#star wars pilot fic
tomatette · 11 months
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Some manips for the magnificent fic "Flyboys" by @gefionne
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fandom-friday · 6 months
I'd like to share this fun little mini-fic by kimiheartblade as well for fandom friday with some ultra cute art attached done by mire-draws-things!
DAWWWW this is SO CUTE! I love Plo and Wolffe covering for Talu while his uncles search high and low for him. Wolffe being gruff about them "losing" Talu cracked me up. @kimiheartblade did such a good job, and @mire-draws-things's art has my heart MELTING. Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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air-mechanical · 1 year
Consider all of the TIE fighters lost. Mark their captain for a citation.
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This is why Thrawn's people are so loyal to him. He'll deploy his troops when needed - he'll spend his resources without regret so long as something can be purchased with them - and will honour them if they don't return home. They will be remembered. This was important for his people and for Thrawn himself pre-exile. But for the critically low numbers currently aboard The Chimaera In Exile, it's critical.
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bioplast-hero · 1 year
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8k • explicit • SeroRoki
Sero Hanta doesn’t stick his neck out for anyone, not until the prettiest guy falls into his lap. And if that guy just so happens to be the most talented Force-sensitive of their generation, fleeing his handlers, and bringing a whole heap of trouble raining down after them? Yeah, well. Shouto is worth it.
Star Wars AU! Strangers to Lovers with smuggler Hanta and runaway Shouto (and a couple of cheeky droids).
[Read the fic on AO3]
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Children of the Dunes - Chapter 1
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Tagging: @stonegoldsxcrxt, @myevilmouse, @hansonveggieclub, @laserbrains, @ancient-stardust, @graniairish
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12 BBY
The Tatooine slave market was as brutal and unforgiving as the planet's twin suns; the only thing louder than the murmuring crowd was the rattling of chains and cracking of whips.
Every year during the Boonta's Eve celebration, people of every species imaginable flocked to Mos Espa to bet on the highest-value slaves available, many of whom were only children.
Y/N was one of them. Too young to be considered for 'entertainment' slavery, she was lined up on a makeshift stage with others deemed fit to be household slaves. She had never truly known a home or a family; the cold nights and sweltering days spent in a crowded sandstone prison robbed her of any sense of security, so all she could long for was for it to end.
"Five thousand? Give me a reason why I should spend that much on a little girl," a rather frightening man asked in Huttese. He had a ghastly, sinister face with sunken eyes and sharpened teeth, and the look on his face was anything but friendly. Y/N shivered and quickly looked away--that face would certainly reappear in her nightmares.
"She follows orders without question," responded one of the Zygerrian slavers. "Watch, she'll even sing!"
With a sharp kick, the Zygerrian sent Y/N tumbling to the ground as the cruel man laughed.
"Go on, sing for me, child!"
Tears pricked the corner of her eyes as she pulled herself back up, knees bloodied and stinging from the knifelike grains of sand coating the stage. Angry, humiliated, and afraid, all she could do was choke out a weak "No!" in defiance. The other slaves gasped; the crowd fell silent.
"No?" the Zygerrian snarled, pulling out an electro-whip. Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself. "You'll soon learn not to disobey your-"
"Ten thousand!" a female voice called out.
The Zygerrian lowered the whip and Y/N opened her eyes. The source of the voice, a tall, dark-haired woman, pushed her way through the crowd. She was followed by her young son, who looked only a few years older than Y/N. He wore a nervous look on his face; this certainly wasn't a place he and his mother frequented often.
"You're willing to pay ten thousand, for this? I have far more obedient slaves available for such a price."
"That won't be necessary. I suggest you quit hurting the poor girl, or I might just rescind my offer."
The Zygerrian shrugged as she made her way to the stage. Y/N peeked out to get a better look at the strange woman. Her intricately woven dress suggested that she came from a wealthy background, and her expression was one of motherly determination, one that didn't invoke a feeling of dread the way the last man's did.
Who is that woman?, Y/N wondered. Is she truly here to help me, or is she here to hurt me like everyone else?
The Zygerrian pulled out a datapad to document the transaction. "Name?"
"Lanal Darklighter," she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. She clearly didn't like going on record as having bought a slave. Her son, however, looked at Y/N and smiled.
For the first time in years, Y/N smiled, too.
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spaceagesparkledust · 2 months
Thinking about the second Twelve and Bill Star Wars Au in which Bill becomes and Stormtrooper and:
Jack and Rose as crew members of the ship Bad Wolf. Bill meets them at some point during her escape and travels with them a bit. I think Jack and Rose do have a base of operations (and a job) but they never stay in one place too long making them the perfect duo for Bill to hide out with.
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magnetarbeam · 3 months
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A highlight from Voices of the Force discussions on Discord.
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aidanchaser · 4 months
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Read on Ao3.
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neptunesenceladus · 6 months
rip j g ballard. he would have loved star wars shipfic
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againstacecilia · 10 months
The fic writer issue when you're looking for something that's going to make sense in the universe but then that thing isn't quite right for the fic itself so you find something new and it's almost right but not quite so you decide to look again and you find it! It's great! Aaaand then you find out this thing didn't exist until 11 years after when your fic is set in the universe timeline so it's time to cry a little bit before opening google again.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Happy Fandom Friday!
I have to, once again, recommend your series One Step at a Time. This story is the perfect blend of domestic fluff, painful trauma, and found family. Not only is the general plot so engaging to read, these characters are PHENOMENAL. From learning to rely on one another, to the individual struggles each character endures, the reader gets to explore the highs and lows of life in a post-Order 66 world, as well as experience the emotional relief of finding a family. Intricate and tragic backstories; a badass, protective clone father; intense fight/escape scenes; soft, touching conversations. It’s ALL here. And you’ve done a marvelous job at writing it.
ALLI I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE THIS AND ALSO YOUR COMMENTS ON EVERY CHAPTER. I love the found/chosen family tropes so much, and this fic just scratches that itch for me and has wound up being WILDLY self-indulgent, so it makes my day when readers love the characters and the story as much as I do. I am blowing you kisses and hugs over the interwebs for these kinds words and for the rec. THANK YOU!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
"Sunshine Twins fic" please!
“I can get us off-planet,” Luke continued, “and somewhere safer, I promise. But a co-pilot would be much appreciated…especially one with piloting experience,” he added with a hopeful smile.
Rey sighed. They didn’t have time to argue, and a pilot with experience flying in actual space was indeed better in this situation. “Just until we get out of this.”
make me write!
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fandom-friday · 6 months
#Fandomfriday the second!!
Here's such a sweet, sweet story of Hawks by @rinwritesfics and his idea of a vacation substitute...
You'll have to smile when you read... Though I still wonder was that purple thing was...
Listen, we all know I love a good mechanic reader, especially one that keeps the boys in line. And I adore Hawk's description and his tattoos are such a neat detail! Also, HE'S SO SWEET AND CUTE IN THIS! You are absolutely right, I did break out into a huge grin haha. Thanks for sending this one in, Caro!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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penny-anna · 3 months
on the subject one of my fav star wars hcs courtesy of ah uh *checks dates* jesus 20 year old fic?? is that between new hope & empire the other fighter pilots all bully Luke in spite of the fact that he is a) the guy who blew up the death star and b) their literal commanding officer. bcos he is simply that bullyable.
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princessvelaryon · 3 days
To The Stars - Upcoming Fic
Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Reader
World War II AU
Synopsis: Jacaerys Velaryon, a young Royal Air Force fighter pilot spends some time with his sweetheart during a reprieve from the war.
Fluff and Smut
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selencgraphy · 29 days
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PAIRING: jake seresin x f!reader
PROMPT: prompt list used
33. “you are such a nerd”
TAGS: FLUFF, established relationship, self-indulgent fic tbh
A/N: omg i wrote this sooo long long ago because i just needed a little comfort blurb and was fixated on both top gun and obi-wan at the same time so i combined the two. it’s pretty short, but i hope you like it <3
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Have you ever been afraid of the dark? How does it feel when you turn on the light?
I feel safe.
Yes, it feels like that.
Out of everyone who was in The Hard Deck, you were the only person who was fixated entirely on their phone. You sat in the corner with both headphones in your ears near the pool tables as Jake and the rest of the pilots drank, talked, and played pool. You hadn’t intended to accompany your boyfriend out, but he insisted you come along. Something about loving your presence even if you were busy doing your cute nerdy shit, which made you laugh.
It was nearing the end of the episode when Bradley sat next to you and looked over at the screen of your phone. Being so invested in what you had been watching, you didn’t even notice he had sat down. “Whatcha watching,” he asked.
Startled by his sudden presence next to you, you flinched and quickly paused the show. “Jesus Christ, Roost. When did you get here?” He couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m watching the new episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi,” you answered.
“Obi-Wan… Like Star Wars?”
“Yes, like Star Wars.”
“God, you are such a nerd,” he remarked as he bumped his shoulder into yours.
From across the pool table, Jake called out. “Babe! Come here really quick!” Walking up to your boyfriend, you quickly pocketed your phone and headphones. As soon as you were in arm's reach, he pulled you into his arms and swayed as gave you a kiss to the top of your head.
“How’s the game with Javy going?”
When he replied, you could feel the smile that grew on his face. “Kicking his ass, as usual. How’s your show?”
“Good. It was really good. I’m surprised you didn’t catch me crying for a couple minutes. You know someday I’m gonna make you watch every Star Wars movie and show. Then before you know it, you’re just like me!”
Suddenly, Phoenix yelled out. “I’ll be waiting to see the day where our beloved Hangman turns into a Star Wars nerd as big as his girl!”
Jake groaned and sarcastically complained, “Do I have to see all of them?”
“It is a requirement if we are to continue dating, Lieutenant,” you said with a cheeky grin on your face.
“You got yourself a deal, darlin’,” he returned, his eyes filled with so much love. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” you whisper back, blood rushing through your face at his gaze. Tonight’s outing may have been out of your comfort zone, but with Jake by your side, you didn’t have to worry about a thing. He loved you, nerd and all.
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