#station verte
le-journal-catalan · 1 year
L'élevage en fête à Vinça du samedi 29 avril à 14H au dimanche 30 avril 2023 à la promenade
Grâce à l’engagement et à la disponibilité des éleveurs, des producteurs et des artisans, sans oublier la municipalité, une magnifique vitrine du savoir-faire du monde agricole et de l’artisanat à découvrir La Commune de Vinça accueille les 29 et 30 avril prochain la fête de l’élevage : Au programme : Exposition d’animaux, concours bovins, marché, repas des éleveurs, démonstrations de tonte,…
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Station Radisson
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kristina100000 · 1 month
ambient posting to handle the weight and scale of the human experience.. just smile
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martassimsbookcc · 1 year
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• .package • Base game compatible • Collection file included • • 𝔻𝕆𝕎ℕ𝕃𝕆𝔸𝔻 • Ad-free as always at my website! 🤍𝕂𝕠-𝕗𝕚 𝕥𝕚𝕡𝕤 𝕛𝕒𝕣  | ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕠𝕟🤍 
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【 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 】 Meshes are from various artists. Credits are given in each description box. Sims 4 version by @radioactivedotcom​ | Original post: ⚪
• Polycount, buy category, price § and more useful information ↓ •
* Acid Generator: 15198 verts | 15483 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 130§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Automated Trash Can: 17915 verts | 17767 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 30§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Bio Chamber Unit: 2464 verts | 2868 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 200§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Cyberpunk Laptop: 3455 verts | 3890 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 390§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Cyberpunk Vice Car: 16960 verts | 21699 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 15500§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Fire Extinguisher: 3301 verts | 3178 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 75§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Flux Pit Stop: 21629 verts | 10415 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 200§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Garden Unit: 789 verts | 1044 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 30§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Gravity Generator: 3451 verts | 4421 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 120§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Mechanical Eagle: 4074 verts | 4113 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 20§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Med Gun: 2148 verts | 1900 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 10§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Medic Helmet: 7079 verts | 7937 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 50§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Old Van: 1870 verts | 2818 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 5600§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Oxygen Station: 15833 verts | 17857 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 950§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* RB73: 4376 verts | 4603 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 55§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Scanner Prop: 1764 verts | 2624 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 195§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Sci-Fi Knife: 462 verts | 755 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 10§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Sci-Fi Med Kit: 5427 verts | 5060 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 85§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Sci-Fi Refrigerator: 964 verts | 1492 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 210§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Temperature Adjustable Cup: 236 verts | 262 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 30§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
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catinflight · 2 months
Fire man and suna have their models completed! (Though i may still tweak some little details)
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I'll continue the robot masters line based on the last poll, and then make another with the rest of the mmfc cast/ leftover rb masters when that's finished,
But can I just say, I have a small baby fit to throw, and whime about-
Why, tell me why, was it SO difficult to figure out fire man's torso / back wiring
i thought that wires connected to fire mans front were then connected to his storage tank, similarly to how his arm wires are connected to his elbows - but
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NOPE! Not only did it take me y e a r s to find one single reference
(or, in this case, the gif above)
of the backside of fire mans tank
(which thank you to whoever made this I was DESPERATE)
but also I had to redo a major part of his wiring structure because the verts would overlap and collapse if I tried to combine the two chest wires into the one large wire on his back, so not only did I have to rewire fire man completely, but ALSO had to redo bone weight paintings, fix material displacements, and over all shading errors and model disfigurements caused by it
(I made the horrible mistake of not having the storage tank / wires not being a separate mesh in the first place)
So what can we take away from this?
Always have multiple references on hand
(ESPECIALLY side and back views)
because you never know when a characters design will hit you with the switcheroo double-sided whammy punches and knock you two ways back to saturn
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Oh, and stay in school, and thanks for reading my rant
(if it made any sense lol I'm running on 4 cups of hot chocolate at the moment 💀)
Anyway, back to the hibernation station I go 😎😎👍
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esuemmanuel · 1 year
Te esperaba y, mientras mi corazón se aquejaba por la ansiedad de no mirarte llegar, mis ojos se plagaban de agua… No te veía… No llegabas… ¡Y lo anhelaba! ¡Lo deseaba tanto que lloraba al ver llegar a otros que se te parecían sólo en los cabellos, en los colores de tu ropa y en la forma de andar! Pero, no eran tú… ¡No eras tú! Y mis mejillas, inundadas y escurridas de agua, temblaban al ritmo de mi llanto… ¿Qué había pasado? ¿Por qué no llegabas? ¿En qué sueño te perdiste y no te despediste de éste que tanto te necesitaba? Fue horrible mirar pasar las horas y no verte cruzar el portal de esa gran estación que se oscurecía al toque crepuscular…
— Esu Emmanuel©️, I waited for you and, while my heart ached with the anxiety of not seeing you arrive, my eyes filled with water... I did not see you... You did not arrive... And I longed for it! I wanted it so much that I cried when I saw others arrive who resembled you only in their hair, in the colors of their clothes and in the way they walked! But, they were not you... They were not you! And my cheeks, flooded and dripping with water, trembled to the rhythm of my crying... What had happened? Why didn't you arrive? In what dream did you get lost and didn't say goodbye to this one who needed you so much? It was horrible to watch the hours go by and not see you cross the doorway of that great station that was darkening at the twilight touch...
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toutplacid · 11 hours
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Entrée du métro, station Hoche, Pantin — marker rouge et vert, carnet nº 141 bis, 25 mars 2024.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 15, 11 avril 1897, Paris. 1. Chapeau Réjane. 2. Toquet Maud. 3. Toilette en serge. 4. Toilette en vigogne. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
1. Chapeau Réjane à 6 fr. 95. La forme ronde et coiffante est en paille de riz très souple; sur le côté, moud formé par des coques en très beau ruban de salin ; le côté opposé est orne du géranium s’élevant en aigrette. La forme se fait eu noir seulement et le ruban est noir ou mousse. Le géranium crème ou rose teinté rouge se remplace par du lilas blanc ou mauve, des bleuets nuance naturelle, des œillets, des roses ou des pavots de nuance au choix: noir, rose, rubis, mauve, vert, crème et paille. Toutes ces fleurs sont avec feuillage.
1. Réjane hat at 6 fr. 95. The round and styling shape is made of very flexible rice straw; on the side, grinds formed by shells in a very beautiful saline ribbon; the opposite side is adorned with the geranium rising in a crest. The form is made in black only and the ribbon is black or foam. The cream or pink tinted red geranium is replaced by white or mauve lilac, natural shade cornflowers, carnations, roses or poppies in shades of your choice: black, pink, ruby, mauve, green, cream and straw. All these flowers are with foliage.
2. Toquet Maud à 4 francs pour dames et jeunes filles. La forme gracieuse, avec fond jais, est entourée de fleurs et de gaze plissée noire. Nœud formé par des coques en très beau ruban de salin noir. Nous laissons les fleurs au choix entre des roses, pavots et œillets de nuance noire, verte, crème, jaune, rose, rubis ou mauve, des violettes blanches ou naturelles et des bleuets nuance naturelle. Aucun envoi n’est fait contre remboursement; adresser mandat-poste à M. Orsoni, 3, rue de la Sablière, Paris. Ajouter 1 fr. 50 pour frais d’emballage et de port eu gare française (pour deux chapeaux 2 fr 35.) Pour l’étranger, le supplément pour les frais d’emballage et de port est de 2 fr. 25 par chapeau, lin délai de huit jours nous est nécessaire pour la bonne exécution des commandes.
2. Toquet Maud at 4 francs for ladies and young girls. The graceful form, with a jet background, is surrounded by flowers and black pleated gauze. Knot formed by hulls in very beautiful ribbon of black saline. We leave the flowers to choose from roses, poppies and carnations in black, green, cream, yellow, pink, ruby or mauve shades, white or natural violets and natural shade cornflowers. No shipment is made COD; send money order to Mr. Orsoni, 3, rue de la Sablière, Paris. Add 1 fr. 50 for packing and postage at the French station (for two hats 2 fr 35.) For foreign countries, the supplement for packing and postage is 2 fr. 25 per hat, a period of eight days is necessary for the proper execution of orders.
3. Toilette en serge. Jupe cerclée de galons mohair, plate devant et sur les hanches et plissée derrière, haute ceinture-corselet en taffetas. Boléro croisé, à revers, orné de galons, col rabattu et petite cravate écossaise, plastron de toile à l’intérieur. Manches d’une seule pièce drapées par des points et garnies de petits jockeys ornés galon mohair. Matériaux: 8 mètres serge, 0m60 taffetas.
3. Twill ensemble. Skirt encircled with mohair braid, flat in front and on the hips and pleated in the back, high corselet belt in taffeta. Double-breasted bolero, with lapels, adorned with braid, turn-down collar and small Scottish tie, canvas plastron inside. One-piece sleeves draped with points and trimmed with small jockeys adorned with mohair braid. Materials: 8 meters serge, 0m60 taffeta.
4. Toilette en vigogne. Jupe ronde, garnie de baguettes piquées et boutons. Corsage blouse en taffetas écossais, enserré par une ceinture drapée en satin, empiècement carré formant épaulettes garni déboutons. Manches d’une seule pièce drapées par des points, petits revers au bas, cravate nouée devant et petit col rabattu. Matériaux: 6 in. vigogne, 1 m 50 taffetas écossais. Ceinture et col en satin.
4. Vicuna ensemble. Round skirt, trimmed with stitched strips and buttons. Blouse bodice in tartan taffeta, encircled by a draped satin belt, square yoke forming shoulder pads trimmed with buttons. One-piece sleeves draped by stitching, small lapels at the bottom, tie tied in front and small turn-down collar. Materials: 6 in. vicuna, 1 m 50 Scottish taffeta. Satin waistband and collar.
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musingsoflulu · 2 years
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Mountain Lakes 100 Race Recap
"I've always just looked at 100 miles as life in a day. You have all the trials and tribulations of a life in one day." - Ann Trason
I accomplished a very big thing this past weekend. It was one of the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but what a privilege it is that I was able to choose to do this hard thing.
The day started off at 8 AM along the buttery Pacific Crest Trail and winding back around Timothy Lake. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day and the forest provided shade and some views of Hood through the trees. I saw Keiren around mile 7 at the first aid station and we did a little dance and hugged before I continued moving. The next 24 miles were spent listening to a throwback Thursday playlist @katherine-withak put together for me and talking with people on the trail. I went into the race with a goal of getting sub 24 hours (sub 14:24 min miles) which was ambitious but didn't feel impossible after speaking with Anna Mae. I started off conservatively, averaging 11:00-12:00 min miles, knowing that I would slow down later on in the race and also lose time at aid stations. I ended up running with a group of infectious disease docs/professors from Seattle for several miles before I landed at mile 31 to see Logan, Mom, and my uncle David again.
We spent a total of 13 minutes tending to my feet, refilling my pack, taking in some Tylenol and salt tabs, and slathering my legs in diclofenac gel before I set out again. Unfortunately, in the midst of all the chaos, I forgot my phone with Logan and couldn't listen to any more music until I saw them again at mile 57. This stretch was tougher (more ups and downs vert wise) but legs were still feeling pretty fresh and I was in good spirits. Passed a "Disco and Dad Joke" aid station, heard a few dad jokes that were just as bad as you'd expect. Saw an amazing sunset over Mount Hood National Forest. Didn't realize how low I was on water and ran out with about 4 miles to go before I saw my crew again. Made it through though and came into the mile 57 aid station at around 8:00 PM.
I was feeling much worse at this aid station. Getting ready to run for hours alone in the dark felt daunting. My feet had started to develop some nasty blisters and my shirt/sports bra were soaked with sweat from the day. I had packed a long sleeve shirt and spare sports bra, but had completely forgotten to pack a spare short sleeve shirt. My uncle David gave me the Under Armour shirt off of his back and it made all the difference having dry clothes on. We slathered my legs in diclofenac gel again, popped two Tylenol, filled up my bag with all the caffeinated things, and I set out into the night.
Miles 57-83 consisted of me going through most of the aid stations again (this part was an out and back). The climbs were hard. I was very tired, mentally and physically, and had been up for almost 24 hours at this point. I started getting paranoid about mountain lions following me while I was alone in the dark. Every shadow scared me. Every time my life hit a reflector on a course marking, my heart skipped. But another playlist that Kat made me got me through it and I kept repeating the mantra that Alli told me before the race- "It's not always. It's just right now." I said this to myself over and over and over.
By the time I got into the mile 83 aid station, I was still 40 minutes ahead of schedule for my sub 24 hour goal. Mom, Uncle David, and Logan were pretty dialed at this point, lightened my pack for the last 18 miles. Crew was very limited and so many of my friends couldn't be there in person. Logan showed me videos they all created to encourage me - Claire, Mindy, Kirsten, Alli, Dani, Kat, Tay, Bronwyn, Alex, Anne Mae. So much support, so much love. It was completely overwhelming. I was finally able to pick up Keiren at this time to pace me. She was so encouraging, distracting me with stories about her time in the Alps this past month and holding me steady as I went uphill. I had knots in my right calf and left quad that wouldn't go away and every step uphill hurt badly.
Once the sun came up, I got a little bit of a second wind and saw the end was so close. I thought rocks on the trail were potato sacks. I told Keiren that I missed malls because they're so nostalgic. I'm sure I said other very silly things.
I heard the screams at the finish line and ran as fast as I could down the hill, trying to hold it together until I crossed at a time of 23:44. As soon as I did, I broke down crying, hugging Logan and my family so tight. I hugged the race directors, who handed me my sub 24 hour buckle. I hugged Keiren, who was also crying.
I think the most overwhelming part of running 100 miles is how many people were willing to help me get there. Running 100 miles is innately very selfish. Time is suspended and you are solely focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Not to mention the time it takes to train for one. Friends modified their schedules to get in miles with me. They sent me care packages and encouraging messages. My family flew across the country and spent 2-3 days helping me prep for and complete a 100 mile race, all while sleep deprived and jet lagged. Logan made dinner almost every night as I put in the miles after work, walked Harper every morning because I was too tired and needed more sleep, adjusted our weekend plans around my long runs, crewed for 3 days at Wonderland while I ran around Mt. Rainier with friends. He did all of this and never expected anything in return. The most selfless, giving partner I could have ever asked for. I just feel so lucky and so loved.
I don't really know what's next for me. I'm taking a break from training for a while and just plan on doing what feels good for my body and soul. Whatever the future holds, I've taken so much away from this entire experience.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Port-au-Prince is as violent as it has ever been, but for two weeks now the fear has also flowed in a different direction — thanks to a phenomenon known as "Bwa Kale."
"Bwa Kale" literally means "peeled wood" in Haitian Creole. It's also a metaphor for an act of swift justice.
While gang members continue their depredations in the east end of the Haitian capital, in other parts they have been forced to flee. Many have been lynched or summarily executed following capture by groups of citizens, sometimes acting alongside police.
As It Happens Q&AHaitian activist describes grisly killings in the streets as residents rise up against gangs
In danger abroad? The Canadian government says it isn't obligated to rescue you
Haiti's outgunned police will have to wait even longer for Canadian armoured cars
Bwa Kale messages and memes are everywhere on Haitian social media, and recording artists like Tony Mix have put out tracks promoting the trend. There is even a Bwa Kale dance.
While many have reservations about the movement and where it might lead, large numbers of ordinary Haitians seem to have found a kind of joyous release in turning the tables on their tormentors.
Burned alive
A spontaneous event on April 24 appears to have been the catalyst for the movement. Police in the Canape Vert area of Port-au-Prince intercepted 13 or 14 members of a gang travelling on a minibus to join with an allied gang in the Dubussy district.
"This party didn't have any long guns with them," said Louis-Henri Mars, director of the Haitian peacebuilding non-profit Lakou Lape. "They only had pistols in their rucksacks, and when they were stopped, the police disarmed them."
A crowd quickly gathered at the scene.
"The police felt the pressure, or they felt threatened by the crowd, and they released those guys to die basically," said Mars. "And the crowd stoned them and burned them to death, and this was the start of it."
Cell videos from the scene show Haitian police holding a group of young men on the ground while civilians pelt them with rocks. Tires are piled over them. Other videos show the men on fire and display their charred remains.
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"It dispelled the myth of their invincibility," said Mars. The next day, he added, "the group that they were going to meet in Dubussy was also attacked by the population with the police.
"They scrambled out of where they were and they were pursued and, one by one, killed. Some of them were lucky to get arrested and brought to the police station."
Calls for an "Operasyon File Manchet" (Operation Sharpen Machete) began to circulate on social media in Haiti on April 25. Some evangelical churches also spread the message.
"And so this has created a whole movement all over the city and even the country," said Mars, "a movement of the police in front and the people behind."
A fever of revenge
Subsequent days saw many districts of Port-au-Prince move to a war footing. When gangs entered a neighbourhood, people banged pots and pans to alert neighbours. Most neighbourhoods had just a few handguns to defend themselves from gangs armed with automatic rifles, but civilians took potshots and threw rocks from rooftops. Some were able to repel gang invasions.
Crowds went on the offensive, using their numbers to overwhelm gang safe houses, drag suspected gang members out of police stations and kill them in the street.
The anger in the videos is palpable. Haitian gangs have raped women and girls on a massive scale. They routinely kidnap children and use torture against kidnap victims. They have ruthlessly extorted even the poorest families.
Liberal government announces $100M in aid to shore up police forces in Haiti
AnalysisWhy Canada is pushing back at U.S. pressure to put boots on the ground in Haiti
Migrant numbers at jungle crossing point to a record-breaking year for irregular migration in North America
In some instances, gang members have been made to confess to crimes or gang affiliations on video. Many are burned using tires — often while still alive.
Burning with tires is a practice that goes back to the era of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. It's also meant as retaliation in kind against gang members who have taunted police with videos of indignities done to the bodies of slain officers. Many Haitians involved in Bwa Kale have also shared images of a young man who was burned to death with a tire by criminals for refusing to join their gang.
Governments reduced to spectators
"Canada is deeply concerned by the recent population movement and escalation of violence in Haiti stemming from the increase of killings and executions committed by criminal actors," a spokesperson for Global Affairs told CBC News, adding that Canada's focus is on "bolstering the capabilities of the Haitian National Police in the immediate term."
Haiti's Prime Minister Ariel Henry expressed disapproval of the Bwa Kale movement in his May Day speech.
"The insecurity we live in is appalling," he said. "But don't let bad plans make us play sordid games."
"I ask my compatriots, whatever they may have suffered at the hands of the bandits, to remain calm," he said, adding that Haitians should help police by giving information about suspicious people in their neighbourhoods.
WATCH:  A crowd gathers in a Port-au-Prince market for a Bwa Kale operation
But under Bwa Kale, cooperating with the police goes well beyond giving out tips. Abundant cell phone footage from Port-au-Prince shows police and civilians engaging together in street battles with gang members.
Cooperation between civilians and police is sometimes so close, it completely cuts out the Haitian government. 
One neighbourhood's battle
Laboule and neighbouring Thomassin are well-to-do outlying suburbs of Port-au-Prince. In the small Laboule 12 enclave, a gang led by Ti Makak (Little Monkey) killed three police officers last September and a few weeks later ambushed and killed the district's most prominent resident, former presidential candidate Eric Jean Baptiste, together with his bodyguard.
"They started terrorizing the population, killing, shooting, raping, kidnapping, ransoming," the organizer of Laboule 12's self-defence group told CBC News. CBC is not identifying him due to the threat of gang retribution. He said he barely survived an ambush when gunfire struck the bulletproof windshield of his car.
The resident, a lawyer, said the community petitioned the government for help for months before taking matters into its own hands.
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"It's as if the government is benefiting from the fact that this country is in limbo," he said. "They still get paid, they're buying brand new 2023 Land Cruisers for government officials. They're running with high security, they are safe, and the rest of the people [are] just abandoned."
He described how his group reached a deal with a local police inspector — they fixed a broken Canadian-made armoured vehicle for about $32,000 US in exchange for a police commitment to use it to defend their neighbourhood.
'It's horrific'
The group also hired private security to guard the approaches to the neighborhood.
A video the group shared showed a civilian checkpoint overlooking a footpath into the Laboule 12. People can be seen fleeing uphill from another neighbourhood, where automatic rifle fire can be heard. A man armed with an AR-15 rifle questions the refugees and makes them raise their shirts to show they are unarmed.
The group also rented pickup trucks to conduct surveillance and prepare ambushes. It all led up to what the resident called a "surge" operation that saw Ti Makak and his brother fatally wounded.
The unnamed resident estimates that at least 50 alleged bandits have been killed in his area since then.
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"With that surge the entire population started to say that they had enough," he said. Ti Makak's death "emboldened some of them and they started going after (gang members) and tracking them. Soon it was the majority of the people against the gang and they started killing them.
"As a lawyer myself, it pains me to say, but there were, there was a bunch of summary executions … They were stoned to death and burned with tires, some of them even alive. It's horrific."
CBC News saw video that showed an accused gang member in Thomassin being stoned and burned in a fire.
"We've put back security on some of the territories we lost," said the resident. "So there's a sense of relief even though there's trauma.
"You start to see people coming back, coming out and starting walking again. You have some local shops that are reopening slowly. It's a slow movement, but there's a huge relief."
Innocents caught up 
But as with all mob violence, this vigilante movement has claimed some innocent victims.
Police officer Emmanuel Derilien was lynched in St-Louis-Du-Nord on Monday when he was mistaken for a gang member after he shot and wounded two people in an altercation.
Crowds can quickly surround an unfamiliar face and sometimes don't give strangers a chance to justify their presence.
Though it's supportive of police, the Bwa Kale movement appears to pose a threat to the unpopular Ariel Henry government and to undermine Haiti's standing among the nations that back it, including Canada.
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Most Haitians see the ruling Pati Ayisyen Tet Kale (Haitian Bald Head Party) as not only ineffective in fighting the gangs but as an accomplice of them — a conclusion supported by human rights groups.
"Whatever Ariel Henry is saying is not going to be listened to by the population because he and his government have not been able to to defend them," said Mars.
"The police, the street officers at least, have suffered quite a bit at the hands of the gangs who've been killing them, and hiding and destroying the bodies of those they kill so that their families would not be able to give them proper burial. So the street officers are also in a lot of ways taking things into their own hands."
New leaders rising
The wave of vigilantism in Haiti is bringing new leaders to the fore, such as Jean-Ernest Muscadin, the "komise" of Miragoane (a role somewhat like a district attorney).
A lanky man of serious demeanour who wears body armour to work and carries a rifle, Muscadin has become a star of Haiti's raucous citizen media channels for making his district an island of relative safety in a sea of chaos.
"I am a missionary. I came to restore order," Muscadin told Haitian reporters recently, adding the state gives him nothing beyond his salary of $445 a month.
Everything else "comes from the diaspora," he said. "You can't talk about the state. The state cannot help itself."
WATCH: The machete, widely used by Haitian farmers, has become the the main weapon of Bwa Kale
Haitian-Canadians based in Montreal formed a group called the Alexandre Petion Collective which has provided Muscadin with drones, fuel for vehicles and other assistance.
"We are marching with him 100 per cent. He is our inspiration for our collective and the whole Bwa Kale movement in Haiti," a member of the collective told CBC News. (CBC is not identifying this person either, due to the risk of gang retribution; they travel to and from Haiti regularly.)
Muscadin reportedly maintains rigorous control over people and goods moving through his area. Gang members captured in Miragoane can expect to be "shot while trying to escape."
"All revolutions have the potential of birthing that kind of leadership" said Mars. "And sometimes this is dangerous also because you don't know who, when and where and what kind of individual is going to show up on the stage. It's the start of something that could evolve into a very dangerous situation."
Unintended consequences
Self-defence groups formed to combat rampant criminality in Colombia in the 1990s morphed into violent paramilitary groups that stole land, displaced people and trafficked drugs. Mars warns something similar could happen in Haiti.
"In fighting the gangs, you are letting go of the restrictions of propriety, of due process, of state control of violence, and this movement can be the breeding ground for more gangs," he said. "In general, when you have vigilante groups, what happens is that some of them over the over weeks and months become gangs themselves.
WATCH | Vigilante movement has swept Haiti: 
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Vigilantes fight back against Haiti's gangs
Warning: Video contains graphic images | A rise in armed vigilante groups has opened an unpredictable new chapter in Haiti’s gang war, as ordinary civilians, tired of being terrorized, take matters into their own hands.
"Since the social situation has not changed, the space is there for the replacement of the present generation by another generation of gangs."
On balance, though, Mars said he shares the sense of optimism that Bwa Kale has brought to the Haitian capital for the first time in years.
"There is something that has changed. There's a window of opportunity that has opened. Now it is up to us Haitians to take this window of opportunity and move in the right direction and not continue to destroy, burn and kill."
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lecameleontv · 1 month
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Le personnage secondaire Thomas Gates est interprété par l'acteur Jason Brooks.
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Alors qu'il s'apprête à faires ses courses à la station-essence-superette (Ep. 3.11), il remarque une femme indécise devant un distributeur automatique de cigarettes... Lui-même étant un ancien fumeur, il n'hésite pas à lui apporter son aide...
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Thomas est charpentier et fait des restaurations d'anciennes maisons.
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Thomas : "Mon métier consiste à découvrir ce qu'il y a sous le vernis."
Mlle Parker : "Vous avez bien du courage."
Thomas :" Il n'y a rien de plus excitant que de découvrir du bois précieux vieux de plusieurs siècles sous un linoléum vert citron."
Mlle Parker :"Ca doit être passionnant"
Thomas : Vous n'avez aucune passion Mlle Parker ?"
Mlle Parker : "Vous savez mon nom."
Thomas : "mmmh j'ai mes sources."
Ep. 3.12
Ep. 3.13
Ep. 3.16
Ep. 3.17
Ep. 3.18
Ep.  4.09 
Il a également comme passe-temps d'observer les étoiles à la pleine lune avec sa lunette télescopique.
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allstartrekgames · 1 year
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger
Original Release: 1996
Developer: Stormfront Studios
Publisher: Viacom New Media
Platform: MS-DOS
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DS9 Harbinger is a Myst-style adventure game. Each part of the level is made up of still images, with you clicking the edge of the screen to move around and turn in very limited places. This allows the game to look very impressive visually, especially in screenshots. The 3D models of the characters look vert impressive for the time and everyone is wonderfully voice acted, using the original cast of DS9.
You play a diplomat named Bannick, called to DS9 to assist an ambassador in speaking with a new alien race called the Scythians. These aliens speak in an unusual manner and nobody other than the ambassador has been able to figure it out. As you reach DS9, you get attacked by drones (in an impressive FMV cutscene) and crash land. The drones stat building up to attack DS9. To make matters worse, when you visit the ambassador you discover that he has been murdered. You need to solve the murder, work out how to talk to the Scythians and find a way to stop the drones.
The part of the game on DS9 is great (once you get your head around navigating the station), with lots of conversation options and an intriguing mystery. Puzzles are mostly self-enclosed, leaving you to focus more on the narrative mystery.
In a few parts of the game, you have to man the weapons of DS9 (and a runabout). These sections are just click to shoot, but are surprisingly difficult and not fun at all.
The latter half of the game, once you leave DS9, is much more of a challenging puzzle game like Myst, where you have to navigate a maze (not easy due to how you move, working out how to ger around DS9 was difficult enough), and is very much a chore, especially as you have large periods with no talking. That said, working out how to trick the AIs in charge and talking to them towards the ends is a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t get the full cast of DS9 for this game, so O’Brien and Bashir are said to be on a mission (Worf hasn’t joined the cast yet). You do get to spend plenty of time with Sisko, Odo, Dax, Quark and Kira, though, so there’s still a lot of interaction with the crew.
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gedjub · 2 months
010324 Stilts
+ On s'est d'abord nagé l'un derrière l'autre...
+ L'odeur extasiante ne survit pas à l'expiration.
030324 Peter confit de confidence
040324 on ne manque de rien et on meurt de tout.
+ Ein neues deutsches Moment: "Schatzi Guck doch Mal die BLUUUMÄÄÃNN!!" (Auf den Fahrrädern)
+ Si tu savais l'importance qu'à pour moi ta vie, tout ce que je n'en sais pas!
060324 l'eau froide sur mon corps, c'est l'été.
+ Ganz kleinige Keiten
070324 Pour te surprendre
j'envoie une ombre sous tes pas
et le soleil
je le jette derrière toi
pour que lui-même
te projette dans mes bras
là tu rigoles
tu ne sais pas que c'est moi
La magicienne
qui ne sait faire que des choses comme ça
la pauvre folle
amoureuse de toi.
+ Où va-t-on, se demande-t-il. Droit dans le mur, lui répond-on. Je veux descendre, c'est ma station! Allons allons, la vie n'est pas un wagon.
+ Pour te surprendre
j'envoie une ombre sous tes pas
et le soleil
je le jette derrière toi
pour que lui-même
te projette dans mes bras
et je caresse
tes long bras gris
et je régresse
à la folie
toi tu rigoles
pas plus surpris que ça
que je sois folle
amoureuse de toi
+ Odeurs, visions, je vous ai comprises! Adieu.
+ L'issue de la guerre
entre moi et moi
elle va de soi
je me mettrai à terre
et dessinerai
échecs et victoires
je ferai ce que je sais faire
des oiseaux vite fait bien fait
d'un seul trait noir
les colorierai en vert
dans un fouillis de traits
et quand viendra la nuit
et que je dormirai
j'entendrai des cui cui
les cui cui de la paix.
+ À mon goût
Notre relation
Est beaucoup trop
C'est plutôt
Avec les verres
Qu'on fait tchin-tchin
Tu ne crois pas
On peut garder
Tout le côté
Si d'aventure
Tu t'aventures
À me faire mal
Mords-moi le cou
Mords-moi l'oreille
Mais dans la bouche
C'est pas pareil
À mon goût
Notre relation
Est beaucoup trop
C'est plutôt
Avec les verres
Qu'on fait tchin-tchin
Tu ne crois pas
+ Dormir en lacets défaits
+ Étourdi de pensées, je sors à l'air libre et tombe nez à nez avec toi. Page blanche, tout est bien qui recommence, nous parlons. Nous parlons de toi, de rien que de toi. Je suis la balance qui pèse tes soucis, je ne pense rien qu'à toi et à lui, page blanche sur laquelle tu t'écris. Et moi et mes pensées oubliées, ensuite, rentrons à la maison et nous mangeons.
+ Écrire sans réfléchir, c'est le pet souhaité faisable à toute heure, en toutes circonstances.
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martassimsbookcc · 2 years
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• .package • Base game compatible • Collection file included • • 𝔻𝕆𝕎ℕ𝕃𝕆𝔸𝔻 • Ad-free as always at my website! 🤍𝕂𝕠-𝕗𝕚 𝕥𝕚𝕡𝕤 𝕛𝕒𝕣  | ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕠𝕟🤍 
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【 ℂ𝕣𝕖��𝕚𝕥𝕤 】 Original Sims 4 post by @cowbuild​ - ⚪
• Polycount, buy category, price § and more useful information ↓ •
* 3-in-1 Electric Breakfast Station: 9934 verts | 15022 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 1060§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Anti Splatter Shield: 5934 verts | 5910 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 30§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Bear Coffee Machine: 8101 verts | 12389 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 750§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels >>>> Decorative only
* Bear Mini Oven: 5745 verts | 8178 faces >> Found under Small appliances | 790§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels >>>> Functional but not animated
* Breakfast in a Pan: 4226 verts | 6491 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 100§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Bristol Kitchen Cabinet: 436 verts | 490 faces >> Found under Cabinets | 355§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Cabinet Corner: 411 verts | 529 faces >> Found under Cabinets | 355§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Cabinet Tall: 1630 verts | 1684 faces >> Found under Cabinets | 580§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Cabinet Small: 436 verts | 490 faces >> Found under Cabinets | 200§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Cabinet End A/B: 514 verts | 546 faces >> Found under Cabinets | 190§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels >>>> 3 slots for Small/Medium/Large objects
* Bristol Kitchen Counter A: 844 verts | 974 faces >> Found under Counters| 750§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Counter B: 1846 verts | 2790 faces >> Found under Counters| 750§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Counter Corner: 440 verts | 553 faces >> Found under Counters| 750§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Bristol Kitchen Counter End A/B: 1875 verts | 2816 faces >> Found under Counters| 600§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Bristol Open Kitchen Cabinet: 1428 verts | 1736 faces >> Found under Cabinets | 355§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel >>>> 30 slots for Small/Medium/Large objects
* Kiara 16’ Saucepan: 2603 verts | 4258 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 100§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Portable Induction Cooktop: 833 verts | 910 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 2030§ >>> Not recolorable - 2 presets
* Retro Fridge with Magnets: 5778 verts | 6287 faces >> Found under Large appliances | 1289§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channel
* Retro Gas Stove: 19640 verts | 27622 faces >> Found under Large appliances | 1095§ >>> Recolorable - 4 channels
* Retro Vent Hood: 1710 verts | 1964 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous appliances | 350§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Paint with Wainscot Paneling: >> Found under Build mode - Siding | 29§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
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dirtanddistance · 2 months
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Halfway There: Run Ridge Run Race Report
Race: Run Ridge Run by Coast Mountain Trail Running
Distance: 25k, 3200ft vert
Location: Port Moody, BC
Time: 4:18:48
Goal: Don't cry, have fun - ACHIEVED
Sometimes, there's no amount of repetition that makes a challenge easier, and I'm starting to think that the Diez Vista ascent portion of RRR 25k and the DV 50k is one of those things. Having run the course twice already this winter, my trusty run buddies and I were excited to tackle it for time.... and also dreading that grinding ascent.
As any good running pod does, the three of us set out the night before for packet pick up, and a stop by Rocky Point Ice Cream for some cones before dinner in the hopes that a little treat would fortify us for the next day. After a series of road races over the past couple of months, I was itching to get back to the trails for a formal event. While the grind of an uphill slog is soul crushing, I don't think I would trade it for the nausea and occasional asthma attacks of trying to run as fast as I can down some flat pavement again any time soon. Race bibs and ice cream cones in hand, we were ready to take on whatever Saturday morning was going to bring us.
The morning was mild, and we lucked out on the rain holding off until well into the race. I had a feeling my husband was going to drop me and our other run buddy in pretty short order despite his Charlie-the-Unicorn caliber complaints that "three cheesy eggs was probably an excessive breakfast for race day", but he was still near me by the time we had dragged ourselves all the way up to the Diez Vista sign. However, the blue babbling unicorn to my pink rambling unicorn was nowhere in sight. Upon questioning, my husband reported that she'd "dropped" a while ago on the climb and then sprang off into the distance, unperturbed by the treacherous descent ahead of us and seemingly unfazed by the grueling ascent we'd just made. As I meandered along, carefully avoiding slippery spots and gingerly placing my feet to avoid sliding down deceitfully slimy rocks, I realized that 'dropped' could mean multiple things. I did not want to believe that she could have quit the race (but honestly I wouldn't have blamed her - that climb is no thoughts just vert), and vowed to wait up for her a little farther along the trail when it opened up. My relief was palpable when a familiar headband appeared in my peripheral vision, confirming the presence of my long-suffering, peer pressured companion.
Speaking of, the reason I was not at this event alone was because I had peer pressured my husband and running bestie into doing this with me, as preparation for the other race I pressured them into, the Diez Vista 50k in April. This course is essentially the front half of that race, so of course we should do it! They were probably questioning this reasoning on the way back off the ridge, but didn't voice any complaints. These are the kind of people you want to pressure into trail running with you. Absolute yes-people.
A hobby that running bestie and I have gotten into is describing our very lengthy training runs in terms of an open world video game. Being out in BC, you quickly realize that you've been dropped into an IRL Breath of the Wild type map to run around in. It starts raining sometimes. The weather shifts. You're out long enough that the daylight changes noticeably over the course of the run. There are NPCs that join you for short periods and at the aid stations that you can interact with. You're running a side quest to pick up enough trash to merit a free pair of socks at the finish line. You're snacking on health-restoring elixirs imbued with arcane energy. On this logic, you quickly devolve into letting your brain go completely feral. Thoughts enter and exit without rhyme or reason. Your internal monologue is feeding you random early 2000s YouTube video quotes and songs you haven't listened to on purpose ever in your life (I have not even once listened to Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj intentionally).
It's been years and years since I ran a race with a friend, and never a trail race. This is the cheat code. I think that with a good run buddy you could probably cover untold kilometers as long as you both were prepared to feed each other the most absurd thoughts from the depths of your meme stuffed Millenial minds. We decided that the Brightline train line in Florida was a worthy topic of conversation and speculation for a nontrivial quantity of the course. I have a feeling that my husband raced off from us is because he knows that he is the Charlie the Unicorn to our pink and blue unicorns, and that if he sticks around we will eventually tell him to put a banana in his ear. However, it was his words at the finish line that sealed the experience for me: "You two just looked like you were having so much fun when you got to the finish line. You looked so happy." After hours of running through mist shrouded forests, up and down hill after hill, dodging rocks and roots and small rivers, telling ourselves we were graceful fae princesses frolicking through our kingdom, I arrived at the finish line incredibly tired, incredibly ready to be done running, and happier than I though you could be at the end of a race. I collected my hard-earned Gary Robbins finish line hug, and the three of us grinned, dirty and tired, ready to tackle the second half of this training cycle and face the final boss - the Diez Vista 50k.
Bonus Chapter: The Juice Vendor NPC
Running Bestie and I finally peeled ourselves away from the refreshment tent to go get changed after finishing, leaving our partners to discuss whatever it is that brogrammers discuss by a fire on a gloomy beach, but were quickly arrested in our path by an older fellow beseeching us to wait as he had blueberry juice for us. I do not know how we managed to spend five minutes discussing how many samples each of us were to collect, but we left that baffling conversation with about 6 locally made juice pouches each. All this to say, you should always hit the dialog button to engage because sometimes, the merchant characters have elixirs imbued with arcane energy to give you.
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Journal de bord de la 35e Horde :
Jour 3 de la traversée du désert Patagonien. Nous continuons de contrer un vent sec et sournois, sifflant et s'engouffrant dans les interstices des portières de Patochimbo. Il s'accompagne ce matin d'une neige pluvieuse collant aux essuie-glaces et aux rebords des vitres de notre van. Celui-ci continue bravement d'avaler les kilomètres, nous rapprochant chaque minute de l'extrême sud, dernier bout de terre avant l'Antarctique. 
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Les guanacos pullulent aux abords de la route, mâchouillant pensivement sans prendre garde au climat repoussant, tout en contemplant les carcasses de leurs frères, empalées sur les barbelés des barrières. On m'a empêché d'aller récupérer un crâne. 
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De temps à autre, nous apercevons un unique buisson ayant poussé tel un champignon en plein milieu d'un champ. Agglutinés derrière, une petite dizaine de moutons rachitiques, grelottant les uns contre les autres, rêvent de vertes plaines plus amicales. Un condor, énorme poule sombre à l'ombre menaçante, nous a survolés un instant avant de fondre sur une proie. Nous n'avons pas non plus été épargnés de notre côté, puisque la veille, le vent à englouti une tong d'Aneth. 
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Ce midi, nous avons tenté de manger à l'abri des éléments, mais un pignouf au cœur aussi aride que notre environnement nous a éjectés sans ménagement de sa station essence. C'est tels les moutons précédemment décrits que nous nous sommes rassasiés.
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L'après-midi se passe sous un soleil timide, à peine suffisant pour permettre à la température de dépasser le zéro fatidique. Mes acrobaties de la veille, ou plus exactement mes 10 minutes de lutte avec la bâche de la valise du toit, tout en me faisant ballotter par le vent et arracher mes lunettes à chaque bourrasque, semblent avoir porté leurs fruits.
Lentement, les plaines défilent dans un nuage de poussière, au gré des tressautements de Patochimbo sur les routes de terres de la sinistre Maldite 73.
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Au détour d'un tournant, le lago Cardiel nous surprend de son turquoise éclatant.
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Le soir venu, nous atteignons enfin notre destination, le majestueux massif de Fitz Roy.
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