#star child ( elie speaks. )
boyinatown · 1 year
Treat me like a slut with Goo Eli and Johan ?
Pairing: lookism men x f! Reader 💗 pt2
Warning: sexual theme and make out sesh 💋!
Summary: lookism men react to the song: treat me like a slut when you play your playlist !
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This sex maniac has the HIGHEST sex drive, so it’s no kidding that even just a brush against his crotch would have you bent over and fucked ruthless.
When this song played during a tik tok, goo immediately turned around to you wiggling his eyebrows. you brushed him off saying it’s just a song, but he’s already imagining things.
And there you were being fucked into the couch the popcorn of movie night falling down and decorating the floor. the movies sounds now being muted by your moans and protests against the blondie on top of you.
The scratches and bites were useless against him ,you made him hard and you were gonna pay for it. He puts you on your right side one leg in the air and his leg between your thighs. Cock pumping in and out of you, you try and smack his arm and scratch it. But he just grips your wrists and holds them down your chest just pounding away.
“No we’re not done yet, not until your spilling with my cum.” His voice deep and a few whimpers leave his mouth.
“G-ooah! It’s to much, it’s to muhhh!” Your babbling gets quickly shut up by his own lips connecting with yours. Tongue forcing inside your mouth his hips not even stopping for a second.
“I’ll show ya how a slut gets treated, cockwhore .”
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You often babysat yenna for Eli, all he asked you is to watch your language near her. Simple right? Wrong. you forgot you were around a child and sang the song anyways.
One minute you were watching yenna and the next you were thrown on a bed. Before it all got dark.
“Ah, ah ohh! Shitttt! Eli, Mmphm!-“
One harsh slap against your jiggling ass has you crying even louder wailing, but it drives you crazy causing you to move back against Eli’s cock that was drilling inside you.
“I told you watch that fucking filthy mouth, and what did you do? Disobey me.”
the spanking gets harder and harder till the point you can feel stinging, but still you move back against him smiling at him in pleasure.
Your face getting pushed more into the pillow and Eli yanking your hair back with one hand while the other keeps spanking you.
“Ah your smiling are you? Let’s change that, slut.”
“Keep up , because I’m gonna absolutely fuckin’ ruin you, that’ll teach you.”
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This poor guy just wanted to finish his day from white tiger job center, but when he came home to the sight of you just naked getting ready for bed you couldn’t prepare yourself for what was to come.
All you felt in the moment was his tie from his suit placed in your mouth forming a gag.
“What’s wrong? Come on speak up. tell me what you want baby.”
He laughs at your crying form, legs spread to your chest and each time he thrusts the bed shakes and your breasts slightly jiggle.
Holding onto his neck he increases his speed and roughness hitting that one spot that made you arch your back and toes curl. he kissed your cheeks and mocked your crying face.
“Oh? Oh? Oh? Your moans are pathetic do you know that? Like a real porn star, aren’t you just cute.”
“Just prepare yourself, we’ve got a long night ahead I’ll turn you into a real slut.”
The only time you punks ask for fics is when I’m on an vacation, but I love you little rebels so it’s fine.
💌 ask box continues to stay open, and for all the anonymous people that requested fics, they’ll be uploaded soon.
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absentia-if · 1 year
For Mom and/or Dad. Maybe a moment during MCs kidnapping? 👀
Eliza holds up her hand. "Just save it, Oliver," she snarls, anger written across her face. "I don't want to hear your excuses again. I don't want to hear your empty words. Not when your actions speak so much louder."
"I'm sorry, Liz, I am." He takes a small step towards his wife, hating the distance that had been put between them. "What can I do to make this right? There has to be something."
Cognac brown eyes slip shut as if she was trying to block out the desperation her husband, the love of her life, was showing her. "I don't know if there's anything left you can do, Oliver," she murmurs, all the fight leaving her. "I'm so tired of expecting more than you're capable of giving. I'm so tired of fighting by myself. I'm so tired of pretending that I've only lost my child and not my husband too."
She opens her eyes, fresh tears causing them to glimmer like stars.
"And I'm so tired of thinking that I'll ever be enough for you."
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
... Daella had been next in line, but the tearful princess presented an entirely different sort of problem. “My little flower,” was how the queen described her. Like Alysanne herself, Daella was small—on her toes, she stood five feet two inches—and there was a childish aspect to her that led everyone who met her to think she was younger than her age. Unlike Alysanne, she was delicate as well, in ways the queen had never been. Her mother had been fearless; Daella always seemed to be afraid. She had a kitten that she loved until he scratched her; then she would not go near a cat. The dragons terrified her, even Silverwing. The mildest scolding would reduce her to tears. Once, in the halls of the Red Keep, Daella had encountered a prince from the Summer Isles in his feathered cloak, and squealed in terror. His black skin had made her take him for a demon.
Cruel though her brother Vaegon’s words had been, there was some truth to them. Daella was not clever, even her septa had to admit. She learned to read after a fashion, but haltingly, and without full comprehension. She could not seem to commit even the simplest prayers to memory. She had a sweet voice, but was afraid to sing; she always got the words wrong. She loved flowers, but was frightened of gardens; a bee had almost stung her once.
Jaehaerys, even more than Alysanne, despaired of her. “She will not even speak to a boy. How is she to marry? We could entrust her to the Faith, but she does not know her prayers, and her septa says that she cries when asked to read aloud from The Seven-Pointed Star.” The queen always rose to her defense. “Daella is sweet and kind and gentle. She has such a tender heart. Give me time, and I will find a lord to cherish her. Not every Targaryen needs to wield a sword and ride a dragon.”
At fourteen, she kept company with Denys Swann, Simon Staunton, Gerold Templeton, and Ellard Crane, all promising squires of her own age, but Staunton tried to make her drink wine and Crane kissed her on the lips without her leave, reducing her to tears. By year’s end Daella had decided she hated all of them.
At fifteen, her mother took her across the riverlands to Raventree (in a wheelhouse, as Daella was afraid of horses) ... It all fell to pieces when Daella learned that the Blackwoods kept the old gods, and she would be expected to say her vows before a weirwood. “They don’t believe in the gods,” she told her mother, horrified. “I’d go to hell.”
Lord Rodrik, true to his word, was a kind and caring husband who never failed to pamper and protect the bride he called “my precious princess.” Such letters as Daella sent her mother (letters largely written for her by Lord Rodrik’s younger daughter, Amanda) spoke glowingly of how happy she was, how beautiful the Vale, how much she loved her lord’s sweet sons, how everyone in the Eyrie was so kind to her.
...Daella was not doing near as well. After a year and a half of marriage, a different sort of message arrived at the Red Keep by raven. It was very short, and written in Daella’s own uncertain hand. “I am with child,” it said. “Mother, please come. I am frightened.”
Queen Alysanne was frightened too, once she read those words. She mounted Silverwing within days and flew swiftly to the Vale ... three moons before Daella was due to give birth.
Though the princess professed delight that her mother had come, and apologized for sending her such a “silly” letter, her fear was palpable. She burst into tears for the slightest reason, and sometimes for no reason at all, Lord Rodrik said. His daughter Elys was dismissive, telling Her Grace, “You would think she was the first woman ever to have a baby,” but Alysanne was concerned. Daella was so delicate, and she was carrying very heavy. “She is such a small girl for such a big belly,” she wrote the king. “I would be frightened too, if I were her.”
Queen Alysanne stayed beside the princess for the rest of her confinement, sitting by her bedside, reading her to sleep at night, and comforting her fears. “It will be fine,” she told her daughter, half a hundred times. “She will be a girl, wait and see. A daughter. I know it. Everything will be fine.”
She was half right. Aemma Arryn, the daughter of Lord Rodrik and Princess Daella, came into the world a fortnight early, after a long and troubled labor. “It hurts,” the princess screamed through half the night. “It hurts so much.” But it is said she smiled when her daughter was laid against her breast.
Everything was far from fine, however. Childbed fever set in soon after birth. Though Princess Daella desperately wished to nurse her child, she had no milk, and a wet nurse was sent for. As her fever rose, the maester decreed that she might not even hold her babe, which set the princess to weeping. She wept until she fell asleep, but in her sleep she kicked wildly and tossed and turned, her fever rising ever higher. By morning she was gone. She was eighteen years of age.
... Alysanne Targaryen, in her grief, blamed herself and Lord Arryn and the Eyrie’s maester for their parts in her daughter’s demise…but most of all, she blamed Jaehaerys. If he had not insisted that Daella wed, that she pick someone before year’s end…what harm would it have done for her to stay a little girl for another year or two or ten? “She was not old enough or strong enough to bear a child,” she told His Grace back at King’s Landing. “We ought never have pushed her into marriage.”
It is not recorded how the king replied.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
Jaehaerys’ guide on:
How to get rid of that one obviously retarded child in no steps, because you only have to give an order and your wife will have to do the rest.
Can’t wait for him to wed her only child at eleven!
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xlliot-walkxr · 9 months
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( adam dimarco  +  twenty eight  +  he/they  )  look who has entered camp halfblood college !  meet ELLIOT WALKER ,  the child of DEMETER .  they have been living in long island for six years and are currently wilderness survival instructor. when someone describes them, they are often described as DUTIFUL and INTOLERANT. zeus believes they are responsible for stealing the lightning bolt but is that something they are capable of doing ?
Sunset rays filtering through greenhouse panes, tight hugs, orange wine on a summer's day, honeyed features with a tender tongue, warm fingers tracing your spine, scribbled notes on Herodotus, fresh baked pastries, teeth chewing against your cheek, corduroy jackets with patchwork hems, hints of fig and fresh cut grass, Taurian delights and cheeky grins, grudges held like seasons last, chaste lips holding back just enough.
Agrokenisis: Elliot has found that his ties to wood and the control or growth of roots far stronger than that of his siblings' talents with fruit and flowering plants.
Green Speak: The ability to communicate with plant life and vegetation,
Toxikinesis: Limited but potent manipulation over plant based poisons, spores, or fungus. Bluntly, Elliot finds fungus disgusting but necessary, he chooses to focus on more botany-based poisons over spores any day.
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬—҉
full  name  :    Elliot  Walker nicknames  :  L, Eli, Walker (to those he spars/trains with) birthday  : April  29  zodiac  sign  :  Taurus age  :  28 sexual  orientation  :  Bisexual romantic  orientation  :  Demiromantic relationship  status  : Single parentage  :  Demeter position  : Wilderness Survival Instruction
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭—҉ 
Given to him after protecting a sacred grove from peril, Elliot’s mother gifted him a golden harpe. Formed from one of the cypress trees he protected, his mother's gift demonstrates what grit and devotion can produce. The handle is knotted like cypress roots that grow into a golden hilt before sliding into this sharp blade, that when in the light, shimmers like grain caught in the wind..
  The love that produced you was arduous and stubborn, like a sprout through substrate it took desire to grow. Those signatures that birthed you were revealed as you grew and blossomed; that by the time you were a child you were a cut above those your age. The ichor that laid dormant within your blood was like sap hiding beneath bark that by your teenage years others couldn’t help but see you as prickly. Stern not guarded, focused but open to distraction—the exterior you put up only hid the sticky, sweet truth beneath it all. You bore kindness for all things that live and breath within nature, a tenderness that warranted work to ever taste it. Again the themes of your parent’s love, the strife and joy they nurtured, showed up within you like ringlets of a tree. From the mightiest of oaks to the sturdiest of a cypress, one can not hide what it took to make them. Neither did Elliot. Only years of work, of acceptance and mistakes would lead him to answers. That particular age, eighteen, was the start of new seasons for Elliot. 
   It would take time for Elliot to find permanency; to place down roots. The soil that birthed him instilled obstinacy whilst the stars above dictated his bullheadedness. Life among mortals those years felt polarizing. Nothing more than normalcy, the young demigod craved it, and did anything he could to stay attached to it. However the news of his patronage, his powers, the monsters that came after him began chipping away at the half-blood. It took little over three and a half years later for the son of Demeter to accept his life at camp, an additional more for him to truly make his name and prove his claim, countless months of training, to several days cursing his fates, to a couple of those nights basking in his titleship. Being a son of Demeter, a child of the seasons, meant something truly. To be her’s, to be bud among the vast meadows of Demeter’s creations and delights, meant that there was purpose to be lived. That was all he needed to believe in for him to rise to whatever glory was waiting for Elliot.   
   Elliot’s time being on the road and escaping from monsters; along with the gifts his mother gave him only lent to his skills being sought out after University. Becoming an instructor wasn’t exactly on his mind, yet he wasn’t always sold on them becoming nothing but warriors. The son of Demeter’s hopes was to teach that there is honor in survival and that not everything can be solved with a blade. Accomplished fighters as the man was, his skills have always shown themselves when in the wild. Connected to the earth, to be able to hide in the thickest of green, his classes on survival have proven valuable to a few demigods that have been graced with quests.
 Seasons have changed and cycled many times over the years, however nothing recently has reminded Elliot more of his place within the world. Half-blood, demigod, a pawn among an impending war. Since the proclamation of the bolt being stolen, there has been an unsettling sickness that has churned in him. Afraid of what this could mean along with so many forbidden children and a lulling peace these years, the now pliable and softened son of Demeter finds himself pruning his edges for the future. Nature and its laws, the forces of his mother’s domain, seem to ready themselves within him; hardening for what’s to come next.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 11 months
Familiar Faces - Times and Dates part 2
Elijah gave up on his piano session when he found himself playing a piece he had never seen before for the third time, he had only started it to get his mind off what he had heard Elena tells Aunt Jenna when he got him.
Stefan had an older brother, he hadn’t heard the name and before he had even thought to ask what it was, Elena had started on about an ex-girlfriend, Katherine.
Katarina, Katarina, playing his brothers, hurting Damon because it amused her, yet speaking to him with a soft smile but sometimes wary eyes.
‘Her name’s Katherine, Eli.’ Stefan had sighed for the numerus time.
He had shaken his head, stubborn even when he didn’t know why he was so sure her name was Katarina.
He moved Luci aside to pull out his ‘witch’ notebook and threw it into his book bag, before putting the cat back in his place. He had long learned to hide his journals from a nosey little brother(and twin sister) by leaving them under the scratchy cat.
This notebook was mostly empty pages, he had four mostly filled books of his dreams, colour coded to separate the different versions of himself, but the book Grams had recommended that he write any strange feelings he had or ideas to channel his powers tended to remain unused.
It didn’t take that long to get to Bonnie’s place on his bike, leaving it on the side he knocked on the door at the same time he replied to her text. 
Her dad answered by Bonnie was there moment later to drag him up to her room, he slipped his hand into his sleeves at the last moment so she would only catch the fabric of his jacket.
If Grams was telling Bonnie it meant her powers were coming out and he remembered the shudder that Grams hadn’t been able to hide the first time she had touched him back when he was a scared, confused child.
If Bonnie was just coming into it all she didn’t need his strange signature scarring her.
He set himself on the bed as Bonnie shut the door behind them and waited for her.
“So show me” she told him after a moment, 
“Are you sure?” he thought to check give her a way out because this was going to change things, “it’s easier to pretend without-”
“Yes i’m sure” she nodded,“ what do you need? a set up or something-”
As she started to ask he pulled the notebook and and tore a blank page out, holding it between them for a moment for her to look at it.
“Ok so some w-”
The paper caught fire.
“What?!” Bonnie jumped at the flames, while Elijah took a breath and smothered them, to leave the paper smouldering.
“I can do candles,” he added, as she starred, flicking the remains of paper into the bin “moving things without touching, summon wind, mostly. Your grams says i can do more if i used nature but-” 
“That’s- this is-” she muttered.
“Need some time?” he asked, putting the notebook back.
“That could be a trick, special paper.” Bonnie told him before pulling a pale purple candle from the side and shoving it into his hands.
It took a little more focus before the wick sparked, the scent of lavender  started to fill the air, he put the candle on the side as Bonnie stared at it.
“Right, I'll leave you to think, then you can speak to Grams.” he told her as he stood to leave, he had barely been here but he didn’t have the answers she needed, he didn’t have the answers he needed himself.
“Why don’t you?” Bonnie called before he could leave, “Use nature, I mean.”
“I don’t think it likes me” he confessed before adding “and I don't think I like it.”
He left to her confused expression, which was fair he thought since he confused himself half the time. 
Bonnie pulls him away later, as Stefan and Elena talked.
“I’m sorry, I do believe you, it’s just too much.”
“Talk-” He started.
“I know, grams.” she sighed before they fell into silence.
“I understand being angry that i kept-” he started as the silence started to stretch, he kept his eyes on the flickering flame of his candle, not really sure he wanted to see the comet he remembered from over hundred years ago.
“I don't blame you for keeping it from us,” she promises him and he’s surprised by how relieved he is, it doesn’t mean Elena won’t be angry but having Bonnie on his side had to help, “you were a kid and they made you promise and we all know when you give your word you hate breaking it.”
The quiet that followed was more peaceful that he allowed himself to look away from flame, which mean the allowed himself to relax enough that when she next spoke he jumped
“So, why don’t you want to train with me?” she asked
“I’m not a normal witch, I don't draw from nature like I should.”
“You can though, so why not?”
“I told you me and nature don’t- It feels like nature is- has already judged me guilty, i don’t want whatever is wrong with me influencing you, tainting your magic.”
“Can it even do that?”
“Pretty sure Nature does as it wants.”He shrugged, finally looking up in time to see it.
Even if he saw it last time, only in his window waiting for his brothers, this time he was Elijah Gilbert watching the night sky with his friend Bonnie, the maybe-witch.
It was different, he needed to remember the differences.
They retreat to The Grill not long after, Elijah is revlived at the warmth the indoor provided, until it meant he was close by when Tyler decided to start something.
“She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced.”
Oh he thought ‘was Vicki sleeping with Jeremy for drugs?’ No she wouldn’t, Jeremy wouldn’t either. Was that better or worse then she chose to sleep with a fifteen year old? He didn’t know, he never understood them, it was one of the many reasons he avoided relationships.
“What's with the pill pusher?” Elena’s offense pulled him back before he got too lost in thought, but Tyler’s smug face before he replied spelled trouble.
“Ask him.”
“You wanna do this right now?” Jeremy asked, both of them 
Elena’s “Are you dealing?” was ignored with little more than a glance.
“She's never gonna go for you.” Tyler said, and Elijah had to swallow a groan as he noticed the look on Jeremy’s face.
“She already did.” he told them, adding “Over and over and over again.
“Children please.”he said a moment too late.
“Yeah, right.” Tyler replied, face impassive.
“You slept with Vic- You knew.” Caroline grasped as she turned to him  “that’s what you meant yesterday.”
“You didn’t tell me.” Elena said, hurt clear in her tone.
“There's no way.” Tyler denied as he looked between them.
“Jeremy don’t-” he tried to stop his brother, after he noted the look on his face, like Elena before him, he was ignored.
“And I didn't even have to force her into it.” Jeremy spat.
“What the hell is he talking about, Ty?” Matt demanded as he reminded them he was part of this.
“Nothing, man, just ignore him, he's a punk.”
“how about all of you shut up and help me find my sister?” Matt anded any further attempts as they quickly split up, Elijah following Matt, as Elena pulled Jeremy aside.
After staying silent to watch an interesting conversion between Matt and Stefan, Elijah stepped back, leaving Matt to search and followed after Stefan.
Well he did until Stefan vanished from his sight, he was left standing there for moment as he tried to put it together. Suddenly terrified he was started to see things while he was awake when Stefan stepped out of the building across from him.
With a confused Vicki. Stefan looked surprised  to see him when he called out to them but quickly covered the surprise and left Elijah with Vicki.
He decided to warn Vicki before they returned to The Grill,
“Sorry Vicki but the rest know about you and Jeremy.”
“Tyler and Jer.” he explained, not willing to put the whole story into words, he’s pretty sure you shouldn’t brag about sleeping with someone to show someone else up, at least.
“Oh god-”
“Elena’s going to be disapproving,”he decided to forewarn her of everything while he was at it, “it’s not you, she’s being an overprotective sister, her way of dealing since-” he trailed off
“You’ve gone the other way.” Vicki said making him turn to her and blink, he  wasn’t sure what he was expecting but not that,  “I've been listening to Matt and Jeremy, Tyler mentioned it too, Elijah they’ve been worried about you.”
“Why?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“You shut down,” she told him, “have barely done anything someone else hasn’t forced you into, since then.”
“I thought I was hiding it better.” he said.
“We’ve all known you since you were a kid.” she reminded him him before Matt spotted them and pulled her away
“Vic!, Elijah tha-”
“It wasn’t me Stefan found her.” he told him before stepping back to leave Matt to check over his sister.
Elijah threw himself onto his bed when he got home, just avoiding Kit.
Vicki had told him they were worried,had reminded him that they knew him well enough to see past what he wanted them to.
He didn’t want them to worry, his family had enough to deal with and- 
He didn’t want anyone else to see how much of a mess he was.
If the dream were real then he had already been institutionalised, it hadn’t ended well for the last him, he didn’t want to repeat it.
Stefan had an ex called Katherine.
And older brother, that he had missed the name of when Elena had spoken to Jenna.
Dam, Damon.
They didn’t get along, which when against the memories-dream he had at least
But his dreams happened in 1864, a lot could happen since then, like Stefan killing him.
He had a date now, he could look up, see if there was a Elijah Salvatore in 1864, to find evidence that it was real, but then what was he going to do if it was.
He knew EJ was real, but learning that hadn’t done anything.
But made his dreams of white rooms, black ink and red dripping into a pool, real.
Adding to all this, Stefan had disappeared in front of him, right from his eyes.
Moved too fast to see.
It’s been to long to be the same Stefan unless-
Blood dripping from fangs, black veins, eyes wrong.
Still Stefan had returned with Vicki, safe and sound, if he had attacked her, killing her would have been the better idea, clean up by removing the witnesses.
Part of him was sure that was his job.
Elijah was starting to think EJ had ended his life at sixteen not because he was tired of the white cells, but the older he got the more he learned or remembered the more everything  almost made sense, but the answer was always just out of reach. 
Like a word of the tip of your touch but never found, but instead of a word it was his life, the reason for everything in view but just past the tips of his fingers.
It was maddening.
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riachuelowii · 8 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @stratataisen (hellooo hi hi)
3 ships
(any) Imperial Agent/Vector Hyllus, im on the swtor train and will never get tired on them
I've also been feeling a bit of Obi Wan/Satine lately idk why but go king and queen i love you so much bbgirls
Thrawn/Eli these two speak to me in my dreams
First ship
I, do not know?? I didn't get into actual shipping until 2015??? Probably Jeremy and Aelita from Code Lyoko when I was a child or maybe some Gormiti shit, don't quote me on that it's more likely wrong
Last song
The song I last listened to is Hell's Greatest Dad from Hazbin Hotel, so there's that. Sorry but im a slut for twinky red demon people hating on each other💀💀💀
Currently reading
I am currently trying to pick up Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising but because i have almost no time due to school I've been reading star wars fanfics on ao3 at night instead
Last film
I'd say it was probably Rogue One, my memory isn't too good with movies sorryyy
Currently craving
uhhhhh I think some omelette would be awesome, spanish omelette, those guys are thick as hell i'd eat one whole
hihihi i do not know who to tag or who has been tagged and i don't want to annoy any of you but like uhh feel free to do these if you want to,,,
@littlekhada @gia-batmm-crickle22
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-DAC MC Information-
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[Gacha Club Mod Ver. Below]
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Character Bio
Name: Eldoris Treyton
(Japanese: エルドリス・トレイトン)
Romaji: Erudorisu Toreiton
Quote: “Please don't mind me, I have my options to pick from.”
V/A: Kensho Ono (Japanese)
Beau Bridgland (English)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: January 1
Star Sign: Capricorn
Eye Color: Sliver Grey (His Normal Eye Color)
Nude Pink (Second Eye Color and Half-Myth power activation)
Hair Color: Light Blonde Beige
Height: 167 cm
Race: Half Human, Half Myth/Hybrid
Species: Electric Box-Jellyfish
Homeland: Crystalsle Village (The fifth country in the Island of Enchantment)
Family: Amelio Treyton (Father)
Lonia Jillian (Mother)
Rahja Jillian (Older Brother)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Gemmeluner (@terrovaniadorm)
School Year: First
Class: 1-A
Student no. 23
Occupation: Student (A scouted student)
Part-Time Delivery Boy
Official Pharmacologist of SIDC (Meaning: Supernaturals Investigation Department Center)
Club: Dance Team (Member), Swim Team (Member)
Best Subject: Endurance Training, Mixed Martial Arts, and Lethal Poison Handling
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly for his right)
Favorite Color: Light Beige, White, Black, and Grey
Favorite Food: Fried Meat, Coffee (Any kind), Vegetable Oiled Salad, Fried Sunny-side Ups, Steamed Shrimps, Color-changing Lemonade, BBQs, S'mores,
Least Favorite Food: Jawbreakers (Got a painful toothache), Slight Sweets, Candies, Goat Liver, Steamed Crab, Potato Stew,
Likes: Peace and Quiet, Slight Song-writing, Dancing (Mostly), Underwater Exploring, Making Coffee Art, Sleep (Mostly), Novel Collection, Ocean View, Slight Distance of socializing,
Dislikes: His older brother's teasing, Dealing Bullshit, Chaos, Getting Squished tightly on anyone's chest (Mostly from Marleigh), Loud Noises, Losing Sleep (Mostly), Too much close up from anyone (Mostly), Being Late, Dehydration,
Hobbies: Making Coffee Art, Sleep (Mostly), Reading Novel Collection, Song-writing, Dancing (Mostly), Secretly a little on singing, Doing his SIDC workload, Baby-sitting his one of his chaotic co-workers (Slightly),
Talents: Transforming into his half-myth form, Summoning Tentacles, Water-sight Ability, Electric Storing Magic, Hypnotizing Ability, Solo Sleuth, Underwater Third-eye, Shock-wave, Vocal-changing,
Nicknames: Eli or Doris (From his family and friends)
Treyton-san (From Others)
Little Dude (From his older brother)
Rii-san (From Rylee)
Little DoDo (From Marleigh)
Ello (From Lynette and Freya)
Mr. Treyton (From the SIDC workers and trainers)
Other Nicknames:
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Eldoris has a regular but medium average male body build, but he seems to have some muscular up-putting due for swimming a lot underwater and in addition of more training. He has light blonde beige colored hair which it looks long but slightly messy when being tied up for physical training or SIDC workloads. He has sliver grey colored eyes which they can turn into nude pink whenever he uses his myth abilities. Eldoris has selective personality when it comes to interaction towards anyone.
Personality: Was born within in one of the quiet neighborhood apartment buildings within the city streets of Crystalsle in the Island of Enchantment, as the youngest child within his family, he's mostly with his father and older brother whenever he's mother is busy with work. Around his childhood, especially when his mother isn't busy, she tends to teach him of respecting others, in various genders that he will might meet in the future when he gets.
Eldoris, whom that he had it during his childhood days as a younger toddler to kid, didn't know much about it till he interacted with a few of anyone he sees or they had spoken to him, thanks mother's teachings he then became to social a little bit till he was used to it.
Eldoris has a quiet tongue though he's mostly selective when speaking to anyone he speaks to within the academy, though there are days that he would stay quiet throughout the week but he will be talk if you make the move on him first, he isn't good at starting the conversation but will only talk back if you do it first though.
Despite his selective social circle on talking at random, he seems more relaxed whenever he's with his fellow half-myth companions and his SIDC co-workers. Eldoris is used to his race chaotic messes, which he seems to be okay with but till he gets annoyed with some of his friends slightly on accident or not.
If you were to get close to him slowly day by day or week by week, we can all tell he has a sweet personality after chatting with you, which many can see a rather a cute side of him eventually, only if you ever can catch him off guard that is, of you can you'll see a stuttering point of view to his embarrassment.
Don't to be fooled by his appearance, as an ocean-myth he knows when to give you a shocking welcome. Eldoris doesn't trust much at random strangers, especially to those who are trying to get on his good side if he ever sees it on coming. Eldoris will keep his act up for long as he wishes to be, but then when the timing comes, you will get a free yet lasting electro shocking from him eventually. Mostly he won't feel a little pitiful about it.
A male half-myth with a hidden sweet persona, but don't tease him too much though.
-The name 'Eldoris' means by the word 'gold'. While his surname 'Treyton' is a meaning "a settlement near trees".
-He's based on 'Ventricosus' from the anime series called: 'Houseki no Kuni'.
-He's neutral with his dorm mates and dorm leaders.
-He seems to have thing for coffee based food and coffee, he and Hibiki had a good bonding over it whenever he visits his family's cafe.
-As an ocean-myth, he has a beautiful voice when he sings but tends to hide that fact from others aside from his team. Though he seems to be good at the basic of dancing as well, often does song-writing in secret.
-Doesn't like jawbreakers because it broke the backside of his teeth. He ended up going to have a one week appointment to the dentist after the issue.
-Is mostly neutral with his co-workers at the SIDC company, is close with Lynette, Freya, and Fursat there as well.
-Is mostly respectful towards his rank captain Marleigh, but he really dislikes of how she crushes him to losing air by squishing his head on her chest.
-He would understand with Elijah when it comes to Electricity storing in their bodies.
-Has somewhat handled chaos from his team, though it didn't bothered him much.
-Is sleep-deprived whenever he doesn't get any sleeps.
-Was a victim in a house-break in but this resulted him getting a brutal assault from a woman who appeared to be his mother's ex-girlfriend in the past. He received a four-week hospitalization.
-He collects collection novels on a daily basis. His favorite genre is slice of life and mystery
-Is often teased by his older brother often, he slightly embarrassed with it.
-Was a little shy whenever he speaks, well a little mostly at girls. But his mother helped with his little problem but decided to be a bit selective with it.
-His voice sounds calm and gentle when he speaks, but the tone changes whenever he's shouts loudly. Which is why I chose Kensho Ono for his Japanese voice actor, and Beau Bridgland for his English voice actor.
-Has a pet puppy name 'Mocha'.
-Is annoyed with Clementine with her activities, though he tries to be neutral with her but failed slightly.
-Gets dehydrated a bit, he drinks a lot of water.
(@deaths-academy-of-combat) and next-
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voxiiferous · 10 months
if (vox & andrealphus) had a kid...?
Name: Eligos (“Eli”)
Gender: gender-fluid/non-binary
General Appearance: The first thing most people would notice is that they look unsettling. Their eyes, on first glance, have the same eye-shine as a lot of birds, and it's only once you get a little closer that you realize they're actually glowing. Speaking of their eyes, they inherit a more dramatic form of Vox's demonic heterochromia. One eye is the pupil-less blue or Andrealphus, the other is the swirling red that Vox has, and that eye does, at the very least, have a pupil! As for their plummage, it's the same colour as Andrealphus, white and blue, except that the ends of all their feathers fade into what looks like glowing fiber optic cables.
Personality: Eli is, despite their parents, and being raised in Hell, sort of a cupcake. They're sweet, they run an advice column in one of Vox's many publications, with some actually useful advice that isn't just 'kill them'! They guest star as a judge on the game shows, most often art or cooking based ones. They aren't super politically minded, but they do want to help people.
Special Talents: Andrealphus has cryokinesis and Vox has electrokinesis, and it makes sense that Eli has powers as well, and they do! They inherit neither parent's direct powers, but do have hydrokinesis. Bath time as a child was an affair, because they loved it, but also the entire room had a tendency to end up very, very wet.
Who they like better: Vox
Who they take after more: Vox
Personal Head canon: Eli marries very well, as in they end up outranking Andrealphus' position as marquis, as a Duke, but are, despite that, very down to Earth. They spend most of their life on Pride, living the life of a well-off urbanite in the public eye more than royalty, and they get upset with the Exterminations, because those are their people, they know them! They write into the advice column and are contestants on the show they judge. They aren't sure what to do to help, but for now, they're working with Belphegor.
Face Claim: I may do up some art for them in the future but for now there's nothing!
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
alright twitter was pure chaos yesterday, unfortunately i wasn’t able to watch station 19 6x06 live BUT today i did everything my power to catch up even tho i was fully reading twitter while the episode was airing😂 you know the drill spoiler alert:
first off: we gotta wait until february 23 to know how everything unfolds, kinda far in my opinion but it’s not my show so😂 anyways moving onto the episode + vic is hereeeee + i’m sorry how adorable maya looks sleeping + lmao that was such a me thing + also her ankle looks like a tennis ball what the hell maya + carina looks like a star and she’s got pj’s and bed hair, the power these two hold over me? unmatched + i mean i’m not taking sides here but i get it, carina had to take the test, like how long is she supposed to wait? it seems the pregnancy is the only thing is making maya pause a little but not enough to get the help she needs, she’s struggling so much :( + oh no :( + this is what we’re going next yikes + i mean ross looks fantastic even tho i’m not liking this + travicccc + the gossip lol
lol andy not trusting eli + why is everyone in such a mood + “this sounds like a regular fight” 😂😂😂 + today’s brand is just fighting with our spouse + girl camp let’s goooooo + lmao maya looks so tiny next to all of them + vic being the smartest baby i love her + the kid fangirling about maya? same. + i’m worried about maya popping pills like they’re candy + beckett come on + lmao he’s fighting a fire😂😂😂 + oh jack is here and his hand is fine + “well thank you for volunteering” 😂😂😂😂 + ruiz being the person we need + maya does not look good
oh boy they don’t look good + vic being so inspiring i love her so much + gonna have a storyline besides theo? YES + it’s funny how they ALL know beckett is the bare minimum yet none of them stood up, just theo and that’s because maya was risking her life since no one knows she’s spiralling but good for them, at least they’re speaking up now + is he getting demoted or what👀 + oh no this is baaaaaad af + yikes that has to be tough on andy + lmao staying alive, that was good tho + i’d love ross even more if she wasn’t a hypocrite but oh boy if she fighted sexism i would be in love too + vic is amazing and she deserves so much + so every rescue victim is troubled
finally they’re turning up on him + my boy cutlerrrrr + what’s with beckett and the tic tacs? + god maya is in so much pain i just wanna hold her forever + beckett demoted era coming soon? + oh jack no + i love how hughes goes “we” when she’s talking to others + andy knock some sense into maya + oh crap + lmao the kids where like uh oh + not gonna lie that was cool + they should’ve stepped up sooner for bishop bc it could be dangerous for her and the team + firefighters being heroes yay + “are you still in charge?” lmao hahaha travis is such a child + “incredibly dramatic” lmao + let’s goooooo vic for crisis one! dean would have wanted this! + so happy for herrr + honesty is the best policy tho + but i love montgomery + oh nooo you’re going to regret it + oh this part nooo
maya undressing while having this conversation is sending me in all kinds of directions not gonna lie + i mean andy is right but if they really are a family they should have noticed this way before, you know when she was demoted and no one stood up? except for andy but you know how that ended + not these two😩 + i mean is she turning around? + please lord let this woman to realize what she’s doing is wrong + let’s go chieffff + maya😭 + wait how no one noticed her? i mean wtf ugh (i already knew how it ended but still)
so we’re waiting until february to see how everything turns out, i’m curious to see where this is headed and probably i’ll ramble in more details about few things that called my attention throughout the episode! catch you on february 23rd folks!
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treescape · 2 years
Thrantovember 2022 - Day 1 - Arrowhead
(on AO3)
Everything is unfamiliar, here, in this untold compass of space: the stars, and the planets, and the grey-green curve of the tiny moon below them. Even the bridge of the cruiser he’s captaining still looks strange beneath his feet, — not the gleaming brightness of the Steadfast, which had almost begun to feel like home, but the dim confines of a decrepit old vessel that’s decades past retirement.
It’s the only ship Ar’alani had been allowed to assign him and his crew of volunteers.
It’s the only one the Ascendancy would spare, Eli corrects with no small amount of bitterness, and then tries to shrug it away for the moment because right now, it doesn’t matter.
Right now, none of it matters. In this moment, right now, he really only needs to see one familiar thing, and it’s not stars, or planets, or moons, or the shining lights of the Steadfast.
With his hands resting stiffly on the arms of the captain’s chair, he waits.
“The scans are complete,” Dalvu finally says, turning to face him from the sensor display. Her voice cuts through the tense silence as the bridge crew waits for confirmation, waits to know whether this will merely be one more stop in an endless search. There’s a faint smile on her face, and Eli isn’t quite prepared to let himself hope, but then she’s magnifying the display so he can see it himself, and —
Yes. There. He can feel his heart pounding in his ears, can hear it beating in a rush all around him as his eyes fix on a shape he remembers like the back of his hand.
Like the first formula he’d memorized as a child.
“Any life signs detected?” he asks, his eyes glued to the display.
“A great many,” Dalvu replies with deep satisfaction, and Eli gives in and lets his eyes close just for a moment, just for the expanse of a single slow breath, before he opens them again to the unmistakable, tapered body of a Star Destroyer near the moon’s equator line.
“Captain?” the pilot asks, looking to him for instructions, and Eli gives him a nod, swift and sure.
You better be there, Thrawn, is what he thinks, air tight in his lungs, or I’m never speaking to you again. You damn well better be there.
“Take us down, Azmordi,” is what he says. “Let’s go find him.”
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 1 month
The Alpha's Brother - Chapter 3 - Part 2
Book Three In : The Alpha's Trilogy
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Cypher Ravenscroft
Beta Ellis Davenport tensed as he read it and once he was done his eyes slowly moved towards me.
I stood there, hands in my pockets, going back and forth on the balls of my feet as I hummed a tune.
"Where is he?" he asked in a hushed tone, folding the note up and putting it in his back pocket.
"He's safe."
"Can you prove that?"
I nodded.
"I can and will when we're with his family."
Ellis nodded, nudging his head towards the front gate again, I followed, waving Rena to drive behind us.
She did, they opened the gates for us and we walked to the house after Ellis instructed Rena where to park and she opted to wait in the car.
I could hear people inside, Ellis put a hand out, as if telling me to go up to the door. 
I did, walking up the small steps until I was in front of the big, red door.
I knocked a couple of times and waited.
I heard Alistair 'Star' Claymore-Phoenix call out for his Dads, after a moment and I couldn't help but smirk at that.
Smart kid.
Never open the door to a stranger, even if a friend was with them. 
Especially if your friend is as angry-looking as the big guy behind me.
The front door opened and the whole gang was there, Beta Darren Phoenix, tall, scary-looking.
Alpha Silas Claymore, also tall, also scary looking.
Star and his mate Riot, not as tall and a little less scary-looking. 
"Who are you?" Darren asked, his voice boomed with authority only a Beta or Alpha could summon.
My legs wanted to shake but I pushed that fear aside as I smiled at the family.
"Gidday. Sorry to bug ya' this late. The name's Cypher. I was asked by a good buddy of mine to drop in and say hi," I said as I watched Alpha Silas raise a brow as they all got a little tense, they didn't think I was with Simon.
No, I knew they assumed I was with Charles Maverick, which was fair, there was an impending threat on their child's life from the man.
"Your buddy? Who is this your buddy of yours?"
"Ah, yeah sorry. Hold on a tic."
I dug into his pocket, pulling out my cell-phone and pushing in a few buttons before it started to ring.
My hand started to sweat as I sent a silent prayer that Simon would pick up because I felt like Elis wasn't going to help me out right now.
"It's like two in the morning, Cypher," Simons' tired voice answered.
I could kiss him.  
I saw his family react to his voice and it made my stomach flutter.
They all looked shocked and it was kind of sweet.
"You told me to call when I got here."
"You're there, already?" he started to sit up, his eyes losing all sleep that was within them.
"Yeah mate, I'm here. Say hello to your family."
I turned the screen towards the family starting inside and of course.
Alpha Silas was the first to move, pushing his husband out of the way.
He took the cell-phone from my hands and I let him.
The man looked like he was about to cry.
"Holy-moly, Simon," he breathed.
"Um, hey," Simon said, awkwardly from the other end.
"Can we move this inside? It's a little... exposed out here," I said, everyone nodding and walked inside.
Ellis shut the front door behind himself, as Silas just looked at Simon, dumbfound, through the phone.
"I can't believe it's you," he said, plopping himself down on the couch.
I turned my attention to the other men in the room, knowing the brothers had a lot to catch up on, even if Simon wasn't willing to share everything he knew.
He promised he'd be vague in speaking to the older Claymore brother.
"We believe that Charles Maverick is targeting Star again, to use him as bait. He doesn't know about Star getting his voice back or being stronger due to his mate's bond. Our plan is simple. Lure Charles here, catch him and hope to have the jewels destroyed before he gets himself out of the cells."
"Wait," it was Star's mate Riot, speaking up finally.
"How the hell do you know all this?"
I shrugged, taking my duffle-bag off my back and taking my laptop out.
"We just guessed and by the way you're acting, I assume we're right. We know Charles Maverick better than he knows himself, so of course, I know his next move. Any other questions?"
"When is Simon getting here?" Ellis asked.
"He's not. I leave tomorrow night and we're going to find a witch who is going to destroy the jewels."
"Charles Maverick is an Alpha Shape-Shifter."
"And, your point being?"
"You can't just lock up an Alpha?"
"Yet you can drug one for four years? Don't worry, you'll be fine."
I apparently touched a nerve because there was a silence in the room, Simon and Silas stopped talking for a moment.
"It shouldn't take us more than three months," I continued.
"We should both be home in time for Christmas, if all goes well."
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cherokeescribe · 1 year
By Elis Wayne
 The Waning Moon’s halo glows, the little star particles dancing around the ring of ethereal light shining as the halo orbits the deity’s head. Little minuscule chimes of comfort ring from the halo, creating a small melody. Despite not knowing how it goes, The Waning Moon softly hums along, finding this to be a form of comfort for them.
     They lay on their bed despite never having the need or desire to sleep. Perhaps it’s just for aesthetic reasons. Maybe it helps with their underlying lack of true identity. They were placed on the Earth by The Narrator as an experimentation, but they feel that they’ve never reached their full potential. Perhaps they have and they’re longing for more. Maybe it’s something more that they just can not explain to anyone or even themself. Maybe being a deity isn’t all that they imagined, having stolen their identity from an inanimate object in the Earth’s skyline.
     They should’ve had another name. Something other than the moon. However, the name that they liked the most was given to The Star Sailor, Calypso. They liked that name: Calypso. It sounded visionary and transcendental, almost ethereal. One that should be fit for someone of The Star Sailor’s nature.
     Maybe they liked him a bit too much.
     Narrator, The Waning Moon began, talking to the air before them. I do not know what to do. I am afraid that I may…love Calypso. I do not know. You have told me that I am not allowed to love for you believe I am incapable of such things. Do you know if this is possible?
     A hefty pause of silence follows their sentence before the familiar voice of The Narrator speaks, echoing through the walls and bouncing into their head.
     I know I have told you that love is not such a thing with you, Moon. But, it seems that I have been mistaken. If you love The Star Sailor as you say you do, then I give you permission to try. Try and see how this goes for you. Part of an experimentation is to let things happen and run its course. The Narrator says, their voice unwavering.
     But what if I were to fail? The Waning Moon asks.
     Fear. Something that The Era Brothers haven’t displayed for years. The Narrator’s child was displaying fear, something that they had never experienced themself before.
      Then The Star Sailor is not the one. You will have to go through trial and error before you finally find who is fit for you, they say. You have always said that you wanted to experience how mortals live, so this is your chance to do so.  
      How will I know when I have done something right? They ask.
      You may never know. That is up to you to decide. That was all The Narrator said before vanishing, leaving The Waning Moon alone. It was a part of the process. Everything had a place in each step of the way, even if it wasn’t anticipated.
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serve-update · 2 years
Four Good Days: The True Story That Inspired The Netflix Movie Four Good Days, And What Does The Ending Mean?
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The 2020 film Four Good Days, starring Mila Kunis and Glenn Close, is a Netflix hit right now, but what is the film's basis in reality? What follows is essential information. At the end of Four Good Days, it's revealed that the movie is based on a real-life mother and daughter named Libby Alexander and Amanda Wendler, the subjects of an article in The Washington Post(opens in new tab). My question is, who are these folks and what did they do to influence this movie? Based on Eli Saslow's article "How's Amanda?" the video explores the effects of a recent breakup. We hope you like this article Last Of Us Episode 6 Release Date. True account of a young woman's battle with heroin addiction and her mother's efforts to help her (opens in new tab). While there are minor differences between the original July 2016 piece and the film version, many of the key themes remain the same. The essay, like the film, primarily focuses on the relationship between Libby and Amanda, as well as on how Amanda's addiction affected her mother. After ignoring her teeth for ten years, Amanda, like the character in the essay, lost all of them. Aside from the fact that she had two sons rather than one daughter, the article makes no mention of her having given up a child for adoption, implying that this is another plot point that was created by the filmmakers. We hope you like this article Toy Story 5 Release Date. The medicine naltrexone blocks the effects of heroin and renders it impossible to get high; the title refers to the four days Amanda had to be clean before she could take her first dose. According to the article that served as the basis for the film, "doctors had told her that first, she needed to pass a drug test, which entailed staying clean for at least two weeks," so the scheduled date for the injection was still four days away. https://twitter.com/eddieclarke2/status/1622365217383399426
Four Good Days Ending Explained
Four months later, the film's climax unfolds. We see Molly's mom greet her with a "How are the kids?" upon her return home. Based on Molly's assurances that Chloe is fine while Corey has a cold, Sean is considering giving her more access to the children and regaining his trust in her. You might also be interested to read about Drew Carey Net Worth. Deb is nervous at first but then says nothing and approves and recognizes how far her daughter has gone by complimenting her appearance, even though she needs to have her shot on Friday but stated she could reschedule for Monday. At the film's conclusion, they are seen sitting in the garage, exchanging a touching glance, and tearing up the puzzle to start over. That's a message about a fresh start, symbolically speaking.
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Four Good Days
What Happened To The Real Molly?
Although Amanda Wendler, the inspiration for Mila Kunis's character, is depicted in the article's last paragraphs going through another round of withdrawal, Wendler, the real-life addict, says staying sober is still a daily battle. "I was reading the Detroit Free Press," Amanda reportedly said "Five or six years ago, if you had asked me where I saw myself in five years, I never would have imagined having peace in my life, being able to get a good night's sleep and rest without worrying about where I was going to sleep or how I was going to eat. The difference between the two is dramatic. https://youtu.be/uDDCulgiqs4 What I mean is that, right now, I couldn't be happier with my life." She went on to say, "About my addiction, "I'll carry this with me forever. That is something I am aware of." A positive note was offered by Amanda who said, "The one catch is that giving up is impossible. The key is to keep trying. Last but not least, it took hold."   Read the full article
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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bills-bible-basics · 2 years
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GOD'S VOICE -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List King James Version Bible verse list compiled by Bill Kochman concerning the topic "God's Voice". Visit my page at https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/ to see all the lists I've compiled to date. Thanks! "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where ‭art‭ thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I ‭was‭ naked; and I hid myself." Genesis 3:8-10, KJV "And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." Genesis 22:15-18, KJV "These words the LORD spake unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me. And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that ye came near unto me, ‭even‭ all the heads of your tribes, and your elders; And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth. Now therefore why should we die? for this great fire will consume us: if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall die. For who ‭is there of‭ all flesh, that hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we ‭have‭, and lived? Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD our God shall say: and speak thou unto us all that the LORD our God shall speak unto thee; and we will hear ‭it‭, and do ‭it‭." Deuteronomy 5:22-27, KJV "And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away. And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah? And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away." 1 Kings 19:10-14, KJV "And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision. And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see; And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep; That the LORD called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me.
And he said, I called not; lie down again. And he went and lay down. And the LORD called yet again, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I called not, my son; lie down again. Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him. And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the LORD had called the child. Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth." 1 Samuel 3:1-10, KJV "The voice of the LORD ‭is‭ upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth: the LORD ‭is‭ upon many waters. The voice of the LORD ‭is‭ powerful; the voice of the LORD ‭is‭ full of majesty. The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars; yea, the LORD breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn. The voice of the LORD divideth the flames of fire. The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness; the LORD shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve, and discovereth the forests: and in his temple doth every one speak of ‭his‭ glory." Psalm 29:3-9, KJV "The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea." Psalm 93:4, KJV "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed." Isaiah 6:8-10, KJV "And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory." Ezekiel 43:2, KJV "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17, KJV "While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." Matthew 17:5, KJV "And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Mark 1:11, KJV "And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased." Luke 3:22, KJV "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." John 5:28-29, KJV "Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes." John 12:28-30, KJV "On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour: And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven." Acts 10:9-16, KJV "I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me: Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat. But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth. But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. And this was done three times: and all were drawn up again into heaven." Acts 11:5-10, KJV "For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." 2 Peter 1:17, KJV "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet . . . And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength." Revelation 1:10, 13-16, KJV "And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:" Revelation 14:2, KJV "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth." Revelation 19:6, KJV If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/. Thank-you! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/gods-voice-kjv-king-james-version-bible-verse-list/?feed_id=14918&_unique_id=63526e13e645a&GOD%27S%20VOICE%20--%20KJV%20%28King%20James%20Version%29%20Bible%20Verse%20List
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orbitcd · 3 years
me knowing that july is coming and i’m still sitting here waiting for news on the anime for obey me-
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