#ss: the waifus
auroranekai · 1 year
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A leaf against the rain.
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randomnameless · 7 months
Je viens de voir passer un fanart de Byleth et Dedel à 1min27 dans cette vidéo de France Culture (https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1377800556269036) sur un sujet qui n'a rien à voir en plus. C'est beau.
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C'est magnifique, parfait avec le petit logo "France Culture" pour sponsoriser tout ça.
Je suis fière de participer au service public audiovisuel en payant mes impôts!
Pourquoi sur un sujet qui n'a rien à voir, elle était en train de parler de otome games qui tirent la sonnette d'alarme sur, en gros, les relations toxiques qui peuvent se cacher derrière le traditionnel "je trouve mon âme soeur, on se fait des bisous et tout est bien qui fini bien"! - et justement, Dedel et Billy c'est un peu le même bouzin : Billy suit Dedel parce que l'amour rend aveugle (ou complètement débile?) et ça se donne la main et ça fait un soutien de rang S avec une illustration franchement pas tip top...
Mais le couple toxique se révèle !
Dedel refuse d'accepter l'héritage métisse de Billy, (si bien que le jeu doit se plier en quatre pour faire en sorte que Billy perde son héritage maternel de Nabatéen) et l'a poussée à démolir ce qui lui reste de famille, pour que Billy redevienne la personne détachée qu'elle était auparavant, même si elle détestait son surnom et sa réputation de "démon cendré".
Billy qui a suivi son coeur et ses sentiments se retrouve dans une situation complètement pourrie qu'elle avait adoré quitter, et est condamné à n'être qu'un faire-valoir (les ailes de l'hégémonisme Adrestien uwu) pour servir les desseins de Dedel.
Si ça se trouve, c'est exactement ça que voulait dire la personne interviewée par France Culture, qui avait joué à Fleur Vermeille!
ou pas lol
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Amagami SS
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gender-euphowrya · 1 month
is there anything weirder than those freakazoids who make pictures of anime girls as nazi soldiers in tanks & shit
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loz-furbies · 2 months
Skyward Sword Zelda
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Now for something completely different since Zelda is a commoner this time! I think the outfit works well, it’s not too busy but it also has plenty of memorable details (I especially like the sailcloth around her shoulders) and the green and pink ribbons in her hair. And while the overall design is very different from the usual Zelda looks, the blue cloth on her waist at least reminds me of the “aprons” a little.
Mixed feelings about the white dress, the Hyrule crest collar is great, but everything else in the dress is really simple and basic so it feels a little out of place. However I like the white dress when she’s depicted with botw Zelda in her white dress, it’s a nice contrast how one has long flowy sleeves and the other has no sleeves at all.
Skyward Sword Zelda has a charming and playful personality, making her super likable, and overall she really feels like an ideal girl-next-door type. As Link's childhood friend she's incredibly supportive of him, but also not above calling him out for being lazy or lightly teasing him. And she can be quite stern and gutsy when needed, as seen when she puts Groose and his cronies in place when she finds them bullying Link.
To some extent Zelda does feel a bit too much of idealised manic pixie dream girl to the more down-to-earth MC-kun that is Link. A considerable amount of her lines are spent on speaking positively of Link too, and we don't get to know much about what else she has going on in her life besides Link and the Plot.
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A notable example of this is her status as a student of the knight academy, why is that not touched at all? Why was her role to give a trophy to the flight competition winner and not take part in it herself? Even if she's at a different stage from Link in her studies, shouldn't she still have something to say about their shared goal? I've seen some fans attribute the fact that she made it through a dungeon on her own to being a knight student, but I'm not giving the game credit for that.
We do get to know that she was interested in the surface even before the events of the story, and apparently has a knitting hobby judging by the items in her room. Which... okay I've been a bit too hard on her, as it's incredibly rare for any of the Zeldas to have a hobby at all and I do give SS Link points for his wood carving hobby too. It's just that so many of her lines are spent on gushing over Link so I guess I would have needed more stuff that's specific to her alone to balance that out.
Once she finds out about her role as the reborn goddess she becomes more serious and gloomy, but is still very much recognisable as the same character. Which has not been a given in the history of Zeldas with multiple personas, so good for her.
We don't get to know a lot about how regaining an unspecified amount of memories of her previous life has affected her sense of self, but I figure it has had at least some effect since she sometimes switches to first person, notably when apologising to Link about involving him in the grand anti-demise plan (which at least to me clearly isn't SS Zelda's fault). Though there's not any question if the goddess persona had somehow taken over, since the greatest line of the game "I'm still your Zelda" exists.
Ultimately while I think SS Zelda gets close to the line of being too much of a perfect fantasy waifu, she doesn't cross it and remains incredibly charming.
Role in the story
The game has a very slow beginning, where a lot of time is spent setting up Link and Zelda's relationship and ordinary life. And while the characters are the biggest draw for me in these games, I think there would have been room to condense the story a bit. Even if you really like the characters, in a video game you can reach a point where you're just hoping them to get on with it so you can actually play the game, which isn't exactly helpful if you're supposed to like the characters. But if you don't get frustrated with the slow start, Zelda is set up extremely well as someone you'd want to save.
After the setup she falls into a tornado, and the first part of the game is spent chasing after her and trying to figure out what's going on with her. You get more information about her bit by bit, so she clearly remains as the goal. Once you do catch up with her, it's after she was just rescued by Impa, who chides Link for having been too late to do anything himself. For me this worked just fine because I was really bad at the game, so her criticism was perfectly fair, but I wonder how better players felt about when the plot mandates that their perfect performance is judged to be a failure?
Eventually both Zelda and Link travel to the past, where Zelda explains herself as the reborn goddess and commits to her duty to seal Demise's curse for thousands of years, which changes the game's objective from trying to solve the mystery around her to a more clear rescue mission. Sealing herself to magic sleep is Zelda's big moment and the the game really plays it up, and to great success because that scene is beautiful. After that she doesn't really do much though, like because her darkness-sealing moment happens in the middle of the game (and chronologically before the main part of the gameplay since we're in the past here) and the grand finale darkness sealing is done by the Master Sword, there's not a lot of room for Zelda and she ends up with more of a victim role.
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It is also kind of disappointing how Zelda gets damseled twice in the same game. I guess I can kind of see that since Link and Zelda's relationship is such a big part of the story, it makes sense that her life would be at risk when the stakes need to be at their stakiest, but I really wish they could have thought of something else than have her be woken up from her magical coma for five minutes before getting immediately kidnapped for the bad guys' evil resurrection ritual.
The end credits show snippets of Zelda's life after she fell to the surface, met Impa and started following her duty. Which was of course great but also a somewhat odd place to put it, and made me wonder if it was originally supposed to be shown somewhere during the story but got cut. And then they just put it in the credits since the scenes were already animated. But in any case it's nice to see more of Zelda's journey, even if strictly didn't offer any new information.
As usual Zelda's most important relationship is with Link, and this time there even is more to it than a single line that they're childhood friends. Or they are childhood friends, and while in general I'm a big hater of this trope being so common in Japanese media, at least here it's used with a purpose, as the Goddess' master plan involved specifically preparing a hero who'd go to the ends of earth for her reborn form.
I said about Link and Zelda in Spirit Tracks that their relationship doesn't get any specific development and is more just about that they went on an adventure together and you have to imagine that they grew closer during that. Meanwhile in Skyward Sword they clearly know and care about each other as people and it's not just about like, general human empathy towards someone in trouble, which certainly makes their relationship more interesting.
So as I complained earlier, a lot of Zelda's lines are about Link. She gently teases him for being a sleepyhead, goes out of her way to arrange him time to practice for the flying competition and knows to send her loftwing to wake him up, asks his opinion on her ceremonial costume, asks him out to fly together which is totally written to look like a date, and so on. Some of her behaviour comes out as so flirty that it makes me think if she's all astonished at Link for being so oblivious. And she states multiple times that she wishes that Link will be the one to win the flying competition, so she can do the celebration ceremony with him, or how amazing he was when he managed to do that. The last point was brought up so many times that it just got really heavy handed, and I do think that some of it should have been cut, but just as it was entering actual cringe territory, an alternate explanation emerged that she actually wanted to talk about these ominous premonitions she's had, but had trouble bringing it up and was stalling for time.
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Also it's just beautiful how the whole sleeping thing goes full circle, with Link being the notorious sleepyhead in the beginning, but Zelda requesting that it's Link's turn to wake her up as she's about to enter her magic sleep. Really shows that she has a lot of trust in him.
Meanwhile Link doesn't talk outside dialogue options as usual, so you don't get as much from his side, but his expressions when he looks at Zelda in many scenes tell a lot about how he cares about her.
In general their relationship skirts around being a romance but doesn't fully confirm anything (or at least that I can remember). After Link wins the flying contest, a scene where it looks like Zelda is about to kiss him is set up, but instead she pushes him off the ledge to complete the ceremony. And maybe she was just so coy about the "date" in the clouds because it was all about trying to gather courage and find a good moment to bring up a difficult topic, and Link's determined responses how he'll certainly save Zelda are totally platonic? But like, obviously a scene that teases a possible kiss is put in for a reason and the game ends with a shot of their loftwings flying together after Zelda tells about her future plans to live on the surface and asks what Link wants to do, so I'd say you need some serious anti-shipping goggles to ignore what's being implied.
Also since I brought it up for Spirit Tracks, Link and Zelda hold hands in this game too.
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Impa is in the game as well in the role of Zelda's bodyguard, guide and friend, and this time offers a more meaningful relationship with her than her previous incarnations. Impa is fulfilling her job at assisting Zelda do hers, but they also clearly care about each other. We don't get to see them that much though, so their personal relationship isn't defined too well. Like Impa acts as a servant and refers to Zelda with "your grace", and Zelda just goes along with it and we don't know if she tried to establish a more equal relationship. In one of the end credits snippets we see Zelda doing this cute happy skip when she's walking with Impa and it looks like she's having fun, and these four seconds are probably their most casual scene together.
It's also really sweet when it's revealed that the old woman who helps the cast in the present timeline is actually Impa, so Zelda gets one more chance to meet her. Or it's kind of funny how they saying their goodbyes in the past but Impa reassures that they'll meet again, and after some time travel from Zelda's perspective the reunion in present time is literally just a few minutes later, and then Impa actually dies and they're separated for a second time. But obviously it was about how Impa had been hanging in there for thousands of years so she could still help Zelda and Link with their duty.
In any case Zelda and Impa's bond is clearly strong, even if we don't see the details. It also makes me think of how different this is from BotW Zelda's situation, and how things might have turned out for her if she had a mentor how knows what to do and also is emotionally supportive.
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Groose primarily acts as a rival to Link, which includes being a romantic rival for Zelda's affections. He's not any threatening at it at all though since his feelings are clearly one sided, but it's not exactly clear what Zelda thinks about him. He is introduced when he has hidden Link's loftwing so that Link couldn't take part in the flying competition, and Zelda immediately jumps in to take Link's side. After that Groose's character development happens while Zelda is away, and next time they meet Groose behaves in a more respectable manner and Zelda appears to be happy to see him.
Like everyone else in Skyloft, she also has her own loftwing buddy, and much fuss is made about how everyone is soul-bonded to their bird. None of this really shows up about Zelda's relationship to her loftwing, who doesn't even get a name, though to be fair neither does Link's. In general I think the loftwings were hugely underdeveloped considering how much time you have to spend on one flying around.
Zelda also has a father with whom she actually gets to interact with, but I don't get much anything out of that except that they have a normal/good relationship.
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
Aether and Lumine? Paimon too.
Thank you for the ask! :> I am going to split this not on Aether/Lumine lines but on Traveler/Abyss Prince(ss) lines, because, well, canon did set it up that way, and while if absolutely pushed, Lumine is my Traveler, I mostly prefer to be agnostic in my meta and fic about who is who.
How I feel about this character
Ah, yes, Traveler von Protagonist Disease.
The thing that complicates the Traveler for me is that I absolutely loathe the kind of semi-self-insert-but-semi-independent-character protagonist that seems to be getting popular in video games these days. Byleth in FE3H is another good example. I wish they didn't exist! I wish that it was either a full self-insert, character-builder and all, or that they gave us a protagonist with a personality in the style of Tales Of and Final Fantasy games in the first place. I really enjoy roleplaying a character as I play a video game, whether given to me as a fully-realized character or as one I made up myself, and this in-between kind of robs me of that because I can't go full "this OC of mine believes this" and I also can't try for accuracy to the character I'm presented on-screen.
That said, they have been getting better about this with the Traveler over the last few nations, and I like the increasing sense of actual, independent personality that we've gotten for them! Obviously a protagonist of this kind of game, where all the others have to like the player character to make the gacha appealing, is going to want to help others, so I actually particularly like the occasional thread we get where they're like "no, I don't actually care half as much for Teyvat as I do for my sibling, I don't not care but my main mission is still to get to them" because it's very refreshing to me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Childe with the Lumine version, as two people who can and will absolutely fuck each other up in a play-battle, post-fight sex optional but fun. (Also I once read a Childe/Lumine AU fic where Childe was attempting to pursue The Greatest Game with Lumine and she turned the tables and pinned him down with knives through his hands, and it was incredibly hot.) Ayaka, as a one-sided crush on Ayaka's part. That's... really about it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Paimon! My bestest and beloved friend. :>
My unpopular opinion about this character
With a handful of exceptions, I... do not particularly enjoy Traveler-centered fic/art/meta. I don't know how unpopular that is but it's all I've got.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I know why Hoyo can't do this with their gacha game full of waifus and husbandos, but I wish we had at least one major/playable character who just did not get along with them. All their voicelines are along the lines of "you think I'm fucking telling you that?" I just want to see how it would play out.
How I feel about this character
Honestly much more fascinating to me, in part because they've been a lot more allowed to have some kind of personality from the beginning! I want to know all about what's happened to them, why they hold the positions they do, why they give their twin so few crumbs, etc.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I mean. Dain. XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Aside from their twin, also Dain! Love their history.
My unpopular opinion about this character
This sort of overlaps with the second, but while I don't know how plausible or how unpopular it is, the mirror in the Caribert quest where the Traveler saw them in it combined with some minor previous stuff to unlock a Theory for me that the Traveler and the Abyss Prince(ss) aren't twins, but a single person with, for the Traveler, altered memories, whom the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles broke apart in order to nerf their power and/or for other reasons related to the whole "Fourth Descender broken up for parts" thing. Fascinating to me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Related to the above: Hoyo, please give me this. For all the game's deliberate sibling analogies and their pleasing narrative resonance, this theory honestly has way more appeal to me overall.
How I feel about this character
My buddy! My bestest friend! :> I get mad when people are mean to her (in-game or people who choose those options in play). I get sad when she talks about being scared without us (@chrysoula has a theory that this is all foreshadowing a quest/arc where she's taken away and I think this is reasonably likely but I'm also dreading it). I refuse to believe the theories that she's evil, but I do love the theories that she's a reduced/de-powered version of Something/Someone in Teyvat's lore, that would be very fun. I want to give her so many hugs.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I do not. XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
The Traveler, of course! :> I also love her rivalry with Itto. I love when characters treat her as a separate person from the Traveler and have their own relationships with her.
My unpopular opinion about this character
From what I've seen in the fandom... that I like her at all? XD;;
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Hoyo stop giving us options to be mean to her. She doesn't deserve it. >:( Appreciating and loving Paimon hours ONLY.
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maoam · 2 years
i never realized ppl like sakura for the same reason they like hinata, for the boys they ship them with. hinata is for the male audience who self insert into naruto and want the submissive waifu who would do anything for him no questions asked, so it's more about him than her. and sakura is for the female audience who self insert into her to be shipped with all the boys they want in the manga, sometimes even outside the manga. the reason i never realized this before was bc of sakura, since she has more to her and was shown more often i thought she might be valued for other things as well, but i guess not. and they wanna call us sns fans the misogynists? lol that's funny.
There are also women who self insert into Hinata. There are some here as well. These girls go on and on about how Hinata is the most beautiful, most kind and amazing girl in Naruto and all manga in general. They think what matters is Hinata getting what she wants. Not that there aren't men who self insert into Naruto to get a submissive waifu with no mind of her own because there sure are.
SS are definitely mostly women who want a hot guy like Sasuke and want to prop up a shallow and selfish girl like Sakura. SS are definitely Sakura stans only. I have heard some also were attracted to the pink/black color combination. As for NrSk, it has a lot of female stans but some male stans as well, who hate Sasuke and think he ruined their ship lol
SS and NH bash other girls all the time so they sure are funny whining about us.
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salemdominance · 11 days
Waifu Rating - Android 21 (Human) - Majin version rating optional.
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"See? Nerds are hot." Salem noted. "SS...but just 1 S for the pink one, she loses the kinky nerd angel."
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gettheglambulance · 11 months
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Funniest thing that’s happened to me in a while.
I was looking up Master Kohga x reader the other night (as one does) only to find 5 five (🖐) fics in total. I was annoyed that nobody was writing this stuff so I posted as much on my story (figure 1).
I don’t read anything, but I save something to read for later and go to bed. The next morning I wake up and look through the Kohga / reader tag again only to find THAT THE FIC I WAS PLANNING ON READING WAS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN.
That fic was posted in August and it’s October now. I don’t have a lot of followers on ig and only about 12 ppl looked at that story. I do not post a lot of Zelda content. So how. Was it coincidence? How DID THIS HAPPEN.
I took a screenshot of the fic that night bc the concept of being in a waifu harem with Kohga was funny to me, so Ik who wrote the fic; I won’t post the ss tho bc if they don’t want it to be seen then I’m not gonna share it. God this is so fucking funny
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Some of my favourite girl characters from some of my anime!
Or waifus, if you will.
1. Kuu-chan from 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku
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2. Uki Sawatari from Anima Yell!
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3. Ren Ekoda from Anne-Happy
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4. Kaho Hinata from Blend S
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5. Kyouko Naraku from A Centaur’s Life
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6.  Kaoru Tsunashi from  Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken
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7. Kokoro from Darling in the Franxx
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8. Escha from Escha Chron
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9.  Vignette Tsukinose April from Gabriel DropOut
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10. Miki Naoki from Gakkou Gurashi!
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11. Hitoka Yachi from Haikyuu!!
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12. Hungary from Hetalia
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13. Erola Suppaatoka ffrom Honoo no Labyrinth
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14. Kuro from  Isekai Shokudou
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15.  Tsumugi Kotobuki from K-ON!
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16. Mary Saotome from Kakegurui
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17.  Quetzalcoatl or Lucoa from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon
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18. Ao Manaka from Koisuru Asteroid
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19. Minene Uryuu from Mirai Nikki
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20. Hifumi Takimoto from New Game!
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21. Annie Leonhart from Attack on Titan
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22. Rikka Takarada from SS Grindmann
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23. Yuye Hua from To be Heroine
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24. Hanako Koyanagi from Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
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25. Yui Funami from Yuru Yuri
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26. Hana from Ookami Komodo no Ame to Yuki
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fantasyinvader · 1 year
I think there’s some real feminism at the core of Houses, at least in the Japanese version.
Remember how in the Nintendo Dream interview the creators said that Edelgard’s depth came from the fact she was both a cute girl and a conqueror? I think that’s the core thing here. We are meant to see her as both, not just one or the other. The cute girl parts are meant to draw us in so her actions as the conqueror come as a shock to players, but at the same time those bits are meant to show she’s not some flat villain.
She’s still the bad guy here, but she’s meant to be sympathetic due to how TWSITD are exploiting her. Meanwhile, no matter how much IS panders to audiences using her as waifu-bait, we are meant to view her on her actions and beliefs.
Like Ferdie says at the end of SS/VW, she’ll get what she wants with the next ruler of Fodlan being one of merit not birth, the problem was what Edelgard viewed as merit (and methods, can’t forget the methods). After all, Dimitri’s merit over Edelgard is his Oudou to her Hadou, his benevolent rule that serves the people over her tyrannical rule where the people exist to serve her. Not to mention, straying from Wilhelm’s definition of knowledge-based merit where leaders protect their people to one based around coveting strength and oppressing those beneath you is also meant to represent the Empire’s fall to Hadou.
Edelgard is a female character whose objectification may draw people in, but we’re meant to see past that. We’re meant to see past that, to see the depth the devs bring up as well as the trick they wanted to play on the players.
Even Edelgard’s crush can be seen as problematic. No matter how she feels about Byleth, fact is she lied to and tried to manipulate them into serving her. If Byleth does not teach her, she’ll still talk about how fighting them makes her weak despite the lack of interactions between them (aside from her appearances as the Flame Emperor) and calling Byleth her teacher during her death in VW. No matter how you slice it, this is not a healthy relationship and joining Edelgard goes against Byleth’s character arc so it’s ultimately toxic to Byleth. Edelgard “loves” Byleth despite not even knowing them, treating Byleth and the player as her husbando/waifu.
I think, however, that what Treehouse did made her problematic. They took Edelgard and changed things. A number of endings associated with CF were changed, especially the main ending to CF itself, to make her rule look more benevolent. We have changes in the text to make the Church look worse, while parts associated with the game’s Buddhist symbolism were watered down. That she wasn’t going to steal the Crest Stones to make people into monsters, she was going to destroy them because she views them as a poison, and talk of her information campaign was removed. Edge of Dawn links the flower to a red rose rather than the intended safflower, which holds vastly different meanings.
It tries to make the game more grey, but you have to ask yourselves why. Did Treehouse do this because they thought people would be upset if they joined Edelgard only to find they’re playing a villain route, or did they do it because they didn’t want the female lord to be the villain? That they took a look at who she was and what she does, diluting those things in order to make her more acceptable despite, you know, how Edelgard is still an unapologetic imperialist intent on mowing down everyone who doesn’t bend the knee?
Treehouse looked at Edelgard and changed her to suit their beliefs...and that still wasn’t enough considering how her fans take it ever further. As I’ve said before, no one hates Edelgard more than her own fanbase.
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randomnameless · 5 months
Tiens, on est le 21 avril aujourd'hui?
Ca va faire l'anniversaire des 22 ans de Jean-Marie au second tour et où pas mal de personnes censées se sont rendues compte qu'il y avait toute une frange de cons en France : "moi pas content moi mettre coup de pied dans fourmilière alors moi voter pour vieux monsieur qui a formé son parti avec des anciens Waffen-SS et qui a torturé en Algérie et compare les homosexuels au "sel dans la soupe" parce que moi vraiment pas content "
Et depuis on a de plus en plus de cons à tous les niveaux - mais bon, je reste un blog fandom donc parler trop de politique ça va me transformer en bloc de sel géant.
Par contre, avec le fandom actuel sur Fodlan, ben je vois que c'est une tendance de fond apparemment, et ça dépasse nos frontières (ouais on est pas les seuls cons au monde! Youpi!) et c'est toujours aussi inquiétant - je ne parle pas des délurés dans leur caniveau dans un certain serveur de Discord(e) - mais juste un commentaire banal genre :
"J'ai vraiment aimé ta fic du coup j'ai écris la mienne!"
Je me sens un peu flattée qu'un des trucs randoms que j'avais posté ai pu rendre des gens contents ?
"Du coup j'ai aussi repris l'idée de Lycaon l'hybride Nabatéen"
Cool, enfin c'est pas juste moi, les demi dragons, c'est un peu une tradition dans FE et les mondes de fantasy, et puis Fodlan le sous-entend avec certains persos et dialogues et...
"Alors dans mon idée, les hybrides tombent tout le temps malade, jusqu'à que leur descendance ait moins de sang de Nabatéen parce que c'est ça qui les rend fragiles"
... Attends, quoi ??
(gros gros sel sous la coupure)
Moi dans mes délires c'est l'histoire clichée du "il a du sang de créature magique donc ça les rends plus forts/demi-dieux etc etc" avec l'analogie traditionnelle du "ben s'ils peuvent faire des bébés c'est qu'ils ont pas si différents et les deux peuples peuvent s'entendre au lieu de se foutre sur la gueule tout le temps" - il n'a jamais été question de "oui ben l'hybride est mal foutu génétiquement parce que le sang d'une des races n'est pas bon et il survit que s'il se débarrasse de sa partie "autre" " !
Et puis merde, je sais qu'on est dans une fanfic et une oeuvre de fiction, mais c'est super inconfortable de lire ce genre de trucs! Sans rentrer dans les "théories" à la con, ce genre de saloperies a été utilisé dans la vraie vie pour justifier de la merde!
Enfin quoi, on est sur de la fiction, mais on explique que "il est malade parce qu'il n'est pas de sang pur ??" Et ça c'est censé être, genre, normal, et pas un twist où en fait c'est un super raciste qui a "créé" cette maladie pour garder des gens "purs"? C'est juste, euh, "naturel"????
oui bon j'ai relu bleach récemment
Comment un de mes posts a pu inspirer ça?
Tiens, ça me fait penser à cette autre fic qui m'intéressait bien aussi :
Guerre des Héros? Check
Willy ? Check
Lycaon est un hybride? Triple check
Et puis dans les notes de l'auteur "ah oui c'était compliqué pour l'élever en tant que bébé, mais une fois qu'il avait passé sa phase de nabatéen* ça passait"
*Ok, c'est de l'anglais et j'ai peut-être mal compris le "grew out of his nabatean traits" ???
Bordel ça commençait tellement bien, et ça finit comme les épinards de la cantine.
Encore une fois, on est sur de la fanfic alors bon, si quelqu'un écrit sur quelque chose ça ne veut pas forcément dire qu'il est d'accord avec tout ce qu'il écrit ou veut les promouvoir, j'entends bien.
Mais tout de même, je trouve que parler de ça, dans un fandom qui comporte des latrines comme ce fameux sous-serveur, et dont l'oeuvre principale est centrée autour d'une "waifu qui est en fait méchant mais trop kawaii alors tu te sens tristoune de la dégommer mais comme elle trop kawaii personne va lui dire de la boucler ou tout ceux qui le font sont dépeints comme des vilains pas beaux méchants qui à la fin trouvent qu'elle avait pas tort" dont le leitmotiv reste tout de même la volonté de débarrasser le monde du "sang de dragon" (Et personne dans le jeu ne tique ou ne remarque ça pour sortir - à l'époque ce que j'aurais appelé une tarte à la crème mais vu le fandom et les temps actuels ce n'est en fait pas si commun??? - "le racisme ce n'est pas bien" et que tous les persos mettent à leur sauce des "oui mais c'est vrai que le sang de dragon ce n'est pas bien"!) franchement c'est très très bof.
Est-ce que ces "théories racialistes" sur les "hybrides Nabatéens" c'est juste de la liberté littéraire dans le genre de la "darkfic" ou du "dead dove do not eat", ou est-ce que ce sont des effluves nauséabondes qui émanent des toilettes, ou des personnes qui ont joué au jeu et ne se rendant pas compte des énormités de Dedel - qui sont malgré tout passées sous silence par les développeurs et scénaristes eux-mêmes parce qu'il faut vendre des goodies ?
Ça me gonfle parce que normalement, je me dis toujours qu'il faut consommer des choses auxquelles on est pas forcément attirés dès le départ pour élargir ses horizons et peut-être apprécier d'une autre manière quelque chose - mais avec cet univers, avec un fandom (et des jeux) qui nous bassinent en long, en large et en travers "ouin ouin tout ce qui ne va pas dans le monde c'est à cause du sang de Nabatéens" et chie sur, ben, les persos Nabatéens eux-mêmes, une fic qui a part sur un postulat "les hybrides Nabatéens existent, mais ne sont pas viables/en bonne santé/gérables s'ils ont trop de sang Nabatéen", je ne peux/veux plus les lire/voir/écouter.
Comme pour l'utilisateur de Tumblr que j'avais bloqué, sans avoir jamais interagit avec cette personne, mais parce que j'avais lu un billet en mode "oulala rien que de penser à Dedel qui aurait du sang de Nabatéen [encore dans un contexte de demi-nabatéens] ça me rend physiquement malade!" parce que, non seulement, ben ça veut dire que cette personne n'a visiblement pas compris ce qu'est un Emblème dans le jeu, et surtout, parce que ce genre de trucs avec le fandom de FE16, avant même que je ne découvre le trou à fange qu'est le sous-serveur de la Discorde, c'est un gros gros signe que cette vision qu'à cet utilisateur du jeu et la mienne sont tellement incompatibles qu'on ne pourra jamais discuter sereinement dessus, donc blocage automatique.
Je vois le "fandom" comme quelque chose de relaxant où j'ai envie d'être chill et de juste, apprécier des trucs plutôt que de râler (j'ai déjà la vraie vie pour ça), mais là c'est juste, je pense, de la déception (une origo gentis sur les Hresvelg! Un des trucs sur lesquels j'avais déblatéré il y a longtemps! C'est tellement génial de voir que quelqu'un d'autre a eu l'idée d'en faire une! Si seulement il n'y avait pas eu ce foutu commentaire "et en fait les métisses sont malades parce qu'ils ne sont pas viables à cause du sang de l'un de leurs parents mais si ce sang se dilue ils vont mieux"...) et la simple coincidence qu'aujourd'hui on est le 21 avril qui vaut ce bloc de sel.
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unohanadaydreams · 8 months
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Forgot to take this shit out of the drafts, but here is my lackadaisical ranking from @littleeyesofpallas Kubo Tite(BLEACH) Ultimate Waifu List Tier List Maker
I did not have the gumption to rank all of the waifus, let alone half of the waifus lmao.
SS Rank - The women who take up the vast majority of my brain space. All three of them own and I support their wrongs 100%.
S Rank - I feel like this is my actual waifu tier tbh. I like their characters and would also stutter out an offer of my number to all three of them.
A Rank - Women I like who get into silly situations. Half tragic lesbians and half weird girl rep.
B Rank - The lesbian tier apparently. I like them but not enough to have them higher on the list. Only one of them is useless. #representation
C Rank - Characters who I wanted to see more of. Half because they're fun characters and half because I believe they've got big impact on the story (Kaname's best friend? Self explanatory. She launched him into revenge plot that reverberated all the way into the novels. And I just KNOW Chikane has her hands in politics, the Gotei 13 was not the end for her. Gang leader of the century. )
D Rank - Women who I thought needed to be on the list for one reason or another. High school girls thirsting like their lives depend on it. Insane sword woman. And Cunt herself. The for funsies tier.
F Rank - Women who annoy me. Love you, except I don't, actually!
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silver-wield · 9 months
This is exactly why I couldn’t talk about how I felt on my main.
They are already taking my personal experience and twisting it. Saying they are a victim of abuse too and they don’t feel the same way. Like okay? That’s cool. You have every right to handle your abuse the way you want to, but don’t tell me what I can and can’t find triggering. Calling me misogynistic and unhinged. They are so unnecessarily cruel.
They are attacking me, a real human being with real trauma over my very personal and individual opinion on a fictional character. And they think that’s okay? I shared anonymously with friends I’ve built up over the course of this remake trilogy because I was terrified of sharing publicly, but I needed to talk to someone - even if it was into a void. It was helping me cope with it. They just proved me right and I’m tired of it.
Tbh I doubt any of them have been abused. They say literally anything as long as they think it works in their favour. They have zero empathy and think everything is about their precious toxic nightmare of a waifu.
And for the freaks stalking my account plz and kindly fuck off. Nobody wants you here. It's pathetic how y'all go around screaming about how you mind your own business when all you do is stalk people, SS and harass everyone. Go out, touch grass, find someone to fuck, get your loser sexual frustration out and leave people alone and stop being scumbags over a game you never played and don't want to.
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sasukesun · 2 years
I think it is embarrassing that so many women ship ss because is this how they envision romance? Simping over a guy who isnt interested? Not accepting his rejection until he fucks you, make you pregnant and then you end up living like a single mother and your kid develop daddy issues??? Daydreaming about him being affectionate for once? Is this what women dream of? I just do not understand the logic. There is nothing to gain being in Skra situation.
"Kishimoto is mysoginist" , they say as they support a ship making a female character act in the most embarrassing way.
well because in their small brains that’s not how ss works. in their heads, ss is about a tormented brooding bad boy that doesn’t like anybody but his precious cherry blossom queen and can only be healed by her 🥺 he has always wanted to be with her but he couldn’t because he was in the darkness 🥺 but now he has to compensate for hurting her by atoning himself, so he can’t stay with his fam even though that’s what he wants the most 🥺 but at least he’s protecting them 🥺 though he only meets his waifu in secret, not his daughter, and they have hot sex or whatever 🤤 he is a sex god and can’t help himself when his cherry blossom is near him 🤤 fr they don’t know how to read, they probably have never read the manga, only saw that ss was canonised in boruto and started to ship it, or shipped it when they were younger and never dropped, but have to delude themselves with those lies
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apixellife · 4 months
:: Saussi ::
Maya Dress available at mainstore, special price Each color 50L, Fatpack 50% Off @Fifty-Fifty (just this week). Event Opening Date: June 4, 2024Event Closing Date: June 7, 2024 ::SS:: Dress Maya (Waifu)::SS:: Metal Maya (Waifu)This item has HUD so you can choose the colors or metals. Social: Instagram:…
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