#steel garden rooms
arc-hus · 2 months
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House Vaneker, Enschede, The Netherlands - Groothuijse de Boer
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saintfaulkners · 2 months
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Signalis (2022) [H.P. Lovecraft, The Festival] /Sagittarius A* / Kathy Acker, Pussy, King of the Pirates / Outer Wilds (2020) / Is There a God-Shaped Hole at the Heart of Mathematics? / Drain for overflowing water at Sambuco Dam, Lavizzara Valley / ? / Thomasin Frances, Hole Theory (15/10/2022) / Bryan’s Ground, a public garden in Herefordshire on the Welsh border. / odd, weird, strange and unusual / Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves / Evil (2019-2014) / Judas H., Overflowing With Empty / Illustration of the Annular Eclipse of 1836 from “A fourteen weeks course in descriptive astronomy”, Joel Dorman Steele (1836-1886) / @imdad_barbhuyan on Instagram / The moon’s Copernicus crater. Through magic glasses. 1890. / Kaveh Akbar / Dune (2021) / Yousif M. Qasmiyeh, The Camp is a Bait for Time / Darina Muravjeva, Hole / Hilde Heynen in Heterotopia and the City / x / Leonard Cohen, Beautiful Losers / x /  Louise Glück, from Descending Figure / Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet: An Essay. / Caitlyn Siehl, What We Buried; from “A Letter To Love” / Lara de Moor, Orb (2014) / Sam Sax, Pig / The National - Wake Up Your Saints / Aleksander Rostov / Sanna Wani, from “Princess Mononoke (1997)”, My Grief, the Sun / Gregory Orr, [i want to go back] / Thomas Ott / ? / Judas H., Overflowing With Empty / James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room / Massive sinkhole swallows house in Florida / Edna St Vincent Millay, in Letters (1952) /Silent Hill 4 (2004) / @/vren-diagram / Anne Boyer, What Resembles the Grave But Isn’t / Law of Holes / Scarlet Hollow (2021) / Lucy Dacus - Cartwheel
(part one)
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efthemia · 1 year
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Poolhouse - Poolhouse Inspiration for remodeling a rectangular infinity pool house with a large country courtyard made of decomposed granite
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faeriekit · 5 months
#i'm very pro danny accidentally adopts a whole bunch of talons previous installments
The next day, the body was back.
The green was gone from its eyes, but the awareness wasn't; it spent about an hour watching people go around outside Danny's apartment, which was new behavior. None of the corpses that shadowed him had shown any interest in garden-variety humans before. Now it sat at the window and watched families come home from school or head to their afternoon shifts.
That went into Danny's notes.
After that hour, it taught itself to flush the toilet repeatedly, rearranged the contents of Danny's half-assed linen closet (again) and then stood hovering over the safe where Danny had stashed the ectoplasm.
"...Okay," said Danny.
The dead body croaked. It was a new sound, but there was no context for it. Danny just kind of...wrote it down and hoped for the best.
The day after, Danny woke up at a very reasonable ten forty eight in the morning to find stray corpses feeding each other spoonfuls of ectoplasm in the kitchen.
At that point he kind of had to throw out the notes on how much each one was dosed with, because what the fuck.
"Really?!" Danny shouted, spooking the bodies into fleeing behind chairs and doors and back into his closet again. The only one that didn't flee was Danny's ringmaster corpse of the hour, of course. "You really couldn't wait??"
It stuck out a withered black tongue out at the mortician, who was, really, the victim in all of this. A victim to his parents' whims and a victim to the dead people who followed him around all the time.
This was how Danny found out that, when it doubt, the corpses could just tear through solid steel if they were motivated enough. The finger-marks were so deep and so embedded that they actually looked more like rough claws in the metal.
Danny ordered a new locking cage for the fridge on Prime and darted off to work. One of his regulars was on the table, though, so Danny just ended up doing what he would have at home— sewing up a gash in its neck and reattaching dead fingers back onto dead stumps.
On the third day, in which four of Danny's frequent fliers had learned from the first how to flush the toilet (and therefore raise the water bill immensely) Danny got a ring from a dark voice he (almost) recognized.
"Is he here?"
Danny squinted, jerking the phone further under his ear as he whipped up some scrambled eggs. The dead girl leaning over his shoulder leaned a little closer to watch the egg froth up. "Is who here? Who is this?"
"This is Batman. Is— the body requisitioned from your facility currently at your place of residence?"
Danny fully let go of the whisk. It landed haphazardly in the glass bowl he'd been stirring in. "What on Earth is a Batman?" he asked, incredulous.
"I visited your workplace previously."
Oh! "Yeah, the cop's friend. I remember now." Danny pulled the whisk out of the liquid eggs and held it out to the body. The unusually animate cadaver mostly prodded the whisk wires and paid no attention to him. "No one's here but me, though. Not that it's your business...?"
"And there are no non-living bodies currently in your apartment?"
Danny ignored the flushing noise in the other room. "I don't know, dude. They practically live in the walls at this point. Don't come over unless you have a warrant."
The call ended with a click.
His omelette turned out amazing, by the way. In case you were wondering.
On the fourth day, the ectoplasm was gone, because the corpses had apparently all taught each other how to lockpick the container in the fridge.
"Okay, some of that was meant to be my dinner. No more lotion at the funeral home now, okay? Now you all can be ashy forever. I'm so serious," Danny complained to the only visible dead person in the room.
The dead person held up a cracked egg. It was probably a gesture of peace, but now there was egg on his vinyl flooring to deal with. And. It wasn't exactly all that comforting in the end.
On the fifth day, Danny awoke to the sensation of a hand jamming itself through his neck until it punched into the mattress beneath him.
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dottedsilktie · 2 months
Spring cleaning I
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Nanami Kento is the perfect man. At least, he would be if he wasn't so hellbent on dragging you into his maddening cleaning routine. Luckily, he knows just how to get you on board. cw : tooth-rotting fluff, mildly suggestive. ↻ Part II - Clean up your mess (smut - includes unprotected sex, squirting, edging)
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You used to be partial to spring, looking forward to the last days of March when the prospect of warmer days thawed the chilly remnants of winter. Then you met Kento, and spring was no longer associated with flowers in bloom and sunny days ahead. Ever since you moved in together, you started dreading the last two weeks of March. 
Kento had a peculiar way of welcoming the new season and it involved a day of thorough and almost debilitating spring cleaning. The first time he told you about it, you waved off his detailed plan for the day as a joke. Now, years later, you still cower at the thought of the back-breaking, mind-numbing and, quite frankly, infuriating cleaning programme he puts together every year to test your patience.
You've tried everything to get out of it - faking an illness, 'inadvertently' scheduling a conflicting business trip, crying and grovelling at his feet - but nothing worked. So you've come to accept your fate and gave up on throwing a tantrum first thing in the morning when your alarm rang at 6 AM sharp on that dreaded day. Kento was already out of bed, probably gearing up for a long day of power raking the yard and getting off on it. You were almost tempted to snooze it but you knew he would just slither in your room and snatch you out of bed himself. So you steeled yourself to get up, get ready and get cleaning. Kento was waiting for you in the kitchen, brows furrowed and deep in thought as he went over the printed plan he'd stuck on the fridge. He barely acknowledges you when you croak out a hoarse 'good morning' and kiss his cheek, only humming and squeezing your waist in passing. A glance at the plan he perused was enough to send shivers down your spine : it involved raking, watering, trimming everything in the garden, followed by never-ending laundry and finally channelling Kento’s Marie Kondo obsession to sort through your closets and get rid of enough junk to appease his vendetta against unworn clothes.
Once you settle on your high chair in front of the marble countertop,  Kento pushes a cup of coffee towards you, and when you wrinkle your nose at the uncharacteristically potent smell, he explains with a small smile, “Blond roast ristretto - you’re going to need it, darling ” before kissing your forehead and standing up to his full height in front of you. 
You just stare at each other for a while - you sipping the sewer water he called a coffee, and him shooting you a sharp scrutinising glare that’d have you squirming the right way any other day. “You are usually quicker than this, almost feels like you’re stalling for time”, he observes with the slightest amused upwards twitch of his mouth. God why must a man this handsome be so insufferable. “Just savouring the exquisite coffee my darling husband made for me, is that wrong ?”, you retort, tone dripping with sarcasm that only makes his smile wider.  You think you might just be able to charm and laugh your way out of this but he’s quick to pinch your nose to distract you and snatch your mug from your hands, fine blond brows quirked and rosy lips stretched in boyish mirth. He doesn’t have to reprimand you, you’re already raising your hands in defeat, mumbling in a tone nothing short of dejected, “Okay, okay – no need to get handsy,  it’s not easy giving up on my freedom”. To drive your point home, you make a show out of slowly sliding off your high chair, hissing and groaning as you stretch your arms over your head and crack your knuckles right under Kento’s nose. “I’m not fit for these things, Kento - every time I move I feel my body cracking and all, I’m not made for physical labour”.
He listens intently, amusement shifting into mild concern as his hangdog gaze darts between your cup that he rinses off and the pathetic stretching routine you’re performing. Kento moves to dry his hands on a kitchen towel before cupping your cheeks. His amber eyes are so soft and he looks at you with a fondness so genuine, so poignant you’re sure he’s going to let you off the hook. You inch even closer to victory when he bends down to brush the tip of his nose against yours and ghost chaste kisses along your cheeks, your jaw, then your temples. He stays like that for a while, one hand at your nape brushing the delicate hair there, the other cradling your face and rubbing soothing circles against your heated skin.
“I’m sorry”, he whispers right into your ear, his voice smooth and comforting, then he’s back to peppering your temple and cheek with small pecks that make you melt against him. “It’s fine, I know you wouldn’t want to put me through that now that you see just how bad it’d be for me to — " “I’m sorry that you thought this would be a convincing performance”, he cuts you off, biting down on your earlobe, making you gasp at the unexpected nip of his sharp teeth against your sensitive skin.
He pulls back to appreciate how your pretty face contorts in fluster, then surprise, before twisting in an angry pout. You’re gnawing at your bottom lip, arms crossed over your chest, truly defeated this time and the shame of being played only adds to your growing irritation. “My petulant little thespian is at her wits’ end”, he taunts you in a singsong tone, his usually inflectionless baritone voice sounding uncharacteristically chipper. You stare at your feet with the vexed mortification of a child caught red-handed and Kento has to hook a finger under your chin for you to look him in the eyes.
“Do a good job cleaning today and I might just help you work out those aches that make you ‘unfit’, mmh ?”, he offers, the swift flicker of his gaze between your eyes and your lips sullying the apparent innocence of his offer. He doesn’t give you time to answer as he brushes past you, a smug smile playing on his lips, and you all but scurry out of the kitchen, hot on his heels and bursting with energy. Needless to say, the house is spotless by the end of the day, your assigned chores crossed off at record speed.
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can you tell i love domestic kento
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fayes-fics · 4 months
Ruler & Subject
Paring: Benedict Bridgerton x royal!fem!reader
Summary: blurb where a princess and a certain untitled artist play together…
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors dni, power swap, dom/sub dom!Benedict, sub!Princessreader, hair pulling, blow job, deepthroat, breathplay, derogatory names, masturbation, swallowing, smidge of cunnilingus and face-sitting.
Word count: 1.4 k
Authors note: Another smut blurb that came as a result of a roulette prompt (“Swallow. All of it”). Written in an hour. Unbetaed. Utter and complete filth. Enjoy? 🤷‍♀️
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Something about his slightly rough treatment makes you mindless with need—a want to be used by him. And he knows it. Gets that glint in his eye when you give him the signal across a room at a boring soirée.
Once in a quiet corridor, he grabs you by the back of the neck and steers you away from prying eyes. Out across the manicured gardens. Deep into your aunt’s Byzantine maze, a mist clinging to the neat privet hedges in the crisp night air.
He doesn’t even have to tell you to get on your knees anymore; it’s a reflex. As soon as he stops marching, you drop. Eager to please. His crooked smile beguiling as you gaze up at him roughly, pulling open the buttons at his hip.
“Hands behind your back,” he tuts as you go to touch his clothed thigh. 
Instantly, you obey, fingers clasped over the small of your back. The rough pebble path under your knees is already a slight discomfort you know will only heighten your experience. Bruises on both your knees for him.
His cock is already leaking as it bobs against your nose, leaving a patch of wetness there that you will savour later. Without being told, you shuffle a fraction, greedily wrap your lips around the tip, suckling into your mouth. Hot, salty and tart against your tongue as you lathe the underside, and he exhales raggedly. A large hand rounding your scalp and pulling your hair at the root, a slight burn on your scalp.
“What's your signal?” He checks quickly.
You raise your left hand and tap twice on his outer thigh. Then, obediently, place the hand back. You never want to use it. 
“Good,” he nods, scraping blunt fingernails over your crown. “I’m not going to be gentle,” he warns, a prickle of excitement running down your spine at that news.
He thrusts his hips forward and slides his cock deep into your mouth. Your eyes flutter shut at the blunt force attempting to school your gag reflex.
“Eyes open,” he snaps, “you will look at me the whole time.”
You do as bidden. Wide-eyed as he holds for a few beats, watching you suckle hard and accommodate his girth.
This is what you crave. So very opposite to who you both are; the role reversal and personality juxtaposition are intoxicating. A strong-willed princess on your knees for a sweet, affable, untitled artist. But not when you play like this. He is dominating and rough, bossing you around in ways no one dares. And you revel in it, insist upon it. The submission, the abdication of power, control. The pleasure to be used when, in all other aspects of your existence, you are the designated user, purely by the luck of your birth. 
“My filthy princess,” he coos, one hand moving to tap your hollowed cheek, a thumb hooking into the corner of your mouth to break the tight seal you hold around his cock. “Relax your throat; let me in,” the order is velvet and steel, just like his shaft.
Slackening your suction, you exhale around him, letting your throat open. He tips forward, deeper than before, groaning at the restriction your throat provides, a bead of precum sliding over your tastebuds as he rocks back moments later.
Then his hands clamp around your ears, and he is thrusting. Using your pliant mouth, your lips a ring of soft friction as he grunts, a slick gurgling noise every time he plugs your throat. His movements get rougher, plunging in, his grip strong in your hair, the gravel crunching around your knees and toes as he rocks your whole being. 
He stills, your nose buried in his pubic hair as you burble around his invasion, gaze locked on his. Unable to draw breath, You know he is waiting for that slight hint of panic on your face before giving your reprieve.
He withdraws, letting you take a shuddering, coughed breath as ropes of saliva web from your lips to his glistening cock.
“Call me it,” you implore hoarsely, feeling your spit drooping across the priceless large diamonds that drape around your neck.
“Wanton little slut,” he growls, and you flood yourself, a trickle of arousal running down your trembling inner thigh to your right knee.
“Please fuck me,” you beseech as he roughly moves your head around by your hair, chasing your mouth with his cock, a game of cat and mouse he is playing with himself as much as you.
“No. Ride your fingers if you must, but tonight, you stay on your knees.”
You whimper in disappointment before he slides back into your mouth, holding still shallow, awaiting your suckling attentions. Which you enthusiastically do. Humming and lapping at his cock, sucking hard with your tongue swirling over his frenulum. He mewls little noises, praising your talented mouth as you hitch up your skirt and hurriedly drive two fingers deep into your dripping cunt, wishing it was his cock.
He takes over again, thrusting deep as you ride your own hand, spiralling greedily towards completion. His gaze slips down, and he smirks when he sees your hand thrust under the hem of your dress.
“Give me that hand,” he instructs, holding still a weight over the length of your tongue as you offer your hand above your head. 
He pulls your arm straight, a slight burn in your shoulder socket as he wraps his warm, wet mouth around your soaked fingers and laps at your juices lasciviously. 
“You always taste so deliciously sweet,” he groans as he lets your fingers slip from his lips, thoroughly cleaned.
You can’t answer, your mouth too full, but he already knows it, both so feral for each other's taste. An irresistible tang that leaves you constantly coming back for more. 
Just last week, he was buried under your cloak, making you orgasm - silently - over his tongue in the royal box at the opera. You wanted to scream louder than every singer on stage but had to settle for a vice-like grip on your opera goggles and a few ragged, mute whimpers. Knowing he would stop immediately if you so much as made a peep. You are sure other box patrons likely saw him emerging from under your layers, a smug smirk on his dampened face, before being summarily dismissed from your company. And yet word never got back to your mother, the queen of Prussia, or your aunt Queen Charlotte. Women of power need their pretty playthings, likely being the Ton’s shared sentiment.
Urgency takes over for both of you. A need to climax clawing at your beings. You roughly rub your clit as his movements turn sharp, more pronounced, using you without mercy, knowing it is driving you closer, too, the heady sensation of denied breaths. You feel his peak as much as you hear his barked warning, a ripple up his shaft that has you readying yourself for the salty, tart taste, his tip at the back of your tongue. You have to hold your breath as it coats the inside of your mouth, him curled over and around you, cursing, his hand heavily matted into your hair.
“Swallow,” he commands. “All of it.”
You do as you are told, almost unable not to, mouth filled, his hand slipping to your throat to ensure you follow the directive.
“Good,” he groans, rubbing your windpipe soothingly with his palm as he shudders with little aftershocks.
You feel the throb of denial, unable to complete before he did, your clit burning, engorged, needing relief. As he withdraws from your mouth, you cannot stop the little shimmy in your hips, desperate for reprieve.
“Did my little Princess not finish?” he chuckles as he tucks himself back into his britches.
You pout and shake your head, looking up at him imploringly. The smirk that grows on his face makes your heart light up.
“Alright, you can sit on my face,” he offers conciliatoryly, sinking to join you on the ground. “But it will cost you…” he ends with a clipped warning.
“What is the price?” your voice slightly hoarse, eagerly gathering your dress around your hips and shuffling over him.
“I’ll think of something,” he hums affably before disappearing under your gown.
You offer him half of Bavaria when he slides his tongue deep into your slit and has you howling at the moon. Instead, ever your loyal subject, he settles on what you already had planned for him—one of his paintings hung in the National Gallery and you wearing a choker with his initials hidden amongst a cluster of sapphires.
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No taglist cos just a writing sprint blurb.
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thc-au · 6 months
This post is too big, so, just press <keep reading> button and enjoy!
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The Amusement park
Tutorial area: [Unlocked] The park [The park is full of attractions, abandoned a long time ago.] [The danger inside - Mannequins that can move if the lights are off. Happily that there's always bright.] The Circus tent [A dark circus tent that has no bright light inside.] [The danger inside - two clown puppets whom a tutorial encounters that Pomni uses to teach the player how to fight. A dark maze where Pomni plays hide and seek (under the tent)] Boss: Pomni [immortal]
Side chapter: The attractions area [there are many attractions, all of which are broken and not working, where you can see a lot of old mannequins.] [The danger inside - Mannequins, light cut off] The carousel [12 horses, mainly unicorns, pegasus, and common horses.] [The danger - these encounters can move and try to kill you if you come too close.] Boss: [̵͎̜͕̊ͅḐ̸̧̞̦̯͐Ĕ̷̪̘̑L̷̮̭͇̮̏̑̓̓ͅÊ̴̺͊͗̊͝ͅT̵̖̭͙̜͗͐́̕Ę̸̛͙͎͌̏͌͜D̴̢̨̢̬̚]̵̝̈́̉̀̕
Greek drama comedy pantheon
Chapter 1: [Unlocked] The pantheon [The giant ancient Greek pantheon that is based on Greek attributes like mazes with common myth encounters, traps, and puzzles.] [The danger inside - Minotaur, soldiers, dark in location] The Amphitheater [A large arena with a stage where operas were. Mostly destroyed.] [The danger inside - traps, gladiators, common myth encounters] Boss: Gangle
Chapter 2: [Locked] The garden [The big garden with a dollhouse in the center, abandoned and broken giant villa with three floors. The garden is desolated and filled with dangerous encounters.] [The danger inside - Dolls, spiders.] The house [Giant villa, abandoned, broken, made in dark-colored wood and stone. ] [The danger inside - Dolls, bugs, traps, old floors.] Boss: Ragatha
Playground Meat Factory
Chapter 3: [Locked] The Factory [An abandoned meat factory for a long time, but with the mechanisms still working. There are many gigantic rooms here, which have complex mechanisms] [The danger inside - traps, puzzles, encounters "workers" and mechanisms] Boss: Zooble
Wonderland Nightmare-land
Chapter 4: [Locked] The forest [Huge forest full of mushroom trees, trees. Some of it can remind of human silhouettes.] [The danger inside Wild creatures (animals mostly), Card guards, flowers with faces, living trees.] Mini-boss: Cheshire cat The Madman's house [A small house in the shape of a hat is unremarkable at first glance. However, the inside of it is much larger and consists of long corridors with many doors. The location is full of scratches of nails, broken portraits, and furniture.] [The danger inside - Jax] Boss: Jax
Chess castle
Chapter 5: [Locked] The chess desk [A giant chessboard inside a majestic castle divided in half by two colors - old, slightly faded platinum and dark copper. There is weak lighting around the field from torches attached to holders.] [The danger inside - the chess. The Pale King] Boss: Kinger
[Locations gates] [The gate is giant and looks heavy because of the forged steel. Each gate has its unique tag belonging to one or another boss of the location behind these gates.] [Five gates in summary]
Chapter 0: The end of everything [1] [2] [??]
Pre horror: [dont turm on the light!]
Game stuff: [cover]; [chapters menu]; [...] About: [DLC?]; [non canon DLC]; [...]
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Post horror:
Size line: [additional]
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Limited edition/ Abel
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2 | 6 Main Bosses
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mediumgayitalian · 1 month
The satellite dish at Camp Half-Blood would be better suited as a cereal bowl.
It hardly works. It catches a grand total of nineteen channels, twelve of which are news stations, and the final seven almost never have anything playing that’s actually worth watching. But the DVD player only ever works every third month, and the strawberry plants have to be watered, so on rainy days, the sixteen of them cram into the rec room of the Big House, organised, fight-reduction seating for as long as Nyssa can tiredly maintain it, and squabble over the remote.
“It’s my turn! Give it to me!”
“Quit whining you little twerp —”
“Will! Make her give me the remote!”
“Snitch! Snitch! Sherman, beat him up —”
Nico narrowly dodges Kayla’s dirty sneaker, sniggering to himself as Will and Sherman share, for perhaps the first time in either of their lives, an identical sigh of endless suffering, each grabbing one sibling and yanking backwards. They’ve really dug their claws in, so it takes a couple tries.
“Kayla,” Will warns, both hands clamped around her ankles, “if you don’t let go in three damn seconds —”
“Ellis sucks at picking channels!”
“Everybody sucks at picking channels! We got maybe four to choose from!”
“Seven,” correct several people at once.
Will rolls his eyes. “Forgive me. I forgot about the three toddler channels the rest of y’all babies are so enthralled by.”
“As if you don’t watch Sesame Street with as much childlike glee as the rest of us, Solace.”
“Can it, Diaz. Kayla, remove your nails from his face!”
A hand tugs on his sleeve. Nico glances over to find Austin’s big, pleading eyes, and since he is a massively weak loser, apparently, he sighs, mouth twitching when Austin wiggles happily, and plunges his hand into the nearest shadow.
He digs around for a second, trying to orient himself, and smirks when he sees his hand reappear across the couch, right in between Kayla and Ellis’ heads. He waits, watching for a break. Austin watches carefully next to him, hands still around his other wrist, and when the timing is right — a twitch in Kayla’s knee indicating an oncoming kick that even Will won’t be able to stop — he squeezes. Nico darts between them, snatching the remote for himself. He passes it to Austin with a wink. Austin points it to the TV immediately, clicking it to what everyone has aptly named the ‘Grandma Channel’ — twenty-four-seven footage of gardening set to quit jazz.
Thirteen groans — one cheer by Miranda, their lone ally — sound at once.
“You’re weak as all hell, di Angelo,” Billie informs him, obviously a fake gardener. Shame.
He makes a face at her.
Despite their troubles, the peace of the Grandma Channel does not last. In what can only be a coordinated attack, Nico and Austin are lulled into a false sense of security, entranced by a particularly satisfying timelapse of a grape vine, and when their guards are down, they are ambushed. With a deafening war cry, Harley is flung bodily on top of the two of them, landing with two gleeful elbows to Nico’s shoulder and Austin’s ribs, rendering them breathless and perhaps even close to death.
“No maiming,” Austin protests, wheezing.
“I’m telling Chiron,” Nico agrees, similarly struggling to reinflate his lungs. He glances at his medic boyfriend, also known as Judas, who only shrugs, smirking. His thumb is notably smeared with grease, a consequence of touching Harley no matter how many times Nyssa forces him to shower. Traitor. “No maiming is, like, the only rule here.”
Harley climbs off of them, elbows once again violating the rule on the way off. Nico actually feels his spleen compress into the size of an atom.
The little twerp hands his prize to his big sister, who points it at the screen gracefully, as if she did not just use said brother as a weapon against two innocent people. Constantly innovative, those Hephaestus children.
Nyssa, on account of having hands like steel wires and a right hook that could make Muhammad Ali fall crying to his knees, is left peacefully alone with the remote. Nico glares at her, as he often does, with equal amount of hatred and awe. His emotions are widely replicated across the overstuffed couches.
She clicks rapidly through the channels, as she always does, fast enough that the sound echoes like static along with the rain.
breaking — jump! — traffic — learn — George — crayon — soil — sale —
She hardly rests in a channel for more than a second, cutting in the middle of sentences and even words, images flashing rapidly across the screen, swirling colour and skipping melodies, steadied by the roll of thunder, the patter of raindrops, the roar of wind and away of bending trees.
kids! — buy — gun — bridge — add — spade — colour — nine — east —
Austin sighs from beside him, sinking into the couch. Nico breaks away from the hypnosis for a moment to glance at the rest of the room and finds everyone else similarly entranced; eyes half-lidded and unfocused against the still-swirling TV, heads tilted back, curled into each other, limbs slow, fingers tapping quietly.
run — neat — rose — pasta — schools — closure — Sola — bumper —
“Wait,” Will murmurs.
gym — roll — climb — bush — accident — bud —
The old couches creak as Will shifts, Kayla pushed gently to the side as he moves forward.
“Nyssa, wait. Go back.”
The rain seems to mute itself. Nico is aware, quite suddenly, of the stiff set to Will’s spine, the odd quality of his voice. Nyssa, too, must recognize it, because she glances over at him, then slowly back to the TV, pressing the channel button once and setting the remote carefully on the coffee table in front of her.
No one grabs it.
“— terrible tragedy,” says a news anchor. “Unbelievably, really, Barbara, and something so sudden —”
“No,” Will says.
“Yes, Dave, always something you read about in old newspapers but never remember happens in real life —”
“No. No.”
He reaches for the remote but misses the first time, patting blindly on the table, and the second time, too, eyes glued to the bright screen. His hand scrabbles, nails digging on the old wood, increasingly desperately, but his eyes won’t move, face won’t pivot. Nico swallows, pushing back the sting of bile crawling slowly up his throat, the dullness in his ear, muffled like his ear is turned to a soundproofed wall. The hands he tells to reach over and hand the remote to Will don’t work.
“— almost makes me think of James Dean. That’s Naomi Solace, for those just tuning in, currently in critical condition from a head-on collision with a semi in Savannah, Georgia —”
Nico’s ears white out completely.
Will’s knees hit the floor.
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saiidahyunie · 5 months
loyalty, royalty, and death by exile
im nayeon x reader || fluff, smut, angst
synopsis: your brother's lover nayeon had already fallen for you behind his back, until she couldn't be yours to love anymore.
wc: 5.2k
warnings: smut, cursing, pining
a/n: school started again for me (naurrrrrr), but be aware for the lack of uploads. :0
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“haven’t you heard the news?” your fellow guardmate changbin shoves your shoulder, snapping you out of your daydreaming, slapping the middle of his chest plate that makes him falter back from the surprise contact. 
“no, what did i miss?” 
“apparently your brother is in a relationship with the crown jewel of the im dynasty.” 
changbin taps your back, nicking his head for you to follow in the corridors of the castle, following along as the noises of a common area in one of the bigger rooms—the exchange of laughs and cheers once you two reach the room. hanni, one of the other guards, opens the door for you two to enter briskly without anyone noticing. 
“where were you guys?” hanni asks, signaling you to straighten your shoulder pads as changbin scrunches his nose at you, hiding a snicker as the door behind you three shuts behind. 
“apparently y/n needed some fresh air for a bit, she’s been complaining about the armor being uncomfortable.” 
“another yap from either of you two, and i’ll challenge both of you to a swordfight in the training quarters.” 
you finally move around to the edge of the room, your brother felix now in your line of sight, with his brand new love interest right beside him. you’ve only heard from word of mouth, specifically from felix himself since he asked you about relationship advice. 
despite bursting out laughing while shaking your head, your brother’s ears flaring red like there was steam coming out of them, you gave him the typical advice of charming his crush and not to do anything stupid. 
to your surprise, after one gathering at a nightly party outside in the garden, he was able to get past that hurdle with ease, his new girlfriend getting more and more interested as time went on. 
you hear felix call out to you while on your way to the horse’s barracks, his girlfriend right behind with her hand in his, a beaming smile across her face once they finally reach you. 
“you need something felix?” you ask, wiping your helmet with a finger.
“nothing, i just figured that i should thank you for your help. in return, i’d like you to meet princess im nayeon.”
“my lady, please tell me my brother here didn’t approach you with his charming deep voice.” 
nayeon laughs, clearly elated to see that you were a very easy person with a sense of humor.
“he did, but don’t worry he did a lot more work to impress me.” nayeon replies, hand clasping hers in a firm handshake, meeting eye to eye of the pretty princess that your brother had managed to rope in. 
“i hope i wasn’t interrupting something between you two, was i felix?” you ask, standing across from them with your helmet in your arm now.
“not at all, i was just taking her out to the lake just now, but we just caught you on the way.” he replies, rubbing his shoulder to ease the awkward aura. 
nayeon looks towards you, eyes trailing at your features on your face, the little strands of hair peering over your forehead, eyes steel cold but piercing with life, how meticulously structured and molded like felix’s face—nothing short in terms of visuals in your family. it was easy to say that nayeon was interested in you from the start. 
“well i don’t want to be holding up you two for too long so i’ll see you guys at dinner.” you say, a soft smile on your lips as you excused yourself from the couple. 
a quick back and forth of goodbyes and you three start to walk away to your respected activities, little did felix know was that you and nayeon would look back at each other as the distance between you two grew larger. 
in the several months that nayeon had walked into your life, courtesy of your brother, you found yourself indulging with nayeon more and more with the gatherings that you were assigned to oversee. 
“you don’t have to be in guard mode all the time y/n. you need to let loose sometimes like the rest of us.”
“with all due respect princess, it’s my duty to ensure the protection for you and everyone’s safety at these events.”
nayeon tsks with her mouth, leaning over to you purposefully, spilling her drink over your shoe, making you gasp out loudly over the crowds noise. 
“princes- nayeon what the fuck?!”
she laughs, hysterically.
“it’s always nice for you to have this so called responsibility to protect me, but you’re no fun if you’re just gonna stand there all tainted clad in armor. you want to drink and indulge with the rest of us don’t ya?”
“i’d give you an earful for staining my armor, but i'll save that for another time the next time i see you.”
nayeon grabs you by the hand, leading you away from your post in the garden, to a gate that leads to one of the outer concourses of the castle, an area that would be secluded for you two to get away at.
“if you want to have fun, let me get to know you more.” nayeon says, opening the gate that shows a visible trail—-away from the crowd with the woman that you’ve been interacted with that’s your brothers love interest. 
“i’ll follow you along, princess.” you say happily, extending out your hand to hers, holding her dress as you two walk down the path together. 
those meetings with her happen so and so often, it was basically bound to be a regular thing regardless the second you guys are in close proximity to each other. felix would be puzzled because of how you two would return together before he would see nayeon off into the night. he would ask you every now and then but most of the time you assured him that nothing bad was happening with her. 
on winter one night just like the other nights before, you’ve grown to like nayeon. you stand there idly, while the gentle specks of snow sprinkle over your guard uniform, eyes fixed on the sight of her walking down the grand staircase, arm in arm with your brother, her fiance, face radiant with a bright glow that nearly causes you to double over in gazing. 
beautiful, you wonder. she’s always been so beautiful. a small part in your mind knew it was wrong to pine after the potential connection to the nation’s throne like this, especially since you had some sort of status but the title of a disgraced member of the bloodline, who should be blessed to be in the graces of her presence. 
nayeon was different. there was no denying that. you saw the way her brow furrowed in question when both of your fathers and your brother preached that the war was the only way to achieve peace, or the way she’d beg you to accompany her as she snuck out to get away from the talks of politics. 
“we could get caught by doing this.” you whisper, helping nayeon get on the horse. 
“isn’t this supposed to be fun to you? to live with a little danger once in a while?” nayeon reoplies, wrapping her arms around your waist as you ride straight to the horizon. 
you would feel nayeon’s eyes searching for you every meeting, the way her face would be mirroring different expressions of your parents speaking to each other, causing you to snort out loud leading to getting scolded by everyone in the room. 
there was no denying your jealousy for your brother, felix, it was only natural that he would be the one to court her into a marriage while you just stood back and watched the whole thing unfold. you were fond of nayeon when you first met her, she was sweet, very open, and pretty. 
you thought about the possibility of them extending the family in the future once marriage talks were all done and set, promises of a life that you could never give her. 
on one evening, it took every bone in your body to hold back watching various people argue over nayeon’s hand, and worried that she will agree to one. a selfish call was decided when you asked her to come with you quickly, blabbering that you needed to show her something that was important to you. 
“everything okay?” nayeon asked, as you led her up the steps to a closed off balcony in the castle. 
“yeah, i just wanted to show you something.” you answer, trying to hide the jealousy running through your veins. 
fumbling around the pockets and grabbing the key that you stole from the fellow gatekeeper who was a very nice person, you opened the door to the balcony that your parents had forbidden anyone from stepping foot on or seeing. 
nayeon gasped in amazement, face glowing by the moonlight and speechless to find the words that could describe the surprise you just unveiled to her. 
she then notices the vine riddled with roses near the edge, tending to the impressive collection as you followed her, plucking one out and placing it in her arms. 
“a gift for you, princess.” 
“thank you, my guard.” 
you two would spend hours on the balcony, looking down at the various plants and talk about old memories about people they knew. nayeon then turns your body to face you, the silence filling the air with the faint sound of crickets as she looks at you fiddling with a rose in your hands. 
“y/n, is there something that you wanted to tell me?” she asks, voice peeping through a slight hope. 
“uhh.” you begin. yes, i wanted to pull you away from the meeting to tell you that i am deeply and insanely in love with you. i want to take you away from this boring hell hole of a castle and give you a world at your heart’s desires, even if it were to kill me. “nothing, just the secret balcony that no one is allowed to come up to.” you boringly say. 
“ah, okay.” is all that nayeon says, and you walk her back down, head pounding with regret. 
you remember the different nights spent together before your brother proposed to nayeon, the night at the local bar, watching the group of people dance with the mixture of many instrumental tunes. it was all so goofy to think about, making silly expressions, spinning around mindlessly to the banjo and drums playing. you noticed how nayeon’s eyes were glowing with bliss. she hardly smiles like that, you think to yourself. 
“i’m jealous of you y/n.” she says to you one night, as you two quickly walk up the hill, the rain being merciless in pouring. 
“why? what makes you say that?” you enquire, noticing an empty shed outside the castle, dragging her inside. 
you notice her shoulders shivering, her silky brown hair sticking to her face, and her cheeks hinted with red from the cold. she had a scarf wrapped around her dress that wasn’t a viable layer to keep her warm and without a second thought, you slipped off your guard jacket and draped it around her shoulders. 
nayeon looks at you with fluttering lashes, eyes full of something that you just didn’t know or notice. 
“about your question from earlier.” she starts, tightening your jacket around her body. “i’ve always been jealous of how you could just live for yourself, not being forced to follow the ridiculous rules that are expected for a royal member.” 
you pause, unsure of what to say after. 
“you have the right to live for yourself.” you say, after a brief moment of silence. nayeon’s laugh fills your ears, before taking a step closer to you.
“you’re funny, you know that?” nayeon whispers to you, leaving you confused. “maybe i could live for myself, refuse the royal livelihood and marry whoever i want.” eyes flickering to you as she says the last couple of words. 
the last sentence stabs your heart, like losing a joust without the armor. you knew that your time was ticking with her, and she’d eventually marry your brother felix. you and her would still see each other, but the heavenly restriction would only just keep you two apart. it wasn’t over just yet, but you wanted this to last a little bit longer. 
nayeon tiptoes a bit, glancing at your eyes before trailing down to your soft lips. you catch yourself leaning in closer, feeling the strong urge to meet them, to show how badly you loved her, and how you may just be part of the royal guard, but you would kill to be with her, and run away to some place where she could be truly happy. 
reality comes calling and you stop, pulling away to point at the window next to you two,
“the rain stopped.” you say, heart beating rapidly but also melting away with regret, again. 
“oh.” is all that’s heard from nayeon’s mouth, and they walk back to the castle in silence, neither of you willing to address the thick fog of confusion and tension hanging within the air.
you drag yourself back to the present with a few blinks as you stood there, on guard, waiting to hear to what the major announcement was. 
“my fellow subjects!” you hear your father exclaim out, everyone in the hall came to a standstill including nayeon and her family, and you suddenly realize that the marriage wasn’t announced to the public yet. 
“in a momentous celebration to commemorate our victory in the war, my prince will marry the lovely princess nayeon of the im dynasty!” 
a white screech pierces your ears, drowning out the cheers as the whole world around you just crumbled. heart heavy and your legs turn into jelly. this has to be a trick right? your eyes try to meet with nayeon’s but she was frozen with the reminder, still as a painting, and your head spins. 
the people were cheering and hugging each other, as you keep the order in the hall, your father’s words still pounding in your ears. 
later that night, you stand outside nayeon’s door, questioning yourself if this was the right move to see her or not. your mind had a protocol to follow, but all of that was in the back of your mind since you only knew one thing—you had to see her. 
so you knock twice, before you hear the gentle voice on the other side of the door prompting you to come in, and you enter, walking straight to sit on the edge of her bed. right beside her, as always. 
“princess nayeon.” you say, sitting next to her like a dog with its owner, eyes locked on her and only her. 
“just nayeon y/n, i have to keep reminding you every day.” she jokes, tapping your shoulder, making you tense but you gather your thoughts. 
“we already knew, but this pretty much makes this official doesn’t it, marrying my brother felix?” you ask, voice slightly breaking from an emotion that you still couldn’t fathom to understand. 
“i don’t have a choice. but if this is their step towards celebrating peace, then i can’t do much about it.” nayeon mumbles, leaning forward on the bed, face crestfallen. 
she looks so sad, you think to yourself, and your heart was breaking for her. the guard role and title didn’t matter to you since you genuinely wanted to comfort her, taking nayeon into your arms, promising her that she would always be safe with you, saying that you’ll love her for lifetimes and many different universes. 
you open your mouth, like a grunt escaping your lips, causing nayeon to look up at you. you clear your throat soon after, and you catch yourself staring at her for a few minutes. it was all so usual for you to do, and you stand up to walk to the window, still having no words. 
“what is it y/n?” nayeon asks, face beet red.
“nayeon.” you whisper, kneeling in front of her at the bed again, placing your arms on both sides of her legs. “i know this is wrong for me to say this, but you have every right to punish me for the words i’m about to say to you, but princess, i am madly and deeply in love with you.” 
nayeon’s mouth drops, and you look away, excusing yourself to leave, the regret from your words no longer there but this was against everything you took an oath for as her in the name of the elite guard. nayeon places a hand on your arm, causing you to kneel in front of her again. 
“what do you mean by that? for how long?” nayeon asks, unable to decide which question was more pressing to you. 
“since i met you for the first time and laid eyes on you. i feel like we’ve been in this situation before in another time that i can’t explain.” you try to explain, knowing that the words probably wouldn’t make sense but you had to give your reason in your love for her. “i’m so happy that it’s you that i love. the world feels a little lighter whenever we look at each other, calming my nerves that’s turning inside me, and i don’t want anything more for us to hide away from the world and be in love together, alone.” 
nayeon tilts your head up with her long, soft fingers, and notices the way you still refuse to make eye contact with her. 
“y/n.” she whispers, leaning her face closer, causing your forehead to touch with hers, “look at me.” 
always astute to follow orders, and you look at her, nayeon leans in, placing a soft kiss on your lips. this broke the drawbridge within you, wrapping your arms around her, shifting the position so that you were above, the kiss becoming more and more desperate by the second since the both of you knew that time was running out. 
your lips move down to her neck, placing small pecks all over the area, your warm breath lingering over her collarbones. you reach to her chest, and the vein in your neck twitches from a simple look at her breasts, causing your body to overcome with oozing lust.
holding yourself back, you sit up, lips swollen and red, trying to collect your breath as you look down at nayeon’s messy hair, lips like yours, desire pulling you in for more. 
placing your hands between her face, “i love you so much.” you mumble in between the kiss, causing nayeon to giggle against you.
“i have too, you idiot. i’ve been waiting for you to notice for so long.” she says, and you could legitimately die from that moment she said that to you. 
“let me rephrase, i’ve wanted you for so long.” you whisper, lips grazing her chest.
“why don’t you show me how much you’ve always wanted me.” 
nayeon’s fingers laced with yours, taking extra care as you showered every part of her body with soft, loving kisses as soft moans are falling out of nayeon’s mouth. 
“i have,” you mutter between kisses again, “never done this before.” you say breathlessly, nayeon scratching your hair out of affection.
“this is also my first.” she laughs out, and tugs at your collar. “get this off, now.” 
the next few minutes are filled with stripping, and you guide nayeon to lay on her back again, the soft moonlight breaking through the curtains illuminating her nude body. you gasp in rapture, unable to control yourself any longer. 
you gently slide nayeon’s legs open, tracing patterns with your lips on her inner thighs, eyes locked on ther face, the want to give her nothing but pleasure, the only objective in your mind right now.
tracing your finger along her wet folds, she gasps when you insert a finger inside of her, causing nayeon to moan and throw her head back against the pillow. you slow your pace with another finger, rubbing her clit in between the motion, eyes filled with a loving haze. your cunt was throbbing at the sound of her moans filling up the room, you just wanted to make her feel good. 
“i need-” nayeon says suddenly, “your mouth, please.” 
you happily oblige, latching your lips to her pussy, causing her to groan out louder as she grasps the back of your head. humming into her leaking core, you insert your fingers inside of her, legs twitching at the new stimulus clouding her mind as she’s lost in the pleasurable contact from you. 
“you’re mine only.” you whisper out before diving back into her pussy, tongue slicing through the center as you feel nayeon’s back arching off from the mattress. she was going to cum sooner thatn you think, the rhythm of your mouth doubling back in pace. you shoot yourself off from her pussy, kissing her cheek as you continue to pump your fingers inside of her. 
“to think that you’d marry my brother, he won’t love you the way that i do.” 
you mutter those hot words into her mouth, pinching her clit as well as pressing past her g-spot causing nayeon to finally come undone, holding her for dear life soon after she’s recovered, almost worried that they’ll be ripped away from each other, mumbling declarations of love over and over again in the ungodly hours of the night. 
the next few weeks that passed were exchanges of stolen kisses and escapes to the outer field and courtyards, much like teenagers with the way they expressed their newly blossomed love. 
you and nayeon weren’t complete fools though, and neither of you wanted to address the preparing marriage. nayeon just pretended that it didn’t exist in her mind, whereas the thought of it crossing your head drew out a sense of jealousy for your brother. 
on one night, after another round of love, nayeon sucking the core out of you, her head is found on your chest, twiddling her fingers across your breasts and the bud of your exposed nipple, quietly listening to your beating heart. 
your fingers were laced in her hair, ears filled by the gentle breaths breezing through your nostrils. 
“you should run away with me.” you propose suddenly, sitting up with nayeon’s hand with yours. “i may not offer much, but i promise to give you everything that you want and need.” 
“i don’t need anything but you, and i’m fine exactly right where i am.” nayeon mumbles, making your throw a dumb smile across your lips. 
you pace around your living quarters with a surge of excitement. in just a few hours, you’ll leave this godforsaken place, hand in hand with nayeon as you embark on a new life of freedom over the chained life of royalty. 
as you walked to her bedroom in your family’s castle, hands tightly holdling a small box in your pocket, you hear your name being called that makes you stop in your tracks, turning around to see your father and brother walking towards you, face wearing an unusual smile. 
“y/n.” your father says, opening a door that was a few steps down from nayeon’s. “we need to have a talk about something important, come.” 
you nod, following orders without bearing a question past your lips. 
the door closes and your brother takes his place next to your seated father, you standing across from them—a confrontation that could only spell disaster. 
“felix here has been telling me that you’ve been fooling around with his fiance.” he starts off saying, face looking cross with a harsh tone welded to the words. 
“with all due respect sir,” your father knew that he hated the formality that you put up whenever talking to him, “i wasn’t fooling around. i love nayeon, sincerely.” 
“not for long you are.” your father scoffs out, your brother looking down with a bleak smirk on his face. 
“what is the meaning of this?” you ask, standing your ground, fists loaded. 
“it’s quite simple for you isn’t it y/n?” felix says, almost mocking your attitude. “you love nayeon so much that you’d do anything for her?” 
“without question.” 
“then we order you to do something for us.” your father says again, leaning closer. “you tell nayeon that you don’t love her, and she gets married to your brother. she’ll be able to live a life of wealth and grandeur, and you’ll be cut off from the family entirely.” 
“and if i refuse?” 
“she’ll die on the degree of treason. not you though, since the judgment for you would be living the reset of your life knowing that your actions led to the demise of the person you loved dearly. remember, i have eyes and ears spread across this kingdom. you and nayeon will never live in peace.” 
you wanted to scream, defy against your father and brother, bolt to nayeon’s room and get out of the place you despised so much. but you were smart about this, how else did you get into the family’s elite guard in the first place. your father would be able to find you both and you couldn’t do anything to get nayeon hurt because of you.
“okay.” you finally say, surrendering to your dad’s power. “i’ll accept your terms.” 
“good, felix take y/n on your way out will ya?” your father replies, satisfied with the decision. as felix grabs you by the shoulders, ushering your way out and down the steps. 
you and felix stayed silent as the both of you made your way to the dining commons, fighting back tears from the events that just happened about twenty minutes ago still fresh in your mind. 
“you know, nayeon asked me for my permission about you.” felix says out of nowhere, making you stop in your tracks, facing him at the surprise confession. 
“i’ve seen the way she looks at you, her and i have known each other since we were little. but when she saw you that day, her eyes looked so different compared to when she’s with me.” 
you fight back tears that were about to spill from your eyes, biting your inner cheek, knowing that this was all too late to salvage anything from this point. 
“i was never in the right position for her anyway.” you say, “we both know that i was never fit to be royal material, that’s why i joined the elite guard.” 
“i’m sorry y/n. i really am.” felix replies, “maybe if things were different with how everything is, all of this wouldn’t have happened.”
“felix, it’s fine.” 
“i just wish we had a different scenario for the both of us.” he says to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, not willing to meet his eyes. “you’ll find someone like you, eventually.” 
you clench your jaw at the last sentence, frothing internally from the comment your brother just uttered, fist ready to break the nearby pillar next to you. 
a day later after the confrontation with your father, you walk towards nayeon’s room once again, mind numb as the words rang in your head. the only way to protect nayeon was to destroy her, and you let out a bitter laugh at the cruel joke your mind just constructed upon yourself. 
“y/n!” nayeon gasps, rushing towards you and engulfing you in a tight hug. you look down at the princess who had a blissful face. were things supposed to end like this? to rip her heart to shreds? the one you fought so hard to win? 
you stood still, like a stone, face stern with a mixture of emotions swimming underneath. nayeon notices this unusual behavior, and places a hand on your chest.
“my love, are you okay?” she asks you, and you take a sigh before taking a step back, waving her hand off your chest, confusing her. 
“i think, i have to confess something to you.” you state, trying not to meet eyes with hers. 
“what are you talking about?” 
“all of this,” you say, waving your finger between you two, “everything that i said and did, it was never meaningful or real.” you almost choke on the words you forced yourself to utter out. 
“so you’re saying is–” nayeon cuts herself off, voice breaking before even finishing the sentence. 
“fuck, i’m trying to say that i never loved you, okay?! this wasn’t all supposed to happen in the first place. all of it.” you regret the words as soon as they leave your lips.
nayeon’s eyes widened, biting her lip, fighting the urge to cry in front of the people she didn’t trust. you clasp your arm, doing everything in your willpower to not comfort her. 
“of course, that’s how it is then is it?” she laughs out bitterly, sitting on the edge of her bed, face full of hurt. “all of this was just to mess with the esteemed princess and ruin everything good that’s happened in her life for the past weeks. this just proves everything that i feared about you.” 
you stood there, not letting the resolve break you in front of nayeon. 
“get the fuck out.” nayeon yells urgently, and you turn away in a flash, door slamming behind you as you stumble on the steps once alone. 
weddings, they’re the worst. 
you stand there at the beginning of the ceremony besides the bridesmaids, the only girl there wearing a suit, hands clasped together as you watch nayeon walk down the aisle, hugging her father before facing your brother, her new husband to be. 
she looked so ethereal to look at, and you were fighting your inner conscience, wishing that you were in felix’s place instead, hearing the exchange of vows—the agreement of a lifetime of love and security with her. instead, here you are, on the sidelines, nothing but a mere member of the audience, trading your love for the promise of keeping her safe. 
you wanted to object, defy the presentation and speak your truth, taking nayeon down the aisle and away from everything that you spoke in your bedside talk with her. now, you just watched as felix and nayeon share a kiss, and they both walk down—arm in arm with her new husband and she offers a fake smile to everyone, you always knew that her eyes would always light up when she was smiling with genuine intent, and avoids looking at you. 
the reception was at the nearby hall next to the chapel, holding the box in your hands in a secluded corner away from the crowd. your father calls you over, seeing your mother and felix stand beside him, pressing your lips knowing the gravity of the situation from this point on. 
you move past the three across from you, your father signaling the guards waiting at the doors to be shut  once you were outside, closing you off from the family and nayeon from your life forever. 
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arc-hus · 1 year
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AC Residence, London - DeDraft
81 notes · View notes
dhampling · 2 months
the kitchen two 18+, 2.7k
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nobody pining over the potwasher with the pretty face and snide tongue, and it feels like such a damn shame.
this started as a joke and now you're touching astarion up out back of a pizza express/olive garden/insert generic chain restaurant you both work at.
part one here.
cw: fem!reader x astarion, 18+, astarion is a potwasher, sex, reader smokes, astarion vapes, fingering, frottage, workplace copulation, not beta read, porn without plot pretty much, oh no, not gn reader as tags initially stated because im awful and copy pasted them over
FATTEST THANK YOU TO @bhaalism AND @lipstickghoulie for DEALING WITH ME as always <3
“You need to get laid.”
You take the vape from a waiting hand and hold it in your teeth. Feel the ridges where his own have left small indents in the plastic and nestle yours in the shiny crooks. 
“You. You’re practically drooling.” He blinks slowly as you look up to the clouds.
“I’m afraid my harem of devastatingly beautiful lovers are all indisposed. On the yacht, obviously.” You pull a face, huffing a long inhale and releasing the smoke in soft stutters. He snorts. 
“Ah. That’s why you reek of hormones, then?”
You smile.
“Probably. New schedule has done little for any conquests, I’ll be honest.”
Astarion takes a moment as you pass him back his vape, flipping it absentmindedly between deft fingers and scrunching his face.
You playfully slap his arm and he recoils in a brief snarling laughter, ending on some churlish half-smile as he leans back on the wall.
Those fingers. Slender, pale; always moving to some comment or chore with a slight flourish. You note how surprisingly unblemished they seem for his line of work, and the fact you’ve never seen him with hand balm. Even in the low light spilled scarce from the doorway they have a certain sparkle to them. Poise. 
He knows you’re looking, and you’re a little surprised it seems to matter. Coy as he inhales something deep. 
Obviously, it’s a possibility. It happens.
The nature of your work leads to frequent hookups amongst you, as it always has - some incestuous tangle of ex-lovers and yearning hopefuls all weaving the same sticky tables and navigating the age-old sore break-room banter when it inevitably cools between the sheets. Word travels fast, and not one of your workmates has escaped the hated minimum-wage service tradition of copulating with your colleagues in some drunken fumble after a particularly awful shift - but him, though. You can’t say that you’ve put out feelers per se, but his name has never been mentioned - either positively or negatively - on the grapevine, not that you can recall. Nobody pining over the potwasher with the pretty face and snide tongue, and it feels like such a damn shame.
In all fairness, he doesn’t lend himself to open fawning. He doesn’t mingle like the rest do. Never attends the seasonal socials thrown by upper management nor stays after hours drinking with the rest of the kitchen, as if he’d opted out of the greasy workplace ham-slamming ecosystem entirely. 
Above it all. Godlike. You can’t have that. 
You could invite him in, you think, as his head tilts ever-so-slightly toward you in the cool smoke. His nails tap mindless against gaudy green plastic and you picture little but those now-familiar obscene vignettes of him, those very same fingers taking the warm fat of your flesh by the fistful, bending you - pliable in the desperate chase of wanton heat - over the stainless steel of the chef’s station, with a forceful hand to the waist; smushing your face sideways on the counter as he humps you to visceral burning delight over and over, the relentless piston of hungry hips as he pounds into your drooling hole, and;- 
“At least they have each other, I suppose. Aboard that gorgeous yacht.”
Your eyes meet his, a mutual hum. Silence as the rain smatters on gravel.
It’d be easy. Sidle past him through the walk-in door left slightly ajar - vaping, of course; why else would the pot washer be in the cooler? - and feel the looming hope of flesh so close. A crooked smile in silent greeting. Take your time in bending for the lemons, apron ties bowed over your rear as some awful present. He’d never slap your ass so crudely. The lingering want for a tap of flesh, for him to feel the soft jiggle of solid fat on a quick palm; never to move to touch you until you’d made your intentions abundantly clear.
Your intentions.
You could accidentally back up against him whilst still bent and oh-so lost in search for whatever perfect fucking lemon takes this long to find, ass smacking onto his crotch, mouth shaped as an ‘o’ where sudden realisation takes hold, through layers of standard-issue service garb - a barely-there cant of your hips at the surprise friction of his cock. 
He’s been watching. Ogling. Angling himself toward you, as if having pictured how best to bury himself inside you should the opportunity arise. 
Would he grab you by the hips? Take rough handfuls of heated skin and flesh, pull you in to rub over his growing erection with an obscene snarl and heavy lids in a sharp frenzy? Snaking a deft hand down the front of your apron and under the waistband of your trousers, unhurried but firm; searching for the evidence he can practically smell; proof that you’ve been melting, the pool of slick in your panties growing gummy between stolen moments of fantasization on the floor and the molten rumble of low-laughter as he bends you over the mesh shelving, his lower abdomen being thoroughly stickied with a liberal helping of your arousal.
“What are you doing tonight?”
You turn to him with a nonchalant smile and he groans, upper lip curling toward his nose.
“I’ll be here. Same as you, I presume?”
“Not for too much longer, though - how about after?”
Astarion runs a hand through his hair coolly, vape returning to his pocket as he stands off the wall. 
“Not there yet. Who knows?”
The slight of a fox-wink as he twirls back through the door, jacket flaring out behind him before disappearing into the back-of-house once more.
Time passes as if stuck stiff under a violent gutter-sun.
The softest visions of him lit by the dented metal of the big old dishwasher, shifting to adjust himself under linens; and after much thought you decide he’d be so very pretty, touching himself something mad. Even more so than usual. Leaky and hot and gasping in mindless carnality under the blacklight of the back bathroom with penis in hand, wincing at the fevered paw moving dumb to offer any relief in his plight. A delicious sigh whilst rolling the hot skin back, bit-by-bit from the tip, working the gathering glisten ever-so-softly over his aching slit in delicate strokes. 
A stolen glance through the service window, through the bumbling hordes in their whites; a shock of silver hair, short sleeves cuffed, brows furrowed as he scrubs at some porcelain bowl with a strange blase determination. 
It’s effortless. He’s not posing, wholly unaware that you’re watching. Scalding from the heat lamps as your fingertips press into the ledge, waiting for plates for one of your tables and teetering back and forth into the gap. He picks another bowl from the crate with a practised hand, tossing it gently into the other and dunking it in the water with finesse. Scrubs. Holds the curving gloss to the light for a moment and narrows his eyes before repeating the process, then loading it onto the dishwasher crate. 
God. All mindless. You could offer to help him after a busy evening, perhaps; take charge of the pre-wash as he loads the machine, well oiled in your steps as they grow ever closer to one another - surprisingly so, with your lack of practice. Let the hose spray free down your front in a fumble with the pressure lever on the side, and the moment of shock as you gasp; the warm water turning ice cool on your chest, no disguising the quick pebbling of your nipples underneath your sodden underclothes. 
Maybe it’s panic that compels him to dab at your chest with a dry towel as opposed to throwing it to you in a tight-scrunched ball and continuing to load the washer - but maybe it isn’t. 
Maybe it’s something else altogether. Those red eyes darken to a plush carnal smoulder and he tilts his head, begging you to close the gap, to give him permission; to stretch a palm just a little further over to the swell of your breast and cup the soft, heavy flesh through the thin layer of wet cloth.
He’s right, of course. Desperately so.
You do need to get laid.
Black sky overhead, speckled with pinpoint stars and laced with the twinge of cold that makes your nose feel funny - and you suspect he’s one of the last to leave this evening, so you wait a minute or two for management to finish their final walkthrough.
He appears with a flourish. Your lean-back on the wall remains as composed as it can as he barrels through the doors, bag high on his shoulder; and begins to fish in his back pocket for his vape.
He spins and meets your gaze with a fantastic grin, incisors sharp as his vape meets his lips. You can do this. A quick fuck. Everyone here does it, christ. 
“Yes, love?”
“Have you got a minute?”
“For you? Always.”
Purring. He’s purring.
You wave management farewell as they lock the doors - a small smile, yet you can’t let him slide from you. You can’t let the moment falter. The wet patch in your pants becomes horrifically apparent as you shift from side to side in the cool air, and you surmise that this needs resolving before your humility suppresses the want to have him between your legs - so you extend a hand. You reach for the vape between his lips and you bring it to your own, ever so slowly; holding it between your teeth in a coy stand-off.
“I’m feeling bold.”
“Walk with me.”
He offers you an arm in an exuberant display of mock-chivalry, bowing almost; and you take it to pull him closer to your side. 
“You’re in a good mood.” You muse, steering him down the dark alley and toward the main street whilst he sighs a laugh.
“I presume you’re about to buy me a drink, which is always most welcome.”
“I’ve never bought you a drink?”
“The pleasure is more in the receiving of the drink, not whoever’s buying it.’
He turns to look at you while you walk, tugging you closer. 
‘Unless you’d like me to find pleasure in you, my generous benefactor?’
You stop in your tracks, and he grins in place.
‘Because that’s what this is about; isn’t it, little lamb?’
Time stops, signalled by the slow stutter of your heart as his voice drops silken, taking both of your wrists in hand.
‘I can practically smell it, you know.”
“What makes you so sure?”
He pulls a face. Looks at you softly.
“Don’t ask stupid questions.”
“I won’t pretend it’s not been on my mind, though.”
Astarion sidles closer, toes touching; breath cool on your cheeks. Mint. 
“Burying myself inside you. All kinds of-’
His hands gesture lightly around his head, controlled as they close in on your face.
‘Wicked images. The things we could do.”
Your eyes flutter closed as he cups your face, lips grazing the edge of his palm.
“I watch you too, you know - oh, it makes me hard just thinking about it. Humping the sink counter like some wanton… bitch;- whenever can I get a moment, just to get some friction, clothes ruined time and time again over obscene visions of myself buried deep inside-’
Takes your chin between pointer finger and thumb.
‘Your. Desperate. Cunt.’
He breathes a giggle.
‘Just as I assume yours are now, hm? Ruined? Oh, the sheer debauchery.”
Tuts. The breeze fades and he comes impossibly closer, hands ghosting the broad of your shoulders then cutting across to the dip of your waist and you inhale and that smell of him. The scent of by-your-side and beleaguered evenings, laced with something heady. Salt. You whimper when you eke the words out.
“You smell so good.” Practically whining, metaphorical drool linking the two of you as if invisible string. A deep beat of laughter.
“Sweet one. So do you.”
His nose buried in your hair, fingers grasping at the warmth of your hips through layers of sweaty workwear. Your core blazes white hot, legs failing you - he’s here. He wants you. God, you’d never thought it’d feel this good, even in your wildest fantasies; and yet you’re standing out in the bitter cold locked tight in by his hands and it exceeds every conceivable outcome for this conversation, ever, despite his cock not yet prodding you once. 
He takes the vape from where your fingers hang frozen and puts it into his pocket, guiding your fingers to the front of his trousers in your obscured embrace and pressing your palm to the front.
Hard. He’s ridiculously hard. Warm and pulsing with strong hips writhing as your hand gives him something to push against. 
“Nicely, now.”
His hand moves under your coat and to the front of your own trousers as you feel him through his, scrunching your fingers around his length; whilst he slides deft under the fixings just as you’d imagined he would. Ice to a fire. Moves quickly in the search for your slick like a moth mindless toward a flame, when he finds your slit and takes a single finger to press between your folds. 
“Ah. There she is.’
Your breath catches on his words,  
‘My darling girl, you’re soaking. How long have you been like this?”
“Just today, or on the whole? I can’t remember a time where I’ve not wanted you, not since that first day outside.”
He groans quietly, eyes rolling back into his skull as he coaxes more of your spill forth onto the flat of his palm with a skilled finger toying at the hood of your clit. It feels incredible. Like a warm bath or fresh pizza times a thousand. 
“Did you like the idea of my spit in your mouth, love? Forgetting your smokes on purpose, buying me treats just so you could share? So you could… take me, in your mouth, and wallow in having me there in secret? Bad girl.” A sordid whisper. Heady. Love. Bad girl. You’re struggling for air, newly weakened flesh bowled completely over by his brutal advances, and it’s heaven. You could die here in this alley and you’d be wholly satisfied with life knowing he touched you. He was hard for you, his cock desperately seeking solace in the warmth of your core, to christen your cunt with lashings of himself inside you. Yours. You. 
You thought your resolve was stronger than this. That you could match him in whatever game he potentially wanted to play and do it with flair - but as he stands in front of you, hand crudely down your trousers round the back of your shared workplace; you have no desire to play coy any longer. He’s giving himself to you. 
“Kiss me?”
And he does. A heady drawl as his lips stoop to meet yours, a string of yes-yes-yeses whispered flush into your open mouth as he moves with you, fingering with reverent strokes whilst your hand fiddles hungrily with his underclothes and he laughs with a satisfied ease as if a Roman Emperor, hosting a banquet on the eve of some grand resounding victory. 
Right here, by the bins under the watchful eyes of the CCTV cameras dotted along the brick - it doesn’t work. It can’t happen here. Your brain fizzes all shades of yellow and orange as you take his arm, breaking the open-mouthed kiss with urgency and tugging his head down until his ear hangs dazed a hair’s breadth from your lips. 
“Yours or mine?”
“Where’s closer?”
Gravel. Cheeks flushed, hands frisking your waistband once more as you swat him off.
“Yours, probably.”
“You checked the staff files, didn’t you? Naughty thing.”
You huff into a slight hunchback, bemused by his deduction.
“Maybe. Are you mad about it?”
Your hand grabs at his cock through his trousers once more and offers a hard squeeze, a stuttered moan from his mouth.
“Meh. So long as you make it up to me, yes?”
He pauses to press a chaste kiss to your mouth as you both rebutton and fumbles to take your hand in his. 
“God. Yes. I promise.”
“Come along then, temptress. Mine -’
Another to the back of your hand, soft and deep.
‘- it is.”
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mixed-imagination · 1 year
A Grisha's Affair - Nikolai x Grisha!Reader x Kirigan (part 1)
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PAIRING: Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!Grisha!reader x General Kirigan ♡
NOTE: This is the first part of a short two parter.
*** Requested by @seronsalk
*** Beautiful golden divider created by @saradika ♡♡♡
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As you neared the rear entrance of the Little Palace, your heart raced within your chest, drumming a quick and frantic beat. You had pushed yourself to the limit, sprinting down the forest path until your lungs burned and your breath came in ragged gasps. You cursed yourself and wondered why you had driven yourself to that point anyway.
A sudden memory flooded your mind, creating a rush of emotions.
You pounded on Nikolai's door. You weren't sure why you were so eager to see him, but you chalked it up to wanting only to say goodbye.
The door swung open to reveal Nikolai standing in his untied robe. His face seemed surprised to see you, but with one look at you, he greeted you with a big smile "Y/N, isn’t it past your curfew, little miss Durast?
You mirrored his smile but furrowed your brows, "I'm no longer a child, Nikolai."
"No, you certainly are not." His gaze descended your figure which made your cheeks hot. You were suddenly aware of how exposed and vulnerable you were. There you stood, before this handsome prince, in a thin, lace night dress and silk robe.
You wrapped your robe tighter around your frame, praying Nikolai did not catch a glimpse of the cold night air exposing your natural body, "Let me in."
"Won't you get in trouble with your Darkling?”
"I haven't seen him in weeks," you pushed past him and headed straight to the opposite side of his room. You settled in front of his desk, leaning your hands back against the chair.
Nikolai shut the door and his smile widened. He waited for you to continue speaking but it didn't come, so he responded, "Am I his replacement then?"
“General Kirigan?”
“The one and only Darkling.”
"What, no, of course not. First off, he’s my superior, and you’re no way near—" You huffed, "Stop. I'm not here to be questioned by you."
Nikolai laughed, "Right. Go on then."
The halls were dimly lit, and you realized you had never ventured through the palace this late before. You prayed that no one had noticed you sneaking back in after your late-night rendezvous. You didn't want to risk General Kirigan finding out about your secret meetings.
The unfamiliarity of your surroundings and the thought of what might be waiting for you made you quicken your pace as fast as you could without running. As you rounded the next corner, your hand instinctively went to your chest, trying to calm the erratic beating of your heart.
You crossed your arms, "So tomorrow you leave again."
"As soon as the sun rises, I'm off," Nikolai did not come closer to you. Instead, he copied your position and leaned his back against the door frame.
You found your gaze inevitably drawn to the way his torso muscles rippled underneath his robe with each subtle movement, causing you to bite your lip in frustration at the unyielding distance between you.
"And where are you going to this time?"
"Novyi Zem." Your chest ached, knowing well how long the journey would be. "There's a talented Fabrikator there that's willing to create a strong steel for my newest creation."
Your jaw dropped slightly. You were slightly offended but your playful tone remained, "What? Fabrikator? Have you forgotten I'm a durast? You could've asked me to—"
Nikolai finally stepped forward and raised his hands, "Y/N no, you're one of my closest friends, I couldn't—"
A memory of his mouth on yours suddenly flashed in your mind.
Friends don't kiss.
You ignored it.
Breathless and with a light sheen of sweat on your forehead, you finally reached the entrance to your wing of the palace. You could see the guards standing, their eyes watching your every move.
You tried to act casual, as if you had simply been out for a stroll in the gardens, but your heart was racing with fear. What if they could somehow sense your guilt and apprehend you on the spot?
You approached them with a smile and a greeting, hoping to deflect their attention. They nodded politely, but you could tell they were eyeing you suspiciously.
As you made your way down your long corridor, you felt relieved to see the door to your bedroom. You couldn't believe you had gotten away with it.
You giggled to yourself, remembering once again.
"Saints, Nikolai, that's exactly why you should've asked me!" your head tilted and you tutted, "I bet I could do your fabrikator better."
"Better than 80,000 tensile strength?"
"100,000 tensile strength and more!"
He threw his head back, "Oh no, you're joking. Really?"
Your face broke into a big grin. "Yes, yes, yes, you bet your royal arse I can,” you laughed.
Like always, you fell into an ongoing easy conversation with Nikolai. Talking with him was breath of fresh air as you had a natural understanding of each other. Your conversations always felt like a plunge into an infinite pool that contained both his thoughts and yours.
As you listened to him speak about his latest invention, you couldn't help but get lost in not only his words but also in his boyishly handsome features. His dark blonde hair was perfectly messy and his blue eyes sparkled with mischief. You stared at the way his lips moved and how the sharpness of his jawline accentuated with every sentence.
You tried to focus, but your mind kept wandering to other things, like how it would feel to run your hands through his hair and kiss him again. A heat suddenly began to rise in your cheeks, your attraction to him growing more obvious.
Nikolai stood only a few feet away from you now. He started to notice how your eyes seemed to linger on him a little longer than usual. "Are you alright, Y/N?"
You blinked and nodded, "Oh yes, I am."
"Good," he beamed and stepped closer. "So tell me. Why have you come? I've never seen you out this late."
You shrugged, avoiding his eyes, "What? I can't come and spend quality time with my closest friend?"
"Not at this hour, little miss goodie two shoes," he smirked.
You turned with your back facing him now and looked down at his desk, feigning interest in the papers placed on it. "Maybe I wanted to say goodbye. As a friend should."
He scoffed, "Don't say you're actually going to miss me when I'm gone."
"A good, best, closest friend would."
Nikolai was right behind you now. The third time you exaggerated the word, a knowing shit-eating grin grew across his face. "You sound like you have an issue with being my friend."
You finally entered your room and firmly pressed both palms against the door, shutting it behind you. Leaning your forehead against the cool wood, you lingered in that stance, still lost in your reverie.
"I am but your friend Nikolai, I have no issue."
Unexpectedly, the weight of his hand resting on your shoulder sent a shiver down your spine, your silk robe providing little barrier between his warm palm and your skin. It felt as though his touch had set your nerves alight, leaving you with goosebumps despite the delicate fabric that separated you.
His thumb began tracing circles on your shoulder, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch. You felt his fingers slowly making their way down your arm, gently squeezing your skin. He was leaving a trail of fire along your shoulder as they traveled back up to your neck, only to slowly descend down again. With a deft movement, he pulled your silk robe down your shoulder. The unexpected touch sent a jolt of desire through your body.
"You stubborn thing. You don't want to be my friend, Y/N?"
He then swept your hair away, revealing a tantalizing sliver of skin to his gaze. As he leaned down, you felt his warm breath tickling your ear. "Nikolai," you whispered breathlessly.
"Why are you really here, love?" his voice was low and seductive.
You suddenly felt wet, tender kisses trail down your neck, causing your core to ignite. The sound of your mingled breaths and the soft smack of his lips sucking against your skin filled the air. Each touch of his lips made you feel like you were melting, completely powerless to resist him.
His strong hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer into him. You could feel his lower abdomen pressing hard against your backside, making you feel weak in the knees. Without warning, he spun you around to face him, his intense gaze locking onto yours. He leaned in for a kiss with his arms still wrapped tightly around you, as if never wanting to let go.
In that moment, all your doubts and fears faded away. It was just you and him, lost in each other.
You replayed the memory over and over again in your mind. The softness of his lips, the way his hands cupped your face, and the way you felt as though time stood still in that moment. You sighed, sinking further into the memory when a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Penny for your thoughts, Y/N?"
Your heart skipped a beat, startled out of your reverie. As you turned around, your eyes landed on a tall, dark figure.
The corners of his mouth curved upward, "You seemed to be lost in thought, milaya."
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♡ part two coming soon....
soooo my brain was formulating the idea for this concept, and originally it was just supposed to be a one part one shot, but idk i just went off LOL. like holy, i went down a rabbit hole and came back up with enough plot for a series.
should i write a series? let me know what you think!!!
if i do, im imagining there'll be some mutual pining, angst, fluff, and spiiiice - wink wink wink -
if you enjoyed, please support me and my writing by giving me a like, reblog, or follow! thanks ♡♡♡
♡ gage
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astrolovecosmos · 5 months
The Planets & Random or Obscure Associations
Creativity, vitality, head of state, the father, games, yellow and orange clothing, articles of value, jewelry, gold, brass, power, diamonds, citrine, topaz, jasper, amber, rhodochrosite, mistletoe, almonds, citrus, succulents, sunflowers, fevers, heart, back, spine, grapes, walnuts, rice, chamomile, frankincense, juniper, saffron, marigold, rosemary, rue, palaces, towers, luxury.
Eternal, cycles, silver, aluminum, pearls, moonstone, opal, selenite, chest, glands, lymphatic system, nervous system, emotions, mother, ancestors, nurture, rebirth, tides, baths, ocean, brew, boat, sap, willow trees, succulents, pale color plants, white flowers, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, melons, shellfish, pumpkins, lakes, fountains, ports, fishponds, pools, springs, sewers, dairies, toys, reflection, blankets, objects of comfort.
Communication, journal, pen/pencil, any writing tools, wings, phosphorous, mercury, agate, tiger's eye, brain, nervous system, eyes, respiration, thyroid, speech, hearing, intellect, vehicles, money, bills, paper, books, pictures, parties or social gatherings, scientific instruments, butterflies, messages, mail, hazel, mulberry, myrtle, seeds, aniseed, dill, fennel, lavender, liquorice, marjoram, parsley, valerian, hazelnuts, beans, mushrooms, pomegranates, carrots, celery, libraries, schools, markets, fairs, public spaces, tennis or badminton court, studies, banks, bowling greens, offices, blue, white, or light colored flowers.
Love, relating, lust, high-quality fabrics, copper, bronze, sodium, malachite, tourmaline, emerald, rose quartz, kunzite, sapphire, pastels, throat, kidneys, lumber region, art, music, aesthetics, social life, fashion, jewelry, wine, pleasure, alder tree, fruit trees, paint, ash tree, birch, pomegranates, early flowering, daisy, mint, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mugwort, plantain, tansy, roses, thyme, vervain, yarrow, potatoes, strawberries, wheat, sugar, nectarines, ballrooms, bedrooms, dining room, gardens, fountains, wardrobes, theaters, looking and feeling good.
Lust, conquest, desire, flaming sword, red things, fights, iron, brass, bloodstone, carnelian, cinnabar, pyrite, magnetite, ruby, garnet, hematite, muscles, reproductive organs, blood, kidneys, immunity, heat, action, arms, pepper, sharp instruments, cutlery, attacks, scissors, weapons, physical intimacy, bites, stings, scalds, burns, accidents, hawthorn, pine, thorns, cactus, aloes, anemone, arnica, belladonna, garlic, ginger, hops, mustard seed, nettles, wormwood, chives, onions, leeks, radish, rhubarb, tobacco, labs, furnaces, distilleries, bakehouses, ovens, smiths, butchers, fields, anger, passion, self-focus.
Expansion, optimism, religion, religious sites, tin, seduction, turquoise, chrysocolla, topaz, citrine, jasper, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, sciatic nerve, excess, abundance, prophecy, philosophy, knowledge, universities, foreign travel, luggage, honey, oil, silk, fruit, distinct clothing, merchandise, horses, domestic birds, gambling, indulgence, entertainment, oak, dandelion, sage, endive, chervil, asparagus, figs, churches, temples, palaces, altars, courts, mansions, woods, orchards, winery, cornucopia, connecting with the soul.
Limits, boundaries, father time, lord of death, shadows, lead, iron, steel, calcium, asbestos, sulphur, diamond, onyx, calcite, skeleton, spleen, skin, teeth, nails, joints, structure, crystallization, old age, blockage, anything dark, wool, heavy materials, agriculture, wheelbarrows, spades, farm houses and buildings, cold, laws, aspen, blackthorn, buckthorn, cypress, elm, toxic plants, hemlock, henbane, belladonna, hellebore, barley, beetroot, safflower, parsnips, spinach, deserts, woods, valleys, caves, church yards, ruins, coalpits, sinks, wells, mud, institutions.
Eccentrics, mavericks, invention, genius, revolution, change, trends, disruptive science or tech, uranium, magnesium, lapis lazuli, sapphire, aquamarine, azurite, chalcedony, electricity, neon lights, plaid, nervous and circulatory system, pineal gland, chaos, violence, upheaval, astrology, steam engines, coal, machinery, coins, baths, fishponds, dangerous places, computers, magnets, quantum physics, research, welfare, humanity, hypnotherapy, railways, banks, gas, psychiatric hospitals, offices, hospitals, dispensaries, fortified places, chemicals, mingled/mingling, spirit and matter.
Illusions, veils, diffuse, deception, water, oceans, mysticism, enlightenment, artistic pursuit and understanding, zinc, potassium, amethyst, fluorite, jade, sugilite, coral, aquamarine, pineal gland, lymphatic and nervous system, spine, mental processes, addiction, psychoses, disease, photography, music, substances, gas, religion, poetry, mimicry, chameleon, anesthetic, telepathy, empathy, dancing, psychic gifts, places near water, hospitals, places of healing, jeweler, painters, brewers, musicians, visionary.
Power, influence, darkness, new life, what's hidden underneath, seeds, volcanoes, deep earth or ocean, bury, explosions, eruptions, abduction, plutonium, smoky quartz, obsidian, jet, pearl, deep reds, reproductive organs, the unconscious, nuclear, transformation, death, birth, rebirth, underworld, riches, earthquakes, big business, murder, detection, detective, invisibility, sneak, enforced change, hidden places, underground, drains, sewers, radioactive places, the occult, black magic, sacrifice, renew.
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dottedsilktie · 20 days
Spring cleaning II - Clean up your mess
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You couldn’t be happier that spring cleaning was coming to an end, your reward now at arm’s length. Unfortunately for you, Kento wants to torment you a little longer and not just with household chores. cw : +18 - MDNI detailed smut (face sitting, edging, unprotected sex, squirting, spitting) please MDNI. ↺ Part I (fluff, no cw)
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For the first year of living together with Kento, you can proudly say spring cleaning was a resounding success. Who knew the only incentive you needed to fully cooperate was the promise of being thoroughly cared for by your dear husband. 
Even Kento was taken aback by your eagerness, slightly amused by your boisterous shrub trimming in the early morning hours. He watched you fondly as you waved at him from the yard, all smiles and mussed hair, with comically large gardening scissors in your hands. Although your pruning left much to be desired, your effort seemed genuine and Kento took it as a chance to soak in the delightful sight of your bent form whenever you’d vigorously attack dead growth. The delicious curve of your arched back and your zeal were enticing enough for Kento to overlook your mediocre performance, then remedy it himself.
He spent the day quietly checking on you, always pleasantly surprised to find you wholly focused on whatever task you threw yourself into. The highlight of his day was probably seeing your exuberant strut up and down the corridor leading from your bedroom to the laundry room, accentuating the sway of your hips and the rhythmic pitter patter of your bare feet against the wooden floors whenever you sensed him coming closer, huffing and puffing about the “gargantuan” amount of laundry you were putting away. Kento came to find that, by gargantuan, you meant barely enough for two rounds of laundry as you only took a handful of clothes from your hamper to the washing machine at a time, more focused on putting on a show for him than actually getting anything done but it didn’t matter. Nothing really matters when Kento gets to see you so joyful, mischief only adding to your childlike charm, and he knew he was growing entirely too soft even though he’d promised to be implacable with you. 
Kento had steeled himself in not giving into your pleading or puppy eyes or less orthodox, more daring negotiation - or really, extortion - methods and strangely, you didn’t even subject him to any of it. So he fared well, starting strong when he’d easily outsmarted you, having you at his beck and call for the whole day and Kento rode the heady high of an easy victory for once. He could really get used to finally being listened to without protest.  
By the end of the day, you were brimming with energy, both from the prospect of getting your reward and the pride of a job well done.
Sitting on the living room carpet, you admire your handiwork and smile proudly at how the neat piles of Kento’s and your own folded clothes completely cover the white woollen rug, eager to stun him with the results of your honest work and get the praise you craved.
You skip happily towards the kitchen in search of him, head peeking in just enough to get a good look at Kento prepping for dinner, and stalling for a moment to take in the sight of the muscular ridges of his back under his tight shirt. Slowly, you creep towards him, light-footed and conspiratorial, fully intending to scare him but you only manage to get two footsteps in before he pipes up, tone light and knowing, “Did you need something, darling ?”; 
You audibly huff, evidently disgruntled to have been found out so easily, plodding along the rest of the way, nose wrinkled and eyes narrowed at him as you hoist yourself up on the countertop by his side. “You’re no fun, I wanted to surprise you”, you mumble, lightly punching his arm to get his attention. He merely hums and smiles, gaze not straying from the courgettes he julienned with impressive precision. Kento only turns to face you once he is done, and when he catches you staring at his hands with lidded eyes, he’s barely able to contain his snicker at how easy you’ll be to toy with.
“Your idea of surprising me is scaring me, not sure you’re any fun either”, he starts and you shrug innocently. “Besides, it’s hard to miss you ; I could smell you before I could even hear you, honey”. He extends a large palm to smooth your hair out and pull out a small twig still stuck in your ponytail, waving it around in your face. You remain unfazed, pushing your chest out proudly and retorting, “I smell like hard work”. He laughs and corrects, trailing off, “You smell like plumeria, and..”
He moves closer, hands on your knees to part them gently and stand between your legs. Kento’s feline gaze locks on yours, his usually cool amber irises set ablaze in the dying light of the sunset. One hand leaves your bare knee to cup your jaw and tilt your head back, and Kento’s scrutinising eyes make you squirm.  You are suddenly very aware of how you must look in this light, a day’s worth of grunt work leaving you sweaty and unkempt. Kento doesn’t seem to mind though as he ducks his head lower to brush the bridge of his sharp nose along your jaw, then even lower to the column of your throat. He inhales deeply, every little breath he takes against your skin magnified tenfold from how much you want him.
You hadn’t expected your reward to come so soon but you have no complaints about Kento’s generous mood, so you close your eyes and let his hand cradle the back of your head. He takes his time making his way up to your face, the soft pecks he lavished on your collarbones and neck turning hungry when he reaches just below your ear, licking a long stripe and nibbling on your earlobe. By then you are a goner, your little breathy whimpers of pleasure filling the otherwise silent kitchen. You only open your eyes when you feel him pulling away, brows furrowed once you notice his wry smile. What’s so funny ? you want to ask but he beats you to it, the hand at your nape retreating to show a bright crimson petal stuck in your hair.
“Plumeria and bougainvillaea”, he declares with a self-satisfied, lopsided smirk. You stare at him, mouth aghast. “Ken, what the fu –”, you start but he silences you with an open-mouthed kiss, the faintest brush of his tongue against yours easily lowering your defences again.   “You smell divine, hard work really suits you.”
You don’t know how to respond, you’re not used to being denied or teased like this. Kento can see the cogs turning in your lust-addled mind, confusion clear as day in your disappointed little moue.  “What did you want to tell me ?”, he interrupts your unspoken musings. You blink your confusion away, sniffling before answering, “The laundry…I wanted to show you, I did it and folded it, and –” He hums along, listening to you talk about folding laundry like you’ve just done the unthinkable. In a sense, you really have. Kento can’t remember a time when you had to do it since you’ve lived together ;  the burden of virtually every household chore always befell him. He loves taking care of you, so even the most menial and mundane tasks were softened in the glow of his affection for you. He just thought he could claim a little reward for all his efforts, even if it meant retribution on your end.
He does an impeccable job at maintaining an apathetic façacade as he lets you drag him from the kitchen to the living room, his resolve unwavering even when he notices how the enthusiastic bounce of your step is reduced to the uncertain drag of your feet.
“Well ?”, you try with a meek little smile, hopeful eyes fleeting between Kento’s impassive expression and the neat piles you spent your afternoon sorting. “Well ? I thought you would’ve put them back in our dresser by now”, Kento deadpans. Your smile immediately falters and he can see disappointment slowly morphing in frustration. It shouldn’t affect him the way it does, but he rarely gets to see you like this - so eager to please and so afflicted by his denying you. He feels himself twitch in his trousers as your hands ball into fists and your rosy lips jut out in clear discontent, your pout alone enough to tug at his restraint. Too engrossed in your fuming, you don’t notice the pleasure he takes in tormenting you and he uses your confusion to make a quick exit, vaguely telling you to “clean your mess” and get ready for dinner. 
Kento is amazed by how well-behaved you are, actually doing what you’re told even when he leaves you to your own devices, your promised reward undoubtedly thawing at your irritation. He watches you curiously as you move in a daze, putting the laundry away then slipping quietly in the shower, not even daring to invite him in with you. 
The billowing steam curtains a lone body instead of two, but you don’t dwell on it. Instead, you focus on washing away the remnant of hard work and letting the scalding stream of water soothe your nerves. As you step out of the shower, you think you are ready to brave Kento’s uncharacteristically cold demeanour.  Unfortunately for you, dinner is barely more fruitful, and the lauding you expected never comes. Kento is laconic at best, the insipidity of the conversation seeping into what was supposed to be a delicious meal, and there is no mention of what he has planned afterwards. You reason that he might’ve forgotten or maybe that he’s tired, too. 
He’s never like this but you reckon slaving away doing house chores can’t be ideal, even for someone like Kento who gets off on scrubbing away at coffee stains. It’s fine, you’ll just have to remind him and claim your reward. 
You do your best to quell the tremors of apprehension thrumming through you, waiting patiently for Kento to join you. He arrives moments later in all his after shower glory, sandy blond hair still damp and clinging to his forehead. Clad in nothing but low-hanging chequered sleeping pants that’d look awful on anyone but him , Kento has never looked better. Your mouth goes dry at the sight of crystalline droplets travelling the length of his torso down to his navel, and lower to catch on the hint of golden hair peeking out from the dangerously low hem of his pants. Kento can feel you staring and it takes everything in him to not mirror your hunger with his own, the glimpse he caught of your silk camisole and flimsy little shorts already enough to fan the coals of his lust. Instead, he quietly slips into his side of the bed, his back to you. The disbelieving scoff you let out is music to his ears. He feels you shuffle closer to him on your knees, poking his shoulder insistently as you simper, “Babe, I think you forgot something”. He sits up slowly, blinking at you before planting a chaste kiss on your forehead and mumbling a ‘good night’. You loop an arm around his bicep before he can even fall back on the mattress, forcing him to stay upright. “Not that, I meant what you promised this morning”, you try again, pressing your chest into his arm and resting your face against his shoulder. “What did I promise ?”, Kento inquires, blond brows arched in confusion.
“You know, you said you’d help me with the thing."
“What thing ? You’re going to have to be more specific honey, I’m very forgetful”, Kento taunts, scratching the back of his head in faux thoughtfulness. You scoff again, this time more irritated than incredulous, but you don’t relent. You rub your face against his shoulder affectionately, grasping at his hand and not so subtly pushing your chest out harder against his arm to drive your point across.
“This morning, when I told you about those hum, aches, you said you would -”, you stop suddenly, meek and bashful like you’re not rubbing your breasts against the corded muscles of his bare arm, nipples already hardening under the thin silk of your top that does nothing to conceal your growing arousal.  “I’d what ?” You can’t even answer, groaning into his bare chest to hide your fluster. Instead you try to show him, taking one large hand and guiding it to your face, kissing his palm and nuzzling into it, offering him a little smile that’d be demure if Kento didn’t know better. You peer up at him only to meet a hard, unimpressed gaze that suggests you’re going to have to try harder. “You promised, you said that if I was good you’d take care of me”, you huff out, dropping the meek act altogether as you sit back on your haunches, mulishness and petulance taking over. His laughter rumbles deep from within his belly and cuts through the leaden silence of your room. Somehow, it sounds foreign and mirthless coming from Kento. It makes you shiver, something halfway between apprehension and lust stirs deep in your loins. “Do you even hear yourself ? All I do is take care of you, darling”, he admonishes.  You shrink in on yourself, feigned meekness quickly turning into genuine timidity. You try to come up with an acceptable retort, but the prospect of being denied any longer fuels you with a sense of urgency that makes you snap. “I know, of course, I just mean…This is different, you promised and I was really, really good so you have to make good on your word, too !”
Kento’s expression quickly turns dour as he crosses his imposing arms over the chiselled expanse of his chest, reminding you that you are in no position to demand anything. Despite your less than ideal predicament,  you can’t help but stare. He’s so close, at arm’s length really, but you have a sneaking suspicion that if you were to try and touch him, it’d be his ire and not his desire you’d stroke. So you behave.
For the umpteenth time today, you keep your hands to yourself and your mouth shut. The longing in your eyes betrays everything you try to reel back in anyway. Kento knows that look. He’s grown familiar with the slight furrow of your brows and the way your doe eyes narrow in a wistful gaze where you somehow skilfully blend unrestrained pining and shyness: the ‘fuck me’ eyes that have his cock stiffening to life alarmingly quickly in his sleeping pants. At this rate, he won’t be able to keep his little game going for much longer.
“I suppose you have been pretty good”, Kento starts, a single finger drumming against his sculpted bicep. You nod eagerly, mouthing an enthusiastic ‘yes, yes’. He hums, seemingly deep in thought. Mindlessly, you slither closer to him, taking his silence as an invitation. He lets you run a tentative hand up his arm. Emboldened, your touch grows more insistent and your fingertips press into him to savour the sinewy muscle shifting beneath his warm skin. Your eyes seek his again, your pleading gaze chipping away at his austere exterior. “Please”, you try again, tone nothing short of beseeching. A flicker of warmth flashes in Kento’s stony eyes. He relents, but not how you’d expect him to, because he’s gently disentangling himself from you, fluffing his pillow and lying down. You look at him curiously, head tilted to the side and brows furrowed. “You deserve your reward. So take it.”
He vaguely motions to his face, lips stretched in a sardonic smile. Your mouth falls open and your cheeks bloom in different shades of red - shame, lust, unbridled curiosity. “I-I…We’ve never…” you stutter, suddenly shy and unsure. Kento rubs at the bridge of his nose and sighs in feigned exasperation. “I thought you’d be more eager, it’s too bad to see you don’t actually want it”. Lust supersedes any second-guessing and you’re quickly pushing him down when he tries to sit back up. Kento smiles lazily at you once more, making a show of settling comfortably back down. 
“Strip”, he whispers, terse but warmer than before. You quickly comply, trembling hands pulling your camisole off and tugging your shorts down. When you move to peel your underwear off, Kento puts a hand over yours, eyes zeroed in on the growing wet patch between your legs, a silent plea for you to leave it on. You somehow feel more exposed this way, the flimsy material betraying your arousal as it dampens further and sticks to your puffy folds.  Kento beckons you closer, hands on your thighs as he guides you to straddle his abdomen, running his lidded eyes over your mostly naked form. He knows he’s being selfish when he denies you and pulls at the already taut string of your patience, but he wants to commit the sight of your desperation to memory. You’re so beautiful when you’re needy, with your cheeks flushed - not from shyness, anticipation has long taken over - and your soft skin bared just for him. 
Just for me, Kento thinks as he pulls you toward his face, heart leaping out of his chest and cock leaking in his pants when your clothed cunt is just above his face. He traces the curve of your thighs then presses in the dip of your hips, any pretence of remaining soft long forgotten. His once conversational touch now covets ; his clever fingers sink in a sensitive spot until you shiver above him before they move to the next, goosebumps budding in their wake. 
You’re still not close enough though and Kento brings you dizzyingly closer to his awaiting mouth, feeling the heat of your core against his face and getting high off your scent. You truly smell divine and look even better, and he can’t help but crane his neck to lick a tentative stripe from your clothed entrance to your thrumming clit, swallowing back a groan of pleasure at the faint hint of sweetness and slick catching on his tongue.You go rigid above him, the lithe muscles bracketing his head taut from the effort of keeping yourself up, timidity undoubtedly adding to the painful strain on your legs. 
Kento is patient in his exploration of your body, he works at your reserve with small kisses trailing from your inner thighs to your covered clit, whetting his appetite on your airy whimpers and gasps. The phantom brush of his lips against your heated flesh is reverent, barely there but already enough to make you clench around nothing. “Kento, please – I need you”, you whine, trying to press yourself into his face but your feeble attempts are easily contained by his large hands. Kentot’s thumbs dig into your hip bones and his long fingers are outstretched to press into your lower back. “What do you need ? Tell me, honey”, Kento whispers right into your skin, voice hoarse with desire. He’s never made you ask for anything, so discerning and attuned to your needs that he senses and caters to them unprompted. It’s not surprising that voicing your needs has you whimpering from frustration above him. Still, you are nothing if not malleable, Kento’s soft kisses and honeyed voice lulling you into obedience. You let your head drop to look at him between your legs, misty eyes transfixed on Kento’s heavy-lidded gaze, your lips quivering. “I need you to touch me more, please Ken, you know what I want.”
Of course he knows. Kento always knows what you need and how to give it to you. Above all, Kento knows you don’t beg and he almost feels bad for tormenting you but your slick-covered panties tell him the helplessness you feel only heightens your arousal. Finally, he pulls your underwear to the side, baring you to his hungry eyes. You’re so pretty, little hole clenching and clit throbbing right over his mouth. The visual combined with your breathy whimpers has his cock so stiff it borders on painful. “I know, my love, I know." He soothes you when your whines get louder with delicate kisses to your puffy folds. It’s so good, soft and reverent but not nearly enough. You whimper, fighting against his bruising hold. “Kento –” “My pretty girl wants to cum”, he croons, now kissing right under your clit, shutting you up. “Isn’t that right ? You want to cum all over my face, with my tongue deep in your needy little cunt”. Kento doesn’t expect an answer, already pushing his tongue into your fluttering hole, finally tasting you - you taste heavenly and feel even better, clenching around him to keep his tongue inside your slick pussy. You cry out above him, babbling about how good it feels already and pleading for more. He looks up at your face to catch how it contorts in pleasure, your jaw dropping in a soft whine when he pulls out of you. “Above all, you want to be a good girl for me, right ?” His voice is taunting, you know he’s testing you but your devotion is boundless and you’re nodding frantically. “Yes, yes – that’s all I want, I want to be your good girl." Kento smiles and rewards you with a kiss to your clit. “Then hold yourself open for me while I taste you. Can you do that for me ?”
You let out a shuddering breath that threatens to melt into a sob and it gets him impossibly harder. Your face is bashful, clearly hesitant, yet your cunt drips more of the gossamer fluid he loves onto his lips. “Come on honey”, Kento encourages, searching for your hand with his own and bringing it to your slick sex. He guides your fingers on either side of your puffy folds, voice deceptively calm when he instructs, “Just like that – that’s a good girl, let me see you when I eat you out. Don’t be shy now, you know I love looking at you; you’re so beautiful everywhere, I could cum just from this.” 
The praise he withheld all day long starts pouring. Every groan of appreciation, every hot breath fanning your glistening pussy makes you slicker and your mind grows fuzzier at Kento’s lauding. You keep yourself spread for him, showing your swollen clit without even being told to. His cock weeps at the sight, the painfully erect length twitching whenever you beg for more, so worked up your slick leaks right into his open mouth. Your tone is laced with eagerness and desperation - not for a release anymore, just the need to be good. It makes him want to be good to you in return.
Finally, Kento uses his hold over your hips to bring you down right where he needs you. The first lick of his tongue against your swollen clit has you choking on a moan of his name. Tired of denying you, Kento pulls more wanton moans from your parted lips with well-aimed flicks of his tongue against your clit, groaning when more arousal seeps onto his chin. He quickly grows hungrier, gentle flicks giving way to the insistent suckling of your clit in his mouth, tongue rolling around the pert bud until you gasp and keen in delicious agony. It’s too much and somehow not enough, your hips chasing his touch even when you feel yourself licked raw.
Kento offers you a reprieve from his voracious mouth when he feels the telltale sign of a painful orgasm starting to oscillate in you, nipping at your inner thigh to bring you down then slipping his tongue inside you to raise you back up again. This time he’s gentler, slowly fucking his tongue in and out of your greedy pussy. He takes his time with you, savouring how the almost pornographic moans he pulled out of you mellow into soft little mewls of pleasure. Easing his hold on you once more, he lets you ride his tongue, groaning whenever you bump your sensitive clit against his nose. You both fall in a rhythm, Kento lapping up into your sloppy sex and you riding his face in measured rolls of your hips, this time slowly creeping up the steep hill of your release. Kento is blissed out, head full of you - your scent, your saccharine arousal coating the better half of his face, your little hands grasping at his hair to help your ride out your pleasure - and he can’t help the way his hips jut up, his weeping dick untouched but already so close to release. Snaking a hand down his pants, Kento grabs at the base of his cock, stifling his own pleasure to draw out yours. 
With his free hand, he reaches out blindly up your abdomen to grab at your breasts. He brushes against one with the back of his hand, squeezing it appreciatively, then treats the other with the same reverent gentleness. You clench even harder around his tongue at that, teary eyes rolling back into your head when his hand spans over your chest, his thumb on one nipple and his pinky on the other. Everything becomes overwhelming, you want to tell him how good everything feels, how big his hand is against you and how you’re dangerously close to cumming on his face. Instead, cry out his name, pulsing around his tongue and gushing into his mouth, clit throbbing where it rubs against his nose. Your thighs shake violently on either sides of his face but you don’t pull away, and amid your incoherent babbles, Kento discerns your pleading for more, don’t stop it feels so good. He fucks his tongue into your harder, quicker - stroking your spasming walls so he can drink up everything you have to offer. He lets go of your breasts and his cock, using both hands to keep you firmly against his face even when your orgasm blooms into painful pleasure. His palms are hot against your ass as he spreads you open to lick you down from your climax, and you distinctly feel how one of them is covered in so much precum, adding to the already sloppy mess of your cum and his spit smeared on your lower half. 
Way past overstimulation, you shudder uncontrollably and your moans melt into pitiful sobs. Just as you are about to go boneless above him, Kento gracefully manoeuvers your body to help you lay by his side. He can look at you properly now and he marvels at how beautiful you are with your tear-streaked cheeks and heaving chest, your underwear back between your folds soaking up the mess he’s made of you. You look so fucked out, sniffling and blinking at him with misty eyes, the waves of your orgasm still ricochetting throughout your body.
“How’s this for a reward ?” Kento quips, lovingly brushing strands of hair from your sweaty forehead. You smile lazily at him, too tired to actually laugh, then you nuzzle into his palm and kiss it in silent appreciation. His heart clenches at that, incommensurable love entirely eclipsing lust. Kento litters your cheeks and forehead with small kisses until your laboured breathing evens out, then he slowly moves to stand up. 
“Where are you going ?” you mumble in a drowsy voice. “I’ll be right back to clean you up, don’t worry my love” he tries to get away from you at an awkward angle, hiding his precum-covered pants but your little hands grasp at him, a disapproving pout on your face The sight of Kento’s ill-hidden affliction chases the bleariness from your eyes, and you smile at him knowingly. “No you’re not, we’re not done.” “I know you’re tired, you don’t have to force yourself sweetheart, really I –”, Kento starts, the face of abnegation even as his cock aches to sheath itself in your warmth, but he stops when you slip off your spoiled panties and spread your legs for him again. It seems like he’s fucked the shyness out of you because you suddenly have no qualms about reaching both hands to your sloppy sex, spreading it like you’d just done for his mouth. His jaw drops open when you trail a delicate finger to your fluttering hole, circling it before sinking in agonisingly slow, breath hitching. You must be so sensitive, so warm and tight, he thinks. Primed for his cock. Kento searches your face again for more reassurance.
“You really don’t have to.” “I want to. I want you inside me, don’t you want to reward me for being your good girl ?”; your smile is deceptively innocent, finger still steadily pumping in and out of yourself.
Fuck it.
Kento all but clambers to kneel between your spread legs, strong hands holding your thighs to open you more to him, pushing them to your chest. His breathing quickly grows erratic, pupils so blown they eclipse the amber of his irises. You want to spur him on further so you reach a curious hand to run the length of his bare chest, raking your fingers along his happy trail until you reach his pants. Then, with a devious little smile, you slowly sneak your hand to his aching cock. Kento’s moan is guttural when you ghost your finger on his leaking tip, and he grunts in agony when you wrap your soft palm around him, pumping him to add to the mess he’s already made of himself. If your hand already feels so good, just how much better will your cunt feel ?
With his patience running thin, Kento bats your hands away and tugs his sullied pants down just enough to free his length. Shuffling closer to you, he strokes himself over your spread sex, lidded eyes transfixed on the beads of precum leaking from his tip onto your pert clit. You crane your neck to watch him add to the mess between your legs, eyes fleeting between the angry red head of his dick and his face contorting in uninhibited desire. Kento swipes at your slippery clit with his thumb, reaching to your hole to gather more of your slick and your cum, then stroking your thrumming pearl with it. 
“So messy”, Kento muses to no one in particular, entranced by how sloppy he already got you. “But I need you wetter”, he concludes, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You whine in protest when he takes his hand away, missing the gentle pressure that was already building your pleasure back again. Your protest dies in your throat however when Kento repositions himself above you just right, guiding his cock to rub the drooling slit of its head on your clit, coating you in his essence. Somehow, that’s still not enough and your eyes go wide when he gathers spit on his tongue, letting a hefty glob drop where you’re connected. You blush furiously at the sight, wanton moans only getting louder when Kento cups the back of your head to make you watch how messier his spit gets you. 
“Think you’re ready for me now, my love ?”  When you nod frantically, holding onto the back of your thighs yourself in an unspoken plea for him to take you, Kento knows you are. Slowly, he arches over you, one hand rubbing his cock over your sloppy sex, the other sliding under your head to tilt it and make you watch yourself get fucked like you’d begged for.
Kento sinks his cock into your awaiting hole excruciatingly slowly, feeding it to you inch by inch, his eyes trained on your face. So fucking pretty, he thinks. The most breathtaking woman he’s ever seen is somehow even more beautiful like this. Kento starves off the need to slam himself into you, quelling his hunger on your shuddering gasps and the deliciously painful bite of your nails into his biceps. He only stops when he’s fully sheathed into you wet heat, cockhead grazing your cervix and making you gasp like he’s just punched the air out of your lungs. He remains inside you, unmoving, letting you adjust to being stretched thin all over gain. Cupping your cheek with his hand, he finally kisses you and you sob into his mouth, kissing him back messily and trying to tell him how good it feels already. I know, I know, he soothes, the velvety baritone of his voice heightening your pleasure. When he feels you relax around him, Kento pulls out cautiously and revels in the whimper it earns him. Slowly, he starts rocking into you, first in measured rolls of his hips, but his gentle pace quickly picks up into something more frenzied. 
You spur him on, moaning right into his open mouth and drooling into the large palm he cradles your face with, telling him how good it feels, I won’t last like this Kento, I need to cum on your cock.  Everything is so filthy from your words and the way your slick runs down your ass and coats his balls, to the obscenely loud squelching of your pussy trying to keep him inside you whenever he pulls out. You do ineffable things to Kento and he already feels his orgasm creeping up on him but he needs to thwart it, he needs to feel you cum around his dick like you did on his tongue.
Loosening his hold around your trembling body, he sits back up, the frantic rutting of his twitching length in your heat unfaltering. Kento brushes his thumb to your clit and pushes onto your abdomen at the same time, cursing when you get impossibly tighter around him. His gaze is nothing short of adoring as he watches agony and pleasure swim in your glassy eyes -  you’re so close, right at the edge and Kento knows just how to send you over it. Curling over you once more, he keeps a firm hand pressed on your lower stomach, resting his weight on his forearm so he can hide his face into the crook of your neck. Kento bites, licks, nibbles on every unmarred spot of skin there, cock still drilling into you at a dizzying pace even when you try to warn him that you’re dangerously close.
“That’s it, give it to me, cum on my cock and make a mess like the good girl I know you want to be”, Kento moans right in your ear and your shivering body treats it like a command. You wail as you cum, taken aback by the force of your own orgasm, the walls of your pussy contracting painfully around Kento’s cock. Your high sends him tumbling over the edge too, with a pained gasp of your name. All you feel is Kento - his seed flooding you in long and thick spurts, his twitching cock still fighting against your spasming cunt, and above all, the heavy weight of his scorching hot palm over your lower stomach - and something breaks in you.
Kento feels it before he sees it ; the faint stream of liquid that sprays out of you as he fucks you through your orgasm steadily growing stronger to soak his stomach. He pulls away from you to watch you squirt all over him, eyes closed and mouth drooling, the picture of pleasure. He fights through the pinch of overstimulation that creeps up his cock and balls and fucks more out of you, only stopping when you have nothing more to give. 
Utterly spent, Kento pulls out of you with a wince and watches his cum leak out of you as if in a trance. You’re not faring any better, now completely limp and still soaking the comforter you had just washed this morning. As you fall in and out of consciousness, you weakly mumble to him, “Are you going to make me clean my mess this time too ?” Kento laughs, embracing you and kissing the crown of your head.
 “Spring cleaning is over so you’re off the hook for now.”
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For @foreverthelonelytraveller, I hope it's to your liking!
Disclaimer : I'm not a smut girly but I tried really hard and wanted to share something that'd be at least decent :)
218 notes · View notes
gamerwoman3d · 5 months
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Please Be Bi-Han 🙏
🔞 An MK1 x Reader 🔞
You aren't supposed to be in this timeline.
And to you, this timeline shouldn't exist. But it does. And this timeline is particularly exploitable, given the things you know which no one else in this timeline does. You slip into the timeline and abuse your knowledge to unethically gain just enough wealth to live very, very comfortably. And you laugh because this timeline is literally just a game to you. Admittedly, you came here to try to seduce the hotties. But when you figured out just how easy it would be to game the financial system here, you did that.
Imagine not being shocked at all to see Liu Kang at your doorstep with his Lin Kuei goons. You could laugh. You know him. You know all three, no, all four of them; your attraction to them is what initially drew you to this timeline. The fourth you knew by smell alone; the campfire scent in the air proved that Smoke was with them, somewhere ready for action yet invisible to your eyes.
Imagine closing the door to your beautiful private mansion in their face before any of them even speak. Imagine bolting it, locking it, chaining it, only to tell them through the speaker, "Whoever breaks this door down and finds me first gets laid."
🔞 Spicy/Explicit after the cut 🔞
Now you, you have installed several small panic rooms throughout your mansion with which to play hide and seek. So you go do that, smirking to yourself as you watch the group through the security cam app on your phone. But back up a moment to just before these guys arrived.
Liu Kang smirked as he collected his warriors at the edge of a portal that would lead conveniently into a hidden driveway outside the privacy walls near your garden.
"I have a fun little mission for us today. Geras discovered someone manipulating the financial trajectory of our timeline that isn't supposed to be here. We need to go get them, and convince them to stop, without violence."
"Respectfully, Lord Liu Kang - If you don't need violence, why did you call us? If we can't stab it, it's most likely someone else's problem," Smoke said out of turn.
"There are other methods of coercion, Smoke. And if Geras' revelations for this mission are proven true, then methods of seduction are on the table," Liu Kang responded flatly.
Liu Kang wanted to laugh. The synchronized single-eyebrow raise of the three masked ninjas before him was too cartoonish to seem real.
Fast forward.
You get a good run, scrambling to your hiding place.
"I thought this might be the case," you hear Liu Kang say in your earbud, from audio played through the phone collected from the front door security recorder.
"Seduction really is the game this evening," Scorpion said, "even with you saying as much, I am still surprised."
"Are we making a competition of it? Or am I the only one that will be chasing after that cutie?" said Smoke from seemingly nowhere.
"Don't blow your cover, brother. We're not sure if we're being recorded. It could give us an advantage if you'd keep quiet," Sub-Zero said.
"It's a competition," Scorpion interjected before slamming his boot into the door, rattling it in it's frame.
A few kicks, body slams did nothing. Sub-Zero guided the others out of the way, froze the door handle in it's place, then pulled the mechanism - deadbolts and all - through the crystallized steel. He tossed it to the side and booted open the door, which swung freely and hit the interior wall with such force that one might have expected the crash to come from a vehicle accident.
You bounce in your place, trying not to giggle as you watch the men through your tablet. You had hoped Bi-Han would breech the door first, but now the men crept inside and began to hunt for you. You saw all except Smoke, just before the power went down, taking your security feed with it.
You were in the dark, now, lit only by the glow of a tablet that showed the wifi disconnected. You swiftly realized that Smoke must have gone to cut the power - and had the foresight to cut the backup power first.
Smart of him, you thought. But now, in the dark, there was nothing left to do but wait for one of them to discover your hiding spot. Every little noise you heard made your heart jump in anticipation of being caught.
"Please be Bi-Han, please be Bi-Han," you chanted in a whisper under your breath.
And now I'll be a bit evil.
Part 2a(i): Sub-Zero discovers F! Reader
Part 3a(i): Sub-Zero toys with F! Reader (to be read after part 2a(i)
Part 2b(i): Smoke discovers F! Reader
Part 2b(ii): Smoke discovers M! Reader
Part 3b(i): Smoke fucks F! Reader (to be read after part 2b(i)
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rk1stars · 3 months
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Caught in a complex situationship with Heeseung, doubts about his feelings plagued you. The fluctuation between closeness and distance left you bewildered. Summoning courage, you confronted him, anxious about his sincerity. As you questioned his intentions, anticipation filled you. Would he end things or commit? With bated breath, you awaited his response, longing for closure in this tangled relationship. Time stood still as you hoped for clarity, unsure of what the future held with Heeseung.
toxic situationship! heeseung x situationship gn reader, situationship to strangers, second chance, (somewhat) impossible love, angst
mentions of a toxic relationship, heeseung is toxic asf, crying, cheating, manipulation
i swear this was supposed to be a happy ending
@cholexc @yyawnjun @rosas-in-the-garden @allforhee @ilovejungwonandhaechan @ifuckedheeseung @jooniesbears-blog @niki-the-genius @lilyuwon @ihrtnrk
don’t wanna break up again by ariana grande
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AS YOUR TEARS CONTINUE TO FLOW DOWN YOUR CHEEKS, the sound of a blasting soccer game on the TV, being watched by Heessung, fills the room. The cheers and shouts from the players and fans contrast sharply with the quiet sobs escaping your lips.
For weeks, tears have stained your cheeks as you've endured heartache. Despite the anguish you've faced, Heeseung remains indifferent to your suffering. His lack of empathy cuts deep as he chooses to ignore your pain, opting instead to revel in the frivolity of parties and fun.
It's a cruel reminder of how little he values your emotions, further deepening the wound of rejection. As you continue to cry in silence, his absence speaks volumes, echoing the emptiness in your heart.
Feeling fed up and frustrated, you forcefully close the door behind you, determined to finally address his intention with you. The overwhelming emotions swirling inside you push you to take action and confront him. The weight of the tension between you both hangs heavy in the air, spurring you forward with a sense of urgency. As you make your way towards him, your heart races with anticipation and apprehension. The need to speak your truth and seek resolution fuels your every step.
As you guide Heeseung to sit down, you position yourself in front of him and fold your arms across your chest. Your gaze is steady and unwavering, conveying your seriousness and determination. Heeseung meets your eyes, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what is to come. The silence stretches between you, thick with unspoken words. Finally, you speak, the words measured and deliberate, as you begin the difficult conversation that lies ahead.
“Do you love me Heeseung?”
The living room is enveloped in a heavy silence, as if time itself has come to a standstill. Heeseung's eyes meet yours, filled with uncertainty and hesitation
As Heeseung remains silent, you swiftly grab your purse and exit the room. A heavy emptiness settles in your heart as you make your way out the door.
As you were about to depart, Heeseung's gentle touch on your wrist stopped you in your tracks. His pleading eyes silently begged you to stay, to reconsider. The raw emotion in his gaze tugged at your heartstrings, making it difficult to turn away. You could feel the weight of his unspoken words hanging in the air, heavy with longing and desperation.
In that moment, time seemed to stand still as you struggled with conflicting emotions. A part of you wanted to stay, to comfort him, while another part reminded you of the reasons you needed to leave. It was a bittersweet moment of indecision.
“I do y/n.”
As you turn to face him, he reaches out and gently grabs your cheeks, pulling you closer to him. The warmth of his touch sends a shiver down your spine as he leans in to kiss you with a passion that takes your breath away. His lips meet yours in a rush of desire, igniting a fire within you that burns brightly. The world around you fades away as you lose yourself in the intensity of the moment.
As time continued to tick away, you discovered yourself snuggled up on the cozy couch, watching Heeseung peacefully asleep. His rhythmic breathing filled the room with a sense of tranquility, as you couldn't help but admire his serene expression.
As you were captivated by his handsome features, a sudden notification interrupted the moment, causing confusion to cloud your thoughts. The sound of the notification chimed through the room, drawing your attention away from the enchanting sight before you. You couldn't help but wonder who could be reaching out to him at that moment, disrupting the tranquility of the moment.
- princess ❤️
Baby I miss you :(( when are you gonna leave that boring y/n
As your body trembles, you rise from the couch, gathering your belongings while tears once again cascade down your cheeks. The overwhelming emotions that flood your being threaten to consume you as you struggle to maintain composure.
Each item you pack represents a memory, a piece of your heart that you must now take with you as you move forward. The weight of the past bears down on you, making it difficult to breathe as you confront the reality of leaving behind what once was. With a heavy heart,
The harsh truth crashes over you like a wave, as you walk out of your shared apartment and stared at Heeseung for the last time. The weight of unanswered questions and unspoken words hangs heavy in the air, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. You can't help but wonder how your once loving "relationship" could have been. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks, shattering any illusions you have about the future. As you turn away and walk out the door, you can't help but feel pathetic.
As the bitterness lingered on your tongue, tears streamed down your face uncontrollably. With a heavy heart, you made your way to the door, each step feeling like a weight upon your soul. The taste of disappointment and sadness filled your mouth, leaving a bitter aftertaste. The sobs that escaped your lips were a symphony of pain and sorrow, echoing through the empty hallways. With each sob, your chest tightened, making it hard to breathe. And yet, despite the overwhelming emotions, you found the strength to walk out the door, leaving behind a trail of tears and heartache.
But at least you finally learned your lesson. That you could never change Heeseung for the better.
Heeseung will never change.
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