#st. epiderm high school
dazeddoodles · 1 month
One headcanon that i have is that just like Eda was very popular in the criminal world of the isles. Raine was highly popular and highly regarded in the high society of the isles.
However, in contrast to Eda, who enjoyed the underworld of crime in the isles, raine despised the high society of the isles, only putting up with their nonsense to make a name to become coven head. (Is one of the reasons they look far older than they should. In their own words, they age at least an extra decade thanks to those blood sucking leeches)
Honestly I could see this as canon
Afterall we know Raine did performance, had records, and from Eda's files it looks like they won awards
(Considering they went to St Epiderm, a school with a high tuition, they might be used to being surrounded by snobs. Imagine them having to interact with the Blights?)
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thefayecoven · 1 year
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Adrian Graye was a St. Epiderm kid, I smell it on him💀
He was def that popular boy that all of the teachers loved, had his own posse of yes-men, dunked freshmen into trash cans, and had a fuck ass side part.
I just KNOW for fact that Adrian was an absolute ass in high school, but not in the ways that people think.
My personal head-canons for his story incoming so take what you will, but my version? Lack of attention at home. His mother began being around less and less due to some romantic fling of hers at the time, which led to Adrian being increasingly more and more alone as the years of high school bled into one another.
As he burrowed himself into his interests such as theatre, musicals, anything and everything artsy, he also began to focus on crafting and perfecting his image in high school so he wouldn’t face the same lonely and bullied fate he had in previous grades.
Adrian quickly became well liked , with his skill in illusion magic capturing some attention. Illusions were largely regarded as high-def party tricks, even in the early 2000’s, so seeing someone with such skill and talent as well as being able to see the real world application? People were stunned.
His involvement in Epiderm’s theatre troupe also gained him some popularity and favor. Even to a degree where roles were simply guaranteed for him. To a degree where he didn’t need to do much himself, where others would do it for him. While he had his own group that typically understood his mannerisms quite well, other students didn’t question him too often when he spoke of something they didn’t understand. After all he’s the cool kid right- “better just figure it out myself so he thinks I’m chill like that”
This tendency to let others carry him on and attempt to put their entire being into understanding him and his every whim crept its way into adulthood and would take a long time to unlearn.
But either way the popularity didn’t come with grace. Adrian was MEAN. Like downright brutal very often. Keeping people twirled around his finger to get them to do things for him , could range from “oh carry this for me” to “get the answer key for the final”. He was (and still is) a very judge-y individual , and while being a person who came from poverty, still didn’t hesitate to bring down others for the same, forgetting and tossing away his roots almost instantly if it meant maintaining his image. He was quick to target new students with insults, playful bullying, etc., with it even becoming a running inside joke in the school (the whole “freshmen = fresh meat” joke).
So yeah not a good dude at all, not even a dork. Just awful. In his search for attention he became quite bitter, paving the way to the Adrian we know in canon.
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 1 year
The Owl House overlooked/loose Plot treads (Updated)
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There are a LOT of unresolved, unaddressed, and forgotten mysteries, characters, and plots that had to be cut short because of the shortening so... I decided to search and list as many of these as possible! Because there is just so much we missed and this is my way to cope.
Plot threads:
What was Darius's mentor's name? and why/how was he "eliminated"? (was he who inspired/influenced Darius to form his own rebellion?)
How did Darius even uncover the Draining spell? did he sneak inside Belos's office and snatch the paper? did he overhear Belos talking with the Collector? did the previous Golden Guard leave him some hints as to what Belos' plan was all about?
How did the CATTs (Amber, Derwin, and Skara) escape the Conformatorium after Eda's requiem? Did Raine break them out? was it Darius? Steve? [Possible Answer: it seems that the cell they were throw-in was actually open]
How did Bump manage to implement multitracking in Hexide? Assuming that at one point, the Emperor's coven sent an actual inspector to the school, how did the detention kids and Bump deal with that?
What about the other magic schools? we never got to see Glandus High or St. Epiderm.
What happened with the Greater Basilisk? It was implied that the emperor's coven took her so... is she dead?
How did belos revive the basilisks? was the Collector involved in that or did he figure out that one on his own? what method did he use? If the collector give him the draining spell, then what was even the point of resurrecting them in the first place?
What exactly is the relationship between Hunter and Darius like? mentor? father figure? friend? After giving Hunter a scroll and promising him to keep Flapjack secret we really never got a proper look at their relationship after all of that. After all of those years of giving Hunter the cold shoulder, Darius must have dedicated a lot of time to gain Hunter's trust.
Grimwalkers, how did Belos discover their existence? The only explanation that comes to mind is that he found the "recipe" in some forgotten temple or that The Collector help him develop it throught trial and error. Althrought the books Hunter found imply that the Demon Realm knows to a certain extent of their existence.
What was that little box containing the puzzle and map to the Titan's Blood? and who put it there and why? Because I genuinely find it disjointed from everything, like, not even a hint was placed about who made it and for who.
What happened to the other basilisk that escaped with Vee, and what was their relationship like? We know they are fine at the end but where did they go? Were they just hiding, or were they searching for Vee? Were they like siblings to her? if not then why bother to stick together? maybe they did care for her...
During Vee's flashback of her time in captivity, we saw 5 cages... We know who inhabited cages 5, 4, and 3. Assuming that the greater basilisk was part of this row of cages, we are missing one basilisk. Who are they and where did they go? What did Belos do to them?
What was the aftermath of Eda's first transformation into the Owl Beast like? what did Lilith do after Eda ran away? What was Gween and Deell's first reaction to the whole situation?
Who was the owner of the Bat Queen? After what was said in the last PostHoot, and the possible connection between her and the tower of the Owl House, well, now I really want to know who.
How many Titans/islands exit in the Demon Realm? We know that other landmasses exist beyond the Demon realm, but we only know of two civilizations, The boiling Isles and the Titan Trappers Island. Are there the only ones? are there more somewhere out there?
Luz and Vee's relationship. There are obviously some unresolved issues between them which we never got to see being resolved. How did Luz feel about Vee being a better daughter to Camila? about Vee making friends in only a few months while she never got one throught her whole life in the human realm? How did she feel about getting a new demon sibling after seemingly losing one just a few days/weeks ago?
Philip and Caleb's relationship. We can only assume and interpret things based on what we saw in Belos's mindscape and what Masha told the Hexsquad.
Evelyn and Caleb's relationship. During the last PostHoot Dana described their relationship as something that developed slowly, but apart from that, we have nothing
Philip's arrival to the Demon realm. We don't have any specifics about when and how Philip ended up in the demon realm, did he follow Caleb exactly when he crossed with Evelyn? did it take him years to muster the courage to cross the portal or find him or it took him years just to find him when already in the demon realm?
What's up with the other coven heads? Hettie Cutborn? maybe she is a buff vampire. Vitmir? no idea what his deal is but he is definitely evil. Osran? also evil, but in a more cynical way. Mason? He gives me family man vibes.
How did Masha and the other Cabin 7 kids feel about the real Luz? it wasn't even addressed how Vee feels about the whole situation, heck she seemingly replaced them with Luz's friends! there is just a lot to unpack there...
What exactly is Raine's relationship with their... apprentices? (Amber, Katay, and Derwin) how did they all meet each other and how did they end up forming the rebellion?
Amity's palisman, how and when did she get them? Was the Bat Queen involved? Was Ghost Odalia's palisman?
Darius and Eberwolf… They seem so close, yet so personality-wise so different from one another. Maybe one day we will see how deep their dynamic goes.
Steve and Matt, we know they are half brothers, but what is their relationship really like? Wouldn't be a surprise if Matt resents him for "abandoning" him for the Emperor's coven.
Flora D'splora's original role and relevance to the story. The crew released a painting that was meant to be part of Hollow mind's background that depicts an unsettling scene of Belos alongside Flora... What was supposed to mean? Was Florea meant to be an antagonist? Or was it all just because of driving Lilith to find the time pools?
Vee and Hunter are literally siblings: kids artificially created by Belos to accomplish a single purpose, had to lie about their identity to make friends, both belong to an extinct species, their names are literally just titles the dynamic between them was literally the thing I wanted to most from Season 3... cries
Viney, Barcus, and Jerbo. I genuinely wanted to see what their newfound freedom to study any type of magic led them to. Possibly nothing important but considerating how multitracking became a thing at one point during the second season...
Hunter, buddy, how did you not recognize Kikimora's voice in For the Future? you worked alongside her your whole life! Don't take this one seriusly
How did Camila and Vee's relationship develop after the lie was no more? we know that at the end Vee is practically a Noceda, but how did they both handle the aftermath of Yesterday's lie? Did Camila at one point resent Vee for what she did, aware that if it wasn't for Luz's arrival, the lie would have continued indefinitely? Did Vee apologize and/or told Camila why she did it? Again, there is a lot to unpack there.
Personally, considerating all of these, I believe that if the Owl House ever gets a spin-off, it needs to be about what we missed because of the shortening. Like, don't get me wrong, A Young Eda and/or Evelyn sounds nice but I don't think that a whole series dedicated to them is necessary. Why not a little bit of everything? 1 episode for each one of these, maybe 2 if it seems necessary. We can finally get some closure for some of the characters that suffered from the shortening (Vee, Darius, Raine, Bosha, the Catss, etc) and get some well-needed answers for much of everything.
If I miss something, make me know and I will add them!
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lilmissbacon · 1 year
Rotbtd as students on the Boiling Isles Art
In the future I might work on an alternate au of rotbtd as owl house characters like Rapunzel as Luz or Jack as Hunter and Pitch as Belos.
I just kinda wanted to do them if they were witches and what kinds of magic they'd probably study. As well as what their palisman would look like.
Let me tell you it was a bitch getting their hair to look right in this art style.
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He'd clearly focus most on ice magic but since that's not a class track, I can see him signing up for illusions. Along with Oracle in reference to how he has the power to make people feel joyful in rotg.
I did a voting poll, and snowy owl won for his palisman by a landslide. I can see him naming her Snowflake or Joy. I also designed her staff form to look like a nesting doll, also in reference to rotg. And the top of the staff where palisman rest can look different. So if Jack carved her himself, then it's possible he carved the staff to have the hook as well.
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I decided to play with which schools they'd go to and have Hiccup be from Glandus High. Since the only description we have of it being that "if you want respect you have to take it." It feels very similar to Berk's "kill or be killed" philosophy. And of course, Hiccup is in the beast keeping and construction tracks.
Of course Toothless in his found palisman and look; he made Toothless a little prosthetic foot. The palisman are very similar to regular animals but they're almost never one-to-one exact so he has four ears to look like his ear nubs in the original.
I should probably also note here that everyone is 17-18 years old in this au.
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She'd definitely be the one who is in almost every track. The only ones she's not in are illusions and construction. Just because I don't think she'd be super into those tracks compared to the others. And let me tell you, it took me way too long of figuring out what color patterns her uniform would be before I realized the colors make a rainbow. And since it seems that hair and eye color can be almost any color on the Boiling Isles, I thought I'd give some variety by giving her purple eyes.
For Pascal, I gave him the design he has in an episode of Tangled the Series season 3, where he temporarily had dragon features.
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Her mom definitely forced her to go to the prestigious school of St. Epiderm. In the plants, beast keeping and potions tracks (the gem on her chest is yellow.) I made her eyes such a light shade of teal, not only to further differ from Jack's blue, but also just to make her look less human since her ears are mostly covered
She also definitely carved her own palisman, say hello to little Mor'du. If you can't tell his design is heavily inspired by the little wooden bear kids from Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs.
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caffeinateddays · 1 year
have you heard of alador x darius and what are your thoughts on them
aladarius is such an interesting pair! i’m honestly such a fan of them both. i’m planning on making this a two part (maybe even three part) series—this will focus on what they were like at hexside before they fell out. ALSO I LITERALLY FORGOT THAT THE FINALE CAME OUT YESTERDAY-
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i absolutely have to bring up the fact that they were very close during their time in hexside.
however, i'd like to think that alador and darius knew of the other even earlier on. their parents knew each other through the boiling isles social circles, coming from considerable wealth. the blight family does have a mansion and darius just oozes high-class. they're the same age, so they're forced to make conversation at parties for some semblance of entertainment.
what a surprise it is when darius walks into abominations 101, his first day at hexside, and sees alador already dozing off on his desk the corner. it's weird seeing him in uniform because he's only come to recognize the blight boy dressed to the nines. they could only hold conversation for a minute, yet he feels the need to wake him up.
"aren't you supposed to be at glandus right about now?" alador opens one of his eyes, scaring the living daylights out of darius. darius doesn't let his face betray his assumed confidence. "aren't you supposed to be asleep right about now?" "answer me first." "that was rhetorical anyways."
long story short, the deamonnes managed to get kicked off of the glandus pta. they took it as an affront to their family's name and pulled darius out. hexside seemed decent enough; it was either that or enroll in st. epiderm and be confined to high-class fraternization.
alador thinks that's absolutely hilarious, outright admitting approval of his deliquency to darius' face. darius remains appalled by the witch, even when alador “adopts” him from that point onwards.
he tells him the best shortcuts for traversing the hallways and what food to avoid in the cafeteria. they eat lunch at the very end of the long tables. darius usually pours over a book in the silence of alador people-watching through the windows.
alador loves messing around with darius during class. darius takes learning way too seriously—he needs to have some fun with it. he doodles on all of darius’ papers, usually smilies and stick figures in darius’ likeness. there isn’t a single paper without an “alador was here” scrawled onto it. alador makes funny faces when the teacher isn’t looking to get a laugh out of him. he likes seeing him smile, even if it comes with a scoff.
darius studies with alador at the blight mansion when he doesn't want to go home to his parents—nothing exciting happens back at his house. there’s not a lot of studying that happens on alador’s part, but when darius falls in love with the old weathered books in his library, he spends their time together reading.
it’s only then that darius realizes that studying by rereading passages and textbooks doesn’t click for alador. when asked, alador says that they’ve never worked. darius is curious as to why he would go back to it now, however, they try to find better study methods. darius knows that alador is smart; he just needs an outlet that’ll retain his attention.
turns out that alador is more of a doer. darius turns to to debating as a form of active recall. they’re fine with fighting over books and the true intentions of authors, but fighting over small things is much better. apple blood or ghoul ade? they’ll never truly know.
however, they stand at their very best when they are paired together. group projects become a breeze and they’ve aced every test that’s came their way. at this point, they share the title of top student.
they seem like the type to have a long and complicated secret handshake. not to publicly flaunt it, though. it’s only for their eyes to witness.
sometimes they trek out to the bonesbourough playground after school, on the swings until the street lamps light up. darius summons an abomination one time and it pushes him so hard that he goes all the way around. they burst into shambles laughing and it becomes a battle to see who can go around the most times. darius holds the top score of 3.
speaking of battles, darius is there the day that alador wins the bonesborough brawl. alador has competed in it for years, but it’s only when darius is out there supporting him that he finds the will to pour his heart out into success.
“you won!” alador is met with darius’ cheers. the music pumping in celebration of his victory seems to drown everyone else out. “you did it!” alador rolls his eyes, indulging in a hug. “couldn’t have done it without you here.” “yeah, yeah,” he smiles. darius suddenly breaks their embrace, and punches him in the chest. “what was that for?” “you could’ve gotten yourself killed! i don’t know what you were thinking.”
they’ve got their whole lives planned out already. darius and alador have vowed to join the abomination coven together when it comes time. they’ll take over the boiling isles later on. these idiotic geniuses are too much for the world to handle, so they’re sticking together for their own good.
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pdalicedraws · 2 years
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I don’t usually do self-inserts/’sonas, partly because they make me self-conscious and partly because my identity is varied enough that I don’t like making a version of myself that’s Just One Thing, you know? There have to be multiple versions. But I thought it’d be good for me to stretch a little, so I had a go at this… and still came up with multiple versions. 
There’s the standard fun wishful version, a Hexside student who’s a bard/oracle multitracker. I did actually have glasses like that in high school, and I loved them, and I miss them. Good shit. Only a little uniform modification— the belt is a slightly funny shape, and the multitrack sleeves/leggings are arranged harlequin-style. Scries into the stars for musical inspiration. 
Then there’s the more realistic version. Thirty-something wild witch, managed to avoid getting sealed with the support of her family but now just kind of lives at home on the sidelines. Went to St Epiderm, where she had a very rough time and studied oracle magic despite having always wanted to be a bard. She’s terrified she’ll never be able to do it, despite her family’s support and the fact that she technically isn’t sealed away from it, because she’s not actually as skilled as she wishes she was and she didn’t lay down those basic skills when she was a witchling and her brain (and bile sac) were more malleable. 
Realistic version is more fun to write about, but less fun to be. Hm. 
I could probably do a True Wish Fulfillment version who’s an adult and like actually powerful and cool and stuff, but just thinking about it makes me feel squirmy and self conscious so maybe I couldn’t, actually.  
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dejadoodles-101 · 8 months
Empress Erin
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Hey y'all! So I finally want to introduce you guys to one of my witchsonas Empress Erin! The first pic is my very first drawing of her and the second one is the updated version.
Her bio is pretty long so just bear with me
Erin is a very beautiful, attractive, and sexy witch (she's know to be the most sexiest witch in the Demon Realm). Erin is also known to be the one Disney character that should not be allowed on TV because of her appearance and behavior.
She's the empress of the Boiling Isles and she's married to Belos and is the aunt of Hunter. A lot say that Belos is one lucky man to have such a sexy wife like Erin. A lot of the members (mostly men) of the emperor's coven have a huge crush on her. Erin and Kikimora are rivals and they despise and hate each other very much.
She went to St. Epiderm for her educational years and studied plant magic. She was born in Latissa.
Here is her actual bio:
Full Name: Erin Marilyn Wittebane (née Harris)
Nicknames: Rin/Rinny, (by Belos and Hunter) Darling, Sweetie/Sweetheart, Love, Er-Bear, and etc (all by Belos) Aunt Erin, Rin/Rinny (all by Hunter)
Birthday: June 29th 1979
Age: 41 (in the series) 44 (in reality)
Astrology Zodiac: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Height: 5'8
Sexuality: Heterosexual (most times) Bisexual (somewhat)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Gender: Female
Voice: Cristina "Vee" Valenzuela (Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss)
Family Members: Herbert (father) Mildred (mother), Paul (older brother), Jacquline (older sister), Kimberly (younger sister), Philip Wittebane/Belos (husband), Caleb Wittebane (brother in-law; deceased) Hunter (adoptive nephew)
Personality: Intelligent, evil, mean, selfish, sarcastic, intimidating, manipulative, vulgar, seductive, easily jealous and annoyed, etc
Appearance: Very beautiful, sexy, and attractive, slender, dark brunette wavy hair, fair skin, green eyes, pointy ears, black nail polish
Alignment: Bad
Occupation: Empress of the Boiling Isles, student at St. Epiderm (formerly)
Coven(s): Emperors Coven (currently) Plant Coven (formerly)
Palisman: Pearl (a one eyed crab)
Allies: Belos (spouse), Hunter, (sometimes) Lilith, some members of the coven, The Collector, Pearl
Enemies: Kikimora (rival) Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter (sometimes), The Collector (currently)
Likes: Spending time with her husband Belos, being in the Emperor's Coven, the human realm, manipulating members of the coven, being beautiful and gorgeous, the color green, fairy pie, salads, alcoholic apple blood, being drunk, singing, dancing, music, cats and dogs, her high school years, 80s and 90s, plants and flowers
Dislikes: Kikimora, Stupidity, male members of the coven crushing and flirting with her, hangovers, her elementary and middle school years, Belos telling her not to drink so much, things not going her way, men asking her out, the fact that her husband is dead
Her biggest dream was to join the emperor's coven since she was 3
Back then, Erin was a dorky kid (mainly back in her middle school years)
She had a terrible mouth accident when she was 3 which caused her teeth to be cracked and yellow and had to wear braces and a dental headgear for a few years
She then started to lose her vision and had to wear glasses at the age of 10
She was bullied a lot during her elementary and middle school years
She had her palisman Pearl since she was 13 and still has her to this day and helped her get through the rough times she had
Before when she started high school she was finally able to take her braces and headgear off and changed her appearance completely
She started wearing eye contacts and dyed the end of the hair green and made lots of new friends
She became popular in high school
Joined the emperor's coven after she graduated in 1997
Was a scout for 13 years
Married Belos in 2010 when she was 31
She's rivals with Kikimora. They absolutely hate each other. Erin finds her really annoying and Kiki is jealous of her
She's the only member who can still visit family and friends
Erin is known to be the "most sexiest witch in the Demon Realm
Her original name was going to be "Marilyn" but since Eda's human name was "Marylin" her name was changed to Erin
She absolutely loves Belos with all of her heart and is the only witch who Belos cares and loves for
I think that's everything! Really hope you guys are gonna love her just as much as I do and I’ll be posting more of her at some point! I did a lot of drawings of her.
Art and witchsona are mine
The Owl House: Dana Terrace ©
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secretly-of-course · 1 year
Some general Boiling Isles headcanons:
Bonesborough has average crime rates. Eda is kind of an outlier here.
Latissa has the highest crime rates. The people there are thuggish if Glandus's survival of the fittest mentality is an indicator.
Central Pulse, the capital near the castle, has lower crime rates than Latissa but the crimes committed are more serious.
The city by St. Epiderm on the Knee has the lowest crime rates. The cold climate is a deterrent.
Bonesborough high crime rates are a statistical error. Eda the Owl Lady, who commits 10,000 crimes a day, is an outlier and should not have been counted /j
I can definitely imagine Latissa having a high crime rate, it seemed rather seedy when we saw it in Hunting for Palismen. I can also imagine the capital city having a fairly big crime rate as many large cities tend to. I agree with the St. Epiderm one too, both for the cold and for the fact that the school is expensive which implies that it’s probably an upper class area.
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overlyimmersed · 11 months
Ok so, None of my 7DS stuff is on hold or anything, but I've kinda been on this Owl House kick lately...
And of course I've got an AU going on in my head, cuz that's what I do.
Now this is kinda different from how I handle my 7ds au, in Reborn Fairy I try to keep my self-insert from interfering with canon at much as I possibly can, and technically it's kinda like that in toh too...until you get to the Day of Unity. Then we take a hard left directly off canon.
See with this character she wasn't reborn into the owl house universe, she just fell through a portal so she's got all her foreknowledge of events from having watched the show irl. So she very intentionally avoids effecting "the plot" up till the day of unity where she totally destroys the plot cuz like... Personally I didn't like how the show ended. Like don't get me wrong, Watching and Dreaming was a great episode and Titan Luz is super cool and anything that gives Raine Whispers more screen time is a plus in my book, but I just... didn't like the consequences? Like it's just not my cup of tea, so I made a new one :p
But anyway, the plot of the AU is actually not what I want to talk about. What I want show you guys :D is what I added to the Boiling Isles. Y'know just some world building to flesh it out a little cuz we didn't get to see that many locations across the whole of the Isles. And also... so I could insert my favorite 7ds characters into it!! :D Cuz that's also a thing I do! So it's not like a crossover, cuz these are like alternate reality versions, but I just couldn't help myself!
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I added 3 locations, each with their own schools. We saw in Thems the Breaks, Kid that there are schools besides the big three so.
Glenohiem - A city on the Titan's right shoulder. Having the largest concentration of plant coven subsidiaries due to the area's biodiversity, the buildings are largely made from the living plants. It's home to The Quiverthorn Institute of Magic and Naturopathy(Quivertorn for short).
Humeroid Valley - A rocky, largely barran settlement on the Titan's left humerous. Many of the demons that live there are big and/or have scaly, rough hides to deal with the environment. The main school in the area is the Lady Calcifeine School for Witchery. They have a Grudgby rivalry with Quiverthorn.
Graciville - A city on the shore on the Titan's left inner thigh. Home to Humstrange Academy, one of the lesser known schools on the Boiling Isles who's Spelling bee team has a rivalry with St. Epiderm.
And I did mention that there's a little bit of 7ds tossed in here so I guess I should list this universe's versions of the characters.
We've seen that witch/demon hybrids are a thing so I made a hybrid species that's witch and fairy demon that are very common in Glenoheim, pretty much just so the fairies in Glenoheim aren't tiny :p
Harlequin(Illusions) and Elaine(Plant) - a brother/sister pair from "Glenoheim". Harlequin is just as adept at plant magic as illusions, but "Quiverthorn" is still working on multitrack integration. Harlequin's palisman is a bear and Elaine's is a butterfly Helbram(Plant) - Harlequin's best friend from "Glenoheim". He is just as adept at illusion magic as plants, but "Quiverthorn" is still working on multitrack integration. Palisman: treent Meliodas(Potions) - Student body president at "Humstrange Academy". Palisman: Dragon Elizabeth(Healing) - A student from "St. Epiderm" and Meliodas' long distance girlfriend. Their parents hate each other. Palisman: Flying Pig Ban(Wild) - A drop-out-turned-wild-witch from "Glandis High". Palisman: Fox Escanor(Potions) - a lion-like demon from "Humstrange Academy" and a member of the student council. Palisman: Manticore Merlin(Oracle/Wild) - Top student from "Humstrange Academy" and a member of the student council. Palisman: Boar Gowther(Illusions) - A student council member from "Humstrange Academy". Palisman: Goat Diane(Construction) - Really tall girl from the Lady Calcifeine School for Witchery. Palisman: Snake
I chose potions for both Mel and Escanor because of their tavern association. It was the best I could think of... I like to think Meliodas is just... really bad at his potions XD Ban was also potions before he dropped out.
Merlin is oracle on paper, but of course she studies everything on her own time.
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drachenfalter · 2 years
The Five Schools in H.E.C.K.
So, we already know of three schools on the Boiling Isles:
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Glandus High
and St. Epiderm
But if we pay close attention to the students in I.F.W.O.T./H.E.C.K. , we can actually distinguish five different uniforms!
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Yes, most students here are from one of the three known schools.
But we also have a fourth school with the fur lining:
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And one student from a fifth school, whose uniform is cut similar to Hexside but looks a little fancier and has a white capelet.
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While we don't have any names for these schools yet, it's still a nice bit of world building that there are other schools on the B.I. that we just haven't heard about yet.
(Or at least those schools existed thirty years ago.)
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mysteriousowlspy · 3 years
As a pre-med undergrad I choked when I heard that the third school's name on the boiling isles was "St. Epiderm" as in an "Epidermis" (aka skin). I was really hoping the other two schools would follow a similar nomenclature, but alas, they do not.
Technically, one could stretch "Glandus High" as being situated on a major gland...
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dazeddoodles · 8 months
How old do you think the BATTS kids are (we already kinda know Raine's age, 40s same as Eda)??
I always thought they were between 18-23. Older than Luz and all her friends and obviously they're not at school anymore but still very young. Still young enough that Raeda can be their parental figures.
I think Amber is the youngest one (I mean, look at her) so she may be 18 while the other 2 are 20something.
I also see people ship Katya with Steve, who is very obviously a 20something (he's Matt's older brother, he's out of school and working in a coven already).
Also, Katya is taller than Luz so there's that.
I've actually discussed this before. I also see the BATTS as 18-23, for the same reasons you said.
But also because I believe the BATTs are Raine's former students and I always saw Raine as the Boiling Isles equivalent of a college professor because they said they were "teaching for the Bard Coven" instead of "teaching at Hexide" or something.
So because of that I think the BATTs are college aged.
Of course you can always interpret Raine's line to mean that they taught at Hexide/Gladas/St Epiderm BECAUSE it was required from the Bard Coven (like Community Service?).
Although because Raine realized how corrupted the Coven system is while teaching, it makes me imagine Raines job is teaching Bards straight out of high-school their future roles in the Coven system. So because of that I think the BATTs are college aged.
Meanwhile I view Steve as mid 20's? Like out of school/training and starting working for the Covens, regretting it, realizing he's gonna be there into his 40s like everyone else
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bigbeanbear · 2 years
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I think this is also when Willow’s dads met each other for the first time. They were sitting next to each other at the end of the HECK. Maybe Gilbert Park also transfered from St. Epiderm, after losing his scholarship there, to Glandus High to be in the same school as Harvey (their names revealed by Rebecca)
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therivergirl · 2 years
Just realized something.
If Graye was sent with a bunch of EC scouts to Hexide, does that mean that other coven heads or maybe high-ranking EC officials have been sent to brand the students in other schools?
Are Glandus students and St. Epiderm's students now all carrying sigils? Have some of the students from those schools rebelled? Are literally all the kids aside from those that go to Hexide now being sent to their deaths?
And, while we're at it, how did the parents of Hexide students react when they learned that their children, led by their freakin' principal, had a rebellion against EC? Did they believe their kids when they got home with the news? Do they think that Bump went crazy and decided to disregard it? Were they suspicious and then went, "Well, I guess if the teachers were fine with it, it's ok..."? Are there now groups of mums and dads planning on causing chaos because nobody will brand their kid before it's time? Or are they berating their kids because they refused the borderline sacred sigils?
I'll assume it's a mix of all, but dang. Imagine your kid coming home from school and being like, "So, we fought the government officials today and the principal was totally in on it and, well, in a few days we're totally all going to die!"
We know how the Blights reacted and, since Willow and Gus are helping we might assume that the Parks and Perry Porter are at least somewhat on the rebel's side and trusting their kids (unless both Willow and Gus snuck out).
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pdalicedraws · 2 years
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Felt like drawing the coven heads as teenagers as an excuse to come up with some headcanons for them! Obviously they’re not all the same age so they weren’t teenagers at the same time but still.
Obviously Darius and Raine we know about as teens, so they don’t need as much headcanoning, but I think Raine’s parents had a similar vibe to Willow’s in that they pushed them to do well in school and had high standards but also were understanding and wanted them to be happy above all. Darius was close with his father when he was little, but he died young, leaving Darius to be raised by an aunt, who he appreciated but was never as close with.��
Eberwolf. Literally raised by dire wolves. Still thinks clothes are kinda dumb. Is technically a biped demon, since they have a bile sac, but hangs out with beasts so much they can communicate with them much better than people thought was possible. They were found in the woods by the prior beastkeeping head who, unlike other witches they’d bumped into, didn’t try to domesticate or ‘rescue’ them, so they liked her and let her introduce them to society. She became the first beastkeeping head witch to retire peacefully, handing the mantle to Eber, when every prior one had been eaten. 
Mason didn’t figure out he’s a guy til college, a headcanon I believe solely because “Mason” is way too on-the-nose of a name so he definitely picked it after he already knew what he wanted to do with his life. He seems stoic but he’s actually a huge family man and softie at heart, and will do anything for his army of kids and niblings. He went to one of the other, unnamed schools that appear as uniforms in the background of TTB,K. 
Osran has a different number of arms every time you try to count. Most of them are hidden under his robes these days, but back when he was in school uniform most of the time he just kinda. Let them hang out and looked different whenever you blinked. He’s the same type of demon as Kikimora but isn’t related to her. He went to another of the unnamed schools, but ended up teaching at Hexside for a while before becoming Head Witch, and was eternally exasperated with Odalia. 
Graye was a Glandus kid, and illusionists have a notoriously rough time at Glandus. He’s a quarter demon, and has a ton of older siblings, most of whom don’t have as many demonic features as he does, none of whom wanted to associate with him at school. He was bullied horribly until he snapped and started fighting back physically rather than trying to use his magic for it, and at that point gained a reputation as a merciless little shit who would break noses and stamp on insteps and bite ears. He really, really loves having authority. 
Terra also went to one of the unnamed schools, and she’s always been like this. She’s always been scary. Even her parents were probably afraid of her. At one point I made a joke about the reason she uses Venus flytraps all the time being because her late wife was named Venus Flytrap and she does it in her honour, but I don’t think it’s a joke anymore. Her wife was just as scary as she was. Either one of them would have sold the other out for a corn chip, and that’s exactly how they both liked it. 
Hettie is a St Epiderm graduate, and rumours have followed her her entire life about her intentionally injuring and infecting people in order to test out new treatments. Those rumours are entirely true, but good luck ever proving it. Can’t cook for shit, and is incredibly private about her home life; even her classmates never saw her be picked up by parents or anything. 
Vitimir is another St Epiderm kid, and was shy as hell in school, holing themselves up in the potions dungeon rather than socializing, which endeared them to their teachers but not to their peers. Once they graduated and went to the Potions Coven college, though, they started to come out of their shell; they’re still not enormously sociable but they’re much more comfortable with that fact. Enormously protective of their potions components, which are always perfectly organized, even though the rest of their room is always a mess. Both their moms have wings, and they didn’t inherit them, and they’re a little grouchy about it. 
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feyinvestigations · 2 years
Currently working on a map of the Boiling Isles solely bc I can't find like,,, a high quality map (official or fanmade) and I need a reference for when I'm writing and like. I'm having so many thoughts. The population distribution is bonkers. I'm guestimating about 50-60% of the entire population is found north of the Emperor's Castle, 25-35% is in the lower Knee and right side of of hips, and the rest are scattered throughout the stomach, left leg, and towns on surrounding rock formations in the water. My guess is that because the Titan's head is considered the source of magic/sacred ground that that may have incentivized pre-empire witches to set up towns (like Bonesborough) there, and they just became population centers that sustained post empire. Im assuming that this is why the knee/the surrounding area is also more populated since it was a source of titans blood and had a large mining industry.
Also! This division of the population is mostly speculated from the location of the magic schools. I've determined that Glandus and Hexside are both on the upper right section of the Titan. Hexside is likely close to the elbow while Glandus is likely between the shoulder and pectoral. St. Epiderm is stated to be on the knee, and I'm assuming it on the lower section of the knee because the school uniforms to not look to be made for snow.
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