#steven rudboys x reader
Carnivore- Werewolf!Doorman x Neighbors
Steven was not often home, or at the very least would show up at odd hours. As such, he didn’t get to see the doorman often. But when he did, it was the best three minutes of his life. Seeing such an attractive doorman was enough to make him want to be home more often. Although, it doesn’t help that his father would tease about his little crush. 
“Steven, there you are! I was wondering where you were.” (Y/N) exclaimed, looking through the paperwork halfheartedly. They had wanted to chat with him, though they knew they had a job to do.
Though they knew it was Steven from his scent, they still looked at the paperwork to give the notion that they were actually looking. No one could know their secret. Not even…
“Yeah, I guess I am a little late ain’t I?” He asked sheepishly, rubbing his neck. “But hey, listen…my dad always makes a lot of food for football season, do you wanna come over for dinner?” He asked.
(Y/N) blinked. Then blinked again. The awkward silence was deafening for Steven. A deep red blush spread over (Y/N)’s face, giving Steven his answer. 
He chuckled, sliding over a piece of paper with the time 7 P.M written on it. 
“Don’t be late, I’ll let dad know you’re coming over.”
It took longer for them to come accustomed to seeing Steven outside of work, but as they grew closer, the need to tell their terrible secret grew. The DDD knew of course, it’s why they were hired since they could scent any doppelganger far before anyone else could notice. But the idea of letting their new boyfriend know…scared them more than anything.
It was a conversation with Mclooy that made the bubble burst.
“Listen kid, I need to talk to you.” He glanced at his son. “Alone, preferably.”
(Y/N) turned to Steven and gave him a thumbs up to go ahead without them. Before they could turn back to Mclooy, he had already grabbed them by the neck and held them against the wall.
“Now what the hell is a werewolf doing around my son?!” He growled, moving his other hand to his hip where his trusty magnum was sure to be.
“You…you knew?” (Y/N) asked, holding their hands up in surrender.
“O’ course I knew! I’ve been around in my time and I know a werewolf when I see one. Took me some time, since you’re so sneaky with it, but I don’t want some monster around my son. These doppelgangers are enough.”
Trying to swallow, (Y/N) began to cry. This surprised Mclooy, and he let the doorman go. 
“I’m not a monster…” They whispered. “I would never hurt Steven. I…I love him, sir.” Their hands went to their neck and rubbed gently. “I want nothing more than to protect him. I can protect him from this world.” They glanced up at Mclooy.
“I give you my word. If you want me to leave Steven alone, I will. But I love him. And I want to protect him. I know firsthand how dangerous doppels can be.”
Mclooy took a second to think, rubbing his chin. Then, he held out a hand to (Y/N). When it wasn’t reciprocated, he shook his hand slightly, ushering them to take it. They did, and with surprising strength for a 60 something year old man, they were standing eye to eye with Steven’s very protective father. 
“Don’t hurt my boy. Or break his heart.” With a stern look, he pushed them towards the door. “Now have fun, but not too much fun. I mean it!”
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double--hh · 2 months
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my part for @igiveupreally :3c
me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a dopple
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tarantulasnot · 3 months
Please send me requests oh darling mutuals I will write just about anything for just about anybody please please please I need inspiration. It can be smut, angst, fluff, limes, lemons, grapefruits, frittatas, the god damn pentagon just PLEASE it can be character x character, it can be gay, lesbian, threesomes, they can be real people they can be self inserts it can be about ME for all I care just PLEASEEEE
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deadlywishings · 10 days
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Kazimir ‘ s Prelude ✧.*
Hello! I'm Kazimir, though many of you might know me as Kazi. I'm 21 years old and have a passion for reading, writing, and drawing. My interests include games like Call of Duty, That's Not My Neighbor, and Roblox, among others. When it comes to writing, I enjoy crafting fanfiction across various genres, including angst, smut, and fluff. I also create headcanons and more. Rest assured, all of my artwork will be credited to me, and any artwork I use from others will always be properly acknowledged. Thanks for stopping by!
My masterlist will be available once created, featuring all my headcanons, fanfics, and drabbles. My inbox is open for any suggestions, so feel free to reach out!
Here's my DNI (Do Not Interact) list: I do not engage with themes of rape, incest, pedophilia, or child x adult relationships (I'm fine with adult x adult scenarios, but I draw the line at minors). I also do not tolerate homophobia, racism, sexism/misogyny, or pro-shipping.
I have a strong dislike for people who rely entirely on Al for their writing and for those who use it for art. Please, if you do any of this, block me already. I don’t like you. You’re on my DNI list.
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mistresswriter19 · 6 months
It's Called " Inspection " Ma'am~ Cop Doppelganger Francis X Reader " NSFW 🔞 "
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Author's Note: 🔞 SMUT WARNING NO MINORS 🔞. Did a fan au of what if Francis became a cop and made it into a one-shot you're in for a quite of a ride. Thank you all so much for the support of my previous fic more Milkman content on the way X ❤️
You smile everytime you see the Milkman passing by delivering fresh milk door to door. You wish that he would talk to you for hours because Francis really did enjoy your company and vent about his stinking dead end job sometimes. You always smile and encourage Francis to keep going no matter how hard things are and by the end of the day Francis did think about you even when he looked at the milk labels all he could think of was your beautiful face.
"Your so helpful Francis "
"I always keep the milk jugs for anything i use and I never throw them out "
"You always bring fresh milk and that's why I encourage myself to drink more especially for my bones"
"Thank you Franics "
After picking up more crates from his job Francis one day is going to ask you on a date but he was afraid of rejection and what would it do for his other job that no one knows about even his all time crush would hate his guts.
Every milkman left for home except for Francis he had to change to a different uniform for the next job either it was day or night and when he delivered milk, he had to be right on time. Francis heard on the walkie talkie that a new doppelganger has been spotted and his job was to eliminate them. Since it was still dusk Francis walked with this long rubber boots heading to his motorcycle that ( SPO) " Secret Police Organization " has offer him to get there faster and people will only know that Francis is a traffic cop in public. Starting up the engine with his leather gloves on the steer he went up the highway wearing his black shades. Wearing all black, a police badge, and a helmet was a perfect way to stay anonymous. A way Francis is able to find these doppelgangers is to pull them over for a ticket or when they are sleeping. Sometimes when they're awake and not paying attention he pulls the trigger from his pistol and of its more then one he brings out his M21 assault rifle unfortunately he also had to take down witnesses.
No rest for the wicked ~ Francis mutters as he gets off his motorcycle, Turning off the engine takes his bag where he has a display of weapons he carries whenever he has to do the job.
Getting ready, Francis places the bullets in the insert place of the gun and clicks making sure it's ready to fire. His target was Angus Ciprianni the local businessman, more of a cyster everytime he grins to make deals with other companies knowing he'll get most of the profits. Another companion he noticed close to Angus were two, Dr. W Afton and Mia Stone, Francis had seen them before but he had restless nights being up from them having sex.
It was more of a quiet night which Francis preferred as he spies on Angus who was putting his folder away and drinking bourbon with him. This was a good time to strike.
Back At Y/N's apartment
You just finished helping a neighbor of yours Mclooy Rudboys who was a retired he kind of look like a little bit of a the colonel from the KFC commercials. You always helped him whenever his son Steven was on airplanes far where his father was at so weather it was lifting boxes or buying things Mclooy needed you're always there to lean a hand .
Well thank you kindly Ms. L/N this was definitely be all for today.
It's always a pleasure, Mclooy, you said, placing the boxes to the other side of the room and using your elbow to take the sweat off your face.
Are you seeing anyone? Mclooy asked sitting on the bed taking his boots off pretty odd for him to say that out of the blue.
Umm no.. not really
Francis is quite an interesting man I tell ya and I'm saying that is because Steven tells me that you would always look at Francis for a while even if he doesn't notice you.
Well I really do like him alot, I'm just afraid of rejection you said lowering your head with your hands behind your back. As Mclooy chuckles puffing a cigar.
Y/N I see you got sprirt, you work hard, you help others like me, and I'm sure if you ask Francis out it wouldn't make you so anxious. Just get a try and I'm rooting for you and him if it works out. Mclooy said patting your back as he lays back reading to get some shut eye
Thanks Mclooy you said with a warm smile having the courage once more. You did want to ask Francis for a very long time even when it came to his work hours but hiding every place where he won't see you can't keep up forever.
I'll see him tomorrow morning you said as you wave to Mclooy closing the door and heading downstairs going to your apartment second floor and went your room and flopped on the bed.
Will he like me… you said tugging on the pillow to get some rest since tomorrow you'll be on the road for a while.
In Angus Apartment
Francis stays silent for a moment as he had the ringing of the girls voice it was Y/N once again. He didn't want this job but how can he keep others like Y/N safe from this contamination of doppelgangers even if he has to kill anyone because witness are forbidden to see unless your a SCO like Francis was.
"Francis your always welcome to come over "
Opening the door Angus holding his bourbon looks to see Francis aiming his gun but he dodges and and runs out of the run as Francis speed walks. Angus grabs Francis the side of the back punching him and slamming him against glass picture as Francis fights back punching him more and reached out for the gun, Angus used the bourbon bottle to hit Francis causing him to collapse while Angus goes to the door and knocks. The one who open the door was Dr. Afton as Mia who was fully nude stands by his side confused
Angus what the hell happened to you? Dr. Afton said his hand over his head seeing the injured businessman.
Doctor what's the hold up? Mia said pouting tugging on Afton's hand to come back to bed with her
Franics has lost his fucking mind, bastard trying to kill me!? Angus explained using a towel to hold his wound not sooner or later Francis comes in starting to shoot, Mia screams in panic as she sees Afton being shot by bullets ad Francis shots her right in the skull on the bed, Afton makes a rub for it to the exit but drops on the ground when he felt a bullet on his chest not making it. Francis sighs seeing the damage and mess just for hunting down doppelgangers. Using his leather boot he turns to see Francis face more closely, seeing worms coming down. Leaving him like this Francis got on his motorcycle and headed back home had to wash the blood off his uniform and face.
You heard a pair of footsteps coming up to your floor, you decided to get up adjusting the lace nightgown open the door a little to see who it was and you guess correctly. It was Francis but was strange for you. He wasn't wearing his milkman uniform and why would be out this late. You heard your door creek causing Francis to turn his head and come forward to you.
Francis… you said your hands covering your chest a little slowing walking back
Y/N… what have you done. Francis just blur out as he look at the blood dripping down his black leather glove and the fear mixed with guilt upon Y/N's face he wanted to touch her face but his glove hand turn into a fits as he slames the door while you were puzzled and stuttering. This wasn't the Francis you knew it had to be a doppelganger. It couldn't be the real him. You had a hard time managing to sleep so you rest your eyes a little holding a knife close to your chest hoping he doesn't come back in.
FUCK! Francis yelled throwing his empty glass milk jars on the ground Y/N wasn't supposed to look or be a witness now he had to kill her but he didn't want to. Y/N has been the only one who understands him and make him smile and always opens the door for her fresh milk. Francis attend to sleep but in the morning he would have to exterminate Y/N .
You got up and noticed you kept the knife still all night but your lack of sleep didn't help you move much. You had a strangest feeling that you were being watched or a target. You put on some usual clothes, your heels, and duffle bag because you had to get away, you knew being in your apartment wouldn't be safe. You look at the time the sun was going to rise, grabbing your keys, used a sun hat and glasses to hide your face and added scarf in general locking your apartment door and started to speed run downstairs.
Francis was up cleaning his gun and heard footsteps, putting on his boots, jacket, helmet and glasses he went to next door to your apartment he adjust the knob nothing, so he kicked the door open and you were gone. Francis speed walk down the stairs and got onto his motorcycle to find you.
You were riding in the middle of nowhere full on gas of your vehicle took a few turns and you were the only one on the road. You went to apply lipstick since you didn't had time to make yourself look pretty like you always do every morning. You wish to confess to Francis but now it was more like a huge question mark in your brain.
You look back to see a cop on his motorcycle but he didn't put on his siren which you find odd since most cops turn it on when they follow you all the way. Your fingers curled up with pressure on the steering wheel as the cop got closer. You turn the other way to pull over and turn off your engine.
I wasn't speeding, did I ever pay for a ticket? You thought to yourself millions of questions trying not to panic. You exhale in and out as you see the cop approach your car with a gentle knock on your windshield.
Tap, tap, tap,
You look to the officer waiting and you took a good glance and already you were mesmerized from his black jacket, black leather pants, his boots, gloves and shades why did a anonymous cop like this one was making you feel have heat in between your legs.
Hi Officer, is there something wrong?
Hello Ma'am yes there is, do you know why stopped you? The cop leaning closer as your face was an inch to is making your cheeks turns shades of red.
No you said trying not to get distraction from his unnecessary charm.
You were speeding, and I understand if you need to be somewhere but as a cop I have to keep on check for anyone who breaks the law~ The cop explained placing his glove hand on his chest as you nodded
I'm sorry officer but I don't think I was spreading consider maybe passing through but I didn't go over 50 and above you explain.
License and registration please ma'am the cop answered waiting for you to do your part.
Oh right here you said giving your license to the cop as he took a look but then he look back at you.
I need to see your full face ma'am just to be sure that this is you the cop ordered but you afraid but also didn't want to be put behind bars. You sigh and took the scarf, sun hat and sunglasses revealing your face the cop didn't move for a second.
Ma'am there's no way you could look that… beautiful..( Coughs)
Thank you, you said but then you heard the ringing in your ear that tone of that voice was familiar and he kept saying ma'am most cops do say ma'am or miss but this one kept saying it constantly.
Francis? You blur out as Francis look back in complete shock that you recognize him but he stepped back going back to his motorcycle. As you wait for a while but saw him reloading a gun. You turn back and started your vehicle and immediately drove off.
Ma'am, Ma'am .. Y/N! Francis shouted your name but you were already back on the road. Aggravated, Francis start up his motorcycle and went on the trail to follow and hunt you down like a wolf and bunny chase you down.
You looked around no cars still but look at the back you saw Francis catching up to you pulling out his gun starting to shoot at your window. You swift and swerved your vehicle it was a technique that you're father had taught you when it came to dealing with people coming after you. Francis speed up his motorcycle inches to your window going through the highway and made a turn to a nearby exit where it lead to an factory of mattress and pillows. You yield on your car causing Francis to slide off his motorcycle from the speed and falling. You manage to park your car to open the factory backdoor running around to find a place to hide.
Ugh… Dammit… she's got Spunk in her blood. Francis mumbled as got up from the ground and look at the stains of blood from his cuts and marks when he fell. He spit on the concrete back on his motorcycle and riding again until he found your vehicle parked in a mattress and pillow factory. Francis got off the motorcycle, pulling out his gun heading instead walking in a medium pace looking around the building. He pulled out a flashlight since it was pitchblack investigating around the area he was in.
You were roaming around thousands of mattress and pillows, kneeling down you hid for a while, holding onto your breath as you heard footsteps coming and bullets being fired.
I know you didn't want to me this way Y/N, but now you know, I'm not just your local milkman every fucking day. He said reloading his gun from the bullets falling on the floor as he steps more while looking .
I'm a cop but not the ones your use to, a cop that exterminates doppelgangers and witnesses and unfortunately for you. Francis replied as he pulls off the mattress to see you as you were opening the doors running downstairs and going to a room were there nothing but completed beds ready to be delivered.
Your a witness and I can't let that go. Francis said as he got close as he three his shades off the ground and reveal his face nothing but black eyes and a large smiling mouth he was a doppelganger. You screamed in and immediately felt your arms being grabbed and pinned as you kicked Francis causing his gun to be thrown on the other side. You went to reach it only to have your face being hit on the ground a few times, you used the bag wrapped around Francis bag causing him to choke but he spin causing you to bumper into a few shelf letting go. Francis rip the bag but you grabber onto him using your hands as fits but he just chuckles and put the gun close to your face.
FRANCIS I LOVE YOU, I ALWAYS HAVE, BUT WHY WOULD YOU EXTERMINATE ME!? AFTER ALL I DONE FOR YOU? You said on the verge of tears and face dripping blood with a few cuts. Francis look back for a moment his finger on the trigger but the fact he couldn't believe that you confess to him made him think more.
You loved me? Francis said as he black droppy ink soulless eyes were returning to his normal face the one you yearn for so much and deeply missed.
Yes Francis I don't care if your different and kill doppelgangers but if you even you pull the trigger let just do this.
Francis still had the gun on your head but you lean into him giving him a long passionate kiss causing Francis to hold onto you with your arms upon his black leather jacket shoulder kissing you a little force and tongue slipped in between. Francis wanted this more then over he finally let's go
Fuck it.. I can't take it anymore.. Francis said as he lower the gun, grabbed you by the own throwing you onto the nearby mattress where he got on top your hands pinned as Francis kissed you uncontrollably as you did the same legs spread a little as Francis takes off your top seeing you had no bra with a few whimpers he gently sucked on your nipples, nice, perky and perfect to rest his face on.
Your nipples were made for me, perhaps one day I could milk them in my private time when I deliver my daily milks door to door~ Francis cooed as he wip the salvia from his bottom lip and sucked slowly on your neck, your fingers dangled around the leather for a grip and hear the rubber sound tightened whenever he hit your sensitive spot making you moan.
Ahh… Francis.. oh Francis..ahh you said having a hard time with words because everything Francis did was pleasure and indulgence. You felt his glove caressing your hair with his lips getting more sloppy with yours as he let's go and unbuckles his pants while you were hyperlating as Francis look back at you
So beautiful, yet so delicate, you want this cock inside your wanting slit~ Francis said teasing his cock rubbing in your entrance making you bit your lip in between
I might have to warn you darling ~ I like to go pretty rough~ think you can take this cop's cock hmm~ Francis as you were on the urge to just let him be in
Please Franics, do it already….I need you
What a lovely answer darling your such a minx~ Francis replied as he slammed his cock in the bulb of your entrance making you jolt as Francis holds you down with his leather gloves inside your mouth to keep calm as he starts to thrusts inside your wet hole.
You like that baby~ Fuck you're so tight, should have done this a long time ago~ Francis said slamming more of his cock back and forth you felt so horrible about fucking a doppelganger but you needed sex and the way this Francis made you so wet you just wanted him. You gagged in between words from the fingers inside your mouth as he pulls out he slams more of his lips into your lips.
Francis..ahh… yes..ahh haa…you said with your eyes rolled back as you manage to get his jacket off and top feeling his fit muscular body slapping to your body with the two of you hold on as Francis pick up the pace.
Ahhh ahh ~ you kept saying feeling your inside being tear painful yet but the pleasure really made it more enjoyable the mattress rocking back and forth.
Fuck….fuck I'm close…I'm going to cum inside you need slut and you're going to take every inch of me~ Francis said as he held onto the bed frame saw the mattress was already sticking with cum and lipstick marks.
Please yes, please Francis ahhhh~ You said in between your head back with Francis hair a mess slamming in more and more as he made a loud groan when he felt the cum dripping down your pussy with the wave of lust finally released.
Fuck Y/N~ you were incredible Francis praise as he leans into to kiss you more softly a little aftercare.
Francis… please stay with me… you said with your nude body cuddling up to his with your face hiding against his broad chest as he sighs his fingers caressing your hair and his other hand holding the edge of your palm
I'm not going anywhere darling Francis replied with a warm smile which made your face flushed pink since you haven't seen Francis really smile that much. It felt so inviting and he was really open to you.
The two of you rest in the mattress where you both made love with your liquids around of course both of you have to clean up your mess after a few hours of resting.
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nightsadness · 6 months
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Hi! I thought I'd take applications. Call me "Undertaker" (pronouns she/her) I'm 19 years old and I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm slowly learning , so far my level is A2.
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I write: angst, fluff, yandere, headcanons, reactions, romance
I might write: smut, NSFW.
I don't write: yaoi, yuri, pedophilia, plots based on real murders, racism, excessive violence, coprophilia, incest.
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Mortal Kombat
Bungo stray dogs
That's not my Neighbor
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Mortal Kombat:
Sub-Zero (Noob Saibot/Kuai Liang/Bi-Han), Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi), Erron Black, Kabal, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, Reptile, Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Smoke, Night wolf, Rain, Fujin
Bungo Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ranpo Edogawa, Mori Ogai, Kenji Miyazava, Rando (Arthur Rimbaud), Saigiku Jōno, Edgar Allan Poe, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Sigma
That's not my neighbor:
Francis Mosses, Steven Rudboys, Angus Ciprianni, Izaack Gauss.
I also write for absolutely any female characters x fem!readers (any relationship BUT NOT YURI!!!!).
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