#start thinking of your prompts; signups coming soon
ofmdrecaps · 3 months
07/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Leslie Jones; Ruibo Qian; Dominic Burgess; Samba Schutte; Logie Awards; AdoptOurCrew; Auxillery Wardrobe Zine; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Spotlight Cont'd; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
New month, new blog! Thanks everyone, as you probably can tell there's a new blog for the recaps! I'm doing this to allow for some more silly shenanigans to happen on my main, but also keep the recaps available and more easily accessible to those who want them! For the first few weeks I'll be reblogging them from main, but then will eventually move to just here so as not to overwhelm anyone following. Thanks so much for reading! I love doing these and I was actually surprised how many people followed! I didn't realize so many people were reading, so tysm that warms my heart and made my day!
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys will be join Baron Vaughn and Rory Scovel on AfterMidnight with Taylor Tomlinson on July 8th, 3 PM PST in Los Angelos, CA! Are you in the area? You can request tickets on their website!
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Source: 1iota's Instagram
Next up-- Peacock has posted an exclusive clip of the upcoming The Hungry Games: Alaska's Big Bear Challenge-- starring the voice of our very own Rhys Darby!
== Taika Waititi ==
Awesome new promo for Time Bandits! I'm gonna keep reminding you because I'm actually super psyched for this. July 24th on Apple TV!
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Source: Matt_Grace_Photography
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie out with the LA Sparks! <3 Also, did you know Leslie will be voicing a character in the New Hulu series Hit Monkey? I didn't know! New seasons starts July 15th!
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Source: LA Sparks IG / JoshuaGordon
== Ruibo Qian ==
Our Pirate Queen is going to be taking on the role of Ms. Sherlock Holmes in Ms.Holmes & Ms.Watson in APT 2B at the Old Globe Theatre in San Deigo CA! You can buy tickets for July 27th, opening day -- or any of the showings here!
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Source: OldGlobeTheatre Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Dominic is gracing us once again with cat pics. I love it <3
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
== Samba Schutte ==
More pictures with Samba at Dancing with Fire LA with the cast / crew of Advanced Chemistry!
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Source: alecmoore219's Instagram
== Logie Award Nominations ==
REMINDER! Our beloved Mads, aka Eddie Redcliffe in Deadloch, aka The Baddest MF in Tasmania, has been nominated for a 2024 Logie for Best Lead Actress! So was Kate Box, her costar, and Deadloch was nominated for Best Scripted Comedy Program!
-- and guess what? It's done by vote! If you feel so inclined, please take a moment to go and vote for our dear Archie/Deadloch (or Dulcie whomever you'd like)! https://vote.tvweeklogies.com.au/ Note: You do need to use your email to submit, just FYI!
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
Looks like something exciting will be coming soon from @adoptourcrew! I think I might have an idea what it may be related to...
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Auxiliary Wardrobe Zine ==
There's a new non-profit charity zine starting up-- in honor of our beloved Captain Stede and OFMD!
"From his flamboyant coats to his sword-slashed shirts, we want to celebrate EVERY way that Stede and fashion come together! Whether this be a canon look you're fond of, his job as a luxury fashion designer in an AU, or Stede in a style of clothing you personally love (or lack of clothing… pinups anyone?!) we encourage contributors to make this prompt their own. This zine will be a digital-only PDF and will consist of a SFW edition and a NSFW edition featuring fanart and fanfic. All proceeds for the zine will go to Care for Gaza."
Want to learn more? You can visit their carrd.co below for scheduling and FAQ's!
Info & FAQ: https://auxiliarywardrobezine.carrd.co
Artist & Writer Signups will start July 6, 2024!
Follow them on Instagram and Twitter!
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Source: The Auxiliary Wardrobe: A Stede Bonnet Zine
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Spotlights ==
Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week may be over, but that doesn't mean the spotlights have to end! Tonight we have the fantastic @hameko1019! I absolutely adore her style and use of color! You can check her work out on Hameko1019's Twitter! Thank you again to @garlicsoupweek for the wonderful prompts!
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Bonus
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Source: Hameko1019's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card by our fantastic @melvisik is Jordan Feldman who "was listed as 'Heavily Made-Up Man' in The Best Revenge is Dressing Well."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Well lovelies, you've made it half way through another week. Only half more to go-- for those of you in the UK, good luck at the elections! For those in the US, tomorrow is July 4th, and while I know there are mixed feelings this year in the US, please remember to take some time to relax and enjoy a day off if you have it.
You're doing so very well friends. There is SO much going on in the world, so much going on in the fandom, so much going on in your lives. But you are still kicking, and I'm so very proud of you for that. If you need to take a break-- do it. Give yourself some grace and get some rest, the world will still be there in a few days. If you've already done that and you're taking some time to yourself-- great job-- you deserve it. Remember that we will still be here, and we will still love you when you get back. Ed and Stede? Still in love when you get back. They're off terrorising some poor patron of their Inn with stories of being gut stabbed, or forcing them to watch a puppet show they came up with.
You're kicking ass at whatever struggles you are dealing with right now-- give yourself time to celebrate the fact you're surviving them. Rest well lovelies, see you soon <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is these two goof balls singing. Someone help me find Taika singing Queen, cause then we'll have some gif smushes <3 Tonight's gifs courtesy of @celluloidbroomcloset and @eddie-redcliffe!!
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nagamas · 2 months
Nagamas Is Gone; Long Live Nagamas
tl;dr Nagamas is getting an overhaul; the exchange is moving to AO3; there's a feedback form if you want to share your thoughts!
After running the Nagamas exchange for the past decade (!!!), with hundreds and hundreds of fanworks produced during those years, the original mod team is stepping down to move on to other ventures.  We'd like to thank them for their hard work during that time!  So many excellent fanworks and friendships were made possible because of you.
A new mod team will be taking the reins from here forward, and we'll be making some changes to the exchange, in order to make it easier and more sustainable to run and, hopefully, more enjoyable for the participants as well.
Below the cut: what's changing, what's staying the same, and what we'd like your feedback on.
Nagamas 2024-2025 will be run on Archive of Our Own.
This means fic and art produced for the exchange must be posted to AO3, and you will need an AO3 account to participate.
Nagamas will endeavor to get AO3 invite codes to everyone who needs one; however, if you do not have an AO3 account and think you may like to participate come wintertime, now's a great time to sign up for the AO3 waitlist.
We’ll still be reblogging/retweeting/etc gifts that are additionally posted to social media, but AO3 will be the *primary* location for all gifts.
We will no longer do all matches by hand.
While striving to find the perfect match for every participant, based on their myriad likes and dislikes, was a fun challenge for the mod team, with often-excellent results, it's also proved time-consuming and error-prone as the exchange has grown over time (more than 150 participants last year!).
Instead, we'll be using AO3's matching tool to assign matches.  (You will, of course, still be guaranteed to receive a gift that features at least one of your chosen characters/pairings, and any Do Not Wants you describe in your sign-up will be honored.)
In addition to this new system being easier for the mods, this means participants will receive assignments very soon after signups end, instead of needing to wait for a lengthy matching process.
Gifts will be revealed simultaneously.
Previously, we've allowed participants to post their gift to the platform of their choice as soon as their gift is complete.  However, this leads to confusion over "wait, where is my gift?", and disappointment when some gifts arrive much sooner than others.
Instead, this year, the AO3 collection will be hidden until every participant has a gift.
Pinch hits will be posted publicly.
In previous years, if creators dropped out of the exchange, the Nagamas mods would attempt to "rematch" by individually contacting a pinch hitter with interest in that particular prompt, in an effort to maintain secrecy as to which gifts were pinch hits and which were not.  However, this did take extra time and cause delays.
So, starting this year, if a creator drops out of the exchange, their assigned prompt will be posted publicly, and anyone can then volunteer themselves to fill the prompt.
We will still be a pan-Fire Emblem exchange.
You'll be able to request characters and ships from across the whole series.
We will still include both art and fic.
AO3 supports both; fanartists, we haven't forgotten about you!
We're still deciding what other changes may be necessary to keep running the exchange sustainably.  (Some things we're considering: we may require that participants' prompts include at least two different Fire Emblem games; we may not be able to honor "don't match me with this person"-type requests.)
If you have any feedback you think the new mod team should take into account when redesigning the exchange, please feel free to submit a quick note via this Google Form.
The form is completely anonymous, and we won’t post any of the feedback publicly, but we do promise to read and take into consideration each comment we receive.
Thanks & looking forward to another Nagamas!
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cywscross · 3 months
Hi cywscross, I was reading your fics recently (I love them so much!!) and I saw that you're working on a lot of bingos. I was thinking about signing up for some myself but I'm not really sure where to find them. If it's not too much trouble could you recommend me some?
lmao don't call me out like this I'm glad you liked my fics! And yes, I can list some here for you. I can list a lot for you.
First of all, there's a couple on Dreamwidth that I signed up for a few years ago and are still ongoing right now:
Tic Tac Woe - This one is a 3x3 bingo with a focus on apocalypses. Multifandom. No posting deadline.
Gen Prompt Bingo - 5x5 bingo with gen-style prompts, so no specific focus on romance or sex. A new round (with renewed prompt list) begins every April and December. Multifandom. Technically you should try to finish a card in the round you signed up for, but you can keep working on it and post it to the corresponding collection even after the round is over, and you don't need to finish a previous card to sign up for a new one.
Tarot Bingo - This one isn't on Dreamwidth but I'll slip it in here anyway. Like it's name, it's basically a bingo made up of tarot cards. It's on hiatus at the moment but you can check back at a later date. Multifandom, no posting deadline.
For the ones on Tumblr, there are quite a few more:
@fandombingo - Advertising my own bingo first lolol. You can sign up for a 5x5 bingo for a specific fandom or crossover of your choice. This one has no posting deadline, you can sign up anytime and post anytime. Recently, I also added mini-bingos to the line up, with prompts drawn from a specific fandom of my choice, but you can use the prompts for any fandom you want. Mini-bingos run when I have time, but so far, I've managed to stick to a monthly schedule, so signups for each one opens on the 5th of every month. Also no posting deadline.
@badthingshappenbingo - 5x5 bingo with a focus on dark/angst/whump prompts. Multifandom. No posting deadline.
@anyfandomgoesbingo - This one has a whole bunch under its umbrella - angst, AU, dark, fluff, kink, etc. You can get a 5x5 card for any (or all) of them. Multifandom. No posting deadline.
@julybreakbingo - This one has so many prompts it's insane. JBB runs only in the month of July (signups are currently open but end July 7th this year!), but they have a Post-July Break Bingo that starts after July is over and runs until next May-ish, and Pre-July Break Bingo starts May/June-ish until the end of July. They might also host a couple other events throughout the year so you can keep an eye out for that. They have various card sizes you can choose from, and it's multifandom.
@sweetspicybingo - Sweet & Spicy Bingo has hosted several bingos so far, they tend to be a couple months long each time. At the moment, their latest Hurt/Comfort Bingo has closed, but they'll probably come back soon with something new. Multifandom. Some have posting deadlines but you can keep working on them afterwards, you just won't get a badge for it.
@hurtcomfort-bingo - As you can see, this one is a bingo for hurt/comfort prompts. Their second round is open at the moment (closes August 9th) so you can check that out. It's multifandom with no posting deadline. They've also run one mini-event so far (closed now) so they might run another in the future.
@seasonaldelightsbingo - This one has hosted several bingos with a focus on that particular month/season (winter, valentine's, spring, etc.). They're also on hiatus at the moment but they should come back in the future. It's multifandom, and the posting deadline is I think a year from when signups open. But again, I think you can keep working at it afterwards.
@lyricalescape - A 5x5 bingo with song titles/lyrics for prompts. I think they're still running? Their queue list hasn't moved in a while but they also haven't made any closing announcement so I'm assuming they're still open. Multifandom with no posting deadline.
@fandom-free-bingo - This bingo is a heavyweight too. It hosts a new bingo at the start of every month, with a different theme each time, usually based on the month. Their July bingo is Plurality so you can check that out. Signups run for the whole month. 5x5 and 3x3 cards, multifandom, they'll reblog your works for up to a year but no real posting deadline.
@multifandom-flash - This one also hosts multiple bingos, and all of them are open indefinitely. They have calendar events (bingo based on the month) but also other random ones (soulmates, fear, Marvel, etc.). Card sizes vary. No posting deadline. Most are multifandom, some are fandom-specific.
@eclipsingbingo - This bingo has prompts with a focus on angst and fluff. Their main one is always open, but they've also run one flash bingo, so they might do that again in the future. Multifandom, no posting deadline.
And that's about it! There are others, but these are the ones I've signed up for. It's a lot lol so you can take a look and see if any of them strike your fancy. Have fun!
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spnfanficpond · 10 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
Everyone not in Hawaii right now is having terrible FOMO as we sit at home and watch videos of Jensen singing and playing guitar. Well, at least I am. Loving the rock star hair!! Thanksgiving in the US is this week and I, personally, will be giving thanks for everything that has contributed to his current look.
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Old Business:
Secret Santa 2023 - Signups are closed and everyone has received their assigned recipients! If you have not received a message, send a message to Admin Marie!
New social media platforms - Though we have no plans to leave Tumblr, Twitter, or Discord, we may try to expand our reach to Bluesky. If nothing else, we'll create an account over there soon just to have it there. Thanks to everyone who submitted a response to our survey!
Fishing for Treasures - This weekend is FFT weekend and we are celebrating Gen fics!! Check out our queue for some quality fics that are not centered around romance. Due to the lack of submissions, y'all have been stuck with mostly fics written by Admin Michelle because she loves a gen fic. To increase participation for next year, we will be redefining the fics we celebrate in November to include any fic that does not have smut.
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompts were -
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New Business:
SPNFanFicPond Fic Highlight - As a birthday present to @hoboal87, we highlighted their series Don't Speak! Click here to read our review!
Manta Ray in the Discord server - On Friday, Manta Ray Kat will spend part of her day off in our Discord server chatting with you! Keep an eye out for announcement posts with the exact date and time, or take a look at our calendar!
Competitive Writing Sprints - On Saturday, Manta Ray Dean will be hosting a session of competitive writing sprints! With the Rewatch chats starting up, we've slacked off a bit, but we're trying to get back into the swing of things. Everyone who participates gets a prize, but the winner(s) get first pick. So, come hang out, add words to your WIP, and win fabulous prizes! Announcement posts with details will come out in a couple of days or so!
SPN Rewatch: Fanfic Edition - Our next chat about our rewatch of Supernatural will be on Saturday! We will be discussing episodes 1.07 Hook Man and 1.08 Bugs. The docs for these episodes have been created in the Archive and are ready for you to enter whatever notes you'd like to add. As of this posting, all docs are updated. Thematic docs have related notes from episode docs pasted in them, and everything is cross-linked for easy reference. Is there a theme you think we should create a doc for? Let us know! Send us an ASK, or DM @mrswhozeewhatsis.
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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Sign Up Walkthrough (SWTOR Summer)
Signups are coming up soon so here is a guide on how to sign up for the exchange. When it's time, a post will go out with the link to the signup form and from there (as long as you have an AO3 account), it's pretty simple to sign up!
You MUST have an AO3 account to participate. If you need one, please reach out. I have several invitations I can give out.
To start your Signup, go to the Collection Page during the signup period and click on "Signup Form".
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We start the signups with what you'd like to receive as a gift. After a general blurb about how the signups work (please read this first), you will get to the form itself. You must choose at least two separate requests (each request must have at least 2 characters listed- this allows for better matching). Each "request form" allows up to 20 separate characters and 20 separate relationships. List as many characters and/or relationships you'd like. If you don't want a pairing, feel free to list characters you enjoy only.
Pairings can be platonic, romantic, multipairing, etc.
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The form above is what it looks like when you scroll to the first request. (I filled one out as a sample for you to look at). You MUST choose fandom (there is only one to choose) and then go down to characters and relationships. If you aren't particular about what you receive as a gift, you can click on "Any Relationship" or "Any Character".
Please be aware that if you do click either of those options, you are giving your gift giver the freedom to write or draw whatever they want as long as they adhere to your DNWs. Please be absolutely sure that is what you want before you click it.
Please be as descriptive as possible about your DNWs and triggers. They cannot be enforced if they are not explicitly stated.
You can choose to receive fanart, fanfiction, or both. But you must click at least one.
Links: Links are for letters, prompt ideas, more detailed DNWs, information or tags for your custom characters and ship dynamics. Feel free to link your Tumblr or anything else you think is necessary.
For your offers, this is where you will choose what YOU will be GIVING. This helps the mods and AO3 match you to someone that you will be happy creating for. You must list at least two different characters to be matched well. Again, if you click "Any Relationship/Character" in your offers, you are saying that you will make something for ANYTHING. Platonic, romantic or anything in between. Please be careful with using that option.
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You have to make two offers but can list up to 20 characters and/or pairings per offer. You don't have to do this many, but the minimum is 2. Please be descriptive with your DNWs again, this is where I will determine if you are matched with someone that won't upset your triggers. The additional tags are the most important part of your offers because it will determine what YOU ARE MAKING. Please, if you are writer, only choose fanfic. If you are an artist, only click fanart. If you do both, you can choose to offer one or both.
After you submit your signup, you can edit it up to closing day, July 31st. After the 31st, you will be unable to edit it as matching will begin.
Any questions regarding signups, please message a mod or the main exchange blog. Someone will get back as quickly as possible.
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shadowsong26fic · 1 year
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month, so here we are!
As usual, we’ll do an Open Question Night--while my askbox is always open, tonight I’ll be keeping an eye on it if anyone has questions. Anything about any fandom/original project I’ve written about here or posted to AO3 is fair game. I do take prompts, but no guarantees on how quickly I’ll fill them.
All right, here we go!
Star Wars Fic:
I’ve basically only been writing my Year of the OTP fills at the moment. I’m also doing some betaing/podficcing for SWBB, as well as pitching in on the mod side, but not a lot of writing. Hopefully once the event is over I’ll get back to Precipice!verse (which I refuse to let die) and other projects in that fandom, but we’ll see how it goes.
Castlevania Fic:
I swear I haven’t forgotten Incinctus (or the one other plot idea I had, but I want to put more of Incinctus up before I start working on it). I just...yeah, nothing’s really happened this month, lol. Maybe in May...although I do have a lot of family/personal stuff coming up so IDK how much time I’ll have. Work at least should be somewhat calmer now?
BSG Fic:
I really am working on The Other Battlestar in the background of everything else, I swear, lol. Still no official posting/start date, but maybe?? soon?? I hope anyway.
Also been doing Year of the OTP for this one. I’m really proud of the one I came out with this month--it’s an AU that’s been kicking around in my head for a while, and I like some of what I managed to pull off with mirroring bits of language/etc. (May or may not continue this AU; there’s some Interesting things that could go on. This...is probably going to make me sound like a terrible person, but they obviously won’t succeed Completely because that makes for a much less interesting story, lol. But those 4-ish months between this bit and the eventual attack, plus the ways the aftermath would be different, could be a Lot of fun. I did have a few ideas here and there, but nothing like a coherent Story yet.)
Also! Galactica Big Bang is coming along! The amazing fracktastic designed some icons, and I’m putting a banner together/finalizing the FAQ/rules/etc. I’ll probably do a kickoff post sometime this month. Like...what’s normal for this type of event, lol. Six weeks before the signups open? A month? Two? (Technically I missed the window on two, since I’m opening signups on July 1...)
...I also need to actually design the signup forms, whoops...::adds to to-do list::
Original Fic:
Still doing OTP fills; I’m having a lot of fun with it. I did write one thing that was not a fill for a challenge on rainbowfic; might or might not do that again this month, I haven’t looked at the May prompts for Year of the OTP, but they could line up with this month’s RF challenge...
(I also might be going back to the Bridgerton/Regency AU for Lux that I put together a couple years back for a challenge. This is because I saw Les Mis on Saturday and I swear that actually does make sense in context XD
Other Projects:
Nothing concrete in the pipeline at the moment...one of my roommates has gotten back into AtLA again (not sure if that had happened by April’s Coming Attractions post and I’m too lazy to check lol) so a few of the things I poke at in that fandom are floating around. No concrete work on anything at this point, but we’ll see how it goes.
...I think that’s everything! Like I said at the beginning, Open Question Night, etc. What’s on your mind?
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single exchange with a (surprisingly) good turnout must be in want of a sequel.
That's right: we're doing this again! Watch this space for more info on the 2021 Jaime/Brienne Fic Exchange!
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torchwoodfanfests · 3 years
Step-by-step guide on how to participate in the Bingo Fest: a manual for the uninitiated
As there may be people who have never participated in a fandom event like this before, we thought we’d provide you all with a step-by-step guide you can refer to throughout the fest in case you have difficulty figuring any of it out.  
This post will walk you through how to sign up and participate in our current fest, but if you have any further doubts don’t hesitate to ask us :)
Step 1: sign up
The first thing you need to do to participate is to go to this google form to sign up. Signups will be open from June 25th to July 31st. All that we require is a way to contact you (like an email or your tumblr url) so we can send you your bingo card. Once you’ve done that, you’ll receive your card shortly and can start creating!
Step 2: the bingo card
Here is an example of what the bingo card will look like:
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As you can see, the cards will be 5x5 with a total of 25 prompts. After you read all the prompts, consider which one(s) you’d like to use as inspiration. Some people start with whichever prompt inspires them, some try to find which line of prompts they like the best (remember you get bingo by completing a straight line of 5 prompts, horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Some even attempt to complete the entire bingo card!
Once you decide which prompt(s) you’ll use, get started on your writing and/or art! You can combine different prompts for one piece or make one fanwork for each. For example, you can use the prompts ‘family’ and ‘prequel’ in one work. Remember that for this fest we set a minimum word count of 500 words per prompt for written fanworks, so if you choose to combine prompts into one fic, the minimum word count adds up (if you choose to combine ‘prequel’ and ‘family’, that’s 2 prompts, so that fic should have at least 1000 words; if you choose to combine ‘prequel’, ‘family’ and ‘torchwood one’ into one fic, the word count should be at least 1500 words, and so on). There is no maximum word count.
Artists can combine as many prompts into one piece as they want, but the total number of individual art pieces we require for bingo is three fanworks (can be a mix of different types of art). Participants can also combine writing and art as their submissions to get bingo.
For fanvideos and video edits you need a minimum of 30 seconds per square to fill the prompt. Prompts can be combined, and there is no maximum length. For playlists and tracklists, you need at least 3 tracks per prompt, plus a few lines of text to tell the story you’re putting together. This explanation can be written however you want, it can read like a summary of the story, like not!fic, like a short drabble, or you can just say why you picked the songs (e.g. “I picked this song because this lyric fits how this character was feeling when X happened”, or “this song illustrates this character’s opinion about Y”). As usual, prompts can be combined, and there is no maximum length.
Let’s use the sample bingo card to give you some examples of what completing a line might look like.
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Note: for the prompt squares that have more than one option separated by slashes (like “plants/vegetables”) you need to use only one of them, the slash stands for “or” in this case.
Example 1: vertical line bingo (writing)
Fic #1: bed sharing, 650 words
Fic #2: rarepair + meet the family, 1000 words
Fic #3: torchwood one, 1400 words
Fic #4: the hub goes on lockdown, 520 words
In this case, each fic reaches the minimum word count of 500 words per prompt, as you can see. This could also look like one fic of at least 2500 words which hits all the prompts. More on posting after a few more examples.
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Example 2: diagonal line bingo (art)
Art piece #1: bed sharing, moodboard
Art piece #2: crossover+undercover, digital painting
Art piece #3: family, edit
Art piece #4: plants/vegetables, digital painting
This example has one piece that combines two prompts, and three pieces for single prompts. With a total of four pieces, this counts as bingo (minimum for art submissions is a total of three if all your fanworks are art).
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Example 3: horizontal line (writing+art)
Fic #1: torchwood one+prequel, 1200 words
Fic #2: family, 2000 words
Art #1: dancing, traditional drawing
Art #2: andy davidson, 30-second video
This example combines different types of fanworks and clears all the requirements (at least 500 word count per prompt and more than three pieces total).
Sidenote: if you’re having trouble thinking of what to do with a prompt, a good way to come up with ideas is to crowdsource the brainstorming process! Post about it on your blog asking for suggestions, ask a friend, discuss it in groupchats with other fans, or send us an ask for some suggestions.
Remember, you don’t have to go with the most obvious interpretation of a prompt, trope subversion and creative interpretations are welcome here! You got ‘mpreg’ but don’t want to get into an mpreg story? Write about Jack mentioning how there’s a humanoid alien race where men are the ones who get pregnant! Or have him make a comment about a male friend of his from the 51st century who carried a child. Or have any male character have a dream about being pregnant, whether that’s possible for them or not (and this is Torchwood, so nothing is quite impossible). Take the prompt and twist it into something you like!
Step 3: posting your works!
Once you start completing some fanworks, you can post them at any point for the duration of the fest (June 25th to August 25th). While you do not have to post them as you make them and could wait until the last day, we do not recommend that as we foresee there will be more people finishing some works at the last minute and so it’ll be easier for your fanworks to get attention if you post them early.
The posting process is simple: you need to post your work on your own tumblr first. This post needs to have: 1) the fanwork or a link to the fanwork, and 2) any relevant content warnings (check our list of mandatory content warnings here). Please note that anything that requires a content warning (including sexually explicit content) should be under a cut.
For fic, we recommend that you share some information in order to give potential readers an idea of what it’s about (title, summary, rating, prompt, and you can add an author’s note or more details if you want), and if you post to ao3, you should add it to our ao3 collection! You can do this when you first post it (or go back to edit later) under ‘Associations> Post to Collections / Challenges’, where you simply have to type torchwoodbingo2021 and select our collection. Art and fanvids can also be posted to ao3 and added to the collection!
Step 4: submitting your work for us to reblog
After you post your fanwork to your tumblr, you need to copy the link of the post and submit it to this google form so we can reblog it. We will not reblog posts that don’t have the appropriate content warnings so please be sure to warn as needed.
Step 5: creating your masterpost (optional)
Once you’re done with the fest, whether you’ve managed to get bingo or not (or, if you’re very ambitious, if you’ve cleared the entire card), we would recommend that you make a masterpost with all the works you’ve made for this fest. This is not required, but it’s very satisfying and it’s a good way to look back on what you’ve accomplished and to promote your fanworks again :)
Like the examples above, the typical masterpost would have your bingo card (with the prompts you’ve used marked in some way) and a list of your fanworks with links to each of them and which prompt they fill.
You can submit this masterpost to the same google form as above and we will reblog it as well :)
And that’s it!
If you have any further questions, you can send them here and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.
We hope this post helps clear some doubts about how the fest works and that we get as many people involved as possible ^_^
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I need to make a decision soon about @lokirarepairbigbang (and @rdrbigbang for that matter, which has a signup deadline of...tomorrow whoops), and I don’t know what I want to doooooo
well, that’s not really accurate, I actually do want to sign up, for the Loki one because I would really like to finish something and Loki rarepairs deserve more love, and the RDR one because this would be good motivation to unearth my old RDR1/Undead Nightmare fix-it and get it into a shape I’m not embarrassed to post...but in the latter case specifically, I never finished it because there were some plot issues I never figured out and still don’t know how to solve...and for the Loki one, I have a few vague ideas in mind but nothing super specific--
and of course in either case the bigger problem is that I’ve been having trouble writing in general lately for...a while, which is probably obvious just from the fact that I finished exactly one short fic in all of 2020. which, I mean, it was 2020! but there have been a number of different problems going on:
my brain just...doesn’t want to make the words come out, especially when I think of something that I’m sure this time will basically function as a super quick little prompt fill that I can churn out in one sitting and give myself a boost by actually finishing something and then every single time it turns out to be at least slightly more complicated, requiring more setup and/or decision-making than I expected, and I lose momentum/motivation. this has happened 10 times in recent memory at minimum.
remember last year when I was like...constantly moaning about all the letters/postcards I meant to be writing for the 2020 elections? I didn’t write nearly as many as I thought I could/should, but then I really don’t know what a realistic number would have been, and the truth is that I did write...kind of a lot, enough that handwriting started to hurt if I did it for more than a few minutes at a time, and that never really stopped. I don’t think it’s as bad as it was, but my hands physically Don’t Like writing as much anymore (and frankly they didn’t love it that much to begin with).
well then I could just type, right? true! except for some reason my brain just freezes up when I try to write on a computer, and I like having the built-in editing opportunity of typing what I’ve written.
oh but also, typing often does bother my wrists and/or hands, especially lately, so there’s that too!
I don’t like Being Observed while I try to write, and of course for the past year my mom and I have both been at home basically all the time, meaning I don’t have time to myself to begin with...and on the rare occasions I’ve had some alone time and sat down on the couch to write, I’m like oh haha right, that isn’t the only problem, the other problem is my neck starts hurting pretty quickly from looking down at my notebook, and also sitting on a big couch just makes me want to fall asleep because I’m always tired!
I actually can’t think of ANY writing positions that wouldn’t make my neck hurt, which is a problem, because when it takes so much focus and effort to make the words go, pain makes it EVEN HARDER for my brain to focus! So that’s Not Ideal either!
it is always, always so much easier to play video games.
what makes it almost more frustrating is that I really, genuinely want to write, or at least I very much want to have written, and that’s something I’ve recovered lately--for a long time I’ve let myself turn it into another source of stress and guilt, another example of how I’m a failure in general because I should be doing more and I’m not and all my reasons for struggling are just excuses because if I cared enough I could just push through it etc. etc., and for the most part over the past few months I’ve stopped doing that to myself because, I mean, it hasn’t worked yet, has it? so instead maybe I could try to not make myself miserable, and just recognize without judgment that I struggle with certain things, and from there maybe figure out some solutions?
and that new mindset, among other things, means I’ve been able to rediscover that hey, these are some good ideas, I like them, I want to bring them into the world and share them with other people, I want to create things, and that is definitely a positive development. and yet...all the other obstacles are...still there, and I’ve made very little progress in figuring out solutions.
so now it’s like...for a long time the biggest problem was that I was making it harder for myself, letting this thing I theoretically enjoyed just be another reason to hate myself--which, shockingly enough, does not actually motivate you to do things when your brain has taught itself that a particular thing is always associated with more pain from self-loathing. anything that fixes that problem is a good thing. so now I should be able to write again, right? but...no, the other problems are still problems and I don’t know what to do about them.
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interview with a writer
I was tagged by @haztobegood and @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed to answer these interview questions -- thank you! I always love reading people’s answers to these.
name: Maggie, I’m disgruntledkittenface on AO3 and tumblr
fandoms: One Direction and related (BBC Radio 1 RPF, Shawn Mendes)
where you post: always on AO3
most popular one-shot: caught up in your love affair, my first larry fic, a kind of Prince Harry/Meghan Markle AU
most popular multi-chap: you came into my life, my Queer Eye AU which people are still discovering!
favorite story you’ve written so far: this probably changes every time someone asks, but since tis the season, I’ll go with my shiall Hallmark Christmas movie AU a bagel for all seasons
fic you were nervous to post: definitely we should open up (before it’s all too much), all of my fics are like my heart on a platter but this one is definitely the most personal
how do you choose your titles: usually song lyrics, which can take some googling because I don’t listen to a wide variety of music, but sometimes they just come to me, like bambi legs, because of the story
do you outline: oh yes, I outline. I start with a notes doc to write out anything and everything I’m thinking that I want to include, and then I organize those notes into the flow of the fic.
complete: 33 fics, including Wine Not?, the round robin fic for @louandhazaf’s birthday 
in progress: I will be working on my Grace Kelly AU for an indeterminate amount of time, partly because I have so much story I want to tell and partly because I’m trying not to rush and savor the process; I also have a notes doc for a zarry exes to lovers AU for @harryandmenfest (but because it’s me, it’s not going to be super angsty)
coming soon/not yet started: I was procrastinating on Grace Kelly this week when signups reopened for @girldirectionfest so I wrote something for it that I kind of want to make into a series? But I can’t give any details!! I also have a doc to track ideas and I have some that I’m really excited to tackle but it will be awhile
prompts?: I save a lot of links as potential prompts, and if you see anything you want to send me, please do! @homosociallyyours sent me something that reminded her of me and it felt like the biggest compliment because it was something I can definitely see myself writing at some point
upcoming work you’re most excited about: Grace Kelly!!!!! I’m really, really happy with how it’s going and how the relationship is progressing, and I hope people want to bear with me for this build, I’m at around 50k and they’re not even engaged yet BUT THEY WILL BE and I’m actually kind of excited to get to the relationship conflicts that I have planned, which is not always my thing but I think it’s gonna be really good, okay byee
I’ll tag @crinkle-eyed-boo @queenofquiet17 @uhohmorshedios @a-brighter-yellow @louandhazaf @homosociallyyours @allwaswell16 @lululawrence @hazzabeeforlou @beau-soleil-louis @twopoppies and @jacaranda-bloom if you’re up for it!
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chil2de · 3 years
hey shawtybae, i hope you’re doing well!! noticed your took a lil mini hiatus and yeah i hope everything’s okay :). please take your time and make sure not to rush yourself with your pieces also making sure to take care of yourself. thanks for providing all this content for us, fr you’re one of the best writers i’ve come across on this app<3
hi anonie! that concoction of a pet name seriously made me cackle you are a genius
i had a cold over my easter break and i spent two weeks in suffering filled with sniffling but i feel a lot better now so don’t worry about it <3
please you guys are the sweetest and most supporting people i’ve ever met you’re giving me too much credit, i wouldn’t be here w/ out you so thank you and ily! i’m glad you like my work!
although an apology is most likely inappropriate, i’d still like to apologise for not posting nearly as much as i used to; though in all fairness i started tumblr in the midst of lockdown when i had no real responsibilities but by all means that doesn’t mean i’ll quit writing anytime soon
so to compensate i just wanna put a few of the ongoing series i’ve been working on in the background on hold and focus on, i guess an act of compensation? i think that if i take a while uploading then i wanna take my time making my pieces much more longer and higher quality (maybe about 7k words? that used to be my average for nsfw ginhiji works)
i’ve got a lot of aces up my sleeve in regards to prompts that i’ve been saving for the right opportunity, so i just wanted to ask you guys which characters you’d like to see me write more. you can vote on the poll below and i promise it only takes a couple of seconds! completely anon with no signup required, i can’t see ip addresses and no name is required so your privacy is respected <3
thank you! voting lets me know which character is the most popular and lets me focus on specific works for said character. also, lesser known characters will definitely not be overlooked
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ft-dads-au · 5 years
Chance Encounter - Chapter 5 (Final)
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Home for the Holidays 2019 Prompt: Limits A collaboration by @mdelpin​ and @oryu404​ AO3 | FF.Net | Prev: Ch 4
6:40 pm - 7:15 pm Members are encouraged to talk about any issues or share successes
"Alright, that was incredibly uhm, informational?" Gildarts muttered, "Anyway, on to my favorite part. For those of you joining us for the first time, this is the part of the meeting where we talk about what's going on with us. Any issues that we're facing or anything we managed that we're proud of. Keep it to kids/family stuff, I'm looking at you Wakaba, no one needs to hear more about your fights with Millgana.”
"Let's start with the positive things first, does anyone have something good to share?" Macao asked even as he snickered at a man with a pompadour hairdo that Rogue could only assume was Wakaba.
One of the other dads got up from his seat, smiling widely. He had short dark hair and was wearing a blue t-shirt with the Magnolia Police Department logo. "It's my daughter Asuka's birthday today. She turned six and wanted to celebrate with you guys as well."
Upon hearing her name, Asuka left the play area and rushed to her father's side, "Is it cupcake time, daddy?" she asked, jumping up and down in excitement.
"Yes it is," he assured her, still smiling as he patted the top of her head through the cowboy hat she was wearing. He then addressed the rest of the group again, "We made cupcakes together to share with the club. It was a lot of fun, and they turned out great, Asuka even did all the decorating herself!"
They all took a moment to sing Happy Birthday to the excited little girl who beamed at being the center of attention. Father and daughter then retrieved a plastic tray that had been covered with foil from the snack area.
"Are there any more napkins?" the man asked, and Gildarts walked over to where there were still some market bags, quickly grabbing one and handing it to the father.
"That's great, Alzack!" Macao complimented as father and daughter wandered around the room offering cupcakes, "I think one of the challenges we often face as fathers is allowing ourselves to enjoy activities that are usually associated with women. Baking, tea parties, or playing with dolls, just to name a few. We need to remember these are just another part of our children's development. Giving them affection and support is much more important than any perceived affront to our masculinity."
Hearing Macao mention tea parties, Rogue couldn't help but remember the ones Gildarts and his father had forced on him and Gray when Cana had first shown up. She'd been so quiet and sad when they had first met her, and both men had tried their best to make her smile. To the point of wearing ridiculous outfits while sitting around holding conversations with dolls and holding the little cups from the tea set that had been a present from Rogue's mother in their large hands.
Rogue chuckled at the memory and searched out his brother, wanting to see if he'd had a similar reaction only to find Gray watching him as well, and for one instant, they shared a smile before Gray looked away.
"I'd love to do stuff like that," a man spoke up, drawing Rogue’s attention to him. Unlike most of the other men there, he was dressed impeccably in a fitted suit, and for some reason, he chose to wear tinted sunglasses inside. His expression was sad as he accepted a cupcake from the little girl, but he still managed to offer her a smile, "Thank you, sweetheart."
"What's going on, Loke?" Gildarts asked, sitting in one of the empty chairs next to him.
"I barely get to see my girls anymore. They're usually asleep by the time I get home during the week, and now my wife has started taking them to her parents' summer house on the weekends."
“I get that, with my crazy schedule I don’t get as much time as I’d like with the twins, so I try to plan something each week and just kind of grab any moment I can along the way, you know?”
Rogue knew Sting was just trying to be helpful, but something about Loke's body language made him think his situation was very different from theirs.
Gildarts leaned his head towards Loke, and they began speaking in quiet voices, Loke seeming more upset the more they talked.
Rogue looked away, feeling uncomfortable with watching when Loke seemed so unhappy. As his eyes wandered, he couldn't help but notice that his brother's companion was staring at Loke with a rather interesting expression on his face, seeming to Rogue to almost border on dislike.
Before he had a chance to wonder about it, Alzack and his daughter were standing in front of him and Sting, holding a tray still half-full of cupcakes. The little girl's eyes were hopeful, and Rogue could only gawk at her attempts at decoration. Each cupcake was slathered with pink frosting, a drawing of some kind done in white frosting on the top, although to him it looked like no more than a blob.
"Oh, wow! Those look great!" Sting grinned, always enthusiastic about anything having to do with food, "Can I have more than one?"
“Sting!” Rogue scolded, but the little girl only giggled as she handed his husband two cupcakes.
“You can have one too!” she handed Rogue a cupcake before moving on to the men sitting next
to them.
Rogue ate his cupcake before Sting could beg it off him, he had to admit it was pretty good.
Another man had spoken up about a problem he was having with his teenage son when Rogue heard someone say, “Wouldn’t these have been more useful before you got here?” followed by a chorus of laughs.
Gray’s companion was holding a box of condoms in his hand, and a quick glance at the impish grin on Gildarts’ face and the way he was watching Macao for his reaction made Rogue realize this must have been the object he’d hidden earlier.
Macao, for his part, was frowning at Gildarts with what looked to be long-suffering exasperation, which seemed to be enough to set Gildarts off into a fit of mirth. It almost reminded Rogue of the way his dad would sometimes get when Gildarts was too much for him to handle. And he stopped that thought before it could gain any traction. Of all the hornet's nests that had been stirred that day, his father was the one he couldn't afford to dwell on.
7:15 pm - 7:30 pm Upcoming events or activities (signups)
"For now, we are still paper only, so there will be a clipboard available where you can sign up to bring an item or help plan an event. The old club used to do activities like picnics, potluck dinners around the holidays, stuff like that. We'd like to continue the tradition, so if you have any ideas of things you'd like us to try, don't be shy. As soon as Warren finishes, you should be able to just do it from your phone." Macao declared.
“Feel free to send Warren an email to encourage him to hurry up, his email is-” Macao teased as Warren yelled at him to shut up.
“As far as the snacks, we’ve decided to just charge a 500 jewel monthly fee rather than asking people to remember to bring stuff. Please make sure to list any allergies you or your children might have on your membership form. Gildarts and I will just buy snacks before every meeting. Everyone okay with that?”
No one complained, and they soon began discussing different possible activities both with the kids and dads only.
Rogue lost interest in the conversation, his eyes darting more and more to the play area. He observed Aki, hoping he could somehow glean the answers to all of his questions just from the way he acted.
Aki ran back to his father, sporting a bright smile on his face as he climbed back on his lap. Gray
hugged him, kissing his forehead and listening to whatever the little boy was telling him. The silver-haired man smiled at both of them, ruffling Aki's hair, which caused the little boy to frown at him, and it was such a perfect replica of Gray's frown that Rogue had to laugh.
There was a longing in him now to have Aki be a part of their lives and to rekindle the bond he'd once shared with Gray, back when things were simpler. He waited impatiently for the meeting to come to a close so that he could try to approach his brother. If nothing else to let him know he wanted to talk.
7:30pm Cleanup
“Alright, our time is up. We’d like to thank everyone for coming, we’ll be here again next week. Please take a moment to help us clean up, and make sure to grab your kids on the way out!” Macao announced as Gildarts appeared with a large garbage bag.
The room once again became chaotic as everyone got up to help with the cleanup. Small groups formed blocking Rogue’s view of Gray and his mysterious companion while others cluttered up the play area in search of their kids.
He finally caught a glimpse of them and without even a word of warning to Sting Rogue took off after them. He tried to get through the crowd to get to his brother, but he was stopped by an older man.
"Are you the journalist Macao was telling me about?" he stared up at Rogue, and though he was furious at the interruption, the man's kind smile made it impossible for him to snap at him.
Instead, he took a deep breath and held his hand out for the older man to shake, “Yes, my name is Rogue Eucliffe.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Makarov Dreyar.”
For a man his age- and this short, he had to be under 4 feet tall- Makarov had a firm handshake. Whatever he had to say did not quite reach Rogue’s ears. Instead, he was focusing on overhearing the conversation Gray was having with his companion.
"I told you this would be a waste of time," Gray grumbled as they walked towards the exit, a smiling Aki in his arms.
“I wouldn’t say that. This was just as much for Aki as it was for you, and he seems to have enjoyed it immensely. Now, are you going to tell me what your deal is with that guy with the long black hair or what?”
The doors closed behind them, and Rogue felt his frustration grow as Makarov continued to talk to him, asking him questions about his family, which he tried to answer as politely as he could.
"Can you excuse me for just one minute?" Without waiting for a response, Rogue ran out the daycare center exit, down the long hallway and out the community center doors, but he saw no sign of them.
Damn it! How was he supposed to find him now?
With a heavy heart, he hurried back to the daycare center, feeling bad for acting so rudely towards the older man. When he entered, he was surprised to see Sting had already put both boys in the stroller and was talking to Gildarts, million watt smile at the ready.
"Put that away, son, you're liable to blind someone with that thing," Gildarts asserted, looking amused. "I've already told you, I can't give you any private information on any of our members. Would you like it if I just gave out the half-pint's number to anyone that asked?"
“But Gray is his brother,” Sting protested, “You know that for a fact.”
"I do, still doesn't change anything," Gildarts shrugged, "Listen, kid, I wish I could help you out, but my hands are tied. Now, if you were to ask me for information on his companion, that would be a different story."
"He gave me business cards and permission to hand them out to anyone who might need one, but you didn't so-" Gildarts turned away, and Rogue wanted nothing more than to throttle him.
Same old Gildarts, always playing games, never taking anything seriously.
“Give me the damn card, Gildarts,” Rogue growled, not in the mood to play along.
“Half-pint, you came back!”
Rogue rolled his eyes, grabbing the card Gildarts offered him and reading it hungrily. Lyon Vastia, Attorney at Reitei Family Law and a phone number. It wasn't what he'd hoped for, but it was something, a connection to Gray no matter how small.
“You talked to him, what did he say?” Rogue demanded, not even bothering to disguise how important the information was to him.
Gildarts crossed his arms “I’m not saying a word until you start talking. What the hell happened between you two? And don’t you dare say nothing, I’m not stupid. I’ve witnessed sworn enemies act happier to see each other.”
The last thing Rogue wanted to do was to rehash the events of the last six years with Gildarts, especially when he was already riled up. But Gildarts had always known how to push all his buttons and this time was no different. The man had been interrogated countless times by professionals and had never been broken, Rogue knew without a doubt Gildarts would not disclose anything until he came clean.
“Fine,” Rogue accepted the terms, but when he opened his mouth to begin Gildarts stopped him.
“Not here.” Gildarts turned to Sting, flashing him his own million watt smile that had wooed more women than any of them had ever been able to count. “Half-Pint’s coming with me to FairyTail, assuming he’s honest with me he shouldn’t be home too late.”
Sting looked like he wanted to protest but one look at Rogue’s face was enough to silence him. Instead, he gave him a quick hug and whispered, “Good luck, I’ll see you when you get home.”
Home. Rogue held on to that word, it had been an empty one for so long, until Sting had come along and given it meaning again. No matter what came of his talk with Gildarts, knowing that he had a home to return to that was full of love and family gave him the strength to suffer through whatever the rest of the night had in store for him.
“That bastard!” Rogue ranted the second he made it through the door.
Sting shushed him, pointing at the door to the twins’ room. “How much did you have to drink?”
Rogue blinked, trying to remember how many drinks Gildarts had shoved at him as they talked. He shrugged in response, he had no idea.
Sting snatched the baby monitor and the glass of wine he’d been drinking, leaving the other he’d obviously poured for Rogue behind. Grabbing him by the arm he gently led him outside, sitting both of them on the bench swing in their backyard.
“What happened?” Sting pushed his feet against the ground, rocking the swing back and forth slowly.
“I must have talked for hours, I told him everything and-” Rogue was once again filled with rage, “He didn’t know anything, said he tried to get Gray to talk to him but failed.”
Rogue wanted to scream, he felt like such an idiot. How was it that even after all these years Gildarts could still turn him into an insecure child? Gray would never have fallen for that.
He could feel Sting’s eyes on him, even worse he could see the way he was trying hard not to laugh at him.
“That guy is something else,” Sting chuckled with something akin to admiration, “Let me ask you this, outside of the anger you’re obviously experiencing, do you feel any better?”
“You heard me, you’ve been holding on to a lot of that stuff for years, I know it’s been eating away at you. He might have been a dick, but he got you to talk about all of it, which is something you desperately needed.”
Rogue had done more than that. Gildarts had always been a man of action. Given all the things he’d come to learn about there was no way he would be willing to stand on the sidelines while people he considered family were floundering about.
No, Rogue thought as he remembered how furious Gildarts had seemed upon hearing the events that had transpired while he’d been handling his own issues. He had unleashed Gildarts on all of them and with a sadistic grin, considering everything he’d gone through on his own, he realized he wasn’t one bit sorry.
He laughed until tears streamed down his cheeks, the alcohol feeding into his hysteria, causing Sting to gaze at him with concern once again.
“You’re right, it’s going be fine,” Rogue finally replied, wiping the tears from his eyes. He waited for Sting to put his glass down and snuggled into him, reveling in his warmth. They swung together for what felt like a long time, enjoying the silence after the chaos of the long evening.
Things were likely to get interesting in the coming weeks but for right now Rogue was at peace.
A/N: This concludes our first multi-chapter story in the main plotline.Gray and Rogue’s story will continue in the sequel which is tentatively titled Brothers.
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qafgiftxchnge · 5 years
2019 Queer As Folk Gift Exchange
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Welcome to the 2019 GIFT EXCHANGE!!!!!
Calling all writers, drawers, photoshoppers, vidders, layout makers, fanmixers, giffers, cartoonists, or whatever other medium you work best in. Sign-up to give a Queer as Folk gift and get (at least) one in return! Plus everyone benefits from all these contributions to our fandom!
----->QAF_GIFTXCHNGE Signup Form
*Sign ups close on NOVEMBER 1st, 2019 - 11:59pm Eastern
*Assignments will be sent out by end of November 5th, 2019. I will make assignments and pair you up with your gift recipient.
*Entries are due December 30, 2019 - 11:59pm Eastern (emailed to qafgiftxchnge @ gmail.com)
**If entries are received early, I'll start posting on the 27th of December
*Find submission guidelines below the cut. Let me know if you have any questions!
Please follow this tumblr to get updates on check-ins and reminders.
~ All gifts must be submitted to me at qafgiftxchnge @ gmail.com with the subject line: 2019 GIFT, screen name, gift for: [name] - on or before 11:59pm Eastern December 29th, 2019. (this will give everyone a little extra time around the holidays)
~ Gifts will be posted December 30, 2019 to January 7, 2020
**If entries are received early, I'll start posting on the 27th of December -- or maybe even before Xmas!
~Fic gifts do not need to be epic multi chaptered sagas.
10,000 words MAXIMUM.
Drabbles are welcome.
I hope many of you will participate. Last year there were 28 gifts given, so come out, come out wherever you are, old fans and new! In the last few years, we've had double sign-ups from the start, as in people are sent 2 gifts to create if they've previously agreed. If you've struggled with this in the past, please don't choose that as an option.
This exchange will be held on Livejournal and Dreamwidth, and promoted by me on Tumblr and Pillowfort. I think I'll post to LJ and then import to Dreamwidth daily, with a final import mid-January to be sure all LJ comments are backed up on DW. If your main blog is on Tumblr or Pillowfort, I'll post any gift you make or receive here too right away for reblogging purposes. If you do not want your gift to be posted to certain platforms, please let me know in the sign-up. Reminder that some fic has been posted to AO3 by the authors after the xchnge - check it out at qaf_giftxchnge collection
Please don't sign up if you may not be able to fulfill your gift. IF an emergency happens and you can't participate, please let me know as soon as possible so I can beg someone to stand in so that no one goes giftless.
Please, NO Brian/Michael, no MPREG, no RPS. Everything else is fine.
Gifts cannot be posted in your own LJ, DW, tumblr, AO3, or elsewhere until one week after they are revealed here.
All submissions have to be new and complete, everything else would be just plain rude. Find more rules about submitting your works here: [Submission Rules] If you're going to skim over any section of these rules, do not make it this one. Below you will find requirements for your submission according to what type of fanwork you'll be submitting. Please read your section carefully! Some are more detailed than others due to the unique nature of each fanwork.
All submissions must be stand alone pieces created specifically for this fest. You may not submit a part of a work-in-progress as your submission, nor can you include fic/art/graphics that you've already posted elsewhere.
Submitting Your Work
All submissions should emailed to qafgiftxchnge @ gmail.com by the due date (Dec 30th). You can also share fics via google drive if that is more convenient.
In the subject line of your email, please include 2019 GIFT, your screen name, gift for: [name]. This makes it so much easier for us to find and organize your work.
Please remember to copy, paste, and fill this out to include in your email along with your submission:
<b>TO:</b> <lj user="username"> <b>FROM:</b> <lj user="username"> <b>TITLE:</b> <b>GIFT REQUEST:</b> <b>NOTE:</b>
Adapt this to fit your needs, such as word count/length.
Please also ensure straight quotes are used when adding links and usernames for LJ!!
When submitting a fic:
Please be sure that it's been saved as an ".rtf", ".doc", or ".docx" format - or share it with me on google drive. Also, please include all html coding (bold, italic, underline) in your finished fic. If you're not familiar with html or don't know what the code is for a specific one, check it out here. I WILL be sending back fics that are not html coded as there have been some nightmares trying to break up posts for fics with giant character counts.
There is no maximum or minimum for the gift exchange, but the mods ask that you keep your plot bunnies in control. 100,000 word fics will probably make us cry because we scan each fic for glaring spelling/punctuation errors. If you exceed 8,000-9,000 words (please please don't), the mods will have to break your fic into parts due to LJ character restrictions, and we will need to know where you want those breaks to occur.
Multi-chaptered fics will still be accepted, but nothing will be posted until the fic in its entirety is received. So please don't get in over your head if you're not going to be able to finish it by the due date.
Please make sure that you spell all character names and places according to their canon spellings. Just ask if you're uncertain.
While having your fic beta read is not a requirement, it is always encouraged.
The mods reserve the right to ask you to correct any spelling, punctuation, or grammar issues before your fic is posted.
If you are using Word to prepare your manuscript, please make sure to turn off smart quotes! Tools >> AutoCorrect >> AutoFormat As You Type >> Uncheck "straight quotes with smart quotes"
Please ensure automatic spaces before and after paragraphs are not a part of the document. These spaces should be put in by you manually. This helps when the doc is pasted into the LJ/DW html editor.
If you have a banner header for the fic, please upload to your own graphic hosting location (ie LJ scrapbook) and only provide the link.
When submitting a fanart/graphics:
Please include your art/graphic as an attachment in the email. OR the links to where you're hosting them.
When submitting a fanmix:
Please include a link to your fanmix in the email.
Please include any information (artists, titles, featured lyrics) that you'd like to be included with your download link in the body of the email or in a text document.
When submitting a fanvid:
Please include a link to your fanmix in the email. Please post it 'secretly' to youtube or another video hosting site you use.
Please include any information (artists, titles, featured lyrics) that you'd like to be included with your download link in the body of the email or in a text document.
***If these formatting guidelines are not followed, you will be contacted and requested to make required changes.***
I will make every effort to match requests with talent. I will also make every effort to fulfill each request. However, if for some reason, your request cannot be fulfilled, I would hope that whatever is substituted will be accepted with gratitude and dignity and with the spirit in which is was intended.
Please feel free to pimp away...and beg all fans to come and participate. Questions? Ask away!
If you're a non-writer and non-graphic maker, leave a prompt in the ask box and artists/writers may choose to claim your prompt after other assignments are sent out! -no guarantees though!
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aurora-nova-fic · 5 years
Coming Soon... A G/B Event!
I’m just teasing this now, but expect full details to follow before very long. I’ve been thinking for a while about putting together a low-key Garak/Bashir fic event. It’s sort of like a ficathon, but without signups, word count minimums, and guilt if you don’t finish in time. There will be a theme (or prompt, but probably theme), a monthlong window for sharing, it needs to feature Garak and Bashir somehow, and that’s about it for rules.
Once I joined Tumblr, this all started coming together, with some help and encouragement. Hopefully, there’s interest from the community. Artists and vidders will also be welcome to join, so you don’t have to be a writer.
Indications of your interest aren’t a commitment, but would delight me. =)
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Tagset | AO3 Collection Profile
Welcome to By Order of the Peaky Blinders Fic Exchange 2019. It's a gift exchange for Peaky Blinders fandom, which means, in essence: you write one gift for someone else, and you get at least one gift! This challenge runs from February 22, with the start of sign-ups, to April 26, when authors are revealed. For more information, updates, and pinch hits, check out this Tumblr or the exchange dreamwidth. The full FAQ and rules can be found on the profile page. If you have any questions, please contact the mods at [email protected]! We're happy to help.
What is this?
By Order of the Peaky Blinders Fic Exchange is a gift exchange for the Peaky Blinders fandom, focusing on ships and friendship combos. Everyone writes a story of at least 500 words. In return, they will receive a story of at least 500 words. 
General schedule:
Signups open: February 22
Signups close: March 15
Assignments go out: March 17
Posting deadline: April 14
Story reveal: April 19
Author reveal: April 26
This exchange has three stages: Signups, Assignments, Reveals. 
During Signups, people use a form on the AO3 to sign up to request and offer to create Peaky Blinders fic. While all participants are required to request at least three (with a maximum of ten) relationships they wish to receive a gift for, they are only obligated to create one fic. 
After signups, participants are matched up based on what they offered and requested, and Assignments are sent out. Participants have about four weeks to create a fic that fits the minimum criteria (but can, of course, exceed it!) Stories must be posted to the By Order of the Peaky Blinders Fic Exchange challenge on AO3 by the deadline of April 14, where they will automatically appear as anonymous "Mystery Gifts" for the recipients. 
On April 19, the works are revealed, with author names still hidden. If creators wish to comment, they can but they will show up as Anonymous Creator until authors are revealed. On April 26, all creators will be revealed.
FAQs under the cut: 
You have to request at least three relationships. You can ask for up to ten relationships if you want. You will receive one fic with at least one of these relationships. 
What are the details on my sign-up?
The details on the sign-up are any details you'd like to see in your gift. These details are optional to include, and are optional for your assigned creator to follow. The only thing your creator is required to follow are your relationship preference and anything that you state is an absolute "do not want".
Some things that you can include to help your gift creator are: lists of tropes you like, explanations of why you like that relationship or character, prompts, and other things that you think will help spark ideas. You can look at other people’s requests for inspiration.
You have to offer to write at least four relationships. You can offer up to a hundred, if you want. Ultimately, you will only be writing one fic and it will only have to include one of these relationships. 
You can also offer "Any" relationships. Remember: Any means any of the relationships nominated. Ask yourself whether you are sure you want to write any relationship!
Can I change my mind about my signup after I submit it?
You can edit your signups as much as you want until the signups close.
Can I switch my assignment?
Assignments can't be changed under most circumstances. If the matching was in error on AO3's part (rare, but it could happen), let the mods know ASAP. Otherwise, you're free to contact the mods anyway, but the answer will probably be no. 
Can I prepare a fic for any of my recipient's relationships, even if I didn't sign up for them?
Sure! As long as you create a fic for one of the fandoms they requested, you're good.
Can I create more than one fic?
Sure! As long as by the due date you have prepared a complete fanwork for one of your recipient's fandoms, using the relationship requested, then you can do as many fanworks as you like. The sky is the limit!
Will I get more than one gift?
It's not guaranteed. You might! But you also might not. You are guaranteed one gift.
How do I post my work?
Go to your Assignment page on AO3, which you can find under the "Assignments" link on your Profile page, or on the Peaky Blinders Exchange page as "Your Assignment". You should see two buttons at the bottom of your assignment: "Post to fulfill", and "Default".
Click "Post to fulfill", and you'll be taken to a posting form. This will automatically post your work into the current year's challenge. It also has your recipient's name already filled in. All you need to do is fill in the rest of the form, preview it to make sure it looks okay, and post.
If you're posting a Treat, you won't have an assignment or "post to fulfil" button. Instead, go to the current challenge page on the AO3, and click on "Post To Collection" under the challenge title. This will take you to a form with the challenge collection name already filled in. Fill in the recipient's name manually, then fill in the rest of the form, preview it to make sure it looks okay, and post.
 Can I post my story before the deadline?
Please do! You can’t post the story after the deadline. (If you need an extension, email the mods.)
Can I edit my work after it's posted?
Yes, AO3 allows editing at any time.
 Can I add creator's notes?
You can, but they will be visible as soon as the works are revealed. Be careful not to put anything here that would give away your identity.
What if I can't finish my assignment?
If you can't finish in time, you can default. This lets the mods know that they need to find a pinch hitter to create a gift for your recipient.
To default, go to your Assignment page on AO3, which you can find under the "Assignments" link on your Profile page, or on the Peaky Blinders Exchange page as "Your Assignment". You should see two buttons at the bottom of your assignment: "Post to fulfill", and "Default".
 Click the Default button, then click the confirmation on the popup that appears. The mod will be notified and will find a pinch hitter to fulfill your assignment.
 What happens if I default?
You are no longer required to prepare a fanwork for that person. If you default and then are defaulted on in turn, then you are not guaranteed a gift.
What if the deadline comes around and I do not default or turn in my assignment?
You are not eligible to participate in future years until you complete your assignment.
  Pinch Hits
What are pinch hits?
Pinch hits are assignments that the original author has had to default on, or rarely, assignments that couldn't be matched to any authors. As people default, pinch hits will be posted on the dreamwidth and tumblr so that anyone can choose to create for them.
How do I claim a pinch hit?
Send an email to the mods at [email protected] and we will assign you the pinch hit.
Deadlines for pinch hits will depend on how late they go out. Last-minute pinch hits tend to get a little extra time.
(note: FAQ adapted from the excellent Chocolate Box exchange FAQ)
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cbhunter494 · 3 years
Mac Os Catalina Patcher
MacOS Catalina Patcher 1.4.4 for Mac is available as a free download on our software library. This free software for Mac OS X is an intellectual property of dosdude1. Our antivirus scan shows that this Mac download is malware free. The latest setup file that can be downloaded is 26.7 MB in size. The application is included in System Tools.
Within this tutorial, we have provided a download macOS Unlocker for VMware and VMware Unlocker Patch Tool for macOS and also install it onto Windows. At length, the major update approached and macOS VMware Unlocker Patch Tool to macOS our computers with Apple’s official launch of the final version of macOS Mojave Patch Tool with its enormous features such as dark mode this season. macOS unlocker VMware 15, it’s available to get through App Store at no cost. Because of that, there is an enormous number of Mac users upgrading without actually joining the Apple Beta Program VMware unlocker 2.1.1 download. This post will offer macOS Catalina VMware Unlocker that is VMware Unlocker for macOS Catalina, VMware Unlocker for macOS Mojave, and VMware Unlocker for macOS High Sierra. Here is how to Install macOS VMware Unlocker Patch Tool.
Macos Catalina Patcher Download Error; Mac Os Catalina Patcher Full Download; Adobe Zii 2021 or Adobe Zii Patcher 2021 is a one-click software program patcher tool for Mac and its newest version has full help for CC 2015, Adobe 2018, Adobe 2019, Adobe 2020 and Adobe 2021 software program. It capabilities very easily taking on for very area. Had updated my imac 9,1 (Early 2009) to high sierra Using dosdude1's Patcher and had no issues connect magic trackpad 1st Gen and AirPods 2nd Gen. But after updating to Catalina using the patcher having issues in bluetooth same as the macbook. The AirPods don't connect and the trackpad connects and loses connection 6-7 times before connecting. Of course, just because you can do this, doesn't mean. Once you are ready to jump into upgrading, follow the step-by-step guide below to install macOS Catalina on an older Mac using DosDude Catalina Patcher. First off, download the most recent version of Catalina Patcher from the official website. After the app is downloaded and installed, open it.
In the event, if you’re a Windows or Linux user, unlocker for VMware Catalina, you definitely have the concept of installing it on your PC (should you have followed the manuals before). But, there are numerous approaches and software out there you might have tried, at least among them VMware unlocker macOS Catalina. If not, you are ready to receive the new operating system running on your device, macOS VMware unlocker to get VMware 14, and check out how to install macOS Mojave onto VMware. That’s correct. You’re on the path to acquire this. Here’s what’s Unlocker does and why you need it VMware Unlocker Mojave.
Not only that, but since today the new model of macOS is out that’s macOS Catalina, it is possible to set up macOS Catalina onto VMware and set up macOS Catalina onto VirtualBox. But for this, VMware unlocker for macOS Mojave download, then you will want to download macOS Catalina ISO For VMware & VirtualBox or download macOS Catalina VMware & VirtualBox picture which we’ve previously covered, so let’s do so macOS unlocker.
Before we go any further, we should basically have an idea of how VMware unlocker for macOS GitHub and how it functions.
VMware Unlocker for macOS or macOS Catalina Unlocker VMware 15 ( Unlocker for VMware ) is quite a handy tool that replaces a few documents such as VMware-vmx vmwarebase.dll, vmwarebase. So and stains macOS configurations and setup features like alternatives, booting, and installation configurations into VMware and even obtain a copy of the newest version of VMware Tools for macOS on VMware should you want. As a result, when you’ve run the patch, then you’ll figure out configurations incorporated into VMware and put in any version of macOS on VMware with no restrictions. Download & Install macOS Unlocker to get VMware Workstation/Player.
Initially, when you set up macOS Catalina or Mojave or previous versions on VMware, when installing, you’ll certainly be asked to choose the operating system and model that you want to set up, as you’ll want to select macOS to install. By default, there’s no such alternative for macOS to select if installing. That’s because the VMware program does not support and restricts installing macOS on VMware, whether its VMware Workstation or Player or mix, so macOS unlocker to get VMware Workstation 15.
In cases like this, if you want to install and utilize macOS on VMware, to begin with, that which we need to do is eliminate limitations. To do that, here comes VMware macOS unlocker to work. If you don’t know what VMware macOS unlocker, then here is what you should know.
Download macOS Unlocker For Vmware Workstation By Techrechard.com Updated 18th Dec, 2020 (Free Signup)
Alternate link: https://github.com/paolo-projects/unlocker
VMware Unlocker v3.0.0 VMware Unlocker v3.0.1 VMware Unlocker v3.0.2
For updates you can join our forum here.
Mac Os Catalina Patcher Dosdude
Now that you’ve VMware Unlocker Tool (Unlocker for VMware) or macOS Catalina VMware Unlocker Tool, also recognized exactly what and how it operates, you are all set. It is worth pointing out that this works only on Intel systems with VMware set up. Sadly, this will not do the job for AMD based systems as AMD CPUs are not supported by macOS. Garuda gbf.
Before you step right into it, it’s good to take a copy of your VMware program folder since this patch can replace original files. Although the utility takes a backup, it’s a great idea to copy by yourself. So let us install VMware Unlocker for macOS.
In the first, head to VMware Workstation, Player, or blend you’re using and depart completely (Seriously, otherwise, this can hurt the app ).
Note: If you didn’t close VMware services, including background services, completely, this process may damage and might make VMware unusable.
When you have shut the VMware apps and services from a desktop computer, navigate to VMware Unlocker for macOS or VMware Unlocker Tool whether you’re using VMware Workstation/Player or Fusion 7/8/10, extract it manually.
If you’re using previous VMware apps sooner than 11 (version), you can keep on using VMware Unlocker for macOS version 1.
After the file is pulled, open it, and right click win-install, choose Run as administrator.
As soon as you’ve run the Unlocker, Command Prompt will open up and prevent VMware services, backup files and perform some patching and begin the VMware services back running, wait.
After the process is finished, Command Prompt will close automatically as nothing happened.
And you’re all caught up! That is it for your patching.
To check if the uninstalled has successfully gone, launch VMware and press Ctrl + N or click Create a New Virtual Machine. Subsequently, proceed Next on the very first brand new digital machine setup page.
Just choose I’ll put in the operating system later and hit Next.
And you will find that the Apple macOS X option with versions there. Choose the Apple macOS X as a guest operating system and select the macOS edition you wish to set up.
Further, you may install macOS Catalina on VMware or even macOS Mojave on VMware Workstation in the tutorial measures.
The VMware Unlocker for macOS has been installed. When something is remaining, you are no way to share your own ideas, jump down and tell us exactly what you think about this in the remarks section.
Here is a video tutorial on How to Download & Install MacOS Unlocker For Vmware Workstation/Player.
Mac Os Catalina Patcher Tool
There are several computers and several operating systems. From these several operating systems, everyone wants to try the top ones. If you want to know which one is the top one so go ahead search which operating has the most users. After you do, you’ll definitely find that Mac and Windows are the two top ones. In this article, I’ll share download macOS High Sierra ISO, DMG, VMDK via Torrent Image.
If we take a look at the Mac operating system, it has surpassed 100 million active users. By seeing these crazy amounts of users you can probably have an idea of how much useful and advanced operating system it is. The nice thing is, every year it receives a whole update with a new version of another operating system that will cover up another wave of useful features and apps requested by users.
Speaking of Mac operating system, another new version of macOS is now there. And that is macOS High Sierra. The macOS High Sierra is an enhanced plus more of unique features and options that make it perfectly effective. So let’s see what are macOS High Sierra features and its apps.
Tumblr media
Related: Download macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 DMG File – Direct Links
ΜTorrent Classic for Mac, the software you are currently running, is a 32-bit app. Apple is soon releasing a new Mac OS, Catalina (version 10.15), which is not compatible with 32-bit apps. Therefore, in early September, we will automatically update µTorrent Classic for Mac to our newest torrent downloader and player, µTorrent Web for Mac. Home / Mac OS Downloads / Apple Mac OS X Lion Download 10.7: Get It Now! Posted on May 28, 2018 December 4, 2020 by Just Apple Stuff Since you are unable to get Mac OS X Lion Download 10.7 from Apple, I have decided to upload here. Okay I’m gonna bless MAC Users here. JUST FOLLOW ALL THE STEP carefully and you would get everything should work. Not sure about Big Sur but latest Catalina works fine. Before to start, you must prepare usb drive and any of window pc. Follow all steps on Read Me.rtf. They said 4,5,6 are optional but just do it.
After you do, you’ll definitely find that Mac and Windows are the two top ones. In this article, I’ll share download macOS High Sierra ISO, DMG, VMDK via Torrent Image. If we take a look at the Mac operating system, it has surpassed 100 million active users.
macOS High Sierra
macOS High Sierra is the next significant drop of the Mac operating system. It was announced on WWDC of 2017, and the name High Sierra refers to the High Sierra area in California. The macOS High Sierra is the successor of the macOS Sierra. In macOS High Sierra, Apple has replaced most of its features with complete new features in macOS High Sierra. One of the cool things about macOS High Sierra is that it doesn’t take too much place in storage which is very useful. You can install or upgrade on your Mac and download and install macOS High Sierra on your Windows PC also. So let’s see what features this new operating system has.
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While there are more features than we can count on, but we’ll name a few such as Apple File System. Apple File System (APFS) replaces HFS plus the default file system in macOS for the first time with High Sierra. More features and updates are also on the line such as Photos, Mails, Safari, Notes, Siri, and Messages.
Now macOS High Sierra has an updated Photos viewer and editor which makes pretty easy for users to view or edit files. As well as, Mail is now more efficient and takes a huge less space than before. Safari has a new “Smart Tracking Prevention” feature that blocks third-party apps and services that track user activities. One more notable things is that Siri is now fast enough to make quick responses and quick actions naturally.
So when an operating system which has this much useful features, you would probably want to experience it. The only way to experience is to install macOS High Sierra on your computer. Now within computer, whether you’ve a Mac or Windows, you can definately install it. But before you need some files which we’ve covered up. While installing High Sierra is our subject, we’ll need to download High Sierra installer files. In addition to the simple and working files, we’re now providing a step further to only one forms but also in Torrent images. In this article, I’ll share download macOS High Sierra ISO, DMG, VMDK Torrent Image. The Torrent images include download macOS High Sierra ISO, macOS High Sierra DMG, macOS High Sierra VMware and VirtualBox. So take a look at below for the downloading of macOS High Sierra Torrent images.
Download macOS High Sierra ISO, DMG, and VMDK Torrent Files
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An ISO file is an archive file that provides the same and alternative copy of data located on a physical or digital disc, like a CD or DVD. They are particularly used for backing up and instead of physical discs, or for sharing large files through burning to a visible disc. For downloading a torrent file, we need to install a Torrent program like UTorrent, BitTorrent or any other torrent program. Once you’ve installed it, download the file from here and open it with Utorrent and it will start the process. So let’s download macOS High Sierra ISO for VMware & VirtualBox.
macOS High Sierra ISO 10.13.6 (Torrent) – Here is the macOS High Sierra ISO file in Torrent. Click on the link and download it straightly. Once that’s with you, proceed with the installation. No need to take the backup of your files and documents beacuse there’s no risk in it at all. You can also delete the files if the installation didn’t work so would like to free up space.
macOS High Sierra DMG 10.13.6 (Torrent) If you’re wondering what DMG is. It’s a file format which is used to smaller the size of a software or file via compressing it instead of having to use a physical disc. Whether you’d like to install High Sierra on Mac or would like to create a High Sierra bootable USB. Whatever your reason, you can certainly download macOS High Sierra DMG and not only via direct but also via Torrent in this one. Just click in the link and download the macOS High Sierra DMG file which we have provided.
macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 VMDK (Torrent)– When it comes to download, Torrents are way easier to download than other. The reason behind providing this is, to provide you the files without any issues but in your comfort. We hope everyone choose and support us.
For installing macOS High Sierra, we need to have the appropriate file for the particular reason which would be macOS High Sierra VMware and VirtualBox. There isn’t much difference between installing on VMware and VirtualBox because they both are free open-source platforms that does the same thing. Like both of them can create virtual machine, set it up and then install macOS or any other operating system on it.
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Get the Latest Version macOS Images by Joining our Patreon
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Get without a password and easy to access and the latest version of macOS files on our Patreon.
If there’s some problem with downloading, you may fix it with the steps below.
If you are interested to install macOS High Sierra on VirtualBox and VMware Workstation on Windows PC. Then you have to download the VMDK File from the below-given link.
– Just click in the link and download High Sierra VMDK in Torrent in your PC then enjoy macOS High on VMware and VirtualBox. You can also download and install any other operating system in your PC. Because when you download VMware or VirtualBox you can download many operating systems in that.
Mac Os Catalina Patcher For Windows
For downloading High Sierra via Torrent, we have provided you the links like always which don’t have any issues. Just by one click you can download macOS High Sierra on VMware and VirtualBox.
There are also lots of other downloads and installations which we done before. That are as download macOS Catalina VMware & VirtualBox file, macOS Mojave VMware & VirtualBox, macOS Sierra VMware & VirtualBox and also the installation of macOS Catalina, macOS Mojave, and macOS Sierra with its files like DMG, ISO, Torrent on VMware, VirtualBox on Windows 10 which are very interesting. I’ll link so you can navigate through and install it if you want.
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If you haven’t still clicked, stop wasting your time. Just click the links which we have provided. If you have any issue while downloading we are always here to help you.
Mac Os Catalina Patcher
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