#the message of Star Wars
cubikzoa · 1 year
Hey guys, just wanted to say this bc I feel like it’s important, especially as a huge Star Wars fan myself. I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend recently on Star Wars YouTube channels, but I do know that it’s been going on for a while on various parts of the internet and in the Star Wars fandom. A portion of Star Wars fans like to say that “The Empire was right!”, and to me, that’s worrisome, annoying, and the very antithesis of the message that ALL Star Wars movies have been conveying since the original trilogy.
I think it’s important to mention that George Lucas himself has said that he largely based the Empire on Nazi Germany. Star Wars has always been a commentary on morality, equality, and how people have fought to protect themselves, their loved ones and friends, and the galaxy. It’s an incredibly overt message that even a middle schooler with a decent education on WWII could see if you just look at the plot:
How the Empire committed genocide against many species and cultures, how Imperial officers and recruiters were stated to be prejudiced against “aliens”, how Luke was given his first lightsaber by Obi-Wan, a metaphorical torch and legacy to carry to aid others, given to him by a survivor of “the dark times”. How Palpatine was influencing Anakin with talk of Sith ideology and how power was important from the time he was young, and how Palpatine was elected as chancellor, only to turn the republic into a Galactic Empire. How Luke had to face the fact that his father was Darth Vader, and how he didn’t have to be that way, how he could break the cycle. How Leia and Padme were struggling to fight for true democracy and the rights of all in a republic, and later Empire, where the majority of the powerful in both eras were horribly corrupt and tried to block their efforts. How Cassian was thrown into imperial prison for overtly exaggerated and falsified crimes, an imperial prison meant to work its prisoners until their death. How the stormtroopers and so many others blindly followed orders again and again. How the first order held rallies and hung banners as red as blood. How Moff Gideon bombed Mandalore, slaughtered the Mandalorians, and turned their sacred, cultural armor into his weapon to use against them. How he crushed the darksaber in his fist. How the Mandalorians were forced from their home to wander the galaxy trying to survive. How the remaining Jedi were hunted after most of them were dead, how they were betrayed by friends and neighbors and mentors to the Empire. How Anakin stormed the Jedi Temple with a battalion of clone troopers and killed everyone, even the younglings and those trying to protect them.
So, in short, if you’re a Star Wars fan and say that “The Empire was right!”, even as a joke, I’ll assume that you’re incredibly socially awkward at best or a horrendous bigot of some vile sort or another at worst. It kinda reminds me of the saying, “give a man a mask and he’ll show you his true self”, except this time, it’s people’s reaction to the mask that really reveals their opinions. All in all, to me, saying that is a huge red flag, especially in terms of morals. Stay safe out there Star Wars fans, and May The Force Be With You! Oh, and don’t forget to support your Jewish friends and online friends, as they may be going through a tough time right now, so offer them some support & kindness. 💕
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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morethansky · 5 months
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ARC TROOPER ECHO | The right thing to do “No matter what, we are united. Rule one: We fight together.”
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rooksunday · 4 months
okay i love corrie whump but please consider this:
the corries arrive on coruscant. their training at kamino was, shall we say, maladjusted, and then they are treat like shit by the natborns. however, unlike the GAR and their jedi and the wider galaxy, the corries have… no other example of how natborn society works.
so it must work like this, right?
i mean why else would the senators be like that.
so the corries start their casual blackmail, bullying, larceny, murder not out of revenge but just because That Is How Society Works
and after a little while maybe they accidentally have a burgeoning criminal empire, several senators in their pockets, a cordoned-off territory in the midlevel, and they’re working on expansion ever upwards
the corries have no idea that there’s a sith in the senate. there’s an arsehole or twenty but that’s okay, thorn has something on most of the aides and stone is collecting protection from the others. it’s all under control.
cody: i’ve heard your explanation
cody: i have a few more questions
bly, ferreting through the neglected datapads on fox’s desk: did you ever do any of this padwork?
fox: what are they gonna do, fire me?
bly: i want to be you when i grow up
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i haven’t seen anyone make this one, so i made it🥰
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jaded-of-mara · 2 years
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tyquu · 1 month
Cal Kestrel
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deserthusbands · 1 month
obi-wan: dear, nothing you could say to me would make me cry. so whatever you're wanting to say..
cody: nothing bad that’s happened to you, or anyone close to you, is your fault. stop it.
obi-wan, teary eyed:
obi-wan: you're going to have to excuse me—
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thewriterowl · 1 year
The Force: And I give my granddaughter all the wisdom and strength in the galaxy. With a heart of fire ready to forge true justice in the stars. A core of warmth and nobility and integrity who can become a goddess should she wish.
The Force: And for my grandson, who has a heart of forgiveness and such gentle kindness, will have the soul of a garden with the hands of a warrior who will show by kind example and not by brute strength and will change worlds with endless sunlight.
Everyone Else: And what do you give your son?
The Force, after the sixth genocide, 800th "read" Force message, burnt to a crisp and still screeching about Obi-Wan done by said son: Apparently the fucking audacity.
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unspuncreature · 7 months
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anakin and ferus holding hands. why? who knows. punishment? dare? just because?
for @leafchan15, for being one of the very first people to cheer me on when i first created this account to post my work. thank you :’o)
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snawleyy · 1 month
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got milk?
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fantastic-nonsense · 9 months
honestly as much as I bitch about TLJ specifically, I lowkey think the sequel trilogy was doomed no matter who tried to make them because they were made in Hollywood's peak "absolutely nothing we ever make can be sincere!" era, which is antithetical to how George Lucas approached making Star Wars.
One of the most interesting things about Star Wars has always been how absolutely sincere it was about its themes and message and everything that happens in the movies. Even if it's ridiculous, even if it's objectively silly, nothing is ever really treated as such within the movies themselves. A naive farmboy genuinely does have the skill to take down a planet killing weapon. A slave boy from a backwater planet really does have a key part to play in the fall of the Jedi. A group of three foot high killer teddy bears are treated as serious opponents to Imperial forces. Jar-Jar Binks gets to be a Senator with an instrumental, if small, part to play in the story of the prequels. Everything has its place and every part of the story is treated with equal sincerity.
But nearly everything made in the 2010s always had to be funny or meta or self-aware or subversive or self-depreciating about its message and the genre it occupied. There was always a twist. There was always a "I'm more clever than my audience" or "I know this is dumb, but watch it anyway" vibe being brought to the table. Everything always had to take at least one cheap shot at people who wanted to take a piece of media seriously and sincerely treat it as a story whose creators had something to say.
And meanwhile George Lucas was always just like "I have a story, and I want to tell that story. I don't care if people like it or don't like it. My themes are my themes, my message is my message, and you can just die mad about it if you think it's too naive or sincere."
Any world that is fundamentally built on sincerity and genuine belief in a core set of messages cannot maintain integrity when people who do not wholeheartedly believe in the sincerity of that world's message are put in charge of it. The lack of belief will always shine through. The lack of understanding will pervade every inch of the new entry. The sheepish embarassment of "I know this is dumb guys, but watch it anyway because I'm going to do something ~different~!" will always be the audience's takeaway over anything else the creative team tries to say. Because instead of just making a good movie that both logically follows the other ones and actually adds further depth to the existing themes, they're embarassed to even be trying.
Even apart from the utter lack of planning and the mess of executive meddling that went into the sequels...is it any wonder we got the end result we did when no one involved in the creative process actually genuinely, wholeheartedly believed in George Lucas's message and the story they were telling?
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collophora · 4 months
Hi there !!! I wanted to let you know your bad batch art is BEAUTIFUL I'm always happy to see it cross my dash!! Your art style is so pretty and I love the way you draw Tech!!
Do you have anymore sketches of Tech we haven't seen yet? No pressure <3!!! Have a lovely day :DD
Oh my that's so sweet thank you! éAè <3 <3 <3 Hughhhhh well since you ask nicely I dug into my wip folder and found a sketch ^^
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byfulcrums · 7 months
"You think you can take whatever you want. Things you didn’t make, didn’t earn, things you don’t understand." The story of an indigenous boy fighting against a colonizer to get his home back. A teenager telling the man who is destroying his world that because it is so much more complex and important than what he sees, he will never get to have it.
Ezra's story is about connection, with all living beings: loth cats and wolves, purrgils, people, etc. And it ends with nature reclaiming what has always been its from the machine that is the Empire. It ends with the people getting their home back from the people who occupied it
And here's the thing: Ezra doesn't know a galaxy without the influence of the Empire. The history of the Old Republic, the tales of the Jedi, they're all fairytales to him. Yet he still fights for it; he fights for something he hasn't yet seen, fights for what's right, for his people and his family. He fights for freedom even if he doesn't know what it feels like
And it's this determination, this endless hope, that drives others to do the same as him. He, with only his words, is able to make things different. It challenges the whole "I'm just one person, I won't change anything" belief. Because Ezra is just one person, and one person can't do much on their own; the war is lost if it's only you fighting it
But Ezra frees Lothal. Ezra banishes Thrawn. Ezra inspires others to fight back. Ezra's sacrifice was not meaningless, and it will always be remembered. He will always be remembered
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coruscantguard · 9 months
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a web weave about the coruscant guard
Aeschylus: The Oresteia, Aeschylus || Darth Vader (2017) 10 || S6 EP7 "Crisis at The Heart" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || Maurice Sendak (2011 interview with Terry Gross) || S1 EP1 "Ambush" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || S1 EP22 "Hostage Crisis" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || S6 EP4 "Orders" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || It, Stephen King || S6 EP4 "Orders" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || S1 EP1 "Ambush" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || Tim Riggins Speaks of Waterfalls, Nico Alvarado || Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith, George Lucas || observer's effect, @bytebun
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shinyskywalker · 3 months
agender fox but he's too busy being the commander of the coruscant guard to do something about it
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