#star wars embo
blueberrybanee · 3 months
Very Late Valentine's Post
Hi, uh, I meant to post this a lot earlier, but I ended up getting distracted and forgot, so I'm just gonna post it now before I forget yet again lmfao
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So.....my friends gave me this a few hours ago as a late Valentine's gift, and they literally made me cry with it. LOL
I had a really bad Valentine's Day, which is (unfortunately) common for me, and my buddies did this for me to cheer me up 🥲 I had no idea how to process it at first and eventually I just ended up crying and desperately trying to express my thanks fshwhjwjfh
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It's been hours, and I still can't get over this like. You guys went all out, and for what?!??!?! I feel like no amount of "thank yous" I give will be enough to properly express how happy this makes me!!! I'm so thankful, but my words will never do my thoughts and feelings justice!!!
There's so much charm in every single one of these drawings I literally can not believe you guys did this just for me. I will cry again istg
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(Tagged in order of drawings from left to right) @linminty @white-knight7255 @twixedworlds Thank you so much I love you guys,,,,,,,,
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potpourrifandoms · 1 year
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My little brother was watching The Clone Wars again the other day, and I accidentally walked past and got inspired to draw fanart of Best Boi bounty hunter Embo (and his doggo).
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kabukiaku · 10 months
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rewatching the clone wars allowed me to revisit my most beloved favorite bounty hunter- Embo 🧡💚🤎 he is just SO- AHHHH. it's been 5 years and I still fucking love him. I get so giddy when he's on screen.
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nchlsdmn · 4 months
Full Plot of the Cancelled Boba Fett/Cad Bane arc from Star Wars The Clone Wars: Season 6
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Episode 1
Boba now lives with the Bounty Hunters who sort of act as his parents. The Bounty Hunters are stationed on Tatooine in a complex that resembles Obi-Wan's hut from Episode IV – but much bigger and with various dorm rooms and chambers that are each closed off and separated by doors. It also has prison cells below.
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From there, they take jobs. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they all live there permanently, but they are stationed on Tatooine because they take most of their jobs there. Boba has dreams of the death of his father. Even Ventress's chambers are shown but they are empty.
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Cad Bane receives a job where he has to rescue a kid from Tusken Raiders. He decides to bring Boba along. Boba wonders why he picked him since there are so many Bounty Hunters that are way more experienced than him, but Bane insists that he has picked Boba because it’s about time Boba started learning how to take care of himself, since he was sticking around with the Bounty Hunters crew, and it’s dangerous without skills.
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They ask for information on where the kid was last seen, and then take a ship and go to the remote parts of Tatooine where the sand people live. Cad Bane takes Embo, Highsinger and Bossk along with him, but Embo and Bossk will stay with the ship while Highsinger acts as a scout from faraway, whereas Cad Bane and Boba proceed on Dewbacks. Cad Bane tells HighSinger to leave them, and the other Bounty Hunters abandon Cad Bane because Boba and Bane haven’t returned, and they start to think that either Bane has double-crossed them, or they have been captured, so they see no profit in staying exposed.
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Cad Bane and Boba proceed on foot because Bane wants to appear defenseless in order to lure the Tusken Raiders to them. Bane knows those lands, so he knows which tribe of Tuskens took the kid, since they’re the only tribe that lives in those lands. He only takes Todo-360 along with him and Boba follows. They follow the tracks of the Tusken and it gets dark. They set up a camp illuminated by a battery and Bane drinks booze. (Cue 1st unfinished scene clip) Bane senses that they’re about to be ambushed and asks Boba to let himself be captured so that Bane can then put a tracking device on him and find out where the Tusken Raider’s camp is located. A struggle ensues.
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He plants a tracking device on Boba and manages to find their camp. The Tuskens won’t reveal where the target is so Bane starts slaughtering the village until they tell him where the kid is. He doesn’t destroy their huts, but shoots all of those who get out of their tents armed and intending to attack him, so there are quite a bit of causalities until the Tuskens realize what he’s there for. He then holds the Tusken kids at gunpoint bargaining with the Tusken leaders, who grant him an audience. Boba is immediately alarmed and steps in front of Bane trying to prevent him from shooting the kids. Bane says that he never intended to kill them, but that in order to be persuasive you need to be able to bargain with everything. Somehow this doesn’t convince Boba who starts questioning Bane’s morality. The target is then revealed to be in another camp not too far from that one, so Bane and Boba proceed on foot. Bane has lost his hat during this struggle. The target is then revealed playing with the Tusken kids, displaying how the Tusken Raiders were only holding the child hostage for ransom, but weren’t mistreating her.
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The child is very lively and talkative, and tells Bane and Boba where she lives in order to take her back. Turns out she lives on the far side of Mos Eisley, so on their way back the Tuskens, who had only given up the target out of fear – come back to try to take back their prize. Bane burns them with his flamethrower, and throws explosives at them, scaring them off. The Tuskens had kidnapped the farmer’s kid because the farmer had established his farm on their land and wouldn’t pay the Tusken Raiders the ransom they asked for. The kid is returned safely to the father, who was also Bane’s employer. The farmer pays up and Bane says he doesn’t work for free, urging the wealthy farmer to pay up. Boba is satisfied and relieved at the thought of having done an act of good, but Bane only treats it like another job – and tells Boba that in order to be an effective Bounty Hunter, he has to be able to see profit in everything and not allow himself to be personally invested in the jobs that he takes. Boba disagrees since he thinks that while also making profit, you can help people as well.
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The first episode ends with Bane telling Boba that he knew his father and that he respected Jango as his equal; and that there was always a competition between them for who was the best Bounty Hunter, but that he could never find out because the Jedi killed him. He then says that in order to be like his father Boba needs to put his emotions aside and be ready for everything.
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Episode 2:
A small time skip is implied between episode 1 and episode 2 but nothing too major. Boba who still had his Season 4 design in the first episode (apart from the fact that in Season 4 he was bald whereas in the first episode of the Bounty Hunters arc Boba would instead have had a flat top like most clones when they cut their hair short) – he would now be sporting longer hair instead. Bane gives Boba some credits and tells him that they will travel to Kessel because Bane has some ex-employers there for whom he did a favor some time ago, and he’s going to Kessel to demand the last bit of the payment that they owed him. Cad Bane then meets with a Toong who gives him his new ship, the Justifier. The Toong comes along with them because the repairs weren’t ready yet, and Bane was impatient.
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Boba and Bane thus travel to Kessel. The ones who owed Bane money are miners who worked on Kessel, and Cad Bane had helped them get rid of their previous manager who was abusing them, but they couldn’t pay Bane the entire sum immediately; so Bane would make periodic trips to Kessel so that the miners could keep giving him a piece of the payment that they owed him every time he visited them. Bane had grown impatient and asked for the rest of the payment this very moment. Cad Bane would have been shown to be cold-blooded, while the miners were shown as ignorant, unintentionally funny (they had big mustaches and hairs covering their faces) but at the same time – they were also overworked and fatigued, but Bane didn’t seem to care. A miner tries to pull a gun on Bane but Bane shoots him through the chest without even looking at him, then with a smile he says that they needed some motivation, and orders Todo 360 and Boba to capture the leader of the miners.
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The Toong, named Lancek Trevoras, falls behind hiding behind some canisters, and stays with the ship. Bane takes the leader of the miners into his ship and holds him hostage until they reached an agreement that the miners would dig diamonds for him – and give him a percentage of what they were digging for the company. Todo handles the torturing. Bane thinks that the leader will either take some of the miners away as insurance, so that the company is forced to pay him in order to get the miners back, or the miners will stop lying to him and give Bane the money they owe him.
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Boba feels bad and asks if this is really necessary, and Bane tells him “step aside boy, you’re too soft and won’t make it far into the world if you give up at the first sight of tears”. The trip ends with Bane taking all the money that the miners had and him releasing their leader back into the mining facility – with them subsequently cursing him as he flies away with his ship. Boba is the one who uncuffs him and seems sad. Boba gets angry during the voyage back and Bane and Boba have their first argument. Boba says that the miners didn’t have the money and that the violence against them was unnecessary, and Bane tells him that if he prefers, he can go back to that stinky hut they had on Tatooine and live the rest of his life in misery if he wanted to.
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Boba then locks himself up in the other part of the ship, and Bane tells Todo to leave him alone to blow off some smoke. Bane then threatens the Toong as well telling him that if the repairs weren’t ready soon, he would have a few things to “explain” to him too. During the voyage home, Boba exits his chambers and go back to the ship’s cockpit, telling Bane that he’d made up his mind and that he wants to be like his father; so he will start taking Cad Bane’s advice from that point on.
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Boba tells him that he needs to get his father’s ship back and his father’s armor, otherwise he’ll never be able to be like his father. Boba has a momentary change of heart where in order to show Bane that he’s tough – he thinks that by obtaining his father’s armor and ship he will be extra motivated into becoming a bounty hunter and act like Cad Bane does. Bane tells him that Florrum isn’t exactly on the way, but that if they do a pit stop on Tatooine first to refuel, they might be able to make it to Florrum. End of Episode 2.
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Episode 3:
Cad Bane tells Boba that they first needed to get some extra security because Bane wasn’t exactly fond of the pirates, and doesn't trust Hondo. Bane asks for a repurposed droid which he was to buy from a very specific droid’s shop at Tatooin. That specific droid shop was only a charade, and was actually a base from which most of the crime on Tatooine operated (basically criminals went there to load up), and the owner of the shop already knew of the job beforehand and had the droid ready.
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The droid was named Ruckle, and Bane verbally mistreated the shop’s owner who charged Bane for more than what he expected. Cad Bane leaves the shop with Ruckle without paying the extra required by the store’s owner, and Boba apologizes, and goes back to the owner, giving him some extra credits for the trouble. Bane takes Latts Razzi, Dengar, Sugi and Embo along with him. Sugi and Dengar had already had business with the pirates in the past; while Embo and Latts were just insurance.
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The crew then flies to Florrum. Bane trades the droid for the Slave I, because the droid had a double purpose (apart from just being an assassin spider droid) -- which was being able to reveal the locations of the most precious cargo routes of the crime syndicates in the galaxy. The pirates were ecstatic about putting their hands on it, since they were barbarians who attacked cargo ships and stole all the time. Bane tells Hondo to give up the goods because he was really losing a lot by giving up some viable information for a ship. Hondo also delivers payment in credits. When Hondo asks Bane why he would be willing to trade such viable information, Bane replies jokingly: “anything for the kid,” referring to Boba.
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When Hondo takes them to Slave I, it's revealed that Hondo repaired the wreckage from when Aurra Sing crashed it in Season 2, and Slave I was in flying condition again. It's also been revealed that Boba’s armor was not Jango’s armor from Episode II (which had been lost in the battle), but that Jango had an original armor from a long time ago, and Boba would find that one in the ship itself.
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Aurra Sing was on Florrum as well. When Aurra and Boba Fett are reunited, Boba hugs her and Aurra tells him that she never intended to abandon him, and only did so because she knew the Jedi wouldn’t kill him, and that she would have eventually come to rescue him (even if this wasn’t true because Boba had to escape on his own). But this is Aurra’s way of rehabilitating her image in the eyes of Boba since at the end of the day – she cared for the boy.
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Hondo then tells Boba and the crew that a very precious cargo transported by the Hutts was on a planet called “Serolonis”. Bane says to Boba that if he wants to make a name for himself – this was the job to do it since it was a big deal. The shipment was diamonds from the most precious mining planets like Oba Diah, Kessel, and Serolonis (which was known for its moister vaporators in order to keep the air clean). The planet "Serolonis" was a reference to "Sergio Leone", which was a homage to western movies and cinema as a whole.
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The other secondary cargo of the Hutt’s carrier was also spice for the drug cartels. The ship was very big and the Bounty Hunters infiltrate it from different points, while Aurra Sing and Highsinger chase the ship aboard the Slave I. Cad Bane had traded ships on Florrum because his Justifier wasn’t equipped adequately for the job, whereas Slave I was basically a flying piece of artillery, although Bane’s ship had missiles and they didn’t want to blow up the cargo. The little Bounty hunter from Season 2, named Seripas, would also have been taken along for the job.
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Boba is killing enemies left and right with Jango’s pistols, and also doing some cool acrobatics. At this point, he doesn't have a jet-pack yet. Cad Bane disregards the civilians around him – whereas the other Bounty Hunters like Latts Razzi and Sugi were more concerned with their surroundings. Sugi prevents Bane from executing some bystanders in order to cause a crash and stop the ship. Bane is angry and kicks her back, but the plan of Bane fails.
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After the cargo is captured, thanks to Slave I, and the Hutt killed – the bounty hunters get into an argument on how to split the bounty. Cad Bane, of course, wants the largest cut because he orchestrated the hit job, and the other bounty hunters pull guns on each other in much of a Western manner, to then end it off with a laugh off between them – similar to the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Barbossa, Jack, Will and Elisabeth all point guns at each other.
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Sugi leaves angered, telling Bane that their approach had almost gotten them and all the civilians killed, and Bane threatens her telling her that she will not have a long life if she crosses him again. Sugi takes the payment and leaves. Latts Razzi follows, and Dengar and Embo just dissipate. The ones who remain with Bane are Highsinger, Bossk, Aurra Sing and Boba. Bane also threatens Seripas, telling him that he was slow and useless because of his size.
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Boba would then start contemplating an insurrection against Bane because he sees that a lot of the Bounty Hunters think like him and not everyone agrees with Bane. Some Bounty Hunters like Seripas and Latts Razzi are afraid of Bane. Aurra Sing asks Boba if he’s coming to join them at a cantina and Boba tells her no, to which Aurra scoffs him and tells him “fine, whatever you want”. Boba goes back to talk to Sugi, who reveals that she’d only gotten into the bounty hunting business out of necessity, and that she’d lost a family member due to an accident, so she knows what it means to lose innocent lives. Latts Razzi also revealed to have some sort of morality, because despite being more disregarding of rules, she’s against killing innocents during her bounties. Boba would tell the both of them that it’s time someone started standing up to Bane. Episode ends.
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Episode 4:
Boba starts doing jobs for Cad Bane. Bane tells him to go around asking for money from civilians whom Bane had been doing favors for – and Boba had basically turned into his tax collector. A minor time skip is implied again; but nothing too major. Cad Bane has established himself on Serolonis as a pasha living in richness, and keeping the local population subjected by asking them for tributes in exchange for protection. As Bane had basically set up his own syndicate on Serolonis, other Bounty Hunters would have been shown to have joined and would have made an appearance; such as Twazzi from the Season 4 episode "The Box" and Robonino as background characters. Boba would go around using his cut of the money to cover debts in case some civilians couldn’t pay Bane, but the ones that Bane discovered get imprisoned, and ask for ransom to release them, if not – they would remain his hostages.
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Bane has Boba followed by Todo and a returning Bounty Hunter who was Cato Parasitti (in the third episode Cato Parasitti was also briefly shown to have been the one who procured the clearance codes for the Hutt’s carrier ship). Bane had ordered them to spy on Boba because there was "something off about that boy". He starts suspecting that Boba’s doing stuff behind his back so he asks Cato to investigate. In the meantime Boba gets in contact with Sugi, Latts Razzi and Seripas and would promise them a cut of Bane’s bounty if they managed to capture Bane alive and hold him hostage. They would have him exiled to Jabba’s palace and Nal Hutta, where he would be trialed for having sabotaged a Hutt’s carrier ship and killed a relative of the Hutts himself, so he would have been found guilty for crimes against the entire Hutt family. This was Boba’s plan to get rid of Bane in a peaceful manner without having to kill him.
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Latts Razzi joins in and Sugi does too, whereas Seripas is a little bit of a coward so it takes more time for him to be convinced. Aurra Sing then spots Boba hiding in a street corner and becomes suspicious of him. She then sees the other two bounty hunters (Sugi and Latts) exiting the same alley and goes to inform Bane. Bane tells her that the boy needed to be taught a lesson but that for now they’d just be observing his moves to see where this goes. Boba then takes a ship with the excuse of going on an assignment from Bane, and Boba travels to Kessel trying to rally the miners to his cause. The miners are scared and don’t trust him at first, and they don’t want anything to do with it. Boba then manages to at least get a promise out of them that in case it would ever come to a direct confrontation, he could have their support – but for now he would just leave them be. The leader of the miners then takes Boba alone and tells him that he can count on him even if the others are too scared by their experience with Bane and don’t want anything to do with it. Boba would then sneakily travel to Florrum on one of his voyages and Todo would hide in the ship’s cockpit spying on Boba.
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Boba would ask Hondo for support, and Hondo would tell him that this is their business and he wants nothing to do with it. He would then walk with Boba and have a conversation about how he knew Boba’s father and that he had great respect for him – and that Cad Bane’s methods are not honorable and are not the way Jango would have wanted things to go down (or at least that Jango understood that later in his life). He then gives Boba a jetpack and gives his allies heavy weapons and lets him leave, so this is in a way – Hondo’s way of supporting Boba without getting involved. When Boba leaves the pirates ask Hondo what they should do with the boy and Hondo tells them that if the boy dies then there’s nothing to them; but should he succeed – they will be ready to do a "cleanup" and scramble up all the richness that Bane had with him.
At this point, Boba completes the paint job on his armor making it green because he wants to be similar to his father but different – and show a different way to do bounty hunting. Boba is still a little shaken by the fact that Jango could have possibly worked with Cad Bane in the past, so he understands that his father wasn’t perfect and that regardless of what Hondo tells him – he’ll never learn the full truth because everyone around him seems to be telling him a distorted version of the past to try to manipulate him to one side or the other. So he decides to make up his own path.
Dengar, Bossk, and Embo ambush Boba upon his return to Serolonis, and hold him at gun point asking him what he’s been up to. When Boba asks them if they are doing Cad Bane’s bidding, they answer that they do their own bidding and that they were fairly neutral in the whole thing and were basically in favor of whomever wins. Since Cad Bane was now the one with the money and the resources – they follow him. Bossk and Dengar then decide to let Boba pass when Boba tells them what this is all about, and momentarily pretend to have joined him because Bossk says: "it’s always good to have more money" if the insurrection against Bane is successful. All of a sudden, Boba’s crew is ambushed, and Aurra Sing has taken sniping positions whereas Robonino started rigging up charges all the way to Bane’s central quarters, while Boba was busy with Bossk, Embo and Dengar. It would have been revealed that Bane had the natives build him some bipedal droids that were also small tanks packed with fire-arms; basically sentient sentries. They could be ridden but could also be programmed to act as sentient turrets by themselves. Twazzi is shown riding one of those.
Cato Parasitti had thus far shapeshifted into several civilians while Boba was doing his business behind Bane’s back – and she’d reported everything she knew to Bane, and Bane had very well realized what Boba was trying to do. The leader of the miners would have travelled to Serolonis at this point – telling Boba that he’s finally made up his mind and is ready for the battle Boba had promised him, and Boba gets him to do some sabotaging work on Bane’s equipment to try to stop Bane’s syndicate from exploiting the natives. When Bane learns of this, he takes the leader of the miners hostage; then calls for Boba, and has Robonino set up the mines all around his base so that when Boba comes with his new crew, they’ll be blown up (this was the buildup to the scene where Boba and his crew are ambushed).
This ensues in a big struggle as stated – where Sugi is killed off, Twazzi is blown up by a grenade, Latts Razzi engages in a hand to hand duel with Cato Parasitti where Cato is then shot accidentally by one of the turrets because Latts Razzi had used her as shield. Seripas decides to intervene at the last minute saving Boba from a shot on his back – and he would have thus been revealed to also have made up his mind and come back; while Bossk, Dengar and Embo defend themselves when momentarily acting as if they’re on Boba’s side.
As the struggle is done, Boba is furious and rushes to Bane’s quarters, only to find it rigged with explosives and he manages to get away just in the nick of time. He then spots Robonino on top of a rooftop who’s trying to run quickly to Bane to inform him that his attempt at blowing Boba up has failed, but Boba shoots him killing him. (The deaths of Twazzi, Robonino and Cato Parasitti are not emphasized and are only treated like "offscreen" clone deaths not to make the episode too dark. The only deaths that are emphasized are Sugi’s death for just a moment, but then mostly Aurra’s and Cad Bane’s deaths).
Bane then decides to show up seeing as to how Robonino was not responding anymore, and when Bane shows up, Dengar, Bossk, and Embo turn their guns on Boba and tell him that the boss was back and Boba had lost his insurrection; seeing as to how there were many casualties. Bane will reveal that he has taken the leader of the miners, Stim, hostage as well as Boba’s new friend – Seripas while they were distracted; calling him the "coward who’d risked his skin saving you". He then says that if he wanted to see them alive he would come to the square Bane would indicate to him and come quietly. Boba is furious for the death of his Bounty Hunter friends and the ones captured so he acts harshly but is subdued by Bossk and Embo, who hold him by the arms while Bane aims at Boba telling him: "well if you want to get it over with so quickly and don’t really care about your friends; fine by me, you can die like your father".
At that moment Aurra, who had taken a sniping position and was holding both Boba and Latts Razzi at gun point (Latts Razzi being disarmed and with her hands up) has a moment of doubt and immediately starts running down the roofs trying to stop Bane from killing Boba. Aurra steps in front of him telling Bane that harming Boba wasn’t part of their agreement and Bane would have said that the agreement has changed (as a nod to Vader’s Empire Strikes Back line: "I’m altering the deal"). Aurra starts to struggle with Bane, in the meantime, that gives Boba the chance to kick both Bossk and Embo and free himself from their grip, but a shot fired by Cad Bane almost hits Boba and Aurra Sing throws herself towards Boba getting shot in the back instead. Bane then has a thousand yard stare and says: "this is what happens when you try to play hero. More innocent people will die unless you lay down your gun and come quietly". Bane seems a little distraught by the death of Aurra so he leaves the scene taunting Boba telling him: "if you have the guts come find me, Fett!" and tells him he’ll be waiting in a square.
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(Cue Standoff Clip) Cad Bane in the meantime is waiting and Boba shows up pissed. Cad Bane tells him not to be so hasty and that there was enough killing for the day – so he’s willing to let the hostages go if he surrenders. Highsinger is revealed to be holding both Seripas (out of the armor) and the miner’s leader, Stim. Bossk and Embo join the scene while Dengar is holding Latts Razzi (away from the scene). Bossk and Embo show some respect for the kid and allow him to take his shot. Boba and Bane have their show off (Boba’s jet pack was damaged during the struggle so he removed it) and Boba was now defenseless, out of grenades, almost out of shots etc. Boba and Cad Bane exchange shots, but Boba got a good shot at Bane’s head and kills him.
Episode ends with Boba bandaged on his head (having been rescued from the scene by Bossk, Embo and Highsinger) while recovering – and telling the bounty hunters that he wants to create his own crew, and bounty hunting syndicate with the money they had taken from Bane (even though a lot of it had been destroyed during the struggle, but there was still a bit left).
Boba Fett thus leads his father's legacy, and becomes the man he always was meant to be.
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pinkpabli · 2 years
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Babygirls and one (1) girlboss
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redstuffs-ig · 4 months
the krayt's claw team from star wars the clone wars is an untapped fanfiction goldmine and y'all have been SLEEPING on it you're telling me that at one point a 13 y/o, his big lizard bodyguard, a purple fashion icon and her on-and-off ex-sith girlfriend, a funny brit with zero game, a silent hat guy and his dog, AND a killer robot all lived in the same tiny house in a desert and took wackass jobs like the A-Team. and we did NOTHING with it??? I want to see the domestic life of these people. I want to see tiny Boba Fett try to keep the place professional for potential clients as the Dengar-Latts prank war of 20 BBY nears its fourth week. I want to see Bossk be enamored with Embo's dog Marrok and consider theft. I want to see C-21 Highsinger make an intervention about droid rights while everyone else comically misses the point. I want to see Asajj Ventress pay a visit and for it to be the most tense awkward shit ever. I want the gang to kick Cad Bane's blue cowboy shit in. we have been missing out on objectively the best house sitcom ever. the clones and the jedi don't have shit on space Team Fortress
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louvao · 6 months
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kalza · 3 months
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Yep, definitely in a fight….
a knife fight….
with actual knives I swear
Been a hot minute, but yep, more Star Wars fan art. Take this joke whatever you will; I saw that one Tumblr text post and had to draw this idea….
(me continuously refusing to draw Embo's armor, and Cad's duster and gauntlets cuz I didn't feel like it….and backgrounds….fuck backgrounds; it's just textures and gradients at this point)
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 months
Fic idea: Bounty hunter “games.”
Hunters are bored. Sitting around, drinking, smoking. One of them suggests: “should we play a game?”
Hondo is there. It’s most likely on Florrum this happens.
He pulls out a suitcase full of various item: binders, sabacc cards, dildos, buttplugs, vibrators, rope, etc etc.
“Eh, all right. We can make this work” — Jango probably.
They draw cards, or straws. Cad gets the shortest one. He’s tied to a table, naked. The game is to build a house of cards on his belly and take whatever the others give him at the same time (meaning orgasms or various forms of “gentle torture”).
He loses if he squirms too much and the deck falls.
They draw cards or straws again. The person who wins this round gets to dish out the punishment, dealer’s choice.
It’s Bossk. He chooses to fuck Bane with his two monster reptile dicks but he wants him in his boots and hat. Bane complains but he calls him Nuna-bellied and now he’s gotta prove he’s a man so he agrees and takes the challenge.
By the end of it Bane’s a mess in more ways than one, and Bossk will forever have bragging rights that he made Bane cum and moan his name like “the blue bitch he is.”
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cakbanedraws · 1 year
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Did a valentine event from discord group. A pairing event for the member at that group.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day everyone
Edit: I forgot to mention @reblogs-cats
Yeah this is a gift event for the members of "Duros Hoes" server
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domonicriley · 11 months
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My Bounty Hunter charms are now all available on my Redbubble! (along with many of my other artworks 😊✨) https://www.redbubble.com/people/certibbs/shop?artistUserName=certibbs&asc=u
Go check them out if you're interested, I saw a few comments about wanting stickers of them in previous posts, so I hope you all enjoy these 💙🌌
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
The First ‘I Love You’ - The Bounty Hunters
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Featuring: Cad Bane, Bossk, Embo, and Din Djarin 
Warnings: mild violence that comes with bounty hunting [Bossk and Din] 
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ℭ𝔞𝔡 𝔅𝔞𝔫𝔢
Bane wasn’t known for being soft. He was the most notorious and best bounty hunter in the galaxy, and for good reason. However when he met you, things started to change. He’d come around and visit you in his time between jobs. He wouldn’t easily admit to falling for you, so you’d have to say it first before he could even begin to think of it. 
“I love you.” You whispered to Bane softly one morning. You were still half asleep but when you heard him slipping in through the window you’d always leave open for him you just couldn’t help the way your heart soared. You confessed your feeling to the Duros without a second thought. 
Bane tensed at your words. An odd part of him felt warm? at the the words, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. Feelings were something foreign to him before he met you and even now he was no expect and certainly no good at admitting them even to himself. 
Eventually he calmed himself enough to climb into bed next to you and as you curled up against him, starting to drift back off to sleep you can hear him mutter “Maybe I love you too. But I ain’t quitting my job.” 
Bossk is a lot more willing to be open about his feelings than Cad Bane is, at least when he’s alone with you. He does have a reputation to uphold. However, when working with him on jobs, sometimes you do something so surprising to him that he just can’t hold back the odd display of affection in his pride for you. 
You and Bossk were working on a job with Boba and a few others. You knew Bossk liked looking out for the kid and were happy to help out whenever the youth needed an extra team member. 
This latest mission had gone bad however and you were all in a fight to get out. You heard someone yell your name and glanced back to see the ship starting to lift up, everyone on your team scrambling to get back to it. The people shooting at all of you were still coming towards you as well though. Hearing someone yell your name again and telling you to get moving, you unclip a detonator from your waistband and throw it into the crowd of people before running to the ship and jumping to catch the ramp. 
Bossk helped to pull you up just before the detonator exploded, throwing chaos into the group below, allowing you all a clean getaway. 
“Oh I love you.” Bossk laughed, surveying the carnage below as the ramp began to raise. You raised a brow as you looked at him, grinning as the trandoshan finally seemed to realise what he’d said. 
“Love you too big guy.” You replied happily. 
Embo’s way of showing how he feels isn’t with words. He could tell you how he feels, but he’d much rather show his love with little things. Once he realises he loves you, he’s willing to admit it to himself and does things to show you how he cares. 
He’d bring you back small gifts or trinkets from jobs he’s done and worlds he’s visited. He’d use time in between jobs to just spend time with you, or if you wanted, to bring you someplace new in the galaxy you hadn’t been to show you. 
You’d catch on pretty quick to his expressions of feelings and if you return the feelings (I mean how can you not) you try to do small things for him too. Whether it be leaving out a dish for Marrok at all times, or even trying to learn more about Kyuzo culture to surprise Embo. 
Either way, your love language is in gifts and small surprises for one another, though if you need to hear him say the words, Embo would be more than happy to let you know. 
𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓
Din knew pretty early on that he had fallen for you. He just wasn’t sure he wanted to drag you along for the life he lived and he wasn’t sure he was ready to show you who he truly was under the helmet yet either. 
You were never really an official couple. He brought you on to help with repairing his ship and watching over the kid, and anytime people saw you together they assumed you were a couple, and neither of you ever bothered to correct them. You both knew what you were and neither of you ever really wanted to push the other into something further. 
However one day Din came back from a bounty gone bad. Innocent people had gotten hurt and the bounty had gotten away. When he boarded the Razor Crest he heard the sounds of laughter and followed it to find you sitting with the child playing catch. 
You were tossing the ball from one of the ships controls towards the child who caught it with the force and  threw it back to you the same way, laughing happily as he did so. The sight warmed Din’s heart and he knew then that he could never let you go. 
“I love you.” He blurted and you turned to look up at him smiling. 
“Well the kiddo certainly loves you too. How was the hunt?” You asked, tossing the ball back to the child once more.
“I was talking to you.” He says, ignoring your question and you look up at him, still smiling, though this time, perhaps a little brighter.
“Oh. Well, I certainly love you too.” 
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Bossk: Looks like we can't manipulate or mansplain out of this one, boys
Embo, cracking his fingers: Manslaughter it is
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redstuffs-ig · 4 months
i've just found out something super funny so apparently in the "Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious" canon book, written in part by Inspector Divo from the Clone Wars TV show (remember him? me neither) they had a section on Krayt's Claw with this to say: Sourced from Wookieepedia, the Star Wars wiki: Divo finally learned what had happened to Fett in the last year of the war when Sedra Hoxin, a constable from the prefect of Mos Eisley, a spaceport on Tatooine, contacted him. The constable sent Divo a holographic image touting the services of the "Krayt's Claw," a posse of bounty hunters stationed on Tatooine, among them Fett.
They had fucking ads.
This band of mercenaries, a bunch of them wanted, had fucking ads. Could you imagine browsing the HoloNet, watching space YouTube when your video of Twi'Lek dancers gets interrupted by an advertisement that goes "Hey, want a fucker dead? Need to guard a train carrying important cargo? We're your people! Dial Krayt's Claw at 066-22-1313, Mos Eisley Spaceport, Tatooine, and hire a team of professional bounty hunters for all your gunslinging needs"
i'd kill and murder to see this shit brought to life. was it like a stylized animation made by Latts, did they strap a camera to Highsinger or something, I NEED TO KNOW
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blueberrybanee · 2 months
So... I've been playing Pony Town for nearly a month now, and I may or may not have an addiction.
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Also made a The Dark Crystal pony because... @linminty Told me to. And I like TDC, so this was a win
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What the fuck is hit YouTuber VanossGaming doing here
(@linminty @twixedworlds @white-knight7255 @ghastly-poltergeist tagging friends cuz we all play this stupid pony game together)
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