#stfu with the motors
kfedup · 10 months
Man, it’s almost perfect out here if only there weren’t three different houses having construction and ten lawns being mowed. I caught an 11-second exhale of near quiet. These Anderson knees are getting knobbier the older I get - like my nose and ears are getting bigger - aging isn’t for the weak of heart or for those who don’t like being alone.
This weather is stunning. I’ve been doing client work out on the patio and hopping up every 20 min to move another wheelbarrow full of wood chips into the garden paths. I’m about 3/4 of the way done and have way too many chips. Oops.
Ok, I think I’mma pop the noise canceling earbuds in, play some nature sounds, and take a little nap.
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technoxenoholic · 9 months
i do understand that haptic feedback is an important option for accessibility for many people.
vibration is fucking painful when you have the nerve issues i do, so COMPLETELY DISABLING haptic feedback ACROSS THE BOARD, FOREVER, is an equally important option for accessibility.
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oconswrld · 1 month
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That smile on your face, makes it easy to trust you.
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Girl with the smile. - Sergio Pérez x Reader.
summary: Checo finally gets to talk to the girl he's been smiling at every day.
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The sun hit her face so beautifully, like an ancient greek goddess. There are so many words Checo could use to explain her beauty, yet none ever captured the breaths she takes away. Every drill, every motor sound blurs and the world slows when she smiles right back at him.
It's been a race season filled with smiles from her. Teeth showing, or even just a grin that he couldn't get enough of. The amount of times he has caught her staring can't be counted, but it also works vice-versa.
Y/n is her name, she's Adrian's new protégé. They never crossed paths enough to talk, maybe the fact they were both blushing even at the sound of each other's name helped with the avoiding too.
The moment Sergio saw her relaxing outside the garage on her phone, he just knew it was time to finally talk to her. Those bambi eyes she always had moved up to look at him. And that damn smile came out again. Y/n's pink lips pulling and her perfectly asymmetrical teeth showing.
" Hi! " She started the conversation with a light giggle at his presence. Locking and setting her phone down, leaning forward to show him how much she was interested in talking to him.
His legs shook, being at her full mercy. She could simply walk away from him and he'd still watch her walk away with a love-sick look. A permanent blush stuck on Sergio's face at her attention to details.
" Hey. " Showing a tight lipped smile to her.
" I'm Y/n! How are you Checo? " The way she talked so gently yet so confident in her own knowledge made him want to listen to her for eternity. Her accent is heavy on the way she says his nickname. Heavenly and simply beautiful.
" I'm good. It's finally the moment for us to talk. " Light pours over his back, highlighting the way his eyebrows move closer while pronouncing words, as if to not trip over himself. Y/n never saw Sergio do that with anyone else. It made her chuckle.
Her hand finds her drink, taking a quick sip only to resume her talking.
" Been looking for you every day and night I'm here. " Laughing at her own middle school crush.
" I've been wanting to hear your accent slip through when you're talking to me, not to those interviewers. " He stated, remembering the times he saw her embarrassed over not knowing the english words for something.
" If you want it, i will grant it to you, Sergio. "
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 568,239 others
yourusername: Those innocent eyes.
tagged: schecoperez
View all 893 comments
schecoperez: That smile on your face.
yourusername: taught u so well abt Miguel babyy🥹
landonorris: Y/n really taught Checo about Girl with the tattoo before she did anything else🤨
maxverstappen1: I literally don't wanna see you look at each other with those lingering stares anymore..
yourusername: stfu lil bro. im chewing on your set of tires the next pit stop😤
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Viki's Radio: I love my man smm!!! omfg i love checo sm its odd at this point🙏🏻 need more fanfics 4 himm.
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ghstsrock · 25 days
Steve Randle Headcanons (HATER EDITION)
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! 🗯 ⋆ hateful Steve Randle headcanons
( a/n : I’ve been waiting for this one, TURN UP | sorry this took so long, my tumblr has been acting weird )
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✶ stinky. RANCID
like axe body spray and motor oil
✶ Has no personality
✶ cheated on Evie with Soda
✶ His teeth aren’t just crooked. they’re rotten, full of cavities, his breath is just .. RUIEBWU yuck
✶ potentially too prideful
✶ probably names animals shit like “Hammerhead Kid Eater 10,000”
✶ Microwaves styrofoam
✶ Banned from the kitchen
✶ super appearance obsessed
✶ Also walks around with cake all over face like just ate dookie
✶ JUDGES people’s handwriting
✶ writes in small, unreadable, cursive with his left hand
✶ Ponyboy hater and for what?
✶ vain 😀
loses so much, people started betting purely on that
✶ dairy in take is the worst of the entire gang
✶ definitely didn’t take proper care of that tattoo when he first got it
✶ fear of failure or fear of people being better than him?
✶ his comb is disgusting
like CLEAN THAT SHIT - bros got gel, dandruff, probably some bugs
✶ got the plague growing under his nails, too
✶ think y’all are best friends from the moment you meet
✶ probably peaked in middle school and is now mentally stuck there
✶ Wont stfu
✶ has every disease in the world
✶ Gay
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﹙📦﹚ request inbox thing is open ﹒zᶻ
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eyesofshan-if · 1 year
I doubt you'd tell us but what kind of drunks are the ROs...? ><
downright embarrassing, clingy drunk. spills every secret he knows, and even those he doesn't. no filter, very affectionate with touch, will bear hug everyone in sight to the point of suffocation. he is lucky he has not broken anyone's spine yet. his face gets red very easily, and his alcohol tolerance is second to none (from the bottom). either he remembers everything or remembers nothing.
irritated but cute drunk, appears totally in control of his motor functions. gets annoyed at everything, starts ranting, has a full on debate with himself and then passes out. sometimes has flashes of inspiration and does ridiculous things like writing an entire dissertation criticising a civil policy or analysing the trade agreements between two countries. absolute madlad.
happy drunk, smiles and laughs a lot, very willing to acquise to any request. becomes far too generous, and will casually attempt to give away entire jewels or empty the treasury. it's lucky that none of the servants dare to accept, but yongsun has quickly learnt that it puts them in a difficult spot to refuse, so he only drinks around certain people who can tell him to stfu
melancholic drunk. it's strange seeing him without his usual cheeky grin on his face, but there's always a certain look in his eyes after he's imbibed some alcohol, staring away into the distance and lost in memories. seeks out touch, but not effusively like hansol does, just quietly rests his head against your shoulder, and the two of you sit in silence together
almost never gets drunk, but if she does, she's a tired drunk. remains totally in command of all her functions, physical and mental, makes her way to her bedding and proceeds to knock out within seconds. if she drinks enough to take her out like that, she'll likely wake up with a raging headache in the morning
seductive drunk. if they know that you're interested in them or are in a romantic relationship, they'll keep coming too close, letting their fingers drag lightly across your bare skin, always a hint of playfulness in their eyes that makes you wonder if they're really drunk or not. if the two of you aren't yet in a relationship, they just flirt excessively
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Everything Was White: Part 18
[see all chapters]
read on: [ao3] [ffn]
Summary: After being accidentally revealed to the public and taken away by the government, Danny deals with the aftermath of his time with the GiW.
There was a video in the morning. A hidden paparazzi camera, he found out. The video was sold to TMZ and subsequently reuploaded to every social media site within the hour.
“Danny Fenton can walk?!” was the caption of the one Danny was currently watching on TikTok. It was a video of him approaching the stairs, and—ugh—struggling to climb them. He could see Tucker’s (fake) smile and Sam’s concerned oversight. His legs wobbled as they ascended each step, his gate abnormal.
And as internet culture dictated, the comments were sure to point everything out.
ok but why do his legs look like that 💀💀💀
>don’t be gross, he’s clearly got some medical issues
My cousin is paraplegic and Danny walks similar to him.
Y’all are freaking out like there aren’t videos of him already in physical therapy 🤦
Wtf happened to him?
I know this isn’t supposed to be funny but it kind of is
>stfu he’s a minor
>>So? He’s a celebrity, he can take it
These comments are horrible. This kid clearly got abused during his imprisonment and has suffered lasting damage, and there are people here who think it’s funny because he walks differently now? That’s disgusting, and as a disabled person myself, it’s horrible to see so many comments and likes making fun of him. Surprise, disabilities affecting motor function make people look different when they perform said motor functions. Grow up.
Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. This was exactly what he was afraid of. It was the entire reason why he had been avoiding walking in public.
He hadn’t even seen anyone around them. Had someone followed the van all the way to Tucker's house? Did this mean that Tucker and his family were going to get stalked too? 
Ugh, ugh! This was horrible. And now he had to go to school where everyone would have seen that video too?
He peeked out his window, and beyond the recently installed tall fence lining the property, Danny could see a circle of paparazzi and media vans parked along the sidewalk.
This was insanity. It wasn’t like this was the first video of him walking in general; there were videos and pictures of him at PT. Sure, he was being supported by the other physical therapists and equipment, but he was still walking. It just happened that this was the first video taken of him in public, which Danny guessed was enough for the algorithms to grab hold of.
His family was so lucky the neighbors seemed understanding of the media circus that was now their life. Although, Jazz had mentioned bringing cookies over to a few of them before…
“It’ll die down,” Danny reminded himself. “Once they get bored, they’ll move on.”
But even that sounded like a lie the more he said it. Because unless another half-ghost stepped into the public eye, it didn’t seem like there would be anyone to take the spotlight off of him anytime soon. 
He checked Twitter and…yep, he was the top trending topic on there too.
Fucking hell, did no one have anything better to do?
His inbox was flooded, and his notifications were worse. Danny was glad he had turned off all social media alerts on his phone ages ago. His phone would have probably caught on fire with the rate he was being tagged in tweets.
He closed his eyes and exhaled, breathing just like his therapist had taught him. In, two, three…out, two three.
Okay, so what if everyone knew what he looked like when he walked now? It wasn’t like he could keep this hidden forever. If anything, his physical therapists were probably just relieved he’d finally ripped the band-aid off because now he had no excuse to continue avoiding walking in public.
And was that really a bad thing? More practice meant strengthening his muscles, which meant that he would be closer and closer to ditching the walker for crutches.
He absentmindedly scrolled through his notifications, until one blue-checkmarked name caught his eye:
Izaak Adams @izaakadamsCongrats to @dannyphantom for kicking ass in PT! It’s amazing to see the progress you’ve made since I saw you last. Soon, you’ll be outpacing me! Keep working hard 💪
Danny frowned at the screen. Had that guy met him? As far as Danny remembered, he hadn’t met any celebrities since his release. Was this guy lying for clout or something?
Danny clicked on his profile and read his bio. “Paralympic Gold Medalist and Video Game Enthusiast” 
Paralympic gold medalist? Why did that ring a bell?
Danny racked his memories for anything, but he drew a blank. Did he know this guy? Or maybe he was reading too much into this tweet?
A knuckle rapped on his door. “Danny?” came Jazz’s muffled voice. “You awake?”
Danny looked up. “Hey, Jazz? Do I know a guy named Izaak Adams?”
Jazz opened the door to reveal her baggy sweats and messy bun. “Huh?”
“Izaak Adams, a paralympic athlete?” Danny held up his phone. “He tweeted at me almost like we’ve met?”
Jazz’s confused frown was replaced by a look of surprise. “Yeah, I remember, you have met him!”
“Really? When?”
“At the hospital one time, he came to visit? When you were first learning to use your wheelchair.”
Fragments of that memory hit him, and on instinct, Danny cringed. Oh yeah, how could he have forgotten what an underweight, stuttering, dazed mess he’d been? Ugh, how embarrassing.
Jazz stifled a giggle. “Oh come on, it was cute! He was so supportive and patient.”
“Yeah, but—”
Jazz shot him a doting glare. “Danny, anyone looking at you could see that you were in intense recovery. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting the Phantom when he went to meet you. Cut yourself a bit of slack.”
Danny looked back down at his phone. “Yeah. You’re right.”
He contemplated what to do for a few seconds before an impulsive, teenage fuck it crossed his brain. He shrugged, opened the tweet, and hit reply.
Danny Phantom @dannyphantom Replying to @izaakadamsThank you for the support! Better watch out, I’m coming for your title as the gold medalist in Hospital Hallway Racing.
There. That was equal parts easygoing and funny enough to show the press and public alike that no, he wasn’t self-conscious about the way he looked, fuck off.
Jazz glanced down at her phone and snorted.
“Good response?” Danny guessed.
“Perfect. Now get ready for school!”
As expected, the police were escorting the paparazzi off the property when he arrived at Casper High that morning.
It wasn’t like Danny was able to use his walker at school anyway.
Still, the murmurs from classmates followed him into the building, and the sideways glances to outright stares trailed behind him in the halls. 
Fantastic. Just when he thought his classmates might be getting used to him, the world had to backtrack. Part of him wanted to turn around and snark, “Fascinating news, guys, the elusive creature known as the halfa learned to walk! What an amazing step in evolution this was!” But he bit his tongue. His wit wasn’t worth whatever backlash the internet would make of it.
Danny rounded the corner and spotted Sam and Tucker hanging around their lockers. Their fight and the weight of Sam’s unresponded text were still fresh in his mind, but he took a deep breath and pressed forward.
“Hey, guys,” Danny said awkwardly.
They turned around, apprehension etched on their faces.
“Hey, Danny. What’s up?” Tucker asked.
If Sam looked desperate to say something, Danny wasn’t going to entertain her. “Nothing. My morning’s been uneventful as usual.”
Tucker fidgeted with his cap, looking sheepish. “I honestly didn’t see anyone around yesterday. They must have been hiding behind the bushes or something.”
“It’s fine, Tuck,” Danny said. “It’s not like this wasn’t going to happen soon anyway. And besides, the—the embarrassing part is done now.”
“It’s not embarrassing, Danny,” Sam rebuked. “It’s admirable if anything. The comments I’ve seen have been very supportive.”
“Sure, some of them.”
“Most of them.”
“Sam, I appreciate the pep talk, but it’s fine. Really.” When Sam’s adamant expression refused to let up, Danny reiterated, “It’s fine. There are other—other videos of me walking online. This is just the one every–everyone saw. I don’t care.”
“Good.” Tucker closed his locker door. “In an incredibly important change of topic, we never saw the new Dead Teacher movie!” 
“You guys didn’t watch it?” Danny asked.
Tucker gave Danny an incredulous look. “Without you?”
“I don’t know, I figured me being out of commission was enough of an excuse.”
“Did you not read my texts? I said we weren’t gonna watch it without you. Really, Danny, do you think so low of me?”
Danny tapped into his bullshit meter, trying to gauge if Tucker was lying—it wouldn’t be the first time—but for once, nothing pinged his radar.
“We should just marathon the whole series now that they’re all on Netflix,” Sam said. “You guys can come over next weekend and we can play them in my home theater.”
“You, Sam, have a truly wonderful brain,” Tucker said.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll believe it when you can say that while eating a salad.”
“Don’t push it, woman.”
“That’s what I thought.” Sam rolled her eyes and turned to Danny. “You up for it?”
Danny hesitated, his hold on his wheelchair tightening. “I thought I wasn’t allowed at your house?”
“Yeah, but you’re a—oh…right. I forgot.” Sam slapped her hand to her forehead and groaned. “Damn, I forgot you don’t have your powers still. Shit, sorry, guys.”
“I don’t have a fancy home system or anything, but you guys can come over to my place,” Tucker offered.
“Thanks, Tuck,” Sam said.
Out of the corner of his eye, Danny saw Principal Ishiyama stare at him for a moment too long before scurrying down the hall.
He tried to shake the uncomfortable squirming in his gut. “Yeah, Tuck, sounds good.”
“And this time…” Tucker leaned down cheekily. “Maybe you can try to not kill yourself getting to my bedroom.”
Sam and Danny both reacted immediately, shouting a chorus of “Tucker!” and “Dude!” They briefly made eye contact before Tucker’s evil cackling snapped Danny back to focus.
“That’s a cheap shot! No fair!” Danny moaned. “You can’t—this—this is bullying.”
If anything, Tucker grinned wider. “Fine, then next time I won’t save your sorry ass from a life of embarrassment the next time you try to launch yourself to the top step because you’re too lazy to climb up the stairs.”
“You have a lot of stairs!”
“My house has a perfectly reasonable amount of stairs.”
“No, I call foul,” Danny protested. “You’re literally picking on the disabled kid. Unreal.”
Tucker patted Danny’s shoulder. “Sure, okay, ghost boy.”
“That was a very dangerous move, though, Danny,” Sam said. “You could have fallen.”
“Eh, cut him some slack. Walkers are really annoying.”
“Don’t encourage this, Tucker!”
“I got your back, Danny.”
But Danny wasn’t paying attention to them anymore. Something else had caught his attention. A deep laugh, one so familiar it had sent a shockwave of ice shooting through his veins. If it weren’t for the chip, he was sure he’d be covered in ecto-frost.
He stared across the hallway, his breath frozen in his throat. Time slowed around him, and the conversational voices of Sam and Tucker melted away into the background.
No...it couldn’t be…
He must have been hallucinating. His mind was playing tricks on him. There was just no way that he was actually here in the hallway of Casper High.
No way it was true.
But it was.
There, in full view of the entire student body, was Operative O himself. His white suit gleamed against the dull cream and red of the high school. He stood against a row of lockers with his chest out, sunglasses covering his eyes, and a smirk splayed on his lips as he conversed with Principal Ishiyama.
Danny needed to run away. Flee. Get out of sight. 
But he couldn’t. It was as if his wheelchair was cemented to the ground. He was trapped, staring at the man who had made it his life’s work to ruin Danny’s.
It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real.
Operative O’s head turned until it locked onto Danny. His smirk widened and his sunglasses positively glistened. He brought a hand up above his shoulders and waggled his fingers at Danny.
Fear was replaced by hot anger. That bastard was waving as if he and Danny were longtime friends. 
“Hey, Danny?” Tucker poked his shoulder. “Isn’t that…?”
The unsaid question hung in the air like a dark cloud.
Sam’s expression hardened. “What are they doing here?”
But Danny was seething. His stomach churned in fury, and the corners of his vision tinged green. Adrenaline spiked in his veins, and he could feel his core screaming against its restraints.
Before he could so much as think, Danny was whizzing down the hall. When he got close enough, he abandoned his wheelchair altogether, pushing himself up and gripping onto the lockers for support for the final few steps. Ishiyama gave him a warning look, along with a subtle shake of her head, but Danny wasn’t listening to her.
If it weren’t for this fucking chip, he probably would have transformed into Phantom right in the middle of the damn hall.
“What the hell are you doing?” Danny hissed. Despite his fury, his palms were clammy against the metal lockers.
“Why if it isn’t Danny Phantom. What a coincidence it is to see you here.”
Operative O’s slimy voice pierced him at once, and Danny nearly crumpled to the ground. Memories came rushing back, transporting him far away to a dark, musty place where the air smelled putrid and his skin was wet and sticky. Where he never knew what time it was, where his stomach felt sick with hunger, where he begged for anyone to find him, rescue him.
“I’m doing a routine inspection. Your school installed ecto-shields, and it’s my job to make sure they’re working properly. Nothing that concerns you,” Operative O purred, leaning in to pull what appeared like a dog tag on a silver chain from his pocket. “And might I congratulate you on how wonderful it is to see you walking again. If we were back at the research center, I would even give you a little treat.”
Danny’s blood ran cold, and he stopped breathing.
Operative O chuckled, standing back up and slipping the chain out of sight. “Now if you don’t mind, Ishiyama, I’d like to see those shields you mentioned…”
Danny’s ears rang, that laugh echoing over and over like a broken vinyl. He looked up, but Mr. Lancer had inserted himself in front of Danny, blocking O from view. The world tilted, and Danny gave up. He rested his head on the locker just in time for Sam and Tucker to catch up with him, their voices muddying into the background. The world was spinning, the entire hallway was probably watching, and Danny was just trying not to throw up. 
A heavy hand fell on his back, and Danny barely caught the low murmur in his ear. “...my office?”
Danny nodded, not sure what he was agreeing to, but just knowing he had about five seconds to get out of the hallway before he was going to faint on the floor.
Thankfully, the hands were strong, and they held him upright as they guided him forward. Sam grabbed his arm, steadying him as well. Mr. Lancer said something, and Danny recognized Sam’s protesting tone in her response, but Lancer’s voice was sharper.
Sam huffed and squeezed his arm, and then his friends were gone just in time for what sounded like helicopters to womp in his ears and the spinning to reach a climax. He was pushed through the door and immediately felt his hand hit something behind him.
Danny collapsed onto his wheelchair and gasped, taking his first breath of air in too long. But his throat tightened again and he panicked, trying to breathe through the coffee straw that was his lungs.
A hand once again landed on his back, and a voice spoke soothingly into his ear.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Mr. Lancer said.
Danny shook his head and clawed at his shirt. Was his shirt choking him? Had the Operatives drugged him again? Is that why the world was spinning, why his arms were shaking so violently?
“It’s okay. Breathe, you’re okay.”
Danny clutched at his core, demanding whatever flickering bit of invisibility he could muster at whatever limbs were the closest. He couldn’t cloak his entire body in it, but the small whispers of his core powers were just enough to not send him into a complete meltdown.
“Why?” Danny finally gasped out. “Why?”
Mr. Lancer didn’t answer. Danny didn’t know if this was because he didn’t actually know the answer or if he just felt like Danny shouldn’t hear it.
Danny’s throat squeezed tighter. He glanced down at his bag and could feel the weight of the emergency pills. He was desperate for one. But he couldn’t, not in Lancer’s office.
Mr. Lancer pulled his chair beside Danny and sat down. He kept his voice low, whispering “it’s alright, it’s okay” as he waited for Danny to get himself under control.
But as soon as the dizziness ceased and the world righted again, Danny’s ragged breaths melted into sobs.
He bent forward, hiding his face in his hands. He could taste the ghost of the red bag on his tongue, and he could feel the plastic tube being shoved down his throat, cutting off his oxygen supply as it reached for his stomach. He felt the pain in his back, his chest, the phantom nerves in his legs firing off any way they could.
He felt Operative O thread his fingers down his torso, exploring the blank canvas prime to decorate with green.
“I didn’t want it,” Danny choked out. “I…”
His stomach turned, and he clamped his hands over his mouth, gagging. 
Mr. Lancer was quick to react, shoving a waste bin under Danny’s chin just in time for Danny to empty the contents of his breakfast into it.
Mr. Lancer’s hand was on his back, rubbing circles as Danny’s head lurched forward once again. He coughed, spitting bile and stomach acid into the bin. The warmth in his body had never felt so uncomfortable before, so dizzying.
Danny shook his head, mumbling, “I didn’t want it.”
“I know,” Mr. Lancer responded quietly. 
“I didn’t—I just—I just wanted the granola bars. It wasn’t my—” Danny choked on his voice. He shook his head, trying to force out the memories that flickered past the back of his eyes.
He just needed to reach his hand out and grab the granola bar. That’s all he needed to do. So why couldn’t he do it? Why did his mistake cost him the last shred of the dignity he was still clutching onto?
A fresh wave of tears fell from Danny’s eyes. “I—I’m not…” I’m not a dog, he wanted to scream, but he couldn’t.
Because he would be lying if he said he truly believed it. 
“I’m sorry,” he said instead. Because he was sorry, truly, for continuing to be a burden on Mr. Lancer, a teacher Danny had spent the past two years disappointing over and over, a teacher who’d been forced to babysit him in detention dozens of times, a teacher who had now twice had to deal with him being an emotional fuckup.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” 
But that was a big fat fucking lie if Danny had ever heard one. And he should know, he was the master of lying.
His parents didn’t try to make him talk when they picked him up from school that day.
Danny was too busy staring out the window unseeing to talk anyway.
He didn’t remember getting inside. Couldn’t remember transferring out of the car or going into his house.
Maybe he should’ve been thankful that the wheelchair was autonomous now. Or whatever his doctor would tell him.
He blinked, and he was on the couch with a throw blanket over his body. Jazz was next to him, staring at the television as some reality show played. Danny’s gaze followed hers, and he didn’t miss the way her eyes noticed his movement. But he didn’t acknowledge her. Instead, he much preferred to watch…
What was he doing?
There was this stillness over his body, in his mind. It was…quiet. Light. 
It was nice.
He recognized this feeling. This lightness in his limbs, the calm in his body. The lack of pain, lack of burning from his nerves and muscles.
It was just. Relaxation. Pure tranquility.
He remembered then, the emergency pill he managed to sneak while Lancer and his parents slipped into another room to talk. And then a different pill his parents handed him moments later.
One that he’d taken while he was shaking, his body in shock, desperate for an ounce of relief.
When the world stopped, it was euphoric. The fog returned, blanketing his mind and shielding him from the realities just outside the door. He relaxed, accepting the fog like a long-lost brother. It stayed with him for hours, and he cherished every second of their time together, but now it was bidding adieu.
But this time, the loss didn’t seem so bad. There was no pain, no stress. It was only the calm with no storm to follow.
He closed his eyes and sank into the couch. He was tired, and the cushions and blankets felt so nice. He wasn’t in the cell—not even close—he was home with his sister. Safe, protected.
“Thanks, Jazz,” he murmured.
She didn’t respond, but he knew she heard him.
“What show’s on?”
“Survivor,” she said. “A rerun. Not sure which season.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The television droned on, and Danny heard the contestants bickering about…something or other.
Heh. That sucked for them.
“M’sorry.” Danny yawned. “Sorry for…you know…I hope I didn’t ruin your day. You babysitting me.”
“It’s fine, Danny, It’s not your fault. They shouldn’t have been there.”
“I don’t know…it sounds like they could be there.”
He heard Jazz shift beside him, and his eyes peeked open to see her attention fully diverted from the show.
“Where’s Mom and Dad?”
“They’re with the lawyer.”
“Okay.” Danny’s eyelids felt heavy, and wisps of his core tickled his chest. “I need the chip out.”
She was quiet again.
“You understand why,” Danny said.
“I do.”
“I need Mom and Dad to—to remove it. If they don’t…”
“I wish I could help,” she said quietly.
“Then convince them. They won’t listen to me, I’m a ghost. You heard them, remember? I’m…my Obsession is influencing my brain. And…” He looked at the ceiling. “And, well, maybe it is. But Operative—the Guys in White were still there today. And I…I think I’ve seen them before today too. I thought I was…but no, I think it was them.”
Tears glittered in Jazz’s eyes.
“You have to convince them for me.”
“I’ll try my best. We can talk to them tonight together.”
Danny shook his head. “It’ll never work if I’m there. They think I’m crazy.”
“They don’t think that.”
“They’re scared of me. Or, the half of me they don’t like.”
“No.” Jazz wiped her eyes with her sleeves. “No, that’s not true.”
“I’m not deaf, Jazz. I heard them. Remember?”
“They love you so much, Danny. I promise. They’re scared for you.”
“What’s there to be scared for?” Danny pressed his finger into his thighs, feeling only the strange sensation of pressure in return. “It’s not like…I don’t know, it’s not like I’m banned from—banned from existing. That’s what the court case was all about, right?”
“And I’ve been in therapy for months. I go there every day. They know I’m not going to—to hurt myself.”
Jazz pressed her lips into a thin line. “I know.”
“So why don’t they?”
“This summer was…” She sighed. “This summer was hard, Danny. We’d all do it all over again if it meant getting you under legal protection, but the period you were gone? That was—it—” Her voice broke. “Not knowing if you were alive or dead, not hearing a word about you for weeks? That was terrifying. The last thing we remembered was you being carted off by the Guys in White and SWAT teams, knocked out, electrocuted, and then you were gone. Just like that. And when you were finally brought back to us…”
His eyes felt too dry for once. His body was too calm to rewake that pain.
“I know—I know it was so much worse for you. I know our experiences outside don’t even begin to compare to yours. I understand, and they do too. But in the flash of an eye, their entire world changed. They’re coping.”
“Their coping is going to get me killed, though.”
“The government can’t touch you.”
Anxious Danny might have snapped at that. But Anxious Danny wasn’t here right now. He continued in the same bland tone as before, “You have no idea what the government is capable of.”
Jazz’s expression tightened.
“If their reasoning for not giving me back control over my core is—is just that this summer was hard for them, then that’s a shit excuse. And it’s going to get me killed. That’s really—really…that’s really it.”
“I know. I’m not making excuses, I’m just explaining what’s going through their heads.”
“Then you need to talk to them. Because at—at this point, I’ve said everything I can.” 
Jazz mopped at her face again, nodding. “I know.”
Danny reached his hand out, gently lowering it to her arm. He felt her stiffen before her free hand shot down to clutch his.
She was trembling.
“I need you, Jazz. You’re…you’re my sister. I need you to be on my side right now.”
“I am. I’ll try. We can bring it up tonight as a united front. I’ll lead the conversation.”
He gave her arm a gentle squeeze before breaking off the contact. He sank back into the cushions, closing his eyes. “Thanks.”
Jazz sniffled beside him.
Dinner was a quiet affair that evening. The painkillers had worn off, and Danny was itching to escape upstairs to lie down.
But Maddie insisted that he eat, so he picked at his bowl of noodles, not bothering to hide the fact that he really didn’t feel like putting anything down his throat at the moment.
Thankfully, his parents didn’t seem to want to fight him tonight.
“So…” Danny started.
Maddie took the bait. “We met with the lawyer today.”
“Okay, and?”
At Maddie’s despondent look, Jack took over, placing his hand on hers. “The government can’t touch you legally. We want to make that very clear. No matter what, they can’t take you.”
“But…” Danny prompted.
“But as far as everything else goes, at this current moment, we can’t do anything about them showing up in the same buildings as you.”
Danny wanted to laugh. Or cry. 
Or both.
“We tried to file a no-contact or a restraining order,” Maddie said. “But due to the current laws, we can’t get anything. If the agents physically hurt you, then we might have a case. But unfortunately, as of right now, our hands are tied.”
“Nothing can be done,” Danny muttered numbly. 
���I’m sorry, son,” Jack said. “We’re going to continue to see what other paths we can take. We won’t give up, I promise.”
Danny had always known that the Guys in White weren’t finished with him, that they were on a mission to cleanse the world of all things ecto. He knew that no matter where he went, they would follow.
But it still hurt to hear.
“So that’s it,” Danny said. “I just have to wait till they hurt me in front of everyone.”
“We’ll never let it get to that point,” Maddie said.
Danny shook his head, his eyes staring blankly at the table. “Okay.”
Because what could he say to that? He couldn’t just pretend like this was fine, like he was fine with this. Because that would have been so insane of a lie that not even his dad would have bought it.
Jazz’s eyes flickered between them. “There’s also the other thing we talked about before dinner, Mom.”
“I know.” Maddie looked to Jack for support. He gave a solemn nod, and she pressed forward, despite looking like she’d rather do anything else. “We know that your…halfa psychology makes situations like these difficult for you emotionally.”
Danny’s mood darkened instinctively. Any mention of his ghostly Obsession with his parents had a tendency to turn sour.
“I know that things haven’t exactly gone the way you’ve wanted them to. And I hope you understand that everything we’ve done has been for you and your safety.”
Yeah, because I’m so ‘safe’ that I can’t even defend myself, Danny internally quipped.
“We know that…protection…is something that’s important to you. And Mr. Lancer said that you, um, struggled after the confrontation,” Maddie said.
“I had a breakdown,” Danny stated, his dead tone surprising himself.
“Right,” Maddie said awkwardly.
“Jazz mentioned that the situation has gone directly against your core,” Jack said. “And we’re worried about that too.”
There was one way they could fix this, but Danny wasn’t going to be the one to say it. They knew what he was thinking.
Maddie sighed. “We were wondering if there was anything that you wanted to talk to us about. About this, your core, any of it.”
Danny didn’t let a single muscle twitch in his face. No way did they deserve a clue—not after they were the reason that Danny was completely defenseless against the Guys in White today.
They sat at the kitchen table listening to the hum of the fridge. The grandfather clock that Jack had built ticked on, each click seeming louder than the last. 
And finally, Danny shrugged.
“Well,” Jazz said. “I think Danny has done a really good job at upholding his end of the bargain. And now we’re at a point where continuing in this trajectory is going to actively hurt his progress in therapy.”
“And we agree to a certain extent. But honey…”
“But nothing, Mom. We’ve talked about this: Danny is as much of a human as he is a ghost. It’s not fair to him or his psychology that he’s spent months without access to his core. And with the government making bolder moves such as this, it’s important to Danny—and me too—that he is secure.”
Danny didn’t like being talked about as if he were a test subject, but if this was what it took to get his core back, then so be it.
“The government is not going to touch him. Not unless they want to be sued to hell and back for violating court orders,” Maddie said.
Oh, he could scream. 
“I’m not talking about that; I’m talking about how this affects Danny’s mental health. The whole point of the chip was to give him the safety he needed to heal, but the issue is that now the chip is actively interfering with the entire reason it was created.”
“But to go from zero to full powers right now…” Maddie drifted off.
Jack nodded. “I agree, it’s too much.”
“Well, you guys are the scientists. Figure out a way to adjust the power level on the chip, then.”
Danny’s eyes narrowed, snapping to Jazz. Just what in the world was she saying?
Jack pondered her proposition. “That’s not a bad idea, actually.”
“I know.” Jazz leaned back and folded her arms in that annoying fashion she did when she thought she’d won.
“Hun, I don’t even think that’s possible. To access those mechanics on the chip, we’d need to extract it from Danny,” Maddie said.
“Maybe!” Jack snapped his fingers. “This chip might not be flexible, but I bet we could build one that was! And we’d be able to remotely configure it!”
Immediately, Danny felt sick.
Apparently, Maddie didn’t, judging by the way her eyes lit up. “And then we could even program it to slowly fade its power levels! Oh, Jack, that’s brilliant.”
“Aren’t you glad you have such a genius for a husband?” 
“I am!”
“Don’t worry, son, we’ll get you fixed up in no time!” Jack gave him a thumbs up.
Danny was careful to not let the mask slip from his face and betray how truly revolted he was by this plan.
A chip that let his parents remotely set how much control over his core he had? He couldn’t think of anything more dystopian.
Perhaps noticing his silence, Maddie prompted, “Honey?” 
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Danny admitted.
“You can say anything on your mind, dear. This is…we’re a team.” 
Even as she said those words that had been repeated so many times before, her voice sounded unconfident. 
Danny could have laughed at the irony.
“You already know what I’m going to say.” Danny’s eyes traveled up from the table until they pierced hers. “There’s nothing else.”
“Yes, and you understand why we can’t just give you free rein of your ghost powers, right?” she asked. 
“And you know that—that you’re still safe, right? You’re still protected in the meantime?” Maddie asked.
He wasn’t safe.
“Yes, I know.” 
“The law is final, son,” Jack said gently. “They can intimidate you all they want, but they will never be able to touch you at all.”
“And pretty soon, you’ll start to have your powers back. Okay?” Maddie said.
Danny looked away. “I was just scared. That was all.”
Danny glared at the name on his screen. Never in his wildest dreams could he ever have imagined he would be willingly seeking this scum of the Earth out, but he had no other choice.
He was down to his last few pills, and with the escalating boldness of the Guys in White, there was no way he was going to make it out of this intact.
Grumbling for the tenth time, he pressed the call button and brought the phone to his ear.
Later on, he would be disgusted at how quickly Vlad picked up the phone. “Daniel!” he said, his voice too cheerful. “What a lovely surprise!”
“Yeah, lovely.” Danny’s tone was anything but. 
“To what do I owe this pleasure? Does your mother miss me?” 
Danny closed his eyes, remembering Vlad’s warning about his calls being tapped.
“Gross, no, shut up about my mom. I’m…I need help. With a school project.”
He could feel Vlad’s grin on the other end of the line. “A school project, you say? That seems a bit bland of a request.”
“In—in science. I had an idea, but I need resources. And you’re…rich.”
“Science? My, that is interesting! If you don’t mind me asking, Little Badger, why not just ask your parents for assistance?”
Cocky bastard. 
“I feel bad. They’ve—they’ve done a lot for me, and…I know they’re busy. They were meeting with the lawyer today, and I just don’t want to—to bother them. With this. And I know you…from your college days, you have experience and your old gadgets still.”
“Surely your parents have some old gadgets in their shed you can toy with.”
“Most of those are fried. You know how my dad gets.” He knew that Vlad was just trying to pick at any loophole in their conversation, and he needed to play along, as much as he hated it. “I wan–wanted to show the school that I’m okay. You know? They have me in these—the Learning Center, and I wanted to prove I can handle real classes again. I need something to impress them. Especially after today, I just…I don’t want them to think I can’t—I can’t handle myself.”
There was a brief moment of silence on the other line before Vlad hummed. “I see. Well, you know I am a very busy man, Daniel.”
“Yes, but…”
“However, I suppose since you reached out, I would be delighted to help my favorite nephew with his assignment. Does tomorrow after school work for you? I can pick you up if so.”
Danny’s eyes widened. “Yeah. That’s fine, I don’t have PT. There—it’s just that I’m under…I get picked up by my mom.”
“I see. So would I have to contact the school to pick you up instead?”
“No, I don’t—I don’t think so. I think I can ask my mom.”
“Alright, well, hopefully dear Maddie and my old friend Jack won’t be too jealous that you’ve asked me to help you rather than them. Do tell your mother hello for me, alright?”
“Whatever,” Danny grumbled. Then, remembering the code, he slapped a fake smile on his lips and bared his teeth into the receiver, “Thank you, Vlad! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
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Thanks so much for @imekitty for doing beta work while mid-NaNoWriMo. That is insane so please appreciate her thank you 💚
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alohajun · 2 years
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treasure x south asian!reader | wc : 0.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationships, interracial couple (korean/japanese + south asian), mentions of food | request : could i request treasure reaction to their s/o or their girl being indian? thank you👀🥺 | loki's lines : wrote south asian instead of just indian since i relate more to that, i hope you don’t mind :( also, i tried a new layout!
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💎 they are very curious about anything and everything, so expect to be bombarded with questions whenever they suddenly fall into a curious mood
💎 hyunsuk and jeongwoo know they can be a bit of a motor mouth, so they want to gain more knowledge to ensure they don’t do or say anything that’ll offend the south asian culture
💎 yoshi and junkyu are just plain curious and want to know more for the sake of understanding you better — and maybe even impressing you by picking up on certain skills
💎 being an interracial couple can be difficult, but they will assure you before you can even utter a word about how you felt
💎 when you kept staring their way as they did smth, they already knew you were going to ask smth like “are you sure you want to be with me?” or “does it bother you i’m south asian?”
💎 hyunsuk and yoshi would watch you with furrowed brows as you spoke, trying to express wordlessly that what you were asking was absolute nonsense
💎 junkyu and jeongwoo were the more playful ones — not even letting you get a word as they kept making incomprehensible noises to change the topic
💎 “… ykw imma let this pass just this once bc clearly you didn’t hear me two mins ago when i told you i love you.”
💎 “look, babe … i may be a multilingual, but that doesn’t mean i understand the absolute nonsense you are asking me rn. i love you for you and nothing else matters, so stfu.”
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💎 okok before we get into it, i just gotta say this quad in south asian traditional wear 😭 HELP ME GODS WHY DO I HURT MYSELF WITH MY THOUGHTS
💎 they wouldn’t be as curious as the others, but they’d definitely do their research unbeknownst to you, wanting to surprise you by appearing to be geniuses in your culture
💎 you’d visit every south asian restaurant around with him, trying to find a place where the food tasted more like home so you could feel better whenever you felt homesick
💎 alas, no restaurant could even get close to your family’s cooking — but that didn’t mean that he’d give up
💎 jihoon and mashiho would call up your family when you weren’t around, asking them about the foods you liked and how to make them
💎 they’d surprise you with a meal, inviting you over for a movie night, but showed you a table full of all the foods you liked, replicated to taste like what you grew up eating
💎 jaehyuk and haruto would try their hand at cooking too, but would rather plan a surprise meetup with your family — especially after you were visibly homesick after maybe meeting his family or needed a change from your environment
💎 would definitely surprise you one day when they had a photoshoot spontaneously, just bc the traditional wear they ordered had arrived
💎 you’d be pleasantly surprised when you saw his enthusiasm to wear south asian traditional clothes, and even more surprised to see how great he looked in them
💎 the two of you would have a makeshift background using white bedsheets, posing for the camera, with you just grinning ear to ear at the happiness you felt and him just smiling bc you were happy
💎 “wow, we look amazing — more you than me, but i look decent, don’t you think?”
💎 “there were more amazing looking ones, but they were pricey and i thought we could just save the money to buy them for our wedding instead. yes, i said what i said, now shut your mouth, you are gonna catch a fly.”
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💎 these are the “okay? and your point is?” squad
💎 they simply just don’t care about what people think bc you are all that matters to him — what you think matters to him more than what others think
💎 every day is filled with words of affirmation or just affectionate touches which make you feel at ease — bc yk that he loves having you around regardless of you being south asian
💎 smth that surprised you about him was how he was the one to ask you if you didn’t mind being with him
💎 he’d do everything to make sure you are comfortable and confident with your relationship
💎 actually takes pride in the fact that you are south asian bc he feels like y’all can be some icon for people who don’t believe in interracial relationships
💎 in fact, i feel like these four are the type to go out more in public if anyone ever commented (somewhat negatively) about your relationship (unless you didn’t want to, that is)
💎 night walks, day walks, picnics, movies, shopping — he’d wanna do everything with you for everyone to see just so they could see how much fun y’all were together (and we love a bit of pda to piss off the haters)
💎 stares are bound to happen when y’all walk on the streets, but you can count on him to make you feel at ease
💎 “dang, i knew we looked good, but i didn’t think we’d look this great for them to be looking at us like this. should i ask them if they want a picture of us?”
💎 “oh, dammit. i knew i shouldn’t have worn mismatched shoes. now everyone is staring at us bc of it. i’m sorry, y/n. just bear with it for a while until i make mismatched shoes a trend.”
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taglist — @kflixnet @ravenori @xiaosimp3 @nanasdream @twntycm @roseky21 @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @silent-potato @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @yoshiikore @f4ery @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @jun-bug @mui890mew @yogurteume @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @augustle0 @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @wyynn @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @enhatrejor (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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line-of-fire · 1 year
Well. I got a minute, and I have Thoughts™️ so. Headcanons/general ramblings on Roze and Stiletto, because I've taken up both KorTac ladies as muses elsewhere
Her middle name is Alice
I like to think of her as being an 88M (motor transport) for a year or two before she was able to switch over to infantry + the special forces route when it was opened up to females. No this isn't projection stfu
She didn't leave Shadow Company until around Las Almas/shortly afterwards. She may be a merc + gun for hire, but she's still got limits.
Probably smokes weeds. Can make mean edibles.
Gym rat 100%
Believes in Bigfoot
Her father had been the one to teach her how to hunt + track, and she was incredibly close with him growing up. Actually looks more like him than her mother.
Overall, I write her kind of like a lot of western women I've met that grow up hunting and that sort of thing. A little redneck, knows her self-worth, knows what's important in life, and hell if she ain't gonna have a little bit of fun while she can, if that makes any sense.
Has the messiest handwriting you could find.
While a single child (parents had struggles conceiving), she did grow up in a pretty big family that was all close to one another, and her cousins were practically siblings to her.
Her vendetta against the Camorra is acutely personal. Her family was actually involved in things like drug trafficking and money laundering; and as an adult she was actually involved herself for a time. When she was in her 20s, a hit was put out on them, and she was the only survivor.
Catholic Guilt™️ . Her views on religion and the like are... complicated. I do tend to think of her in believing in predestination, however. She still has her old rosary that she keeps on her nightstand, and she goes to confessional once or twice a year, usually around the anniversary of her family's murder.
I tend to write her as this like.. kind gruff + aloof character that's been around the block, that's experienced in ways she won't necessarily always admit to, that does care deep down, but just doesn't show it often.
@detnu-a-h I shared >:)
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jasonsmirrorball · 10 months
stfu jason working on his bike and getting his hands dirty........... i am thinking thoughts
twirling my hair, not at all imagining him leaving a bit of motor oil on you when you come to bother him and he gives you a kiss…smearing a little on you…something something hands….
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Why do human noises have to be so loud?????? Stfu!!!!
Eating noises!!! Coughing!!! Stop!!!
Fine motoric skills my ass!!!
Have to wear headphones at the dinner table again
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eaudrey35 · 10 days
Donald Trump said no other President has ever had a gag order placed on them. Donald HOG SHIT no other President n history is dumb ass motor mouth wannabe victim who can't STFU like u. None r dumb enough to attack judges DA's and there families like u. Donald HOG SHIT u r not a victim. U r a arrogant piece of shit who hates accountability and when found guilty it is everyone fault but urs because u r a grimmy immoral nasty horrible mentally deranged POS.
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yousaythatsooften · 2 months
I can't ask the dang internet how to exorcise Rod Stewart's voice from my head, stfu.
Don't have enough gas to drive him out with other voices, either.
Always keep your tanks half full...in case of a weirdo following you...or in case you need the motorized hollering chamber like this one. 🤣
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t-rex-lapis · 2 years
Bro for the achievements assembly it was so shit.
It started off with my English teacher talking about an Olympian who doesn’t swim for a country but for refugees. Saying how when they were in the boat and the motor stopped working people had to swim the boat to shore, cause I think 4 could swim out of 20.
All nice and stuff, confusing cause I thought it would be about achievements, until she said “so you guys complaining that it’s cold imagine what it’s like to do this” essentially saying for us to stfu about it being cold.
Miss, are you ok? Have you seen the energy prices and people cant buy heat for their homes. But since we didn’t swim in an ocean I guess we can’t complain. Then the achievements were dumb cause a racist somehow made it in top 10 but whatever
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corrianak · 3 years
"can you stop jerking your head" "can you stop squeaking it's annoying"
no I can't but I can hit you with my car
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choolz · 3 years
you know, it’s just typical that when I finally do something about my insomnia and anxiety, some man on the street I live on picks up a habit of screaming in rage at 4 am for fuck knows what reason and cursing loudly for the whole fucking city to hear
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
I just saw the fic you did for the shut up mom prank and I loved it! do you think you could do one with mikey, draken and hanma 🥺👉👈
STFU Mom | Draken, Mikey, and Hanma
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- Part 2 of you and your kid pranking your husband. Ft. Timeskip Draken, Mikey, and Hanma
(Female Reader)
warnings: cussing
genre: crack
A/N: Thank you, anon! I actually want to try this prank but my Asian ass is way too scared for this LMAO
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Draken (Ryuguji Ken)
When it comes to having the Best Dad Award, you'll have to give it to Draken.
You always knew that he'll be a great father, and you weren't wrong. From the moment your son was born, Draken was attentive and doting to him.
And your son, to your husband's pleasure, was a carbon copy of him. He inherited his father's brute strength and his love for bikes. He even asked you to get the same tattoo as his Dad's, to which you disapproved.
Although despite being like Draken, your son's got the puckish sense of humor. From time to time, he loves annoying either you or your husband which up until now, you couldn't get used to.
Today's one of those days. Your son asked you if you can get along with him to prank his Dad. Which of course, you agreed to.
Currently, you three were on the bike shop. Your son reading a guide regarding machines and motors, while your husband was fixing a customer's bike.
"Dabi, can you take out the trash please?", you asked your son as you do your best to act normal.
Your son ignored you and continued to read.
"Dabi?" you asked.
"Shut the hell up, Mom. I'm trying to read," he said as he rolled his eyes at you
The both of you were startled with pieces of screws clinking on the floor
"HAAAA???" Draken shouted as he looked at his son
"Oi, you jerk. Did you just tell your mom to shut up?" Draken asked as he was looking for something in the toolbox which confused the both of you.
To your surprise, Draken pulled out a wrench which he used to point to your son.
"Apologize you brat. Or I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you with this," Draken threatened as his eyes burned holes in your son.
"Pfft, Dad! It's just a prank," your son said
"Baby, you're way too serious!" you laughed at your husband.
Draken glared at the both of you
"I swear, you two," he said as he faces palmed himself. "I'll die out of stress here before you know it," he continued.
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Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
When Mikey found out that you're having his child, he was unsure of how to feel.
Sure, he felt blessed when you agreed to marry him. But having a kid is a different story. Actually, he felt glad when he first heard the news. But at the same time, he's worried if he'll ever be a good father.
But he's actually one.
As your son grew up, Mikey was able to close the gap between them. You can tell that the two were close as they often bond. Usually, they play video games together, have rides, and Mikey would sometimes train him to fight. He's a patient and a good dad.
Your son would sometimes wonder just how patient his dad is to him. Despite his antics, Mikey rarely scolds him. So to give it a try, your son teamed up with you to prank him.
Currently, your husband and son are on the couch playing their PS5.
"Shinso, can you help me get the laundry upstairs?" you asked.
Your son continued playing pretending to ignore you.
"Hey, go help your mom first," Mikey said while still playing.
"Shinso" you repeated
"Mom, shut up!" your son yelled.
Suddenly, you felt an intense aura coming from Mikey and saw a flying controller across the room.
Apparently, Mikey threw his PS5 controller to his son.
"You asshole! Go help your mom," Mikey half-shouted.
It was quite a shock from your son for it was rare for him to see his father lose his cool.
"Then come back here and I'll shove some manners down your throat you brat," Mikey continued, now holding onto one of his household slippers and using it to point at your son.
By this time your son burst into a peal of uncontrollable laughter.
"Huh? You think it's funny?" Mikey said pissed. Ready to throw one of his slippers.
"Baby, it's a prank," you said as you smiled at your husband.
"Yeah, Dad! I didn't know you could do that," your son said in between giggles.
Mikey looked at both of you and pouted.
"Hmph," he said crossing his arms. "Go help your mom anyway," he continued.
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Shuji Hanma
If you'll describe Hanma as a husband and father, it'll be adventurous.
Hanma likes to keep the thrill. When you were still pregnant, he suggested not to have a gender reveal party so that both of you will be surprised. You didn't even think of names throughout the pregnancy and just named the baby right on the spot.
This didn't stop even when the baby was born. As the kid grew, Hanma would teach him how to fight, what tattoos to get when he gets older, and how to pick up chicks. Sometimes, the poor kid will be the victim of your husband's unending teasing. Honestly, it was quite a nightmare for you. Yet, you still enjoyed it.
On a daily basis, it's either you or your son who'll get the curse of Hanma's endless annoyance. But today, it was different.
Both of you wanted to get back at Hanma. So you and your son decided to prank him.
Right now, your husband and son were playing Uno while you're preparing for dinner.
"Dad, you do know that I'm aware that you have extra cards hiding under the table right?" your son said questioningly.
"Ha? I don't care," Hanma said in annoyance.
You decided to butt in between the two of them
"Aki, come and help me cook here," you said.
"Shut up Mom, I'm playing," your son replied, pretending to be annoyed.
"You jackass..." Hanma said, crumpling the Uno cards in his hands.
Hanma suddenly grabbed his son by the collar.
"You ain't going to disrespect my wife and your mom like that you shit," Hanma said growling.
Your husband's fist was about to collide with your son's face when you suddenly stopped him.
"Babe! It's a prank," you explained.
"Pffft, Dad, you're so gullible," you said.
"What?" Hanma asked, confused.
"We're just joking. You, zero. Us, one," you said pointing to you and your son with a smirk.
"Tsk. I hate you two," Hanma said. "I'll get back at this," he continued, jokingly.
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