#stephen lett
spokelseskladden · 2 years
in honor of tony morris being booted from the governing body, let's settle this age-old question once and for all:
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rickchung · 1 month
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Mr. Throwback (prod. David Caspe, Daniel & Matthew Libman).
A mockumentary sitcom revolving around NBA superstar Stephen Curry's public persona probably should not be as funny as this is. Comedians Adam Pally, Ego Nwodim, and Ayden Mayeri star as people in the Golden Warriors point guard's orbit who either take advantage of the his generousity or must protect him. Pally plays his usual loveable but scheming schlubby best friend character as a dad trying to give his teenage daughter (Layla Scalisi) the more than he had growing up.
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bunnimew · 10 months
Made of Win Pt 5
"You look nice tonight, Stephen," Matt said.
Stephen looked confused. "Can you… see it, somehow?"
"No." Matt smiled. "But Frank's temperature just went up point three degrees and his heartbeat is erratic, so I'm assuming."
Stephen looked at Frank.
Frank looked at Stephen.
Stephen turned back to Matt. "Thank you."
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camyfilms · 2 years
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We're afraid that we will never escape our past. We're afraid of what the future will bring. We're afraid we won't be loved, we won't be liked. And we won't succeed.
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moviemosaics · 1 year
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The Lesson
directed by Alice Troughton, 2023
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driftwooddestiel · 1 month
im sooooo normal <- just started watching the 4 corners episode on jehovahs witnesses
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letterboxd-loggd · 9 months
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The Lesson (2023) Alice Troughton
January 1st 2024
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watchingalotofmovies · 9 months
The Lesson
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The Lesson    [trailer]
A young author takes a tutoring position at the estate of a legendary writer.
The pace is a little too slow due to the fact that there's not enough story for a whole film. Which gives you time to think about the more contrived elements of the story, like, the server in the next room or his ability to remember whole texts.
The cast still makes it watchable. It's interesting to see Julie Delpy in a more mature role.
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trendfilmsetter · 10 months
Movie Screening of the Day🍿:
LADY BIRD (2017)
Directed by Greta Gerwig. Starring Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Lucas Hedges, Timothée Chalamet, Beanie Feldstein, Stephen McKinley Henderson, and Lois Smith.
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firewalker · 4 months
Post che mi farà perdere un sacco di follower
Io vi ho avvisato. Lista (forse non esaustiva) di robe che a voi piacciono da morire, amate alla follia, cullate fin da bambini e ne serbate un ricordo tenero, emozionante e *con gli occhi sbrilluccicosi* e a me invece fanno pena (eufemismo) pur avendole viste-lette-ascoltate
Film Ritorno al futuro, tutta la saga Star Wars, tutta la saga
Musica Imagine di John Lennon I Beatles in generale I Pink Floyd
Serie TV Lost Fringe
Libri Pet Sematary di Stephen King
Fumetti Qualsiasi cosa disegnata da Zerocalcare Calvin & Hobbes
La lista potrebbe essere incompleta. Comunque sappiatelo, sono una persona pessima.
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radio-free-beth-sarim · 6 months
Big Changes in JW Land
Some big changes in JW land. Women can wear pants. Men can grow beards. Field service is no longer counted by the hour. The governing body has said that skepticism about impending Armageddon is reasonable and people are allowed to "wait for the signs" before committing fully to Jehovah. And finally, current JWs are allowed to speak to disfellowshipped and faded JWs as long as it's exclusively to encourage them to come back.
These are huge changes that are already haven a big impact on the rank and file JW. Men with beards and women with pants? There is division along generational lines now where the younger JWs are adapting to the new changes and the older JWs are scandalized. This is going to happen with any change, but it's funny to me that it's happening over something so innocuous as beards and women wearing pants. This is a gamble by the governing body that might probably pay off in the long run as the old JWs die out. The ban on beards and female presenting pants will be seen as silly. It's an issue that won't even be a problem maybe ten or twenty years from now. You know what? As fucked up as it is to be told you're allowed to wear pants or grow a beard, or as some have been reporting, NOT wearing a tie (OMG) to meetings, this is a positive for the rank and file JW and ultimately I think that's good. I feel like I keep needing to reiterate that I am not looking to take anyone's religion away, but I am looking to hold the WTS accountable. I will not denigrate the religious beliefs of anyone, regardless of my personal feelings about them, unless these doctrines cause real tangible harm to people. Forcing such strict gender expression IS a harmful practice and I am glad they have been relaxed. Maybe someday they'll let women preach to men without head coverings. Maybe one day you'll see a drag queen at a Watchtower cart. Maybe one day I'll have a pet lion that only eats cotton candy and habanero peppers.
I am seeing more than a few PIMOs (still in JWs who don't believe) talking about how they've experienced anger from older JWs about these changes. Though, I should note that these are based mostly on reddit posts and youtube comments so they're hardly legitimate sources. Still, the chatter is there. Not all of it can be fake. I haven't talked to my mother about any of this to get her feelings because this is a subject she and I just do not talk about. We have an unspoken understanding not to talk about anything related to the JWs or religion, as she has so far failed to shun me and out of love and respect for her I will not give her a reason to. The real big changes are the fact that the JWs have admitted that it's a reasonable stance to be skeptical that we're in the end times and have given concessions to JWs who would like more proof. That's a big change, because skepticism has always been strictly forbidden. You take all of the doctrine 100% or you take none of it and have to leave. BIG changes and I'm wondering how many PIMOs will take this opportunity to exit.
The last change is one that affects me as an ex-JW. JWs are now allowed to speak to me. Will they? Probably not. If they do, they're only allowed to speak to me about coming back. You know what? Fuck you. They must think this is a kindness to me. And you know, maybe 15 years ago I would have seen it that way. But now? You ignore me for 20 years and only come around to invite me back into your club only because the governing body tells you that you can? No. Fuck you. If ANY of the JWs I grew up with reach out to me after all this time, they're getting a swift and vicious dressing down. I cannot think of anything more insulting. None of those fuckers cared when I was at my lowest point. They don't get to come back now that they have Mark Stephen Lett's permission.
As far as I'm concerned my mother is the only JW I've ever met with a spine for not disowning me when I left. She's the only one I would be willing to talk to about this. And I know she never will, because at least she respects me and my decisions. That's a huge privilege I have over a lot of ex-JWs and I'm thankful for that. If she does approach me, I'm going to be as loving and respectful as I could possibly be because she has maintained a relationship with me beyond the bounds of that cult at personal risk to herself. She's earned the right if she wants to. I'm never going back, but the door is open to her if she wants it. The rest of those fair weather fucks? Fuck 'em. They can come to me hat in hand with an apology or they can fuck right off.
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dendre · 1 year
Folyamatban lévő projekt, még közel sem hallottam az összes Byrds-tag összes Byrds utáni lemezét, de talán a legjobbakat már igen. (Szóló mellett, duó és zenekari lemezek is értek, a pre-Byrds dolgok viszont nem.) 
1. Gene Clark: No Other (1974) 2. The Flying Burrito Brothers: Gilded Palace Of Sin (1969) 3. Gram Parsons: Grevious Angel (1974) 4. Gene Clark: Roadmaster (1973) 5. David Crosby: If I Could Remember My Name (1971) 6. Gene Clark: White Light (1971) 7. Gram Parsons: GP (1973) 8. Gene Clark with The Gosdin Brothers: S/T (1967) 9. Dillard & Clark: The Fantastic Expedition Of Dillard & Clark (1968) 10.  The Flying Burrito Brothers: The Flying Burrito Bros (1971) 11.  Roger McGuinn: Back From Rio (1991) 12.  Roger McGuinn: Cardiff Rose (1976) 13.  Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: Deja Vu (1970) 14.  Crosby, Stills & Nash: S/T (1969) 15.  Chris Hillman: Morning Sky (1982) 16.  Gram Parsons And The Fallen Angels: Live 1973 (1982) 17.  Stephen Stills/Manassas: S/T (1972) 18.  Graham Nash & David Crosby: S/T (1972) 19.  Gene Clark: Two Sides To Every Story (1977) 20.  Graham Nash & David Crosby: Wind On The Water (1975) 21.  Gene Clark & Carla Olson: So Rebellious a Lover (1987) 22.  Chris Hillman & Herb Pedersen: Bakersfield Bound (1996) 23.  The Flying Burrito Brothers: Burrito Deluxe (1970) 24.  Gram Parsons / The Flying Burrito Brothers: Sleepless Nights (1976) 25.  Dillard & Clark: Through The Morning, Through The Night (1969) 26.  McGuinn, Clark & Hillman: S/T (1979) 27.  Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: 4 Way Street (1971) 28.  Roger McGuinn: S/T (1973) 29.  Gene Parsons: Kindling (1973) 30.  Chris Hillmann: Slippin’ Away (1976)
Gene Clark a legjobb, nálam nem kérdés, Gram Parsons meg a majdnem olyan jó. Roger McGuinn mostanra szimpatikus lett, régen nem feltétlenül volt, David Crosby meg sosem volt az. Chris Hillman egységes életművel rendelkezik, dolgos fickó, nem rossz lemezekkel. A többi későbbi tag közül Gene Parsons híresebb lemezét hallottam, az sem rossz. Clarence White Byrds előtti zenekara, a Kentucky Colonels pedig nagyon jó bluegrass/Appalachian folk.
A No Other... olyan meg nincs még egy.
A kérdés, hogy ez az erősebb sor, vagy egy hasonló post-Beatles lenne az. Más nem nagyon van versenyben, esetleg Velvet Underground, de az egy(két)síkú - vagy az N.W.A, még inkább a Wu-Tang. Fleetwood Mac? The Beach Boys? Genesis?
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Title: Lady Bird
Rating: R
Director: Greta Gerwig
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Beanie Feldstein, Lucas Hedges, Timothée Chalamet, Jordan Rodrigues, Marielle Scott, Odeya Rush, Lois Smith, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Jake McDormand, John Karna, Bayne Gibby, Laura Marano, Marietta DePrima, Daniel Zovatto, Kristen Cloke, Andy Buckley
Release year: 2017
Genres: drama, comedy
Blurb: A California high school student plans to escape from her family and small town by going to college in New York, much to the disapproval of her wildly loving, deeply opinionated, and strong-willed mother.
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxL2HoqLbyA || One of the most important, yet least understood, concepts in all of physics. Head to https://ift.tt/YpZQVdA to start your free 30-day trial, and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription. If you're looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms - a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically: https://snatoms.com ▀▀▀ A huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, and Dr. Misha Titov. ▀▀▀ References: Carnot, S. (1824). Reflections on the motive power of heat: and on machines fitted to develop that power. - https://ift.tt/PL18msI Harnessing The True Power Of Atoms | Order And Disorder Documentaries, Spark via YouTube - https://ift.tt/LWQn4tD A better description of entropy, Steve Mould via YouTube - https://ift.tt/wbLRz3G Dugdale, J. S. (1996). Entropy and its physical meaning. CRC Press. - https://ift.tt/Lo0rJyi Schroeder, D. V. (1999). An introduction to thermal physics. - https://ift.tt/j3NPqgX Fowler, M. Heat Engines: the Carnot Cycle, University of Virginia. - https://ift.tt/sjaGDf1 Chandler, D.L. (2010). Explained: The Carnot Limit, MIT News - https://ift.tt/92Fctxv Entropy, Wikipedia - https://ift.tt/nAl3rRY Clausius, R. (1867). The mechanical theory of heat. Van Voorst. - https://ift.tt/mxwn6Is What is entropy? TED-Ed via YouTube - https://ift.tt/7roF5lg Thijssen, J. (2018) Lecture Notes Statistical Physics, TU Delft. Schneider, E. D., & Kay, J. J. (1994). Life as a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics. Mathematical and computer modelling, 19(6-8), 25-48. - https://ift.tt/B2H3aSk Lineweaver, C. H., & Egan, C. A. (2008). Life, gravity and the second law of thermodynamics. Physics of Life Reviews, 5(4), 225-242. - https://ift.tt/2FfMCLX Michaelian, K. (2012). HESS Opinions" Biological catalysis of the hydrological cycle: life's thermodynamic function". Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(8), 2629-2645. - https://ift.tt/WPv5c3z England, J. L. (2013). Statistical physics of self-replication. The Journal of chemical physics, 139(12), 09B623_1. - https://ift.tt/nRtKjsI England, J. L. (2015). Dissipative adaptation in driven self-assembly. Nature nanotechnology, 10(11), 919-923. - https://ift.tt/GkOohNM Wolchover, N. (2014). A New Physics Theory of Life, Quantamagazine - https://ift.tt/aUZxyEV Lineweaver, C. H. (2013). The entropy of the universe and the maximum entropy production principle. In Beyond the Second Law: Entropy Production and Non-equilibrium Systems (pp. 415-427). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - https://ift.tt/cQAa6ur Bekenstein, J.D. (1972). Black holes and the second law. Lett. Nuovo Cimento 4, 737–740. - https://ift.tt/w9Bs4OW Carroll, S.M. (2022). The Biggest Ideas in the Universe: Space, Time, and Motion. Penguin Publishing Group. - https://ift.tt/QAodeJE Black hole thermodynamics, Wikipedia - https://ift.tt/YDadyIz Cosmology and the arrow of time: Sean Carroll at TEDxCaltech, TEDx Talks via YouTube - https://ift.tt/kPdrb1h Carroll, S. M. (2008). The cosmic origins of time’s arrow. Scientific American, 298(6), 48-57. - https://ift.tt/j7aZHRO The Passage of Time and the Meaning of Life | Sean Carroll (Talk + Q&A), Long Now Foundation via YouTube - https://ift.tt/bm7eTFx ▀▀▀ Special thanks to our Patreon supporters: Emil Abu Milad, Tj Steyn, meg noah, Bernard McGee, KeyWestr, Amadeo Bee, TTST, Balkrishna Heroor, John H. Austin, Jr., john kiehl, Anton Ragin, Diffbot, Gnare, Dave Kircher, Burt Humburg, Blake Byers, Evgeny Skvortsov, Meekay, Bill Linder, Paul Peijzel, Josh Hibschman, Mac Malkawi, Juan Benet, Ubiquity Ventures, Richard Sundvall, Lee Redden, Stephen Wilcox, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Michael Krugman, Sam Lutfi. ▀▀▀ Written by Casper Mebius & Derek Muller Edited by Trenton Oliver & Jamie MacLeod Animated by Mike Radjabov, Ivy Tello, Fabio Albertelli and Jakub Misiek Filmed by Derek Muller, Albert Leung & Raquel Nuno Molecular collisions video by CSIRO's Data61 via YouTube: Simulation of air Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images, Pond5 and by courtesy of NASA, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Goddard Flight Lab/ CI Lab, NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, HMI, and WMAP science teams. As well as the Advanced Visualization Laboratory at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, B. Robertson, L. Hernquist Music from Epidemic Sound & Jonny Hyman Produced by Derek Muller, Petr Lebedev, Emily Zhang, & Casper Mebius
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film-book · 1 year
Film Review: THE LESSON (2023): Subtle Family Drama Ends With a Savory Surprise [Tribeca 2023] https://film-book.com/film-review-the-lesson-2023-subtle-family-drama-ends-with-a-savory-surprise-tribeca-2023/?feed_id=75131&_unique_id=648e862e33944
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whanklee · 1 year
Milyen lett a legújabb Stephen King-adaptáció? Van okunk félni a mumustól?
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