#ss Sally’s story
Meghan and Harry: Episode 1
Seriously, why?
Bet let’s start at the beginning. I live-blogged the documentary on my Notes app. I wasn’t originally going to post it because I’ve stopped blogging, but omg, this is truly, as Scobie would say, the endgame. Of course, it’s not the monarchy losing the game. It’s the Harkles, They’ve checkmated themselves.
This was a six-hour own goal. I knew it was going to end badly for them when I saw Sunshine Sachs dropped them. Without SS astroturfing positive coverage all over the place they were doomed anyway.  However, the content of the documentary takes it beyond doom and into truly apocalyptic. I bet it has great ratings. It’s a complete train wreck.
[Edited after first liveblog: Netflix is calling it the most viewed documentary ever, but that’s misleading. It barely held on to The Crown’s audience which was its base number, and I doubt it will have the same staying power. Still, not a bad The Crown companion piece for Netflix.]
But let’s break it down.
Episode 1
Starting with shots in an airport lounge and a rented house looking like absolute crap is the weirdest branding idea I’ve ever heard of. They don’t look relatable. They look pathetic.
[I’m editing this after finishing their series and this opening is even more baffling now. Episode 5 covers their last week of royal engagements. First, that segment is a lot more glamorous and exciting than these sad-sack iPhone videos and they really should have opened with that. Second, Episode 5 shows they were elated and super excited after finishing those engagements. They loved the crowd reactions and the press coverage and were over-the-moon with happiness. These videos are supposedly shot after that and they are all sad and mopey and wondering “how they got here.” It’s a huge disconnect.]
The intro music screams “cheap YouTube production.” So does the stock photo montage. Oh, now it’s home movies…why? This resembles the video tab of a super-basic Facebook couple circa 2014. Netflix paid millions for this? I don’t think they got paid $100m, but I bet Netflix shelled out a tenth of that. They still overpaid.
[Actually, maybe they didn’t. The Crown cost $13 million per episode and they likely paid $10 mil for six episodes of Harry and Meghan which got the same audience.]
Now they are in a house (theirs? Victoria Jackson’s? Oprah’s?) that looks like a Restoration Hardware showroom and they look slightly less pathetic but also like they are in couples’ therapy. Oh, she did know who he was. What a shocker. Dimwit doesn’t seem to realize the implications. I wonder if the filmmaker is secretly mocking them.
[The house is a random rental that is now for sale so I wonder if they get a sales commission for the product placement. https://www.forbes.com/sites/emmareynolds/2022/12/20/montecito-home-where-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-filmed-documentary-lists-for-335-million/?sh=3285e16b74fa]
My husband is watching with me. He was very confused by Meghan’s comment about how “when the stakes are so high” it makes sense to get the story from them. He doesn’t understand why the stakes are high. I told her Meghan is a narcissist and he didn’t believe me. He used to watch her on Suits and despite my best efforts still thinks she’s Rachel Zane. Anyway, he thinks the house looks like an expensive rehab clinic and now I can’t get that out of my mind. I think they are trying to look like the happy couples in When Harry Met Sally but it does feel like luxury drug rehab therapy full of Restoration Hardware furniture. He also asked me what was going on with Harry’s pupils in the airport lounge video. He thought that was weird. I tell him it's cocaine, but he thinks it's Xanax or something like that.
Montage. “They are destroying us.” “This has always been bigger than us.” Oh, please.
Montecito sunset. I guess this is their backyard? It looked better in the real estate photos. Meghan croons “isn’t it beautiful?” and Archie agrees. All I can think of is that these idiots used to live in freaking Windsor Park and now they have my grandma’s yard (complete with chicken coop and everything).
Walking with Archie. Harry mutters “this is a great love story” while pushing an empty newborn stroller (why? Where’s the baby? Is Meghan carrying the baby?). This is surreal. 
Glamorous wedding shot (a melancholic reminder of past glories, frankly) and it turns into a closeup of Harry’s legs. Eew.
Meghan goes to the chicken coop. There’s a lot of cyclone fencing in this house. 
Back to the Restoration Hardware Showroom. Meghan is in sweats because…I don’t know. Weird Instagram family pics including a sad little birthday party for Archie. Good lord, my kids had better parties than the King’s grandson. This is so pathetic. 
Oh, no. She got the cheap Amazon patio furniture protectors. At least they match the cyclone fencing. 
More family Instagram. They are protecting their kids…by putting them in a documentary?
Did I just see Harry’s underwear??!! Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Between the sale of family pics, the family drama, and the plumber’s crack, I’m starting to feel that Meghan married her dad.
Harry talks about consent with regards to his children…but they are too young to consent so it doesn’t really makes sense. Guess he thinks it’s only his consent that matters.
My husband asks if Harry is an addict. I suspect it’s partly his demeanor and partly the inconsistencies in the narrative. Meghan said she’d prefer Prince Harry, and that showed how little she knew about the royals? Media exposure requires consent, but your kids are in a documentary? Harry doesn’t seem to realize that these things make no sense.
I feel the way they structured these confessionals with an invisible interviewer was a big mistake. Oprah’s presence during that interview served to validate their shady claims. She has a lot of credibility so when she nodded and smiled people trusted that. It made their statements credible. Here they don’t have that and all the contradictions are apparent.
They’re in the yard. Meghan is trying to channel Martha Stewart and failing. Martha wouldn’t have cyclone fencing, Megs.
Meghan in sweats in the Restoration Hardware showroom. BIG expensive drug rehab vibes. I bet this is what all the rich women wear at the Betty Ford Clinic. She complains that other people write books about them and “wouldn’t it make sense to hear our story from us?” Actually, Megs it’s becoming painfully clear that the tabloids and royal biographers have made you two look a lot more interesting, glamorous and stylish than you really are. Left to your own devices you two are boring as dry toast.
Really cool shots of London. Whoa, the city looks great! They spent money on these. They probably should have spent that cash making California look good. London is their past and California is their future and so far their past looks a lot cooler and more glamorous than their future.
Tig Instagram pic montage. I wonder who was taking these? She should have rehired the photographer because the family pics she has now are terrible. These were much better. Her Tig life feels a lot more upscale and aspirational than her current Montecito existence which goes to show what good photography can do. LOL, she used the airport with the Ghurka suitcase. Yes, she didn’t know she was going to meet a prince and that’s why she traded in her Rowena for the luggage brand the princes are known to use.
Pics from what appears to be Harry’s private Instagram. Interesting—wait, the Insta rumor was real? What the? Good lord why would you admit that in a documentary???!! This is freaking surreal. Whyyyyy?”
[To those who don’t know. There was a rumor back in 2016 that Meghan was a designated Soho House “companion” and the girls were “advertised” through a private Insta account run by Marcus. If you liked a girl you could DM Marcus and get an introduction…which seems to be exactly what Harry did. I don’t understand why they would mention this in a a documentary. Everyone bought the Violet von Westerwhatever blind date story. They should have stuck to that.]
I wonder how the mainstream audience is reacting to the new instagram story. The original story got a lot of coverage and a critical mass of people may start to wonder what the heck is going on. Even my husband is skeptical and I don’t think he knew the blind date story. 
BTW, the fact that she was following his account was known in Toronto as soon as the relationship story broke. Interesting.
“Friend” talking about Wimbledon. She’s actually Serena Williams agent so I’m not sure why she’s labeled as a friend. Wimbledon, blah, blah, blah. Lol, Again, Meghan’s old life appears a heck of a lot more glamorous than her current one. OMG, she told Serena’s agent she was going on a date with Harry??!! She was telling everyone wasn’t she?
Texting. She was posting all of this to Insta as it was happening which is absolutely hilarious. Actually, this whole documentary reminds of the early days of the relationship when she was posting everything on Insta and leaking stories to US Weekly constantly. They really wanted all of this material out there and waiting until they got paid for it probably took probably took enormous self discipline. Guess they took Doria's "don't give the milk away for free" advice to heart.
I just realized she’s wearing Trevor’s Cartier bracelet during her monologues and that cracks me up. 
More cheap stock footage. Seriously, how much did Netflix pay for this? Endless chat about their first date, which is nowhere near as interesting as they seem to think it is. They should have stuck to the blind date story. It was slightly more interesting. Bad Soho House selfie. 
Nacho shows up as a “friend” and he’s really Harry’s promo buddy. The Silver Tree person was also a Suits director. Everyone is a business contact in this documentary. All these white people in California resort wear are giving me White Lotus Season 3 vibes. 
Baseball hat pics in a messy kitchen…these two are hellbent on shedding whatever royal glamour they had left. Wait, isn’t this an old picture from Toronto? Like real old, first year in Toronto kind of old. What a weird choice.
“Marry someone who fits the mould instead of someone you are destined to be with” followed by a pic of Megs trying to look sexy in a wifebeater shirt. Does the director secretly hate them? He was born in a palace but he had a trailer park heart…she was a tacky actress from the wrong side of the tracks…they were destined to be together selling family pics to the tabloids just like dad…it’s a family traditioooooooon….
Old royal footage…Diana…Charles…childhood photocalls, which Harry seems to resent, but he’s doing the same to his kids in this documentary, so I really don’t understand what he’s thinking. The Diana footage is a big misstep because wow Di was charismatic and these two losers can’t hold a candle to her. 
Thirteen whole minutes of archival footage, most of it stuff his parents “consented” to, and lots of whining about press intrusion. Dude, you’re in a reality show. You’re putting your kids on television. Know where you stand.
Then a slew of private couple pics that they really should have kept private. Love the wallpaper. Bet that was Frogmore. The documentary is rather disorienting. I can’t tell what house they are in or when the pictures were taken.  
Boom. “So much of what Meghan is and how she is is so similar to my mom.” My husband actually rewinds this part to make sure he heard right. Pic of Diana with her kids in the garden and then another pic of Meghan with her kids in the garden. Very similar gardens. Not so similar women.
“He wanted to marry his mom?” my husband asks. 
Cringe video of Archie with a Diana photo. “I didn’t want history to repeat itself,” Harry says.
“He did want to marry his mom,” my husband says, amazed. “So he can save her this time.” Shaking his head. “This is nuts but it’s television gold. Did the brother marry his mummy too?”
“No,” I said. 
“And the brother is the one who gets to be king, right?”
“That’s good.”
More monologue about their courtship. Lol, they really did leak the handholding painting to the press. Footage comparing Megs to Di and it’s painfully obvious she’s nowhere near as charismatic. 
Diana’s death and more archival footage. This documentary is a humongous downer, isn’t it? Childhood friend of Harry’s I’d never heard about. Was he invited to the wedding? I don't think so. Strong White Lotus vibes coming from this guy.
Diana’s funeral. Harry’s drug scandal. Hellraiser Harry. Bitching about paparazzi. No mention of Vegas, which is weird. You’d think that would be the big traumatic story about media intrusion. I guess he only wants to blame the UK media and Vegas was a TMZ story in the states and the UK media wasn’t allowed to print the pictures so it doesn't fit his narrative.
More whining about royal photocalls…except for the Lesotho photo ops which Harry didn’t seem to mind. Bit of a disconnect there because those were royal pr as well. In fact, it was the way the royals rehabilitated his image after the drug scandal. Seems like Harry only hates the royal pr he can’t personally monetize. Why isn’t Sentenbale getting a shout out? You’d think he would plug the charity here (Audi, Soho House, and JP Morgan got very obvious brand placements) but if he did I missed it. [Edited: Should have added the house to the list of product placements]
LOL, Prince Seesio straight out says that the Lesotho vacation was a response to the bad press in the UK. They should have briefed him better. I don’t think he was supposed to say that.
Botswana vacay with Meghan. Wow, the Daily Mail made this look a lot more glamorous than it actually was. This wasn’t exactly glamping, was it? Were there showers? No, best to not go there. No charities are mentioned. No mention of the “love” bracelets, just a Daily Mail article shot.
More whining about press intrusion then private Halloween pics that really should have stayed private. Lol, they went to a party with Eugenie after the relationship was leaked. Tell me you leaked the relationship without telling me you leaked the relationship. I bet Meghan wanted to post this on her Insta and Jason didn’t let her. I wish they’d let her. The press reaction to the Call of Duty costume would have been epic.
Harry doesn’t seem to be catching on. If you were in disguise and no one knew you went to this party except Meghan, Jack and Eugenie, then who exactly leaked it, Harry? Because we knew about it a day later.
That’s a Toronto newspaper, the same one that had the leak about Meghan following Harry’s private account. At the time the evil British tabloids were actually under the impression Harry was still in England and had cancelled a trip to visit Toronto.
The other outlet who got the scoop early was our old friend US Weekly, and the byline was by a then-unknown gossip hack called Omid Scobie. Given what we know now about their relationship with Scobie. Yep, I think these two just confessed to leaking stories about their own relationship.
The DM had to quote the Toronto paper and US Weekly when they finally broke the story on the other side of the pond.
Interesting that Meghan and Harry’s “new and improved super real love story” is the one that was being leaked in Toronto and not the one that the evil UK tabloids had supposedly uncovered through nefarious means. I don’t understand why they are changing the story, though. The blind date wasn’t a tabloid rumor. It’s what they themselves said during a BBC interview. 
End of episode. Overall, I feel this was a huge missed opportunity. Not much about his work in Africa or her UN/One Young World work. We hear about Harry’s photography but barely see it. It’s their chance to tell their story and their story is “we’re boring and tacky people who sell pics of their kids.” I feel they really wanted to put the “real” story of how they met out there—the IG dog pic, the Call of Duty costume, the crappy Soho House selfie. It reminds me of her old Working Actress blog where she was constantly stressing how unglamorous acting life really was. 
I’m not blown away by the quality either. Their home movies feel cheap and curiously inauthentic. They should have run everything through a filter to make it feel coherent and cohesive. The stock/archival footage is sometimes great (London and the royal family), sometimes cheap (Soho House), sometimes missing (California), and sometimes misleading (pap shots of Chelsy, Cressida and Kate that are narrated as though Meghan was the victim). 
The documentary lacks the authoritative tone most documentaries have. You really feel it’s “their” side of the story and not the “real” story. I think the problem is how they switch from the couples’ personal narrative, confessionals, and personal pics into historical pictures and public royal narratives. The institutional credibility of the royal shots makes the personal material feel biased and unreliable. The videos of Charles and the kids interacting with photographers, in particular are massive own goals because they remind the viewers that everything, including Meghan and Harry’s pictures and videos, includes invisible photographers. It’s just that the Harkles are hiding that from us, whereas the royals are upfront about it. The confessionals in the rehab setting, in particular, were huge mistakes, imo. They feel like reality show confessionals (like the ones the Housewives franchise uses) and viewers are trained to see those as unreliable narrations. Using someone else's house was also a bad idea. It feels fake.
The whole thing feels very chaotic and unconvincing. My husband thinks they are both addicts and I remember thinking that when they first started doing their beanie hat appearances. I ask him why and he cites the dilated pupils, contradictory narratives, family resentments and couch-surfing at other people’s housing. He says it’s standard junkie drama.
Other family members are watching and most of the group chat (lawyers and social workers) reaches the same conclusion: even the royals have junkie kid drama. The social worker says she has tons of clients like Meghan and the all sound the same. “They’re trying to destroy us.” “It’s a great love story.” “I don’t know how we ended up here.” “What happened.” They are all more interested in having their side of the story validated than in actually fixing the problem and they just repeat the same family dynamics over and over again. That’s why Harry is showing us pics of his kids in the house/garden/vacation right after complaining that his parents showed the world pictures of him, his bother, and his cousins in the house/garden/vacation.  She noticed that he posted a pic of himself in military gear (the Halloween pic) as an adult and a similar one of himself a kid. He also posted skiing pics with the royals and then similar pics in the sand in California. She’s says he’s basically re-living his childhood and trying to get it right this time. 
I didn’t expect many people in my family would be interested in this, but they are all having fun psychoanalyzing these two. Everyone thinks this is Harry rewriting his past so he gets to save his mum this time. Meghan’s motivations are less clear. No one believes she didn’t know who he was. The psychologist says it’s weird that Meghan’s side of the love story was just “it was exciting…we just got to know each other….” Her motivation is not that clear, although there was that one story about wanting to be protected from the elephants in the tent. Opinion is split with half the chat thinking she wanted to be rescued by Prince Charming and the other half (the psychologists and social workers) thinking that as an actress her fantasy would be A Star is Born. The psychologist says those two are not that different. In the Prince Charming fantasy you get rescued by an individual and in the Star is Born fantasy you are rescued by an institution, i.e., the studio or Hollywood. She thinks her fantasy was A Star is Born and that’s why she’s so resentful now. I think we’d discussed that in the blog before. Interesting to hear someone else saying it. Meghan didn’t want a love story where she was rescued by Harry, she wanted a Hollywood success story where she was acclaimed as a star by the palace. She didn’t get that and that’s why she’s still upset even though she got the Prince Charming love story. That’s not what she wanted. Harry got the fantasy he wanted, so he’s not as upset. 
Not much support for the theory (mine) that she was manipulating him consciously. Everyone seems to think it’s a case of two mental illnesses falling in love, along with junkie drama. That’s why Harry is so amazed at their “fantastic love story.” He wanted to marry his mum and she wanted to be his mum. That’s a pretty unlikely combination. 
I’m very curious about the “friends” featured in this episode. No Jess, no Markus, no Misha Nonoo, no one from the Suits cast except Abigail Spencer, and no Janina. Everyone seems to be a business partner of some sort. Cory was missing also, but it makes sense that she wouldn’t mention him. Reitman’s wasn’t mentioned either but I guess she doesn’t want to give them press.
I don’t understand why they didn’t lean into the charity work angle. She was doing One Young World and he was working Africa. Her "You can be Both" essay wasn't mentioned either and I feel they should have led with that instead of going with her “single girl trip” and the not-so-glam Botswana vacation. I also don’t understand why we didn’t see more of Harry’s supposedly amazing wildlife photography. After all, they are trying to build a career as documentary producers. You’d think that would be relevant. The big takeaways from this episode are: Meghan is mummy and I saw history repeating itself so I had to save her. “Save Mummy” seems like a weird narrative to craft a brand around, but my husband is right. It’s television gold.
On to the next episode.
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Cabaret in Düsseldorf: Ein Conférencier für unsere Zeit
„Berlin meant boys.“ 
Das schrieb Christopher Isherwood 1976 in Christopher and His Kind, seinem unverblümten Bericht über die Berliner Jahre, der lange nach den Berlin Stories erschien. Männer waren die ultimative Verlockung, die ihn 1929 von England nach Berlin zog, in eine Metropole, die - ungeachtet des geltenden § 175 - queeren Menschen oftmals ungewohnte Freiheiten bot. Dies ist der Hintergrund von Isherwoods Erlebnissen im Berlin der frühen 1930er Jahre (wenngleich manche Inszenierungen von Cabaret und vor allem der Film von 1972 den Schwerpunkt auf die heterosexuelle Beziehung zwischen Sally Bowles und Clifford Bradshaw verschieben). 
In André Kaczmarczyks neuer Inszenierung am Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus schimmern Isherwoods Erlebnisse hingegen nicht nur durch, sie sind ihr Wesenskern. 
Wir erleben eine queere Welt und ihren Untergang, ein Thema, das sich in sämtlichen Facetten der Inszenierung spiegelt: Bühnenbild, Kostüme, Eingriffe in den Text, Auswahl und Gestaltung der Songs. 
Vor allem aber spiegelt es sich in der Figur des von Kaczmarczyk gespielten Conférenciers, die hier alle clownesken Züge verliert. Sein Conférencier ist zunächst lasziv, ironisch, boshaft, ein Mephisto, der Szenen beobachtet und spöttisch kommentiert. 
Einmal präsentiert er sich als Polizist, der ein Girl aus dem Kit-Kat-Klub als in AfD-Blau gewandeten Sänger auftreten lässt, nur um den Gänsehaut-Moment danach ins Lächerliche zu ziehen, als im Hintergrund ein gut gebauter Adonis in Heldenpose erscheint. Dieser erinnert aber wiederum an Leni Riefenstahls faschistische Ästhetik und verweist damit auf die kommende braune Zukunft. Hier hat alles einen doppelten Boden. 
Doch damit gibt sich Kaczmarczyk nicht zufrieden. Er schenkt seinem Conférencier eine Entwicklung, die in der Figur nicht zwingend angelegt ist. Im zweiten Teil der Inszenierung dringt die rechte Bedrohung in sein ureigenstes Refugium, den Kit-Kat-Klub, ein. Die Rechten werden nicht mehr lächerlich gemacht, sie sitzen mit lässig übergeschlagenen Beinen auf der Bühne oder wachen in ledernen Uniformen über alles, was im Klub geschieht. 
Das durchaus schwierig zu inszenierende Lied „Säht ihr sie mit meinen Augen“ wird hier zu einer Hommage an queere Menschen, an die Schönheit der Vielfalt und des Andersseins. Zugleich schlägt der Conférencier mit seinem geänderten Schlusssatz „Säht ihr sie mit meinen Augen, dann säht ihr, sie alle sind schön“ einen Bogen zum Anfang, an dem er - hier noch ironisch und wild - die Schönheit aller beschwört, die zum Kit-Kat-Klub gehören, bis hin zum Orchester.
Doch in der Szene steckt noch mehr. Der Conférencier wird hier zu einer Beschützerfigur, indem er die Boys und Girls des Klubs behutsam anleitet, damit sie dem Nazi Ernst Ludwig gefallen, ihnen die Würde lässt und dennoch zu zeigen versucht, wie sie sich den geänderten Umständen anpassen können. Der Klub war bis dahin ein geschützter Raum, eine Art selbst gewählte Familie, und diese ist nun in ihrem Inneren bedroht. Als der Conférencier die Rechten provoziert, indem er für die Schönheit aller plädiert und die lächerliche Gorilla-Maske zu Boden schleudert, gefolgt von einem herausfordernden „Was?“, wird er zusammengeschlagen. 
Am Ende trägt er zum goldenen Frack, unter dem als letzte Reminiszenz an alte zügellose Zeiten die spitzenbekleidete Brust hervorschimmert, eine Hose, deren Reiterlook schon auf Wehrmacht und SS verweist. Er lebt von jetzt an in einem Spannungsfeld von Selbstbehauptung und Anpassung. Und es bleibt fraglich, wie viel von seiner queeren Identität und der des Klubs er in die neue Zeit hinüberretten kann.  (Fabian)
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yangjapus · 11 months
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🎶Diba't ikaw nga yung reyna at ako ang 'yong hari🎶
🎶Ako yung prinsesang sagip mo palagi🎶
Hey guys, Yang here! So, as you may have known that I have a tiktok art account which is yangjapus.art
So I have 6 welcome home aus and the art that your are seeing right now is one of my aus. This is the Conyo Highschool au! If you are one of my filipino followers, you probs know what this au is about.
Anyways this is one of my very first Welcome Home aus. Conyo Highschool au (was previously named as the conyo wally au)! This au started as what if wally was conyo (a filipino who mixes their english and tagalog when they speak. This term is mostly to describe one of those filipino rich kids)
So I decided to make it as a Welcome Home au with the rest of the gang with my oc in it, so yeah lmao
Character roles:
Wally: the school's king bee and club president of the art club
[Love interest: Julie]
Barnaby: the class clown and best friend of Wally
[Love interest: Lillian (WH OC)]
Julie: the nice girl of the school
[Love interest: Wally]
Frank: the introverted bookworm
[Love interest: Eddie]
Lillian (my wh oc): the school's fallen queen bee and academic rival of Wally
[Love interest: Barnaby (later on as the story goes)]
Sally: the school's president of
the Theater Club
Eddie: the school's basketball star player
[Love interest: Frank]
(Y/N): delusional pick-me who thinks they're the main character of the story
[Love interest: Wally]
Poppy: Filipino/Home Ed/SS teacher
Howdy: PE/MATH teacher
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abbzworld · 1 year
Writing commissions
Hello everyone! As some of you know, I’ve been writing fanfiction for a long time now, with accounts on both Archive Of Our Own  and Fanfiction.net. I have also dipped my toe into original fiction writing (just not as often as fanfiction) and as such, I also have a FictionPress account. And I figured that since I enjoy writing so much that maybe I could make some money off of my stories. And that's why I am now offering up some original fiction and fanfiction commissions! The info for both will be under separate sections below. But first, here are some general rules and guidelines before we begin: 1. I don’t want you to send me anything NSFW. Just stick to PG-13 for a rating, alright? 2. The longer the story you want me to write, the longer it’ll take for me to finish it, so just keep that in mind. It could take anywhere from a few days to a couple months. If you don’t like that, don’t commission me. 3. I’m only going to take three commissions at a time. Anything more than that and I’ll overwhelm myself. 4. Your commission can't be cancelled after I've finished the first draft. 5. Anything that you don't specify in your commission information, I can make up. 6. Please only ask for one commission at a time! This allows other people to commission me without one person taking up all three slots. 7. Please note that I will NOT write about incest, pedophilia, explicit abuse or ANYTHING of that sort! ---- Fanfiction Commissions Before we get started, let me make it perfectly clear off the bat that I will NOT write for a ship/fandom that I either don’t like (i.e. a NOTP) or know nothing about (i.e. Harry Potter). I will only take commissions that I can comfortably write! If you're unsure as to what I will write outside of what I've listed below, just ask. Types of Commissions NOTE: My currency is in the Canadian dollar. So keep that in mind if your currency is different. Also, my overall price is 1 cent per word (eg. 100 words is $1 and 500 words is $5, etc.) Drabbles (anything less than 1k words) - Maximum price is $9.99 CAD These will be the stories that’ll hopefully be done quicker than the others since they’re the shortest in terms of words. Short Oneshot (between 1-3k words) - Maximum price is $30 These might take me a little while depending on inspiration, my schedule and what you want me to do. Long Oneshot (between 3-5k words) - Maximum price is $50 These will probably be the toughest ones to write since they’re longer and I have to make sure that they’re the proper length and I don’t go overboard. So don’t overload me with them, okay? Surprise Story (between 1-8k words) - Maximum price is $75 Provide me with one of your artworks, and I'll write a story about it. Do's and Don'ts What I do/am willing to write OC’s aka Original Characters (depending on where they’re from and who they are so again, if you're unsure, just ask) Fandoms: • Paper Mario (mainly TTYD and SPM) • Naruto • Doctor Who • Gravity Falls • Harvest Moon (mainly AWL and it’s different versions) • Legend of Zelda (mainly WW, TP, SS and BOTW) • Bugsnax Romantic ships: • Beldam/Doopliss, Koops/Vivian, Bobbery/Scarlette & Count Bleck or Blumiere/Tippi or Lady Timpani (Paper Mario) • Naruto/Hinata & Shikamaru/Temari (Naruto) • Twelve/Missy, Twelve/Clara, Missy/Clara, Twelve/Missy/Clara, Twelve/Davros (yes, you read that right), Third Doctor/Delgado Master & Sally Sparrow/Larry Nightingale (Doctor Who) • Dipper/Pacifica (Gravity Falls) • Link/Zelda (mainly from Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild) & Link/Midna (Legend of Zelda) • Celia/Marlin (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life) • Filbo/Buddy, Snorpy/Chandlo, Lizbert/Eggabell and Wiggle/Cromdo (don’t judge…) (Bugsnax) Platonic ships: • Dipper and Wendy (Gravity Falls) • Shelda and Floofty (Bugsnax) Characters: • Gaara (Naruto) • Missy, Twelfth Doctor, Clara and Sutekh (Doctor Who) NOTE: I AM willing to write outside of these ships and characters, but within reason. Feel free to ask me about something not listed here, but there's NO guarantee that I'll write it for you. Especially if it's a NOTP (i.e. romantic and/or sexual Sasuke/Itachi, romantic and/or sexual Hidan/Shikamaru, etc.) or just someone that I’m not used to writing yet. (i.e. Stanley Pines) Genres: • Adventure • Angst • Drama • Family/friendship • Hurt/comfort • Romance What I don't write Multi-chapter stories as I have bad luck with trying to finish those, no matter the length. Mature content aka NSFW Fanfiction involving real people Genres: • Biographies • Crime • Fantasy • Horror • Humor/parody • Poetry • Some sci-fi • Supernatural • Western ---- Original fiction commissions Here are some rules and guidelines specifically for my original fiction commissions: 1. My price is 2 cents per word, since writing original fiction is generally more difficult then writing fanfiction. So in other words, just multiple the final word count by .02 and you'll have the price to pay me. 2. My minimum word count for an original story is 100 words (which would be $2) and my maximum is 2000 words (which would be $40). I don't have too much experience writing original stories yet, so that's why my limit is 2000 words. 3. Again, no multi-chaptered stories! It would be too tough on me. Otherwise than, my previously mentioned rules and guidelines apply as well as my do's and don'ts that I mentioned under "Fanfiction commissions". So as long as you follow them and communicate effectively with me about what you do and don't want, I'll be happy to write for you. ---- Other information DISCLAIMER: I have the right to refuse a commission without explanation. How to commission me Send me a chat message or non anonymous ask containing the following information: • Type of commission (i.e. will it be a fanfiction or an original story? What minimum and/or maximum word count do you want? Etc.) • Genre(s) of the story • Which fandom the story is in (for fanfiction commissions) • Any and all characters involved, including OC's • The plot you want • Extra information/specific details you want me to know • Paying by points or by PayPal? You can also contact me on either Discord (abbie26) or DeviantART (found here) with the information.
Anyways, that should be enough for now. And if you have any other questions that aren’t answered above, be sure to ask me so I can clear it up.
Peace off!
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mogseltof · 9 months
tagged by @panther-os ! :D
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This one will be an open tag to any who see! For reasons that will become immediately apparent oh my god I don't think I've even talked to as many people on this website as I have WIPs. For sanity's sake I'm leaving off anything that is complete-but-not-posted, going to be posted anonymously, or a WIP that is posting in progress.
1. Dogs
2. In service to lord maxwell
3. r/z first encounter
4. r/z giantess
5. Megs/Sounders
6. Proposal
7. a changed wind blows
8. further research
9. hot rod/optimus
10. it's a good trope p/ss/sw
11. megablade femdomme
12. springer makes it good
13. three pm
14. sb the one where optimus dies
15. sb this is how it ends
16. sb this is how it starts
17. angua/sally sequel
18. pennywise, a butler's story
19. swanqueen hatefuck
20. timewarp--OUAT
21. Fight Dirty
22. spiders
23. Brassica
24. Godmaker
25. Immortal Rose
26. Miranda & Blake
27. Adoristax & Delmott D2
28. A&D D2 later fragments
29. Art Therapy
30. Death's Tower
31. Period Challenge NANO20
32. Pride and prejudice
33. reverse cinderella
34. tempest witchling?
35. true crime
36. ?? (2022)
37. 7 ways to commit suicide
38. I must show myself this kindness
39. love in the lap of satan
40. EA: Eye for an eye
41. EA: Patient mix up
42. EA: today you are older than you've ever been
43. EA: too many cooks
44. Black Anna DRAFT
45. The Babysitter DRAFT
46. The Candy Lady DRAFT
47. Dark
48. death is not destiny
49. dream maintenance
50. lighthouse keeper
51. noodling for mermaids
52. on tap draft
53. outback vampire hunters
54. princess in the tower
55. sister dear brother dear
56. that'll do pig
57. the Harker Lady
58. The St Miriam's Overnighter
0 notes
brandonwayneb · 1 year
Respects Russian
Respects Arabia
Respects Nazi A+
Arabia Arabia
Shiva Shiva
Levitate Levitate
🌹 RoseMary
🌹 RoseMary
🌹 RoseMary
🌹 RoseMary
🌹 RoseMary
🌹 RoseMary
🌹 RoseMary
❤️ This is all I ever say
❤️ This is all I ever live
3 fingers Right hand "Leaf"
2 fingers Left hand "Feather"
4415 Daisy Meadow Dr
Katy Texas 77449
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Bee’s Moon’s Bird’s
bbw bwb wb Warner Brothers
https://linktr.ee/brandonwayneb (https://linktr.ee/brandonwayneb)
(https://linktr.ee/brandonwayneb) (https://linktr.ee/brandonwayneb))
Flawless Spelling
Sing and Dance 'sid'
the words 'smids' and 'smades' to uncover liars
Young Guys: Satan Submissive
Young Guys: Satan Submission
Old Guys: Devil Dominance
No: J
No: G
No: B
No: L
No: T
No: H
Yes: A: Ass Assets
Yes: SS: Spiritual Supports
Yes: D: Seed Dick Deep Frederic
Yes: P: Penis or Pussy
Yes: F: Free and Fuck
Yes: M: Ma, Mom, Manners
Yes: V: Virtue Revival Achievements
Yes: W: Wraith War Water
Yes: ii: Eye Eye
Yes: R: Roar Rabbit
Yes: N: No
Yes: Y: Yes
Yes: O: Create w
Yes: K: Knight
Yes: E: Equals Español
Yes: X: Mark Special Spots
Yes: Q: Questions Quest Ons!
Yes: C: See Cup Cupids Chest
Yes: U: Ur Ours Yours Us Ourselves
Yes: Z: Symbolic of Last Resorts
ss RoseMary
ss Elvis
ss Wendy's
ss Russia
ss Soviet Union
ss Valor
ss Vladimir
ss Shiva
ss Hindu
ss Levitate
ss Birds
ss Bats
ss Cats
ss Snakes
ss Kylé
ss Stylé
ss Kim
ss Kay
ss Cvs
ss Rite Aid
ss Adam
ss Amish
ss Lizard Tail
ss Eye of Newt
ss Cameron
ss Karma
ss Caméléon
ss Camel
ss Raspberry
ss Ketchup
ss Amy Wine House
ss Velveeta
ss Chubby Chasers
ss BBW
ss Alaska Husky
ss Ali Ali Ali
ss Allah Allah Allah
ss Always Always Always
ss Aladdin
ss Hercules
ss Pegasus
ss Lord Ganesh
ss Lord Vishnu
ss Tom
ss Jerry
ss Onyx
ss Mew
ss MewTwo
ss I dream of Jeanie
ss Bewitched
ss Daren
ss Samantha
ss Switzerland
ss Arabia
ss Adam’s Family
ss Tim Burden
ss Nightmare Before Christmas
ss Fay
ss May
ss Oxford
ss Corpse Bride
ss Jack Skellington
ss Sally
ss Xfiles
ss Dana Scully
ss Fox Mulder
ss RugRats
ss Dexter Laboratory
ss Dexter
ss DeeDee
ss Chris Angel
ss MeerKat Manner
ss Power Puff Girls
ss Teen Titans
ss Batman Robin
ss Cat Woman
ss Ivy
ss Drew Barrymore
ss Twilight Zone
ss E.T.
ss Barbie
ss Ken
ss Seer
ss Rainbow
ss Arron
ss Gary
ss Garret
ss Valentines
ss Romeo
ss Juliet
ss Selina
ss Gomez
ss 101 dalmatians
ss Roger Rabbit
ss Bugs Bunny
ss Loony Tunes
ss Hermaphroditus
ss Hermaphrodite
ss Ritual
ss Spiritual
ss Twister
ss Scrabble
ss Hey Arnold…!
ss Clueless
ss Reese Witherspoon
ss Legally Blonde
ss Coffee
ss Java
ss Joe Joe
ss Jehovah
ss Judah
ss Buddha
ss Japan
ss Jasper
ss Jason
ss Poltergeists
ss Wrath
ss Ghost
ss Hub
ss Alaska Husky
ss Nazi Swat Team
ss Russian Swat Team
ss North Storm Swat Team
ss Rainbow Scissors
ss War Elephants
Not Deli
Not delMA
Not belMA
Not velMA
“toe shoulders”
“chest thighs”
mckinney tx
princeton tx
dallas tx
seattle wa
tacoma wa
lakewood wa
War Sights
“tacoma wa” taco cat
“lakewood wa” blaire witch “claire donut”
“seattle wa” “caddie saddle” “sad duel”
“space needle” “ironic man”
“dallas tx” “shower dial ass” “day licenses”
“mckinney tx” “Macdonald kidney stones”
“princeton tx” “depraved dolls” “cell pre”
“Gideon” “Neo” “Geo” “Galaxy” “Guy Op”
“Soul Matron” “Arron”
100% Brandon
100% Bradley
99% Rainbow
1% Anti illuminati
Anti indoctrination
Anti inflammatory
Anti castrations
Anti assassinations
Anti Youth Thin Eye Z Nations
Anti Lab Bot Tony
Brandon Wayne
Bradley nickname
Sarah Johnny Kaye Burdett Leeper Rivera
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Bird’s Moon’s Bee’s
bwb bbw wb Warner Brothers
Jessica Ray Rivera
Jacob Gabriel Rivera
Justin Rivera
Kevin Rivera
Cara Autumn Burns
Cody Burns
Chad Burns
Clete Burns
Martha Burns
Morgan Burns
Pamela Burns
“4415 Daisy Meadow Dr”
“Katy Texas”
Rainbow Peace and Power Taco Cat
Rainbow Peace and Power Ali Ali
Rainbow Peace and Power Allah Allah
Rainbow Peace and Power Always Always
Rainbow Peace and Power RoseMary
Rainbow Peace and Power Valor
Rainbow Peace and Power Vladimir
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Saint Binard
Catholic Vatican
Hindu India
San Francisco
Frankincense oil
Salam Islam
Barbie and Ken go to Jerusalem
Barbie and Ken go to San Francisco
Barbie and Ken go to Kentucky
Barbie and Ken go to Jupiter
Barbie and Ken go to Venus
Barbie and Ken go to King Author
Barbie and Ken go to Barnes & Noble
Barbie and Ken go to Ben & Jerry’s
Barbie and Ken go to Bed Bath and Beyond
Barbie and Ken go to Tel Aviv
Barbie and Ken go to El Salvador
Barbie and Ken go to Quebec
Joke: What Happens if Flamingos get Flees
Joke: Pinky and The Brain
“Lizzy Hebrew”
“Young Guys Satan Submissive”
“Old Guys Devil Dominance”
Varsity Volleyball
Valor RoseMary Hitler
Valor RoseMary Vladimir
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0 notes
Sally’s Night (PT3): Sally and Guy enjoy the afterglow, while Mao & Camille eagerly await details
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8 notes · View notes
spinstersimmer · 4 years
Third wheel (Pt 2)?? Sally moves in with her friends Mao & Camille - and learns a little bit more about their home life
(Shout out to @bobur-tsr @obscurus-sims @peachiesims @lynxsimz and more for helping to bring my beings to life 🖤🤘🏾)
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2 notes · View notes
goosedawn · 3 years
Please do spill more on the mer aus im already in love
:D!!!!! ALRIGHT so i have 2 aus in mind! the dynamics are pretty different between the two, and ive still gotta fully work out a design for sally in both aus ejhjhdguidj
1. orca wilbur and marine biologist sally
they met when they were kids, wilbur had beached himself in order to try catch seals and sally just basically went "D: OH NO WHALE" and ran up to him and tried to pull him into the water
wilbur tries to tell her incorrect whale facts. she is not having this. she can Tell hes lying but she cant REALLY refute it because... what if all belugas do hate each other. he also intersperses these "facts" with ACTUAL facts about him and the ocean rhdjcbdj
(this is part of why she goes on to become a marine biologist, she wants to know what he got right- as well as it allows her to spend more time with wilbur ehdjfbdk)
(also yes shhh orcas arent as big as i drew wilbur let me have the big orca man)
im very tempted to call him whalebur in this au but orcas are NOT actually whales!!! aabdndkdjdmdbfkfb
2. tiny mermaid sally!
i have. thought about this one so much,, in this au wilbur is actually a selkie! he works as a fisherman in a shoreside town and accidentally catches sally in his net!
wilbur stays with the local lighthouse keeper and his son who found him after he came ashore during a storm many years ago (i... i dont know whether i want them to know hes a selkie or not yet fbdkchdjfbdj) wilbur already knows about the existence of merfolk! i imagine hes met a few in his time, but they arent too common, especially around more populated areas
he only realises he caught a mermaid when hes sorting through his catch, she got tangled in the net trying to escape and hurt herself. wilburs just like. OH NO SHES REALLY CUTE 😳🥺 and then OH NO SHES HURT OH SHIT
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HRNEMFKDNSKFBKFBFKE BASICALLY YEAH he ends up taking her home to try treat her wounds and i imagine sally just being absolutely pissed off at wilbur while also being terrified out of her mind because 1. shes been CAUGHT 2. why does wilbur remind her of a seal he is a shoredweller SO WHY?? (... did you know a large part of many seals diet is made up of salmon :]? ofc she would be scared of her natural predator!)
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and im so glad u agree he deserves to be bitten HHJHHDHBKFBHF please have some selkie wilburs i doodled the other day, look at this bitable man /lh ... it was just an excuse to draw seals hjfbhshjd
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there are other mer in the this au as well as some other selkies! :D
102 notes · View notes
mimisempai · 2 years
Only I know how sweet you are
Sherlock doesn't understand how Greg can stand his brother, but Greg does, and he will never tell Sherlock his secret.
They are too sweet for words...
1085 words - Rating G
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"Honestly Greg, I don't know how you can put up with my brother!"
Greg watched in amusement as Sherlock paced and ranted in front of his desk because Mycroft had once again interfered with one of his cases. He could have listed countless reasons to answer Sherlock's rhetorical question, but he didn't and simply shrugged his shoulders, letting the other man know that he would have no support from him.
Sherlock, looking offended, left with his head held high, slamming the door to Greg's office.
If Sherlock knew...
There were so many things that made Mycroft endearing to Greg, but most of them were things that only he witnessed because Mycroft trusted him enough to let him see them.
Little details that Greg was discovering in a sometimes incongruous way.
Little things that cracked the impenetrable facade that Mycroft presented outside the intimacy of their home.
Like this morning.
Greg was in the bathroom when he heard shouting from the kitchen, "My pocket square has a coffee stain!"
He had walked to the kitchen and almost laughed when he saw the tiny coffee stain that was almost impossible to see if you didn't know.
He had said with a shrug, " Well, turn it around and no one will see it."
Mycroft had looked at him in horror and exclaimed, "Greg, there is only one way to the pocket square, you should know that by now!"
Greg had to hide the start of a chuckle behind a fake coughing fit and replied, "Well, go change it then. You have so many, you have the choice."
Mycroft had raised his arms in exasperation, "Gregory... you make me desperate. If I change the pouch, I have to change the tie, the socks and the shirt!"
"You're insane." had replied Greg as Mycroft stomped off to the bedroom.
He turned and retorted, "You love me, though."
Greg, who was following slowly behind him, replied, "Yes, I love you, your ties, your socks and your matching pocket squares!"
"You're insane too." Mycroft replied more softly.
"You love me too, though." said Greg as he pushed him towards their room.
To which Mycroft had replied, because he hated to lose a verbal joust, "That's too much sweetness in the morning, you know I drink my coffee black without sugar!"
Greg let him win before kissing him because he knew Mycroft had nothing against the sweetness of their kisses.
"ss... Boss!"
He was pulled out of his reverie by Sally who he hadn't noticed.She was standing in front of his desk with her hands on her hips and a mocking smile on her lips, "I won't ask what you were thinking to get that goofy smile on your face.  I'm afraid of the answer."
Greg replied, without losing his smile, "I was just thinking about something sweet."
Ignoring the gagging noises his colleague made, he stood up and they headed for the exit of the building.
In fact, people didn't know how sweet Mycroft was and Greg didn't mind, because he felt like he had a precious treasure. Something that belonged only to him.
Mycroft was sweet.
Sometimes, after a long day's work, when Greg came home very late and Mycroft was already in bed, Greg, exhausted, would crawl into bed while Mycroft was reading, he would put his head on his shoulder and they would talk about their respective days, but often, Greg, too tired, would fall asleep in the middle of the story. When Mycroft noticed this, he would lay him down gently, cover him and turn off the light after kissing him on the forehead.
Mycroft was sweet.
"And see Mycroft, you should have seen Alicia, sitting wisely on the kitchen counter and stirring the sauce as I told her. By the way, that's when you called me."
Mycroft had his head in the lap of Greg who ran his hand through his hair as he told him about his visit to his sister and niece.
"Are you listening to me, Myke?"
Greg felt with amusement that he did not have Mycroft's full attention
"Yes Greg, go on..." whispered Mycroft, taking Greg's hand that wasn't in his hair and holding it against his chest.
Greg obeyed and continued his tale, "When we were done, she just turned around and got a tupperware from the cupboard, she handed it to me and said, 'You'll bring some back to Uncle Myke, for both of you tonight.' Too cute right?"
Mycroft brought Greg's hand to his lip and said softly, in a sleepy voice, "Keep talking, I want to fall asleep to your voice."
Mycroft was sweet.
On one of their first days off, Mycroft let Greg sleep and made him breakfast in bed.
An amazing tray garnished with a carnation because Mycroft had discovered that it was Greg's favorite flower. And since then there had been many trays, always with a different carnation.
Mycroft was sweet
There was always enough beer in the fridge for Greg.
When Mycroft read the newspaper he always gave Greg the sports page.
He always arranged to have a snack delivered or brought to Greg when he knew he hadn't eaten.
When there was an Arsenal game on, he would change the channel, even if he was watching something else.
And all sorts of little things that showed Greg how much Mycroft cared about him.
Greg was still smiling in retrospect as he stepped out of the car and headed for their house. He didn't even lose his smile as the rain began to pour.
He quickened his pace to make it the hundred or so yards to his house without getting too wet.
"Beautiful stranger, what are you thinking about that you smile like that?"
The moment these words were spoken in that familiar voice, Greg realized that the rain was no longer falling on him.
He turned around to find himself facing Mycroft, who was holding an umbrella over his head.
Mycroft was so sweet.
Greg's smile widened and he replied to Mycroft, "I was thinking about the person who holds this umbrella."
Mycroft replied with a half smile, " So sweet..."
Greg laughed softly, "It takes one to know one."
Then he thought to himself that they were not one sweetness away, he raised himself up on his tiptoes and kissed Mycroft on the cheek before hanging onto the arm of Mycroft who was holding the umbrella.
Arm in arm, they went home.
Mycroft was sweet... but so was Greg.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
19 notes · View notes
jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' true king.
Art by Arealscrog
Archie's wasted character
Who is Miles?
Miles Prower is the Anti equivalent of Tails, from Mobius Prime. He is afew years older, being 11 instead of 8 and much more mature. He still appears to possess Tails' youthful tenacity and desire for independence, but he has a violent rebellious attitude and shows no interest in holding himself to childish things, even though he's only 11 years old himself, hating the nickname "Tails" being an example.
Miles holds his younger counterpart in utter contempt for traits Miles sees as weaknesses, especially how Tails went down the path of Science and technology instead of his magical Chaos force heritage, implying that Miles went down a more mystical path instead of Science, but from what we see in the comic Miles is more in the political field, by that I mean he manipulates all the political aspects of Moebius.
His actions throughout the comic run make him out to be smart, picky, but also cold, calculating and always 5 steps ahead of his own team and Adversaries, this leading to Alicia making him the Suppression Squads leader behind the scenes, while she is the figurehead "ruler."
That's Anti-Tails, Who throughout this I'll be reffering to as "Miles." Now you may be thinking, "Why make a post on an extremely obscure and hardly used Archie character? Why not someone Like Tails, Shadow or a more popular Archie character?"
Well, it's because I believe that Miles had the potential to be one of Archie's most intresting original characters, I believe he could've easily held his own "Suppression Squad" comic run, but Archie Unfortunately really underused him and wasted his potential, but hey...
That's where us fans come in!
This post is All about Miles Canonical self, every canon fact I can find about him and his full story in his short run during Pre-Reboot Archie Sonic, and my own personal headcanons in the later post.
But...before I get into any the headcanons, I need to teach those who don't know him about him, I need to talk about his Canonical self..so, let's get into it. Headcanons will be in the follow up post.
Canonical Apprearnces.
(Reworded from the wiki)
First appearance
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The first appearance of Anti-Tails was back when the character was just "Evil Tails" and it was of him joining the Anti Freedom fighters in an attempt to take over Mobius Prime, prior to the downfall of Eggman.
He and his evil allies pretended to be the good Mobius Prime versions, and struck knothole with acts of mayhem, vandalism and overall mischief, a common thing on moebius. The real Freedom Fighters soon returned to set things straight, but their initial attempts to defeat the Anti-Freedom Fighters failed as their Anti-Mobius selves knew their moves as well as they did. Sally Acorn came upon the solution: switching combat partners. When he faced Rotor, Evil Tails proved unable to overcome the larger and stronger Mobian. Defeated along with the other Anti-Freedom Fighters, he was sent back to Anti-Mobius, where they continued to cause mayhem despite the efforts of the kindly Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Anti-Robotnik) to stop them.
This was the last we saw Evil Tails for awhile, however we did see a cameo of him along with every other tails when they all came together and formed Titan Tails.
The Suppression Squad
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Art by Pota on Pixiv
Some time passed before his next appearance, and in that time "Anti-Mobius" went through changes in its name, now "Moebius." And all the characters changed alongside it.
Miles had assisted Boomer in stealing Dr Kintober's goal posts in order to allow the Suppression Squad to have access to inter-dimensional travel. Scourge obviously took this opportunity and went straight to Mobius Prime, along with a few other members of the SS, Miles being one of them, and they attempted an assult on the Freedom HQ, where we see Miles' and Tails face off, with Miles declaring to not be referrd to as Tails or Anti-Tails, but instead just "Miles".
He also indicated his disgust at Tails for having chosen a path of Science and study, despite having a strong connection to "Chaos force", aka magic. This has led to people believing Miles himself is a magic user.
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When Metal Sonic attacked Scourge, believing him to be the real Sonic, Miles stayed back and observed instead of helping his king. Now, you may think that's betrayal, but in reality Miles didn't help because he did not wish to undermine Scourges strength, so instead he observed. Soon after Sonic came onto the scene he showed his willingness to help anyone, even his enimies, and this gave Miles an idea:
Let's team up with the freedom fighters to betray Scourge, that's the new plan.
Miles later met up with Sally, Bunnie, Antonie and Tails to offer an alliance, but didn't let Tails speak and showed his contempt to the original version, telling him, "Please don't talk, little boy, We're trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sally accepted the offer, knowing she needed all the help she could get for taking down Scourge.
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Upon returning to Scourge, pretending to be running from the freedom fighters, Scourge asked for a summary on his mission, that being "bomb New Metropolis" but Miles ignored him however, instead reporting to Alicia (Anti-Sally) that his mission was a success. Immediately thereafter, Alicia told the Suppression Squad to, "Show our King just what we think of him", with Boomer and Patch clearly readying for battle
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However, Miles was doubling up his betrayal, blasting both Sonic and Scourge back into Moebius for them to Duke it out there, with Boomer sealing the portal behind them. An ethical debate followed this, between Sally, Alicia and Miles, the trio being ordered to get the goal posts ready to be able to return the freedom fighters to Mobius after both groups agreed to make sure Scourge was defeated on Moebius by Sonic
Miles was as shocked as the rest of the group to find Scourge had defeated all of his opponents as Super Scourge. When the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were quickly defeated, Scourge turned his sights on Miles, identifying him as the mastermind behind the betrayal.
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Miles, cowering in fear, denied his role in betraying Scourge, who was threatening to beat him for his betrayal. However, Miles was saved by Silver the Hedgehog and unlike the rest of his allies, wasn't even hurt. Following Scourge's defeat and Miles' attempt to recruit Buns Rabbot into the Suppression Squad, Miles spoke to Alicia about who would be their new leader. Alicia explained that while she may be the figurehead ruler, they both knew Miles held the real authority at this point, to which Miles grinned.
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That was the last we see of Miles in the Archie comics, he unfortunately isn't in the post reboot because he's now owned by Ken Penders, so we'll never see him again. Below is all of his official designs, and after that is my final thoughts on the character.
My overview of Miles as a character.
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I'm no Character analysist so I'll make this short and sweet, my review of Miles is that he's a Character with alot of potential, but he went wasted, not on purpose, but thanks to the lawsuit.
I believe that if that lawsuit never happened, and that arc was closed up nicely Anti-Tails would of became a far more realistic and grounded Character, and probably pretty popular too. Miles to me is a kid who was manipulated into a life of crime and now believes that's what is right, and I think that could of been an arc for him, mellowing out and becoming a true king for the people of Moebius. I also like how when Scourge goes Super and goes to Miles to confront him, he dosent stand up to him, he dosent become strong, but instead he cowers in fear, hes terrified and tries to lie, to me, that makes him feel more grounded, and I like that.
Personally I wish Miles was more popular, I wish he got more spotlight than he did and I wish his story got concluded, but with what we got, I think he's pretty good, and pretty interesting too! I've seen alot of ideas float around for this dude, all of them making sense in they're on way, and to be honest? His lack of story kinda helps make him more accessible.
Tl:Dr: I like Miles alot, and I hope this post helps you lot learn more about him and overall, gets more people down to write with him, draw with him and explore him!
Would I change him in any way?
Yeah, there's one key part of Miles (from what we got) that I think was wasted. Now, what is that? What would I change about a Character I've mostly praised? Well...
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I wish he was magical. In the Archie comics Tails is actually strongly connected to the "Chaos Force", not as connected as Shadow, but still VERY connected, and guess what? Miles and Tails ARE biologically the same, same DNA, and in that bit of the comic, Miles calls Tails out on something he should have no idea about if he himself isn't connected to the same thing (or Moebius equivalent). To me at least this kind of implies Miles is magical too.
Basically, I'd give Miles' moveset a touch of magical abilities, connecting him to Moebius' "Anarchy force". I think it would help separate him abit more from Tails, while also connecting them, because whenever you have science and magic together...they clash.
But yea that's all I'd change in what we got, just hints of magic, some magic attacks here and there. I think it'd be pretty neat, and it'd have the science Vs magic aspect with him and Tails relationship.
Lets finally wrap this up! At least, for now.
Thank you so much for reading all this If you did, it, this took me alot of hours, and I, I think it's over 2000 words now you madman. Why not spend your time doing something more worthwhile? Why not...have fun? meet someone? Go on a date? Live your life? Why read a post on an obscure Character, mainac.
But in all seriousness thank you for reading my post, I really like this character (clearly) and I want to teach people about him, and I hope this post has done that! Post 2. There's going to be a sequel post going over all of my personal headcanons, and possibly a 3rd going over community ones. Keep ya eyes out~
But yea, big read, now you lot know about an obscure Character, and this was fun to write! But now I'm gonna end this post with a fun fact:
Miles and the Suppression Squad were going to have one more arc, it was teased at the end of issue 196, but unfortunately it never got written. That would of been really neat but unfortunately it never got to happen.
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its-an-echo · 3 years
Yo I’m so hyped to see whatever you come up with next for your fics! I’m about to dive into the fic you did for the secret Santa and noticed it’s once again SMPEarth based. I adore how you do SMPEarth things (it’s one of my personal favorite series) and was wondering also were the sort of inspiration for your stories comes from? I’m so excited to dive into this new fic and thanks for sharing your stories with us!
ah, hello hello, raveniant!
i just wanted to mention that your comments always make me smile! it's so cool to see what parts of the story you point out, and i adore seeing you put the pieces together, so thank you!
also, i wanted to thank you for sending an ask. to me it seems a little nerve-wracking so i wanted to say thank you! i can't offer much, but i can offer a teaser for an upcoming chapter in AEaTNA, one that doesn't have a set release date yet :)
(psst this was only a recent decision so those who have sent asks already, message me and i can give you a bit <3)
Eyes wide, he took in the large spruce desk in the middle of the room, perfect for laying out multiple trade documents and comparing intricate details, and the towering bookshelf along the back of the room, perfect for keeping previous trade arrangements and accounts of the imported items from past years if he needed to study any particular trends. A soft white rug lay beneath his feet, covering most of the room, and perfect for when Tommy needed to pace while he thought of potential new partners. Along the left wall, a light blue chaise lounge sat, perfect for when Tommy needed a quick nap or if he worked too late in the night and didn’t want to try and traverse back to his room. A large window allowed light to stream in, perfect for if Tommy needed to ever look out if he was bored.
It wasn’t at all like the tiny dirt room he had back at Business Bay for an office, where he was forced to use crates as tables and hunch over in fear of causing the ceiling to fall in.
It was perfect.
okay, you opened up a massive can of worms by asking that lovely question, so i'm putting it under the cut haha
ahhhh, yes SMPEarth! a wonderful sandbox that i love to my heart's content; you are right that my Secret Santa still utilizes that sandbox as well haha, just in a different manner (i do hope you enjoy the ss! it'll be different than AEaTNA, but tommy will still be his fiery little self :), just this time the bunny name isn't just a nickname haha)
so. SMPEarth. the thing that started it all for the little blockman family that i have grown so, so fond of. i'll admit, the reasons i more use that sandbox than DSMP are two main points:
1. dsmp is so, so messy, especially in regards to sbi, what with canon and non-cannon, and all the other characters with their own personal dynamics to the sbi (i.e fundy being wilbur's son, sally the salmon, etc) it's complicated, and hard for me to work with when i really only want to focus on wilbur-tommy-phil-techno. also in order to make some type of saving relationship i gotta change like half of canon (what i'm doing in ss, sigh) and i'm a bit lazy, sue me
2. political drama is right up my alley. i love, love, LOVE battlefields that become personal, conflict that's between two people that have to take entire countries into account, all of it. you could do that with L'Manburg vs Essesmpii, but again, not super sbi based, and i'm lazy, lmao. but Business Bay vs Antarctic Empire, an sbi focused war that i only need to change it up just a bit (not using Pete and adding Wilbur in) to make it work, where tommy is also the underdog? sign me up :D
i've always been fascinated by smpearth (i wasn't around for it, sadly, but i've watched a lot of the videos about it) and i loved the idea of boy king vs gods among men
before AEaTNA, i actually had another idea for an smpearth story, one that had a Business Bay that conquered the earth through cut throat trading deals and embargos on the entire ocean forced to deal with the empire that holed themselves up in the artic, contain to own all things covered in snow. it would be sbi politely knocking on business bay's door, politely (with their entire army behind them) reminding the other empire that yes, you may own most of the world, but that's only because we let you, and yes you can have the ocean, but waters that hold icebergs? that's AE territory. it's a more cold war-esque story that involves sbi being forced to stay in the bay while they work out an actual treaty w the annoying and cold leader, Red, who wears a mask all the time and seems almost immature in the way he refuses to compromise. luckily, each of them found their own saving grace while in the bay to keep them from strangling Red and each other. Phil found a small gardener, Theodore that only works at night and on a small bed of roses, who is content to just sit in silence and listen to his stories. Wilbur found a spitfire street boy named "Gunk" who could care less about his rich clothing and only wanted a partner in crime to have some fun with (only on weekends, sadly) while Technoblade found a librarian, who said his name was Theseus with too cheeky of a grin for Techno to question, who works in a library that no one ever seems to go to, only opened in the early morning and seems to house only books that date to when Business Bay had been only a friendly small trading port. w tons of secret identities and tensions rising as compromises can't be made, this was going to be a heck of a slow burn.
but then i got distracted by political hostage scenarios and siren enchantments hoo-hee-haw
a lot of my inspiration just stems from again, political dramas haha. i was a big fan of Madame Secretary as a kid, and i loved the idea of fighting battles more with your wit than a sword- violence can only get you so far, me thinks lmao
okay, i have no idea if i even answered your question (ACK) but i fear i have rambled too much lmao.
thank you again for the lovely ask and lovely question! your support is so very much appreciated <3
as always, thank you again, and have lovely day!
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
Ok, so I made a story that combines Magolor’s and Haltmann’s for Wilbur:
Wilbur’s life was going pretty good. His wife, Sally (a shapeshifter), was amazing, His dad (Philza) and brother (Techno) + the other Hero’s saved the universe from Dream, his little brother was about to be born. Then, Techno went a bit off the rails, going on and on about blood gods, voices and murder. Techno attempted to undo basically every they did to try and stop Dream from taking over the universe. So, much to the dismay of Philza, Techno had to be sealed away.
So, Wilbur and Sally had to get away from the family a little bit, which meant Tommy (who was born around the time Techno started losing it) never met his brother until the damage got to him. Flashforward a couple of years and Sally gives birth to a beautiful baby named Fundy. But, she later dies due to birth complications. Wilbur promises to be the best father he can to Fundy. He never ignored him and was always there for him. Wilbur even took him to places ancients existed to teach him about them.
Then he found this computer the ancients had that could grant wishes. Wilbur thought “Hey, this could stop Techno from going insane” and got to work on fixing it, with Fundy helping as well. But something went wrong and Fundy got absorbed into the computer. Wilbur thought he was dead and put all his time into figuring out how to both fix and control the machine, to the point it drove him mad. He forgot why he wanted to fix the machine, thinking he wants power and to control the world.
But the truth about Fundy, is that he was actually transported into the future and began working for King Schlatt as a treasurer (he was like 15 at the time, and he was transported to sometime during the equivalent of Kirby 64)
Wilbur hears about a crown, a master crown, that could control the ancient’s machines and the world, and it sits on the head of the dragon of the planet of halcanda. Wilbur, now mad but able to hide it, goes to try and fight the dragon for the crown and gets his *ss kicked. So he retreats, but his ship is completely ruined. He goes to the planet “DreamStar” (a planet Dream used to control, but now has very little power over it) and goes to the town “L’Manland” (I didn’t have a better name).
To his surprise, Wilbur sees his Father, now a head knight working under King Schlatt, and meets his brother Tommy for the first real time sense his birth (Tommy is now, in Kirby universe time, at the age of 16). He learns he a bit of a hero who has defeat multiple gods. They have a small reunion and Tommy is shocked to learn he has another brother and his happy he’s “sane”. King Schlatt and Tubbo stand awkwardly to the side as they reunite.
Wilbur explains he needs his ship fixed and asks Tommy, Tubbo, King Schlatt and Philza to help him find the parts he needs for his ship. The classic “Return to Dreamland” adventure happens but Wilbur seems to have lost many memories in his head and Philza has to remind him, but he still doesn’t remember.
Fundy learns of Wilbur is on the planet, he goes to met him after years of being apart, but Wilbur doesn’t remember him. Fundy is heartbroken he doesn’t remember he’s his son, but he remembers he has a son. Fundy then learns about Wilbur’s plan to take over the world and plans to sneak into the ship to steal it away before Wilbur can.
The gang then goes to halcandra, beat up the dragon, fundy steals the crown but the fight him and win, then Wilbur steals the crown summons the computer to grant his wish for world control, but gets controled instead and the fight for the world begins, with fundy helping out the best he can. Wilbur is fine after the fight but has to deal with the actions he caused and actively tries to fix his mistakes. Wilbur does ended up remember Fundy is his son and tries to fix his mistakes. So Wilbur gets a redemption arc and Fundy angst.
(Please enjoy this, it took me like an hour to write)
Oh pain! Pain and sadness for Mr Wilbur Soot! ANd oh no Techno!
This is perfect anon. It has the angst and we get the redemption arc for Wilbur.
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eurynome827 · 4 years
When You Met Chris Beck
For @the-ss-horniest-book-club Romcom Drabbles!
Pairing: Chris Beck x Reader
Word Count: 1,670
Warnings: Language, mention of sexytimes and angst following.
A/N: Direct dialogue from the movie When Harry Met Sally will be in italics, but there's a lot paraphrased to match this scenario and if you are as familiar with this movie as I am, you will hear the original in your head as you read. All credit to the genius of the late, great Nora Ephron. If you've never seen this movie ....please do as soon as possible. It is the greatest romcom ever.
"Chris Beck. It's nice to meet you," he said smoothly, and you took his outstretched hand, shaking it and introducing yourself.
"So," you shook off the pleasantries, jumping right in. "As you know this lab project will take 12 hours. I've taken the liberty of sketching out where we can each take breaks, and which parts of the project should be completed by a certain time, and," you paused at his slight chuckle, looking up from your notebook. "Something wrong?"
"No, no..." He waved you off, that smirk still on his face. "You're clearly very organized. Don't let me get in your way."
Your eyes narrowed. "I hope you're planning on doing your part of this project."
"Hey," he said quickly, clearly offended. "I'm just as serious as you about being here. I'm just a little more relaxed than you are."
Ignoring the 'uptight' implication in his words, you threw yourself into the project. You gave him one word answers to his questions, and dodged his personal queries as best as you could.
"Are you seeing anyone?" He finally came right out with it and you sighed, not even looking up at him from the microscope.
"Look, Beck, I don't really want to talk about my personal life. We're not friends."
"Ouch. Why don't you want to be friends? We're going to be in this training program together for two more years, you know."
"On different career paths," you clarified. "There's a good chance we don't see each other again after tonight."
"Well, have a nice life then, I guess."
Your boyfriend handed you a champagne flute and you sipped it gratefully. The welcome home party for Ares III was not your usual scene, and you were grateful for his support. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, and pulled back to see a face you hadn't seen (in person at least) for years.
"I thought that was you!" Beck clapped your boyfriend on his shoulder and they shook hands, catching up for a few minutes. Every once in a while Beck's eyes would wander over to you and a tiny look of confusion crossed his face. Each time you met his eyes directly, just daring him to remember. Finally, he said his farewells, gave you one last lost look, and wandered away into the party.
"Thank goodness he didn't remember me. I had to do a 12 hour lab project with him in training and it was the longest night of my life."
Your boyfriend looked curious. "What happened?"
"He wouldn't stop asking me all these personal questions and finally I told him we weren't going to be friends."
"Twelve hours with someone is a long time. Maybe he was just being polite." Holding his hands up and stepping back in retreat, he grinned at you. "Just playing devil's advocate!"
"Okay, okay. Maybe I was rude, but it meant a lot to me to be accepted to this program and I never want to be narrowed down to 'someone's girlfriend'. No offense," you winked at him.
Beck found you again later, leaning against the bar waiting for a refill, and greeted you by your full name.
"Did you ask someone, or did you finally remember?"
"Who could forget that 12 hour project?"
"You did, an hour ago."
"Are you always this direct?"
"Always." You cleared your throat, and attempted a smile. "So...how was space?"
Beck choked on his drink. "I'm sure your daily briefings told you everything the news didn't. Maybe they missed one thing," he beamed at you. "I'm getting married."
"Who is she?"
"You know her, Beth Johanssen."
"Oh." She'd been on the mission, too. "Well, good luck to you both."
"Thanks," he nudged your shoulder with his, "how about you two?" He asked nodding over at your boyfriend.
"Still can't stop yourself from asking personal questions, hmm?"
"Ah, right, I forgot. We're not friends," he picked up his drink and winked at you before walking away.
At the soft sound of a throat clearing, you looked up from the journal article you were reading, put down your cup of coffee, and stared for a moment before speaking. "Dr. Beck...hello."
"Hi," he gestures to the empty seat at your table. "May I?"
"Of course," you watched as he sat down. He looked different, was acting different. The light in his eyes was out. "I didn't know you'd transferred here."
"Yeah," he breathed out slowly. "I needed a change."
He shook his head, cutting you off. "We're getting divorced."
You nodded, looking over his changed appearance. His eyes met yours.
"How's..." He started and stopped as you sighed and bit your lip.
"We just broke up."
"I'm sorry."
"Me too. I'm sorry, Beck."
It was the quietest and most sincere conversation you two had ever had. He picked up his own cup of coffee and took a sip before asking, "so what happened with you guys?"
A long lunch of sharing sad stories became dinner...became friendship.
Best friends.
You helped him decorate his new apartment. He helped you bring home your Christmas tree. The two of you spent so much time together there almost wasn't time to see other people, but then you both did and told each other your terrible dating stories.
An attempt to set each other up with your other best friends backfired spectacularly as your best friend and his best friend fell for each other instead.
You were stuck with each other.
Your tearful voice filled the phone line. "Can you come over?"
"What's wrong?"
"He's getting married!"
"MY EX."
"I'll be right there."
You opened the door, sniffling into a tissue, eyes red-rimmed and full of unshed tears. He followed you back to your bed, holding you while you cried and explained that even though you had thought he never wanted to get married, he had just never wanted to marry you.
"What's wrong with me?" You wailed.
"Nothing." Beck brushed his fingers through your hair.
"I'm difficult. I'm too structured and hard to deal with."
"But in a good way."
You laughed, despite yourself, and nuzzled closer to him. "Can you hold me for a little, please?"
He did - and when one thing led to another you both should have put a stop to it. You were vulnerable and so was he, in his own way. In the morning you could barely look at each other, and he dressed quickly and left.
Even though you agreed that it had been a mistake, a tiny bubble of resentment began to grow and grow inside you, filling up your veins and stretching from your fingers to your toes. When he finally confronted you and was met with your fury, he replied with indignation.
"You were laying there looking at me - don't go, hold me - what was I supposed to do?"
"Are you saying you took pity on me? Fuck you!"
The sound of your hand slapping his face echoed throughout the room.
You hadn't spoken in weeks.
You screened your calls relentlessly.
"The fact that you're not answering leads me to believe you're either (a) not at home, (b) home but don't want to talk to me, or (c) home, desperately want to talk to me, but trapped under something heavy. If it's either (a) or (c), please call me back."
One day, there was something about his tone of voice that made you answer the call.
"Hey, hi!" He sounded like an excited puppy.
You answered him flatly. "What do you want?"
"Um...are you going to the NASA mixer next week? Because I am, and if you are...we always said we could go together to those things so we wouldn't be alone..."
"I can't do this anymore, Beck," you cut him off. "I am not your consolation prize."
You hung up the phone without another word.
Standing in the corner by yourself at the NASA mixer, you finished your second glass of champagne and sighed. One more round through this room and then it's home with a bottle of wine, comfort television and your own self-loathing.
You stopped short in your tracks on your way to the door as Beck appeared, leaning in the doorway out of breath, as if he had run here. He spotted you, and rushed over, and you couldn't make your feet move. You were frozen in place as he approached.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you."
You blinked.
"I love you."
"How do you expect me to respond to this?"
"How about, you love me too."
"How about, I'm leaving."
He grabbed your arm and you were too shocked to try and shake him off. "Listen to me! I'm sorry about what happened. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how much I wanted you and then I was scared to lose you, and then I was an asshole and I lost you anyway. I can't be without you anymore, you have to believe me!" Your eyes filled with tears as he spoke, and you watched him - he was full of that light, the light that had been missing, and you knew he was telling you the truth. "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
You shrugged away from his hold, only to pull him close with both arms and kiss him, somewhat indecently, in front of all your colleagues at the NASA mixer.
Beck: The first time we met, we hated each other.
You: No, you didn't hate me, I hated you. The second time we met, you didn't even remember me.
Beck: I did too, I remembered you. The third time we met, we became friends.
You: We were friends for a long time.
Beck: And then we weren't.
You: And then we fell in love.
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kattra · 5 years
What I’m Reading
BOOKS OF FEBRUARY  Alice Isn’t Dead by Joseph Fink  The Lights Go Out in Lychford by Paul Cornell Release by Patrick Ness **  The Midnight Witch by Paula Brackston The Art of Living: The Classic Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness by Epictetus (NF) Normal People by Sally Rooney  Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft edited by Tess Sharpe & Jessica Spotswood The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King  Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (NF) Durarara!! Light Novel Series: Volume 1 by Ryogo Narita All Systems Red by Martha Wells  The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker  Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney  Depression & Other Party Tricks by Sabrina Benaim (P)
Graphic Novels: My Hero Academia Vol.1-12 by Kohei Horikoshi **  After Hours Vol.1-3 by Yuhta Nishio 
(28 books read / 150 books goal)
currently reading:  Lamp Black, Wolf Grey by Paula Brackston Unf*ck Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life by Gary John Bishop (NF) A Tyranny of Petticoats: 15 Stories of Belles, Bank Robbers & Other Badass Girls edited by Jessica Spotswood (SS) The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays by Esmé Weijun Wang (NF) Chasers of the Light: Poems From the Typewriter Series by Tyler Knott Gregson (P) Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero 
* - re-read // ** - 4+ star-rating on my goodreads (recommended) GN - graphic novel // NF - non-fiction // P - poetry SS - short story collection // AB - audiobook 
TBR: Wilder Girls by Rory Power  I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver  The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta  My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh  Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk: And Other Truths About Being Creative by Danielle Krysa (NF)
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Sally’s Night (PT2): Sally and Guy enjoy the afterglow, while Mao & Camille eagerly await details
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