#support your Jewish friends
cubikzoa · 1 year
Hey guys, just wanted to say this bc I feel like it’s important, especially as a huge Star Wars fan myself. I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend recently on Star Wars YouTube channels, but I do know that it’s been going on for a while on various parts of the internet and in the Star Wars fandom. A portion of Star Wars fans like to say that “The Empire was right!”, and to me, that’s worrisome, annoying, and the very antithesis of the message that ALL Star Wars movies have been conveying since the original trilogy.
I think it’s important to mention that George Lucas himself has said that he largely based the Empire on Nazi Germany. Star Wars has always been a commentary on morality, equality, and how people have fought to protect themselves, their loved ones and friends, and the galaxy. It’s an incredibly overt message that even a middle schooler with a decent education on WWII could see if you just look at the plot:
How the Empire committed genocide against many species and cultures, how Imperial officers and recruiters were stated to be prejudiced against “aliens”, how Luke was given his first lightsaber by Obi-Wan, a metaphorical torch and legacy to carry to aid others, given to him by a survivor of “the dark times”. How Palpatine was influencing Anakin with talk of Sith ideology and how power was important from the time he was young, and how Palpatine was elected as chancellor, only to turn the republic into a Galactic Empire. How Luke had to face the fact that his father was Darth Vader, and how he didn’t have to be that way, how he could break the cycle. How Leia and Padme were struggling to fight for true democracy and the rights of all in a republic, and later Empire, where the majority of the powerful in both eras were horribly corrupt and tried to block their efforts. How Cassian was thrown into imperial prison for overtly exaggerated and falsified crimes, an imperial prison meant to work its prisoners until their death. How the stormtroopers and so many others blindly followed orders again and again. How the first order held rallies and hung banners as red as blood. How Moff Gideon bombed Mandalore, slaughtered the Mandalorians, and turned their sacred, cultural armor into his weapon to use against them. How he crushed the darksaber in his fist. How the Mandalorians were forced from their home to wander the galaxy trying to survive. How the remaining Jedi were hunted after most of them were dead, how they were betrayed by friends and neighbors and mentors to the Empire. How Anakin stormed the Jedi Temple with a battalion of clone troopers and killed everyone, even the younglings and those trying to protect them.
So, in short, if you’re a Star Wars fan and say that “The Empire was right!”, even as a joke, I’ll assume that you’re incredibly socially awkward at best or a horrendous bigot of some vile sort or another at worst. It kinda reminds me of the saying, “give a man a mask and he’ll show you his true self”, except this time, it’s people’s reaction to the mask that really reveals their opinions. All in all, to me, saying that is a huge red flag, especially in terms of morals. Stay safe out there Star Wars fans, and May The Force Be With You! Oh, and don’t forget to support your Jewish friends and online friends, as they may be going through a tough time right now, so offer them some support & kindness. 💕
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hindahoney · 11 months
Some of you need to grow a spine and stop being scared to stand up for your fellow Jew. Stop being scared of being labeled a fucking Zionist. The people calling you that don't even know what it means anyway, and they will think you are one no matter what you say. So you might as well say it with your fucking chest.
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dizzythegreat · 8 months
and if you still support the actions of israel i have nothing to say to you. "but i'm israeli" "but i'm jewish" "but hamas attacked first" take it up with the more than 25,000 killed, of which more than 10,000 are children. take it up with the toddler with no fucking legs, the girl squeezed under rubble and had a tank driven over her so hard all the vessels in her eyes burst, the thousands of children in shock. kids having heart attacks from the stress, kids whose entire families are dead, kids mangled, kids dying in their parents' arms, kids dying alone on the dusty ground. i don't fucking care who's done what, there is absolutely no excuse, nothing that could ever warrant a genocide like this. if you still support the actions of israel, fuck you.
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worstloki · 9 months
Zionists will go “even Saudi Arabia and the UAE don’t support Hamas!” As if that is not telling on yourself. You are admitting you know nothing about the entire region. Your racist generalisations are not your downfall, the lies you are trying to support with no understanding of the genocide are.
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rubysevens · 8 months
i will be honest sometimes ill be talking w europeans abt gaza and its like okay you’re talking about a concept and i am talking about my uncle
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faggotry-enjoyer · 10 months
oh i'm definitely gonna lose some friends for this one huh
#already got vagueposted about by one former friend as 'comparing pro-palestine sentiments to antisemitism'#direct quote 'israel desperately wants them to believe this is a religious war and not a genocide'#same guy who said 'boy howdy do we know their side of the story' and ten short texts later said verbatim:#'we can't use religion as birthright thats stupid and the Number One Tool of Colonizers'#which is a STAGGERING amount of cognitive dissonance#as if religion is the relevant part and not the literal historical fact of jewish indigineity to eretz israel#mind you at the time of the vaguepost the ONLY thing i said regarding palestine#was that if your 'support' for palestinians includes sharing basic antisemitic dogwhistles and blatantly lying about history#then that 'support' will accomplish nothing for palestinians and only get jews killed#and i feel like looking at that and insisting that i'm comparing all pro-palestinian sentiment to antisemitism is uh. telling#we'll see how this ends up going - i fear it may not be the greatest for my social life but i stand by what i said#bc even if i am wrong about Everything directly surrounding israel and palestine#i was strictly discussing antisemitism in the discourse surrounding it#and a longer version of 'no stance on israel makes you immune to antisemitism and antisemitism runs deep and will affect your thinking on#the matter and refusing to acknowledge that is dangerous' isn't actually dependent on the intracacies of the conflict it's just True#and i'm not gonna back down again i'm not going to downplay antisemitism again i'm not going to give up#i'm not sure if i have jewish friends i simply do not know about who see what i say on there#but if i do then i need it to be clear they have Someone who is willing to fight for them#and if not i still need to make it clear i won't stand for blatant antisemitism no matter whose name it's in#the only thing that would make me consider taking down what i said is if i believed it's counterproductive#and part of me wonders if it is - i don't want to put people on the defense bc that's simply not conducive to good faith discussion#but at the same time i know that a lot of what i've needed to hear was fed up or harsh words#that i started off just reading and keeping my defensiveness inside until they sunk in over time#and maybe my frustration will have that effect for someone#damn i really need to make some jewish friends... maybe after break i'll reach out to hillel or a local shul to ask if they could use a han#or something idk we'll see#personal#faggotry enjoyer original
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feluka · 10 months
i hope that i'm only just hearing so much about that stopantisemitism twitter account because recent events have made zionists desperate. i hope they're no actually that prominent and i hope so so badly that jewish people have better organizations to represent them and fight for them
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starmoji1 · 3 months
Quick Sims Ramble
I know I don’t post sims stuff on my blog (plan to in the future), but I’ve a simmer since 2017 and I’ve got thoughts.
I still remember some cc creators throwing tantrums bc EA threatened to uphold their 2-3 week (14-21 day) rule for paywalls—and proceeded to do absolutely nothing. Many of those posts from back then are still up btw, you can easily see what your favs think of you and how some of them see you as a walking wallet.
Speaking of cc creators and modders crying over money, Curseforge, why do you continue to use it? It’s been months now since that tweet of Overwolf (CF’s owner) explicitly stating they’re donating to the IDF, so I’m gonna assume most of you have had sufficient time to read about it and understand why it’s an issue. Of course, grace is to be afforded to those who are late to the party, but I think it’s crazy to know what they’re doing and willingly continue to support. It’s got to be the money.
The website ugly and janky as hell, too, so it’s GOT to be the money. 😭
And if money is the problem, doing Early Access via Patreon is always an option. Ko-Fi’s an option. Gumroad’s an option. You got options that actually look good, raise your standards, I beg. And there’s free alternatives such as Google Drive, Mega, OneDrive, SimsFileShare; there’s simmers on this platform right now who are willing to give you a SFS code for free. And what about NexusMods? I’ve seen people post their cc and mods there.
Point is, you got options. So, why are you all acting like deleting your content off one gutterbutt platform is gonna bring the end of the world? All you have to do is release it for free after 14-21 days, and if you do so consistently, people will willingly donate money to support you—because you’ll be showing yourself as a reliable content creator who makes good content they like. You can get your money. CF is not the end all, be all of modding platforms.
So, please stop throwing tantrums and giving fifty-leven reasons why you can’t migrate off one platform.
#if you can’t tell i don’t really like the curseforge platform#even when i was getting minecraft mods years ago i thought it was ugly#the new website design is uglier but i digress 🗿#i’m just scrolling through tumblr and tired of seeing modders make excuse after excuse#if you not real just say that#it’s as simple as that#and yes this is in reference to me finding out little ms sam is zionist#zionism ain’t sexy#and it’s not anti-semetic to be anti-zionist#be wise not to conflate the two as many jewish tumblr and twt users have stated a million times before#i would like to specify that i am not jewish#i am black and i am well aware of a genocide when i see one#you cannot claim to be apolitical while continuing to knowingly use a platform that supports/is conducting genocide#especially when you state “personal reasons” as your excuse when you really mean “i want money”#i want money too but you don’t see me turning a blind eye or being complicit to a platform#i’ve retweeted gofundmes and have been keeping up with the news on the matter#even though i don’t post anything on tumblr my friends can confirm and vouch for me that i’ve been pro-palestine based on our discord chats#so my stance on the matter should be very clear and i am not above blocking people#anyways this is developing further away from the original sims topic but i just needed to get some thoughts out#it’s insane seeing people in this community act like cf is the holy grail and they’ll die if they leave#PLEASEEE stand up and get a hold of yourself it’s not the end of the world#respectfully all i’m saying is: get a grip#ts4#the sims 4#the sims community#sims discourse
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okay I’ve seen too many fuckin illiterate idiots using “tHerE’S No EtHiCaL ConSumPtiOn UnDeR CapiTaLiSm” to justify buying Antisemitism: The Game so i feel the need to say yes, you are illiterate, and yes, you are an idiot - because you are //completely ignoring the context and nuance of that phrase to serve your own selfish goals//
The concept of no ethical consumption under capitalism is specifically about those in low income households/poverty who cannot afford the luxury of sustainability and ethical purchasing because that shit is expensive af and having the best quality of life possible, in relation to your situation, is far more important than having a heppy over using Amazon or not
So that is to say, the new (overpriced) HP game does not fall under any of those perimeters, and your money is actively going to support a TERF and her ideologies (ideologies that are capable of turning into fucking legislation in the UK) along with a host of writers who apparently thought freeing a enslaved race counts as a bad ending
So yeah, feel bad about buying and playing the game, and listen to the accounts of our trans family and Jewish friends because, shockingly, they know what they’re talking about when it comes to discrimination
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myname-isnia · 10 months
So… my childhood best friend, the boy I grew up with, the guy I unironically called my brother on multiple occasions, is currently in Palestine fighting for the IDF
I just.. have no words
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wederyed · 8 months
oh my god my mom is going to drive me fucking insane. her zionist ass is still trying to get into an argument with me about palestine even though she is fully aware im pro palestinian and hate israel. we are in the car and she points out a car and goes “oh my god look at that car with a straight up palestine flag” and i already know shes trying to start shit with me. i just respond “ok” and thats the end of that. not even gonna give her the satisfaction of getting into an argument with me, thats more than she deserves. we already had this discussion when you told me that i am a disgrace to her, my family, my ancestors who died in the holocaust, and everyone who died in the holocaust. you yelled at me for 30 minutes straight spewing bullshit. telling me i know nothing because she researched this for years and i am a stupid kid who cannot understand anything. where you told me until i am able to support myself and move out i have to listen to everything she says and believe what she believes. then has the audacity to tell me she never said any of that. this is the bullshit my friends, myself, and so many jewish children of zionists have to deal with. being called disgraces to our family. some being threatened with being kicked out. it wont fucking work. you can kick me out send me to gaza what fucking ever ill do anything in order to support all of the palestinian people. you may scare me but you cannot scare the palestinian support out of me when i have seen images and videos of the horrors they have gone through in the last 100+ days when you refuse to read a single article or look at any footage because its “””too triggering””” for you. how do you fucking think the palestinians feel LIVING THROUGH this. you selfish excuse of a “human”. you lost all respect i had for you years ago and now you will never get it back. enjoy my tolerance of you while it lasts. the second i move out i doubt youll see me or hear from me again.
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nope-body · 11 months
#a person I knew last year and is currently doing a study abroad semester (thankfully) is very pro-israel#and follows me on instagram (although I unfollowed her) and posted some stuff about the current genocide happening in Gaza on my story#including a tweet(?) about how ‘i don’t need to check in on my Jewish friends right now because they’re not zionists’ because#I was so fed up with people talking about how you need to check in on your Jewish friends because they all have family and friends in Israel#and even if they don’t it’s the Jewish homeland and it’s under threat! so reach out to your Jewish friends!#and like. no. it sucks that there are people dying but also Israel is very much an apartheid state and is responsible for all of this#I don’t have a solution and I understand why a lot of Jews like the concept of a homeland because we’ve been kicked out of almost every#country and persecuted basically everywhere. having a country that you know won’t turn against you would be great#but that country is not Israel#I don’t support israel and I don’t stand with Israel. it is actively committing genocide and therefore I am not a zionist#I got tired of the narrative that Jews should be checked on especially because nowhere was anyone saying that you should be checking in on#your Palestinian friends! like. it just showed what side you were on so blatantly and I got fed up and put a thing about it on my story#this person sent me a message in response to that and asked ‘how would you define Zionism?’#and like. she knows where I stand. she’s basically just asking for confirmation which I don’t feel like giving her because that’s just going#get into a debate that I don’t feel like having because she’s not going to change her mind
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stankyler · 2 years
@urspopinionsareshit you genuinely need to get a fucking life dude 😭
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one thing i think that cis fans of harry potter dont understand is that its not just the big things of whether or not you agree with her ideas, its that you deem your mediocre childhood book series more important than the way your trans friends feel.
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liviz223 · 18 days
It's so interesting how people can acknowledge a post about how vaccinations in Gaza are a good thing and to not spread antivax rhetoric (the vaccinations are a very good thing) but cannot acknowledge anything about the hostages being kept there or about antisemitism...
Mind you, the International Red Cross hasn't visited the hostages like they would if most of the hostages weren't Jewish, released and rescued hostages have said they hadn't gotten any medication from them, and the IRC has refused to answer hostage families when questioned about it or given non-answers.
If you find yourself only acknowledging one side of this idk maybe you just can't find the humanity in the other? Maybe it's a double standard. Maybe it's dehumanization.
Ask yourself why. Reflect a little.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 months
so i remember talkin to a palestinian jewish friend of mine& (sie's rly lovely) like two months ago & we were so frustrated w/ how like. how nobody was arresting ppl responsible for the genocide or interfering w/ their own armies (& not even just w/ palestine but sudan & congo too, then sie told me that yemen & lebanon are interfering w/ military support) & how we were just so frustrated w/ everything going on & how there's seemingly no kind of emotional support group for palestinians that we were aware of & that it was a joke that the star of david / the magen david was being used to justify such gross actions in such a horrible way & how anyone could even sleep at night knowing what they're doing is wrong & that what nothing of what the iof is doing is even in jewish law & jewish ethics regarding warfare & that we just wanted to shake the living shit out of all these ppl in the international governments like "YALL DO SMTH ALREADY!!!!!! FASTER!!!!!!!!!". but there was one thing sie said when we were talking about how much we'd wanna visit palestine when it's finally liberated where it like genuinely punched me in the metaphysical gut. & that was "i would love to go back home". & my friend deserves to go home.
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