#fairies x specialist
frost-queen · 6 months
Shimmering light (Fem!Reader x Stella)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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Sky puffed loud when you had kicked him in the chest. He doubled, reaching for his chest with a pained expression. – “You are out of shape Sky.” – you said teasingly, lowering your foot. Sky looked up, wanting to speak, but couldn’t yet. It made you laugh loud. – “Riven would be delighted to hear this.” – you told him as Sky straightened his posture. Having moved his hands to his hip, pointing at you. – “Don’t!” – he replied with a scowl.
It made you hum thoughtfully just to tease him more. Sky groaned grabbing a stick. He let it hit down on you. As a response, you had set your hands high as the stick came in contact with your wrists. – “Nice try darling.” – you moved your head for him to see your silly smirk. – “Sky, Y/n enough training!” – both of you heard. Sky lowered his stick.
Turning around, you straightened your posture at Saul coming your way. – “Good foot work Y/n.” – he whispered to you, patting you on the back. You threw Sky a mockingly smile just to rub it more in his face. Sky rolled his eyes. The other specialists gathered around as Saul had whistled loud. Riven came jogging over, looking all smug.
“Y/n.” – he said throwing an arm around you. Pressing your face close to his chest. – “Riven.” – you mumbled out, feeling squashed in his grip. Punching him in the armpit, he released his grip on you. You took a breather, shooting him a glare. Riven laughed finding himself amusing. Saul cleared his throat to make him stop interrupting. – “It’s time for your assignment.” – Saul explained.
He stepped aside as a group of fairies approached the training grounds. – “You’ve got to be kidding me.” – Riven puffed out, turning annoyed around. – “Scared Riven.” – you teased, tickling him under his armpits. Riven’s body squirmed, making him jump away from you. He gave you an annoyed look. Sky chuckled beside you. Saul snapped his finger to stop your little distraction.
“I’ll assign you your fairy.” – he started. He started pairing up some fairies and specialists. Amongst them stood Stella with her friends. She made brief eye contact with you. Her hand subtle going up to greet you with the smallest of nods. You smiled briefly back at her as response.
“I hope I get paired up with Sky.” – you heard her say to Musa. Musa gave her little attention, throwing glances from afar to Riven. – “Stella.” – Saul called out, making Stella straighten her back. – “Y/n.” – he called out, gesturing to the middle. Stella’s eyes widened as you came to the centre. Bloom had to push her forwards or else she would’ve remained still. Stella and you joined before Saul. Saul nodded at you.
You took Stella by her sleeve, pulling her aside. There you waited for everyone to be paired up. After pairing up gave Saul the subject to start training with each other. You and Stella moved a bit away from the group. – “Sorry I’m not Sky.” – you told her. Stella glanced up to you with a bit of shock in her eyes. Tilting her chin a bit up, her attitude changed.
“It’s better than Riven.” – she answered. – “Ouch.” – you replied hurt by her comment. Stella swallowed nervously, looking down. You had lowered yourself to pick up a fighting stick from the ground. Turning around you handed one to her. Stella stared rather strange at it. – “I’m not touching that.” – she said moving the stick away with one finger.
It made you sigh loud. – “Take it.” – you insisted. Stella crossed her arms. – “In case you forgot Y/n, I have my powers to protect me. I don’t need no sweaty stick.” – she said back cocky. You exhaled deep lowering the fighting stick. – “What if for some reason you can’t rely on them?” – you asked, pulling your shoulders up. Stella scoffed at what you said. You had a bit enough of her attitude. – “I’m here to protect you so maybe cut the whole stuck up princess act!” – you called out.
“It’s not an act, I am a princess.” – Stella replied loud. It made you throw your hands up. Throwing the stick on the ground, you gave up. Walking off, you had quite enough of her. – “Where are you going?” – Stella shouted getting on her toes. You ignored her, continuing to walk away. Stella lowered herself, looking hurt down.
She noticed some other pairings looking at her. It made her feel shy and small. Biting her thumb a bit, she went her own way. At first Stella thought about skipping. But then the guilt came. She felt guilty for acting like that towards you. She decided to change coarse and search for you. She eventually found you at the lunch tables. Stella took a deep breath before walking over.
You quirked your eyebrow up when she came sitting in front of you. – “Does her royal princess require something?” – you said bitsy. – “Y/n.” – Stella replied trying to reason with you. You crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair. Stella took a deep breath. – “I’m sorry.” – she said making you stare curious at her. You noticed how uneasy and vulnerable she felt.
“I…I didn’t mean to be so…” – she started. – “Bitchy?” – you answered for her, making her chuckle. – “Yes that.” – she agreed. – “Great, we agree on one thing.” – you teased seeing her smile. – “We agree on more things Y/n.” – Stella spoke. – “Like what?” – you asked intrigued. – “Like how good looking I am.” – she said making you quirk your eyebrow at her. – “Kidding!” – she laughed out, touching your arm. It didn’t make you laugh, rather just gaze at her.
You took a deep breath, placing your hand on hers. – “Stella, I’m not the one you should be building your walls up to.” – you told her. – “Remember last year?” – you pointed out. Stella nodded, remembering. – “The time I blinded that girl.” – she said looking down. You joined your other hand to hold hers in yours. Your action made her look up to you. – “No, after that.” – you corrected.
Stella smiled saddened at you. – “You were there.” – she said. – “I was there.” – you repeated. – “I was there when you were at your lowest. I kept you going. I made you shine as bright as ever Stella. So… don’t go acting all cold towards me with our history.” – you talked. Stella smiled brighter.
“You are better than Sky.” – she answered. – “You are what I need.” – Stella finished staring at your eyes. You smiled back at her. – “Oh how much better I feel.” – you responded dramatically, making Stella stomp your arm. Laughing loud afterwards. Both of you got up, heading back to the training grounds.
You kicked the door open after having heard Stella scream. Her eyes turned to shock when you busted in the room. Your eye immediately fell on her mother. With your batons you went for her mother. Forcing her face down on the desk. Arm between your baton on her back as your other one pressed her back against the desk. – “Y/n!” – Stella called out with tears in her eyes.
“This is the last time that you hurt her!” – you grunted out, pressing her mother’s cheek harder on the desk. Her mother was furious. Squirming under your grip to get free. – “You wait till I am free!” – she threatened. – “Do your worst.” – you responded coldly. Stella stared in shock, hands to her mouth at the display. Her mother raised her hand as Stella caught the faintest of light.
“Y/n!” – she alarmed you. You saw the light as well, quickly pulling back before she could blind you. Your own reaction made you stumble back. Her mother rose, eyes reflecting fury. She pointed her hand at you, casting a blast of light towards you. You fell back against Farah’s bookcase.
Books dropped to the ground with you. Stella gasped loud with tears in her eyes. – “You specialists think you are equal to us!” – she spitted out. Raising her hand as light emerged from it. – “You have just signed your own death.” – she called out. – “No!” – Stella shouted coming to stand in between. Arms wide open. – “Step aside child!” – Her mother casted out.
“No! I won’t let you hurt her!” – Stella defied against her mother. Her mother scoffed amusingly, finding it humorous her daughter would stand up against her. – “I won’t let you touch her!” – Stella replied determined. You looked up amazed to her. Seeing how strong she appeared. Her mother rose her hand either way, ready to cast light at Stella for being in the way.
You got up, wrapping your arms around Stella. Calling it out, you pulled her down with you, before the light could hit her. The light hit the bookcase instead. Making more books drop down. Hitting you and Stella all over.
You had moved your arms around Stella, protecting her. Stella slowly lifted her head, coming close to yours. For a moment the two of you stared at each other. You smiled, brushing your thumb against her cheek. Stella breathed out a smile with tears in her eyes. Her mother scoffed disgusted ready to cast again. You pulled Stella in your embrace to protect her. – “I’m sorry.” – you whispered to her.
Stella hugged you back, tightly. – “Not a word.” – she whispered back. Both of you closed your eyes, waiting for the impact. The door swung open, Farah entering with Saul. Saul launched for Stella’s mother, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. Farah turned to look at you. – “Are you alright girls?” – she asked as Saul escorted Stella’s mother out.
Stella and you stared a bit confused at each other. – “We are.” – Stella spoke with a smile. You helped each other up, embracing one another again.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 6 months
Believix fairy Danny, fairy of the realms balance! Prompt
Danny is just trying to scout a good city to set up as a base in but he keeps getting sidetracked. He keeps needing to save people and helping!
It's not his fault for saving that little boy from the fire or that cat rescue needed help getting all those cats out.
"Danny you cannot keep doing this! Sam exasperatedly yelled at him over the com link. Danny involuntarily wincing slightly.
"Well what was i supposed to do, not save those poor cats? I couldn't just not save them!"
"Danny do you have fairy dust for a brain! The justice League is looking for you The Batman wants you in for questioning you!"
* Damian was the "little boy" Danny saved. Said little boy is still railing from having been saved by a fairy. With big fairy wings and fairy dust fluttering in the wind.
Believix fairy Danny, fairy of the realms balance! Witch Sam who switched to be a, Specialists Sam & Tucker!
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expectiations · 11 days
I'm back in my Silrah bs and it feels so lonely not having anyone to squeal about them with lol
But, I've been rewatching edits of them on TikTok and one edit was captioned about Saul needing to get his ability to react to things back. And I thought he and Farah shared a bond, right? And then when Farah died, he would have felt their bond snap or feel empty or something. He'd be in grief and shock and become an empty shell. Then add to that Andreas thing and Sky drawing away from him and Rosalind—well...
And I'm totally not saying this because I can understand what it's like to be called unfeeling but you're actually just ... detached on the inside of course. Like you feel things but...you also don't? Like they're muted or something? Idk
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lissa-edem · 2 years
Sky and Musa are bringing help to the battlefield. And they fighting together for a while.
Riven: I swear, Sky, you're my best friend, but give me my fairy back!
Sky: calm down, Riv. Musa is here, because she's gonna get her specialist back.
Riven: ... Musa has come... for me?
Sky: yeah, say thanks to your girlfriend for saving your ass.
Riven, not a boyfriend: ...
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weasleywinchester · 2 years
Counting Stars
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
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Saul Silva x Curvy Female Reader
Eyyy we’re back, mainly because a really want to watch season 2 but I don’t want what happens in that story to change what I’ve written in my head so far. Thank you to all who’ve recently found chapter 1 and showed chapter 2 some love! I hope you enjoy chapter 3
P.S. I HAVE ALMOST 300 FOLLOWERS?!! Muchas Gracias! 🤩🤩🤩
Summary: over the least few years you had more adventure outside the barriers of fairy kind then most have in their life time. You spend months exploring places thought to be lost, finding treasure and making new friends. But between the excitement you always kept one foot firmly in Alfea, for your friends, for yourself. But when Saul disappears from your life for longer then you like, you take the first job that puts you back where everything started.
Alfea hasn’t changed in the few years you’ve been gone. The fighting fields are still lush and green, the forest shrouded in magic. You didn’t think you would be back so soon but when duty calls-
“Can’t stay away can you?” You turn to see your best friend Diana as she jogs toward you.
“Not for long anyway.” You laugh, giving her a hug.
“And what are you doing back? You just came to visit about three months back! Thought you were off on grand adventures!” She throws one arm in the air, and the other around your shoulders as you both walk down the path.
“I was, they just happened to lead back here.”
“To Alfea? What kind of art needs to be found here?”
“Oh, there’s lots of old abandoned land, buildings, cellars… and a very outdated catalog for the school.” You giggle.
“You’ve been keeping up on those exercises we tried last time?”
You look over at her, your eyes lighting up like an inferno and then back to your normal eye color.
“Glad you’ve kept those skills sharp.” You two walk for a bit, the crunch of the gravel soothing as the sun burns off the morning fog.
“So how is everyone?” You look down at your feet.
“He's as handsome as ever.” Di smiles at you. “And he's single.” She sing songs, dodging your playfully punch and running away.
“BYE!” You yell after her.
“His class is about to start!” She yells back.
You’re surprised at the lack of grunts and weapon noises as you round the hedge borders of the training grounds. And then you see why: Saul is giving his newest group of specialists one of his world class speeches.
“You can’t afford to doubt yourself in battle.” He sternly explains. He’s met with silence and blank faces. He takes a deep breath in, trying to wake himself up. He’s gone through many sleepless nights, but the ones as of late are different.
“What he actually means is if you’re going to think like a dumbass, don’t wimp out at the last second.” You loudly announce to the class. Saul whips around as the class giggles.
“Phoenix?” He says, surprise clear on his face.
“Mr. Silva.” You smile before turning your attention to the class. “But seriously. You have to commit to your actions. If you don’t then your life isn’t the only one in danger. You, as a specialist, are tasked with keeping each other and fairies safe. Mr. Silva’s lessons, no matter how hard they may be, will keep you alive. He is one of the reasons I can stand before you.”
The class whispers, a few in awe that a teacher did something besides teach.
“Yours words are too kind. And I am humble enough to say that Miss Kin has saved me on more than one occasion.” He gives you a small smile, the class erupting in another wave of whispers.
“Alright, everyone take a lap.” He barks. The group of young specialists take off, some grumbling. “Thompson, Rodgers, extra lap for grumbling.” He yells after them.
“How’s the potential looking?” You come to stand next to him. Di was right, he’s as handsome as ever.
“They’ll be fine warriors.” He looks over at the group, “probably a good batch of support members. What are you doing here?” He keeps his eyes trained forward. If he looks at you, you’ll be able to tell something is weighing on him; and you won’t let it go until you’ve fixed it.
“Working. Where were you when I came to visit?” You shoot back.
“Things have become more complicated lately.” He sighs. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see you, it was just ill timing with a new responsibility on his plate. When you don’t answer right away he turns to look at you. Your eyes are shimmering copper, one eyebrow arched to the heavens. You change so much every time he sees you; stronger, more confident. And more beautiful than all the stars in the sky.
“I’ll let that suffice, for now.” You wink. “Anyways, I will be here for the next few months. I thought maybe we could train together again? Someone needs to keep you on your toes.”
He takes a deep breath in, averting your gaze once more. He’s missed training with you. The small stint where you both got to be out in the field fighting burned ones was the best few months of his life. Fighting alongside you was different than fighting alongside his friends; it was far more peaceful for starters. Gave the two of you plenty of time to know each other as friends rather than just student to teacher.
“If it’s too much-“
“No! No.” He claps his hands behind his back, his mind activity trying to figure out how, if, he could squeeze that in. “Would Thursday mornings work?”
“Sounds perfect.” You wiggle your arms around his middle, his chuckle vibrating your whole body as he squeezes you back.
“Maybe we could have dinner once I get settled in?” You begrudgingly let go of him as the students round the corner to come back toward you.
“I would like that.” He gives you a small smile before turning to the group of students. “Great job everyone. How about we ask our guest for a demonstration?” He smirks at you as the crowd gives a cheer.
An hour. It’s been one hour since your lesson was supposed to start. You’ve trained with Saul for years, and he’s never ever been late. You were once 3 minutes early, instead of 5, and he chewed your head off.
Something must be wrong. Di did mention he’s been putting in a lot of hours… You pace the field once more before walking towards the teacher’s cottages. Saul had told you once which one was his, in case of an emergency (although Di teased for a whole month that it was so you would crawl into his bed!)
You step onto the porch, putting your fist up to knock, but you can’t quite get your knuckles to make contact. What if he’s at the field now? Or maybe he meant to start next week?
You knock gently. Listening for any sound. Eventually the door cracks open and you can see one bright blue eye.
“Hi… I’m Phoenix. I’m looking for Mr. Silva?” You cock your head to one side. I didn’t know Saul had a son…
“Ok.” The boy whispers, pattering back down the hall, leaving the door open. You take a tentative step in, there’s toys and clothes draped over a couch, but otherwise the place is very orderly.
“Sky! Back to bed!” Saul commands, his heavier footsteps coming from the hall.
The little boy races past you, leaping over the arm of the couch and taking cover under a blanket.
You turn to Sauls deep voice, giving him a small smile. He looks like he needs at least three years of sleep and a whole pot of coffee.
He frowns at you. Why is she here? What day is it? Your eyes haven’t moved from his, and he’s not sure why you look so uncomfortable.
You silently will yourself to break the staring contest; but if you do that your eyes will go to his very shirtless upper half. And that will only make things even more awkward than it already is.
“It’s Thursday morning. Our lessons…” you bite your lip. Oh maker, he did mean next week. You shouldn’t have assumed…
Saul blinks slowly a few times, his head slowly putting together lessons and Thursdays. Lessons! Your training was supposed to start this morning you idiot!
“Phee, I’m so sorry… I didn’t… I don’t…” Saul stutters as he gently puts his hand your shoulder.
“It’s alright… I didn’t mean to intrude. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” You stammer, the gentle touch of his hand red hot through your shirt.
“Give me a minute while I handle him, and.. ugh.. shirt.” Saul quickly picks up the blanket wrapped child and jogs down the hall.
You slowly exhale, slapping your hands over your eyes. What the hell just happened? All those dirty thoughts have been neatly tucked away in the corner of your brain! And what was with the nickname?! He only ever calls you Phoenix, not Phee! And no shirt? Is that how he always sleeps? Oh maker, did he have a partner here? Of course you would walk into something like that! But he would have mentioned that he had a child with someone… right? You two were close enough.
“Phoenix?” Saul tilts his head to one side. You’re facing the window, hands kneading your arms like dough. He steps closer saying your name again, but you still don’t answer. He tries once more, gently touching your bare arm. You “hmm” in response and bump right into his chest; your arms reach for him to keep yourself from bouncing back too far. His hands automatically catch you by the waist in an attempt to keep you steady.
You both freeze. You look up at his grey eyes, so many emotions rolling through them like storm clouds. His stubble looks like it hasn’t been shaved since you saw him earlier this week; you long to gently scratch your fingers against his jaw, silently telling him to shave and get some rest.
Saul could count all the stars in the universe and it wouldn’t compare to the flecks of gold I your eyes. They’re warm and inviting, they feel more like home than his cottage does. And for the first time he yearns to run his fingers along your cheek, to feel the heat of your skin against his.
“Maybe we could just have breakfast and talk.” You whisper. He slowly nods, letting go of your waist and walking into the kitchen.
“Saul, what happened?” You watch as he opens the fridge and grab the carton of eggs and the open packet of bacon.
He doesn’t answer right away. What could he say? Where does he even start? He puts the eggs in his hand on the counter, his mind slowly slipping into a headspace he can’t afford to be in. He has Sky to think about, his students.
Your hand gently touches his arm and it all comes flooding back. He wraps himself around you, a sob breaking free from somewhere deep in his chest.
You quickly wrap your arms around him, one hand gently rubbing his back as the other cradles the back of his head. You can feel his tears against your neck, tears he probably held in for far too long.
You’re not sure how long you stand there, but when you feel his grip loosen you pull his face to look at you.
“I’ll call the Headmistress. You need the day off.” You tell him. He gives a small nod and wraps his arms around you once more.
“Hello Headmistress Dowling.” You sigh into the phone as you start cleaning up Sky’s toys that are strewn about the room.
“I’m surprised to get a call so early from you. And please, call me Ferrah. You are a friend of friend after all.”
“Ok, well… I’m calling on behalf of Saul, he won’t be able to make it in today.”
“Did something happen?” You can hear her chair scrape along the floor and papers shuffling.
“I don’t know the whole story but he needs rest.”
“The school should be there to pick up Sky in about an hour. And I’ll arrange for the other instructors to cover today's training.” She assures you. There’s a few moments where neither of you say anything, the weight of whatever is happening coming down on you both.
“Ferrah, what happened?” You ask quietly.
“I think that might be better explained in person.” She tells you, hanging up. You look down at your phone, unsure of what you could possibly do.
“Phee.” A small voice comes from the hall and you look over to see Sky’s little blonde head poking out.
“Let’s get dressed for school.” You smile at him and follow him to his room. You help him pick out clothes and put on his shoes, managing to shuffle to the door as someone knocks.
You open it to find Ferrah standing on the porch.
“Good Morning.” She gives you a small nod before turning to Sky. “Ready for school?”
He gives her a nod as the school bus rounds the corner. You and Ferrah walk him to the bus, waiving as it pulls away.
“Andreas was killed.” She whispers to you. She can feel the backs of her eyes prickle, it’s been easier to ignore it then let herself feel anything.
“About six months back.”
You nod, it explains why Saul hadn’t spoken to you for several months; not because he didn’t want to, he was just dealing with a whole new life.
“He immediately took Sky in. A big adjustment for him, but you know how he is; doesn’t think he needs help.” A smile flashes across her face but there’s only sadness behind it.
You don’t know what to say, it’s hard enough losing someone you love, but to take on the responsibility of a child?
“Would you like to come in?” Your voice is shaky in your throat, every emotion threatening to come to the surface.
“I trust you to take care of him. We’ve each dealt with this in our own way, but this is the first chance he’s had.” She puts a hand on your shoulder, giving you a sad smile and starts off toward Alfae.
Saul cracks open his eyes, the familiar pattern of the ceiling greeting him like any other morning. Phoenix. He slowly sits up, planting his feet firmly on the floor before pushing himself up. He listens for a moment, the sound of someone singing gently passing through the cracks around the door.
He gently tugs the door open, now hearing the music and getting smacked in the face with the smell of breakfast.
His feet lazily slap against the wooden floor as he walks into the kitchen. You’re stood at the stove, head gently bopping along to the song coming from the stereo as you finish cooking what looks to be breakfast burritos.
“Fucks sake Saul!” You gasp when you catch sight of him. The corner of his mouth tugs up a little as he leans against the doorway. You throw a tinfoil wrapped burrito at him, which he expertly catches with a chuckle.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, love.” His eyes move from the burrito to you, the storm within him seems to have calmed a little.
“Did you get some rest?” You walk over to him, leaning against the wall beside him.
“More than I have in the last few months.” He confesses.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I couldn’t disrupt your life like that. You were doing what you were meant to do. You didn't need all this.” He waves his hand carelessly in the air.
“All this,” you mimic the gesture,” is your life Saul. It’s not a burden on mine. You are never a burden to me.” You lay your hands on his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist. “You’re not my instructor anymore. We fought alongside each other, learned from one another, and became friends. Let me return the support you've always given me.”
He sighs. She’s always right isn’t she? He gently moves a piece of hair out of your face, indulging in the feeling of your skin beneath his fingertips, your copper eyes closing for longer than a quick blink. He wraps you in a hug, your arms surrounding him in your warmth.
“Did you clean my house?” He playfully shouts.
“I had to stay busy.” You laugh into his chest. “If you need someone to watch Sky after school, I would be more than happy to.” You set your chin on his chest, big dazzling copper eyes staring up at him.
“You don’t have too… I can mange” He shrugs.
“I know I don’t have to, but let me help you.”
“As you wish.”
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“Confession: It makes me rage when people still say that Aisha should have stayed single. I don't know if it's because of the Nex hate (seriously, he's hated for only bizzare reasons and we should have moved past this!!) but black women in media rarely get into relationship. So Aisha finding someone after Nabu's death could be a breath of fresh air. Plus, I love how AishaxNex got to know each other through seasons 6-8” -Anon
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kifkay · 5 months
Winx & Specialists Dynamics that are so Precious to me
it makes sense that in the show, winx and their non-boyfriend specialists don’t interact much. but!! i’m very insane about codependent found families, and I want them all to love each other. so here’s my take on some tet-a-tet dynamics:
rare pairings:
Musa & Timmy: childhood frenemies. they used to go to the same middle school on Melody, and as type-A tweens do, had an intense, “you’re the only person I match myself to” kind of rivalry. they lost contact after Timmy moved away, chilled out considerably, reconnected in Alfea and had a wonderful banter-filled friendship since. because of how fast they slotted back into a friendship, some of their classmates genuinely thought they were siblings.
Tecna & Riven: got up from a rough patch. from “I dislike you but we both love Musa, so we have to be civil” to “you have more depths to you than I expected” to “now that I understand you, I can’t help but admire certain things about you” to “bitch, you are the only person who is as weird and clueless as I am, ARE YOU READY TO GO TO THE ARCADE AND ANNIHILATE KIDS FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES”
Flora & Brandon: little sister, older brother vibes. of similar temperaments and views, they enjoy spending time over a cup of tea — talking about everything and nothing. it’s therapeutic, almost.
(no one in the group knew that Brandon and Flo were good friends. once, when the two had to team up during a mission, Bloom couldn’t even finish saying: “it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know each ot-“, before the specialist-fairy duo were re-creating the most complicated and choreographed hand shake ever. jaws were on the floor.)
Aisha & Brandon: they are sporties, and they like doing sport things together! they don’t talk aside from exchanging brief encouragements and advice while out, preferring to spend their time in companionable silence. sorta like those dads who never talk to their buddies, but somehow have the strongest and longest bonds ever?
Helia & Bloom: artist besties. Bloom drags Helia out on picnics, where they practice observational drawing (and tiktok trends that Bloom desperately wants to reenact but none of the winx are good at arts); Helia responds by taking her out to see art museums in Magix. it’s a fun dynamic of Bloom being the bubbly gold retriever, and Helia being her black cat.
Tecna & Sky: they didn’t have much of a relationship until year 4. somehow, they both got really, intensely into weaponsmithing and built a joint workshop. they found that they enjoy working alongside each other and value each other’s insights. sky goes to tecna when he needs frank, un-sugarcoated advice, and tecna accompanies sky on hikes and other spirited adventures, for “bonding activities” (because he told her she doesn’t get out of her comfort zone enough). it’s a relationship of deep mutual respect.
Sky & Stella: childhood friends. they knew each other as children and enjoyed playing together (which is how Stella also knew Brandon pre-Red Fountaine). at least, until Stella was unofficially banned from Eraklyon because shenanigans, and they lost contact. they still jokingly call each other “My Lady” and “My Lord”.
Stella & Nabu. Both are flirty and extroverted people, who enjoy the spirit of showmanship. They have a friendly rivalry going of who can fluster the villain of the week the fastest.
canon bf-gf dynamics (dating in canon, open to interpretation otherwise):
Bloom x Sky: liked each other since the first meeting; bonded over being the friend group moms. (on unrelated note: bloom gentle parents her friends, while sky goes all exasperated cig mom on his team and repeats things like: “you better go to sleep right now, or so help me Dragon I will take away your Owl pilot privileges-“)
they are not the most outwardly affectionate couple of the winx, yet they are so wordlessly devoted to each other. sky will follow bloom to the ends of all dimensions, when she gets a calling from powers as mystical as she. bloom will always believe in him and see him as his own man, unlike the many who see him only as his father’s son. they were entwined by fate, long before one had met the other; yet, there’s the trust, the respect, the faith so strong — that could have only come from friendship forged and tested by fire.
Stella and Brandon: the hottest power couple; sole reason behind 60% of all student fairies/specialists/witches queer awakening.
they banter all. the. goddamn. time. these dorks are speaking a whole different language.
they are also most comfortable in each other’s company, being able to be their genuine, less polished selves. stella and brandon are both performers bred and born, playing the roles of a noble princess and a knight. it’s nice, to have a safe reprieve from all that acting.
Aisha and Nabu. their love was one that sneaked up on them. their distance, set by a discomfort at the idea of an arranged marriage, bridged as they transitioned from being reluctant comrades to friendly rivals to unwilling friends to best friends to “if someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised — because every night I tell her about you”
Tecna and Timmy: partners in crime, ride or die, sunny faith in each other — even when the other person doesn’t believe in themself. I have a whole post about them, go read that ;)
Flora and Helia: they are so. they are. they-
icons. the most romantic couple, the one that sets the standards, the one that gives their friends advice. they are extremely attentive to each other’s needs and tender with each other’s feelings.
flora can recite helia’s poems in her sleep, and trace his drawings with her eyes closed. helia brings mielle presents every time he stops by. flora has tea with helia’s dad every other tuesday; she keeps note of every time helia and saladin are supposed to meet up, to be able to whisk helia away after and distract him from his troubles. helia knows how to care of flora’s plants, and sends her lovingly assorted gift baskets semi-regularly.
Musa and Riven. their relationship is push and pull, is joy then sorrow.
it’s all in a drag of a cigarette, in the vortex of a starless night, in the hoarse laughter. “of all the people in the world, why did it have to be you?” she’ll say and smile.
“ I’m afraid we’re doomed, lover,” he’ll reply, faux-casually, and smile back. both of them will know it’s the truth.
their relationship was not built to last, not for the lack of love or try. maybe they were too similar — both headstrong, unbending, bleeding hearts. maybe they were just different enough not to understand their hurts. nevertheless, it was not built to last — but neither of them would ever bring to regret it. love prevails, no matter in what form in comes, or something like that.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
If it’s not too much trouble, could you do a platonic team star x team star member!reader who became a dragon type specialist squad leader and joined because they got bullied for being a fan of other famous dragon type users like Lance and Raihan?
(Sorry if this is too specific)
Oh no worries, I like specific so it's all good!
"I'm gonna be just like them one day.." Sighing dreamily, you sat down at the cafeteria table, watching a video on your rotomphone while chowing down breakfast.
It was footage of a fierce Pokémon battle in Galar--a showdown between two of your idols, who were among the most famous dragon trainers of all time: Lance and Raihan.
Of course, you looked up to many other dragon type users in Paldea, but these two in particular kickstarted your dreams of becoming one yourself, inspired by their interviews and fierce determination.
You also hoped to meet them and have a battle, although that was a little too farfetched for you right now..
Yet you didn't let that discourage you from forming your own dragon team, using your studies at Uva/Naranja Academy to teach them all the best moves and remember type matchups.
Tatsugiri was your main partner, and when combined with your Dondozo..it was an absolute powerhouse in double-battles--albeit this academy usually focused on the traditional single battles.
You were also currently raising a Drakalok, Cyclizar, Arctibax, and Sliggoo, and you cherished all of them dearly. Tatsugiri was a bit of an attention hog at times, though, and always wanted to stay out of its ball and on your shoulder.
You didn't mind it, of course. Whether you're heading to class or to a tournament where dragon trainers were going to participate, you always went together.
Life was perfect.
Except for-
"Still prattling on about being the next famous dragon gym leader, huh?"
-one of your bullies already ruining your day before it could even begin.
For some reason..a few kids at the academy really had it out for you simply because you admired famous dragon trainers. You didn't think there was anything wrong with looking up to your idols. But apparently they thought you were being too "obnoxious" about it and sought to make your life utterly miserable.
It only got worse when you spoke up about it to a teacher, as that bully got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist--that being to train their Pokémon as "punishment".
By sheer convenience, they had ice and fairy types. And that teacher only gave them the chance to make their team stronger and further intimidate you...to the point where you're afraid to go outside, fearing they'll drag you into a battle.
You've kept silent since, hoping to avoid them at all costs and try to keep your grades up. But unfortunately, Arceus wasn't smiling upon you today...and quite frankly, you were tired.
Huffing, you switched off your phone and scowled up at the bully. "Still following me around campus, huh?" You mocked, with Tatsugiri hopping on the table and mimicking your expression. "That's kinda creepy if you ask me."
"Well those stupid fangs of yours are creeping everyone out." They sneered, pointing out your sharp teeth. "Halloween is over, y'know."
"I've already told you..these are canines, and they are real."
"Yeah? More like real freaky."
"Look, just leave me alone before you anger Tatsugiri." You warned, watching as their gaze shifted to your ace, falling silent for a moment or two...
Before erupting into laughter. "Oh wow, I'm soooooo scared of your stupid sushi roll! What ever will I do??" They shook their head. "If you want my advice, dump this thing and get yourself a real dragon. Like a Charizard or-"
"You don't get to decide WHO I can have as a partner!!!" Your hands slammed onto the table as you stood up, fists clenched with anger. Even though you could see people's heads turning in your peripheral vision, you didn't care. "Tatsugiri may not look it, but it's more powerful than you'll ever know! You don't know our bond, so just back off already!!"
"Oooooh, I didn't know you knew Outrage..better not hit yourself in confusion." They snickered.
"...why are you like this?" With slumped shoulders, you frowned at them. "Why do you keep tormenting me day after day?! I've done nothing to you. Is it a crime to admire my heroes? To wanna be like them?"
"No, but you'd be an embarrassment to every future dragon tamer. I mean who'd wanna see a pathetic thing like that in the Elite Four? Or on a Champion's team? Raihan and Lance would laugh in your face and crush you if they saw-"
"STOP IT!!" You finally snapped, hitting the table again before taking out one of your pokeballs. "Do you want a battle?! Is that what you want?!! Then you'll get it-!!"
"[Y/n], what is the meaning of this?"
Hearing the voice of the director made all the color drain from your face. The bully just smirked as you slowly turned to Harrington, seeing him looking at you with a frown.
"This is the second disturbance you've caused in this same area. You know battles aren't permitted inside the academy."
It's only then did you realize everybody in the cafeteria was staring..and you shrunk back in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Director. I didn't mean to shout. They were just-"
But when you tried to point out the bully, they were gone.
How convenient.
"From how it looks..you were intimidating them. And you should also know we have a zero tolerance policy for such behavior."
"But I wasn't..they-!" You tried in vain to defend yourself, yet the look on Harrington's face told you he didn't wanna hear any of it.
"We can discuss this further in my office. Return your Tatsugiri to its pokeball and follow me, if you will."
"....yes, sir." Defeated, you gathered your things and put Tatsugiri back into the pokeball (much to its dismay), before commencing the long walk of shame to the director's office.
Maybe he will believe you.
"He didn't believe me either. What's the point of "standing up for myself" if I'm just gonna get in trouble?! What's the point if they're always gonna get away with it while I face suspension?!"
"I know I kinda let myself go back there, but...th-they kept pushing me and pushing me! Why couldn't he understand that? Why doesn't anyone here understand-?!"
Calming yourself down a little, you looked to Tatsugiri, who sat on your bed and looked up at you with sad eyes, wishing you weren't being so harsh on yourself.
"....well, I know you understand me, buddy." You quietly sighed and sat down, bringing it into your hands as it nuzzled your cheek. Immediately your shoulders relaxed. "I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm just...it's been frustrating. But I swear I'll never replace you for any other dragon. Not even for a shiny Charizard."
"Yip-yip?!" It cried out.
"Believe me! I won't." You chuckled, although you stopped as you thought over this morning's events...
And suddenly you felt sick to your stomach.
Just thinking about going to your afternoon class today made you feel ill, wondering who was going to harass you two next...and if you'll be able to do anything about it without getting into trouble with the director.
Now that you've gotten your second strike, you had to be careful not to lash out like that again.
But what else were you supposed to do?
Let them continue to bully you around and make your poor partner feel absolutely worthless? How was that fair to either of you?
At this point, you've ran out of adults in this academy to talk to...besides the nurse, of course, although she seemed more adept at healing Pokémon than counseling students.
Even if she was willing to listen, you doubt anything would change.
Nobody here took your side or could possibly understand what you were going through-
Your rotomphone started ringing, displaying an unknown caller ID. Normally you'd ignore it, although Tatsugiri had a better idea and decided to slap the screen with its fin, answering it.
"Tatsu!" You grumbled, pulling it away from your phone before addressing the stranger, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry! My Pokémon-"
"Greetings, am I speaking to [y/n]?"
".....uh...yeah?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not expecting to hear a distorted voice on the other end of the line. "And who am I speaking to exactly?"
"My name is Cassiopeia. Leader of Team Star."
"Team Star?" You blinked, remembering all of the rumors you've heard about this organization. They were a small group of kids who got bad grades, skipped school often...and sometimes harassed others into joining them or pulled pranks on teachers.
Why would their leader contact you?
Or better yet...how did they even get ahold of your number?
"Correct. We've been watching you for some time, and we see your pain. It must feel awful...being pushed around and intimidated all because you admire some famous trainers. And when you finally have the courage to defend yourself and your Pokémon...suddenly you're the bad guy? It's so unfair."
"How do you.....l-look, um..Cassiopeia. I got a lot going on right now." You mumbled, hoping to end this conversation quickly. "I'm facing suspension if I cause one more scene, so I don't think I should be talking to delinquents like-"
"That is a lie. Team Star isn't a group of delinquents. We're so much more than that." They interrupted you, sounding a bit annoyed. "The truth is that WE are the victims. We who were shamed and excluded for the crime of being ourselves. The system has failed us, [y/n], and we formed this group as a way to stand up and stand out."
"...ah, I see." Now you were growing a bit more understanding and sympathetic towards them. You always had a feeling that your classmates overexaggerated how "evil" this team really was, making comparisons to Team Rocket and organizations that were legitimately evil and criminal.
But obviously, you never put your two cents in. You were already getting bullied enough just for saying Lance and Raihan are cool dragon trainers you wished to meet.
You were already getting bullied enough just for admiring some famous dragon trainers.
"So...obviously you're trying to sell me something." You huffed, kicking your feet up on the desk. "You want me to join your team as one of your goons-?"
"Oh no. I actually have something much better in mind." Cassiopeia cut in once more. "We've seen how you battle with dragon types. Very impressive, I must say. You never back down from a challenge. You're fierce, protective..and you demonstrate incredible leadership."
That felt flattering to hear, considering all the times you've gotten criticized for your battling techniques during Ms. Dendra's class.
Recently, she actually made you apologize to your classmate, whose Pokémon was actively bullying yours and provoked it into using a powerful move that knocked it out in one hit.
Why was that such a problem?
Because you weren't supposed to be battling, but the bully kept pushing you into one--and of course, Ms. Dendra didn't see that part.
Only the part where you broke the "No-OHKO" rule she had written into her lesson plan for that day.
Now you were struggling to get your grades back up in battle strategies, which was hard since you gained a reputation as being "too aggressive"..when in reality you were just so afraid and fed up that no one would listen to you.
So hearing this complete stranger give you praise felt genuinely good.
"Oh! Ah...thank you." You decided to bite the bullet. "So what's your offer?"
"We believe you're a good fit to be a squad leader. We have one more slot available. Interested?"
Your heart immediately jumped at the opportunity, although part of you was still holding back.....wondering if it was worth getting mixed-up with people like Cassiopeia and Team Star's revered leaders.
This could very well throw away your entire future and your goals of becoming the next dragon type gym leader. You could be expelled for sure, or even blacklisted from partaking in tournaments.
But at the same time, you were so tired of living in fear and dealing with all of this alone.
Why should you have to? That's setting a terrible example for your Pokémon--they shouldn't have to see their trainer living like that. You had to be brave and stronger, but that was almost impossible if you were just going to suffer repercussions for trying.
Cassiopeia took your silence as hesitation. "I know this is a lot to think about. But trust me, [y/n]. Team Star can do more for you than the Academy ever did. You'll get to train without limits. Your name will be known by all, and nobody will mock you or Tatsugiri ever again. That is what you want, isn't it? To grow stronger together? To stand up against those who wronged you?"
Hearing them mention your partner made you look to the Mimicry Pokemon in your lap. Seeing the way they put their fin on your hand and gave you a small nod ultimately solidified your answer.
You weren't turning back now.
"We can discuss this tomorrow if you'd like-"
"No, I made up my mind. I'll take it. When do I start?"
"Looking sharp as always, Revavroom."
With a sharp-toothed grin, you gently patted the head of your Starmobile--specifically the Revavroom attached to it, as it rumbled in happiness.
Then you hopped onto the vehicle, climbing up to the stage where you could survey the rest of your camp, observing your goons hanging out by the vending machines and driving around on their Cyclizars.
This was the Achird Squad base stationed at Casseroya Lake, and for about a year or so...you've also called it home.
The location was perfect for a mighty dragon leader such as yourself, allowing you to keep watch over the Tatsugiri and Dratini herds you'd see in the waters from time to time.
It was far better than the cramped dorms of the Academy. They would never have let your dragons roam free like Dragapult, Baxcalibur, and all the rest were doing right now..
Ever since joining Team Star, you never looked back and never regretted your decision. You became fast friends with the other bosses, with Atticus even designing some cool armor plates for your outfit that resembled a Kommo-o's scales.
Although things have been...rather weird as of late.
Especially since it was the anniversary of the incident.
Back at the Academy, you and all of the leaders came together with the ultimate to confront your bullies once and for all. It was meant to finally settle who was the strongest, and how you were sick of being pushed around.
Least to say..the tables have turned, and everyone knew your names.
The bullies ended up running scared, barely putting up a fight themselves before scrambling to heal and recall their Pokémon.
You felt pretty good about it, especially when you knocked out that jerk who made fun of your teeth and admiration for dragon trainers in one fell swoop.
But then you looked around and saw everyone's scared faces. Many were recording the battles, spreading them all over social media, or shielding their own Pokémon from potential harm--even though you never intended to hurt them whatsoever.
It turned into a huge scandal over who was in the right or wrong, although in the end your bullies played the victims, dropped out of school, and ended up being listened to the most.
They made you out to be monsters who just attacked them for no reason..and it almost got you all expelled.
However, Cassiopeia took the blame, and while you were pardoned, Harrington, the deputy director (who tried erasing all records of the scandal and bullying to "preserve" the Academy's image), and many teachers left, guilty that they didn't do more to prevent this.
It would have been a bittersweet victory for Team Star---had your leader not also vanished, their last message being a call for the organization to disband.
To this day, none of you understood why they'd do that...or why they think you'd ever wanna leave this team and go back to your studies.
How could you after the faculty messed up this badly?
How could you after they still sided with the bullies?
How could you after they tried to cover up what really happened?
In the end, you all promised to stick together, abiding by your codes and living out on the squad bases. You occasionally met up for discussions and battle plans, although you always held onto hope that if the team kept going long enough....Cassiopeia might come back.
You've tried contacting them through various means, yet none of your Rotoms could retrace their calls nor social media posts. Everything was gone.
As though they wanted you all to forget ever meeting them..
It never made sense to you, considering you could really use a leader back then.
But what's done is done, and you winded up assuming a de factor leader position, given your team was the strongest out of all of theirs. Of course, Ortega was less-than-pleased about holding a vote on it, but you won the majority and he eventually got over it.
Now you've been training your Pokémon more frequently, and only because there's something called "Operation: Starfall" going around--and apparently some Paldean trainer was going around tackling each base with the hope of claiming their badges.
One of the codes was that being defeated in battle meant surrendering it, and that means...
Someone was dead set on shutting down Team Star for good.
But you wouldn't let them. The other bosses were your friends, family..and you'll be damned if you lost them, too.
"Boss! The others are comin' in!" You heard one of the grunts shout, and you looked towards the horizon in surprise.
She wasn't kidding.
Ortega, Mela, Eri, Giacomo, and Atticus were at your base's entrance, waiting for you. Although you were eager to see them after being occupied with training for so long...it didn't concern you that all of them chose to show up at once.
But you refused to show any sort of alarm, huffing as you jumped off the stage, mounting your partner Cyclizar. "Let's ride!" You barked, allowing it to sprint towards the group at full speed.
Your cape fluttered in the wind as it leaped across a small stream, all while Tatsugiri--who was resting in a small basket attached to it--held on for dear life.
Upon arriving, the bosses stopped their chatter and turned as you slowed down, stepping off Cyclizar. You gave it a small pat on the head, assuring that it could rest, before looking at the group.
"So we meet again...what's with the sour faces?" Your eyebrows furrowed at their expressions. When nobody was immediately speaking up, you huffed. "Come on, out with it. You can't come all this way to my base just assume I can read your minds-"
"We come before thee bearing..a warning." Atticus muttered, bowing his head in shame. "The student you've spoken of hath proven to be quite the adversary."
"Is that so? Surely they haven't claimed all of your badges, have they?"
"Why is no one talking-?"
"Because we got our asses handed to us." Mela bluntly stated, clenching her fists. "We got absolutely smoked...and now you're the only one left."
Your eyes widened in shock and horror, although you didn't get the chance to respond as Ortega cut you off.
"Now before you freak out on us all..we did try our best. We did everything you and Cassiopeia taught us. But this kid....they're good. Almost too good. And this guy named Clive was helping them out the whole time, getting under our skin and everything...."
"Well I wouldn't say that." Eri looked at the fairy trainer, crossing her arms over her chest as she frowned. "He wanted to know where we're coming from and why we're doing all of this."
"...and you just told him?"
You could see everyone tense up, and you just scowled, wondering why they would do this.
"What makes you all think he would care...or why anybody from that academy would care about us now?" Your eyebrows furrowed as Tatsugiri sat on your shoulder, mimicking your expression. "Nobody cared when they hurt us...nobody cared when we were literally begging for help. Look, I know keeping this group together was hard, but it's no excuse to-"
"Honestly...I'm kinda tired of this charade. At least someone's willin' to listen to us now.." Giacomo remarked, frowning a little bit. "But here's the lowdown, [y/n]: we got beaten into the dirt and followed our code, so now we're here to give ya a little heads up before this kid comes after you next. We're sorry. But we tried."
"And we still don't know who's really behind this sting operation.." Mela grumbled, shaking her head in worry. "Someone wants to shut us down for good, and it's definitely not either of those new students. They're just being used to carry out the dirty work."
"I might have a good idea on who it is...and I swear, they'll answer for this." You bared your teeth. "But I'll save my dragon rage for this trainer. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing...I hope they know I'm ready. Because I'm gonna defend Team Star...defend us....until my last breath."
"Su! Su!!" Tatsugiri trilled in agreement, nuzzling your cheek, to which you couldn't help but smile a little bit.
"Well whatever happens next, you have our full support, [y/n]." Eri smiled as she patted your shoulder. "Badge or no badge, we stand behind you."
Everyone else chimed in with agreements, smiles on all of their faces as well--although Atticus' wasn't immediately noticeable, you could see it in his eyes.
Knowing this group still cared about you and believed in your battling skills made all the tension leave your shoulders.
"Thank you, my friends. Hasta la vistar ~☆"
""""Hasta la vistar, and good luck, [y/n]!! ~☆""""
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 months
Innocence meets trouble
Info: For some reason the new girl catches Riven’s attention, and it’s not just because she’s put in second year
Riven x reader
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Riven jumped on Skys back as they walked through the entrance of the school building. It was the first day of second year and Riven had just caught Sky talking to a first year. The teasing had begun, and Sky could only roll his eyes at his roommate and best friend before they bumped into someone.
Y/n’s hands shook slightly as she carried her bags through the yard. Her first day at a new school and y/n knew that she would stand out. Having skipped a year already due to her advance in magic, Dowling had decided that she would be better off in a more advanced class, which didn’t sit well with y/n. She would already stand out due to her relation to Stella, cousins by marriage, but that would inevitably take a back seat when people found out about her skills. Not watching where she was going she ended up bumping into someone, knocking against a wall as a result.
“I’m so sorry.” The blonde guy gasped, grabbing her arm to steady her.
“Watch where you’re going.” The raven haired beside him snapped.
“My fault, wasn’t watching where I was going.” Y/n stated, looking down at her bags now on the ground.
“First year?” The guy asked, hitting Riven’s arm.
“No second.” Y/n flinched, rubbing her shoulder.
“I don’t recall seeing you last year.” The Raven guy stated, narrowing his eyes at her.
“I’m new, first year here but second year of classes.” Y/n explained, not liking explaining herself.
“Well I’m Sky, this is Riven, Specialists, probably be in some of your classes.” The blonde haired introduced himself and his friend.
“Y/n, second year, fairy.” Y/n spoke, waving slightly at the end.
“Here, et us help you with these bags.” Sky suggested, holding an arm out to grab some of y/n’s bag.
“I’m out of here.” Riven stated, holding a peace sign as he started walking backwards.
“Riven.” Sky tutted at his friend.
“Seya later.” Riven stated, walking off, glancing back at y/n as he left.
“I’m sorry about him. He wasn’t like this last year.” Sky apologized, smiling at y/n as he grabbed her suitcase.
“It’s fine. And as opposed to these, I got it, thanks.” y/n smiled softly.
“I insist, the least I can do after bumping into you.” Sky stated, and y/n chuckled lightly before allowing Sky to lead the way.
Riven wasn’t sure what was wrong with him. For some reason he couldn’t stop staring at the new girl. He refused to acknowledge the newbies, but there was something about this girl that he could not shift, and currently, he was standing at the upper floor, looking across at where y/n was standing, watching the party down below.
Y/n stood at the corner, away from all the people that were walking along the halls, observing the scene down below. She wasn’t one for crowds, but she knew that if she didn’t turn up than she would draw more attention to herself than she cared for.
“You know you could just talk to her instead of stalking her.” Sky spoke, coming up from behind him.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” Riven spoke, taking a swig from his drink.
“Alright than.” Sky smirked before moving away from him.
“Staying away from the people, smart as a newbie.” A voice called to her, and y/n turned to see Sky walking towards her.
“I’m not one for crowds.” Y/n shrugged, crossing her arms.
“Funny, neither is Riven.” Sky smirked, pointing towards his friend that was looking over at them.
“I would of thought him the opposite.” Y/n remarked.
“He likes to portray that image, but trust me, he’s a softie at heart.” Sky smirked, winking at her.
Two weeks since her first day, y/n decided to walk the grounds on her free day to see what was around to do. She mostly kept to herself, having an error in the assigning of rooms lead to y/n having her own room, but she didn’t mind that. It made her days more calm, she wasn’t one for madness, and it helped with the questions. Which is why she would often walk the grounds on her own, walking down the path towards the specialist area.
Riven turned his attention to the girl in front of him. The two had rarely spoken since they bumped into each other the first day of term, but there was something about her that wouldn’t leave her mind. Deciding to ignore her, he took out his box of cigarettes and stood up. Y/n frowned at the box as he walked off.
“Hello stranger.” Sky called out to her as she walked by the bench area.
“Hey.” Y/n smiled , eyeing Riven as he sat beside his friend.
“What’s got you around this area?” Sky asked, and Riven looked up at the girl.
“Just walking around. Scouting out the area.” Y/n shrugged.
Y/n walked on further before seeing an outline of trees ahead of her. Looking around, she opted to leave the grounds and head into the hooded area. She knew it would be dark, but that meant that it would most likely be abandoned.
“I don’t see the hype of them.” Y/n stated.
“That’s because you’re a goody too shoes.” Riven stated, smirking at her as he walked off.
“Ignore him, he’s been acting like this since summer.” Sky stated.
“Gotcha.” Y/n nodded before walking off down the path.
Branches cracked under her feet as she made her way into the forest. Birds could be heard and the soft wind against leaves made her smile. She loved nature, which was probably why she gained the ability of earth and it’s elements. Lost in her own thoughts, she didn’t see the foot that was sprawled across her path, leading to her to trip and fall. She groaned and looked to the side before screaming at what she saw.
Riven glanced behind him only to take a double take before jumping away from his position in shock He grabbed y/n out of reflex before pushing her behind him as he screamed out for someone. It wasn’t long before Silva turned up and he crouched beside the mauled and obviously dead man that was leaning against a tree. He opted to send the students back and alert Dowling about their discovery, and Riven couldn’t help but throw a worried glance at the girl beside him.
“Geez, I’m not that bad looking.” Riven rolled his eyes at her reaction.
“Not you.” Y/n snapped, pointing behind him.
Y/n sighed as she crossed her arms across her chest as she walked her way through the halls. Students looked her way before whispering to each other, and y/n knew what it was about. Word spreads fast around the school, and by now both students and teachers knew about y/n in the woods. The image from the woods had haunted her the night before, and she didn’t want to speak about the day. She wanted to forget it, however hard that would be.
Riven was leaning against a pillar outside, smoking a joint when he seen a certain h/c headed girl walk out from the school building, trying to avoid the crowds of students that were walking. Seeing her looking down at the ground, Riven opted to call the girl over and try to talk to her.
Riven nodded before moving away from the pillar and heading off to where Beatrix and Dane were standing, watching them talk. The trio that were known for mischief, and y/n only watched as he left, seeing as he placed an arm around Beatrix, looking over their shoulder as they walked away.
“Hey, y/n.” He called out, and y/n froze at the familiar voice. “Come here.” Riven finished, and y/n looked at him, unsure.
“Yes?” She asked, unsure of what the boy would want.
“You okay?” He asked, showing small hint of concern.
“Why do you care?” She asked, frowning at him.
“Yesterday was freaky, I know I seen it.” Riven shrugged.
“Yeah well you use a joint to help, I don’t.” Y/n narrowed her eyes at him.
“Why are you so hostile, I am only asking if you’re okay.” Riven stated, placing his hands up in mock surrender.
“Sorry.” Y/n muttered, looking away from him.
“Want one?” Riven asked, offering his joint to her.
“I’m good.” Y/n scrunched her nose at the strong smell.
“Look seriously, if you want to talk, I’m here.” Riven stated, looking down in confusion as to why he just said that.
“Thanks, I guess.” Y/n squinted at him, unsure how to respond.
The following days, Y/n spent most her time in her dorm, avoiding being seen as much as possible. Riven had grown worried for the girl, and would find himself staring at the back of her head when they were in class together. He had left the relationship he had with Beatrix and Dane, so he had grown to find his feelings for the girl had changed. The two often caught eyes with each other and a short smile would be exchanged. Small conversations would be exchanged, and y/n would still grimace at him when she would see him smoking or up to mischief which would lead to him smirking at her with that boyish smile.
As teacher brought the class to a close, Riven watched as y/n packed her bag and quickly left before the other students left for the day. Y/n threw her bag over her shoulder as she left, and Riven noticed her phone slide out of her jean pocket, landing on the floor. Seeing that y/n clearly hadn’t noticed the loss, Riven moved forward and grabbed the phone off the floor before rushing after.
She glanced up at them as their hands brushed together briefly. Riven raised an eyebrow at her as he felt a tingle as she moved away from him. Y/n only smiled at him before moving away from him. The two held contact with each other before y/n blinked, looking down to break it. Riven cleared his throat and smiled, waking backwards before finally turning.
“Hey, /n, wait up.” Riven shouted at her, waving her phone at her.
“Hey Riven.” Y/n smiled weakly at him, and Riven could see that she was tired.
“You dropped this.” He stated, holding the phone out to her.
“Oh, thanks.” Y/n nodded at him, taking her phone from him.
Riven looked down for a minute, thinking before deciding to try and catch up to y/n. He watched ahead, bumping into students as y/n turned the corner. Cursing to himself, Riven moved quicker, not taking a second glance at those who shouted at him as he moved quickly to get to her, when often he would glare at them. Y/n turned off to a quiet corridor, and Riven stopped at the turn to see y/n struggling with her key. Riven looked back as two girls came whispering to each other as they opened their dorm and walked in, both looking at Riven and y/n before the door closed. Riven coughed slightly, and y/n looked over her shoulder at him before finally getting the door open.
“Riven?” Y/n called.
“Yea?” The rave haired boy turned around.
“No, it’s okay.” Y/n shook his head, cursing herself for calling him.
“Y/n?” Riven asked, walking back to him.
“It’s nothing.” Y/n shook her head again, walking away from Riven.
Riven looked at y/n and moved closer to her. Y/n watched Rivens shadow as it creeped towards her.Feeling a hand being placed on her arm, y/ looked at it before looking up at Riven. She flicked her hair back and smiled up at the boy and he sighed, unsure if he should be doing this.
“Y/n,” Riven started, only to stop himself.
“You followed me?” Y/n asked, narrowing her eys at him from her door.
“I’m confused by something, I’m not sure how to act.” Riven shrugged, not looking away from her.
“Confused about what?” Y/n asked, looking at Riven intrigued by what he wanted to say.
"You, me, I dunno?" Riven stated, shrugging.
"Well maybe say it and it might be helpful." Y/n shrugged, trying to be helpful.
"There's something about you, that, won't leave me. I find myself enjoying our short chats. Brief as they are." Riven started, and y/n looked down as she blushed.
Y/n could only close her eyes as she allowed Riven to move closer to her. Her breath caught in her chest as there lips met, and she melted under Riven’s touch. The kiss was brief and when they pulled away, y/n looked up at Riven in shock
“We are two completely different people.” Y/n commented.
“Sometimes opposites attract.” Riven stated before leaning in.
“What does this mean?” Y/n asked, squinting up at him gently.
“I dunno, we’ll see where this goes.” Riven shrugged, before smiling softly at her.
“I’d ike that.” Y/n smiled, before leaning her head on his chest.
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 3 months
A little danger, pt. 17 - Finale
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A little danger - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x mind!fairy
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, violence, sexual innuendos, descriptions of blood/wounds/death
Word count: 6k
———— PART 17 ————
“What happens now?” Aisha digs her hands into her pockets, looking around as the sun slowly sets.
“I don’t know”, Terra responds, chewing her bottom lip.
Bloom folds her arms across her chest, sighing, “I can’t be here when they realize I’m gone.”
“They won’t know,” Y/N states, “If anyone comes after you, I’ll use my powers to make them think you’re still incapacitated.”
“You’re sure you can do that?” Stella asks, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Sure, she can!” Flora tries to lighten everyone up, only for her smile to drop as the girls start walking to the dorms.
“Something isn’t right,” Y/N rubs her hands as the cold wind picks up. “I don’t like that almost all the specialists are gone to a supposed hideout.”
“It feels like a trap, doesn’t it?” Bloom agrees.
“I should have gone with Sky.”
Stella sighs, “You need to stop worrying. It’s going to be fine.”
Shaking her head, Y/N presses her lips in a thin line. “He doesn’t remember anything before yesterday. They could kill him and it would be my fault!”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, Stella scowls. “The weight of the world isn’t on your shoulders. Everything that goes wrong isn’t always on you.”
“Stella’s right,” Aisha pipes up. “Fucked up things happen every day, but that doesn’t mean it’s your fault.”
“I know you guys are trying to cheer me up, but I feel it in my bones…something is going to happen to him…to all of us.”
Y/N returned to her dorm, immediately grabbing her phone.
“Are you safe?”
Staring at the screen, her brows furrow with every passing minute. Sky might be busy at the moment, or he might not even know how to unlock his phone.
As the last ray of the sun disappeared, she closed her eyes. Just for a moment, she can relax and let the day's worries leave her mind.
Suddenly she awakens, confused as she checks her clock. It’s the middle of the night and there are no texts from Sky. What woke her up?
That’s when she heard it - screeching and chirping.
With trembling lips, Y/N’s chest struggles to contain her heart. Last time she heard those sounds she found herself surrounded and in a battle with Sebastian she couldn’t possibly win.
“They’re here.”
Swallowing thickly, she lets out a heavy sigh. “I have to protect the school,” Y/N whispers.
Rushing to the main building, she finds it empty - most of the students have gone to the dorms already. Taking a deep breath, Y/N’s eyes glow purple. It doesn’t take much of her energy as her focus forms hundreds of invisible strings simultaneously.
“The Blood Witches are here. Those who can fight, be ready to defend yourselves and those weaker than you. Don’t let the scrapers bite you.”
The power goes out, darkness enveloping her. She can only hope that this is a sign Sky is unharmed – because if the Blood witches are here, he’s safe.
Taking in a few short breaths, she heads to the library. It’s the only place she can think of that would be useful for hiding.
Scrapers are slithering, she can hear them. The screams coming from a distance tell a story, one she wishes she could ignore. Shaking her head, she holds her breath as she runs toward the sounds.
Covering her mouth at the sight, she grimaces. Pressing her back against the wall, she runs in the opposite direction. She can’t stop the scrapers. There are no Specialists in sight, no weapons, and no magic she could use to fight them.
The last thing anyone needs is her power taken by them – that’s when they’d truly lose.
Checking her phone, she checks the group messages. There are videos of students being taken to confinement – not everyone is being drained.
“Where are you?” Y/N texts.
“Musa and Flora are stuck in the school. Where are you?!” Stella responds.
“In the school.”
“We got ahold of the guys. They’re coming back. Hide.”
“Is asking about you. What do I tell him?”
“Anything but the truth.”
If he finds out she’s in the school, he might be stupid enough to enter the grounds. Sky is the only person she wishes was beside her right now, but also the last. Knowing he’s not near them puts her at ease – as far from danger he can be, she is happier.
“Tell him I’m sorry…and I love him.”
Turning it off, she pockets her phone before heading to the library as planned.
While she was finding a place to hide, Sky was slowly losing his mind.
“It’s almost dawn and we’re still not there!”
“I’m driving as fast as I can,” Saul snaps back.
“I’ll be sure to let the fairies know when we attend their funerals!”
Rolling his eyes, Saul speeds up. “Fine!”
“Stella said three of them are still in the school,” Riven says.
“Who?!” Sky asks, his cheeks flushed and eyes wide.
“Musa, Flora - who you don’t remember, and –“ Riven pauses, gulping. “Y/N.”
Covering his mouth, he fishes his phone out of his pocket. The photo of him and Y/N stares back at him as the screen lights up and he realizes it’s asking for a password.
“I…Do you know my password?” Sky looks to Riven who shakes his head.
“Try Y/N’s name or birthdate?”
Raising a brow, Sky scowls.
Lifting his hands in mock surrender, Riven chuckles. “Not my fault you’re so whipped!”
“It’s not that, dickhead! I don’t remember her birthdate!”
“I do,” Saul chimes in.
And that’s exactly what it was – his password is the day she was born. Riven is right – he is whipped. The first message that pops up is hers – Are you safe?
Holding his breath, he writes the same to her.
No response.
Scrolling up, he finds hundreds, if not thousands of exchanged messages, photos, videos, links…the history of his heart’s desire that he cannot remember.
“Ask Stella if she’s heard from her.” Pausing on a photo of Y/N in a red dress, he inhales deeply. It feels so familiar, yet nothing comes to mind…If she dies, he’ll never remember who he is…who she was to him. That can’t happen!
“She did,” Riven glances at Sky. “Apparently I wasn’t supposed to tell you she’s in the school…and to tell you she’s sorry and she loves you.”
Gliding his tongue across his teeth, Sky nods. “Right.”
“I’ll never get used to that,” Riven frowns.
“You…not caring about her…or me or anyone really.”
“I care,” Sky exclaims…”I think.”
“You can’t tell me you don’t remember anything. I mean, I’d understand forgetting the stupid things, but Silva? Y/N? ME?”
“You?” Sky snorts. “Silva is like my father, she’s my girlfriend…what are you?”
“I was your best friend once.”
“I was!”
“Meaning, not now. So how important are you really?”
“Shut up!” Saul shouts. “Unless it’s about the situation at Alfea, I don’t want to hear it!”
The first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, casting a soft, golden hue across the landscape as Sky and the rest of the specialists return to Alfea. The early morning air is crisp, carrying with it the scent of dew-laden grass and the distant murmur of the waking forest. Yet, the tranquil beauty of the sunrise is marred by the grim reality that awaits them.
Sky’s heart tightens with fear and desperation as his thoughts turn to Y/N, who is trapped inside the school’s walls. His mind is a chaotic storm of emotions, battling against the cruel void left by his missing memories.
Every instinct in him screams to run to her, to ensure she is unharmed, to hold her close and protect her from the danger that now surrounds her. Yet, the gaping hole in his mind taunts him, a cruel reminder that he can’t recall the details of their love, the moments that defined them. The self-loathing gnaws at his heart, a relentless ache that leaves him feeling helpless and inadequate.
Sky’s fists clench at his sides, his knuckles white with the intensity of his grip. He hates himself for the amnesia that robbed him of the memories of Y/N, and for the uncertainty that clouds his judgment. But despite it, a deep-seated certainty anchors him—he cannot, must not, lose her.
“The attack was over in about 20 minutes,” Bloom explains. “I don’t know how many Blood Witches are in there, but it’s safe to say there’s enough to take over every Specialist there.”
Saul nods, “They knew we were making a move on their hideout.”
“And we drank the last of the Blood Witch antidote,” Riven scowls.
“They took over every specialist?” Sky asks.
“Mhmm. And the fairies didn’t have it much better. Sebastian brought an army of scrapers to take them down,” Bloom sighs.
“Are they all drained?” Sky’s worry echoes in every word spoken.
“Not yet,” Bloom manages a reassuring smile. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he remembers Y/N…and her. “They’re being held under the school, taken to him one by one.”
“Neither Musa nor Flora have seen her. She hasn’t responded to any of our messages since last night.”
Watching the videos from the girl’s group chat, Saul points out. “That’s Bavani.”
“We’re thinking that he can’t handle a lot of magic at once,” Bloom continues.
“So there’s still time to save some of them,” Saul notes. “That’s good. Good intel.”
Bloom smiles, “It’s all Musa. She’s hiding in the school. She’s managed to avoid detection, but Flora wasn’t so lucky.”
Rubbing his chin, Saul nods. “Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us. A frontal assault is suicide.”
“A covert strike upgrades our odds, but not by much,” Riven shrugs. “And we’ll be fighting friends, which is a headfuck.” Glancing at Sky, he rolls his eyes. “For most of us.”
“So, we use non-lethal weapons and neutralize the threat. But what if the Blood witches manage to take us, as well? I haven’t had the antidote like the rest of you,” Sky reminds them. “And you don’t know how long yours last. What happens if we end up being the ones to kill the fairies?”
Frowning, Riven pauses. “You’re right…You shouldn’t be going in there with that mindset and without an antidote.”
Scoffing, Sky grabs him by the collar. “You won’t stop me.”
“Careful mate! Someone might think you do give a shit.”
Clenching his jaw, Sky pushes him aside, heading off. It would be enough for Riven to believe he’s left as he wants him to. Maybe he should leave. Y/N said it herself, he seems better off not knowing what’s happened between them…She seemed honest about it.
Gnawing on his bottom lip, he checks his phone once again. Their photo lights up the screen – his eyes seem happy and his smile wide. Photos can be deceiving, but this doesn’t feel like a lie. Not too long ago, this heart of his required her presence to keep beating, and no matter how badly he wanted to ignore it, something about her calls to him.
Throwing caution to the wind, Sky steps forward, his eyes fixed on the school. He knows the risks, and the peril that awaits him inside, but none of it matters in the face of losing Y/N. The weight of his love for her, even in the absence of his memories, drives him forward, a force stronger than any fear or doubt.
“I’m going in,” he declares, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his heart. The other specialists glance at him, concern etched in their features, but Sky’s resolve is unwavering.
Without waiting for a response, he breaks into a run, his heart leading him toward the one person who means more to him than anything. As he races toward Alfea, the rising sun casts a hopeful light on his path, and Sky prays that it’s not too late to save her, to hold onto the love he knows he can’t live without.
“I knew he’d do that,” Riven sighs. “I get to clock him when he gets himself possessed!”
Clinging to the walls, Y/N holds her breath. One wrong move and she’d have set the realm up for a disaster. If Saul or Farah were with her, they’d advise caution. She can’t save the school on her own – the number of scrapers and Blood Witches is too great for one fairy, even one as strong as her. She turned her phone off the night before, worried it would be used to track her. No one can know where she is, because she doesn’t know who to trust. Every specialist can be controlled, every fairy turned against her. If she’s to stand a chance to find her way out, she can’t risk it. But if she wants to fight Sebastian, the risk of distraction with thoughts about Sky’s safety might be worse.
Stay and fight, or run for her life?
It’s a choice she was always destined to make.
Farah would tell her to trust her instincts, but they’ve led her astray before. Running her hands through her hair, she sighs. If she runs, she won’t get far. Realistically speaking, the exits are manned well. Fighting Specialists, especially those she doesn’t want to kill would prove to be more difficult than fighting her own demons.
She checks her phone anyway.
“Are YOU safe?”
Covering her mouth as tears flood her eyes, Y/N nods to herself. He replied sometime during the attack. They must have been on the way back. He’s safe. Or was safe? Hopefully, he doesn’t give a damn and will stay away from Alfea until the Blood Witches are defeated.
A quick look at the group chat tells her she’s right – he’s outside with Bloom. Suppressing an eye roll at the thought of a no-memory Sky being around his ex who still wants him back, Y/N sends the group a quick text.
“I’m heading to the library. If anyone’s inside, meet me there. I’ll wait an hour. If no one comes, I’m doing this on my own.”
“Solarians are coming. Hold off on any stupid acts of bravery!” Aisha responds.
“Every passing minute means one more fairy loses her magic. I’ve been hiding from it my whole life, but there’s no place left to hide now. I’m ready to use my magic, no holding back.”
Stella replies, “We’re all coming inside. Bloom and Sky are missing. I have reason to believe Sky is taken by the Blood Witches and is used as leverage against her.”
“He wants the Dragon flame,” Aisha states.
“With it, I won’t stand a chance against him.”
“We are coming,” Aisha confirms.
“I can’t wait that long. I’m going to look for them.”
Drawing in a deep breath, she checks around the corner. No one’s noticed her. Y/N stands in the dimly lit hallway of Alfea, her heart pounding in her chest. Sky is somewhere in the school, but finding him amid all of the other minds that are taken and breaking the Blood Witches' control is a daunting task. She takes a deep breath, centering herself, and closes her eyes, letting her power flow through her.
Tendrils of her magic extend from her mind, invisible and delicate, searching through the labyrinth of thoughts and emotions that fill the school. She has to be careful, and precise. Alerting the Blood Witches could mean disaster, not just for Sky, but for everyone.
The first minds she touches are frantic, students and teachers caught in fear and confusion. She gently skirts around them, moving deeper into the building. Each mind she passes through is a potential danger, a possible alert to the Blood Witches. Her focus narrows, a laser-like precision guiding her as she seeks the one mind that matters most to her. If she manages this, she will return to the others, free them as well.
After what feels like an eternity, she senses a familiar presence—a flicker of Sky's essence amid the chorus of other thoughts. Her heart leaps, but she forces herself to stay calm, to maintain her delicate touch. She can't afford to make any mistakes.
Carefully, she weaves her magic around Sky's mind, trying to differentiate it from the surrounding influences. She senses the dark threads of control, the insidious tendrils of the Blood Witches' magic entangled with his thoughts. It takes every ounce of her concentration to avoid triggering their awareness.
Gently, she begins to unravel the dark magic, her power working to sever the links without causing a backlash. She feels the resistance, the darkness fighting back, but she presses on, her determination unwavering. Her hands tremble slightly, the effort of maintaining such fine control taking its toll on her.
Sebastian is distracted, she can sense it. If not, she would be discovered by now. Sky’s ears can pick up the conversation – and she can pick up on his mind’s reaction to his body’s struggle. He can’t breathe.
She can see where they are now. Running toward him, she continues to work on his mind. His airway is released once more and she gasps for breath as well. She senses Sky's confusion, the haze that clouds his mind. She pours her emotions into her magic, hoping to reach him, to let him know she's there. "Sky," she thinks, her voice a whisper in the storm of his thoughts. "I'm here. I'm coming for you."
Little by little, she feels the dark magic give way, her power pushing it back. It's a delicate balance, a dance on the edge of a knife, but Y/N doesn't falter. She can feel Sky's presence growing stronger, the fog lifting from his mind. The connection between them sharpens, and she holds onto it like a lifeline.
Finally, with the final cut, she breaks the last of the Blood Witches' control. The dark tendrils snap, and she feels Sky's mind clear. She senses his awareness returning, his thoughts no longer muddled by the external influence.
Pausing as she hears a noise, she hides in a classroom as the Specialists pass.
"Sky," she whispers with her eyes closed, her voice trembling with relief and exhaustion. "You're free."
She opens her eyes, blinking away the fatigue, and knows she has to find him physically now. But for the moment, she allows herself a brief respite, leaning against the wall, her heart still pounding. She’s done it—she’s found him, freed him. Now she just has to reach him. His mind is saved, but his body is still in danger.
Reaching the great hall, Y/N pauses as she hears the Dragon Flame roar… Sebastian’s using the crystal to steal it.
“Not long now, Bloom. I can feel it.”
Panic claws at Y/N’s throat as she feels the familiar crackling of her power under her skin. She can’t allow this to happen.
“Hate to interrupt a private moment,” Beatrix smirks as she walks in on the other side of the room.
Swallowing thickly, Y/N looks up to where Sky is wrapped up in vines. He’s unconscious.
“Not now, Beatrix”, Sebastian all but growls.
“Bloom might want to know what you plan to use the Dragon Flame for.”
Whimpering, Bloom glances at her. “Does it matter?”
“Figured. Remember you said that,” Beatrix smirks as sparks of electricity dance along her fingertips. And that’s when Y/N hears it – the one defining thought that made her come out of the shadows.
But she wasn’t fast enough.
Beatrix raises her hand, and the electric current surges upward, striking Sky with a searing intensity.
The electricity courses through his body, causing the vines to snap and break. His muscles convulse uncontrollably, and his eyes widen in pain and shock. The force of the electricity halts his heart, the life draining from his eyes as he plummets to the ground.
Y/N, no longer hidden in the shadows, witnesses the horrific scene. Her heart stops, a scream dying in her throat as she watches the man she loves fall lifelessly to the ground. Desperation and rage fuel her magic, and it bursts forth in a wave of raw power. She steps forward, her eyes blazing with an ethereal violet light, and focuses on Beatrix.
With a flick of her wrist, Y/N sends a telekinetic force slamming into Beatrix. The impact is so powerful that it hurls the fairy across the room, her body colliding with a stone column. The sickening crack of Beatrix's neck breaking echoes through the air, and she slumps to the floor, lifeless.
Ignoring the fallen fairy, Sebastian and Bloom, Y/N rushes to Sky's side, dropping to her knees beside him. Her hands tremble as she reaches out, her fingers brushing against his still-warm skin. "Sky," she whispers, her voice choked with tears. "Sky, please."
She places her hands on his chest, her magic flaring in an attempt to restart his heart. Her power flows into him, but it's erratic, fueled by her panic and fear. "Please, don't leave me," she begs, tears streaming down her face.
Her vision blurs with tears, and she presses her forehead against his, whispering desperate pleas between sobs. "You can't die," she cries. "Not now, not like this. Come back to me, Sky."
She feels his heart beneath her hands, willing it to beat again. Her magic pulses, a desperate, rhythmic push against the stillness his heart has surrendered to. She pours everything she has into him, the love, the fear, the sheer force of her will. "You said you loved me," she murmurs, her voice breaking. "I love you too, please."
For a moment, nothing happens, and the weight of despair threatens to crush her. But then, faintly, she feels a flutter beneath her palms—a weak, stuttering heartbeat. Her breath catches, hope flaring in her chest. "Sky," she whispers, more urgently now. "Fight. Please, fight."
The heartbeat grows stronger, and Sky's chest rises with a shallow, ragged breath. His eyes flutter open, confusion and pain clouding his gaze. Y/N lets out a shuddering sob of relief, her hands still pressed to his chest as she watches him come back to her. "Sky," she says again, her voice trembling. "You're okay. You're going to be okay."
The emotional strain should have left her feeling drained, but she held onto him tightly, her fingers entwined with his. She won't let him go. Not now, not ever. As his breathing steadies and his eyes clear, the overwhelming relief that washes over her is quickly replaced by a searing, unbridled anger. Her eyes, still stained with tears, harden as she lifts her gaze to Sebastian. He stands across the room, a smug expression on his face for he sees the emotional tie to both the fairies he wishes to exploit. Y/N's heart pounds with fury, each beat resonating with her magic, which roils and churns within her, struggling to break free. Sky will not be a bargaining chip anymore – she will make sure of it.
She stands, her body trembling with rage. The air around her crackles with raw energy, and her fingers spark with violet electricity. Y/N takes a step toward Sebastian, joining Bloom, who is equally filled with determination. Her magic begins to spill over, uncontrollable and fierce, responding to her emotions.
Her eyes shift to a deep, glowing violet, mirroring the storm of power within her. Waves of violent purple light ripple across her skin, creating an aura of pure, untamed energy. Her hair, once a uniform color, now has vivid purple streaks that shimmer and dance like liquid fire.
Then, with a sudden burst, her wings emerge, an extension of her fury and strength. The wings are large and powerful, each one a breathtaking tapestry of colors. The primary hue is a rich, deep purple, but they are veined with streaks of lighter lavender and electric indigo, like lightning captured in glass. The edges are sharp and crystalline, catching the light and refracting it into a dazzling array of colors. The wings pulse with every beat of her heart, shimmering with an ethereal glow that reminds the onlookers they are otherworldly.
Y/N stands tall, her wings unfurled to their full span, casting a shadow that speaks of both beauty and danger. The energy rolling off her is palpable, a violent storm barely contained within her form. She looks every bit the powerful fairy she has become, a being of raw magic and unyielding will.
Sebastian's confident demeanor falters as he takes in the sight before him. Y/N’s transformation is a clear sign of her immense power, and the look in her eyes promises retribution. She steps forward, her voice low and filled with a cold, burning rage. "You will pay for what you've done."
Bloom transforms beside her.
“Okay. So what are you gonna do? Kill me. Then what? Destroy the school? Your friends are outside fighting for you.”
Stella speaks from behind her, “Technically, their friends are inside now.”
“Bloom, look at me!” Sebastian insists. “This is exactly what happened to your mum, Bloom, and people died. Your friend has no control over her power.”
Y/N can feel Bloom falter for a moment.
“You can stand down, Y/N,” Stella tries. “We are here. You don’t have to do this alone.”
“It’s too late for that now;” Y/N responds. “Get everyone as far away from here as possible.” She looks to Sky who still seems dazed. “Now!”
“We’re not leaving you,” Bloom reassures her as Terra, Stella, and Aisha transform beside them.
“Someone needs to take Sky away from here,” Y/N raises her voice as everyone seems to hold their breath.
“He won’t be harmed,” Stella stands across from her, her golden wings spread out as well. It’s a marvelous sight to see.
Nodding, Y/N turns her energy back on Sebastian, hitting him with the first wave of power she can muster. The girls follow her lead, each using their power, now heightened with their transformation complete. Sebastian grunts as Y/N allows more of her power to trickle into the attack, drawing more and more of her life force with it. Bloom does the same, using the Dragon Flame as a catalyst that turns Sebastian’s grunts into dying screams.
The energy disperses along with Sebastian, the girls returning to their original form immediately after.
All except for Y/N.
“Breathe,” she tells herself, staring at her shaking hands. Noticing her glowing purple veins, she stumbles back, straight into a sturdy chest, making her yelp as her wing gets hurt on impact.
“You’re alright,” Sky places his hands on her hips, steadying her. “I didn’t mean to hurt your wing.”
With trembling lips, she manages a nod. “I –“, she pauses, realizing why she’s still struggling to transform back. “You died.”
“I’m sorry I did that,” he cups her cheek. “Would it help if I promise I won’t do it again anytime soon?”
Glancing around, she sees everyone’s put some distance from her. Only Stella remains, cradling Beatrix. Fuck…that was her. She killed her.
“I didn’t mean to kill her,” Y/N exclaims. “She’s the reason you were dead. I reacted to a threat!”
“I believe you,” Sky rests his forehead on hers. Placing her hand on his chest, he takes a deep breath. “Breathe,” he reminds her, “Breathe with me.”
A soft, broken smile appears on her lips as she synchs her breathing with his. Slowly, but surely, her wings have disappeared and the violet light faded away.
“You’ve done this before,” she tells him. “Talked me off a ledge in the same way more times than I can count.”
“I know,” Sky’s nose brushes against hers. “I remember every single time.”
Pulling back, she gasps, “How?”
“You were saving me from their control and it all flooded back to me. Right before it made me pass out entirely.”
Pressing her lips in a thin line, she grabs onto his jacket and drags him closer. “We have a lot of shit to figure out.”
“I’m well aware.”
“I love you,” she remarks.
Grinning, he repeats, “I’m well aware!”
Raising her eyebrows, she narrows her eyes at him. “Is that all you have to say?”
“Dick!” She rolled her eyes at him before planting a kiss on his lips that nearly stopped his heart again.
Holding her flush against his body, Sky never wanted to let her go. Every time he did, he regretted it in record time. Sometimes it was fate that pushed them together, other times a little danger, but whenever the dust settled, Sky knew it would need Y/N to keep beating as much as he needed oxygen to keep breathing.
Parting, he smiles as she gasps for breath. “I love that I make you breathless and I DO love you. I might be a dick, but I am yours.”
“I’m not sure I believe that,” she purses her lips.
“My phone’s passcode is your birthday. It leaves no room for doubt.”
Chuckling, she nods. “I was wondering how you remembered it.”
“Saul,” Sky shrugs. “Speaking of, he’d love to see you’re alive and well. He was stressing a lot.”
Leaning into his side, Y/N looks up at him fondly. “Let’s see the old man then.”
He wraps an arm around her, leading her away from Beatrix’s body and Stella’s tears. She’ll beat herself up about it for a long time, but Sky will remind her every day that he loves her and he will support her through it. So many wonder why he chooses to stand with Y/N, some were brave enough to even ask “Why her?” and he’d only laugh at the stupidity of their question, responding, "Why would I choose anyone else when she exists?”
For Sky, this wasn’t a momentary thing like it was with Bloom and Stella. If he knew he’d get Y/N back in his life, he wouldn’t have dated either of them, because Y/N is the kind of love one carries for a lifetime. Does he enjoy the intrusions her power force upon his mind? No. But he can find a way to work around that. If he were simply honest with her, no secrets kept inside, she wouldn’t accidentally see anything that would break her heart. And he’s certain she’s seen quite a bit of secrets that don’t necessarily affect their relationship that she’s allowed to remain a secret.
Trust. It’s all they truly need. And forgiveness, but that he has an abundance of.
The once-bloodied courtyard of Alfea is now eerily silent, save for the occasional sound of distant sobs and murmured reassurances. The air is thick with the scent of burnt magic and the lingering tension of a fight hard-won. Y/N walks through the debris, her steps slow and weary, yet purposeful. Beside her, Sky moves with a similar weariness, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any remaining threats. They barely made it out of Alfea before Saul noticed them. His usually strong and composed demeanor is softened by the relief of seeing them safe. The weight of the world seems to lift from his shoulders the moment their eyes meet.
Y/N's heart skips a beat, her eyes welling up with tears that she no longer tries to hold back. The sight of Saul, alive and waiting for them, brings a flood of emotions crashing down on her. She quickens her pace, her legs nearly giving way under the emotional strain. Sky, sensing her urgency, matches her stride,
"Saul," Y/N's voice cracks as she calls out, the name carrying all the love and respect she holds for him.
Saul steps forward, his arms outstretched. "Y/N, Sky," he says, his voice thick with emotion. "You’re awfully close there."
“I remember everything,” Sky declares.
Without hesitation, Y/N closes the distance between them, throwing herself into Saul's embrace. The moment her arms encircle him, the dam holding back her tears breaks, and she sobs uncontrollably into his chest. Saul holds her tightly, his hand gently stroking her hair, offering the comfort only a father could provide. Sky, though usually reserved, joins the embrace, wrapping his arms around both Y/N and Saul, creating a circle of warmth and safety.
"It's over," Sky whispers, his voice hoarse. "We did it."
Saul nods, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You both did," he replies, his voice full of pride. "You were incredible."
Y/N pulls back slightly, just enough to look up at Saul's face. “I didn’t think I’d get to see either of you again.”
Saul cups her cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear. "I'm here," he assures her. "And so are you. That's all that matters now."
Sky looks at Saul, a newfound respect and gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you," he says simply, his voice filled with sincerity.
Saul smiles, a rare and genuine expression of pure joy. "You've both grown so much," he says, his voice choked with pride. "I'm so proud of you."
Wiping her tears, Y/N speaks quietly, “I killed Beatrix.”
“After she killed me,” Sky defends.
Blinking fast, Saul’s jaw drops. “What are you talking about?”
“Beatrix killed me. My heart stopped and when I opened my eyes again, Y/N was with me. And then she transformed fully!”
Eyes wide, Saul raises his eyebrows. “Wings and all?”
Y/N nods, smiling for the first time. “Purple veins and all!”
“Okay! That’s a lot to unpack!”
“Farah told me the secret to transformation magic,” Y/N states. “She didn’t have time to talk to you before she was gone again.” Licking her lips, Y/N sighs. “She said you’d understand.” Taking his hand in hers, she realizes he’s shaking. “Told me your friendship was dear to her.”
Pressing his lips in a thin line, Saul looks to the ground, a frown etched on his forehead as he nods silently.
Taking a deep breath, Saul looks at them both, forcing a smile. “Now that it’s all over, I have to do some final checks on the school and the grounds. I order you both to rest up and take a shower, okay? You stink!”
Chuckling, Y/N retorts, “So do you!” Giving him one more hug, she allows Sky to lead her away from Saul.
“Do you think he’ll be okay alone?” She clings to Sky’s arm, her eyes lingering on the path before them.
“Yeah. He probably just needs time to let it sink in. What was it like for you? How did she even appear, I thought Rosalind –“
“She did. Farah had contingencies.”
“She was there when you left for the hideout. Gave me a pep talk and when the sun was gone, so was she.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it now, you don’t have to.”
Y/N raises her brows, “I know, but that’s genuinely all it was. She told me to save my world – You…And I did. That was the key to transformation magic for me. Embracing the love I have for you and all the fears that love sparks,” she shrugs. “You were dead and I had to face it…after that, nothing about my power scared me as much as the silence of your heartbeat.”
"Right..." Sky's gaze flickers to her parted lips. "You weren't serious about what you told me, about wishing your powers away?"
Pulling her closer, Sky could sense her shiver. "Sometimes. A part of me wanted it gone and when I was surrounded, I wanted to surrender to the scrapers. But I had to fight to help Andreas and I...Failed."
"You did more than enough," Sky tries to reason with her. "No more heavy talks for now. We’re going to take a shower and do nothing for the night.”
Cocking her head, she pulls out her key. “Nothing?” Her lips curl upwards as a mischievous glint appears in her eyes.
Pursing his lips, Sky suppresses a smile as she kicks the door back and her hands grab his shirt. “I’m trying to be respectful.”
Pulling him into her room, she shakes her head fondly. “After all that’s happened, I’d much rather deal with dick Sky for a little while.”
“You liked him, didn’t you?” Sky teases.
“It was a love-hate relationship,” Y/N chuckles.
“Mhmm,” his lips brush hers. “I know he liked you… Once you washed all the blood off. That kind of freaked him out.”
A laugh escapes her as she nods. “I bet it did!”
“He loved how bossy you were,” Sky kicks the door closed, his breath mingling with hers as he walks her backward into the shower. Turning the water on, he raises a brow. “But I think it’s my turn now.”
Biting her lower lip as her smile turns into a grin, she cups his face before their lips collide as do their worlds – and this time, nothing will tear them apart.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
If you're taking requests, I love Drayton (favorite Dragon boy) and as a Fairy trainer, I'm super curious what the romantic (and friend) dynamics would be with him. So, I guess I'm asking for Drayton x Fairy reader content? 😅🩷
This gives me opposites attract vibes. The sweet Fairy type dynamic compared to Drayton being Drayton is a vibe I can get behind!
Pixie Wings | Drayton x Reader (Fairy specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After growing up together traveling the unnova region side by side; when Drayton moved away to blueberry academy, he felt a small part of him was left behind. But fate seemed to have other ideas when a familiar face shows up to brighten his day.
Warnings: Lots of fluff with a little bit of Lacey hate
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers for The Indigo Disk Ending
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Why is Alcremie so cute? Like look at that lil guy, lil buddy so happy to be here 💗
Today was the day, the day you would travel to the blueberry academy. The school upon the sea! For the longest time, you had spent all of your time inside a stupid office building of a school. So when one of your closest friends and yourself both received letters of enrolment to the school; the stars aligned again! Though that didn’t stop the waves of nerves rushing over you. Seems you weren’t the only one feeling them, either.
Sitting on the plane, the nerves settled deeper and deeper in your gut as the mixture of excitement and dread flooded your every thought. Questions rolling around like the ocean tide below you, covering your mind like a cloud does the sun.
“What's got you so quiet?” A voice piped up from your side, “Nerves getting the better of you?”
With a deep sigh, you scrunch your noise, fingers placed on the bridge of it. “Sorry, sorry, I just keep thinking about everything that's going to happen when we arrive. I've never gone to a place like this. Sylveon was acting up all morning too, she isn’t much of a flying fan.”
“I get that, Mimikyu is the same, I can feel his ball shaking in my pocket.” A laugh escaped the both of you as the small talk wafted the clouds away from your mind. “I know you are going to be fine! You're the best damn fairy type trainer I know, and I know a lot of them! I went to a prep school for two years. You don’t get more fairy type than a blonde teen obsessed with make up.”
“That is very true.” The smile on your lips grew bigger as you leaned back into the plane seat, looking out the window to see your destination below. “I wish I could tell Drayton about this…”
“I know…”
Time went by quickly. Upon arriving at the school, a fellow Fairy type user gave you a tour of the building and the terrarium to boot. Teaching you all about the BB League and the other clubs around the school. A nice bonding session as well with your mutual feelings on fairy type Pokémon. She was nice, her outfit was cute too, though there was something you didn't quite get along with about Lacey. “And that about sums it up! To recap, the terrarium is split into four sections, the savannah biome is where the school entrance is! If you are a battler, the BB league is located inside to the right of the stairs. The elite four bases are spread out throughout the terrarium. Be careful when you go for the dragon trial, he, um, tends to get a little full of himself. Nothing new though. Just be advised to not fuel his ego any more than it already is.”
“Will do, thank you again for this. We look forward to seeing you at the trials!” You pipe up, disregarding the comment she made about her ‘friend’. With a small wave, Lacey spun on her heel and headed off for the coastal biome.
“Well, that was something.” Your friend piped up, trying not to laugh about how awkward that last part was. “Considering she calls everyone in the BB league club her friend, the way she speaks about the Dragon elite four members says otherwise. I mean she didn’t even use his name? How can we go off of toothpaste for a name?”
“I don’t know, but I'm sure we’ll meet him. Who knows, maybe it's a sibling rivalry sort of thing between them. Kinda felt like it to me.” You question, attempting to come up with any reason she may have been particularly pokey about one member and not the rest.
The sound of a poke ball stopped your conversation dead in its tracks. Your Archaludon had decided he was bored with the conversation and wanted attention now. Sylveon may have been your first Pokémon, but Archaludon held a special place in your heart; being the only reminder of Drayton you had. It was his Duraladon after all, a parting gift he gave you. It may not have been a fairy type, but that didn’t stop you from putting a fairy tera on it. Just for argument's sake.
Sitting down on a random rock, you quietly feed Archaludon a poffin, keeping him entertained whilst your friend rummages through her bag, finally zipping it back up once she was happy with whatever she did. “Well, I'm a head inside. Lacey describing the science club got me all giddy. Joltik agrees with me.” A small chirp followed your friend's voice as her tiny joltik popped out from her hood. How you didn’t notice it this whole time is beyond you. With a silent wave, you watch her walk into the distance. You weren’t alone for long though
“Two new students in one day and no one told me!?” A voice chimed up from along the beach. A boy, taller than others you had seen during the tour. His hair was spiked up at the front in one big swoop, kind of like, toothpaste. Just like Lacey had said. Though you could only see the back of him. From his outfit, he definitely fits the bill of dragon trainer. 
That's when it hit you. Something about that hair seemed so familiar to you, and it hit you like a tauros. “Do my eyes deceive me!? Drayton? Drayton!! I can’t believe it!”
His neck snapped so fast, it was a surprise he didn’t give himself whiplash. The sound of your voice being music to his ears. Seems his feet began moving on their own; he didn’t even register he was moving till he was already hugging you tighter than a mousehold. “How are you here? What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that!” You respond, wrapping your arms around him tighter, still trying to comprehend the fact he really was there with you. “You moved to the other side of Unova!”
Drayton’s laugh coated your ears, causing your already beaming smile to brighten even more. “Well I didn’t say exactly where, probably should have mentioned the ocean school part huh.”
“Yeah, I've missed you so much, Drayton. Things just haven't been the same without your lively presence.” He had no response to that, only a simple hum as he moved away from you, his hands on your shoulders, a smile on his face. 
That's when your entire team all decided to join Archaludon outside. Sylveon comes out first, running around Drayton’s legs, her blue coat fluffing up with every pass she makes. Your Archaludon was already watching the scene, if it had a tail it would be wagging. The sight of his old trainer and his current trainer looking so happy made the bridge happier than a yamper. Vanilla Alcremi came out not long after Sylveon, doing a little happy dance alongside your Hattereen. Silently your white florges admired the situation, being the newest of the team she simply watched, enjoying the reunion that was unfolding.
“Seems you were not the only one who missed me!” Drayton chuckled, running his hand along Archaludon’s side.
“Would seem that way. When Lacey described you earlier, you were not the person I pictured.” You admitted thinking back to what Lacey said.
Drayton smiled and pulled you into his side to allow the Archaludon to nuzzle into him, his arm around your shoulder. “Ah don’t pay Lacey any mind, she isn’t too fond of my fighting style, she thinks my attitude is unprofessional. Her words, not mine.”
“Well I think your fighting style is great, even if I can beat you no problem.” A cocky grin painted on your face, teasing him.
“Oh is that so!? How about we put that to the test, then?” Drayton offered his signature smirk appearing
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Hiiii <3 I love your Kieran stuff! Could I request a terrifyingly powerful Reader (male, female or enby, I don't care) whose a force in battle but a gentle giant outside? Eri-core or Red-core, tbh. I could see then being multi-type specialist for Fairy, Electric and Ice type Pokemon- maybe with someone cutesy or feminine as their partner Pokemon (like Froslass, Bellibolt, Azumarill or Gardevoir?)
Just Kieran really disliking them because he thinks they're narcissistic due to being a force in battle that doesn't really talk to their opponents too often, only to later realize that not they're just gentle. Or not, you can spin it however you like! I just like your writing :3
Yesss we stan a reader who is terrifying in battle >:D I love team-building so I incorporated some of my own team strats into this!
Hope you don't mind the rambling at the beginning, I'm not into competitive Pokemon stuff at all but creating cool strategies is still super fun!!
Kieran x Terrifyingly Strong Reader
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You don't limit yourself to just one type of Pokemon. Tinkaton is your ace, but you also use Cetitan, Galarian Slowking, Ceruledge, Gyarados, and Garchomp.
Cetitan is a bulky monster who gets the ability Slush Rush, which doubles its speed in the snow. Galarian Slowking can set up snow with Chilly Reception, at which point Cetitan sweeps.
Ceruledge is solid for coverage and gets powerful Ghost and Fire moves. Gyarados and Garchomp are my two personal favorites for double battles, since Gyarados gets Intimidate and is immune to Garchomp's Earthquake. Not to mention Garchomp + Rough Skin + Rocky Helmet is a mean combination.
Tinkaton is the definition of scary and cute, her hammer is made of the parts of another Pokemon! With Gigaton Hammer and Protect, she sweeps everything in her path.
But back to the actual headcanons, Kieran is intimidated as HECK by you. You easily sweep his team whenever they battle, and your neutral expression the whole time makes it feel like you're mocking him. He's so frustrated that he can't win.
He thinks you're just some stuck-up strong trainer, to be honest. You don't talk much, and when you do, it doesn't come off as friendly or warm. He starts to hate you, at first.
...But then, he sees you caring for one of your Pokemon after they get hurt. Your Gallade damages one of its blades, so you do your best to patch it up before taking it to the Pokemon Center for immediate care. The whole time, you're humming a soft melody to soothe your Pokemon's pain. Kieran watches in shock-- it's nothing like the stone-cold Y/N he's used to. You.. actually care about your Pokemon? And you're so gentle with them too. He's amazed.
Kieran finds excuses to hang out with you after that. One of his Pokemon gets hurt, and he immediately seeks you out for help. The Elite Four is super confused because they thought Kieran hated you, but now he's suddenly... not?
Kieran finds that his heart flutters when he listens to your voice. He can't describe the feeling, but he just feels at ease around you. He realizes soon enough that he's fallen in love with you.
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expectiations · 2 months
I've been happily ensconced in the Farah Dowling/Saul Silva tag the past few days but a while ago I shot up from my bed in frustration and not necessarily from anger but like low-key. I felt upset because isn't this "/" different from this "&"? So if you're not going to write them being in a relationship thing and just write them as friends, then please don't put your fic in this "/" tag!!!
I wanna read old married couple stuff!! Not old platonic friends stuff!!
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The Specialists as Your Boyfriend
Fandom(s): Winx Club
Pairing(s): Red Fountain X Reader
Character(s): Sky, Brandon, Riven, Timmy, Helia
Genre(s): Fluff
Writing Style: Headcanons
Summary: A few headcanons of the Red Fountain Specialists as your boyfriend.
Warning(s): None
Requested by: None
Note: Hello! It's been a while since I wrote some headcanons like these. And yes, I joined the Winx Club fandom recently because I just finished Season One! It feels good to go back in track! I apologize for my lack of posts nowadays, but I'll try my best to feed you some content! Enjoy your read!
I know a lot of people find him as 'meh' because he is sort of a basic blonde, I can agree
But for me, he's super sexy, I cannot. This prince completely stole my heart because of his basic personality (yes, I'm a basic bitch too)
Anyway, Sky is definitely a sweetheart, already seen at how he treats Bloom in the first season
But don't forget he's the prince of Erakylon, so he's definitely rich
Sky will pamper you with so much love and affection
Whether if you're royalty or not, or if you're a fairy or an earthling, this man will still love you
Hand kisses are a MUST
Oh boy. This suave flirt
Because Brandon is Brandon, he will obviously love teasing and flirting with you.
But that doesn't mean he wouldn't flirt with the other girls in Magix
As Prince Sky's squire, he obviously knows how to defend you. He may or may not try to impress you that way
He will definitely bring you to dates in Magix. Wherever you want to go, he will come with you
He may be flirtatious to you and other girls, but I assure you that Brandon is loyal. How did he become Sky's squire if he wasn't a loyal servant to him?
And for me, I have a feeling he will give golden retriever vibes
Riven is really awkward and closed off in the beginning of your relationship. But as time goes by, he becomes comfortable
He isn't the best guy in words of affirmation, but the way he helps you out when you need it is always there. It's his way of loving you
This man actually has the best and warmest hugs
It's a guilty pleasure of his in which you try to calm him whenever he is about to go maniac over someone or something
Surprisingly very cuddly in private
Riven also wants you to stay in Red Fountain often so you can watch him spar with the other Specialists
Similar to Riven, he is firstly awkward in the start of relationships (less awkward than the latter, however).
He loves to go to the library with you to study for exams and such
When he has new things to share, the first person Timmy will approach is you because he knows you will listen
Timmy is actually really blushy, and this is evident whenever you help him with his glasses
He isn't really into physical contact, but he does excel in quality time. He loves your presence with him
You're his assistant during calculations and he loves your cooperation as a duo
Timmy loves to gift you some new items and he likes to impress you with his logical thinking
Ah yes, the hottest guy to ever exist in Red Fountain of the Magix Realm
Helia loves to write poems and short stories for you
Since it is often seen that he loves to draw, he would secretly draw you in his sketchbook
Expect bouquets of flowers from him once in a week
It may or may not be expected, but Helia loves to say some pickup lines. These pickup lines are either cheesy or romantic
You are the only person he allows to braid his hair, so be thankful
Hand kisses are a MUST 2.0
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yyunari · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS. When Jungwon is sent to the Alfea school for Fairies for a week to work on a project for his midterm, he didn’t expect he would enjoy it all that much. After all, he had gotten dumped by an Alfea fairy not too long ago. However once he arrives, he’s immediately infatuated with a girl who he figures is the girl of his dreams. Even after finding out that she’s the Princess of Domino who’s supposed to be married off to someone else in the future, Jungwon can’t help but be stuck to her by the glue.
GENRE. Winx Club AU, fluff, angst
PAIRING. Specialist! Yang Jungwon x Fairy! Reader
FEATURING. ENHYPEN, SUNGCHAN + SHOTARO from NCT, BEOMGYU from TXT, SIEUN from STAYC, MINJI from NEWJEANS, CHAERYEONG from ITZY, INTAK from P1H, CICI (@muhwaa), YUN (@amakumos), LILY (@jennaissantes), FAE (@haerinz) , YEN (@yenqa) , & ELY (@enaus)
WARNINGS. will be added once the story starts !
STATUS. ongoing
TAGLIST. send an ask or dm to be added ! it’s hard for me to keep track of replies :)
PLAYLIST. listen to the playlist here ! :)
A/N. im so excited for this !! winx was literally my childhood & ik many of urs asw. but if u haven’t seen winx u can still understand the story, as long as u read the side notes i put in the chapters :) also thank u for my friends for agreeing to be characters ! i hope u enjoy <3
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profiles ! 𓏲 ˊᯅˋ 𓄼 alfea cloud tower red fountain ?! ⌕
001 ✿ skill issue…
002 ✿ Jungwon❤️
003 ✿ beomgyu the academic weapon
004 ✿ u look so anal rn
005 ✿ what are YOU doing here
006 ✿ ITS HER (the loml)
007 ✿ ermmm what da scallop;-;
008 ✿ palladium’s trophy wife
to be continued !
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﹫ yyunari 🁢 3.2.23
🐰 ‹ taglist ! 。 @muhwaa @hoori @yizhoutv @ja4hyvn @carayat @one16core @enhacolor @haerinz @soobin-chois @en-boyz @ohmy-fandoms @yeongwonie @yjwonz @yunki4evr @strwberrydinosaur @duolingofanaccount @iichaeyj @eundiarys @enaus @eulris @amakumos @yenqa @jennaissantes @lcv3lies @trsrina @taejays @harperwasstaken1 ꜜ
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solar-wing · 2 months
⚣ Sky x Male Reader Sneak Peek 🌊
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“True,” Sky replied, his tone light, though a hint of teasing crept into his voice. “But still, a little company never hurts. Especially if it’s someone who knows a thing or two about combat.”
The fairy raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. “A bit presumptuous, aren’t we?” he quipped, a smirk playing on his lips, “...you must be a Specialist.”
Sky chuckled, feeling more at ease as the energy between them started to feel less tense and more comfortable, even natural. It felt as if they were simply falling into a rhythm that neither had expected but both were enjoying.
“You got me,” Sky admitted with a grin, feeling a warmth spread through him that had nothing to do with the fading sunlight. “I guess I can’t help but be a little protective."
“And what makes you think I need protection?” He asked.
Sky couldn’t help but notice the playful challenge in the fairy’s eyes, the way his eyebrow arched ever so slightly as if daring him to keep going. There was something about the exchange that felt effortless as if they’d known each other far longer than just this brief encounter.
“Well,” Sky began, letting his grin widen, “I don’t know… maybe it’s just the hero complex kicking in.”
The shorter male let out a soft laugh, the sound light and easy, which only added to the warmth spreading through Sky. “A hero complex, huh?” the fairy teased. “And here I assumed you Specialists were all about strategy and precision.”
Sky couldn’t help but notice the playful challenge in the fairy’s eyes, the way his eyebrow arched ever so slightly as if daring him to keep going. There was something about the exchange that felt effortless as if they’d known each other far longer than just this brief encounter.
Coming soon...🌊
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