#star wars conspiracy theories
captain-mozzarella · 9 days
AU where a few years after Obi-Wan gives Luke to the Lars', Quinlan finds him and says "join the hidden path Obi, please see" and Obi-Wan tells him "bro I can't leave, Luke is here, but I'll still help however I can" so Quinlan leaves and comes back a few weeks later with a force sensitive baby. And Obi-Wan just stands there holding the baby thinking 'what the fuck do I do with this thing????' and he does what any rational person would do and gives it to the Lars' cuz that way Luke can have some siblings. This happens a few more times.
And that's the story of how Luke thinks babies come from Obi-Wan
I'm calling this the Storki-Wan au
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I've truly hit rock bottom.
The major complaint with all our delusional takes regarding Tech's survival is that we are taking them out of our asses, but in this case, it is quite literally outta someone's ass.
Look, I don't wanna dunk on my main man, but Tech's got no booty. He is as flat as an airport landing strip in the Netherlands. I don't know what voodoo dark magic Nala Se did to strip Tech of the standard issue clone tushy, because our next possible candidate for Clone CX-2 is Cody, and dude is packin'.
Exhibit 1:
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Certified 0° booty.
Exhibit 2:
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That's a category 10 booty right here ^.
Now, fortunately for us the creatives put Clone CX-2 in a leotard from the waist down, so we got an unobstructed view of the clone's behind and I gotta say, it's some pretty convincing evidence right here that CX-2 is Tech.
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Also, I made this account three years ago and have never changed the profile picture before, but today I did cause delusion is swallowing me whole.
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
Okay so as someone who studied polisci and has many family members who believe some conspiracy theories (myself included) I have a serious question for the Star Wars fandom:
How many conspiracy theories do we think there were in-universe after Padme’s death?
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adragonsfriend · 1 month
tbh pretty sure the real life equivalent of “why didn’t the Jedi immediately realize Palpatine was Sidious after what Dooku told Obi-Wan about the Sith master” is “why don’t you whole heartedly believe violent conspiracy theorists about the secret lizard elite who run the country wearing celebrities as skin suits”
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generalpierrotdameron · 5 months
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horsechestnut · 5 months
I'm working on a project and wondering if anyone has any good Fandom Conspiracy Theories they'd like to share? I'm looking for things about the fandom or meta of the show, not the plot. Some examples:
Sherlock's secret 4th episode
The Pixar Theory
Eleven from Stranger Things is 3 inches taller than Millie Bobbie Brown
The One Direction boys are all secretly gay
Season 2 of Agent Carter takes place in California because the writers were mad people were shipping Peggy and Dotty
What I'm not looking for is things like: "I think X will happen because of in universe reasons".
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yarpell · 2 years
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He agreed to wear some armor for once, but not pants 😔
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sporadicsweetswitch · 21 days
Was playing my annual run through of KOTOR 2 and a friend who's only seen the clone wars and doesn't know the EPICNESS (*yeah I said it) of the early 2000's KOTOR series was watching. They asked why Bo Katan looked like that. I asked them to explain....they thought Mira Han was an early Bo Katan concept that had been changed (*kinda like Resident Evil changing Chris's face in RE7) and thought the game was post clone wars/pre-mandoloran series. The red hair and headband are the main reason for this confusion. Also, it didn't help that I put her in Mandalorian armour.
So onto the headcannon!
Mira who was confirmed to be a Mandalorian slave is actually an ancestor of the Kryze line and grew to be influential on how the Mandorlorians rebuilt themselves. No, I don't care that their 4000 year apart. Let me headcannon!
I also got to explain Canderous, Revan, Meetra Surik etc.... and now my friend is gonna play the games as well!! Gonna update her progress on this cause it's gonna be funny.
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dapurinthos · 5 months
better coping mechanisms through fic?
Sifo-Dyas has my sunglasses on his face. He looks absolutely exhausted and ridiculous at the same time, wrapped up in three layers of robes and his hair held up out of his face in the messiest bun I’ve seen on someone not me. There’s an ink-stylus, a chopstick, and an actual hair-stick holding it in place. The lenses of my glasses are pressed right up against his eyeballs, the arms sticking out at greater angles than they really should be. The ends are tucked into his hair instead of over his ears. It’s been a tiring day, with a seizure, a migraine, a complete lack of appetite, and an almost-meltdown between the two of us. I’m sideways on his lap, my feet swinging freely in the air, pointedly ignoring the very bland plate of food on the refectory table. It contains two intact pastries, the crumbs of one, and the tattered remains of the one I pulled apart, methodically separated by the layers of lamination within. Qui-Gon Jinn goes to pull out a chair. It doesn’t move. He pulls harder. He can’t see that Master Si has his feet locked around the slats making up the back of the chair, keeping it in place. I can’t imagine why he would want to sit here. This is one of the refectories that keeps to strict food rules, barring animal-derived products for people who are allergic or intolerant. I put my face down on the table to smother my laughing as Jinn decides discretion is the better part of valour and ignores the immovable chair. Master Si places the end of one of his sleeves over my head.
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alittleredvixen · 10 months
I just discovered something.
This is a art piece I did for a fanfic of mine a while back where Padmé didn't die and survived childbirth. The art itself is very ugly as I was just learning how to do digital art which was around the time the Darth Vader comic first released in 2020 where it showed Sabé.
Now, while it isn't actually "Sabé," I did draw Padmé in the same clothes Sabé was portrayed to be wearing.
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Now this was what I drew.
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Then on the August 24, 2022 the 26th darth vader comic was released and featured *this*
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A whole two years after I posted this panel was released.
I.. I don't know how to feel about this-
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raevulsix · 1 year
Clarification for Death and Dark Troopers; TBB & Mandalorian & Rebels ties + Popular Theories
Disclaimer: This is why shows like The Bad Batch and The Mandalorian were created. To give answers to the mess the Sequels also caused in the timelines. So I already assumed most characters in these shows will result in ultimate tragic fates to explain the creation of certain experiments like Death and Dark Troopers and other kind of unanswered questions in the movies and even certain ties with Video Games and Comics.
I have literally been reading just about every wild theory of what will result in the outcome of the Bad Batch and the later events of the creation of Death and Dark Troopers; as well as the events of the Mandalorian and Rebels beginning to tie to one another. So I want to clarify some things because I know most have been getting a few things very wrong on what is what and the terms used for these guys, as the timelines that parallel with certain shows like the Mandalorian and the Bad Batch, and Rebels. So first things first, Death and Dark troopers are both VERY different from one another. 
Dark Troopers
The Dark Troopers however do not show up until later to eliminate rebel bases during the destruction of the first Death Star. And these were also the next generation of Phase Zero prototypes, so completely more ‘battle droids’ than flesh. 
Now, the first test subjects here were for the project of Phase Zero Dark Troopers. These fellas pop up right about the timeline when Anakin becomes Darth Vader, and experiments begin to unravel below the Empire of what was being done to Veteran Clone Troopers. They were CYBORGS. Part flesh and machine. Not droids.  70% of a clone trooper was replaced by mechanical components. Any missing organ or limb were prosthetics.  
The fate of the Phase Zero Dark Trooper resulted in shut down due to failure because these guys began to defect in ways were most became suicidal due to the fact they were more machine than man, so it was eventually seized.
Phase Zero troopers were deployed around the time of the Battle of Yavin.
[Movies that connect to this is Rogue One after Scarif.]
[We see versions of the Dark Trooper in Live action The Mandalorian, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and certain other Canon Video Games.]
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The one of many Popular Fan Theories regarding The Bad Batch
[Warning to minor Triggers]
Tech. This is why even I along with a few others in the community had joked about a ‘Winter Soldier Tech’ being part of this Phase 0 Dark Trooper theory (mostly also due to denial of his fate & state). To simplify, a fall like the one we sadly seen happen to our beloved Batcher could of resulted in extreme injury even Death.
Falling at such altitudes even with water below will result in Death. I have studied a few forensics to know that falling in a very unprepared state into water is like slapping oneself into flat concrete. You will become pieces and literal mush. 
However, this further theory also comes from the fact that in Season 1, we see fellow Batcher, Hunter, take a fall off the Marauder at a pretty great altitude, that forensically speaking, would have been a deadly freak accident to a normal person. Yet he managed to walk away a bit injured and beaten, so it raised a conclusion if this had to do with any enhancements to his physical state to be able to handle heavy injury upon certain heavy impacts.
Back to Tech—The only way I could see him barely cling to life is noting that the terrain in the background, even if barely visible due to the fog, seemed rigid with mountain peaks and dense forest. The train would had to have gotten caught in these peaks if present below which is not far fetched since the train was pretty large in size. However, this meant Tech, upon impact, because he was held tied to the train by a string, would have swung into those rocks violently a few times hitting any obstacle around. And we know he seems to be the least fragile of the Batch, so this itself could result in broken limbs or heavier injury, and even explain why most of his armor could stay intact or scattered, but scuffed and dented by the impact.
This idea was brought to me by the state of his goggles and I believe because of that, there was retrieval of his body or part of it.  This is where sadly, some including myself theorized, that replacing limbs or organs with prosthetics and mechanical components will signify the beginning of the research and creation of The Phase Zero Dark Trooper. 
(However, this theory also will take years into the making, but not far from the timeline when it does become reality.)
It boggles my mind that Hamlock flew right in like a scavenger to retrieve anything from the crash site. Why? Because Tech is one of the few enhanced clones the Empire had, and this is a prized possession regardless of any state any biological retrieval would be in. DNA can still be extracted from tissue, and better yet if it was in a recent disease state. 
Death Troopers
Now, the
Death Trooper
These were part of a Research Project Emperor Palpatine set to literally retrieve ‘Necrotic Tissue’. In lesser words, kind of bring the dead back to life or certain dead cells to life again.  In other words, nearly a creating zombie-like state troopers.  > However this also came from a NON-CANON Legends novel “Death Troopers”. A gruesome story of a zombie-like lethal disease spread in the “Imperial Prison Barge, Purge”. 
In canon, the Death Trooper is more of an enhanced elite troopers trained to specialize in special heavy combat and weapons like demolition and marksmanship,  and had to meet certain criteria like height, build, intelligence and success rates from their piers . They did also undergo certain “surgical upgrades”, giving them the ability to be nearly super human. Their Lethal rates were high and successful, almost leaving no evidence behind when stationed on their missions. [Note that there were however rumors of these troopers to be the result of a top secret Imperial Military Project to reanimate the Dead.]
[We see these in Rogue One, Rebels, The Mandalorian, Andor, and even certain Video Games and comics.]
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Yet another one of the many Popular Fan Theories regarding the Bad Batch
Crosshair. His new armor resembling the popular Death Trooper Armor, and his height, ability, and willing to take lethal measures to accomplish missions all ringed bells to it. Plus, he is a marksman. The many more reasons that tie him to this theory is that Death Troopers specialized in Marksmanship, too. 
It doesn’t have to be clearly Crosshair to also be the one to go into this, any extraction of DNA to create even more clones alike himself can also happen. He is still a heavy needed key subject to do that, though. 
This post can also be updated or reblogged with your own thoughts. Make it a thread, I like to hear more about Theories. If you want me to submit your theory and get tagged to it? I can do that, too. I just like to hear all of it. Even if its to cope with denial after events like The Bad Batch, I like to know anyones takes or if you need Comfort building. Theories are simply conspiracy and not facts, at the end of it. 
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bitofanerd66 · 8 months
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fidelio316 · 9 months
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I thought it was the Teamsters or the mob… Never would’ve thought it was the sand people!
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hey, ik this isn't reddit but I need answers
is this fucking picture real? I've been arguing with my friends and istg it's not but they think I'm mental.
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imthefailedartist · 2 months
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I saw a video of a guy saying that he doesn't think Americans landed on the moon because he's been spending time with us, and we don't seem smart enough for a feat that grand. It was funny.
However, it got me thinking.
Let's say it was true. In 1969, America faked the moon landing. Do you understand how smart we'd have to be to get away with faking the moon landing for 55 years. Think about how much work that would entail constantly.
It'd be what we spend the majority of government funding on.
That one lie would change everything.
We'd have to put the kibosh on any nation even thinking they can go to the moon. We'd actually heavily implement green initiatives. Space exploration would be over. No private billionaires funding Mars habitat projects. They'd have to make Earth so wonderful to live on so that no one ever tries to get to the moon or space again.
We'd have world domination, peacefully. I'm talking countries wouldn't even know that we've usurped them and if they ever realized they wouldn't care.
We'd be living in The Village (2004).
We'd never get that great video of Buzz Aldrin punching that asshole.
How would we make nice with Russia? I guess we wouldn't, right? It'd probably just be destroyed. Same for China. Maybe we'd tell them, and they'd Truman Show their people. Maybe more of a North Korea.
They'd disappear Neil, Buzz, and Mike after the press tour. Same for the engineers and scientists who worked on Apollo 11. They would never make the press tour. It would be they died upon re-entry or they're stranded. Space would become enemy number one
What would they say is the reason no one can go to space? Would it be the radiation is too strong, an unkillable deadly bacteria, space monsters? What could they say to make space, the final frontier, terminus non grata?
Would media like Star Trek, Lost in Space, Dune, Forbidden Planet, and Rocky Horror even be allowed to be made? Or maybe they would, but they'd all have the end message be, "Space=Bad." You can't risk anyone thinking good thoughts about it.
Say goodbye to the First Amendment. American education, would it be worsened or made better. Would schools focus more on the arts less on math, science, and literacy?
Speaking of science, how would that affect what we know of space in understanding of Earth and life in it? Well, I guess about the same as we know now. We didn't need to go to space to have accurate maps, planetary mathematics and chemistry, etc. Space exploration just confirmed what we already knew.
There was a great episode from The Truth Podcast told if Apollo Lunar Module Eagle wasn't going to be able to leave the Moon's surface told from Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins POV.
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urskogsbullen · 2 months
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