#sth 118
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snively-mun · 1 year
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polling-sonic-fans · 27 days
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Thank you for the anonymously submitted poll!
Mod note: adding 'Sonic fans' or equivalent to every title until I make a banner, as I have recieved a few notes saying people didn't realise these polls are fandom specific. Suggestions for more clarity welcome.
Polling Sonic Fans for their opinions on all manner of things. Share good questions to indicate what you want asked. Submissions open.
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m1ss-n0mer · 23 days
Holy shit holy fuck holy fuck fuckity fuck.
So, bsd chapter 118, right?
Mind blown, but for more reasons than one might realise.
So, Fyodor saves Atsushi at the end, right? This is most likely because, since the beginning, there's been a bounty on Atsushi's head because apparently he's some kind of lead to the book.
In the chapter really early on (like, chap. 13 or sth) where Atsushi and Akutagawa are fighting on that ship, we see that Fitzgerald, Fyodor, and Agatha are the intended recipients of the weretiger, and the ones trying to find the book.
Fyodor is so close to that goal now, so I'm thinking Agatha Christie (and potentially the rest of the Order of the Clock tower or whatever they're called) are going to get involved.
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ragsweas · 5 months
Silly 911 idea
So even if bucktommy break up, which might happen idk relationships yk, I need tommy to become a permanent fixture in 118's life.
Like that's Tommy's fear right?
But what if, if he and buck break up, its so amicable that they remain friends. (Because lets be honest, we queers are messy that ways) he is invited back to Bobby's barbecue party. Eddie adores him he is not gonna let go of this new friend with similar interests. Chim qnd Hen approve of him, and maybe they have some conversations left to happen. He becomes known and imp like Josh and Sue, and yeah he is not gonna be in the inner 118 circle but every Christmas party and barbecue you see him.
Sth about finding peace with people even if you don't find family, yk
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edwardianmumbo · 10 months
Verbal Terminology in Autistic Tumblr Survey Results
After quite a long while (and for that I apologise) I’ve finished the results of a survey about the descriptivist uses of the terms Nonverbal/Non-Speaking and Semiverbal/Semi-Speaking in Tumblr’s Autism Community. This survey was originally intended to cover more, and just be a fun side project that unfortunately ended up with many flaws throughout the whole process. I'll go into specifics more at the end in the “Further Notes” section!
All that to say, I heavily implore you to do your own research and listen to others outside of this survey about these terms. Admittedly I think this survey is best taken as a small peek into how a very small group of people currently use these terms, in a fun non-informational survey format. (Also this was my first time doing image ids, so well i tried my best they might be really bad and for that i apologise in advance!!)
Demographic Questions
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[image id: a bar graph called “What Would You Call Yourself” with the options going top to bottom the graph says Nonverbal at 16 (3.5%), Semiverbal at 118 (25.9%), Someone Who temporarily Loses Speech or Temporarily Can’t Talk at 308 (67.7%), Verbal or At allistic Level at 171 (37.6%), and Hyperverbal at 95 (20.9%) end id]
First things first I looked at the different ways survey respondents identified personally, and at a base level we can see most people said they had varying speech levels. The next highest given types overall were Semiverbal and Speaking Autistics, with Nonverbal being the least used term among survey participants. Due to this being multiple choice I also looked at what group of responses where most common:
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[image id: a bar graph of Unique Term Use Types. The highest is Temporary Only at 141 respondents. The next Highest is VT (Verbal and Temporary) at 60, followed closely by Verbal Only at 59. The rest in order of highest to lowest is Semiverbal Only at 41, ST (Semiverbal and Temporary) at 33, TH (Temporary and Hyperverbal) at 29, Other Combinations at 21, VTH (Verbal, Hyperverbal, and Temporary) at 19, Hyperverbal Only at 18, SVT and STH and VH are all tied at 8, SV (Semiverbal and Verbal) at 6, and finally Nonverbal Only at 4 respondents. end id]
This graph more clearly shows that a majority of responders would consider their verbal speech levels to change, but only a minority of that group also considers themself Semi or Non-Verbal. You can all also see how a majority of responders considered themself either as just temporarily losing speech or a combination group using the Verbal option, which highlights a potential bias in the future questions. (Also the other section is for all combinations that got under 1% of respondents individually!)
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[image id: A pie chart pf praticapent’s age groups. The highest at 56% is 18-29 year olds, with 13-17 place at 38.2%. The rest have the percents cut off but in order are 30-29, Under 13, and then 40+ year olds. End id]
Most responders fell in the age ranges of 13-29. This seems to follow general Tumblr trends after a quick search, but possibly leans a few years younger then the general user base. The lack of older adults taking the survey is unfortunate as some of these terms have been around for a while, and it’s always a plus to get an all ages response on surveys like these.
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[image id: A pie chart titled “Where did you find the survey”, The top choice being “Another Tumblr Blog” at 59.1%, and the 2nd “Nd Culture Is” at 37.1%. You can see the slices for “From Someone I Know” and various Other Responses in the pie chart, with the other responses blurred out in the index sheet. end id]
This graph is admittedly a bit worthless, as I made it before deciding where I was going to post the survey to, so a decent amount of people, both those who selected “Another Blog” or Other mentioned getting it straight from the og post or a reblog of it. So needless to say i wasn’t quite exact enough by what i meant in this question (which was to see how far it spread vs any bias from just my “in-group” so to say), but it does does imply that that the survey didn’t make it far from the groups I posted it in. Which is expected with how little "promoting" was done during the survey period.
NonVerbal / NonSpeaking
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[image id: a multiple bar graph showcasing the correlation between how responders self identified vs how they define Nonverbal. Going from top to bottom is The Fully Always option chosen by 3 from Nonverbal Only, Masking with no chosen responses, Little to No Speech at 2 from Nonverbal and other Terms Users, Allow Temporary at 9 from Nonverbal and other Term Users plus 7 from Nonverbal and Temporary and an intentional Nonverbal Only Responder, then All Above with 1 Nonverbal and Temporary plus a Nonverbal Plus Response, Followed lastly by Other Definitions with no responses. End id]
Before going over this data I want to reiterate that the survey had very few nonverbal people taking it, so this data is not going to be all possibly not even most, nonspeaking people’s option on defining those terms. Next The N Plus section on the graph includes the N and T groups as well as other responders who marked themself with more than just the Nonverbal role. That said it seems that the greater community tends to lean towards the “Someone who has periods or is always not able to speak and/or can't speak well” option, and well quite a few nonverbal autistics agree, there’s a group especially among those who only consider themselves nonverbal who prefer defining it as those who always can’t speak fully ever. This matches with trends i’ve personally seen in the nonverbal tags of nonverbal people preferring definitions that centre on the lack of verbalness, even completely or most of the time vs speaking autistics using more broader terms, but again with such a lack of nonspeaking people involved there is no solid reliability to the data.
SemiVerbal / SemiSpeaking
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[image id: a multiple bar graph showcasing the correlation between how respondents self identified vs how they define Semiverbal. Going from top to bottom is Partly All with 8 from Semiverbal Only plus 7 Semiverbal and Temp and 10 from Semiverbal Plus, Next is Inbetween with 24 from Semiverbal Only and 42 from Semiverbal and Temp plus 53 from Semiverbal Plus, Lose Speech has 5 from Semiverbal Only plus 6 from Semiverbal and Temp and 8 from Semiverbal Plus,All Above with 2 from both Semiverbal and Temp plus Semiverbal Only, Context-Based with no responses, and finally Other with 1 from Semiverbal Only plus 2 from Semiverbal and Temp and 3 from Semiverbal Plus. end id]
Like The Nonverbal Section, The S Plus section on the graph includes the S and T groups as well as other responders who marked themself with more than just the Semiverbal role. Otherwise, from this graph we see an overall trend of including anybody “between nonverbal and verbal” regardless of how the respondents identified themself. There also seems to be less of a disconnect between those who are semiverbal vs the greater community when compared to the results of Nonverbal, although whether that is a bias of the survey or a general trend is hard to tell. Most respondents who chose Other seem to have given either an all of the above answer (which I might have manually included???) or mentioned a definition using the idea of always struggling with speech but at different levels.
Further Notes
One thing I really wish I had done was involve more nonverbal and semiverbal people in the whole process of making this, i think looking back there’s definitely moments were you could tell this was made by a speaking autistic and I really didn’t do nearly enough to include and uplift the voices of those who this survey was literally about. In a similar vein I forgot about pretty much every non-autistic community who uses these terms, but also didn’t make it clear enough that it was unintentional, leaving not only countless voices unheard but accidentally ostracising those whose voices are equally as important as what this survey managed to cover.
Alongside that I was very unclear in what some questions meant to the point even future-me wasn’t sure what the data was for, plus I bit off much more than I could chew, making for a messy at best survey experience. As such survey taker’s might notice not every question was given space here, and that is simply because I couldn't process the data in a timely manner.
I did however let people opt-in to sharing further notes about how they use these terms and will share some of those under the read more with no individual commentary so as to let people speak fully for themselves:
There is a gap in the language available to describe autistic difficulties with speech. Verbal should describe the ability to use language, written or spoken, but in the context of neurodivergency almost always describes speech only. Non-speaking would be a more appropriate term and would free up nonverbal as a term for autistics who struggle with written and spoken English (as in syntax or language in general, not spelling). This has been talked about in high support need circles but is not mainstream.
I think we should look to the wheelchair users for language design, specifically the differences with the language around full time wheelchair user and ambulatory/part time wheelchair user
i wish mostly speaking people would find other ways of explaining their experiences without using nonverbal/nonspeaking people's language. we already have a much harder time communicating and when our language is taken or used in different ways that makes people confused about the meaning and they assume that the experience of mostly speaking people is the same as mostly or fully nonverbal/nonspeaking people. when actually the overall experience is very different
I am not sure exactly where I fit within being verbal but losing speech and struggling to speak almost always, or if I am semiverbal. I think the lines between all of these terms can be blurry, but I think it's bad how verbal autistics who lose speech occasionally (and often talk about being able to push through this and force themselves to speak - which is how I feel almost all the time) have taken these terms which makes it very hard to find content from people whose experiences with speech are similar to mine or who are nonverbal. I think it's connected to how in general lower support needs autistics take most of the space in the autistic community and it can feel isolating for people like me who are higher support needs.
And well this survey was about English specifically, I want to share what this survey respondent said about how the terms work in their language and how that affects their usage of these terms:
third of all: the alternatives to that, such as "losing speech", "having verbal shutdown", or "going mute"... simply do not work in some languages. and as proof, let me show you my beautiful native language, that being ukrainian!
"losing speech" = our word for speech equals our word for talk. when losing speech, i CAN talk - but not by using my voice.
"verbal shutdown" = our word for shutdown is not being used in the same way as in english and there is no good alternatives.
"going mute" = our word for mute has a very long and complicated and problematic history, and is not something most people would be comfortable saying!
so, that means that i am left with absolutely no phrases to use in my language - because the only one, that being "going/becoming non-verbal" which is translatable and has the same meaning - is not an option anymore.
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thatswhatilikebruh · 5 months
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menalez · 7 months
idk what that anon was yapping about. i’m a zionist (which does not mean what most people think it means—all it means is that i believe jewish people deserve to live in our homeland without persecution) who hates what the israeli govt is doing right now and i don’t understand how you get from “rape is bad no matter the victim” to “brown people caused the holocaust”. like, did we forget what is considered aryan? because palestinians *arent*.
hmm i think now is perhaps not the time to be a centrist either. israel’s govt rn does not exist in a vacuum. the onset of political zionism expressed the same goals that the current israeli govt is enacting. the idea that jewish ppl from around the world all share one homeland in palestine also means that the land is not for palestinians.
read plan dalet. read the end goal of early zionists. understand that what is being opposed isn’t the mere existence of a jewish state, it’s the existence of a jewish state to the detriment of the existing native population.
also zionism today means sth different from what zionism meant 130 years ago:
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here are some early zionist goals:
extensive aid for a large development plan, which would enable the evacuation of large Arab tracts of lands for our colonization, through an agreement with the [Arab] fellahin.
(Heller, Yosef. Bama’vak Lemedinah, Hamediniyut Hatzionit Bashanim 1936–1948 [The Struggle for the State: The Zionist Policy 1936-1948], Jerusalem, 1984, p. 118)
I would very much like the Arabs to go to Iraq. And I hope they will go there sometime . . . agricultural conditions in Iraq are better than in the Land of Israel because of the quality of the soil. Secondly, they will be in an Arab state and not in a Jewish state. We cannot remove them from here. Not only because we cannot, even if an exchange has been carried out between the Greeks in Asia Minor and the Turks, between Turkey and Greece. But today they would not accept this.
What we can demand today is that all Transjordan be included within the Land of Israel . . . on condition that Transjordan would either be made available for Jewish colonization or for the resettlement of those Arabs whose lands [in Palestine] we would purchase. Against this, the most conscientious person could not argue . . . For the Arabs of the Galilee, Transjordan is a province . . . this will be for the resettlement of Palestine’s Arabs. This is the land problem . . . Now the Arabs do not want us because we want to be the rulers. I will fight for this. I will make sure that we will be the landlords of this land . . . because this country belongs to us and not to them . . . .
If it was permissible to move an Arab from the Galilee to Judea, why is it impossible to move an Arab from Hebron to Transjordan, which is much closer? There are vast expanses of land there and we are overcrowded. . . . Even the High Commissioner agrees to a transfer to Transjordan if we equip the peasants with land and money. If the Peel Commission and the London Government accept, we’ll remove the land problem from the agenda.
(Source: Simha Flapan, long time head of the Mapam party’s Arab department, in Zionism and the Palestinians, p. 261, citing Protocols of the Executive Meeting)
these are the words of several zionists! read ben-gvir’s extreme racism, herzl’s goals, and more and if you think what is being done today is wrong, reasonably you would think that the things that were done in pursuit of a “jewish homeland” was also wrong.
‘Our thought is that the colonisation of Palestine has to go in two directions: Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel and the resettlement of the Arabs of Eretz Israel in areas outside the country.’
(Leo Motzkin)
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buckxtommy · 5 months
is it bad that i really really hope they dont go the ‘theres sth wrong with eddie’s brain’ route? it feels like an out of sorts, like he cant really be blamed for his own actions.. you know? as much as i love eddie i want him to go through the ringer because he actively fucked up
nah it's not bad at all & i love him to the bits and i also want him to be at fault here, bec i agree that it makes a richer story w a lot more potential. even just thinking ab how chris will react, how the dynamics are gonna be between kim & extended 118.. etc.
but with this bts, on top of the fact that chances of sb not just encountering but also dating their dead wife's doppelganger being v low.. i feel like eddie is sick is likely the storyline that is in the works
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julie-su · 1 year
i apologize if someone has asked you this before.. but i am very curious to learn all about the archie sonic echidna lore. do you know where would be the best place to jump into learning all of that? its ok if you cant think of anything, too! i know its incredibly complicated, but i guess thats what makes it so interesting to me :) thanks in advance
Ooh! Well, I'm currently compiling it, but it has since turned into a full-size book... Your best bet to read it comprehensively and quickly, is to read the Archie comics, start-to-finish; half of why it's such a nerdism to know it all, is that it's all dispersed within the comic itself - so to really become familiar with it, you'd have to read all of preboot, cover-to-cover, multiple times... Join us, it's great fun~
If you would prefer an easier start without all of the bells and whistles, I would suggest starting on STH #13, skipping to STH issue #34 - #36 (you only need to read the Knuckles Solo Story), then head over to the three-part Knuckles Miniseries - not to be confused with the 32-part series Knuckles the Echidna - which you will read directly after.
Then read Super Sonic Special #11 and Super Sonic Special #14, then Sonic the Hedgehog #88 - #91, skip #92, and pick back on #93-#97 - skip #98, pick back on #99-#102, then skip to #106-#109 - pick back up on #114-#118, skip to #120-#125, then go to #131-#145. After that, you'll just want to head to The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia and read the echidna-specific entries.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to message me~
If you're an echidna fan who dissents to my reading order, do let me know - I cut a looooot of fat.
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snively-mun · 1 year
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
my ideal eddie sl is that writers realised they need to do sth with switching eddietommy with bucktommy and whatever tf they did with marisol like i need eddie to wake up one day and be like. what was that moving in all about. how did i got here it was so much like ana. (this is not about him but i think buck could have the same realisation at the same time! he’d be like yeah i had a crush on a man and had my fun but ultimately this is not a Relationship tommy is just a plot device not a person what am i doing). what next??? no idea genuinely. maybe go back to Being single hang out with the boys. idk im so scared. i dont think marisol will have equally sad of a breakup as ana… because what would it be even about… why are they repeating themselves…
ok so maybe we need to revisit the idea of marisol dumping eddie... it would shake things up for him... maybe he would do some more self-reflection... he could go through some turmoil about ending up alone... 😭
also, as far as what next, i feel like on one hand we haven't seen a lot of chris and probably whatever they do in 7b could/should involve more chris. but then i'm also like, i do think eddie needs stuff outside of chris. but THEN i feel like eddie's relationships with the 118 should be explored more, so idk how broad i even want his horizons to be rn.
realistically i think he's just gonna flounder around for a while. or maybe the hardcore canon buddie people are right and something will happen at the end of the season. lmao
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animaginaryartblog · 2 years
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I posted 115 times in 2022
That's 115 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (48%)
60 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 115 of my posts in 2022
#sth - 55 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 54 posts
#my art - 53 posts
#not mine - 52 posts
#digital art - 49 posts
#other people’s art - 41 posts
#aus - 32 posts
#au - 31 posts
#sonic au - 31 posts
#blaze the cat - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i don’t remember where i first saw that “kisara raised by siamun” idea but it’s really good and i think about it a lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
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an idea that’s been done before and will be done again. proud of this one nonetheless.
35 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
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38 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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[Image ID: Three digital drawings of Leonardo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on a beige background, with blue paint splatters behind each drawing.
On the left Leo stands proudly, one hand on his hip while the other holds his sword over his head, a cocky grin on his face. In the top right corner he is half-running, half-falling forwards with an alarmed expression, arms spread for balance. In both he wears his usual blue mask, dark grey gloves, and blue belt.
In the bottom right he stands with a smug expression, his eyes looking to the right. His hips are cocked to the side, one hand pointing to the left while the other holds his elbow. He still has his blue mask on, but now his gloves and belt are black.
The first two drawings are based on screenshots from the first episode. The third is based on a screenshot from the movie. /.End ID]
DeviantArt | Twitter
bingewatched the entirety Rise of the TMNT recently and adored every second. I want to inject this art style directly into my veins, so I decided to try and redraw some screenshots (thank u Fancaps.net), two from the first ep and one from the movie (which is incredible btw, please watch it).
Leo was already my favorite from back when I watched 2012 (…’s first season, we didn’t have any of the others rip), and then Rise went and turned him into Sonic the Hedgehog so of course I was gonna love him. horrid little man. I’d die for him.
Screenshot refs below:
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47 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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love to see her, hate to draw her
49 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Also on my DeviantArt
A little while back I had a dream about a Yu-Gi-Oh!/Saiki K AU. Naturally I had to draw it.
Version without glasses or speech bubbles:
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57 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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xfand0mfr34kx · 2 years
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I posted 436 times in 2022
That's 436 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (13%)
378 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 392 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#rb - 282 posts
#sth - 109 posts
#hollow knight - 67 posts
#fave - 44 posts
#skylanders - 37 posts
#my stuff - 23 posts
#art - 22 posts
#local fandom freak says things - 19 posts
#tmc - 19 posts
#the mandela catalogue - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#no i did not use a reference for the bench. i know it looks wrong but im so tired already please just don't look at it
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attempted the trials in the colosseum yesterday
I felt the need to draw this AU Kin again so here's an entire doodle page, featuring my fear of primal aspids.
164 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
Some sketches of Lurien from the other week
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candlestick but butterfly
203 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
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See the full post
223 notes - Posted December 26, 2022
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feeling like shit. have some more sketchpad doodles
340 notes - Posted December 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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363 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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mageofcolors · 2 years
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I posted 845 times in 2022
597 posts created (71%)
248 posts reblogged (29%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 776 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#donk post - 646 posts
#donk text - 427 posts
#sonic - 204 posts
#sth - 81 posts
#donk album - 64 posts
#donk art - 62 posts
#donk answer - 60 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 49 posts
#cats - 30 posts
#donk stream - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the issue here is that the reason for that is bc team chaotix are seen as so much of a unit that theyre not considered separate characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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they really said you cant put your sopping wet scrunkly in the microwave huh
97 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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colored the drawing by @candycatstuffs !!!! + genderqueer icon for my side blog :D
shout out to @kuroiyuki96-new for being a huge inspiration with the colors!!!!
117 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
im playing botw for the first time and i have only played a part of a zelda game before so im basically a newbie here
here's what i learned so far:
-link is hearing voices
-they will kick chests open and then get surprised when their foot hurts
-if you leave them alone for like a minute they start flexing
-also you can jump off cliffs in this game and there very much is fall damage
118 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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i think tails, amy, and knuckles should get new theme songs in frontiers actually
171 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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this came to me in a dream
1,463 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
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