#uhh. tagging weapons too lol
desperrados · 1 year
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Massive doodle dump. Tagging this will be hell.
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
heyyy uhh
I dont know how many reqs you have so I'll keep it short, dw! but darth vader (actually Vader; most ppl i've seen tag it as darth vader when its not, yk?😅) "reuniting" w/ a gn friend of his, but the reunion is them being captive 😀👍. like maybe the friend was captured bcuz he was hunting for jedis, or they were helping ppl escape and that backfired on them.
you're free to choose how his friend got captured cuz im just throwin ideas. so many scenarios lmao 😆😆😆
I'm finally back!!
So sorry for being away for so long and so sorry for taking so long to get to this request, I stopped writing it half way through the first bit and realised I might have fucked up the request but kept going anyways lol so sorry if it wasn't how you imagined!!
I tried making it a little more yandere at the end but I will 100% write a few head canons or more one shots after about how life would be after this if anyones interested!! :D
Remember my request are still open!!
✧3735 words ✧ Vader x Reader ✧ Sher/Her pronouns
Hope you enjoy bubs!
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(Y/N) never wanted to be a jedi, not really. She wanted to help people of course but did she really want this life?
Her question was answered after her dear friend Anakin died; no, she didn’t want this life.
She wanted a life of her own, to not have to train every day with multiple weapons, to not have to stress about every movement she makes. 
She wanted a life where she could sleep in, where she could just breathe and live and do mundane things, where she could make connections and love. 
But the force works in mysterious ways and after (Y/N) had grown up, settling down in a small town and having a small shop that she adored as it played into her hobby, she was yanked back into the life she had left behind.
Obi wan had reached out to get her to help the resistance, she was apprehensive at first but after seeing him come back to her shop a bloody mess with her childhood friend Ahsoka, she had reluctantly agreed to help him just to help people escape the empire. 
“I thought you said there wouldn’t be any troopers here.” (Y/N) hisses, using the force to yank a metal box towards three troopers and slam them into the wall. She barely misses the blaster shot as she jerks her body behind another crate.
Crouching down to cover herself, she fumbles to get her (borrowed) blaster from her thigh holster before peeking out and taking a few bad shots. 
Ahsoka uses the distraction to take down the last two troopers before looking down at (Y/N) and extending her hand. “It wasn’t a part of the plan.” They both grunt as she hauls her friend up. 
“When does anything ever go according to plan” (Y/N) grumbles as she dusts herself off. 
Ahsoka just chuckles before looking around they alley way they were forced into. “Master Kenobi said the captured Jedi’s are around here, we already made a scene so we should just go without him. If they caught us off guard, we should probably assume he’s not doing well on his end either.” 
“Come on this way.” (Y/N) whispers to an injured Jedi as she helps them walk in the cover of the night. “We’re almost there, just hold on a little bit more.” Her eyes glance at the wound at their side, blood already seeping through the fabric she had ripped from her outfit and used as a makeshift bandage. 
Panic shoots up her spine as (Y/N) throws herself and the Jedi to the side just barely missing the swipe of a saber. 
Rolling over to push herself up by her arms she doesn’t miss the boot that slams into her stomach, a silent scream creeps up her throat as her mouth widens at the blunt pain. 
She had never seen him in the flesh, but anyone could figure out who that black booted foot belongs too. 
Darth Vader.
Gritting her teeth in pain she grabs his ankle to haul her body up slightly as her other hand comes and pushes behind his knee to make him drop. 
‘GO! GET TO THE OTHERS AND GET THE KRIFF OUT OF HERE!’ She yells to the Jedi using the force as Vader swings his arm and lands a right hook. 
(Y/N) says good bye to her life as she focuses everything on just making sure Vader is distracted enough to let the injured Jedi and the rest escape. She sees them start to crawl to the wall to haul their body up in their peripheral, but she just elbows Vader’s chin making his helmet covered face tilt up. 
 This is the first time she had seen him; she can see a hazy reflection of herself in the black metal of his armour, but she gets flown back and slammed into the ground as he reaches out his hand and uses the force to pin her down. 
Her torso gets the brunt of the attack and she flicks her wrist to get a few scattered rocks and stones thrown at him. They don’t do much damage as his armour takes the brunt of it, but it throws him off enough to let her grab her blaster and take a few shots making him release his force. 
Two hit his chest head on, his armour taking the shots as he remained unharmed, whilst the others miss pathetically. 
“You’re a pathetic excuse for a Jedi.” His voice booms out, modulated from his helmet but still unbelievably deep as he snarls. His arm extends to use the force again, but she takes a few more shots at his arm making him flinch back. 
“I am no Jedi.” She spits back, the hood covering her form starts to lift as the wind picks up but it manages to stay on. “You must not be as smart as they say you are if you really can’t see my plan.” 
Finally seeing that the Jedi is out of sight, (Y/N) throws all her force at him. Vader gets thrown back a few inches but stays strong to the rest as he swipes his arm out and knocks her off her feet, his raises his arm and moves her around like a rag doll in the air before he slams her down into the ground, keeping her pinned there. 
She can barely move her fingers this time, not even a twitch as she sees his figure start to walk towards her. Pressure starts enclosing around her throat, blocking her air supply as she tries to rip her arms away, but they just lay there helplessly. She gasps, gritting her teeth to try and do anything but all she can manage is to kick her feet as the wind finally rips away her hood, instantly slapping her face with the cold chilling air. 
Her vision starts to bleed in and out as her head spins from the lack of oxygen, (Y/N) manages to see Vader now looming over her figure and she thinks she sees him recoil back once he finally gets a look at her face. 
The invisible hand around her throat and pinning her limbs down let go almost instantly. She flings her body up and immediately gulps down air and coughs, everything hurts and throbs in pain, but she can’t think about anything as her hands come up to cradle her throat as she tries to fight off unconsciousness and steady her breathing. 
(Y/N)’s mind finally comes back to her as she cranes her neck up to see Vader just standing there. 
“Wh-What?” She manages to croak out as her throat screams in protest, tears she didn’t know were now spilling to coming down her chin. 
A weird crackling sound comes out and she thinks it’s his modulated breathing as he just stares. 
She wants to fight, to do anything but sit there on the ground pathetically but it takes everything in her just to loll her head up at him, her body feeling like lead as new bruises start to flourish with old ones. It had been days of fighting and running and healing injured Jedi without any rest.
(Y/N) was never the strongest and after years of not training or using any force, she had become weak. 
He says something, she thinks it’s a name, her name?
But her eyes finally close as her body falls to the side and her brain drags her to sleep. 
(Y/N) shuffles around a bit on the plush bed to get herself comfortable before her mind starts to darken again, the silk sheets feeling soft and light yet warm. 
Wait sheets? Bed?
Throwing her body up, the black sheets pool at her waist as she frantically looks around the room. 
It’s a room of some sorts, maybe on a ship? The walls are metal and the room’s big but bare with anything personalised. 
She remembers the fight with Vader, thinking she was going to die but he just let her go and then she passed out. 
The room spins as her vision finally clears its sleepy haze and the more she tries to focus the more the throbbing pain in her head hurts. Her body is so sore, and it feels like she has to use every piece of strength in her body to try and pick up her arm. 
Nausea creeps up her throat and she groans as she curls into herself. 
Hearing the door open, she forces her body up right as she watches Vader stride in, there’s no words exchanged as he closes the door and takes a few steps towards the bed.
They both stare at each other, (Y/N) staring into the eyes of his helmet to try and search for his eyes and Vader looking in those familiar (E/C) orbs he used to search comfort in. 
Slowly, he starts to lift his helmet off and (Y/N) goes to stop him but it dies in her throat when she sees his face. 
“Anakin?” Her voice is so soft he barely misses it, he wants to correct her and say that Anakin is dead but when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. 
(Y/N) doesn’t know what to do, she wants to swear at him, she wants to jump and scream and hug him so tight but… 
“You’re…. You’re not Anakin.” She says slowly. 
She can see the hurt flash in his eyes before he looks away and puts his helmet back on. They both return to silence before (Y/N) speaks again.
“What do you want from me? Why am I here? Why didn’t you just…” She trails off, her head pounding harder as she thinks about her childhood best friend ending her life. 
“Just what? Kill you?” His voice comes out sharp, but the ugly sound of his modulator crackling tells her his voice strained. 
(Y/N) pushes herself up by her arm to sit properly as he watches her through his visor. “You fought with Master Obi-Won and fought to kill. Why didn’t you do that to me once you saw who I was?” 
“That’s different” Vader’s voice comes out uncharacteristically high, but he calms himself before continuing. “You are in my bedroom and you will be here until I say so. I’ll go get you some medicine and food.”
His black cape flows as he turns around to leave but (Y/N) leans forward to try and make him stay. 
“Wait! Anakin-” 
“It’s Vader now!” He snaps cutting her off. “And don’t think of leaving this room, your injured and I have the door locked with guards stationed outside. Just sit down and do nothing, like you have done for years.” 
The last few words digs a knife into her heart but she doesn’t even have the time to properly react before he’s out of the room with the sound of the door sliding closed. 
(Y/N) stares blankly at the door as her head falls back to softly thunk against the bed post. 
Had her Anakin really turned into this? Into the monster that is Darth Vader? 
A few tears escape her eyes that she’s too exhausted to wipe away. “Oh Anakin, what did they do to you?” 
Like he had said, Vader came back into the room a few minutes later with a bowl of some sort of bone broth, a cup of water and some bacta patches. 
He straightens out the sheets at her lap before placing the tray down before giving her a once over and disappearing into what (Y/N) thinks is a connected refresher. 
Picking up the spoon, she swirls the bone broth a bit before taking a small tentative sip. It hits her tongue, and she has to stop herself from humming. Days on the run with limited bad tasting food made this simple broth taste divine on her tongue, but as soon as she swallows, she feels her stomach churn. 
(Y/N) drops the spoon back into the bowl, it makes a small splash that barely misses her clothes but she ignores it to sling one arm over her stomach. 
Hearing Vader return, she doesn’t have it in her to look up at him as she closes her eyes. 
“You need to eat.” It’s a command, his voice having no trace of the man it used to belong to. 
“Why am I here.” Her voice is so soft that even Vader’s helmet almost misses it, but he doesn’t, and he doesn’t know how to respond.
He hesitates before taking a few tentative steps closer to the bed. “Why didn’t you become a Jedi?” 
Opening her eyes to watch him, her eyes flash to show her Anakin, the one who was always curled into himself in the middle of the nights when he was caught up in the darkness of his mind. 
“Because it wasn’t the life for me.” She manages to say softly. “I wanted to love, to feel without any consequences. I wanted to help people, but I knew I wasn’t cut out to help people how Jedi’s do.”
“Then why did you come back?” He takes off his helmet again, placing it at the foot of the bed before slowly getting on his knees.
The scene must look comical to any outsider, the feared Darth Vader on his knees for some random girl.
(Y/N) has to physically restrain herself from reaching her hand out by hugging herself and tucks her hands in her pits. 
“This time I could help people properly. People were getting hurt and I could help them, why wouldn’t I?” 
She was always doing that, wasn’t she? Always helping people even if it meant she had to do things she didn’t want to. 
Vader wants to shake her shoulders, to shout at her that everyone’s selfish and just using her. To call her selfish for making him stay as a Jedi before leaving it all behind. But most of all, he wants to collapse in her arms and tell her everything, all the pain he endured and everything he had to do that he wouldn’t even think about telling anyone else. 
He doesn’t even realise he’s deep in thought before he sees her moving to place his helmet back on, now half sitting on the edge of the bed near him. 
“Va- Anakin.” She corrects herself before whispering whilst keeping her touch as delicate as possible. “I can see that you’re struggling to breathe.”
When his helmet finally does lock in place, Vader takes a few deep breaths. He had pressurised his room obviously, but he had to keep it just under his comfortable levels to make sure it didn’t affect (Y/N). 
The words slip out of her mouth before she can stop them. “What happened?” They come out soft, but he can feel the hurt behind them and it makes his blood boil. 
“How could you possibly ask that?” His modulator now booms his voice. “You saw how they were, they were the reason for her death and you even left!” 
The mention of Padmè squeezes (Y/N)’s heart but she just furrows her brows.
“So all of that just justifies you killing millions of innocent people?” Her voice raises as well but he crosses his large arms across his chest plate. 
“You don’t understand-”
“No, you don’t understand Anakin!” She cuts him off, now standing on wobbly legs. “You’re hurting people, people like me who just want to live!” 
Standing in-front of him now, yelling at him without listening, reminds Vader of Obi-wan and he snaps. 
“I AM VADER! ANAKIN IS DEAD!” His voice rattles the room and shocks (Y/N) to drop back down on the bed. “People like you? Don’t make me laugh.” A cackle gets cut off by his modulator, but it’s filled with coldness. “Your selfish, sitting around while people get hurt. You only care when they start to bother your own little world. Where were you when Padmè died? Where were you when I was getting hurt? You just want to help people to fill that pathetic hole in your chest, so don’t you dare think you can talk to me about any of this.” He sneers before turning on his heel and slamming the door behind him, leaving (Y/N) sitting their heart broken. 
Looking down at her (S/C) palms, her body shakes with her sobs. 
Anakin really is dead. 
A few days pass, maybe a week?
(Y/N) doesn’t kriffin know but she does know is that her body has finally recovered mostly, some wounds still need a few more days but there’s no risk of tearing anything open and she finally doesn’t feel nauseous and dizzy anymore.
Happy with her new found health, now the dreaded thoughts of what will happen to her finally sink in as her mind isn’t fogged up with pain.
Vader made it out like he hated her, he despised her life and even though she hadn’t seen him since that day, a storm trooper always came in with food and things she would need for the day.
It made no sense and she’s tired. 
She left this life because she couldn’t handle it and now, she’s forcefully thrusted back in only to be caught up in more stuff? 
(Y/N) never wanted this. 
Standing from the chair, she walks over to the sliding door that was always locked and started banging. Like always, the storm troopers stationed there at every hour and rotating depending on shifts, called back asking what she needed.
“I want to talk to Vader, now.” Her snappy voice makes them hesitate, they had strict rules to keep her in the room and not to talk more than necessary and there were no rules to state that she couldn’t ask for the black armoured man himself, but they had seen how angry he had barged out of the room. 
Finally giving into the demands, they look at each other before calling out they would send someone to fetch him and in a few minutes Vader himself was walking through the halls.
All troopers and anyone in the vicinity tense up and looks away but he ignores them before slamming the hatch open and locking it behind him. 
“What do you gain from keeping me here Vader? What do you want from me? This is the last time I’m asking this and if you don’t answer me, I will do everything in my power to leave.” (Y/N) usual voice is devoid of any fun or sarcasm or tenderness as she gets straight to the point, not letting him even acknowledge her.
Taking a few steps towards from the wall, he leaves decent space between them both but still enough to keep a comfortable conversation.
“Do you really not know why you are here?” His modulated voice still startles the female but the anger in her veins smooth over that. 
Crossing her arms, she leans onto her front leg. “How could I? You seem to hate my existence, yet you ordered for me to be taken cared of, but I’m not allowed to leave. You won’t even answer my questions.” Her arms come up and wave to emphasize her point but Vader just stares. He had forgotten how her little habits actually looked, he could never forget but the years apart had fogged up his imagery of the memories. 
Finally feeling as if there is no other way to express himself, he just simply states. “I love you, that’s why you are staying here.”
(Y/N)’s mind reels so hard that she stumbles back, her ass landing right on the chair she had left untucked. 
Shaking her head, (Y/N) feels like she’s dreaming because this couldn’t be real. “You- You can’t! You said it yourself, I’m selfish and horrible and you called me pathetic! You loved Padmé! How could you love me?” Tears start pouring down her face, but she doesn’t even realise as she looks through his armour and straight into his heart, trying to search for the Anakin she knew and, admittedly, loved, but she can’t find him and all she can see is a stranger. 
Vader winces at her tears, it feels like someone is physically ripping his heart out when he sees her cry, but he just takes a deep breath before striding over and crouching. 
“I’ve loved you since we were kids, but I didn’t realise until Padmé died that the love I felt for you and her are different.” His gloved hand comes up to wipe away a tear, a little rougher than he had wanted but he had never touched someone as delicately as he was touching her now. 
Hiccups and whimpers leave her throat as sobs wrack (Y/N) body before she abruptly stands up and shakes her head. “This- This ca-can’t be happening.” Her voice cracks slightly but Vader just stands up aswell and grabs her arm gently to make sure she doesn’t fall.
“This is real, the faster you accept that the faster you can acclimate to your new home.” Again, Vader is a bit harsher than he had wanted but he had never thought about anyone’s emotions other than his own for years. 
Ripping his arm off her, (Y/N) growls. “This isn’t my home, this will never be my home. You took me away from my home.” 
She moves to run to the door but she gets yanked back by her waist and gets thrown onto the bed, the plush surface doesn’t do any damage but the fast movement disorientates (Y/N) enough to let him pin her legs down with his own and restrain her wrists with one of his own. 
“It doesn’t matter if you tell yourself this isn’t your home because now it is.” The hiss that escapes his throat crackles horribly from his modulator, but he just presses her wrists down harder to make sure her (e/c) orbs focus on him. “You’re staying here weather you like it or not, so it’s best if you start faking it or the only person who’s going to be affected by your struggling is yourself.” 
Her hiccups and tears return as she started into the damned black visor, Anakin had really died and left behind this love sick monster hu?
Closing her eyes tightly to block out everything out as her legs stop trying to twist away, the last though in her mind rings out before she finally stops struggling.
‘I’m sorry Anakin.’ 
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wyvernwriterarchive · 6 months
Writblur Intro! Again!
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Picture by Olga Antonenko on Artstation.
Hi! I'm Blazer, and I use He/Him pronouns. I'm a 18 y/o aspiring writer and game developer who wants to share my stories with others. And also scream about my ocs, or other story bits. I love fantasy and spend a lot of my time writing about it.
Currently, I have a few stories that I am currently working on, plus MULTIPLE that are more just W.I.Ps or ideas I want to explore when I'm done with those two.
Main Projects
🛡Tathylia Chronicles, an FE9/FE10 inspired SRPG made with SRPG Studio following a mercenary's son and a magical princess as they fight off an evil empire in two separate campaigns. The one I work on most often.
🌻Path to the Gilded Field, a novel about a girl who decides to go on a journey to save her mother from a plague, with the help of a lord, a knight, and a mercenary.
⛈️Dalgari: Thrones of Legend, a FE4 inspired game idea about the descendants of legendary holy warriors using their power and privileges as royals to bring peace to a chaotic world. I'm not currently in development, but I talk about it a lot anyway, soo...uhh...woops.
Side Projects/Lesser W.I.Ps
🔮Faelight: Glow of Faith, a story about the runaway heirs to a magical kingdom trying to stop a war from breaking out by sealing away magical weapons that could end the world.
☀️Heroes of Dawn, an RPG about a girl seeking adventure and freedom, being chosen by the goddess of fate to enact her will no matter the cost.
💥The Wyvern Rebellion, a story about a rebellious mercenary, a fortune teller, and a prince trying to take down an expansionist empire.
🌈EMOTE, a story about a girl named Justine, who moved to a new city filled with people with powers based on their emotions.
But besides that, I have SO MANY MORE that I wanna share. So many....like too many.
So...if you like stories with diverse casts and rambling, feel free to follow me! And also, feel free to ask me things about my wips.
Also, below, you'll find the tags of some of my stories, lol.
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tiredassmage · 10 months
@captainderyn: #wait dot Tyr has a bladesmithing hobby tell more?
I... forgor I have probably only directly said this to Joel and maybe only hinted at it in tags sometimes, lol. But uhh! Yea! For a while, my Selected Streaming was whatever seasons of Forged in Fire were available on said streaming service - which to save the unfamiliar a quick google search is, in short, a bladesmithing competition show where four competitors compete in three rounds of bladesmithing, typically with an elimination in each round - ultimately with two competitors recreating an assigned historical weapon with a winner determined through various weapons tests. It's not a hobby I could ever say I'd pick up myself, but it's very interesting to see the craftsmanship and the process and so, as one does when one has blorbo brain... I decided that was a fun thing to pick up and run with.
There's been idle jokes of Alliance Jenga nights and the like because I imagine Tyr's... hands on, typically. He likes to do things, keep his hands occupied - a softer transference of his training primarily as an operative. And I figure as weapon maintenance is already important to him and his work as a Cipher... given the opportunity, it's a process he'd enjoy learning about.
So, in short, knifemaking is a hobby he explores in what downtime he finds as Alliance Commander - primarily through the blacksmiths and other such trades that come to partner with the Alliance over time. Tyr generally keeps relatively quiet about it. Forging is several hours he can get to himself and just kind of tune the world out, physically working on something that can require some problem solving that... occasionally helps him sort through the shit in his head, too.
Anyway! That's how Tyr picks up bladesmithing as a sort of... soft retirement hobby. He gets interested chatting up a couple Alliance personnel, ends up asking them some questions, and learning from some of them. While I imagine he typically makes blades with the intention to see them used, him and Izvoye (@hyrohkaah) have gotten lost in some historical records at times trying to parse together historical techniques. (And as a lil bonus, part of his proposal to her in their lil 'verse together is forging a ceremonial blade for her that leans a bit more heavier into artistic and craftsmanship techniques and skills than the kind of blades he tends to use as an agent.)
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・: * ・゚: * ・゚ ���୧ Intro Post :*˚୨୧⋆。˚・゚: *・゚: *
Hi!!! Before I begin, this is a Percy Jackson RP account for my OC!
Also, i thrive on chaos. PLEASE GIVE ME RANDOM ASKS I love making friends! please DM or send and ask :D
IMPORTANT STUFF ALL THE WAY ON THE BOTTOM!!! pictures from banner are not mine! picrew isn't mine either! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Name: Delilah! My friends call me Lulu (short for delulu) but you can call me anything you want! Age: 14 years old! This is my first summer here at Camp Half Blood! (yes, i am greek... i am that graecus scum) Parent/Cabin: Unclaimed :(( Mom. Dad. Parent. Whoever you are. Please claim me soon. Cecil keeps stealing my stuff and im running out of silly string. I GOT ADOPTED BY @the-grain-goddess Abilities: Idrk... I like to help in the infirmary though! Also the strawberry fields cuz it's nice there... I also babysit the Tinies™ a ton (Tinies are campers below 10 y/o) Weapons: I can hit the target with the bow and arrow but uhh vauegly. I suck at everything lol. I suck least with dagger.
Queerness: Very bi and very panicked. Also ace for now! DNI: rude people. people who are mad at others existence. also NSFW blogs! im a minor :33
I MISS TONS OF SOCIAL CUESS!!! I'm trying to work on it but if i ever overstep my boundaries or make you uncomfy, pleasee let me know <33 im just a bit oblivious sometimes
IM SEX REPULSED! totally cool, do your thing but please nothing too graphic I use friend and '<33' a ton so lemme know if you dont want me to use it around you!
I use 'girlypop', 'gurl', 'broski', & 'bruh' as gender neutral terms but lemme know if you want something else or me to avoid them!
I will try to respond but my spoons always seem to run out :(( ALSO! i have some really long rb convos so they key 'j' moves to the next post! mobile users? good luck
my tags are #delilah blabbers and sometimes #delilah creates
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I got tagged by @malapertmarquess, so here goes:
Currently reading: I just finished "Light from Uncommon Stars" by Ryka Aoki. Weird, but incredibly heartfelt. I'm about to start Use of Weapons by Iain M Banks.
Currently listening to: literally just whatever turns up on my shuffle.
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi. Probably once it's done, I'll have to read the manga…
Current hyperfixation: Linux. I've installed Linux on my PC, and am currently working on getting it working to the same standard as my Windows. The main problems are that (a) the audio won't play through my TV, and (b) my secondary monitor is connected by a USB-to-VGA, and Linux doesn't recognise it yet as a thing. (Not to mention I somehow lost or wiped the drive with most of my non-video files 😭)
Favourite colour: Purple!
Spicy, sweet, savoury, or salty? I have a really sweet tooth. The others I like in different measures depending on the time of day lol.
Last thing I Googled: something to try to fix what was initially wrong with my Linux installation.
Song stuck in my head: nothing currently. It's not a constant thing for me.
Favourite food: I honestly can't pin this down. There's so many good foods! But burgers are always a good reliable fallback.
Dream trip: Uhh… I'm too much of a homebody to think of that. I would like to go inside a castle someday, though.
I can't be bothered tagging anyone, sorry.
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clonesupport · 2 years
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sundered souls - a short side story blurb
ao3 link
word count: 5.9k+
warnings: 18+, NSFW, uhh they take out a couple guards, guards are armed so mention of weapons/gun, exhibitionism, thigh fucking, grinding/raw humping, squirting, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, porn with like the slightest bit of plot, smut under the cut
a/n: thank you @galaxycunt @strangefable and @natesofrellis for tagging me for wip wednesday, a wip kinda ended up turning into me finishing my fic sooooo here it is lol i tag @confidentandgood @sstewyhosseini @captastra and anyone wanting to share a wip!
ok so this is entirely based off my dream i had with sam plus me being the whore i usually am and turning it into a prompt for a smut fic and make it some side story head canon for seph and sam HAHAHAHA also this is a totally made up scenario and not in the game lol
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Seph, Sam and Nate were scanning the premises of a fairly large museum the three of them had to somehow get into. The information of a certain item they needed for their next clue just happened to be in this heavily guarded facility, of course it did. The three of them rounded the rear end of the museum and found a back entrance behind a bricked wall and metal gates. However, of course like everything else in this museum, this gate was guarded by two guards standing on post. Behind that gate was a loading van, and behind the van; a propped door. Perfect. 
Nate lead the way, staying a fair enough distance away as to not attract any attention, but close enough to make out a plan. “Alright I have an idea.” Nate starts, turning around to face Seph and Sam who followed. “The two of you can go to that alley while I round their back side. You,” he points to Seph abruptly, “try getting their attention.” 
“And how am I supposed to do that?” She ask, the sudden job trusted upon her beginning to add quite the pressure on her nerves. Distract the guards?? How was she supposed to distract a couple of heavily armed men who clearly are trained to not be fucked with.
“You know, use your womanly charm, schmooze your way into getting their attention. Call ‘em over to the alley and make sure they follow you, that way when they round the corner Sam here can knock ‘em out, eh? Sounds good?” Nate seemed much too excited while the couple looked at him almost dumbfounded.
“Nathan, there’s no way that’s going to work.” Sam almost half laughed at his plan. “I mean come on, schmooze? What year is this, the 1890s?” Seph chuckles as well noticing the unimpressed look Nate pointed towards his brother.
“Yeah, and womanly charm? The hell is that supposed to mean.” She teased chuckling, “Now that’s just sexist.” She hears Nate sigh, exasperated and annoyed as the two of them continue to giggle and mock him. “Nate, they’re guards, they wouldn’t succumb to such temptations. Wouldn’t they be trained against that anyway? Womanly charm.” She laughs again with her last words. 
“Oh I wouldn’t doubt your charm. If you somehow wooed my brother, I’m sure you can manage a couple guards.” Nathan bantered back, raising a brow at Sam as he spoke.
“Please, your brother’s a horndog, he’d be on his knees for any woman who walks by him and bends over.” Seph’s grin never falters as she sees Sam’s reaction to both his girlfriend and his brother teaming up on him.
“Really guys? I mean I saw you coming but you too?” He looked at Nate then at Seph. “Now you’re just being mean.” Sam crossed his arms.
“Well if you guys have a better plan I’m all ears. If not then I’ll be waiting for my cue.” And with that, off he goes around a few buildings to avoid the gaze of the guards and rounding then behind them. Seph sighs before grabbing Sam by the hand.
“Come on, we’ve got no other choice now. Even if we had another idea, your brother’s long gone to bargain.” She smiles towards him before she begins to drag him to the alley. Truth be told Seph was kind of excited for this little plan though she does hopes it’ll work. If not she’d just have to come up with something quick to get their attention, though she was sure a woman’s scream as a last resort could always do the trick. Seph practically skipped as she pulled Sam like dead weight behind her, her excited grin ever present on her face. Even if Sam wasn’t partial to the idea, he sure thought she was cute with the way she was smiling and tugging him along. Her hand so small in his, soft and warm, her quick steps as she hurried him along just as sweet. He could almost imagine her pulling him away from the others for a quick make out session, if not something more, like they usually did. A smile of his own pulled at his lips as he followed behind her.
The two of them discretely made it towards the alley, hiding around the corner just out of sight from the guards. Seph had no idea how she was going to charm the guards over, surely she wouldn’t have to talk right? Actions speak louder than words as they say. She hoped so anyhow. Before moving out into the open Seph looked over herself. She wasn’t necessarily wearing the most flattering outfit, just a simple knee length skirt, buttoned top and converse. If she’d had known before hand she was going to be pulling a stunt like this, perhaps she wouldn’t have worn the converse. But no use in dwelling in that now, she had to make do with what she had. Pulling the bottom hem of the skirt up, she tucked the corner into the waistband creating a more revealing look followed with a few more undone buttons of her top. Sam had watched her the whole time as she calculated her dilemma in her head and began to alter her outfit.
“Woah, woah, you sure about that?” His hands came to cover her on instinct as she exposed more of her leg and her breasts. He knew that she had to do what she was doing to catch their eye but he wasn’t expecting her to go all out or anything.
“What? I have to sell it don’t I?” Seph grinned seeing as Sam’s eyes raked over her body much too greedily. “And clearly it’s working.” Her grin turned into a knowing smirk as she caught Sam’s attention back to her face.
“I just… I don’t know if you’ve gotta be this showy to some random weirdo men..do you?” Sam almost sounded like a whimpering dog, hoping he wouldn’t have to really let her follow through with this as his eyes looked her over once more. It was like watching a kid who was so reluctant to share his favourite toy.
“If we want the plan to work, then yes.” She finishes up her alterations and look up at him. “Hair up or down?” She asks him. Of course he’d know how she looks best.
“..Up..” He replies almost begrudgingly. Seph smiles a thank you to him as she begins to tie her hair up in a low bun. Sam didn’t want to admit it but she did look really good. He was too proud, keeping the wounded dog act like he almost didn’t want to let her leave. She looked much too good for it to not be for him. Seph saw the look on his face as he contemplated what he should do next.
Seph’s smile turns sweet, stepping closer as she reaches up to straighten his shirt collar, “Think of it as a school play and your role is to beat up the men who are trying to flirt with me.” Seph spoke as she fiddled with his clothes, his hands finding purchase on her hips. “I’m sure you can do that.” She affirms with him, waiting for his reply. Putting it that way it did make him feel a little better about the whole situation. He definitely wouldn’t mind beating up some men who were ogling his girlfriend far longer than they should have. He gives her a nod and she squeeze his shoulder in return. “Ok,” she pulls away from him, turning to the end of the alley, “let’s get this over with.”
Seph steps out into the open, taking slow steps one in front of the other like a cat walk as she approaches their line of view. She kept a fair distance as she walked and soon enough she notices she caught their attention. With both of their heads pointing in her direction, she took a deep breath before she raised her hand for a sweet little wave of her fingers. She watches their movement, the way their heads perk up a bit more at the wave, the way they shift their weight on their legs when she smiles at them. Tilting her head, she turns herself to the side, straightening herself as much as she could so both her chest and rear seemed more desirable. Seph can tell she’s peaked their interest, it definitely felt strange to be doing this let alone having it work. This time she fully turn her back to them before glancing back, silently beckoning them to follow as she swayed her hips, walking back towards the alley in which she came. The guards looked at each other before they took a couple cautious steps towards her, she smiles once more at them, enticing them more confidently.
Seph made sure the guards were following her before she rounded the corner of the alley to where Sam was waiting for her return. “Did they take the bate?” He asked as he tries to check behind her to see if they were coming. She pulls him back before they see him.
“Yes, like a fish on a hook. Come on don’t do that, they’ll see you.” Seph manages to yank Sam by the arm back behind the wall. 
“Are you sure they didn’t turn around?” Sam was speaking a little too loudly for her liking. She knew the guards were nearing and she didn’t want to blow the whole thing with Sam’s loud mouth. She lightly slaps his chest before whispering.
“Be quiet they’re close-“ Sam cuts her off with a hand on her mouth, the two of them could hear the footsteps of heavy boots nearing the corner.
“Shh.” Sam mouths to Seph as he continues to listen. ‘Yeah no shit.’ she thinks to yourself as she rolls her eyes, staying quiet as she pulls Sam’s hand off her mouth. Seph moves out of his way, standing behind him as Sam readied himself. She hears low chatter as the guards came closer, speaking to one another, probably about her, Seph grimaces at the thought. She heard one of the guards call out to she as they rounded the corner, Sam being quick on his feet grabs one of them by the head and keeping his hand on the man’s mouth as he struggled in his grasp. The other guard was ready to lift his weapon before Seph make quick moves to kick him in the chins, making the guard drop his gun and groan loudly in pain, giving Sam enough time to drop the first guard to the ground and move to the next. Sam swiftly punches the last man square in the jaw and Seph watches him fall to the ground with a solid thump.
“Nice.” She comments with a proud smile. Sam straightens himself out and wipes his hands.
“Not so bad yourself.” Sam replies, grinning at her as he brushes his bruising knuckles.
“Honestly, I didn’t even know it would work. I just kicked whatever was closest hoping it could stun him a bit.” She responds sheepishly but honest, laughing at the thought of her previous action, it did seem a bit silly.
“And it did,” Sam placed his hands on his hips, “we should move these bodies in case someone sees ‘em.” He looks back at the two guards before looking around for somewhere to dump them. His eyes land on a couple dumpsters further down the alley. “Help me out with these would you?”
Seph nod sand follows his lead, picking up one guards legs while Sam grabbed the other end, lifting and shuffling together to get the unconscious man behind the dumpsters. “Why did these dumpsters have to be so far away?” Seph struggled as she tried not to drop the man’s legs, the longer she carried the heavier he got. Sam huffed a laugh.
“You just gotta work out more.” He teased as the two of them dump the dead weight behind the dumpster before heading back for the other.
“Are you calling me weak?” Seph teased back with mocking offence as she placed a hand on her chest and the other on her hip, she watches Sam’s face instantly fall into a silent panic. She lets out a laugh before heading back to the second body. “I’m joking! You’re adorable.” Seph giggles walking past him as Sam sighed before following her.
“That’s not funny.” He pouts, grumbling behind Seph as he caught up with her steps.
The two of them finish moving the second body next to the other one with relief, Seph’s arms finally resting after way too much body dragging, “Never ask me to cover up a murder for you. Lifting these two was enough heavy body lifting for my lifetime.” She tells Sam as she starts her way back towards the opening of the alley. Seph hears him chuckle as he walks next to her.
“Noted.” He hums, reducing his pace to a stop the closer the two of them got to the end of the alley, Seph slows and turns to him.
“What’s wrong?” Seph asks as she watches Sam approach her with a wandering look in his eye. She knew that look, she’s seen it more times than she could count, though she wondered why he’d give her such a look now considering their situation at hand and their previous tasks. Then it came to her, she’d completely forgotten to fix her clothes back to normal, and knowing him, he probably watched the whole show she had put up for the guards earlier. She looks down at yourself and sure enough her very unbuttoned shirt was showing her rather exposed skin. She huffs in defeat with a small smile pulling at her lips.
Seph goes to untuck her skirt but Sam’s hand comes down gently on hers, signalling her to release the fabric in her hand. She looks up at him, his eyes soft as he peers down at her body now mere inches away from his. His hand releases hers before it begins to roam, slipping under her skirt by the improvised slit to touch the skin of her thigh as it travels up and back to the curve of her ass. His other hand reaches for her shirt, gently grabbing a hold of one side of the opened collar to neatly place the fabric aside before his fingers delicately trace the skin of her chest.
He leaves a trail of goose bumps on her skin wherever he touches, his hand flattening against her chest to slide under her shirt as if he moves to slip it off. Seph grabs his wrist before he does so. “Sam..” She warns him gently, “We can’t strip naked in the middle of a city in some sketchy alleyway.” Her voice was low, almost embarrassed to have to explain to him why she stopped him. Sam looks at her with furrowed brows and a disappointed pout before his hand slips from her hold and slides up to cup her neck, pulling her in for a gentle kiss.
She could feel Sam’s restraint in the way he kissed her, the hand on her ass gripping and squeezing every few seconds as if to appease a his self-control. He pulled her back with him, stumbling slow steps as he walked them back into the wall of the alley, his quiet groans are swallowed by her mouth as his back hit the brick behind him. She falls into him, her chest pressed to his as he devoured her kisses with his own, his tongue tasting every part of her lips and mouth with every exchange. Sam knew the boundaries she’s set, no taking off clothes, but he could do a lot of things without taking off their clothes and he knew she wouldn’t be able to resist it considering her sex drive matched his quite well. 
Giving her lips one last ounce of attention, his mouth moved down to her neck, bringing her in closer to him as his hand joins his other on her ass. He kneads her plump flesh, his touch travelling up to her hips before one hand comes to the front, slowly dipping lower. Seph caught his gesture, risky but cautious, seeing if she’d swat his hand away or not, to tell him whether she wanted the same as he did. Her hands stayed put on his abdomen, hell she’s let him go this far already, it’s not like this was the first time the two of them have done something like this before. Sam pulls away a split second searching for her eyes as her lashes fluttered opened, asking for permission to keep going, giving her one last chance to back out. This time it was Seph who pulled him in by cradling the back of his head, “Touch me.” Her voice was a low whisper, eyes barely open as she felt Sam’s breath hitch at her words before she reconnects their lips in a slow, sucking kiss. 
Sam’s tongue glides against her bottom lip, roaming her mouth more and more with every kiss. He gropes all over her body, groaning with every squeeze of his hands. Seph could feel her body melt into his as the feeling of him enveloping her so thoroughly like this was making her knees weak and her stomach flutter. His hand comes to the back of her head, cradling it before tugging the hair elastic free from your hair, letting her hair cascade over his palm before he ran his fingers through her locks. His finger nails graze her scalp sending shivers down her spine, more goosebumps rising from his action. Her hands could only fist into his clothes as he overwhelmed her with his needy touches.
Sam’s quick to set his mind in gear, Seph can feel him begin to hike her skirt up higher and sneaking his fingers between her thighs, featherlight touches grazing her clothed cunt making her skin tingle. Her hips instinctively move forward into his hand, forcing his touch against her nerves making her whine as he firmly presses up into her, beginning small circles on her clit. Her mewl is swallowed by Sam’s mouth as his other hand dug into her skin, pulling her hips closer to his. She could feel his hard on press against her groin as his own hips buck into hers at their closeness. Sam pulls away from the kiss, his forehead resting against hers as he looks down at his hand under her skirt, feeling her underwear dampening between her thighs. He groans, Seph can feel his quickening breaths fan against her chest, his lashes fluttering as he begins to grind softly against her.
“Fuck..” He exhales, pinching her clit between his thumb and index making her choke on her breath, suppressing her squeal the best she could as she doubles into him. Her forehead falls against his shoulder, nails clawing into his sides as he brings his head down to kiss her temple, his fingers still toying with her nerves. Seph’s hands quiver as they trail down to his fly, undoing his jeans in her best attempt to free his erection. Her fumbling hands receive help from Sam’s, assisting the undoing of his pants before she eagerly palms his cock through his jeans while she waits impatiently for Sam to pull it out. 
With a groan from Seph’s touches, Sam reaches into his boxers to grab his cock, pulling it out impatiently before his other hand moves from Seph’s hip to her neck, pulling her into a much messier kiss than the previous. Seph’s eyes close, her brows furrowed as she presses her breasts against Sam’s chest. She could feel him sink down to her level, her fingers fidgeting impatiently with the hem of his jeans. 
Sam loops his finger around the waist band of Seph’s underwear, pulling it down gently as he pulls his lips away from hers. He begins to slip it down her hips then her thighs as he kisses down her neck and along her chest, reaching farther with every inch of his gentle pull on her underwear. Seph places her hands on his shoulder and neck, cupping his warm skin as he reached down to her ankles, “Step.” Sam looks up at her from her waist, his free hand stabilizing himself by holding her thigh. Seph gulps as he carefully steps out of her underwear, leaving her bare under her skirt.
Sam stands, returning his lips to Seph’s in a quick peck before he slips his hand in his pocket. Seph notices his not so slick move, “You are going to return that right?” Her cheeks glow red in references to her underwear now stuffed in his pocket.
“‘Course.” Sam smiles slyly before pulling her back in. The kiss heats up quick returning to its previous momentum. His lips sucked on hers with a bruising force, each of their moans swallowed by one another’s mouths as Sam guided his erection between Seph’s thighs. Her breath hitches in her throat, hips jolting at the new sensation of Sam’s tip rubbing against her clit. She moans into his lips, her hands coming up to wrap around his shoulders for support as he begins to slowly grind against her wet folds, spreading her juices like lubrication.
A relieving sigh escapes Sam, his fingers groping her ass, “Squeeze..” His request is breathless, “Tighter..” His finger nails dig into her skin as she obliges, squeezing his cock between her thigh tighter as he thrusts against her clit deliciously. Sam pulls a whine from her lips as his head dips lower into her neck, his pace quickens, using his grip on her rear as leverage to pull her back onto his length to meet his every thrust. His moans are laboured, desperate as he keens for pleasure against her. He closes his eyes as his brows knit together, lips barely agape while he holds her to him. 
Seph could feel the way Sam’s cock slipped between her thighs, the way the smoothness of his head would make her knees buckle every time it dragged along her clit, every texture of his length causing her to see stars. Turns out she was just as desperate as he was. Every thrust sent her mind spinning, her nails clawed down Sam’s chest, clutching to the front of his over shirt and tugging insistently as if their bodies weren’t already pressed to one another’s so forcefully. She rocked her hips in time with his bucks, his rhythm speeding up the longer they were at it. Her mewls were muffled into his shoulder as she bit the fabric of the shirt attempting to quiet herself as Sam sent thrills of pleasure firing through her body. 
Sam knew he couldn’t last long, not in a setting like this. The exhilarating suspension of getting caught, doing such things in public without anyone being aware, something about it made his heart race and his blood pump wild. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he kept his pace, Seph’s moans reverberated against his collar driving his senses haywire. He always found her sounds so pretty, though now hearing her not only trying to conceal those noises but doing so into him because of the way he fucks her? Now that drove him crazy. He could feel her grip on him tighten every so often, the way her knees would wobble as her hips voluntarily bucked against his. Every second he drowned himself in her made his cock throb with anticipation of release.
Seph could feel her stomach flip with every stroke against her clit, the way Sam moved against her overwhelming every pleasurable sense in her body. A jolt of nerves course through her from her chest down to her centre and her eyes shot open. Seph squirmed yet she couldn’t get herself to pull away, it all felt too good all the while everything threatened to spill. Her grip on Sam’s clothes tighten, pulling on the fabric and squirming against him as he began to overstimulate her. “Sam!- Wait-“ She cuts herself off with another mewl before she could get anything out.
Instead of heeding her plea, Sam decides to go faster, bringing his head back up to watch her as she doubled into him. Seph squealed loudly, surprising Sam before he smirked as he kept his pace, smugly knowing exactly what was about to happen. Seph buried her face into the centre of Sam’s chest, her sensitivity getting the best of her before she could feel herself explode, her liquids easily gushing out of her and down her thighs and all over Sam’s cock. Sam only rode out her oversensitivity, feeling her spill all over him was only sending more intense arousal coursing through him. Everything was overwhelming him with desire let alone the fact that she was squirting out in public like this, something in that made his cock twitch extra fierce. 
Every muscle in Seph seized as Sam continued to grind mercilessly against her which surely was pushing her closer to her release. “Oh my god- Sam!” She squeals, Sam’s movements never ceasing even as Seph’s hips jerks against him. His cock slides through her thighs now with much more ease as her thighs along with himself being covered in Seph’s slick squirt. 
“Shh..” Sam cradles Seph’s head as she buries her face into his chest, doing her best to stay silent all the while Sam continues to chase their release. His own moans threaten to spill as they escape in strained groans, his hand gropes her rear now pushing her harder against his thrusts as he revelled in the wetness between her thighs. “Fuck, Seph-“ Sam’s laboured moan was muffled into her hair as he tried to suppress his voice, as if the squelching sounds coming from bellow weren’t already loud enough.
Seph whines against his collar, biting her lip in an attempt to quiet herself as Sam stimulated her closer and closer to her climax. She could feel it build in her stomach, faster than she could anticipate. Perhaps it was the adrenaline of doing this in such a public setting that sent her wind running miles combined with how desperate Sam was being for her. She loved how needy Sam was for her, the pride swelling in her chest adding to the arousal in her cunt as Sam’s hips met hers feverishly.
Sam could feel himself begin to edge closer to his release, pleasure coursing through his body with every stroke. He promised himself he would be quick and his body was sure promising those results with how quickly he was nearing his orgasm. However, Sam knew he wanted to finish inside her. One way or another he was going to fulfil his needs and hopefully suppress them long enough before they returned to their hotel room for the day. 
He could feel the way the ridge of his tip clipped Seph’s clit with every push and pull. The textures of her vulva sending shivers through his spine the more he snapped his hips. It felt incredible, but he needed more. His mind was selfish and his body greedy. He lusts to feel the inside of her, to feel her slick cunt wrap around him and convulse in clenching spasms from her orgasm. He wanted to feel her cum around him as he pulsed for her within.
Without warning, Sam held onto Seph securely before swiftly turning them around, pushing her back against the wall before pressing himself against her. Seph reacts with a surprised yelp as his hand reaches down to loop around the back of her thigh, lifting her knee as he positioned himself snug between her legs. “Sorry, baby, I have to.” Sam’s voice is breathy, raspy as his desperation overthrows his system using his free hand to fumble with moving Seph’s skirt out of the way. She helps him, bunching up her garment so his hand could reach for his cock as he centres himself to her.
“It’s ok,” Seph giggles softly at how almost frantic he seemed to need to fuck her, “just take a breath, we’re not on a clock here.” She hooks her leg around his waist and cupping his jaw making him pause a second and look at her. His pupils dilate upon matching her gaze as he listens to her words. She was right, they could make Nate wait as long as they needed, besides he probably went in the museum on his own by now, they could catch up later.
His brows knitted together, leaning into her to connect his lips to hers as he guides his erection into her cunt. Seph moans as he kisses her slow, entering her with the same languid pace as he feels her arms wrap around his neck. Her pussy fluttered around him making his stomach flip as a groan pulls from his lungs. Her hand fists his hair, the other gripping the back of hiss neck as she pushed him closer into the kiss. Sam was slow to move, using every ounce of control in him not to fuck into her relentlessly right off the bat until she gave him the ok.
Seph whines, “Move.” She keens, voice muffled into the kiss. That was more than enough for Sam to begin drawing his hips back and thrusting back in, hitting sharp and deep into her cunt. Seph whimpers from the force of his thrusts as he quickly picked up the pace to resume the momentum he held previously, her body bouncing in time with his bucks. 
Sam pulls away from the kiss, resting his forehead against hers as he took laboured breaths. His hands squeezed at the flesh of her hip and her thigh, fucking quick thrusts and hitting Seph’s pleasure points easily and efficiently as he pulled strings of stifled whimpers from her lips. He watched as her breasts bounce with his thrusts, mesmerized as his cock throbs inside her from the sight. His own moans were getting hard to suppress as he worked towards his release, knees feeling weak as the pleasure courses through his body like wild fire.
Seph brought one of her hands down to rub her clit, enticing even more pleasure to run through her veins as Sam continued to fuck her. She threw her head back, careful not to hit her head against the wall as her mouth hung open in silent cries of bliss. Her eyes closed as she focused on her pleasure, the way she could feel Sam’s cock drive into her without mercy, his size stretching her out and pummelling her cervix with every perfectly angled thrust.
“Sam please, I want to cum, please!” She quietly begs, pleading for him to fuck her just enough harder to send her over the edge. Sam happily obliges, leaning down to kiss her throat as he fucks more weight into his thrusts, bucking into her with such force it ripped one especially loud moan from Seph’s lips as she pulled hard on his hair. She quickly lets go of his locks, bringing her palm over her mouth to subdue anymore noises that would threaten to escape as Sam drove his cock into her with full force.
He could feel her clench around him, so close to her climax as her hand numbly rubs messy shapes into her clit. She could feel his quickened hot breaths on her skin, his stubble scratching her neck as his low groans vibrated against her and rumbled in his chest. Sam pushes a few more hard thrusts before Seph doubles into him, her cunt constricting harder than ever as it pulses through her climax. She bites her lip under her hand, stifling her screams as her orgasm rocks through her in harsh waves. 
Seph buries her face into the side of Sam’s head as he rode her through her high, his own just around the corner as he stumbled in his pace. His hips stuttered as her hand smoothed up his chest and around his shoulder, raking her nails down his back through the fabric of his shirt. The stinging sensation of her nails on his skin was enough to send his nerves spiralling into euphoria as he cums in body wracking waves. His hips slow as he bucks shallow thrusts into her cunt with every rope of cum, gripping her tight in his grasp as he presses himself impossibly closer to her.
His heart races in his head, body numbing as his ears rang from the force of his orgasm. His eyes fall shut as he held her close, resting his weight into his forearm which pressed against the wall as he came down from his rush. Seph ran her hands soothingly along his back, scratching up his neck and through his hair as he regained himself. Slowly his eyes open, his body shifting as he lifted himself back upright to look at her, “God that was.. more intense than I expected.” He chuckles as his eyes focus on Seph’s flushed features. He notices how her hair has been messed up as her clothes were very much dishevelled and wrinkled. “We’re definitely not getting away with this one.” He grins sheepishly as one of his hands tried to straighten out her blouse, bringing it back over her shoulders to cover her chest.
Seph laughs, “I don’t think Nate needs to look at us to know what happened, he’ll know by how long we took.” She hummed, “His mistake to pair us up alone.” Seph smiles as Sam leaned down to kiss her lips. The kiss is loving and sweet as he shifts his hips to slowly pull out. Seph’s hips jerk involuntarily at the sudden stimulation making her gasp a whimper against his lips.
“Sorry.” Sam whispers into the kiss as he pecks her one last time before dropping her leg back down and tucking himself back into his pants. He takes a step back, checking Seph over and helping her reposition her clothes back in place along with her hair.
“Ugh, I feel dirty.” Seph whines half heartedly as she’s reminded about her squirt from earlier now combined with Sam’s cum slowly but surely leaking out of her. 
“Let’s go find you a bathroom, museum’s gotta have one right?” Sam proposed before slipping his hand into hers and pulling her along out of the alleyway.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Seph smirks but her embarrassed blush betrays her as she follows Sam’s footsteps, reminding him about the underwear he’d stolen from her.
“I said I’d give them back, besides you’d dirty them now.” He justifies as he looks back at her with a smirk of his own, growing cocky upon seeing her flustered state. “I promise I’ll give them back. If it’s any consolation, it’s kind of hot knowing you’re not wearing anything under there.” his smirk teases Seph as she slaps his shoulder lightly. Sam laughs, slowing as they reach the end of the alley, “Let’s just get you cleaned up first,” he says while looking around, checking for strangers before turning back to Seph, “and then maybe a round two?” He dares, his hands resting on her hips as he watches her hopefully.
“Lord, will your dick ever be satisfied?” She chuckles at his request.
“Around you? Never.” He replies confidently, pulling her in for another kiss.
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f1-birb · 2 years
I'm going to try to keep this as non-toxic as possible (you can even just delete it if you want), but reading the comments on the "Daniel saying goodbye at the MTC" post basically across all McLaren socials really just makes me glad this stint is over. I'm NOT celebrating Daniel losing his seat, I DON'T hate him, I obviously recognize he was/is talented even if that didn't translate to the McLaren car/potentially the new regs. But oh my god. It's a post specifically to celebrate DANIEL and HIS accomplishments during his time at McLaren, and still half the comments are about Lando or Andreas or Zak. "Still brought more to the team than Lando and did what Lando couldn't." (Which like ... lol. WHEN Lando gets a win, I'll sure as hell be celebrating him and his accomplishment instead of using it as a weapon to put down his teammate. I genuinely don't think, in more than a year now, I've seen a single one of his stans mention Monza specifically to build him up and showcase his talent so much as to pull Lando down). "Where's Lando/Andreas/Zak? Too important for Daniel?" (Uhh ... they see him quite literally EVERY race weekend, unlike the people doing a lot of behind the scenes work and preparation at the MTC? I am sure they will have some kind of celebration of Daniel at Abu Dhabi with the team members who regularly travel with them). "The car is undrivable! You need to fix it, not the drivers!" (If Lando was also around 35 points, I would wholeheartedly agree. Instead, he's best of the rest with more than double the amount of points his teammate has been able to earn. If it were a rookie or less experienced driver giving these performances, I'm sure there would have been more patience. But this is an experienced driver who demanded a large salary and isn't really giving the team much in exchange for it. They've been patient with him for two years, and if anything, this year was even worse and he just fell further behind the expectations of what he was brought to the team to do).
So, I'm going to do what a lot of people don't seem able to do and just say that even if his time at McLaren wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, I do recognize he left a lasting impact. I do acknowledge how meaningful his win was - both for him and for McLaren as a team. I wish him the best in whatever he decides to pursue next and sincerely hope it works out for him.
I will miss his presence within the team and his optimism and upbeat personality. I won't miss the toxicity that seems to come as a package deal with a large percentage of his fans. (This isn't to generalize all of his fans either. There are some non-toxic ones who recognize this partnership just didn't work out and don't continuously post hate about Daniel's team/teammate, and I am actually extremely sympathetic towards them and hope Daniel is able to find some sort of opportunity where he can shine so they're still able to see him, hopefully doing a little better and finding more happiness).
Let it all out!
I just tend to avoid comment sections at this point, same with reading through some tags on posts on here, and I deleted Twitter years ago and have ZERO intentions of getting it ever again
We both know those comments are all a crock of shit, your examples debunk them perfectly so I won't hash over them again, but I will just say that stats don't lie and that the points of one (1) win ≠ the points of several podiums, and you can guarantee the McLaren Unboxed for Abu Dhabi this year will make me sob
I have pretty much the exact same feelings as you, am I disappointed that Daniel didn't live up to the expectations both he and McLaren had? Obviously. I loved watching him while he was with RB and he had some really good drives at Renault, and because Lando's been my favourite since his F3 days, I was really looking forward to seeing them as teammates
And I have LOVED them as teammates, I think the Monza 1-2 was such a pivotal moment in their relationship and it was even more important for the team to have that moment
But some people have to remember that Daniel has been in the sport a long time, he's familiar with the way it works and how cut throat F1 can be (he was at RB ffs!!) and that he's fully aware this is a performance based sport - like any sport is! Football players get transferred all the time, people get dropped from teams all together, etc. And I don't think anyone can honestly sit there and tell me he's looked happy driving the MCL36 this year with the results he's gotten (though is anyone happy driving the MCL36??)
Unfortunately, Daniel brings a very large, very biased fan base with him, so whoever you put him with was going to get it in the neck, and when performance started to slip people weren't happy and jumped to attack anything they deemed as hurting Daniel, be that Lando, the team management, the team itself, and some people even if they aren't huge Ricciardo fans just can't keep Lando's name out their mouths despite claiming to hate him 🤷‍♀️
So yes, while I am incredibly sad to see Daniel go, and I hope he can re-centre himself and get back that spark (even if it doesn't end up being within F1) I can safely say I am NOT sad to see the back of some of his fan base
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manjuartx · 7 months
‼️Hey! before you enter my page, READ the RULES in this post.
‼️Here are my other platforms
🪦You can find me in the neighboring places⤵️🫀☀️
⛧ Instagram: @Manjuartx (I'm more active there!)
⛧ BlueSky: @Manjuartx.bsky.social
First of all, thank you for finding interest in my page and following me, but here are some rules for this account.
•You MUST be over the age of 19 to follow me, anyone without an age in their bio will be immediately blocked. And if your account seems suspicious, you'll be blocked. I'm not comfortable with minors trying to sneak their way into adult spaces just for nsfw art and shit.
•kinning any of my characters + kin tags is fucking PROHIBITED.
•PLEASE be respectful towards my art and Ocs. Repost/ Tracing/use of reference is PROHIBITED. And if you leave sexual/romantic comments towards my Oc's whether under a post or in DMs, you'll be blocked. I'm fine with the usual "(oc) is so cute!" Stuff but if you go "I'm going to make them mine" or "now draw (oc) naked or I will" I'm fucking blocking you. Some artists are okay with this but I'm not due to previous incidents where people took it way too far with my OCs over on Instagram.
• If the mention of trans/non-binary characters makes you uncomfortable, just block me. I will talk about transmasc pregnancy from time to time with certain oc's since they have children later on, if you're not comfortable, unfollow me. I don't want this stuff to be taboo as trans/non-binary folk already have it hard enough. (This ISN'T a fetish.)
• uhh if you like zelink/ganlink/or hylia please leave not a big fan lol. And I've dealt with some of the zelink shippers leaving certain comments under my posts over on instagram.
If the mention of Link/Fierce Deity being a gay man makes you uncomfortable, just block me I know most people aren't fans of this but I like it. It's like that last rule from before, I don't like a certain ship so I don't interact. If you don't like seeing Link x OC content, then don't interact.
•PLEASE DO NOT MISGENDER MY CHARACTERS. it may not seem like a big deal but their identities mean a bit more to me since I've poured all my time and effort onto them. Please don't do any of this on purpose. And please don't comment/ DM me saying "(oc) literally looks like a girl" and vice versa. I'll block you so fast.
•If you aren't a fan of CanonxOc shipping, don't follow me??? This is literally 90% of my content and what my page consists of.
•For the love of god. Do NOT rewrite my lore for my own Zelda Universe and do NOT try inserting yourself or Oc's into it. I've been working on my Zelda Universe for YEARS and have complex lore. If you try rewriting anything, inserting an OC in, or basically do anything with my OC, Eiji, and my version of Link with a rewritten story, I'm fucking blocking you. I've dealt with this on multiple occasions from different people in the past. I'm not dealing with it again.
•Everything I produce is 100% mine, please don't fucking steal/ trace my character's designs (clothes, markings, weapons, etc). I've had someone straight up copy and paste one of my OCs and it was pathetic as fuck.
•DM'S are welcome but if you bombard me with messages after messages and think we're best of friends after I've literally met you, I'm blocking you. I'm not dealing with these "friendships" again
•Do NOT dm me asking for free art. I am open for art trades (followers/mutuals only) or you can commission me when my slots are open.
•Please do NOT draw my characters without prior authorization. Most artists are fine with people drawing their OCs without permission but I like to be notified. Shoot me a DM and we'll talk there.
•If I give you permission to draw my characters, do NOT change anything. If you "fix" my art or genderbend my characters/ship, you're immediately banned. I don't fuck with that shit.
I'll make another post to add onto this when more stuff needs to be said. Thanks.
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zimithrus1 · 1 year
Tag Someone You Want To Get To Know Better (or check in with) 💚
Thank you so much for the tag @isleofair!! 💗💚
Favorite Color: 🎨 All things green really, but my particularly favorite shades of green are phthalo green, and also that dark lime you see when you shake up a bottle of green food coloring and hold it up to the sunlight when the liquid is going back down the bottle. Oddly specific I know 😂
Last Song: 🎧 That would be Starlight by Starset 🥰 I discovered Starset back with their first album but then kind of forgot about them until I heard this song and dove back in, now I own all the albums 😂
Last Movie: 🎥 The Creator was the last movie I watched. It was really cool, robots vs humans and the robots developed a super-weapon that's literally this lone child. Very cool, loved the way they told the story.
Currently Watching: ▶ Jujutsu Kaisen, watched the newest episode yesterday while eating dinner XD Once Spy x Family season 2 drops I will be watching that as well lol! 😆
Other Stuff I Watched This Year: 🍿 Good Omens, Elemental, uhh, lots of Disney movies and anime and a couple of other shows, you know XD Too many to think of an hour after waking up 😅😆
Shows I Dropped This Year: ⏸ I don't know if it was this year or last but I stopped watching Big Mouth. Kinda wanna pick it back up again but the direction just kept getting more and more different from the original basis of being a teen and experiencing the awkward dumb shit that comes with it and puberty lol We'll see.
Currently Reading: 📖 Nothing right now, but I really should jump on reading all of the Tiger & Bunny manga I bought back in February. I was so excited to get all the volumes I could (which was easier said than done holy crap it is not an easy series to find physical copies of in good condition lol) but now I'm like, I've had these books for half a year and I've only read 4 of them when there's 13 total 😅😅 And I have to stay my hand from trying to acquire the King of Works and any way to get my hands on the season 2 manga as well lol, cause I need to save money 😭
Anyway lol, that was really fun! Thank you again for the tag isle! 💚💚💗 Let's see, what have you guys been up to lately @up-sideand-down @secluded-delusions @prismaticpichu @enide-s-dear ? And no pressure if you don't feel up to it of course!! Take care of yourselves! 💚
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filiasyth · 3 years
BioShock ending WAS good and the story DID make me cry and YES I like Jack going against his programming and (in the good ending which is what I went for) adopting the little sisters because Found Family 😌❤️ but that Fontaine bossfight coulda been a bit more of... y'know. a boss fight
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kyodzuken · 4 years
boyfriend headcanons - soul evans
a/n; my soul evans inspired playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YntdhOZPg1wMzYBwymwWR?si=JnHvKUWRSKGghG_dDakXGA
- you and soul started off as friends
- you'd joined the dwma halfway through the year and immediately hit it off with liz and patty
- and inevitably the rest of the group
- you're shy; so seeing this big group of loud - and very talented - weapons and meisters threw you off a bit
- but don't judge a book by its cover bc they were acc vvv warm and welcoming
- 'any friend of liz and patty is a friend of ours!'
- your partner was the first to realize tbh
- you and the gang were playing basketball
- or rather you, patty and your partner sat and watched as the rest played basketball
- when they caught you staring at a certain white-haired weapon a lil too long
- and patty;; being the girl she is;;; brought it up instantly when your partner nudged her shoulder.
- '(y/n)-chan!!! i never took you as a lovey type!'
- you rolled your eyes and denied it
- but they knew
- and so did you
- that night,, maka invited everyone over
- and ofc luck was on your side
- and you were squeezed next to soul during the movie marathon
- and it didn't help your case when he put his arm behind you, resting it on the couch.
- you thanked god it was dark because liz would definitely bully you for how red you were lmfao
- you excused yourself to the bathroom
- nearly shat your pants bc ????? uh????? you were just next to ur crush???
- and he smelt rlly nice wtf y/n snap out of it
- so after composing urself and one too many splashes of water on ur face;;
- you exited the bathroom to see the group sitting down in a game of 7 minutes in heaven
- and you wanted to cry
- you either got stuck with death the kid, literally the worst dude in the entire group (blackstar), crona, or your crush.
- lose/lose situation,,, maybe except crona bc theyre a cutie
- and lowkey you were wishing you picked up a specific hairband
-  and u did lol hahahah
- so u were stuck in this small cramped closet
- and u were so deep in thought
- u barely heard when the poor boy called ur name
- ' uhh,, listen,, this is so uncool of me to say here but,, if you say no i'll just kick you out of my house.'
- jeez ok albino
- 'i like you.'
- you swore you stopped breathing
- wtfwtf????
- did he just???
- nawl
- 'uh... i like you too..' you muttered
- which ended with a 2 minute long makeout session
- his hands travelling somewhere they shouldn't
- before blackstar slammed open the closet doors
- exposing the two of you; lips puffy and hair messed up
- the teasing didn't stop for months lol
- but das okay bc deep down they knew yall were couple goals PLS
- soul has a playlist
- filled w bangers
- and everytime he's over and the playlist starts....
- whew heated makeout sesh
- he definitely has some led lights in his room
- set to red
- wink wonk
- he's the type of boyfriend to always have his hand around your waist
- and y'all are best friends doe
- cue maka getting jealous / mad bc soul started ignoring her lowkey<//3
- deserve
- ANYWAYS you guys are literal SOULmates (hehe)
- you have so many inside jokes
- the group is honestly surprised bc they didn't think you two would get along at first
- soul is the type of boyfriend to have sm memes on his phone
- like you'll text him the most specific scenario ever and he'd have a wendy williams meme for it
- and he teases u,, sure
- but it always comes from a good place yktfv
- soul is the type of boyfriend to hold ur head and give you forehead kisses
- he'd give the best hugs too
- he'd wrap his arms around your torso and place his chin ontop of your head
- whenever ur sad just text him a lil frown face
- he's at ur door in record time
- w takeout, some snacks he possibly stole from maka's stash, and his netflix password
- sometimes you guys just lie there
- basking in each other's presence
- u might hold hands but
- mostly just enjoying each other
- soft rnb or indie playing in the background (peep my soul inspired playlist juicyoh)
- soul isn't good at doing ur hair
- but he'd try
- stupid little braids while u two are watching a movie
- netflix and chill except yall acc chill
- like he literally falls asleep in ur arms awe
- and you'd sometimes ask to do makeup on him if u wear makeup
- put his hair back w a lil hairband as he mutters some shit like
- ' this is SO not cool '
- shut up white boy you love it
- expensive dinner dates are few and far between
- but thats just bc yall are not that kind of couple
- you'd rather just get takeout and watch a good comedy or horror
- you'd be the couple to start a youtube channel
- and it'd be acc funny content like,,
- people would subscribe for the couple and stay for the content
- once you did a fnaf lets play
- soul literally left halfway through bc he got scared
- cue the 'bestfriend vs girlfriend tag w/ maka and y/n'
- if ur a meister
- you've probably tried wielding soul in his weapon form
- let's say,, it didn't go too well,,, and now theres a big mark in a wall in the city
- you and soul would 100% play pranks on blackstar and death the kid
- especially death the kid
- with help from lizzy and patty you'd make the poor boy regret ever introducing you two
- but it's all in good fun and the black haired boy has gotten y'all back multiple times too
- soul loves it when you wear his clothes
- like just seeing u in his hoodie makes him ❤️ 💓 💕 💖 💓  💖💕 ❤️
- one of ur biggest pet peeves tho
- is hes constantly undermining his struggles
- and you sit him down like
- 'babe,, youre important to me,,, you need to tell me if somethings wrong okay???'
- baby bursts into tears
- you and maka are some of the only people he's open to.
- he'd definitely play you piano
- or teach you if you don't know how
- maybe you'll sing along a few times
- when you fight it's usually over silly things
- like maybe maka was being maka and he's stressed so he lashed out
- or you didn't kill the kishin you were meant to and got told off by lord death
- it always ends in apologies;; you two don't really let it get between you
- soul is the type to tuck ur hair behind your ear when making out
- or the type to give u hugs from behind
- like imagine omgomg
- you're just chilling in the hallways at the dwma
- talking to patty
- when soul just
- he just
- ugh hugs u from the back, his head on your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he kisses your cheek.
- cutie asf y'all r cute cute cute
- all in all
- he rlly does care ab you and you just
- "right back atcha babeyy!!"
- fr though
- y'all are bestfriends but also lovers
- goals af
- manifesting a relationship like that brb
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simp-4-kylo · 4 years
you don’t have to use this, but maybe a kylo fic where he wants to marry someone to be more like vader but doesn’t really expect to catch feelings for the reader but then he has like a whole realization moment and it’s just fluffy and sweet, idk sorry if that wasn’t very specific
It had to be you
Request: you don’t have to use this, but maybe a kylo fic where he wants to marry someone to be more like vader but doesn’t really expect to catch feelings for the reader but then he has like a whole realization moment and it’s just fluffy and sweet, idk sorry if that wasn’t very specific
Warnings: fluff. Kylo being a softie and lowkey liking it but also hating it at the same time, curse words, conflicted Kylo :( uhh not sure what else lol
Word Count: 1,456
A/N: Okay! I have been saving this request because I have been thinking about it a lot and also I am going to be starting a tag list. Please leave a comment or leave me an ask so I can know your @ and what you want to be tagged for ! Enjoy the stuff below <3
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The amount of women he had met in the last 24 hours was absurd none of them had met his expectations. They were all either too self absorbed or they had no idea what it was like to rule next to someone who holds as much power as Kylo does. He had wanted to marry someone so that he could be more like his grandfather, Vader. He looked up to him and wanted to continue his legacy and become even greater than he had been.
Kylo had never actually wanted to be in a relationship, he saw no need and being so romantically involved with someone would be a waste of his time. He needed not to love someone and look after someone else, and besides even if he had wanted to actually be in love. No one would actually love a monster like him, if he couldn’t even like himself how could someone else love him?
As he sat on the throne awaiting the last group of women, he thought of all the women he had seen and was deciding one which one wouldn’t be a pain in the ass. The sound of the throne room doors being opened pulled him from his head. He just glanced in the direction of the women that were standing in a line. Each one of them had tried to introduce themself and walk closer to Kylo, except that the Knights of Ren stepped forward stopping the women from approaching Kylo. All of them fought for his attention, because they all knew how powerful he was. Each one of them wanted a taste of the power and riches he held, there were also rumors going around the galaxy that he was human and had a stunning face.
Kylo just sat upon the throne giving each one of them a quick glance over and then moved onto the next one. He knew that this was all a waste of time and that maybe he would just become a failure and never be like Vader. His grandfather had actually loved his wife, Kylo had just wanted to marry just to be like him, not to actually find love.
His thoughts had stopped when he heard a female voice say I wish this would be over, yeah it would be cool to get to know him. He just looks so annoyed right now, jeez me too buddy. His face had a questioning look, he had heard someone speak but they weren’t talking outloud. His mind sparked at the thought of once of the women being strong with the force. He had decided to look around and see if he could figure out who it was without breaking into their minds.
His eyes darted around the throne room, looking each one of them in the eye. They had all just looked eager and annoying, except for the girl on the very end. She had been standing there just looking around the room and sighed, an audible display of boredom. Kylo grinned at the sight of her, she was pretty and she wanted out of this stupid meeting just as much as he had.
“Everyone leave except for the one on the end, you stay.” Kylo spoke up and as all the women grumbled and gave you annoyed looks, you stood there in shock. Kylo stood up from his spot on the throne and made his way down to you, he had motioned for the Knights to leave the room as well, they lowered their heads in respect and walked out.
“You are strong with the force, I heard you talking in my mind.” said Kylo,his voice being distorted by his mask. “I’m what now?” You had said as you moved your head to look up at the masked creature. He was a bit intimidating but he didn’t scare you, he just made you wonder if the rumors about him were true. Was he really human? Or was he some ugly creature and wore the mask to hide his face from the world.
“I am human, I’m not some creature.” He had said as he reached for the sides of his helmet. He pushed on the sides and with a hiss he lifted the mask off to reveal a human face. He was stunning, the most handsome thing you had ever seen in your life. The rumors were true and you were alive to tell the tale.
“Do you know how to use the force?” He had said in a deep voice, it was so different from the distorted one he had earlier. “The what?” You had said as you just kept staring at him in awe. “The force, you are strong with the force. Do you know how to use it? Yes or no, do not waste my time.” He had said as he swiftly turned around and made his way back towards the throne. “I’m not a force user, those people don’t even exist anymore.” You replied as you released a chuckle, hadn’t he known that all the Jedi were long gone?
“They are not all gone. I can use the force and so can you.” He had said as he reached his arm out towards you. You felt as if an invisible rope had wrapped around you and pulled your body closer to him. You were slightly freaked out but it interested you more. Kylo was looking at you as if he was analyzing every inch of you. “You are now mine, and I will now train you. You are the one I am to marry and you will become my apprentice.” He had said in a cold tone. You weren’t really sure what to say, no one had ever told you what you were and weren’t going to do.
“Two stormtroopers will take you to my quarters and get you some personal items. They will also bring you clothes to wear when I teach you how to fight and be one with the force.” he had said as he picked up a holopad and typed onto the screen. Minutes later two stormtroopers walked in to take you to his quarters. You were in utter shock at what had just happened, you were just told you were getting married and that you have the ability to use the force.
As the door shut behind the two troopers, Kylo had remained sitting on the throne. He had been going through different things and what he wanted to start training you in first. One little thought had made its way into his mind, he had felt something when he was near you. He thought you were pretty and that scared him, he did not want to fall for you. You were just to be his wife so that he could be like Vader, he didn’t need to be loved or need someone to love.
He leaned forward with both his elbows resting on his knees, he couldn’t fall in love with you. But the more he thought about you, the more his face grew hot and the more his entire body felt off. He felt a pull towards you and that scared him. You wouldn’t want to be with a monster like him, he had already ordered you to do things and used the force on you. He kept repeating in his head that this was just for the sake of the First Order, in order to fulfill his duties of Supreme Leader
He wanted to punch himself , he couldn’t think of you as another task to check off his list. Vader had loved his significant other, so why shouldn’t he? Kylo grumbled in response to the conflicting thoughts racing through his head. He wanted to get to know you , but he was afraid he had already scared you off.
He ran his gloved hands through his hair , part of him wanted to take his TIE Silencer and fly off this floating hunk of metal and go and grab some beautiful flowers. Kylo released a low growl, reaching to his hip and unclipling his saber from his belt. He ignited his weapon and stood up from his throne. He turned around and started slashing at the throne, cutting the entire thing into nothing but rubble. He was panting like a dog, his shoulders moving up and down at a fast rate.
That was Ben Solo inside of him, he remembered he was always so awkward around girls. Except that Ben Solo was gone, he had suppressed that version of him, the weak version of him. Kylo approached the throne room doors. Not knowing which side of him would take control, was Ben Solo really alive somewhere deep within him?
interested in a part 2? Let me know! Thanks for reading! Requests are open but posting might be slow!
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reachfolk · 3 years
For the writing prompt, let's go with ruin.
request: alexandria silver-blood + "ruins" (elder scrolls writing prompts — OPEN)
summary: Alexandria's teaching methods may not be conventional nor are they always pleasant, but Lucien can't deny their effectiveness.
tags: fluff, lucien flavius, canon-typical violence, alex and lucien are still pretty new as companions so he's still Baby, lexi is an arguably good teacher, not proofread bc it turned out so long lol
warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
ao3 link: [tough love]
author's notes: for those that don't know, lucien is a modded follower who starts as a wimpy little imperial scholar and you train him to get better at combat. this was SO much fun to write, i feel like it really shows some of my fav things about lexi and her dynamic with lucien! thank u so much for the request dearie <3
The door to the old nordic tomb was jammed after what must have been centuries without being opened, but with a heavy shove, Alexandria was able to force them to give. As soon as they swung open, the smell of decay and rot overwhelmed Lucien's senses, and he found himself struggling to hold down that morning's breakfast.
Alexandria, on the other hand, had no such qualms. Instead, she took a deep breath and smiled at the smell. "Ah, I love these old tombs. You can just feel Lady Namira's influence in the air. Makes the eyes water though, doesn't it? Or maybe that's just the dust." She fanned her face, letting her eyes dry out for a moment before readying her sword in one hand and a simple Firebolt spell in the other. "You ready?"
"Uhh," Lucien hesitated. "Do I have a choice?"
"Nope!" With that, she pushed him through the doors, and he nearly toppled over. "You'll be taking the lead this time, alright?"
"What?! Me?!" He sputtered. "Are you sure that's a good idea? No, don't answer that. It isn't a good idea whatsoever."
Alexandria didn't seem to share a single one of his concerns as she placed a hand on his back and pushed him deeper into the old ruins. "It's a chance to practice sneaking and to test out that Turn Undead spell. Two birds with one stone, as they say."
"I only learned that spell last night. Who's to say it'll even work? Don't you think the stakes are a little too high?"
"Of course they are," she said in her usual, all too cheery tone of voice. "You're not going to learn anything by staying firmly in your comfort zone. Besides, don't you trust me to keep you safe?"
It was certainly a good question. In spite of how she presented herself, Alexandria was a difficult person to read. While he often did appreciate her optimistic attitude (it was certainly an improvement over the glum nature of most of Skyrim's citizens), there were more than a few moments where it almost felt like she enjoyed tormenting him. This wouldn't be the first time she pushed him beyond his limits; ever since she started training him, she seemed to make a game of torturing him and justifying it with reasons such as, "You need to learn to take a hit," or "You've got to get out of your own head." And, well... he wanted to trust her methods, but she make it quite difficult.
"If you take any longer to answer, it's going to hurt my feelings, you know."
"N-no, I don't mean to imply anything bad!" Lucien sputtered. "I'm just nervous, is all. You've been a wonderful guard and I don't mean to offend you in any—"
His ramblings were interrupted by her bursting into laughter, and the sound echoed throughout the chamber. He felt a brief panic, but it seems the sound didn't reverberate far enough into the ruins to alarm any draugr. Alexi, it seems, didn't share his worries at all.
"Calm down, will you? I was joking!" She chuckled. "Believe me, no one understands anxiety better than I do. But that doesn't mean I'll allow you to let it control your life."
Lucien had a hard time believing she of all people, in all her confidence and self-assuredness, could relate, but her words were a comfort nonetheless. "Right," he replied, letting her words sink in. He took a deep breath to calm himself, then firmly regretted it as the stench of death filled his lungs.
Alexi chuckled again at him and patted his arm. "You'll get used to it."
"I really don't want to," he said, but readied his spells nonetheless.
The pair made their way through the old ruin, crouched low and sticking to the shadows, just as Alexandria taught him. The muffle spell she cast helped them stay quiet and made it easy to make out the sound of draugr footsteps farther into the depths of the tomb.
Lucien stopped in the middle of the hallway they were crouched in and leaned his head around the bend, leading into a larger chasm. Two draugr patrolled the area, moving in circles around the perimeter.
Alexi leaned back on her haunches and whispered, "So, what's the plan, boss?"
It was strange, the way their roles were swapped. "Uhm," Lucien thought back to what Alexandria did the last time they were in this kind of situation. "Wait until they wander to opposite sides of the room, out of each other's sight, and shoot them down one at a time."
"Okay," Alexandria said simply, but the minimal response was enough to send Lucien doubting himself.
"Is that not a good plan?" He asked, unsure.
"Huh? I never said that. I told you, you're the boss here! I'm just following your lead."
"Right," Lucien muttered. "Right. Uh, I just... need to be more sure of myself."
Alexi didn't respond beyond glancing around the corner, watching the draugr.
"Right?" Lucien asked.
This time, she simply chuckled. "Dearie, how are you not realizing the irony? You're still asking for my approval. It's a good plan. Now go ahead before you start getting in your head again."
Unfortunately, his doubts already took root and refused to budge. Even as he drew his bow and had it aimed at the target, he found himself frozen in place.
After the second opening he missed due to his own hesitation, Alexandria leaned over his shoulder and whispered, "Can I give you some advice?"
"Please do."
She grabbed him by the neck not unlike one would grab a housecat, dragged him up from where he was crouched, and tossed him into the open chamber with the two draugr. As he yelped in surprise, the two draugr turned at the sound and drew their weapons.
The rational response was for Lucien to be angry at her for being so cruel, but in the moment, it was all he could do to bash his bow against the draugr that rushed at him with a greatsword. The attack staggered the enemy and interrupted her mid-swing, giving Lucien enough time to switch out his longbow for a sword and spell.
Just as the zombie had regained balance, Lucien took a swing, putting all his might behind it. It wasn't enough to bring her down, but as the sword connected with her shoulder, the two-handed sword she carried fell from her grasp. He used the chance to shoot a Firebolt spell at her, which sent her flying backwards, unmoving.
Before he could celebrate his victory, an arrow whooshed past his face, just barely grazing his skin and taking a few of his hairs with it. It would've sent his heart racing if the poor muscle wasn't already working at full capacity.
He turned his head to the archer, who already had nocked another arrow and shot it in his direction. He just barely managed to dodge by side stepping behind a column. There was no way he could rush at the archer with his sword, and he was clearly outmatched with a bow. Should he just try to pelt it with Firebolts, or—
Suddenly, he remembered the new spell he'd just learned the night before. It was a risk trying it now of all times, but the adrenaline rushing in his veins made it difficult to rationalize it too much. He charged the spell, then ducked out from behind the other side of the column and cast it before the draugr could even release the arrow it had readied.
The second the spell hit, the draugr immediately pulled its arrow back and turned it's back, running in the opposite direction in the signature awkward steps that all draugr take. Now that the threat of being pelted with arrows was gone, Lucien rushed at the creature and grabbed it by the back of its thin, wiry hair. He stabbed his sword through its back with enough force that it jutted out of its chest. When the creature stopped moving, he released his grip on it and let its limp body fall to the ground.
It took him several seconds to catch his breath. When his heart rate finally returned to normal, a high-pitched squeal broke through the calmness and spiked it once again. Thankfully, he realized quickly enough, it was only Alexandria excitedly cheering for him.
"Good job, Lucien!" She applauded, rushing towards him from where she watched. "Oh, I knew you could handle it!"
"I... I did! Didn't I?" It was still hard to believe he could manage in a battle with her support, so to win two-against-one was inconceivable to him.
"Obviously," she laughed, giving him a playful shove. "See what you can do when you stop freaking out? When you don't have time to doubt yourself, your real skill shows."
He couldn't help but join her in the laughter as the reality of his accomplishment dawned on him. "Does this mean I'm now a proper adventurer? I never thought I had it in me!" He puffed out his chest proudly, beaming at his companion.
"I'm well aware of that. That's always been your biggest problem," she said. "Lucien, you've gotten so used to thinking of yourself as some weak little milk-drinker that no matter how much I trained you, you refused to recognize your own progress. I needed to do something to get it through your head."
"Not to imply that I'm not grateful, because I truly am," he replied, "but was throwing me to the draugr really the only thing you could think of?"
She gave a shrug. "It's how I was taught. Well, for me it was sabre cats. And fire. Oh, and also flowers, but that one's less exciting. And plenty of harsh lessons, really. How do you think I got these scars?" To prove her point, she lifted up both arms, showcasing a large array of scars, burns, and calluses that she'd acquired over the years. They moved down throughout her body, displayed for all to see under her Forsworn armor. The injuries had accumulated so much that it was hard to tell one from the other, let alone deduce what had caused them.
Lucien was curious about it since the day they'd met, but it felt rude to ask. But seeing as she brought up the matter herself, and she didn't seem to have any discomfort talking about it, he found himself asking, "What actually happened?"
"Oh, what didn't happen?" She chuckled. Pointing at the rough shape of a bite mark on her right arm, she explained, "I got this one when Auntie Ursula wanted me to get sabre cat teeth because I'd used up her entire supply when making potions. She wanted to teach me a lesson about recognizing alchemy as more than just mixing things together. Respecting the ingredients the land blesses us with, and honoring the Hunt as a crucial part of the life of an alchemist."
She then pointed to the burn marks along her palms and fingers. "I got these when Mother Helle was training me in Destruction magic. A lot of mages hesitate to progress their knowledge of the arcane arts, so she often pushed us to lean into the pain rather than fear it. Learning advanced fire-based spells results in plenty of injuries, but I couldn't have learned them if I didn't stop being scared of getting burned. After getting lit on fire a few times, it stops being so scary. And, more importantly, you learn to control it better."
"What about the flowers?" he asked.
She held up her fingers and wiggled them a bit. They were rough and calloused, and the state of them made him wonder how she could even comfortably hold a weapon. "These were the first scars I ever got. When I first started working as Auntie Bothela's assistant—I think it was shortly after my tenth winter, she made me dethorn every single flower that was in stock at the store until my hands bled. Then she made me use those same flowers to make a health potion to cure the cuts, and then I'd start over. I wasn't so good at it in the beginning, so my skin didn't end up healing very well. But once most of the skin was scarred, it stops hurting, and it helps when working with more advanced recipes."
"That sounds... quite harsh," Lucien observed. It was odd how she described such unpleasant experiences with a bright smile, as though they were treasured memories.
"All my teachers were Reachfolk, and usually followers of Lord Hircine," she explained. "It's part of his teachings—to suffer is to learn and all that. It's not exactly the nicest way to teach, but I always found it... kind, in its own way. They were with me through every step of the way. There was never a moment of my training that I felt alone or lost."
Then, her voice grew softer, a kind of uncertainty he hadn't seen in her before. "I hope I've been that kind of teacher to you. It may not always be easy, but I wouldn't put you in any situation that I don't trust you to handle, even if you may not always trust yourself as much. And, well... I know you're still making up your mind, but I do consider you a friend. I want the best for you."
The confession made Lucien's heart swell, and he wondered how on Nirn he ever doubted her intentions. And, after today, he couldn't doubt her results. "You have been," he said. "I'm glad to have you by my side, friend."
Her eyes lit up at his words, and the sight was reminiscent of that of an excited puppy. "Me too!" she said, her voice back to its cheery tone.
With that, Lucien drew his sword again and gestured to the path leading deeper into the ruins. "So, are you ready to press on?"
She gave a salute and followed his lead, drawing her own sword. "Sure thing, boss!"
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lints41 · 4 years
post-botw headcanons
i am just rambling under the cut. there is so much.
FIRST OFF: i feel like link will be more lighthearted, now? meanwhile zelda is incredibly serious. i feel this way because link has lowkey been alive for like... months? generally? it depends? more or less? and that whole time has been just. relearning/remembering his best friend and wanting her to be safe and doing everything in hopes of getting to her and hearing her and all that, the WHOLE TIME, and NOW... she’s safe!! and alive!! and physically with him!! and they just defeated a giant disgusting screaming glob of hate and LIVED! and now it’s over! finally holy fuck!! meanwhile zelda is seeing all of the destruction of her kingdom at once again. um so i feel like at least for a while he’d be like... Let me show you around! Let me show you my friends! Check out all of these Koroks! Meet Sidon! Come see Terry Town!! It’s all beautiful!! and she’s like “omg yes yes... ok ok real quick...” and he’d be like Look guys isn’t she beautiful!! and she’s like “OKOK *GRABS HIS HANDS* ALRIGHHT” anyway yeah
i want zelda to live with link in hateno village. okay?? OKAY??? where else is she going to go. and listen she would LOVE that freedom, at least i imagine she should. she wears link’s old hylian clothes as pajamas and sleeps in his bed while he sleeps on the floor (his decision) until he convinces bolson to make him a bed. and bolson’s like YOU FOUND THE ONE??? OF COURSE I WILL SUPPORT TRUE LOVE and link’s like N- Um nono Uh- and bolson’s like I KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT LET’S GO KARSON 
zelda cannot sleep. she always wakes up in the middle of the night and either goes downstairs and covers the dining table with books and wakes link up with her light/her talking to herself. and link’s like Hewwo? and she’s like “im sorry go back to sleep!!” Or she leaves at night because she wants to go for a walk and clear her head. and at first link was like. worried and looking for her and then just waited outside all night for her to come home. she’s like “don’t wait for me. i am a grown woman i can be out on my own, its the safest its ever been” and hes like. MMMMMMm and then respects her and stays home n just worries about her when he tries to sleep
zelda cut her OWN hair. chopped it off. link sees it the next day or something and she doesn’t bring it up she’s just like “you ready to start the day??” and he’s like ... :-) Yes.
OK. BIG ONE. LINK TRAINS HER. FOR SURE. OK?? she’s like “link my powers are growing weaker and i’ve never been able to rely on them, PLS train me.” and he’s like You sure?? and she’s ilke “Yes.” and he’s like OK!! and then they start training together every morning. she sets up the schedule like “ok we’re gonna get up at 6am and run and then do sword practice for this long and bow practice for this long and blah blah blah” and he’s like Oh god. Okay. she’s very bad at first. she’s like “it can’t be that hard, i suppose we’ll have to spend a month or so on each weapon before i can be confident....” and then the swords are heavy and the bows are tight and she’s like DAMN IT and gets very frustrated. throws the bow on the ground and goes inside and link gives her space n stays outside. but she slowly gets better and training is a Huge bonding thing for them and it’s great. and she gets more confident because having that Physical Power that she can rely on is SO much better to her than her other power. so she’s happier and stronger and healthier and more playful and relaxed and it’s great (this is an advertisement for working out)
ok that’s the main stuff. now i will go into more specific, silly stuff. 
they eat dinner together when they can. they eat at the dinner table and link LOVES seeing her on the other side and glowing while she eats and he’s like :-) <3 and also, since he uses his hands, it doesn’t matter HOW MUCH food is shoved in his mouth, he can always speak and he gets hyped up and silly with her so he’s like SIGNSIGNSIGNSIGN and she’s like HAHAHASLOW DOWN (good happy times.)
the children LOOOOVE ZELDA. she’s a PRINCESS!! she sits and tells them stories and they follow her around and the girls want to be with her all the time. she’s nervous around kids though and is unsure of the attention, especially at first, so she’s like UHH HAHA YESYES... UM GO PLAY WITH LINK... OK... but eventually she’s like... i have the power to give these kids the childhood i never had .... and then starts doing her best to give them attention and show them love LINK is GREAT with the kids. all the kids love link too for different reasons he runs around and plays tag with them and watches them cook and cheers them on and gives them piggy back rides. i have an image of him with a blue flame (if you’ve never gone through town with a blue torch in hand then please do) and theres a kid on his shoulder and one clinging to his leg and two jumping at his feet. very cute. and he loves them, he loves making them laugh and teaching them sign and hearing their stories and all that. i think it’s classic for links to be good with kids.
i want them to be able to travel from shrine to shrine while holding hands or something. and he does it with her without thinking... grabs her hand and pulls out the sheikah slate like Why Walk? and she’s like “huh? HUH???” and they show up at another shrine and she’s like WHAT??? WHAT. WHAT and then researches it forever
also i imagine him being bad at spelling (of course) and i also headcanon that he doesn’t speak So. i imagine that like... ok. for example:
zelda: “did you see anything? before you.. died?” link: I can’t remember... zelda: “oh i’m sorry i don’t know that sign...” link: ! R-E-M-B-E-R zelda: ............R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R....? link: No, like... *imitates remembering* Remember. R-E-M-B-E-R. zelda: .........”link i think you mean reMEMber?” link: ? .......................Oh god OK i think that’s all i’ve got right now. lol. if you read this then thank you
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rawrroarart · 4 years
Diakko!Odyssey AU
Most recent update: 8/28/2020 I added the comic of them meeting and also wrote a little snippet under the Diakko section
Welcome all. This post will officially be my master post of the Odyssey AU which will be updated as time moves forward so that I can link all of my related art to it. Yes I will not be posting multiple separate Updates in text posts how it’s traditionally done, but instead there will be information with each art and then a link back to this post. This is to avoid clutter since I hardly post on this blog anyway so it wouldn’t be fun having to scroll through all of my “OH ALSO THIS HAPPENS!” to get to art. Also I keep changing my mind on a lot of things in the AU so disregard information under the arts anyway as I will be posting here what is actually relevant.
Another key thing: I will be avoiding spoilers as much as possible until they are either shown in art or stated explicitly like I do in posts because I am the absolute worst at surprises. But anyway fear not for spoilers. Things said here are things that should be hinted at/known already. (and also I hardly know anything but maybe I will in due time)
Without further ado..
What is the Odyssey AU?
The odyssey au is an alternative universe combining both Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Little Witch Academia into this (very random) adventuring story that takes place in ancient Greece. I guess I can’t say that it’s random since one of my favorite things about both ACO and LWA is the ties/references to mythology with the former obviously more rooted in the mythology and the latter just fun easter egg references. 
The general premise is that Diana is a misthios(mercenary) who travels with Akko, a shapeshifter, across Greece to find the answers pertaining to her origin.
The first art post: Diana and Akkoros
While living her life as a misthios, Diana searches for the answers pertaining to her origin and superhuman (described as “magical”) abilities along with Shapeshifter Atsuko, who commonly uses her powers for flight, but is not shy to switch to animals more suited for combat.
But I don’t know what Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is?
That’s fair and understandable. Honestly my AU diverges a lot from the game so I don’t think knowledge of ACO is exactly necessary it’s just fun to understand the connections if you know them. Basically the key things you need to know from ACO as of now is: 
Kassandra (the protag) is known as the Eagle Bearer because she has an eagle that is known as the “eagle of Zeus” throughout the game. And they adventure together and Ikaros (the eagle) can hunt n kill things and See things and tbh he’s rly just a cool eagle but not a shapeshifter or anything lol
Kassandra is a Mercenary (misthios) which is basically a for Hire fighter/person who will p much do anything for money (if they want to do it) 
Kassandra is usually referred to a demi-god because of her powerful fighting abilities in which I mean yea she literally has powers and can blast people like a billion miles away (im jk but-)
Kassandra can tame animals (which ones depending on your skill level). You can tame uhh wolves, lynx, leopards, lions, bears. This is where my ‘shapeshifter’ idea began and it pretty much fit perfectly since Akko’s favorite spell is the shapeshifting one. 
Other than this, the most important things to know for this AU is just,, general mythology,, I guess? Or history? General history of mythology and how people worshipped/acted in accordance to the gods. And I’m not saying im going to be historically accurate obviously, nor even mythologically accurate (if that’s even a thing lol), I’m just here to have a good time and enjoy my gay mercenaries while talking about gods/goddesses as if I even know (thankfully I have my gf who is way more interested in mythology than me to help me)
I’ve only played like half of the Atlantis DLC after beating the game so whoopsie. I honestly really wanna replay everything now that I have this AU just so I can focus more on details and what I can yoink.
Diana’s sketch-dump though she really needs a new one.
Diana in wheat field
Diana is the main protagonist of the story, but they pretty much both share the spotlight anyway. Her goal is to find out why she has certain powers (which I have officially decided, finally...) that aren’t exactly human. Since being a misthios was an easy way for her to travel and make drachmae, she chooses to do it while on their journey. Dammit I came up with her lore but as per the rules of this masterpost I can’t write about it until it’s out smh.. Ah I forgot that I already spilled that she is a goddess/demi-goddess (haven’t decided which yet) so yea that’s the Tea.
Described as very beautiful, there are rumors of her that state she is a pathway to Elysium (despite many people not deserving to go to Elysium). She is also known for her stoic face and a red bird that follows her around.
Diana is only found smiling with Akko and keeps buying Akko clothes despite her outer grievances each time Akko destroys something.
Diana was there with her mother at Chariot’s speech/performance.
Diana is skilled with any weapon.
Akko sketch-dump
Akko is a shapeshifter who travels with Diana across Greece in search for her idolized Chariot. Trusting both Diana’s skills and powers, Akko decides that Diana is the best choice to help achieve her goal as they adventure together.
Orphaned at a young age, Akko is, at first, very unfamiliar with how exactly to use her powers because there was no one around to teach her. She uses a bird most often because it is her first and most skilled transformation, but eventually learns to use stronger animals over time. Also eagle-vision is much more useful to Diana when they’re scoping the grounds anyway.
Like all shapeshifters, Akko has a symbol on her neck that signifies what she is. Due to the high prejudice against shapeshifters, Akko stays an animal to avoid being known, and also does not transform in front of others unless to kill them. If she has to be a human, Akko commonly wears a hood to hide her neck. 
Akko is one of the last shapeshifters to exist, and, despite Chariot being rumored to have finally been murdered, she still believes Chariot is alive. 
Akko was with her parents when they all attended Chariot’s final speech/show and here began her dream.
Akko can use a dagger if she needs to.
Akko’s Parents: Shapeshifters who were murdered when Akko was a young age.
Chariot: A shapeshifter who somehow had a voice and power that even normal people listened to. Akko idolizes Chariot because, despite the hate against shapeshifters, Chariot was well known and was an activist for shapeshifters despite the danger upon her head. Chariot mysteriously disappears one day for reasons unknown, and everyone but Akko assumes she was finally murdered.
Shapeshifters are defined as humans who possess the ability to transform to any animal at will. Unfortunately, because animals were seen as less than human, shapeshifters were defined as “punished by the gods” and so many decided shapeshifters needed to be removed from the world for sin. This causes a massacre of shapeshifters to the point that they are instead a rarity.
Shapeshifters do not transform with their clothes, and so either destroy them or lose them depending on their transformation.
All shapeshifters have a symbol on their neck which is what is used to find them. They can also be found by their human personalities/characteristics when they are an animal. 
If weakened, shapeshifters return to their human form and cannot transform until they are stronger.
Meeting (Comes with a 500 word story!)
Misthios!Diana and Shapeshifter!Akko Sketch-dump
Diana and Bear!Akko
Fancy Diakko (the first continuity error lol)
Diana and Akko adventure together and do all of their quests together as a rag-tag chaotic duo. God I’m so excited for this section I wish I could make art FASTER but anyway:
They meet at about 17 years old but the main story takes place when they are 18+
The two get off to a wrong start when Diana saves Akko’s life. Because Akko is a shapeshifter, she’s high in value to kill probably by some cult idk but there is always a bounty on her head. When Diana saves her, Akko assumes Diana only did so to steal the drachmae from the original perpetrators, but Diana really just leaves her alone afterwards. Confused, Akko legit just starts tagging along LMAO she finds Diana interesting and so follows her and Diana’s just like what the fuck but eventually she gets over it. They become powerful assets to each other as Diana can now scope the skies with Akko and Akko is pretty much protected under Diana. Then when Akko gets much stronger Diana gets extra manpower and protection too. 
Akko enjoys staying in her human form to spend time with Diana.
Diana keeps buying Akko clothes just because it makes Akko happy (and also, despite Akko uncaring because her transformations are so frequent anyway, Diana doesn’t want her to be naked??)
Diana is easily persuaded by Akko and puts Akko’s interests first (feeds her first, considers what Akko would want, etc.)
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