#stasis hunter
tarakanpaintedpurple · 5 months
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Stasis Themed Shaders?
For Destiny 2, Anyone know of any good shaders that are currently available that would look good for a stasis hunter? I’m primarily looking for something that’s dark blues and/or purples, bonus points to any shaders that are a purplish blue. (Also if you have one in mind please lmk how to get it if you can, I’m a tad new to the game).
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 8 months
by Anthony Galatis
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hyakunana · 3 months
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Ah yes, the Prismatic experience when they deliver your main subclass in the starter pack 😌
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ksilberne · 9 months
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hehe it's time for Stasis
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berunov · 2 years
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From all fanarts I did about Destiny, this one is by far one of my favorites. Enjoy!
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a-driftamongopenstars · 4 months
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Cherish // Hunter - in Lightfall please don't repost or claim as your own finally managed to gif my girl and I love how she looks 🥺
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skellymom · 2 months
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
Word Count: 1.8K
Background: A Jedi finds refuge on Pabu...and more! Love story with angst. For those wanting the love story read just the story until the end, then go no further. Those who wish to stay for the adult humor EPILOGUE, keep reading!
The Jedi faces themself and their fears in the deep instead of a cave.
Warning: Star Wars Canon violence. Swearing/potty humor in the EPILOGUE only!
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers , Wrecker Pinterest credit: Bad Batch)
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Suspended comfortably like a womb and slowly riding the currents, I stilled my mind.  The ocean’s cool embrace allowed me to float effortlessly in its depths.  
All around gradients of aqua, azure, and lapis blue fading into one another. 
The rays of the sun playing upon ripples of the surface above. 
Deep dark blackness down under. 
As above, so below... 
Holding my breath for so long was second nature.  Had been since I was young.  Reaching a suspended stasis where a fresh breath of oxygen would only be needed once an hour. 
When my body signals the need to breathe, I can let go of the Force and slowly drift up to the surface, stopping just short of it.  With precise muscle control only allowing my nose to rise just above the water line... 
...exhale fully, inhale...filling my lungs to capacity... 
Then drift down again into the depths of the ocean.   
I don't even need to open my eyes or actively swim to accomplish this. 
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I had arrived on Pabu that afternoon.  Getting intel from many different outlets to find a safe haven.  Seemed like FOREVER before I was able to get the coordinates.  And sworn to secrecy upon my very life. 
The island's Mayor, Shep Hazard, was kind and welcoming.  He offered to introduce me to the inhabitants of Pabu.  I politely declined for now.  He nodded with a knowing look. 
Before I could face ANYONE else... 
I had to face MYSELF. 
From there I walked with purpose to the soft sandy beach of this island paradise and sat upon its shores attempting to meditate.  It's beauty a wonderful home, the people upon it frolicking, working, LIVING instead of merely SURVIVING. 
A testament to what COULD BE in the universe.  A wonderful sight to behold. 
Unfortunately...too much of a distraction for now. 
So, I got up and moved to a more secluded area.  The walk slow, deliberate: a pre-meditative process before going into Force Stasis. 
Noting the soft, grainy texture of the sand beneath my feet and between my toes.  The island breeze caressing my body, causing the hooded robe to dance in the breeze.  The sounds of sea birds, crashing waves...smell of the surf, sand, breeze, warmth of my own skin in the sun... 
...the sun... 
The sun slowly lowering down to touch the horizon.  The earth and sea caressing each other with each successive wave.   The wind quietly sings as it brushes over and through the landscape. 
Soon, the moon will rise...and she will advance towards the sun in transit. 
Two lovers who continually pass each other and will for an eternity, never able to touch. 
Such a metaphor of a Jedi’s yearning for love...and physical bonding. 
I’m struggling to hold my composure... 
He was a clone. 
Even though it wasn’t his mutation, he could perceive my feelings for him.  Of course, I could easily pick up his. 
It was as natural as breathing. 
Spending so much time together: planetside, in war, the barracks, during idle downtime. 
One day he came to me, taking my hand into his...asking if our lives could be intertwined... forever.  
Holding back the intensity of emotion was extremely difficult.  I DESIRED this more than anything in the galaxy but had to keep it close to my heart.  Tamp it down.  Not allow it to run away with my feelings, or become too much of an attachment 
He openly wept when I explained that the Jedi Council would NEVER allow such things...and that he was property of the Republic. 
We both had NO control of each other’s destiny. 
I could FEEL his heart breaking.  But even after my gentle rebuke, he still carried a warm and intimate devotion for me.  My fleeting glances and body language telling him I felt the same way.   
Both of us YEARNING for something more.  Something freer than what our respective societal roles would allow.   I fondly remember his kind eyes, jovial laugh, gentle ways despite having the strength of twenty men. 
But THAT is ancient history.  Kamino City lies on the bottom of another ocean and The Jedi Order is dead... 
And the clones??? 
Their minds were taken by SOMETHING insidious and beyond their control.  All of them killers, missing, and forgotten by history. 
I BARELY escaped with my life. 
And now, I have found a safe place with that one similarity to home that I crave... 
The ocean. 
Tears leaked out of my eyes, mixing with the salty water of the sea, eliminating their very presence. 
A large school of rays swam past sensing melancholy, fluttered and swam around my body.  Caressing my skin, attempting to pull me away from my grief. 
I reached out with the Force thanking them for their care...as they glided away in the deep blue. 
It had taken me a while to find the right spot on the beach. 
To move onto the next chapter of my life, I carefully disrobed, folding my clothes neatly, placing them on top my boots, then relinquishing my light saber... 
...slowly stepping onto the surf, swimming out, and sinking into the depths of the planet's womb. 
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The waters eventually darkened to black.  The only visibility from the full moon filtering her dim light through the depths upon my floating body. 
Something large circled me.  Far out, but slowly coming closer. Sizing me up with its hunger. 
I continued to float quietly, taking note of its lazy, deliberate orbit. 
Reaching out I registered its emotionless presence, driven to exist and feed.  I attempted to speak with it through the Force, but its brain was almost mechanical and not registering my thoughts. 
There was NO fear in my heart.  This was not evil, just nature. 
If indeed the Force meant for me to meet my end here on Pabu, how could I fight it? 
Everything lives.  Everything dies.  The Wheel of Life continues.   
My light saber resting upon the shore, out of reach.  If I thrashed about to swim, surely it would advance faster. 
I calmly waited to meet my fate. 
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Eventually the presence circled closer.  I catch fleeting glimpses of pale scarred skin. 
It’s HUGE. 
With another pass the shark’s snout comes into view: Large jagged teeth poke out of its mouth, and a black impassive eye stares back into mine... 
...where I can see my reflection. 
It glides past gracefully and before swimming away... 
...bumps me... 
It’s jagged skin opening mine... 
A small stream of blood wafts away in the current. 
I refuse to struggle, keeping still, silent. 
The shark keeps swimming, then pauses a millisecond... 
Swiftly it turns and slams into me with brute force.  Knocking out my literal breath.  Swallowing water and reaching out intuitively I find its snout.  Trying in VAIN to reach out with the Force... 
But...I’m drowning... 
Large jaws thrash.  I can feel the concussive force of them closing even in the water. 
It’s pushing me back attempting to catch my arms, legs, body... 
I hold fast pushing against its snout. 
Those black empty eyes staring into my SOUL... 
Until one of them explodes into a mess of blood and tissue.  Two more shots hit it in the face.  Something breaks the surface of the water, bubbles trailing behind it, jackknifing towards the shark. 
The shark retreats, slamming me HARD with its tail. 
As my vision and consciousness starts to wane, a second something...someone...breaches the surface of the water...coming right for me.  I black out before I can tell who... 
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The next thing I register is vomiting seawater on someone’s hand as they pull me up while gripping the front of my tank top. 
My sinuses, throat, and lungs burn from the seawater.  I'm coughing and struggling for breath...then look up. 
“CT...”  I cough again “TECH???  Is... that YOU???” 
“Of course.  Who else would I BE?” He’s wet, in swim trunks, wiping my vomit off his hand with a towel...then pulls at the bottom of his goggles to empty any water. 
Crosshair stands behind him, smug expression, holding his rifle. “Picked a GREAT time to go swimming.” 
“YOU’RE a sight for sore eyes!” Echo smiles and waves with his scomp. 
I cough and spit some more.  Sitting in a boat... 
“HOW...when...I have SO many questions...Where’s Wrecker???” 
The boys grin. 
Then I hear him.  His BIG voice booming across the water, excited as a puppy.  Barely able to contain himself...approaching in another boat...thirty feet away. 
I’ve held back for too long. Jedi Code BE DAMNED! 
Exhilaration, freedom, ALL the emotions launched me up from that boat and into the darkness... 
Force Jumping into the arms of the man I LOVE!!! 
He caught me.  He KNEW where I’d be.  No faltering in his desire to be there...to catch me.
I’m holding onto him with all my strength, kissing that beautiful bald head, down his cheeks... 
He gently grabs my face with his powerful hands, bringing it around to kiss him deeply... 
Somewhere in the back of my senses I hear Tech... 
“Careful, she just vomited...er...ugh...” 
Crosshair...laughing?  Maker, he sounds like a defective GOOSE! 
Wrecker’s lips pull away from mine.  We stare into each other’s eyes. 
“You’re REALLY here.”  He still can’t believe it. 
“Yes...and I’m staying...if you’ll have me.” 
“I’ll TAKE IT!” 
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Tech, Echo, and Crosshair watch as the second boat speeds away towards shore.  Shep smiling proudly as he mans the engine. 
Wrecker and his Jedi love with their arms intertwined, laughing... 
...the happiest they had ever seen their brother.  The Batch watch them go. 
“Where’s Hunter?” Crosshair inserts a toothpick into his mouth. 
Tech and Echo stare at each other alarmingly...he NEVER came up to the surface... 
Echo grabs a flashlight from his hip and shines it over the edge of the boat. 
A HUGE sharp toothed head emerges from the deep RIGHT IN ECHO’S FACE! 
“OHHHHSHHHIIIIIIIIIT!!!”  Echo jumped up and fell backwards onto the floor of the boat. 
The brothers hear a smoky laugh...somewhere out there... in the darkness. 
“KARKSDAMMIT, HUNTER!  Pissed myself!!!” Echo yells. 
“Confirmed.  Pissed himself.  Can SMELL it.”  Hunter remarks as he pushed up out of the water and flopped into the boat...wet hair and all.  He had tied the dead shark to their boat to take to land for butchering purposes. 
“Well SOMEONE had to get themselves into trouble several hours into one credit beer night!”  Echo grumped. 
“Could have just whipped it out and pissed over the side of the boat.” Crosshair smirked. 
“I’ll remember to do that NEXT TIME we're speeding along and I’m in FRONT of you.” 
Tech gazed at Echo and Crosshair like he didn’t recognize them.  “That...is disgusting.” 
Hunter chuckled, pulled up the seat storage compartment to take out an extra pair of swim shorts, tossing them to Echo. 
Echo sighed. “Thanks, vod.” 
Crosshair settled into the navigator's seat, waiting for Echo to change... 
...then FLOORED the engine before Echo could pull up the clean pair of swim trunks around his ankles. 
A VERY surprised bare-assed Echo grabbed ahold of Tech for balance as both collapsed into the boat! 
Hunter toppled off the back and rode the dead shark all the way to the docks! 
Crosshair honked as he laughed his ass off... 
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gammatrap · 2 years
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Leading up to Lightfall, I've made ALL class AND subclass icons as phone backgrounds or tattoo designs! Can't wait to add strand to this list!
If you'd like to get any of these (or all) you can do so here (gumroad link). Each pack has at least 2 versions of each file; one with border+background, and one without (for tattoo artists).
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zennore · 8 months
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Speak softly and carry a sharpened Goldtusk.
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foxtherad · 6 months
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Something I've been working on for awhile, I really like how it turned out.
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tarakanpaintedpurple · 5 months
Tell me about your oc's
-Guardian Healthcare
-Guardian Headcanons
So i have two of them for now, a solar hunter named Venik and a stasis hunter Nezabud-17.
Venik is a human solar hunter. She was resurrected at the Tangled Shore and spent a big portion of her life as Spider‘s dark horse. She escaped, thanks to her Eliksni friend - Amiks - and ghost, Rudd-i (and also two other characters whom i have no art of (yet)).
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Upon arrival to the Last City, she mainly made glimmer in Crucible, where she met Nezabud-17. Although they became acquaintances, they didn’t have the chance to become friends until Venik rescued Nezabud from the Hive lair on Titan.
(Small fact: after his rescue from the Hive lair, there was some time before Nezabud acquired his prosthetics, so Venik volunteered to help him get around, and did so by giving him piggyback rides)
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Nowadays, Venik main source of glimmer is racing outside of the City and Crucible, although she accepts vanguard missions when paired with Nezabud.
(She also pronounces her Ks and Ss very loudly and distinctively)
Nezabud is an ex-solar hunter, who now uses stasis. He was resurrected on Venus and had to hastily get to the Last City, as he and his ghost Fern were noticed by the Vex. In the Last City, Nezabud-17 quickly became full of himself, which led to him making rash decisions, such as:
• almost abandoning his ghost
• using his solar energy in a slapdash manner
• and generally being an ass
All of this almost got Nezabud killed by the Hive, when his solar suddenly gave out, leaving him almost lightless. He was rescued by Venik, and through the series of healing and rethinking his life choices, he managed to get back on his feet and acquire stasis as his new power.
(Small fact: although Nezabud is a stasis user and lives mainly in his base on Europa, he taught Venik how to master her solar abilities, which helped with her spontaneous combusting)
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Now, Nezabud-17 is way more humble and approachable, way more considerate of Fern. And also tries to find a way to “win” Traveler’s approval and get his solar abilities back.
(He also has a russian accent. Neither he nor Fern know where it came from.)
Thank you very much for this ask :D
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theavocadojam · 2 years
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Some rough sketches of my hunter, Kieran. 💜
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customdestiny · 6 months
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Since Frost Armor has been confirmed, that means we're still getting a stasis rework/buff by final shape. Before we see that, Just want to get out there my personal rework from a while back. This was even before the Wrathweavers changes. I know now we're not getting anything this extreme... but I still want it.
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hyakunana · 1 year
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The traditional seasonal visit to the Beyond to report the news of this timeline.
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ksilberne · 9 months
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decided to draw Evie to go with Kai Stasis & Solar :)c
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