#sthings thoughts
laufire · 2 years
🔥 + Stranger Things?
I have a very superficial enjoyment of the show that barely borders "fandom-like" attachment and that works just fine for me lol (I also haven't watched the last couple of episodes yet. Not because anything on them makes me not want to, I'm just Not That Into It lol).
To get a bit more into it: my favourite character is probably Lucas, although I don't think his story has been as good as it was in season 1 (sidenote: if someone thinks Lucas was badly written/made to be "the bad guy" in season 1, I don't trust them, period. That's a clear example of a you-problem, guys!).
I also loveloveLOVE Joyce, although yeah, I can't say I was able to pay attention to her s4 plot lmao (I also couldn't care less about Jopper. I don't hate it, just *jawns*)
I've also been a Steve-enjoyer (even a bit of a Stancy enjoyer, even if Nancy irks me xD) since season 1. A fan-fan since season 2. He's just A Good Trustworthy Dude lmao.
My other favourites would be El (she <3), Max, and Kali (bring. her. back). Also Robin, although I liked her far more in s3 and do think her personality was retconned in s4.
That's... pretty much everything I feel even slightly strongly about lmao, I think? I'm basically a casual viewer, with the exception that I have a tumblr and will sometimes post about it here. If I paid more attention to it I would analyze the writing and storytelling and maybe agree with some of the criticisms I've seen about season 4, and definitely disagree with some others, but. Yeah. I'm not about that with this show xD
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
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paxbe · 2 years
i think we need to start finding some new names team
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updated version here (because y'all have pointed out that it's worse than i thought)
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skyjynxart · 1 year
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Super rough sketchie of my beloved Billy in an AU you’ll see maybe someday.
EDIT: hey I finished the sketch! [x]
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robin-buckely · 2 years
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ROBIN BUCKLEY in STRANGER THINGS 4.06 | Chapter Six: The Dive
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
So yeah I'm caught up on Stranger Things now
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itachi86 · 2 years
everything about this ep is a lie
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hourcat · 9 months
piarles + shooting star ✨ (2 words, not 1, but I had to send in sthing PG as well 💗)
they've been curled up in the dark for hours, now, basking in the warmth of the elegant stone patio that's absorbed a day's worth of italian summer sun, when charles says it: "you know, i wished for you."
it's so out of the blue that pierre actually sits up a little in confusion, turning his confused look onto his best friend in lieu of asking what he's talking about--a look that just makes the monegasque giggle, the color in his cheeks now darkened from blush and not just a lack of sunscreen.
"when we were little," he says, still giggling under his breath, "and we spent the night at one of the karting tracks out in the middle of france because our race was so early the next morning--i saw a shooting star, one of my very first, and i..." he hesitates a little, cheeks going redder, before continuing, "i wished that you and i would be great friends."
charles and his sleepy honesty; it will never stop catching him by surprise even after all these years, how beautiful every thought he's ever had seems to be.
"you wished," pierre eventually repeats back softly, "that we would be great friends--" with an exaggerated grunt, he straddles charles awkwardly, planting his hands in his best friend's sun-soaked skin before continuing, unable to swallow his teasing grin, "and how did that turn out?"
send me a ship and a word and i'll write you five sentences <3
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miscling · 4 months
⁉️While you do the second portion, wear the tens unit on your dominant arm, set to a level that isn't painful, but makes controlling your muscles difficult
🗣️ You should talk about your favorite representations of hypnosis in public media
I thought it would be fun to give you a light challenge today, I hope you don't mind :)
okkay so leftt handeeed typing thnen because the tenss unit iss nott a ligyht challenge mmmm i thnk i'mma have a hard time concetrating while this sthing is rinnugn even at its lowest setting this thing is intense
soo i only got itno hypnoi recently ui dinb;t reakky have a favourute representation in mediia to speakk of shorty of like, i used to do a vampire the nmasquerade larp and that had some ind controll powers like i'm used to dnd charm effects and stuff from rpgs imm trying really hard to think but the tens unit is soo hard to concetrate through like imma be paying attention to any hypno typoe stuff i see in media from now on like it was only a couple of mnths ago i realised i could even vbe hypnostised adn it opened a lot og foors for me i love it a lot my favourite ind of mind control hypno stuff is like, succubi for sure though like you know taht its a bad idea right from the off but like, so hot you'll do anything for them because they;er just that charming and also the thinf where ouget peop,le who've just been rewwrittem like who they were might stimll be in there but also theyte' someone nbew now. i really suckk at specifc examples though my brainn memoryt i s so unrelable for stuff ike thins!
wow this is hard i hope you like th answer!
thank you for the challenge! i really had to try hard thgriygh this one!
Thank you for the ask task! (4)
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Daffy: [running a telethon by himself with only Porky to man the phones] While Porky is doing that, why don't I head on over to the piano? I'd like to sthing you a sthong that I uthsed to sthing as a child. It's an old Minnethsotan farm sthong entitled "I Never Thought I'd Grow a Hair There." [plays a piano intro, then sings] Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa, Oh what the heck is that...
Porky: D-D-D-D-D-Daffy, w-we just got a pledge for t-t-t-twenty d-d-d-dollars.
Daffy: Oh! Let's go to the tote board. Drum roll! [grabs drum sticks and plays a roll, then hits the cymbal. $20 comes up on the tote board.] We're off to a good sthtart. OK, now where was I? Oh, yeths! Where Hans firthst sthpots the hair. Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa...
Porky: D-D-D-D-D-D-Daffy! D-D-Daffy, I just got a pledge for f-f-f-f-f-fifty dollars if you will stop s-singing.
Bugs: [over the phone to Porky] That's right. Fifty bucks if he stops singing, and I'll throw in another fifty if you slam the piano lid on his fingers.
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Mikhailgate explanation post!
[If you post on here, you can tag Mikhailgate and other relevant tags, but stay away from tagging byler or the goldfinch]
In S4Vol.1 of Stranger Things, Dimitri Antonov, aka Enzo, has a heart to heart with Jim Hopper about his son, Mikhail.
We learned that Mikhail is a teenage boy who kinda resents Enzo and is intelligent, top of his class.
It was confirmed somewhere that no new characters are introduced in S5, but some argue this may not apply to characters who have been name-dropped.
A post by @paladin-n-cleric is the first to use an image of Boris Pavlikovsk8 from The Goldfinch, played by Finn Wolfhard(like Micheal) to represent Mikhail, claiming he was a love interest to Will Byers. This was quickly followed by fanart by @officialrobinbuckley, another notable contributer to the tag.
Mood boards, fanart, memes, Spotify playlists, and rp acc.s have been made surrounding this hypothetical Mikhail and his ships with Will and Micheal. He is often written into scenes from Boris's original source material, as well as iconic Byler scenes, usually butchered in a terrible written interpretation of a Russian accent.
Another interpretation of him is a Micheal's rival.
Mikhail is sometimes depicted with a mustache or glasses.
It is commonly accepted that Micheal is the only person who realizes how similar Mikhail looks to him, but it is not the only accepted canon.
Willhail is WillxMikhail and Jail is El/JanexMikhail. These are the most common ships but there's a bunch of other ones. [Tags are willhail and jail(janexmikhail) and willjail]
Mikhail the og is thought to be a clone of Micheal as well as a number like El/Jane. Several other iterations of Micheal were invented for role-playing accounts (posting from their character's perspective) (tagged sthings rp) these Micheals are from alternative universe within the multiverse aka Wheeler-verse (tags are into the wheelerverse and wheelerverse of madness and willloveinterestgate) Notably including and Italian one who is a chronic flirt.
This is where I ask you personally: do not ship iterations of the sane character together!
Richie and Eddie from IT also show up for these.
We also came up with some Mikhail theories/hcs which I treat as canon.
The same Russians who eventually made the gate key in s3 attempted to recreate Dr.Brenner's experiment via cloning Hawkins citizens since Hawkins seems to attract power (like Henry/Vecna/001) including Mikhail, who was later adopted by Enzo/Dimitri (adoption/birth is not confirmed in the show) In S3, a Russian soldier mentions a Liutenant Mikhail, which I believe to be the very same Mikhail- at age 13.
It has also become somewhat commonplace to also tag mikhailgate posts as anti byler to deter certain unpleasant behaviors such as scrolling an anti tag
Happy apocalypse, traveler!
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laufire · 2 years
I would understand the interest in Ronance better if Robin had kept her original personality in season 4, sns. like I would still be wary as fuck of it because I would NOT want an unrequited plot like that for Robin (and lbr that's as much as you'd get if they introduced romantic feelings in that front). but at least it would've been a fun bitch4bitch scenario where Robin got to be as unimpressed by Nancy in the beginning as she was in S3, instead of the "one is awkward and the other serious and annoyed" borefest.
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paxbe · 2 years
actually though why did they have hopper come back wearing the ugliest damn hat i've ever seen??
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wifiwulf04 · 4 months
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Yo I thought u were fuckin dead.
Is my Tumblr TV like. a feral cat that lost my address or sthing and finally found its way back.
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robin-buckely · 1 year
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ROBIN BUCKLEY in STRANGER THINGS 4.02 | Chapter Two: Vecna’s Curse
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
now you need to tell everyone about your 00q idea set in istanbul
OMG thank you Faatimah for indulging me 💖
The elevator pitch goes like this:
First as background, Q had a (OC) Turkish bf back in uni and they got along like a house on fire; only broke up when the bfs parent got cancer or sthing and he decided to move back to Istanbul. They kept in touch though and for Q it was one of those easy, wonderful relationships where you can not see or talk to someone for months but when you do see them again you just pick up where you left off. The dude (I want him to have an old fashioned name like Bülent) was also always talking abt moving back to London someday and altho what they have never stopped either from dating other people, I suppose in the back of his head Q always thought they would one day find themselves in the same city and get back together again.
The fic opens when this friend falls suddenly and fatally ill and Q wants to visit him before he dies. Q has also been put in some peril on the job a couple months back and he is emotionally still reeling from it, so not wanting to brave the trip alone, he asks Bond to come with him.
Now onto Bond--he and Q kinda dated a few years ago but Bond (self)sabotaged it and it took a lot of time for them to find their rhythm as friends again. But then when Q was in peril, everything fell into place for Bond. He realised that he loved this man, that he messed up before bc he was scared and that he wants to build a life with Q; if he gets a second chance (which he then thought he might) he would do everything in his power to make Q happy. And hell, even if he doesn't get that second chance he would still just be there for Q in any way Q needs him. Which is also why Q felt so comfortable asking him to come along, bc he has been so good subtly being there for Q in the aftermath of this traumatic event.
Except, Bond has been dragging his feet re making another romantic overture, bc, he has been saying to himself, Q is still vulnerable but its also low key bc he is scared--of the answer he is going to get, of the ways he can mess it up again. It's one thing to decide you will be the perfect boyfriend in your head and another to commit to it day in, day out. It's no matter he thinks, there is no rush, they have time.
So then SURELY in Turkey while Qs friend is dying is the worst possible time to bring any of this up, which is...fine up until Q says he's got this offer from a hedge fund in new york and he will accept it bc he just needs a fresh start somewhere else.
So I guess it's a fic about second chances and being too late - Q grieving for his friend and all the time they wasted and Bond - while pulling a masterclass in looking after Q - grieving for much the same, this realisation that Q will slip away from his fingers, and after everything Q has been thru, after everything Bond has done in the past, how can he ask him to stay?
I LOVE using descriptions of imagery to set the mood and I can go on and on when it comes to Istanbul; I also have a lot of pain and grief in my relationship to that city which would transpose very well onto Q and Bond's grief here I think. Especially as, they would have some time to kill between the friends death and the funeral so they would be going here and there in Istanbul so as to get out of their heads a little, Bond wanting to visit maybe the traumatic places from Skyfall, and bc Bond has that cushy inheritance they would stay at a posh hotel right by the Bosphorus with a view of the strait from their rooms.
And idk after all this angst and pain maybe we can still have a happy-ish ending, perhaps featuring Bond following after Q to NYC and offering his services as a bodyguard.
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
i guess this is where i confess that i like esteban more than i like pierre and one of the reasons is because of the differences in how esteban has handled the whole situation vs pierre. // GIRL - thats the whole point. You dont know what the "situation" is. You dont know what happened between them. Noone knows but them. It very well might be that pierre's reaction is fully justified. For me esteban's silence always showed that hes done sthing shady he doesnt wanna talk about.
Also there must be a reason why big part of the grid dislikes the guy. I dont think pierre goes from motorhome to motorhome whispering to the drivers and trying to convince them to dislike este lmao.
Look at how their relationship went with every teammate they had so far. How they handled stressful situations. Pierre had 0 issues, even after they had a collision (silverstone e.g with yuki). Esteban...well! Cant say the same.
To me this is what shows what kind of a person they are. Not what they told the press in 2017 or 2018 (pierre didnt say anything "mean" abt him since then, i'm not even sure he talked about este at all until the alpine contract).
See here’s the thing — everybody has different life experiences color their perspectives on everything so where you see Esteban’s silence as shadiness, my experiences would make me think the opposite.
Also, yeah, nobody knows the situation but when people still come to my anon box asking for my opinion then yes, that’s what I’m going to give. It’s an opinion and I have never said I’m to be believed or that I’m the authority.
Back to the personal experiences coloring perspective and opinions, I also know that Lance and Mick are good friends with Esteban so idk, I personally trust them to be decent judges of character but that’s just me. but also? i’m not a very popular person but that’s because i’m extremely introverted, anxious and autistic. i do not place much value on likability.
Likability ≠ Good character
Also c’mon, Esteban’s last teammate was Fernando Alonso. I don’t think that’s a fair comparison lmao.
So yeah, I mean. Here’s the thing, what you think of Pierre and Esteban (or really any driver) is colored by YOUR thoughts and shapes by your lived experiences. Every person has different things they place value on and that’s okay! But definitely something to consider when you bust into somebody’s anon box.
Also, I’m not sure if I’ve ever said this but I am non-binary and I really don’t like being called girl or anything similar so if we could not, i’d appreciate it
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