#std mention
ace-culture-is · 2 years
Ace culture is being in health and the teacher asks how you would feel if your fiancé had an std and you’re just like ok then we just … wouldn’t … do anything that would pass that on? And not realizing that that is not a standard opinion?
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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sanguine-law · 7 months
@mischief-rei | prev
"I shouldn't find this as funny as I do," Grief snickers
"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You aren't exactly the one being called herpes for existing."
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bookishjules · 4 months
why did it take me almost eight years to put this together..
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when ty doesn't know something, he asks questions, looks for answers, prepares himself. and rn? he's fifteen and he's thinking about sex. and what that means for him and what he has to be aware of going into it, before he ever even faces the possibilty/reality of actually having sex. and ofc one of those things he learns about is going to be stds common among gay men-- and by extention, syphilis.
i can't believe how long i honestly thought it was just a random bout of curiosity or an inconsequential googling rabbit hole lol
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fawncr33k · 28 days
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So... I was texting a friend and I accidently almost wrote STD instead of SDV and this came to mind
I just put the text the background is by ConcernedApe
EDIT: Just for clarification, I don't have an STD, it was just a funny I made
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kankuroplease · 4 months
imagine taking sex ed but the teacher is kakashi yelling about how important condoms are
That would be a horrible idea
He may read pervy books in public, but he does not want to be the sex ED teacher
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here on another episode of vi’s self indulgent hc corner i hereby headcanon ink5oul with trichotillomania
because ✨projection✨ and i hc ink5oul as bald/buzz (?) so it makes sense to me ok
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anti-endo-haven · 3 months
cw std mentions, csa mention, implied csa at the end
i think our cold sores are back.... starts screaming. our dad always said "you cant have cold sores" but like.. even if u dont think u have sexual abuse trauma, u can still get cold sores as a kid from stuff like sharing chapstick n shit 😭😭😭 herpes type 1 is the most common std and kids can technically have herpes jus from sharing very common stuff
i mean, if we ignore the weird Vision™️ of this gross old guy with herpes cold sores on his mouth, i dont think its too far fetched to say we have it from sharing things like kids do
the corner of my mouth tingles and im going INSANE this is a sensory NIGHTMARE!!!! /autistic
I’ve heard cold sores suck a lot (only heard it sucks, we’ve never had one).
Isn’t there medication to help with it? Or something similar to help with it?
I hope it leaves soon.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 8 months
What if Medic taught the team sex ed because he found out that someone has an STI and the mercs later either follow his advice or completely ignore it + Medic educating reader on safe sex on practice
The reason I came up with this is that I'm really stupid so I got thrush. I'm so fucking embarrassed, I'm a grown ass woman but I somehow did my hygiene incorrectly and I'm itchy down there and it burns to pee. I'm making an appointment with a gynecologist as I write this so I should be fine
Love your writing, acceptance of horny and your chill. Best wishes to you and sorry for shitty English
Dw frend your english is ✨✨✨✨
Also get well soon <3 it happens to the best of us
Tw: Sex mention/STD mention
In this case: Spy (fuckboy) got trush and Medic had a mild stroke when finding out only 3/9 Mercs understand the concept of STDs
Medic: lecturer in the conference room used in ED. Has a small presentation of whats STIs are and how to avoid them.
“Zo az you zhee, thiz are the common STDs you may encounter during ehm…”
“During third base!” Pips Scout.
Visible confusion by all non english speaking members except Spy
“The boy means sex… speak like an adult sout.” Half muffled by a ciggarete.
“Doubt you can get a hard on, frenchman, just 10 secs ago sawbone said you loose your errectIon once you hit 60” scout goes for a low blow
“Your mother never complains, does she.” Spy snakes back for a lower blow.
“SAY IT AGAIN FUCKFACE AND YOULL HAVE A MUFFCABBAGE FOR A HEAD” scout tries to grab his pistol, forgets that he had to surrender it at the lockers for safety.
“SHUT UP BABYMEN! DOCTOR SAYS ITS IMPORTANT “ a russian roar cuts them both raw and leaves them hanging.
A shill sound cuts them all, now Medic using Archimedes claws to get them all to pay attention
“Danke mein Freund “. “Now I know thiz will be embarrassing but you are all very welcome to use the jar in the medbay, well you wish to… touczh third base” A true genious never lets new opportunities for a learning moment to fall.
“So the condom jar?” “Didnt yall ever used that till Spy got Thursh??!” Scout looks dumbfounded
“You dont really use protection when ya are a gentleman, mongrel!” Sniper visibly annoyed and flustered because in his non medical experience a quickie in a van isnt really prime time for proper sex ed usage.
“Snipes Sheep dont count!” Scout goes for the low hanging fruit.
Sniper roses up and looks anywhere for a weapon but decides his chair is prime
Untill he is stopped by heavy and is basically hogtied by a even taller and burlier man
“Next will be in Locker” simple threat but working.
“Dankeshone Fruende… but yes I expect you all to use them. We cant have a czeafire because you all have different sztrains of StDS reaking havoc.”…
“ Never seen you using one tho Sawbones” Again scout being a dumbass.
Soldier now fed up , stands up and salutes
“What if ye just want yer dick sucked by a bird? Do ye also need a condom?” Demo awoken has to ask the most revelant question in the last hour and a half.
“YOU DO VAT TO BIRDS?” Medic officially snapped.
“Ya know, chicks” scout yells amidst being stangled
“HE MEANS WOMEN YOU IDIOT” hogtied sniper yells
Earie silence from Medic finnaly snapping.
“Do we also have to use it with dudes? Like is it any different?”scout is about to pass out.
Medic defeated
Spy horrified his son is bi ( boomer fainting)
“I mean same same but different so prolly yeah” answers him an amused Engie.
“Mhmmm mmh” Pyro says and leaves the building.
True mercenary chaos ensues with Spy accusing Scout from hiding shit from him while all the others have fights about who did what and why they didnt use a wrapper.
Case in point
They are all idiots.
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happybird16 · 2 years
Ackerman are strong and resilient, built to withstand and survive in even the worst conditions. We’ve seen that multiple times throughout the series, in Mikasa, Levi and even Kenny.
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So, why then did Kuchel die so easily? Such a sweet, strong lady taken down by some seemingly random disease? Despite being trapped in the Underground, selling her body to survive, she had to have been powerful and imposing just like all the other members of her family. Why didn’t the power flowing through her veins, like it does her brother and son, not help her fight and survive?
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By all means it should’ve right? But, what if Ackerman’s are uniquely susceptible to this particular disease?
We know that, at some point, there was a plague within the walls. That some non-described unnamed very deadly disease wiped out thousands of Eldians within the walls and that the king at the time had to use his power to warp his subjects, to make them immune to said disease.
We also know that the Ackerman family is uniquely immune to the effects of the kings powers. They can’t get their memories wiped like every other Eldian and, theoretically, they can’t be turned into Titans.
So, what if, Ackerman’s can’t be effected by the king’s biological decree’s as well? What if what Kuchel had caught, what had eventually taken her down slowly and gruesomely, was that very plague? That they weren’t effected by the king’s decree for immunity from that extremely deadly disease.
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Some sort of deadly sexually transmitted disease by my estimate, -given that Levi didn’t get sick in the room with her- passed on to her by her customers. They’re all immune, but some still carry it with them, one eventually passing it on to her. Painfully taking her from her son far too early. Something only Ackerman’s can even get anymore, her very strength ending up her weakness.
(Yes, this theory implies that, should Zeke’s sterilization plan have gone through, both Levi and Mikasa wouldn’t have been affected.)
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pleasantlyinsincere · 3 months
How he acts so innocently... 🫣
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kideternity · 27 days
Read DC pride. My review of it of the stories I read was that it was predominantly mediocre though I did like the Ray writing and I liked the circuit breaker story as a whole but the only story that genuinely pissed me off was Al Ewing's Mikaal Tomas' story. People have already talked about the whole sexuality thing online but honestly what personally pisses me off more was A) no mention whatsoever of Mikaal's canon long term boyfriend Tony whose a black man in favour of comments of Mikaal fucking the white side character Al made up for the story and then everything to do with Komak and B) no mention either of Komak having had an STD at all and that being really necessary context for how Komak met Mikaal in the first place. Omitting both of these things is imo really fucking disrespectful / shitty to do and as someone who Really Loves Mikaal I'm disappointed that for the first major story he's had in Years this is what he was given. He deserved better
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milfbro · 1 month
I was trying to think if Brasil had a moral panic about rap the same way the US does and I realized that no because rap has a veneer of poetry that we imported from the USA, and despite the fact that yes there is prejudice given how it's considered a 'lesser' form of music it's not moral panicked over
And then I remembered being a teenager in the 2000s and how people talked about carioca funk. That's our moral panic about black music from the favela right there.
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
i unironically think gynecology is a barbaric practice and i'd genuinely rather die than go to one.
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roughroadhaley · 3 months
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seeing your ex with his new 26 yo fiancé at a lame party in the Hamptons when your one best friend is beefing w a 20 year old and your other best friend has crabs….
at least she looks amazing
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frogbi · 11 months
Went to the walk in clinic (because i just got my healthcard and dont have a family doctor yet) to get a referral to a gyno so i can get hpv testing and make sure i don't have precancerous cells and the guy said okay so they'll call you in 6 months ????
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