#sry roommate but she takes so long and i think i take not as long TT
kuiinncedes · 2 years
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urrockstar-xe · 1 year
liquid courage - c.m x fem!reader
posted may 14th, 2023 6:24 am
@paranx0ia asked: hi! could you do prompt 6 from your prompts list with chad meeks-martin? like him and the reader have been best friends for a while and have very obvious crushes on each other but they’re both too scared to confess so at a frat party the reader gets drunk and just kisses him? only if you’re comfy with it tho have a great day
so sry for the wait, i hope you love it sweets - xx
wordcount: 0.9k
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Tonight marks the fourth costume frat party you’ve gone to this month. You hadn’t originally planned on going but Tara insisted on matching pirate costumes, and that it’d be the last one she dragged you to. She also added that Chad would be there and the chances of him not wearing a shirt with his costume were high.
She was right.
It didn’t take long to spot Chad when you got there, you had noted him talking to his sister and then walking away with his dorky roommate who had been dressed as a knight. You weren’t quite sure but Chad was dressed as a hot cowboy, in true Chad Meeks-Martin fashion.
“Oh my god, stop oogling and just make out already,” Tara said. You could hear her smile as she teased you, shoving a cup into your hand. 
“I’m not oogling, what is this?” Tara shrugged before saying “Something cheap, think of it as liquid courage!” she smiled at you, cheer-sing you before downing her own drink. 
You watched your friend dance out of sight, presumably for a refill, silently reminding yourself to check on her later. Looking back in the direction of Mindy who was now making her way towards you. 
“Tara good?” she asked, pointing in the direction Tara had just left. “Yeah, I’m not too sure about that,” Mindy threw her arm around your shoulders as you spoke. “You look cute, dressin' up for a certain someone?” the smirk on her face told you all you had to know before you rolled her eyes.
“Not you too,” “awh c’mon, it’s so obvious” You scoffed at this, “It is not.” 
You watched as Chad came back into view, a content smile on his lips. Mindy laughed at the flustered look on your face. 
You drained your cup, wincing at the taste before turning back to Mindy who was still laughing. “I’m gonna go get another drink,” You held up your now empty cup as you spoke. Mindy nodded, “Okay, I’m gonna find Anika,” before you could walk away you felt your friend put her hand on your shoulder. Turning back to Mindy she smiled at you, “Seriously, try to at least talk to him tonight okay?”
“Mindy, if you keep talking about Chad my eyes are gonna roll out of my head” Your joke had the girl laughing again as you walked off, following the direction Tara had left in earlier, hoping the trail would lead you to the table full of alcohol. 
You hadn’t been keeping track of how much time passed as you drank and danced with anyone who was down to do both with you. You also hadn’t kept track of how much you had drank but it must’ve been more than usual because the fuzzy feeling in your head was harder to ignore and you felt confident? No, ballsy. 
All you could think about was how good Chad had looked tonight. Even in that stupid cowboy hat. Best part? Everything about the way he’d look at you whenever you’d see each other from across the room told you he felt the exact same about you.
And of course, there was that voice that was always there whenever Chad dropped his hints towards you saying “No, he was definitely looking at the girl you’re dancing with,” but that voice got quieter after what was probably your fourth drink and you caught him looking you up and down, fully checking you out and maintaining eye contact while he took a drink. 
Maybe you were shitfaced and acting on impulse but maybe you were finally taking charge of your feelings for your best friend, either way, you were making your way toward Chad now. He hadn’t been watching as you walked up, too into the conversation he was having with Ethan. Ethan saw you first, “hey, Y/n!” Ethan nodded in your direction as he spoke, a friendly smile on his face. You smiled back and then looked up at Chad who almost immediately started telling Ethan he needed to go talk to the pretty girl who was just looking at him. His hands were on Ethan’s shoulders gently pushing him forward, making Ethan get the hint as he waved at you before walking off. You weren’t paying attention to where he went, all that was on your mind was Chad as he looked back at you with that stupid smile on his face. 
“Hey, haven’t talked to you all night-” you cut him off by leaning up and placing your lips on his, too eager to make small talk. Your hands found their way to his face while his settled on your waist, pulling you ever so slightly closer. 
You took this (and the way he was almost excitedly kissing you back) as a sign that you had done something right. 
He chased after your lips as you pulled away, swiping your thumb across his bottom lip to remove the transferred lipstick. “Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often” The lovestruck look on his face had your confidence skyrocketing in a way that was almost sobering as you laughed, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “I don’t think it was possession, more like cheap liquor.” You joked, smiling at the feeling of his body moving while he laughed. 
The sound of Tara’s voice had you both looking in the direction of the sound, “told you all you needed was a little liquid courage!!!” her arms were in the air as she spoke with a proud smile on her face. 
“Liquid courage huh?” The teasing tone in Chad’s voice had you groaning and putting your head back against his shoulder. 
“Just be happy I finally did something”
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shutupptara · 3 years
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This pic killed me so uhh I wrote a drabble? Is it too long to call it that? Idek man but here, shitty, rushed nonsense under the cut bc there needs to be more Tanev content 🤷🏻‍♀️ I haven’t posted fic since I was 12 and I am v self conscious so I’m running now sry this sucks
Resident GDI, hockey star at Providence College Brandon Tanev is a joy to be around. You met early in your time at Providence, both in the school of management, though on different tracks. Your schedules overlapped quiet a bit and it didn’t take long for you to start gravitating toward one another. Senior year though, Brandon desperately needs your help with financial accounting. It’s at 8 am, and the prof truly does not give a fuck that he’s a little preoccupied trying to win the natty title. Everyone thinks he’s this fuckboy asshole, but he’s really soft for you because you’re so nice to him and you always smell so good, and yeah, you lend him your notes when he’s traveling on the weekends. But more than that, he just really likes being around you, and he doesn’t care if he’s simping, you’re definitely worth it.
After a grueling first round win, he comes in to class and just flops down in the seat beside you, absolutely exhausted because he had a lift at 6 am, and they got back to school at midnight the night before. But he still flashes you that winning smile when he turns his head on the desk, eyes blinking slowly while he gazes up at you. “I’m not gonna make it through class.”
And you just laugh at him. “I’ll wake you up, I promise.” Then he just kinda stares at you, smiling softly until you clear your throat. “Great game last night.”
His entire face lights up. “Yeah? You watched?”
You nod nonchalantly and try to pretend like his excitement hasn’t set off a crazy amount of butterflies in your stomach. “Now that Quinnipiac is out, I can be a full Friars fan.”
He tries to say something witty back, but he gets cut off by the professor as he walks in and addresses the class. He tries to find a break to start talking again, but then you hear the prof chastising him. “Mr. Tanev, you can socialize on your own time. If you’re not here to learn, see yourself out.” And you snort out a laugh as Brandon huffs. But he falls silent and eventually lifts his head off the desk to try to pay attention to what’s going on.
You shift your focus to taking thorough notes, only distracted when Brandon flicks a folded piece of paper onto the center of your notebook. You unfold it quickly, seeing “hockey house, tonight at 9? Drinks on me” scrawled in his chicken scratch hand writing. When you glance up at him, his eyebrows are raised expectantly, and you just nod, smiling widely.
You drag your roommate out to the hockey house with you. Truly it doesn’t take much convincing: she loves hockey players and she’s been trying to get you to make a move on Brandon since you’d met him. In her quest to do so, she dresses you in something you’d never pick for yourself but she insists he’ll love it and you let any protests die on your tongue.
You’re grateful you decided to pregame when you arrive: the party is already in full swing, and the hockey house is notorious for being rowdy. When you get inside you’re greeted by a group of younger players that insist they’ll mix you the best drinks and you humor them, because they’re babies and they’re adorable. So you follow them through the crowded living room and into the kitchen, listening to them chatter mindlessly about their upcoming tourney game, but you can’t keep your eyes from sweeping across the room. It isn’t until there’s a plastic cup thrust into your hands that you spot him: he’s leaning against the doorway to the patio, his arms crossed over his chest and a black hat backwards on his head. His hair flips out at the sides, and he’s got a knowing smirk on his lips. He raises his eyebrows to you, amused as he watches you bring the cup to your lips.
The boy standing in front of you glances over his shoulder, turning back to you wide eyed. “Oh, you’re Tanev’s girl.” He looks a little bit terrified, and you’d probably find it funny if your head wasn’t swimming from his earlier comment: Tanev’s girl.
Sucking in a deep breath, you step around him, and march right across the kitchen, until you’re standing toe to toe with Brandon. “Tanev’s girl, huh?”
Brandon doesn’t falter. His sly smile only grows, his eyes crinkling. “Only if you say yes, darlin.”
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Cuddle Buddy
Summary: You decide to download a cuddle buddy app and the rest is history. (Based off Shane Dawson’s cuddle buddy app video)
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Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), Unprotected sex, dirty talk (Kinda badly written sry), Dom Jungkook
Words: 1.5k+
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Today I finally downloaded the cuddle buddy app. 
A few girls texted me, since I set my preference down as females. I’m straight, and that’s exactly why I’m terrified about cuddling with a man. One girl that got my attention in particular is Kookie69, and her name is actually Jungkook. I had never heard of the name before, so I brushed it off thinking it was just a foreign name. I was wrong.
On the day when she was supposed to show up at my front door, a handsome bulky man appeared with an agenda of his own.
“Who are you?” I ask, a little bit intimidated by his bunny-like smile. I don’t trust it.
“Hi, I’m Kookie69, I thought we agreed today was the day we met in person so we could cuddle?”
“Whoa, okay buddy, let’s take this slow. There is no way in hell I am letting you into my hou-”
“Nice place. Where’s the bedroom?” He strolls right in past me, like I don’t even exist. I may be 5”1, but he’s not that much taller than me. He’s got pretty sparkly eyes. That’s the first thing I notice about him. Sparkly brown eyes but it’s not a dull brown. He’s quite thick too, his thighs look well-toned through his loose sweatpants. He looks very comfortable.
I have to take a moment to compose myself before he notices me checking him out. He turns around anyways, looking at me with confusion as I avoid his gaze. “Cuddle time?”
“Why the hell not? Come with me.” I pull him towards my cold, dark, isolated bedroom in the corner of the apartment, breathing in the fresh detergent scent of lavender as I pull my blankets apart.
“You didn’t know I was a guy?” I shrug, fixing the pillows so that we can both lie comfortably on them.
“I didn’t expect you to be a man. I thought you were a woman because I selected that on preferences.” He crawls next to me, and I feel a small tug in my empty heart as the warmth of his arms spread throughout my body. I like this feeling.
“Are you scared of me?” I move back, inching closer to him as he spoons me. Why do I feel so comfortable in a stranger’s hold?
“Do you think I am?” I turn around, facing him carefully. Our noses touch, and it’s like fireworks go off in my mind.
“N-no.” I smile as he lets me bury myself in his embrace, basically pressing my head against his chest. He’s so soft and warm, with the scent of pumpkin spice candles on his skin.
“I’m terrified of inviting guys over, because what if they overpower me and do more than just cuddle?” I ask. Jungkook gulps, I can hear his heart beating rapidly now.
“Yeah, you have a point there. I wouldn’t do that. I go over to people’s houses only to cuddle, and a lot of them expect more. Sometimes with girls wearing practically nothing when I go over. That’s why I decided to hide my gender.” It makes sense why I didn’t see it sooner. He kept that info from the website so they threw him into the mix of matches. He’s cute, I’ll give him that much. But people taking advantage of him sounds horrible. He’s so innocent, so small, such a bean. I just wanna protecc.
“This is nice. Sometimes you just need the warmth of another person to recharge, you know what I mean?”
“Mhmm.” He pulls me closer, a gesture so intimate as he wraps his muscular arms around my waist and lets his hands drop to the small of my back.
“Are you gonna sleep over?” I ask.
“Maybe not tonight, but I would like to.” 
We end up cuddling the whole night, and the next morning is a mess as our bodies get hot and sticky throughout the night so when we wake up we both smell like each other. It’s not a bad thing, but still enough to make us cringe at the strong musky B.O scent.
“You can take a shower first. It’s okay, I won’t look.” I smirk as he blushes in response, bowing to me slightly before running into the bathroom. 
After he’s done, I stretch and take my turn. I breathe heavily, feeling my slick on my fingers. Since when did my body release this much gunk? Gross...but I guess it was Jungkook. He unconsciously invaded my pussy without realizing it. I try washing it off, but I’m surprised to find it’s still dripping. There’s a lot of it. 
I hear the door open. Quickly, I turn the water off. “Jungkook? Is that you?”
“You said you wouldn’t look. I didn’t say I wouldn’t,” I blush, opening the shower door so he can come in. He’s fully undressed, his skin perfectly smooth and silky under my touch. “Such a pretty pussy, can I touch?” I nod, slightly spreading my legs apart as he closes the glass door behind us and kneels down. I groan when I feel his fingers spreading out my labia, gathering the glistening juices with ease and smirking mischievously when he sees the shock on my face.
“I did this? All of it?” I wanna deny it, but I just can’t.
“Yes.” I hum, moaning like a slut as he licks a stripe. A bundle of nerves just snap inside of me as the sensations of his tongue on my wet lower lips feels unreal. The effect he has on me is out of this world. I can’t even tell how long we’ve been in here. 
But apparently my roommate can.
“Hey loser, I’m going shopping! You coming with?” Why now, of all times?
“Answer her,” Jungkook coaxes me, making sure our eyes are locked as he swirls his tongue deeper into my velvety folds. “Don’t wanna let her know I’m in here.” He smirks, making me bite my own tongue as he knows exactly what effect he has on me.
“N-no thanks! I’m just gonna finish shaving…” I hiss, shivering as a loud smack resounds from Jungkook bringing his fingers down to my clit.
“Okay beau, see you later!” I have a sneaking suspicion that she knows, since Jungkook’s shoes are outside and his clothes are strewn around the hallway or something.
“So tasty. Could eat you all day.”
“Jungkook...I need you to fuck me.” He stands up, eyes blazing with desire and lust as he pulls me out of the shower and then sets me down on the wash basin.
“Is this good enough?” I gasp from feeling his hard length against my inner thigh, looking in anxiousness as Jungkook forces me to look up. “Don’t worry. You can stretch. I’m gonna make sure I can fit,”
I let out a scream as he inches the tip inside of my dripping core, spreading me with his fingers first and then making sure I’m okay before moving onto the next phase.
“How long has it been since you were last fucked? You’re so fucking tight.” I smirk as he looks at me with lust-hooded eyes.
“Since highschool. That must’ve been about 3 years ago?” Jungkook slams his entire cock into me without warning, and my face twists into one of pain.
“Consider this your last time starved. I’m going to ravish you, babygirl.” My head falls back in pleasure as he starts moving slowly, speeding up gradually as I loosen up. This is something so carnal, animalistic, in fact, as the feeling of my ass on the cool porcelain contrasts to the burning from the heat of Jungkook’s body. 
“Jungkook, ruin me! I wanna be wrecked by your dick.” I let out a screech as he digs his nails into my ass, holding me as he fucks into me.
“You asked for this, baby. Now take it like a good girl!” A smack resonates through the room as he leaves a red handprint on my ass.
“Yes!” I cry out in pleasure, as he looks at me with the firey passion in his eyes. The lust never dissipates, even as he’s hitting my g-spot, rubbing my clit, and making me climax right on the bathroom sink, it never fades.
We finish in bed, with his juices leaking down my thighs mixed with mine, which come out when he pulls out of me, and he watches as a pool of cum forms beneath me.
“I didn’t think you did this often?” I ask with a teasing smirk.
“I don’t, it was more of a feeling with you.” I snuggle into his chest as he pulls me in for a hug, naked yet soft.
“Am I an exception then?” He checks me out shamelessly, before putting his hands behind his head.
“Oh baby, you are way more than just an exception. What about girlfriend?”
“Wow, at least buy me dinner first, asshole!” I playfully hit him.
“I think we’re way past the point for normal dating. So, what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?” I consider my options. Hot guy or total solitude? 
Everyone knows the obvious answer.
“Yes, you dork.” He cheers a small “yay” before pulling me on for a long-awaited kiss.
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
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Tagged by @lveletters​
5ish Works of 2020
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want so we can spread the love and link each other awesome works.
ad.gray’s personal pick- Ruin My Life
I was kind of burnt out on writing while working on it because I had just finished a very long story (currently not posted because I keep flipping back and forth on whether to or not) and a slightly hastily done birthday fic (The Trials and Tribulations of Birthday Presents). Surprisingly, I have no reserves? about this story. I really like the lighthearted atmosphere and the friendship being showcased. Lee Know is probably my favorite member to write for because of his banter, so this story was refreshing for me to write after writing mostly descriptions. Friends to lovers is such a fun trope, and I’m surprised this was my first one.
ad.gold’s personal pick- 42nd Moon Epilogue Dark Ver. BWAHAHAHAHA no, I am not okay. I giggle creepily every time I read this. I like how nothing wrong is explicitly stated, yet everything is very, very wrong. I may or may not have taken the ending most people wanted (I think) and thought about how to twist it into something much darker. Also, can I just give a shoutout to the person who commented “ok— wow” because thank you so much, that was exactly what I was going for. <3
ad.gray’s ad.gold pick- 42nd Moon Part 12 (End)
This was my favorite chapter in all of 42nd Moon. The atmosphere is so good. The best way to describe it would be “the calm before the storm.” The descriptions and the interspersed lines that are a significant part of the story that I can’t say what they exactly are without spoiling the ending, work so well together. I think this was a perfect ending to a very dramatic story.
ad.gold’s ad.gray pick- See You I may or may not be biased because I BLOODY LOVE CHRISTMAS. But seriously, this piece takes a mythical world and makes everything feel… normal? Like she’d present an idea I’ve never heard of before, and I’d be like “oh, totally. of course that works like that.” I especially like what she did with the mistletoe. Ish kyute. (Also I relished in the idea of making her write something based off of our infamous piece, “Stolen.” We have a complicated relationship with that thing.)
Honorable mention- Even if Things Were Different We just like the line “Love is reserved only for fairy tales, and you are no princess– you’re an heiress.” I (ad.gold) also like the development of both characters and how it’s the little moments that build trust and love between two people. To me, it feels like a refreshing cup of water. Fun fact: This story was based off a blurb I wrote in my notebook that takes place afterwards about mc having tea with other rich people who were bragging about all the expensive things their husbands bought them while she only had a pair of wooden bear earrings Jisung bought for her from some commoner place, but in the end, everyone was jealous of her because he bought it with love, not cash.
Content Creator - 2020 in Review (ad.gray)
first creation and most recent creation of 2020:
first of the year: Flowers and Ink (tattoo parlor and flower shop AU with tattoo artist Changbin)
most recent: See You [Christmas spinoff of Stolen (werewolves, vampires, elves, oh my!) with Hyunjin]
one of your favorite creations from 2020: Ruin My Life (friends to lovers with Lee Know)
a creation you’re really proud of: In Fair Verona (theater AU with Han as a floor crew member) because see below 
a creation that took you forever: In Fair Verona
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes: Ruin My Life 
a creation you think deserved more notes: Cutie Pie (rich kid AU and secret admirer AU with Bang Chan)
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: SEVENTEEN! i didn’t post anything here though
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: Target Run and Done (wingman Hyunjin with Felix as the love interest)
a creation that was inspired by another one: See You (Christmas spinoff to Stolen with Hyunjin)
a favorite creation created by someone else: not a story, but LOOK HOW GORGEOUS THIS ART IS
some of your favorite content creators from the year: To be perfectly honest, I don’t read that much on Tumblr, but I want to give shoutouts to everyone part of @districtninewriters​ because those are high quality works. 
And of course, ad.gold. thanks for letting me be your editor and thanks for editing my stuff.
and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love: 
Flowers and Ink
Apologies in Advance (secret agent AU and kind-of-but-not-really enemies to lovers with Lee Know)
1000 Roses (theatre AU with stage manager Chan, not from 2020)
Content Creator - 2020 in Review (ad.gold)
first creation and most recent creation of 2020:
first of the year: Considered (Chan arranged marriage blurb)
most recent: Can You Hear Me? (Changbin police angst au. Technically written in 2020)
one of your favorite creations from 2020: 42nd Moon Epilogue Dark Ver. (skz werewolf/soulmate au)
a creation you’re really proud of: Umbrella (Changbin self-discovery? blurb based on his song, “Streetlight”)
a creation that took you forever: Normal (Hyunjin dragon au) and that awful kiss scene in 42nd Moon
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes: Even if Things Were Different (Han arranged marriage au)
a creation you think deserved more notes: nothing really, ahaha. I have ones I think deserve less, but I’ll keep those two cents to myself.
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: none! (sry) I limit myself to one fandom at a time or I’ll never touch my textbooks.
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: Umbrella
a creation that was inspired by another one: Love You to limx (Han college au) by UCB’s campus
a favorite creation created by someone else: one by @lveletters​ (Han roommate au) Busker!au Jisung by @pixielix​ (lovestruck!jisung) the recovery files -bc by @thepixelelf (brokenhearted Chan)
some of your favorite content creators from the year: @lveletters​ @mintchanniemint​ And all y’all who pop up on my feed randomly. muwah!
and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love: Squirrel and Wife (Han royal au, not a 2020 post) Aurora (Seungmin college au, not a 2020 post) Eternally Yours (Hyunjin Eternal Sunshine-based fic)
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kideternity · 4 years
For the ask game: Helena Bertinelli, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, Dinah Lance, Diana Prince & Stephanie Brown
Oh god oh yea okay hold on op this will get long (under read more)
Helena Bertinelli
How I feel about this character: I adore her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 literally my wife my muse my love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dinah, Karen, Renee
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Helena and Eel, John Henry and Zauriel ^_^ also think she and Vic Sage should have “LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!” Energy together
My unpopular opinion about this character: I love Barbara dont get me wrong but shes an AWWFUUUUUULL friend to Helena 😭😭😭 like I LITERALLY CANNOT GET OVER HOW BABS CANONICALLY BEFRIENDED HELENA SOLELY TO MANIPULATE HER ORIGINALLY... not to mention all of that unnecessary beef over dick and like OTHER PEOPLE calling Helena batgirl.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she stayed with the justice league for more time so much 😭😭😭 I have a soft spot for JLA (1997) always its my fav critically examined run but MAN helena getting fired when the first run was ending pissed me off!!!!
my OTP: Probably right now Dinahelena? Tie between Reneehelena and that one
my cross over ship: I don’t have a ton of non dc media I like but Liz sherman from hellboy maybe
a headcanon fact: She has a wine cooler in her car at all times for people to grab a drink from if needed, the only rule she has is to try not to spill it everywhere because it’s a bitch to get out of her leather seats
Selina Kyle
How I feel about this character: Admittedly idk a ton about Selina I need to haul ass on reading catwoman solos 😭 I've had a complicated relationship with her but as of right now I like her! I think she’s cool
All the people I ship romantically with this character: All i'm turning up is Zatanna bc my friend writes really good zee/selina fics wjwjajajwua stan randy!!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I am like OBSESSED w the small little friendship tidbits Helena B and Selina have....... its not suer amazing or anything but huntress year old Selina insta best friending helena made me 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: IM NOT REALLY SURE WHY SELINA IS CONSIDERED A GOTHAM CITY SIREN NGL.... like its most likely definitely me knowing nothing Abt popular characters but its just always struck me as kinda weird/the only thing ivy harley and selina have in common is like. The most well known bad women in gotham
my OTP: idk sry !
my cross over ship: Felicia hardy purely because its just really fucking funny to me
a headcanon fact: Selina fucking hates Gnort more then anything imaginable
Cassandra Cain
How I feel about this character: I like her!!!!! Definitely my second favourite batkid after Duke ^_^
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Steph
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duke! Ultimate siblings. Also just like the idea of Lonnie and Cass getting along bc they tell old men they suck
My unpopular opinion about this character: Cass should not be able to beat everybody. She should not be able to beat people of unimaginable power such as Dr Fate. Like I think she could defeat normal fighters, or maybe enhanced fighters, but actual metas and magic casters etc I don’t think she would be able to, especially since iirc she almost fucking died fighting metahuman assassins??? So
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I know we all say it but let cass be batman v_v but also let her be batman and let carrie Kelly be her batwoman so that they can absolutely hate each other I wanna see that play out
my OTP: Stephcass im basic
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: Duke introduced her to heavy metal now she cant get enough of it
Stephanie Brown
How I feel about this character: I like her! I still need to continue reading her batgirl solo and more but I like her! Good character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Cass
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lonnie ^_^ Rebirth lonnie is literally so OOC and nasty I don’t wanna hear any bs abt how its ‘better’ but I did like the idea of Steph and Lonnie being friends and I think it'd work still with Lonnie’s good characterisation
My unpopular opinion about this character: Timsteph is a bad ship its objectively bad and I hate it a lot also Steph kissing Tim knowing he was dating Arianna was shitty writing/a dick move on her part i just hate all of it its comp het the ship
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: OKAY I NEED TO READ MORE STEPH COMICS FIRST but I am perpetually haunted by my idea of steph in the future becoming huntress.... I Ponder It
my OTP: Stephcass lol
my cross over ship: Gwen Stacy and Steph could be fun :O
a headcanon fact: She doesn’t like condiments unless it’s say, syrup for waffles
Harper Row
How I feel about this character: I used to be like obseeeeeeessed with harper used to think abt her 24/7 but ive mellowed down a lot.... havent read her comics in like literally ages...... still love her a lot tho
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody 😔
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Steph and Cass being Harper’s friends was always cute to me also I like when I think both or just Steph was Harper’s roommate it was fun
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mostly nobody seems to fucking care about her 🙄 you guys cry for gay batkids 24/7 but you wont even acknowledge harper existed........ smh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she stuck around more : ( i liked how her brother cullen sorta became this like oracle esque figure so I like the idea of her being a vigilante in some place like bludhaven maybe w Cullen giving tech support
my OTP: n/a :/
my cross over ship: not really a ship but maybe Miles and Harper teaming up one time?
a headcanon fact: Would really like to own a pet snake
Dinah Lance
How I feel about this character: I love women.... I love this woman.......
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ollie, Helena
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Babs :] best friends 4ever !
My unpopular opinion about this character: Dinahs done a lot of fucked up things and like i dont even mean like in a “its bad writing way” i mean just like consistently dinah is not perfect and she shouldnt be regarded as such and i dont like when people do
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish she stayed with the JSA longer :[ I really liked her with the JSA it was fun!!!!
my OTP: Dinahelena 💜🖤🤍💛
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: She's really bad at cooking most dishes
Diana Prince
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER a very interesting character with a lot of interesting lore
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Zatanna, Natasha Teranova
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Clark and Bruce ^_^ they are her close friends and teammates and I want absolutely nothing to go on between them. Ever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Not abt diana specifically But damn yall when the fuck you guys gonna actually.... talk about diana.... like when are you going to make metaposts about her and hot takes and so on as much as you do for ppl like bruce
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: She and Natasha should have gotten married whilst in space together period it was homophobia to have Natasha just go back to russia and never show up ever again
my OTP: Wondermagics
my cross over ship: not a ship again but LET HELLBOY TEAM UP W DIANA
a headcanon fact: She's really good at pottery! Especially during the sculpting stage
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
Hello! Could I please get a love story?My crush's Kuroo❤Idk about tropes sry! it'd be like doing daily a bunch of stuff together, feelings start blooming since the beginning "w/o notice" until one day is like IThinkI'mInLoveWithYou! MeToo! haha I'm 24 she/her super shy&nervous:( I've long brown hair&eyes I'm 5'18 my friends says I'm super cute kind &funny I smile&laugh easily I love to go to museums parks &restaurants i'm super serious about work/life stuff but otherwise I'm lazy haha thank you!
Seriously sorry it took so long my dude! I hope you like it!!
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The day you fell in love with Kuroo was a day like a dozen others in the small apartment you shared. Nothing particularly crazy happened and there were no groundbreaking moments of realization.
But you loved him all the same.
“Kuroo where’s the new detergent?” you ask, wishing you hadn’t put your laundry off til the last minute.
“Huh?” he says from the kitchen.
You repeat yourself, this time moving closer as you ask, “Where’s the new detergent?”
When you get to him there’s a blush on his cheeks and an apologetic look on his face.
Those goddamn eyes.
“You didn’t get it,” you say, as you realize why he’s sorry.
“Sorry, I forgot. I’ll go get it now-”
“It’s okay, we’ll go after breakfast,” you say, shaking your head. “I’ll just wear something different for the meeting.”
“I’m really sorry-”
“It’s fine, You’re really good about these things but nobody’s perfect, Tets.’
“You’re too good to me,” he says teasingly as he drops a kiss to the top of your head.
It used to fluster you and make you into a stuttering mess but after months of sharing an apartment not too far from your job, you’ve become more accustomed to his friendly affection and easy touch.
“Okay but if you burn my pancakes I will have my revenge,” you say, pointing toward the stove where the slight burning smell is coming from.
“No,” you say, shaking your head before he can even ask.
“But look, it doesn’t even need anything!”
You turn to him and in a deadpan voice ask, “Does it need water?”
“Well that’s nothing though-”
“You know we both work too much to care for it, I just don’t want another casualty on my conscience,” you say, grabbing at his arm and pulling him further along the aisle.
“I’ll take care of it this time, I swear! It was just one time…”
“Rip SideshowBob,” you reply, trying to get him as far away from the living things section as possible.
Kuroo pouts but he doesn’t argue further and you promise yourself to do some research on succulents that apparently need little or no care to flourish.
“Okay I’ll be back around four,” you say, checking your hair in the mirror once again. You turn around to find a gaping Kuroo just staring.
“What? Do I have something on me?” you ask, going back to the mirror to check.
“No no- you um..you look nice,” he says, and is that...that’s a blush.
“Thanks,” you say, not knowing how to treat it.
“There’s a new expo at the museum...I think it’s based around the Greek Gods… you up for it tonight?”
“Sure, that sounds amazing.”
“I’ll get the tickets,” he says, and you nod.
“Okay, I’m off! See you later.”
When you get home a delightful scent surrounds you and you head toward the kitchen. You almost comment but your tongue goes a bit dry in your mouth when you see your roommate, your friend Kuroo standing at the stove in the most amazing maroon suit pants and a sleek black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
He looks...ungh, why are you doing this again.
‘Get it together girl,’ you say silently as you try to shake yourself out of the trance.
“Wow something smells good,” you say, and he grins up at you.
“Good you’re home, taste this for me and see if it needs more seasoning,” he says, blowing on the bite before holding it out to you.
You feel your face warm and it’s not just the closeness to the stove.
It tastes like heaven, there’s enough spice to make it feel rich and cultivated on your tongue but not so much to overwhelm your palette. He truly is a master in the kitchen.
“I-wow, that’s-thats amazing. What is that?”
“It’s a secret family recipe, no way am I sharing it with you...not til we’re married at least.”
“We-WHAT?!!” you squawked, backing away from him with wide eyes.
“Oh so you’re...you don’t feel the same way then?” he asks, a strangely vulnerable expression on his face.
“What way, Kuroo?” you ask, barely able to believe your ears.
“Oh it’s nothing, just joking darling..” he says, trying to play it off but you won’t let him get away that easily.
“Tets...what way?”
“Y’know, like love and shit.”
“Love and shit,” you say, unable to hold back your laugh.
“You are the worst at this!” you say… “I actually expected you to have better game but you’re just a big nerd aren’t you?”
He shrugs.
“I love you too Tets...and yeah, I’d really like to know all the family secrets one day. But for now I’m gonna grab another shower and get changed into the outfit I actually wanted to wear today.”
“Sure, your laundry is on your bed...those pink things are nice you should wear those,” he says, grinning wildly as you chuck a dish rag at his head.
You’re pretty sure there weren’t any pink underwear in your laundry but all the same it’s the least he deserves for teasing you.
“Dinner will be done in twenty so hurry your cute ass along. Don’t wanna be late for our first date do you?” he says down the hall making you feel hot all over again.
Ugh, he’s such a tease.
Still, you’re going on a date with the guy you love...
It could certainly be worse.
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wsupeden · 4 years
just talked to my roommate about her past sexual assault stories n it’s kinda fked up that she’s scared to post about her ex even anonymously bc she’s scared of what he’s capable of doing when he finds out; like no person should be scared 2 speak up bc of the backlash & frankly bc of this convo i’ve realized that i can say i’ve been sexually assaulted different times without me realizing beforehand and i’ve blocked these memories for so long till i got reminded thru this convo.. & i shouldn’t even have to be saying this but i’m not looking for pity or tryna draw attention by saying i got sexually assaulted, but like idk why i feel this kind of shame/embarrassment saying that & like i get really nervous & i stutter when talking ab these things bc i don’t wanna seem like someone wanting pity. i’m ashamed bc i feel like i let these experiences happen & didn’t do anything ab it. i felt like bc i’m a smol girl i couldn’t tell them to stop, scared of what they can do if i did. & this prob is why it take sooo long for me to trust guys..? anyways nowadays i feel like if i speak about it, it doesn’t rly matter about what happened to me & what happened in the past isn’t a big deal anymore; i just don’t wanna be a bother? i don’t wanna seem like those girls who say they got assaulted just to get attention, bc im really not & i don’t want others to feel bad for me but i was just confused figuring out what rlly happened the past times & thinking if that was sexual assault— and it was. ok sorry this topic has been in my mind for so long & i feel like i annoy my friends by talking about it :( so tumblr it is hehe sry
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zigtheeortega · 5 years
“look up the sun it's just a cloud away”
pairing: rafael x mc
word count: 1,946
song inspiration: get it over with - rihanna
tags: @bloodxbound​ ; @messofakind​ ; @dadrianraines​ ; @zadiechoi​
author’s note: chapter 2 wrecked me! i thought the ethan angst was a lot, but this raf angst has so much potential so i had to write about it. i know a lot of people think raf is acting ooc, and people are shitting on sora, so i thought i’d write angst but with no animosity between the three of them. i genuinely think raf is gonna be torn. anyways, hope this does raf justice! title inspired by the rihanna lyric. also sry if this is messy since its like 24 hours post raf-erasure!
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She stared at the green bomber jacket in her hands, fighting the tension in her throat. The subway shook slightly, masking the trembling of her hands. She dug her fingernails into the fabric to steady herself.
The brakes screeched, and she stood up, feeling dazed. She ambled out onto the pavement, taking in the familiar surroundings.
She had just gotten used to taking the subway to Raf’s house after work, savoring the short hours they spent together between shifts and the long, lazy Saturdays in bed.
The rushed, clumsy intimacy was what connected them in the first place. A soft kiss here, a sweet remark there. And when they had the time, utilizing every second to memorize each other’s bodies. 
She’d been through hell with Rafael. She almost lost him. She’d been selfishly fooling around with other people, even her boss, keeping it as no-strings-attached as she could.
But the minute that she’d laid eyes on him in the stretcher, bloodied and battered from risking his life to rescue others, she completely and fully committed to him.
Everything had been so easy after she’d beaten the case against her. Life was a steady routine of balancing work, studying, spending time with her roommates, and being with Raf.
They worked together like a well-oiled machine, not being too clingy, but stealing moments with each other and cherishing their days off.
When Sora got back in contact with him, however, a wrench was thrown in, and Raf wasn’t the same anymore.
She had been trudging through the slushy snow, reminiscing, so she hadn’t noticed her teeth clacking from the cold. She’d barely managed to get herself dressed, much less remembered to bundle up.
She slipped on Rafael’s jacket, his scent wafting up as she zipped it up to her neck. She was so close to breaking, but the hardest was yet to come.
He was so excited to have Sora back. When his grandmother told them Sora had moved back for good, his face lit up like she’d never seen before. She pushed away her gut feeling, not willing to put her instinct at a higher priority than Raf’s happiness.
So when they started spending time together without her, she knew what was coming. She tried to make time for him, but she had so much to do to prepare for her switch from intern to the Diagnostics Team.
Maybe that’s when it all fell through the cracks, she thought to herself, hugging her arms around her waist, ice sloshing on her sneakers.
She thought she’d fully committed to him, but her job got in the way as usual, and she lost him. She had no one to blame but herself. Sora stepped in when she couldn’t.
She didn’t feel any anger or jealousy towards Sora, because she knew that they had something that her and Raf could never have.
How could she compete with someone that had known him practically all his life? Someone that watched him grow, and grew alongside him?
She was his first girlfriend, his first kiss, his first love. No matter what memories they made together, she could never take away from that.
She turned the corner onto his street, spotting his house towards the end. Her heart raced, dread and hope fusing together in her stomach.
She couldn’t get over the look in his eyes the first time he saw Sora. She tried to pretend like it wasn’t there, but his eyes twinkled in a way they never had when he looked at her.
She couldn’t blame him. They’d been together for a couple of months, but Sora and him had years of history.
The pain in her chest grew as she stumbled down the icy sidewalk, closer and closer to his porch.
She had invested so much of herself in him, but it wasn’t enough. Maybe things weren’t as easy as she thought.
She couldn’t blame him for going with the easier option. She just wished she had that possibility for herself.
She could crawl back to Bryce after cutting off their hookups, but it wouldn’t feel right.
She could try it on with Ethan again, but she couldn’t handle the rejection.
She knew Jackie was interested, but they’d become such good friends she couldn’t jeopardize that.
She was alone.
She pushed through his rusty metal gate and lumbered through the icy muddy grass to his aged wooden porch. The smell of roasting meat and spices floated through the air, making her stomach growl.
It reminded her of the time Rafael invited her to his unofficial family reunion, and she tried making a traditional dish, which she failed miserably at, so she had to settle for Sienna’s cupcakes.
She felt so warm, so complete when she was surrounded by the Aveiro’s. She felt at home.
Before she could talk herself out of it, she opened up the screen door and rapped her knuckles on the door a couple of times.
She breathed deeply to calm her pulse, watching the puffs of air manifest and disappear in front of her. 
The door creaked open, and there Sora stood, wearing a large graphic tee that had the Superman logo on the front.
The shirt she’d gotten for him after he’d gotten out of the hospital. An inside joke between them.
The hem of the shirt hung at the mid-point of her thighs, no shorts in sight. Sora looked winded, her face flushed, eyes wild, and she could tell that they’d been… busy.
“Hi, Spencer! Sorry it took me a second to answer the door,” she breathed, her face red, a sheen of sweat on her forehead.
“No, it’s okay. I’m the one that should be apologizing. I should’ve asked first,” she said, and her eyes flitted to the hallway behind her, seeing Rafael emerge in sweatpants that hung low on his hips.
“Hey, Spencer. It’s good to see you,” he smiled, his face nothing but friendly and inviting.
He had no idea just how much he’d hurt her. And she would never tell him. Even if she couldn’t be what he needed, she wanted to be in his life in any capacity.
“Hey, Raf,” she said, waving awkwardly as he draped his arm around Sora’s shoulders. “I was just dropping your jacket off.”
She realized she still had it on, and hastily stripped it off, clumsily folding it and offering it to him. “Sorry, I forgot I was wearing it.”
Goosebumps raised under the thin fabric of her jacket, and her teeth chattered. “You wanna stay for lunch? It’ll be done soon,” Sora asked, gesturing towards the kitchen. “We’re definitely gonna have leftovers.”
“No, no thank you. I just wanted to drop this off. I have a shift tonight,” she lied. It was her day off. One of the first in weeks. She’d been taking every shift she could because she couldn’t bear a Saturday without Rafael.
Raf stepped out onto the porch towards her. “Could you watch the stove? I’ll be inside in a few minutes.”
She got the message, and hastily headed inside, pushing the front door almost closed to give them some privacy.
“Are you okay, really? You look exhausted,” he searched her eyes, his brows furrowed in concern.
“I’m definitely tired, but I’m okay,” she smiled, knowing the purple rings under her eyes corroborated her story.
“I’m sorry I haven’t reached out in a while. I didn’t know if you needed space,” he said, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “It’d be selfish of me to think we could all get along perfectly right away.”
“I honestly don’t feel awkward around you two anymore. It was weird at first knowing we’ve both been with you, but I’m okay now. Really,” she said, reaching out to touch his arm.
He shivered, his skin covered in goosebumps. “I’m sorry I ever put you in that position, Spencer.”
“Raf, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” Her throat burned with the weight of those words, but she pushed the feelings of loss away, determined to be strong for him.
“You’re so sweet and understanding. I never deserved you,” he said under his breath, the corner of his mouth upturned.
“I never deserved you,” she mirrored his words, her heart twinging in her chest.
“You know, I think I always liked this better on you,” he said, unfurling the fabric and draping it over her shoulders. “Plus you’re freezing. You need to take better care of yourself.” He rubbed his hands against her arms to warm her up.
He looked into her eyes, and she saw a spark of something in his deep brown irises. Maybe it was love, or adoration, or compassion, but whatever it was, gave Spencer a sense of security. 
Raf might not be in love with me, she thought. But he has love for me, and that’s all that matters.
Her muscle memory kicked in, and before she knew it, she’d leaned in to press a soft kiss on his lips. She felt his body stiffen, but he didn’t pull back.
He squeezed her arms softly, and melted into the kiss.
It was over before she knew it.
“Spencer… I…” he trailed off, obviously struggling with his words. “I’ve known her all my life… She’s so familiar to me,” he shook his head.
“It’s okay. I know you love her,” she nodded, touching his cheek softly.
“You’re not upset?”
“Of course not. She makes you happy, and I’d never get in the way of that,” she said confidently, completely betraying the emotions swirling through her head.
“I really couldn’t ask for a better best friend,” he grinned, kissing her cheek. “Whenever you’re up to it, I’d love for all three of us to hang out.”
Her heart panged in her chest. “I’d love that.” She felt tears prick her eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked cautiously, his smile faltering.
“Yeah, of course I am. You’ve been way too nice about it anyways. I kind of wish you’d have been mean to me or something so I’d have a reason to be mad at you. It’s easier to hate an ex than love them you know?” she laughed, and it sounded off.
“Spencer…” He reached out to her, running his fingers along her knuckles. “I can’t just turn off these feelings for her… or for you. I still love you… and her. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Neither of you are better than the other… I just –”
He cut off, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how to say it right. I don’t want to say the wrong thing and push you away.”
The tears clouded her vision, and she wiped them quickly with the back of her hand, trying to plaster a determined look on her face. “No, I get it.”
“Please don’t cry,” he pleaded, looking tormented. “You deserve an explanation, but I can’t explain it.”
“It’s okay. I know what you’re trying to say, and I know you’d never intentionally hurt me.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek, and he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a warm, comforting hug.
She pulled away and headed towards the stairs, waving. “I’ll see you around.” She turned back.  “You’ll always be my Superman though, right?”
“As long as you’re my Lois,” he whispered, just low enough for the two of them to hear.
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nauseateddrive · 5 years
BACK ALLEY SORCERY by Turner Odorizzi
There's nothing like getting that text at 11:30pm from your dealer. Unsolicited, he tells you "HMU. I got it." You know what 'it' is, because you asked him for it two nights ago. At the time, he told you "out, sry", and then to your roommates you said "Fuck. He just responded and he's out." Your roommates start to fight with passive-aggressive jabs that morph into screaming. All the way up the stairs, you could hear it outside.
But he's got it.
I'm at a bar with two shots in front of me, and the bartender snarls at me for taking my phone out as I was ordering. To satisfy him, I put it up and mumble a vague apology. I turn around to see that everyone else in here is under red lights, faces bathed in pale blood, behaving like there's a comfortable toxin drifting around. All sweating. I slug the two shots and leave the red babble into the back hallway where the bathroom is, but I apologize to the bartender for real before I leave.
He says he can meet me two blocks away in an hour.
That's a long time when you've started to become drunk. The first phase of it materializes convex feelings that flip a mental switch and turn you into a false prophet. I'm so transparent when drunk lately that it's become my default setting. I think I am a false prophet.
I often have these waking nightmares when I'm drunk, usually concerning the haphazard and brutal way the world maintains itself. Lately, they've become increasingly unreal.
I finally leave after debating, and as soon as I step out onto the street, I smell the falafel drifting out of that long white truck across the street. To my right, a homeless woman snaps at this girl's ankles while they're talking; the girl likely deserves to have been bit. She's what I would call a talker: one of those placating the downtrodden with a lousy quarter, iPhone in hand. These people on the streets are treated like a dogs, so it's only natural that they react as a dog would.
I digress.
There's an hour before my dealer can meet me, and now I'm thinking I could become a runner of his, you know? A loyal soldier.
A text comes in, but not from my dealer. I'm becoming angrier and spewing emotion like piss out of my eyes.
It reads: 'What r u doing? I'm downtown. Derek and I just picked up. Wanna join?'
She knows me well enough to know I'm getting drugs. It's got nothing to do with her. My anger is vitriol that's been forcibly caged, ready to gnash its teeth and make a feral attack, but I'm sure I'll be more kind when I'm high. By that point, I'll be knee deep in the oblivion I burn into my stomach, and less acquainted with how lucid and fractured all the days seem. Hopefully I'll be nicer then.
I text back: 'Yeah, maybe. Running errands first.'
Errands always means drugs in my world.
There's something unfair about being robbed of my self-image in a place so low-lit. How dare they take me for such a simple projection?
Goddamn, he should be here already.
He knows I'll linger on this stool until he strolls up, grinning like he's got a secret, however late or tempestuous he seems. I’m a cool condensation on a tall glass, just waiting like hell to fall.
But then he taps me on the shoulder. My mind snaps to attention, the neurons all firing with voracious action potentials, and it feels like a stroke but good and warm; my mouth is drowning in saliva. Finally, I can just feel serene and let the drug do its goddamn job.
"Come on. Hit the bathroom with me."
I trail him back to the bathroom, around the corner. He hands me the bag; I hand him the money in the same motion. We do a bump together and then I'm sent on my way to do my drugs in peace.
She texts again:
" At Carrie's. No cover tonight. Would love to see u."
I must be more drunk than I thought, because I don't remember getting here, or being checked for ID. I only remember getting this drunk. But here I am at Carrie's, the bar where she is and where she wants me to meet her. Here. What an absurd concept under the cover of night, blinded by the drugs and the drinks, especially since I could just as easily be there as here. Here or there? I'm already drunk, and I can't tell.
When I first see her, I'm stuck in the memory of our last encounter where, at the wrong moment, I wilted.
About a gram in with twelve drinks washing it down, I looked down to a flaccid dick. Hyper-flaccid. I was on my knees behind her, so she couldn't actually see, but she could definitely feel it. Trying to maneuver it then, in that faltered state, is like death throes in the aftermath of a waning battle, where she's standing there waiting on my surrender to it, because she's seen failing infantry before. She's waiting for me to run down the hill, pants hanging sloppily around my ankles, bellowing that I'm not dead yet.
It happened so quick and mutated to become furiously disappointing. Wilted flowers limp over the edge of the vase, unable to photosynthesize or cope. The question: Does she remember? I'll never let it go; my dick happens to be a good three quarters of my personality. I still remember what she said to me when I huffed and leapt off of the bed like some wounded coyote, to go out for a cigarette.
"Come on! Turner? It's fine, I swear! Please just come back to bed, you can smoke that in here, and we will just open the window. Please, you know it's not a big deal."
She kissed me, and I felt marginally better...but I had stumbled onto my curse.
She stroked the back of my neck while I laid horizontally across her lap. Scorched ego; Typical male bullshit. But that's what chaos looks like for me. Destruction is my motif.
In my head, my dick would never work again, for good or ill. It was permanently soft with embarrassment and inability and extraordinary self-loathing. Without that crucial three quarters, what am I?
He's nobody. He's faceless.
We go upstairs to the balcony dance floor, one step and then two at a time. The staircase is made of new, stained wood steps. Reminds me that this is the point of the night where all highs coalesce and I am... boisterous.
Once we get a drink, she tells me she dropped her small bag of coke when we hugged by the downstairs bar. She must have lost some of it in the process, maybe all, because now she turns to me morose, verging on drug tears in the middle of the dance floor. She asks me if I had bought any from Stone earlier.
She leads me to the darkest stall in the most remote corner of the bathroom.
"Did you pick any up, baby?"
"I don't like it when you call me baby, so please don't. But yeah, I bought some. I met him at the bar, but I waited longer than I wanted to. I should've left."
"I'm glad you didn't. Can I have some, baby?"
Now she's doing it on purpose.
I'm already feeling the pretense to the emotional crash which is requisite in the valleys with uppers. It's fingering my spine, and my ass is cold.
That crash acts as a proving ground to see which drug users will spill over into the abyss.
We finish off what I had left, both of us licking the top of the container earnestly afterward. It's clean by the end.
My fugue state is resolute, allowing me to float through all of this as if it were a dream. But I have sparse hopes, and I want to cry. Badly. There is something welling up, and I need to cry.
"What did you just say?"
"I'm asking you what you just fucking said, you drunk-ass."
She chuckles in between drinks.
"I don't...really know. It just feels like I really need to cry right now."
"Um...okay. Did I, like, do something to you?"
In moments like this, I wish there was more booze in the world than I could handle. Like so much booze, that it spews from and falls over the sides of all of those high rises downtown, raging throughout the city, happy to pick me up and transport me to some other place. A place where it's okay to be catatonically fucked up on a daily basis.
Meanwhile, the coke is really getting on top of me.
"No, I never said that. Look, it's not you, and honestly it has nothing to do with you. I just...I can't explain it. I feel gravity more than anyone should, I don't know. That seems like the best way to describe it."
She looks forward.
"It's ridiculous. Fucking tears."
"Well, do you want a hug or something? Or...maybe you need another drink?"
There's a tone in her voice that's covered in moss. Furtive, too. Judging by her oblique reaction, this is what nullifying the rules of engagement is like. Sensory destruction. I can feel that dogging me.
"No, just...never mind. I'm going outside, but I'll be back. I need a cigarette."
I won't see her again tonight, unless darker forces are at work.
Somewhere, in a grand tower with walls of cinder-colored brick, there's an aging wise man, with eyes like surreptitious black pearls, wearing what I could only describe as an onyx-colored warlock's cloak. The cloak trails behind him while he mans the strong brass bell at the top of the antechamber like a ringing monument. It chimes in step with those darker forces.
I sit down on the front steps of a hotel, searching my pockets for...no, there it is, my wallet. I am still me. How fucking disappointing after all the drugs, the alcohol, that some catalytic change didn't materialize. If only I could use alchemy to transmute myself into something productive, maybe someone or something else. As above, so below won't fucking cut it anymore. Those platitudes are hanging from that bell tower as shredded banners.
Can't the warlock hear me over that goddamn bell?
She's texting me again, realizing I'm not good on my word.
"WTF. Where did u go? Are u getting more? I'll pitch on it if you just meet me."
"Pls. Text back. I'm going to Line Bar. Meet me."
I can't help but wonder whether the beginning of hatred is always so subtle? I mean, is it always so...slippery? That I cannot exhale. She won't see me for the rest of the night, except as a useful vision of drugs but I'm just an outline there. A... falsehood. But that doesn't matter, because I would rather smoke on these steps in mute conversation with the warlock, listening carefully as he heaves back and forth, tugging the rope that bids the bell to toll.
Now It's clear that we're approaching the point in the night where the residual effects of all highs begin to wane and shrink up into themselves. They're dull, lanky fingers tickling the insides, fading quickly.
Fading toward an end.
The word of the hour is ‘terminate’. It comes from the Latin word terminus meaning border or end. We're approaching that end. Of everything: the night, the bell, the protective haze of the drugs and the booze. The warlock is shedding his cloak right there by the bell and watching it settle with the dust on the floor. He looks like me, but older, harder; He's just as close to total annihilation.
I don't hate her because I should, or because I have a rationale beyond self-loathing, or even because I'm some noble man saving her from my affliction. I look at her, or anyone, and it's easier to stomach while I'm drunk. Who can survive with that kind of doped up blanket? Better yet, who would want to?
It's getting colder as I sit here and suck down cigarettes all the way to the charred filter.
If I'm right I think I... Do I hear...a bell? No, that's just the violent squeak of an Uber driver's horn. Couple the squeak with the image of two homeless and yellow-eyed men fighting nearby, and then you've got the whole picture. Now, one of the men’s knocked the fuck out on the sidewalk, breathing like he's smoking in his sleep.
The warlock whispers, "He's nobody. Now, grab the knife."
Drunkenness is making a hard comeback now. Confusion of...me? Am I not me? The most pressing concern I have is the warlock fading in and out of my vision. Who is he, and why does he keep prodding me to grab some presumably nonexistent knife?
It’s the drugs, I swear.
Am I swearing to the warlock? If so, that begs the question as to whether or not he can hear me.
Who am I?
Only after the haze has made its comeback do I realize I'm no longer on those steps but am walking in the direction opposite the bar where she implored me to meet her. While weaving through crowds and lines of people on the sidewalk, I see a couple standing on the precipice of the curb next to a mangled pile of scooters, fighting about something. They fight like good omens, and I can see...well...something about them. Maybe it's the brutish mannerisms of traitors and bullies.
The girl thrusts out her arms in a half-baked attempt to tell the guy to fuck off; she tells him to leave. Perhaps she doesn't want him to, but he does; he's frustrated, yelling 'fuck you' over and over, alternating between tripping on the curb and the street.
I’ve been there, in those shoes. I've been the brick wall of a person she collided with, only to remain solid and immovable.
I need another drink or to crash, whichever can make it first.
Another text. Two, actually.
"Fuck you. U said seee u later."
"Why di you leave?"
When I look up, I'm at some dive bar, but it's impossible to tell which one. There are old beer signs glowing all over, and everything has a thin, nostalgic dust covering it.
Would that I could feel sorry, but I'm too volatile now. There's a corrosive quality to these things I do. I bleach skin with every word and eat through the rest, like the worst dissolving agent ever conceived. Even then, I'll go on knowing its wrong and stand perfectly still.
My dick deserves to never work again. Perhaps I should take the knife the warlock keeps taunting me with - the short one I notice is sitting there on the bar mat - and turn myself into a eunuch, and then, after the dust has settled, I can take my severed dick and paste it up on the wall like some anti-trophy.
I could see that.
The bartender hands me the last shot of the night, and it tastes like nothing, feels like vapor and kicks me straight in the liver with a twelve-pound steel toe.
After some time, the bar staff ushers us out like drunken cattle, and everybody descends into their phones.
But something happens in that flood of people, among the fucked up din of their cries and slurred shouts. There are far too many people crying outside of the bars tonight, and it's shameful that I'm not even one of them. By the way, how do you cry? Can someone tell me, because I'm drawing a wide blank? What are the mechanisms and motions? If only I could give someone five dollars just so they would teach me how to cry, like an in-person tutorial.
In a bizarre twist, I've become a zealot for crying in the vicinity of bars tonight.
But the bells start again; I hear them ringing out, chime after full, throaty chime. Bells, like the fucking Edgar Allan Poe poem repeating 'the bells' line after line. The warlock has really dug in.
I can't keep ignoring him.
My phone buzzes, but it feels more neurotic and nagging every time it vibrates, and I can sense that neuroses summiting my spine, hovering there like a curse.
I slink down along the wall next to a cluster of dumpsters, the alcohol taking control of basic motor functions this time. I grab my phone with violence in mind.
I rear back and chuck it at the wall opposite me. It hits the brick with a plastic thud and shatters slovenly. I can hear all the words escaping from it into the air. It flashes and breathes with little electric impulses, the life finally going out as something shuffles up beside me.
"You asked it to shut the fuck up y'know. Bit dramatic, heh."
"What? Where the fuck did you come from?"
"I'm Lenny, yeah. Just sayin', yeah...it did what you asked."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks?"
He gazes down at me, fiddling with some glass thing between his fingers and tossing it from hand to hand. Crack pipe, is it? No. Maybe? Well, if it is, and If I ask him, he might toss some my way, which could be a great way to pass the time while I lose my mind up against this filthy alley wall. It will just be a small hit, you know, just enough to take me away for a second.
Before I can ask, something overtakes me. I can't tell if this man is real.
My vision is blinded by an esoteric haze, and I can't be sure Lenny isn't just a facsimile of something or someone I've encountered in my worst dreams, because he does look familiar. Maybe he's never touched a drug in his life. I envy him. He's scruffy, but smiling. I think it's me who is the junkie.
Even better, this could be the warlock passing himself off as a man living off the street, like a messiah.
The bells come back fuller, and they ring louder as I feel psychosis encroaching on me, daring me to go just one step further and fall over my edge, to cross that border and finally come to the crucial end. The last stage, and the whole world's a stage. What a stage this godforsaken alley will be when this is a play in some dinky theater.
Dong, Dong, Donggggggg.
"Hey man, let me ask you, you got a dollar?"
"No. Uh, No, man, I'm sorry. I don't have a phone either."
He grunts and whispers something about me lying, which I am. I'm a liar. Tonight is full of these strange thoughts and lies. How...fucked up am I, really? How much more miserable can I get? Those are the thematic concerns of my whole fucking life. Those studying me will have to accept my capricious self and take these fundamental themes with them, because there's nothing left: no cigarettes, no drugs, no real me.
In fact, I think this would be as good a place to die as any. Better here than someone else's bed; the light is good enough to show that I don't seem the kind of person who should die in an alley, adjacent to shit and sewer water.
The bells are ringing out across my mental landscape. I can't hear anything else, I can't feel anything but the warlock's gaze. He's not laughing, just looking down with placid eyes. What does he see?
I look at my reflection in the puddle where my dead phone lays. Is this me?
There's always tomorrow.
Turner Odorizzi is an author that lives in Austin, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin's English and Creative Writing programs, in addition to being an intern for the Bat City Review. As of yet, he is previously unpublished.
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msftbts · 5 years
Hiya! Can I please request an BTS OT7 x American female reader imagine where they are all in a relationship and they ask the y/n to move into the dorm with them (that fancy one BTS just moved into haha), she says yes of course + BTS being super romantic and soft + lots of hugs, cuddles, and kisses!
Aaaahh, this was such a cute idea, thank you for it! Sorry that it took me so long to write it, but I hope I did your vision any justice. I loved writing this!!
Themes: Fluffy fluff fluff to the point where its kinda headass, sry
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Thousand kisses
“Have I done something wrong?”
You felt nervous under the gazes of these seven men. Sure, those gazes were familiar, you had seen them many many times before, but there was a sense of uncertainty in them.
“Oh, love”, you felt Hoseok rub you in comfort from the seat at the couch right next to you. “Always so clueless”.
You’ve had another average day of hanging out at BigHit’s building with your seven boyfriends. When Jin called you over, you didn’t know there was a back up thought. When they all kept looking at the clock on the wall during their dance practise, you felt like they were all waiting for something. Maybe they were all just exceptionally tired. It wasn’t anything new, but as soon as the clock hit 6pm they practically jumped to stop the music and to gather their bags and to go hang out at the lounge, next to the cafeteria. You grabbed Taehyung’s arm when they were all rushing out of the room. He didn’t give you that usual reassuring smile, the one that told you that he was happy about you showing affection. After all, it wasn’t easy to start a relationship with anyone, let alone seven men. It took you awhile to get used to giving love and affection towards every single one, and in front of the others.
How did you end up in a polyamorous relationship then? You had been working at BigHit’s cafeteria as a barista as an intern for a while. It wasn’t anything as dreamy as one would expect, you didn’t only get to serve idol’s their daily doses of caffeine and a snack of their choosing, because you mostly served other staff workers working in the huge building. When you did get to get a peek at the idols they were usually barging in in a hurry, eager to get something to go. Regardless of that, it was always still pleasant to meet them. They made sure to make you feel special, and at first you thought it was just something they did to everyone, but when your coworker started being curious about the notes building up behind the counter she asked about them. You shrugged it off as nothing, but she didn’t let you off the hook just like that. “They wouldn’t write “Your smile brightens up my day” or “That apron looks adorable on you” for fun. Y/N, they’re straight up flirting with you”, she said folding her arms across her chest. You started thinking about it more after that, and started making mental notes about the way they behaved around you, those occasional winks and lip bites started to have an effect on you. It didn’t take long until one of them was brave enough to ask you for your number, not in any average style, but by asking you to give your number in case they needed that coffee on a run, so they can text you and you’d make it before they come pick it up. It’s safe to say that he never texted about the coffee, rather asked you for a date.
After a few dates with Jungkook, he introduced you to the other boys, who were just as eager to meet you. A night at a private restaurant, fueled by lots of wine ended up in every single one of them confessing their feelings to you. It took you by utter shock, and you were sure that Jungkook was going to be mad at his hyungs for liking the girl he had been seeing for awhile, but to shock you even more, he knew about it already and was completely fine about it. At first you couldn’t do anything but laugh about the situation, how could it be that once you finally started seeing a boy you felt actually attracted to, six just as enticing men would basically offer themselves to you. “I should just date all of you instead”, you threw as a joke, when they expected you to make some sort of decision on who you’d pick. When none of them laughed, you picked your head up from your wine glass to scan their expressions. They were looking at each other with their eyebrows quirked up, almost hilarious how their faces were painted with identical expressions. “That’s…actually not a bad idea”, Namjoon started as the others nodded. “Wait, are you serious?” You asked, dumbfound. “I mean, I’d be down for that”, Jimin said.
After reading and talking about it together, you came across the term “Polyamory”, which basically meant a romantic relationship between three or more partners. Never would you have thought to date two people at the same time, yet alone seven. The thought was a bit complex and scary at first, but you quickly came up with an agreement on how all of you will feel the most comfortable doing it. Basically you would get to date all of them, they weren’t sure at first if they wanted to show romantic affection towards each other, but quickly adjusted to the idea of it and they got much more comfortable around each other. It wasn’t too often that they would kiss each other or go any further than that with their affection, but there was cuddling and closure. It helped, that their friendship was so strong bounded before, so the shift from being seven best friends to being boyfriends wasn’t so huge. You also made an agreement on having date nights with each of the boys at certain days of the month. They never failed to be the highlights of your month, but getting to be together with the whole group was even better. It was just kind of rare, since all of you were often busy. You had a full time job at the cafeteria, and they had their idol duties to keep up with. It wasn’t the same when you weren’t around, so they tried their best to invite you when they knew you had your time off. Just like they did today.
“We have been thinking about this relationship”, Taehyung started and looked at the others for reassurance seated all around you. “Are you ending this? Are you guys not ready for a polyamorous relationship?” You panicked. Taehyung chuckled and rubbed your knee. “No kitten, we actually want to take things on a new level”, Yoongi said from across you. “Are we adding a ninth person to the relationship? Is that what you want?” You hesitated. Now all of them were laughing or burying their faces into their hands. “Love, we want you to move in with us”, Hoseok said from beside you. Your face immediately brightened up. “Really? Is that it?” You asked, face practically beaming. “Yes, we have a spare bedroom at our dorms, it’s all ready for you”, Jungkook said. “I don’t want that”, you said while a pout fell over your lips. They all became worried in an instant. “I don’t want to sleep alone, I want to sleep with you guys”, you continued. Relief passed over them. “Oh bird, we can make that happen. You can choose who you want to sleep with every night”, Jin said from his place at the couch. A smile painted your face once again. “Okay”, you said. “Okay?” Yoongi asked. “Let’s do it!”
It didn’t take a lot of time to gather all of your stuff from your shared apartment with your roommate. You didn’t need much, since everything was basically already there, so you could leave all of your furniture at your old house. All of your personal gatherings fitted into two suitcases, that you now held by your sides at the lobby of the huge house that the boys called a dorm. “Is she here?” You heard someone whisper from behind the corner as Jungkook and Namjoon stepped inside after you, they had helped you at your apartment. “Uh, I’m home!” You yelled, as if to test out what habits you will soon adapt. You heard footsteps approaching your place at the lobby. Soon Jimin walked in, holding a banner with “Welcome home” written on it, Taehyung with a basket in his hands and all the rest followed after. “Welcome home!” Hoseok shrieked with excitement, expecting all the others to join in, but was followed with nothing but quietness. “Woah, thanks guys, but you didn’t have to”, you responded after taking in the view for awhile. They were so cute, the basket was filled with goodies from bottles of wine to shower gels and personalized set of towels and a bathrobe. “We bought you this”, Taehyung said as he stepped forward to hand you the basket. You pouted as you accepted it, feeling overwhelmed that they’d go the extra mile for you. “And uh, I baked a cake”, Jin suddenly said. You swallowed as you felt a lump of emotions form in your throat. Tears swelled at the corners of your eyes as your pouting lip intensified. “I-I don’t deserve you guys”, you said placing the basket down and running in to give all of them a big hug. Jungkook and Namjoon joined from behind you. “Yes you do, and you better get used to it. You’re now going to live with us and this is how it’s going to be”, Jin said. “You’re our baby”, Hoseok chimed in. You stepped away from the hug to wipe the tears from your eyes. “It’s just, I’ve never felt so at home as I do right now. I really do feel like I belong here”, you said. “Yes you do, and you’re not getting away”, Jimin said as he hugged you and pressed his lips on your forehead. The rest of the night you spent together in their living room, eating the cake Jin had prepared and cuddling on the long couch, talking about the past and your first dates with everyone.
The sun peeked through the blinds, and it took you a moment to memorize where you were. It wasn’t the familiar small bedroom that you were used to anymore. It was Taehyung’s king-sized bed in his bedroom, and his warm arms wrapped around your body. “Good morning sunshine”, he said as he snuggled his head against your neck and pressed a soft kiss against it. “Morning”, you said and turned to face him. “When did I even fall asleep?” You asked while running your hand through his ruffled bed head. “Oh baby, you don’t remember?” He chuckled with his morning voice. You shook your head. “Jin told you to put that glass of wine down, you had drank much more than anybody else. You insisted and gulped it down all at once, before Yoongi could reach the glass off your hands. Then it took you like ten minutes before you were almost passing out on my lap and I asked if you should go to sleep, you muttered something about wanting to sleep with me so I carried you to my bed. Hope you don’t mind”, he explained the whole story. “No wonder my head is pounding”, you scoffed. “Let’s go get you some Tylenol for that”, he said before diving his lips on yours. You grabbed his hand once he got up and he pulled you up after him. You waddled after him into the kitchen, still being unable to navigate through the huge house. “Oh precious, you’re alive”, Hoseok ran to you. “What, did you think that Tae would murder me in my sleep or something?” You teased him as he rubbed your head playfully while his other arm wrapped around you. “Not Taehyung, but that alcohol yes”, he responded and you sighed: “Don’t remind me”. Jimin giggled from his spot at the table, where he was eating cereal. “You surely were cute last night, you kept talking about how hard it is sometimes for you for loving so many beautiful men”, he said. “We tried to ask you who you loved the most, but it almost brought you to tears, because apparently it was too hard to choose”, Jin popped in. “Embarrassing”, You muttered as Taehyung handed over a glass of water. You drank it down with the pill he handed to you. “Where’s my morning kisses”, a voice echoed all the way from the lobby where Namjoon just came in from getting the mail. You didn’t react to it, before Jimin playfully tugged your side as he put the empty bowl into the dishwasher. “He’s talking about you”, he said. Your eyebrows quirked up as you realized it, and you quickly ran into the lobby. As Namjoon saw you bolting in, he opened his arms and gave you the warmest hug before kissing your lips time after time. Yoongi had woken up and was now making his way into the kitchen and he happened to pass by you two. “Well, good morning to you too”, he muttered as he scratched his arm sleepily. You turned to him and walked over to him, to pull him in for a kiss too. “Sorry baby, I didn’t notice you there”, you said. “Don’t worry, kitten” he said before returning you a deeper kiss. Once all of you got into the kitchen, Jin had cooked all of you a table full of breakfast. “Sit down bird, we’ll have breakfast together”, he said as he pulled one of the chairs from under the table for you to sit on it. As you sat down he kissed the top of your head. “Ugh”, you slumped down onto the chair, feeling exhausted. “What is it, Y/N?” Jungkook asked. “How many kisses do I have to give and receive on a daily basis?” You asked with a dramatic sigh. “A thousand kisses, and it’s only the morning”, Hoseok laughed from beside you
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artificialqueens · 5 years
we’ll get there [pt. 1] (plastique/brooke) - scheherazade
A/N: yeet, it’s my first time posting and it’s a fic challenge ! i decided to go with these:
rare pair: plastique/brooke
tropes: 1) reuniting after a long time apart and 2) besties who’re secretly inlove with each other and neither knows
bonus: lesbian au
Summary: Brooke and Vanjie break up and Brooke is thrust into the aftermath where there are broken friendships & inner turmoil to be found. She gets by with a little help from an old friend.
How dare she?
“I deserve better,”
Better than what?
“Better than what you can give me.”
Brooke slammed open the door of her and Nina’s dorm room, the customized rainbow number plate they hung dangerously swinging from the impact. She threw her bag in a random direction and face-planted on her bed. She buried her face in the covers to muffle her scream.
“Oh no mama, I know that look. C'mon Brooke, understand me here. We just ain’t workin’ out.”
How can she decide that?
Brooke heard a familiar laughter from around the corner. The sound got louder and louder and Brooke groaned.
“Brooke?” Her face was still buried in the covers but she knew that it was her roommate. “I—we didn’t know you were here.”
She remembered when Nina didn’t sound so surprised to see her. Back when she didn’t practically live in her girlfriend’s (ex’s) pocket.
“Yeah. We thought you’d be with your girlfriend.”
The laugh Brooke heard earlier was definitely Yvie’s. Fuck. She didn’t know if she could handle their…issues above everything else. She hoped that Yvie would notice her mood and drop any attitude that she would probably give. Not that it wasn’t deserved.
“Girlfriend? Not anymore.” Brooke intended for her reply to be biting. She wanted it to reflect the anger she felt at that moment but at the last word, her voice broke. Her cheeks burned in humiliation.
The bed dipped beside her and she felt a hand on her shoulder. Warm. “Will you be okay?”
Brooke really doesn’t know. She voiced that thought to Nina.
“Do you need anything?”
It was shameful the way she immediately blurted out her ex’s name. Someone scoffed and even without seeing, Brooke knew that it was Yvie. She probably rolled her eyes too and crossed her arms, the combination she did when she found something particularly ridiculous and dumb. Brooke was familiar with it once.
Nina tutted and Brooke heard a placating “Okay fine,” from Yvie (who probably also threw up her arms, if Brooke remembered) before she heard the door shut.
“Sorry about her.” Nina apologized.
Brooke didn’t reply. Her mind was too busy going into overdrive about everything that was wrong in her life. Between the unexpected break-up and everything else, she just wanted to chug her ballet teacher’s Russian vodka and hope that her problems solved themselves.
“I think I want a hug.”
“C'mere baby,”
Brooke shuffled around until she was in her roommate's—and best friend’s, if Nina still considered her that—arms. She curled inwards in an attempt to make herself smaller. She snuffled and was embarrassed to realize that she had started crying. Brooke tried to regulate her breathing and bit her lip to stop it from wobbling and setting off a wave of tears.
It didn’t matter because when Nina tightened her hug and started stroking her hair, she was undone. Her walls let down, just for this moment.
“N—Are you angry at me too? Like Yvie?” If she was going to cry, she might as well cry about everything wrong; might as well bite the bullet.
“No. But I am disappointed. And sad. Mostly sad.”
Nina didn’t explain and Brooke didn’t question her further, too afraid of the conversation escalating and losing the only comfort she had for the day.
“You’re late Ms. Hytes.”
Brooke almost fell to her knees apologizing, true to the Canadian way. She had woken up this morning to a covered plate of pancakes with a sticky note beside it. Nina wrote using a pink glittery pen and questionable handwriting. She must’ve rushed.
made pancakes for u. there’s maple syrup on the counter the brand u likeee sry didn’t wake u up u look like u need rest. take it easy brooke :) Nina <3
It was sweet and really warmed her heart but one glance at the clock made it freeze. She ate the pancakes quickly (but not before drizzling them in syrup) and dropped the dishes in the sink and reminded herself to wash it later. Afterwards, she ran and repeatedly apologized as she hit a lot of people on the way.
“I’m so sorry Ms. Visage, I woke up late today and I swear it won’t happen again.”
“Just get over there,” she motioned to the seats and Brooke complied, murmuring another apology.
She ignored Vanjie who sat between Silky and A'keria and the lack of empty seat somewhere between the three that was usually reserved for Brooke. She opted to sit between Gia and Jujubee who seemed to be discussing something with Raven. She settled in her seat and turned to Gia.
“Hey did I miss anything?”
“Absolutely, we just paired up for the project.”
“What project? Who am I left to pair up with?” Brooke’s eyes widened.
“Funny Ms. Hytes, that’s what I was just about to discuss.” Ms. Visage replied and raised a brow.
There was a smattering of laughter and Brooke bowed her head and winced.
“And to answer your question: everyone is paired up,” Brooke dreaded doing a potentially hard project alone. “But there will be a new student coming tomorrow so you can do the project with her.”
The class burst into chatter and questions when their professor announced a new student. Brooke could pick out some of the most popular comments.
“What’s her name?”
“Where is she from?”
“Why is she transferring now?”
“I hope she’s hot,”
Brooke wanted to ask a question herself except she noticed that Ms. Visage’s face got stonier by the minute.
“Silence!” she called out and like magic, it worked. “You’ll meet her when you meet her. Now can I discuss the project? Yes? Good.”
Brooke stressed out over the project until lunch. Then at lunch, she stressed out where to sit because obviously, she wasn’t welcome at her ex’s table anymore. She sighed and held on stupidly to her lunch tray and dragged her feet to find an empty table.
Brooke thought about the project their professor gave them. They were supposed to put together a 30-minute presentation about two countries wherein country A has influenced country B (through trade, colonization, etc.) enough so that it has been integrated into B’s culture in present time. They were supposed to include how it became so and an answer to what if the cause didn’t happen. What would change?
She decided that she needed to get a high–if not the highest– grade. She was going to and that’s final. Brooke knew that she was a competitive person. She needed a win badly and it’ll be something that’s sure to lift her spirits.
Her view regarding the project was starting to lighten up. It provided a very important perk which was distraction. The project gave her something to focus on, to work towards—a goal. And she’d rather do that than wallow in feelings.
Just as soon as she started feeling better because of the project, she remembered that her partner was going to be a stranger. That one factor could potentially change everything. Brooke Lynn clicked her tongue and snapped at herself mentally. She was not going to ruin this by overthinking. Whoever her partner was going to be, she was going to make sure they were on board with her goals.
“Brooke!” She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name called. An enthusiastic arm was waving at her and it belonged to Nina. “Come sit with us!”
Brooke approached hesitantly at her table. “Are you sure?” she asked, glancing at Yvie.
Yvie rolled her eyes at her. “This is so dumb. Just sit down girl.” She said and scooted over near Scarlet by her left to make space.
Brooke’s lips quirked. How long has it been since? “Okay,” She sat down.
Nina grasped at the arm of the person closest to her, who just happened to be Shuga, and looked at them like they just made her dreams come true. It was sickeningly sweet. And totally undeserved, Brooke thought, they haven’t really reconciled yet.
Yvie noticed Nina too and she laughed. “Ew stop that. You only look at your girlfriend like that. It’s weird on us,”
Nina leaned on Shuga and proved Yvie correct. “She deserves it. Anyway, this is a special occasion.”
“Yes!” Shuga clapped like the cinnamon roll that she was. “Welcome back Miss Brooke Lynn!”
“Yeah, how was ignoring us for 5 months?”
Brooke flinched. She considered not replying but her tongue slipped. The urge to fall back to the usual banter between her and Yvie overtook.
“Honestly? Awful. How did I ever survive lunch without Nina and Shuga being sickeningly sweet? Not in front of my salad!”
“If being sweet is like this then I’m diabetic.” Yvie retorted.
Nina threw them an unimpressed look. “Brooke I think you can go back.” She made a shoo-ing motion which made Brooke feign a scoff while the others laughed.
“Anyway, uh, what’s up? Catch me up on the stuff I missed.” Brooke segued, kind of awkwardly.
“Ms. Del Rio is a flaming bitch.” Scarlet spoke up and her Physics book on the table. Brooke was surprised to hear the hostility in Scarlet’s tone, and aimed at a professor nonetheless.
“Say it again for the people in the back!” someone from across the cafeteria shouted.
So. Insulting your sharp-tongued Physics teacher wasn’t the best idea. Scarlet and a couple other students who jumped in on the protest against the teacher—who apparently is a “demon sent from hell on wooden legs"— now served two hours of detention after school. For the rest of the week.
Brooke Lynn felt sorry for them. She had Ms. Del Rio before and she knew that she made them go through suffering (a lot of it) so that they could learn properly. They would thank her in the end. Either that or they’ll plot to overthrow her or something.
She leaned against her locker as students went past, rushing to get out of school. Brooke waited until she saw Yvie and went after her.
She needed to apologize.
"Yvie! Eve!” she called out.
The girl stopped and looked at her, adjusting the strap of her fluffy blue cookie monster bag. “What’s up?”
“Can I talk to you? Out. I meant, outside—somewhere out, like a coffeeshop?” Brooke asked. “I want to apologize.”
Yvie looked hesitant but then she sighed and shrugged. “Shuga’s bakery. Your treat.”
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highfivecalum · 6 years
since i have super bad writers block i decided to write a lil frat!cal :))) if requested i’ll do a part 2 (even if not requested i probably will anyway??)
Pairings: Fratboy!Calum and Y/N
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol, mild smut
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not my gif credit to whoever made it sry
You woke up, groggy, with a pounding head, and no remembrance of the night before or whose bed you were in. You groaned quietly and flipped your body over to reveal the man you had sex with the night before. Your eyes couldn’t have gotten any wider than they were. The guy you swore you would never give in to and have sex with. The guy you tried to tell yourself that you despised, but found yourself taking a liking to since he was just so attractive. The guy who could be considered as one of the biggest manwhores at your university.
Calum Hood.
“Fuck.” You cursed under your breath and quickly got up, trying to find all of your clothes that were dispersed around Calum’s room. You found your bra, dress, and wedges, but there was no sign of your underwear. Fuck it, you thought. You wanted to leave before he woke up. You were lucky that you snuck out of the huge frat house without getting lost or caught doing the walk-of-shame.
You were thankful that your one class for the day didn’t start until 10 which gave you approximately an hour to do the walk-of-shame home from the frat house, get dressed, and get a coffee before your Literature class started. However, you weren’t thankful, though, that Calum was in that class with you. You prayed to God that he would oversleep and not make it to class so you didn’t have to face him.
Trying to sneak into your apartment without being seen by your roommate/best friend, you shut the door quietly behind you and exhaled a sigh of relief. You couldn’t wait to change and take last nights makeup off.
“Well, well, well.” You were caught red handed and you cursed, again, under your breath. You looked up to see your best friend, Stephanie, standing there with a knowing smirk on her face. “Look what we have here.”
“Don’t start.” You pointed a finger at her and made a beeline for the bathroom. You hoped she wouldn’t interrogate you about your night.
“Where’ve you been, ya little hoe?” You knew she was joking, but you ignored her and continued to get ready. Reapplying your makeup lightly and brushing your teeth before pushing past her and changing: you dressed yourself in a pair of leggings and a cropped sweater and called it a day. “Fine, fine, don’t tell me now, but I expect all of the dirty details later”
“Yeah, yeah.” You rolled your eyes and slung your purse over your shoulder, Stephanie slapping your ass on the way out of your apartment, you flicked her off before slamming the door shut and speed walking to campus. Your apartment was only a few minutes away, so there was really no point in driving and wasting gas and time trying to find a parking spot.
You tried to ignore the pounding headache you had as you impatiently waited in line at the campus coffee shop, but your patience was wearing thing, and you needed coffee ASAP if you were going to sit through this three hour class. Or else you might just die. You knew that was being a bit dramatic, but your Lit class was so boring and your professor did nothing to make it any more interesting.
You finally got to your class and settled into the seat you normally sat in, exhaling a sigh, happy that you weren’t late. “Hey, Y/N.” Dylan, the guy who always sits next to you in class, greeted you happily. You offered him a small smile and turned your attention to your phone. You were texting Stephanie about your night- since she wouldn’t stop bothering you about it- when you heard the oh so familiar voice of Calum Hood.
“You mind?” He looked at Dylan expectantly.
“What?” Dylan blinked.
“You mind moving?”
“But, I-I sit here everyday?”
“And? Does it look like I care?”
Dylan didn’t argue any further and packed his stuff up, moving to a vacant seat far away from you. You glared angrily at Calum as he cockily sat down in the now empty seat next to you.
“What the hell, Calum? You can’t just do that!”
“I can do whatever I want.” Calum rolled his eyes. He leaned into you, impossibly close, and whispered against your ear. “I was sad to see that you weren’t still naked in my bed this morning when I woke up.”
You tried to hide the goosebumps that rose on your skin, but Calum noticed and smirked. He had that effect on every girl he got close to not excluding you. And you hated it. “Why would I have stayed?”
“I figured you would want a round 3 after I found your panties on the floor.”
Your head snapped up and you looked at him with wide eyes. He reached into his back pocket and retrieved the black lace thong that you had been wearing the night before. “Calum!” You whisper-yelled and grabbed them out of his hand, looking around, hoping and praying to God that nobody saw. “What is wrong with you?”
“Oh, c’mon, Y/N. Don’t pretend that you didn’t have a good time.” Once again, he whispered seductively in your ear. “Don’t pretend like the 5 orgasms I gave you weren’t the best you’ve ever had.”
You clenched your thighs together, trying not to show how affected you were by his words, and tried to forget about how good he made you feel last night, and Calum noticed, his signature cocky smirk returning.
“That’s what I thought.”
Ignoring Calum for the duration of three hours was complete and utter torture. Once your professor dismissed you, you all but sprinted to the door and continued to ignore Calum as he yelled your name down the crowded halls, of course drawing attention to you that you didn’t want.
It absolutely didn’t help that Calum was good friends with one of your other friends, Luke, and ended up at the same diner you were meeting your friends at. Apparently, Luke had invited Calum without informing anybody, and nobody cared. Except you, of course, but you didn’t want to tell your friends, because then they would question you. And you didn’t want to disclose to them that you had sex with Calum Hood just less than fourteen hours before.
“You can’t ignore me forever, Y/N.” Calum spoke in your ear as you walked side by side to the diner. You rolled your eyes and pretended that you didn’t know the was walking right next to you. You were trying your hardest not to give into him- again.
“Y/N!” Luke happily greeted you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and you could see Calum out of the corner of your eye, jaw and fists clenched.
Was he jealous? He couldn’t be. Not possible. Calum doesn’t get jealous over girls. He doesn’t have feelings when it comes to girls. He just likes to fuck them and dump them. Not date them.
“Hey guys,” you patted the top of Stephanie’s head and hugged Ashton, her boyfriend, and your other friend, Michael. “I’m actually not staying. Gotta go catch up on some homework.” Lie.
Everybody frowned and Luke protested, but you assured them you would meet up with them later after you had showered and taken a nap. Calum tried to follow you, but you told him to fuck off, and left without another word. You knew if you kept talking to him you would end up in his bed again and that was not something that you wanted to happened.
It had been two weeks. Two long weeks since you and Calum had sex and he hadn’t given up since. You were surprised, impressed, really, that he hadn’t moved on to the next girl that was waiting to fuck him. He was determined, to say the least, and you had done a good job at avoiding him. Until the night of the party. 
You had been dragged to the frat party by Stephanie and Ashton against your will. You really didn’t want to go, but there was no room for arguing with them, they were stubborn and wouldn’t take no as an answer. Right as you walked in the door Luke was shoving a red SOLO cup in your hands and you were chugging it down with no questions asked. You knew you would need a buzz in order to get through the night.
The party was in full force and you and your friend group was where you usually were during these frat parties; the kitchen. You were sat on the counter, Luke between your legs, your hands playing with his hair, as you laughed loudly as something Stephanie said. You had felt Calum’s eyes on you all night, but you pretended you didn’t notice, and tried, basically forced yourself, not to look at him.
Luke announced he had to take a piss and walked away quickly with his drink. His body was replaced with Calum’s, this time his body facing you, with the signature cocky smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes and sipped your drink.
“What do you want, Calum?” His hands slowly inched up your thighs and under your dress, dangerously close to your underwear. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Calum.”
“You look insanely sexy tonight. This dress showing your curves off in all the right ways, makes me just wanna bend you over the counter and fuck you right here.” His breath fanned against your ear and you bit your lip, trying to cover the gasp that escaped your mouth.
It was hard to resist Calum, with him being so attractive and confident and cocky. You thought back to the night the two of you hooked up and couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about his lips on your skin. How good he made you feel. How no other guy you had been with could even compare to the wondrous Calum Hood. 
You crumbled and gave in. You had to have him again, so you finally looked down at Calum, eyes locking, and you bit your lip harder. His smirk widened and he had a knowing look on his face. He knew he got to you. He knew he was going to have you in his bed again. And surprisingly, neither of you were mad about it.
“I gotta pee.” You announced to your friend group before shoving Calum away and hopping off the counter. They all had knowing looks on their faces as they watched the interaction between you and Calum. They knew you didn’t have to pee, it didn’t take a genius to figure that one out.
“Yeah right.” Michael snorted, speaking what everybody else was thinking. “Have fun you two.” He tapped your butt lightly as he passed him and you rolled your eyes, not bothering to give him a reaction.
Calum followed you closely, feeling his hands on your lower back and his breath on your neck. At this point you couldn’t wait to be under him.
Calum’s door slamming shut behind you, he wasted no time in pushing you against it, and attaching his lips to yours. “Jump.” Calum mumbled into your mouth, grabbing the back of your thighs, and lifting you up.
Calum’s hand unexpectedly dipped into your underwear emitting a gasp from you, moaning into his mouth, you felt his cock press against your leg, exciting you even more than you already were. “Fuck, Calum.”
At the sound of your moans Calum was throwing you onto his bed and crawling on top of you. Your dress and his clothes were thrown carelessly across his room and his lips were on your skin, teasing you, driving you absolutely crazy.
“Stop teasing.”
Calum’s dark eyes bore into yours as he slid your thong down your legs, taking his bottom lip between his teeth, and smirking at how wet your already were. Without warning his lips were on your clit and you gasped loudly, moaning Calum’s name.
There was already a tent pitched in his pants at the sight of you walking into his fraternity house hours ago and now he was incredibly hard at the sight of you squirming under him and moaning his name as he made you cum with his mouth. He knew he wouldn’t last long.
“Fuck, Calum.”
“You like that?” You couldn’t speak, only moaned in response, and Calum took that as his cue to reattach his lips to your clit, flicking his tongue until you came all over his mouth. Which, at the sight and the taste of you, almost made him cum in his pants right there.
“I need you. Now.” Were the only words Calum needed to slide into you and fuck you into oblivion.
It was, in that moment, Calum decided that he didn’t want this to be a one (or two) time thing. It wasn’t going to be. He wanted all of you, all the time, and that scared the shit out of him. He never felt that way, about any girl he’s ever been inside, and he wasn’t sure why out of every girl, it was you he wanted more than just sex with.
Maybe it was the way you put up a fight, the way you didn’t throw yourself at him constantly, the way you acted as if you didn’t give one shit about him- even though you secretly did. He was intrigued and it had him wanting to know more about you. Wanting to know everything about you.
“Wow.” You breathed out and laughed lightly. You rolled out of his bed and slid your panties up your legs before throwing your dress back on. Calum watched your every move, admiring your naked body that was glistening with sweat- yours and his. “That was nice.”
Calum looked amused and propped his head up on his hand. “Just nice?” He didn’t have to ask. He knew it was one hundred percent better than just nice.
“Alright, it was fucking nice.”
He laughed and patted his bed for you to sit down. You were hesitant at first. You weren’t sure why he wasn’t kicking you out and going back to his party, like he usually did, you weren’t sure why he wasn’t acting like the usual Calum who just fucks and dumps. It made you curious. So you sat down, leaving enough room between the two of you so that you weren’t touching.
“I, uhh, I have to tell you something.” Calum was nervous and you could tell. You hadn’t ever seen him nervous before, so it surprised you.
You furrowed you eyebrows and nodded your head slowly. Why was he acting so weird? “What’s up?”
Calum sat up fully, thankfully having put underwear on just before, and inhaled a breath. God he was nervous, anxious even. He had never had to admit his feelings to a girl. This was all new to him. And this Calum, was all new to you. “I like you. Like, like you. Not just for sex and not just as a friend, either.”
“Oh?” Your eyes widened and you couldn’t help but smile. You would never admit it, but you too, had a crush on him. It was just a grade school crush, really, nothing serious, but hearing him say that he liked you made you happy in a way that you couldn’t describe. “Since when?”
“Since, like.. I dunno- a year?”
“A year? Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
Calum just shrugged, ingnoring your question, and continuing to speak. He didn’t want to tell you that he was too scared to admit his feelings, that he was scared you would reject him, since no girl has ever rejected him, he was just flat out scared. And Calum was never scared. “Can I take you on a date?”
“Seriously?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Yeah. Seriously.”
“I-I don’t know, Calum.”
“C’mon, Y/N. I know I have a reputation and I’ve slept with a lot of girls-“
“And broken their hearts.” You reminded him.
“Yeah, that too, but it’s different with you.”
“Why is it different? How am I any different than any other girl you’ve had drunken sex with?”
“I don’t know it just is, okay? I’ve taken a liking to you since the first class we had together last year and I can’t explain it, you’re just... different. Can you please just give me a chance? One chance? I won’t let you down. I promise. And if I do, you can- you can punch me in the face.”
“I’ll be doing  more than just punching you in the face.” You assured him. Calum laughed and nodded his head in understanding.  “But yeah, sure, you can take me on a date. But you better impress me.”
Calum’s eyes lit up, smile so wide his white teeth could’ve blinded you, and he didn’t hesitate to smash his lips against yours. You weren’t sure if this would end well, but you knew you wanted to give it a chance, and if you got your heart broken; well then you were just going to have to deal with that later.
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gcldngrl-blog · 6 years
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 。✧*゚。 why’d it take so long for me to know this ?? 
                                                   scared to put the water with the roses. 。✧*゚。
 [sabrina carpenter’s paris plays in the distance bc i’m obsessed with it rn sry] *~*~*~ hellOoOo, i’m annabelle, i’m 23, and i never fckn learned how to intro post !! i’m in the cst timezone & currently binge-watching the chilling adventures of sabrina, whaddup. 
DOVE CAMERON, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER.   →   according to the school records, GEORGIE ELLEN JAMES has been attending sacred heart for the past two years. i last saw them hanging around harold york pool; i think they were trying to beat their personal record. at twenty years old, georgie has been studying theater arts and get this, i heard that she put a hex on a boy that was treating her friend poorly — figure it’s true ? everyone around here always associates them with chipped navy blue nail polish, worn flannel shirts, and a tumbler full of black coffee and says they’re so stubborn, genuine, and withdrawn. think something will happen to them before the year is over ?   (   written by annabelle, 23, she/her, central.   )
tw: death of parents
     high on a hill, tucked away in a top-floor dorm lit with ( contraband ) candles, sitting at a desk littered with old-fashioned stationary and textbooks is georgie james. georgie, born in excelsior, georgia ( ha ha, georgie from georgia, ha ) was always passionate about performing. her childhood was a charmed life, almost a fairytale, until she turned 17. 
     the death of both of her parents in a tragic car crash didn’t seem real for the weeks after the accident. it seemed too awful, too dramatic, like something that would happen to the protagonist of a very sad soap opera.
     georgie, a bright young girl with a particular talent for singing and acting, tucked herself so far into her shell that she was barely recognizable her senior year. her friends tried to help, but all she wanted to do was get into a good college and leave excelsior forever.
my tiny bisexual, feisty daughter !!!! georgie is a gemini, has a serious caffeine addiction, a hand-knit sweater collection, and is known for keeping bottles of wine at the bottom of her hamper.
is very shy with people she’s not comfortable with. it’s partially her personality, partially a leftover coping mechanism from her parents’ death. 
she’s never been in a ~real~ romantic relationship because she’s very afraid of losing people she loves. she’s had quite a few hookups, but she doesn’t really get emotionally invested.
long story short, georgie healed a little bit by coming to sacred heart academy. the family-shaped hole in her heart was filled by a few carefully-selected friends. friends who managed to get her out to parties, to declare her theater arts major, and to make her feel that life was worth living fully & well.
the friends she’s made at sacred heart are her family. she values them above anything else.
underneath the layer of reservation & withdrawal from is a bit of a social butterfly waiting to burst free. she’s sassy as hell, easily excited, and very passionate around people she trusts.
her priority is the theatrical productions at sacred heart, and you can often find her at the pool for a workout or in a practice room with sheet music from some broadway show, singing her heart out.
the rumor about her is that she cursed a boy that had been awful to one of her closest friends. 
in reality, she had a to-the-point, maybe slightly threatening conversation with him... and the next few weeks were a series of mishaps and mayhem. his books caught on fire in a science class. all his potted plants died. and, finally, he fell down the stairs and broke his leg.
because of her reserved nature, someone assumed that naturally this meant she was a witch that had cursed him.
georgie had never practiced wicca before, so she had no idea why the rumor gained traction, but she finds it quite funny.
potential connections
she needs her friends !! georgie’s entire support network are her friends. some are from back home, but most of the people she trusts and loves are the people she’s met at sacred heart.
the person that she supposedly ~*~*~ hexed ~*~*~ because that could be an actual Good enemies plot. they have to have been a character that is capable of breaking her friend’s heart in a cruel way.
the friend she defended from this guy -- if you have a juicy exes plot & want in on georgie supposedly *~*~cursing~*~*~ the dude, totally hit me up. 
any sort of past romantic connections. she’s had quite a lot of one night stands and hookups. it’s sort of a stress-release thing for her, and not about the human connection. she’s never been romantically involved with someone, because she’s scared of losing them.
the person who convinces her that love is worth having / taking a risk for - this would be her first real romantic relationship and could be very very angsty and very very cute at the same time. slow burn galore, please !! 
i’m also up for cousins and distant relatives. she grew up in georgia, so if that works for you & you want a cousin at the academy, hmu.
her roommate. we could plot the specifics any way you want. she’s a sophomore! taken by @nielscn wow we stan weirdo roomies forever.
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tiptoptab · 6 years
1-134 😏
Okay well if anyone else wanted to participate it’s too damn late 😂thanks bats ❤️Name: nataschaAge: 193 fears: myself, myself, my thoughts3 things I love: movies, thunder, concerts 4 turn one: uhm lol idk, okay: goofiness, tall guys? And nice laughs4 turn offs: ignorance, arrogance, impatience My best friend: my roommate and best friend for over ten years is named MariaSexual orientation: as if I knew, somewhere in the middleBest date: anything with the right personHeight: 1.68 cmWhat do I miss: not paying bills What time was I born: 5amFav color: changes all the timeCrush?: mmmh Favorite quote: also changes all the timeFavorite place: anywhere with the right peopleFavorite food: cocktail shrimp and I’ll fight ya on thatDo I use sarcasm: you’d sure like to know, would ya?What am I listening to rn: ready to die - SAVEUSFirst thing I notice in a person: confidence Shoe size: 39Eye color: grey-ish blue more like a dark blue?? With a yellow circleHair color: changes faster than my will to live, but currently platinum blondeFavorite style of clothing: I call it ready for business.. but also ready to get down any second, does anyone wanna take a shot with me?Ever done a prank call: yes YesMeaning behind url: I used to shitpost memes and I had nothing better to come up withFavorite movie: brother bearFavorite song: changes constantly Favorite band: ^^How I feel rn: tired and my teeth hurts A+Someone I love: @isabeeelsimsCurrent relationship status: single afRelationship with my parents: I don’t have time or the will to even begin on thatFavorite Holliday: fastalavn (Danish Halloween, kinda)Tattoos and piercings: I have a nose piercing Tattoos and piercings I want: matching bear tatto with my best friend anytime soonThe reason I joined tumblr: @cowplant-pizza inspired me to give it a tryDo I and my last ex hate each other: he’s a rapist so there’s your answer right thereDo I ever get goodmorning or goodnight texts: everyday thanks to my amazing friendsHave I kissed the last person I texted: yes if you haven’t kissed your best friend you haven’t been drunk enough When did I last hold hands: a week ago I think? Platonic thoHow long does it take me to get ready: like 20min but i have a huge fear of getting late so I wake up atleast 2-3 hours before I get out the doorHave you shaved your legs in the past 3 days: yupWhere am I rn: Cph, Denmark. In my apartment If I were drunk and couldn’t stand who’s taking care of me: maria is my designated mom, and she owes me cus she broke me teeth while she were drunk and I were taking care of herDo I like my music loud: it can’t get loud enoughDo I live with my mom and dad: no I moved out at 16Am I excited for anything: yuppDo I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell anything to: yea i have three guy friends who is cross the earth forHow often do I wear a fake smile: woo a little too real for meWhen was the last time I hugged someone: earlier todayWhat if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else in front of me: I’d be fineIs there anyone I trust even tho I shouldn’t: hopefully notWhat is something I dislike about today: well I ate a sandwich and my plastic teeth fell off so yeaIf I could meet anyone on earth who would it be: idk tbhWhat do I think about the most: quitting my jobStrangest talent: idk I can ride a unicycleDo I have any strange phobias: people who make skkr noise with their fork on the plate has a special place in hellSo I prefer to be behind or inform it a camera: behind What was the last lie I told: no Maria I don’t know any illegal websites to watch movies other than x and x (I was too lazy to go find the links)Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting: can we just text or discord call?Do I believe in ghosts or aliens: ghosts nah, aliens sure why notDo I believe in magic: nopeDo I believe in luck: nopeWhats the weather rn: it’s late so just cold and windy What was the last book I ready: all the bright placesDo I like the smell of gasoline: nah but like hand sanitizer A+Do I have any nicknames: my mom used to say that loved children have lots of nicknames, I certainly think I have too manyWorst injury I ever had: is anyone not bored by the f teeth talk yet? Do I spend money or save it: spend, whopsCan I touch my nose with my tongue: nopeIs there anything pink in 10 feet from me: yes sirFavorite animal: otters duhWhat was I doing last night at 12 am: watching that 70’s show and I’m not ashamedWhat do I think Satan’s last name is: well my mom told me not to share my personal info to strangers onlineHow can you win my heart: laugh at my shitty jokes and understand my references you uncultured swineWhat would I want written on my tombstone: where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from cotton eye joeWhat’s my favorite word: idk sryTop 5 tumblrs: I cant pick between my family Do I have any relatives in jail: nopeWhat is my current desktop screen: a black screen that says “windows not genuine” cus I’m too lazy to fix itHad sex: yesBought condons: yesGotten pregnant: no thank god Failed a class: noKissed a boy: yesKissed a girl: yesHave I ever kissed someone in the rain: yes and it less romantic than you’d thinkHad a job: yupLeft the house without my wallet: yea?Bullied someone on the internet: no not to my knowledge and if you ever think I did, then I apologize sincerely Had sex in public: yes lol Played on a sports team: hell yeaSmoked weed: nopeDrugs: noCigarettes: yes but I’m not a smokerDrank alcohol: yuppAm I veggie/vegan: no but I was for four yearsBeen overweight: yesUnderweight: yesBeen to a wedding: yesBeen on the pc for more than five hours: HAHAHAHAHAWatched tv for five hours: HAHAHAHAHAbeen outside my country: yesGotten my heart broken: yes..Been to a professional sports game: yesBroken a bone: noCut myself: noBeen to prom: we don’t have those in my country, we have galla but not at my schoolBeen in an airplane: yesHelicopter: nopeWhat concerts have I been to: too many to list hereHad a crush on someone if the same sex: yea Learned another language: jaja selvfølgelig (roughly 4 languages)Wore makeup: something’s gotta hide my gremlin faceLost my virginity before I was 18: yup I was 15Had oral sex: yupDyed my hair: my poor hair has seen a lot through the yearsVoted in a presidential election: we don’t have a president here but I have voted for other thingsRode in an ambulance: nopeHad surgery: nopeMet someone famous: yeaStalked someone on a social network: nah not my stylePeed outside: sht yes sometimes you just gotta go okay. Line up girls we’ll do this as a teamBeen fishing: yupHelped with charity: yupBeen rejected by a crush: yup and thanked god cus he turned out to be a dick face Broken a mirror: yep bad luck for me I guessWhat do I want for my birthday: it’s in April so I haven’t thought about it yet
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brohilda · 7 years
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so i saw the favourite screenshot tag going around - the rules are p simple: you have to collect your favourite screenies from 2017 (as many as you’d like) and reflect on your favourite moments. i decided i would jump on the chance and do a little recap of my story dog days - for my new followers and anyone who is too lazy to read through it. things are about to get saucy fun, so i think this is a good place to jump in. everything is under the cut (sry mobile users but it’s not terribly long)!
also if u wanna do the tag, consider urself tagged!
- after the breakup of his band bad head, harley moves to oasis springs to work on his other dream of running a record store
- his friends, theo and elsie are in a band named cactus delusion
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- they are also roommates, which causes some trouble when elsie’s annoying brother felix crashes with them until he finds his own place in oasis springs
- one night, harley returns home to find someone vandalizing the wall of his shop
- some time later theo invites harley to felix’s solo exhibition where harley is in for a surprise
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- harley helps felix find an apartment
- but he’s not really into holding     hands
- theo and elsie meet parker, felix’s new neighbor (and elsie is impressed)
- after some radio silence, felix invites harley to his housewarming thing...
- where he completely ~misreads~ the ~signals~ apparently
- also what’s up with harley’s flashbacks?
- elsie would love to listen to his brother whine but she’s busy going rollerskating with parker
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- felix decides that he will give being friends with harley a shot
- it’s all sickeningly cute idek what to say
- harley asks felix to finish the ‘ugly ass graffiti’ on his wall so they work on it together and then watch the sunrise
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- but harley’s shop is not doing great, he has to fire his only employee and he’s tired and cranky all the time
- on an outing to san myshuno, theo meets a cute girl - her name is poppy
- harley and felix 1. nap 2. a lot to indicate the passage of time
- they also finish the graffiti and it looks sick 
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- at this point i realize my story has no plot it’s just a montage of depression and being cute
- felix decides to take harley to willow creek for a day trip to cheer him up
- they get coffee, go to a museum and then visit felix’s mum gracie and her cats honey and wallace
- and we leave the boys laughing at elsie’s childhood room
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thanks for sticking around! you can: 
- read the story from the beginning 
- or just browse through the tag
- or look at some mood boards
❤ ❤ ❤
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