#stay tuned for whenever the next update comes up
mrultra100 · 6 months
If I can be real for a moment…
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I feel like my involvement with Johnny Test as a franchise is basically over at this point. For those who’ve been with me for a long time now, this might come as a surprise that I’m finally letting go of what people have been referring to as Dexter’s Lab, but with whipcracks after all of these years, but there’s a lot that I wanna get off my chest about the state of the franchise, along with how things will go with my side of the situation going forth.
At this point, I’ve come to accept that Johnny Test, as a franchise, is likely going to stay dead in the water for real this time, especially with how the second season of the Netflix revival not only silently came out with barely any fanfare, but also became the final season, likely for good. I know a big chunk of the JT-related stuff was back when I was obsessed with the Vampire Twins to request art featuring them from multiple artists (Which is something that I deeply cringe at now, and fully regret for how stupid and childish that was. I apologize to everyone for that era), but in the last few years, I’ve been slowly making them more and more into their own thing, distant from what they were originally.
The Ultraverse V-Twins have changed a lot, with things like aging them up and changing their designs to reflect that, giving them more fleshed-out abilities and personalities, and overall just making them my own characters at this point. Don’t get me wrong, they still fit with my Primal Eternity idea, as that’s the one aspect of my JT stuff that I wanna keep around to somewhat of a degree. As for that project’s future? I could think of more ideas for characters and doodle them out, like I have before, or maybe I could take a small break from that project for a while. Im not sure. Regarding the bigger picture, I feel like/hoping to get some more work for it done after this break, before the franchise turns 20 next fall. We’ll just have to wait and see on what happens next. As for now, the V-Twins, while having a small connection to their origin franchise, will be their own thing going forward. Since they’re basically my own character after the series that they were based on is likely going to stay dead for good (which blows, but that’s just how it is), it’s the least I can do for them. In the meantime, Maryanna, now that she’s my mascot, is probably gonna be the hero of her own adventure. Time will tell on how her story will play out.
Regarding other things related to JT, I wanna give a quick shoutout to @rominadrawsart16 and @arti-squid. While they’re more active in the small JT fandom than I am, I love how they use character from the show to further their own skills as artists, similar to what I’ve been doing with Maryanna recently. If you haven’t already, please give them a visit.
And to give my thoughts on JT being dead and buried, I have a few conflicting thoughts. One part of me wishes WildBrain did more with the IP when making the Netflix revival, as alright as that was. Another feels like they should’ve go for a complete reboot to the franchise to start with a clean slate, and another feels like the series didn’t needed a revival in the first place, as shocking as they might sound. Unless the two seasons commissioned by Netflix were all that were planned, Johnny Test wasn’t really a show that needed to be brought back in the first place. After everything that had happened to it (The CW merger that caused the show to suffer budget cuts after Season 1, the infamy it got during the 2010’s due to how it became generic slop, etc), it feels like the show was basically doomed from the start. As much as I wanna go more into that with greater detail, that’ll be saved for another day.
So basically the short of what I’m trying to say is this; Johnny Test, as a franchise, is probably over for real this time, my involvement with it, outside of JTPE and supporting my friends, is (mostly) done, and the Ultraverse V-Twins (especially Maryanna) are here to stay.
See you, Space Whipcrack…
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
i keep gol dang forgetting to make updates about Things
whoopsie!! hello!! you may remember me, from Internet! I've been very busy lately, with things that Aren't Internet! it's probably gonna be another 2-ish weeks or more (depending on how good or bad my finals prep type stuff goes) before I'm back on here streaming and drawing in full force! this is a little bit sad for me because I both miss my friends and streaming with 'em, and because Haha Uh Oh That's One Income Source Down!! but, I will return...
more specific details if you're interested!
if you currently have an in-progress commission with me, I'm working on them whenever time allows! I hope to finish them soon! If you submitted an interest form (which you can do here!) or otherwise talked to me about a commission, I'll be getting back to you as soon as my schedule opens up!
Jay, the hero of my life, has been uploading things on my VODs channel! (everybody say thank you Jay RIGHT NOW.) You can go watch a lot of my cool old streams there, including a bunch of the Luigi's Mansion and PMD vods, some cool one-offs like Smile for Me and Making Guys In Spore, and perhaps most importantly of all, Putt Putt Stream
If you like what I do and have the means to help to support me Not Going Into Even More Debt while I'm not streaming, you can drop me a couple bucks on ko-fi (if you pay $9 or more and leave a request in the comment I'll do a rough ink drawing for you as thanks!) or contribute to various home goods & niceries on my throne! Never required, never mandatory, always appreciated!!
a few Big Things I've been working on to come in the next couple months. please stay tuned :)
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harukadrawsthings · 1 year
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EDIT 7/10/2023: Wow, in less than 24 hours I already got the 5 slots filled! Thank you to everyone and my apologies to those who didn't manage to have a slot in time. There's always a next time! As soon as the replies become ready I upload them but there's no deadline. Stay tuned!
Original post 6/10/2023:
Hello, everyone, hoping that this start of Autumn is being good for you!
I've been a little busy dealing with mental health and quotidian stuff but over two thirds of the next part of the comic of Soul(mate)s of Light has been already developed. Thank you for your patience once again, expect its upload in the near future once it's ready to show.
In order to maintain the focus on the comic strips creation I'm re-opening the Ask box for a very short time once again. This post will be updated as soon the inbox gets closed.
After validating the questions of 5 different users made that include at least one to AU characters I'll temporarily close the Ask box once more. First come, first served. So if you were saving questions in the meantime, hurry up and ask them now while slots are available!
Last time in August when I was checking the pending messages and validating the questions that were suitable for replies I’ve observed a few things that I want to bring out some attention, as well reminding about a few factors:
There were users not respecting the “Maximum three character-directed questions per user” rule. Please consider there are other people that send questions and it’s not fair for them to have to wait longer because somebody made more asks.
For a better management of posts, I also want to ask to please make those three questions in a single post whenever it’s possible instead of sending them separately.
If someone sends me more than 3 character-directed questions per wave of replies, I’ll either only respond to the three first questions and suppress the others, or select the best 3 questions of that message.
Please don’t ask the characters questions about crossovers with IRL IPs unrelated with Pokémon. It’s 99% certain I won’t answer them. I reinforce that I reserve the right to not reply to questions that I find them inadequate to my AU standards or for other reasons not listed in the rules.
Although I don’t forbid questions done to characters that aren’t part of the main/secondary cast of the AU story, please consider that questions made to characters outside that circle are subjected to be unanswered if I conclude that replying them doesn’t bring anything relevant either to the readers or to the AU itself.
If the Ask Button isn’t available it’s because I’m not accepting character-directed asks at the moment. Do not use this thread to send character-directed asks. Please wait for a reopening and save your questions for next time! 😊
Author-directed questions are quicker to be replied than character-directed ones (especially if there's no character-directed ask included in the entire message). If I see it helps to speed up the inbox cleanup I can consider giving priority to answer this type of questions.
A reminder about the original rules to also be considered
Be polite, don't use foul language/swearing.
SFW asks, only! NSFW asks will never be replied.
Gore scenarios are very unlikely to be replied or if it involves a trigger subject that requires a real graphical depicting as well.
I reserve the right to not reply to a character ask if I find it inappropriate or for any other reason not mentioned here.
Maximum three character-directed questions per user. If author-directed questions are included alongside with character-directed questions, please don’t surpass 3 character questions and 2 author questions (making it a total of 5 questions per user).
Due to my personal life and the development of a new comic, replies to the asks won’t have a fixated deadline to be developed and published. Please be patient!
If I find the asks to be suitable for replying I might take some time to draw the character answers since it's something I have to do in parallel with ongoing projects like AU comics or illustrations (and there's my personal life to consider as well, of course!).
The more questions in the same ask message I receive, the more time I'll need to draw them as well since I have to submit every answer on the same post!
I give priority to draw answers for the asks I receive first in my inbox. Asks sent after someone has done it first will be in the drawing queue.
While I don't discard the possibility of drawing replies to questions directed to characters that don't have much relevance to the AU I can consider to do them if I conclude it's doable. However, I recommend that the questions are done for characters that are more prominent to the story.
I highly advice that the questions are asked in English, although I understand questions done in Portuguese or Spanish without having to use automatic translators for other languages.
Thank you in advance!
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
3 month update on my life! (plus what’s coming soon)
hello my besties! i have been gone for three months, i know but this break was very slay for me and i have come back with so many fresh ideas! this post is just to update everything you've missed on my life (if you're interested if not that's all slay too). i popped on here a few times (speak now tv) and posted a little something, but for the most part, i have not been on very much.
if you follow me on instagram, you probably know most of these updates.
tw: mental health talk
i graduated, so school was out and summer started
not much else happened in june. i was a little depressed honestly
my birthday! as you all know, i queued a post and saw all your sweet messages and they made my day! i turned 18, so i am officially an adult and have been for about a two months
i saw barbie. didn't cry in theaters, but i then went home and had an existential crisis and bawled my eyes out.
I SAW TAYLOR SWIFT!!!! it was the most magical concert I've been to (i've been to 4, 5 later this month)
1989 TV IS COMING OUT!!!! MY OTHER FAV ALBUM (my top three are: speak now, red, 1989, but i love them all sm. moving on)
god covid for the first time. not a fun time, but it did last all of like 4 days, so that was pretty slay.
i started college. it's cray man. i'm borderline homicidal every moment of the day because my math teacher hates me (he posts too many assignments lol)
my cod acc @saint-johnny is slay so go check it out. i'm gonna be a little more active on there because mw3 is coming out.
coming up!
obvs hockey starts this month and i literally cannot wait. i say that now, but just you wait, i'm going to be cursing at these men and losing my mind.
i can't wait to go back to the arena and watch live games because it truly is such a fun environment even if i'm going to an arena and rooting for the opposing team every time.
what’s coming soon? (writing wise)
the patreon will be published within the next month or so, so please stay tuned for that!
the midnights series is coming as planned. don’t know when, but it’s coming.
i have some more blurbs coming out and some other fics i’m working on. they’ll be done whenever they’re done.
thanks for coming to my ted talk. I've missed talking to you all honestly, and i can't wait to be back!
tagging some friends: @2manytabsopen @typical-simplelove @iwantahockeyhimbo @fallinallincurls @kolsmikaelson @norrisjosh @harlowhockeystick @bitchinbarzal @lam-ila @alextturcotte @sydnikov @nylwnder @ghostyjosty @comphyjost @smileysvech (sorry if i missed you. i know i missed a lot of you<3)
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thedroneranger · 1 year
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ beccaanne814 Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
@beccaanne814 coming in hot with the next Rewind!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
To keep this going throughout the summer, I'll continue to invite friends—other creators and readers—to share their lists. Stay tuned!
If you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier—let's keep this going as long as we can!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
A Gun Amongst Daggers, Jake Seresin, @desert-fern I don’t think I’ve ever been addicted to a TGM series the way I am with this one!  I love Bear so much, sometimes I wonder if I’d rather have her than Jake!  I reread parts of this series again and again because Fern has been burying little breadcrumbs throughout the story and I want to make sure I don’t miss anything. 🕵🏼‍♀️ 
Dirty Laundry, Bob Floyd, @teacupsandtopgun Beth knows how to break my heart in the best way possible.  She warns us that it’s going to hurt, but you just can’t help but come back for more. I reread each part as she updated this story because there was so much mystery and intrigue surrounding the plot.  I still think about Bob and his never-ending capacity to love. 😢 
How Could I Forget, Bradley Bradshaw, @roosterforme This is one of those stories that makes me smile like a lovesick teenager whenever I read it.  The Reader in this story is so feisty and I love that she gives Bradley so much shit and he just takes it in stride.  I was really hoping he’d find her in San Diego, but Em’s ending was so much better than I could’ve imagined. ☺️ 
Like I Can, Bradley Bradshaw, @sometimesanalice I was a Jake girl until I read this Bradley series.  Alexa showed me a side of Bradley that I’d never considered before and now I’m just as in love with him as I am Jake.   There are certain parts of this series that I love so much, I’m still thinking about them months after rereading them.  She has such a beautiful way with words that I envy so much! ❤️ 
Sleepy Baby, Jake Seresin, @discount-shades I love Jake and Kisses so much!  Her backstory is so tragic, but she’s still so optimistic about the future.  My favorite part is when she’s trying to seduce him and he’s too busy playing a video game so she issues an ultimatum.  “Now I am going to go into your bedroom and I’m going to crawl into your bed and have an orgasm. It is up to you whether you are with me or not.” I think about that line all of the time! 😏 
Creator's Own
Nice Guys Always Finish Last, Jake Seresin I dog-sit for a couple who have this amazing house in the middle of farm country and I always end up writing a story while I’m there.  I wrote this one in a matter of days back in March and I’m almost embarrassed to admit how many times I’ve reread it just because I love Jake and Sweets so much. I’ve been so overwhelmed with the response this story has gotten that I went back and wrote an Epilogue just so I could delve back into their world one more time.
Creator note: Thank you for inviting me to participate in your Be Kind, Rewind series! It’s such a great idea, so thank you for hosting it and showing some love to the fic writers in this fandom. ❤️
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan @dingochef @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @chicomonks @averyhotchner
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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the-larxist-manifesto · 5 months
GameGirl28 ~ Conquering the NSO GameBoy library
Okay... so... Hello! This is my cool and awesome gaming blog where I'm gonna write my thoughts on my current gaming excursions, because I type really fast and I have a lot to say and I love video games!!
Here marks the inaugural post in a series I like to call:
~The premise~
I grew up playing and loving Nintendo games. However, there lies a blind spot in my history with them right about where the GameBoy existed. I was too young when it was still getting games to appreciate or be any good at beating them, but only grew into gaming as a hobby when the GameBoy was considered extremely uncool. By the time I was going to the shop to pick out my own games for getting good grades in school, it was all about GBA and DS games for me. The GameBoy, as I famously say, lies slouched in the corner as the poopy predecessor to a golden era of portable gaming. I've never taken the thing seriously, and I think it's about time that I change that.
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~Why now?~
When the Nintendo Switch Online service added GameBoy (GB) to the growing list of retro games, I thought for the first time that the subscription was worthwhile. It's one of the most accessible ways Nintendo has ever allowed fans to play a sampling of games fundamental to their success as a company today. Seriously, there's never been a good way to play GB before. No one's paying $5 a pop for an old game on 3DS that doesn't even have color. But now, anyone can play 21 of the GB's games whenever they want, on-the-go as originally intended, for a measly $20 a year. Since I was already paying for the service to smash noobs in Mario Kart and play SNES Yoshi's Island, I figured now was the time for the little gray box to shine.
You're probably wondering why the name of this project sounds like a username you might see in the YouTube comments 10 years ago under an AMV of Pikachu dancing to Butterfly.
Well, the name has a pretty simple meaning. I'm playing the GameBoy. But I'm a girl, so I gotta yassify the name. And, as of right now, I will be playing 28 total GB games. That number comes from the 21 offered by NSO, in addition to 7 other GB games I happen to own after years of collecting video games. Yeah. Seven. You can probably tell how much I cared about this console until now. I own almost 500 video games total btw the GB doesn't even make up 2% of that
Here's a little visual guide to which games I'll be playing, in order!
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As for this particular order, I grouped them up loosely according to theme as well as pacing out the kinds of games I'd be playing. Since the challenge is to beat an entire library of games, there will be games that I hate, or even objectively horrible games, sprinkled in there. So, generally speaking, each row contains a little mix of every type of game. For example, "Precursor to greatness..." includes an adventure game somewhat familiar to me (Zelda), a fun, breezy, and familiar romp (Kirby), an adventure game completely new to me (Castlevania), and another easy one that I have a history with (Wario Land). The goal is to keep the challenge fresh by flowing between the new and the familiar, spacing out the stinkers with the classics, and escalating the excitement as I progress further!
This blog, my larxist manifesto, will be for more than just posting about GB games. Posts about this challenge in particular will be titled as such, and I'll probably make more cute accompanying graphics to illustrate how far along I am as well. Actually, as of right now, I'm almost all the way through "Welcome to GameBoy!" I'll make some recap posts very soon about that. So yeah, if you are also curious about a console essential to video game history that has been kinda swept under the rug (or you just wanna see me go off on fiery rants and post funny screenshots), look out for future updates!
And if you wanna see what other manner of silly things I can yap about forever, stay tuned! My next post will be sort of an overview about why I'm even blogging in the first place. ^^
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wptfif · 1 year
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Hey @count-cr4ckula here. You can call me Boopus/Beep/The WPTFIF Guy/Count Crackula/Ghouly Rooly/Jules, whatever as long as I’m cool with it. This pinned post will be a big base resource on my WIP story We Put The Fun In Funeral (Acronym: WPTFIF). If you have any more specific questions about WPTFIF, feel free to comment below or ask me about it on Discord if you find me.
WPTFIF was initially a fighting game concept I had in my head about a goth kid and a demon that have a big trip around the country to recapture ghosts back inside an enchanted book. The concept is relatively the same except with a few changes and that I don’t have a particular medium in mind to convey the story at the moment other than hand drawn work (Maybe animation if I gather the motivation). The current story of WPTFIF follows a Nameless punk (They/Them) who grew up without parents that steals an accursed book called Codex Kakos, containing 22 powerful monsters from a traveling performer demon named Edgar (He/Him). Edgar leaves his troupe and his brother Oswine to retrieve Codex Kakos before anything goes wrong… it does go very wrong as the 22 monsters are released across the country of Canada, The Nameless Kid and Edgar have about a month to recapture the 22 monsters into the book or else a terrible cataclysm will occur in the next full moon. The story is subject to have plenty of changes and new additions I will add to his blog as we move along.
What Will This Blog Serve?
This blog will host discussion, art, concept work, story elements, and plenty of development shenanigans for WPTFIF. Once again the determined medium for the story isn’t clear yet, is it a comic? Cartoon? Game? I don’t know, I just wanna iron out the fun bits (the story and stuff) before I do anything big with it.
Any Sensitive Content?
I think even when my work isn’t taking a serious direction, I would probably add sensitivity warning anyway because my work is big on gross visuals or grim subject matter every now and then because I’m a massive horror fan. This series will likely contain stuff like bright colors and gooey visuals, creepy clowns, death, spiders, and other ghoulish stuff. More sensitive stuff included may be included. I will list them as they appear in my creative process in a sort of does the dog die website kinda manner in one big post.
There’s going to be a lot of characters in this project. The two main characters are Acronym Kid/Nameless Kid/Punk/Gender Ambiguous Child/The One Not To Be Named and Edgar. There will be a few reoccurring side characters like Edgar’s brother Oswine, a few human characters, and even some of the more notable or the 22 monsters.
Another note to add to this section is that just like with my other work, majority of the characters are LGBTQ+. I am queer myself and I like writing other queer characters so if you dig that and you like the characters for it, I’m happy for you. If you’re here to be a dick about it, this blog isn’t for you.
How Can I Acceptably Interact With this Work?
There are a few ways you can contribute to this project if you’re interested in it. Asks are always fun, you can ask me questions about it on the Ask Tab or ask characters questions and I can give you little drawn responses if I have the time. I am super flattered whenever I see fan art or fan works of any kind and I’ll surely reblog it here if I can. My only major limit to fan content is that I will not reblog or engage in any NSFW/Inappropriate/Fetish stuff. I’m a minor that’s actually fucking weird if you think content of my characters is okay like that. I’m fine with somewhat suggestive work or shipping content if that’s your cup of tea.
Thank You For Reading This Post!
Future updates with new characters, illustrations, and story stuff are to come in the near future! Stay Tuned.
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totally-not-my-drama · 10 months
Welcome to my total drama blog
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Again welcome to my Total drama art blog. This blog is mainly meant for my Total drama content I am doing be it art, stoys, AUs, etc. Everything related to TD is placed here! You can also ask me about certain things be it headcanons, questions to AUs or other things TD or me related!
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My AUs:
Total Drama Omori (TW: suicide, sh, blood, horror)
This AU, as the title says, is an Omori AU with total drama characters and me and my friend @ragefulbutsweet OCs! It's alot like the original Omori story, but has certain changes in general since everyone still pretty much acts like their original selfs, plus some relationships "changed" and there is a bit more content/ context in this version. There would also come sometimes in which I think more gameplay wise and explain it like it was a real videogame! The specific tags for this AU are 'Total Drama Omori AU' 'TDO' 'TDOAU'.
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Ever After High AU (title and tags in progress):
This AU is still in it's concept phase and I dunno when I get to work on it more but I won't give up on it! This AU is basically total drama characters in the Ever after high roles. And I warn anyone already for those who do not like the ship: Yes this is a Noco focused AU with Noah in the main role. The story is more slice of life with the main Focus of Noah, at the beginning Noelle, figuring out he is actually trans. I am still working on the story's but stay tuned for more! The tags for this AU are Ever after high AU and Eahau
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Pokemon AU:
This Au actually happened out of the blue ngl, while thinking how a game like this would look like! Anyway This AU takes basically almost, if not all TD Characters and turns them into Pokemon. The Region is named after the camp so it's the Wawanakwa Region (This feels werid to write XD). While still in planning this might become a Y/N Story, with the goal to become the next Pokemon master! This AU has the specific Tag Pokemon AU.
A story I am currently writing on (And hopefully finish like I want to) Is called 'Curiosity kills cats' and is based around @eavee-ry 's Island of the slaughtered AU and is about my OC Edith going to the island to figure out if these ghosts are real or not. I won't say more it's a surprise and will be released when The chapters are all done!
Original Characters:
The first (and currently only fleshed out character) of mine is Edith. She was first made out of the IOTS AU and just after getting into TD more did I put her into more Canon TD stuff (which makes it more AU stuff in a way) Anyway Edith has a specific passion for finding and proofing if the ghost storys on the internet she sees, are truly real or not! She has a more closed of personality but is very polite and humble but easily gullible and naiv.
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Tag lists:
Omori AU: total drama omori au, TDO, TDOAU
Ever after high AU: Ever after high AU, EAHAU
Pokemon AU: Pokemon AU
Storys I am write: storys, fanfictions, fanfic, writing
All my art together: my art, fanart
OC's: (OCs name), Original characters, OCs
any questions asked and answered: Stara Answers, asks
Headcanons: Headcanons
That is all so far. I will update this whenever something changes. Hope to see you soon again
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ohsilverplease · 2 years
to do/updates/journal entry
This week marks a year at my job, and although no one at work acknowledged it I have been reconnecting with some people on LinkedIn; mostly other people who also left OldCompany and are thriving. I am still struggling a lot with the job, mostly with the inanity of some of the decision-making and the fact that I don't have enough to do, but I am really glad that I moved and branched out. And now that I'm past the year mark I will not feel (as) bad about starting to explore my options.
C and I went canoeing on Sunday, and although there were a couple tense moments where he forgot/I didn't communicate that my body moves very differently from his, it was a really pleasant trip. My right arm in particular was so sore afterwards that I thought I had nerve damage; I think the muscle must have just been tightening around the nerve or something? It's better now but it did reinforce the idea that I need to be doing some weight training.
This afternoon the HVAC man is coming to check out my vents, which I think may have mold. (I mean, I know there is mold in the bedroom vent but I'm hoping it isn't all the way through the system.) It's actually the same guy that installed the system 9 years ago, and I was a reference for him for several years so I'm hoping he'll cut me a break on whatever maintenance he actually has to do. But it's just part of being a homeowner I guess. Plus it's forced a quick clean-up of the house, which is always a good thing.
Then tonight I am going to see my mom, who I haven't seen since she went into the hospital (she was only in for a couple nights). I will work from my parents' house tomorrow, but I'm mostly there because my dad has to work and mom can't take the dog out in her condition, and they don't have a fenced in yard. It will be nice to spend a couple days at home again, and I think we'll try to plan our Cornwall trip and start booking everything because I need to use my flight credit from 2020 ASAP.
I've been really trying to not buy so much stuff, especially clothes, and it's going pretty well. I did just get another pair of leggings, and two pairs of tights, because I live in those in fall and winter. In a couple weeks I'm going to a plus-size clothing swap and I hope to mostly get rid of stuff rather than actually swap. My two goals right now:
Only have one bin of out-of-season clothes (instead of the three I have right now). Swim stuff doesn't count because it's in an under-bed bag that doesn't take up any space.
2) Everything I wear to work/fun/out goes in the closet. Jeans and sweaters can stay in the drawers, but otherwise the dresser is for workout clothes, lounge wear, pjs. And I also have a dresser for underthings (including camis, which I wear daily) and cosmetics/grooming stuff.
I ate some pan dulce from the Mexican bakery for breakfast, and I had a linkedin learning training video on for a couple hours this morning because if I can't motivate myself to WORK-work I can at least listen to something productive. I do have a thing to work on from home tomorrow as well. Today I am going to finish our newsletter (except for the chair's section), do a load of laundry, and run the dishwasher before I leave.
There was a good twitter thread on bad/mediocre movies with great soundtracks, and someone brought up About A Boy, which I thought was a fine movie (I think most movies are fine) but definitely a great soundtrack so I am listening to Badly Drawn Boy this afternoon.
That's it!
The hvac system is fine, just needs a tune-up after 9 years (and probably every year) and I need to wipe off the registers. I am going to start saving up to finish encapsulating the crawl space next year.
I thought of a way to have more clothes and also more room: take a handful of things to my parents' house so I have basics there whenever I visit. I had done this a while back and I wear those leggings and/or sweater literally every time I am home so this is a Good Plan.
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sakayika · 4 months
Unveiling Game of Hands: The Ultimate Spade Card Game App
Are you a spades enthusiast looking for the next big thing in card gaming? Look no further because Game of Hands is here to redefine your spades experience. With a host of innovative features and unparalleled gameplay, Game of Hands promises to be the ultimate destination for spade aficionados worldwide. Let's take a closer look at what sets Game of Hands apart:
1. Multiplayer Madness: Gone are the days of playing spades solo. With Game of Hands, you can join forces with friends or challenge opponents from around the globe in thrilling multiplayer matches. Whether you're looking for friendly competition or intense showdowns, the multiplayer mode offers endless opportunities to test your skills and dominate the table.
2. Cutting-Edge 3D Graphics: Get ready to be mesmerized by the stunning visuals of Game of Hands. Powered by state-of-the-art 3D graphics, every card, table, and animation comes to life with unparalleled realism. Immerse yourself in the immersive world of Game of Hands and experience spades like never before.
3. Global Play: With Game of Hands, the excitement of spades knows no bounds. Connect with players from every corner of the globe and experience the thrill of international competition. Whether you're playing against opponents from different countries or teaming up with players from diverse backgrounds, Game of Hands brings the world of spades right to your fingertips.
4. Free to Play: Say goodbye to paywalls and hidden fees – Game of Hands is completely free to download and play. No subscriptions, no in-app purchases – just pure, unadulterated spades fun. Dive into the action whenever and wherever you want without ever worrying about breaking the bank.
5. Bot Practice: New to spades or looking to sharpen your skills? Game of Hands offers a comprehensive bot practice mode that allows you to hone your strategies against AI opponents of varying difficulty levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a complete novice, bot practice is the perfect way to master the nuances of spades and elevate your gameplay to the next level.
Get ready to embark on the ultimate spades adventure with Game of Hands. With its groundbreaking features and unrivaled gameplay, this is one card game app you won't want to miss. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to deal your way to victory in the world of Game of Hands
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mistfallengw2 · 7 months
Spoilers from SotO below, first impressions ramble time
Tl;dr: Mixed opinions about story. Hope they won't flunk the landing after setting up neat stuff. Gameplay and rest is all fine. (Exes theory?)
Story was... okay, I guess? 🤷 It's the typical "that part where stuff goes bad before the final part" of other expansions, so it fit my expectations for the most part, so I'm not unhappy. Granted, I wanted a bit more meat cuz I feel a bit starved rn, so now I'm just gonna hope the final release will have as much meaty substance as the amounts of it scattered around this expansion's maps, because it's not bad, just... not as good as they can clearly make it. I'm really hoping it's just teething pain of the new expansion structure and that the next one will be more well-rounded, but honestly? I'm not sure they're gonna catch all threads they've woven so far this far into this expansion. Like, I'm perfectly fine with waiting and the setups are all juicy stuff, but the lack of payoffs or further building on the setups is killing my interest a tad (kryptis civil war is fine, but I want to see more astral ward stuff that was interesting (because I want to tear a bunch of it down along with the old bald blueberry if he says one more shitty thing)). The interesting stuff done in the first part WAS GOOD, and just... Come on! I want to love it even if it wasn't my jam at first (I'm a diehard dragon saga fan), not feel "eh it was okay" when thinking about it :/ Anyway, one interesting thing coming out of this chapter might be the fact that Eparch seems to have genuinely loved his queen, and no one in the audience™ expected that. Maybe in the final update he'll get built up in a more interesting way than he's been so far (not at redeemable levels, but more than... faceless tyrant who is way too much into royal roleplay and vore?), given we've known him only through perspectives that are defiant or more-or-less fearfully devoted. I just hope it's not gonna be another missed chance .-.
Onto the good part, map and meta are more of the first part of Nayos, which is nice for me (I like the aesthetic and vibe, and the fairly-mindless continuous grind of events is good whenever my brain does the funkies). Might need some tuning and fixing in some places, but it's quite enjoyable in the "map you can both grind away or do quickly" kind of way. I love the little houses around the place and I hereby declare that all chonky lil' kryptis are under my protection, and I'll be soon looking into legal adoption. Now to delve into legy armor crafting, playing around with the new weapons and all that, since that and gameplay in general kinda seemed to be the main servings of this patch. That part I'm ready for, and I may have the medium set mostly pre-farmed already oops.
And last, THEORY TIME: Isgarren and Eparch do feel kinda similar, not just for the rig, but specifically in that way of bitter exes who can't even stay in the same realm of existence because the other is too similar to them for comfort. Tell us what you're hiding, you old pair of farts >:T This whole Astral Ward vs Kryptis thing derived from their break-up, fight me about it >:V
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entertenment142 · 1 year
Where can I watch John Wick Chapter 4 in HD?
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Before we dive into the various options available for watching John Wick Chapter 4 in HD, let’s take a moment to appreciate the franchise’s success and why it has gained such a massive following. The John Wick movies are renowned for their adrenaline-pumping action sequences, masterful choreography, and compelling storytelling. With each new installment, the franchise has managed to exceed expectations, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
1. Streaming Services
One of the most convenient ways to watch movies is through streaming services. These platforms offer a vast library of films that you can access from the comfort of your own home. When it comes to John Wick Chapter 4, it’s highly likely that popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu will secure the rights to distribute the movie. Keep an eye on these platforms as the release date approaches, as they often announce new additions to their catalogs.
2. Movie Theaters
If you’re someone who craves the immersive experience of watching a movie on the big screen, heading to your nearest movie theater is the way to go. John Wick Chapter 4 is expected to have a theatrical release, allowing fans to enjoy the action-packed scenes in all their glory. Check your local theaters or online ticketing platforms for showtimes and book your tickets in advance to secure the best seats in the house.
3. Blu-ray and DVD Release
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4. Online Rental and Purchase
In today’s digital age, numerous online platforms offer movie rentals and purchases. Websites like Google Play, iTunes, or Vudu allow you to rent or buy digital copies of films, including John Wick Chapter 4, which you can stream or download to your devices. This option provides flexibility and convenience, as you can watch the movie whenever and wherever you want, even if you don’t have access to a physical copy.
As the release date of John Wick Chapter 4 approaches, fans are eagerly searching for the best ways to watch the movie in high definition. Whether you prefer streaming services, movie theaters, physical copies, or online platforms, there are several options available to suit your preferences. Stay tuned for updates from streaming services, check local theaters for showtimes, keep an eye out for the Blu-ray and DVD release, or explore online rental and purchase options. Embrace the thrilling world of John Wick and get ready for an action-packed experience like no other!
1. When is the release date for John Wick Chapter 4? As of the latest information available, the official release date for John Wick Chapter 4 has not been announced. Keep an eye on official announcements or reliable entertainment news sources for updates.
2. Can I watch John Wick Chapter 4 on Netflix? While it’s not confirmed yet, there is a possibility that John Wick Chapter 4 may be available on Netflix. Stay tuned to Netflix’s library updates and announcements for more information.
3. How can I find showtimes for John Wick Chapter 4 in my area? To find showtimes for John Wick Chapter 4 in your area, check local movie theaters’ websites or popular ticketing platforms like Fandango or Atom Tickets. They often provide up-to-date information on showtimes and ticket availability.
4. Will John Wick Chapter 4 be available for digital purchase? Yes, it is highly likely that John Wick Chapter 4 will be available for digital purchase on platforms like Google Play, iTunes, or Vudu. Keep an eye out for its release and availability on these platforms.
5. Is it necessary to watch the previous John Wick movies before watching Chapter 4? While it’s not mandatory, watching the previous John Wick movies will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of Chapter 4. The series follows a continuous storyline, and previous events and characters play a significant role in shaping the narrative.
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Where can I watch John Wick Chapter 4 in HD?
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Before we dive into the various options available for watching John Wick Chapter 4 in HD, let’s take a moment to appreciate the franchise’s success and why it has gained such a massive following. The John Wick movies are renowned for their adrenaline-pumping action sequences, masterful choreography, and compelling storytelling. With each new installment, the franchise has managed to exceed expectations, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
1. Streaming Services
One of the most convenient ways to watch movies is through streaming services. These platforms offer a vast library of films that you can access from the comfort of your own home. When it comes to John Wick Chapter 4, it’s highly likely that popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu will secure the rights to distribute the movie. Keep an eye on these platforms as the release date approaches, as they often announce new additions to their catalogs.
2. Movie Theaters
If you’re someone who craves the immersive experience of watching a movie on the big screen, heading to your nearest movie theater is the way to go. John Wick Chapter 4 is expected to have a theatrical release, allowing fans to enjoy the action-packed scenes in all their glory. Check your local theaters or online ticketing platforms for showtimes and book your tickets in advance to secure the best seats in the house.
3. Blu-ray and DVD Release
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4. Online Rental and Purchase
In today’s digital age, numerous online platforms offer movie rentals and purchases. Websites like Google Play, iTunes, or Vudu allow you to rent or buy digital copies of films, including John Wick Chapter 4, which you can stream or download to your devices. This option provides flexibility and convenience, as you can watch the movie whenever and wherever you want, even if you don’t have access to a physical copy.
As the release date of John Wick Chapter 4 approaches, fans are eagerly searching for the best ways to watch the movie in high definition. Whether you prefer streaming services, movie theaters, physical copies, or online platforms, there are several options available to suit your preferences. Stay tuned for updates from streaming services, check local theaters for showtimes, keep an eye out for the Blu-ray and DVD release, or explore online rental and purchase options. Embrace the thrilling world of John Wick and get ready for an action-packed experience like no other!
1. When is the release date for John Wick Chapter 4? As of the latest information available, the official release date for John Wick Chapter 4 has not been announced. Keep an eye on official announcements or reliable entertainment news sources for updates.
2. Can I watch John Wick Chapter 4 on Netflix? While it’s not confirmed yet, there is a possibility that John Wick Chapter 4 may be available on Netflix. Stay tuned to Netflix’s library updates and announcements for more information.
3. How can I find showtimes for John Wick Chapter 4 in my area? To find showtimes for John Wick Chapter 4 in your area, check local movie theaters’ websites or popular ticketing platforms like Fandango or Atom Tickets. They often provide up-to-date information on showtimes and ticket availability.
4. Will John Wick Chapter 4 be available for digital purchase? Yes, it is highly likely that John Wick Chapter 4 will be available for digital purchase on platforms like Google Play, iTunes, or Vudu. Keep an eye out for its release and availability on these platforms.
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Friday writing updates are back! I’m so sad I missed last week’s because there is a lot to talk about. Let’s go!
Obviously, 3 more chapters of Catch me when I fall are up and...guys, we only have two more left! 🥺 It’s such a bittersweet feeling. I love finishing series but I also hate it. I’m not ready to let go. But yeah, it’s been four months of posting and I’ve loved every second of it ❤️ The engagement has been so good and I had the best time chatting about it with you all. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about lack of engagement and comments lately and it made me appreciate the engagement my stories get even more 😊
Also, I finished posting Second Chance 🥺 so those who like to bingeread can now go and read it whenever they fancy. Much shorter story, of course. But I love it. It’s one of my favourite things I’ve written ❤️
And you know, if two stories come to an end...another one has to start 👀 stay tuned for news on that 😉
Imagines wise, I posted a Rúben imagine today and we’ll have a long imagine for the weekend. It’s divided in part 1 and part 2 because it’s over 8k words in total. So I hope you enjoy something a little bit different this week. 
I have two more requests and one is already written, so hopefully those will be done for next week and then...no more requests!! 😱 Unless someone sends them 😅😅 it’s been over 20 requests that I had written on my little list, which is insane. And I’ve had a blast writing them. So thank you to everyone who sent them ❤️
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edelweisser · 2 years
This will be my very first work that I'll be posting here entitled "Predicament", this is also an activity of mine in Creative Writing. I'm also going to attach one of my drawings below. Please enjoy traveling to my oasis!
Ps' This is still a work in progress so please stay tuned for future updates!
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Listening to classical music has always been my comfort. It's already 2:33 AM now, half the word is already asleep, but here I am, still awake and contemplating about the decisions that I've made. The blanket is beneath my feet, not minding the cold breeze of October coming through the holes in my wall. I stood up to turn off the light, not because of the electricity bill but because it is my last resort. I've been lying in this bed for hours now, if someone is watching me, they'll think that I'm the loneliest man alive.
I should be sleeping now if I don't want to be late for my job tomorrow. I didn't notice a tear escaping from my left eye. Only my pillow knows what's going on with my life. I doubt this pillow will even stay if it have the capability to leave. That's what everyone is doing anyway.
I remember the first time my mother sent me to school. She said she's very happy but her eyes says the opposite. My mother is still quite young that time, her round angelic eyes looks mesmerising, her face is shaped like those in magazines, while her nose is pointed like the girls you can only see in commercials, maybe the reason why my father chose her. Speaking of, I don't have any memory of my father. My mother said that he is an American soldier, the reasin for my western features. My mother have been very vocal about him, whenever I'll ask a question she won't hesitate to answer it. She said that it'll be unfair to me is she keep it as a secret. Those were just some of my vivid memories of my mom.
The next morning I had to wake up early. I reckoned I only had an hour of sleep. The eye bag is palpably showing underneath my eyes. I need to walk down an alleyway before reaching the the main road. Most says, the alleyway is a chaos. Since my mother is a piano instructor, she didn't left that much money when she passed away, just enough for me to afford a studio type room with leaks in roof and small holes on the wall. I bet you can already imagine the various people living here. The reason why it's just normal for me to encounter people shouting — maybe because of an affair, while passing by. Despite being crowded it's still a lifeless road for me. It feels like I'm always living in my own world, like all the other people doesn't matter.
Despite all the bad things that happened to me, I still manage to be an scholar to a nearby state college. One of the things that I'm still thankful for. After working to a fast food restaurant in the morning, I need to go straight to the university that I'm studying at. The university is pretty decent, it's not that big. Most of the youths here who don't have the ability to go to other universities in nearby provinces study there.
After my shift I headed straight to our school. Since I came from my job and our manager told us to overtime for a couple minutes because we needed to run some errands, the classroom is already almost full when I arrived. I sat on the only vacant seat in the room. As usual I sat without looking at my surrounding, last thing I want is to have an interaction with someone. I know that I told you I'm not paying attention to everyone around me but I swear this classroom is quite noisy when I arrived, but now, I can almost hear my own heartbeat. No one is talking. Not until a voice of a girl ended the silence.
"Uhm, I think you're in the wrong classroom", the voice is coming from behind me. I slowly focused on my surrounding, turning my head around.
It slowly dawned on me that everyone is so quiet because they are looking at me. For a moment, I remembered a familiar face, but it ended quickly when I remembered what my situation is. I stood up in a fast manner and ran to the exit quickly. I don't remember much about my childhood but I swear this is the most embarrassing situation I've ever been.
I released a heavy sigh after sitting at my armchair, this time I made sure that it was the right classroom. I didn't notice that I was holding my breath the whole time that I'm searching for this classroom. I can't focus the whole day on our discussions because of what happened. It is not because I am still embarrassed, I've move on already, but because of that familiar face, it is like she's alive again, but I know that it is impossible.
Our last class is P.E., we only played soccer at the football field. I usually stay a bit longer and wait for everyone to leae before showering. So when I confirmed that everyone has already left I started to shower. While I'm in the middle of doing it I heard noises. Someone must have left something and came back. Several minutes later the noise didn't stop but instead it was replaced by weird noises, it sounds like someone is struggling. I quickly finished showering. I wanna know what's causing all the noise. Before I even reached the locker room someone ran rapidly. I didn't get the chance to see who it was or what it is.I then noticed the door of my locker opened, the handle is somewhat deformed, it looks like someone forcibly opened it. I had a mini heart attack. I'm so tired the whole day nd all I want right now is to lay in my bed, but it seems like whoever is controlling this world have a way of pissing me off. The last thing I want right now is another problem. I scanned my whole locker to see if there is anything missing. But instead, I saw something wrapped in a pink checkered handkerchief. But since it is wrapped, I can't see what's inside. It looks clean and the handkerchief smells good. However, I have no plan opening it. So before going home that night, I threw it in the trash can. It was such a long day for me, it's already 8:34 PM when I arrived at my rental room, after just several minutes of laying in my bed I already fell asleep— something that rarely happens.
It's already a week since that weird encounter. Everyday since then someone is leaving the same thing in my locker. Yes, I said "everyday". But yesterday was different, whoever is doing it left a note.
"Please eat this, I made it for you. :<", that is what's written in it.
And just like every time, I still just throw it in the trash. But today I have a plan, I'll wait here in the locker room to catch whoever is doing this. Cause whoever this is, is not helping me at all. I didn't attend to my P.E. class today. So whoever is doing this, they better show up. I didn't wasted my time just for them not to show up today. After an hour of waiting, no one is showing up yet. I decided that I'll just wash face and then I'm going home already.
There is just one wall separating the locker room to our shower room. It is supposed to be just one room but the school decided to put a wall in the middle to use it as our locker and shower room.
Just when I'm about to open the faucet, I heard footsteps. It wasn't just normal footsteps, it sounds like whoever it is, is controlling their footsteps. Like they are trying to make their noises as low as possible. I silently check the other room with just my head poking on the other side of the wall. I saw a familiar person, her hair is short, she is still wearing her uniform. I can't point out where did I saw her because the lights in the locker room are not that bright. I quickly rushed towards her, all I want now is for this to be done. I'm sick of having to throw whatever those things that she's putting in my locker the whole week.
I saw her struggling to open the locker, I quickly grabbed her wrist. The surprise is evident in her face when she looked at me. But I was caught off guard when I saw who it is. It was the girl who looks like my mom. She slowly smiled, it seems genuine. She's now calm— or she's trying to be.
"Since you already caught me, I guess I don't have to do this everyday anymore. Thank god, cause I'm tired of doing this everyday", she said.
My eyebrows furrowed. I know she can tell now that I'm confused.
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viral-web · 2 years
[ad_1] Emails are an effective way to connect with your audience and maintain your relationship. It’s an intelligent tool for business owners to communicate with their customers personally, send announcements about company news, and increase customer loyalty. Want to know what is the latest emailing tool in the market? Let’s learn in more detail.  O-Mail by ONPASSIVE is the latest emailing tool in the market, and this webmail is suitable for your business applications. As a next-generation email tool, it provides smart features for your team. It can manage unlimited email accounts from various providers, enables smart push notifications and group emails, and supports multiple email accounts. It also has a wide range of technical adjustments. AI-powered O-Mail comes with smart features like unlimited storage, online and offline calendar integration, email sync across multiple devices, and straightforward contact management. Users can customize their email platform based on their preferences and enable notifications on multiple devices. This futuristic email platform aims to provide the best possible experience for users from all walks of life. The platform learns from experience and is fully optimized to deliver unparalleled service. What is Email? An email is a tool that helps you exchange messages between people using electronic devices. Email is one of the first forms of communication on the internet, and it is still one of the most popular ways to communicate. Email is fast, efficient, and reliable. It can send and receive messages, documents, and other files. Email is also a great way to stay in touch with friends, family, and customers. What are the benefits of using O-Mail to communicate with customers? There are many benefits of using O-Mail to communicate with customers. Email is a fast and convenient way to stay in touch with customers. Building relationships with customers and keeping them updated on your latest products and services is also great. Additionally, email can send out special offers and coupons to customers. How to Use Email as a Marketing Tool Email has been around for decades, but it’s still one of the most effective marketing tools available to businesses. Here are a few tips on how to use email as a marketing tool with O-Mail: 1. Keep your emails focused and concise: Your subscribers should be able to quickly understand what your email is about and why they should care. 2. Make sure your email list is up-to-date: Keep your list clean by regularly removing inactive subscribers. This will help enhance your open and click-through rates. 3. Use engaging subject lines: Your subject line is often the determining factor in whether or not someone opens your email, so make it count! 4. Personalize your emails whenever possible: Addressing your subscribers by name can greatly increase engagement levels. 5. Include strong calls-to-action (CTAs): Your emails should always have a clear purpose, and your CTAs should encourage recipients to take the desired action. 6. Try different strategies: See what works best for you and your business. Regular testing will help you fine-tune your email marketing campaigns and get the most out of them. Why should you start using email today? An emailing tool like O-Mail is one of the most beneficial tools for businesses today. It’s a fast, efficient way to communicate with customers and clients and is essential to any marketing strategy. Here are four reasons why you should start using email for your business today with O-Mail: 1. Email is an affordable way to reach a wide audience Email is highly cost-effective with the O-Mail tool to reach a large audience. Unlike traditional advertising methods like print or television, which can be very expensive, email allows you to get a broad audience without breaking the bank. 2. Email helps you build relationships with customers and clients
Building strong relationships with customers and clients is essential for any business. An emailing tool like O-Mail allows you to stay in touch with your contacts regularly, which helps you build deeper relationships over time. 3. Email enables you to deliver personalized messages O-Mail lets you send highly personalized messages tailored specifically to each recipient. This level of customization is not possible with other marketing channels, which makes email ideal for building strong relationships with your target audience. 4. Email makes it easy to stay in touch with your contacts It’s easy to stay in touch with your contacts with O-Mail. With most email providers, you can set up automatic reminders, so you never forget to follow up with a customer or client. Additionally, many email providers offer tools that make it easy to Conclusion An email is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to communicate with customers and clients, share important information, and stay organized. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that email is one of the most popular communication tools available. If you’re not already using any emailing tool, it’s time to opt O-Mail for your business. Join ONPASSIVE Ecosystem and register to get the benefits of the free webmail platform O-Mail.  For further details, contact www.onpassive.com.  [ad_2] onpassive.com
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