#steve youre bi
Steve: I'm going to take you out
Eddie: Great, it's a date
Steve: I meant it as a threat
Eddie, blowing him a kiss: I'll see you at 5
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Aging rockstar Eddie Munson who goes viral on tiktok after dueting a fancam of him and Stevie that is backed by the bi wife energy audio.
It's shaky, clearly a spur of the moment response, Eddie is obviously captivated for a second by a clip of Stevie that starts to play. He sighs and directs his attention back to the audience. "I love my beautiful wife, the sun to my moon, the light of my life."
You can just make out another voice from somewhere in the background call out, "Love you too!"
"But I did not survive being an openly gay teenager in the 1980s in rural Indiana to be called a heterosexual!" 
He zooms in closer to his face, it's unclear whether this was intentional, "I did not go through a sexuality crisis in the early 90s when she transitioned, to be called a heterosexual."
Stevie comes out from somewhere behind where Eddie is ranting to drape herself around his shoulders, "Oh that's a good picture of us." The original video is a step above thirst trap and the picture in question is a pap shot of Stevie and Eddie from a long past Halloween. Stevie is in the famous Farrah onepiece and Eddie is in first husband Lee Majors' Six Million Dollar Man red tracksuit.
"You just like it cause we actually ran into Farrah and she liked your hair."
"It was also-"
She isn't dislodged as Eddie fails, well practiced at staying on her perch. "I didn't cancel the back half of our 1995 tour because of morning sickness to get called a HETEROSEXUAL!"
Stevie's smile is indulgent and soft, it wrinkles the corners of her eyes in soft crows feet that betray her age. "You can be trans and straight."
"A fucking ally then!"
She's got a sage Mona Lisa smile as the video ticks to a close, "I love my husband, and he's actually bi."
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
i know bridget is supposed to be danny's baby sister but honestly they could be fraternal twins
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which makes me think they could have been attracting the same people/were in competition for the same people, dubbed 'the williams twins', like catnip to bisexuals (and yes, they are both obviously bi too)
danny introducing steve to bridge: my partner, MINE, hands OFF!
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bridget: i told you for the 100th time i did not kiss your prom date, she kissed me!
danny: what about billy in 11th grade?
bridget: will you give it a rest? i called dibs.
danny: well i called dibs on steve.
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steve: do i get a vote?
both danny and bridget: no
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liightsnow · 1 year
Steves the type of guy to just talk about the way his parents mistreat him completely casually, as if it's normal and how all kids get treated (infact it's mainly because he believes it). He doesn't notice the confused or questioning looks he gets from his friends when he does so.
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alchemisticramblings · 2 months
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does anyone see my vision
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augustjustice · 2 years
Steve and Eddie who both know the other one is queer (Steve was quick to disclose his own bisexuality when Eddie came out to him), but the misunderstanding comes in because they each think the other wants a friends-with-benefits, no-strings-attached arrangement with the only other queer guy they know.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Living with Steve is an absolute nightmare, Robin would say. it's not about regular roommates' stuff: Steve is tidy, cleans up after himself, and is a great cook. She could only complain about him taking too much time in the bathroom for his hair routine, but it could be worse.
No, Robin's problem with living with Steve is dating. As if being a lesbian in the late 80s isn’t hard enough, every time she manages to get a date and brings her home, Steve ruins it. Most of her dates would be put off by his presence, accusing her of being a straight girl having a "fun adventure", a few thought they were in an open relationship, and once one of them even flirted with him in front of her.
The only one having fun in this situation is Eddie, their neighbor: he lives next door with his bandmates in a two-bedroom with one tiny bathroom like Steve and Robin's apartment -probably the reason why he spends so much time at their place- and never loses a chance to make fun of Robin's disaster love life.
«Robin you have to forgive him, he's just too charming, aren't you pretty boy?» he had said after Robin's latest date had been kicked out for flirting with Steve. Steve had a smug smile on his face and Robin had daydreamed of punching them both in the face.
That's why when Robin miraculously snatches a date with Nancy, one of the smartest and most beautiful girls in her class, she has no intention to ruin it.
They decide to go to her place after class, drink something, and then go out, and Robin panics after she remembers Steve had switched work shifts and he would be home.
Once they get to her building, she makes a terrible excuse about tidying the place up and enters before her. Steve is in the kitchen.
«Steve! you're gay, gay! be gay Steve! Be. Gay.» she whisper-screams at her best friend.
«What? be gay...?» he doesn't have the time to ask but once Robin welcomes Nancy into their apartment, he understands. He wants to punch Robin for making up such a terrible plan.
«Hi, you must be Steve, Robin's roommate» Nancy greets him with a smile.
«Yeah, friends call me Gay Steve!» he immediately cringes and sees Robin's shocked expression behind Nancy.
This is going to be a train wreck.
No matter how hard he tried, he wasn't selling it.
Nancy looked confused and really unconvinced by Steve's attempts at "being gay", especially since Robin left them alone to go change. Nancy was trying to get to know him, and he kept giving her terrible answers like "oh I like every pink drink you know, pretty gay" or "you love Madonna? me too, well all of us gays love her" and even "Robin is great, I love her! but not like love, love her, you know? I totally never flirted with her before finding out she's a lesbian, why would I? I'm too gay for that".
He's desperate when Eddie enters the apartment.
«I got us some booze, baby!» he shows the six-pack of beer as a greeting, failing to notice Nancy's presence from the entrance. Eddie had always called him pet names without any particular meaning, but Nancy doesn't know that. Steve decided to take the opportunity he is given so, without thinking too much about it, he reaches out to Eddie, puts an arm around his middle, and kisses him.
Eddie is shocked, his eyes wide open comically.
«Uhm, thanks for bringing the drinks, Eds» Steve is a little shocked as well, not expecting to like the brief kiss as much as he did.
«Oh- well, uhm- you're welcome I guess...? yeah» Steve grins at Eddie's reaction, not expecting to like that as well.
Robin emerges from her room at that moment, Eddie still in Steve's arms. She exchanges a few glances and a very meaningful silent discussion with Steve before her brain can conceive anything to say in front of that absurd scene.
«Oh, hi Steve's boyfriend!» she should really work on her improv skills with Steve «we're just going out! you can have the place all for yourselves!» she takes Nancy by her hand, who waves them goodbye «so yeah, be gay, do crimes!»
The apartment is silent. Steve hasn't moved his arm away.
«So, was that Robin's date?»
Steve nods, Eddie whistles.
«Did she ask you to pretend to be gay?»
«Oh yeah, and I was doing a terrible job before you arrived» Steve chuckles, making Eddie laugh. Steve tells him about all the terrible things he came up with -"Gay Steve" included- making them cry with laughter.
When their laughter dies, Steve's arm is still in the same position, keeping Eddie close.
«Okay, Gay Steve, I think you can drop the act now. For sure they aren't coming back up.»
«What if this isn't an act anymore?»
Eddie's eyes widen once again «what?»
Steve frowns «would that be okay?» he suddenly feels nervous.
Eddie stares at him silently, looking for any signs that would tell him that Steve's actually joking. He finds none.
«It would be more than okay,» he says, his tone trembling.
Their lips meet halfway.
Both Nancy and Robin are surprised to find them curled up on the couch, Steve with no shirt on, and Eddie sprawled on top of him.
Nancy chuckles and rests her head on Robin's shoulder «I feel so stupid, I thought he was pretending to be gay for some reason!»
Robin smiles at her, nervously «well, about that...»
Loosely based on New girl, episode 4x7 - Goldmine
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wolvesofinnistrad · 6 months
Stucky got No Homoed. Destiel gave Castiel a gay love confession then sent him to superhell. Sterek let Derek have ambiguous feelings about Stiles jeep and then burned him alive.
Buddie: Buck comes out as bi and kisses a man.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
Can't believe I found the most blatant bi-coding for Steve in S3 and no one acknowledges it.....I wasn't built for this kind of torture
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"And that's how I met your dad"
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paperbackribs · 2 years
I've gone from being neutral-ish about Mike to absolutely wincing when I see him in a fic because of how widespread he's written as an absolute shithead to Steve.
(Which fair, I'm not criticising the characterisation, I'm just saying you've all influenced me in an unholy manner).
But I'm also reversing it a little and, in my head, little bi-Mike struggles with Steve because he's always had a bit of a crush on him, but that's not cool because it's Steve.
His sister's ex-boyfriend, the idiot jock, the guy who has all of his DM's attention. So he's acting out like a shithead, partially because he is in fact a shithead and partially because he doesn't know what to do with a gay little crush.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
"I love when you ain't about me..."
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"...love to test your boundaries..."
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"...pushin you out..."
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"...pullin you back in again..."
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"...and you love when I play my bad cards..."
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"...they say love ain't that hard..."
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"...but they don't know us, and we aint like them...
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"...cuz we just love a little louder..."
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straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part two)
With the finals happening, his classes were actually quiet for once. Except for the constant “Mr. Harrington may I use the restroom?” At least they used correct grammar. His fourth period was by far his favorite of the classes (although he would never admit it). They were the smartest group and they actually listened. They got done impressively quick leaving them with 20 minuets of class. He collected their papers and leaned back on the front of his desk. “So,” he begins, “anyone have any fun summer plans?” Which he knows is like the most teachery question to ever be asked but oh well.
They all had the basic answers : going to the beach, spending time with family (he loved the kids that said this), and the classic going to spend every day at the arcade. However, there was one answer that stuck out to him.
“What about you James?”
“I get to go to my favorite bands’ concert!” He sounded so excited
“Oh really? Who?”
“Corroded Coffin! They’re coming to Indy!”
Sometimes Steve forgets how big they actually are so the answer kind of took him by surprise. “That’s awesome! Okay random question. Show of hands, who listens to Corroded Coffin?” Almost every single kid raised their hand. Wow. They are in for a treat.
“Now I’m sorry kids but I think I have you all beat, I am 100% their biggest fan.” All the kids protested. James especially about how “I don’t see your tickets!” Steve grinned “okay okay maybe not but…” he reached behind him to his desk in search for something. He pulled out 2 Polaroids. One was from about 5 years ago of him and Eddie on the swings at the local park. They may or may not have been as high as a kite, but that wasn’t important. The other was more recent. It’s the two of them in the Wheeler’s basement. Eddie is playing the most ‘metal’ song ever his guitar while Steve plays a kazoo. He smiles at the memories to himself before turning the pictures around to the kids and saying, “Is your best friend the lead guitarist?”
The kids were in awe. James stood up and pushed his way towards Steve. “You?”
“Friends with THE Eddie Munson?”
“The one and only, yes.” He looked so shocked? Excited? Angry? He could not read any of his students emotions no matter how hard he tried. James turned around and sat back down with the same expression plastered on his face.
All of the class wanted to know how they knew each other. Oh. Steve had to make up a story on the spot. He really couldn’t say “oh yeah when the inter-dimensional portal opened up I went looking for him, because y’a know he had murder charges and had to hide, but anyways long story short he died and I gave him cpr, and we have been BFFS since!” So he goes with:
“Well we went to high school togeth-“
“What now James?” he sighed
“You went to school here right?
“That means Eddie went to school here?!?!”
“Yeah? The whole band did, now if I can cont-“
Steve took a deep breath, “now can I continue?” James mumbled some sort of yes. Steve laughed, “Okay. So yes we went to high school together but we didn’t really now each other then. We were on opposite sides of the field I guess? He started his own d&d club. And I..” he sighed, “was on the swim team.” All the kids booed. He laughed and continued, “I know I know. Anyways, we met through mutual friends, and after all said friends left town he became my best friend, not to mention I have saved his life.” The kids were all silent except for (you guessed it) James.
“What is he like?”
“What do you mean?” He asked while looking back at the pictures.
“Like is he one of those celebrities who’s really mean in person?”
Steve snorted, “not at all, he may look like he’s really mean but I swear he’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met,” he paused and smiled, “This one time his car broke down so I drove him home and,” he giggled, “he saw a cat on the side of the road. He yelled at me to stop the car, and we had just went to get fast food, so he jumped out of the car, gabbed the cat, and started giving the cat fries. I had to force him back into the car. He cried actual tears for HOURS because he didn’t get to keep the cat. He already named it too. Get this, Jameson the third. He doesn’t even know a James let alone a Jameson.” He set the pictures down and glanced at his watch. “Oh guys we have 2 minutes before the bell rings. So yes James he’s super nice.”
When the bell rang and they all told him goodbye. They seemed more cheery then normal. He was glad for that.
It was his lunch period next. He wanted to look over some papers so he stayed in the classroom. He got done but didn’t want to leave, so he just stared at the ceiling and got lost in thought. He thought about Eddie leaving. He really got sad just at the thought. 3 months was going to be a long time. He realizes that he hasn’t even left and he misses him. The only person he’d have left in Hawkins would be the English teacher Julie Smith and to be honest she’s starting to annoy him. He doesn’t know how Eddie did it for a year. He thought that maybe Steve didn’t mean as much to Eddie as Eddie did to Steve. He quickly discarded that thought along with the tears that were now rolling down his cheek. He felt like they all needed a formal goodbye to Eddie. And that’s when he had a great idea. He picked up the phone and dialed Robin.
“Helllooooo?” She answered
“Steve! What’s up?”
“I have an Idea but I kinda need your help.”
“I’m listening. ”
Here is part 2! To be honest this wasn’t planned at all. It was meant to be a paragraph or two of part three but oh well. More stuff for you guys 😉. I think I might love making Steve cry. Idk why I do it constantly tho. This part is also kinda short :(. Anyways hope you enjoyed! I think this one is pretty good. You can probably tell how low my self esteem is by this 🤷‍♀️. Ngl i kinda hate it. Oops. So far I have parts 3 and 4 written. I think I will post one part a day. Also part count update: it’s now going to be 7-9 parts! Comment or reblog if you want to be tagged!! Thank you for reading!! <3
Tag list: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy !!
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liightsnow · 1 year
*looking at season 3 steve* babygirl I'm so sorry people are already forgetting you 💔 my lip gloss wearing king
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I'm so upset we didn't get a bisexual panic from Steve after catching a glimpse of Eddie's ass in season 4 so I did what I had to do and I made it happen ok don't @ me
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
The vest on top of the leather jacket makes 0 sense.
So I know for a fact that Eddie was wearing it just waiting for the chance to give it to a pretty boy in need.
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