#stella x saul
mordredisacoolname · 8 months
Characters: Bloom Aisha Stella Musa Riven Sky Beatrix Silva Dane
CW: mention of spicy times, age gap in Silva's part (reader is over 18)
Note: I've only watched season 1 so I'll add more characters later on
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BLOOM- she just started drifting to sleep when she heard light tapping on her window. Opening her eyes she saw you signing for her to open the window. When you slid in you laughed at her surprised look. "What are you doing here?" She had asked, but you just smile and kiss her.
Bloom will be nervous at first, but than she'll ease up and will drag you to her bed to talk, not risking anything else to not wake up Aisha.
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AISHA- she was doing her homework, quietly to not wake up Bloom who was already sleeping when she noticed you waving outside the window. She instantly started worrying as she thought something happened. She opened the window letting you in "did something happen? Are you ok?"
Reassuring her everything is fine and you just wanted to see her, she'll tell you how irresponsible you are and try to shoo you away. You will eventually surrender and leave, but not before teasing her and kissing her goodbye.
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STELLA- she was getting ready to sleep when she heard a tapping on the window. Turning her head towards it she saw you waving at her. She smirks, going to the window and letting you in. "Hey handsome" she said and kisses you deeply, feeling your hands wrap around her waist.
She has no problem with it and is happy you came. She'll invite you to bed, sitting on top of you. You'll have to be quiet, no matter what you do, but you do have your privacy as the other girls all sleep in other bedrooms.
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MUSA- she already sensed you coming up, so she opened the window and sat back down on her bed, taking her headphones off. You slid to the room and saw her smiling at you. "Hey" you said and hurried to jump on her taking her head in your hands and kissing her. "Hey yourself" she said drawing you closer to her.
She likes this hour of night, when everyone is asleep and she has her peace and quiet. But sometimes it gets lonely, and she enjoys your company, laying together, making out, and other stuff.
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RIVEN- most of the time he's snicking to you, but this time you were the one climbing through his window. You texted him to open it a few minutes before, and now he was laying in his stomach facing the other side, smoking a joint (sky was finally somewhere else, so he could smoke in peace). You went up to the bed climbing up, and squishing him with your whole weight. "Ugh Jesus" he complained while you held his wrist and took a puff, kissing his neck in the process.
You'll joke around and smoke for a bit, deciding to have fun a little bit, starting with shotguns and kissing, and than continuing your activities.
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SKY- opening the window he harshly whisper asked you what are you doing here. When you told him you wanted to hang he said "wait for me outside". Pulling his shoes on he hurried down to you and took you by the hand to a less visible place.
He likes sticking out with you but worries that someone will see you coming to his room, so you just go outside to a more private place and hang there, when he is visibly more relaxed.
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BEATRIX- she was reading a spells book when she saw you gesturing for her to open the window. She put the book aside and opened the window. Smirking, she didn't let you in yet "did you want something?" She asked. "Come on let me in" you pleaded. When you were both inside you hoped on her bed, lying on your back with your hands behind your head. She claimed on top of you and started kissing you.
She loves when you snick inside her dorm and distract her, making her worries go away and just have fun.
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SILVA- he was working on taking his gear off when he saw you climbing up to his window. With a shocked expression he opened the window and helped you gat inside. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked stunned "just want to hang with you" you said sweetly and came up to him wrapping your hands around him kissing him deeply. "And what you just decided to climb up my window and ignore the door?" He said amused between kisses. "I didn't want Farah or Ben seeing me, it's only my second year teaching here and as far as I remember they didn't like me very much as a student"
You continued making out eventually getting to bed to do more than just kissing.
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DANE- he gaped in surprise when he saw you at his window. Letting you in he quietly closed his door not to wake up his roommate. "Hey-" he didn't finish his sentence as you grabbed his face kissing him. "Hey" you said when you parted from him. He smiled and grabbed your waist, telling you it is a pleasant surprise while you were dragging him to his bed.
You didn't snick up to his room often, but when you did he enjoyed every moment. Sometimes you just sat together rumbling about random stuff, and sometimes you did more. It really depends on both of your moods.
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thequietesthing · 2 years
so i finished Fate:The Winx Saga season 2…….
…….i freaking loved it!!!
i mean season 1 was cute, something nice to watch especially if you, like me, used to watch the animated show as a kid, and wanted to be brought back to that world
but season 2 slapped!! i loved it!! idk why but it had that something more.
i guess it felt like while in S1 the story was completely revolving around Bloom, just focusing on her growth and her adapting to the Otherworld, in S2 we know that Bloom is important because we finally discover that she has the Dragon Flame and is the only one that can best Sebastian, still it allowed other characters to have their own stories and development. Also Sebastian surname being Valtor… we love a good reference
I loved all the other side-stories: Aisha & Grey, when i found out he was a blood witch i was like OwO
Terra storyline was so sweet!! Flora also is a great addition to the ensemble and i liked it how she is different than how she is in the animated series (since her personality is already portrayed by Terra), it would have been boring otherwise
Bloom and Sky… they are adorable, incredible chemistry and it shows, all their scenes were either absolutely lovely or absolutely heartbreaking
Stella and Beatrix: yes please! i loved them together! two sassy queens dealing with a lot of shit, i hope Beatrix comes back (also she has two sister Isobel and D’arcy!! the way i SCREAMED, i feel the trix are coming)
then my beloved Musa and Riven: i love love love love love them, Musa storyline was brilliant this season and i love how they showed Riven growth (less of an asshole and more similar to the Riven in the animated series)
i also liked the way the gave Farah a proper farewell (they shipped her away from westeros for that scene lol)
ahhhhh the more i think about it the more i love this season
brian young did his homework this time!!
in general, i really liked it and i think that a second rewatch is going to happen very soon
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doodlesnoodles1 · 1 year
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marigoldwriter · 9 months
Saul: By the Good Goddess... this, is so...
Beatrix: Weird. I know, not even with me he was like that.
Andreas: *Attentively playing tea party with his granddaughters*
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My opinions about “Fate the Winx Saga” season 2 (MANY SPOILERS!)
If you haven’t seen it yet and want to experience it fully by yourselves, don’t read any further!
- Without any doubt, this season is even better than the first one. Such an emotional rollercoaster with many surprises and great villains. I loved all of the old and new characters and how these episodes deepened their bonds. It took some time for me to get used to the new actors of Rosalind and Ben - the original ones will always have a special place in my heart, but they did a good job with recasting, I think. 
- I have loved Abigail as Bloom since the first episode, but I’m glad she got so many opportunities to shine here.
- I didn’t especially like Skloom in the original animation, but they have stolen my heart in Fate, specifically during this season (episodes two and seven, my beloved). 
- I was both anxious and excited about seeing Flora, but I was pleasantly surprised. She is a badass, fits into group so well, and I like how her and Terra got closer and kind of sorted out their disagreements. 
- Everyone’s storylines and struggles were good and relatable (especially Bloom’s, Sky’s and Musa’s), but Terra’s took the first place for me for multiple reasons. 
- Stella’s and Riven’s character-developments are definitely also worth mentioning.
- My emotions about Dane have been conflicted this season, but I’m happy where we left with him, that the situation with Riven and him seems to be somewhat okay now and he has a chance to real happiness.
- I love Sam as a character, feel really bad for him and want him to find happiness, but Samusa never really was “it” for me (and it’s not just because I have had a soft spot for Rivusa since my childhood).
- When it comes to Rivusa, I really enjoyed their scenes together and can’t wait to see more of them. 
- Musa is still my favorite Winx altogether, even though I adore all of them.
- Aisha deserves everything beautiful and good in this world, dammit!
- I’m thrilled how much Silva-content we got this season. 
- Transformations and magic in general were done great.
- A good nod to Trix, I must say.
- That ending scene got me so emotional it was almost ridiculous. 
Aaand the downsides...
- Farah will always be the headmistress of Alfea to me and many, many others. The scenes we got with her, and her one last valuable lesson, were touching and I’m thankful for them, but she deserved so much more. There was an amazing build up of Golden Trio in season 1, and it was all thrown to waste. My Silrah-heart had so much hope and now it’s broken. And yes... I cried my eyes out. But when it’s all said and done... I just wanna thank Eve Best for portraying Farah so marvelously (and read loads of Silrah/Golden Trio-fanfics).
- Even though Andreas was very... questionable, I’m sad that there were so few scenes between him, Sky and Silva. 
- Stellatrix belongs to my “had so much hope”-department and well ... </3 
Such a great season, and a heartbreaking cliffhanger. We gotta get season 3, as soon as possible.
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What if we write on HBO instagram page , in the comments to pick up fate? They don't have many comments , if they see our comments maybe they will pick up ths show!!
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tapyxokka · 2 years
Fate: A Winx Saga - Fanmade season 3 - planning officially started!!
Join the Discord server to see ideas ahead of time, give your own thoughts, or just hang out with other fans!!
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Author's Note: A super angsty fic I wrote the other day. The first time I watched Beatrix and Bloom go to Aster Dell, I thought Beatrix meant to hurt Bloom. In this, she does, so it's an AU. This is a sad one.
Characters: Farah Dowling, Saul Silva, Stella, Terra, Sky, Aisha, Musa, Bloom (mentioned), Beatrix (mentioned)
Pairings: Light Silrah
Warnings: Major character death, mentions of blood
Farah’s too frantic to cry, when it happens. There’s a jittery restlessness in her bones, alight in every nerve, adrenaline keeping her going, reminiscent of the last time she was here, this cursed place. Her calls aren’t desperate, even as they go unanswered. Her feet carry her through what remains of Aster Dell, she checks every building, swallowing the nausea whenever her boots catch on the bones of the dead. She doesn’t cry when her calls are answered by Saul, just the one, a single bark of her name over the wind and crashing of the waves against the cliffs and- she knows. Saul doesn’t say her name any special way, but she knows. She can feel the dread settling in her bones in a way that she just…
She doesn’t cry when they find her, when the combined use of magic and rappelling brings Bloom back to them, broken and still, quiet, for the first time since Farah’s met her. Has she always been so small, so slight? She’s pale. Cold. Farah has the irrational desire to cover her with her coat, knowing it won’t do any good, but she does wipe the trickle of blood from the girl’s forehead, cradles her head even as blood stains her slacks and hands, combs out the windswept snarls from fiery strands as though the girl’s simply sleeping. Her hands tremble, and she feels lightheaded, weak, but she doesn’t cry.
She doesn’t cry when the girls do, when they return, failures, and her friends break down, scream, clutch at each other in a way they shouldn’t have to, wrapped in a grief they’re too young to know. She doesn’t cry when her goddaughter rebuffs her comforts, at the venom in her tone and in her eyes, blaming, tossing barbs that stick, but don’t draw tears to her eyes. She’s numb, almost uncomprehending of something so… unfeasible. All the girl had wanted was answers, why had Farah so fiercely denied them from her? How difficult would it have been to share what she knew, and didn’t? There was no reason Bloom had to die for answers she hadn’t even gotten. It’s all… wrong.
Farah doesn’t cry, though maybe she should, when they tell her parents. Farah isn’t emotionless, conveying the news, but she doesn’t cry, doesn’t acknowledge Saul’s hand under the table, squeezing tight as his breath hitches in a way Farah’s hasn’t, yet. She doesn’t cry watching Vanessa and Mike cry, as Vanessa’s screams go silent, face twisted with agony, and Mike clutches his wife tight, his own roars of anguish trapped behind his teeth. She doesn’t cry when they lash out at her, demean and demand answers, demand money, demand her job, for failing their daughter. She doesn’t cry and she doesn’t fight back because they’re right; she squeezes Saul’s hand when he opens his mouth to retaliate. They deserve every acquisition, every bit of guilt and blame.
She doesn’t cry. She doesn’t cry after a funeral she’s not invited to, doesn’t cry in the days and weeks that follow as classes resume and the girls pick themselves up, as Terra thaws, slowly but surely, as Sky recedes and withdraws and then breaks down himself in his father’s arms. Farah doesn’t cry. There must be something wrong with her, perhaps Rosalind’s succeeded after all. Ripped out whatever humanity remained, crushed it beneath her heel, or perhaps Farah’s so used to keeping her emotions in check she’s forgotten how to express them.
Two months. In two months, they’ve exposed a plot to return Rosalind to power, resorted to blackmail and extortion of a queen to cover up her almost-part in it, and finally brought the older fairy to justice for her crimes. They’ve learned of the betrayal of a once-dead friend, picked up the shattered pieces of his son’s heart, and carried forward. Healed. Moved on.
The winter months close in, and the girls ask for a campfire night, a controlled burn they can gather around to tell stories and stuff themselves with marshmallows and far too much chocolate before a reasonable bedtime hour, but exams are done and over half the school has gone home for the winter break, so it takes very little convincing for Farah to give in. It takes even less for Terra to convince her godmother to join them; Farah can never deny her anything, even less so in recent months. She hangs back, observing the group from afar as they huddle around the flames, blankets draped over their shoulders, sweets bags passed around and laughter contagious. Saul comes to stand beside her, hands deep in his pockets, breath coming out in puffs of steam. His shoulders are hunched up to his ears and she opens her mouth to make a quip about him wearing a hat-
An ember flits passed her ear, burning bright, extinguishing before it lands in the frosted grass. It’s in her peripheral, barely within her sight, but something changes. A resolve snaps, a wall crumbles, a dam breaks, and instead Farah turns sharply on her heel, quick strides carrying her away from the campfire; the farther she gets, the faster she moves, until she’s racing around the edge of the building. She barely has time to brace one hand against the wall before she’s retching, mouth bitter and throat burning and she suddenly can’t catch her breath. She tries, gasping for air, but her throat closes and the cold stings her cheeks, freezing the tears at the corner of her eyes. She nearly collapses, suddenly too weak to stand, and only manages to drag herself into the school as far as the canteen before her legs give out and she’s sliding down the wall, choking on her sobs.
Farah cries. She cries harder than she’s ever cried for Aster Dell, harder than any of the nights she’s been woken by nightmares. She cries because she can see the embers, she can see everything Bloom was capable of, everything she might’ve become, and she cries because Bloom is gone. Dead. And it’s her fault. She cries for finding her, broken and bloody and alone. She’d died alone, she’d died thinking her headmistress didn’t care, that hiding the truth was more important than sharing it. She’d died scared, she’d died trying to save herself, fingers bloody and scraped from trying and failing to grab onto the cliff face as she fell. She cries for her friends, for the grief she’s caused them, the trauma and pain she’s put them through, the trust she’s broken. She cries for her parents, the daughter they’ve lost, the promises she’s broken, the responsibilities she didn’t keep, the lies she told, all in the name of image. She cries and she cries until she thinks she might never stop.
She turns into Saul’s waiting arms when he finds her, doesn’t try to stop the tears, or explain; she clings to him, lets him hold her, rub soothingly up and down her back and whisper words of comfort in her ear.
“It’s all my fault Saul.”
“It’s not. I know you don’t believe me, but it’s not.”
“I failed her.”
“You didn’t. And you know she wouldn’t think you did.”
“You don’t know that,” Farah manages something between a huff and a scoff, voice cracking, “She wanted answers she knew I wouldn’t give, that’s the only reason she went off with Beatrix in the first place. I pushed her to it, if I’d just been honest with her-”
“You thought you were doing what was right. There’s no point thinking on what could’ve happened otherwise, if you hadn’t, because you did. We did.”
“She’s gone because of me,” she whispers, broken, defeated, and Saul holds her tighter.
“It’s not your fault, Farah Dowling. I know you want to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders but you can’t, not this time. I’ll say it now and I’ll say it as many times as you need: It is not your fault. Nobody blames you.”
“I do.”
“I know. But I’ll keep saying it until you don’t.”
“She didn’t deserve this.”
“No, she didn’t,” Saul finally agrees, fingers tangling in the pins keeping her hair piled on top of her head.
“I’m so sorry,” her voice breaks on the apology, and they both know it’s not Saul she’s speaking to. Farah cries harder, and Saul holds her closer, a few of his own tears wetting the crown of her head. It's sort of funny, about death: it's never the dead who suffer, in the end. It's the ones who carry on living.
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bixels · 4 months
Rewatching Better Call Saul with my partner (their first time) and man. Jimmy x Kim but as Startrix... So easy to imagine GG20s Stella and Trixie pulling stupid scams and hustles on chumps and running away with their money giggling and kissing.
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frost-queen · 3 months
Shimmering light (Fem!Reader x Stella)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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Sky puffed loud when you had kicked him in the chest. He doubled, reaching for his chest with a pained expression. – “You are out of shape Sky.” – you said teasingly, lowering your foot. Sky looked up, wanting to speak, but couldn’t yet. It made you laugh loud. – “Riven would be delighted to hear this.” – you told him as Sky straightened his posture. Having moved his hands to his hip, pointing at you. – “Don’t!” – he replied with a scowl.
It made you hum thoughtfully just to tease him more. Sky groaned grabbing a stick. He let it hit down on you. As a response, you had set your hands high as the stick came in contact with your wrists. – “Nice try darling.” – you moved your head for him to see your silly smirk. – “Sky, Y/n enough training!” – both of you heard. Sky lowered his stick.
Turning around, you straightened your posture at Saul coming your way. – “Good foot work Y/n.” – he whispered to you, patting you on the back. You threw Sky a mockingly smile just to rub it more in his face. Sky rolled his eyes. The other specialists gathered around as Saul had whistled loud. Riven came jogging over, looking all smug.
“Y/n.” – he said throwing an arm around you. Pressing your face close to his chest. – “Riven.” – you mumbled out, feeling squashed in his grip. Punching him in the armpit, he released his grip on you. You took a breather, shooting him a glare. Riven laughed finding himself amusing. Saul cleared his throat to make him stop interrupting. – “It’s time for your assignment.” – Saul explained.
He stepped aside as a group of fairies approached the training grounds. – “You’ve got to be kidding me.” – Riven puffed out, turning annoyed around. – “Scared Riven.” – you teased, tickling him under his armpits. Riven’s body squirmed, making him jump away from you. He gave you an annoyed look. Sky chuckled beside you. Saul snapped his finger to stop your little distraction.
“I’ll assign you your fairy.” – he started. He started pairing up some fairies and specialists. Amongst them stood Stella with her friends. She made brief eye contact with you. Her hand subtle going up to greet you with the smallest of nods. You smiled briefly back at her as response.
“I hope I get paired up with Sky.” – you heard her say to Musa. Musa gave her little attention, throwing glances from afar to Riven. – “Stella.” – Saul called out, making Stella straighten her back. – “Y/n.” – he called out, gesturing to the middle. Stella’s eyes widened as you came to the centre. Bloom had to push her forwards or else she would’ve remained still. Stella and you joined before Saul. Saul nodded at you.
You took Stella by her sleeve, pulling her aside. There you waited for everyone to be paired up. After pairing up gave Saul the subject to start training with each other. You and Stella moved a bit away from the group. – “Sorry I’m not Sky.” – you told her. Stella glanced up to you with a bit of shock in her eyes. Tilting her chin a bit up, her attitude changed.
“It’s better than Riven.” – she answered. – “Ouch.” – you replied hurt by her comment. Stella swallowed nervously, looking down. You had lowered yourself to pick up a fighting stick from the ground. Turning around you handed one to her. Stella stared rather strange at it. – “I’m not touching that.” – she said moving the stick away with one finger.
It made you sigh loud. – “Take it.” – you insisted. Stella crossed her arms. – “In case you forgot Y/n, I have my powers to protect me. I don’t need no sweaty stick.” – she said back cocky. You exhaled deep lowering the fighting stick. – “What if for some reason you can’t rely on them?” – you asked, pulling your shoulders up. Stella scoffed at what you said. You had a bit enough of her attitude. – “I’m here to protect you so maybe cut the whole stuck up princess act!” – you called out.
“It’s not an act, I am a princess.” – Stella replied loud. It made you throw your hands up. Throwing the stick on the ground, you gave up. Walking off, you had quite enough of her. – “Where are you going?” – Stella shouted getting on her toes. You ignored her, continuing to walk away. Stella lowered herself, looking hurt down.
She noticed some other pairings looking at her. It made her feel shy and small. Biting her thumb a bit, she went her own way. At first Stella thought about skipping. But then the guilt came. She felt guilty for acting like that towards you. She decided to change coarse and search for you. She eventually found you at the lunch tables. Stella took a deep breath before walking over.
You quirked your eyebrow up when she came sitting in front of you. – “Does her royal princess require something?” – you said bitsy. – “Y/n.” – Stella replied trying to reason with you. You crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair. Stella took a deep breath. – “I’m sorry.” – she said making you stare curious at her. You noticed how uneasy and vulnerable she felt.
“I…I didn’t mean to be so…” – she started. – “Bitchy?” – you answered for her, making her chuckle. – “Yes that.” – she agreed. – “Great, we agree on one thing.” – you teased seeing her smile. – “We agree on more things Y/n.” – Stella spoke. – “Like what?” – you asked intrigued. – “Like how good looking I am.” – she said making you quirk your eyebrow at her. – “Kidding!” – she laughed out, touching your arm. It didn’t make you laugh, rather just gaze at her.
You took a deep breath, placing your hand on hers. – “Stella, I’m not the one you should be building your walls up to.” – you told her. – “Remember last year?” – you pointed out. Stella nodded, remembering. – “The time I blinded that girl.” – she said looking down. You joined your other hand to hold hers in yours. Your action made her look up to you. – “No, after that.” – you corrected.
Stella smiled saddened at you. – “You were there.” – she said. – “I was there.” – you repeated. – “I was there when you were at your lowest. I kept you going. I made you shine as bright as ever Stella. So… don’t go acting all cold towards me with our history.” – you talked. Stella smiled brighter.
“You are better than Sky.” – she answered. – “You are what I need.” – Stella finished staring at your eyes. You smiled back at her. – “Oh how much better I feel.” – you responded dramatically, making Stella stomp your arm. Laughing loud afterwards. Both of you got up, heading back to the training grounds.
You kicked the door open after having heard Stella scream. Her eyes turned to shock when you busted in the room. Your eye immediately fell on her mother. With your batons you went for her mother. Forcing her face down on the desk. Arm between your baton on her back as your other one pressed her back against the desk. – “Y/n!” – Stella called out with tears in her eyes.
“This is the last time that you hurt her!” – you grunted out, pressing her mother’s cheek harder on the desk. Her mother was furious. Squirming under your grip to get free. – “You wait till I am free!” – she threatened. – “Do your worst.” – you responded coldly. Stella stared in shock, hands to her mouth at the display. Her mother raised her hand as Stella caught the faintest of light.
“Y/n!” – she alarmed you. You saw the light as well, quickly pulling back before she could blind you. Your own reaction made you stumble back. Her mother rose, eyes reflecting fury. She pointed her hand at you, casting a blast of light towards you. You fell back against Farah’s bookcase.
Books dropped to the ground with you. Stella gasped loud with tears in her eyes. – “You specialists think you are equal to us!” – she spitted out. Raising her hand as light emerged from it. – “You have just signed your own death.” – she called out. – “No!” – Stella shouted coming to stand in between. Arms wide open. – “Step aside child!” – Her mother casted out.
“No! I won’t let you hurt her!” – Stella defied against her mother. Her mother scoffed amusingly, finding it humorous her daughter would stand up against her. – “I won’t let you touch her!” – Stella replied determined. You looked up amazed to her. Seeing how strong she appeared. Her mother rose her hand either way, ready to cast light at Stella for being in the way.
You got up, wrapping your arms around Stella. Calling it out, you pulled her down with you, before the light could hit her. The light hit the bookcase instead. Making more books drop down. Hitting you and Stella all over.
You had moved your arms around Stella, protecting her. Stella slowly lifted her head, coming close to yours. For a moment the two of you stared at each other. You smiled, brushing your thumb against her cheek. Stella breathed out a smile with tears in her eyes. Her mother scoffed disgusted ready to cast again. You pulled Stella in your embrace to protect her. – “I’m sorry.” – you whispered to her.
Stella hugged you back, tightly. – “Not a word.” – she whispered back. Both of you closed your eyes, waiting for the impact. The door swung open, Farah entering with Saul. Saul launched for Stella’s mother, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. Farah turned to look at you. – “Are you alright girls?” – she asked as Saul escorted Stella’s mother out.
Stella and you stared a bit confused at each other. – “We are.” – Stella spoke with a smile. You helped each other up, embracing one another again.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 3 months
A little danger, pt. 15
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A little danger - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x mind!fairy
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, violence, sexual innuendos, descriptions of blood/wounds/death
———— PART 15 ————
Drawing in a shaky breath, Y/N swipes under her nose with her index finger. She frowns upon the sight of blood and the purple glow it emits.
“Keep going,” Saul encourages, his voice a steady anchor.
Her lips tremble as she tries to form words, the effort of speaking through the agony nearly unbearable. “It feels like my insides are being ripped out of me,” Y/N exclaims, her voice strained and filled with anguish.
“Maybe she could take a break,” Sky pleads, itching to stop the process himself.
“No,” Saul’s voice is firm, his resolve unwavering. “If we’re to protect Bloom, she has to erase the truth from everyone’s minds. Ours included. Otherwise, all of this was for nothing,” Saul pauses, a shadow of regret crossing his features. “And I still remember what happened perfectly.”
Violently trembling, Y/N’s tears blur her vision, though they are not tears but blood, a crimson hue that glows eerie purple. The blood’s strange luminescence casts a haunting glow around her. The warmth she emitted that had him awestruck is gone, it’s terrifying for Sky to look at her now. She sways on unsteady legs, her breath turning to ragged gasps torn from her lungs as she fights to maintain her focus.
“That’s enough,” Sky decides, his gaze hardening. He rushes to Y/N’s side, “Stop this!”
Noticing her left eye twitch, Sky realizes she’s actively fighting to keep her focus despite the distraction he provided. She won’t stop. Not until she does what Saul asked, even if it kills her. Not unless Sky makes her stop.
“Please,” his lips part in a plea as he cups her cheeks. Sky swallows thickly as he realizes she’s bleeding from her ears as well, soaking his hands.
“Keep going,” Saul speaks again sharply.
“It will kill her,” Sky says through gritted teeth, desperation creeping into his voice.
Stella jumps to her feet, her eyebrows furrowed. “Maybe Sky’s right. She’s not looking well.”
“She can do this,” Saul states plainly.
Bloom shakes her head, “She shouldn’t be risking her life over me. I can handle whatever punishment I receive.”
“Or we can just trust she can recognize her limits when she reaches them?” Terra suggests, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Musa’s eyes widen, “She’s going to die.”
Panicked, Sky shakes her body, his heart pounding with fear of losing her to the very power that always captivated him. He’s lied to her about it before – Sky loves her power as much as he fears it for this very reason. The amount of magic concentrated in her is too much for any fairy to handle, the danger looms over them like a dark cloud. If he stands by as it claims her, he knows he will never forgive himself. Nor Saul.
“Don’t do this,” Saul warns Sky who doesn’t heed his words.
In a desperate attempt to steer her focus away from the mission, Sky ignores the tiny voice in his head warning him to be cautious. When it’s Y/N, Sky is willing to toss all caution out the window.
“Don’t kill me for this,” he cracks a smile before planting his lips onto hers, hard. It’s like a collision of pure love and fear, passion and despair. He pours all the longing buried inside him, all the hopes he’s ever carried for their future, all of himself into this kiss, hoping it’s enough to break through to her. His hands tremble as they cup her face, his touch gentle yet urgent, as if he’s trying to anchor her to reality.
As their lips move together, a surge of electricity courses through him, a spark of magic that he can't quite explain. It's as if their connection ignites something within him, something primal and raw. And in that moment, he feels as if he's on the brink of losing himself, of being consumed by the intensity of their bond.
But then, something shifts. A jolt of energy passes between them, and Sky feels a sudden emptiness wash over him, as if a part of him has been ripped away. It's a sensation unlike anything he's ever experienced, a hollow ache that cuts deep into his soul.
And then, just as quickly as it came, it's gone. Sky blinks in confusion, his mind reeling as he tries to make sense of what just happened. But before he can grasp it fully, Y/N pulls away, her expression one of shock and horror.
"What... what did I just do?" she whispers, her voice trembling with disbelief. And then, realization dawns on her face, and she looks at him with wide eyes filled with anguish.
"I'm so sorry," she says, her voice choked with tears, her hands tremble as she reaches out to him. "I didn't mean to... I didn't want to..."
But Sky doesn't hear her words. He's lost in a haze, his mind swirling with memories that no longer belong to him, disappearing one by one, then hundreds and thousands at a time until he’s left a blank page, a void where his memories once resided.
“What just happened?” Stella stares at the two, confused as Sky seems to be.
Saul takes a few steps toward them. “What did you do,” Saul’s voice is oddly calm, but his eyes betray his worry.
“Sky?” Y/N asks shakily, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Huh?” Sky’s response is distant, his gaze vacant. He tilts his head ever so slightly to the left. There’s nothing in his eyes, no fear or hatred or anger….and no love. “You have something,” he gestures to her face. “Like all over.”
Covering her mouth in shock, Y/N shakes her head vehemently. “I can, I can fix this.”
“Fix what?” Saul raises his voice ever so slightly and Sky flinches at the sudden sound, though his expression remains blank.
“Why so loud, dude? You shouldn’t be yelling at her,” Sky states, his words lacking their usual warmth and familiarity as he takes a protective stance before Y/N.
“Dude?” Saul repeats in confusion, his concern deepening.
“I think I erased his memories,” Y/N confesses. “Why the fuck was he kissing me? Why would you allow him to even touch me when I was using all that power to fuck with other people’s minds?!”
“Do you really think any of us could stop Sky once he set his mind on something? Especially when you’re concerned?” Bloom sighs. “You can fix it, though?”
“I think so?” Y/N furrows her brow, her minds racing with thoughts of how to undo the damage. “I never wiped someone’s memories before.”
“Great,” Aisha mutters. “Well, I don’t think we have time to fix Sky right now. We need everyone on campus to forget, remember?”
“I don’t care,” Y/N snaps at her in frustration. “I’ve done what I could, Sky’s priority.”
“You guys really like the sky,” Sky chuckles, his voice light and carefree.
Stella tilts her head, considering. “At least he seems happy and unburdened.”
“He doesn’t even know his name,” Y/N deadpans, her heart heavy.
“We all knew you could potentially lobotomize us,” Stella shrugs. “Maybe the rest of the campus is like this too.”
“NOT HELPING,” Terra exclaims.
“Fix him,” Saul states firmly, his tone ending their argument. “Now.”
“I need time,” Y/N insists. “I could potentially make it worse!”
Pursing his lips, Saul nods. “I guess I’ll have to do what we wanted to avoid.” Sighing, he looks to Bloom. “You’ll have to wear these.”
Opening a box, he presents her with metal bracelets.
“Those look nice,” Sky goes to touch them only to get slapped over his hand by Stella.
“What are those?” Y/N asks.
“Torture devices to stop Bloom from using her magic,” Stella answers.
“You’ve had a way to stop a fairy from using her magic all this time and this is the first I hear of it?” Y/N raises her brows. “Wow.” It could have saved her so much grief. She could have used them outside of class to stop hurting everyone around her. So many people could have been protected from her outburst and Saul never once offered these bracelets to her.
“These are the terms to keep you out of confinement until they reach a decision. Bavani will convene a tribunal to determine the consequences and Queen Luna will preside over it.”
“Lovely,” Stella rolls her eyes.
Placing the bracelets on Bloom, they tighten around her forearms as if they’re embedding themselves into her skin. It looks painful, but Bloom doesn’t make a single sound.
Instinctively, Y/N takes Sky’s hand who pulls away instantly. He doesn’t even glance at her before turning to the TV. Feeling an explosion of pain spread in her chest, Y/N can’t help as tears well up in her eyes.
“Someone’s speaking,” Sky points out.
Queen Luna is making an address.
“Citizens of Solaria, I have tragic news. Rosalind Hale, headmistress of Alfea, is dead. It is a grave loss not only for the students of Alfea but for the entire realm. Rosalind was one of the bravest fairies the Otherworld has ever seen. Respected by her peers. Feared by her enemies. But fear will not dictate how we respond. There is a guilty party, and they will be brought to justice. Blood Witches. Their hatred of our kind is well known. But a heinous act such as this is unprecedented, carried out by their leader, Sebastian Valtor. Every Blood Witch following him is considered an enemy of the Crown. We will use the full weight of our military against them. And make no mistake... this is an act of war.”
“She didn’t mention Bloom,” Aisha points out.
“Maybe the tribunal will be just to get her facts straight?” Terra states.
“I know my mother. She won’t pass on this.”
Nodding, Musa huffs. “So, until all this is resolved, we are expected to go to class like everything is normal?”
“Nothing’s normal,” Y/N interjects as her eyes rest on Sky.
“I’ll take him to my place for the night,” Saul states. “I can explains some basics.”
“He doesn’t know you,” Saul tries to placate Y/N, setting a purple spark alight in her eyes for a moment.
“I need to try and fix him and I can’t do that if he’s not with me. Besides, he doesn’t know you either.”
“I don’t wanna go with either of you,” Sky interjects. “You’re pushy and I’d rather not deal with that. And the soldier dude is too serious.”
“Well tough luck,” Y/N grumbles. “Because you will be coming with me or I will do a better job lobotomizing you this time around!”
Stella giggles nervously, “Maybe we should take things easy, okay?”
“You,” Sky smirks. “I like you. You can take me anywhere you want,” he winks.
Glancing at Y/N, Stella pales. “I did not expect that!”
Exhaling loudly, Y/N grimaces. “If I don’t manage to fix him, I will kill him.”
“And you wonder why I don’t want to come with you,” Sky mutters under his breath.
Rolling her eyes at Sky, she turns to Saul. “I’m not done with you either.”
“I have plenty to say to you too,” Saul narrows his eyes at her.
Pursing her lips, she returns the gesture. “Table it for now?”
“Agree,” Saul lifts his chin and it takes everything in Y/N not to laugh.
Shaking hands on it, Y/N sighs before turning to Sky. “Can I trust you not to run and come willingly or will I have to use force?”
Raising his eyebrows, he looks to Stella again. “You’re really going to miss out on this opportunity?”
Lifting her hands up in mock surrender, Stella mouths a ‘sorry’ to Y/N before leaving the two.
“Unbelievable,” Sky grumbles in annoyance.
“I was thinking the same,” Y/N exclaims in disbelief. Grabbing him by the strings of his hoodie, she drags him after her in anger. Sure, she’s the one to blame for erasing his memories, but is he seriously flirting with his ex in front of her?
“Hold up!” Musa runs after her, holding a box of wet wipes. “You might wanna wipe the blood first,” she gestures to her face.
“It’s a short walk to my room and I’m planning to shower immediately.”
Pressing her lips in a thin line, Musa’s eyes widen. “I’d make sure no one catches you in the light then. It looks pretty bad.”
“Will do,” Y/N waves her off. Continuing on her way back, her hands clutch to the strings tightly. He’s not fighting her on it, but knowing Sky didn’t want to come with her hurts. It’s stupid, but part of her expected it to be like in the books; memory loss trope always has them feeling drawn to each other even if their history is gone. They are meant to be into each other, to want to fall in love again, not flirt with their royal ex girlfriend.
“I’m hungry,” Sky complains.
“I’m starving, like actually dying.”
Pausing, she turns around only to see him flinch at the sight of her. Is he seriously that repulsed by her? Biting her lower lip, she swallows the tears. He will not see her break. She will fix this and then she’s going to be mad at him for not falling head over heels for her on first sight.
“I have food in my room.”
“Is it pizza?” He asks, seemingly excited.
“You don’t remember your name or me, but you remember pizza?”
He shrugs. “Well, I’m hungry not horny. If I was horny, maybe I’d remember you Strange girl.”
Licking her lips, she closes her eyes. “No memory Sky is a dick. Got it.”
Pulling on the strings harder, Y/N walks ahead and Sky groans. “I wouldn’t have to be a dick if you let me leave. I mean, why do you even care?”
“Why ask if you don’t want to know the answer?”
Chuckling, Sky moves to her side. “Ooooh, do I detect some anger in your voice?” Biting his lower lip, Sky smiles. “I think I like the angry side of you more, Strange girl.”
Opening the door, Y/N grips the fabric of his hoodie with all her might and pushes him inside her room, locking the door with her magic to ensure he can’t leave. She does the same to the windows, securing every exit point.
“Have the pizza,” she points to the box on the desk. “I need a shower.”
“What’s stopping me from leaving?” Sky asks timidly.
Leaning on the door frame, she shrugs meekly. Maybe it’s the inkling of fear in his beautiful eyes that grips her heart or it’s the nerves in his tone as he asks, but she softens her voice. “Because I care about you and not even an hour ago, you really cared about me. I guess I’m hoping that sort of a thing doesn’t get lost along with memories because that affects only the head and not the heart. I can’t take away the memories your heart has of all the ways you feel about me.”
“Felt,” he corrects her and it’s like a gut punch.
Averting her gaze to the floor, she crosses her arms over her chest. Her forehead wrinkles as her eyebrows furrow and her eyes struggle to keep the tears at bay.
“Eat your pizza, Sky,” she replies softly with a light tremor in her voice. Disappearing behind the door, she covers her mouth to stop herself from sobbing openly. It’s not his fault he doesn’t remember her. Isn’t this what she wanted? For Sky to forget all about her? She tried so hard to push him away. If she wanted, this could be the answer to her wishes.
Shaking her head, she leans on her sink. Looking at herself in the mirror, she gasps loudly enough to warrant a light knock on the door.
“Uhhh, not that it’s any of my business, but is everything okay in there?”
Clearing her throat, she nods. “Yeah. All good.”
Her face is caked in blood, starting from marks running down her eyes, from her nose down her chin, in fact only a part of her forehead is clear. There are bloody tracks from her ears too. No wonder Sky flinched at the mere sight of her. She looks like a horror movie character.
In the dimly lit bathroom, the sound of running water fills the air as Y/N stands beneath the steaming shower, letting the warm water ease the icy chill that has seeped into her heart again. She watches as the ruby red blood swirls down the drain, disappearing into nothingness as did Sky’s feelings for her. As she scrubs vigorously at her skin, trying to rid herself of the remnants of what’s happened, her mind is consumed by thoughts of Sky. He’s a stranger now, it’s evident in the blank expression on his face and the emptiness in the eyes that held so much love for her. All they mirror now is the loss she feels inside.
Sky doesn’t remember her anymore. There’s no love left in him, the bond the shared is severed by a knife she wielded herself, unaware it would go straight into her heart and twist with every beat. Y/N has experienced immense pain in her life, lost many dear to her heart, but this? It threatens to engulf her entirely. She was careless and this is the result. Sky was always afraid of her doing something similar to this, but she can’t imagine even he would have expected the magnitude of what’s happened this evening.
Mother. Farah. Sky.
She lost them all.
But she might be able to save Sky. She will lose him inevitably even if she brings his memories back. This is unforgivable, she knows that. Perhaps if she were to keep Sky as he is, she’d get him to love her again. Maybe it can still be like in the romance books and they could be happy.
It wouldn’t be fair to him.
Sky deserves to know who he is and how he’s become that way. Most of all, he deserves to be able to make his choices knowing all the facts. If she has to lose him in the process, then so be it. That will be her punishment, one too easy for the severity of the crime. It will kill her, but that’s what she deserves.
And in that moment, a flicker of determination opens room for a glimmer of hope deep within her. She won’t give up on Sky, not now, not ever. He was always chasing after her, unable to give up even when she didn’t deserve him. This time it’s her turn to do the chasing. Even if he doesn’t make it easy on her. When he went after her, Sky at least knew she cares for him. This is a different story.
With renewed resolve, Y/N shuts off the water and steps out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel. Though the pain lingers, she knows she can't let it consume her. She'll find a way to bring Sky back to her, no matter what it takes. For their love is stronger than any obstacle, and she refuses to let it slip away into the darkness.
Realizing she didn’t bring a change of clothes, her heart jumps at the thought of having to go out in front of Sky with nothing but a towel wrapped around her. He’ll think she’s nymphomaniac and it will make it all worse. Holding her breath, she opens the door only to find Sky laying on his back on her bed, eyes closed and his hands on his stomach.
“I didn’t wanna touch anything since I got all this dried blood on my hands,” Sky states as he looks at her. His eyes widen and he sits up immediately. “Uhh, I, uh, what are you? What are you doing?”
Raising her eyebrows, she smirks. “Little nervous, are we?”
“Little naked, are we?”
Holding onto the towel, she shrugs. “You can wash your hands in the bathroom. There’s warm water if you want to take a shower.”
Gulping, he averts his gaze to his hands. “I, uh, don’t really have spare clothes laying around.”
“You do,” Y/N remarks. “I have a few pairs of your boxer briefs, a few shirts and I’m fairly certain you’ve left half your hoodie collection in my closet.”
Staring at her with mouth open, Sky inhales sharply. “Sorry, what do you mean?”
“If you want a shower, don’t worry about clothes,” Y/N explains as she grabs some of it and tosses it to the bed. Realizing she threw her fave hoodie he’s left, she runs toward the bed, “Oh, sorry, that one I’ll keep actually.” Grinning, she throws it over a chair and grabs another. Walking back to the bed, she slips. Falling on her left hip with a grunt, she nearly screams as she feels warm hands on her bare skin moments after impact.
“I’m not looking!” Sky exclaims as he helps her back on her feet, her towel remaining on the floor. “I’m not a creep, I swear!”
She couldn’t help the laugh bursting out of her when she notices the pink tint on his cheeks. He’s staring at the ceiling, but his hands haven’t left her waist. Biting her lower lip, she reaches for his face, cupping his cheeks.
“I don’t think you’re a creep.”
Daring to look her in the eyes, Sky swallows thickly. “I didn’t even think, I just rushed to help you. I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
Shaking her head fondly, she smiles. “I’ve never felt more comfortable than in your arms. And I know it sounds scary and overwhelming, but it’s the truth.”
With those words, he’s unable to tear his gaze away from her. She stands there, her damp hair cascading in loose waves down her back, brushing his hands on her waist, her eyes reflecting so many emotions he can’t quite decipher. There’s a resilience, a strength in her that captivates him. Looking at her now, with all the blood washed away, Sky can’t help the undeniable sense of awe. She’s not just pretty, she’s stunning, breathtakingly so. Every feature is perfectly crafted, from the curve of her lips to the sparkle in her eyes. In this moment, she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen in his life and it takes his breath away. And that? That’s what ignites a nagging sense of fear that grips his heart. She’s a stranger to him, someone he barely knows, yet there’s a connection between them that he can’t ignore. She told him he cared for her, that she cares for him, but he doesn’t feel that. What if he never does? What if she expects him to be the guy she thinks she knows and he can’t live up to that? Whoever he was to her, whoever he was in that life, that part of him is gone.
Letting his hands fall to his sides, Sky turns away. “The towel’s right next to you.”
He listens to the way she inhales, as if he’s already disappointed her. Part of him wishes he could remember, to know all he’s ever known about her, to understand why he was set aflame just by touching her bare skin, but that’s unattainable right now.
A shower isn’t.
Taking the clothes she laid out on the bed, Sky passes by her without so much as a glance. Closing the door, he finally lets out a breath he’s been keeping inside. There’s a goddess outside those doors and she looks at him like he’s all she’s ever wanted. So why did he run?
Out of the shower and dressed, Sky truly hoped she fell asleep. Y/N, that’s how he heard them call her. He likes the way her name sounds in his head, but he’s certain it sounds better rolling off his tongue.
Shaking the thought out of his mind, he peaks inside only to find her in the hoodie she took back earlier. Y/N’s sat on her bed, back against the frame. She looks up, a small smile on her lips as their eyes meet.
“Feel better?”
“I, uh, really don’t know what to say,” he manages a small smile.
“I can tell.”
“You have a photo of me on your vanity.”
“I do,” she glances at it for a moment. She took that photo during his training, right as he realized she was there, watching him. That grin of his is immortalized in her mind and in that photo.
“Okay. So we were close. I can accept that.”
Sighing, she nods. “Sky of Eraklyon. That’s your name. You’re the heir to Eraklyon…should we ever manage to free it.”
Frowning, he clicks his tongue. “That’s what you open with?”
“I don’t know what to say, either.”
Rubbing his forehead, he sits at the foot of the bed. “Don’t treat me differently, okay? I might not have memories I used to, but I’m still me”, he looks down to his hands folded in his lap.
“If I granted that wish, we’d sorta both be naked and –“
Chuckling, Sky glances at her sheepishly. “Maybe treat me a little bit differently. Like when we first met.”
She licks her lips before smiling. “We knew each other as kids. Then we were separated for a long time. When we met again, we didn’t talk for years.”
“Yeah. The first time we talked again, you got thrown into a wall.”
“What did I do to deserve it?”
Y/N pulls her knees up to her chest. “Nothing. You were being kind and I…don’t always have a lid on my magic.”
“So, you were the dick back then?”
Chuckling, she nods. “You could say that.” When she looks at him, her gaze is tender. There’s a softness in her eyes as she looks at him, like she sees him, truly sees him.
“Stop that,” Sky turns away from her.
“Stop looking at me like I’m yours, because I’m not!”
Swallowing thickly, she stares at him in shock. Nauseous and lightheaded, she feels as if her heart is breaking. You can die of a broken heart, it’s a scientifically proven fact. She can feel the ache deep behind her ribs, the heart that’s beating a desperate rhythm: love me, remember me.
“I don’t know how to look at you differently,” she gives him a tight lipped smile, swallowing tears. She knows she shouldn’t take it personally, but his words almost feel venomous.
Seeing the unshed tears in her eyes, Sky sighs. Running a hand through his wet hair, he leans his elbows on his thighs. “I did say you shouldn’t bring me with you.”
“Yeah. The girl you wanted to go with is your ex girlfriend and my…well, she’s like my best friend.”
“Oh,” he looks at her again, noticing the tears have made tracks on her cheeks, but no new ones are awaiting their journey. “So, that’s why you were so pissy. Even if I don’t remember you, cheating isn’t something I’d want to do.”
“Well…we are technically just friends right now. We broke up pretty recently.” Wiping under her eyes, she huffs. “It was stupid. Our breakup, I mean.”
“Who ended things?”
“I did,” she admits. “I was so good at pushing people away and running from everyone until they give up the chase, but you,” she smiles softly. “You never give up on me. The reason you were with me tonight, why this happened to you, it’s all a result of your unwillingness to walk away.”
Listening intently, Sky moves up to sit beside her. “I think you lied to me then. It doesn’t sound like I cared about you,” Sky leans his head on the headboard, his eyes chained to hers, taking in every little change in her expression to heart. He didn’t want to make her cry again. “Did I love you?”
Y/N’s lips part with his question. She’s taken aback, hopeful and he knows he’s made a mistake. He should have worded it better instead of giving her reason to hope he feels that way now.
“Y-yes,” she whispers. Her hand brushes his out of habit. “Sorry,” she tries to pull away, but he takes her hand in his, seemingly curious. His fingers run across her palm, warm against her skin.
“Why does touching you make me feel like I’m right where I’m meant to be, yet your presence here makes me want to scream for you to leave?” Sky speaks softly, quietly, as if she isn’t meant to hear him, but she does and it hurts. It’s just the very tip of the emotions of a very deep iceberg.
“What about my presence unnerves you the most?”
“The expectations in your eyes. You look at me and see someone you love and I’m not him anymore. I’m worried I’ll never be him again and I’ll lose something that’s obviously been very important to me.” He traces her wrist with his thumb, wetting his lips. “It’s the pain in your eyes, like I stole something you can’t get back.” Gnawing at the inside of his cheek, he releases her hand. “What if those memories are gone forever and I don’t end up falling in love with you again?”
Closing her eyes, she inhales deeply. “I don’t know.”
When she turns to look at him, Sky expected tears in her eyes, but he’s breathless as he’s met with a violet hue instead.
“What –“
“I’m not going to give up on you.”
Backing away, Sky shakes his head. “What’s that supposed to mean? Why did your eyes change?”
“I’m a mind fairy and I’m the reason you lost your memories. I have to try to bring them back,” she taps on the mattress. “Don’t you want to at least try and remember?”
“I do, but what if you lose control and turn me back to a baby or something.”
Holding her hand out for him to take, she shrugs. “Won’t know until we try.”
“That’s reassuring,” he grimaces.
“Are you in or out?”
Shaking his head, he sighs. “You’re kinda crazy, Strange girl.”
Chuckling dryly, she nods. “It’s precisely why you love me.”
“Okay,” he sits back down, holding her hand tightly in his. “Ruin me for good.”
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Saul silva x reader - the pain
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Sorry for requesting but can you do silva x reader where reader gets the thing Stella got that doesn’t allows her to use her powers… how he reacts when reader/his wife rips it of her back cause of pain it causes - Anon 💜
Sitting on the desk, you ran you hands through your hair as you tried to breathe through pain that you were feeling.
You shifted uncomfortably and reached your hand up, down the back of your hoodie to touch the device on your back and you hissed a little.
“Love?” Saul asked.
You looked at him, and gave him a weak smile.
“Sorry, just sore muscles I suppose.” You said.
“Want a message?” He asked.
You shook your head and pulled your shoes on, and walked over, placing your hand on the back of his head you pulled his face down.
You softly kissed his cheek and stepped back.
“It’s getting late, I’m going to bed.”
“I’ll come through shortly.” He smiled.
You nodded your head and walked away and Saul frowned as he looked at you leave.
He knew when he got arrested it was hard for you, then Farah disappeared, Rosalind took over and you were banned from teaching.
He knew it was all hard for you but he felt like there was something more going on, yet you wouldn’t tell him anything.
You always went to bed earlier, you wouldn’t let him hold you when you slept like usual, half the time he would wake up to find you asleep on the couch.
The doubt and worry were eating him up and he tried to ignore it but he couldn’t anymore.
He stood up and made his way towards your shared room, and he walked in, looking around for you.
“Have I don’t something wrong? Do you not love me anymore?” Saul asked.
He walked into the room and looked around, and he saw the bathroom light on so he made his way over.
“Do you want a divorce? Do you hate me for what I did?”
He pushed the door open.
“Because I don’t know what I’ve done but you’ve been so distant and it’s killing me I just…”
Saul trailed off as he looked at you, standing in front of the mirror without a shirt, blood running down your back, fingers stained red and blood dripping on the floor.
He walked in and placed his hand over yours, pulling it away from the device on your back and he looked in the mirror to see the tears running down your face.
“Who did this to you?” He asked lowly.
He nodded his head and looked at it.
He knew exactly what it was, of course he did, and he could see the redness around your skin it was stuck in.
“You’re hurting yourself trying to get it out, please stop..”
“It hurts Saul…”
“We’ll talk to Rosalind, get her to remove it.”
“She won’t, I’ve already tried.”
He stepped away to grab a towel, and when he had his back to you, you reached up again, digging your fingers under it.
You held back a scream of pain and you took a few deep breaths.
“Well we’ll try again.”
Saul turned around just in time to watch you pull the device from your back, and it clattered to the floor.
You stumbled back, slipping and he quickly caught you, lowering your to the ground.
“Fucking hell (Y/N)…”
Saul turned you around, and he rested your forehead on his shoulder, and carefully pressed the towel to your back.
Your body was trembling and he wrapped his arm around you.
“I’ve got you.. you’re okay..” he whispered.
Saul rested his head on yours, and he felt you tightly grip the fabric of his jumper.
“When did they do this?” He asked softly.
“Just after you were arrested…”
He nodded his head and pulled the towel away, looking at your wound before he put the towel back on it.
He sighed, kissing the top of your head.
He was furious, and that was an understatement.
Seeing you in so much pain, and knowing that you had been suffering for months.
This is why you were distancing yourself from him, so he wouldn’t be able to find out about this. You didn’t want him to know and now it all made sense
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supercap2319 · 2 years
The Prince & The Fairy Chapter 2 - Season 2
Pairing: Sky x Male Reader
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Y/N put back on his shirt as he answered the door. He sniffled and tried to act natural. He opened the door to see Beatrix on the other end. She examines Y/N and smirks. “Messy hair, short breath, empty suite. Looks like clumsy vanilla sеx is on the menu this afternoon. Unless, snore, you're waiting for marriage?”
“Well, vanilla wasn’t on the menu. It’s more of a cherry popped kind of ice cream,” Y/N said. “What does Rosalind want? I assume she sent her little helper 'cause she wants something.”
“I am not Rosalind's little helper,” Beatrix said.
“Right… and I didn’t have sex with Sky at my parent’s house. So, you’re telling me she doesn't want to see me?”
“She has a message about Silva.”
Later on, Y/N is sitting with the other Winx as Stella comes down and sits down by them. “They're sending him to the Omega Dimension.”
“Hm. So Beatrix wasn’t lying,” Y/N noted.
“The frozen dimension? It’s a death sentence,” Musa said.
“First Dowling, now Silva. She could do it to my dad at any time,” Terra said.
“Sam says he's putting on a good face for Rosalind. He's not happy about it…” Musa said.
“Isn't what he did self-defense? I mean, Erendor would've killed him if he didn't fight back. Who's his lawyer?” Bloom asks.
“What do you think a courtroom drama played out? Bloom, this isn't the First World. There was a tribunal, followed by a decree from the Queen,” Stella asked.
“But if your mum made the decree, can she not unmake it?”
“Even if we were speaking, she's not in the habit of changing her mind. It's happening tomorrow. Erendor is leading the transfer.”
“Shit!” Y/N groans. “We have to do something.”
“Well, historically, letter-writing campaigns have proved very effective,” Terra said. “But they do take time.”
“I'm not so much thinking in the letter-writing campaign realm. I'm... I'm thinking about something active,” Y/N says as the girls look at him uneasily, minus Bloom.
“Felony-wise, going against Solaria is a pretty big step up from anything we got into last term,” Musa said.
“Going against Solaria is not something you get into. Even if we thought we wanted to, the Solarian Guard is brutal,” Stella said. “And they’re focused and they’re–”
“–And it’s Silva,” Y/N reminded them. “He is our only other link to Dowling. To how things used to be.”
“If we let them banish him, how long's it gonna be before they find a reason to do the same with my dad?”
“Just to be clear, we're talking, like, full jailbreak, right?” Musa says.
“Okay, obviously, we can't tell Aisha, because she will try to stop us,” Stella says.
“Yeah. Bloom already told me.” Aisha walked to them as she sat down as well.
“If there's one thing I learned last term, it's listen to Aisha, 'cause she's... she's usually right,” Bloom said.
“And for the record, I was against releasing Rosalind because it was a dumb idea. This, well, it's still a dumb idea, but at least if I plan it, it'll work.” Aisha looks at Stella. “So, care to put your magic where your mouth is?”
Erendor and the other specialists are looking at a map of how they are going to lead the transfer of Saul Silva to the Omega Dimension. He points out the different places they’ll go. Sky and Riven are watching him as he talks. “It's a simple escort mission. Pick up the prisoner in Solaria, bring him to Long Shore, where he'll board a ship for Omega. The Solarian troops will do the heavy lifting,” Erendor says. Unbeknownst to the Specialists, Stella is watching them as she turns invisible. It's raining lightly outside. “We're just back up.”
Erendor looks at Sky, who is looking down at the map, an obvious frown on his face. Erendor turns and sits on the hood of the car as he turns his head towards Sky. “Will this be a problem for you? Seeing the man who raised you in chains. Watching him get shipped off to exile?”
Sky looks at him and shrugs his shoulders. “I'll manage.”
Erendor gives Sky a hard look. “Unconvincing. Next time.” Sky’s not going. His feelings for Silva will compromise their mission.
Sky frowns and gives him an incredulous look. “What? Are you serious?” Erendor doesn't give a hint that he’s not serious or joking. The young Prince scoffs and walks away. Beatrix smiles. “Dropping blondie makes sense, but I'm actually useful.”
Meanwhile, Aisha and Y/N are walking down the corridor on the second floor as they glance at the route Stella sent over. Ahead of them, they hear Musa talking to none other than Grey. “Yeah, I know. Exactly.” Grey smiles as Aisha tries to walk away from them, as Musa gets a view of them. “Aisha. Y/N.” The Water Fairy smiles tightly as she looks at them. Grey’s smile widens as he sees Aisha. “Hawk Girl.”
“That reminds me, are you heading to the river tonight? Or is it free?”
“Go for it.”
“You know you're always welcome to join me if you want another show,” Grey said. “I'm gonna auditioning these new Speedos tonight. Makes my eyes pop. You too Y/N. It's quite the show.” He walks by and smiles flirty.
“I'm sure that they do,” Y/N calls behind him, as Grey laughs.
Aisha makes a face as she sighs and walks up to Musa as the Mind Fairy gives her a look. “Um, how do you guys know him?” Aisha looks from Y/N to Musa. “He's mine Sam’s, Sky’s, and Riven’s new roommate,” Y/N tells her.
“How do you know him?” Musa asks.
“I don't. He's just annoying,” Aisha says.
Musa’s eyes flash as there is a tingling sound. “Mm. I do feel annoyance. I also feel something like a tingle.” Aisha ignores her. “Stella just sent pictures of the route.”
“Maybe tingle's not the right word.”
“We should go figure out a plan.”
“I bet it's a warm, or fuzzy…” Y/N starts.
“I'll drown both of you,” Aisha warns as Y/N and Musa laugh. They all head to the Winx suite as Aisha tells them her plan of action. “The closest the caravan will get to the school is 10 km or so. Erendor’s route has him crossing the river here, but according to Terra, that bridge got burned out weeks ago.”
“The third years had a party, drunk Fire Fairy. Sam says it’s a mess, but nobody wants to tell the grown-ups,” Terra says.
“Which means that we’ll have to divert to this side road, which has more cover anyway. That's where we need to stop the caravan.”
“I can explode it,” Bloom says.
“I can ice the road,” Y/N adds.
Aisha gives the twins a look. “Yes, or I could flood the engine?”
Y/N and Bloom shrug their shoulders. “Yeah, smarter. And quieter.”
Aisha looks at Musa. “Musa'll let us know if anybody's suspicious.”
“Human mood ring reporting for duty.” Musa points to herself.
“And then it’s the Stella show. She goes invisible, grabs the key and breaks him out. Can you manage?” They look at Stella, who smirks. “Of course. I just hope I don't hurt my back from carrying basically the entire plan.” They all snicker at that. Terra gives Aisha an excited look. Like a puppy dog getting to go out for a walk.
“Yes, Terra?”
“I just think we should take a moment to appreciate this. All of us working together, despite what Rosalind's up to. The Winx suite, a team,” Terra says. “Even Stella, who'll deny she's enjoying being part of the group, enjoying being part of the group. I just want us all to remember that, no matter how bad things get out there, in here, things are good.”
“And they always will be, Ter,” Bloom said.
“I’ve always seen us more of a Winx club than a Winx suite,” Y/N tells them. They all look at him for a moment before laughing.
Sky sat at his desk in his shared bedroom with Y/N as he gazed absentmindedly out of the window. He was nursing a glass of whiskey in his hands as he took a sip. The burning sensation numbed the pain he was feeling for a split second before coming right back again.
The young Prince thought back to his conversation with his father early this morning. The truth about his apparent death. The truth about his sword. All of it. He walked to the small green couch where a sword in its sheath was leaning against. Sky grabbed the sword and removed it from its sheath as he examined the weapon. It was a silver sword with a black grip and a blue gemstone in the center of the pommel. Sky thought back to the conversation he had with Erendor about it.
Sky walked up to the older man as he crossed his arms. “I know you've been busy. But I wanted to know if we could talk.”
“Okay. All right. Let's deal with this now,” Erendor said. “Sixteen years ago, Rosalind ordered me into hiding. Everyone thought the King of Eraklyon was dead. That was useful to her. I couldn't reach out to anyone in my old life. Including my son.” Sky puts the sword back in its sheath. “It wasn't personal, Sky. It was an order.” Sky said nothing as he held up the sword. “Saul gave me this when I was little. He said it was yours. A king’s royal weapon. Thought you might want it back.” Erendor removed the sword as he balanced it in his hands and glanced down at it. He frowned, like the very thing offended him. “Well, I don't know whose unbalanced piece of shit this is..." He slams the sword into the ground. “But it's not mine.” He walks away from his son. Sky just stares at the sword on the ground.
Sky is pulled out of his thoughts as he puts the sword down as he takes another swig of whiskey. The door opens as Y/N walks in and sees his blonde Adonis boyfriend drinking. “Are… Are you drinking in the middle of the day, Blue eyes?”
Sky smiles as Y/N puts a hand on his shoulder. “Well, it’s five o’clock somewhere, right?” He says. “Wanna join? Riven, Sam, and Grey are out for the day, so the place is all ours.” He brushes his fingers underneath Y/N’s shirt as he groans just a bit. “Sky….”
“Yeah, Baby boy?” Sky teases.
Y/N begrudgingly stops Sky’s fingers from traveling any further. “I can't. I mean, I want to, but… I have to have a clear head. I have a... big afternoon.”
“Big afternoon?” Y/N looks down and then glances back up at Sky as it dawns on the Prince about what Y/N’s plans are for this afternoon. “Silva…” Sky trails off. Y/N tries to explain, but Sky interrupts him. “Actually, don't tell me.”
“I... I know you well enough now to know that I can't stop you from doing what you wanna do.”
It’s silent between the two of them. “If Silva gets sent to exile, he's not coming back. Ever. He's a part of this school. We need him,” Y/N says.
“Is that really why you're doing this?” Sky looks at him. His blue eyes are shining with emotions.
“You need him, Sky,” Y/N said. “We all do.”
“It's an avalanche of shit, Y/N. If you succeed or fail, an avalanche. And he's not worth it.” Sky takes another swing. “That’s not true, and you know it.”
“Really? Then tell me what is, because lately I’ve had trouble with people telling me the truth,” Sky said. It was a low blow against Silva. For his lies and deceptions. Sky was hurting, and he had a right to be mad, but this wasn’t who he was.
“Sky… Blue Eyes… I get that Silva hurt you. He lied to you all your life about your father. He lied about his death. His intentions as King and he–”
“–And he lied about this…” He got up and showed Y/N the sword. He unsheathed the sword and handed it to Y/N. “I asked Erendor about this, and he didn't even recognize it because it's not even his sword. Silva told me when I was 6 that this was my father's sword. The one he used in battles and led armies with. It was all a fucking lie!” Sky cast the sword aside and sat down as he wept bitter tears.
Y/N’s heart broke seeing Sky so broken and defeated. He wraps his arms around him and puts his face in his hair as the young man cries, his body shaking with sobs. “Sky? Do you remember what I told you last term? About not having to be strong all the time?” Sky stopped crying as he looked at Y/N. His eyes were shiny from the salty tears. “Yeah, you said I didn’t have to be strong all the time. That I could let my walls down around you and that you wouldn’t let me crumble.”
“And I meant that,” Y/N said. “Blue Eyes, everything Silva did. He did for you so that you wouldn’t have to grow up hating your father for leaving you because of Rosalind. He wanted you to grow up to be the great King of Eraklyon that he knows you’re capable of being. Give him a second chance, please? Or at least consider it?”
Sky stared at Y/N for a long time before he sighed. “I’ll think about it.”
Y/N sulked as he got in the passenger seat of Ben Harvey’s car as Bloom got in the driver’s seat and Terra, Musa, and Aisha in the back. They were scrambling to get settled before leaving to intercept Silva before he’s gone forever. “Y/N? Can you move your seat forward, please?” Aisha asked.
“Yeah, hold on.”
“Your legs aren't that long,” Musa says. Aisha unwraps a granola bar. “No, can you not eat in here? My dad’s really funny about it,” Terra tells her.
“I’ll be careful, promise.”
“Music. We need music.”
“No. We need Stella,” Bloom says.
Aisha’s phone chimes. “Oh, that’s probably her.” She unlocks her phone as she sees it’s not a message from Stella, but from Grey!
Still waiting on that swim schedule. Anytime you want to send it to me. Grey.
“Grey?” Aisha frowns. “How did he…” She looks at Musa who points to Y/N. “Wait, did you give Grey my number, Y/N?” At the mention of that, Y/N sinks further into his seat. He smiles sheepishly. “Okay, don’t be mad at me.”
“Grey who?” Terra asks.
“Who's Grey?” Bloom asks.
“The Specialist that has a massive hard on for, Aisha,” Y/N said.
Aisha made a face. “Ugh… that’s disgusting!”
“Umm… Terra and I would like to weigh in if we had details,” Bloom smiles.
“Don’t we have enough going on?” Aisha says. “Now, I have to deal with this?”
“Yeah, with a guy you like texting?” Musa says.
“You like him?!”
“Never bet against a Mind Fairy,” Terra says.
“He asked me for your number. I said yes, but only after he promised his intentions with you were strictly professional,” Y/N said.
“Wait. This is the new roommate Sam was telling me about?” Terra asked. “Grey the Specialist?”
“With the abs and speedos.” Y/N smiled.
“Abs? Speedos?” Bloom chuckles.
Aisha looks like she wants to die as she sits back in her seat.
Stella is walking down the corridor as she gets texts from everyone on where she is. Before she can respond. Rosalind steps in front of her. “My office. Now.” Stella just gives her a look as she follows her to her office. Rosalind grabs a list as she reads it to the Fairy of the Shining Sun. “Thursday the 2nd, 10 a.m. Monday the 6th, 3:37 p.m. Courtyard. Wednesday the 8th, 7a.m. Canteen. Motor court on the 10th. The East Wing yesterday. The list goes on.” Rosalind said.
She walks in front and turns to Stella. “I was wondering what part of "invisibility magic is off-limits" was confusing to you?”
Stella sighed. “Can we just get to the part where you say you've called my mum, and she's on her way to punish me?”
“She's not.”
Stella scoffs. “Of course she’s not.”
“She's tired of rewarding bad behavior with attention. You used invisibility magic to run away last year, which is why she forbade it this year. She told me if you didn't listen…” She moves to her desk and pulls out a small box as Stella’s phone is ringing on silent. Rosalind opens it to reveal a magenta stone with spikes on the bottom. Stella takes an exhaled breath, sharply. “What's that?” Rosalind walks closer to her. “Take your jacket off.”
Stella scoffs in disbelief. “You’re joking?”
“I’d rather not do it for you,” Rosalind warns.
Stella takes off her pink jacket, begrudgingly as she stands there in a yellow top. Rosalind walks behind her as Stella looks at her. "This will prevent you from using that particular power. It will also keep you on school grounds.” The gem opens up like a bug as she puts on Stella’s back and sinks its tendrils inside the Princess’s skin as she screams loudly. The gem sits down fully as Stella tries to claw it out.
Meanwhile, back at the car, Bloom fastens her seat belt. “We have to go now.”
“We can’t without Stella. She is the plan,” Aisha protests.
“Something’s not right, but luckily I have a backup plan,” Y/N said.
“What backup plan?” Aisha asks.
Just then. The trunk of the car opened up as Sam got inside and smirked at everyone. “Sup?”
“Sam?” Musa questioned.
“What are you doing here?” Terra asked her brother.
Y/N smiles. “Ladies… say hello to Plan B. Or in this case, Plan S.”
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Hearing “Meaning” by Cascadeur at the end of 2x07 of Fate broke me to pieces since the first watch and these news surely don’t help on the matter... 
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medusanova · 1 year
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A compilation of some of my writing:
I’ll do my best to keep this up to date. And never hesitate to send over an ask if you have any questions, if you want to send some prompts, if there’s a broken link, or if you just want to chat xx
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One Shots
Through the Eyes of a Soldier 
Rivusa (7.3k): Musa’s had a rough year, Riven’s had a great year, and Craig's about to find out not everything with these two is as it seems. {Angst & Fluff}
And So the Mask Slips
Rivusa (3.5k): It’s Halloween and Riven's ended the night stuck in a closet with Musa. {Pure Fluff}
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts
Rivusa (7.9k): Riven’s misanthropic holiday plans end up being foiled by Musa in the best way possible. {Angst & Holiday Fluff & Slight Smut}
Mending Midnights
Skloom (5.2k): Sky and Bloom try to move on after the war. Takes place almost a decade after canon. {Angst & Fluff & Hurt/Comfort}
Rivulets of Destruction
Greysha (7.2k): It’s the last battle of the war. Grey and Aisha plan to run away and start their lives together when it’s done — but wars never go as planned. {Post-Canon Angst & Hurt/Comfort & Character Deaths}
Rivusa (5.2k): Musa discovers that Riven secretly wears glasses and maybe also that she might find them to be a major turn on. {Fluff & lots of Unresolved Sexual Tension}
Too Far Gone
Rivusa (10.5k): A war diary of sorts telling the story of Riven, Musa, and the many hurts and comforts they encounter during the Blood Witch war. {Post-canon & Angst & Hurt/Comfort}
Chaptered Fics
Of Two Minds
Rivusa (8.7k): Musa’s post-season 2 growth and her journey as a mind fairy including, but not limited to, banter, sparring, sexual tension, and more with her grumpy Specialist teacher. {WIP; 1/2}
Killer Instinct
Rivusa (13.7k): Riven is an assassin who works in Solaria’s criminal underworld and has gotten a new assignment: kill Musa. Stalking, fighting, and existential crises ensue. {Assassin AU w/ hurt/comfort & angst & smut}
Always open to requests for these little Fate Ficlets. Any pairing from FTWS is welcome, and though I can’t always guarantee a quick response, just know your ask will always be answered in some way, shape, or form :)
*works w/ trigger warnings are hidden below the line and labeled
Rivusa (Riven x Musa)
Anything That Can Go Wrong || Motorcycle Club AU || Marriage of convenience historical AU || ‘Later, I promise’ || Hunger Games AU || Musician!Riven || Hanahaki || Poldark AU || Addams family AU || Pirate AU || Greek Mythology AU || 
Andylind (Andreas x Rosalind)
iron sharpens iron || Sharing Dreams || Interference || Portrait of Longing || Andreas breaks Rosalind || Rosalind breaks Andreas || Mistletoe kisses || ‘Shut up and kiss me’ || Memory loss || Rosalind breaks down || Sharing childhood memories ||
SamBea (Sam Harvey x Beatrix)
Accidental hand hold || Midnight Machinations: Part 1 & Part 2 ||
Saundreas (Saul Silva x Andreas)
Mission gone wrong  || Hurt Saul, begrudging nursemaid Andreas ||
Skloom (Sky x Bloom)
‘There’s someone in the house.’ || Beauty & the Beast AU  || 
Stellatrix (Stella x Beatrix)
Next door neighbors ||
SkyRiv (Sky x Riven)
Hunger of the Innocent || Parabatai Bound || ‘Who did this to you?’ || ‘Do you miss her?’  ||
Greysha (Grey x Aisha)
‘You didn’t have to kill them!’||
Silrah (Saul Silva x Farah Dowling)
Wild west AU ||
Misc. (Not ship-related)
FTWS Adults + Mean Girls AU ||
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One Shots
Feel free to request drabbles or one shots :)
The Call of Forsaken Austerity
Arataki Itto x Kujou Sara (6.8k): In which Itto's prison break results in an odd sort of stealth mission and Kujou Sara's worst nightmare: unexpected vulnerability. {Angst & Fluff}
Chaptered Fics
Golden Dreams
Childe x Lumine (19.7k): Lumine just wants to find her brother.. but first she has to deal with the nihilistic, battle-hardened, and bizarrely captivating Harbinger following her every move. {WIP; 6/20 *slow to update}
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Riven x fem! reader, Sky x fem! reader, (all platonic)
Warnings- drug misuse, underage drinking, language, violence, Bitchy Bloom
Plot- You are a specialist, you used to be best friends with Sky and Riven then Bloom came everything went to shit.
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My life has been shit this year. Dowling left. Silva's in prison. Rosalind runs the school. Andreas- Sky's father is back from the dead. And it's all one person's fault. Bloom Peters.
I was walking to specialist training with Andreas when I saw him and Riven talking. I walked past them, ignoring them both as they glared at me. By the way Rosalind told everyone that I was 'helping' her. So now all my friends hate me and I'm being iced out. Since then Rosalind just ignores me. "Y/N Y/L/N Rosalind wants you" Andreas called after me, gaining my attention. "Why?" "Something to do with Silva's escape" the older specialist spoke. "What?" "Just go" the older man spoke, with that I walked up to her lovely office.
I was stood outside the door, I hesitated nocking when it opened. Rosalind stood there. "Come in child" she returned to her lovely seat. "Beatrix tells me you were the one who helped Saul Silva escape" the older woman said. "Wait What?" I asked confused my voice rising slightly. "You helped him eacape" her tone rising with each word. "I didn-" as I was trying to speak she flicked her wrist chocking me that's all I remeber everything else is missing. Today was the day of the banquet. I wa sat in my room smoking a blunt- a habit I picked up since everyone ghosted me. I stood up deciding what to wear I settled on a black dress with a deep v-neck and a large slit going up my left leg to halfway up my thigh, a sliver belt wrapped round my waist.
I walked downstairs seeing the winx suite split up and start mingling. I stood and watched before I joined someone staring at me from afar. Sky. I just ignored him and walked around until something grabbed my arm pulling me into a wall. "You are going to the V.I.P banquet." Rosalind said. "Yes ofc" I spoke sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and walked away. When it came for the banquet I was sat next to Andreas and Arthur. Lovely. Sky and Arthur started bickering when I walked away to stand outside. I took out a blunt and began smoking. "You know this isn't your smartest idea Y/L/N" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. Sky. "You do know your speaking to the most hated girl at Alfea right Sky" I said trying to ignore him. "What happened Y/n/n?" He asked. "Shit Sky. Shit." With that he walked away. I took put my flask and gulped it all down. After a while it turned dark I went behind the gate, as I was sitting down I noticed something sat down. "Beatrix?" I said. "What do you want?" The red-head spoke harshly. "Sheesh all I wanted was to smoke." I said sitting down. We just sat in silence until something started pulling at our feet within seconds we were being dragged away by scrappers. I screamed but nothing worked I was dragged through the forest. When I came to I noticed that Beatrix wasn't there I was at the bottom of some stairs. I screamed and screamed but no-one heard I was there all alone.
After my conversation with Y/n I haven't seen her or even Beatrix for that matter. I went to her old room the bed was made. Where did Y/n go? Where is she? "Where's Y/n and Beatrix?" I asked my father. He walked away "Where are they Andreas?" I said a bit more loud. "None of your business Sky" With that he walked away.
It has been two days since they went missing we went a pub. Tonight was all about letting loose well atleast till the girls went to the bathroom and I git a call from Stella.
Beatrix sent me a message of where she is please go find her Sky. She's at the old lodge past the barrier.
Me and Riven are on the way
With that I hung up. I got Riven and we got changed into our uniforms. As we were about to go Bloom and the girls came out.
When we got there Riven and Musa were whispering about something when we walked in. "There she is" I whispered to Riven pointing at Beatrix. He nodded when something fell Musa shouted. "Musa run" Riven shouted at her grabbing his sword. An arrow shot at us. Andreas? Riven grabbed Beatrix and ran. Silva appeared and started fighting Andreas. My father vs. My adoptive father. Silva was pinned up against the wall with Andreas' arm against his throat. Andreas snapped out of it. "Do what you have to do" he said. With that he got out his sword aiming to kill Silva when I stabbed him he fell to the floor. I walked out when it went up in flames. Silva right behind me with my father against his arms. Riven had Musa in his. I heard a familiar scream. Me and Riven looked at each other he put Musa down. We tried to go back in but Silva held us back.
Her screams filled the air until it all stopped. We broke free and ran in to see her on the floor crying. Her arms wrapped around her knees her head looking down. I heard her mumbling things.
I heard rustle upstairs I tried to move but chains held my feet down. The door opened Musa? "Help" my wrasp voice said she ignored me as scrapers clawed against the door she opened it and walked out. What the fuck? Flames enveloped the house. When they started clawing in on me I screamed but no-one came. No-one would care if I died. I pulled my knees in and wrapped my arms around them crying mumbling "Why me" over and over again when I felt someone's presence. They grabbed my arms causing me to flinch and move away. "Y/n it's okay were here" they said I tried backing away into a corner to try and stop hallucinating. The chains held deeper onto my ankles causing me to whimper. I looked up seeing Sky and Riven looking concerned at me. I started to cry.
Riven took out his sword and swung ut at me to cut of the chains. They lifted me up "cmon Y/n" Sky said. We walked back to the courtyard my arms wrapped around their necks limping. When we finally got there Bloom was glaring at me, Sky pulled away and walked off. Riven helped me to a wall and walked off. They literally saved me and walked off, no-one cares about me anymore. I got to my room, I didn't have any suitemates, as soon as I got there I fell on the floor with a thud, I had a cut going up my stomach, then I froze I couldn't move the pain started swallowing me whole. I reached over to my phone. I tried calling Sky- no answer, Riven- no answerI tried them a few more times till the world went black.
I walked off leaving Y/n with Riven. I noticed Bloom staring, so I walked over to her going to hug her. "Hey what's wrong?"She said concerned. "My dad's dead Silva's bringing him back later" I said. "What's wrong with ger I thought you were only getting Beatrix" Bloom said rather annoyed. "She was hurt and taken-" I said but was cut off by my phone ringing. It was Y/n, Bloom took it out off my hands and hung up. "What the hell Bloom?" "We were talking" She replied annoyed by my question. I just walked back to my room to see Riven smoking. "I just got a call from Y/n" I said. "Hmm ....weird ...I did.. too, she's probably.. bored." Riven said letting out puffs of smoke in-between words.
It had been half a day since the while Y/n drama, Bloom is annoyed that I walked away and about Y/n calling me. I hadn't seen Y/n since. "Riv have you seen Y/n?" He started signaling to shut up but the door opened. "Seriously Sky, you're look for her" Bloom said commming out of the bathroom. She walked out the room. "I told you to shut up" Riven said.
After I left I went straight to Y/n's room, I broke down the door. She was lying on the ground rolling around on the floor in pain. Fire bursted out from my hands I touched her leg burning it. Water pure over her Aisha. "What the fuck Bloom?" The girls said angrily comming in. "I I-I don't know, I post control." I said sad. Thed oor opened. "Y/n are you o-" Sky said being cut off from the sight. "What the hell happened" Riven said comming from behind him. Riven ran over to her picking her up. "What the hell Bloom" Sky shouted at me.
I heard noise as I was rolling on the floor. Then fire came onto my leg. "Ahhh" I screamed louder. Then I heard shouting, two arms lifted me up, I leaned into the chest. "Sssh ssh it's going to be ok" Riven spoke softly. "Help, I need help" he said shouting into the greenhouse. He placed me down onto a table, Professor Harvey cane running out, and started to lift up my shirt he put some kind of cream on it. And healed my leg, Riven stayed there stroking my hair when the door burst open. "Is she okay?" Sky said concerned for me. "Aww Sky isn't as cold as hus bitch of a girlfriend" I said smiling wincing in pain. Riven grabbed onto one hand whilst, Sky grabbed the other smoothing their thumbs over my nuckles. "You should have told us" Riven said. "How am I meant to ex-" I was cut off by Rosalind slamming open the door. "You stupid bitch, I told you to be quiet and not to scream for help" She said shouting before she noticed Sky and Riven. "You two out" She said slightly calmer. They hesitated until she zapped me. "No" They both said. She kept torturing me with my old friends just staring at me in shock until it was over they ran over and started stroking my hair. "Why me" I cried. "Hey hey its going to be okay" Sky said soothingly. I just nodded. Until...
A pain shot through my stomach. "Aaaah" I started squirming around in pain, until it all went black.
She screamed out in pain, I gave Riven a concerned look. Her body started to squirm around in pain. Until it stopped. "Shit- Wake up Y/n/n" I started telling her, Riven ran to get help them she took a breath in and blew it put slowly, she wouldn't breath I started cpr. "Don't die on me now" I kept repeating until Riven and Harvey ran in. "How minutes has she been down?" Harvey said concerned. "5 why?" Riven said. "Sky stop, she's dead" Harvey told me. "What!" I shouted. Silva ran in. "What happened" he said to Harvey. "She's dead he needs to stop" Harvey said sighing. "Sky get off of her" Silva ordered. "That's an order" he said more sternly till he pulled me away. "NO she can't be dead she cant" Me and Riven said.
Sky and Riven never got to apologise. Well they thought that, until she took a deep breath in.
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