#star wars au musings
ospreyeamon · 8 months
There is an idea present in the Jedi Council’s tellings of the origins of the Jedi Civil War – not just in the KOTOR games and tie-ins but SWTOR’s Galactic Timeline as well – that you can trace the troubles in the Mandalorian Wars and the origin of the Jedi Civil War back to Revan and Malak’s defiance of the Council’s order to stay out of the Mandalorian Wars. That Revan and Malak’s fall was rooted in the hubris of thinking that they knew better than the Council. That if only Revan, Malak, the Exile and their cohort hadn’t disobeyed, then everything would have been fine.
I don’t think that everything would have been fine if Revan and Malak had just obeyed the Council. The Mandalorians would have continued with their invasion of the Republic, killing hundreds of billions of people. The True Sith Empire still wouldn’t have revealed themselves.
Eventually, Mandalore the Ultimate would have decided that the time was right to force the Jedi to enter the war, on the Mandalorians’ terms rather than the Order’s or the Republic’s. One advantageous way to do this would have been to uncover the location of the Dantooine Enclave, the Jedi’s primary base in the Outer-rim, and nuke the planet from orbit. The True Sith Empire still wouldn’t have revealed themselves.
Having been directly attacked, the surviving members of the Jedi Council would have been forced to enter the war, whether or not they believed the shadowy threat might still be a problem. Their inaction would have devastated the reputation of the Jedi in the Republic and neutral worlds – the Jedi stood by and allowed trillions to die, only getting involved when it was their own necks on the line. Revan, Malak, and the other Jedi who wanted to enter the war earlier would have been furious that the Council had countermanded them from acting on their own better judgment only for this to be the result. The split in the Order still would have happened, just differently.
But I think that the Revanchist Jedi had their own equivalent of this idea – that if the Jedi Council had just answered the Republic’s call to war like the Revanchists everything would have gone better, and the Jedi Civil War would have been avoided. I think they were wrong too.
Given Mandalore the Preserver’s account of the Mandalorian high command’s assessment of the potential threat of a Jedi contingent led by Master Kavar, I imagine the war would have continued to go badly for the Republic under Kavar’s leadership until Revan and Malak became desperate enough to assassinate Kavar so Revan could take his place as supreme commander. Possibly after the Mandalorians assassinated, injured or otherwise took out of commission battle-meditation prodigy Padawan Bastila Shan. Revan and Malak still would have arced through a decent to become fallen heroes. The split in the Order still would have happened, just differently.
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fawnnfiction · 2 months
I think literally every fandom, and I mean EVERY fandom, should have a Star Wars AU where at least one character (OC or canon) is a Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 and is trying to adapt to their new life in the world of their respective series.
And this character feels the need to hide their Force sensitivity and alien past from their friends, lest they be branded as a freak or, worse, found by the Empire.
But, uh oh, someone from the greater galaxy gets involved and messes everything up! Time to dust off the old lightsaber (bonus points if it belonged to their now-deceased Jedi Master)!
Or maybe don't introduce more Star Wars characters and elements: just sit back and watch the unfolding chaos caused by plopping a Jedi in a completely foreign universe.
Who cares if they end up OP? They literally just got out of a full-scale war only to watch their entire family gunned down by their supposedly loyal soldiers. The tension can come from the PTSD-driven angst.
In conclusion, I'm very normal about the way I engage with fandoms. Crossover shenanigans tickle my brain.
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st-just · 1 year
Apropos of listening to a bunch of A More Civilized Age as background noise, the Stars Wars AU I actually wanna see is one where Sidious' plot is uncovered late in the war without any actual fixing of the structural rot in the Jedi order, so you just end up with a purged Senate and a pseudo-theocratic deep state where where the mystic warrior-cult/literally entire officer corps take it upon themselves to keep a close watch on the political class for any further signs of Sith corruption.
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mustafar-far-away · 3 months
crossover AU idea: star wars× hunger games
The Republic has fallen, and the Jedi have been eradicated. In order to maintain control, the Empire needs to find a way to keep force sensitive children from becoming too powerful, and keep the planets of the Empire under control.
To do this, the empire maintains a list of all force sensitive children in the Empire. Every year, a lottery is drawn for two champions from each planet, to be taken to an artifically constructed arena to fight to the death. Most of these children have no training in the force, as doing so would be punishible by death for not only the child, but everyone involved. The winners are taken away from their families forever, to be trained in the dark side of the force by the Sith emperor and his apprentice, Lord Vader. The champions become soldiers, and the Empire finds a certain joy in breaking them down until nothing but anger and fear remains.
For years, the Empire has subjugated countless planets, revelling in the continued murders of these children and extermination of the Jedi. But secretly, on the remote outer rim planet Tattooine, a young boy named Luke Skywalker has been learning about the Force from his old friend, a recluse named Ben Kenobi. When the unthinkable happens, and Luke's name is drawn, he prepares to head to the Capitol of the Empire to fight for his life, and the lives of everyone he loves. But what will happen to luke when he learns his father, the great champion Anakin Skywalker, may not only still be alive, but may be someone he will have to defeat in order to survive?
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scottysketches · 29 days
Oh boy... chapter 4 of Don't Dream It's Over is looking like it's going to be my longest chapter yet.
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It's just under 15.5k words at the moment, and I still have one fairly large section to write for Korkie's birthday, and then I also need to finish writing the Utapau section... *sigh*
Why do I do this to myself?
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I am taking my leave from the nightbrother village for a time, with my brothers in tow, in lieu of a... sudden exchange. The event was not entirely unexpected, but the repercussions are sure to come.
A most ambitious nightsister by the name of Azjiha came to the village to hold a Selection. She bypassed every nightbrother assembled to challenge me, and only me, directly.
I was not gentle.
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Todays odd fic idea.
Modern dance competition au... Either Obi-Wan or Anakin is a professional dancer (I'm not sure who would be best as the professional). They have to dance together in the ten programmes trying to win the competition. Of course they fall for each other, but surely there's some drama too? Either way, it could be a cute and funny story...
Inspired by watching Wild with Dance with my grandma (proving that the mouse can be inspired by anything)
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the-rejected-princess · 2 months
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❤️ this post for a starter from Queen Amidalal. { Length will vary }
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kyliafanfiction · 4 months
One thing that feels like a massive gaping whole in the whole "Tatooine slave culture" stuff from the Double Agent Vader AU is that it seems to completely forget the Sand People/Tusken Raiders.
One would think there'd be some mention of them somewhere in all that.
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
Okay, so bear with me…
AU Mandalorian Obi-wan goes to Naboo with Qui-gon to break the Trade Federation blockade, wearing full Mando armor, carrying the Darksaber. Besides, Sith Lords have nothing on cranky toddlers who missed their nap.
Bo-Katan tags along, because why the hell not? And Padmé and the Handmaidens have earned her respect, simply by being armed to the teeth, but all their weaponry is cleverly hidden in the wigs and formal attire. Those fancy hair doodads are really vibroblades. They all have blasters in thigh or ankle holsters.
Anakin was supposed to stay behind on Mandalore, because a battle is no place for a child. Artoo sneaks him onboard the ship to Naboo.
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months
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Laseema: "… Etain can’t take care of her baby, Darman doesn’t know he has a kid and I kinda lie now on a daily basis about the whole babysitting Kal’s grandson to Atin too? I feel like I’m betraying his trust but I can’t tell him I know who Kad'ika's parents are, can I? And what if Atin will hate me for this once the truth will come to light? Because Etain and Kal will tell Darman about the baby one day, right. They will tell him, RIGHT? And there is this jerk at work that won’t stop bothering me and can you believe that asshole was yesterday waiting for me outside when my shift has ended? I wish I learned how to use the knife like Atin proposed but I guess it wouldn’t help me much against that bastard; he looked like he wouldn't mind breaking my arm and, you know, do worse stuff. I KNOW, I should tell Kal but he is so busy with… whatever he is doing anyway and Jusik is on Mandalore with Fi, Ordo is already freaked out about Fi and Besany’s safety and I don’t wanna be a burden. I can’t even comm Atin because he is on a mission on the other galaxy’s side, ya know, commando stuff and even if he could comm me, I can’t tell him because I don’t wanna him be upset and distracted over something he can’t do anything about anyway. I couldn’t forgive myself if he got killed because of my problems. Pathetic, right Mird? 
Oh, did I upset you? Sorry Mird, I just needed to rant a bit but don’t worry, I will figure something out. I know what will cheer you up! What is the word Walon is always saying? Oh, right. OYA! Whatever that means Wish I know whatcha thinking right now. Something nice, I bet.
[part 2] [part 3]
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musewrangler · 1 year
Padme' Amidala lived because Obi-Wan got her to exactly the right person---her sister Sola. The Naberrie women went on the run from the Empire after faking Padme's death in order to protect the twins. Now, fifteen years later, Padme' sends Sola on a mission to save an old friend. This leads to the unravelling of many things all of which adds up to numerous surprises coming right at Anakin Skywalker's face.
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ladyanidala · 8 months
Got the next chapter of We're Not Needed Here written, and it feels soooooo good.
We're so back, ladies and gents!!
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despairforme · 29 days
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ready to invade.
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So small a shell, to hold such power. This is the holocron of Darth Cognus. A lord of the sith in the line of Bane, a student of his in fact. Cognus was known as 'the huntress', such was her skill in stealth and assassination.
The techniques it contains, such as silent movement and the production of senflax poison to disable force connection, are things I already know. I sought this particular holocron out because she, as I, had future sight. I wished to hear her recorded thoughts on the matter.
It was... enlightening.
Now I pass the holocron onto Lady Ventress, in a sort of... trade agreement. I cannot teach her whatever tricks she would-have, might-could learn from the sith she would have trained with originally... but perhaps these techniques will serve her just as well.
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bojangos · 2 years
ok but.
au where baby boba ends up with death watch / children of the watch instead of aurra sing and company. 
raised in the fighting core (mayhaps with din mayhaps not depends on what you want).  harassed as hell because the vizsla’s hear the name ‘fett’ and see red. but its fighting, fighting for something more, some Honor, rather than just. revenge. a lot depends on how much jango would have told boba about death watch, but imagine “not much” and boba latching on to the only scraps of mandalorian culture he has.  sees blue beskar and says “friend”
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