me no matter where I go. I can't even piss in peace without someone watching over my shoulder.
But that's just how HYDRA ran. One single slip-up could lead to them losing a precious foothold. So they didn't take any risks.
Looking back at the clock, I sigh. There were still two hours left before I had to report back to Doctor Borisyuk. The only way to pass the time quickly would be to work out. Hopefully, no one is using the training room at this time.
Sliding off the scratchy blanket, I move to put on a worn tank top from the footlocker while deciding that the cargo pants I had on from the earlier mission were good enough.
Their workout room was only a few rooms down from my own. This often led to sweat and body odor lingering in the hallway after hours. And on occasion, the coppery tang of blood could be detected.
Thankfully, not many people used it today. If the faint smell of sweat mixing with the rubber mats was anything to go off of.
I make my way into the room. Only to pause when I catch a familiar glint of metal. The Winter Soldier slams a rather helpless HYDRA agent into the ground before stepping around him. Steps light as he shifts his weight to his other leg.
The word whispers in my head as I stare at the soldier. He's like a panther stalking its prey, just waiting for a chance to strike.
But I notice the agent isn't moving, and blood is smeared across the mat around his head. I step forward, hoping to stop the soldier from killing the poor fool.
"Sir, I believe he's had enough."
Those cold blue eyes cut through me as he moves to keep the unconscious soldier and me in his sight. It takes everything in me not to flinch under his gaze.
I raise my hands, making sure not to make any sudden movements lest I set him off.
"Alright, that's enough for now." The new voice sends chills down my spine as I straighten up. A man I have only ever seen a few times in the company of Doctor Borisyuk steps past me to examine the Winter Soldier.
Even from here, I can see he hadn't broken a sweat. But I could see that the mask he wore like a muzzle was tightened on his face enough that his cheeks were squished up under his eyes. Ouch. If it had been anyone else, I would have pitied them. Yet the man standing before me was nothing but a vessel. A tool for HYDRA to use as they saw fit.
The Winter Soldier starts to move away from the man fists raising when he starts speaking again, "Longing."
The soldier stiffens, his cold blue eyes flicking toward me. For a moment, he seems to struggle with himself.
"Rusted, furnace, daybreak," The man steps closer to the soldier with every word.
For a second, I meet the soldier's eyes. Something in them manages to break through the icy surface. And I swear I hear the softest 'no' leave him. But the moment is over as the man steps in between us, forcing me to break eye contact. He utters a few more words before casting a cold look my way.
"Don't you have something else to do other than stare?" His words send me straight back out into the hall. Luckily, he wasn't someone of too high rank, or I'd worry about not saluting him before leaving.
I can't help standing in the hallway for a few seconds as I try to process what I just saw. The Winter Soldier mercilessly taking down his training partner(more like punching bag) only to plead for help moments later with his eyes.
Did he really just attack me and I'm actually unconscious right now?
Or am I really losing it?
I must be losing it if I'm hearing Doctor Zola. From what I remember he was taken in by Steve and some other soldier. After that... well I never saw him again. I was honestly glad for that until Doctor Rot took me back in. But that was then. What was with the Winter Soldier just now?
"Soldier, hello?" Fingers snap in front of my face again and I flinch back. Familiar empty blue eyes bore into me as I stare blankly back at Doctor Borisyuk.
"Lost in thought?" A coy smile flickers across his face as he chuckles, "Didn't know you had those."
What was wrong with everyone today? They're all acting odder than normal.
"Anyway, I had to come find you since you didn't show up on time." A shiver makes its way down my back as I rasp out a quick apology.
Before Doctor Borisyuk can scold me for being late the door to the training room opens again. The man from earlier appears with the Winter Soldier close behind him.
The man stiffens at the sight of Doctor Borisyuk quickly saluting him before being waved off. The man swiftly strides off down the hall with the Winter Soldier following like a robot.
"That reminds me. I thought I'd let you in on a little secret, since you were the one to inform Doctor Rot all those years ago. The Winter Soldier is actually Sergeant Barnes. Amazing, right? That Doctor Zola was a genius creating the super soldier serum. It's the only thing that saved him that day."
No. That can't be true. It can't.
They knew. They had to have known to play such a cruel prank. I saw James fall from the train. I saw him die that day.
The air felt as if it had been sucked from my lungs as I struggled to take a breath in.
I wanted to say something, anything, but no words would come out. A high pitched squealing echoed in my ears as I openly gaped at Doctor Borisyuk.
Black spots started to dance in the corner of my eyes as I was still unable to take in a breath. Hands starting grabbing onto me as I stumble back, trying to get away. My chest tightens as more and more hands latch onto me. What a cruel little secret to keep from me all these years. Darkness engulfed my vision and for once I was grateful for the empty inky black.
Next Chapter -> tbd
Here <- Previous Chapter
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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silverwings22 · 2 months
Song of the Sea: Chapter 20: Flight School
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Chapter warnings: reference to injury, explicit smut, sex in zero gravity, body morphing, profanity Series Warnings: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a
Previous chapter:
Next chapter:
Shiani took about a week to get back on her feet after Ryloth, spending most of her time asleep in the bunk, only moving to nap in Tech’s lap in the cockpit during his shifts on deck duty or against his side while he worked at the table on the bridge. He had to wake her to eat, after scouring half of Ord Mantell looking for raw fish instead of ration bars for her. He wasn’t confident she even noticed, eyes barely open when she let him feed it to her before curling back into his side and going right back to sleep. Sometimes he'd squeeze her hands, and get the barest little three squishes back to let him know she got the message. 
It was daybreak on the seventh day when she finally actually felt like she could stay awake, lifting her head to find herself alone in the bunk. Her mouth tasted awful and she’d been in the same clothes for days without a shower, so she wobbled down from the bed and gathered her now clean clothes from the cubby she kept them. She flipped the fresher on to warm and looked at herself, unwinding the bloodstained bandages from around herself. There was a little scar on the edge of her gill in the front, and a larger round one on the back of her shoulder when she twisted to examine it. She scrunched her flat nose before getting under the water to wash the gummy feeling of dried sweat off herself. 
She hadn’t appreciated how nice showers were at first, but now that she was no longer constantly salt-covered and studded with sand it was a blessed relief. And she liked the smell of soap. 
Once she was happily scrubbed up, she got dried off and got dressed. She could hear Wrecker still snoring, so she peeked around the ship to check on everyone else. 
Echo and Hunter were outside with Omega, giving her a lesson with her bow. She could hear them talking even with the hatch closed, praising and correcting Omega like Tech did with Shiani and her blaster. 
Tech would never leave Wrecker alone while he slept, so she doubled back to find him. She spotted him with his head down on the workbench, asleep amongst pieces of metal he was working on. 
She smiled and sat down beside him, gently nudging his arm. “Did I smell so bad you had to leave he bunk?” She teased when he opened his eyes. 
He smiled sleepily, lifting his head and reaching for her face in the same motion. “You are awake. Good.” 
She nuzzled into his hand. “Sorry. I was so tired.”
“Blood loss can cause fatigue.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “How do you feel?”
“Much better. Only a little scar now.” She turned around and pulled up the back of her shirt so he could see the one on her back. “Not too ugly.”
“There is nothing about you that I would ever consider ugly, cyar’ika.” Tech lightly rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezed three times. The happy little hum she made was better than a cup of caf to start the day. 
Him finding out about the squishes had been a fascinating little experiment in and of itself. She thought she’d annoy him with how often she told him she loved him now that she could, but he constantly was telling her wordlessly. Laying in bed, sitting at the workbench, in the cockpit, in the bar, it didn't matter. Squish squish squish. Tech silently told her he loved her more often than she said it out loud. It was her favorite part of the day, when his hand settled somewhere on her and let her know she mattered to him. 
“Did you sleep out here all night? That’s not good for you.” She frowned. 
“My apologies. I was working on something.” He smiled. “It will be done soon, I assure you. But I should probably shower, and then I thought you and I might try a flight lesson while the others are at breakfast. Wrecker will be getting up soon, so we’ll have the ship to ourselves.” 
Shiani nodded. “Okay.” 
Her genius headed to the fresher and she settled down with her datapad. 
Omega came back inside with Hunter and Echo, grinning. “I hit the target.” She squealed with excitement, running to Shiani. “You’re awake!”
Shiani opened her arms to hug Omega, laughing. “I just needed a nap. Sirens heal when sleeping.” She tossed the girl into the air and caught her, making her squeal again. 
“Really?” Omega looked at her with precious, guileless eyes. It occurred to Shiani that the little girl would be so easy to trick like this. She believed in everyone, and their inherent good therein… a slick tongued liar could lure her into no end of trouble. 
“I promise never to lie to you.” The siren said gently, booping her nose with a claw. “Yes. Sirens sleep to heal, and if we don’t sleep then sometimes healing goes bad. THere’s no bacta underwater.” 
Omega nodded, eyes wide. “But you’re all better now, right?” 
Shiani smiled, pulling up the edge of her shirt so Omega could see her side. The little brown fingers pressed against her gills lightly, hesitant to hurt her. “See? I’m better.” 
“Does it still hurt?” Omega frowned. 
“No.” Shiani turned and let her check out the scar on her back too. Omega startled her by hugging her tight around the middle. “Baby Mega, are you crying?” She felt warm tears on her back and scooped the little one up with her tentacles to bring her around to her face again. 
“You got hurt.” Omega sniffled. 
“That's okay. I would rather be hurt than you get hurt. You are the future.” Shiani lightly headbutted the girl, enough to make her smile and wipe her tears. “When sirens raise little ones, the whole clan unites to protect them. Mother and father are most responsible, but uncles and aunts help. Grandparents, cousins, everyone comes together to keep the littlest ones safe. And one day, you’ll grow into someone who fights right beside us. Or even leads us.” 
Hunter smiled faintly and waved Echo to come back outside with him, letting the two of them have their little reunion. Omega had been anxious about Shiani’s injuries, trying to check her pulse and watching her sleep when Tech had been looking for food the siren might actually eat. The little blonde snuggled into her friend’s side as Shiani went back to her datapad.
“What are you studying now?” Omega looked around.
“Checking Tech’s logs.” She said quietly. “Crosshair was on Ryloth. Tech… has complicated feelings about Crosshair, but he’s still a brother.”
“What kind of complicated feelings? 
“He’s mad at him for saying bad things about me, but also he misses him. He’s angry he joined the Empire, but knows Crosshair can’t help it. It’s sad… Tech talked about Crosshair a lot when we were on Kamino. Crosshair was the one that sat and listened to him talk most. He feels the absence.” 
Omega nodded. “So why do you check his logs?”
“Tech keeps doing reports like he’s still in the army, only now they go on a private server. He’s got all kinds of stuff in there, like an encyclopedia of experiences and discoveries. I can tell by how he writes what kind of things he feels about it. He types swear words out loud instead of censoring them when he’s upset.” She explained. 
Omega giggled. “Oooh.”
Behind them, there was a yawn from the bunkroom. Shiani giggled. “Morning Wrecker!”
“Heeey! You’re up!” The big clone came out, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “I was starting to think you were never gonna wake up.”
“Just sleeping to heal up.” Shiani chuckled. “You must be hungry.”
“Always.” He grinned. 
“Echo and Hunter already went to the bar. You take Baby Mega, and I’ll wait for Tech.” The siren stood Omega up, making sure there were no more tears and her hair was fluffed up before sending her with her biggest brother to get food. 
It only took a little longer for Tech to come out of the fresher, clean and fully dressed again. “Everyone out of the ship?”
She nodded, taking his hand when he offered it and letting him pull her to her feet and against his chest. She giggled. “Flight lesson?”
“Yes. Come with me, and we’ll get started. I’ve been thinking about the way Hera was flying on Ryloth and that will not do for you and my ship.”
“Your ship. We all live here..” She raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, well. I am sharing it with you but it is my ship. Now, pay attention cyar’ika. Talk me through what you remember from our last lesson.”
Shiani looked so adorably serious as Tech sat in the pilot’s seat, miming the controls as he showed her the various systems and readouts of the Havoc Marauder. She nodded, repeating each device as he spoke.  “This is the navigation system. You enter the coordinates here, and can adjust them here.” She pointed to each indicator as she spoke. “And this is the hyperdrive. Check hyperspace route thoroughly before engaging.” 
“And why do you check that thoroughly?”
“You could strike an obstacle. At those speeds, it is nearly impossible to survive a crash.” She repeated his words almost verbatim.
“Yes, good. Now, this is how you engage the engine, to lift off the ground. Here, this is most effective if you see it from the viewpoint you will become accustomed to. You’ve only done this once.” He waved her to come over. “Sit in my lap for a moment, cyar’ika. We have enough fuel to perform a liftoff and test flight.”
She nodded agreeably and climbed into his lap, tentacles curled around her legs to keep them out of the way as he coached her through the pre-flight checks. She followed instructions dutifully, working her way across the console and repeating each section as she did. “Engines, weapons, life support, navigation, communications…” It was easier than it had been on Ryloth, without blaster fire in her ear.
“Very good. Now, start the engine here, and slowly pull back on the control lever here at the same time you press this pedal. This will disengage the landing gear and raise the nose.” 
“I pulled it up to fast on Ryloth.” Shiani’s arms and legs were shorter than Tech’s, and she wasn’t fully confident in her ability to do what he said with her tentacles, so she leaned forward and scooted around in his lap to try to get her fingertips to the controls. Tech’s fingers twitched on the armrest when her weight settled on his crotch. “Like this, right?” She asked innocently, carefully taking the controls and pulling back, pressing herself down into his lap more. 
“Y-yes. Now bring us up while gradually increasing speed until we exit the atmosphere…” 
Shiani nodded happily, pulling the controls and getting comfortable with them. She took them up, pushing through the atmosphere and into space. She turned the ship back to look at Ord Mantell, eyes bright. Even a dusty, seedy place like this was pretty from orbit. Maybe Kamino was pretty too… there was nothing for her there anymore, but sometimes she missed it. “Did I do okay?” She asked after a minute, looking over her shoulder at her distinctly red-faced genius.
“You did spectacularly… please stop wiggling.” He mumbled. “I did not take into consideration the effect of you sitting in my lap or how attractive I would find you being in control of my ship.” 
Shiani blinked, hairless brows raising. “Attractive? This is working. You never want to flirt when you’re working.” 
“I want to do quite a bit more than flirt with you right now, ner cyar’ika.” His hands were tightly gripping the armrests, the expression on his face telling. It was taking all of his impressive self control not to start stripping her right now. “You have a profound and unique effect on me.” 
Shiani stood up and turned to face him, head cocked to the side for a moment before she smiled. “You miss me this much while I was asleep?”
He nodded, reaching for her hips and pulling her back into his lap facing him. “I thought it was obvious.” 
Her tentacles wrapped around his middle, shoulders, and legs until she was entirely wrapped around him and she could lean in to kiss him. Tech’s hands on her hips pulled her down against his codpiece, which was definitely out of place by now. “Everything is obvious to you.” She breathed against his lips, nuzzling into the side of his neck. “Exceptional mind can figure anything out.” She loved praising him, both because she meant it and because he turned the most adorable shade of pink when she did. 
“If you will allow me to get up, I can think of something you might enjoy.” He chuckled quietly. 
She curiously unwrapped herself from around him and watched as he engaged the proximity sensors and turned off the artificial gravity. She squeaked and her boots came off the floor, but she had little trouble keeping herself upright. It wasn’t much different than being underwater. Tech held a hand out and she simply swam to him. “Like Kamino.” She laughed, leaning back and flipping upside down. “But more fun.” 
Tech smiled, turning her so she was pressed against the back of the seat. “This could be an interesting experiment, since the conditions are similar to your native environment.” 
Shiani booped his nose. “You want to know how to fuck underwater without drowning.”
“... I make a point of not swearing in front of you. Where did you learn that word?” 
Tech sighed. “That is an extremely crass way to put what I am suggesting. But yes, that was the theory.”
She giggled and turned another slow flip, this time kicking her boots off into the air. Her tentacles pulled her leggings down her hips and she flicked them out of the way, legs splitting into four more tentacles as she took full siren form. “This is what you want to experiment with?” She grinned, now in a backbend and upside down with her tentacles gracefully fanned out above her. 
“Very much so.” He reached for her again, and she happily crawled up his body until she was rightside up. 
“Then I’m all yours.” She cooed. “But make you want to take that armor off?” 
Tech had never shed his armor so fast in his life. In this form, in zero gravity, she looked confident and self-assured instead of shy and out of her depth. He had to coax this side of her more often… it was gorgeous. 
She floated over him as he tossed the kit and blacks, smiling with her cheek in her hand.  The point of her claw ran delicately up his bare back and he shivered, turning to catch her by the wrist and pull her to him. She’d slid her shirt and chains off while he was stripping, so only cool purple skin pressed to his and her bioluminescence flashed in the dim light. He traced his hands down her frame, fascinated by the way she could shapeshift, and finally curiously flipped her upside down. 
The anatomy had changed slightly, a near invisible seam similar to the ones on the sides of her mouth now keeping her most delicate places hidden. It now sat in the meeting of 8 legs and the skirt-like delicate skin that connected them to about where her upper thighs would have been in her other form. She giggled and relaxed, the seam parting much like the mouth of a stingray to reveal the more familiar bluish-purple of her pussy. Her reaction to his mouth on her was the same despite her form, squirming and gasping in midair before she slung limbs around the cockpit to anchor herself in place. She whined his name and hummed, fingers scrunched in her head-tentacles and arousal dripping down his wrist when he introduced his fingers into play. 
He was familiar with her body and sure she was about to come unglued, when she suddenly detached from the walls and chair. She grabbed him by the middle, snatching him off of her, and tossed him up to the ceiling before following and pinning him there with her hips. Purple limbs twined around all four of his and she gave him a loving but slightly feral smile. “When sirens make love, the females are the ones in charge.” She cooed into his ear softly. “If you want me to fuck you like a siren, you have to tell me.” She pressed him up against the durasteel, arms wrapping around his shoulders as her hips moved into position.
He swallowed, nodding, and she delicately ran her tongue down the side of his neck. “Please…” 
“Good boy.” She cooed. His eyes rolled back as she sank around him, riding him hard while her suckers held them from floating away from each other. In this form she had no bones from the pelvis down, but her muscles made up for it with the way she was wringing the life out of him. Her hands were on his shoulders, and there was the stinging sensation of her claws testing his skin that muddled into his senses. Her panting breath whistled through her fangs until she kissed him, her humming and faint singing broken up between hisses, and when she moved her hands to plant them on either side of his head he could hear the durasteel warp under her claws. Everywhere there was a tentacle wrapped around felt like a hickey being sucked into his skin, and he was helpless to do anything but take it. 
Tech’s face was starting to scrunch up, sweat on his brow, so she pressed her forehead against his and cooed her sweet siren kiss into his ears. The last nudge he needed to completely fall apart and come radiated around him in a way she could feel in her gills, and it dragged her over with him. Sirens weren’t meant to be out of sync, and she didn’t intend to be. When they both stopped twitching, she held them there in the ceiling a little longer and cuddled him sweetly, as if she hadn’t just absolutely fucked him within an inch of his life.. “You okay?” 
“You… are extremely assertive in this form.” He chuckled, sucking air like he was breathing through a straw. “I did not expect to be manhandled, but I am not complaining.”
She giggled. “You’re a man, and I handled you. Siren females always pin males like this. Usually inside houses, but sometimes deep rock caves work. Gotta make sure nothing inside that bites, though.”
“Some humans find biting to be arousing.” Tech chuckled. “It is a documented phenomenon.”
“You would not like me to bite. It hurts, even if I wasn’t venomous..” She kissed his cheeks again, claw delicately tracing under his goggles. She loved his eyes, kept safe behind the yellow lenses. “My favorite color is yellow, you know.” She cooed. “Because of your goggles.” 
He smiled. “I have never considered a favorite color before… but I think purple looks nice right now.” 
She was leaning in for another kiss when the ship comm went off. She stretched out a tentacle to turn it on curiously. “Hello.”
“Shiani? Is Tech with you?” Hunter sounded grumpy. 
“Yes.” She blinked, wide eyed. 
Tech sighed. “I am right here, Hunter.”
“Fantastic. Where is the fucking ship?!” 
Shiani giggled. “Ship is not fucking. But Tech and I-” Tech cut her off with a hand over her mouth. 
“Flight education. We will be back in just a few minutes.”
“I swear to Manda, if there’s any weird stains on the seats I am going to shoot you both in the foot.” Hunter hung up. 
Shiani broke out into giggles, nuzzling into Tech’s chest. “You think he’ll notice the scratches on the ceiling?”
Tech looked at the faint gouges on either side of his head. “My estimate is four to six months from now.”
She nodded, and they slowly got down from the ceiling and redressed. Tech sat in the copilot’s seat on the way back, walking her through how to take them back and land. She was, as he’d always know, a quick learner. She’d make an excellent pilot with time and a little more practice…
Hunter was going to insist someone else come for flight training from now on, though. He just knew it
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gamegem92 · 1 year
(Squish Oneshot) Light-up Sleeper
“Okay… this should be done by tomorrow… OH MY GERM, how long have I had time to complete this?!”
Naturally, Pod was rather focused on schoolwork, and he always seemed to get it done on time. But take planning Three Best Friends day into mind, and it becomes a tiny problem to catch up with everything.
Pond Studies… Art Class… Science… Algebra… not to mention the various gadgets he constantly created… he hoped to make something that could get it all done faster… but then, at last, it was done.
“Finally…” He then decided to get some rest then and there, not even noticing the clock, which read 4:00 am. Daybreak came, and so did the need to go to school. His mother Daisy was working early today, so he had to prepare for school himself. The breakfast he got was half a cup of juice and a cupcake. I can get an iced coffee on the way, he thought. He got his coffee and ran straight to the bus. Right when he got on, he took a sip. The chilly caffeinated contentment danced on his senses, cooling him down and perking him up at the same time. By the time he made it to school, only one sip was left, and he certainly made it count as he approached the doors. Another amoeba approached him. It was Squish. “Pod! My man, my ‘moeba! Almost time for class! Peggy’s already in there, but it won’t start without the smartest student in class- and Small Pond!” Pod smiled at that. Oh no, is the caffeine wearing off already? He slightly slowed down a bit as soon as he got to his desk.
The teacher, Mr. Rotifer, was giving his lecture on mud, sand, and small pebbles like usual. Anyone would have fallen asleep after hearing him talk for a long time, but Pod usually payed attention, so you can guess how many students were shocked at the genius’s little nap.
“…Are you sure you don’t need a break from class, Pod?” He woke up with a start. “Huh? Wh-what? Umm, yes, I might need a break.” Outside of class, Squish and Peggy looked at their friend with slight concern, especially since Peggy is almost always seen with a smile.
“You okay, Pod?” “Yeah, you almost never fall asleep like everyone else during Mr Rotifer’s lectures! Did you get enough sleep?” Pod was at an internal stalemate. Should he tell the truth, or say what they would like him to say? “I- Of course I got enough sleep!”
Just then, something happened. He lit up like a glow stick. The sudden light got the sleepiness out of his eyes immediately, and he was shocked. “…Okay, maybe I went to bed a little late last night, but it couldn’t have been that late!” The glow faded with those words.
Squish and Peggy both stared at him a while. “…When DID you go to sleep?” Squish asked, playfully nudging at his friend’s membrane. “I, um, don’t remember.” He didn’t light up when he said that, so he must’ve told the truth.
“Wait, you GLOWED when you told us that you got sleep, then stopped glowing when you told the truth. Then that means…” Squish started to laugh at the thought. “The SMARTEST BOY in SMALL POND DIDN’T KNOW he ate one of his own GLOW CUPCAKES?! Bahahahahah! Heheheh, you’re, uh, not mad, are you?”
“No, just disappointed at MYSELF that I didn’t tell you that I needed rest.” He averted his eyes and tried to stay awake. “I guess planning Three Best Friends day on a week with the most class work ISN’T such a good idea.”
Just then, Peggy got an idea. “Don’t worry, Pod! We’ll plan Three Best Friends day for you, and you can get some sleep as a reward for all the school work you did!” Squish smiled at the idea.
“It’s just one week,” he chimed. “Besides, not like you can lie about getting enough sleep for a week now, right?” The Three Best Friends smiled at the plan.
“…Thanks, guys.”
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Unfinished Draft Part 2
The rumble rocked all the occupants of the dimly lit train. Many dozed off like a babes cradled in their mother’s embrace. Others gazed out to behold upon the dark countryside.
Yet, the train was not completely silent on this dark morning. A small trio near the front of the navy and white themed car excitedly chatted among themselves.
A young woman named (Y/N) was dressed in a warm hoodie and her favorite pair of jeans. She was excitedly nodding along to as her two friends discussed happily the recent events in their lives.
Their chatter was cut short when Joel, a man wearing an ACDC shirt and combat pants, clapped getting the attention of his two friends. With their eyes upon him, he spoke. “Do you two remember what we need to do as soon as we got off the train?”
Sariah, an African American with blue streaked her, rolled her amber colored eyes as a dragged out yes left her throat. (Y/N) giggled at the response to the simple question but nodded the same.
Joel looked at (Y/N), his own gaze hard as he doubted her nod. “Alright, (Y/N) tell me then. Because the last thing we need is for you to cluelessly wander off like a two-year-old.”
She froze for a moment before a sheepish smile spread across her face. “W-well, when we get off the train. We go to the bat-.”
“NOPE!” Joel loudly interrupted. “First thing” His pasty hand pointed above them. “We do is grab our bags from the overhang. Then we go find our guide.”
Sariah huffed as she placed her head on her fist. Squishing her cheek cutely as she locked eyes with Joel. “How are we supposed to know who they are? You’ve told us nothing about them.”
(Y/N) nodded again as Joel haughtily huffed. “Obviously, I was waiting for today. That way it stays fresh in your brain.”
Shaking her head Sariah showed her doubt while (Y/N) looked on confused. Wondering why her friend would make them wait on such an important detail.
Joel blushed and muttered obscenities under his breath as he mentally gathered himself. (Y/N) smiled but hoped that no child would hear his harsh language, or else they would have a mother bear on their hands.
Now gathered, he began to describe their guide. (Y/N) was told his name was Matt and that he was a tall, blond, Canadian lumberjack. Joel continued to let your group know that Matt would be waiting with by a large white van to take to start their long hike in the Rockies.
(Y/N)’s jaw opened into a wide yawn. Turning to Joel, she asked “Well now that we’ve got our plans under way, can we sleep for the rest of the train ride?”
“I guess so.” Joel shrugged, “But, don’t be too pissy when I wake you up.”
As the trio quieted down, trained chugged on, and darkness gave way to daybreak. It was only a matter of two hours before the train finally arrived at the Jasper Train Station.
With blurry eyes, (Y/N) was shaken awake by Joel as Sariah went a started collect their items. Jackets and small bags were huddled in her lap. While Joel kept shaking (Y/N) demanding a response.
Grumbling, she swatted at the man. Letting Joel know that he was not only awake, but over his shaking.
Joel chuckled and let off allowing (Y/N) the space to full wake up.
Her stretch was accompanied by the screech of the train’s brakes. The force of the stopped cause some to slide forward but many remained as they were.
The ding of safe departure broke over the speaker allowing the trio to excitedly follow their plan. Sariah began to throw their bags at their owner. (Y/N) grunted from the impact of her heavier hiking bag, while Joel didn’t seem bothered.
Joel began to walk ahead, exiting the train to look for Matt. Sariah on the other hand, grabbed on to the shorter woman’s backpack to prevent her from wondering off. The attached duo slowly exited the train annoyed at the sardine like conditions they were temporally subjected to.
The fresh air of that came from existing the train felt like mint gum mixed with cold water in (Y/N)’s lungs. It was satisfying despite the temporary stutter in her breathing.
(Y/N) felt a harsh tug as Sariah began to drag her to the right. “I’m guessing, you see Joel?”
“Yup.” Sariah said, as she dropped her hand from (Y/N)’s hoodie.
Keeping pace with her friend, (Y/N) begun to see Joel as the waves of people departed like the Red Sea. She smiled, ready to start her adventure. Excited to meet a make a new friend in the form of their guide.
That fluttery excitement twisted into paranoia and fear as her eyes connected with the tall, blond, lumberjack by Joel’s side.
Something in that moment caused (Y/N) to feel as an ewe standing before a bear.
He appeared to be talking to a large, blond man with a dark five ‘clock shadow. He must be Matt and he fit Joel’s description like a block in a kid’s match the shape toy.
Both men turned to face the women as they finished forming the circle of their group. Once everyone had settled comfortably within the ring, Joel introduced the stranger.
With a wave of his hand, Joel called the new man, Matt which surprised no one. Then with a similar gesture introduced (Y/N) and Sariah.
(Y/N) watched as Matt gave Sariah a simple nod. When the intimidating man’s lavender gaze turned to meet her own (E/C), she jolted as he gave her a small smile. With a caught tongue, (Y/N) coughed and offered a small wave of her fingers, which made Matt chuckle.
She felt the heat of a blush as Sariah snickered. (Y/N) smack her dearest friend as she teasingly pushed her. The feigned shocked made Joel laugh like a dying moose. Which lead to (Y/N) and Sariah to cackle.
As the cackling died, another cough brought the group’s focus on to Matt. His tone was even as he asked if there would be any questions about the plans for the hike.
Joel shook his head, while Sariah just shrugged. (Y/N) rocked forward on her heels, a nervous no chirping from her throat.
Matt nodded and gestured for them to follow as he walked off. His long strides quickly putting distance between him and the inexperienced explorers.
(Y/N) gave an unsure look to Joel and Sariah, they gave small smiles of reassurance, before skipping to catch up with their tall guide.
She watched as the three fell into sync, (Y/N) found herself wondering why he made her nervous. Something about Matt made her stomach flip and shrink uncomfortably as she lagged behind the group.
Hesitantly, (Y/N) climbed in the large all terrain red truck.
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vespertin-y · 1 year
long time no liveblog! i diverted my writing brain to finishing several wips and graduating high school, plus i got more into toh and genshin, so it’s been a while since i had the energy for this series. but today i’m back with the iconic ✨saiou salon scene✨ and very excited to be!
-alright, here’s the obligatory disclaimer: i’m going to be interpreting kokichi as initially intending to go through with the mercy kill plan. this is not the only valid interpretation. the most fundamental thing you have to understand about kokichi to analyze him is that he’s a microcosm of NDRV3 itself - he’s a catbox, the “embodiment of a lie”, completely up for interpretation. (i’m honestly not too fond of this as a writing decision, but that’s neither here nor there). if you interpret him as intending to sell out gonta from the beginning: cool! good for you! do not send me hate asks please.
-”oh, wait! now that we’re alone, i wanna tell you something.” “...what is it?” “you’re really useful.” “huh?” kokichi rlly said ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ 😭 at least use a DIFFERENT manipulation tactic bro cmon
-”so, how about you stop hanging out with dumb ol’ kaito, and be *my* friend instead? i think i can be useful to you, too...y’know? i can help you save everyone. and you wanna save everyone, riiiiight?” he NEEDS shuichi on his side to win the trial, and he’s fumbling it because he can’t keep a lid on his petty, childish jealousy. incredible. 
-”...shuichi saihara.” i can’t take his anger seriously with the little red chibi face...i wanna squish him...
-”nee-heehee...aw, i got rejected. but i won’t give up that easily. when i find someone i like, i’d do anything to get them to notice me...even strangle them.” the translation for this line is...rough. first of all, he doesn’t say ‘like’. he says a word only used ONE other time in v3 - when maki confesses to kaito. it’s a very serious way to say you love someone and rarely used irl. (he’s also completely alone, talking out loud to himself, and spent the entire last chapter of the game yelling about how much he hates lying to oneself. it’s hard to convince your audience the serial liar is being truthful this time, okay?!). second of all, the strangling - this is another catbox thing! in japanese, it’s ambiguous whether he’s strangling the one he loves or letting them strangle him...which is near-impossible to convey in english, so NISA went with the boring option and just chose whatever made kokichi seem scarier. booooo!!
-god, miu’s body discovery fucks me UP. i’m glad they don’t make you investigate the corpse up close, i’m not sure how long i could take staring at that awful expression.
-[daybreak. the sun had risen while we were inside the virtual world.] that’s the end of day sixteen, then.
-see you next time (which should be very soon, if all goes well) for the investigation!! go touch an aminimal 👍
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
[ cú ] He invites himself to sit on Kerberos' lap and places his arms around their neck "I'm in the mood to annoy you. ~ ✨" At least he was kind enough to give a warning this time.
To be annoyed was a level he felt like only his brother could reach by breathing - but sometimes, just sometimes, he's mate got under his skin a lot too. They just knew what buttons to press with him really - it was a rude awakening but at the same time, Cu, was a different breed. Uses his sex appeal, the beauty in himself, the sexiness, the cockiness, the strength --- yeah, Kerberos couldn't be shamed for being head over heels for the other wolf - specially with how easy they were compatible together.
So, when he was oh-so-rudely settled upon as if he were a throne for those thighs, amen from one part of his brain, the other half came with a squint of defiance. Hands raising to rest upon small waist to stroke down to hips and settle into place over thighs that were padded and squished just right for his fingers to flex and grope without shame. His nose did wrinkle at this point though, not wanting to be bothered in that manner now that he had his lover in his grip.
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"But why? Ya t'sexy to be annoying…" The whine rolled from his tongue as he leaned forward to nudge under Cu's chin, pushing it up with his nose with question and request in his body language as he kissed and licked politely at his lover's jaw. "Why can't ya jus' stay 'nd be pretty on me lap like this?" Kisses were soft, small and gentle, trailing up chin and cheek as he teased the other's lips. "We can jus' sit 'ere and make out until daybreak? Won't tha' be more fun?" Fingers at this point as rolled from those thighs to behind his back.
Stroking up spine under garment worn, down tail to gently tug as his teeth nip upon earlobe and tug with a heated breath. "How 'bout, we do tha'instead, Cu?"
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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// fiddling w/ some Kae scs to see if i can get smth more Koko accurate
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buraiikan · 2 months
    ❝ JIMBEEEIIII !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HA HAA!! ❞ rubber cheeks are pressed into a wide, rosy smile as luffy launches himself at the fishman, all four limbs outstretched as he collides with and clings to the helmsman like he would a boulder. 
    ❝ eheehee~ ❞ one side of his face squishes against jimbei's broad shoulder in the embrace as the captain releases an affectionate giggle. ❝ we're gonna have an awesome party!! with music and food and drinks and everything!! aaaand i said to sanji that you get to pick all the food! i won't even ask for barbeque if you don't want it!! ❞ eyes dart away momentarily and luffy's lips squish together in thought, before quietly muttering. ❝ please say you want barbeque ... ❞
                         whoops, he didn't mean to say that out loud.
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Luffy felt no more than a drop in a bucket of water with his antics. Unfazed, but clearly happy to have him approach, he accepts his captain's stretchy embrace. It's been some time since anyone's attempted to completely wrap themselves around the large fishman, && he might just be inclined to say he likes it!
"Thank you Luffy ! You're up rather early."
Oh how he isn't the picky type when it comes to celebrations. Much less so when it came to food options. The helmsman blinks a few times, almost wondering if Luffy truly didn't mean to mutter that under his breath. Between himself and the two members that had birthdays surrounding his, who knew that each day would be unique in celebrations ? Knowing that it's practically a three day streak of nothing but food, drinks, and festivities until next daybreak.
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Jimbei laughs, trying not to be too obvious in wanting to humor Luffy's desires. " Well, how else is Sanji going to cook all that meat he has in storage ? A barbeque sounds like a fantastic idea. Let's go let Sanji-kun know together so he can prepare, alright ? "
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@gumpistol || birthday asks!
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adrialae · 6 months
the thing about daybreak frontline is that it is a normal length of song (approx. 3:30) and it has a normal, maybe slightly above-average, amount of syllables for a song of that length. however, about 1:45 of that is just instrumentals or long ahhs, so the remaining syllables are forced to squish together and it ends up having lyrics so fast that they're near impossible to pronounce - but it doesn't sound that fast until you actually pay attention to the lyrics because said instrumentals/whole notes are so chill
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emile-hides · 2 years
Oh! UH! Koro-sensei… is that how you spell it? Smiling yellow octopus fella that makes you loose your goddam marbles, please and thank you
I could not explain to you the amount I love this octopus, Gabe
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He's so incredibly perfect in so many flawed, stupid idiot man ways. He's the perfect shape to shove down the stairs. I want to hold his hand and kiss him softly. I could take him in a fist fight. If I complimented him he'd crumble. He's both incredibly deep and so insanely flat as a character. I would marry him today if I could.
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malemacrofics · 2 years
Damien LaVey's Pet
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I've been playing alot of Monster Prom recently, lol. So here's what your life would be like as the pet to everyone's favorite demon boy, Damien LaVey
You transferred to Spooky High a year prior. You were a werewolf, like Scott, which meant you had very heightened senses.
You ended up shrunk a week into the new semester. The coven was performing a spell to seal away some cosmic threat, but it backfired and left you roughly three inches in height.
Damien found you when he was in the Gym playing dodgeball. He was running to grab a ball that was rolling away from him. When he picked it up, he saw you cowering behind it. He picked you up, and you've been his ever since.
Damien always calls you names, you're not even sure if he knows your actual name. His favorite is "Pet" when he's feeling playful, or "Toy" when he's horny. It's only when he's angry that he calls you "Bug" or "Pest"
For the record, you've told Damien your actual name, but he refuses to use it. Why would he when he's already got the perfect nicknames for you and your duties.
Damien likes to store you in his underwear. He claims it's for your "security", but you know that he just gets off on the power he has over you. The smell in his underwear was usually tame in the mornings, but after he got back from school it was always incredibly potent and powerful.
He'd always make it a point to jack off once he returned home. He'd lock himself in the room and try to find something to jack off to. Although most of the time, the pent up feelings of domination he had during the day were enough for him.
After he was done, he'd decide to lay in bed and place you at his feet before taking off his socks. It was your job to remove every piece of toejam and massage his sore feet. The scent here was even stronger. For the first week he made you do this, you nearly passed out. Over time though, you've managed to develope a bit of a resistance to his powerful aroma.
When he would be called to the dining room to eat with his fathers, he regularly dropped you in his sock before putting it on. Your tiny form was resistant to pressure, luckily, so you weren't crushed. However you were still left with his sweaty foot squishing you down and his toes flexing playfully.
When it was finally time for Damien to fall asleep, he kept you in a terrarium in his room. The floor of it was covered with his dirty underwear and socks, forcing you to sleep amongst his scent. Occasionally, he'd take you out of there and instead put you in his underwear, forcing you against his sack all night.
When daybreak finally came, he'd stretch and take a shower before getting dressed. He always remembered to bring you along, as another day in your life would continue again. Eternally Damien LaVey's Pet...
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