#stan hille ig
skijumping-fam · 2 years
hille being best german again
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loyoyox · 14 days
I’m not joking fiddlestan is genuinely such a good ship and I will die on that hill
Both of them were rejected by Ford in a way— he pushed Fiddleford AND Stan away for his own pursuits (his muse/Bill and University)
And as a result both Stan and Fiddleford were so desperate to rekindle that relationship that they didn’t realize how poorly they were treated by Ford in the first place
And then they seek comfort in each other bc the other represents all of the GOOD parts of Ford and yet they lack his flaws and they both grieve him tg
(NOT TO MENTION au where Stan pretends to be Ford in front of McGucket bc that’s a whole other can of worms tjeislfmsowle)
Idk man I could get into the angsty details ig but idk I love them
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haechvn · 5 months
How do some of you Letitia fans Stan her ? Genuinely asking ? Because yall favorite is a Suoer Christian with a bunch of hirny gay women feening over her and some of yall thinking she’s queer and I swear I’m not being rude but have yall not see this play out before ?..she is going to be a Jackie Hill Perry 2.0 and I can already see it .
First of all, shut the absolute fuck up. I beg you. I don’t even follow her on ig. I just think she’s talented and hot and I love black women. Second of all, go back to elementary school and learn how to spell and use grammar correctly you illiterate fuck. My bestie is a teacher maybe you should meet up with her.
Third of all….WHO FUCKING CARES??? if she’s hetero, okay purr. If she ain’t, okay purrrrr. For you to come this early and be worried about who’s feening over her and who isn’t just lets me know you don’t have a lot going on in your life. This isn’t the first time women have been attracted to other women without having to know their sexuality bc it literally doesn’t matter. YALL HOES WERE IN LOVE WITH KEHLANI WHEN SHE WAS “STRAIGHT” OR WHATEVER THE FUCK. Like good fucking night. Why is it an issue with Letitia that the girlies like her? Maybe you got electrocuted by your rose toy this morning and that’s why you’re acting stupid as hell in my inbox.
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babyeater29 · 2 days
🕸☣𖤐 Welcome To My Blog 𖤐☣🕸
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You can call me Evritt or Simon
I use He/Him and It/Its pronouns, possibly Xe/Xim
Pansexual, polyamorous, and aroflux trans boything
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I am a MINOR!!! (Age ranges from 13-16)
I am a red fox therian and a wild dog otherkin
I have quite an assortment of mental disorders and disabilities so please be mindful
I am a Satanist who supports all religions
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Main special interests: Psychological horror, science, video games, and more
Hyperfixations: Cry of Fear, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Serial Experiments Lain, Hylics, and more
My styles include: Scene/Scenemo, Grunge-ish, Skater boy ig
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𖤐 - Yapping / Random
☣︎ - Art
𖦹 - Outfits / Pictures 
★ - Venting
𝄞 - Reblogs / Other stuff ig
♡ˎˊ˗ - Moots
Just realized I forgot to add a dni so heres that:
pedos and or zoos
racists, ableists, zionists, etc
transphobes and or homophobes
people under 13 (why are you even on tumblr in the first place)
nsfw/18+ accs (I mean ur allowed to interact, just don't follow me)
vivziepop stans/supporters
those metal heads (the ones who bully people for no reason)
Anyways, thats kinda it. I'll add more later if I need to :3
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evadingreallife · 2 years
Recap prima seconda terza quarta quinta serata:
• mi sono persa la banda che suonava rip
• morandi voleva suonare pure lui sta lì con la chitarra, l'anno prossimo propongo il fanta ma per i presentatori, voglio godere del panico conseguente
• elodie decide di far svenire tutt* causa nosebleeds stile anime con quel vestito signorina miss elodie darling what are you wearing and can we have gay sex i mean have gay sex i mean expl
• qualuno grida a elodie di sposarlo dalla platea e honestly mood
• straguzzo? What are the young kids up to these days? Ama imperterrito acconsente
• colla zio meglio? colla zio bravi? colla zio carucci?
• il vestito di mara sattei è un si per me
• tananai in direttissima dal (suo?) matrimonio col completo il fiore e tutto
• ferragni in her little blue dress & gold breastplate era with gold catenaccio incluso... im confused, what's not clicking?
• giorgia casts santino di ama e finalmente tira fuori la voce e ci ricorda di essere giorgia (i just had a totally unrelated war flashback bad phrasing bad phrasing ffff). Also, she was wearing a cotta di maglia (to defend her spot in the classifica? The hordes of frothing fans? Stuff)
• coladimasplash fantastici come al solito la frase delle seychelles suona come l'assolo di javert dei les mis this is the hill im willing to die on today
• diretta ig cringe ft. ferragni con yet another body shaped dress (?)
• a gino paoli non frega di cantare he came for the tea and that's what he wants to spill all over the stage LET THE MAN TALK AMA
• raga che dire, rosa chemical came here to slay e ci è riuscito. Not female presenting pierced nipples di fuori per il fanta, la canzone è un bop, è vestito da cameriere fetish ma who cares, siamo tutti collectively esplosi visto che
• LIMONE LIMONE SIGNORA IL LIMONEEE rosa chemical fa una lap dance a fedez in platea poi lo limona in maniera molto french live e lo rapisce portandolo sul palco a ballare, nel mentre fedez sorride e annuisce e chiara boh conta i follower da dietro le quinte i guess. Da due a tre il passo è breve e rosa ha deciso che volere è potere good for him
• achille lauro ha strappato la federa del divano dal cadavere dei potroneesofà guys e l'ha indossata per cantare wow
• ah no sono qui. Non si scappa dai poltroneesofà. Loro ti troveranno. Sempre.
• cmq achille e rosa separati uno al suzuki e l'altro all'ariston per non far scomunicare tutta la città causa orgia in diretta i guess dati i precedenti
• ciuri ribattezza achille cristina d'avena e chi può dargli torto quest'anno. Ciuri uno di noi se ci stai leggendo we love you ciuri💖
• cugini di campagna che vogliono rompere la barriera del suono con gli acuti cute e vestiti arcobbbaleno i approve
• parte cringissima della ferragni che invoca il nome dei meme invano e cerca di far entrare ama nel giro mostrandogliene due tre cringissimi di cui uno dal profilo insta di fedez pls stop. Stendiamo un velo pietoso e perdoniamo chi non sa di cosa parla
•mr rain si esibisce (con meno bambini del solito mi dicono?? Idk non so contare, were they disappeared? Did the poteri forti (amadeus) remove hostile entities (bimbi milanisti)? Thats sus)
• in questa notte di sole furore furore diventa decisamente on point per i limoni serali odierni oh how the tables turn
• a una certa ama ha fatto una diretta e uno da dietro faceva i segnali di fumo nei suoi 3 secondi di fama i stan
• levante normale direi (?)
• ornella vanoni wanders on stage. It's her time to sing. Maybe. She finishes. Delira. Says la gara mi fa morire. Amadeus le dà un mazzo di carciofi. Lei li conta e dice che alla rai sono tirchi. E i carciofi a Milano fanno schifo. I understood none of *gestures* this
• LDA embraces the glitter nel pigiamino look.
• someone walks on stage i do not know her she speaks in napoletano ama speaks in napoletano i have no idea what just happened but that dress tho 👀👀👀 respectfully🙌🏻
• ah la ferragni da un'oretta ha una collana a forma di utero? Tipo? D'oro placcato obv
• chiara ha l'ennesimo momento cringe e regala ad anna moglie di gianni la sua sciarpetta bianca patentata da meme con su scritto pensati divorziata buon matrimonio or something
• Olly in rapprensentanza formale del gesticolare compulsivo made in italy uno di noi
• addetto alle telecamere dell'ariston che deve pulirle dalla bava la saliva il rossetto il covid dopo ogni esibizione causa fantasanremo you have my thoughts my prayers and my sword
• i 31 articolano la canzone noo oerché mi tirate i pomodori faceva ridere nella mia testaa
• uhmmmm... will... ha cantato... *eyes slowly closing*
• leo alla riscossa (?), alla fine la canzone è carina e lui si fa valere. MA I BUCHI DIETRO ALLA GIACCA SONO PER I DUE CUORI?? SONO SEMPRE STATI LÌ ANCHE SE È LA PRIMA VOLTA CHE LI VEDO?? doctor who confirmed
• I used the ouija board as a JOKE why is anna oxa standing in my living room help me (ft. @sasukesexbomb). Anyways anna is sempre più sulla strada per diventare una sciamana maga magò una delle parche addetta al pianto greco ai funerali a questo punto i dont even know anymore
• OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD L'ULTIMO L'ULTIMO THIS IS ENDING I CANT BELIEVE IT anyways caruccia la canzone di sethu dai
• c c c c c lassifica del ca
• my worst nightmare: sanremo che ricomincia daccapo all'una e mezza di notte- ah no solo i top 5 in classifica
• che btw sono ultimo tananai mengoni lazza e mr rain
• obv io sono imparziale MA [REDACTED] NO DAI SU NON SI PUÒ SENTIRE *viene assassinata nel sonno dalle fan*
• 😴😴😴
• i bimbi di mr rain stanno a nanna PERCHÉ NOI DOVREMMO STARE QUI A VEDERE SANREMO ANCORA??? EH???
• no ma serio ama con la lettera di zelensky alle ore 2:13 di sabato sera? Uhhh guarda che stiamo tutti dormendo o quasi. Try again in prima serata next time.
• band ucraina? Ok. Magari coi sottotitoli era più d'impatto eh. Per dire. Un suggerimento. Visto che era, sai, in ucraino.
• una gioia BEN DUE GIOIE per i coladimasplash daje ve le meritate
• *gasps* mengoni primoo wow so unexpected much surprise
• no vabbe scherzi apparte sono ok con la classifica
• gianni che scopa un'ultima volta sul palco pun fully intended daje
Thank god siamo alla fine. Alright gays guys it's been real it's been fun it's been real fun ora tutti a ninne e ci si vede all'esc e/o l'anno prossimo direttamente. Notte a tutti ✨✨✨
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Stellarlune Recap
You couldn't get your copy of Stellarlune yet? No worries, my summary will give you all of the relevant details and will definitely not be entirely focused on the gay side characters.
Diversity win! The ogre chemical thing is aromantic!
Gisela is still doing evil things but have you considered; she is very sexy while doing them. Gisela is a milf and I will die on this hill.
Amy! Amy is great. Very glad to see her again.
Obligatory scene where Sophie talks about how she's so much more comfortable when she's not wearing a dress. In a very gender confirming cishet way of course.
Fitz's reaction to Keefe running away was BULLSHIT and I do not accept it as canon. He had to care about his boyfriend- uhh, best friend- leaving and fuck Shannon for not giving us the Keefitz angst we deserved.
The Vacker accent sounds haughty :)
Glimmer is called Little Miss Neverseen now, and I think this means we need a Glimmer/Umber Little Miss Perfect songfic.
Shannon doesn't know how to spell bestie.
Linh and Wylie sibling fight??? Man instead of saying shit like that she should have just hit him with a broom like normal siblings.
Rayni is trans, for no reason other than her name reveal sounded exactly like a coming out scene.
Sophie's description of Rayni is incredibly gay, as expected.
Imagine talking about all the flaws with the matchmaking system and not even acknowledging it's messed up gay elves can't get married? Yeah, Shannon just forgot about queerness ig.
Wylie needs to stop being a council stan >:( please Wylie I know this isn't who you really are-
Pyrokinesis continues to be extremely queer coding- the pyrokinesis ban forces people to deny who they are.
Oralie has trichotillomania! Good to see BFRB rep, less good to see it immediately dismissed as a silly quirk.
Unhinged gardener Fintan! He's so weird and I adore him for it.
Pyrokinesis once again is queer coded. "I have the right to be who I am in the privacy of my own home," okay Fintan. that's gay.
Prentice! No actual thoughts. Head empty. Only Prentice.
Why does it actually sound like Kenric is flirting with Prentice though? He outright asked to be Prentice's partner, I cannot.
I will NOT make a joke about how "keeper and probe" sounds like an innuendo and Kenric called Prentice the most talented keeper while flirting with him. I am NOT. I'm better than that.
I'm extremely normal about the Endal family pre-mind break, I'm not crying, you're crying.
FORK MAN SAID THE TITLE???? You know shit gets real when a character says the title.
For many reasons, Ro deserves to be punched. One of those reasons is invalidating Sophie's trich.
Sophie has alexithymia, it's basically canon. The most honest thing she's ever said is admitting she doesn't know what she's feeling, I am blasting her with my alexithymia laser as we speak.
Also I did enjoy Sophie's "do I have a crush" on Keefe crisis. I honestly found it fascinating from an aromantic perspective.
Sophie is probably on the aro spectrum, by the way. I think allo people usually don't struggle so much with identifying whether or not their feelings are romantic.
Tiergan is "adept at misdirection" because he's closeted. Also he's not that good at misdirection, Sophie is just not very observant.
Sophie's description of Biana is so fucking gay I can't.
Marella reminds Fintan of himself?? Canon?? Time to be insane about their dynamic again.
The sweet and sour chicken monologue >>>
Tiergan has to be Sophie and Fitz's marriage counselor. Rip.
Nobody expects the Cognate Inquisition.
Seriously, why did Shannon call it that. She had to know we would all think of the Spanish Inquisition, right? Or did she... not expect that.
CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT LET'S GO (tiertice chapter)
Qualden will never get a happy ending. That sucks ig
Tiergan all but admitted to being in love with Prentice, they were almost cognates, and Sophie had a live slug reaction. 10/10 scene
Tiergan would rather die than hear about the Fitzphie drama. Also he still doesn't understand ship names. Iconic.
Alden... why do you know so much about the rules regarding cognates and dating... did you perhaps want to date your cognate?
Edaline wins all the mom points.
Alden and Quinlin are canonically divorced.
Tiergan canonically wants to marry Prentice.
HOW did Shannon not know what she was doing when she said cognates were like marriage??? How???
Additional training with Marella, Linh, and Maruca you say? That's gay.
Sophie has advised Wylie to fix every problem with the power of homosexuality.
Also, Sophie is trying to break the news to Wylie that his dads are gay for each other.
Dex is bad at picking up when someone is joking or exaggerating. He's neurodivergent your honor.
Keefe... why are you just taking your shirt off for Tam... he wasted NO time with that damn
I want more Keefe and Grady interactions on screen. For. Science.
Chapter 42. I enjoyed it more than I thought. The kiss was... whatever, but their dialogue was very nice and I appreciated the healthy communication. Also the touching foreheads.
Sophie is canonically polyamorous!
Tiergan: Well no one in this group ever fucking listens to me so I might as well stay with my husband >:(
Prentice needs a hug. Tiergan is giving him a hug. Love wins.
Sokeefitz can still happen. I refuse to give up hope.
IT/ITs Masteress Elysian. Elysian has the gender of all time.
If my summary somehow wasn't enough for you, you can read Stellarlune for free here. I gave you all the information you need to know though.
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jess-moloney · 8 months
Why is Jess so terrible at snowboarding? She surfs right? I mean according to what she portrays on her Instagram she's a total surfer girl with all the gear and the board and whatever else. She also was (or is?) some athletic fitness queen, isn't she? We're going by what she posts on her Instagram here and what she portrays.
She's a woman who portrays herself as this super ultra-athletic person. She's always wearing that sports stuff, running gear, bathing suits, and wet suits a few times. Earlier on in her IG "career" she was all about marathon running, pilates, yoga, strength training, health, and exercise. She continued it up until the present day with how she's presented herself on social media this entire time.
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Someone like that shouldn't be spending literal days on bunny slopes going so slow. Someone like that, as she's portrayed herself, should be far more adept and have less of a learning curve than the average person. Her balance and strength should be off the charts if she surfs with Jamie all the time on the beach (as she seems to want people to think). She's also been snowboarding more than once yet all we ever see are these extremely lame ass videos of her doing anything where she's intermediate level at best.
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All of this should be a huge red flag to everyone to signal that Jess isn't anything she claims to be or portrays herself as on social media. That's not to say I think social media is real life, I've been over this before, I already know people use social media to portray the best parts of themselves or what they want people to see/think. Is it surprising that she's completely manufactured this "sporty image" and it's all a lie? No, not to me it isn't.
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However, any of her stans who want to defend her for whatever reason they do it should take this into consideration. A woman who portrays herself like Jess does (and has for years) shouldn't be nearly as awful at snowboarding as she clearly is. After a few hours (or a day or so) of warming up and getting on the slopes, she should be able to keep up with what Jamie is doing. He takes long breaks from it as well (probably longer than her) and he's immediately back into it basically the moment he arrives. Meanwhile, she's stuck on the beginner and intermediate hills the entire trip? Does this seem at all like the sporty athlete woman Jess makes herself out to be?
Just like everything else she pretends she is on social media:
Talent Manager
PR Agent
Marketing expert
Domestic violence counselor
It's all just fake. She hasn't proven she can really do any of this stuff. Yet not one of her stans seems to realize that the red flags are all there, on her social media. How hard is it to see past this obvious lie she's built out of her life?
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sushisocks · 11 months
so this is like two asks ig? but what is ur most unique sean headcanon, and what is ur sean headcanon that you will defend with your life (i really love ur headcanons lol)
OOOHHHHH ANON!!!!!! we're in it now lmfaoo THANK YOU first of all I'm honestly so glad people enjoy my headcanons/rants about these characters!! RDR2 is my first time really foray-ing into fandom space like this (previously having kept my writing & thoughts to closed circles of friends lol), and the reception here has overall been a lot more than I ever expected!! Especially since I've really picked my faves <;- said while sideeyeing the 28 works in the macsummers tag on AO3.
ANYWAY these are some insanely good questions, anon, and I've been thinking about them ALL DAY, so I'll do my very best to answer you here in a way which does these questions justice.
It's hard for me to know which one of my Sean HCs is the most unique, as I have a LOT of HCs, and I've been posting a LOT of them over the course of the past few months. I've been told (as a compliment!!) that my overall take on him & the connections I make regarding him is unique, which I obviously am very flattered by! But I also don't think it's too hard to be unique when you're thinking & talking about a character who generally isn't given the same amount of genuine consideration and meta as other characters from the same franchise. Like, I could be talking at length about Arthur, or Charles, or John (and I HAVE!!! Not on tumblr, but still, I love those characters too!!) but my takes would probably not generate the same kind of attention by virtue of those characters being talked about a lot by a lot of other people too!! My posts about Sean stick out because there's not a whole lot of other people writing posts about Sean in the meta/HC style I do!
(Sidenote, while I don't fault the RDR2 fandom for not giving Sean his dues - he is a side character who dies very early on, and who is easy to stereotype, after all - I AM very glad and grateful that the stuff I've said & shared seems to have impacted some people's understandings of him, at least in the circles I run in. As of late I've been seeing a lot more thoughtful takes on him, reflecting how he has the capability of being just as nuanced as several of the other characters in the game. Maybe that's because I'm right in the middle of it though; most RDR2 circles I'm in KNOW me as the Sean stan, and engage with my takes on him, after all!!)
So like, is my most unique Sean headcanon among the ones that reflect canon & actually took off, impacting some people's view of him - like how he DOES mirror a younger Arthur, and how he fulfills a role in the gang, and how his death is necessary to set the tone for the rest of the game? Or is my most unique headcanon him being a gnc bi poly king in the messiest possible queerplatonic triad with Karen and Lenny? Is it that I think he prefers licorice to chocolate? That I think his favorite color is burgundy(not that he'd call it that)? I don't know! I both have so many HCs that picking one is extremely hard for my Libra-ass-self, and I don't have many others writing similar stuff to compare myself with, at all! I'd love to hear from others, though, if anyone else who's been reading my Sean posts have any takes regarding what of my stuff has stuck with them!!!
OKAY sorry for the rant mkjhbjj It's probably not what you were looking for asking me that but it's something that's on my mind, given that I think a fair amount of the uptick in my following over the past few months, if not from AO3, is very much from my RDR2 meta posts - which are in majority about Sean.
ANYYYWAYYY as for a Sean HC I will defend with my life - DEFINITELY the Sean learning disabilities ones - he is INCREDIBLY ADHD & dyslexia coded to me, it MASSIVELY influences how I write him in my fics, and I don't think anyone will ever argue me away from that one. Also, Sean siding with Arthur & John in the end, IS a hill I will die on - to the point that I've written several posts about/referring to it mjnhbnjbh Honestly though, I am a petty bitch who will die on most hills available to me, and I'm not afraid of confrontation, so I am a little bit of a menace when it comes to my Sean HCs and defending them lolol I'm overall very pleased they've gone over well with the rest of the Sean stan community here on tumblr though!! Yall are the best fr <3<3<3
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it (SPOILERS) pt.1
Before I even start let me say that they should've just made it another 12 or 10 or hell even an 8 episode mini series
Should've opened with Isaac instead of Liam and Hikari in Japan smh. He was the last one to have the triskele box, how tf did Liam get it? (I do understand that Daniel Sharman couldn't be in the film but still...at least give me an explanation)
I don't care what they say, Hikari was supposed to be Kira and Hikari wasn't supposed to even exist. Liam and Hikari are clearly what Scott & Kira Should've been, minus the restaurant in Japan, if they'd done the right thing and brought Kira back in the last season. He said he'd wait for her😭. (Though I Stan the actress for not coming back when they were going to pay her white female castmates more than her. Honestly fuck them for that)
Why does Liam own a restaurant in Japan. How did we get here in our lives. Liam u supposed to be protecting Beacon Hills. Also idk what career I though Liam would get but it definitely wouldn't have been restaurant owner. I can see him as a coach maybe (at Devonford Prep in honor of Brett; huh maybe I did know what career I thought he'd have🤔)
Damn y'all really keeping Nogi with teas and spices. Ig hiding it in plain sight works idk 🤷‍♀️
Why Liam fall like that 😭
Damn Nogi really reminding me of the Witch from Narnia when she appeared in that ice wall thing in the second movie
also if Nogi can talk through that thing, why hasn't he manipulate someone into setting him free already
Though that Nogi was like a regular fly, not a firefly...
Scott being call "The Alpha" like they'll never know🤫 also like I thought Monroe went international w/ her hunting. Ain't no way Scott's just chillin all carefree enough to put his name on a business.
Yeah Scott save that doggie...oh and the little grl too. Also this would've been better plot wise if this was a flashback of Scott saving a little Hikari, it would explain how she's randomly apart of the pack now
Love how Scott's animal clinic looks like a mixture of Deaton's vet place and Derek's loft
Scott talking about having kids one day was how I knew they'd give him Eli at the end. Like wtf, he should be raised by his family, by other born wolves who know about the werewolf history that Derek did. Like hello we got great uncle Peter, auntie Cora, and hell even cousin Malia. Derek WOULD NOT want his SON raised by an ARGENT!
"I didn't see it. I took my eyes off the road for like two seconds to change the song on my ipod"
Wooo spooky 👻
I said ah oop jump scare Chris "I never use the front door" Argent
Poor Chris no parent ever deserves their child to die before them
Bardo! and who stayed up all night doing research about Bardo for you, huh, Mr. McTruealphaman. KIRA!
Yes papa Argent, say fuck
Well Jeff Davis said he wanted the timeline to work out so that Eli was born before Derek returned to Beacon Hills in an interview (idk where it is and I'm too lazy to find it) and after the series finale timeskip in the last season it was 2017, its now 2026 so technically it's been 11 years Scott my boy
Look at me out here fixing the timeline for everyone😁
"I got a feeling the real answers are in Beacon Hills" Yeah no shit Chris, everything's gotta do with Beacon Hills
Scott your the alpha. Be the alpha. Quit asking other people to to decisions for you, for the love of God
So Scott I understand why you left Beacon Hills but are we going to address what happend to Monroe and the internatipnal hunters Corp? No?...okay then
Chris why did you leave mama McCall. Jeff u really out here breaking everyone up. Should've got w/ Papa Stilinski so Scott and Stiles could be brothers fr "oh what could've been"
Why the pack break up? not gonna give me an explanation again...okay I'm sensing a pattern here
Yeassss!!! Business woman Lydia, we knew u could do it. And she looks very snazzy in that white outfit with her ponytail if I do say so myself. Funny how the banshee's business has to do with sound lmao it's perfect.
Lyd!😭 Thats Mrs. Martin-Stilinski to you! Shit at least call her Lyds so that you don't sound like your calling her a lid💀
Damn u think Lydia would've learned to look at stuff by now before handing it out. Nah but on a real note I feel like she should have a better understanding of her abilities by now, and have expanded on them, and had more control of them but that might be just me
I SAID ITS MRS. MARTIN-STILINSKI Ray or whatever ur name is!
Oooo the automatic writing again
Yayyy Eli Hale! In my head Eli is a nickname for Elijah, just like Derek is a nickname Frederick (if you known you know🤣)
Hale Auto?! Ain't no way. Derek ain't a mechanic. I refuse. Terrible career choice for the man. He's rich, he ain't even gotta work
Maybe Malia could be a mechanic but I doubt it, ooo a Park Ranger would be perfect.
Love how Eli just hotwired that jeep😂. Oh and just let me say this here and get it out of my system. Eli is similar to both Stiles and Scott when they were younger but he is NOT STILES. Yes he's sarcastic and a little delinquent but do you guys know how many teenagers are sarcastic little delinquents? Alot. It's a teen thing. I was the same way (minus the crimes😂) and still am sarcastic af. Love Eli as Eli, not a mini or replacement for Stiles. Love u guys to death but we went into this knowing there was no Stiles.
Jeff Davis: No Stiles.
Us: No Stiles?
Jeff Davis: No Stiles!
Boys gonna pop a damn wheelie in fucking Roscoe
Love how Parrish just calls Mason instead of tailing him
I'm fucking dead💀they was all too scared to tell Derek (me too thou bc sourwolf is scary😶)
Why is Mason a deputy? Feel like he should be working at Lydia's, like he's right under her is what I'd say he should be doing. I could see Corey, his husband, maybe being a deputy though. *gasp* or a cute little school teacher🥺
I stand by what I said earlier, Malia should be a park ranger and I add to that by saying that she should be the consultant and not Derek (though i understand they had to reintroduce his character) she spent a lot of time in those woods, and she's more intune with her animal side than anyone else
Derek still sexy af
serial arsonist...wolf pack also has a serial arsonist. I swear to God they should've just made it a spin off instead of its own thing
You definitely should call Stiles, he's head of his own supernatural devison in the FBI👍
Love how Derek was like a fugitive for most of the series and now he works w/ the police. Eli taking up that criminal mantel now😂
I mean...is it really grand theft auto if he took it from his own dads shop🤷‍♀️🤣
Derek's got ptsd from the jeep
Eli wanted to race that grl, I now headcanon that's how he flirts. Just like his daddy he's like haha look I'm better than you at something "you wanna see some real speed bitch" (flashbacks to when Derek flirted with Paige by being an ass with that basketball, like grl just wanted to play her cello in peace and quite)
Love how Derek just like slashed the tires. Really said "i don't think so. My names Derek hale. I go way back" (I'm so sorry to anyone reading this)
Part 1-5
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maddmuses · 1 year
mun is superior, pass it on.
Name: Madd, Maddlynn Maddithan, Maddie, Maddster, The Maddest, Waffles, Maddwaffles, Maddest One Around Age: 27+2 we ain't countin' them COVID years Gender: pebsi (fluid)
Food(s): Barbacoa, Tacos, Tomato, Steak, Corn on The Cob, Salsa, Mint Ice Cream, Stroganoff, (still true af untouched except ig we can add caldo de res which I have been really about lately) Drink(s): Bepsi, Milk even tho it hurt me, Coors, Vanilla Bepis (even tho I can't fucking find it) Book(s): The Legends of Drizzt, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, Assorted D&D Manuals, Any decent Graphic Novel, Strong Manga series; Hajime no Ippo, Eyeshield 21, Boku no Hero Academia, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Hikaru no Go, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh/GX, Naruto, Slam Dunk, karate shoukoushi kohinata minoru, One Piece. We also addin' Chainsaw Man Favorite Author(s): R.A Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, Akira Toryiama, Tite Kubo, Masashi Kishimoto, Oda, Rowling (Pre-TERF) nah fuck that bitch not even pre-TERF she was wildly overrated, Tolkien Song(s): We don’t have time to be here all day, I’ll list some recent listens; Ocean Avenue - Yellow Card, No Flex Zone - Karmin and Watsky, I’m Something Else - SomethingelseYT, Dammit - Blink182, Punk Rock 101 - Blink182, Almost - Bowling For Soup, Stan - Eminem feat. Elton John, Absolutely - Nine Days, Simple Plan - Summer Paradise, So many Ninjasexparty songs, Rambe - Slow, Rambe - Don’t Greed, Zombie Love Song - YFM, Maroon 5 - Sugar, Reunion - Busted, Year 3000 - Busted Honestly those all slapped so imma add a few more recents: Montero, Good 4 u, My Nonfiction, Boyfriend Complex, anything by the nerdcore rappers
Movie(s): The New Guy, Spider-Man Homecoming (okay just that whole trilogy was best honestly), Spider-Verses too, Star Wars: A New Hope, Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy: Big Picture Show, Hairspray (Musical)
TV Show(s): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy, The anime adaptations of most of the manga I listed above, Ash Vs. The Evil Dead, King of The Hill, South Park (It fell off), Community, One-Punch Man, Gravity Falls, Scrubs, Venture Bros., Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, Daria, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, The Boondocks, Saturday night Live when it’s decent, King of The Hill, Futurama, The Conners, As Told By Ginger, The Bear
Band/group(s): Busted, Blink 182, Maroon 5, Sum 41, Bowling For Soup, Ninja Sex Party Solo Artist(s): Rambe, Owl City, Billy Joel Place(s): Oregon, San Diego School Subject(s): Drawing, English, History Sport(s): Boxing, Karate, Football Male Actor: ?????????? Female Actor:  ???????????? I CAN LIST CRUSHES I GUESS BUT YOU DIDN’T ASK I DON’T THINK ABOUT ACTORS THAT MUCH
Best Friend: Brandon (no longer roommate, he still isn’t on tumblr) Significant Other: Am the Single Pringle ;'( Siblings: TONS Dream Job:  Online Content Creator, Teacher, Professor Tattoos: Nada Piercings: Nope Languages: English, Spanglish, Spanish Lite
Reason Behind URL: Well Madd is a component to my standard web handle maddwaffles, for prefix being appropriated from an ex while we were dating (it was a cute thing because we matched) that just hasn’t really evaded me. When it was yallneedahero I would have a more clever answer for you. Reason Behind Icon: I love Isane Nami and you should too # of Posts: 20,535!!!! HOLY SHIT BEFORE IT WAS ONLY 5,235 I SCALE SO HARD Why You Joined: idk!?!!?!?!?!? # of Blogs: P much just this one now
tagging: @pick-your-poison-please @burdenedreverance @midnightactual @waspandr @thundertempo @linklewinklewoman @rangikuxmatsumoto @baiika @auburniivenus @badassbarmaid tagged by: stole from @orihimex and stealing again
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mybiasisexo · 6 months
My advice for OP: you should stop using/reading any kind of social media where ‘fans’ are posting to avoid these kind of rumours or whatever they are… I don’t know about what solo stans saying or ppl saying in general about the concert, the members, etc. because I filter them. For my own good and wellbeing. I get you’re frustrated but it’s not your problem but theirs. Just chill, relax, don’t read twt or other sites where toxic fans are. I do it so I’m out of any unnecessary drama 😎
to add on (which they def was stating nothing but facts), idk how people can solo stan a group like exo esp. i thought we chose biases and got wrecked by other members later on. idk how they just pick one and go with it 😭😭 which they deserve the support even from solo stans but yea some of them gon have to calm down about the members relationship w other members
Fair. Curating our timelines to keep out all the negativity is the smart move, but it is sometimes easier said then done. Lord knows I’ve stumbled upon stupid ass takes that had my blood boiling. In those instances I either rant on here or to my poor cousin lmfaoooo
And we all know Twitter is the WORST when it comes to negativity 🙄🙄
Nah fr. Solo stans aren’t exol-ing right! Idk how you can discover one of the boys and not end up in love with all of them it make nooooo sense!!!! But alas, there are some strange ppl on the internet lolol
It’s such a strange hill to die on, but go off ig solo stans 😬
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sothischickshe · 2 years
I am fascinated by your Bruby take. Have you written supporting posts for this ship and Beth’s love for Ruby already? I would love to read more detail on your view of their relationship. To me, I see Beth’s possessiveness over Ruby. She demands to be chosen, even to Ruby’s detriment. It seems like a really disproportionate relationship to me, where Ruby is expected to drop her life to support Beth. Endlessly. And on occasion Beth rewards Ruby by benevolently offering her something in return.
I want to see them how you see them.
Hey, so zerothly it's deffo not just my take; I'm gonna link to some other ppl's posts & ig haphazardly try to quote some others I can't search up (joke's on me for ever wanting to find anything on mobile I suppose🤯)
Zero point fively, the ship name is deffo buby cmon, im taking a hard line on that 🤪
So first argument in terms of shipping Beth/Ruby and/or deciding Beth is in love with ruby: why not! I just think it's fun! And it adds a lot of potential depth to many of the relationships in the show eg the brio mess, the Beth-stan conflict, the death death, the beth/rhea quasi-romance.... Plus there's really nothing I see in canon that negates it 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think this post by @nakedmonkey sums the vibe up more succinctly than I ever could!
I'd also highly rec these fics:
Almost by vibrantnymph (Ruby pov in a slightly divergent 208)
girls go to the bathroom together to kiss by makemeanybraver (aged down au, Beth pov)
(there are a few other fics tagged beth/Ruby on Ao3 too but they're also tagged beth/annie and um I assume they don't mean it)
I swear @pynkhues had some posts about Beth/Ruby and maybe kisses too but I can't find them 😭😭😭
I also super agree with the vibe of this post from @petesdragon. Particularly cos in really all the flashbacks I think Dean and boys in general are presented as life moments to achieve and tick off. Combined with ruby basically telling annie that Beth married Dean for security, I hear the comp het take ringing loudly!
Off the top of my head I'd say the biggest canon points for me are:
That I've never looked at Dean the way you look at stan line being followed by Beth's srs lingering looks at Ruby, then a bunch of loving stares & delighted giggling with the tesla stuff (I do think we're repeatedly told by the show that Beth is not in love with Dean, that Ruby is in love with stan & that Beth has some srs martyr vibes/is v willing to sacrifice herself for the ppl she cares abt)
That I would choose you every time line and really 208 in general (& actually also successful salesperson s2 Beth being willing to give up a hypothetical jayz concert to stan; basically all sales ppl are annoying jayz stans who will say insane things like 'actually if you think about it, it's impressive to get away with that many shit guest verses' right to your face)
The s2 finale callback with the actual Beyoncé tickets where Beth tells Ruby to take stan, and goes to turn herself in which IS to protect the hills (think this understandably gets buried under the rest of the finale & its silliness)
The s4 beth-stan conflict as a whole where they're essentially presented as romantic rivals squabbling for the right to Ruby's affection; beth looking distraught when she agrees to never seeing Ruby again #martyrvibes
I guess I maybe agree that Beth is possessive over Ruby, but I'd say that so is stan then? & I'm given literally no reason to think stan isn't entirely in love with ruby yet in s4 he sics the cops on her, joins in with dean's scheming against Beth thus inadvertently yet predictably throwing Ruby under the bus & ends up threatening to go on the run without Ruby in the finale. I don't think I buy that possessiveness, making demands or an idiotic approach to planning precludes Beth from being in love with ruby 🤷🏼‍♀️ (though it perhaps suggest Ruby has a type sfggfrff)
I also really disagree that Beth demands to be chosen by Ruby, at least consistently -- like yea arguably that's a bit what's going on in s2, but it also sets up her melodramatic martyrdom in both s2 & s4? And actually really the s2 conflict isn't so much abt Ruby not choosing her, as Ruby repeatedly points out, she already kinda did! I think it's more Beth losing her mind at the realisation that she's not Ruby's #1 bc Ruby IS Beth's, and I think given they're having all these srs convos abt the contrasting states of their marriages it seems for the very first time (plus the implication throughout the series that Ruby barely ever interacts with Dean) I think it's probs quite reasonable to assume that Beth is a genuine misandrist & thinks of husbands as essentially accessories, de facto incapable of being anywhere near as important as their bond. (see also that s4 line abt how no boy will ever break them up.)
I also think it's interesting in s2 that Beth does warm to rio and/or crime when Dean fucks her off (eg bathroom break) but also when she & Ruby are on the outs (eg naked feet backyard picnic bench in the sun scene).
I'm just gonna repeat: in the s2 finale Beth is trying to turn herself in & in s4 she looks absolutely shattered agreeing to never see Ruby again. I don't think Beth particularly asks Ruby to drop her life to support her? Like the girls do all do it to each other yes, but who needs the most support or is most eager to turn to an idiotic plan in order to make money ebbs and flows over the show with their different (primarily but not exclusively familial) concerns. That bit in s4 where annie & Ruby make a deal w/ rio @ the strip club while Beth's just there in the bg like helllllo can u guys hear me feels a great example.
With or without a romantic lens, I very much agree with what @sdktrs12 said about their friendship in this answer.
& I think if anything, the fact that maybe it doesn't come through all that well consistently points to a writing problem: this show did often tell us things that it didn't necessarily take pains or leave itself enough space to demonstrate clearly or repeatedly. But I do think we're supposed to understand that they love each other deeply, have been through so much together, have always supported each other and consider the other (and their family) AS family.
Do i think that we see Ruby going above and beyond for Beth more than vice-versa? Yea probs. But I don't think that's cos Beth makes or expects her do that (& in fact they even have this conversation in the s2 finale!). for example, I don't think Beth asks Ruby to stay in the series finale? I think Ruby wants to, presumably bc of Annie's arrest & understanding how otherwise lonely Beth is. & I think we get loads of examples of Beth supporting Ruby too -- the grief flashback & Ruby's speech to Jane in the cupboard both spring to mind [both a little clunky but such is life], but also Beth's concern for Sara (and indeed stan) throughout. I do think Ruby is kinder & warmer than beth; I also think she's much less damaged ♻️
If I was gonna make an argument abt Beth demanding things of or using anyone, it'd probs be annie? Idk if the show was being intentional with the nick & annie getting locked up cos of the activities of their ~siblings parallel but that does feel kinda Loud. Plus, compared to Ruby but also in general, annie lacks confidence and purpose. Also Beth's literally her big sister, and pseudo parent! Still though I don't really find this line of reasoning all that compelling. Overall I do think annie & Ruby make the conscious choice to do crime, repeatedly, to make money. They don't seem to enjoy it in the same way, or as much, as Beth, but I think we see them both get purpose or status from it too (and that that's to some extent used to display how awful capitalism is). Plus Beth no way asked or wanted annie to replace her prints on the gun!! Hmm I wonder where annie picked up this melodramatic martyring habit from.....................
Further, if I was gonna make an argument abt anyone demanding to be chosen even to the detriment of the other it would probs be rio re Beth, Beth re rio, nick re rio or Dean re Beth 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Given all that, I think Beth and Ruby, who repeatedly sacrifice for each other & loudly declare the importance of their bond, have a far greater claim to being a canon love story than beth and rio who repeatedly betray each other, and by the finale iyam have simply demonstrated that they like each other & don't wish to kill the other & are willing to ally against common enemies plus maybe in general to avoid getting stabbed by the other 🤷🏼‍♀️
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teenwerewoofs · 2 years
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I posted 4,278 times in 2022
That's 2,528 more posts than 2021!
210 posts created (5%)
4,068 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,007 of my posts in 2022
#steter - 483 posts
#teen wolf - 434 posts
#steter fic - 240 posts
#steter fic rec - 232 posts
#peter hale - 120 posts
#stiles stilinski - 102 posts
#stetopher - 99 posts
#teen wolf podfic - 73 posts
#my podfic - 70 posts
#fic rec - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he says ‘you don’t need to hide your dislike of him from me. it doesn’t make you a bitch or crazy or a shrew. it’s actually 100% justified’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tag Game
Tagged by the JR Bourne stan @exlibrisfangirl 😘
Time- 8:04 pm
Relationship Status- single
Favorite Color- To wear? Black or grey. In general? Maybe a deep green.
Favorite Food- pizza, garlic bread, pasta, steak seared in butter 🤤
Song Stuck in My Head- “Free” by Florence + the Machine
Last Thing I Googled- “my little pony cowboy hat” because I was trying to find the name of the one who wears a cowboy hat 😂 (it’s Applejack, in case you were wondering)
Dream Trip- Scotland! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I want to spend like 2 weeks there so it will take a lot of planning and arranging. Plus, for it to not be a pandemic anymore lol
Something I Want Right Now- for a new Steter or Stargent or Stetopher long fic that’s full of all the tropes I love and is well written to drop 😂 also for work to stop being so hectic 😅
Tagging: @midmorning-bomb @meggie-stardust @punchedbymarkesmith @lucky-bishop @bewarethesmirk @petersnarker @batwynn @aurevell and anyone else who is feeling it!
38 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
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Peter can feel how much everything has been weighing on him lately. He can see it's been affecting Stiles just as much - the slumped shoulders, the bags under his eyes, and the lag in his reaction time all tell the same story. He decides to suggest an impromptu trip away from Beacon Hills. Maybe, once Stiles realizes how great it can be away from this hellhole of a town, Peter can convince him to leave for good.
For day 2 of @steterweek!
103 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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Peter has seen the drifter around town. He's heard about him bouncing around from farm to farm, lending a hand where he can for some under-the-table cash and a dry barn to sleep in for the night. Argent's been taking time out of his busy schedule of harassing Peter about selling his farm to ask probing questions about the drifter. From what Peter can piece together, Argent had a run-in with the kid and didn't seem to like the mouth on him. Peter decides to see if he can find the kid and convince him to come work for him on his farm. He can appreciate a well-timed wise-ass remark, especially when it's directed at Argent. And, well... the enemy of his enemy is his friend, right?
For day 4 of @steterweek!
145 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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via aidencullen1 on IG
308 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love fics where the authors are teenagers dabbling in writing or someone who speaks English as a second language or someone who is processing something through these characters they relate to.
I love fics where the author obviously cares SO much about canon or where the author has never even seen the original work but decided to dive in anyway.
I love when fic authors try to nail the character’s exact personality and habits and speaking patterns from the original work. And I love when fic authors say, “okay, but how would this character be different if this life changing event never happened?” or “how would they be different if they grew up in this very different universe with a different societal set-up?” And I love it when fic authors pick a character trait from canon and decide to zoom in and choose to view it through a microscope for a whole fic.
I just love all the different versions of fanfic that exist for us and all of the room that they allow fic writers to play with and all the different versions they share with fic readers and allow us to explore. 🥹🥹🥹
3,532 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jackhkeynes · 10 months
Celtic Borland
Y pouvlanç celtesc d'Istr Boral (y Bora Ale noncupað temporane) no's fort mis a regest. Y poy bustr tesmogn de lorry lengaç sousonn an dehiscenç for recent des y lengaç britton; creut es ig il alandau sull'istr des Albion, e noc des y tarmagn cos direct. The Celt population of Borland (self-described as the Bora Ale) is poorly documented. The few attestations of their language suggest only a recent divergence from the Briton tongue; they are thought to have arrived on the island from Albion, not directly from the continent.
L'oc cultur er conjognt ag sar marcer d'Europ par meyan dell'enascment de stan e de far. Jarry innajað dell'oc epoc es yent trovað tras toll'istr des loy allors remot com Egypt e Pers. This culture was connected to the European trade mesh via the export of tin and iron. Imported pottery of this period has been found across the island from as far afield as Egypt and Persia.
Y Celt stan compos ne form de bempart tribu; cascun afferjarau picq region eð er regnað des fortalleç colliner. Plaç religious diçr plusour temporane son dessevelið; y celeberrem es y labyrinth a Çadrosc, oc ayent largeç d'apponment lon fondamen cas sell'origin e bers. The Celts were organised into many tribes, each covering small regions and ruled from hill-forts. Several important religious sites of this time have been unearthed; most famously the Çadrosc labyrinth, which has sparked much unfounded theorising as to its origin and purpose.
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ilhoonftw · 10 months
wait people don't know anastasia beverly hills was founded by a romanian american woman who happens to be sebastian stan's godmother? and she likes to lie she invented the golden ratio and changed the game when it comes to doing eyebrows. eyebrow beauty salon turned into makeup brand. and she was caught liking pro putiń memes on ig, posted by a controversial pro trump pro putiń romanian woman.
her daughter norvina now runs the company and tbh the supposed downfall started around the time she visibly took charge. she's also on her 3rd face rn (no shame tbh bodily authonomy) and is rumoured to be very into astrology. she does everything according to zodiac, including new products release dates, hiring people based on their chart, firing people 'i should've known capricorn rising would do this!' type deal
they are also infamous for having too many releases at once, having small influencers fight for a spot on a pr list and also going after alyssa ashley for unfavorable palette review. review that started a chain of people finding out their palette wasn't pressed properly (eyeshadows are powders that need to be pressed using proper machine and too light or too stron press can ruin the product and deem it hard to use). then the company doubled down and used the 'oh you're not using it right, it's a pressed pigment palette!'. oh and they released a collab with amrezy and she's... a character. i know there was a talk how shareholders pressed them into pumping out too many products at once to improve financial results, but it was still crazy to see they once had 3 major collabs (alyssa edwards, jackie aina, carli bybel) released back to back. that's not wise
rn all of their products have been duped to oblivion, you can find a good replacement for anything they make. it's not like they had a hit product as of recent anyways. their products were great for the mid 2010s style idk if they managed to keep up with the lighter makeup trends...
0 notes
serass · 6 years
anyway i would be lying if i said 2018 didn’t suck major ass but the second i got into the marvel community/ actually started interacting w people here things seemed to turn up again like it was a catalyst and i met such lovely, lovely people- 2018 was a ride from start to finish (literally its still wild even today) but i got to enter a community that made things worth it again
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