#star wars metaphors
cubikzoa · 1 year
Hey guys, just wanted to say this bc I feel like it’s important, especially as a huge Star Wars fan myself. I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend recently on Star Wars YouTube channels, but I do know that it’s been going on for a while on various parts of the internet and in the Star Wars fandom. A portion of Star Wars fans like to say that “The Empire was right!”, and to me, that’s worrisome, annoying, and the very antithesis of the message that ALL Star Wars movies have been conveying since the original trilogy.
I think it’s important to mention that George Lucas himself has said that he largely based the Empire on Nazi Germany. Star Wars has always been a commentary on morality, equality, and how people have fought to protect themselves, their loved ones and friends, and the galaxy. It’s an incredibly overt message that even a middle schooler with a decent education on WWII could see if you just look at the plot:
How the Empire committed genocide against many species and cultures, how Imperial officers and recruiters were stated to be prejudiced against “aliens”, how Luke was given his first lightsaber by Obi-Wan, a metaphorical torch and legacy to carry to aid others, given to him by a survivor of “the dark times”. How Palpatine was influencing Anakin with talk of Sith ideology and how power was important from the time he was young, and how Palpatine was elected as chancellor, only to turn the republic into a Galactic Empire. How Luke had to face the fact that his father was Darth Vader, and how he didn’t have to be that way, how he could break the cycle. How Leia and Padme were struggling to fight for true democracy and the rights of all in a republic, and later Empire, where the majority of the powerful in both eras were horribly corrupt and tried to block their efforts. How Cassian was thrown into imperial prison for overtly exaggerated and falsified crimes, an imperial prison meant to work its prisoners until their death. How the stormtroopers and so many others blindly followed orders again and again. How the first order held rallies and hung banners as red as blood. How Moff Gideon bombed Mandalore, slaughtered the Mandalorians, and turned their sacred, cultural armor into his weapon to use against them. How he crushed the darksaber in his fist. How the Mandalorians were forced from their home to wander the galaxy trying to survive. How the remaining Jedi were hunted after most of them were dead, how they were betrayed by friends and neighbors and mentors to the Empire. How Anakin stormed the Jedi Temple with a battalion of clone troopers and killed everyone, even the younglings and those trying to protect them.
So, in short, if you’re a Star Wars fan and say that “The Empire was right!”, even as a joke, I’ll assume that you’re incredibly socially awkward at best or a horrendous bigot of some vile sort or another at worst. It kinda reminds me of the saying, “give a man a mask and he’ll show you his true self”, except this time, it’s people’s reaction to the mask that really reveals their opinions. All in all, to me, saying that is a huge red flag, especially in terms of morals. Stay safe out there Star Wars fans, and May The Force Be With You! Oh, and don’t forget to support your Jewish friends and online friends, as they may be going through a tough time right now, so offer them some support & kindness. 💕
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My hands tremble as I type this, a follow-up as it were, to my exploration of the unknown valley.
It was a vergence.
The trick, should anyone follow in my footsteps, is to walk the length of the valley again and again. You must stop seeking something specific, and let the path guide you. There is a... quiet tug. You will feel it.
Between one lap and the next a gap formed in the wall between the weathered carvings. It went down very, very far. It took me days to reach the bottom.
When at last I sat down at the bottom of a rough spiral staircase, I meditated. A blink of time, maybe less, and I sat instead in a cavernous room with a throne. I explored it in my curiosity, taking holos and reading the ur-Kittât on the walls.
What I learned was... fascinating and raw.
The throne kept drawing me back, a beguiling call like the comfort of a lover's promise. This gradually grew stronger until resisting it was all I could do. That seat of power longed to be mine, but I could feel it's poison, it's chains.
They were not the kind that could be broken once borne, so I refused them. There are always other paths to power. The denial left me breathless and shaking, unable to move.
There came a point where I had enured myself to the compulsion, and began to inch away. Finding the way back was... not simple. It required intent, and using movement as metaphor.
I am finally seeing the sun for the first time in what feels like weeks. If you come seeking the vergence...
I advise you not to sit on the throne.
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irhinoceri · 3 months
I think the shock and brutality of the smash cut to Jecki (and Yord) dead in the jungle is meant to jumpscare us out of being too enraptured with Qimir or lulled into the “I’m just a guy who is making soup” routine. He is seducing the audience at the same time as Osha, so lest you forget, here are Jecki and Yord abandoned and covered in flies.
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oh-biwan · 6 months
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"I raised you"
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quatredraws · 6 months
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I haven’t posted anything in years, but since I’ve gotten into Star Wars a few months ago I’ve managed to put pencil to paper again! This is all to say:
Thank you @mandalorianbrainweasel for posting “beautiful without our war paint”, because I loved the way Alpha takes care of Fox from beginning to end!
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every time Osha is near fire she is haunted by the memory of her family's tragedy, the flames forever linked with her traumatic past. Yet, nearly every pivotal moment between her and Qimir unfolds by the water and this isn't mere coincidence—it's a visual metaphor for their relationship. fire represents her torment, but water, with its healing properties, mirrors Qimir's role in her life. like water, Qimir becomes her source of renewal, offering her the chance to heal and move beyond her trauma. he is, in essence her salvation.
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iracundiias · 2 months
every time i see the scene of them eating on brendok and sol absolutely chowing down on whatever it is he's eating, it makes me laugh because it doesn't even look like he's acting, it just looks like he's genuinely enjoying whatever food they've given him on set lol
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chamerionwrites · 1 year
See I honestly do find the prequels-era Jedi an interesting (and at times painfully recognizable) portrait of institutional violence in that...they aren't cackling villains. They're mostly sympathetic well-intentioned individuals who via a combo of traditionalist inertia, ideological blinders, proximity to power, a dash of plain old arrogance and a liberal seasoning of end-justifies-the-means compromise end up being at best indifferent to and at worst deeply complicit in some pretty heinous injustice. I don't even think this is a completely against-the-grain reading on my part. At the end of the day it's a pretty mild critique, but it's hard to argue that the PT is entirely uncritical of the Jedi imo.
Unfortunately the narrative is never interested in really sinking its teeth into that. And even more unfortunately, a chunk of the fandom will clutch its pearls in horrified outrage if anybody else is interested in sinking their teeth into that
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aaeeart · 11 months
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(commission info)
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- @lunaria--annua
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marcusagrippa · 9 months
anakin was not born with the teeth of a star-eater, ferrous-black and always dripping blood. his halo did not used to shine so brightly that it hurt his master's eyes, his skin did not always shift and ripple like the surface of a newly-forming planet as the magma churns beneath. his eyes used to be soft and blue and human. he did not grow into his own radiance like it was an oversized sweater, nor did it grow from within him, transforming him gradually from within; his greatness was thrust upon him by a creature who whispered dark promises with the voices of a thousand evil men. he does not want it, this power, and it does not want him.
he is glad his mother has never known him like this. in the depths of his spiralling despair he finds himself almost glad she died, so that she remembers him as human and not... this. supernova child, borne of the cosmos. sky-walker. he is not the son of the stars, he is the son of shmi - wide-eyed boy, sunburnt cheeks, shock blonde hair. the galaxy will not remember him that way.
they will know him as monstrous. she knew him as kind.
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adragonsfriend · 3 months
Whoever first looked at Qui-Gon and Mace interacting in The Phantom Menace, said “sibling energy,” and decided they grew up together was a fucking genius and I want their brain
It’s beautiful on many levels from comedic, to emotional, to the sheer understanding of siblings/childhood best friends, it’s a wonderful deconstruction of the idea that the council is cold in that scene, it’s a neat spiritual fuck you to Dooku becoming a Sith apprentice partly over Qui-Gon’s death, it makes me so much more interested in the fact that the whole council comes to Naboo for Qui-Gon’s funeral
Mace is the sibling who has it together
Qui-Gon is the sibling who is dragging in roadkill off the street like yeah I can make a nice stew out of this (he can but at what cost)
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larkoneironaut · 8 months
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Part of Din's POV banner for my Mandalorian fic 🖤 Gonna post the whole thing when my fic is finished because it contains the title of the fic 🫶🏽
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septemberlikeastorm · 2 months
*taps mic only to whisper Very Quietly* i'm new here & wondering has anyone already written the essay about the jedi order as a k-pop factory??
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fukutomichi · 1 year
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Summer Game Fest 2023 Favorite Upcoming Game Announcements - Part 1
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spacewombatty · 4 months
WHY did no one tell me challengers was obikin coded
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autismmydearwatson · 10 months
You expect me to be normal after reading that Ba'kif was supposed to be the one to take Thrawns chains but refused because he didn't want to be the one to do that to Thrawn?
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