#sry for being insane
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
A lot of people seem to not like the manga as a starting point but its what hooked me. I saw will stetsons lost time memory and I was like "what???" "thats it???" and found the rest with my brother at like 2am. the mangas slow fun pace that is instantly cut off by horror is fun, the flashbacks are great characterization.... the only part i didn't like was the dissonance between Harutaka in mangaroute1 and mangaroute2.
it was a bit confusing. anyway do you prefer the anime or manga's version of takane as she seems to be your favorite character. (for me its gotta be the manga, the anime just did not do it)
the manga is what hooked me too! back in january 2014, there was tiny vinnie binging all the songs and what was available of the manga at the time in just one day...
i think the reason ppl dont recommend the manga as a starting point is the second manga route. personally, i recommend the manga as a starting point but only until volume 4 after the route we start with is over. and then i'd come back to second manga route when im done with everything else!! my kagepro recommendation is 1. songs 2. manga until everyone dies lol 3. novels 4. finish the manga 5. anime.
the thing with the manga is that it doesnt rly go into what the normal route is for very long. we keep saying second manga route but its like, idk MOST of the manga is that route.
i do like the manga for the same reasons as u, but sometimes im a little eh bc of mahiro sato's obvious knkd shipping and stuff lol. and i did write a whole bigass answer abt why i hate what happens to takane's character in haruka's arc in the second route. otherwise i dont mind the difference all that much. and i love her as ene in the rest of it. its just a few things that drive me crazy ok ill just link the post lol sorry i just have. um. strong feelings.
OK UR ACTUAL QUESTION hmmmmm well yea i'd say the manga or novels. i get what u say abt the anime but truly the anime did not do it for any of them LOLL there was barely any time for anything let alone good characterisation. like come on there's 11 main characters and 12 twenty four minute long episodes. wdym u dont like anime takane she was there for like (checks) 40 or 50 min in total?
takane is incredibly sidelined in the anime much like everyone else cuz. lol. AGAIN. kagepro is not somehting u can fit in a 12 ep long anime. yuukei yesterday in the manga and novels goes a lot more in depth about takanes personality and relationship to haruka. not to mention they put kano's little Disguising Myself As Someone Dear To You That You Have Regrets About on her instead of shintaro which was crazy. to me that did so much damage to kano's character. i wouldnt call myself a kano expert bc he's an insanely complicated character to tackle LMAO but... i dont know. i just dont think he would do that to ene. shintaro is one thing, we all know kano's little thing abt shintaro, but ene?? its like, he does that to her BECAUSE of the thing with shintaro. kano's pissed and frustrated at everyone moving on while he's stuck behind and ESPECIALLY at shintaro and takes it out on ene for being the main reason why shintaro is moving on. its a little unfair. i dont think kano would be THAT disconnected to do that. not to mention when he pulls that trick on shintaro he isnt half as harsh as he is on ene!! he just kinda spooks him (tho ofc thats enough to send shintaro spiraling LOL) while to ene he's like YOURE THE WORST FUCK YOU and then the way ene kinda laughs it off after also pisses me off LOL yeah kano could do this im not saying its COMPLETELY ooc but he would be in an incredibly despaired rock bottom moment and he'd be super apologetic about it later. post str kano and takane friendship *holds head*
and if you read the novels and kano's feelings and thoughts over takane it makes me sad that's what they chose to do in the anime bc in the novels kano regards takane as someone he's jealous of bc of how confident she is and "her ability to doubt people" and how he thinks they're similar ppl. like we rly dont give enough credit that TAKANE is the first person kano ever opens up to in his life. he even says the conversation they have might as well be the first conversation he's ever had with anyone, and they both head out to the hideout being the ones who have to admit something to the people dear to them (kano the whole clearing eyes thing to kido, takane the ene thing to shintaro) and its not for no reason!!! kano sees something in takane. he knows theyre similar, but at the same time he is jealous. that together sounds a little like he wishes he could be more like her. OUGH. and how they just chose to translate that whole thing into kano being awful to ene and berating her for trying to save shintaro is soooo fucked up. it bothers me so much. #notmykano
WHY AM I TALKING ABT KANO THIS IS ABOUT TAKANE. OK i was driving my point abt how the anime isnt a good judging point to any of the characters LMAO and i guess i wouldnt be able to tell u which "version" of takane i like best, or anyone for that matter. to me all medias are the same version of the same character. im in too deep all of them. the takane that almost kills kenjirou for outing her as lightning dancer ene is the same takane who admits it by herself. idk. guess its a good question but i dont have a good answer. thats also why i hate second manga route takane bc she does shit i dont think she'd do and it pisses me off LOL
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waffelteufel · 1 year
What did Karlach look like datamined?
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She used to have a hooked nose and a heavily scarred warrior face. Her face shape is now much rounder and they made her look way younger - the textures overall look very generic now. As an enjoyer of rough lookin older women, which are very scarce in videogames as it is, I am sad lmao. I will definitely install a mod that restores her old face the moment someone releases one 🥲
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uzi-x33 · 7 days
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school thing😋😋 chat when i tell you the girls at my school r soooo icky, like girl why are you shit talking me like I can’t hear you and see ur ugly ass side glances💀
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Theres nothing more i love to read than Tommy’s first crush being Sal to the point he would do anything for an ounce of his attention that slowly broke his heart but he was desperate to feel any love and would put up with Sal being an asshole and never reciprocating his feelings. Like mmm thats the good shit. (Im totally not projecting lols)
I love that its not just Evan thats learning to be loved and wanted, its Tommy too i just love that vulnerability *chefs kiss*
more hc in the tags
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sarioh · 2 years
wind back the clock, 16.7k words. featuring last life, hermitcraft, mindcrack, and more. for @bellshazes Summary: Bdubs finds Etho living in his basement in the Monolith after almost a year of unexplained absence. Then, the world ends and a new one starts. (Or: Bdubs slowly loses his mind as he meets Etho over and over again in a series of confusing, and unsettlingly real, dreams.)
hi. i started writing this over 8 months ago and figured i might as well publish it before the new season of the life series drops. it's an action-fueled dive into the complicated history of ethubs across various lives and worlds, through loyalty and heartbreak and chronically unfinished horse courses. aka the culmination of many years of watching and thinking about etho and bdubs way too much. inspired by everything everywhere all at once. enjoy👍
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katbam · 2 months
Using all my brain power to telepathically tell pokemas staff to add faba dont worry guys im on it
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zombiepatch · 1 month
boxed up All my old osomatsu san figures. nature (my bedroom) is healing.
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obrother1976 · 11 months
as one of the foremost grooming scholars, do you have any thoughts on sansa stark and petyr baelish?
got my copies of asoif, affc & asos out for this.
first off, their first meeting...
“Your mother was my queen of beauty once,” the man said quietly. His breath smelled of mint. “You have her hair.” His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked one auburn lock. Quite abruptly he turned and walked away.
and in affc
He was Petyr, her protector, warm and funny and gentle … but he was also Littlefinger, the lord she’d known at King’s Landing, smiling slyly and stroking his beard as he whispered in Queen Cersei’s ear.
and then all of those scenes in asos of course
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and of course when lysa tried to kill her
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and who could forget about this.
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the fact that she will always be her mother to him - doomed by her birth alone; the fact that she has nowhere else to go - but also that he genuinely helps her and cares for her; mistress, daughter & victim; anais nin "it's scandalous to have such a young father" - "they will take you for my mistress. it will be delightful"; light of my life fire of my loins... dolores v. lolita, sansa v. alayne; silk by wolf alice just looking for a protector god never reached out in time
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trlblzd · 3 months
i need to play more of the adventure quests because the amount stuff that happens there that are insane is crazy. not to mention the amount of tragedies that occur. i just need to get my brain to focus whenever the scene is not voiced
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basiltonpitch · 2 years
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"It's Hawkins. I'm It's not the same without you."
"I El needs you, and I she always will."
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vapemaster42069 · 2 years
Part 1 (you are here!) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
“He’s been really into… rare grasses. Recently,” Scar sighed fondly, “I don’t know what’s gotten him into it, but he’s been trying to find this specific kind of grass for the last few months. Some kind of– I think– like, tall grass,” 
Pearl looked at him, perplexed. “Tall… grass.”
“Tall grass.” He glanced over to Grian, who was squatting over a patch of particularly-interesting moss, his round glasses slipping dangerously low towards the tip of his nose. “I don’t really get it, but he’s excited about it so I’m excited too.”
Grian glanced up, sitting back on his heels. He pushed up his glasses, ignoring the single cracked lens from a run-in with a pillager group a few days before. He held up a stone covered in little clovers and a squat patch of moss. “Grass!”
Scar shot him a thumbs-up and a grin, throwing an arm around Pearl, his armor clanking against hers. “Grass! You got it, buddy!”
“What’s this about grass? Has he found it?” Impulse called, returning to their rendezvous point from the nearby village, arms laden bags of bread and other supplies. One hand loosely gripped the reigns of his horse as he spun, coming to a neat stop with a dramatic flick of his hair. His horse mimicked the motion, tossing his head with a smug look in his eyes.
Scar rolled his eyes at the theatrics. “I was just telling our dear friend here about Grian’s valiant mission! He will vanquish his enemies with the powers of– uh – Tall grass! I think!”
“Well, until then, I got us supplies for when we leave. Should be enough to last until we get to Cub’s place to restock.” Scar held a hand up and Impulse slid a couple of the bags onto his free hand.
“Ooh, great!” Pearl eyed Impulse’s horse warily as it stepped closer, examining her hair with a ravenous sniff, “What’s this mission about, anyways? No one’s filled me in yet.”
“Oh, we’re meeting one of Cub’s associates, I think. Something about an old mage and getting a team together? I’m not really sure, you know how Cub is. Or, you’ll meet him at least! He’s an old friend, been around for a few seasons when we’ve needed him. He’ll be excited too, it’s been a while since the Order has gotten any new knights. Right, Scar?”
“Cubfan? Your dear friend? The mission?”
“Oh, yes, that! Very important.”
“When I check that bag, are there going to be all of the groceries I put in there earlier?”
“... I don’t like that question.”
“Neither do I, to  be honest– I– ok. Impulse, can you get your horse off me, please?” The horse had his entire snout buried in Pearl’s hair, chasing the smell of her soap while sniffing incredibly loudly. 
“Oh! Ed! Get off ‘er!” He tugged on the reigns and Ed reluctantly turned, swiveling back to look at Impulse with pleading eyes. “No! We don’t eat people’s hair, remember? We eat apples. Apples, Ed. You like apples,” Ed did his best imitation of a horse-frown, “Ed. We are not eating Pearl’s hair. Here, Scar! Toss me one of those apples, yeah? Here. Apple.” Ed snuffled again, slowly engulfing Impulse’s entire gauntlet and offered apple in his mouth before retrieving the fruit.
“How much do you think he’s getting from you talking to him?” Pearl unwrapped her hair, brushing her fingers through it.
“Like, does he speak English? Or, understand English?”
“I have no idea.” Impulse stared into his horse’s deep brown eyes with a focus that would intimidate anyone but Mr. Ed. Mr. Ed blinked slowly before leaning forward, sniffing at Impulse’s long hair.
“... Ok.”
“Horses aside, how far are we from this place?” Scar interjected.
“2 days, maybe? We’re meeting at the usual spot, the one in the mountains. Goal is to get there before the next blizzard hits, so we have time to plan,” 
“... We’re going to need more apples.”
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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I exist only to post pics where I think Seb looks small
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swordsofsaturn · 1 month
I can't read RPF because I simply cannot suspend my disbelief and pretend those people think and speak and act like All That
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gojoest · 1 year
nope i can’t tumblr today i’m so dead i’m like if a girl was a corpse and didn’t have the motivation to haunt her loved ones so her soul just departs from this world boringly, without driving anyone insane
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satellitesunset · 6 months
hi I'm aware I have not been here in ages. life is insane. but I'd like to say it's hysterically endearing to me that like old-ish posts of mine r gaining traction bc it's forcing to have like self reflection moments.
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crofter · 1 year
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wake up bae new border by isha just dropped 😍
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