#[ AND i have lots of muse for doflamingo these days ]
despairforme · 5 months
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ready to invade.
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puranami · 11 months
✿ It's The Little Things - 2 ✿
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A/N: Wow, the first post went far better than I ever expected, especially considering I have no idea what I'm doing ᕕ(✿ᐛ )ᕗ It was a lot of fun though, so I'm back for round 2!
Summary: More little relationship things with other characters that are in both the anime/manga, and the live action~
Characters: Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk
Content: SFW, G/N reader, fluff with added fluff on top ✿
(Part 1 - Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji) (Part 3 - Franky, Robin, Law, Kid, Killer) (Part 4 - Crocodile, Rosinante/ Corazon, Doflamingo)
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✿ Naturally there is never a dull moment with a man as flashy and bombastic as Buggy, but that doesn't mean there are no calm moments. The start of your day is relatively mellow compared to the rest of it. Bugs will cling to you for as long as he can get away with before you both have to get up. During your morning routine you are practically on top of each other, but it is so natural and well coordinated, that you never collide or get in each others way. All the while, he'll be cracking jokes, and putting his hands on your "assets," followed by a cheeky wink, and infectious giggles. He loves when you match his shenanigans, and will overact his reactions, as if he wasn't just doing the exact same thing to you; "Well, I never-" - "You literally just grabbed my-" - "Never," to which you'll laugh and gently slap his arm while he sticks his tongue out at you.
✿ He's a materialistic guy, so he gives you lots of gifts, from the extravagant to the sentimental. It's the easiest way for him to show you how much you mean to him. Giving him gifts in return makes him melt; he isn't just buying your love, you are speaking his love language! As a pirate it's always been him taking what he wants, so to be freely given those things speaks volumes. Even more valuable than the things he wants are the things you have made for him. To know you have put time, energy, and love into making something special and unique means so much to him! He will cry because he is so moved, just hold him and stroke his hair while he has his moment.
✿ To be with Buggy means you have willingly lowered every single one of your barriers; you are an open book, completely honest about what you think and how you feel. He is insecure, so he needs to see that you trust him implicitly in order to return that trust. As a part of this openness, your personal bubble no longer exists, you have a couple bubble now. That doesn't mean you can't have space though! On the contrary, the mutual trust you've cultivated means you can say, "Hey, I just need some time to myself," and he knows that you aren't angry, or upset with him, because you would have told him as much. When you come back he welcomes you with a cheesy pickup line or wise crack as he pulls you right back into that shared bubble. It took a lot of faith at the start, which wasn't easy for him, and it takes consistent hard work to maintain this level of trust and honesty, and it is so worth it.
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✿ This man cannot keep his hand to himself! When you're walking together he'll have his hand on the small of your back, or his arm around your shoulder. More often than not he is holding your hand, fingers laced together, with him brushing your thumb with the rough, calloused skin of his own. In his mind, the closer you are to him, the safer you are. He's one of the strongest men in all the seas, so being in the same space means no one can touch you, just as they can't touch him, but you'd never know it. To you, he's just like a big puppy, needing to be in your presence, smothering you in affection. He likes to lean his head on top of yours, similar to how a dog will lean their head on your lap, all while wrapping his arm around your waist so you can't wander off. He can be a little possessive, honestly, but he means well.
✿ He will listen to you talk his ear off for hours on end about literally anything. From philosophical musings, to colour theory, to the many uses of vinegar - it doesn't matter the subject, he just loves to hear your voice, and to see how passionate you are. Shanks won't just smile and nod, giving the odd confirming "uh huh," while not really listening either; he gets really invested! Your passion is contagious, and you make even the most mundane things interesting. It's also good to know what interests you, as it makes gift ideas easier. Whenever he sees something related to a topic you've talked to him about he will get it for you. The main thing with all of this is the quality time he gets to spend with you; outside of drinking and merriment, it's one of his favourite ways to relax.
✿ Shanks loves playing little pranks on you. He never goes too far though, as it's important that you are laughing alongside him and the crew. It makes him so happy when you start pulling your own pranks on him. It is very hard to surprise him, but easy to confuse him. You know those pranks where people hide numerous things everywhere? Lets just say he is still finding little gnomes around the Red Force. The rest of the crew is in on it, pretending not to see them, and will deny any knowledge of them, and the longer it goes on, the funnier he finds it when he spots another - you hid them in the such obscure places! He's kept every single one of them, and they have a designated chest, but he'll keep his favourites on his desk.
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✿ Everything about Mihawk is subtle, and purposeful, and that extends to relationships. To outside observers he appears cold and distant, like he is barely tolerating your presence at his side, but you are so familiar with his subtleties that you can see just how much he adores you. Each ghost of a touch and fraction of a smile are a declaration of love that only you can understand. He is much more open with his affections when you are alone, where you are safest - not to say you are unsafe out with him, nothing could be further from the truth, he just won't do anything that puts a potential target on your back, exposing you as his achilles heel.
✿ He is a classic romantic! Mihawk is courting you, not dating you. At the start of the courtship he will wine and dine you, lead you with an arm behind you that never makes contact, and the only time he will touch you is to leave a faint kiss on your hand after escorting you home. There will also be large periods of time between meetings where he will send many unsigned love letters until he can return to you. You know exactly who they are from, Mihawk just wants to avoid you being linked to him, especially when he isn't there to protect you.
✿ Once you are fully committed to one another, he moves you to his home where you are safe, and when he is there, he is so domestic that you often forget you are with a (former) warlord. You will tend to the garden together, harvest what you need, and cook together, though he'd prefer to do all the cooking for you. In all honesty, as long as you are there to keep him company, he'd be happy to do everything for you, but he won't fight it if you insist on doing things for him, or ideally together instead; "We'll get things done quicker together, and then we can relax with a bottle of wine and a good book." - "Very well." There is nothing he loves more than sitting with you on the settee with a comfy blanket after a long day of training and daily chores.
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firaloveatea · 4 months
Sneak Peak at The Arrangement
Accompanied by his steadfast comrades, a commanding figure strides into the grand office. The expansive windows frame a view of the desert, its tranquility disrupted only by a meandering river in the distance. Seated on an opulent, oversized couch are three distinct personalities. The man on the far left, his hair slicked back, bears a scar across his face, and a formidable golden hook replaces his left hand. To the far right, a man of average stature sports a flamboyant hat, his piercing golden eyes holding a sword that matches his height. A man with light blue hair and a prominent, clown-like nose is in the middle.
“Donquixote Doflamingo,” Crocodile drawls, his voice dripping with disdain, as the blond man wearing sunglasses and a feathery pink coat takes his seat.
“Why the sudden request for an alliance?” Mihawk's voice, dripping with suspicion, cuts through the air, his eyes never leaving Doflamingo's face.
Doflamingo crosses his legs and rests his large hands on his knee. “Big Mom’s numbers are getting a bit concerning, aren’t they?” he muses, his voice laced with intrigue.
Big Mom, also known as Charlotte Linlin, is a woman who has consolidated her power through strategic marriages and many children. She looms as a formidable threat. Her numbers, a testament to her growing influence, shift rapidly. The group is acutely aware of her danger, but evading her attention is a delicate dance, as her interests lie in areas far removed from their own.
“What is your suggestion for leveling the playing field?” Mihawk narrows his eyes, his gaze never leaving Doflamingo's face, as he slowly sips his red wine.
“Simple, we play her own game,” Doflamingo suggests. “An alliance through marriage; that way, no one can pull one over on the other so easily.”
Crocodile and Mihawk’s gaze moves from their potential partner to the one in the middle of them. “That may be possible,” they say in unison.
Buggy eagerly nods for a moment before it dawns on him that they are looking at him. “My daughter?! You want to use my Neon for an alliance? Why can’t we use Perona?”
“Perona may stay with me, but she is not under me in any official capacity,” Mihawk answers, swirling his wine. “Crocodile has no known children for us to use, so your precious little treasure will have to do.”
Buggy crosses his arms, grumbling a bit. “Alright, fine, but I have a few conditions about my daughter’s groom-to-be.”
“That’s quite fair,” Doflamingo agrees. “What are they?”
“He must be good-looking; the flashier, the better!” Buggy exclaims. “Secondly, no man more than ten years older than my daughter. I am not going to be such a poor father to force my daughter into marrying some old sleaze bag.”
Donquixote Doflamingo pulls out his smartphone, sending several files to Crocodile’s email. “Browse those candidates, and let me know what you think,” his smile is large since he has already guessed this would be one of Buggy’s demands. The Clown can be highly foolish and swayed by shiny things, but when the matter of his daughter comes around, he changes and becomes ferociously protective. “Might I ask, where is the bride-to-be these days? I hear she and her friends have caused a lot of trouble recently.”
Buggy gulps a bit. Her daughter and her reckless friends had recently crashed a Big Mom wedding since one of their numbers had been involved. The marriage went through, but some arrogance on Big Mom’s side caused the alliance to collapse before it began, and the groom ran away with the bride.
“She’s out traveling again, and cell service is spotty until she lands in the next country,” Buggy explains. “I’ll email her to call me once she has service.”
Crocodile and Mihawk pass the device between them, having a silent conversation as they knock down several of the men Doflamingo has offered as grooms.
“I wouldn’t want something like that to happen at our gathering,” Doflamingo informs them. “It would create a lot of problems on every side.”
Mihawk places the phone down, with a photo of a young man with black hair, tired gold eyes, and tattoos peeking out of his scrubs and on his hands. “This young man will do. He fits Buggy’s conditions the most.”
Doflamingo's sunglasses make it hard for most to know where he is looking, but he visibly moves his head to look at the small screen. His eyebrow twitches, the only sign of expression before a huge grin spreads across his face. “My nephew, Trafalgar Law.”
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gumpistol · 6 months
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Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog!
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   *clears throat*  WILDER I LOVE YOOOOOU!! 
    wilder is, as they would say, just as "hamster-brained" as me! and if we had giant hamster balls, i imagine we would run into each other and fall over. no real reason, it's just a funny thought in my head! for realsies though, they really do support the chaotic gremlin energy that i want to put out and i appreciate it so so much! they are so incredibly friendly and authentic and fucking hilarious even if they don't think so. it's not uncommon to find myself having long conversations with them about any topic, whether silly muse things, deep character analysis, or just life in general ( we have a few things in common teehee~ ). they are an open and understanding person who has successfully made me cry ( yes wilder, you did it, you achieved that heart event ), and they make it easier and comfortable to want to unmask and be myself. :) 
    that being said, wilder's doflamingo portrayal is *chef's kiss*. i never thought i'd ever really want to write with a doffy, because in all honesty his character scares me, but wilder writes him so well, and they recognize, analyze, and portray all of his mental health issues without trying to redeem him or make excuses for his behaviors as a character. any time they talk about him on the dash or in my DMs, i can't help but nod and say to myself 'yes, yes wilder, you get it!!' i fully trust them to write doflamingo's character in an interesting and appropriate way that gets me excited to write with them! even when their doffy is so incredibly accurate and unsettling and creepy. 
    but i can't not mention that they also write an amazing rosinante?! who makes me feel sunshine and warmth and all smiley when i read wilder's stuff for him — smiley like the smiley potatoes that rosi gave luffy for valentine's day~ i've been giving so much attention to doffy, but i definitely need to write more threads with their rosi as well!
    i know we BOTH get anxious about the fact that we can never shut the fuck up, but i really do appreciate wilder for talking with me a lot and humoring my ideas. they are so willing to listen to me ramble about my OC and to jump into interacting/plotting in some of my verses and ships, and it makes me that much more excited to write as a result! i love them very many and they deserve so much kindness and tenderness and love, as someone who so openly offers it themself.
    anyway, wilder and i are running away together and moving to seattle, and rabbit doesn't know this yet, but he's coming with us. <3
sent by: @enruiinas & @ferromagnetiic for: @mingos
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Thrice Prophesized
CisFem Reader x Roronoa Zoro
CW: In-Universe levels of violence, amnesia, romance, reader gets some good bad-ass moments, but shouldn't feel Overpowered if I did my job well, surprisingly no smut in this one loves, but it's book 1 of 2.
Still 18+
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Chapter 8: Routine
You and Brook returned to the Sunny, and you spent the rest of the day working on your Haki until Luffy and his group returned. You zoned out through most of the conversation during dinner, since they were talking about what they had found regarding the One Piece, but part of the conversation caught your attention.
“There was a lady that turned into snow!” Luffy exclaims. “The cold was making me sleepy, but Robin and Usopp drove her away.”
Drove her away and right into me, you muse to yourself.
“That was Monet,” Brook says. “We ran into her on Punk Hazard when we were assisting Sir Law.”
“Oooh! That’s right – she froze the gas guy before she flew away!” Luffy says nodding. “I remember.”
“When you drove her off we ran into her,” Brook says and you feel yourself flinch a little.
“What? Hey, sorry about that (Y/N), we didn’t realize anyone else had left the ship.” Usopp says, turning away from Brook and looking at you apologetically.
“No, it was fine. She got away from us as well, but it wasn’t too much trouble. Neither Brook nor I can really feel the cold.” You assure him. “Besides, Brook was kind enough to assist only when I needed it, so it was good practice. I got to correct some of the things I did wrong when dealing with Smoker.”
You take a bite of food and a drink of tea before you remembered something important. “She recognized me.”
“She’s an assistant to one of the Warlords in the Grandline Metro,” Robin says. “Their information network is impressive, so it’s not surprising she was aware of your wanted poster.”
“I wasn’t going to get into it until we got back to the Metro,” Nami explains. “I’ll show you a map later and get into better detail, but the short version is that there are three powers in the Metro. The World Government, the Emperors, and the Warlords. They kind of… well, keep one another in check.”
“They’re all technically appointed by the Government,” Usopp says as Nami takes a break to eat more. “But while the Warlords are chosen by the Government, the Emperors earn their territories and title by sheer strength and capacity. The Government,” he waves his hand, “reluctantly names them Emperors, but they’re the biggest forces going against one another.”
“But a Warlord has power enough to be in that struggle, and the snow lady works for one of them?” You ask, and Nami and Usopp nod.
“Hm.” You grunt, making a face as you take a drink of something stronger than tea.
“The snow lady said her boss – wait, she called him young master – that he’d have an interest in me.” You explain. “The wanted poster was bad enough, I don’t think the additional attention will be welcome.”
“Donquixote Doflamingo,” Jinbei says. “This crew has run afoul of him a couple times. I used to be a Warlord alongside him. He’s a crafty one.”
“I’ll draw you pictures of the warlords that I know,” Usopp says. “And we have posters of the Emperors as well.”
“Are there pictures of some of the marines? That Smoker was not an easy fight, but he seems unique among most marines. It would be useful to be aware of them as well.”
“I’ll help you with sketches.” Robin offers as Usopp starts to look a little nervous.
“Oh, it’s a lot to draw, it seems.” You say apologetically. “We’re setting sail tomorrow, right? You should have a couple days at least, don’t rush.”
“A week, more like.” Nami says, “there’s some nasty currents where we’re going, and since we can’t burst past all of them it’ll take a little meandering.”
. . . . . . .
You held onto the side of the railing, trying to keep your lunch in your stomach as the ship lurched with the combination “nasty current” and “sudden squall”. You didn’t have the sea legs for this, and it was embarrassing. After things calmed down though, you were going to have to ask the cook how it was that he pushed himself around in the air. It was like he was walking on the wind, and it seemed a useful skill to have.
Especially during a time like this, where getting up the rigging and securing the sails faster was important.
You had been concerned before that there weren’t enough people on this crew for the size of the ship, but their efficiency and capacity was almost terrifying. Nami and Jinbei were in perfect sync, and Franky knew every inch of the ship in order to keep it together. Robin’s devil fruit was ideal for assisting Zoro, Sanji and Usopp as they did most of the heavy lifting, with some light assistance from Brook. You and the small doctor were the only ones without much to do, but Chopper could at least make himself bigger to help anchor things.
All you could do right now was try and keep your barfing from landing on the deck of the ship, with Luffy checking on you every few seconds as he bounced around helping where ever he could. The young man’s energy was impressive on its own, but added with the elastic capacity of his body there wasn’t much he couldn’t do – except swim. You peered over the rail again and wondered if you’d be less sick in the water, not that it was a viable option, the current was shifting before your eyes.
The sudden squall ended just as abruptly as it had started, and you laid out on the grass for a second before you got to your feet. The current was still rough, but since the two ordeals weren’t overlapping everyone else was taking a moment to catch their breath along with you.
“This is normal?” You ask doing your best to walk around the deck so you could try and get your sea legs.
“For this world, yes.” Robin replies with a kind smile. Her hands sprout from your body and help steady you before you topple over. “Are the seas in your world calm?”
“I was not a sailor, but my experience was quite calm.” You admit as you find your feet again. “Ships could be lost at sea, but it was more likely they were raided, and not tormented by the seas themselves.”
The harsh current ended so swiftly you nearly toppled over from that. A single finger on your forehead helped balance you as Zoro walked by.
“Ah, thanks.” You mutter, rubbing your forehead idly. “Oh, hey Sanji – how’d you do that thing earlier?”
“Thing?” Sanji tilts his head as he turns toward you.
“You walked on the air.” You clarify, pointing along a path in the air up the sail. “I would’ve thought such was impossible, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Can you teach me?”
“Eh? Eh?! S-Sure!” Sanji’s face lights up. “It would be my pleasure to assist a lovely lady.”
Sanji wasn’t as good a teacher as Jinbei, but he did try his best. The two of you spent several hours going over the technique of his geppo, you even ended up helping him out in the kitchen to keep the flow of the conversation going. You had just enough time to help hand out snacks to the crew before another rough current grabbed the ship.
You braced against a railing by the helm, as Nami and Jinbei went back to work. You weren’t going to be able to practice much of anything while the ship was traveling like this, but you did pulse your haki when you felt like you could risk it. Having your feet leave the deck when the ship could be whisked right out from under you seemed like a bad idea, so you weren’t going to get any practical training in after all the theory crafting from earlier.
The second wave of rough currents didn’t have anything else accompany it, and so you did make use of the time to stumble around the deck and try to climb the rigging as the ship lurched so you would be more useful later. You could sense someone keeping an eye on you while you worked, but you couldn’t sort out who it was. Franky, Brook, Robin, Luffy and Zoro were all out on the deck, and no one seemed to be watching you directly.
It could be all of them, you realized as you reached the midway point of the rigging and started back down. The crew had amazing awareness, even those that didn’t seem to have any capacity for controlling haki had strong perception. Even though they didn’t overtly act as such, they all watched out for one another. If you ended up stranded in this world there would be far worse people to be stranded with.
Something about that thought warmed your heart, and for the first time since the portal closed you felt at peace. It wasn’t just acceptance of what had happened, but actual peace.
You still wanted to go home, but maybe you weren’t going to be okay with going home as a corpse. You didn’t want to just be buried back home, you wanted to be able to tell everyone the wild ride that this world was. You smile thinking about how your fellow knights would react to hearing about honorable pirates.
“Feeling better?” Zoro asks. He’s leaned against the stairs by the rigging, hands behind his head. He looked like he was grabbing a quick nap despite the turbulent current.
Your skeleton nearly leaps out of your skin, but you manage to restrain yourself to a small flinch. You hadn’t even noticed that he’d settled nearby you were so lost in your own thoughts.
“I… yeah.” You step around and squat down nearby. “Are you sure you’re not at least part demon?”
You can see the vein on his forehead twitch. “Why do you keep asking that?” He growls, looking at you.
“Demons in my world are very strong and can read your thoughts and emotions. You seem to do the same.” You admit bluntly.
Zoro clicks his tongue and looks away. You almost think he isn’t going to say anything else when he finally grumbles at you. “I’m going to be the strongest swordsman in the world, that’s why I’m strong.” He explains. His scowl deepens as he continues. “And… that was a real smile.”
Something about the scowl and the words catches you off guard and when the ship lurches you nearly tumble backward before over correcting and leaning forward. You reach out to steady yourself and feel your hand smack into Zoro’s chest. After you steady yourself you pat his chest a couple times before you snatch you hand back when you come to your senses.
“What was that about?!” He barks at you as you stand up and take a step away.
“Sorry, it was just – it was like – are you sure you’re not-.”
“I’M NOT A DEMON!” He bellows.
You tuck your lip into your mouth and bite down on it to keep from pointing out how much more demonic he looks bellowing like that. Your attempt to spare his feelings was completely shattered by the crew members that were nearby.
“Half of your moves have the word demon in them,” Franky points out as he walks by.
“Koby said you were a demon in the body of a man,” Luffy offers up with a smile.
“You sounded very demonic a moment ago,” Robin teases, not looking up from her book.
“Demonic brute.” Sanji scoffs, coming out of the kitchen.
You nearly choke on a laugh and fail miserably at holding it back. The delighted sound floats through the air for a second before you get your hands over your mouth. You take a few steps back before you’re laughing again, trying to apologize while gasping for air.
Zoro clicks his tongue and closes his eye with a grumbled, “Whatever.” You keep your apology and take a few steps back, trying your best not to continue laughing.
“Ah, (Y/N), come here, I have some drawings done.” Usopp says some moments later as the currents start to even out. Making your way over to where he had been tinkering, he pulls a small stack of papers out of his bag and hands them over. The first four are official wanted posters.
“Kaido, Big Mom – what a name,” you murmur looking through the posters. “Blackbeard, eaugh, that’s a face that makes my soul shudder. Shanks, oh.” You look at the poster for a long time, sitting down beside Usopp. “Do you have more posters of this man?”
“Eh? Maybe? Luffy knows him – oi, Luffy do you have any old wanted posters for Shanks?”
“Nope!” Luffy answers cheerfully.
You tilt your head. Something about the man seems familiar. You’re not entirely sure that you’ve ever actually seen him before, but there’s something that tickles at the back of your mind. You shake it off and move past that to the drawings Usopp and Robin had finished.
“This is Donquixote Doflamingo?” You ask and Usopp nods. “He’s a Warlord? He looks like a peacock.”
“Don’t let that fool you, the Warlords aren’t to be taken lightly.” Usopp warns. “No matter how odd they look.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You mutter as you flip through and take note of the faces of Kuma, Mihawk, Moira, Boa, Crocodile, Buggy. “I know you said what you said, Usopp, but… Is this man a clown? Or does this world not have jesters? Do clowns often become pirates?” You ask, pointing to Buggy’s drawing.
“Buggy is Buggy.” Usopp says with a shrug. “Clowns are a thing here. He’s known as Buggy the Clown.”
“Well.” You shake your head as you flip the page. “Akainu? He doesn’t look like a pirate.”
“He’s a big-name marine,” Usopp explains. “The biggest name one, actually. I haven’t drawn any others yet, but if you see him or hear the name, you need to just run as fast as you can. Another name I’ve heard for him is Sakazuki.”
“It’s a hard face to forget.” You admit, tucking the page behind the stack and seeing the start of the stack. “Thank you Usopp, this is a lot of help.”
He hands you one more page, but this is nothing but a list of names. “I’ll draw them when I can, but if you hear any of these names, they’re bad news too.”
“Borsalino, Issho, Aokiji– ah, he’s not a marine anymore according to your note, but he’s still troublesome it seems. Monkey D. Garp. Eh? Eh, isn’t that-?” You’re already looking for Luffy when the reply cuts your question short.
“He’s Luffy’s granddad.” Usopp admits. “He was hot on your tail when we first rescued you.”
“Oh… Oh, I know his face. He got closer than I would’ve liked. If the squall hadn’t nearly toppled his ship, I wouldn’t have gotten away.” You admit. “What a fearsome man. You said he’s Luffy’s granddad, is Luffy’s father another of these marines?”
“Ah, heh, no. Luffy’s dad is the leader of the Revolutionary Army.” He says sheepishly.
“Rev-…” You pause for a moment to consider the last few bits of information. “A marine, a pirate, and a revolutionary. Quite the family.” Your eyebrows raise in surprise before you add the name list to the stack of drawing. “I imagine family reunions are rather tense.”
“Yes and no.” Usopp says with a laugh. “We’ve had an amicable conversation with Luffy’s granddad before. I mean, he hurled cannonballs at us the next day, but that’s kind of how it goes. We haven’t really dealt with the Revolutionary Army, but one of Luffy’s brothers is an officer, and he keeps in touch. Luffy’s other brother – and none of them are blood relatives – has been traveling with the remnants of the Whitebeard pirates, who are trying to rebuild after their captain was killed. Whitebeard was one of the four Emperors before all hell broke loose last year.”
“And here I thought noble family relationships could get complicated.” You smile as you jot down notes on the empty space on the page of names. “What’re their names? I don’t want to mistake them for a threat if I run into them by myself.”
“His dad is Dragon, and the brothers are Ace and Sabo.”
“Dragon? Does this world have dragons?”
“… Technically.”
You close your eyes and shake your head. “No, no, don’t clarify that right now. I have enough in my head. I’m going to put these away for now and train. Thank you Usopp, I really appreciate it.”
“Aww, you’re welcome, I’m glad I could help.”
After you secure the posters, you train your haki, deal with the currents and random weather conditions, and that’s how the week goes. Eat, sleep, panic, train. By the end of the week, you’re really good at moving around the ship when it’s unstable, and you even managed to get both your feet off the deck practicing the geppo Sanji tried to teach you. Your haki was improving as well, and you were training it further by keeping it active for longer and longer. You doubted that you’d ever get to the point of being able to have it on constantly, but you wanted to be as adept at it as possible, in case you were separated from the crew again.
The only natural phenomenon that you experienced, the second to last day of your travels before reaching the island, that you absolutely hated was called a Knock-up Stream. Your only comfort was that Nami was amazingly adept at predicting them, and avoiding them, and Franky explained all the other options they had if they did get hit by one. It made it a little less terrifying, but before you had seen the event, you had assumed that whirlpools were the worst things in the sea.
Soon, the seas would be the least of worries. Knock-up streams or not.
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onepiecc · 8 months
✨✨✨(positivity hours)✨✨✨
i actually double-checked just now and you’re literally the first person i both wrote with & spoke to in this rpc, so thank you very much for the warm welcome.
i think i actually told you at the time that new rpcs (especially already established ones) are nerve-wracking for me because of past experiences where i’ve tried integrating myself into already established groups because i just want friends & people ended up getting upset, so now i really just don’t speak unless spoken to first because i’m terrified of causing problems—so i really, really, really do appreciate the kindness. it eased my mind a lot to know there were immediately some friendly & warm people here.
i love how creative you are. i feel like every time i turn around you have a new original character and i’m just like “wow i wish i could do that”, y’know? i’ve only ever written canon characters where all the “hard” work is already done for me, so i admire people who can create wholly new things and put a lot of love & passion into them.
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Wilder thank you so much for this unexpected ask! I totally was not expecting this and it made my day during my vacation when I read it. I almost did not want to publish it so I could read it every day. I'm was very excited when you followed me back and I glad you felt very welcomed into the fandom as I still feel very new myself. You are an amazing rper and I'm so happy to be writing with you.
My muses are always open for interactions with Doflamingo and Corazon. I hope you have a fantastic week and I would love to explore more ideas with you!
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lawslessons · 4 years
hi hi! i js found your blog and omg its amazing??? especially what you wrote for Sabos soulmate vv mucho gusto😤👌🏽
could i request B from the soulmate alpha for Law? i feel like Law is the last person to believe in soulmates and love and all that bs, but when he sees tattoos he’s all too familiar with on someone else... yeah! he probably thinks they’re some intense groupie at first until one of his men brings up the whole soulmate business. anywho, hope all goes well! :D
Law x Reader - Rivers of Ink
I agree with that! He would be a stubborn man for sure. Honestly I was a little self indulgent with what I wrote for this, I do hope you forgive me if this isn’t what you were expecting. Today is February 17th and tomorrow, the 18th, is actually my birthday so I made this one extra long as a mini gift to you all! I hope you enjoy this, dear. I had a fantastic time writing this!
Warnings: Slight NSFW, Love at First Sight
Synopsis: Nightmares plagued the doctor every night, nothing seemed to be able to remedy his affliction. But could one artistic individual on an island hold the answer to his worries? A sudden and unexpected whirlwind of a romance, Law struggles to see and accept the fact that he was falling hard so quickly. 
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“Haven’t you heard that tattoos don’t age that well?” Someone whispered into Law’s ear as he walked down the dark alleyway. The lights flickered above him, moths swarmed around the light until it was barely visible, it served no purpose in being there. He rolled his eyes and turned his head to see who was there, but he was unable to see anyone. 
“Marking up your pretty body like that? What a shame,” Another sneered, the words grew louder and soon it turned into chanting, it was louder, louder and louder. His ears began to ring, laughter pierced his ears and soon Law felt like he was falling. 
Law gasped as he woke up with a start and clutched his chest. His eyes were wide as he felt around his bedside table for his glass of water. He chugged the remnants of what was inside while he used his free hand to wipe the sweat off of his brow and onto his palm instead. He felt clammy and gross from waking up so suddenly, his eyes felt dry and heavy, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep that easily after what he experienced. Leaving his bed, he grabbed his jacket and left his room to go to one of the main hallways of his submarine so he could look out at the ocean. The ocean was beautiful, they all said. But in the night, the normally blue ocean was a vast expanse of black ink. He stared out at the ink and saw that there was nothing notable to look at. The ocean was dark, the submarine was dark, nothing seemed able to emit much light here. He didn’t even know his purpose in coming out here, his nightmare seemed to have more light than the hallway he was currently in. Dismayed, he grabbed onto one of the walls and groped his way back to his room before he laid down on his bed and did his best to force himself to sleep. He was blessed to not have anymore dreams, or nightmares that night about his inked up skin. He woke up and overheard his crew talking about how they noticed an island on the radar and how they were going to go up to restock on some supplies and to also get some fresh air as well. Law made himself get ready for the day, he couldn’t let anyone else find out about his restless night.
Law went up to the deck for the first time in weeks when they finally reached land. The warm air on his tanned cheeks caught him off guard, he felt disoriented after coming out of his underwater hibernation. The captain glanced around the shore of the island with his steely eyes and saw how the island was rather boisterous and full of life. The islanders were walking around, laughing, flying kites that were covered in extravagant designs. 
“I’m going for a walk,” Law said as he left the submarine and stretched his arms up in the air, he watched as some people ate snacks while some were walking and were just enjoying the island’s temperate weather. One thing he noticed was how no one was alone, and how everyone - except for the children of course - had exquisite, matching tattoos that covered their arms and legs, backs and necks. Anywhere there was space, unique designs covered people’s bodies and it caught Law’s attention. He started to “people watch”, he noticed how this one woman had a long, intricate dragon tattooed on her arm, and how her girlfriend had a matching one on the same arm in the exact same place. He watched as a mother and father had matching ones on their wrists, it was the same with everyone he met. Law’s curiosity soon took the better of him and he approached one of the happy couples and awkwardly looked down at them. 
“Those tattoos… where are they from?” Law asked as he pointed to the intricate ink snaking down their bodies. The woman answered for the two of them and told him about a tattoo artist who lived on this island who specialized in “Soul Tattoos.” While he got no further elaboration on that, he decided to follow the directions he was given by the polite couple and soon found himself knocking on the door of a random shop. The door soon opened and Law was greeted by something… strange, familiar. He looked down at their hands and noticed how death ran across their fingers, and how from under the collar of their shirt, he could see the start of a large tribal heart. Law brushed it off as a major coincidence as he slowly walked inside of the shop and looked down at them. 
“I saw some of your work out on the streets, it’s really well done,” Law said as he looked down at the person in front of him. 
“You did? Oh, thank you,” They smiled as they walked back into their shop and showed off some of the work they had on the walls of the shop. “I’m proud of the work I do, and especially for people like that? This? I really do enjoy it,” Law studied how their lips curved into a smile and how they parted when they let out a small breath. 
“What work are you talking about?” Law asked, he knew that they were all tattoos and he appreciated the artistry behind it, but other than that he wasn’t sure about what they were referring to. 
“I do Soul Tattoo’s they’re all about -- “ Before they were able to say more, a clock chimed behind them and they looked over at it. 
“Oh, closing time -- “ They looked over at Law and suddenly sparks coursed through their entire being. His steely eyes pierced straight into their own like a sword, their heart begin to race as they maintained eye contact with one another for a prolonged period of time. Their breathing slowed as they took in the sight of the captain in front of them. The tattoos were the first thing that caught their attention. Finally... he was here. Before they could even speak, Law looked away from them and at the door in some discomfort. 
“It’s alright, goodnight,” Law said as he went to leave the shop before he heard any objections from the person who was there. As he walked in the dimmed streets, he looked at the inky sky and couldn’t help but think about their tattoos. The knuckle tattoos were similar to his own, he glanced down and was surprised to see that it could have been the exact same thing. Death on his knuckles, the ornate tribal style tattoo heart on his chest, the more he thought about it, the more perplexed and creeped out he became. He went back to his submarine, that confused look mixed in with his usual cold look caught the eyes of some of his subordinates. Bepo looked at his captain and quickly stood up to give him a hug. 
“Captain! Welcome back!” Bepo cheered as he hugged the tall man, Law didn’t resist the hug but he didn’t hug him back either. Bepo noticed how his captain was more stone cold tonight than other nights which confused the poor bear. “Captain? Are you alright?” Bepo asked him. 
“I’m fine,” Law assured as he pulled away from his warm companion and looked up at the sky for a moment. “I met someone strange,” Law said as he studied the stars with his eyes next, the mixing of the bright white against the blueish black was a wonderful contrast. Mindless thoughts, Law was trying to distract himself again. 
“What do you mean?” Bepo decided to ask him. 
“Someone with the same tattoos as mine,” Law shared as he glanced over at Bepo. Bepo was confused too, he looked over at Penguin who was taking in the cool, night air. 
“The same as yours? That’s a little weird,” Bepo agreed, and Law was glad that he wasn’t crazy for thinking otherwise. He didn’t understand why they had the same ones as him. 
“Maybe they’re some weird follower of mine or something,” Law grumbled, that thought upset him. Bepo noticed the upset look, but he had to agree with his captain, it was strange. 
“You did gain a lot of popularity after the Doflamingo incident,” Bepo reminded him. That seemed to almost settle it for Law, he had a stalker, a fan and that made a weird chill shoot down his spine. Was that the shock he felt from earlier? No, that was more powerful, the captain stared out at the ocean with a blank, thinking expression until he heard Penguin clearing his throat to speak. 
“I don’t think it’s a weird fan,” Penguin said as he continued to relax on the deck. Bepo and Law both fell silent and looked over at Penguin for more of an explanation, one he was happy to give. “Well, I was talking to some of the locals and they told me about how people who are supposedly soulmates would have the same tattoos on their body and how they would always get big pieces so they could find them easier,” Penguin explained. Law listened to what he said and couldn’t help but think that his words were ridiculous, that story didn’t even make any sense. Soulmates? Partners for life? As if. 
“I’m going to bed,” Law simply said as he went to go to his quarters. But the seed of doubt was already planted, and as he slept, he couldn’t help but think about that possibility. 
“Marked skin… we warned you, didn’t we?” A stranger mused. 
“Yes, yes we did, we did,” Another chirped, their voice was too cheery for the grim, nightmarish atmosphere. 
“Pirates can’t have soulmates, they can’t have -- “
Law gasped, he shot out of bed and didn’t even grab his water, he grabbed his jacket and left his room to go to the hallway. He noticed that they were on land, they were still on land, this wasn’t all just a dream, he really did meet someone with the same tattoos as himself. His mind for once wasn’t able to process what he saw and he soon found himself on the deck of his submarine looking out at the blue ocean and the black sky. He stared at the scene for a minute before he looked at his knuckles. How could something so alarming, something he had that was meant to push people away be the reason he got close to someone else? It hadn’t even been a day but all Law was able to think about was their infectious smile, their incredible art… There was more that had caught his eye too, but it was too inappropriate to even say, Law was embarrassed that he was caught up in such juvenile affections. Maybe Penguin was right. Law scoffed under his breath and continued to deny the truth that was in front of his face, he was falling for them after only one day. It was such an unreasonable thought that it disturbed him, it seriously caught him off guard. How was that even possible? Was it possible to fall this hard for someone after one day? Law was slowly beginning to lose his mind. Against his better judgement, he grabbed his sword and left his submarine to go back into the dark town. As he wandered around, he noticed how the dim lights mimicked stars, and all those stars led him down a straight path towards their place. Moths were around the lights like in his dream, in fact the alley looked eerily similar. Law forced himself not to think too hard on that, after all was he even thinking? He was walking over to some stranger’s studio in the middle of the night to ask questions, none of it made sense. It was late, they wouldn’t be awake. Before Law could even knock on the door, the door opened and Law was met by their piercing eyes. 
“You’re back,” They breathed out, their voice was smooth and rich, Law felt his breath hitch in his throat when he was able to see their hand that rested on the door. There was no mistaking that their tattoos were the same as his. 
“We need to talk,” Law quickly said, they offered no objections and opened their shop up for Law to walk inside. The warm atmosphere still was present, it contrasted the typically cold submarine he lived on. His eyes scanned them over in their casual night attire and felt his heart stop, he was hyper aware of every hair on his body, the electricity that was in the room. “We have the same tattoos,” Law said as he swallowed his shock away. Don’t stare, he ordered himself, but the tension between the two of them was thick. Their batting eyelashes, their soft smile, Law felt drunk off of them already. He watched as they shifted their weight onto one hip and how they pouted as they thought about what the captain spoke to them about.
“These? I’ve always had them,” They shared as they held up their hands to show off the tattoos that decorated their skin. Next, Law watched as they pulled the collar of their shirt down to show off the top part of their tattoo, it was the same as his and it was a little unnerving to see it so perfectly replicated on their skin. Not only was Law staring at the tattoo, he was staring at their skin, he let out a small breath and did his best to dim those thoughts in his sleep deprived brain. 
“How long,”  Law asked them. 
“Always. Like ever since you got them I suppose,” They shrugged. 
“So you know?” Law asked. 
“I’m not stupid, I know who you are, Trafalgar Law,” they said as they poked a finger at his built chest. The captain staggered back and frowned down at the person in front of him. “I’ve known it was you for a long time, I was just waiting for you to come and find me.”
“You sound like you’re just some fan,” Law stated with a small scowl on his face, he didn’t like the arrogance they were presenting. 
“Don’t test me, Law,” They snarled back as they grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pushed him against the wall. Their hips met his as they got closer to glare at him. They weren’t aware of how close they were and how this proximity was slowly getting to Law’s head. Law decided to toss all sense of reason out, why should he care? His mind was swarming and he needed release desperately. 
“Oh yeah?” Law smirked, he looked down at where their bodies were touching and then back into their eyes. And just like he predicted, they gasped and tried to step back from him, but Law wouldn’t allow that. Law grabbed them by their hips and tsked when he saw their face slowly going red. “What happened to all that confidence from earlier, hm?” He purred into their ear, his large, calloused hand groped their rear and he chuckled at the gasp that escaped from their lips. 
“You’re such an ass!” They gasped, while they wanted to sound menacing, it didn’t seem to be working, Law was proving to be in control of the situation as of now, but it was clear that they were enjoying Law’s teasing. 
“I think you like me like this,” Law teased as his hand slipped under the back of their shirt. His fingers dragged up their spine and he drank in their heated expression. “How long did you fantasize about this?” Law asked as he pulled them back to look them in the eyes with an arrogant smirk on his face.
“I-I don’t -- “
“Lying? Oh my, are you sure you want to be doing that now?” Law asked as his free hand wandered down to their pants. He watched as their face contorted with need and want, but Law knew he had to resist for now no matter how tempting they were to him. He let out a small sigh and reluctantly pulled away from them, he watched as their expression contorted to dismay but he knew he needed to stop, he had to remember the gravity of his situation, their situation. 
“Did you think about what you were going to do once you found me?” Law decided to ask.
“It’s obvious, don’t you think? Go on your ship, er - submarine. I want to travel the world and see all the art that exists, and I also want to get to know you more,” They said before their eyes scanned over Law’s built figure, there would for sure be a lot to explore later on for sure. 
“What about your shop?” Law asked them. He watched as their lips curled into a small smirk and Law nearly felt his heart stop again. 
“I’ll bring it with me, I’ll travel and help other’s find their soulmates with my tattoos. Those who already needed my services here had me, I’m not needed here anymore,” they shared to the captain. There was suddenly silence as the two of them stared into each other’s eyes. 
“Then come with me,” Being this impulsive wasn’t usually Law’s forte, but with an opportunity like this, he knew he had to live it to the best of his ability. He was surprised to see how they grabbed his hand without any hesitation and smiled. 
“Let me lock up my shop,” They said before their adventure with Law began. All Law could recall was holding their hand, running through the dark streets and stopping here and there to fiercely kiss them in dark alleys on their way to the submarine. He remembered taking them to the submarine, dragging them to his room and the sound of clothes hitting the ground. Lips, hands, warm skin touching one another and soft sounds throughout the rest of the night. When Law woke up in the morning, his head felt empty, he was relaxed for once, he didn’t have another nightmare. That surprised him, were they the answer to his nightmares? The room seemed lighter, he was amazed with himself by how he just followed his heart like that. When he looked over to his side, he saw them sleeping next to him and he found himself softly smiling. He leaned in and kissed their shoulder and watched them stir in their sleep. This wasn’t what he had planned at all for his trip here, but he was pleasantly surprised with himself, affection always sprung up from the most unexpected places, didn’t it? Even if his tattoos didn’t age well and wrinkled into his skin when he was older, he knew that they both would age well by growing with one another, and that was enough for Law.
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softrozene · 4 years
can you make short stories like how smoker, crocodile, marco and doflamingo would react once they realize theyre experiencing love at first sight? thats all!! thank you i hope youre taking care of yourself!
I took out Smoker because I can’t deal with his tsundere butt for this one lmao but these were fun! Thank you Honey and I hope you are taking care of yourself too!
Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Marco x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Non-Binary)
Warnings: Fluff (and grammar errors probably), Croco-boy and Doffy are a bit creepy but I would be weirded out if they weren’t
Words: 1432
Boredom appears to be a trait Crocodile was born with. He can’t help it but when he is not chasing after his wild ambitions, he just feels boredom creeping upon him. It sucks and usually, it would not bother him this much but ever since escaping Impel Down and having that annoying respect for Monkey D. Luffy grow, he has just felt a tad empty.
He yearns for something to fill up that emptiness, but he has no idea what. So, he decided to go on a stroll. It already made his irritation for the day worse. Too many people recognized him and steered clear of his path, but it was not satisfying seeing their fearful expressions.
It was rather annoying.
Even if it was good that they dared not to get the marines here in fear of his wrath- It made him even angrier. He was so bored he yearned for a fight or just anything to happen!
As the saying goes- Be careful what you wish for.
He turns the corner, and someone rushes into him at full speed. Of course, Crocodile takes immediate interest since this fool did not know to not rush around corners or to be rushing in a full town. However, as soon as his eyes really looked at the person who is sitting quite pitifully on the ground- He finally feels something stir in him. He feels the emptiness slowly fade away as this new interest takes over.
The person looks up and Crocodile’s eyes widen, the cigar he has constantly in his mouth smoking, falls out of it and lands almost on them. He is in shock because he believes he is finally experiencing something only idiots do- Love. And at first sight.
He would scoff if he were not in shock at how amazing you look. Your eyes are wide only from bumping into him as you quickly stand up and dust yourself off.
“I am so sorry! I need to watch where I am going. I hope I did not hurt you!” Your voice is so genuine and even better?
You seem to have no idea who he is. Color him intrigued. He suddenly does not seem so bored either.
“No harm was done but- You made me a bit late for a meeting. You can make it up to me by allowing me to take you to dinner,” He states flashing a charming smile.
Your angelic laugh makes his smile widen and he is content. Yes, love at first sight is for idiots but he seems to have a better understanding now that he is experiencing it first hand (and deems himself an idiot for being so into you).
Donquixote Doflamingo-
“This was a useless meeting,” Doflamingo states.
His smile is wide and a bit agitated, but he is being honest. The marines have called for him for some useless operation he has no intention of doing.
“Wait, Doflamingo, at least stay and sit on it,” Sengoku murmurs.
A useless plea. However, Doflamingo decides to indulge the man since he has been given this vacation away from Dressrosa. Might as well annoy the absolute shit out of the marines until he can leave. He agrees and immediately leaves the room wanting to find some punk to mess with, to put fear into. It should be simple enough. Everyone here knows he should be here and to be on the lookout.
That is his original thought until he spots someone that nearly takes his breath away. His heartbeat feels like it quickens as he notes the quick attraction to the person. It is unlike anything he has ever felt before. Unlike his usual lust-filled attraction to random people- Doflamingo feels the need to know this person’s name and instead of the usual dirty thoughts that accompany his attraction- He wants to know more about this person, genuinely. He is rather perceptive, so he knows immediately that this attraction is not normal. That he is experiencing love at first sight. It is not with a marine- Thankfully. It is just a devilishly stunning person. They look like a fish out of water though from the lack of uniform. The casual getup makes Doflamingo’s smile widen.
He gets this itching feeling to just talk to them since he is unable to look away so that is exactly what he does. He approaches them and their gaze immediately lands on him making him feel a sense of pride for being able to catch their attention.
“Fuffuffu What is a lovely person such as yourself doing… here?” He asks.
How odd. The person either does not care who he is or really has no clue. It makes him smile bigger since it is truly peculiar if someone does not recognize him.
“Hm? Oh. I am hesitant to join the marines so they are allowing me to watch and try out their training for the next few days. Get a sense of if this where I belong… Sorry, who are you?” The person suddenly asks.
What an airhead- Doffy digs it. He introduces himself with ease, “One of the seven warlords, Donquixote Doflamingo or “Heavenly Demon” if that rings a bell.”
That seems to the do trick as he watches their eyes widen for a moment before their expression returns to a neutral one.
“Ah- You are a lot more pink than I imagined,” You murmur in thought.
Pfft. Maybe he will accept that marine operation if it means he can have this potential new marine recruit join him instead.
Marco has sort of given up on finding love. He already has his plate full of dealing with his brothers/crewmates let alone… his father who for the love of everything good in life will not listen to him nor the other commanders about taking the damn medicine.
Needless to say, Marco deserved one night away from the rowdy crew and with the help of Ace, Izo, and Thatch, he got his one night just for himself.
All he wanted to do was drink himself to oblivion since no one would be able to bother him. That is until someone decided to sit right beside him and order a drink for themselves. He was really about to sigh and leave when his eyes scanned the person.
His heart stopped. That is what it felt like to him as he took in this person’s incredible features and oh boy. He suddenly became intrigued as to who they were and why they seemed to be in trouble. The moment the stranger spoke though- It felt like his heart was having a full seizure with how fast it was beating before stopping fully.
Is this what love at first sight is? If it truly is he welcomes it with his full being.
“Sorry for disrupting your peace. I am being followed. Just look natural,” The person murmurs.
Him? Natural? The first mate and commander of the Whitebeard Pirates? That is laughable. He stands up with remorse and ignores their now flustered gaze for ignoring their order. He glances around and indeed sees some marines in poor disguises. What really gave them away was from how fast they recognized Marco.
The whole bar goes up in whispers as the marines scurry out- Not wanting to call the World’s Strongest man here by messing with his right-hand man.
“You? You are Marco the Phoenix?” The stranger asks.
Marco simply nods his head and waits for them to introduce themselves. They do, happy that the threat following them is gone now.
“I am (Name). Didn’t think I meet someone so legendary here,” They say with a slight chuckle.
Marco muses, “Oh? Surely you are not a nobody either if you have marines after you.”
Honestly? This night became Marco’s favorite as he stayed up all night talking to this magnificent stranger. They have a lot more in common than he had thought and as the morning slowly comes- The thought of leaving actually hurts him. He truly did fall in love at first sight and he would be damned if he let such a good thing get away without trying.
“Hey- Wanna head back with me? Pops would surely love to meet you and with us by your side, you won’t have to worry about marines no more,” Marco says softly.
He watches as they put their thinking face on before they seem to come to a conclusion. Their eyes brighten and a smile forms on their face as they nod their heads. Marco’s heart has never felt so at peace before.
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
Hello I'm the person that has request Fem! Artist x Mafia! Law & I love it! ❤ So I have request Fem! Artist x Mafia Law! Modern AU part 2. Couple weeks later the situation has happened. When she's watching news on TV part 1/2 or 3
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Heyya! 🍀 thank you so much! And I'm glad you enjoyed it ^.^ hope you enjoy this part as well and sorry for the long wait on this.
Part 1
(Female Pronouns)
Scenario:Modern AU! x Mafia AU! Mafia! Law X F! Artist - Part 2, A dangerous attraction
Word count: 2, 121 words
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🍄Trafalgar Law🍄
It had been quite a while since {Name} had seen Law, in fact. Not since the night she met him and painted him...She was left in a daze, unable to paint what she wanted to paint. Her eyes looked over the package that was left at her door a few days ago. It was a box of many contents, ranging from new paints, brushes and a few other items that seemed to compliment her occupation... Yet the most important item by far was an envelope. There was a heart scrawled on the front, as she opened it to find a card that read only a few simple words.
For that 'next time' - T.L
And at the very bottom of the card there was a date and time. Continuously she had attempted to paint but found something that always hindered her, {Name} grumbled with frustration "Is this the price of one of those so called 'muses' I wonder..." her hands slapped together and she shook her head. Refusing to let something like that be a hurdle to her work, {Name} opted for a bit of music to help the inspiration and maybe get the creative block to wane a bit. Though even her favourite music felt stale and offered no inspiration. Deciding, she went ahead and put on the TV which was currently airing the news.
"Guess I'll paint something simple." {Name} decided before sketching a very light design of some forestry and mountain scenery. The news was simply background noise to fill in the silence. A monotone voice droned about sports results, then weather and suddenly returning to headlines and the other top stories. The women drawled a few headlines before being handed a piece of paper, and with a twinge of surprise and interest in her otherwise mechanic voice, she read the new information.
"One of the top headlines for today... a supposed 'Mafia' war is brewing, between two organizations known as the Donquixote Family and the Heart mafia, the Donquixote family is run by Donquixote Doflamingo, which has been public knowledge for many years now but due to political connection he has immunity and the newly identified head of the Heart mafia, Trafalgar Law."
{Name} dropped her pencil, staring blankly at the screen... The head of the Heart Mafia...Trafalgar Law. Her eyes widened leaving her in a state of bewilderment as she frantically paced up and down, trying to make sense of this new information and the undeniable fact that so much seemed to fall into place and make sense. {Name} practically heard some 'underworld business' next door before laying eyes on Law for the first time... then he broke into her house and even watched her sleep. Then stated he was going to kill her, then chose not to, over her painting his portrait. {Name} ruffled her hair trying to think about the exact gravity of what she had been a witness to. "A lot makes sense now... but what have I gotten into..." she chewed her lip nervously all the while her thoughts only continued to spiral her down into stress and worry. "I'm seeing him again in three days... what should I do?" {Name} plopped onto her bed, unable to formulate any kind of plan of action.
Those three days which {Name} seemed so reliant on passed by far too quickly, and still unable to figure out entirely what course of action she should take, {Name} just decided to see him and not bring it up.
{Name} in fact, happy that he gave her a date and time since she could come a bit more prepared this time and decided to clean up her studio, with no disorder on the surface. Nor having empty coffee cups and clothes strewn everywhere. Thinking back to when Law had walked in while her place was in such a messy and chaotic state served to embarrass {Name} quite a bit. Quickly dismissing that thought from her brain "Its his own fault for breaking in", a knock on the door startled her. She cautiously approached the door, looking through the peephole and seeing the familiar silhouette, {Name} took a moment, a deep breath and trying to compose herself. Not wanting to give anything away especially not her state of mild panic the last couple of days.
{Name} unlocked the door and pulled it open, stepping aside as she lifts her hand in a gesture of welcome. Law stepped in with a sense of familiarity, smiling down at {Name} who was apprehensive, skittish almost. The door closes behind him and being swift to turnaround, he noticed her avoiding his gaze. {Name} was about to take a step forward, as Law's hand seized her shoulder, gently halting her. A finger went her chin and commanded her gaze to his "No greeting?" Law remarked, {Name's} eyes darted around, trying to avoid his at all cost for some reason unknown to Law. She could feel herself growing increasingly more nervous under his gaze "H-Hello..." {Name} mumbled out in the hopes of escaping Law's piercing eyes. Or ar the very least; before he noticed how fast her heart was beating.
Law smirked "Stunned that I came back?" He posed his inquiry in response to her restlessness. {Name} looked at him with that spark of defiance "Stunned that you know how to knock" she scoffed in response.
Law chuckled at her fiery reaction, "Would you prefer more 'surprise visits' then? I do know that sight of you sleeping was something quite...exquisite."
She grimaced with no words to say in response before brushing past him "Well we should get started", despite her nonchalant attitude to the situation {Name} in actuality was extremely excited over being able to do another painting of Law. Of course, words and actions conflict especially when she was very zealous about setting up everything as quickly as possible.
Quickly taking a glance around, Law noticed a night and day difference to the first time he came, the studio was far more spacious than he originally assumed especially when it appeared clean and well-organized. "Are you ready?" {Name}called as she began lugging a chair across the room, being meticulous and absolute about its placement. Law noticed her eyes on him, waiting for his answer. "Not yet." {Name} nodded and went back to focusing on the chair when Law threw his coat towards the chair, slightly startling her. She wanted to inquire as to why he suddenly he threw his coat when her eyes instantly saw that devious smile as Law hooked his finger into the knot of his tie, sliding it down before letting it fall to the floor. His fingers deftly begin unbuttoning his shirt, leaving {Name} astounded by his actions, confused even in her attempts to try and grasp the situation.
Especially as to why Law was suddenly stripping, his shirt slid off and she noticed more tattoos on his chest and arms... finding herself a bit curious and and even fixated by them. "You're going to put holes into me if you stare any harder {Name-ya}" Law said with all his amusement as she heard the clink of Law beginning to unbuckle his belt. Suddenly remembering one of his remarks the last time they met...the one about nude painting. {Name} felt her face heating up in embarrassment at the thought. She shook her head frantically trying to get the imagery out of her head and rid her mind of the thoughts that followed. "Oh... no no no" she muttered, grabbing his coat and hastily rushing towards Law. {Name} shoved the coat into his chest "Put this on!" She sputtered "And here I thought you wanted something a little more... risque" Law teased. "You've taken off more than enough! So please don't take anymore off." She seemed to plead, mostly in the desperation of trying to keep her composure intact... or at least, what was left of it. Law was entertained at seeing her so flustered over such a thing. He put on his coat and sauntered over before dropping into the seat, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other. Watching {Name} again as she peaked her head out from behind the easel and canvas. "Ready?"
"When you are Künstlerin" Law replied. {Name} began working, inquiring about what he referred to her as in his previous answer. "Interested are we? I'm sure you can guess what it is" Law smiled enjoying his little instance of mischief. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say it means artist or something along those lines" she retored sarcastically, "Well you are indeed correct, I'll have to give you a prize for that."
Law always loved watching {Name} in her element, it was something quite beautiful if he was being completely honest with himself. The intensity and passion that she seemed to command and control, putting all of it into something that no doubt took years of practice, mastery and the fair share of failure to create what she can now... it was admirable. Law sighed in defeat, even his own thoughts were against him, how could he win against this feeling when both his head and heart were in agreement.
What seemed like minutes, was in fact hours, {Name} stepped out from behind the easel with a satisfied smile. "All done." Law could see her clothes and arms were covered in splatters of paint, followed by a few specks on her face. Law stood up to look at the work and without doubt he was thoroughly impressed once again with {Name's} skills. She hummed and buzzed with happiness, "Thank you Law" she exclaimed, the smile that accompanied her words struck a chord with Law, feeling his heart speed up just a little, especially after hearing his name on her lips. "Glad to see you remembered."
"How could I forget..." She mumbled and trailed off, Law approached closing the distance between them and noticed her eyes once again fixated on his tattoos. It seemed as if she was entranced, until she finally noticed Law looking at her. "S-Sorry!" {Name} fumbled out an apology when she also only just realized that she was staring, a smile graced Law's lips. "That's alright" he slipped the coat off, coming even closer and letting {Name} see them up close to satisfy her curiosity. She was surprised, pleasantly so; as her eyes followed the tattoos and even walking around to see more tattoos on his back and being lost in thought her hand reached out and softly traced the ink on his back. Not thinking much of her actions as she continued to follow them in their patterns. "They're really pretty" {Name} murmured, speaking her thoughts aloud. Only being pulled back into reality by Law turning around to face her, his hands rested on her waist and pulled her closer. She could feel an unfamiliar warmth on her lips, before realizing what was going on...Law was kissing her, it was a gentle, sweet kiss which left a lingering sensation that made {Name} in dazed... she was flustered, her fingers touched her lips "W-why?"
"Its your prize... although, personally I believe more than anything that was self satisfaction on my part" Law stated before pulling her into a hug.
While holding {Name} his eyes spot the newspaper that rested on her bedside table, his name was plastered on the front page. A heavy sigh left Law "So you know?"
{Name} looks up at him with evident inquiry as to what she knows, she noticed his eyes are no longer on her but rather, behind her. She looks and sees the newspaper, along with his name and position which was now public knowledge, much to his distaste. {Name} nodded her head "I've known for a while..." she turned back to face Law who was looking at her. His hand gently brushed against her cheek "Are you afraid of me?" Law asked. Though met with {Name} who showed a complicated expression "That's the problem isn't it." He found her answer unusual, waiting for the rest of it in hopes of answering his burning question. "Logic tells me I should be scared, I should have rejected you coming back here. Something like that, but even so I'm not scared of you. Not even slightly, isn't that the strange part?" Law was pleased with her answer, finding that her words offered no disappointment. He inched closer "Or perhaps it's because you enjoy the taste of something dangerous..." he whisperd while his thumb swipes across her lip, {Name} opened her mouth to say something, sarcastically no doubt. And yet there was only silence when her lips were seized again by Law's kiss. Finally separating, "I'll give you as many tastes as you want {Name-ya}"
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caelestisdemon · 3 years
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Headcanon
Here I am coming out with a heavy topic outta nowhere... Now remember Kids, Mun ≠ Muse
- If there is one thing Doflamingo has done that is considered among his worst offenses then that would be he is entirely willing to rape people if it means using his body as a weapon to demean and torment people he deems lesser than himself.
- But he doesn’t even have to just want to hurt someone to do some serious mental damage to them. He could want to have sex with someone and they refuse him, but because Doflamingo considers himself the higher power in which the weak don’t get to choose anything, not even death, it does not bode well for whoever his attention is currently focused on that dares to refuse him.
- One example of this being the time he was in his teens and wanting to experiment with his body some in a way that was more pleasurable than the use of his hand. His ‘family’ helped him in this endeavor by buying out the entirety of a brothel for him to do with the whores inside it what he wished.
- There was one such worker that refused his advances and Doffy would not take no for an answer. Needless to say the experience was utterly painful but all the more pleasurable to Doflamingo compared to the woman forced to pleasure him with her much smaller body. Even as a teen Doflamingo was beginning his massive growth spurts to where he is now and his dick size was nothing to sneeze at either. He also didn’t have qualms to be as rough as possible while chasing his own high the entire time he spent that day figuring out what positions were most pleasurable.
- Other times he forces himself on others is when he may want to punish them in a way that produces the most trauma. it is then he sadistically enjoys the pain he inflicts with his size rather than the pleasure he feels doing so. He does of course still come by the end of it, but it is a bonus if he gets the person that didn’t want it at all to come against their wishes. He considers it utterly delicious to see the display of helplessness on their face at their situation when it happens, the fact that they can’t control their bodies reactions is yet another high to the heavenly demon.
- And yet despite all this, Doffy does still desire on some level to go for something consensual (ie: Violet, though albeit a dubious one). It just makes the process a bit tedious when he has to compensate for his size with a lot of foreplay and quite a bit of tongue to prepare the willing party.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Trafalgar Law + blood loss + forest??
Anamnesis (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen Warnings: Blood Characters: Law, Baby 5, Buffalo, Doflamingo
Slowly munching my way through this pile!  (Not that I’m not happy to still get more!  Keep ‘em coming!)  Fandom switch for a moment, and Law’s in the firing line now.
Hmm, might go with something a little different this time.  My muse has pondered, and has decided to go for a part of Law’s history I’ve never written before!  Sadly, that means no Heart Pirates, but it does mean I get to play around in a new sandbox, so how about that?  (It’s also an area I remember less about, so challenge time?)
Spin the wheel of whump and give me a character!
The leaves rustled, and Law glared up at them.  Some animal was up there, no doubt completely uncaring about the boy hiding in the foliage that made up the base of the tree, but if it kept rustling, it’d draw attention.
Law wasn’t ready to be found, even if the trail of blood would lead right to him if the gangsters looked in the right place.  Baby 5 had done her best to cover it up, even as Buffalo did his best to cover him up after Law had point blank refused to let the other boy carry him back.  It would be smarter and far more efficient for him to stay hidden while Buffalo raised havoc the other side of the forest and Baby 5 ran for help.
It was stupid.  The gangsters were idiots, clearly, but unfortunately being idiots meant it hadn’t occurred to them that attacking a trio of kids was a bad idea.  Maybe they didn’t know who they were.  Who their captain was.
Law was mad he hadn’t been able to destroy them himself, had taken a bullet to the thigh in what was rather a dangerous place, knocking him down from the fight.  It stung that he’d need one of the adults to finish his fight, because he might only be twelve but his life was nearly over and he couldn’t spend it hiding behind the adults if he wanted to make the world burn before he died.  He still wasn’t strong enough, but he was running out of time.
Running out of time fast.  He didn’t have anything to treat his wound with, his pack abandoned in the fight, complete with its medical supplies, but he knew the puddle of red was getting larger and his thinking wasn’t quite as crisp as it should be.  He was going to die when he was thirteen, but the hole in his leg was making it more and more likely by the moment that he was going to die when he was twelve, instead.
It needed sutures, maybe even cauterisation, although that would bring its own set of problems, but all he had were blood-soaked hands, pressing down as much as the pain would let him - sharp pain, not the ever-present pressure of the lead in his skin - and the knowledge that Baby 5 was running for help.
Law wasn’t afraid of dying.  Death was a constant companion now, looming closer every day, and he had accepted that.  However, he hadn’t watched the world burn, yet.  Hadn’t made the world pay for what it did to his sister, his parents, his home.  Right now, death was not an option.  Right now, he had to live.
His fingers were slippery and red and white swam in his vision, the tan he’d picked up since joining the Donquixote Family lost beneath blood and lead.  His head was heavy, lolling down even as he tried to hold it still.  There was a lot of red.  Even the white was being overcome, no longer the prime candidate for his murderer, and Law bit down on the inside of his cheek.  Copper flooded his mouth.
He had to stay awake.  Couldn’t pass out, had to wait until the Family arrived and tore apart the gangsters and brought medical supplies so he could patch himself up.
He had to... stay... awake...
Awareness nudged at him, the black fog he didn’t recall arriving fading back into a mist.  Feathers, large and obnoxious and pink, and a man many times his size crouched in front of him.
Light glanced off of something.  Doffy’s fingers were moving, dancing through the sky in a way that meant he was using his strings.  The light highlighted them, too - thin, gossamer strands with tiny red beads and smears of crimson.
Someone was crying.  Two someones, and Law didn’t need cognitive awareness to know it was Baby 5 and Buffalo.  Trebol’s nasally voice was there, too, but Law wasn’t listening to what he had to say.  Wasn’t listening to anything as the realisation he wasn’t dying today set in and the haze turned back to fog.
Large hands grabbed him, the ground disappeared, and the fog turned into inky, inky nothing.
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tenyxshx-a · 4 years
{ So this blog is on hiatus for an unknown amount of time! I'm still following the OP manga but I have no motivation or inspiration to be here! Tumblr is just very exhausting at times and I feel a sort of dissonance on here, like how putting a lot of energy on this blog doesn't amount to much in return and how I literally need to write every day unless I want to disappear in the minds of some rpers.
I'll be focusing more on other muses and fandoms and I also want to do more with my OC.
If anyone wants to talk or stuff, I'm available on Discord! I'm still willing to talk on there about Doflamingo or develop stuff.
Just wanna say a big thank you to everyone who writes with me and enjoys the bird man! Maybe see ya soon/later! ❤ }
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littlemissleapyear · 3 years
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@sicklexclaws​ asked: (Ask my muse about another muse they have interacted with!) "What's Crocodile like? I never saw much of him even when he was a warlord."
Ask my muse about another muse they have interacted with! {Accepting} 
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            🕷 Should the spider be sitting down with the other right now having a meal. No. Should she really not sneak into a navy base just to eat their desserts, yes. Should the navy really know better then to let her steal uniforms and use her connection with Krattz get away with this just to have seconds, yes. 
                 Yet here Layla sat in the back of the café with Oscar stuffing her face with cake when the other dropped that bomb. Perhaps it was due to the shifting tides, there was so much discussion of the warlords now that Doflamingo was behind bars. She didn’t really know the man aside from the side conversations at meetings and underworld face from time to time. She got along fine with him, Crocodile ...not so much. 
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                  “Do you ask because of the controversy of the Warlords in general? I mean he did what he had to to get what he wanted. The people loved him, those damned fools. Or at least try to get what he wanted but that damn warship was always out of his grasp. I think he’s given up on it now though.....can’t really go back to Alabasta and I’m not going to step onto those damn dunes again. He can fight me on it all he wants.” Layla addressed knowing she shouldn’t talk about Pluton but it was a sunken dream at this point. They had their shot and there was no way they’d be allowed near that country again even if they wanted to try again. 
                 “Aside from stubborn, pig headed and down right needing anger management the man is brilliant , patient and charismatic. I don’t think a lot of people would agree with that last one but I’m not everyone after all.” She had a family with this man after all, sure the spider talked smack about him but at the end of the day he was the father of her children. 
                “I think somethings broken in him though like most of us...but that’s not a bad thing it lets him keep his moral compass at times. Like....despite hating Luffy he’s accepted his help and even helped him during the war. Tried to guide him even though he tried to kill him and leave him for dead many times over. Then again I think he’d done a lot of thinking while in Impel Down. We both did honestly.” The stack of plates seemed to grow to the point she was eyeing the others side dish but said nothing. 
                “Despite my words I wouldn’t take him lightly. He was still a Warlord and he takes his power very seriously. I guess maybe I'm just tired of the navy making us out to be monsters.....we have hearts and souls to and will do what we can for our dreams. I know not what his future plans are.....more then likely One Piece like everyone else but if that will make him happy then....I’ll join the adventure......are you going to eat that?”  🕷
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@seraphiixa​ asked :
6: Is there a muse that you regret giving up on?
~random numbers munday meme~
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For a very long time I have roleplayed with an OC muse named Yuri - his face has changed so much over the years that I don’t have a particular good one to offer - and he has been my cherished creation for years. Somehow I believe I grew up with Yuri, and it has been a really awesome journey to develop his character : he was audacious, sassy, funny, but also with a terrible need to destroy everything beautiful in his life. I regret things turned a bit ugly in the end with him, perhaps one day I’ll write about him again, but so far, I’m really comfortable with Enel and I plan to muse with him because he’s my everything today.
33 : Do you write endings for your muses or do they only exist within the world of rp? What kind of endings do they have?
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All my muses, if they aren’t canon from a certain fandom, must have their stories indeed, otherwise I believe it doesn’t give them a lot of credit? I also have the tendency to put them in one universe only, fandomless muses are complicated for me to write about. I guess I need to create their own “arc”, and thinking about a potential ending is something I always do. For Enel, well, I truly think he’s on his way between discovery and redemption, and I tend to play him with three differents perspectives : his youth where he was a man full of hopes but hurt and somehow powerless, his God moment where he was just the biggest prick ever, and his life after Skypeia where he’s no more God but a traveller and a wiser man.
For my other muse Zeffy, well, I wanted something more dramatic. She’s hunting Doflamingo and it couldn’t end beautifully. I even planned for her to die in Marineford battle... Though, and somehow thanks to the ship she has with someone I appreciate dearly, her story changed, and I’m glad.
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luazasvogel · 4 years
King says no, so no counter is being added :)
Munday ( accepting ! )
@abaddonrighthandofgod​​ said:
10, 13 & 17
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10. Do you like stylized icons and formatted text or do you prefer to keep things simple?
  I really don’t care-- :’D I personally like icons, because they show expression and such, so it’s a lot easier to get ideas to write when using an icon. I used to have a really formatted text! I used to have little icons next to every paragraph and such-- But it just sorta wasted my time so now I only do the six spaces in front of every paragraph, or intervals of six, and that usually works pretty well!
13. Who are five of your favorite characters? (In the rp community or otherwise)
  hgfhghf I’ll do mine for One Piece. I have a list of top 10, but thank god it’s only FIVE!
King/Caesar Clown: Why are these two characters tied? Because my idiot couldn’t decide on JUST ONE for NUMBER ONE! King’s character is rather vague as far as what the manga gives us. But I love his design and his whole aesthetic, and although he would likely not be this high if I didn’t spend so much damn time thinking about this burning chicken--he would likely still be up pretty far! Plus I’m a little bit of a lover of writing torture, researching and writing it is a test of anatomical knowledge and the different types of human expression~ Caesar Clown wise I just....Look at that gas goat and tell me you can’t love him? Okay jkasd being more serious! I really REALLY love Punk Hazard, it is my 2nd favourite and used to be my favourite arc period. He used to be a genuinely intimidating character as well as a force to be reckoned with. He is a scientist and his design and attitude matches such--at least in Punk Hazard it does. I love his laugh as well, I am also slightly biased as he was my first character to cosplay, ever!
Kaido: God. I just. I love the drunk dragon guys... He’s so much more of a character than people give him credit for. He is a POWERFUL man, but not only--he is willing to be a pirate. He is not all fair--AT ALL--he will cut corners to get what he wants. He WILL do unethical things to get his goal. With time his character has deteriorated with his suicidal tendencies and his drinking issues. He is one of the best characters I have ever written and I still do this day love seeing and writing Kaido.
Hawkins: STRAW! MAN! TAROT CARDDSSS AND WICCANNN! Hawkins hits really close to home. I love his design as a whole and his character is such a fun one to dissect and look into. Plus his devil fruit is one of my favourite and one of the most creative ones yet, even if it is just straw. 
Issho/Fujitora: Issho. Is my favourite marine. I am also very biased towards blind characters. His character interests me as it introduces that Blind Justice(iirc) and his whole character of not judging a character entirely by what they are. I.e., if you’re a pirate--if you’re a marine--it doesn’t matter for the most part you are the same in his mind until PROVEN OTHERWISE. I also really like his devil fruit. Gravity, can you imagine how broken that could be? How broken it is? And how much SYMBOLISM is in it? OOOHH I LOVE IT!
Doflamingo: I. I love villains. That should be obvious by this entire top 5 list as all of them are villains in some way or another. And Doflamingo is just...SO FUN. HE IS SO FUN. He is a manipulative, unhinged, poetic, bastard and I couldn’t have picked a better character to wrap up this list.
17. Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out?
  Really depends!! Sometimes a character is better planned out in a scenario than winging it, but other times a muse is better just winging it!! I prefer either one, but it all depends on my mood and the characters in the roleplay :’O
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medicus-mortem · 4 years
Thoughts on DrakeLaw as a ship?
Anonymously send me what characters you ship my muse with!
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Gonna just preface this with a mention that there will be manga spoilers here. So don’t read if you don’t want spoilers anime only peeps.
There is something kind of poetic about how these two just missed each other during the events on Minion Island when Law was thirteen. They both lose a father figure due to Doflamingo that day and I guess there is a connection there. Although, Drake is happy his father is dead while Law goes on a massive revenge quest. The other interactions we have is Law asking Drake about how many people he’s killed and then Drake letting Law escape on Wano. The first is just Law being the little shit he is and now we know Drake let Law go because he’s a Marine spy and wants Kaido taken down.
For me that isn’t really enough to start developing an idea of how they would work in a relationship. But I do know they are both strategic minded men which would mean they could at least match each other mentally, something I feel Law does need in a relationship. But at this point I cannot see much trust between them. Law knows he’s hiding something, that he’s got some sort of plan and that makes him wary. Even if he did know about Drake still being a marine I don’t think that’s change how wary Law would be. It might even move him closer to hating the guy. Law hates the government and everything associated with it. Corazon being a marine did not change that.
Drake x Law is one of those ships that I see needing a lot of development, but it isn’t quite as toxic as some of the other ships I see Law in.
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