#steals customers phones by accident
15-lizards · 1 year
More southern ASOIAF headcanons for my mental health
Robb: star football player who gets drafted for a D1 college. He is absolutely the sweetheart of the SEC world. Definitely the next Joe Burrow. Has a million followers on insta and all of his posts are professionally edited. On the outside there’s nothing wrong with him but he actually has a dark secret (he’s just dating theon). Margaery is absolutely his sorority girl gf before they both realize they’re gay.
Arya: absolutely insane. Begs Ned to go along on hunting trips and can shoot a rifle like a grown man. She’s one of those kids that eats the heart of the first deer they kill. Runs around barefoot in the backwoods and the gravel roads. Sustains herself on bug juice from the gas station and honeysuckle plants that grow outside the house. Just true southern trash I love her.
Dany: Weird horse girl to the MAX turned highschool overachiever. Still rides horses but had a breakdown and a personality 180 after middle school and is now class president bc she wanted to make friends. Is in like three thousand clubs and is somehow the head of all of them. She has such a nice speaking voice but her accent only slips out when she’s angry. Ridiculously active in the local community. We all know that girl. We all know she needs Xanax and we love her.
Catelyn: Facebook mom. Keeps their suburban front lawn looking SPOTLESS. Always cheering Robb on at his games, makes the rest of the Starks dress in the school colors and take family pictures. Doesn’t like to gossip unless that person deserves it but when she does she absolutely tears them apart. Always hosts the neighborhood block parties. Ends up feeding half the neighborhood children when her kids bring them home after they were out playing when the streetlights come on.
Theon: Drug dealer who lives in the backwoods I’m sorry. He barely graduated highschool and likes to chew dip so thick you can’t understand what he’s saying. Actually kind of smart but didn’t care enough about school. Always showed up in his stupid lifted truck. Always smells like either cigarette smoke or weed. Just gives off dirty vibes but he was always pretty chill to hang around with surprisingly. Always had weird respect for the smart kids or the ones who didn’t want to do drugs. Somehow this is all appealing to Robb
Cersei: Evil Facebook mom. Passive aggressive to your face like she isn’t even going to be fake nice. Everyone’s always kissing her ass in her comments section as she humble brags about Myrcella being on the honor roll or Joffrey making the baseball team (the Lannisters have the stadium named after them). She knows if you don’t show up to church and makes sure all of her friends (who she hates) know about it too when they have brunch afterwards. But she is so fine. True southern milf. All of Joff’s classmates never shut up about his mean hot mom.
Davos: Your nicest old man neighbor ever. He’s Theon’s closest neighbor (two miles down the road) and is always trying to set him on the right path. Will def lend you money if you need it. No one’s really sure what he does for a living but he’s probably good at it. Always letting the nearby kids run around in his yard while he keeps an eye on them from the porch. He woodworks in his spare time. Everyone nearby has a swing set or a crib or a table he carved for them. Also gives the wisest, most sage advice ever uttered by anyone ever. He dropped out so he can’t read very well but Shireen always walks down the road after school to teach him :,)
Lysa: god she is just. Batshit crazy. Slightly normal until you walk into her ugly suburban mansion (that her old ass husband paid for) and she starts talking about Qanon. Such a conspiracy theorist and Robin is most definitely not vaxxed because those give you autism duh. Tries to return clothes she got like three years ago to Target and gets mad when they won’t refund her. Gives fast food workers a hard time. Or any service workers really.
Dolorous Edd: That man is a Waffle House employee. Trains Jon how to cook while taking an order while smoking a cigarette all at once. Cleans up questionable needles in the bathroom and needs to take a smoke break outside afterwards. You have never seen a man look so jaded yet make you the most fire fucking hashbrowns you have ever eaten in your life. No one knows what he does off the clock he’s a mystery. He just comes in, complains, makes waffles, leaves. Has thrown hands with a customer. Multiple times. Never loses.
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ellecdc · 4 months
hear me out - a remus fic but set in come back be here, like maybe a muggle and remus is instantly smitten but has no idea how to navigate but everyone is pushing for him to actually go for it and it’s just chaos but in the best way possible… regardless come back be here was AMAZING
CBBH Remus x muggle!barista gn!reader
(Pretend they have phones for this okay? Thank you lol)
CW: just fluff, swearing, self deprecation, making a fool of oneself - you know, the remus lupin special
Remus would describe himself as many things.
He was a wizard. He was a werewolf. He was a business owner. He was an uncle. He was a friend. He was a war hero.
He was also, apparently, a coward.
He knows this to be true because he’s sat in the same spot that he’s been haunting all week – a chair in the far back corner of the café – pretending to look over ledgers in his notebook while he actually watches you work.
It’s fucking pathetic, is what it was.
He watched as you smiled politely at every customer in line – even the ones who weren’t as polite to you as Remus thought they ought to be.
He felt silly, really, watching you like a creep. He shouldn’t be here to begin with. He had stumbled upon this café completely by accident two weeks ago whilst in the city to pick up more muggle literature to add to his bookstore on Diagon Alley.
It was here he saw you, as if you were a siren calling him to this sodding caffeinated inlet to damn him to hell.
What a willing victim he was. 
But he shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t get caught up with you. It was unthinkable. Most witches and wizards would have a hard time coming to terms with someone like, well, someone like him. 
He was a burden. A risk.
It was selfish to think he could entertain the thought of you.
Suddenly, as if she’d known he was talking poorly of himself, his phone buzzed.
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Remus tried to steal himself as he took a deep breath. 
Right Lupin, you’ve done scarier things before. He thought to himself. You’ve run with wolves, you’ve gone undercover into enemy bases, you’ve deceived the dark lord right in front of his slimy fucking face, and you’ve even told Sirius once you thought his hair looked weird. By all means, you can talk to a barista.
Except...well...he really kind of couldn’t talk to a barista. He had made it all the way to the counter, even smiled politely at you as he stepped up to the cash register and...
And then words left him. Failed him. Completely abandoned him. He even thinks there may be a little stickie note in his brain that says ‘resignation effective immediately’ where words should be because he’s staring right at you with your gorgeous eyes and lovely hair and perfect features and for fuck sakes why isn’t he saying anything!?!?!
“Is there something I can get for you?” You asked so sweetly like this bloke wasn’t standing with his mouth agape at your cash register making a sure and utter fool of himself; like you had all the time in the world for the poor bastard.
“Uhm, uh...” He tried finally as if only now realizing he had functioning vocal chords. 
“Uhm, fuck, I’m so sorry uhm...”
You chuckled at him. Holy shit you chuckled at him. It was the most beautiful sound Remus thinks he may have ever heard. He hoped you’d do it again, though, at the rate he’s going it was really very likely. 
“I’m so sorry. I swear I’m not usually like this. Uh,” He apologized awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck. 
“I hope this isn’t too forward, but I think you’re lovely and would, uh, like to get to know you. You don’t have to say anything now!” He interrupted as you began to interject. “In fact, for my pride's sake, I’d prefer if you didn’t. But I’d like to leave my number here for you, in case you’d like to text me some time.” 
He offered you the kindest smile he could muster as you took the now crumpled and sort-of-damp-from-his-sweaty-palms note in your hand with a smile of your own.
Now, Remus wouldn’t say he ran out of the café, per se. He would describe it as more of a jaunt, or perhaps a brisk walk. But he did nearly take out a woman with a pram as he all but flung the door open in his haste to get away. 
You stupid ridiculous bastard. He scolded himself as he made his way to the closest apparition point. If Sirius could see you know, you’d never hear the end of it.
His phone buzzed and Remus nearly dropped it in his haste thinking it might be Sirius having somehow actually seen what just took place.
Then he nearly dropped it again as he saw a new text from an unknown number.
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Perhaps Remus wasn’t such a coward after all.
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Since we've started sharing OC's... I've been starting to work on one a while ago but got distracted.
Anyways meet Feral, Feral who is now on permanent loan to 141 is a well rounded engineer knowing everything from cars to computers (and a bit of a hacker on accident). For years Feral worked out of the comfort of their custom built camper truck. Only being found by accident when 141 was doing a training mission in the area they happen to be staying. Great confusion ensued, with Feral placing cameras and mics around their campsite and playing horror movie screams and the boys deciding to go on a hunting mission. Ghost ends up getting the drop on them and Gaz and Soap having to hold back their two shepherd/husky dogs. (Named Coffee and Tea) Price interrogates them and hands them off to Laswell. For a while they get handed to different teams in lue of going to jail for trespassing on federal military land. But when a mission goes sour they end up captured and have to be rescued by 141. After that they refuse to work for anyone else but the 141. Moving themselves, the dogs, and their camper truck to England.
Feral is on the spectrum and can't pick what to wear most days so they ask the boys. You can always tell who helped Feral dress. Ghost picks mostly black, Gaz makes sure they are fashionable but comfortable, Price is more old fashioned, and Soap.... Soap picks horrible outfits and always makes sure they have tartan on. Since they don't go out in the field often they boys will bring soft and comfortable clothes back for them when they can.
One of the boys favorite things that Feral does is built them phones that can switch between 5 different SIM cards and is near impossible to track. Plus maintains their vehicles and helps Laswell with intel. Also keeps their names and faces off the Internet.
Their room on base is covered in wall to wall bookcases, plants, and a custom papasan couch that they use as a bed. Ghost loves their dogs and will steal them on occasion. The one time they had to do a group shower with the guys Soap freaked out because in his words 'yer tits are the size of watermelons!' (Feral always wears high compression sports bras and is chubby) Price beat him over the head for that. Gaz and them are close friends and spend time cooking together or just being calm together. They confuse Price but he enjoys having them around but, refuses to let them drive after a particular exfil that required them to drive them out of enemy territory on ice (it was fine but he got a little green after Feral used their ability to spin on the ice a few too many times). Feral and Soap have a prank war going on.
Feral is definitely in good company with the other OCs!! We love a smart gal with an independent streak. And I love the detail about the boys picking their outfits, that’s so unbelievably cute.
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nakachuchu · 1 year
Spider's Trap | Fushiguro Toji
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SYNOPSIS: The story of your love with Toji.
READER: female
WORDS: 1.4k
WRITTEN: 01/13/2023
NOTE: This is for @mekiza 's a book of secrets collab event! I was planning something more cute, but it ended up more angsty. I had so much though so thank you for letting me join!
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Zen'in Toji was a rebel. He didn't care about anything regarding the Zen'in. He was meticulous in his hatred of them, letting them know it but not letting them know enough to what extent he would go to in order to ruin the family name.
Meeting you was never in his plan to fuck over the Zen'in clan, but he welcomed it — through a lot of struggling and ignoring you, you were a breath of fresh air.
He thought you were a simple woman — another passerby who he wouldn't encounter again. To be honest, he didn't even notice you the first time you passed by him.
But you noticed him. How could you not? This man was an Adonis. He was large, bulky, and could carry twice your weight. He was the perfect eye candy that you wished you could look at for the rest of your life, but that was what it was supposed to be: eye candy.
"Name?" you questioned.
You worked at your grandfather's crepe shop to help him out because the shop was part of your many favorite childhood memories.
You never thought you'd see Mr. Eye Candy again. Maybe you'd make his crepe a little slow so that you could stare at him longer.
"Y/N, come help your old grandpa make the crepes."
"Yes, Grandpa," you called out as you handed Toji his ticket number. "Sixty is your number."
His finger brushed against yours as you handed him the ticket. You smiled and bowed slightly to him before going to help your grandfather with the crepes.
"Fifty-eight," you called out, holding a perfectly wrapped crepe to the customer.
"Ah," you said, "there's a large dragonfly by your head. Let me get that for you."
Toji's posture straightened as he looked at you exorcising a low-level curse with a small brush on your fingers.
"I got it. Thank you for waiting patiently. Here's your crepe with extra bananas."
The customer thanked you and took the crepe from your hands. You smiled and went back to your grandfather to help him with the rest of the crepes.
You weren't anything powerful, but it was simply amusing how a young woman at a tiny crepe shop helped out strangers. Compared to him, you were no match in every way possible.
He was superior to you, standing over you and looking down at you as you walked among normal humans who had no idea of the true dangers that walked alongside them, clutching onto their backs and stealing their life force.
"Sixty," said your grandfather.
You and your grandfather switched spots. Toji walked up to grab his crepe and grabbed it. Your grandfather didn't let go, looking Toji in the eye.
"Stay away from my granddaughter, Zen'in."
Toji blinked in slight surprise before grinning and taking the crepe from him. "Whatever you say, old man."
Toji walked away with his blood throbbing at the thought of meeting you again. He wouldn't have done anything if your grandfather didn't say something.
Because of your grandfather, you walked into a spider's trap.
By marrying your grandmother, your grandfather left his clan which was once extremely powerful. It wasn't one of the big three clans, but it was a clan other clans wanted on their side.
You didn't know anything about clans. Your grandparents raised your mother as a normal child, and she raised you as a normal child. All they wanted was normal.
And things had been going exactly how your grandfather wanted until Zen'in Toji decided to have a sweet tooth on a random Tuesday afternoon.
Because you lived by yourself, it was too easy for Toji to find you. Your grandfather wasn't there to get in the way.
It all started as small "accidents." He bumped into you when you were leaving the small market on the corner of the street you lived on. He picked up your phone after you dropped it on a busy street. He sat next to you at a horror movie you decided to see on your day off. All those small "accidents" lead to your first date with him.
He noticed you wore more makeup than usual, taking extra care to dress yourself up more.
"I hope I'm not too overdressed," you said hastily as you slide into the booth of the cafe.
"No such thing," he said with a lazy smile.
At first, being near you was just for fun and the thrill of disobeying your grandfather. But then, he began to like you, and then he liked you a little too much later. He enjoyed how simple your life and your way of looking at the world was.
No one could know of your relationship. If his family members found out, they would kill you with no remorse. Your relationship was kept secret from social media and all of the people in your life.
At first, you didn't understand why he didn't want you to take photos of him or introduce you to his parents. You thought he was ashamed of you.
Toji knew it was better to keep you in the dark, so he never told you, even when he knew it was hurting you. He would have never told you if you hadn't blabbed to your grandfather about him.
When your grandfather found out, chaos ensued. He suddenly showed up at your apartment when Toji was there and tried to kill him for laying a hand on his granddaughter. You nearly got your head cut off by trying to pry your grandfather away from your boyfriend.
You argued with your grandfather for hours, but he wouldn't budge until you finally had enough and claimed that you were an adult who could pick the people you wanted in your life. You hesitated when your grandfather mentioned how Toji would kill you, but you stood strong.
"What did he mean?" you questioned quietly after locking the door after escorting your grandfather out.
Toji knew what you were talking about and didn't waste time trying to console you. It wouldn't have made a difference if he tried to make you feel better about the situation.
"My family is powerful and they don't like outsiders. If they knew about you, they'd kill you."
Your grandfather had always told your mother that he came from a dangerous world, but you never knew to what extent.
“I'm not going to leave you, so don't even think about that,” you said. “I'm here to stay, so you better deal with it.”
He laughed. “Big words,” he said as his hand cupped the back of your head and forced you closer so he could kiss you.
After the fight with your grandfather, you stopped talking to your grandfather for nearly a year. It wasn't until he was ill did you talk to him again, crying and sobbing about how sorry you were.
“It's okay, Y/N. Grandfather was being a dumb, old man. I still don't like him, but as long as he can protect you, that's all that matters.”
Three months later, your grandfather reunited with his wife, your grandmother, in Heaven. Toji comforted you the best he could, but he wasn't the best with words. However, his hugs and simple touches were enough for you. As long as he was by your side, all would be okay.
The day you told Toji you were pregnant, he suddenly forgot how to speak and was comatose for a few hours. He was already a man of few words, so it was a bit nerve-wracking for you.
“Are you an idiot?” you hissed.
“Huh.” The corner of his lip twitched. “A miracle.”
“It's not like you're infertile, dummy. What do you mean, a miracle?” you retorted, rolling your eyes.
“Just wasn't something I thought of in my free time. My swimmers are strong. I sure knocked you up easy.”
You smacked him. “Easy, my ass. You’re a beast.”
He grinned, grabbing a good bundle of your ass. “That I know.”
Even though he knew he wasn't ready at all to be a father, he never mentioned leaving you or the baby. He cared about the baby as long as it wouldn't harm you in the end, so he went along with you and your crazy baby-shopping habits.
It wasn't until he saw garnet stains on your clothes and hair did he think about the consequences of his actions. He knew all hope was lost when he realized the blood was cold and your eyes had dimmed.
The characters 禪院直哉 were written in your baby’s blood on your forehead, and Zen’in Toji's humanity was lost that night. You had been trapped in a web the moment you took Toji's order, but he made the mistake of believing he was the spider.
Zen'in Naoya and the Zen'in clan would pay.
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swanconcerto · 11 months
redacted characters working in tescos
born from discord… this works for any large supermarket really. this is so long and for what
vincent: he works at self checkouts and gets a lot of enjoyment from iding old ladies to make them feel young again. talks too much and takes forever to help people but he’s pretty so you don’t get mad
lovely: maintenance team. always gets called down to fix the perpetually broken self checkout system but they’re starting to suspect it’s not an accident anymore
sam: he works in the warehouse . registered first aider except he’s never on the shop floor so he never does anything . somehow on really good terms with all of the delivery drivers. is starting to get really freaked out by that one security guard who keeps wandering around in the back
darlin: security guard except they never really do the job properly… like they’re skulking around dark corridors and corners looking for “threats” and david is like can you please just chase after that shoplifter
david: head security guard he likes to stand at the front desk by the doors and just cross his arms and scowl. it’s working spectacularly on deterring crime
angel: works at the customer service front desk and LOVES it. absolutely refuses to be antagonised they’re so 😁😁 even at the rudest of customers. another person who talks too much to be doing a good job. gossips to the customers about store goings-on. keeps trying to engage the grumpy security guard by their desk in conversation with varying levels of success
asher: yeah he’s another security guard what do you expect. but he’s constantly on the move he’s strolling about the store like he owns the place chatting up all the workers and the customers. everyone knows him and loves him but if you even think about shoplifting anything or starting a fight with a worker he’s right behind you “what are you doing there buddy 😆”
babe: shelf-stacker but not in a boring way. genuinely a monster at packing out it is insane. their aisles are so neat and tidy and they’re so fast. that one worker who knows exactly where everything is it’s like they live in the place. so good at their job and isn’t distracted by anything. except maybe one person.
milo: security guard who wants to have the same easygoing respect that asher gets but is far too easily antagonised by kids to earn. saturday afternoons are the worst when all the kids are off of school they come into the store just to piss him off because it’s so easy “now you listen here you little…”
sweetheart: they work in the phone shop! they’re kind of intimidating to talk to but they will help you and only judge you a little bit for not knowing technology. everyone would rather talk to them than the other worker (marcus). has formed an alliance with the kids that come in on saturdays “i’m going to give you this old phone and tell that guard that you’re stealing it, i’ll let you keep it if you make him trip when he’s chasing you”
gavin: slutting it out on the tills. i’m deadly serious he will flirt with everyone who passes through. “do you have a clubcard” has never sounded so sultry before. he’s actually decent at his job but recently he’s been told off several times for getting distracted staring at a certain worker who seems to just be doing everything… maybe it’s time he got trained in other departments
freelancer: multiskiller 🤩 literally another one who seems like they’ve been there forever and just knows how to do everything. they’ve stacked shelves, packed dotcom orders, worked checkouts… freelancer likes the variety and getting to know people in every department
damien: also at the customer service desk AGAINST HIS WISHES and in complete contrast to angel he absolutely hates it and you can so tell. management put him there because he’s so dedicated to the job and well organised and he SEEMS like he would be good at it… but every day damien’s patience is tested to the max. it’s so obvious when a customer is pissing him off. will SNATCH an item out of your hand if you are trying to return it. “what do you mean you didn’t bring your receipt 😑😐”
huxley: works in produce and loves it! super good at lifting all the heavy crates of vegetables. talks to all the loose fruit and vegetables he gets a few weird looks but it is cute. says hey to EVERYONE on his way in especially that one guy at the front desk who always looks like he’s about to pop a vein. no one knows when or why those two starting taking their breaks together but it is certainly a cute sight.
lasko: he works in bakery!!! he used to work on the shop floor but it was too stressful so the nice people from bakery kind of adopted him. likes the routine of making things and then packaging them up. plus minimal customer interaction = he just daydreams for a lot of his shift. although sometimes customers manage to get a hold of him to ask him something and he completely blue-screens. he’s trying his best.
lasko’s listener: for some reason i see them in dairy section in like the fridges? one time they got trapped BRIEFLY in the warehouse fridge with a certain bakery worker. they huddled together for warmth. #sorrynotsorry
kody: petrol station. no one in the main store wants to look at him
guy: delivery driver of course! used to work as a shelf stacker but got a warning for “checking for you in the back ☺️” (sitting in the back on his phone) he was so hopeless when he first got the driver job and got lost all the time but now he’s pretty dependable. will flaunt his little reflective jacket constantly. will also constantly flirt with the hot person working dispatch
honey: the aforementioned hot person working dispatch aka who loads all the delivery trays onto the vans. they really just wanted a job where they could stick their earphones in, do manual labour and not talk to anyone alas this infuriating delivery driver won’t stop bothering them. they’re making out in the back as we speak.
geordi: another shelf-stacker! like lasko, he gets super nervous when people ask him questions on where things are, but he can handle it. usually. more than once has sent someone in the wrong direction and tortured himself over it for the rest of the day. gets a really cute concentrating face when he’s in the zone working so please don’t interrupt him!!!
cutie: works in the clothing section! they look good even in their uniform so you feel kind of nervous when they’re just staring at you picking out some clothes. offers unsolicited opinions but they’re always really helpful so it’s fine. struts about with that clothing rail like it’s their god-given birthright
quinn: cleaner who always gets stuck doing the toilets. takes too many vape breaks
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fan-art-ic · 7 months
Someone sent this ask to a blogger I like and they didn't bite, so I WILL
Gotham dream blunt rotation as rated:
Poison Ivy might seem an obvious choice at first, but she swears she can still hear the plant screaming inside your blunt, so if she isn't already hitting you dead the vibe has been killed: 3/10
Catwoman would steal all your weed and wrap a tighter blunt then you can imagine she would bring out wine spritzers and cheeses as the snack so it's fun but you will have to go buy a new ⅛ as soon as you leave, you will be starting to crush on her but she will talk about batman the whole time: 7/10
Harley Quinn would make those crazy ass joints that are like spider shaped and she would get toasted but youd get so couchlocked it'd be like a million years passed when you come to she's smoking a second spider and you have hyena drool on you: 5/10
Kite Man rips huge beefy clouds of smoke, spends half his evil plan budget on buying a gravity bong, has a shitty hideout in his parents basement, but his mom is really nice and can out-rip her son and she would bring some apple slices and water down for snacking: 6/10
Two-Face would have been a total weenie as Harvey pre accident and never touched the stuff, but after he will occasionally light up because he enjoys how both of his sides will shut up and he can think for a second. Doesn't care if it's shitty buds or premo flower it's whatever the nearest lackey has so you will be hacking up a lung either way. Spends the whole time telling you to be quiet when you try to chat: 4/10
Bruce would suck the only people he might be good in a rotation is wonder woman and superman, anyone else he is just silent the whole time and ignoring everyone to look at his phone, will sometimes double and triple hit before passing: 3/10
Stephanie stole her dad's weed as a teenager and is really bad at rolling blunts, but if you tease her, she will finger taze you, would have a whole set-up for a rotation set up with pillows and candles and bowls of chips, she either gets very mellow or gets really wild so it's a flip for if you're going to watch pirated movies or go roam the aisles of walmart: 8/10
Tim would act like a weed conneisur since Stephanie lit him up, but he'd be the type of guy you could give a weed a fancy name and sell it for $50 extra and he wouldn't even blink, rarely rotates but if he does he is punctual and never double hits, will ramble on and on about computer specs and graphic cards, will give you the last hit even though he wants it: 6/10 but only because sometimes Tim gets weird vibes
Alfred hits weed made for elephants its so strong he does it for muscle and joint pain at night so he won't share ever and if you ask he will act like he has no idea what you're talking about, if somehow you can get him to share it will be in the form of a weed cookie and when I tell you they're strong you will be seeing god: 0/10 or 7/10 depending
Jason tried marijuana but didn't like how it made his head feel and his hands shake and he could barely read so it pisses him off. If the blunt in question was a joint made of more tobacco than weed than he might sit in, but otherwise he is video taping other people being fools for future blackmail: 2/10
Dick smoked major weed with the Teen Titans when they were all a team the first time, he has exquisite taste but won't overpay but gets solid middle of the road shit everytime so you won't be ass blasted, but you will be laughing more which is why he loves rotations the communal act of passing, leaning in close to people, everyone getting loose and happier, he loves it and will totally make everyone custom snack plates: 10/10
Cass would try it with Steph or Dick, but she wouldn't like it in the end, would be a big fan of edibles though she'd like the floatiness and using it for sleep: 0/10 but not for lack of effort
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Firstly, THE COMMENTS ON THE TEXT CONVIS POST!!! I'M PISSING 😭😭 He's so desparate, I can see him killing another assassin and stealing his phone just to text us to unblock him
About giivng Mandy a sibling, I think Tan would consider it since he'll want her to have someone like he has Lem
Also, Mandy swearing because she accidently heard Tan swear once?
You said his look can be intimitating, even if it's soft. Imagine we look away or hide in his shoulder, so he softly grabs our face to make us look at him. 🫠🫠
Buying him lolipops to replace a cig for when he can't smoke? And they're cherry flavor? :))
Sorry I'm always asking those things but have you thought about a backstory for us and Tan? I made one but I think it sounds kinda silly so I don't know if I should send it
I know I sound like a broken record since I already said this in like 3 already. I really do enjoy being back and writing to you, I was afraid my love for him was fading away, I didn't like any ideas I wrote in my notes and was overall pretty sad. (He was still on my mind, it's as if this man made himself a cozy room in my brain and is never leaving) I got sick in january so I had to stay at home and thought I might as well rewatch the movie. So many scenes and snarky remarks of him got me thinking "oh yeah that's why I fell in love with him". So now I'm here again. I love reading your response as well as the comments. 💗💗  Sorry for the ramble I wanted to get it off my chest
(Just wanted to ask, the next time your requests will be open, would you be ok with writing a small fic, like 700 words? If no that's completly fine !! I already saved a headcanon and small drabble for next time :)) Planning on sending more text convos this weekend
Also love your atj shirt. Might have to get a custom one for my bday <3 💺 anon
— right??? 😭😭😭 omg yes!! or even having to go out and get another sim card in order to text you. he probs has a stash of miscellaneous blocked ones piled somewhere
— he so would!! he would want her to have a best friend in sibling form. he wants for her to have someone she can talk to when older. and all those sibling bonding things
— she definitely has😭😭 I believe fuck is an easy one to say?? so that might be her first
— super super cute!!! and cherry!! sneaky, I like it
— you know what, I actually haven’t. I prefer civilian readers, so it’s a little difficult bc being assassin would be easier to connect. but I have a concept idea of their relationship, but not how they met. don’t be daft, nothing you’ll send would be silly. you’re more than welcome to send it in if you’re comfortable. there’s no such thing as silly around here
— I really do as well!! it’s actually fun to talk to someone about him like this rather than myself all the time😭 awh!!! im glad you’re back into him now !! (and hope you’re feeling better now) never be sorry, thank you for sharing 💓💓
— they’re still open if you want to send something in, luckily been working through my inbox pretty fast so now I have a decent enough backlog in my drafts. and yes, ofc, that’s absolutely fine angel. looking forward to the text convos!! they were real fun
— AAAAH THANK YOU!! yes yes get one!! and happy birthday in advance if it’s coming up soon, if it is send in an ask so I can wish you a HBD💓
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laresearchette · 5 months
Wednesday, January 03, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: ISHURA (Disney + Star) I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE (Global) 8:00pm WE ARE FAMILY (Global) 9:00pm SISTAS (BET Canada) 9:00pm
CRAVE TV THE EMPEROR (Season 2, Episode 1) THE TRAITORS UK (Season 2, Episode 1)
DISNEY + STAR HAMSER & GRETEL (Season 1) INCREDIBLE ANIMAL JOURNEYS (Season 1) ISHURA (Season 1, Premiere Episode)
MARLIES HOCKEY (TSN4) 4:00pm: Cleveland vs. Toronto
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN/TSN5) 7:00pm: Minnesota vs. Boston
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 7:00pm: Bucks vs. Pacers (SN1) 7:30pm: Thunder vs. Hawks (TSN3/TSN4) 8:00pm: Raptors vs. Grizzlies (SN1) 10:00pm: Heat vs. Lakers
THE OTHER SIDE (APTN) 7:30pm: The Tillicum Health Centre in Nanaimo, B.C., has a dark history that has left spirits trapped inside its walls. Through traditional medicines and song, the team, alongside Lee's friend, brings calm to the angry history the building has endured.
SPIRIT TALKER (APTN) 8:00pm: Shawn collaborates with Knowledge Keeper Robert Hope in assembling a community teepee in Enoch Cree Nation. His spirit session brings forth words of comfort for a friend and insightful guidance from a loving grandfather.
CAUGHT! (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm/8:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Jewel thieves use their imagination for huge scores; ATMs face brutal assaults from heavy machinery to get to the loot inside; during a daring attempt to rob an armored car, one driver becomes a hero. In Episode Two, roadways and waterways are full of hazards, dangers and accidents waiting to happen; traffic cams, cell phones and dash cams get it all on video when sailboats crash into piers, a woman steals a cop car, and a cow-carrying convoy spills its cargo.
GOOD WITH WOOD (Makeful) 8:00pm: The three finalists race the clock to assemble a kitchen island with functional cupboards and doors; their handmade custom kitchen accessories may be a recipe for success and a path to the crown.
GHOST HUNTERS OF THE GRAND RIVER (APTN) 8:30pm: The ghost hunters visit The Grad Club at Queen's University in Kingston, where a local student helps them substantiate a century of lore and reports of paranormal occurrences on the campus.
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 9:00pm: Leafs vs. Ducks (SN360/SNWest) 9:30pm: Kraken vs. Flames
PAWN STARS DO AMERICA (History Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Rick, Corey and Chum wrangle some wild deals in the Lone Star State; the guys test-drive a 1968 Buick Riviera, become riveted by a blacksmith's anvil collection, and meet up with NFL legend Emmitt Smith.
THE HONEYMOON (Crave) 9:00pm: Adam whisks his new bride Sarah to Venice for a honeymoon, but Adam's gross best friend Bav tags along. A charming gangster Giorgio falls for Sarah, sending Adam and Bav across the border on a drug-dealing mission.
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neengareadynaaready · 9 months
Mandela and Maaveeran
I finally finally saw director Madonne Ashwin’s Mandela (2021) and Maaveeran (2023).
These are fantastic! Mandela is his first full-length feature film, followed by Maaveeran, and I am now a fan of this director.
Mandela (2021)
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Here, famous comedian Yogi Babu stars as Smiles, a barber from the Dalit caste. Smiles isn’t his actual name. It’s what the villagers call him - if not Jackass. He doesn’t remember his name. His parents are gone. His only family is this boy named Side Burns who isn’t even related to him. They live under a banyan tree. Sometimes, they’re given money for their services - sometimes they get a share of rice after Smiles gets their ration.
And then one guy steals Smiles’ money from the tree, so he goes to the post office, and the officer, Thenmozhi, recommends he get a bank account. To do that, he would need an official ID. And to get that, he would need an actual name.
With the help of Side Burns and Thenmozhi’s help, they landed on the name Nelson Mandela after the historical figure who, as Thenmozhi says, also fought for his identity.
The main conflict of the movie is that two political parties tied for number of voters. When Mandela’s voter ID arrived, they start fighting over him.
It’s definitely a great film to watch, with a Dalit as the main character. It doesn’t ask the audience to break the caste system though. It does talk about vote-buying as a very “normal” custom that people are used to doing or take for granted. It presents the issues to the viewer and leaves you to think.
Trigger Warning: there is a short scene where Mandela contemplates suicide but he gets interrupted and has a conversation with a younger woman who opens his eyes to see his situation through a different perspective
Maaveeran (2023)
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What a truly fun film! Madonne Ashwin brought a smart and unique take to the table of masala action hero movies. It’s a very meta film. It places the action hero formula and elements in a fun new angle. I suggest it to anyone who loves to watch action hero films. I say “action hero” films instead of just action films because this movie focuses on The Hero, The Great Warrior aka Maaveeran. It’s about how one person (usually a man) or two (if it’s a dual hero movie) fights for his people and beats up bad guys while looking cool. They’re a superhero without the powers.
Sivakarthikeyan is in amazing form in this movie - and I don’t just mean his physique. He looks cool in the action scenes, as both someone who doesn’t really know how to fight and later as someone who fully embraces his “role” in the story.
Cinematography is slick, action sequences are quick and largely more grounded than in the usual masala movies.
The main story revolves around Sathya who is a comic artist. He draws the story The Great Warrior, which has been running in the papers for decades. He and his family were forced out of their home by the river and into a shabbily-done apartment complex with other families. Sathya, the opposite of most masala action heroes, does not want to complain. Unlike his mother (and the heroic father who died when he was young), Sathya isn’t confrontational, not even after his sister were assaulted (off-screen) by a neighbor.
He then hears his mother complain about him being a coward.
Cue TRIGGER WARNING: attempted suicide
Sathya, when he hears this, tries to take his own life. He gets stopped when his sister calls him via phone. He tries to get down but falls instead because of the substandard construction. This accident leads to him hearing a voice (by Vijay Sethupathi 🥰) that narrates the story of The Great Warrior, with Sathya as The Hero.
It is honestly a fun film. This might be my favorite SK film. Sathya is a great character. Despite him constantly resisting the Voice, we get hilarious masala action hero movie elements. It is SO FUN. I don’t know what else I can say — this movie is just a fun and enjoyable one.
If you’ve seen many mass action hero movies, you will recognize the elements in Maaveeran and how they wove it into the story in a very smart way.
Oh and THERE IS A POST-CREDIT SCENE! I found it very very satisfying and wrapped up the story in a good way.
I will be rewatching this with my family because it’s a truly enjoyable flick.
(One of these days I swear I will write a paper on this, just you wait, world)
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Smart Technology Enhancing Convenience in Your Modern Kitchen Renovation
Smart technology is ubiquitous in our everyday lives – from mobile phones and tablets to TVs, fridges and vacuum cleaners. But did you know that you can also use smart technology in your kitchen renovation?
Adding smart tech to your kitchen can bring several benefits, such as increased convenience and heightened efficiency. Read on to find out how.
Enhanced Cooking Experience
When a smart device has artificial intelligence, it can adapt to user preferences over time and offer suggestions for improved performance. A smart oven, for example, can learn the preferred degree of browning and adjust to achieve those results every time you use it.
The other element to make something smart is for it to have a connection to other devices and systems (either through wireless technologies like Bluetooth, near-field communication, Wi-Fi or 5G) as well as have sensors to collect data. This information can be shared between devices or even with remote databases and used to make decisions.
For example, a restaurant might use customer geolocation to determine where they are when ordering in their app, then use that information to automatically check them in and provide the most efficient route to pick up the order (whether that’s curbside, in-store or drive-thru). It’s these types of efficiencies that have helped quick serves and fast casuals steal market share from full-service restaurants.
Simplify Everyday Tasks
A smart home has the capability to automate a variety of tasks that were previously done manually. From adjusting the temperature of your home to turning on your favorite music, almost any task can be automated with the right devices and services.
For example, many modern appliances come equipped with built-in Wi-Fi and apps that allow you to control them from a mobile device. In addition, smart lighting options like LED lights can replace outdated fixtures and maximize visibility in workspaces.
Some smart technology can even alert building owners of any issues such as fire, gas and water leaks. This allows them to take preventive action and potentially save money and the lives of those in the affected areas. Even devices such as air purifiers can monitor and detect airborne contaminants. Similarly, sleep tracking software and wearables can track the quality of your rest. This allows you to improve your sleep and overall well-being.
Increase Safety & Security
When installing a smart technology system, homeowners gain the ability to control appliances, thermostats, lighting and more from one device. This allows them to reduce energy use which in turn leads to significant cost savings.
Vulnerable people can also enjoy the peace of mind offered by smart home security systems. Many feature a variety of monitoring functionalities which can alert the homeowner and external security companies of suspicious activity and even allow them to call for help when needed.
Smart technology helps law enforcement and public safety agencies be proactive rather than reactive, especially in times of crisis. Whether it’s helping to identify crime hot spots or quickly identifying suspects in the case of a fire, smart technology has a huge impact on the speed and effectiveness of emergency response. Ultimately, it can save lives. The faster first responders can assess and resolve a public safety incident, the safer everyone is.
Save Money
Smart devices that reduce energy use can help save homeowners money and improve their eco-footprint. Smart thermostats and dimmer light switches are some examples of such appliances, as well as smart solar panels and sensors that track temperature changes.
Home security systems that feature motion sensors, doorbells and cameras, can also help homeowners save money by alerting them to potential intruders. Some can even automatically call the police or fire department to prevent accidents or injuries.
Although some critics have pointed out that incorporating smart technology into homes may be expensive, it’s up to each individual homeowner to decide whether the pros and cons of these products make them worth it. After all, if convenience, cost savings and improved safety are important to them, then smart tech is an excellent option. Tenants can make the most of these devices by finding out if their local electricity provider offers a rebate for energy-saving devices, and by asking their landlord to install them.
Metro Vancouver’s Premier Kitchen and Bath Renovation Company
The kitchen is often the heart of the home, so it makes sense that it would play such an integral role in your house’s overall look and feel. It’s also a space that people spend a significant amount of time in, so it must look its absolute best. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is proud to offer Kitchen Design and Renovations in Vancouver, BC. We believe that a well-designed kitchen can transform the way you live, and we’re committed to helping you create the perfect space for yourself and your family. Whether you’re interested in updating your existing kitchen or building a brand new one, we can help you achieve your dream kitchen. We’ll listen carefully to your ideas and preferences, and together we’ll figure out which options will work best for you. Once we’ve determined what you’d like to see in your new kitchen, we’ll put together a detailed proposal outlining everything we propose, including a breakdown of the estimated budget and timeline. If you decide to move forward with our proposal, we’ll begin working immediately to bring your vision to life.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
Planning a kitchen renovation?
There are many options available, no matter whether you’re remodeling an existing space or designing your dream kitchen.
Take some time to find inspiration online before you get started. Take a look at photos of kitchens you like. Keep track of design ideas. Take some time to write down your ideas and then sit down with a pen.
Now think of ways to improve upon these spaces. What could be improved? What would your ideas be? Do you need to be creative? Why not ask someone who understands the topic?
Once you know what you want to achieve, it’s now time to start. Start with the basics. Get rid of any extra clutter. Remove appliances that aren’t used often. Replace old fixtures by newer ones.
Next, find tight areas in your kitchen. This is where you need to find storage and countertops. These are the places you should maximize. Perhaps you could turn them into wine cellars and pantries.
Lighting is an important consideration. Do you have a place that would benefit from brighter lighting? A wall sconce may be able to brighten dark corners.
After you’ve made your improvements list, it’s time to implement them!
Don’t worry if it’s not easy at first. Just keep working until you’ve got it all figured out. Don’t forget to enjoy it every day!
Which layout is best for your kitchen?
If you have sufficient space, an L shaped kitchen with an isolating island is the best.
What type of kitchen backsplashes are in fashion?
A modern kitchen would look best with a full-height backsplash. If you are looking for something more traditional, then a subway tile backsplash would be a great choice. Brick or stone backsplash would work well if you are looking for something rustic. It’s all about personal preference and what suits your kitchen the best.
What’s the best way to renovate a kitchen?
Plumbing and electrical rough-ins
Kitchen cabinet installation
Flooring installation
Countertop installation
Backsplash installation
Can a stove-refrigerator be side by side?
Yes, they can be side by side if there is enough space for both appliances. It is not recommended in kitchen design. This can make your kitchen cramped and waste space. Having the stove and refrigerator placed in different kitchen areas is much better. This creates a more efficient workflow, and the kitchen feels larger.
Are white kitchens out of style?
White kitchens are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners who want to make their homes modern. Since 1980s designers started using white appliances and kitchen cabinets. White kitchens are one of the most popular trends in interior design.
Some experts think that the all-white kitchen trend is dead and that homeowners want something different. While white kitchens are still popular, there is a growing interest in colourful kitchens with bolder design choices.
A white kitchen is a timeless choice for anyone who wants to make a statement in their home. You should remember that trends can change, so you might consider a more timeless design for those who plan to stay in their home for many years.
These are the basic layouts for a kitchen.
The four basic kitchen layout plans include L-shaped, U-shaped, T-shaped, and open-concept kitchens. These designs will depend on the area and number of appliances. These are just a few of the many kitchen layouts that you can choose from to help you create a functional kitchen design in your home.
L-Shaped kitchen: This layout is extremely popular as it’s both efficient and customizable. Because it doesn’t take up much space, it’s ideal for small- to medium-sized kitchens. If you have enough space, you can add an island.
U-Shaped Kitchen. Because it has many storage options and counter space, the U-shaped kitchen works well in medium to large kitchens. This layout can be customized with an island, but it’s unnecessary.
T-Shaped Kitchen. This kitchen design is ideal for large kitchens. It offers lots of counter space and is very versatile. You can customize this layout with an island but it is not necessary.
Open-Concept Kitchen: This kitchen design is ideal for large spaces or homes that want an open, airy feeling. This layout has no walls or boundaries, so it’s perfect for entertaining.
In large firms, the commission charged by the GC ranges from 15 to 25 percent of the total job cost. (thespruce.com)
“We decided to strip and refinish our kitchen cabinets during a heat wave with 90-plus-degree temperatures and 90 percent humidity in a house with no air conditioning. (familyhandyman.com)
Followed by cabinet cost, labour, and appliance costs consume 20 percent each of your budget. (hgtv.com)
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
Keep 10 to 25 percent of List 2, depending on the budget. (familyhandyman.com)
External Links
Amazing Kitchen Remodel Ideas to Refresh Your Home
Family Handyman
Create an Open, Craftsman-Style Kitchen (DIY)
2022 Kitchen Remodel Cost Estimator
Add A Room per Square Foot
Open Floorplan: History, Pros & Cons
Get Kitchen Remodeling Estimates by Professionals
How To
How to design your kitchen layout
Although there’s no perfect layout for a kitchen, some layouts work well in certain spaces. Here are some tips to help you choose the right layout for your kitchen.
Start with the essentials. Start by identifying what you will need in your kitchen. If you don’t cook very often, you may not be in need of a large stove or oven.
The traffic flow is important. Consider how your family uses the space and how it flows. You’ll want to ensure enough room to move around freely without bumping into each other.
Maximize storage. The third step of maximising storage is in the kitchen. This includes both food storage and cookware storage. It’s important that everything is organized and accessible easily.
Incorporate your style. The fourth step is to incorporate your style into the kitchen layout. This covers everything, from countertops and cabinets to flooring and appliances. You can choose finishes and materials that reflect your personal style.
Talk to a professional. Work with a professional designer to design your kitchen. They will help you to create a layout that fits all of your needs.
Helpful Resources:
35 Best Outdoor Kitchen Ideas | Kitchen Design 2023 | Kitchen Cabinet Design | Kitchen Design Ideas
Outdoor kitchen design ideas 2023. #kitchendesign2023 #kitchendesignideas #kitchendesign #kitchendesign #kitchenideas
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The post Smart Technology – Enhancing Convenience in Your Modern Kitchen Renovation first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
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breezeriderebike · 1 year
Mountain Electric Bicycle Accessories
Ebike Accessories are accessories for your mountain electric bicycle. A commuter handlebar bag, a pannier bag, or a backpack are convenient ways to carry work items. Most of these bags are equipped with small compartments. You can use them to carry business cards, your laptop, and other small items. If you use your electric bike to commute to and from work, you may want to add a first-aid kit. These accessories can help you enjoy your ride even more.
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Safety Gear
Safety gear is a crucial Ebike accessory. You should buy helmets and elbow and knee pads to protect your body in case of accidents. Moreover, wearing breathable clothing will help you stay comfortable in the hot summer months, and padded clothes will cushion your body in case of a fall. Personal alarms are an excellent choice if you're riding in unfamiliar places. Many of them include GPS tracking. For added security, consider purchasing a horn for your ebike.
Padded Backpack
A padded backpack is a great accessory to have if you're planning to travel a lot. It can carry your daily necessities and even an umbrella. A fixed plate on the back prevents it from catching on spokes, and reflective strips are included on both sides of the bag for increased visibility during night rides. Comfortable handles allow you to lift the bag and the buckles can be adjusted according to your bike's rack.
Another important mountain electric bicycle accessory is lights. Bright lights are important for safety, especially at night. If you get into an accident and hit an ebike with a car, the insurance of the driver's vehicle will not cover the damages to your ebike. But the insurance of the car driver might cover your injuries. So, a good light is a cheap insurance, and it can save your life! You can also choose a light that will make your ebike more visible to vehicles.
Integrated Rear Racks
Ebikes with integrated rear racks can be customized to accommodate extra passengers or cargo. The eBike can be equipped with up to 150 pounds of cargo. Other compatible accessories range from small rear storage baskets to a folding seat. Some of them include a dinging bell to alert other riders of your presence. You can even use Ebikes with integrated rear racks in the city.
Another mountain electric bicycle accessory that you may want to invest in is a U lock. A U lock is important to keep your electric bike safe. It makes it harder to steal your bike when you are out riding. These locks come with built-in number lock technology and are keyless, eliminating the need to carry your keys. You can purchase one that costs between $30 and $50, depending on the brand. You can also buy a lock that is keyless so that you can enter the lock pattern without having to remove it.
A Bluetooth speaker can be another useful mountain electric bicycle accessory. The Soundlink Micro Bluetooth speaker is a good choice for outdoor use. It is waterproof and features a durable strap for easy carrying. A Bluetooth speaker also doubles as a car alarm when you lock up your bike. It also works with key fobs, so you can easily control it from your phone. In case you get separated, you can use the Bluetooth speaker to call for help. In the event of an emergency, a portable air pump will come in handy.
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relatablethought · 2 years
Michael is a pizza delivery boy who lives with his girlfriend, Anu, an aspiring novelist researching material for a horror story. Michael does not believe in the supernatural but is afraid of anything paranormal. Anu keeps telling him that he will soon realize the presence of supernatural beings. At first, Michael is confused and scared, and his fears are confirmed when he discovers that a spirit possesses his boss, the Pizzeria owner Shaun's daughter.
Meanwhile, Anu becomes pregnant, and after a brief altercation, Michael and Anu get covertly married. One particular day, Michael goes out to deliver a pizza to a customer and returns to the restaurant in shock while covered in blood; he keeps muttering Anu's name, seemingly worried about her. When his boss questions him, Michael explains that he had been to deliver a pizza to a customer named Smitha in a bungalow and recounts the events at the place.
Smitha requests Michael to wait downstairs while she goes upstairs to get money for the pizza. Almost immediately, the power goes out, alarming Michael. While waiting downstairs, Michael hears a loud unidentifiable noise from the bedroom upstairs. Going up to investigate, he finds Smitha murdered suspiciously and notices a slice of pizza he had delivered to be missing, suggesting that there may be somebody else in the house. Horrified, Michael dashes to the door only to realize it is locked from the outside.
Furthermore, when the murdered woman's husband Bobby arrives, he at first believes he stumbles upon his wife having an affair. Through his cellphone, Michael communicates with Bobby and explains his situation thoroughly, instigating Bobby to aid him in getting out of the house. Moreover, Bobby suddenly disappears from the front entrance and is found by Michael inside the house, mysteriously murdered in the same room as his wife, with two slices of pizza now missing. Also, Michael encounters the couple's child "Nithya", identical to the spirit's name allegedly possessing Shaun's daughter.
Michael tries everything to get out of the house, including breaking down the sealed doors leading outside and using the house phone, which works even though the line is dead. He manages to contact Anu using the phone and gets her to contact the local police. When a couple of officers arrive at the bungalow, Michael believes that Anu had requested them to help him, but they reveal that four people died in that house- Smitha, Bobby, their young daughter, and a girl named Anu, implying that she is Michael's girlfriend, Anu. The police disclose that Michael is a suspect and attempt to arrest him. Confused, Michael does not believe them and attempts to escape to search for Anu.
Michael then witnesses the police getting dragged into the house and killed. At this juncture, Michael, in a horrified state, runs back to the restaurant. While Michael is unconvinced that Anu is dead, his friends at the restaurant and Shaun start realizing they had never seen Anu; they also observe that Michael's home does not have any evidence that he lived with Anu. Also, the haunted bungalow witnessed the untimely deaths of a married couple, their daughter, and two police officers whose ghosts Michael interacted with earlier. Meanwhile, Michael seems to continue his search for Anu, has constant health issues, and seems to be disturbed by supernatural entities.
As Michael stops and calls Anu during a delivery, the true story of what had happened is disclosed. The Income Tax department had planned a raid at Shaun's house. Shaun, who has diamonds worth around 20 million hidden in his restaurant, hides them in a candy box and asks Michael to deliver them to his house. But Michael has a bike accident and comes in contact with the hidden diamonds. Michael and Anu decide that stealing those diamonds would improve their lives and support their baby. So, they concoct a clever story in which Michael convincingly "forgets" the Pizza bag at the "haunted" bungalow, which Shaun would never enter into, given his fear of the supernatural. Meanwhile, Anu has left for New York via Delhi with the diamonds and her belongings and obtained fake documentation using which Michael and Anu can settle abroad.
After the phone call, Michael goes to deliver a pizza to a house and encounters a series of events similar to the story he had narrated. Inside, he meets a girl identical to the "Nithya" described in his tale. Michael is locked inside the home with "Nithya" curiously looking at him. The lights then go out.
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Team Tokyo First Years Headcanons
(Ft. Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo & Sukuna)
Gojo created a group chat with all three students to coordinate things. However, he never knows if Megumi reads the texts because he never says anything (he does), and all Yuji does is send memes, so basically that's its only function now.
Yuji and Nobara created a game: try to take a picture of Gojo with his blindfold off. He takes it off frequently, it's just impossible to catch an image of it. Surprisingly, Megumi of all people has gotten the closest. If you squint, you can see the baby blues.
This escalated into "who can take the ugliest picture of someone without them looking", after capturing an image of Yuji standing next to Gojo's desk with almost four chins. Nobara discovered she has many bad angles and Gojo discovered he's photogenic from ALL angles.
Yuji likes to use Nobara's ugly pictures as reaction images and memes. At first, Nobara beat him up whenever he did, but now as long as they don't leave the first-year chat she doesn't care. She'll even supply them if she's feeling silly.
Gojo started a prank war on accident and it shows no sign of stopping. It started because he enjoys Nobara's over the top reactions. When she found the LIVE snake in her bed (oh boy, everyone's soooo lucky she's good with reptiles), she immediately suspected this was Yuji's doing. She pranked him, he got her back, Megumi walked into a prank on accident, he got them back twice over, and now it just won't stop. Gojo was fully prepared to deal with the consequences, but he isn't complaining.
The First Year prank war is pretty well known around the school, and everyone's learned to stay away from anything that looks suspicious.
Gojo uses this to his advantage too; sometimes he'll pull pranks on the first and even second years just to watch them blame each other. He's even gone as far as pranking Principal Yaga hoping that he would blame the kids, but Yaga knows for a fact it's Gojo. He hasn't done anything about it though. This stresses Gojo.
Most of the time, when they eat out, each student pays for their meal. When Gojo's there he pays for all four of them, and if Yuji tries to use the "I don't have any money" excuse when Nobara decides to stop for a coffee, she'll buy him one too. She holds it against him, though.
If his kids are all craving a certain type of food (i.e. Chinese) Gojo will head out and pick it up and they'll all eat as a family.
Nobara proposed once a month they have a "spa" day. Surprisingly, the other two students agreed. She's allowed to give them manicures and pedicures (so long as she doesn't get carried away), trim and treat their hair, exfoliate their faces, and they help her re-dye her hair. Megumi is a good client, while Yuji gets bitched at a lot for squirming while getting his nails clipped and jerking when he gets his eyebrows plucked.
Yuji also proposed they have a movie night every Friday night. If they're busy, they'll move it to Saturday, or have it earlier in the day during the week. Sometimes the second years will join. Gojo is banned because he's basically seen every movie and always spoils the end. Everyone got mad at Yuji's request to use subtitles but gave up arguing with how loud Yuji chews.
They also have game nights, but they lost the pieces to most board games after Nobara threw them out the window, Megumi is the only one who knows how to play chess and Shogi, and Yuji fears the safety of his controllers after Megumi got dangerously close to beating Nobara in Smash. 
Yuji's room is the main hangout joint because of the electronics he owns. Literally, there's a whole ass common/living room for them to use. However, they go to Nobara's room for a spa day, as long as the boys are gone by sundown.
Gojo knows damn good and well his kids don't like each other in that way and would never have sex with each other, but he still feels the need to give them the talk ™. He's literally given each child a free box of condoms just in case. 
Gojo bought each student customized "if lost, please return to Jujutsu Tech" shirts. Yuji doesn't mind wearing his because it's just another hoodie to him, and Nobara doesn't mind hers because it's a crop top and it's cute. Megumi burned his in front of Gojo. 
Nobara takes the boys shopping a lot. Megumi is surprisingly good at picking out clothes that fit Nobara's physique and taste, and Yuji is there to hype her up when she walks out of the dressing room. He also isn't scared to tell her a dress doesn't look good on her, and she respects that.
Sometimes even Sukuna will pop out and give commentary. He gives really mixed signals, sometimes he tells her how she's not much to look at, sometimes he talks about the things he wants to do to that ass because of how good they look in those jeans. This results in Yuji getting slapped, Nobara yelling something like "Shut it, Fang Face!" And people staring at him funny because of it.
She also buys outfits for the boys and occasionally Gojo, because she's tired of hoodies and black. She was just as shocked as the rest when Megumi walked out in his outfit. He only wore it to shut her up, though, and hasn't worn it since.
No matter what they're doing, Yuji is ALWAYS the DJ. He has playlists for almost every occasion (spa day, sparring practice, car rides, game nights, even the times they just chill in the same room on their phones) and the only person that really complains is Sukuna, but only because he hates the Backstreet Boys.
Yuji bursts out in song a lot. No matter what he's doing, he'll just start singing. If they know it, Nobara and Gojo will join in too. Always ends in a giggle fit.
Sometimes Gojo's hand slips and boom! He has 18 dozen cookies instead of 4. He's been known to wrap the cookies up in nice tins and packages and leave them outside the kid's doors.
Gojo has also been known to cook meals for the kids and drop them off. This helps because Megumi is basically the only one who can actually cook. Yuji thinks instant ramen is okay for every meal, and Nobara burns food in a way it's still edible but you don't really want it.
The kids play wrestle, a lot. Yuji was scared to at first because the only one who really wants to fight is Nobara, but he learned quickly she can both take and deliver a punch just fine. She also isn't one of those girls that gets upset if there's an accidental grope, which is cool.
This is how the others discovered Megumi is ticklish. Yuji probably still has the scar and Nobara doesn't dare try to tickle him again.
Yuji fell asleep once and woke up to Sukuna's mouth on his cheek having a full-blown conversation with Nobara while she was reading a magazine. He swears they were gossiping about boys, but as soon as Yuji was awake enough to pay attention, Sukuna noticed and started bullying him. To this day Nobara still thinks she was talking to Yuji the whole time because she never noticed he fell asleep.
Yuji can fall asleep almost anywhere. Nobara draws on his face a lot. He's spent countless nights on Megumi's floor just because he's too lazy to move literally one room over.
Nobara has a habit of walking into the boys' rooms without knocking. Megumi is usually laying in bed on his phone or sitting at his desk, however, she's walked into Yuji doing some weird shit. Not gross shit, just... Concerning shit.
Once she walked in on him crying and didn't know what to do. She just kinda walked in and sat down with him until he stopped, occasionally rubbing his back. They didn't say a word until Yuji made a joke and Nobara continued with why she even came into his room, to begin with.
The three students are surprisingly supportive of each other like that, it's just kinda awkward and passive-aggressive at times. Sometimes they even confide in Gojo, and he takes it seriously, surprisingly.
Gojo has a Tik Tok account. He participates in every challenge, every dance, every trend, and apparently has a huge following. Yuji gets featured in the videos sometimes when he isn't recording, and he's mostly doing the stupid shit Gojo does, like doing backflips on building ledges.
While Tik Tok is Gojo's forte Yuji has done video game commentary on twitch and yt live. Megumi is quite popular on subreddits about urban legends and related folklore, and Nobara helps maintain blogs about current events, but... It's mostly celebrity gossip and new music.
Every Saturday is chore day and no one's allowed to do leisurely activities or leave until they're done. Rooms and hallways have to be vacuumed, swept, mopped, whatever. Gojo checks that the rooms aren't dirty. He doesn't mind clutter, he just hates wrappers and shit being left around. He especially pays attention to the cleanliness of the bathrooms for some reason. Megumi is good about cleaning his room throughout the week, Nobara usually just has clutter on her nightstand and dresser, and Yuji waits until the last minute to clean.
The first years used to do their laundry separately, but Nobara threw a temper tantrum when she witnessed Yuji just throw all of his clothes in the washer at once and simply turn it on. Now normally, she wouldn't help anyone get out of work, but she also likes things being done the right her way, so she does his laundry for him. Megumi got involved somehow and now they throw all of their clothes in the same basket and divide them by darks, colors, whites, and delicates. She refuses to let any of their overly- soiled clothes touch hers, so those usually get their own wash too. Each student folds and puts away their own clothes. 
Most arguments end with rock paper scissors. Pinkie promises are also sacred.
Gojo keeps a sticker board in the classroom. Whenever the kids do something good, they get a star. Whenever they do something bad, one gets taken away. When they get to five stickers they get a prize from the treasure box.
No one has gotten to five stars yet. This is good because there is no treasure box. Gojo is bullshitting everyone.
Yuji likes to steal Megumi's stickers because he thinks Megumi will not notice. He does every time.
Gojo has a stool in the corner of the classroom complete with a horribly cliche dunce cap he calls "the Naughty Corner" for when the kids "act up". Nobara ends up there because she's always on her phone, Megumi mouths off a lot and has days where he doesn't feel like doing work, and poor Yuji ends up in the naughty corner because Sukuna can't behave.
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sasusaku month 2021 day 21 - flower
title: flower girl.
summary: Flower Shop AU - Sasuke works at his mother’s flower shop, and every Wednesday, this girl comes by to buy some flowers. Though he doesn’t know her name, he can’t help but be curious about her.
When he thinks about it, Wednesdays must be the busiest day of the week whenever he’s helping his mother at the shop. They start with his alarm forcing him out of bed at 4am so he and his brother can be at the shop before the clock strikes 5am. They take a 10-minute walk— 5 when they’re not that sleepy— make some coffee and wait a little for the truck that arrives with the fresh flowers.
Carefully, then, the brothers unload all the products and take them to his mother’s atelier behind the shop so, by the time she arrives, she can start working her magic into the flowers she loves so much. Mikoto puts the right flowers for the right pots, works on some orders and prepares some bouquets to put on display.
Everything has to be ready and perfect for when they finally open the shop for the clients at 7am.
Everything has to be ready before she arrives.
He’s sitting behind the counter today, playing a game on his phone, when his eyes slowly drift to the clock on the wall. It’s been at least 30 minutes since Itachi turned the sign to ‘open’, and any minute now he knows she will walkthrough that door so she can buy her weekly supply of flowers. For the last couple of months, she’s always their first customer every Wednesday, and he has no reason to believe today will be any different.
Seven more minutes pass, and finally, the bell rings, announcing that someone has entered the shop. His dark eyes immediately follow the sound, and he can’t ignore the slight sense of satisfaction that spreads across his chest when his dark eyes land on pink.
Right on time, he thinks.
From the corner of his eyes, he watches as she walks into the shop, her emerald eyes looking straight at the new hydrangeas. She’s wearing a green summer dress that falls just below her knees, and whose skirt dances freely around her legs. The strap of her small, white purse hangs on her right, sun-kissed shoulder and he notices the way her small fingers are delicately holding it. Her hair— always short and pink— is loosened, the tips just below her chin-line and a stubborn lock brushing her cheek.
Normally, he doesn’t pay that much attention to the people that come by the shop, but for a reason he can’t quite pinpoint, it’s different with her. Sure, she’s a beautiful client, and that alone is enough to catch his eye, but he knows himself well enough to know he’s better than that.
Something about her has caught his attention, to the point where he’s found himself waiting for her to arrive every week now. Perhaps he’s just grown curious over time. Seeing such a young girl almost religiously coming to the store to buy flowers makes him wonder about the actual reasons why she actually does that. Are those flowers for herself? Are they maybe for her mother or even her girlfriend? Not that it’s any of his business, but shouldn’t girls like her be receiving the flowers? Could it be that her boyfriend is that useless?
A sigh escapes his lips. He really doesn’t know why he even cares. He doesn’t know her name, to begin with. Even after helping her more than once, never before has Sasuke bothered to ask for it. It’s going to sound weird, or at least that’s what he tells his brother whenever they end up talking about her— and that happens more times than the young Uchiha dares to admit.
One day, perhaps, he might find out her name. For now, though, he will just continue calling her Flower Girl. It’s not the most creative or specific nickname, but it works just fine whenever he needs to talk about her or even judge the flowers she choses.
He likes to think it’s a good nickname. Besides, it’s not like anyone apart from him and his brother will ever know about this.
Sasuke finds himself resting his face on his right hand as his eyes unconsciously drift back to her. Itachi is showing her the lilies now, and apparently, he said something funny because she’s laughing at his words. For a second, then, she looks at where he’s standing and their eyes meet briefly before she looks back at his brother.
She seems to be in a good mood. There’s a contagious smile on her face, and he can’t help but let his lips twitch upward at that scene.
Eventually, Flower Girl chooses a bucket of blue hydrangeas and starts making her way towards the cashier. He straightens his posture, then, clearing his throat so he can properly greet her. In less than 10 seconds, she’s in front of him and she places the flowers on the counter. She mutters a soft ’hey’, to which he nods politely before proceeding to do his job.
“Would you like anything else?” He asks, cordially.
“No, thanks. Just the hydrangeas today.”
As he registers her products, he steals a glance and can’t help but notice the way her lips twitch as she waits for him. She’s playing with her hair, tugging it behind her ear, and softly, he sees the way her tongue comes out to wet her own lips. Flower Girl takes a deep breath, and it’s as if something ignites inside her eyes.
“Excuse me, but I have to ask…” Her voice comes out, a little too low at first, but eventually, it settles into a more consistent tone. His curiosity peaks, and immediately, he stops what he’s doing and turns to face her. “Are you Uchiha Sasuke?”
He’s confused for a moment, a blank expression spread across his face. His dark eyes are slightly widened as he looks at her face, failing when he tries to read her real intentions. Her eyes are even brighter from such a short distance, and he finds himself fighting the urge to just lose himself in those green pools of hers and in the way his name rolled out of her tongue. “Yes. Can I help you?”
“Oh, no, don’t worry. I don’t need your help or anything like that.” She starts, waving her hand in front of her face as to brush off any formalities. There’s a soft smile on her face, and he doesn’t miss the way her cheeks are weakly tinged in pink. “I was just making sure it was really you.”
“Well…” He starts, adjusting the name tag on his shirt. “That’s me.”
“Good. I guess that makes me your Flower Girl, then.”
Her words catch him completely by surprise, and it’s as if the entire world turns silent around him. His eyes widen, his lips part, and the first sound he registers after what feels like an eternity is his own heartbeat inside his chest. It’s slow, at first, to the point where he thinks it might suddenly stop, but eventually, it grows faster in what he concludes to be pure despair.
“W-what?” He asks, though he knows better than to believe he heard it wrong.
“Your Flower Girl.” She repeats, and even if he thought it wasn’t possible, he starts to feel worse.
His chest grows inconveniently warmer, the heat spreading all the way up to the tips of his ears. His throat is dry, but that doesn’t bother him because Sasuke can’t find it in himself to form any words right now. He’s dumbfounded, experiencing a mix of shock and embarrassment for the first time in his short life, and it’s safe to say he hates the way it feels. He wishes the ground could just swallow him whole right now, but he knows better than to believe life is fair. Especially his life.
He can’t believe this is happening right now. How on earth does she even know about the Flower Girl thing? It was meant to be a secret he would take to the grave and not something meant to be discovered after just a couple of months by some random girl. The only ones beside him who know about that are his mother and—
Itachi. Oh, that bastard.
He steals a glance at his older brother, who’s simply watching him with a guilty smile on his face. He’s not trying to hide or deny anything, and that only serves to infuriate him even more. Itachi waves teasingly at him before disappearing behind the stacks, leaving him all alone with the pinkette. He was just betrayed by his own blood and even if all he wants right now is to become an only child, there are more pressing matters standing right in front of him with the prettiest green eyes he has ever seen.
Sasuke needs to find a way out of this whole mess, he knows, but nothing comes to mind. No last-minute trick or plausible excuse. No perfectly calculated accident to ruin the conversation or blow him away. Nothing that would make her believe this is all just a big misunderstanding instead of the purest truth. The Uchiha can’t escape this situation, at least not without making things worse. He needs to think. He needs to use his mind to get himself out of this thing, and he needs to do it fast or else he will lose their best customer, his pride as a man and the reason for his Wednesdays to be at least bearable.
His dark eyes are now looking at her because that’s the only thing he can bring himself to do. Instinctively, he’s trying to find something— anything, really— that will help him bring his mind back to his body so he can, at least, find the right words to apologize. He then begins to note the unique color of her hair, her bright, emerald eyes; the barely visible sun freckles on her cheeks, and he really starts to feel his heart calming down, but that’s just until he sees it.
A sly smirk is taking over her lips. It’s a tricky one, and judging by how she’s not even trying to hide it, Sasuke immediately realizes she knows exactly what she’s just done. She’s up to something— Flower Girl is clearly messing with him. She’s intentionally teasing him with all those words, and right now it’s clear that he has just fallen for her act.
Oh, that girl. Who would’ve thought such a beautiful girl like her would posses such a cunning mind?
Before the youngest Uchiha can even bring himself to say anything, a giggle escapes her lips, and soon, it grows into a full laughter. He watches as her burst of happiness reaches her eyes and how genuine that whole thing is as it fills the entire store with that warm feeling. If his social misery can bring out something like that, well, perhaps he should start telling her more about his best friend’s love life.
After a couple of seconds, then, her laughter fades with a sigh and she uses her right index to wipe a tear that had threatened to roll down her face. There’s a smile gracing her lips, and he swears he could feel his heart skipping a beat just now. “I’m so sorry. Oh, my.” She chuckles. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Tch.” He scoffs.
“I was just messing with you. Or—well— maybe I should say that I’m just helping with your older brother’s prank. He’s the one who wanted to leave you in an uncomfortable position. And judging by your reaction, I guess it worked.”
An annoyed pout now takes over his lips. “How very mature of you two.”
“I know… I know, my bad.” She agrees. “Sorry about that.”
His eyes watch as she scratches the back of her head and he realizes she’s actually feeling guilty about the whole thing and that doesn’t help him soothe his nerves at all. She should not be the one apologizing. Not when he was the one who called her Flower Girl in the first place. He’s never meant it as a bad thing— quite the opposite, in fact— nevertheless, he should’ve been more considerate. If anyone should be apologizing, it was him. And that was exactly what he was going to say.
“Look.” He started, taking a deep breath. “You don’t have to apologize. I do. Sorry about this whole thing. I shouldn’t have given you a nickname to begin with. I promise I didn’t mean to be rude or anything like that.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s fine, really. I didn’t think it was rude or anything like that. It was pretty cute, actually.” She smiles at him, and it’s as if he can finally feel his heart beating again. “Besides, it’s not like I was meant to even know about that in the first place, right?”
“Definitely not.” He answers, a little too quickly for his own liking.
“You should thank your brother for that.”
“Oh, later I will, for sure.”
Another chuckle escapes her lips, and he’s glad to know she didn’t mind the nickname— cute, she even said. Now that most of the embarrassment has faded, Sasuke can think clearly again and even if he’s still plotting a revenge against his older sibling, it’s undeniable that having his secret revealed got him a chance to openly talk to her for the first time. They’re making small conversation and it’s nothing really important, but it’s already something.
It’s a start, at least.
The smile on her face suddenly changes into a small pout, and he can easily tell she’s curious. Though they don’t really know each other, he likes the way her expressions are so clear and honest. She bites her lower lip, then, her eyes fidgeting for a moment. She clears her throat and her attention returns to him. Flower girl is staring at him, and if not for her pink hair and inoffensive looks, he would’ve been intimidated by that.
“What is it?” He asks, not really taking in that stare anymore. “Is there something wrong?”
“No, not really… It’s just…” She starts, her eyes narrowing a bit. “Why Flower Girl?”
“Why did you choose this nickname? Flower Girl, I mean… I’m pretty sure I’m not the only girl that comes by to get some flowers.”
His eyes widen slightly for a moment until his expression returns to normal. Of course she would be curious about that, he thought. Thinking about it now, that was probably the most generic nickname he could’ve come up with for her. Truth is, he has started calling her like that simply because he never really knew her name, but it’s not like he knows the name of every female customer that comes into the store. The thing that made Flower Girl the Flower Girl was probably the fact that she was the only female customer that actually caught his attention in all the time he’s been working at the shop.
Maybe it was the unusual color of her hair or even the fact that she comes by every week morning, but he can’t deny that he was captivated by her. She’s a very beautiful and attractive woman, sure, but there’s more to it, he knows. Still, it’s not like he can tell her that without sounding like a weirdo. And if anything, he has already sounded like one a lot today.
“Your name… I didn’t know it— still don’t know it.” He starts, and suddenly, he realizes that saying it is harder than he had imagined. His eyes look down for a moment, and instinctively, he uses his index finger to scratch his cheek. “And since you’re basically the only girl who comes by every week, then, you know… Flower Girl.”
“Oh… I see.” She says bluntly, and a pensive expression takes over her demeanor. Though he’s sure she is going to add more to that, silence settles between them. It’s not really uncomfortable, he notices, but it still leaves him wanting more. More of her stories, more of her laugh—more of her.
He needs to keep their conversation going. He has to find a new subject so it can be easier for him to properly talk to her when she returns next week. It’s his only chance and he can’t let it go to waste. He can’t let her—
“Sakura.” She starts, her eyes switching from her feet to his dark orbs. “My name is Sakura.”
Her soft voice catches him off guard, and he’s taken aback by that. When he looks at her again, he can see a small blush tinging her cheeks, and for the first time, he can see an inch of embarrassment in her. Earlier, she had no problem with the nickname, but when it comes to her real name, well…
And just when he thought she couldn’t get any cutter.
“Hn, how very ironic for you to have been named after a flower.”
“Yeah.” She chuckles. “I guess I was destined to become Flower Girl.”
The corner of his lips slightly curl upwards as he finds himself surpassing a smirk that wants to escape. “It’s nice to officially meet you, Sakura.”
“You, too, Sasuke.” She smiles at him, her head tilting to the right as she does so. Her hair responds to the gravity of her movement and he watches as some of her pink locks sway. “I’m glad I could finally talk to you.”
“Uh? Were you trying to talk to me before?”
“Well, to be honest, yeah…” She shrugs, somewhat shyly.
“Are you, perhaps, stalking me?” He smirks, watching as she gets slightly embarrassed.
“Shannarou, that’s not that!” Her face grows a shade of red and he can’t help but notice the peculiar expression she used. “It’s just that you’re the first person I’ve met in this city that seems to be the same age as me, and I guess I was just looking for a reference or something. Living alone in a strange city isn’t really that simple.”
A familiar warmth takes over his chest at her words, and unconsciously, Sasuke starts to sympathize with her current condition. She’s a young girl, and she’s all alone in a big city like Konoha. Even if he has never really left the safety of his parents’ house, it isn’t hard for him to imagine how difficult it must be to go through all that by herself. Whatever her reasons for choosing this might be, it’s still something that will take the pinkette a lot of time to get used to.
She must be lonely, he thinks, but decides not to mention anything about that for now. He simply nods at her, showing Sakura that he comprehends her feelings, and she simply smiles in return. Her eyes delicately fall to the hydrangeas she chose, and he doesn’t miss the tenderness that is decorating her expression right now.
“They help me a lot, you know? The flowers, I mean.”
“Do they?”
“Aah.” She nods, excitedly. “They make my small apartment seem happier, somehow. It’s nice coming home to them. So—uhm— thank you, I guess.”
The smile plastered on her face easily makes its way to her bright eyes, and his heart skips a beat. This girl— this gentle and talkative girl— is really thanking him for selling her flowers every week. Though they’ve just discovered each other's names, she’s telling him small parts of her life that seem so pure and fragile; and for a moment, he feels like their connection is heading beyond flowers and nicknames.
He’s growing fond of her, he can tell. Sasuke knows he’s no longer just curious to know about her reasons to buy the flowers or why she comes by every week. There’s a lot more to it, for now he finds himself wanting to know about certain aspects of her private life that have nothing to do with plants or fertilizer. He wants her to tell him more about herself— as long as that’s what she wants, of course.
He wants to know Sakura. And something tells him that, eventually, he will.
Without thinking much, the young Uchiha smiles back in return, slowly pushing the bucket of flowers back towards her. “Shouldn’t we be thanking you for shopping here?”
“You’re probably right.” She chuckles, giving him her credit card so she can pay for the hydrangeas. “I guess I just can’t help it. I do love your flowers. Sometimes I get so excited about them that I leave home before breakfast.”
“What?” He asks, slightly shocked.
“I can’t help it. It’s stronger than me.”
“Tch.” He sighs. How annoying, he thinks, and the expression spread across his face clearly gives away. She giggles, then, and a sudden idea comes to his mind. “Did you leave home without eating today?”
“Oh, no. Not today. I had a nice breakfast this morning.” She states, proudly. “Why do you ask?”
“Well…” He starts, scratching the back of his neck as a reflex. “Whenever you leave without breakfast, there’s always coffee here. I don’t know if you like it or not, but—”
“I love coffee.” Sakura cuts through his speech, a little too excited. “Next time, then, we’ll have some coffee together.”
A soft smile takes a couple of seconds to make its way to her lips, and he finds himself growing a little too excited about said next time. Sasuke doesn’t know when it’s going to be, but he can already imagine certain things that make him feel at ease.
A morning spent with Flower Girl… It will be a good day.
“Next time, then.” He confirms.
“I’ll be waiting.”
It will be a pleasant Wednesday, indeed.
a/n: this took me way too long to finish and I don’t really know why. I had this idea at least a month ago, but I JUST COULDN’T FINISH! Well, now it’s finished lol. Anyway, this is a cute one mostly because I needed something cute. Hope you guys enjoy this, and please, leave me your opinion!
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love-and-monsters · 3 years
Fake Dating pt. 2
M Faerie X F human reader, 6,405 words
This is a part two to this story. Elwain and his human are safely in the human world, dealing with things far more mundane than an assassination attempt. Both of them are adjusting to the new life and to each other. Very fluffy, with some caretaking. I was in a very romantic mood while writing this and I think you can tell.
Content notes: mentions of parents trying to kill their child, descriptions of minor illness.
“This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Why do humans like this?”
You repressed a snicker. “You’re watching it.”
Elwain didn’t even look away from the screen to reply. “You put it on.”
“I just turned on the TV. You’re the one who started watching.” Elwain made a noncommittal noise. You pressed your lips together, trying not to smile. “I can change the channel, if you want. There’s a documentary on that I wanted to-”
“No, this is fine,” Elwain said. He hopped onto the couch next to you and curled up. “Ugh. These people know that expensive doesn’t mean good, right?”
You covered your mouth with a hand. Elwain actually, legitimately enjoying trashy reality shows was by far the best thing you’d learned about his personality since you’d started living together. The worst thing was probably that he’d grown up with servants and had no comprehension of household chores. It had taken a few weeks to get him to put his food back in the refrigerator when he was done with it, and you weren’t sure he was ever going to get the hang of doing dishes. Still. He was getting better.
“You’re still going to need to vacuum later tonight,” you reminded him. Elwain groaned.
“I spent all day at work!” he said. “I should get a day off.”
“You only had a five hour shift today. I worked seven. Plus, I have school. You don’t get breaks on household chores. Doesn’t matter how much you worked, they still have to be done.” Elwain looked away sulkily. That was an expression you were getting uncomfortably familiar with. “And you’re not allowed to do magic for it, either.”
“What? Just because you can’t use magic, there is no reason for me to be forbidden!” Elwain said.
“Yeah, sure. You remember what happened last time you used magic to clean the apartment?” Bright pink spots appeared on Elwain’s cheeks. He glared down at the couch, expression screwed up in irritation.
“I fixed that.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure. You fixed the apartment. What you’re never going to fix is my trauma from walking into my apartment and finding everything covered in spiders!”
“I apologized!”
“Look, the next time you decide to enchant a bunch of bugs into doing household chores, just. Don’t.”
Elwain huffed. “They weren’t even venomous to humans! All of you are so easily frightened. They weren’t going to hurt you.”
“I think the heart attack I had upon entering my own apartment could be considered as hurting me,” you muttered. Elwain looked sour, but didn’t respond, apparently returning to his TV show. Elwain’s adjustment to the human world had been… difficult. He had no real understanding of conventional social norms and obviously still expected everyone to treat him like a noble, despite working a minimum wage job at a fast-food restaurant. Not to mention that he seemed to have very loose morals when it came to enchanting mortals. As far as you were aware, he’d never done it to you, but he didn’t seem to have any sort of restraint when it came to anyone else. Before he’d gotten his job in customer service, he’d made all of his money by charming random people off the street into handing over their wallets.
Admittedly, his skills had come in handy. You didn’t feel particularly good about it, but he had charmed the landlord into giving you the apartment for significantly less than the going rate. In your defense, there hadn’t been many options. You couldn’t stay in your parent’s house with a Fae hanging around, and even with both of you working, there was no way to afford an apartment otherwise.
It did not help that Elwain apparently found your moral crisis very funny.
“You all live by such dumb rules all the time. If you really wanted, I could probably charm someone into giving us their house, or just letting us stay there.”
“That feels morally dubious,” you said.
“Ugh. You won’t let me steal anything, you won’t let me charm people into letting us use their things without stealing them, you won’t even let me charm people into handing some things over!” Elwain flopped across the couch. “So now we’re living in a garbage apartment and I have to work at a greasy food place where customers yell all the time and-”
“It’s a nice apartment, especially considering what we’re paying for it,” you interrupted. “And if you use magic too often, people might start figuring out that something weird is going on.”
“I doubt it. Mortals are stupid.” But Elwain didn’t protest, and went to his job as usual, and didn’t steal, which was more respect for your rules than you were worried he’d show. And, really, you were glad you’d instated the ‘no magic’ rule at large, given how unpredictable the results could be.
Elwain sprawled across the couch. He had a tendency to take up ridiculous amounts of space, pushing you to the edges of the couch to avoid contact. Eventually, you got up.
“Where are you going?” Elwain asked as you walked out of the room.
“I’m going to study for a bit before bed,” you called back. “Enjoy your show.”
He stared after you until your door clicked shut. Weird. He’d seemed almost annoyed about you leaving, even though it meant he could watch his shows for longer and you would stop bugging him about vacuuming. Whatever. He’d been acting weird recently, though. Maybe you should talk to him about it. He’d seemed fine for the first month or so after leaving his home and his parents trying to kill him, but maybe he was having some sort of delayed reaction.
You buried yourself in your textbooks for the next few hours, trying to get a solid start on one of your papers. The back of your mind seemed to be focused on the little noises in the apartment, though. Every sound of footsteps or things being moved pulled your attention back to the rest of the house. Eventually, you heard the sound of the vacuum running for a while before Elwain headed into his room.
He never went back into the main area of your apartment and, buried in work, you were soon thoroughly distracted. Gradually, as you worked, your mind grew less and less focused until you were face down in your books, dead asleep.
“Wake up!”
You bolted upright. There was a piece of paper sticking to your cheek from a stream of drool. You hurriedly pulled it off. “What? What’s going on?” You blinked, focusing on Elwain’s fine face in front of you. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Your alarm was going off. I can’t believe you didn’t hear it. It woke me up.” Sure enough, your phone, which was still sitting across the room from you, on its charger, was ringing furiously. You weren’t surprised that you hadn’t noticed it, though. Your head felt like someone had stuffed it with cotton.
“Oh. Sorry.” You rose a little unsteadily and turned the alarm off. “Thanks for waking me. Probably would have slept right through it if you hadn’t.”
“Uh huh,” Elwain said. “Did someone curse you?”
You blinked at him. He seemed dead serious. “Uh, no. I doubt it. Unless you know something I don’t.”
“If you’re asking about my parents, I would assume they are no longer concerned about me,” Elwain said. His voice was clipped, like it always was when he talked about his parents. “I don’t think they would bother to curse a mortal. If they had the means to lay a curse on someone, it would be far easier and more effective to just curse me.” He paused. “I was only asking because you look terrible.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled.
“You do. Why didn’t you sleep in your actual bed last night?” he asked.
“Because I fell asleep at my desk by accident. Are you going to stand here and just insult me or-” You broke off into a round of thick, hacking coughs. Elwain took a step back, alarm crossing his face.
“What is happening to you?” He lifted his arms in front of him, like he was trying to ward off some kind of evil spirit.
“It’s a cough,” you said. “Have you never seen a cough before?”
Elwain lowered his arms, still looking at me like he thought you would start convulsing at any moment. “Fae don’t do that.”
“They don’t cough?” You rubbed at your chest. A significant amount of phlegm had settled there. God, your body really had to pick the worst time to get sick.
“Not like that,” he said. “What’s the matter with you?”
“I’m sick,” you told him.
He nodded slowly. “I’ve heard of that. A mortal thing. Your forms are weak, so you occasionally fall ill. It is a sign of your small, failing lifespans.”
You considered correcting him, but decided that you had better ways to spend your morning than trying to explain germ theory to a Faerie. “Yeah. Sure. Well. I’m sick. So that’s why I’m coughing. It’s just a cold. I’ll be fine.”
Elwain narrowed his eyes. “Hmph. Well. I have work. Don’t die while I’m out.”
“I’m not in any danger of dying,” you told him. “Go head to work. Have fun.”
“That’s unlikely,” he muttered, but he left your room without protest. You closed your door after him and set about getting ready for your day.
The cold had settled into your head and chest and you could tell it was going to be bad already, even before it had come on fully. God. You could not afford to get sick.
Elwain was eating breakfast when you shuffled into the kitchen. You’d needed to absolutely cake your face in makeup to look presentable, and you saw his brows rise as he looked at you. Fortunately, the Fae at least knew how to keep their mouths shut. He just looked back at the frozen waffles he was toasting.
You snagged a granola bar and headed for the door. “Have a good day at work!” you called over your shoulder. Elwain grunted in response. The door swung shut behind you.
Work was exhausting, as per usual. It was better than Elwain’s job by a long shot, since you were working in a local candy store run by a sweet older couple, but between keeping an eye on any batches of candy being produced, sorting out customers, and having to deal with the requisite child-throwing-a-fit-for-not-getting-sweets, it was tiring. Trying to look bright and perky while being weighted down with a cold was awful.
As soon as work was off, you had class. Dragging yourself through it was a slow, painful slog. By the end, your head was fuzzy and you felt dead on your feet. Slowly, you hauled yourself on the bus and fell asleep.
Naturally, you missed your stop.
About an hour after you were supposed to be home, you dragged yourself in through the door. Elwain practically slammed into you. His hands clapped on either side of his face and he peered intently at you. “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you! I thought you were dead!”
You pushed him off you and bent to one side to cough heavily until you were nearly sagging to the floor. Elwain stared at you. “Sorry,” you rasped when you’d stopped. “I fell asleep. And then my phone was on low battery and I wanted to make sure I had enough battery to use my GPS to get home.”
“You couldn’t have texted me?” Elwain drew himself up, hands on his hips. The entire situation reminded you, ridiculously, of your mom when you came home after a night out. “I was worried! I didn’t know where you were, and mortals are so ridiculously fragile-”
“Aw, you’d have been fine,” you said. “If anything, you’d be able to do more without my stupid mortal morals.”
Elwain’s expression went strange for a moment. “Are you feeling well? You seem… off.”
“I’m not feeling well. I’d like to lie down, actually.” You coughed again. “That okay with you?” Elwain was still frowning, but he stepped aside, allowing you down the hall and into your room.
You went down into your bed face-first. Almost as soon as you hit the pillows, your mind faded into sleep. Sleep came to you in fitful waves. You kept waking, coughing, rolling over and falling asleep again. When your alarm pulled you back to full consciousness, you felt thoroughly awful. The cold had settled firmly into your chest and head, gumming everything up. Your chest rasped every time you breathed in, prompting heavy coughing fits, you shivered even when you were wrapped in blankets, and your head felt full, achy, and cloudy.
The cold had apparently decided to upgrade to a full-blown illness. Slowly, you shoved yourself upright. It was hard to breathe through your nose and your mouth. Your throat stung with every inhale. Every cell of your body just wanted to pop some of the cold medicine that made you sleep and hopefully you’d wake up when it was all over.
Just as you were standing up, someone knocked on your door.
Well, you knew who. There was only one person who it could be. Grimacing, you walked over to the door and pulled it open. “Elwain. What?”
He stared at you. “I was- are you okay?”
“I’m sick. You remember the discussion was had yesterday?” you said. “Anyway. You needed something?”
Elwain looked you over. You hadn’t looking into a mirror, but given his expression, you probably looked terrible. He seemed to think you were five seconds from crumbling into a pile of ash, like a vampire exposed to sunlight. “Do I need to call 911?” he asked.
“Uh, no. It’s a cold. I don’t need an ambulance. I need to sleep for a while. Why are you knocking on my door?” you asked. Elwain’s mouth moved wordlessly. Whatever he had wanted to talk to you about, it seemed to have been completely derailed.
“I… er.” Elwain’s gaze flicked over you again. “Well. I wanted to see how you were doing. You went to bed right after you got home last night and I never saw you again. And you seem to be doing… poorly.”
“Yeah. I’m not doing great. I really just want to go back to bed.” You rubbed your hand over your head. “I feel like shit.”
Elwain hesitated. “Do you need me to do something?”
“Just go about your day. I’ll try to keep my gross self out of your way.” You slouched across your room to your bed. “If you don’t need anything else, I’m going to try to get a little more sleep.”
Elwain lingered in the doorway for a few moments longer. Finally, he turned and headed into the kitchen. The door remained open behind him, and you couldn’t be bothered to get up and close it again. Instead, you buried your head in your pillow. Sleep claimed you again within moments.
Less than an hour later, your alarm went off again. You slapped at it balefully until it shut off. Somehow, it felt like you gotten negative sleep, like sleeping had made you even more tired. Slowly, painfully, you pushed yourself upright. Shivers wracked your frame. How had sleep made everything worse?
You threw on the first clothes that you could get your hands on and shuffled into the kitchen. Elwain looked up from his breakfast. His mouth opened slightly. “Good lord. Maybe you have been cursed.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled. “I don’t look that bad.” You did, but you’d slathered enough makeup on your face to cover most of it. Then again, maybe that wasn’t enough to hide from Fae eyes.
“You look like a walking corpse,” Elwain said. You collapsed in the seat next to him and coughed into your fist. The force of the motion made your head throb. Elwain curled his lips back from his teeth in a grimace. “Are you certain you don’t need me to call 911?”
“No. It’s a cold. I’m-” You dissolved into a fit of coughing so severe it was difficult to catch your breath. Elwain stared at you, eyes wide. “I’m fine,” you croaked.
Elwain narrowed his eyes, but returned to his phone. You didn’t know where he’d gotten it from, because he certainly hadn’t purchased it, but you’d decided you weren’t going to ask. You ate slowly, mostly because your stomach felt tender, and you couldn’t finish even half of your normal portion. After a while of picking at your food, you dumped your dishes in the sink and started gathering your items to head out.
“Where are you going?” You startled. Elwain had appeared at your shoulder, completely silent. You might have chalked up not noticing him to your cold-dulled senses, but he could sneak up on you no matter how well you were feeling.
“Work,” you said.
Elwain looked back down at his phone. “You are not supposed to leave the house if you’re sick.”
“It’s a cold. I’ll be fine,” you said.
Elwain kept looking at his phone. “If you are sick, you are supposed to stay home, both so you can avoid infecting others and so you can recover.”
“Are you reading that off a website? Where are you reading that from?” You tried to grab his phone, but he gracefully slipped out of your reach.
“I searched about human illnesses on the internet,” he said. “Your symptoms are consistent with the common cold, but they are also consistent with pneumonia. It says you should sleep and drink water until you are recovered.”
“Look,” you said. “I’m fine. It’s a cold. I’ve had them before. I will have them after this one. I know how to handle them. I’ll pop some cold medicine and I’ll be fine.” Elwain stared at you. His expression was hard to read. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll live.” You sniffed and blotted at your face with a tissue. “I’m going to leave now. I’ll see you later.”
You swept out the door, giving Elwain a wave. He stared after you, not moving until you slammed the door shut.
It was a long, slow, awful day. You could barely keep your head together. By the time you got home, your limbs were heavy with exhaustion and your mind was swimming.
You dragged yourself through the door. Your body felt like you were wrapped in a massive, thick blanket. Everything was warm and it was hard to move, like everything was stiff.
Elwain stared at you as you pulled yourself into the kitchen. “You look like death warmed over.”
“Fine,” you mumbled. “’m fine.” You slouched over the counter and leaned against it. Elwain stood, stepping closer to you. “I’m good. I… I’m good. Just… Tired. Tired. Need to nap.”
“Perhaps you should nap in your room,” Elwain said. “Not on the counter.”
“I’m fine here.” Your words were getting mushy. Why weren’t your lips moving correctly? “I’m good. I just, um. Need. Something…”
“It’s okay. You’re okay. Here, hold onto me. I’ll-” Elwian’s hands were on your waist, on your back. You felt boneless, mushy. Your limbs weren’t moving the way you wanted them to. The only thing you could feel were Elwain’s hands supporting you. Was he carrying you? Maybe. You felt like you were floating. Your head was disconnected from your body, floating. Someone was speaking to you from far away, a soothing voice. It was so soothing. Maybe you could just sleep for a bit. Just sleep. It would be nice to just sleep.
Dimly, you came back to yourself. You blinked your eyes open. The ceiling was unfamiliar, at least as ceilings went. Not that you were familiar with many ceilings, really. Looking down at yourself revealed why the ceiling was so unfamiliar. The bed was covered in heavy, dark blue sheets. Elwain’s sheets. You were in his bed.
Slowly, you pushed yourself upright. You still felt bad, but less bad than you had been feeling. A raking cough escaped your chest, thick with phlegm.
“You’re up!” Elwain appeared in the doorway. He looked… frazzled? You weren’t sure the Fae could look as frazzled and unkempt as a human could, but he didn’t look as ethereally beautiful as he usually did. He looked sort of ruffled. “I was considering dragging you to the hospital, but the internet said that maybe ginger tea would actually be better, so I got you some of that.” He indicated the cup in his hands.
“You have got to stop getting all your information from the internet. Or at least I need to give you a media literacy course on identifying good sources,” you croaked. Your voice sounded bad, but it no longer hurt to speak. It just felt uncomfortable.
Elwain gave you a bewildered look and held the cup out toward you. “Drink it.” You took it obligingly and took a sip. Elwain must have dumped half a bottle of honey in it, because it was so sweet you almost couldn’t taste the ginger. You swallowed it carefully.
“Thank you,” you said when you’d finished the cup. “What, uh. What exactly happened to me?”
Elwain sat on the end of your bed. He was wearing his old cloak, the one he’d taken with him when he’d fled from Faerie. He tucked it tighter around him, fingers fidgeting at the hem. “I was hoping you could inform me of that, actually. I was quite frightened when you collapsed like that.”
“Oh, yeah,” you said. Vaguely, you remembered passing out. “How long was I out?”
Elwain glanced at the clock. “Mn. Less than an hour? You were in and out for the first ten minutes, mumbling a lot.” You had vague memories of Elwain leaning over you, expression panicked. Must have been from then. “Once I got you into bed, you fell asleep. I wasn’t sure if I should wake you or not.”
“It is,” you said. “Probably a good idea to let me sleep. Though if I ever do collapse again, please call 911.” You considered. “Well, I guess don’t call 911 unless I’m actually dying. I can’t afford the ambulance.”
Elwain nodded, even though he looked politely confused. “Is your illness getting worse?”
“Maybe,” you said. “It’s hard to tell. I think I have a fever now, so that sucks.”
With absolutely no warning, Elwain leaned forward. His face was abruptly so close to yours, close enough to feel his cool breath tickling your skin. The hairs on the back of your neck lifted. Suddenly the only thoughts in your head had to do with his lips pressing to yours, his cool mouth meandering along your skin-
His forehead touched yours. His eyes closed, a little furrow appearing in his brow. “You’re warm,” he said. “Very warm.” He sat back.
You blinked. “Uh. You can do that with your hand, you know.”
“Oh? I saw the forehead one on the internet,” Elwain said, but he reached up and cradled your face in his hands. With a soft, delicate touch, the back of his hand brushed against your forehead and down your cheek. The touch made something in your chest tighten and your breath catch. “You still feel warm.”
You moved your mouth, trying to get your brain back in gear. “Uh, yeah. Fever! That’s, uh. Bad. I need, um. You remember that pill bottle in the bathroom I showed you? The one with the little red pills?” Elwain nodded. “Get those and a glass of water. They’ll bring the fever down.”
Elwain vanished for a moment and returned with a tall glass water and the bottle of pills. He watched as you downed them and sank back into bed. His sheets were softer than yours, his bed even more luxuriously plush. You weren’t sure where he’d gotten the sheets from, or if maybe they were the sheets you’d bought him, just augmented with magic. “Why did you put me in your bed, anyway?” you asked. “My bed’s not that much further away.”
“I wanted to keep an eye on you,” Elwain said. “And you do not like me coming in your room.”
“I don’t like you just walking into my room whenever you feel like it, but you can come into my room,” you said. But you were pretty glad he’d put you in his bed. Everything in his room smelled faintly floral and herbal, a smell that relaxed you. Everything was cozy.
“I am not familiar with how to deal with sick mortals,” Elwain said. “Do you need anything else?”
“No. I just need to rest.” You paused, looking toward the window. “I should probably head back to my own room, actually. You’ll probably want to sleep here tonight, right?”
Elwain shook his head. “Stay. You need to rest. I will sleep elsewhere.” He swept out of the room, cloak fluttering behind him. You stared after him for a moment before sinking back into bed. Despite just waking up, your head was already muddy again. Maybe Elwain had gotten you the pills with the sleeping medicine in them. Your eyes closed. Within moments, you were drifting away, fast asleep.
You dreamed of strange things, of hands on your face, cupping your cheek, of soft lips pressed to your neck, of kind eyes and strong arms carrying you around. When you opened your eyes to see the same kind eyes staring down at you, you were half-convinced you were still dreaming.
“Hello,” Elwain said. “You have been asleep for a while.”
You blinked. Your body did have that foggy heaviness that came when you’d been sleeping deeply. Even your discomfort from the illness seemed far away and dim. “Elwain.”
“Yes. I’m right here.” He said it more gently than a simple statement of fact, almost like a reassurance.
“How long was I out?” There was bright sunlight streaming in through the window and across the bed. You lifted a hand to clumsily shield your eyes.
“Over twelve hours. I thought you should probably sleep. That’s what the internet said.”
“Oh, man, we are going to need to get you some better resources than just ‘the internet,’” you said. “But you were right. Thanks for letting me sleep.” Slowly, you shoved yourself up into a sitting position. “What’s that?”
Elwain held a bowl out to you. “I was told that soup was good for mortal illnesses.”
You took the bowl of vegetable broth. Elwain’s cooking was usually pretty hit or miss- he could follow recipes just fine, but he also had a habit of deciding that he had a better idea than the recipe and going completely off the rails. The soup just seemed to be broth, though. You took a cautious sip. It was watery, but tolerable.
“Are you feeling better?” Elwain asked. You nodded, glancing over at the clock.
“It’s past nine,” you noticed. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“I called in sick. I wanted to stay home to make sure you were all right.” Elwain looked completely serious.
“It’s just a cold. I’m fine.”
Elwain’s eyes narrowed. “You collapsed.”
“Well, yeah, but…” You trailed off. There wasn’t much you could say in response to that. “Fine. But if you get fired for this, I’m going to be pissed.”
“I will not be fired. My boss loves me.” Elwain gave a superior little sniff, nose stuck up in the air. You laughed into your bowl of broth.
When you were finished, Elwain took your bowl back into the kitchen, returning only a few moments later. “Do you need anything else?”
“I think I’m okay,” you said. “You really didn’t have to stay home to take care of me. There’s not going to be a lot to do. I think I’m mostly going to sleep.”
“Regardless. I think it is better to be safe.” Elwain looked at you from the doorway for a moment longer. “I need you.”
He left the doorway. You could hear his footsteps retreating into your apartment, perfectly steady, like what he said hadn’t made your chest tighten intensely. You sank back into his bed. His scent wreathed around you, gentle and reassuring. Oh, god. Warm feelings were fluttering up in your stomach, swelling through chest and trembling in your lungs. Worse than that, they felt familiar. How long had these feelings been lingering in the background of your mind? And now they had surfaced and you didn’t know what to do with them. Naturally, you would have some kind of emotional crisis when you were sick.
You faded in and out of dreams where Elwain’s scent wreathed around you and his gentle hands stroked your forehead and cheeks. You woke up feeling oddly melancholy.
The sounds of the TV drifted through the open door. Shaking some feeling back into your heavy limbs, you hauled a blanket over your shoulders and headed into the living room.
Elwain was draped over the couch, staring at the TV. There was some soap opera on with a woman and a man hysterically throwing themselves at each other. Elwain looked up as you padded into the room. “Is it okay for you to be out of bed?” he asked.
“Yeah. I feel better, actually.” The sleep had helped quite a bit. You still felt foggy, but the pain in your head and chest had faded. Elwain sat up, drawing his limbs in closer to himself so you could sit next to him.
“You look less… corpse-like,” he said. Before you realized what he was doing, he took hold of your face in both hands and pulled you closer to him. “You are still warm.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m getting better.” You reached up and carefully pried his fingers off your face. You were overly aware of how your fingers lingered together. “How’s your day off going?”
“Human TV is still strange,” Elwain said, turning back toward the screen. “I can’t imagine any humans really behave like this. I have never seen it.”
“No, it’s a soap opera. It’s supposed to be deliberately over-the-top and crazy. That’s why they’re fun to watch.” Elwain rolled his eyes, but there was amusement in his expression.
“Is there anything you want to watch?” he asked.
“No, this is fine.” You settled into the soft cushions, staring at the TV. As much as you were looking in the direction of the TV, most of your attention was focused on Elwain. His gaze kept flicking toward you, as if he was unable to focus on the show either. After a moment, he reached out toward you.
One of his hands settled on your head, the other on your shoulder. Before you realized what had happened, he pushed you so your head was resting in his lap. You stared up at him as he, apparently unconcerned, started weaving his fingers through your hair.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“You did this for me when I first came here,” Elwain said. “It was soothing. I thought you might like it as well.” He paused. “Was I incorrect?”
You considered for a moment. His fingers were still carding through your hair, twining strands around his fingers. “No. I don’t mind.”
Elwain continued to stroke your hair. His nails scratched lightly at your scalp. The feeling of being touched made something tremulous swell in your chest. It was a pleasant feeling, but one so sharp and overwhelming that it almost made you cry.
You lay with Elwain for a while, his hands absently playing with your hair and trailing along your head and neck. He seemed to be paying far more attention to you than to the TV. “You should take better care of yourself,” he said, stroking your bangs back from your forehead. “If you were to die, I would be alone in the mortal world.”
“You’d manage,” you said.
“Perhaps.” Elwain removed his hands from your hair and hesitated for a moment. He seemed to be struggling to speak. Then he sighed. “But I would prefer it if you were with me.”
You looked up at him. He was staring deliberately to one side. There was a faint pinkish color to his cheeks and his eyes were narrowed. “You could have left, once our deal was up. I only asked you to stay with me for the night. And yet, you helped me. There was no reason to. I no longer have my connections or any particular Faerie skills. Even the few powers that remain with me, you don’t like me using. You have gained nothing from this deal and you help me regardless.”
“Of course, I did.” Thinking about that night only brought one image to your mind. Elwain, who had nearly been killed by his own parents, looking lost and confused and abandoned. He had been cocky before, but in that moment, he had just looked forlorn and upset. He had just looked scared. “I wasn’t going to just leave you on your own.”
“You could have,” Elwain pressed on. “Easily, you could have. You could have justified it, even by mortal morals. There’s not a lot here that could kill me. As you have pointed out, I would be fairly fine on my own. But you stayed with me regardless, for no other reason than just helping me.”
“You’d just almost been assassinated. I couldn’t leave you,” you said.
“You could have. But you didn’t. And, at least so far, you have asked for nothing from me in return. To be quite honest, you’ve been almost annoying with how little you allow me to do.”
“I try,” you said. Elwain snorted. It was an inelegant noise, but somehow also incredibly attractive. “Where are you going with this?”
“I’m trying to explain to you that I care about you. I want you to be well and safe and healthy because you saved me and you didn’t have to and I appreciate it.” Elwain’s cheeks flamed red. “That’s what I’m trying to say.”
You reached up slowly and let your hand cradle the side of his face. He leaned into your touch, eyes closing. “It’s strange. I’m not used to this,” he said. “My parents loved me as far as they could use me. It’s how Faeries are. But you have used me for nothing, gained precious little advantage from having a Faerie living with you. And I wasn’t used to it. I still think I’m not used to it. But I am so… so… happy. For this. For you.” He blinked his eyes open. They were hazy with emotion. “Thank you.”
It was an impulse maybe you could have resisted if you were feeling better, but you were overwhelmed with feeling and not in the mood to fight with yourself. The hand on his cheek shifted position toward the back of his neck and pulled him down on top of you. His mouth pressed into yours, tense and unyielding, then softening as he realized what was happening.
There was a moment of fumbling, while Elwain registered that you were kissing. You broke away from his mouth, but he was pressing into you again, pulling you close to him and meeting your lips over and over with his own. His tongue brushed your lower lip and his moan sounded against your mouth.
You weren’t aware of how it happened, but suddenly you were lying back on the couch with Elwain on top of you. He was kissing you furiously, his hips flush to yours. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pushing him as close to you as you could get.
One of your gasping breaths caught in your chest, triggering a coughing fit. You rolled over, trying not to cough right into Elwain’s face. He sat back. His lips were already slightly kiss-swollen and he looked a bit rumpled. “Right,” he said, trying to finger-comb his hair back into a presentable state. “You’re still not feeling well.”
“Hold on. Give me a minute, we can keep going,” you said between coughs. Elwain pressed his lips together, but they were twitching toward a smile.
“You are admirably determined, but I think it would be better for you to rest,” he said. There was a pause. Elwain tugged on a few of the longer strands of his hair. “I take that to mean you feel the same way?”
“That I like you? Yeah.” You pulled him down so he was laying across your chest. He looked at you, eyes surprisingly wide and innocent. “When I first met you, I thought you were kind of an asshole. And you are kind of an asshole. But you’re also charming and endearing and you try to follow my rules even when you totally don’t have to. And you’re willing to take care of me when I’m sick.”
“You took care of me when I had lost everything,” Elwain said. “I only wished to return the favor.” His fingers wandered over your stomach, tracing absent patterns on your shirt. You could feel his warmth against your skin. “Usually, that’s how it works, with Faeries. Favors are given because giving means you can get something in return, and you’re always trying to leverage the deal to get more than what you’re giving.” He closed his eyes for a moment, brows furrowing. “But when I saw you were sick, I wasn’t thinking that I needed to pay you back. I was only thinking that I wanted to help you.”
You stroked your fingers through his hair. “That’s what love is.”
“Mortal love,” he sighed. “I always thought it was flimsy and weak and short-lived.” His eyes opened again and he nestled into you. “It’s much stronger than I thought. So much more than I believed. It almost hurts, but it’s a good hurt.”
You started coughing again. Elwain swung himself up and gathered you into his arms. “I’ll take you back to bed,” he said. “You need to get better. I want to continue this.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. His heartbeat thudded against you, slow and steady. The feeling of him holding you swelled and ached inside you, a pleasant ache. You clung to him as he eased you into bed and settled in next to you. Your illness was all but forgotten. Everything was soft and pleasant under a heady wave of love.
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butchfeygela · 2 years
Legit do you have any shoplifting tips bc shit is expensive & I'm unable to find employment rn bc no one wants to hire a nutter w a long gap in their history
First, hugeee YMMV. im a white disabled butch in a fairly liberal place so the waspy social norms have people ignoring me cuz its rude to stare at disabled people and im too butch for men to pay attention to. also being disabled and white makes me seem v v innocent and incapable of such wrong doing. if you are a poc or someone already with a lot of attention on you when you go in a shop, maybe have a less noticeable friend shoplift for you instead
so like most of loss prevention security is the taboo against stealing, there are absolutely places w actuall loss prevention people who will attempt to hold you until police come so keep an eye for plainclothes workers tailing and staring at you, but they have to be able to see you putting a product in your bag/pockets to assume youve stolen. if they see smth in your hand and then lose sight of you and its gone, they have to assume youve put the product down. so generally my main advice is:
-walk with confidence (esp out of the store, if the alarm goes off and you look around perplexed but confident cashiers will often assume the system is glithcing again, esp if you time it so you walk out with a group, or while someones coming in)
-a lot of stores have policies about not following customers into the parking lot. if someone yells after you judt keep calmly walking out. do not go back to tht place to steal
-if possible always park with your license plate obscured or generally away from cameras in the parking lot
-be mindful of cameras bc again you dont want any visual proof of you putting smth in your bag, use tall aisles to block line of sight. theres rarely someone actually watching the cameras and they cant store the video for more than a few days to be reviewed mostly if theres an inccident, accident or some other liability issue
-when putting smth in your bag or pocket, move slowly and naturally, if you can, palm the object and make it look like your just grabbing your phone from your bag. if its too big to palm, finding a blind spot where people and cameras cant see your hands and do it swiftly
-an empty bag with like a scarf in it is perfect for filling up and keeping stuff from rattling and so you dont walk in w an empty bag and leave w a full one
-dont steal from target, they will wait until you steal enough over the years to be a large felony, then they come after you. their loss prevention detectives are crazy
-take time looking at products as if your pondering buying them, dont be jumpy and nervous if a worker asks you if you need help. seriously the only training my job gave me for catching shoplifters was look for people grabbing stuff without consideration for price and being nervous and shifty
-you can look up on reddit what a stores shoplifting code is for over the radio some will be an actual code others will be smth like "roger youre needed in [x department theft is happening in]"
-seriously its mostly confidence tho like ive watched both a passing and nonpassing white trans women walk out of a store with like an expensive board game under their arm not hidden at all and no one even blinked
-grocerries become a bit more complex but some stores are set up in a way where if you park with your car not on camera, you can just like walk out the front door with a full cart of grocerries, throw it in your trunk and get the hell outta there, this one requires a lookout to make sure no employees are like right there. bonus if you bring reusable bags and start putting stuff in those bags, bc a cart of loose grocceries in the parking lot does draw attention. also do Not go back to the same store for awhile, never go back if someone seems supsiscious of you
-start small to build up confidence before going for anything big
but yeah use your best judgement and stay calm. also its not stealing until you leave the store w it so if its in your bag/clothes and you get too nervous, you can always remove them, place them down and leave, no harm done
oh also be mindful of rfid chips tht set the alarm off, if its a sticker you can peel it off and cut it to deaticvate it. if it like those plastic clunky dude for clothes id reccommend youtubing how to remove them cuz theyre tricky
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