larry-is-my-anchor1 · 2 years
"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for the Christmas party because Joanna's gonna be there!" Stiles shouts as he barges through the door to Derek’s apartment.
Derek doesn't look up from the book he’s reading. "I see that you're still handling your problems with the same level of maturity."
Stiles wants to convince his ex-girlfriend that he’s totally over her—because he is, he barely even thinks about her anymore—and he needs Derek’s help to do the convincing. He’s just a little oblivious of Derek’s feelings for him.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Do you have any fics where either Derek or Stiles live in a cabin in the woods? Bonus points if they build it themselves.
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Magically Yours: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth by Akinasky
(1/1 I 925 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek go away to a cabin to celebrate their one year anniversary and Stiles uses his abilities to mark himself as Derek's partner, forever.
Snowed In by rororowyourboat 
(1/1 I 4,258 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek get caught in a blizzard while hunting a monster in the Preserve. Their options are trekking a few miles back through the snowy woods in inclement weather while exhausted and injured... or spend the night in a random cabin.
They choose the cabin.
Baby, you should stick around by ElisAttack
(3/3 I 9,543 I Teen)
Derek's driving along a stretch of highway when an unusual sight makes him slow down, the engine of his old pickup rattling in protest.
There's a kid standing by the side of the road.
It's the middle of nowhere, the goddamn apocalypse, and this kid is standing by the side of the road with his thumb pointed skyward. Like he's playing at being a hitchhiker.
Or the one where Stiles thinks he's all alone in a post-apocalyptic world, until he meets Derek.
(Welcome To) Far Far Away, or The Tale of Wolfskin and the Fox Prince by scarlettletterr
(4/4 I 14,716 I General)
There's a wolf sleeping in the cabin on the outskirt of Beacon Hills, and a fox in the Prince's chambers. This is a tale of magic, of lemon cakes, and oblivious idiots falling in love in the country of Far Far Away.
Abominable by Revenant
(2/2 I 20,272 I Teen)
Where Derek buys a secluded cabin halfway up a mountain, meets a yeti and falls in love with Stiles, but not necessarily in that order.
A sacrilege to keep it a secret by babisays
(1/1 I 21,275 I General)
Stiles has a secret he's been keeping from everyone his entire life. But Derek is starting to notice the fact that he'll never go near a body of water when other people are around and he keeps saying that he's really bad at swimming. Derek knows that's a lie because he was able to hold him up in a pool for three hours straight. Stiles knows his secret is a ticking time bomb and at some point, everyone will know it. But he quite likes being the human of the pack. Even though Derek and he know that he isn't. Derek just wants to figure out exactly what he is.
Retreat by words_in_starless_skies (orphan_account)
(12/12 I 43,889 I Teen)
Stiles is not okay. He struggles with the aftermath of being possessed by the Nogitsune. Alone. A worried Derek invites him to his cabin in the mountains, which he shares with Cora and Peter. Stiles is totally on board with getting as far away from Beacon Hills as possible, especially when it means he gets his own comfort wolf.
Move Inside Of Your Light by sterekhale
(17/17 I 73,510 I Mature)
After fleeing from hunters Derek found refuge in a small Wyoming town. For almost ten years, he lived alone in a cabin among acres of land, until one night he stumbles upon a car accident near his place. When the driver comes to with his friendly smile and beautiful brown eyes, there’s no way Derek could’ve predicted the next three weeks.
Stiles is a hunter who can’t go home and the alpha of the fallen Hale pack is his Hail Mary. What he didn’t expect to find was a gentle and broken man in place of the so-called mighty alpha. Despite the pressures from back home, Stiles keeps putting off what he has to do, while falling for the one person he’s not supposed to.
Mating Moons by skinsharpenedteeth (Skinsharpenedteeth)
(15/15 I 85,268 I Explicit)
Stiles just wanted to get Derek's attention. Derek had seemed so distracted as the full moon approached and Stiles was feeling pretty neglected as a friend. Next thing he knows, he's magically bound to a cabin in the mountains with Derek all winter long and they have to figure out whether they want to be life mates?
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outtoshatter · 2 years
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I just felt like putting together a little list of some recently published fics in our not-so-little fandom! I got a TON of help from @missanniewhimsy putting this together, thank you so much!! Some of these are more winter than Christmas but it’s mostly festive! This list got a tiny bit long so I added a cut to make things nice and neat! Please enjoy and maybe leave the authors some love if you can! :D
Krampusnacht, or How Derek and Stiles Got a Kid for Christmas by HisBeloved (6k, T)
When Peter Hale was a child he was almost taken by Krampus.  He's hated Christmas ever since.  This is the year that Krampus returns.
Hale’s Bookish Tales by raisesomehale (5k, E)
The man (who Derek had taken to calling ‘Bambi’ in his head) had arrived at Hale’s Bookish Tales painfully early that morning. Normally when he came in he would sprawl out in the desk under the large bay window up front, but today he’d made a bee-line for the lower level and hadn’t returned to the surface since.
Not even after the mass blizzard alert hit, and all the other customers had fled.
If it wasn’t for Derek’s increasingly unhinged infatuation with the man - and thus over-awareness of his presence - he wouldn’t even have noticed that a customer still remained in his bookshop. But Derek had been carefully watching the stream of customers filing out, and had noticed the glaring absence of one in particular.
give me your heart, darling, for christmas by sterekhale (15k, T)
  "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for the Christmas party because Joanna's gonna be there!" Stiles shouts as he barges through the door to Derek’s apartment.  
Derek doesn't look up from the book he’s reading. "I see that you're still handling your problems with the same level of maturity." — Stiles wants to convince his ex-girlfriend that he’s totally over her—because he is, he barely even thinks about her anymore—and he needs Derek’s help to do the convincing. He’s just a little oblivious of Derek’s feelings for him.
baby please come home by elisela (5k, G)
Stiles should be happy.
He should be happy, he should be fucking delighted—there’s a bottle of champagne being uncorked, hands being shaken, a too-hearty clap on his back that jolts him forward and causes him to stumble slightly. But the space in his chest that usually burns with the high of a closed deal is hollow, empty, and the twinkling gold Christmas lights one of the secretaries had hung in the office mock him, a depressing reminder that he’s about to be alone for the holidays.
It feels like I don’t know you anymore, was the last thing Derek had muttered to him, standing in the threshold of what had been their apartment, backpack slung over one shoulder and duffle bag strap clenched in his fist. I can’t do this.
Poetry in the Raw by Jmeelee (5k, E)
Derek answers his phone on the second ring.  “What.” No inflection whatsoever.  
“Does the ‘S’ in your middle name stand for Sexy?”
Silence.  Then, “Stiles.”  Still no inflection.  
“I doubt it stands for Stiles, dude.  There can only be one,” he answers in a kick-ass impersonation of The Kurgan.  “But tell me it isn’t, like, Sawyer or Skylar or something equally new-age and white-boy contemporary.”
“How did you get my number?”
OR: 5 times Stiles guesses Derek's middle name +1 time he knows.
All I Want for Christmas Is Brew (And You) by snarkatthemoon (4k, T)
“One spiced hazelnut mocha for the dude with the impressive eyebrows and cute scarf,” he says, handing Derek the cup instead of putting it down on the counter like all the baristas do. Their fingers brush gently, and Derek takes far too long to take the cup from Stiles, their eyes meeting.
Ask him for his number, his brain supplies in a voice which sounds scarily like his sister’s. Stiles raises his eyebrows, their eyes still locked and both still holding the cup.
The second Derek opens his mouth, the moment is broken by one of the other baristas shouting, “Stiles! We could all use a little help here considering we have a line going out the door.”
Stiles pulls his hand away as if he’s been burned, giving Derek a sheepish smile before he turns to get back to work.
Derek heads out past the line of irritated customers, ignoring the dirty looks he’s being given while he curses himself inwardly. Idiot. That voice sounds like his other sister.
Or, the one where Derek has a crush on a hot barista with a talent for baking and a questionable taste in festive headwear. Written for the Sterek Secret Santa 2021 gift exchange.
McLinski’s by StaciNadia (3k, G)
Derek is a coffee snob looking for some good coffee, but what he finds is bad coffee jokes and maybe a whole lot more. 
Build A Wolf by PalenDrome (5k, T)
Derek is a romantic. He dreams of finding his mate, of connecting with that special someone who will make his heart swoon.
Easy Wind, Downy Flake by wanderingeyre (16k, E)
The man’s hazel eyes snap with something like anger, his mouth a thin line. “We aren’t open.”
Stiles opens his mouth, gaze sliding from the fire, being cheerful, to the man standing five feet from the fire who looks like he wouldn’t know cheerful if it bit him in the ass. “The snow is bad. I barely made it here. If I try to go over the pass in this weather they’ll find my body at the bottom of the mountain come spring.”
Sock-Stuffed Stockings (and other traditions) by redhoodedwolf (9k, T)
Stiles just wants to make it home in time for christmas, so when traffic is crawling due to an accident on the highway he takes a detour down the back roads, only for his beloved jeep to give out. but doesn’t derek hale live in these woods? stiles hasn’t seen him since they were teenagers, but the gentle guy who opens the door with a kid on his hip is definitely not what he expects from the arrogant dick who ignored him back in high school.
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cgsf · 8 months
Fics Based on a Theme:
Future Fic
Teen Wolf (TV)
"Watch as the waves, fall back into place." (E) by DropsOfAddiction | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 32,547
"How Derek Met His Smallest Fan" (E) by purpleduvet | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 37,273
"Homing Mechanisms" (M) by SmallBirds | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 3,742
"Kiss Me on This Cold December Night" (E) by Leslie_Knope | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 18,975
"Be Simple Again" (E) by prettylittlementirosa | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 37,515
"Bitter Things" (E) by blacktofade | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 4,445
"Better Again" (E) by whateverrrrwhatever | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 14,698
"Every stumble and each misfire" (M) by everchanginginks | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 14,070
"Seatbelts & Gravity" (E) by calrissian18 | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 22,412
"lodestone" (T) by llassah | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 5,491
"It’s Not Pretend When It’s Real" (T) by isthatbloodonhisshirt | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 32,741
"Wolves in the Timber" (T) by adeepeningdig | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 17,217
"everything i made next to everything i am" (T) by Siria | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 3,064
"most important things" (E) by sarcasticfishes | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 21,180
"Days Like This" (M) by rlnerdgirl | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 18,784
"Make This World" (T) by wldnst | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 26,337
"Show Me The Way Back Home Baby" (T) by stilinskisparkles | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 14,968
"hyper heart alone" (E) by hito | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 34,570
"Grin Like a Madman and Dance" (E) by jsea | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 5,238
"Miles Away" (M) by sori | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 12,509
"The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home" (E) by turningterrific | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 82,866
"in response:" 🔒 (T) by stilinski | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 2,756
"(Sacred) In the Ordinary" (E) by idyll | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 78,759
"What I Wish You Saw" (E) by Julibean19 | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 7,254
"The Morning When It's Clear" (E) by BarlowGirl | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 13,593
"Only Seems Like Yesterday" 🔒 (T) by elisera | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 1,950
"Whisper Through the Din" (E) by HyperLittleNori | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 38,655
"just my type" (E) by sterekhale | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 8,880
"The subtle seduction of Stiles Stilinski" (E) by DropsOfAddiction | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 5,851
"Cookies, coffee and shut the fucupcakes" (E) by DropsOfAddiction | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 26,241
"If nothing scares you about me and you" (T) by RurouniHime | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 4,975
"How We Got Here" 🔒 (E) by Areiton | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 9,718
"Everything has changed" 🔒 (NR) by Areiton | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 4,730
"life-shattering love" 🔒 (NR) by Areiton | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 4,890
"Amends" (E) by AuntieClimactic | Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 18,213
"in these hands i'll hide" (E) by veterization | Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 25,805
"Domestic Bliss and Other Nonsense" 🔒 (G) by moonstalker24 | Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 8,901
"come get me (if you want me)" (E) by veterization | Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 26,655
"The Devourers" (E) by Hexandecimal | Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 2,660
"The Long Game" (T) by aurevell | Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 17,937
"Taste of Blood" (M) by silverintheblood | Chris Argent/Peter Hale | 3,890
"It's Bad Enough We Get Along" 🔒 (E) by saintsideways | Chris Argent/Peter Hale | 13,028
"These Violent Delights" (E) by silverintheblood | Chris Argent/Peter Hale | 2,245
"Caught Out Caught You" (E) by anonymous | Chris Argent/Peter Hale | 5,044
"Only What Returns Love" (M) by Hexandecimal | Chris Argent/Peter Hale | 11,600
"Madness" (E) by spqr | Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 13,208
"let me keep you safe (let me just keep you)" 🔒 (E) by tryslora | Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore | 30,844
"Headstrong (I Can Be Wrong)" (T) by red_crate | Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore | 9,707
"It's Interpretive" 🔒 (T) by luulapants | Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore | 1,000
"They Don't Do That At Walmart" 🔒 (T) by luulapants | Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore | 1,969
Men's Hockey (RPF)
"dragging myself back home" 🔒 (T) by blaahaj | Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid | 4,021
"he's no jacob from the bible (but damn he made me pray)" 🔒 (M) by softnoirr | Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid | 8,567
"Saving the Best for Last" 🔒 (E) by puckingtrash | Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk | 100,085
"Old Flames Burn Brighter" (E) by cisumox | Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk | 25,015
"back to where we lasted" 🔒 (E) by ohtempora | Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk | 34,384
"barons" 🔒 (M) by dilangley | Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk | 42,768
"Generation" 🔒 (T) by altri_uccelli | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 35,319
"Sonoran" 🔒 by allthebros | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 2,177
Hannibal (TV)
"each according to its kind" (M) by chaparral_crown | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 192,571
More to be added.
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fuckyeahfanfictions · 3 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Minor Characters
Additional Tags: Past Stiles Stilinski/Original Character(s), Canon Compliant, Future Fic, Christmas, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Oblivious Stiles Stilinski, Pining Derek Hale, Derek Hale is a Softie, One Shot
Language: English
Words: 15,078
"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for the Christmas party because Joanna's gonna be there!" Stiles shouts as he barges through the door to Derek’s apartment.
Derek doesn't look up from the book he’s reading. "I see that you're still handling your problems with the same level of maturity."
Stiles wants to convince his ex-girlfriend that he’s totally over her—because he is, he barely even thinks about her anymore—and he needs Derek’s help to do the convincing. He’s just a little oblivious of Derek’s feelings for him.
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♥ yes, deputy | sterekhale | M | 1.7k
His radar reads the speed as the dark SUV comes into view, and his first thought is that he might have to seize and impound the vehicle, then he realizes who the driver is.
*Submissions for Feb 2022 Sterek fic recs are open until March 25th! We’ll be sharing on an ongoing basis and will be posting a masterlist on March 27th. Submissions info here, submit here*
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princecharmingwinks · 4 years
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Sterek Fic Rec - January 2021. My goodness can’t believe we are already halfway through the first month of a new year. But here we are! Here’s to another list of recommended fics. Enjoy!
Catch us in the mirror (it looks a lot like love) by Tails89 (1/1 | 4,691 | Mature)
“You’re lucky to have found a mate like Stiles.”
“Mm,” Derek nods, eyes following Stiles back towards the house. The words sink in and he freezes, mind frantically replaying every interaction he’s had with Stiles over the last few days, wondering how they could have possibly given her that impression.
Stiles is- he’s Stiles. He’s funny and smart and kind and— they’re not mates, no matter how much Derek might wish otherwise.
Hear me say I love you by devilscut (1/1 | 5,735 | Explicit)
Derek is finally giving Stiles the 'D' or rather the 'Double D' (Derek's Dick) as he likes to call it and sexing him up real good, like so, so beyond good. Only lately - and he'd never thought he'd say this - Stiles has noticed that it's starting to not be enough. Is their new arrangement purely physical or does it mean more to Derek as well? How can Stiles tell when the wolf isn't talking and he's saying way too much?
just my type by sterekhale (1/1 | 8,884 | Explicit)
After another failed date, Stiles' friend sets him up with her co-worker, who she swears is "his type".
Just Maybe I'll Come Home by spaceprincessem (1/1 | 25,589 | Teen)
“Now remember,” Deaton said as he stood in front of them, “everything that you’re seeing is an illusion. Stiles is the only true thing in there and you need to help him realize that what he is experiencing isn’t real.”
Derek nodded his head, words failing him. He let himself relax back into the fabric, the feel of Scott’s claws making his hair stand on end. For Stiles. He repeated over and over again in his mind, ignoring the ache in his chest, because he definitely did not have time to think about that right now. He could feel Scott’s hesitation, the hammering of the younger alpha’s heart beat making Derek’s head spin.
“Scott!” He barked before he growled in pain as claws met flesh and Derek’s world went black.
of twizzlers and tech support by bleep0bleep (1/1 | 1,161 | General)
Some of us are human by aconitum (sugarandspace) (1/1 |  2,446 | Not Rated)
While researching the newest threat with Stiles, Derek comes across a box under Stiles' bed. The box has the words "open when I'm dead" written on it and for a moment Derek forgets how to breathe.
Not your circus: not your monkey by Jmeelee (1/1 |  2,535 | General)
It started the year Stiles’ mom forced him to perform onstage at the Polish Community Center, and Derek Hale threatened to rip Jackson Whittmore’s throat out with his teeth.
Things You Said Too Quietly by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemilyj) (1/1 | 1,107 | General)
Sometimes, Stiles wouldn’t hear Derek. His mind too focused on the plans being formed, the arguments being yelled, the shouts that weren’t so easily discernible through the background noise of growls and huffs. He’d look around at the pack, trying to focus on one voice, figure out what their next move was, and somehow his eyes always landed on Derek.
Espresso Yourself by fuchs (1/1 |  2,995 | Not Rated)
There’s a clatter and Stiles looks over the girl’s shoulder to find a guy standing behind her. He’s wearing an apron, dark to match the rest of the shop, darker still all down the middle where there’s a coffee stain spreading rapidly. He's staring at Stiles with wide blue-green eyes, and when Stiles meets his gaze he opens his mouth, closes his mouth, and then turns tail and disappears into what Stiles assumes is the kitchen.
Which is a little weird.
It’s not exactly the first time anyone has purposefully avoided him, but Stiles usually knows those people and they usually have a good excuse. This guy? Stiles doesn’t recognise this guy from Adam. Although he certainly wouldn’t mind roleplaying Steve.
A self-indulgent coffeeshop au turned into Laura/Stiles bromance turned into prom fic.
Not Until The Third Date by kaistrex (weishen) (1/1 | 1,149 | General)
Derek knows he must be hallucinating as he stares, bleary-eyed, down at a little fox trying to steal his bag of chips in the middle of the snacks aisle of the grocery store.
“Batman! What's taking so—?”
Derek’s head snaps up to stare at the owner of the voice who's just rounded the end of the aisle, a dark-haired, dark-eyed man pushing a cart towards him.
The man rests his elbows on the handle of his shopping cart, the quirk of a smile lending warmth to eyes not as dark as Derek had first thought. “You must be Derek Hale.”
Or in which Stiles has a fox familiar named Batman who likes to meddle.
princecharmingwinks special mentions (the Hale family feels in this fic are incredible!!)
I want to love you, I want to pass it on (I wanna give and give 'til it's all gone) by Gorgeousgreymatter (1/1 |  8,859 | Explicit)
“Good,” Derek murmurs, “because you’re going to do something for me.” The wolf grins, pulls away, and Stiles whines needily because somehow he always ends up being the needy one. Which isn’t fair, at all, but he can’t help it, okay?
“I thought we went over the whole asking questions thing,” Stiles says. “Question marks, Derek. Question marks.”
“Ha ha,” Derek says, nosing into Stiles’s cheek. “Don’t worry, it’s not a hard thing. And you’ll even like it, I promise.”
“Is it a sex thing?” Stiles asks, “because it’s starting to sound like a sex thing.”
And there we have it. Another rec list done. Please remember to leave kudos and comments for our fabulous writers. Writers you make my world a brighter place and I love you! <3 
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Can some Hollywood BigWig turn this into a movie?! I’m begging you.
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ao3feed-malira · 6 years
It didn’t have to be this way
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ncb8eD
by sterekhales
One moment Stiles was practicing lacrosse
The next moment he’s in a mental hospital
Words: 3, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Other(s)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes
Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Loss of Parent(s), theos a dick, Sexual Assault, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Derek Hale is a Softie, Hurt Stiles, Erica Reyes & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Mental Institutions, Abusive Parents, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Angst, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, the staff suck and are abusive, My Babies Deserve Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ncb8eD
0 notes
ao3feed-twfemslash · 6 years
It didn’t have to be this way
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ncb8eD
by sterekhales
One moment Stiles was practicing lacrosse
The next moment he’s in a mental hospital
Words: 3, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Other(s)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes
Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Loss of Parent(s), theos a dick, Sexual Assault, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Derek Hale is a Softie, Hurt Stiles, Erica Reyes & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Mental Institutions, Abusive Parents, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Angst, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, the staff suck and are abusive, My Babies Deserve Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ncb8eD
0 notes
wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 6 months
Hi there! Was wondering there any fics out that that are canon aus but Derek and Stile have like a normal dating relationship. Like one or both realizes, “hey there’s something here and I like you”. Like we’re talking romantic dates, typical dating milestones, etc. but like there still werewolf/Beacon Hills hijinks are going on in the background while they’re just trying to get to know one another better. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Hi @maeyourskiesbeblue! I think so.
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Noticing by orphan_account
(1/1 I 2,203 I Teen)
After the whole thing with the pool and the kanima and the part where Stiles had kept Derek alive, Derek had some time to consider a few things. There had been a…thing between him and Stiles for weeks now, ever since the kanima had killed that mechanic. Derek had been moody for days afterwards and it took Stiles a week or more, even with heavy hints from Erica, to realize that it had been because the stupid thing had hurt Stiles. Derek had been worried about Stiles.
distractions by triggeringthehealing (froggydarren)
(1/1 I 2,748 I General)
There are hunters in town. Young, ill-advised, easy targets for the pack. Still, Stiles knows that walking right into the motel they’re staying at is a recipe for disaster. Since it’s precisely what Derek seems to want to do, Stiles needs a distraction.
just my type by sterekhale
(1/1 I 8,880 I Explicit)
After another failed date, Stiles' friend sets him up with her co-worker, who she swears is "his type".
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna, thePurebloodPrat
(21/21 I 99,128 I Explicit)
Derek Hale knows he has a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
One-Sentence Premise: To find the happiness they both crave, a lonely stressed-out single dad and a disillusioned FBI agent must confront their shared past and accept the feelings that have always existed between them.
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shiprecs · 11 years
The Soft Animal of Your Body by Nahara
Summary: Derek and Laura travel back to Beacon Hills for a wedding - and maybe to face some demons.
.Stiles/Derek, NC-17, AU, Hales, angst, first time, drama.
Word Count: 12, 000
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fuckyeahfanfictions · 3 years
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Mild Sexual Content, Deputy Stiles Stilinski, One Shot
Language: English
Words: 1700
His radar reads the speed as the dark SUV comes into view, and his first thought is that he might have to seize and impound the vehicle, then he realizes who the driver is.
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Hello. I hope you are doing well. Do you know any good sterek ff that is Covid related. This pandemic has influenced our whole lives and I have yet to read a good ff. So thanks
I can't vouch for the quality but here's some. Let me know if they're any good.
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send in the guard by elisela
(1/1 I 3,060 I General)
For a moment, Derek thinks it’s over without any familial attempts at humiliating him. Laura calls out a friendly thank you, puts the car in gear—and then Cora lunges over Derek instead of buckling her seatbelt, grabbing onto the window and nearly pulling herself halfway out.
“My brother thinks you’re hot!” she yells, and Derek twists a hand in the back of her shirt and yanks her backwards, causing her to hit her head on the top of the door and curse at him, slapping him in the arms.
Laura laughs and steps on the gas—but Derek still hears the guardsman laugh when they drive away as he yells, “Tell your brother the feeling is mutual!”
We All Need Someone To Stay by sterekhale
(8/8 I 46,240 I Explicit)
It was supposed to be a simple three-day trip down to Mexico and back. A favor for Scott. He was going alone – could’ve easily handled it alone – but after his Jeep broke down an hour into the trip, Derek showed up and decided to tag along. The world went to shit by the time they got back to California and their recent travel forced them into quarantine for fourteen days. In Derek’s one bedroom apartment. Together.
They could survive two weeks.
The Great Bi Awakening by HisBeloved
(32/? I 113,011 I Explicit)
The Sterek social isolation quarantine room mates fic no one asked for, OR After Berkeley evicts the students because of coronavirus and Lydia breaks up with him, Stiles finds himself living with Derek Hale. Because they are almost best friends. Do I even have to tell you where this is going? Stiles' viewpoint, semi-slow burn, a little angst over the past but not a lot. Mostly written; many chapters on the way.
@cuddlesandherbaltea suggested this one. It's been deleted but here's a PDF.
i built a home for you and me by starcanopus
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Hellooo, how are you? So, ive been looking through winter soldier fics and i would like to read some stiles kidnapped and brainwashed(?) fics, you know take away and comeback like hunter, like THE hunter, cause he is really talent. It can be sterek, steter. Happy ending or not.
Thank you🥰🥰🥰
For sure.
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Where the wild roses grow by AlphaSara
(1/1 I 905 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles made a mistake five years ago. Curiosity didn't kill a cat but it did leave his brother in a coma. Five years later, Scott is still in the same hospital and Stiles is on the same mission: Find and kill Derek Hale.
The monster that mauled his brother will fall by his hand. Even if it's the last thing he does.
But faced with the creature he hunted for so long, hunched over his bleeding beta, protecting her , Stiles' hand hesitates on the trigger.
Monsters shouldn't be willing to die for other monsters, right?
Not Who You Think I Am by GrimReaperlover11
(1/? I 1,439 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles Stilinski is the new kid at Beacon HIlls HIgh. Derek Hale finds himself wanting to be friends with the new student. however, will these feelings change when Stiles reveals himself to not be exactly who he says he is?
Mortala. by SoapyPasta
(1/? I 2,561 I Teen I No Pairing)
6 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, that's how long it takes to break him. Now he bends at their will. Kills when they ask him to, no questions asked.
He's their best soldier and doesn't hesitate, not until he ends up back in a familiar town, with a target he swears he's seen somewhere before.
Or, what will the pack do when one of the hunters tracking them down looks shockingly familiar? And when did Stiles get so good with a gun?
There Are No Wolves In California by kitsunequeen
(1/1 I 7,579 I General I Sterek)
Hunter!Stiles accidentally hits a wolf with his car and can't bear to leave him in the road to die. It's not till he gets the wolf home that he sees its eyes glow red... ------- Even everyday roadkill is upsetting, but this thing… Moments ago it was probably a majestic beast, and now it’s a mangled pile of soon-to-be rotting flesh. He presses a shaking hand to the only part of its chest left intact, not even thinking about whether it'll give him rabies or some other awful disease.
He’s about to pull back when something even crazier happens.
He realizes the wolf is breathing.
become the beast by sterekhale
(1/1 I 17,276 I Explicit I Sterek)
Former FBI agent, Stiles Stilinski, puts his skills to use hunting and killing werewolves. It’s exactly the kind of lucrative and dangerous career he wants, which is why he can’t say no when given his next job: Abducting the Hale alpha for $1,000,000 — even if it may be the last job he ever does.
Ride by wolfbeater
(1/1 I 34,758 I Explicit I Sterek)
The howlers emerged after the war that stripped the world of its colour. All Stiles knows is the wasteland and he calls the road his home, hunting the mutants wreaking havoc on what’s left of humanity. But when he becomes the hunted, he has to team up with the very thing he kills. And it’s possibly the worst road trip he’s been on.
Vindicated by Firenation
(1/1 I 39,363 I Mature I Sterek)
After Stiles' dad died in the Hale fire, the Argents took him in, left Beacon Hills and trained him to be a Hunter. They give him weapons and tell him the family business- Hunting- is a lifestyle, not a job. Especially for them. Argents are Hunter royalty, as it turns out, so Genim has a lot to live up to, even though Allison- his sister, of sorts- won’t find out until later on. She’ll lead them, in her time, whereas Stiles will fight for them, a soldier. Stiles always did like Captain America, it has to be said.
Or the one where Stiles is a good Hunter that manages to fall in love with Derek Hale. This... is not his day.
Red Riding, at your service. by SA_SA
(25/? I 58,166 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles had never wanted to be a hunter. The more Gerard had pushed the more he'd done the complete opposite. So when Crazy evil old Gerard decides he's had enough of him, all there is left to do for Stiles is run but not without a little present which may or may not lead to a bounty on Red Riding's head, a long ass stroll through the woods and an encounter with a very hot and broody Alpha.
Kelev Ra by Moku
(9/9 I 114,350 I Mature I Sterek)
Considering he was a sixteen year old hunter, who basically relied on folklore and myths for research ‘cause his granddad was a lying selfish bag of douche who’d rather get him killed than share their family bestiary with him, Stiles Stilinski’s life was surprisingly uneventful. Sure, there was the occasional preternatural stuff he had to deal with. And maybe some temporary lapses into insanity. But apart from that, life was a piece of double fudge chocolate cake.
Until Peter Hale woke from a six year long slumber like Sleeping Beauty and decided upon awakening to kill his niece.
Killing a newborn Alpha wasn’t really on Stiles’ to-do-list for that night but hey, who was he to argue with fate? Turned out Peter wasn’t even that much of a challenge anyway. Problem solved. All was fine with the world.
Enter Derek Hale, who suddenly started to lurk on every corner, snooping around to gather information on the unknown hunter who had supposedly killed his sister and uncle. And as if that wasn’t bad enough there was a creepy cheap-ass imitation of a Silent Hill nurse out to kill him. And a skulking shadow around his house he was confident was Derek stalking him
Well fuck.
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February Submission Recs
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Here is the February 2022 masterlist containing all the fics that you guys submitted to be featured, as well as a few of our picks.
Thank you to everyone who submitted their faves. Make sure you comb your bookmarks for fics you’ve enjoyed posted in March for the next round of submissions (which are open now!) :)
Happy reading!!
-Mods @thisgirlsays22​ & @snarkatthemoon​
💕 Accidental Valentine | raisesomehale | G | 1.6k 
Stiles extends his neck to scope this way and that down the sidewalk on either side of the diner, but there is no sign of a hysterical parent looking for their lost child.
He turns back to the little kid.
His tiny, bushy eyebrows crease in consternation, and then he’s offering Stiles the lollipop again. He shoves it forcefully at him in the air, making melodic, prompting noises high in his throat.
Which is when Stiles realizes that this kid is actually more like a baby, if his lack of vocabulary is anything to go on, and there’s gotta be a joke hidden somewhere in this situation about not taking candy from a baby.
💕 hot dads doing chores near you | bleep0bleep | G | 1.2k
Derek finds the camera on accident.
“Why is there a camera inside the teddy bear you bought for Zoey?”  
Cora laughs. “Oh, that, it’s just a nanny cam, silly!”  
“Why would Zoey need a nanny cam?” Derek grits his teeth. “I’m home with her all the time.”  
“Exactly–I mean, exactly, you’re always home with her! You should go out, and that’s why I got it for you. So you can check up on any potential sitters, big brother.”  
“But why was it on?” Derek asks.
💕 saviour complex (sequel to spit the blood back) | Poe | M | 22.7k
"The first time Stiles told Derek he loved him, he didn’t exactly tell Derek. And that shouldn’t hurt, but it does. Stiles told a crowd of people and Derek happened to be one of them. And Derek had known, of course he’d known, he’d known for months, he’d known when he was helping Stiles pick out lyrics for the album and he’d known in early mornings and late nights and lazy afternoons. But those words, so often whispered and thrilled, weren’t given to him, they were given to an audience."
(or: Trauma is an unreliable narrator. A sort-of sequel to spit the blood back, focusing on Derek Hale. The author may have watched the All Too Well short film too many times.)
💕 yes, deputy | sterekhale | M | 1.7k
His radar reads the speed as the dark SUV comes into view, and his first thought is that he might have to seize and impound the vehicle, then he realizes who the driver is.
💕 and you feel like falling down | Fenris13 | T | 1.2k
"You know that this is totally unnecessary, right? There's no reason you have to carry me all the way back to the car, I'll be fine—"
"Oh? Okay, I'll just drop you here then," Derek says.
💕 looking | Helenish | M | 3.5k
Stiles likes enchiladas, true crime novels, black coffee, eggs over-easy, Pearl Jam, he’s tall and kind and great with kids—
(warnings for things that happened in canon with Kate)
💕 In Vodka Veritas | fairytalesandfolklore | T | 2.1k
"Listen, the only reason I suck so badly is because I'm drunk," Stiles insists, swiping Derek's controller out of his hands and settling it back onto the charger. "Under normal circumstances, I could totally kick your ass."
"Sure you could," Derek teases with a playful roll of his eyes. "Tell you what — I'll have another drink to even the score."
"Fucking werewolf stamina," Stiles scoffs and shakes his head, immediately regretting it when the room spins violently.
Derek shrugs. "I could go for another round of Sex on the Beach," he says, though admittedly, he's already quite drunk as it is, wolfsbane-infused vodka swimming giddy laps in his veins.
"The drink or the activity?" Stiles quips, and something about the way Stiles looks at him in that moment, eyebrows arched suggestively, big goofy grin plastered across his sun-kissed face, makes Derek let out a snort of laughter, and without thinking, he blurts out, "Oh my god, I fucking love you so much."
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