#steve x woc!reader
cevansbrat0007 · 3 months
Indecent Exposure Pt. I: Bye Bye, Daddy
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Summary: You get more than you bargained for when your father decides to leave you in the care of his four best friends, your fake Uncles, while he's on away on tour for the summer. Read Part Two!
Warnings: Mature Themes, Bucky Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, Unwanted Touching, Dad's Best Friend Themes, Older Men/Younger Women Themes, Brief Discussions of Voyeurism, Brief Mentions of Mouth Soaping, Brief Reference to Spanking and Discipline, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Please heed all warnings. Part of my Indecent Exposure Series. If you'd like to be added to the tag list, please let me know.
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"But Daaaad.” You whine, drawing out the word as you follow your father into the kitchen. Shoulders slumped, you can’t seem to stop yourself from pouting. 
While you’d initially made peace with the prospect of being left alone for the practically the entire summer before you planned to start your freshman year at NYU, you positively balked at the idea being left in the care of a fucking babysitter. 
Four of them, actually.
“No buts, pumpkin.” Your father drops his carry-on bag next to the door, on top of his other luggage. “It’s not good for you to be stuck in this big old house all by your lonesome. You even said as much just the other week.”
“Yeah, well…” You trail off, pissed at the fact that you’d essentially brought this on yourself. “That was back when you weren’t even sure if you were going.”
At first, your old man had been rather skeptical at going on tour with his former bandmates. They’d had a couple hits back in the day, but nothing major. Even still, they’d somehow managed to amass a bit of a cult following. 
And so when he was offered the opportunity to open for a much larger classic rock band, he just couldn’t pass it up. And you hadn’t had the heart to make him either. Dreams like this seldom came true for anybody, let alone a mild-mannered pharmacist who was pushing fifty. 
“Why can’t you at least take me with you?”
He turns to you then, heaving a sigh before pulling you into his arms. "Life on the road is no place for my little girl. Which is why I’ve asked your Uncles to check-in on you.” He presses a gentle kiss on your mop of curly hair, giving you one last squeeze before releasing you.
“And this is where I’d like to point out that I’m 18 years old, which makes me a full-fledged adult.“ Wrapping your arms around your middle, you try to play it off like you don’t care about him leaving so soon after your birthday. 
But you do. While your birthday had only been last week, you two hadn't even had the chance to embark on your annual fishing trip yet.
“I know that. Of course I know that.” He’s quick to reassure you. “And as a newly minted adult I’m sure you’ll be on your own some nights – the ones when Bucky can’t stay and none of your other uncles are available.”
“Ugh! Can you please stop calling them that?”
Little did he know that you were mere seconds away from covering your ears and letting out a frustrated scream. 
“Well, that’s what they are. They may not be blood, but it still counts.” Your father just shakes his head. Apparently he hadn’t expected you to put up this much of a fight before his departure. “And while it might be true that it’s been a while since you’ve seen your uncles, each one has assured me that they would be more than delighted to keep an eye out for their favorite niece.”
“Dad, I don’t even know them like that! At least not anymore...”
You’re rewarded with yet another weary sigh. “Then it looks like you’ll have the whole summer to get reacquainted with them then, won’t you?” His hands go to grip your shoulders, all but forcing you to look him in the eyes. “Besides, Buck’ll be around. I’m sure he’ll help ease you into everything.”
It’s impossible to stop the derisive snort that escapes the back of your throat. 
“Sweetheart, my ride is going to be here any minute now…” He tells you, making it clear that neither one of you has time for the tantrum you seem so keen on throwing. “You’ve gotta know that I only want what’s best for–”
The two of you are interrupted by the sound of a vehicle pulling into your driveway. And while you don’t recognize it, you’re almost certain that it’s too sleek and expensive to belong to any Lyft driver. 
“Speak of the devil!” Your father suddenly exclaims before throwing open the door and rushing down the steps. Which is fine, except for the part when he decided to drag you along with him. “Bucky fuckin’ Barnes – just in the knick of time too!”
Well, there went Plan A. So much for locking up the house after your Dad was gone and refusing to answer the fucking door for anyone except the pizza delivery guy. 
However, in spite of your annoyance and frustration, you can’t help the tiny jolt of electricity that hums along your skin as you watch the dark haired man peel himself out of the driver’s seat so that he can properly greet you both.  
“Get a look at you, old man!” Bucky chuckles as he enthusiastically brings your Dad in for a hug, lightly thumping his back as he does. “Can’t believe somebody actually fucked up and told you you got to be a rockstar!”
Your uncle’s smile only broadens when he finally lays eyes on you. But it’s the way he’s looking at you that catches your attention – it’s not quite a leer – but his blatant perusal is enough to make you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. 
“I know!” Comes your Dad’s eager response. “That’s why I’m trying to get out of here before whoever signed off on this sobers up and realizes his mistake.” Both men are grinning from ear to ear when they finally take a step back. 
And that’s when all eyes turn to you. 
“And who’s this gorgeous young lady?” Bucky inquires, his pearly white teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he makes a quiet show of looking you over once again, this time allowing his gaze to linger just a fraction too long on your cutoff denim shorts. 
“Oh, come on now.” Good ol’ Dad reaches over to grab your wrist, pulling you even closer. Which is the absolute last thing you want. “Don’t tell me you don’t recognize your niece.” 
“Is that my sweet, little Clover?” Bucky pretends to rub exaggeratedly rub his eyes while evoking your childhood nickname. “I guess it is. Except now she’s all grown up.” Your Dad drops your wrist in time for the other man to grab your hand so that he can give you a little twirl. "Just turned 18, in fact."
“I heard. So pretty.” He hums, although the words are spoken just low enough so that only you can hear them. “You’ve got yourself a knockout for a daughter, Dale.” You resist the urge to squirm when you feel the roughened pad of his thumb lightly stroke along the ridges of your knuckles. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you kept a shotgun by the door.” 
While you suspect that his words are meant in jest, the only person that laughs is the man who raised you. 
“I actually keep it in the front closet. Which reminds me…” You father turns to you then, pinning you with a knowing look. “Now pumpkin, I know you're not super excited about the current arrangement and all that, but I’d appreciate it if you’d, uh, refrain from having any boys over at the house while I’m gone.” 
You swiftly open your mouth to protest, only to be surprised when Bucky beats you to the punch. 
“Roger that.” He grins down at you, the dimple in his left cheek on full display. “Your Daddy said no boys allowed, little Clover. Do we have your promise you’re gonna respect his wishes?”
Tugging your hand out his grasp, you turn your attention to your Dad, offering up a sugary sweet smile. “But what about Peter? You actually like him, remember? Besides, he’s pretty much my best friend.”
Because you couldn’t fathom the idea of a summer without him. And you just know he’s going to relent and make an exception. That is, until Bucky decides to go and open up his mouth. 
“You heard your Daddy, sweetheart.” He gently admonishes you, a hint of mockery in his tone. “Besides, I don’t think any of your uncles want to have to deal with strange boys wandering around the house.”
“Good man.” Your father agrees, clapping the other man on his shoulder. “And speaking of Andy, Ari, and Steve, this one here is a little nervous about seeing them again. I don’t know why. I mean it’s been a while since everyone’s gotten together…”
“Aww, bug.” He coos, wrapping a brawny arm around your much smaller waist. “Are you worried we don’t love you anymore?” You find yourself gritting your teeth to keep from elbowing him in the kidney. 
Why the hell did he have to make that sound so…suggestive? And how come your father didn't seem to notice? 
“No.” You grunt, hating the man for having the nerve to smell so damned good – like spiced vanilla and cedar. 
“Because we most certainly do. You know, Andy was just looking at your senior picture the other day.” His large, warm hand settles just above the curve of your hip. “He actually sent it to the group chat and none of us could believe just how much our little Clover had blossomed. Right under our noses.”
“A–awesome.” You mumble, wishing he would stop touching you so much. It did funny things to your belly, which you did not appreciate.
“I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it when he gets here.” 
Shock has your mouth falling open, briefly leaving you almost too stunned to make a sound. And to make matters worse, your father’s Lyft picks that very moment to pull up behind Bucky’s sports car. 
“What?” You eventually croak. Not that you receive much of a response, what with both men choosing to abandon you in favor of grabbing luggage and loading it into the driver’s trunk. 
“Alright, pumpkin.” Your Dad calls out once they’ve got everything secured. “I’ll call you from the road. I left instructions on the fridge and with Bucky. You need anything you call me, okay?” 
Seconds later you find yourself pulled into a bear hug. And, because you don’t know when you’ll see him again, you choose not to argue or struggle. You can only hug him back as if your life depends on it. 
“Be good.” He mumbles in your hair. “Listen to your uncles. It may not seem like it, but they know what's best. And you have my word that they care about you just as much as I do.” 
“Okay.” Is all you can muster as you fight back tears. “I–I love you.”
“You know it.” He holds you even tighter. “To the moon and back, plus the galaxy and beyond.” Smiling when he releases you, you watch him climb into the waiting car before giving him one last wave. 
And then he’s gone. You watch unmoving as the car backs out of the driveway and takes off down the road in the direction of the airport. It takes a moment for you to remember that you’re alone now.
Left to your own devices for the entire fucking summer. 
“Save those pretty tears, Clover.” You jump when you feel a hand press against the small of your back. “You’ve got us – me, Andy, Ari, and Steve – and won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Bucky whispers, his mouth hovering just above your ear.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter.” You growl, stomping towards the front door.
“Fair warning, sweetheart.” He calls after you, his voice tinged with laughter as he goes to follow you inside. “Your Uncle Steve doesn’t like that kind of language. And I’m afraid Uncle Andy isn’t the type to put up with that attitude either.”
“Then tell them they should keep their asses home!” You snap as you reach the stairs, taking them two at a time all the while silently praying that he doesn’t follow.
“All I’m saying is that I’d hate to see Stevie have to wash out that pretty little mouth out with soap.” He calls from the bottom of the stairs, no longer bothering to hide his laughter. 
The fucking pervy bastard was enjoying this!
You slam your door with a flourish, briefly reveling in the sound it makes as it shakes the entire frame. If Bucky, or any of your so-called uncles thought you were still that same, sweet little girl you used to then they were in for one hell of a rude awakening.
Fuck! You’re so busy fuming over your current situation that you have no idea what’s taking place quite literally beneath your feet. For tonight, you decide that ignorance is bliss. If you got hungry later you’d just have to find something on DoorDash.
You throw yourself on your bed with a huff, punching your pillow over and again until you feel some of the rage leave your body. This summer was going to fucking blow unless you found a way to stay busy away from the house. 
Meanwhile, Bucky has taken a seat at the bottom of the stairs. Pulling out his phone he opens the group chat he has with his buddies and proceeds to start typing. Call it intuition, but he had a feeling that he and his friends getting reacquainted with their precious little Clover was going to make for one hell of summer.
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Oh yes, this was going to make for one hell of a summer indeed.
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yeaiamme2 · 4 months
Just imagine him pounding you until your legs are shaking and trying to run. "Where are you going girl?" "I thought we talked about what happens when you try to run?" He says before flipping you over and putting you over his knee.
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neonovember · 2 years
Loved loved loved the steve headcanon. If you’re in the mood, I would an expansion on the “steve is the type of man to never let you go to bed angry, even if you’ve both had a fight and he end up on the coach” because I absolutely agreed and I especially enjoyed reading that! Thank you for sharing this husband!Steve HC.
oh yes most definitely! His mind wouldn't rest until he knows you're at peace. Ask and you shall receive (i must say I did get quite carried away). I wrote this at 1 am so be aware of spelling :)
The Steve headcanon
My soul cannot sleep without you
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The rumble of the car engine comes to a stop as Steve pulls into the garage of your shared home, the living room light is still on and if you weren't already irritated, you'd mentally smack yourself for being so forgetful. Bills weren't cheap, even on an avenger's salary. 
Collecting the ends of your dress you shoulder your way through the car door, slamming it with an oomf for good measure. Steve, of course, shuts his door gently, and it leaves you even more annoyed with him. 
Why is he not angry? 
You don't dare look behind you as Steve begins to jog towards you, you fear the confusion that has been plastered on his face for the last 20 minutes would make you explode. 
You're about to open the door until you remember, he has the keys, Steve is already one step ahead of you, fingers brushing past your elbow as he twists the golden metal into the door nob. You can feel his stare burning into the side of your face but you will yourself not to look his way, to see that look on his face that would have you conceding.
The smell of peppercorn and maple engulfs your senses as you enter your hallway, the soft air of familiarity fails to calm your tense shoulders however, as you pass the framed pictures of you and Steve over the years without so much as a glance.
Reaching your kitchen you notice the bouquet of orchids Steve had bought you earlier today left on the counter, in the rush to get to the compound's charity ball on time you had forgotten to find them a vase.
What flowers would she like?
You search through the kitchen cabinets before you grasp the clear glass, shufflingly through appliances and setting it on the granite counter. You unwrap the orchids, cutting the stems down to fit into the glass vase and filling them generously with water. Steve looks at you incredulously, arms folded as his eyes follow your movements.
"Are you going to say something?" Steve says, his melodic voice travelling through the house, bouncing off the glass vase yet failing to penetrate you.
You begin to clean the stems and spilt water from the counter, ignoring Steve’s attempt at conversation. Did he seriously not realise the brunette practically hanging onto his every word?
Steves's hand grasp your own, stopping you from wiping down the rest of the kitchen, he lifts your chin but your eyes remain downcast, fiddling with the string of the washcloth.
"Can you at least look at me?" Steve says, scanning your face that remained emotionless. His fingers glide across your arms to rest on your cheeks, and the feeling of his hands on you, after she'd touched them has you ripping them off of you. Scoffing, you throw the washcloth into the sink, before turning towards Steve.
"I don't understand, why are you upset? Did I do something?" Steve furrows his brows, his hands gripping his pants as if he's stopping himself from reaching for you.
You scoff at that, "You can't be serious Steve, you are one of the smartest people I know and you can't notice something happening right in front of you?"
He shakes his head, eyes squeezing as he opens them, you notice him scanning over the events prior, but it comes up empty and it has Steve looking more confused than before.
“What's her name, huh Steve? At least tell me her name” You whisper, arms folded as the shimmers of the dress begin to irritate you.
“What? Who?” Steve replies, stepping closer to you
“Who? The brunette who was hanging off of you the entire night Steven” You groan, you hated facing your insecurities, much less voicing them.
There is a momentary pause in Steve as his mind backtracks to the evening, sifting through the hundreds of faces he’d seen tonight, he finally realises who you're talking about.
Tony’s accountant
“Marianna?” Steve scoffs
“Yes, Marianna” You spit her name like poison, but you can’t seem to get her face out of your mind, she’s taken homage next to the laundry you hadn't gotten the time to do. The way her pantsuit fitted her elegantly, sophisticated and modern, she was the woman of the future. And you were just, well, you.
She could pull off a red lip, something that never quite looked good on you, and the very way she spoke told you she said very few words that didn't ilicitate constant adoration. She didn't need to fill the space with empty jargon, every word had meaning.
The constant comparison had followed you the entire evening, and the past insecurities that you had thought you'd overcome seemed to weigh you down like an anchor, pulling you into the deprecation you knew all too well.
It was fine, you’d get over it until she began to talk to Steve, your husband. you didn't miss the look on her face as they conversed, utter, pure amazement. You knew it because you wore it every day, Steve had a way with people, it's what attracted you to him in the first place.
You felt out of place as they spoke about diplomacy and business, and at that moment you had wished you actually listened when Tony pulled you into one of the many long rants you'd gotten used to. 
She wasn't even mean to you as if the playground tactics were beneath her, but it didn't take her calling you a bitch to know the animosity that radiated from her every time Steve had tried to pull you into their conversation. You knew where you weren't wanted and you weren't about to make a fool of yourself. So you left them to it as you sat next to Natasha, who offered you a much-needed drink.
She had noticed your annoyance at Marianna the second she came over, as she always did, and for a second, you wish Steve would too. He was too pure too good, to take notice of the way Marianna got closer and closer to him or the way she bit her lip and laughed a little too hard at one of his lame jokes. The poor man thought she was being friendly, he was oblivious to her true motives.
Natasha held her grin behind an empty champagne glass, snickering when Marianna threw her head back for good measure. You had vented to her there, and she reminded you of the man Steve was. How he was absolutely enamoured by you and you only, how you had him wrapped around your finger so tight he wouldn't even think about looking at another woman that way. It was all things you knew deep down, but that didn't stop your brain from imagining the worst, that he was deep in an affair with his co-worker, and you were the dumb clueless wife who waited for him at home.
You wouldn't let that happen again, not after all those years of betrayal from an ex, you wouldn't let yourself be made a fool. Pride had a way of getting in between reality, and you let it stew you in anger until you were mad at Steve instead of her.
Steve shakes his head, moving closer to you,
“She's just Tony’s accountant, we chatted for a few, that's all doll” Steve replied, carding a hand through his blonde locks. Reasoning, however, doesn't seem to be on your mind tonight as you remember all the lies you've been told starting with she.
She’s just a friend, she’s just an assistant, she’s just...
“Well, she seemed to have taken your attention for the whole night, while I was left drinking champagne of all fucking things with Natasha. She was meant to go find her date for that night, but instead, she was with me” You replied looking towards him in anger.
“Well, I tried to include you in the conversation, but every time I asked for your opinion your mind seemed as if it was a thousand miles away!” Steve replied swiftly hands gesturing around.
“Yeah, because she was laughing every single goddamn time I opened my mouth, god Steve, can't you see what she’s doing?” You replied even faster, swallowing down the brick that began to form in your throat.
“What, what is she doing, I thought I was having a conversation with a colleague, but you seem to know better” Steve quipped, his jaw tensing and his shoulders seized.
“She wants you, and you’re either too blind to see it or already fucking know it” You replied, muttering under your breath.
Steve scoffs, shaking his head, eyes scanning your face as he remains silent.
“Is your silence meant to mean I was right?” You yell, tears beginning to gather on your waterline and you have to pinch yourself to get force them to remain there.
Steve’s eyes never leave your face, the cerulean orbs darting left and right, and up and down as if trying to understand your benevolence. His arm twitches as if he wants to gather you into his embrace and forget this entire evening.
“How can you say that” Steve replies, after a short while, “I was courteous, polite for god's sake, you know I would never do that to you” Steve moves until his hands grasp your own. They’re warm to the touch like he always is, and they begin to soothe the coldness that has begun to take over your body.
It doesn't help though, instead, it reminds you of the times you've been told that your insecurities were imaginary, that the unfaithfulness in your relationship wasn't real. That you, instead were harbouring a secret, the anger you felt then turned to guilt at your own self for even accusing him of cheating. If you were told enough times that your reality wasn't yours, you’d start to believe it.
“Yeah well, the only person I can ever trust is myself” You whisper, spitting the words out and unlatching yourself from Steve's grasp. Steve looks down at you in shock, betrayal and hurt falling over his features, whilst yours turn to stone.
He closes his eyes before opening them again, nodding as if he accepted your anger.
“Fine, I’m taking the couch,” Steve scoffs, ripping off his tie and placing it on the counter, before walking into the living room the loud stomp of his shoes vibrating through the quiet house.
You turn to the discarded tie, grasping it into your palm, the texture of the material felt velvet against your fingers. It was a plain tie, one you'd find anywhere, but it was the first tie you'd ever gotten him. You'd gifted him many over the years, all of them more expensive and chic than this one but he'd told you you'd have to pry it out of his cold dead hands before he would give it up. 
It was his lucky tie because you were his lucky girl.
Where you still now?
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The satin pillow dampened with your tears, you hadn't waited to even close the door before you were muffling a sob that broke out of your throat. Since then, the tears never ceased, you had to shove your face into the covers to make sure Steve wouldn't hear you.
Sleep was fruitless, you had tried everything, but you lay there, like clothes on a washing line, wrung out and left to dry. Your mind wouldn't let the image leave, her fingers grabbing his bicep as she laughed, the way he grinned as his humour got praised.
Was that it, had she given him more attention? More than you?
A billion reasons clamoured your mind as you pushed your fingertips to your eyelids, wishing that you hadn't even gone to the charity ball at all, save the humiliation just for your mind only.
Deep down you knew, you knew that this was all the insecurities of your past coming forth from their hiding places. Steve was the best person in your entire life, he would never, his stupidly good heart wouldn't allow it. But that was just it, he was too kind and nice and good that people like Marianna were able to sink their claws and have their way with him however they wanted.
He thought they were being friendly, but they knew they weren't.
Hours seem to pass before you find the room illuminated with the light of your phone in your palm, your chest feels tight and uncomfortable and you don't know how much more of this you could take.
Tapping onto the folder named “him”, you are met with hundreds of photos of you and Steve throughout the years, starting from the very few dates you had before he claimed you as his, till the wedding night when you both had stayed up to take out the millions of pins in your intricate hair.
In all of them, every single one, Steve displays the same adored, content look of utter satisfaction and love, his eyes sparkled with it, like the sun glittering against the gentle waves and folds of the sea. An endless pool of longing that seemed to have depth only for you, to crash and fight and turn inside and out for you.
Your relationship was never easy, but Steve has always, always been the anchor that brought you back, he never gave up, even when you pushed him away and left him in the dark. Even when the fear of loss and hurt caused you to scream things you didn't mean and do things you shouldn’t have.
You flick across to a photo of Steve looking towards you, a soft grin lighting up his face as you held Clint’s newborn, you were cuddled up on a seat, your knees tucked into you as you were sucked into the guilty pleasure of red fat cheeks and baby fever.
Sam had captured it without Steve looking, sending it to you a couple of days ago with the words ‘Someone wants to be a daddy’. You’d laughed it off but each day you'd come back to that picture. Back to the moment when Steve looked like he had never loved something harder than you, as if it was his first time ever really feeling it.
He loves you, you know? I knew it the day he met you, he has this look on his face, where his eyes get all glazed over and his fingers are reaching for you. It’s like he can’t breathe until he can hold you, like his body will break in two and his heart will stop.
Natasha had told you that one night on the terrace unprovoked, with a beer in her hand and the moonlight falling over the both of you. She had been there from the start, had found you when you were still a shell of a person, back then you didn't even know what love was. You fear if it wasn't for her you and Steve wouldn't have ever met.
“Steve would never do that” 
The sounds of her voice those hours ago ring in your head. It was true, your entire time with Steve told you but what thing, he was not your ex. He was kind, and soft and held you like you were glass and he'd crush you. And then suddenly, as if a switch had been turned in your mind, the light of a dark place turning on you realise how utter fucking foolish you had been.
Steve’s faith in you never faltered, even when it should have he never felt a reason to distrust you, it was foreign, it felt strange to have someone utterly and fully hand their trust and soul to you. And what had you given him in return? Accusations and anger. 
Did he think now, that you did not trust him? That he had failed to show you how you should be loved? How he would never hurt you?
Those men from your past would never amount to Steve, and suddenly you felt you would die right in this room if you didn’t move. If you tell Steve he was enough and that you believed him and that the vows he uttered held true. Every hair on your body itched with this need until the covers were thrown across from your body and your phone was discarded on the bed.
You swung open the door, the cold hair hitting your face and you stumbled through the dark, you run down the hardwood stairs, the haunting reality of your actions following you, you had been so so foolish.
Steve is there, his frantic motions walking towards the bedroom freeze as he notices you. His shirt is crumpled and unbuttoned, and his golden hair is ruffled, the strands falling over his face as if he's run his fingers through it too many times. 
A look of desperation and longing paint his features as he watched you, hands shaking at his sides as he sinks his canines into his reddend lip. You wanted nothing but to hold him now, and the thought bring you to tears, blurring your vision until you miss a step, your heart dropping into your stomach as you brace yourself, waiting to meet the cold hard ground of the kitchen floor.
It never comes, instead, heated, carded muscle wraps around you, and you the smell of Steve, of earth and pine cones has you crying into his shoulder.
He came to you, even when you had screamed at him to leave,
He came to you.
Fresh tears slide down your cheek and you grip Steve, whose fingers softly rub your back, hands tightening around your waist.
“M’ sorry, so sorry Steve, please” You hiccup, covering your face into his shoulder.
“Ssh, my sweet girl, I know” Steve whispers, never seizing his gentle caress. His hands lift your face from his neck, thumb gathering the tears at your waterline. “I know, it’s okay, it’s okay, just breathe for me, hm? 
“In and out, can you do that for me?” Steve breathes out, eyes straining as he watches your shallow breaths ease into semi-normal respiration.
Without a word, Steve collects you in his arms and walks through the house until he enters the bedroom, shutting the door with his foot, eyes never leaving your face as he gently places you onto the now cold bedsheets.
You shudder, reaching for him as he slides in, arms wrap around your sides as he continues his light motions on your back, his fingers come to move your hair behind your ear, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
You turn around swiftly, hands reaching to cup his face before you’re met with his reddened eyes, it's your turn now to brush away the tears before pressing your lips to his,
‘I should never have, Stevie, you, I-, you would never” You whisper against him his chest, the soft rise and fall lulling you into a state of haze and exhaustion. He presses his forehead to yours
“I just want to hold you now, god, I don't know what I will do if I don’t hold you” Steve replies muttering the words painfully. You wrap your arms around him, pressing yourself into his stomach as his biceps surround you. The sound of Steve's heartbeat, the rhythmic badum badum badum, engulfs you with a sense of tranquillity you hadn’t realised you couldn’t live without.
Steve, your sweet boy, was the one thing you couldn’t live without, without Steve, next to you, holding you between his arms, you don't think you would ever quite find sleep. Not anymore, not after him.
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geminixevans-stan · 2 years
Little Elf
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Pairing: Biker!Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Words: 2.9k+
Summary: The reader wanted to spread some hoeliday cheer by giving a gift. But what comes with that gift is something that she’s wanted all along 
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, explicit language, explicit content, smut, Anal (f receive), daddy kink, use of handcuffs, spanking, anal play, and aftercare.
A/N: It’s been forever since I’ve written anything and thanks to my sweet flower @maladaptivexxdaydreaming for gracing me with this wonderful request! My muse jumped at it like it owed it money! Anywho! I hope you all love it! Like, comment, & reblog! ♥
Divider by @firefly-graphics
I do not consent to my work being copied, plagiarized, or translated in any way >:P
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You thought it would be a good idea to show him an early Christmas present. Even thought it would be cute to visit him at the clubhouse in an elf costume to hand deliver the gift yourself. 
What you didn’t think about was the consequences of your actions. 
The consequences being you bent over his desk, legs spread wide as both your wrists laid between your thighs with the pretty gift wrapped around them. Your pretty little elf skirt was long gone and the anticipation of what your Steve was going to do had your cunt glistening in the well-lit office. 
“My pretty little elf, what am I going to do with you?” he hums, standing erect as can be as she scanned his handiwork of you on his desk. His growing bulge concealed behind his jeans as he watched your pretty pussy become wetter by the second. 
If only you could see the look in his eyes as he looked you over, your eyesight thoroughly concealed by his favorite bandanna. But, you’ve seen that look more than once before. 
Whenever you decided to try him, that menacing, daring look he gave was all you needed to plead for your life. Even though, they would always fall on deaf ears, causing you to have a sore ass and a wrecked pussy the day after. 
You try to wiggle your way out of the position, only to yelp at the sharp sting of his hand as it landed on your soft cheeks, accompanied by a disapproving sound spilling from his lips. 
“Ah ah little elf, you brought daddy a gift. A gift that I plan on using over and over again.” 
A whimper falls from your lips, causing him to chuckle as you hear his footsteps become more prominent with each step he took. The excitement and nervousness confused you but, your body heating up only had one mission. 
Be good for daddy… we broke a rule
That rule you ask? It was a fairly simple one and when Steve found out that it was broken… He was confused. 
Confused because you looked so goddamn cute and delectable in your Elf outfit and pissed that someone could get a glimpse of his pussy with how short your skirt was. Way above your knees and almost short enough for everyone to see his initials permanently on your skin. 
Steve Rogers could be the sweetest man on Earth… to you anyway. But even he had to let his princess know when and where to not fuck with him. 
What better way to find out than today?
If it was bratty holiday cheer you wanted to spread, he was going to make sure he returned the favor. With perfect strides, he steps in front of you, lifting your chin up with one single finger as she bent down to nip at the skin of your lips, causing you to whimper softly for him. 
“What rule did we break baby? Should be easy to answer since there was nothing under that pretty skirt of yours,” you could just see the smirk on his lips. You knew it just by the sarcastic tone in his voice. 
And you hated it…
With your chin captured between his fingers, you bit your bottom lip, feeling it tremble as you started to speak, “I didn’t wear panties…”
“And why didn’t you, pretty elf?”
You were nervous, that was apparent. Yet, there was something in you that still wanted to test him. To see just how far you could push him until he had you a crying and sore mess. 
With a simple shrug or a shrug that you could do with the position you were in, you give him the prettiest smile that you could give him and say, “I guess I forgot daddy. You know you have to help your dumb baby with these thi-,” his hand wrapping around throat cut off whatever else you needed to say. 
His grip was firm but gentle as he rested his forehead against yours, the scent of his cologne wrapping around your nose as feel his warm breath on your face. 
“You’re my dumb baby, that’s a fact. But not that fucking dumb. Wanted to be cute and now look at you, princess. Dripping all over my desk, and my gift around your wrists,” the slow sucking of his bottom lip being tucked between his teeth, alerted you of just how fucked you really were. 
But, you were in too deep to start begging now. You poked the bear too much and now your ass was going to pay. Your breath was yours once more as you felt him leave the front of you, hearing his footsteps in the same area but now behind you. 
“Thought long and hard about what I should do, princess and I’m going to apologize to that tight hole of yours for what I’m about to do to it,” his voice gravelly as he moves closer to you, gripping the soft globes of your ass before letting go and smacking them both at the same time. 
A guttural moan escapes your throat at how deliciously painful the sting was to your skin, painful pins radiating through your scalp the moment Steve pulled your hair back and brought his hand back down to your skin again over and over.
“What? You want them to hear you too? Does my princess like being looked at? Heard by others?” he asks as she slides his hand over your throat again, squeezing even tighter, “I think I saw Ari with his eyes on you. Think he heard you just now?”
The grip on your throat caused for little words to spill out. But, you knew to answer or things would get much, much worse, “N-no daddy… No… AH!!” you shriek, feeling a harder slap on your other cheek. 
Steve pulls your hair taut, leaning your head against his shoulder as she licks a slow stripe up your cheek, “You’re lying, little slut. I know you better than you know yourself. And…” his voice lowers, slipping his hand from your throat, you feel his thick digits spread your drenched folds open, running them up and down.
“My pussy tells me a different story, don’t you my precious cum dump?”
It was all true, your body betrayed you every single time. Steve had the key and he knew how to please your pussy like no other person could. From your very first date, Steve had claimed you and your sweet pussy as his and you let him. 
Over and over and over again….
There was no denying him at this point. No reason to even put up a front to him. Whatever he had planned was going to happen no matter how hard you pleaded and besides…
You knew you could stop him whenever you said the magic word
The easy way out was not what you were looking for. You wanted Steve. Wanted to be his little fuck toy until he was tired and now was your chance. With a shaky breath, you let out a soft giggle, swiping your tongue over your bottom lip as you looked up at him, “Maybe daddy… Maybe Ari could fuck me better. Seems like you’ve lost your touch”
Silence…. Absolute silence.
Steve let out a low chuckle, the tick in his jaw apparent as he slowly let your hair go, “Oh princess… my sweet girl. I think you really are fucking dumb,” a low growl erupts from his lips, encasing you in his arms as she carefully takes you over to his sofa, dropping you down carefully. 
He positions you with your face to the cushion, ass up and your wrists nestled between your legs as he takes his spot behind you, his chuckle returning as she grips your ass cheeks tightly and letting them go. 
Your thighs were beyond drenched with slick, fresh droplets hanging from your lips as Steve admired you from behind. 
“It’s such a shame, pretty elf. You look so good like this. Too bad you had to be a fuckin’ brat,” he murmurs, slapping your ass again as you hear the jingle of his belt being loosened and the button of his jeans popping. You can hear the rustle of his jeans and briefs being pushed down the same time, anticipation lacing your body as you lay your head against the plush sofa. 
You sway your ass in the air, smirking before crying out as she lands another swat on your cheek, “Daddy please!”
Steve hums, sinking two fingers inside your drenched cunt as he pumps them slowly in and out of your soaked hole, “Oh we’re so done with manners baby. You wanted all my attention and now you have it,” coldness lacing his throat as he pumps his fingers inside you, hooking them expertly to bump against your spongy spot. 
Moans slip from your lips as you feel him stretch and scissor your slippery opening, coating his fingers in your slick as you fall deeper and deeper into pleasure. Your body heating up from how close he could push you to the end. 
“Oh… fuck, daddy. That’s so good, m’ so close” you whisper softly, feeling your cunt flutter and drip before he snatches his fingers from you. You whine protest, yelping when he slaps your ass again. 
He leans over your body, his cock, pressing against your opening as your eyes flutter closed, “Only good girls get to cum. Let’s see how nice I am after I wreck that pretty hole of yours,” smacking your ass again before sinking his cock into your wet channel, groaning when he feels you wrap around him. 
Steve curses under his breath, sinking in deeper as you let out a low groan, feeling every inch of him stretch you out, feeling him pulse inside of you. He leans back from your frame, spreading your cheeks apart and spitting on your puckered hole before slowly sinking his thumb inside and thrusts deeply into your tight pussy. 
He snaps his hips slowly, inching his thumb deeper into your ass, leaning his head back as he enjoys the warmth of you around him, “Why’d ya have to be a brat baby? Huh?” he grunts, sliding all the way out to the tip, and thrusting back in as she knocks the breath out of you. 
With each snap of his hips, Steve stretches you more and more, removing his thumb as you hear the pop of a top open and cold fluid drip over your tight hole. You try to move away, feeling both of his hands pull you back on his cock. 
Your mouth hangs open at the feel of every inch of him inside of you, trembling when you know what’s coming next. 
Steve wasted no time pulling from you, resting his cock between your soft cheeks. He grabs both globes in his hands, massaging them softly as she feels you relax for him, “That’s it my pretty elf, be good for me. Don’t wanna hurt you too bad,” he whispers, sliding his cock up and down between your cheeks, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth, closing his eyes slowly. 
You feel his cock harden fully, eyes widening under your blindfold at the damage you know he could do. Breathing deeply, you stay still, as he lines his cock up with your puckered hole, beginning to slowly push past the tight ring.
“Fuck… me” you groan out, clenching your hands closed as he sinks his thick cock further inside of you, feeling the stretch of every single inch, “Fuckfuckfuckkkkk, daddy”
“Goddammit princess, need to fuck this hole more often. Gripping me like a fucking vice” he grunts happily when he pushes every inch inside of you, “Look at that perfect ass. Swallowing my dick like a champ,” admiration in his tone as he squirts more lube on your hole. 
He throws down the bottle, gripping your hips as she pulls his hips back and sliding back in slowly to get you used to his size before slamming back in gripping you tightly.
“Holy fuck! I didn’t mean it, daddy! Ow!” 
Steve snaps his hips over and over, reaching down to rub circles over your clit as you begin to relax your tight ring around him, “Hm, I think you did baby. I think you wanted this. You wanted them to see what’s mine” he growls, changing the pace of his thrusts as he strokes you deeper, making you cry out in ecstasy. 
He reaches forward, gripping your hair in his hand as he pounds your ass, the loud sounds of slapping skin and the noises coming from your lips echoing against the walls. You squeeze around him tighter, feeling the pleasure bloom in your core from the double stimulation. 
“I just… wanted.. Fuck!” you whimper as his strokes become deeper and quicker. Juices dripping on his fingers as your mind goes blank.
“What was that pretty elf? Couldn’t hear you” he snaps his hips once making your cry out, “You were say dumb baby?” snapping his hips twice as you make the same noise again, “What’s the matter princess? Hm? Don’t tell you went dumb already” he coos, taking you squeezing around him as his answer before pounding you once more. 
You words were incoherent, save for the sounds don’t stop daddy. Just like that. As you say it over and over again. All that was left of you was a blissed out slut, taking every single inch that her daddy gave her. 
Wanted to get back on his good side was everything as he was showing you what happens when rules are broken. Steve couldn’t even be mad at you for acting out. He was busy beyond belief and there wasn’t anything else he would rather do than to be with you all day. 
In some way, right now, he was making up for it. But oh, he was more than willing to put you back where you belonged in the process. You’ve acted out before but not to this extent. Steve had to make sure that his lesson was well learned.
He placed his hand at the small of your back, making you arch more as he crossed his arms over your ass and pounded into you tight hole deeply, making you feel every single part of him. 
“Oh.. My… daddy… daddy” you whisper for only him to hear. Your head reaching into the clouds the higher he took you to pure bliss and pleasure.
Steve kept using you to his pleasure, keeping his pace just right as he could feel you squeezing him tighter and tighter, signaling the end coming near. He releases you from his grip, leaning over to tilt your head up with his hand as she strokes you deeply.
“Does my little elf wanna cum? Hm?” he asks, smiling when he sees you nod frantically, the act was all he needed to return him back to wrecking your ass. 
With precision, Steve kept your back arched with his hand keeping you pressed down, snapping his hips, as the clapping sound of skin centered back to what he was doing. He licked his other fingers, dropping them down as he rubbed quick tight circles around your clit, hearing you moan out softly. 
Spurts of slick dripped down into his palm as she brought it up to lick every single drop before returning his fingers back to your clit, “That’s my fucking girl. Cum for me little elf. Cum hard for daddy. Right. Now” he growls, while punctuating every syllable with the snap of his hips. 
You didn’t need to be told twice, the dam gushing out of your pulsating pussy was first before your mouth flew open, the most pornographic sounds spilling from them as orgasm after orgasm began to crash down on you. 
The splashing of your release quickly triggered his as he pushed deep inside of you, filling you tight hole with rope after rope of his cum. Steve held your hips, groaning loudly as she filled you, “Fuck! Goddamn, princess, keep cummin’ on my cock just like that,” Steve’s voice trembled as he emptied himself, pulling out and slamming back in as he filled you with another load.
The pulse of his cock only triggered another release for you, feeling yourself collapse on the couch as Steve followed you, kissing down your back slowly before pulling out and unlocking the handcuffs from your wrists. 
You try to move, only to be pushed down softly when you hear the clicking sound of a camera, tensing up automatically. 
Steve presses a kiss to your shoulder, before the sound happens again, “Just me, princess. Just taking a pic of art,” he murmurs, almost getting hard again at his cum leaking out of your ass. 
He hums, softly, taking you in his arms as he lays back on the couch with you on his lap. You rest your head on his shoulder, relaxing as she rubs aloe all over your cheeks, kissing your body all over as she takes care of you.
“Did so good for me, so fucking good,” he whispers, opening up a bottle of water and pressing it to your lips, giving a satisfied hum when you drink half the bottle before pushing it away.
Steve holds you tight, feeling the light breath on his neck as you lay on him, feeling completely satisfied. You feel his soft lips, press to your temple, making you snuggle close as she gives a soft chuckle.
“What did we learn baby?” 
The answer rings in your ear as you lean up to look into his eyes, smiling softly, “Never wear panties…”
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fushic0re · 2 years
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — thanks to the super soldier serum, steve gets to appreciate your body in a way he never had before.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — 18+ ONLY; MDNI. porn without plot. smut: penetrative sex, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, creampie, copious amounts of cum bc i’m disgusting, pussy drunk steve.
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PUFFS OF AIR TICKLED your ear as sharp exhales left your lover’s body.
You too felt as if the oxygen had been drawn outside of your tiny little room in your shared Brooklyn apartment. You were lightheaded as Steve vigorously thrusted in and out of your cunt, the newfound heaviness from him and the heat radiating from his body still an unfamiliar furor to you. His hands were significantly bigger and meatier, able to engulf both of your wrists in one and pin them above your head. His chest was broader and fuller, the wall of muscle fiercely protecting the thumping heart that lay beneath it. His legs were longer and robust, never faltering despite the immense pleasure he felt while he was inside of you. And those arms. The arms that held you every night were large and burly. Nonetheless, they were feelings you welcomed with
He was still your Steve.
You knew he was when he removed his dewy face from the crook of your neck and stared right through your soul with those crystalline eyes. He gazed at you like a man seeing the sun for the first time. And perhaps he was. With his newfangled heightened senses, Steve could now view your beauty without interference. You resembled Aphrodite reincarnated as you lay underneath him, features twisted into an expression of pure ecstasy. Your skin glowed in the candle light exquisitely, the tiny beads of sweat resembling tiny crystals shimmering against you. You were something straight out of a renaissance painting. Only no one else would see you like this, needy and wanton. Just him.
Like a shark sniffing out blood in the ocean, all rational parts of his brain shut down as his nose picked up the barest waft of your arousal. His jaw clenched as his pupils dilated. Steve’s clear-water ocean blues now donned a deeper shade, the kind of blue that made you fear what lurked below the undiscovered waters.  
“Fuck,” Steve groaned, his eyes involuntarily rolling to the back of his skull as your velvety walls squeezed his member when the tip of it hit a particular spot within you. “Fuck, sweetheart, I can smell you.”
A part of you felt embarrassed for a brief moment, the overly self-conscious part of you snapping you out of your trance. But then you looked up and were met with the sight of the love of your life plowing into you anomalistically, looking the most feral you had ever seen the golden boy look through the entirety of you knowing him. His gilded locks were a mess, pieces sticking to his sweat covered forehead. His head was slightly bowed, shoulders hunched as he slowly began to lose control.
“You feel so fucking good, baby,” Steve whispered. “I didn’t think you could even feel any better—”
Releasing your hands from his vice grip, he grabbed hold of your hips for purchase. You could feel your delicate skin bruising under the pads of his fingers. Your Steve was not fully cognizant of his strength quite yet, you knew he could never leave a single mark on your body unless you begged for it. Yet, you cared not. His ferociousness was unleashing something within you. You liked watching him lose control in his new body of his that defied limitations. You were experiencing all of these newfound sensations right alongside him.
Your body jerked violently against the bed from the force behind each impel. With a sharp gasp followed by a string of pornographic, staccato cries, you outstretched your arms to pull him to you. Your vermillion varnished nails sunk into the meat of his back as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“Look at me, Stevie,” You begged, swollen lips brushing against his. “Please.”
As if he was under your spell, his eyes snapped open to meet yours. A small whimper escaped his lips, his eyes falling shut for just a split second before he forced them open again, unable to look away from you for the life of him.
“I can see you,” He breathed in awe, eyed widening. “Holy shit, I can really see you.” His gaze trailed your body before finding its way back up to your face. “You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart. The prettiest thing I have ever seen. Look how well you take me.”
It was your turn to whimper, his honeyed praises and the precision of his thrusts a deadly combination. Steve was right there with you. His nerves felt like they were on fire in the best way possible. Every vein on his cock was hypersensitive, highly receptive to every drag against your walls. He crashed his lips against yours as he lost control, shooting his load inside of you. Your own reverie hit you like a bus the second the first rope of cum painted your cavern. You mewled into his mouth, embracing him tightly as you felt his large body tremble. His moans turned into deep, guttural growls as he fucked his spent into you. Steve’s body fell forward weakly, his muscles turning into jelly as your pussy twitched around him.
With another growl and wave of trembles, he came once more. He sloppily continued to pump himself in and out of you, creating a mess where you were adjoined.
"Stevie,” You murmured, pressing kisses against his shoulders, chest, and neck as he came down from his high.
He went completely lax against you, resting his head on your chest as he wrapped his arms around you. With an ear flushed against your bosom, he listened to the sound of your heart with a clarity he never thought was possible. It was his new favorite song. Once its rampant pounding reached a ritardando, he lifted his head. His own heart swelled as he admired you in your afterglow. You belonged in the Sistine Chapel to be rightfully worshipped. Or perhaps in a Greek mythology book.
And yet, here you remained. With him.
Your eyes met his, and the two of you giggled in shock and disbelief. You nuzzled your nose against his before kissing him sweetly.
“This…This isn’t throwing you off?” Steve asked innocently.
You could not believe he had the sheer audacity to even ask you that after what had just occurred, but he wouldn’t be Steve if he didn’t. That was all the confirmation you needed.
“You’ll always be my Stevie.”
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© all rights reserved to honeystevie
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awesomerextyphoon · 1 year
Steve: I lost the bet.
You: Which bet?
Bucky: Well this punk bet that Thor wouldn't know what a 'home run' meant.
You: Why?!
Steve: Tony was going on and on calling me an '100 Year Old Virgin'-
You: We all know that's not true! Bucky and I saw to that. For hours I might add!
Steve: He kept calling me that when I had some trouble understanding Quantum Computing.
Bucky: This is why you need to get better with comebacks.
You: This from the guy who thought living on $10K for a week was a cruel punishment!
Steve: Damn-
Bucky: Language, punk!
Steve: Sorry.
You: So how does Thor fit into any of this?
Steve: Yeah. I was thinking of anything to get Tony off my back when Thor walked into the kitchen.
You: That's when you made the bet, huh?
Steve: Turns out he and Selvig watched sports together.
You: So what did you lose?
Steve: Well...
Steve: I can't believe I'm doing this!
Bucky: How're the shorts?
Steve: WAY too tight.
You: Yeah they are!
Sam: Why does your tank top say 'I'm a Bi Brooklyn Bitch'?
Bucky and You: Tony.
Sam: Figures.
Steve: I have to wear this all over Midtown.
You: At least you don't have to hide it anymore.
Nat: The Press is gonna have a field day.
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fakefiller · 2 years
Dream of Me.
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Warnings — frat!bucky, phone sex, mutual masturbation, fingering, dirty talk, sliiiiight mommy kink if you squint.
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You were about to turn in for the night, the intense pain in your lower back, the pain that was keeping you up, slowly dissipated as the clock on your wall ticked. A deep breath of relief ricocheted through the quiet atmosphere and it was almost silent. You let your thoughts escape you, the once rowdy noise in your head being limited to a quiet static.
This wasn’t enough.
You take another deep breath, zeroing in on the silence as you slip a hand into the waistband of your thin, pink panties. The fabric brushes against your wettened hole while you gently rub semi-circles on your clit and you wince at the feeling. Your head falls back into your cool, satin pillows when you insert a finger, the pace and sensitivity driving you closer to your high.
Until your phone rings.
The pink vintage receiver you have hooked up on your bedside table vibrates with every ring and you sob internally, wondering ‘who could be calling at this time of night?’ Without missing a beat of anger, you hastily pick up the phone and shove it to your ear.
“Who is it?” You ask groggily, irritation prominent in your tone.
“I’m sorry for the late call, princess. I just need to know if you have the My Chemical Romance lighter I left on your couch.” Bucky responds, and you feel the tension slip away as he speaks.
“God – can you call later? It’s 2 in the morning and I was busy.” Your voice was meek, trying to tell him what you were doing without saying it.
“I’m about to roll up and I need my lighter. If I didn’t need it, you know I wouldn’t have called right now.”
“Okay well go ask Steve for his! I’m surprised you’re not doing it together. I was busy!”
He can almost hear the way you rolled your eyes into your head, not missing the way your voice got an octave higher. Your hand hovers over your sweet hole, a dull ache replacing the pleasure you once felt.
“He left his with Sharon. Hey – what could you be busy with at-”
“Bucky.” You cut him off sternly with warning in your voice.
“I didn’t peg you as the masturbation type, sweetheart. How’s it going?” Bucky’s question sends electricity to your core. Was he teasing? Or was he genuinely curious?
“It’d be much better if you hung up so I can fucking focus.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do. Hang up.”
“You’re more than capable of hanging up, sweetheart.”
“Just do it, Bucky. You’re a pervert.”
He laughs at that, a guttural one. Without thinking, your finger gently slips back into your aching hole, the intrusion causing you to let out a low whimper.
“What was that?” Bucky questions and you snap your legs closed.
“I uh, almost dropped the phone. That’s all.” You breathe out, mentally cursing from being so naive that you could keep quiet.
“I don’t think phones make noises that pretty, baby. You gonna be honest this time?”
His words create a wave of arousal which immediately travels to your soaked cunt. Before you answer, you take a deep breath, blowing out the trapped air from your nose.
“I slipped a finger in. It hurts Buck, I just wanna cum.”
Your admission makes his cock twitch in his sweatpants, his semi becoming a full chub within seconds. He can’t tell if it’s from your voice, the time, or what you just said to him and he doesn’t care to figure it out.
“Touch yourself for me princess.” Bucky coos and your eyes almost roll back into your head.
“I already am.. can you do it with me?” The question floats in the air for a second before anything else is said.
“Y-Yeah I can let me just grab lube – I like it wet.” You can hear him grunt as he reaches for the bottle that you assume is on some kind of night stand.
“Then you’d love me.” You let out a meek laugh. “I’m dripping as I speak.” Unbeknownst to you he bucked his hip into the air at your words, his cock weeping into his boxers with precum.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum before I even start if you keep talking like that.” He sighs, pulling down the restricting layers before flipping open the bottle of lube and pouring some onto the length of him that sat pressed against his abs.
“Sorry – I’m eager. I wanna sleep.” You yawn, fingers gently pressing against your cunt.
“You don’t have to wait on me princess, I’ll catch up.”
“W-What are you wearing right now?” The question startles you, and you're the one who asked it.
“I was wearing gray sweats and the boxers you bought me for friendsgiving but I uh, took them off due to this circumstance.”
You sigh at the thought of him stark naked, cock between his fist and being gently lathered in the smooth liquid.
“Mmm..” Is all you can respond with as you tuck the receiver under your ear and between your shoulder to use your thumb to rub circles on your clit.
“How about you princess?” He takes a beat to lift his cock from its resting place on his stomach and gives it a home in his fist, the pressure making him wince.
“I’m wearing the um, the baby pink set you bought me last week. The bralette and underwear but they're pretty soaked now so..” You reply between pants, trying to find a rhythm between the fingers sliding in and out of you and the tantalizingly slow pace on your sensitive bud.
A guttural groan mixed with sloppy wet noises follows the end of your sentence and it’s obvious how that affected him. He gets lost in the feeling of his hand gliding up and down his shaft to respond.
“I keep going too fast – I wish it was you, here, controlling my pace.” Bucky whispers, and you whine at his words, working in a second finger.
“Yeah? You want mommy there to help you, baby?” You coo, hearing him whimper on the other end.
“Shit, yes, I need you. Wanna feel your pretty cunt grip my cock.” He sighs, fist eagerly pumping up and down.
“Fuck, Jamie–” Your eyes shut with knitted brows accompanying them as you stroke your g-spot with both fingers.
“I love it when you say my name, I gotta hear it when I fuck you.” His moan bellows through the receiver and you hold back your own, scared to wake up your roommate.
“You can take it whenever, James. I’m yours, baby. All – fuck – yours.” Bucky can hear the squelching of your wetness with every thrust of your fingers and it grosses you out but turns him on even more.
“I’m close princess, so close.” He drags out and you don’t miss the echo of his fist hitting the base of his cock with every stroke.
“Me too - I can’t wait to cum all over your thick cock, I need you stretching me out. My fingers aren’t enough.” You cry, your hearing dulling and vision blanking for a few seconds as you imagine him sliding in and out of you and taking the place of your fingers.
It falls silent for a moment until you hear his heavy breathing continue. “Shitshitshit, I’m cumming, fuckohmygod.” His words and your name become a chant, spilling out of his mouth until he’s spent on his stomach, forcing himself through his high.
You spasmed around your fingers, head lulling back into your pile of pillows, voice getting higher and higher. The receiver drops from your shoulder to your chest as your orgasm washes over you, stars of white clouding your mind. Your body goes numb while you come down from your climax, breath escaping you.
“Fuck, I need to see you later. Come by my room after your 2 pm class?” Bucky sighs as beads of sweat drip down his forehead.
“Mhm.” You reply sleepily, pushing the receiver off of you and onto the edge of your bed.
“Goodnight, princess. Dream of me, okay?” Bucky’s voice seemed to have dropped an octave, giving you more fuel to sleep.
All he receives is a faint sigh of approval before you’re fast asleep, legs crossed under the dry part of your comforter. Laundry will a problem for future you but its the last thing on your mind.
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comment/reblog to be part of my taglist, enjoy <3
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 1 Who’s that girl?
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Chapter 1 of Stargirl
Warning- Swearing, angst, fluff! SLOWBURN, long chapter.
Pairing- Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Episode- 2x01
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“What do you think?” He asks as he takes a bite from his burger.
What do I think? Well…dearest father, it’s the most rural place we’ve stayed at, it reeks like cow manure, there’s only one high school here for the entire town so if the desire to change schools occurs it can’t happen unless you are willing to drive me like an hour out of town…
Then again you’ve never actually went to an actual school with people your age. Since you move around a lot you’ve always been homeschooled with either your father or grandmother as your teacher, so there’s little you think you’ll complain about…maybe just lack of friends, or uh…overpopulation of assholes. Yeah, that’d be a deal breaker.
“Well,” you sigh and put your burger down. “It’s something. Uh, grandma was right, it does stink. But,” you pause and shrug whilst you meet his brown eyes. “It’s cozy. It’s quaint.”
Your dad chuckles and looks out the car window. “Quaint? Yeah, yeah. But it’s home,” he grumbles with low enthusiasm. He also wasn’t a fan of...Hawkins? Yeah that’s it, Hawkins—Even if he was the one that grew up here.
You hum and lower your sunglasses to the bridge of your nose to take a better look at all the greenery that lays ahead of you. At least that’s one of the pros of moving out here, this place is green, there’s trees everywhere, you even live by a lake! You’re used to city landscapes so trees, lake houses and small towns are like blue moons; Rare and quite beautiful.
“Are you gonna go see uncle Jim?” You ask your father and throw a fry in your mouth.
Your dad hums for a moment before he lets out a deep breath. “Yeah,” he answers hesitantly. “I’ll surprise him at work.”
You drift your gaze to the corner of your eyes and see him with his jaw clenched which never means anything good, so you don't press on that touchy subject and put away your food. “I’m too nauseous to keep eating.” You throw your head back on the headrest and groan. “Maybe I can go with you, or go organize the house?”
Your father had people go move everything in and organize everything before you got here, but going to school with so many people is upsetting your stomach, and making your heart and mind all panicky and fast moving.
“House is organized, and I’m going to work,” your dad says and blinks to meet your gaze.
“Yeah,” you huff, “a job which consists of sneaking around and talking to people.”
“Today,” he corrects you. “But still, after all that sneaking,” he mocks you. “Then it’s a lot of talking on the phone, computer shit, and filling out paper. You hate that stuff. So, you go to school, make some friends, see if any of the teachers remember me—”
“They can’t remember you if they’re dead,” you grumble and bounce your eyebrows. “You are ancient.”
He scoffs and shakes his head. “Just…have fun,” he shrugs nonchalantly.
You roll your eyes and groan out dramatically so he knows you’re bugged. You then proceed to rest your arms over the open window, and rest your chin on your clasped hands to pout.
And it’s at that very moment that you look through the rear view mirror, that you catch the gleaming brown eyes of a guy with the best brown styled hair you’ve seen a guy wear. He has nice thin pink lips, he’s tall from what you can notice, and slim but not super scrawny, he’s like, perfectly built, like Tom cruise! Yeah, that’s right, he’s like a Tom cruise type, only this guy is a lot cuter.
You shouldn't have been able to notice so much in that little time he passes by, but the funniest thing is that time seemed to slow down a bit.
Albeit he was walking around with some brunette girl so he didn’t care about you.
“So you ready then?”
Maybe now that you’ll be in somewhat of a stable living condition you’ll get a boyfriend! Maybe a guy as nice looking as that guy that passed by.
“Kid?” Your dad calls out again and nudges your arm.
You snap your eyes over to him and quirk a quizzical brow. “Huh?”
He snickers. “Ready to go in? I have shit to do.”
You sigh and lift your chin off your hands to take your sunglasses off your face and put them away, even if it goes with the mini black dress, and the black knee high boots over the tights. It may be a lot for school, but…what do girls wear to school?
“Let’s go,” you mumble and hide your nerves.
Once you get inside the school it’s when the stares all direct at you, no one is shy to look away especially because your dad is walking at your side, and well you are the new girl. It makes you feel like you’re under a spotlight, or like you just got in trouble and have to be escorted to the principal. You try to ignore the wandering stares as best as you can, but they do make that knot in your stomach only feel worse.
You would’ve hooked your arm around your fathers, but you were already getting talked about and stared at so you just dig your nails on your palms and stick by your dads side the entire way to the front office. When you do reach that office, just as your dad is going to open the door for you, some guy with a blond mullet, a denim over denim outfit, and a creepy smirk holds the door open for you.
“Thank you,” you tell him.
The guy shoots you a wink and then looks you up and down before you walk past, making you scrunch your nose in disgust, and then look back at your dad with a teasing smile once the guy is gone.
“That is a guy you wanna stay away from,” your dad whispers to you.
“Were you one of those guys daddy?” You ask him.
Your dad shakes his head. “Nah, I was nerdy back then. I was picked on by the guys that looked like that. Your uncle always got in trouble ‘cause he stepped in to protect me.”
You smile softly since this is one of the rare times he talked good about his half older brother; same dad but they had different moms.
“I wonder if those same guys would pick on you now,” you retort with a smirk.
Your dad scoffs softly. “I’d like to see em try.”
“How can I help you two?” The front office lady asks, cutting off your conversation with your dad.
“Yeah,” your dad agrees and turns to face the young red head—or well she isn’t young, but she is younger than the other lady across from her. “Actually, it’s my daughter's first day of school today, I came to sign some papers.”
The lady’s eyebrows lift as she now realizes who you are. “Oh, the new senior, okay. Just a moment let me grab those papers for you now.” The lady gets out of her seat and walks to the cabinet at the other end of the room.
“Here,” your dad directs at you and turns to hand you your backpack he had been carrying. “Remember I’ll pick you up after school so don’t try to sneak off somewhere,” he says with a feigned stern tone since he really doesn’t mean it. He just likes to sound authoritative with you in front of other adults.
You playfully roll your eyes and nod stiffly. “Sure, sure.” You swing your backpack over your shoulder, but now, hoping he’d change his mind and let you stay home now, you part your lips to ask, but then the door opens and that brunette girl that was with the cute guy walks into the office alone.
She’s very pretty, and has a very prominent jaw, like the kind the celebrities have. Is she senior too?
“Here they are,” the lady returns and presses the papers on the counter for your dad to sign. “Will you be the main parent to contact, or will it be the mother?”
You look at the red headed women and then glance at your dad.
“No, no,” he chuckles and begins to fill out what was highlighted on the sheets. “It’s just me. No mom.”
The lady lowers her glasses to check out your dad and slowly sits back on her chair. “If it’s just you and her then why move all the way out in the middle of nowhere.”
Your dad shrugs. “Just wanted to give my girl a calm life, we’ve been around a lot so I, uh, wanted to give her a more simple life like how I had back in my prime.”
The lady smiles and leans forward to bat her eyelashes and show more of her cleavage to your father—She wouldn’t be the first. It’s weird, women hear that he’s a single and caring father and the ladies swoon.
He doesn’t fail to notice it either, he always likes to flirt with women this way because he says it’s the simplest trick in the book; showing he cares about his family, and showing off that he was a caring single dad. He also says that when you were a baby women would swoon and flock around him.
Do you believe that? Hardly.
“We encourage every student to take an extracular,” the lady says but keeps looking at your dad. “Here’s what we have open.” She places another piece of paper on the table and points to the top labeled ‘activities’, and then drags her pen down to mark the women’s sport section.
When you look at what they have for sports though, all the shit is lame for women.
“You should give band a try,” your dad suggests. “Play the trumpet like your old man.”
You hum and shrug. “Eh, how about women’s soccer?” You look up at him to meet his gaze. “I could try that considering there’s, like no boxing or you know stuff like that.”
“Did you come to Hawkins?” The lady interjects and pulls your fathers attention away.
“Yeah, I did, a long time ago it seems like now. I’m Rowan Hopper.” He reveals.
The lady’s eyes go wide and she has to take off her glasses to…look better?
“You’re related to Chief Hopper?” She probes with a curious look.
Your dad nods stiffly. “Yeah, he’s my older brother. Half-brother. Did you go to Hawkins?”
You roll your eyes and circle the sport you want to enter and slide the paper back to the lady. “Here,” you cut her off to continue this progress before you last here all day.
The lady blinks and drags her eyes to you and sighs before taking the paper. “Okay, I’ll tell the coach. Practice is every Tuesday and Thursday after school.”
You hum in agreement and push yourself back from the counter since you’re done.
“Here’s your schedule,” the lady says and shows off a sheet of paper with all your classes on it.
When you take it she gets up and walks around the counter to reach the same brunette girl. “This here is Nancy Wheeler, she’ll be your chaperone for the day. She’ll show you to your classes.” She feigns a smile, and you meet Nancy’s gaze to shoot her an awkward tightlipped smile.
“That’s all we need, you’re free to go, thank you,” the lady continues and now gets closer to your dad to actually grin. “Come back whenever you want, I can show you around if you’d like.”
You stifle your teasing laugh, and catch Nancy’s amused look that matches yours at the sound of the lady being so bold with your father.
“I might have to take you up on that offer,” your dad retorts with a small smile before he turns to meet your gaze. “I’ll see you later kid.”
You let out a deep breath and nod stiffly. “Okay.”
He begins to back away, but first pulls his finger close to the corner of his lips, and then curves it upward to motion you to smile.
You scoff at his speechless message and offer him a tightlipped smile.
He doesn’t like that response though, so he repeats himself, causing you to sigh and offer him a sweet smile.
“Good, good,” he says and reaches the door. “I’ll see you later my dear, have a good first day.”
You offer him a small goodbye wave and a sadder look. “Bye daddy.”
Said man shoots you a smile before he turns and walks out of the office, leaving you with your guide Nancy now.
“Okay,” she cuts in and walks over to you. “I can show you to your locker, it’s right by mine.”
You look over at her and nod in comprehension before she leads you out.
It’s quiet between you and her for a few seconds. You haven’t really had many friends, or had the time to talk to anyone your age, so it’s hard to know what to talk about, but you try.
“Are you senior too?” You ask her.
Nancy steals a quick glance and shakes her head. “No, I'm a junior, but we share a lot of the same classes. And well, we don’t get many new kids here but when we do, helping them is extra credit.”
Ah a big shot. Your dad told you about people like her. He was once like her too, so you can’t say they’re terrible people, actually she's the kind of person you should be friends with.
“Ah, well, thanks anyway,” you exhale and look around at all the gawkers watching you like if you’re their next meal. “This is my first day at an actual school, so I,” you giggle nervously. “Would be completely lost.”
“Actual school,” Nancy quotes with a curios gaze. “What do you mean?”
“Well…” you pause and avert your gaze. “I’ve been homeschooled almost my whole life until now.”
Nancy’s already big eyes go even wider, and her lips spread to a faint amused smile. “Wow, that’s interesting. Why the sudden change? I mean you’re a senior, you’re almost done with school.”
To avoid exposing what little you do know about your dads mission here at Hawkins, you shorten your short version. “Well…my dad came here so I said why not give it a try? Get the high school experience before I can’t.”
Nancy hums softly and nods along. “Nice. Well I really hope you like it, even if coming here isn’t so exciting.”
You laugh softly, and slow down to a stop alongside her as she walks to a pair of lockers. “Well, you know I’m actually looking towards the slow boring days,” you share with her, and surprise yourself because you are sharing.
You aren’t shy, or you don’t think you are, but you also didn’t think you’d be diving so deep with someone yet. “My dad and I move around a lot, in and out of the country for his work, never too long anywhere so I’m actually excited for the mundane stuff that Hawkins has to offer.” You add.
Nancy blinks and peers back to meet your gaze with a spark of interest that twinkles in her eyes and shows off a small smile. “Well you put it that way,” she mumbles and turns to open her own locker. “Then it’s hard to argue.”
You hum and look at your paper to read the number of your combination. You do know how to do that so you open it with ease, but as you do, from the corner of your eye you catch the cute guy from before sneaking up on Nancy from behind. He catches her by surprise and wraps his arm around her neck before pressing a kiss on her cheek.
Nancy giggles and squirms away from his touch, letting you shove nothing in your locker since you actually don’t know what you need yet, it’s just awkward to watch them, so you just look at the empty and small locker.
“Hey, y/n,” Nancy calls.
You shut the locker door and slowly turn to face her and him.
“This is Steve…”
So that’s his name? He looks like a Steve.
“Steve, this is the new girl, Y/N, she just transferred from homeschool, she’s actually a senior too.” Nancy introduces and plasters a small smile on her face.
The guy throws his hand up for a stiff greeting, and then lifts his chin. “Hey.”
You draw in a deep breath and smile softly. “Hey,” you exhale, and find yourself holding his gaze for a moment before you pull your eyes away and look at your schedule. Unbeknownst to you he keeps his gaze on you for another lingering second.
“Well, I’ll catch you later Nance,” Steve interjects. “I need to grab something from my locker. I just came to say hi.”
Nancy gives him a comprehensive response before he presses a kiss on her lips, letting you know the status of their relationship. He in fact is not single….
“Come on,” Nancy directs at you now and points her head down the hall. “I’ll show you to your first class.”
The walk there is short but is now filled with silence. You would have tried to fill it, but one, you are very much disappointed by him being taken, even if you weren’t going to try something either way. And two, you also can’t speak because of your never ending set of racing nerves that riddle your body. It’s why when you reach your class you step just to the door, and then pull your head back to watch Nancy get out of sight before you rush to the bathroom just down the hall from the class.
Thankfully no one else is inside so you face the window and exhale deeply.
Today shouldn’t be so hard, you tell yourself—it’s like another day at your dads office…those rare times he gets to go—
Only these aren’t adults but kids your own age, judgy kids who haven’t stopped looking at you.
You stick out like a sore thumb here! It’s awful—but you’ll get over it, it’ll be okay. You’ll make friends, go to class and blend in.
You’ll live a normal life for however long you last here.
Isn’t that what you’ve wanted, what wished for afterall? Stability? An ounce of normal in your hectic life?
Well this can be it, stability.
You exhale again, and pull out your lipgloss to apply one more coat before you walk out and head back to class just as the bell rings in the somewhat empty hall. The only one also walking the hall is Steve, and he seems to be walking to the end of the hall where your class is.
Does he have the same class? Hm?
And just as you think about him he looks back and finds you, but he then looks back ahead quickly. A couple seconds pass and he looks back again; does he have something to say or what?
You’d move but you have the same class so you stay and keep walking behind him.
Steve peers back once more, so you scoff this time and throw him a comment. “I’m not following you if that’s what you’re thinking.” You open your schedule and point to the first class. “See, same class.”
Steve turns around to walk back and face you. “Never thought that, but now that you are showing me, did homeschooling not teach you how to hold a paper right? Aren’t you people supposed to be wicked smart?”
You blink rapidly in disbelief and scoff as you turn the paper around the right away. “Did homeschooling not teach you how to hold a paper right?” You mock him.
Steve narrows his gaze on you before he rolls his eyes and feigns a dry laugh. “Real mature. Guess you just proved me wrong.” He teases with a playful smirk.
You shoot him an unamused glare and quip back. “You started it, now I’m heading to class.” You huff out and pick up your pace to walk past him.
“Yeah?” He scoffs. “Well me too.” He picks up his own pace to beat you to the same class.
You roll your eyes in annoyance, but you also can’t help but smile faintly at the ground before you walk in your first class.
Lunch, a break between classes before the rest of the day. It’s not as different as home, albeit usually you did eat lunch with your grandmother or your father, and the food was…uh…way more appetizing than whatever slob they give here.
Regardless, pushing that plate aside, Nancy. You asked if she’d like to have lunch with you so you wouldn’t sit alone in the cafeteria in the middle of all the other students with clics of their own, but, well she isn’t here. Nor is her boyfriend. It’s been 10 minutes now too. Perhaps she’s just running late.
Or she just doesn’t want to talk to you and pretended to be interested in what you had to say between classes….
Yeah….that sounds right—but! You’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and keep waiting.
Eat? No, you’ll bring your own food next time.
Think about going to, “Tina’s Halloween bash.” And get “sheet faced”? Yeah, it sounds promising. Cool. You've never been to a high school party so it should be cool, especially because it’s a costume party!
Maybe you can be—well that’s still up for debate, but it should be cool. Maybe you can even make more friends, considering the one you wanted to be with isn’t showing up. Great.
Maybe being outside will make you seem less like the new girl. At least you won’t be gawked at as much anyway.
Thus you push yourself off the bench and pick up your tray. Yet just before you can turn away from the chair a plate slams on the spot across from you.
You slowly lift your eyes and notice a guy with long brown hair, a leather jacket over a band shirt, and kind brown eyes.
“Hello, new girl and welcome to Hawkins high!” He greets with a wide welcoming grin.
You slowly sit back down and offer him a small smile. “Hi…” you mumble.
The guy rests his elbows on the table and then rests his chin on his hands before leaning in. “I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours.”
You squint your eyes and feel your lips tug to a wider smile. “Y/N?”
He narrows his gaze and picks on that. “Is it y/n? Or are you messing with me? Or are you just not sure, I’ve heard you’re homeschooled.”
You roll your eyes and shake your head. “I was homeschooled, not kept from learning. I’m just….unsure.”
“Unsure?” He quotes and picks his head off his chin. “About what? Me?” He points at his chest.
You shrug. “You know you just come here, leather coat, long hair like Ozzy Osborne, I just need to be cautious.”
The guy's eyes go wide and his smile widens. “Don’t shit me girl, you know Ozzy Osbourne?”
You narrow your gaze and furrow your brows in confusion at his question. “Yes. Why shouldn’t I?”
The guy looks you up and down and then points at your dress. “Because you’re dressed like that?”
You chuckle and nod. “Yeah, I guess lookwise I kind of give a different perspective, but, that’s why you can’t really judge me based on my looks.” You shrug playfully.
The guy chuckles and then smiles softly. “You’re right. So y/n—”
“First,” you cut him off. “I gave you mine, now give me yours.”
The guy holds your gaze and shares what you ask for. “Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
You shoot him a sweet grin. “Well thanks Eddie for taking time from your lunch to talk to me.”
“Well,” he says and picks up his plastic spork. “You looked lonely so I came out of pity.” He smirks.
You feign a laugh, but then go serious. “You are joking right? Because if you aren’t, this makes things weird.”
Eddie snickers and nods. “I’m messing with you, but really I came because you did look lonely.”
You mess with your food and sigh. “I was waiting for my guide who agreed to lunch but she bailed.”
He hums and then takes the orange flier from the table. “You got invited to this thing?”
You hum in agreement. “Yep. This girl was just handing them out so I took it.”
Eddie’s eyebrows begin to knit together out of cursoity. “You goin’?”
You shrug. “I don’t know, depends if I can come up with a last minute costume. Are you?”
Eddie slams the paper down and shoves food in his mouth. “I’m too much of a loser to be invited to one of those parties.”
“What?” You quip. “Loser? Really? I don’t see it.”
“You,” my friend he says and swallows his food. “Haven’t been here long, so let me tell you, me and my friends. The band geeks, some of the school newspaper people, and you know all that stuff, are considered losers here by the jocks and everyone who has enough of daddy’s money to buy themselves some friends.”
You set your utensil down and look around at everyone having lunch before you look back at Eddie. “I can’t say I agree with you, I’ve been homeschooled my whole life up until now. All my school experience comes from tv and my dads stories. If I go to that Halloween party it will be my first highschool party ever, but from what I’m experiencing now, I think you’re cool. I mean besides Nancy, you’re the first person who’s bothered to have an actual conversation with me.”
Eddie’s offers you a half smile and nods slowly. “Thanks. You’re cool too, especially because you know Ozzy Osbourne. But I don’t want to taint you, you’re new, pretty, you can have cool friends.”
You nod. “Yeah, but will they actually be genuine if all they care about is my looks, and my daddy's money, as you say?”
“Guess that depends.”
You hum softly and take the flier from the table to shove it in your backpack.
“But can we rewind and touch on the fact that you haven’t gone to a high school party before?” Eddie points out, making you cover your face and grow hot out of embarrassment.
“I told you,” you remind him. “I’ve been homeschooled. My dad moves around a lot for work, so as to not keep moving schools, he just chose to teach me, and let my very strict grandma teach me. I can’t really make friends and go out if I’m hopping on a plane every other month.”
Eddie leans over and slams his hands on the table. “Well you my friend are going to crash that party with me.”
You put your hand down and slowly begin to smile with joy. “Really? That sounds like fun. I'm down.”
Much of the second half of school was quite boring, a lot of stuff that the teachers talked about is stuff you already learned so it serves mostly as a reminder. Which…can be useful for tests…
That girl Nancy, showed up after stranding you at lunch and did not forget to throw apologies, saying that she forgot she was going to help her boyfriend study, and that she literally forgot about lunch. It doesn’t make a good impression to you’re already cautious mind, but you ignore the warning and let it slide.
It’s not like you have much options anyway.
And now home. Your dad got home and went off to report, type, and write about his mystery day. He has failed to come out of his office, so you’re left to your own devices. Which consists of staying in your living room watching tv and doing homework, you’re just not used to so much space, it all feels…forbidden. It just doesn’t feel like it’s yours yet. You’ll give it time though, soon your mind will come to terms that your current house is more than just a square.
Albeit there is one aspect that does make you grasp how big your house is, and that’s how lonely it all makes you feel. Usually you’re content knowing that your dad is in the room next to yours, but now you’re in the living room and he’s upstairs, far, and closed off in his office.
He didn’t even come down for dinner.
Maybe you should pay him a visit. Cure yourself from this loneliness.
“Hey,” you call softly. “Dad.” You tap your fist on the door again and press your ear against the door.
A few seconds pass before his voice travels out. “Come in.”
You slowly open the door and first peak your head inside. “You missed dinner,” you say as you watch him spin around on his chair to face you cautiously stepping in his office. “So I brought it for you.” You walk in fully and show off the plate.
The corner of his lips tug upward slightly. “Thanks,” he mutters while he watches you walk in.
“How was your day?” You query whilst you study his office and look out for anything that will clue you as to what he’s been doing today.
Your dad takes the plate from your hand and actually redirects your question. “How was yours?”
You narrow your gaze and stay quiet for a few seconds, finding his avoidance off, but not questioning it too much yet. “It was…” You sigh and shrug. “Cool. It’s weird.” You smile. “Going to class. Being around so many people my age. I mean some classes are quite boring because I already know what they were teaching, but…I think I like it. I like school.”
Your dad hums softly. “That’s good baby. Wh-what about that chaperone girl?” He wonders. “You make friends with her? She seemed nice.”
“Yeah,” you agree and lean against the wall. “She was nice but she was kind of…weird…she was in and out. At times it feels like she does wanna be my friend, but she then pulls away. Is that normal?”
As your dad takes a bite from his sandwich he drops his gaze and blinks slowly. “Well you're basically strangers, give her some time. Get to know her. Invite her over, or I don’t know, hang out.”
Yeah he is right, you can’t have her be your bestest friend in a day. Maybe you’ll see her at the party, or-or maybe you can hang out the day after! That’d be nice.
“Get this though,” you add excitedly and dig in your sweaters pocket to pull out the party invite. “I got invited to a halloween party!” You hand your dad the paper so he can look at it, and then fiddle with your fingers. “Could I go?”
“Hm,” he hums and then swallows back his food and scoffs in amusement. “Sheet-faced. That’s…funny.”
“Yeah,” you scoff. “Not so creative, but can I? I met a guy, he said he’d accompany me. He’d even pick me up.”
Your dads gaze lifts at the mention and rather than picking on the fact that you mentioned a boy, he begins to smirk. “Sure, you can go.”
You beam and clap. “Yay.” You run over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. “I thought of my costume already…drum roll please!”
Your dad puts the plate down and pats his hands on the handles of his chair.
You skip back away from him, making him follow you with his eyes.
“David Bowie!” You announce. “More specifically, a costume he wore in his The 1980 Floor Show. The one with the nets and fake hands.”
Your dad grabs his plate again and smirks. “I’ll like to see how you pull that off for tomorrow.”
“Don’t doubt me, I can do it. I’ll be the best dressed one there!” You clasp your hands together and swing them down. “Now my keys! Please.”
Your dad sighs deeply before spinning around and swiping your car keys off his desk. “Just be careful, okay? No drinkin’, or you know pumping music to loud.”
Just as you’re about to snatch your keys from his hand you look at him with a growing smile. “Pumping music?” You repeat as you begin to giggle. “Dad?” You shoot him a playful glare.
He throws his hands up and finds nothing wrong with it. “What? I heard someone say it!”
You burst out laughing harder and swipe your keys from him. “I’m gonna go pump music in my room now,” you tease him and laugh louder as you begin to stride out of his office.
Rather than staying in his office your father follows after you whilst he eats his sandwich. “Mhm, I love tomato stems in my sandwich.”
You peer back and click your tongue. “Shoulda made dinner than. Besides vitamins…can’t having you lacking at work. Who’ll keep up with my expensive taste then?”
“College fund,” he muffles with his mouth full of food. “Or drugs. It’s a growing business.”
You giggle and walk into your open room, and throw your keys on your bedside table before you stop by your bed and just look at it.
With all the moving around for his work you’ve actually never had a bed of your own. Never one you can pick out pretty covers for, never one to say “yeah that’s my bed”. You can’t complain about motel beds, or rented homes, but they don’t compare to this, this was yours, your own.
“Now,” you whisper and take your slippers off to jump on your bed. “Tell me,” you add with a grin. “How was your day?” You drag yourself further on the bed and cross your legs to bounce on the bed.
It’s so soft and bouncy, not hard whatsoever. It smells new too, not used and washed by cheap soaps.
“I met with Jim,” he finally shares. “It was…uh…awkward at first, but it was…nice I suppose.”
You scoff and pat the empty space beside you. He doesn’t fret, he puts his plate down and takes the seat beside yours.
However he then gets up and runs to the entrance. You’re about to question him, but he then turns the light off and hurries back to his spot. “Lay back,” he orders.
Your eyebrows furrow, but you don’t question him and do as he asks, seeing he lays back too. Yet seeing him do it only confuses you more.
“So, we—”
“Look up,” he cuts you off.
You draw in a deep breath and flicker your eyes up to the ceiling. That’s when you gasp as you see glowing stars slowly brighten.
“I just thought I’d make this feel like home,” he whispers and turns his head to look at you.
The gesture wasn’t big, they were silly stars that glow in the dark, something for kids, but it means a lot to you that he remembers.
“Do you like them? Or are they embarrassing now?”
You smile in awe and tilt your head down to meet his gaze. “I love them daddy.” You grin happily and look up at the glowing stars again. “Maybe we should have dinner with uncle Jim. Mend what’s broken?”
“I offered,” your dad says with a sigh. “He shut me down, but I did meet up with an old friend, Bob Neeby.”
Oh, right, his nerdy best friend.
“He invited me for lunch tomorrow.”
You hum softly in comprehension, “that’s good. You won’t have to hang out with me all the time now.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “It is weird.” He jokes.
You laugh softly, and then let a comfortable silence take over but only for a little while.
“So,” he breaks the short silence in a more serious tone this time. “I think this will be my big break.”
Your smile falters as you hear him share what you’ve been after.
“You remember the lab I told you about?”
You nod slowly.
“Well,” he continues. “This lab it’s crazier than I was told. It’s more than just experiments. Get this…a boy is presumed dead, there’s a body and everything, but a few days later he comes out alive and it’s like nothing happened. And a few days after he disappeared, a girl disappeared too around the same area, but she didn't come back,” he sighs.
“I spoke with the parents and they say that she was caught up in something that leaked from the lab. Or that’s what Jim told ‘em. But the weird thing is that there’s no body. She just disappeared close to the lab,” he says almost excitedly.
You let out a shaky breath and slowly look at him with a scared frown. “You believe the leak is true?” You ask in a frightful voice.
Your dad sighs and shakes his head. “No. There’s something more going on. There’s unexplained deaths, missing files…unsolved calls. Someone’s covering shit up,” he deadpans. “I’m here to take it all down though. End it all. There’s evil in that lab. I’ll set things right.”
“And after?” You bring up with hope. “Do we get to settle down?”
Your dad lets out a deep breath and nods. “Yeah. After this we stop moving. I go back to Washington, we find a good home there and we just live.”
You turn your gaze back to the stars and can’t help your hopeful smile. “Promise?” You ask.
“I promise,” he assures you.
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writeturnlove · 8 months
The Mate and The New Guy - updates
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Ok, everyone… I’m working on the next chapter of “The Mate” and “The New Guy.”
I have had some medical issues that have hampered my progress. I have new diagnoses and new medications. I’m so sorry for the delay.
I truly hope both chapters are worth the wait.
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I also started a novel called “We Are Not Together.” It’s a friends to lovers romance that takes several twists and turns along the way.
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FYI - S@x. There’s going to be a significant amount of spice in these chapters. One chapter starts off with a live scene and one chapter ends with one. I hope you enjoy it.
Tagging: @diehardlover-blog ; @parker-barnes-af -barnes-aff @angryschnauzer @feelmyroarrrr @storibambino ; @crushed-pink-petals @loveupeople ; @winterwolf57 @harrisbn @titty-teetee
@crimsonash330 @therealhousewivesofidris
@yknott81 @loricameback
@loricamebackyetagain @black-hippie416 @pinknerdpanda @geminimoonbeamx @helenasmirkedno @love-mesome-me @ivorylei @xjkpop
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cevansbrat0007 · 3 months
Indecent Exposure Pt. III: Poolside Promises
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Summary: You convince Ari to finally let you have a little fun this summer. But at what cost? Check out Part One!
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, Dad's Best Friend Themes, Older Men/Younger Women Themes, Brief Allusion to Oral Sex, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Please heed all warnings. Part of my Indecent Exposure Series. If you'd like to be added to the tag list, please let me know.
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Almost Two Weeks After Your Father's Departure...
You glide through the water effortlessly, seeking a brief relief from the summer heat. While the news had promised you and everyone else that today’s weather would be one for the books, the warnings still hadn’t been enough to prepare you for the heat that assailed you the moment you’d stepped out the back door. 
However, it’s not until you allow your head to break through the surface that you realize you were no longer alone. You had company. And he was also staring at you.
Again. It was something he had a habit of doing.
“Can I help you?” It’s a flatly delivered question. 
The man only shrugs, dragging a hand through his shaggy, chestnut brown locks. Frankly, he looked so much like his brother you were almost surprised that you’d never really noticed just how many similarities they actually shared.
Same striking blue eyes. Same massive build. Same chiseled jaw that looked great with or without a beard. But where Steve always possessed an aura or control, Ari emanated something a little more raw and untamed. 
You found found that it sometimes did funny things to those annoying butterflies that had seemingly taken up residence in your belly these days.
“Did you need something?” You try as you continue to tread water in the middle of the pool.
“Nothing you're quite prepared to give, sweet Clover.” Ari responds cryptically, his head cocking to the side as he continues to survey you. 
“Then why the hell do you keep staring at me?”
That was another thing you’d recently come to learn about Ari over the last couple of days. He didn’t seem to care whenever you decided to take a spicy tone with him – a fact you’d discovered when you’d found him sitting in your father’s study just the other morning.
You’d been so happy until that moment, especially since you’d previously been granted three days free of Bucky, Steve, and Andy. Your time alone had been glorious, even if it had proved to be short lived. 
You watch the older man closely, fascinated by the increasingly pronounced tick in his jaw. Hell, if he was allowed to stare then so would you. However, the question was, who would blink first?
Turns out, that award belonged to Ari. 
Humming a tune under his breath, he proceeds to grab a lawn chair before pulling it closer to the edge of the pool. Neither one of you says a word as he takes a seat, his sinewy muscles bunching and flexing beneath the thin fabric of his light gray t-shirt. 
“Just came out here to check on you.” He reaches up to scratch at his beard. “See how you were managing in this heat.”
“I’m managing by planning to spend all afternoon in the pool, like any other sane person would.”
“Ya know, I’m pretty sure Bucky and the boys made it clear that they don’t appreciate your little penchant for snark.” He muses, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.  
Probably. You inwardly concede. It definitely hasn't been winning you any favors. Which is why you often preferred to play the part of a mute. Whenever they allowed you to, that is.
“Doesn’t seem to bother you.” You respond honestly before closing your eyes and flipping your body so that you can float on your back, giving Ari a glimpse of your peaches and cream-colored bikini.
“That’s cuz’ not too much bothers me. I don’t allow it.” 
“Hmm…” You spread your arms, silently wishing you could simply float away from this conversation entirely. “Maybe you should talk to the others about that. Seems like I find a new way to piss them off every time I open my mouth.” 
“Nah.” Ari shrugs away your words as he continues to appear unbothered by the heat. “Something tells me they don’t quite know just what to do with a pretty little thing like you.” 
“Oh. And you do?” Well, you could safely say that you hadn’t been expecting that answer. 
“I’d certainly like to think so.” 
His statement hangs in the air as you both fall silent. While you weren’t quite sure what your would-be caretaker was talking about, it was definitely enough to make you think. And it’s at that moment that you decide to change tactics. Instead of floating here annoyed, perhaps it was time to use Ari’s seemingly indulgent personality to your benefit. 
A friend of yours was throwing a party tonight. And you wanted to go. 
When you’d previously brought it up to Bucky and Steve, they’d both hemmed and hawed over the subject – asking you all kinds of questions and refusing to give you anything more than a non-committal “we’ll have to see” or "we'll have to sit down and talk about it". And when you’d tried to play the ultimate trump card by calling your father, he’d sided with them. 
“I’m not there, pumpkin.” Your Dad had said while you’d been holed-up pouting in your room. “I asked your Uncles to watch over you, which means I’m gonna have to defer to them in situations like this one."
And, as luck would have it, you hadn’t been able to get your answer before they’d just up and disappeared on you like the overbearing assholes they were proving themselves to be.
“Yeah, well, I’m not sure I trust the judgment of anyone who’s crazy enough to sit out here in this heat and roast – not when there’s a perfectly good pool, like, right in front of them.”
“Not sure that pool of yours is big enough for the both of us.” Ari mutters, scrubbing a hand over his jaw. Although you get the feeling he’s talking more to himself than you. 
“It’s plenty big.” You eagerly reassure him, adjusting your position so that you can float closer to where your pseudo-guardian is sitting. “See? There’s aaall this space.”
For a second Ari appears unsure. And the closer you get, there’s no denying the fact that he was finally showing signs of feeling the heat. It’s hard to miss the thin line of sweat dotting along his brow.
“C’mon…” You urge, playfully splashing him. “Don’t be such a hard ass, Uncle Ari.” You decide to tack on the last bit for his benefit, all the while trying hard to keep the edge out of your tone. But if he notices, he thankfully doesn’t comment.
“Fine. Melt.” You heave an exasperated sigh when he still doesn’t move. Climbing onto a nearby pool raft, you turn your attention back to your companion. “Jesus, you guys are always so serious, like all of the time. I mean, what’s wrong with having a little fun?”
“Alright.” That’s all you get before he reaches to pull his shirt over his head, revealing the sculpted body hiding beneath.
You scarcely have the chance to appreciate the sight before you’re treated to the sound of a splash. You let out a squeal as water goes splashing everywhere, rewetting your already rapidly drying body. Seconds later, Ari’s head breaks through the water.
“Happy now, princess?” He disappears again, only to reappear closer to where you’re currently lounging. 
“On?” He asks, seemingly content to tread water alongside you. You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t at least admit that the man was kind of attractive.
Or, as your friends had put it, sexy as hell. Yeah, you weren’t quite sure how you felt about that one.
“Well…” You hedge, giggling when he splashes you to encourage you to hurry up.
“Out with it, Clover. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.” Or fucked. He silently adds.
“There’s this party I kinda wanted to go to tonight. All my friends will be there and I haven't really had the chance to celebrate my birthday with them yet.” You finish, your teeth going to worry your bottom lip. 
Ari studies you for a moment as he tries to figure out the best way to respond. “What did Uncle Steve and the others say?” He already knew that you'd asked them, and he wanted to make it clear that he’s not one to be so easily manipulated. “I’m assuming you asked them first.”
“They said “maybe”. Well, two of them did anyway. But then they left without ever giving me a real answer.” 
“I see.” He offers you a cheeky grin while pausing to swat at a wayward fly. “Maybe we should call them. See if they’ve finally made up their minds–.” 
“No!” You shoot straight up on your perch, accidently flipping the raft and sending you tumbling back into the icy cool water. You come up sputtering and coughing, and while you can’t quite tell, you’re also fairly certain that Ari is laughing at you.
“You all good?”
“Yeah.” You gag, hating the taste of chlorine. 
Ari nods before moving to retrieve your float. He’s even kind enough to hold it still long enough for you to climb back on it again. Only once he’s satisfied that you’re secure does he seem interested in continuing the conversation. 
“So…it sounds like you really wanna go to this party. Don’t you, Clover?” 
“Yes.” You breathe, refusing to say anything more than that just in case he was actually considering it. You’re so desperate that you don’t even balk when he begins swimming towards the edge of the pool, dragging you along with him. He doesn’t speak again until he’s reached his destination. 
“Tell me, will there be any drinking at this party?”
“Now’s not the time to lie to me, princess. Will people be drinking at this party?” He reaches up to cup your chin, his brilliant blue eyes boring into yours as if he's attempting to unravel all of your secrets.
One by one.
“I swear! Grace’s parents would positively kill her if they found out she threw that kind of party.”
Ari quietly mulls over your answer before deeming it to be honest enough for his liking. “How about boys?”
Fuck. While you couldn’t be honest, you also didn’t want to lie. Not when you were this close to getting what you wanted. Which was freedom. 
“Her little brother will be there. He’s a couple grades below us. But it's not like she can kick him out or anything.”
“Just her little brother, huh?” You could tell he was feeling more than a little skeptical. However, you’re surprised when he seemingly lets it slide. Releasing his grip on your chin, he gives you a little push, content to let you float away. 
“I swear. We can’t do anything too crazy with him around – he’d rat us out sooo fast.”
Please believe me. Please believe me. Please believe me. 
Holding your breath, you watch as he climbs out of the water. He makes a beeline for your towel, patting himself dry to the best of his ability before draping it over his shoulder. 
“Okay, sweetheart. I might be willing to make an executive decision on this one, provided you’re willing to do something for me in return. Something that’ll keep at least some of the heat off of me when it comes to dealing with Steve and the boys.”
What you didn't know was that they had already discussed your desire to attend this party – him, Bucky, Andy, and Steve – and they'd decided that the answer was "no". But since you'd gone the last couple days without throwing a tantrum, Ari felt inclined to give you what you wanted. It also helped that he found your bratty ways to be rather endearing.
So long as you weren't outrightly disrespectful.
“Anything.” The word flies out of your mouth before you can catch it. And just like that, that damn tick in his jaw is back.
“The only way I feel comfortable enough letting you go is if you promise to text me every 30 minutes. Doesn’t have to be long. Just a message to let me and the other guys know you’re okay.”
What the hell?
You open your mouth to protest before deciding you’re better off not. Right now, you’d take the win and try to renegotiate the rest later. 
“Take it or leave it, princess.” 
“I’ll take it!” You reply, albeit probably a little too enthusiastically. “Thank you so much!”
Ari doesn’t even crack a smile. Instead that damned tick of his only seems to grow even more pronounced. “Alright.” With that, he turns and begins striding towards the door. “I’ll, uh…I’ll get you another towel.” He pauses once he reaches his destination, turning to face you once more. 
“And Clover?”
“Yeah?” You call back, feeling happier than you have in almost two whole weeks. 
“Don’t make me regret this." Ari rumbles, allowing you to get a good, long look at his muscled, hair covered chest. "I'd hate for my kindness to come back and bite me in the ass. It would be a shame to start the summer off on such a bad note.”
His words leave you so speechless that you can only watch as Ari proceeds to waltz through the sliding door, leaving you outside all alone once more. But not before reiterating his promise to bring you another towel so that you can get ready for lunch.
“Well, fuck…” Is all you can muster before rolling yourself off your float and into the cooling expanse of the water. You swim down to the bottom, touching the floor with both hands as you work to center yourself. 
You hold your breath for as long as you’re able before the need for oxygen forces you to resurface. As you greedily gulp air into your burning lungs you tell yourself not to give a fuck about Ari and his bullshit. Instead, you decide to focus on the most important aspect of tonight, namely…
Just what in the hell were you going to wear?
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Official Tag List
@daykrisr999 @our-marvel-universe @imyourbratzdoll @xjule @jamabean @babyhatesreality @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @inappropriate-shell @emmy-littlebird @sarahowritesostucky @cjand10 @mrsstuckyboo @emerald-writes @swagger1 @mostlymarvelgirl @still-scribblin @ninacutebee16 @ladyvenera @katymae12344
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whoreforsamwilson · 8 months
Friend Of Mine {Long}
Warning: Language
Word count: 1,039
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Hurt and anger formed in Sam’s eyes as the words fell from Bucky’s lips. “Sam please you have to understand,” Buck tried to reason stepping closer to Sam, but Sam only stepped further away from him.
Silence filled the room, Bucky searched Sam’s face for answers, or anything for that matter.
“He was my best friend,” Sam mumbles clutching his fist.
Bucky dropped his head, I watched from afar I didn’t want to interfere, at least not yet. “For years I mourned and grieved. And went through endless cycles of guilt.”
“I-“ started Bucky but Sam cut him off.
“And you know, I invited you into my home had you around my family, and expressed to you on multiple occasions how much Riley meant to me.”
Bucky tried apologizing for the umpteenth time since the truth was exposed.
I didn’t even know how to feel about the situation, Riley was my best friend to I was there with Sam on that endless emotional cycle.
I can only imagine the betrayal Sam feels compared to my own.
I loved Rile just as much as Sam does, but I also understand that Bucky wasn’t himself and was being controlled.
He took a deep breath and turned towards Sam again. "I know how important he was to the both of you. And I'm sorry, Sam. For everything." His voice broke on the last word.
Sam stared into the blue pools of Bucky's eyes, tears welling up in his own eyes.
He took a shaky breath as if his emotions were going to overtake him, “I trusted you.”
Sam left the room with nothing else left to say. It was quiet again, Bucky and I standing opposite of each other.
His eyes lingered on mine before he shifted them to the floor.
“If you need anything you know where to find me.” I gave him one last look before turning and following Sam outside.
It’d been over a month since we saw Bucky after what went down. Sam had been keeping himself distracted and distant.
He woke up extra early to leave and came home super late. Sarah would come by to check on him or bring the boys to get him out of his funk, but that never lasted long.
He would lock up in the garage working on something new for his suit or making upgrades on Red Wing, and if not that he was at the boat.
I knew that's where he'd be today, I braced myself and I turned the car off and got out.
I didn't know how any of it was gonna go, he kept everything bottled in and it could go left and fast. He sat on the edge of the dock with his fishing pole.
I could hear him humming along to Trouble Man.
I approached him sitting down next to him, he looked over at me and then turned his attention back to the water.
It was silent between us, and it had been like that for so long around the house I couldn't take it any longer.
"You okay Sam?" I asked.
"I just found out that my friend killed my best friend Y/N. How do you think I feel?" He spat. I took in a sharp breath trying to keep my composure. "Sam, I know you're upset, but we can't blame-"
Sam scoffed and looked at me sideways, "Y/n, don't finish that fucking sentence, Riley was your best friend too and you just gonna brush that shit under the rug again just like everyone else did!" He yelled now standing and walking towards the boat.
I got up and followed him, I didn't want this to turn into an argument, but I'd be damned if I let him talk to me like that.
"Are you serious right now Sam? You don't think I stayed up nights on end dealing with my emotions after caring and catering to you? Yes Rile was my best friend and I loved him just as much as you did, but I also know Bucky wasn't himself either. I'm trying to force you to talk to him, all I'm saying is that this doesn't mean you have to give up on him."
I stopped talking and sighed, Sam turned to me still staring daggers at me. "Why are you defending him so much? Did you know he did this?" Sam threw the questions faster than I could answer them, so I stayed silent.
Taking my silence as a yes Sam asked, "For how long?"
I couldn't lie to him any more than I already had, "From the moment you started working with Steve," I watched as his facial expression changed from anger to disbelief.
"How could you keep something like this away from me for so long Y/N?" asked Sam.
"You said you'd tell me everything when I needed you most," Sam said looking directly at me. His voice filled with hurt and hatred.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you were so excited to work with Steve and I didn't want to ruin that for you, but then once I saw on the news the attack on the bridge that day, I started doing my own digging, and that's when I found out. I wanted to tell you, but then you got into deep with him, and I couldn't bring myself to do it."
"I don't care, what was going on Y/N, you should have told me. You had plenty of time to tell me this Y/N/N."
"I'm sorry Sam," I apologized, I knew he wouldn’t care, but he needed to know that it wasn't the right time.
Sam closed his eyes and sighed deeply before opening them again, his gaze was soft, but held no warmth, "I think we need some time away from each other."
I stood there hurt running through me. I didn't say anything to change his mind, because I knew I couldn't do that.
"See you around," I said turning to walk out of the boat and to the car. I knew I wouldn't see him around anymore.
My heart felt like it was being ripped apart by the hands of the person I considered my friend and lover. I got into the car and drove home numbly, but now I know how he felt.
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neonovember · 1 year
Redwood Oak’s
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Mafia!au x Steve Rogers
CHAPTERS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
summary: your escape to Brooklyn was harboured by secrets and a harrowed past, left abused and betrayed, you accepted your destiny of being swallowed by the crowd. Until the King of New York showed up in front of you and wanted a piece of you for himself.
divider by @firefly-graphics​ !
Taglist 🏷️ (send an ask to be part of my taglist for this series!)
@tinkerbelle67 @patzammit @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory@nomadstucky @nessie2183 @shamelessfangirl-3 @namelesssav @marvel-phoenix @euphoric-goddess @roseeatta @abschaffer2 @louderfortheback @stupendouslovegardener @wandamaximoff-simp @thedonswife13 @hpsimpspot @samsgirl93​ @cynic-spirit
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Steve's words echo loudly in your skull like a ball being knocked around your head, turning your brain to mush. The warmth of Steve's breath that had gripped you like a vice had dissipated the second the both of you had entered the expansive room of Steve's Office.
You don't see it, but Steve clenches his jaw in tight restraint to stop himself from putting a hole in Rumlow’s head and instead envelopes himself into the stone-faced demeanor he had learnt to form the moment he stepped up to the throne destined for him.
But god, did that horrified look on yourself tear Steve from the inside out. What had he done to you? It screamed betrayal in Steve's mind, that you not only had been hurt but by one of his own men. The man who had sworn to protect you had lied. And for Steve, his word was as good as its weight in fucking gold.
Steve had to play it level headed, the heavy weight of his father's presence was always near, but it seemed to cloud his vision at this moment,
“Don’t do nuthin stupid, think, just stop for a second and think”
Steve didn't want to think, he wanted to delve deep into the darkened desire within him that preened at the idea of Rumlows blood dripping between his clenched fists. Steve’s desire for violence shocked him a little, he could feel his fist shaking under his grip, like they had a mind of their own.
Steve wasn't a violent man, he was sensible, it didn’t matter if the entire city of New York believed he was cruel, because he knew every action had a means, it wasn't just to spill blood and crack skin. Steve’s entire enterprise was never built on appearances, despite the world it lives in, nothing Steve did didn't have an objective reason. He thought that would be a light of mercy before the spray of blood would coat his button-up.
But now, there didn't seem to be any reason to wait and sit, in the end, it all seemed sensible. Any threat of danger to your life needed to be eliminated, and returned with such a display of cruelty that no one would try it again. There was a gnawing feeling, however, at the recesses and edges of Steve's mind, the kind that screamed at him to see what was truly happening.
“Look”, and Steve learnt to listen.
There was something more to Rumlow than just scaring you, something more sinister, it echoed deep within Steve and the reminder of the cruel world beneath the gravel ground was as clear as ever. Steve had to find out because now he felt that your safety was his responsibility, an obligation he felt every bone within him scream to fulfil.
“Bucky” Steve calls the brown-haired man dressed down in a black suit, the outline of a holster poking through the waist of his jacket.
Bucky murmurs something into Sam's ear, before making his way towards Steve, his gaze shifting between you and the tall blonde standing a few spaces behind you.
“Need something from me, Steve?” Bucky says, making an effort to keep his gaze towards Steve, despite Steve's gaze being situated on you.
“Take our friend here to get something to eat, and then use one of my cars to get her home”. Steve murmurs, almost discreetly so only the three of you can hear.
You noticeably fidget at the mention of going home, it wasn't that you didn't want to, you did, by all accounts, but you didn't know what you would open the door to when you did end up back at the decrepit apartment complex you loved. Your apartment wasn't necessarily known for being the most well-secured, but you figured your neighbours would at least tell you if someone had broken in and trashed the place.
Steve moves towards Bucky, turning his body to face away from your wandering gaze
“Take one of my unmarked cars, it seems we’ve got a fuckin rat in our very own house” Steve whispered into Bucky’s ear, causing Bucky to turn his head to face Steve. A look passes between the both of them, their eyes conversing in a way words never could, in a way that told you they had been brothers long before this entire world fell upon their shoulders.
“Well go on then” Steve’s deep voice whispers into your ear, you can taste the heat of his hand pressing onto your waist, as you feel the outline of his revolver press into the small of your back.
“Don’t think I won’t hurt my men to protect you, I’ll kill him if I have to” Steve murmurs, he doesn’t have to say his name, but your mind has been repeating it enough to know who he's talking about, and your heart skips a beat in surprise, air catches your lungs and you have to swallow back the strange feeling brewing in your stomach before following Bucky’s pointed gaze out the office doors, several dozen eyes watching your every step.
The squeak of Bucky’s dress shoes and the click of your pump loafers follow each other down the carpet and painting-lined hallways. You sneak glances through half-open doors and you're met with similar pictures, women and men dressed in black and white staff uniform cleaning and dusting away priceless antiques, ruffling pillows and beds that were never going to be slept in, and folding the endless crisp white shirts Steve wore.
You pass a hallway that looks different to the rest, darker somehow like it was sacred. You don't see any of the endless staff coming out of any of the rooms too, and the millions of questions it springs forth have your eyes squinting to see past the 2 main opening doors.
Bucky turns a corner quickly, and without realising you bump into his back, the rock-hard muscle acting like a brick to cushion your fall. You can’t help but let out a loud yelp, before Bucky turns and catches you from falling flat on your face.
You look up at him clearly flustered, and Bucky gazes down at you in interest, he begins to murmur something but thinks better of it, and slowly lets go of his grip on your waist.
Coughing, he straightens his suit, before motioning forward
“We’re here”
“Hmh? Where is here-” You say
You look towards the expansive dining room, fitted with leather couches surrounding a cast stone fireplace connected to a brick stone kitchen, an iridescent chandelier hangs from the tall ceilings, looking as if diamonds were dripping from above, and the halo of a sparkle glints over the both of you and you can't help but gaze in awe.
“Gorgeous isn't it?” Bucky says, and you glance at him watching the way the chandelier cuts the sunlight so it breaks across the dining room.
It was beautiful, despite being in a room that was in a house of violence, it was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
“Bucky? I thought you already emptied out my kitchen” Calls a voice from the kitchen
Bucky turns towards the voice, a smile for the first time appears on his face and he walks up with you trailing behind.
“You’re still here? I thought Steve gave you the rest of the week off?” Bucky says, and as you walk past the expansive dining room you see a woman dressed in a dirty apron, wiping down a pristine marble countertop that Bucky leans on.
Pots and pans hang from high above the centre block, glinting in a perfect steel arrangement, long panned windows filter light in from the manicured lawns and an array of shelves and creme cabinets line the kitchen. A double burner oven is situated against a grey stone wall, and low-hanging lantern lights are hung from above. David would have loved cooking in this kitchen, that is all you can fathom as you gaze across the opulent space.
You are too fazed to take notice of the conversation happening beside you, until the kind woman looks towards you, cocking her head, her hazel eyes gaze you up and down, taking notice of your strange attire.
“And who is this?”
“One of Steve’s friends came here to get her something to eat but if you're leaving, just know your kitchen is in great hands” Bucky smirks towards the woman, who shakes her head reverently.
“Oh absolutely not, he burnt soup once, goddamn soup!” The woman scolds, a frightened expression taking over her face as she widens her eyes at you.
You can't help but let out a giggle, she was nice, this woman, dark auburn hair braided into a fishtail cascades down her back, her cheeks full as her big brown eyes smile at you.
“Hey!, it was one of those artisan ones alright, screw me for trying to follow a recipe online” Bucky replies, rolling his eyes at the woman as he tries to argue his side to you
“It’s soup Bucky, you put it in a pot and let it heat up” You reply, shaking your head, the woman looks up at you swiftly, a look comes over her face and she nods.
“By your clothing, I can see you are a curator of the kitchen as well?” The woman replies
You look up at her surprised, “Oh no, I’m,-I’m just a waitress”
“Well does the waitress have a name?” She replies
You hadn't had to introduce yourself for much of your life, your name and entire identity stolen and curated by your husband until he was the one introducing you, and now, the sound of your voice feels foreign on your tongue.
“A pretty name for a pretty lady, my name’s Katerina, but just because you're a friend of a friend you can call me Kat. So what would ya like darling?” She says
“Oh, no” You take notice of the recently wiped down and cleaned tabletops
“It’s alright, you've already cleaned up everything and I'm not that hungry, besides Bucky promised to show me around the Manor '' You reply, wiping a hand down to iron out the wrinkles in your work shirt.
“I did?” Bucky replies, and you turn your head, pleading with him to go along with it
“Oh yeah, um, I’ve got to get my Vitamin D you know” Bucky coughs, wincing as he digs his hands into his dress pants.
Kat looks between the both of you, a knowing smile on her face as she nods,
“Oh, I know you'll be here a while.'' She replies, before you both bid your goodbyes and head out through the French doors and onto the stone steps of the entryway of the Manor.
“You really made me lie in front of Kat? What do you think this is? You know I don’t answer to you, and Steve told me to make sure you eat something, especially since last night-” Bucky scolds, before cutting himself off at the mention of your embarrassing
“You know about last night?” You mumble, the burn of embarrassment crawls up your chest as Bucky shifts his gaze to you in guilt
“Parts alright? It was late at night when Steve found you at that bar and it was getting..I just knew I had never seen Steve so, so..” Bucky trails over, shifting his gaze from your eyes.
“So what?” You reply, Bucky was about to tell you something about Steve, specifically last night and every inch of you wanted to know what it was.
“Forget about it” Bucky replies, and you shake your head defiantly.
“No, no I won’t, ever since that day Steve walked into my diner, I’ve been doing this blindfolded dance, spinning around the truth but never being told anything” You reply, challenging Bucky.
Bucky pulls his tongue from his cheek, eyes trailing the manicured garden of the front lawn before looking down at you.
“He was silent. He didn’t say anything the entire ride back, just motionless. And I know Steve has that stone face going on, but honestly? It was like he was thinking, plotting something in that mind of his, and he didn't stop until you were taken to your room and tucked in, hell he didn't stop until we both walked into those office doors”.
You look down at your hands, twirling the old copper band around your index. Thinking? Thinking? You didn't have a clue how to read Steve, let alone know what he could be thinking of all things.
“What does that even mean?” You reply
“It means Steve is deeper in this than he thinks he is,” Bucky replies.
You catch your tongue before you reply with what automatically pops into your head,
If Steve was in this knee-deep, you were entirely swallowed.
Your eyes catch a light shining from the corner of your peripheral vision, over the wall overgrown with ivy.
“I wasn’t lying before,” You say
“Hmph?” Bucky asks, clocking his eyebrow
“Take me there” You reply, pointing towards the wall towards the back of the Manor.
“You mean the abandoned garden?” Bucky scoffs, shaking his head
“If it’s abandoned then no one will know we’re there, right?” You argue
Bucky narrows his eyes, but reluctantly agrees, walking down the steps in long strides as you run after him to catch up.
You both walk along the expansive gravel driveway, the piercing gaze of Steve from the office window above follows the both of you as you venture through the spiny trail that leads to the garden hidden beyond the large hanging evergreen trees that grew along all over the grounds.
Almost losing your balance once or twice, you finally make it through the overgrown foliage, following the stone trail that soon crumbled into the dark dirt floor. Bucky steps over a broken step, before unlatching some kind of bolt and shoving a rotten gate open, breaking the vines that had once grown on the wood.
You walk through the opened gate, Bucky following close behind, and the shrubbery opens up to a clearing. Large evergreen trees like the ones near the Manor surround the open land, however, a different kind of tree stands sky high, and you can’t stop yourself from walking up to one, and feeling the maroon bark rough against your fingers.
You close your eyes and it comes to you,
Redwood oaks.
Times when you would think hard enough, the silhouette of skyscraping trunks, and deep green leaves would cloud your vision, and when you lean your head forward you can almost smell your past. It is beautiful and strange and it hurts just as much. You can’t find yourself anymore, you've resigned yourself to that, but these thousand-year-old trees make you feel more connected than ever.
You want to climb into it and let it consume you. Sleep until you woke up and you knew who you were. It’s strange, the tree reminds you of Steve somehow, like you've been here with him before and it's hitting you like deja vu.
Something has gifted between the both of you, between you and Bucky too, you noticed it today when he spoke to you rather than through you. He didn't have that unsure expression anymore like he didn't fully trust you, and you don't know whether it was because of Steve or because of last night.
The clearing is almost a hill, and you can see fields of honey-coloured wheat and grass cascade into hills as you look beyond the tall trees. You can make out the backbones of where some sort of wooden shelter or structure once stood, now all that was left was a pile of rotting wood and leaves.
“Why is this place abandoned,” You say, it was gorgeous and let in the sun in just the right way for it to be reflected from the trees and shower the clearing with a honey glow, but it was hidden. And all hidden things were hidden for a reason.
“Don't know, it's been in Steve's family for generations, rented out to a couple people and then sold to a family in the mafia. Until Steve bought it back, it seems like this used to be where some sort of sheltered seating area once stood” Bucky replies, digging his shoe into the dirt.
“Yeah well it seems like someone’s put it to good use” You reply, noticing a small hardwood sculpting table fitted next to a workbench, a small but well-built wooden gazebo shelters the workspace, and you want to step forward but something tells you that place is sacred.
A sound comes out of Bucky and when you turn your head, he looks towards the gazebo like he knows who it belongs to. It hits you that he probably does, being the eyes that see all in the place anyway.
“This place yours or something?” You reply, and Bucky looks towards you in surprise like he forget you were there.
“Hmp? No, not me necessarily, but I think I know who” Bucky murmurs, his eyes trailing back to Manor fixating on Steve's office and you have to swallow the laugh that erupts at the assumption.
“Steve? If Steve was to have a hideout behind his Manor it would be for a guillotine, not an easel” You reply.  
You look towards the Manor and even though your vision only catches the pitched roof peeking through the dark pine trees you don’t doubt by the feeling crawling up your arm that Steve is watching you too.
“Steve, he's done something but, he's- he's a good man” Bucky replies, turning a rock onto its smooth side between his hands
“Oh yeah? Just like my husband is? I’m starting to figure out good men don’t need to say they're good men” You retort
Bucky shakes his head, turning the rock between his hands before tossing it into the shrubbery.
“You’re husband, he's done things you can't even imagine, he is the farthest from Steve, he's the farthest that Steve could ever be” Bucky replies with a heated tone.
For some reason that statement sent a burn down your stomach, in some sick way, you felt it was your responsibility to protect your husband's honour and name in front of Bucky, but it disappears when you realise you're the one who had run across the country to escape the very man Bucky loathes.
“I know the things he's done alright? I’m not that oblivious”
“I’m sure you aren't, Steve wouldn't go through all this trouble for someone who isn't..smart. But what you know about your husband is only what he's allowed you to see, in this life, there's so much that goes between looks and eyes,”
“Steve, it's this life that's changed him, changed all of us, swallowed him up until we couldn't even recognise each other. God I wish you could have seen him before, he was so carefree, ran like the wind couldn't even catch him. Your husband, evil like that is born in you, encoded into your DNA until you know nothing else" Bucky replies
“How do you expect me to believe that about him if you leave me in the dark all this time? You say Steve is a good man, well then tell me how” You reply
Bucky grinds his teeth, his jaw working as he weighs the metaphorical pros and cons of letting you in, and telling you things you he doesn't doubt Steve hasn’t. It was strange, Bucky felt it was wrong for you to be in this agreement with Steve so blindly, Steve had told him he wanted to protect you, but how can he say that when you don't even know what he's protecting you from?
With a gruff sigh, Bucky turns his neck to face you, delving into one of the main, if not the entire reason Steve is the way he is, and of course it had to be connected to you.
“About a decade or so ago, Steve was in love with a woman, she was everything to him, his breath, his bones, his love, she owned it all. Now it was about the time when Steve was ordained to take over from his father, it was a tradition since the Rogers planted their foot in the underworld, and it was once Steve's father did not take it lightly. Taking over meant your entire life would be dedicated to this throne, you would live, breathe and eat business, and for Steve, what he lived for was her.” Bucky shifts so that his gaze moves from the Manor. And like he's ashamed to be telling you this, to let the stark demeanour of Steve crack.
Bucky chuckles in the sort of way that wasn’t out of humour, your eyes strain as you peer at him, watching him scratch his jaw and tussle his brown locs free from their curls.
“Steve’s father could sense his weakness before it even started, I guess he thought Steve would realise what was at stake, the responsibilities that he had to honour as part of this family. That week before his coronation, Steve refused his father in front of an entire dining room of men. He refused to let go of her in exchange for his marriage to the throne. Told all of them that he was going to marry her and run off. And I still don't know if it was a show of discipline or plain evil, but Steve never got that chance” Bucky says.
“What do you mean?” You reply, your confused expression turning grim as you notice the bleak look on Bucky's face.
“She was- she was murdered that very next morning” Bucky replies, his eyes returning to you, as you whip your head back to stare at him in horror.
“Your husband, was paid by Steve’s father to murder his fiance” Bucky replies after a beat, your breath leaves your chest as you stare at him in disbelief, hands grasping the edges of your apron as you wait for the punchline, and Bucky stares at you in anguish as you realise there isn't.
You don't know what sounds leave your mouth, just the look of Bucky’s face tears you away from his gaze and the tears glide down your neck. You don’t bother to wipe them, you don't doubt there is more anguish to come, more revelations that will have your head spinning, more secrets that were kept from you.
“Hey, hey, look at me” Bucky replies
“I can’t, I didn’t tell you this for nothing alright? I can’t have you leaving here teary-eyed, you told me you were strong yeah? So be strong. Your husband is a murdering psychopath, he has been since he was a teenager, this mercenary job was done to get his foot in this business, and now you're all muddled up in it too. And Steve, he doesn’t want what happened to her to happen to you” Bucky replies, squeezing your arm to shake you back to the present.
“But why? Why would Steve’s father do that?” You reply
Bucky stares off into the curving hills of wheat and grass, shaking his head before replying
“It was Steve’s obligation, it had been since he was conceived, Steve's father thought he gave him a life free of responsibilities while growing up in that town, he didn't think that recklessness would follow him to Brooklyn”.
“Town? What town” You ask, and this time Bucky avoids your gaze, whispering incoherent obscenities under his breath
“That is something only Steve can tell you, me and Steve grew up together in Brooklyn during our teenage years. That place was something from before even that, before even me”. Bucky replies
You nod as you stare at the river that swirled across the Manor grounds, the shock of your husband's role in Steve’s becoming the invisible stone-faced don he was now didn't fully hit you yet. It was like you were numb, forced to put on a brave face in front of Bucky, who had trusted you enough to tell you about Steve.
The man who you had believed conned his way into your life, and tricked you into a deal you didn't agree to now seemed different to you, you can’t fathom how a man like that, a man so instilled in the traditions of this world once defied it. Steve had once been so in love he was ready to disown his father's own expectations of him, and yet in the end it had gotten her killed, and it had left him seated on the very throne he despised.
“We should probably head back, lord knows what Steve would say if he knew you were still here” Bucky replies, pulling out a cigarette from his suit breast pocket, and flicking open a metallic silver lighter encrusted with the Rogers family heirloom.
The amber light that ignites the bud elicits a strange feeling that litters goosebumps across your body, it reminds you of a burning photograph, left to ashes and soot. You can smell the stench of it too, and Bucky watches you carefully as he clasps the lighter back into his pocket, nodding to the trail you had just come from.
Your mind is too preoccupied to remember walking back to the Manor, or even sliding into the car door Bucky had opened for you. Your mind circled back and forth between the answers Bucky had muttered under the sweet wisp of the morning breeze and the millions of questions that were met with the same silence and face of neutrality that Steve wore.
There was so much that you didn’t know, it hadn't hit you before, but it was so frighteningly obvious now. You were still the same foolishly naive girl that you had been 10 years ago, except this time, if Bucky had been right, you weren't being robbed of your entire autonomy.
You couldn't deny that since you had arrived in Brooklyn, you felt a strange pull that led you to Steve, you felt it the first time he walked into the diner, and although it was crowded by fear then, you can feel it in all its entirety now. For some strange reason, you hoped what Rumlow had said was just another thread of lies he had made you unravel, you hoped to god for Steve’s sake that all it was, was a childish attempt at getting out of babysitting.
You had steered your mind clear from falling down the rabbit hole of what else it could be, and the sinking feeling that begins to unfurl in your stomach now has you pinching yourself awake,  and forcing yourself to stare through the tinted car windows. You watch the blur of the pine trees crowding the curving roads and Bucky’s incessant tapping of the steering wheel over-stimulate your senses, resting your head on the window.
Perhaps Steve knew a thing or two about betrayal, and from the same man that had made you run halfway across the country.
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dc418writes · 2 years
The Sweetest Treat
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✨Pairing✨: CEO!Steve Rogersxblack!reader
Summary🪄: Looks like the gruff, businessman is a bit of a romantic after all
⚠️: 18+ ONLY!! MINORS DNI!!! Brief mention of nudity, allusions to adult happy fun times, pretty much all fluff
A/N🎙️: Hey guys☺️! This is a cute Valentine’s Day drabble that’s also gonna be a sneak peak/teaser into a new short series idea I’ve been thinking of that I hope you guys like💕!
Also in honor of it being love month🥰 I got a few stories I’m gonna try to put out (some typical and some not so much👀). No promises all of them will come out, but hopefully I can as part of a little Valentines Day celebration✨!
*Disclaimer!: although collage was made by me, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pictures used as they were all found on Pinterest*
The mouse-like squeaks are the first to wake you, cracking open your eye to the dim room. Then the whispers from what sounds like two women are next to completely pull you from your slumber as they slide the curtains open to let the welcoming sun fill the once quiet space.
“Bonjour madame,” the blonde cheerfully smiles. Her burgundy pencil skirt suit pristine without a wrinkle in sight. “We’re here to assist with your day of pampering.”
A yawn slips past your lips as you sit up squinting from the sudden brightness. Sleep and confusion still heavy in your mind looking around to see a cart filled with toast, fruit, pancakes, and more. Steve didn’t tell you anything about an event yesterday.
“I um, think you have the wrong room.” Her eyebrows furrow looking down at her clipboard and skimming along whatever words were written.
“This is room 628, no? And you are Mr. Rogers’ guest, Y/N?”
“Well yea but-,”
“He ordered this for you. And left this note madame,” she adds handing you the small folded paper you can already tell is his handwriting.
I know a thing or two about romance lolli. See you tonight at 7
“Flowers for Miss Y/N,” another voice announces knocking at the door. The brunette next to the blonde - you assume the assistant - opens the door with a pleasant “thank you” before returning back to your bedroom with a bouquet of light purple tulips. You can’t stop your lips from curling as she places them in your hands. Their sweet smell immediately filling your nostrils while you delicately run the pad of your finger along one of the soft petals.
“First we do breakfast. Then shopping, followed by massage and facial, hair, makeup, and mani-pedi. This okay?”
“Yes, definitely more than.”
Sitting at the downstairs bar, Steve looks down at the black Rolex on his wrist for the tenth time in the span of five minutes. His usual calm demeanor, noticeably a bit antsy waiting for you to join him. He couldn’t even focus during his meetings constantly wondering if you were enjoying yourself. If those working were handling you with the care you deserved and granting your every wish.
Seven on the dot and you were nowhere to be found. Given, you were probably on your way down now, but what if you weren’t? What if you were actually offended by his gesture and misinterpreting his note to think he only did this for his ego?
He waits though, trying to calm his mind as he fixes his tie then adjusts the sleeves of his black tux.
7:05 and still nothing.
Just as his Italian leather dress shoes hit the tile ready to journey up to the room, he feels every ounce of oxygen leave his body watching you stride towards him. Your curls sat beautifully atop your head in a bun, while the pink satin dress clung to you like a glove. It’s high slit and deep v showing your smooth, shimmery skin tempting him - and probably every other man in sight - for just one touch.
“Sorry, I would’ve been down sooner but emergency potty break,” you shyly smile.
“S’alright, and definitely worth the wait.” His grin has you flustered and whole face heating. “You look beautiful Y/N.”
“Thanks. You’re not bad yourself Mr. Rogers.”
He chuckles a “thanks” before offering his bent arm to escort you out of the bar beginning to grow busier. “You ready?”
Nodding, you let him lead you through the grand lobby where eyes followed both of you out the double doors held open by the two men usually standing guard there. Whispers flowing with every step wondering who you were and in awe of your beauty.
The both of you, really.
Of course you saw how gazes lingered on Steve as if entranced by his walk dripping with confidence. His dominant aura holding them hostage and refusing to let them go.
Tightening your hold on his bicep ever so slightly, you remind yourself that you’re the one on his arm before your head tries to dip low letting that “fish out of water” feeling ruin your excitement.
“Mr. Rogers. Madam,” the chauffeur greets with a warm smile standing beside the all black sedan and holding open the back passenger side door for you both to enter. It’s interior black as well with smooth, leather seats and that new car smell still present along the lining.
“Where to sir?”
“Rêvasser please.” With a simple nod, the car carefully pulls onto the street while Steve rises the partition with the press of an overhead button.
“You know, you didn’t have to go through all this to prove you’re a romantic,” you state meeting his glacier like eyes serious as if he was about to make you a deal. Well, another one.
“I’m not doing this just to prove something Y/N. You’re part of this agreement too, and I wanna make sure I’m doing for you just as much as you’re doing for me - and no, not out of obligation. If I didn’t truly care, I wouldn’t have done anything at all. You know that.”
He was right. Steve was a no nonsense type of man who moved with intent.
What he said, he meant, and if he did something, he was all in.
There’s a sudden heaviness in the air as your gazes stay locked. You momentarily forget to breathe under the intensity - yet underlying softness - of his eyes before you can’t take it anymore. Shyly looking down to your fingers and painted nails in your lap.
“Well, um t-thank you,” you nervously smile. “So this place we’re going, you’ve been before?”
“Once or twice. It’s nice; I think you’ll love it.” You nod, but the way your knee bounces he can tell what flashes through your mind. “Hey, it’s just us. No associates or higher ups to impress.”
Besides you you think lifting your head to flash him a softer smile noticeably more relaxed.
It’s only a few minutes later that the car slows to stop in front of a building seemingly made of glass that stood just as high as the others around. The silver accents along the doors and walls in the form of frames and screens made it look futuristic as you and Steve were led through the dimly lit lobby to the large elevators towards the back.
“Are we eating on the moon?,” you jokingly ask taking note of the RFT button brightly lit at the top of the panel.
“Something like that,” Steve chuckles. His fingers slipping through yours by your side makes tingles spread up the entirety of your arm while anxiously waiting for the final ding to signal you’d arrived to whatever he had planned for you.
“Mr. Rogers. Miss,” the lean, suited man smiles extending his arm just as the metal doors slide open to reveal a runway of white petals leading to a circular table. The only table waiting on the quiet rooftop deck.
The sheer tablecloth - covered with two elegant place settings - lightly blows from the passing breeze appearing even more dreamy than before as you both step closer. A small smile spreads across Steve’s lips watching you take in everything with lips slightly parted and clear awe in your features. It surprisingly has a redness and heat creeping along his ears making him feel like a teenage boy.
Coincidentally, the last time he ever blushed.
“What do you think?”
“I honestly can’t right now,” you softly laugh looking from the table to the amazing view of clouds and a setting sun painting the sky a mix of orange and pink in front of you. “Steve this…I…it’s beautiful.”
That adorable smile, along with the little crinkles beside your eyes, will forever be ingrained in his mind. The way the setting sun complimented your skin making you look so ethereal and goddess-like, he’s seconds from picking up his old hobby of drawing again just so he can capture this moment to hold for himself.
God, your beauty was something that wasn’t found every day. Just a mere glimpse of you and Steve could feel his usual hard and unreadable composure falter.
And this wasn’t just about your physical features. The way your light personality made him stray from the calculated man his position created him to be - always looking for the next deal with no time for distractions - and brought a new burst of life he quickly wanted to chase after.
Pulling out your seat, he waits for you to get comfortable before helping to scoot in your chair; loving the faint whiff of your sweet perfume that tickles his nostrils. Your eyes stay glued to his chest where his white button down stretches against his pecs as he removes his suit jacket before taking his own seat to join you.
Mentally he’s smirking feeling your eyes pleasurably enjoying such a small task, and when he briefly looks up from his menu to see you quickly look down at yours, obviously flustered, he physically feels his ego grow twice it’s size.
“See anything you like?,” he asks feigning innocence and pure wonder as if referring to the list of gourmet dishes, but you both know otherwise.
Your giggles can surely be heard down the hall as Steve effortlessly carries you to your room. The two bottles of champagne and award worthy five course meal clearly enhancing your bubbly and playful mood.
At your mere casual comment of being ready to get out your heels, he took it upon himself to lift you in his bulky arms as soon as you entered the lobby. The receptionist, and a couple other onlookers, either quietly giggling or awing at the sweet gesture.
“Steve I can walk perfectly fine,” you whisper ducking your head into his neck trying to hide from the attention.
“I know,” he simply responds before nodding hello to the bellhop as the older gentleman hits the top button for the clearly occupied businessman.
“You two have a good night.”
When you finally reach your door, he gently places you on your feet to remove the keycard from his pocket. All the while, his large hand still on your waist keeping you close in front of him.
“Thank you,” you smile as he ushers you in the elegant suite. “And I better not get a bill from your chiropractor. I tried to get you to put me down in the elevator.”
He simply just held you tighter telling you to, “enjoy the ride.”
“You won’t,” he softly chuckles.
With a dramatic, euphoric sigh, you flop back on the bed with arms above your head as you let your body be comforted and caressed by the plush, Egyptian cotton. So incredibly soft and cool you just knew lying on a cloud would feel exactly the same. He knew you didn’t mean for it to, but watching you innocently lie there with all your curves and dress slightly rising as you gently squirmed getting more comfortable had his feet glued and front of his pants beginning to feel tighter wishing he was the reason for those little movements and moans.
Clearing his throat, he tries to distract himself with removing his tie but it’s embarrassingly more difficult than usual.
“Need some help there?”
“N-No..I guess I uh tied this knot a little too tight.”
“Here let me.” Before he can protest, you’re at his chest carefully working at the tightened knot - and his eyes unable to leave your lips pressed together in concentration - until it’s loose and able to be pulled through his collar. “Done.”
“You’re welcome.” Although finished you don’t move, and neither does Steve holding his tie by his side. Each of your eyes taking in every beautiful facial feature of the other until they fall to each other’s waiting lips. You’re the first to move slowly leaning in until your mouth’s make contact. Sparks tingling against your skin and tongue with every swipe only making you crave more as you press your body closer to his.
“Don’t feel like you have to do this,” he breaths resting his forehead against yours.
“I don’t. And knowing you’d never expect anything in return only makes me want you more Stevie.”
He doesn’t even cringe on your use of his childhood nickname he’s that entranced by you. Plus it just sounds oh so sweet rolling off your tongue.
His left hand finds the side of your neck as the other slowly slides the strap of your dress down your shoulder so he’s able to kiss and nip with no barriers. You’re a mess of slick and whimpers already feeling his soft lips travel from your collarbone to the top of your breast. Soon he’s back to your lips as if trying to steal your breath - and ability to think clearly at this rate - until his body comfortably presses you into the mattress and your legs automatically wind around his hips. Your fingers move frantically trying to unfasten the buttons of his shirt, but then your wrists are locked above your head while Steve’s nimble finger teases between your slit dragging upwards until he reaches your needy little nub.
You try to suppress your moans in fear of being too loud as your back begins to arch, but the way he circles and rubs it just right you can’t help the way your lips slightly part allowing them to easily fill the warmly lit space.
“Tonight’s all about you Lolli, remember?”
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x black female reader
Tags: Historical AU, Old West, Bounty hunter!Steve Rogers, slavery, poc!reader, blackmail, dubcon, soft!dark! love interest, prostitution, period-typical attitudes, racism
Summary: You're just trying to keep your head down until you can scrape together enough money to join a wagon train out west. But a wrench is thrown into your plans when a roughshod rider comes through town and sets his sights on you.
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Part I "This ain't a poor house, it's a whore house."
Part II "For Fifty Cents More"
Part III "Ain't a sportin' girl at all"
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fakefiller · 2 years
Our Little Secret.
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Warnings — frat!bucky x reader, frat!steve x reader, kidnapping, mean!bucky, lots of degradation, protected sex bc they’re sluts??, crying during sex, threesome, mean-ish!reader, slapping, anal.
A/N — from the list of writing ideas from @kinanabinks <3 such a lovely writer
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It was the biggest game of the year and you knew this. The rancid smell of the suit made your nostrils ache and stomach churn. ‘The extra credit will be worth it, they said’ you repeat to yourself as you put on the head of the otter suit, physically recoiling when the fur comes in contact with your face.
“I think it’s in here!” You hear a voice yell, more footsteps following behind it.
Panic sits in your gut but you decide not to react. Instead, you do your best to quickly – yet quietly – hide in the broom closet of the locker room. You stand bunched up behind the shelf that holds the mop bucket and broom, keeping your breaths to a minimum.
“Where the fuck could a mascot have gone?” The voice was right outside of the broom closet and you’re trying your absolute best not to move but your foot itches.
Your fucking foot itches.
You lean down to scratch the bottom of your shoe with the otter arm, failing terribly and slipping on a wet rag. “Fuck!” You yell, holding your knee in the fetal position.
The boys return to the door, twisting the knob, giving you no time to react to the intrusion. You wince and do your best to stand, preparing to charge at the group but as more appear you lose the faux confidence you once had. Adrenaline builds up in your veins and you rush them anyway, head butting one of them in the abs unsuccessfully. You fly back onto the ground with a soft scoff and the group laughs, almost offended you tried to take them on.
“Look at this fucking idiot.” The tall brunette laughs manically, resting his hand on his stomach.
“Buck, don’t be rude. Let’s just take him and go.” The taller blonde suggests, and it doesn’t register that they think you’re a guy.
“Yeah, yeah. Grab him, Steve. Me and the others’ll make sure the coast is clear.”
“Yes sir.” Steve reaches down to pick you up and you gasp at how easily he throws you over his shoulder.
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All you remember is being put in the back of a white van and blacking out from how rough the brown-haired boy was driving. ‘College fucking sucks’ you think to yourself, rolling your eyes as you sit strapped to a chair in what looks like a basement. The room is dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a small window. Your head is spinning, various thoughts racing through your mind but the only one you’re sure of is that they can’t kill you. Their DNA is all over your school's locker room.
“Well, well, well. Let’s see who we have this year.” Bucky announces, beginning to undo the straps of the otter head.
“No way you fucking lames do this middle-school ass ritual every year.” You scoff, shaking your hair out of your face as he pulls off the helmet.
“Oh, shit.” Steve chuckles, swiping his hand over his face.
“We fucked up.” Bucky rubs his temples, a look of fear taking over his expression.
“No shit! It’s been guys every year, why choose a girl now?” Steve questions.
“Can I go now..” You yawn, tossing your head back against the back of the wooden chair.
“Uh – yeah. Keep this between us? I need to start in the game tonight. There’s supposed to be NFL scouts there.” Bucky confesses and Steve stares at him with a ‘just let her go’ look.
“Our little secret.” You nod.
“I’m untying you now.” Steve expresses, approaching you with his hands up.
“Make it speedy, I have to re-do my hair because of you dickheads.” You sigh, flexing your wrist in the suit as he unties each of your limbs.
“There you go.” Steve huffs as he stands back up, taking a second to take in your beauty in the dimly lit room.
“I’ll call you an uber.” Bucky adds as he pulls out his phone, being as quick as possible.
“Do me a favor and stay off my campus.” You add, staying seated until he lets you know that your ride is here.
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A week has passed since the Incident, leaving you somewhat shook but free from ever being in that awful suit again. That is, until you see them. Both of them.
You walk into your local cafe, prepared to order your usual until their faces come into your line of vision. The anger in your stomach festers. Thanks to them, you missed your date with Pietro before the game and you still feel horrible about it.
“Dude, I think that’s the chick we kidnapped.” Bucky whispers to Steve and he turns back, making direct eye contact with you.
You don’t miss the way the anger in your stomach falters when he looks you up and down, admiring the way your miniskirt sits on your hips.
“Next in line.” Kennedy calls out and waves you up.
“I didn’t know you worked today, Ken! I would’ve come up way sooner.” You leaned against the counter, giving your friend a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m about to go on break, meet outside in 10?” She smiles, handing you a bag with an unreleased cake pop in it.
“You know it, see you then.” You blow her kiss and inevitably feel the two large boys staring daggers into you.
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“They did what?!” Kennedy gasps.
“Mhm. I won’t lie, I was petrified but I realized they’re just football players. Just because they go to the much richer school across from us didn’t mean shit to me.” You shrug, sipping on the iced caramel latte nursed in your hand.
“I wanna be you when I grow up. You had a group of super hot, super tall football players kidnapping you for fun! I can’t believe you didn’t fuck at least one of them.” She laughs, taking a drag from the dull cigarette.
“You’re just a shameless slut.” You scoff playfully, not fully against the proposition. “I had a date with Piet that I ended up missing but still, I couldn’t go out with another guy after getting trained. That’s fucked.”
“Maybe morally, but it’s not illegal. If I were you, I’d go find them and fuck them but that’s just me.” She shrugs, dropping the cigarette butt to the ground and stomping it out.
“Remind me why you’re in SAA again?”
“Oh fuck off.” Kennedy replies with a chuckle, pushing you up from your chair. “I’m being serious! Live life and have fun, we’re in college for fuckssake.”
“Fine, fine! I’ll go fuck two random college boys who tried to kidnap me because they thought I was a guy.” You’d be lying if the idea wasn’t exciting you.
“I want all the details after. Shit, just record it.” She gives you a wink and shoos you inside.
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To your disbelief, they’re still sitting at the booth that was given to them 30 minutes ago. You swallow your anxiety and march over to them with your head held high and thighs almost clenching together. Without a word said you sit down next to the blonde who you somehow trust more than the brunette.
“I want you to fuck me. Both of you. At once.”
Bucky looks at Steve and Steve looks at Bucky with a concerned look, and you start to panic. Why would you listen to Kennedy?
“Your place or ours?” Bucky asks with his head resting on his knuckles.
“Yours. I don’t want anyone I know to see me with you.” You retort quickly, avoiding eye contact with either of them.
“So what are we waiting for, exactly?” Steve asks.
“Wait – ya’ll have condoms, right? I don’t wanna catch whatever you two might have.”
“If you’re so sure we’re useless fuckboys that might ‘have something’ why even fuck us, hm?” Bucky taunts.
“Just shut up and take me to your place.” You push yourself out of the booth and Steve follows your action, Bucky reciprocating it on the other side.
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Not a single word was spoken when you were pushed against the door of their apartment, Steve fumbling with the keys and Bucky kissing you feverishly. You moan in unison as you stand on the tips of your toes to hold onto his face when the door swings open. Steve tosses the keys, stripping away his flannel and pulling you out of Bucky’s grasp. Bucky has no time to be mad, instead kicking the door closed with the back of his shoe. The door slams and you jump, sighing when Steve picks you up and tosses you onto his exposed shoulder.
Bucky follows behind like a lost dog, wasting no time on tearing away his shorts and boxers, fumbling through his dresser drawer for two condoms.
“Shouldn’t we warm her up first, Buck?” Steve asks, removing his shorts while you do the same with your skirt.
“Nah. She wants to act like a slut so we’ll fuck her like one. Cockhungry whores don’t get special treatments.” Bucky replies, each word hitting your core.
“Is that what you want? To be fucked like a senseless slut?” Steve moves his hand under your chin, forcing you to make eye contact. Before you can reply, you get distracted by the faint ‘schlick’ the condom makes while Bucky slides it onto his twitching cock. “Answer me.” He demands, gently slapping the skin of your cheek.
You moan at the sensation, a meek ‘yes’ floating in the silent room.
“She’s into that rough shit. I’ll make sure to ruin her good.” Bucky meant for it to be a silent thought to himself but you heard it, rolling your eyes back into your head.
“I need both of you at once, I can take it.” You utter, your voice smaller than you intended it to be.
“Shit, she’s insatiable. Hurry up, Ste. Can’t keep her waiting, can we?”
Steve nods and carefully rips open the Magnum, stroking his aching cock before stretching the rubber around it.
“You ready, sweet thing?” Steve asks, moving to position himself behind you while Bucky situates himself between your legs from the front.
“Mh–” You’re cut off by a quick intrusion, the words on your tongue morphing into a loud moan.
Bucky’s cock sinks into your tight cunt with ardor while Steve fills your ass to the brim. You’ve never felt so full. Thinking back to your conversation with Kennedy you feel for your phone and grab it from under the pillow, flipping to the camera on shaky hands.
“We good to move, baby?” Steve asks quietly between closed teeth.
You nod, allowing yourself to get used to the feel. Your eyes screw shut and you throw your head back, back arching up into the air to expose your tits to Bucky. Steve sighs as the tip of him envelops in the warmth of your tight hole. He presses himself a little deeper inside, slowly filling you up until you were sure you couldn't take anymore, and then you did. His pace moving inside of you was agony as he stretches you like a rubber band.
Bucky’s tip hit the wet spongy spot inside of you without trying, his thick length making it impossibly hard to feel anything but him. He let out a heavy breath, looking down at you with a focused stare. "You're so fucking tight for such a dumb slut." he told you, straining to control himself as you clench around him. You take it graciously, nothing but heavy breaths and shallow whines escaping from you as you stretch around him.
Your lips form to say something, but the words die on your tongue as Steve slowly moves to pull out of you. He stops at the tip before pushing back inside, not quite fully seated back inside of you as he builds a steady pace. It was slow and gentle enough to make you feel like crying.
You were speechless, breathless, as you relish in the burn. You bury your face in the pillow next to your head, dropping your phone to grip them tightly as your fingers let you. When Steve pulled out to the tip again, he pressed one hand to your lower belly before he thrust into you.
The scream you let out was otherworldly when Steve and Bucky began to thrust in unison. Your core was lit aflame, clit throbbing painfully. It’s almost as if Steve could sense it, the way he maneuvered his hand down to play with the sensitive bundle of nerves. Bucky whimpered when you clenched around him, almost suffocating his cock. They watched with dark eyes as you struggled to take them at once like you promised you could.
Bucky takes Steve’s place and settles his hand on your stomach, feeling himself inside of you while he thrusts, the feeling of your body trying to take all of him making him impossibly harder. Steve was rutting himself into you from behind, watching the way your hole took everything it could get.
“Fuck, baby, you’re taking us so well. You were made for us – fuck – weren’t you?” Bucky praises, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
You whimper in response, words falling flat no matter how hard you try to push them out. His cock drags in and out of you in the most delicious way, gathering a feeling of ecstasy you could never reach without him. He was so thick, so big, he was perfect. He whimpered into your ear as Steve relentlessly fucked into you, his face inches from your own. He practically growled into your ear, voice dripping with pleasure as he spoke. "Gonna fucking ruin you, needy fucking slut.”
Tears were gathering in the corner of your eyes as you raised your hand before your head to hold onto Steve’s tousled hair, gripping his locks as you tugged on them. You spoke through the haze of senseless euphoria, shaking your head. "Don't want anyone else. Want you, only you two."
When the tight coil of your orgasm became sharper you knew you couldn’t last. How could you when you have the two hottest men you’ve ever seen plowing into you at the same time? Your mind was blank, words escaping you. All you could make out was a faint ‘m gonna cum’ before the dam burst, your body convulsing as you ride out your high on the sensation of their cocks driving into you with no end in sight.
You held onto Bucky like he would slip away at a moment's notice as he continued to fuck into you. You thrashed and moaned as tears of pleasure stream down your cheeks.
“ShitShitShit, I’m gonna-” Steve didn't get to finish the word, interrupted by a shout as he finally came. His hips stuttered and your bodies pressed closely together as he came as deeply inside of the condom as he could. “F..Fuck, sweetheart!” Bucky followed right after, allowing the mind-numbing, vision-dulling pleasure to take over his body while he spilt his seed into the protective rubber. You were so tiny underneath them as each one huffed and moaned on top of you.
You blacked out for a second, coming back down to reality when Steve's sloppy kisses peppered the skin on your naked shoulder. All three of you had to catch your breaths, too wrapped up in the other to worry about anything but getting your breathing even before you blacked out. You stayed like that for a moment, basking in the feeling of each thick cock filling you up.
“Holy, fucking, shit.” Steve breathes out, slowly pulling himself out of your ass.
“I know, right?” Bucky huffs, reciprocating Steve’s action, removing himself from your puffy cunt.
“Can I… spend the night?” You request with a sigh, sitting up to end the video on your phone.
“You can stay the month if you want to, baby. Our little secret, right?” Bucky asks, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead while Steve cleans up.
“Our little secret.”
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First time for everything
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If you have any suggestions, please take a moment. I promise it is a short survey, just 3 questions :)  -
**Writing Survey** - If you have any suggestions for me
Badly written smut -
Steve is rougher, scruffier, and nastier than all your previous boyfriends combined. The man settled between your thighs is an animal, a feral man who does not give a damn about anyone else. His looks made him scarier.
His torture was subtle, trying to touch you by so-called accidents. Grabbing your ass while you worked, pushing himself against you in the elevator. You foolishly believed those incidents were accidents and nothing more, but he had gotten a taste of your body, his attempts to trap you in the corner, feeling you up had become brazenly clear. You tried to stay away from him, but Steve’s stubbornness had found you anywhere and everywhere.
“You belong to me, and it’s time that I remind you who owns you.” Steve spitted cruelly in front of his frat bros. You were so fucking humiliated. Ransom and Bryce enjoying the show, sitting diagonally from you on the sofa, your messy cunt easily visible to them.
Steve’s tongue penetrates deep inside your pussy, his nose rubbing against your sore clit. His humongous body keeping you from closing your legs. As he feasts on your cunt, lapping up your juices to satiate his ever-growing thirst.
“Steve wasn’t lying about you,” Ransom chimes in while rubbing his dick through his sweatpants.
Steve releases your tender clit with a lewd pop, his pink lips shiny with your arousal. He doesn’t leave you alone even after making you cum on his tongue. He shoves his huge index and middle finger inside your pulsing channel. He finds the spot that makes your eyes roll while he tortures your engorged clit.
“Steve is addicted to her….” Bryce comments while pulling out his hard cock, trying to relieve himself.
“He is pussy whipped and now we know why…” Ransom replies with an evil glint in his eyes.
Steve removes his lips from your clit to answer his frat brothers while simultaneously fingering you with roughly calculated strokes against your g-spot.
“You are not touching her, Drysdale. She’s mine, only mine,” Steve sneers.
You whimper loudly, on the cusp of another orgasm, but the intensity was frightening you. You tried to move away from him, to no avail. Steve was stronger. He increased the pace of his jabs against your g-spot while his other hand rubbing your swollen clit.
“Steve please, I can’t….”
“You are going to take it like a good girl,” Steve orders while keeping you under control. Your eyes roll as you squirt wildly midst Steve’s continued torture on your pussy.
Steve slurps up your juices messily and loudly. Bryce groaned loudly as he jerked himself off. Bryce’s eyes glued to your pussy.  
Steve smirked against your folds. He spanked your clit, your nails digging into your palm. You quiver on the mattress, nude, sticky and parched for Steve’s cock.
“Doll, open your eyes…” you keep your eyes shut while pleasure courses through your body.
“Look at me” Steve spanks your clit again. You whimper and reluctantly open your eyes.
“You are going to get your ass here as soon as your classes are over. You will not hang out with any of your classmates without me. Do you understand?”
“But..” Steve spanks your clit again.
“No ifs, no buts” he attacks your clit with his lips, sucking it crudely, your toes curling in pleasure whilst you try to anchor yourself between the waves of pain and pleasure.
“Okay, Steve,” you reluctantly agree.
“You’re still going to be punished.” Steve declares.
“I am going to fuck you raw...You need to remember who you belong to. I am going to fill you up. Ransom and Bryce are here to witness what happens when you disobey me. "
You nod numbly. Steve got up and unzipped his pants desperately. He took off his shirt and then turned towards his frat brother.
“So, you fuckers going to stick here for the finale?” Steve asked irately and unashamedly, with his hard cock standing proud and leaking pre-cum.
“C’mon Rogers, this is the best part…I will give you my assignment… Please….” Bryce requested.
“And I will lend you my Beamer for the whole month.” Ransom negotiated.
Your pleasure weakened brain was foggy, so you didn’t hear the rest of the conversation.
Steve borrows your arousal from your weeping cunt and slathers it over his cock. You groan submissively. He barely gives you a minute and slams inside you in a stroke.
Steve grunts in gratification. He feels home inside your squelching cunt. Steve feels his tension melt away when he is inside you. He grabs your chin and kisses you passionately. You could taste yourself on his lips. He does not let you breathe, stealing your breath away. His big grabby hands travel all over your body. He licks your nipples one after the other, teasing your aching buds, biting them softly, his torture making you wetter than a torrential hurricane. Meanwhile, both Ransom and Bryce had been jerking off wildly at the scene in front of them.
Steve’s thick, long and veiny cock inside your pussy felt heavy. His cock’s bulbous mushroom head brushing past your walls in all the right places you didn’t even think was possible. You could feel his mushroom head inside your stomach. You were pretty sure your cervix was getting pounded. Steve’s rough strokes were rushing another orgasm out of you.
“You’re gonna cum again, doll?”
“Yes….” You shriek in pleasure as you feel your cunt pulsating around his cock.
“Aaaahhhhh…you’re being greedy.”
“Please, sir, please, let me cum…” you plead mindlessly.
“I can never say no to you, doll” Steve shoves his hand between you two and flicks your oversensitive bundle of nerves while ruthlessly drilling you with his thick, veiny cock. You came around him, your walls hugging his cock tightly which led Steve to lose control and made him cum inside you, his seed painting your walls white but he was still hard and sensitive... He pulled out of you delicately, his seed leaking from your gaping pussy, leaving you to grab some water from the table.
Ransom quickly took a picture of your fucked out cunt for his spank bank. Steve joined you in the bed. He turned you over; you were on your stomach and he spreads your thighs for Ransom to film you.
“Send it to me,” Steve told him.
“Me too…” Bryce chimed in while wiping away the cum on his pants.
Steve got in between your legs and lined up his cock and pushed inside your gaping cunt, still leaking his seed on to the mattress. His hands clutching your hips and pulling you back as he snapped his cock inside the wet heaven of your cunt.
You try to match his movements.
“Let me do the work, darling” He grunts, manhandling you to keep you under control beneath him. You mewl in approval. He leans over you on bites your neck in reproach. You moan in pleasure, nipples rubbing against the bedsheet because of the friction between your bodies. His cock pumping into you cruelly, bestowing your body with incredible carnal pleasure.
“You love being my cumdump, don’t you? You love how I stretch you open, don’t you, darling?”
“Uhuhhuh” you barely reply.
He spanks your ass.
“Answer me”
“Yes, I love being your cumdump. "
“Are you gonna squirt for me?”
“No, please… I am very sensitive…”
“It was a rhetorical question. You’re gonna squirt again for me and my friends here…” Steve replies with conviction.
His cock was hitting your special spot, again and again, pounding you into the mattress. You try to move away from him and his assault on your poor cunt.
Steve grabs your hands to stop you from moving away from him and his dick.
You lose control over your body and squirt wildly, but Steve keeps you pinned down to achieve his crescendo. He was practically humping you in order to chase his ultimate finish. His movements falter and he cums again, painting your cunt white again. Steve was all tapped out. He tries to move out of you, but you whimper.
“Don’t… don’t leave...” you murmur.
He kissed the side of your head and draped himself over you, trying not to jolt you…  
“You can leave us now.” Steve orders.
Ransom and Bryce left hurriedly for another dick pumping session.
“I’ll send you the whole video I made,” Ransom winks on his way out.
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