#stiles x reader friendship
soulofapatrick · 6 months
Falling Into You - Stiles Stilinski x Female Reader 
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Summary: you and stiles finally give into your unknown crush on each other
Words: 2.6K
Warning: Heated makeout session; if you squint there's dry humping
Living with Stiles has been far from boring. Ever since my dad was killed and my younger brother - Isaac - went to live with Derek, Sheriff Noah Stilinski graciously opened his home to me. That meant living with Stiles too, and let me tell you, it has been anything but dull. Stiles has this knack for turning even the most mundane day into a storytelling session filled with the antics he and Scott get up to. 
I’ve grown to love it here. The Stilinski house is like a second home, and the sheriff is like a second dad to me. He’s been incredibly supportive, especially during the tough times. And then there’s Stiles. He’s… well, he’s Stiles. Quirky, witty and always wearing that mischievous grin. 
Lately, though, something’s shifted. I’ve caught myself stealing glances at Stiles when he’s not looking. His passion for solving mysteries, his loyalty to his friends—there’s something undeniably endearing about him. Maybe it’s the way he cares for everyone around him, or the way he throws himself into every insane situation without hesitation. But it's more than that. There's a warmth in his laughter, a genuineness in his concern, that makes my heart flutter a bit faster. And as much as I try to ignore it, I can't deny that a crush has been slowly blossoming. 
Living under the same roof, it’s hard to keep these feelings under wraps. I find myself wanting to spend more time around him, hoping for moments where it’s just the two of us, away from the chaotic everyday that is Beacon Hills. Yet, I’m also terrified. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? What if it ruins our friendship or makes things awkward while living with him? 
Stiles is currently sat cross legged on my bed, looking so engrossed in whatever supernatural mystery he's delving into. His dedication is admirable, even if it means sacrificing proper posture for the sake of research. I can't help but steal glances at him every now and then, admiring the furrow in his brow as he concentrates. 
I wish I could tell him how I feel. But the fear of ruining what we currently have, the fear of changing the dynamic between us, it’s suffocating. So instead, I go back to focusing on my assignment, the words blurring on the page as my thought drift back to him. 
The room is quiet except for the clicking of keys and the occasional muttered comment from Stiles. As I sit at my desk, trying to concentrate on the assignment in front of me, my mind wandering again—this time an entirely different scenario and it’s one that feels both exhilarating and terrifying. 
I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to set aside the fear and uncertainty, to sit next to Stiles and lean in, closing the distance between us. What would it be like to press my lips against Stiles’? Would they be as soft as they look, as warm as his laugh? My heart races at the mere thought, a flurry of emotions dancing within me. 
I picture the moment vividly: closing the space between us, feeling the warmth of his breath mingling with mine, and the anticipation before our lips meet. I imagine his hands, tentative yet steady, finding their place on my skin, maybe on the curve of my cheek or the small of my back. How would it feel to have his touch ignite a thousand sparks, to feel the electricity between us? 
There’s a mix of longing and hesitation, the desire to experience that connection, yet the fear of disrupting the comfortable equilibrium we've found in our friendship. But in my mind's eye, it's a beautiful chaos—a leap into the unknown, a chance to explore something deeper, something that might exist beyond our late-night conversations and shared moments.
Before I can continue imagining me and Stiles the said boy breaks my thoughts, “Hey Y/N! Come here,” He speaks, excitement in his voice but his eyes never once leaving the screen. 
I force myself out of the reverie, blinking away the vivid daydreams as Stiles called out to me. His excitement is palpable, contagious even, and I push aside the rush of emotions to focus on the present. 
I rise from my chair, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and nervousness as I make my way to where Stiles is seated. He’s still hunched over the laptop, his attention entirely captured by the screen. With a careful step, I settle on the bed behind him, leaning over him enough to rest my chin on his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of what’s got him so intrigued. 
His warmth seeps through the fabric of his shirt, radiating against my chest, a sensation I try desperately to ignore. The scent that envelopes me—a blend of old books, faint traces of motor oil and a lingering hint of coffee—should be distracting, but it’s oddly comforting. It’s quintessentially Stiles, a unique combination that feels inexplicably familiar and reassuring. 
I glance at the screen, feigning interest in whatever supernatural phenomenon has grabbed his attention. But truthfully, my focus wavers between trying to understand what he’s showing me and the proximity between us. His presence feels magnetic, drawing me in, yet I fight the urge to let my thoughts drift into forbidden territory. 
“Look at this,” He exclaims, pointing to a section on the screen. His enthusiasm is infectious, and for a moment, I forget the inner turmoil, getting lost in his excitement. 
Stiles is engrossed in explaining something on the screen, his energy palpable. I try my best to keep up, nodding along as he talks, but the proximity between us amplifies every emotion within me. 
Suddenly, he turns his head, excitement lighting up his russet eyes as he tries to make a point. His words trail off mid-sentence, and in that suspended moment, our faces are unexpected close. I feel his breath, warm against my skin, a sensation that sends a shiver down my spine. 
As if in slow motion, I notice every tiny detail—the freckles scattered across his pale skin, the way his eyes dart down to my lips for the briefest moment before meeting my gaze again. My breath catches in my throat, and I’m sure he can heart the erratic beat of my heart. There's a shift in the air, an unspoken tension that crackles between us. His cheeks flush with colour, a shade of red that matches the intensity of my own emotions. I can't tear my gaze away from him, from the way his eyes flicker between mine and the way his lips part, as if searching for words that elude him. 
For a moment, time seems suspended, our silent exchange speaking volumes. I feel a surge of courage and vulnerability intertwine within me, a silent plea for something more, a leap into the unknown. 
But just as quickly as the moment arrives, it slips away. Stiles blinks, breaking the trance, and clears his throat, shifting slightly away. "Um, sorry, got carried away there," he stammers, his voice a tad higher than usual.
The air feels charged with an awkward tension, heavy with the weight of unspoken words. I try to ease the discomfort by standing up, intending to head back to my desk and salvage what’s left of our usual camaraderie. But before I can even take a step, Stiles’ hand shoots out, wrapped around my wrist in a swift motion that catches me off guard. 
Caught off guard by the sudden proximity, I stumble and practically find myself in Stiles's lap. His warmth envelopes me, and for a moment, our heartbeats synchronise in a chaotic rhythm that seems to echo the unspoken emotions between us. 
Stiles’ eyes lock onto mine, a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability swirling within their depths. His tongue darts out to wet his pretty pink lips, a nervous gesture that betrays the intensity of the moment. Before I can fully comprehend what’s happening, his hand finds the back of my neck, drawing me closer. 
In that heartbeat before our lips meet, the world around us seems to still. His touch sends a surge of electricity through me, igniting a fire that I didn’t know was simmering within. And then, finally, our lips touch in a kiss that feels both anticipated and inevitable. 
As our embrace intensifies, the laptop becomes a mere afterthought, pushed aside to make way for the burgeoning heat between us. Stiles's movements are deliberate, his hands finding my hips with a confident touch, guiding me to straddle his lap as our bodies mold together. 
The kiss deepens, the connection between us sparking a newfound intensity. Stiles’ hands, warm against my skin, slip under the fabric of my teeshirt, sending shivers cascading down my spine. His touch is electric, fingers tracing patterns along my hips, a gentle yet possessive hold that ignites a fire within me. I tangle my fingers in his messy hair, feeling the soft strands between my fingertips as I tilt his head back slightly, deepening the kiss. There’s a dominance in his action, a confidence that surprises me but also excites me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. 
His lips move with purpose, fervent and seeking, a silent demand for more as our breaths mingle in the shared space between us. Each movement, each touch, feels like an unspoken confession of desires long kept hidden. 
My heart races as I lean into him, relishing the sensation of his lips against mine, the way his body responds to my touch. And as I lose myself in the passion of the moment, it becomes clear that Stiles, despite his usual playful demeanour, possesses a commanding presence that takes my breath away. 
As the intensity of the moment heightens, Stiles’ touch remains both from and reassuring, his hands guiding me with a tenderness that contrasts his newfound dominance. With a gentle yet firm pressure, his long, nimble fingers press against my back, coaxing me to lower myself onto him. There’s an undeniable pull in his touch, drawing me closer until I’m lying atop him, our chests pressing together in a shared rhythm. Our breaths mingle in the small space between y=us, the heat of the moment making the air around us feel charged. 
His chest rises and falls with each breath, syncing with mine, creating an unspoken harmony. The sensation of our bodies pressed together sends jolt through me, an electric current that ignites every nerve ending. 
As I rest against him, feeling the steady thud of his heartbeat against mine, a rush of emotions floods over me—desire mingled with a newfound intimacy, vulnerability meshed with a sense of comfort in this uncharted territory. 
Stiles's gaze holds a mixture of passion and tenderness, a silent understanding passing between us in the shared silence. His fingers trace gentle patterns along my back, a gesture that speaks volumes, conveying a reassurance amidst the fervour of the moment. His lips part as if to speak but instead, in a very Stiles fashion, a torrent of words spill out in a hurried stream. 
“I-I've wanted to do this for so long, and I'm sorry, I should've asked, I mean, I wanted to ask, but then this moment happened, and I just... I didn't want to ruin it, but I should’ve—" He babbles, the words tumbling out faster than I can comprehend. His apology mixes with an admission that he’s wanted this as much as I have, and amidst his rambling, I can’t help but laugh softly, finding the sudden flood of words endearing. 
Before his apologies and explanations can continue, I decide to silence him the best way I know how. With a gentle yet decisive motion, I cup his face in both hands, capturing his lips in a kiss that speaks volumes, stealing away his words and replacing them with the silent language of our shared desires. 
The kiss is deliberate interruption, a way to convey everything I’ve been feeling in a single moment. It’s a tender yet firm assertion, an assurance that words are unnecessary amidst the eloquence of our connection. 
As our lips meet, I feel a shift in the air, the nervous energy dissipating into something more serene. Stiles’ initial surprise melts into a reciprocated warmth, and soon, the kiss becomes a dance of shared affection and unspoken apologies. In that suspended moment, the kiss becomes a story of its own—a narrative of unspoken emotions conveyed through the gentle meeting of our lips. Stiles's initial surprise gives way to a newfound ease, his lips molding against mine with a familiarity that feels surprisingly natural yet exhilaratingly new.
His touch, tender yet assured, ignites a cascade of sensations. His hands explore, tracing the contours of my back, sending tingles racing along my skin. There’s a delicate balance in his touch, a mix of reverence and longing that speaks volumes about the dept of his emotions. 
As our kiss deepens, I’m enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions. Stiles’ lips against mine feel like a discovery—a blend of softness and fervour, an unspoken language that surpasses any verbal communication. Each movement of our lips is a revelation, a testament to the unspoken connection between us. His closeness has a gravitational pull, drawing me in and enveloping me in a sense of security and desire. In this moment, I feel cherished, desired, and seen in a way that goes beyond mere words. 
The intensity of our kiss, a universe of emotions contained within, is abruptly interrupted by the jarring ring of Stiles’ phone. Startled, we break apart, a shared groan escaping both of us as the moment fractures, replacing by the intrusion of reality. Stiles fumbles for his phone, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation. With a sigh, he answers and puts it on speaker, revealing Scott’s urgent voice on the other end, asking if Stiles had found any leads. 
As Stiles responds to Scott’s inquiries, I take the opportunity to sit back up, adjusting my position so that I’m straddling his waist. The shift seems to catch Stiles of guard, his breath hitching slightly, and I can feel the bulge pressing against my ass. I watch as Stiles bites his lip, a subtle attempt to suppress any involuntary sounds, his focus divided between the phone call and me, shifting on his lap. His eyes meet mine for a fleeting moment, and I can see a hint of frustration at the interruption, mixed with a smouldering intensity that sends a thrill through me. 
Leaning closer, I offer an apologetic smile, silently acknowledging the disruption but unable to resist teasing him but grinding my hips against his, pretending to get more comfortable on his lap. I notice the way his breath catches again and his hands dart for my hips unsure if they want to stop my hips or help me roll them against that growing bulge. 
“Sh-shit,” A moan escapes him and Scott falls silent as Stiles’ cheeks bloom a pretty shade of red, “Fuck, I gotta go, talk later.” And with that Stiles is hanging up, practically throwing his phone on the floor and in one quick moment has us flipped over so I’m laying underneath him. 
“Hi.” I breathe quietly, an ache between my legs. 
“Don’t you ‘hi’ me you little tease.” He grumbles, leaning on his elbows either side of my head. 
“What you gonna do about it?” I challenge, loving the gleam in his eyes. 
Stiles chuckles softly, his eyes dancing with mischief as he leans closer, his breath brushing against my lips. 
"Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea what you've started."
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Teen Wolf Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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ruewrote · 1 month
𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡.
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PAIRING: stiles stilinski x fem!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: fluff SONG INSPIRATION: teenage dream by katy perry WORD COUNT: 1294
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it wasn't out of the blue for you and stiles to have a sleepover on fridays, actually it was a sort of unspoken rule between the two of you.
it first started when you said that you had never watched star wars before, which led to the both of you sitting on your couch with a big bowl of popcorn in between.
him explaining the little parts you'd get confused about or him just ranting about his favourite scenes. after that it was a back and forth of showing each other your favourite unseen movies.
when finishing said movie the following days you'd receive multiple memes from him about the specific films, it had become a recurring pattern that you'd come to love. it almost felt weird if he didn't.
tonight it was your turn to introduce him to the to all the boys i loved before trilogy since you'd been obsessed with the movies since they first came out.
he was on the fence about watching them since he wasn't a huge fan of romcoms, you somehow convinced him by saying "it's practice for watching them with your future girlfriend!" internally wincing at that.
every friday you felt more anxious before stiles showed, trying to fluff up your pillows and straighten out your blankets. wanting to make everything perfect.
you had a huge crush on stiles, how could you not after spending so much time together, learning all of his little quirks, his likes and his dislikes, the only thing you weren't sure about was the way he felt about you.
it was the one thing you wanted to know the most about him. did he think about you the same ways you thought about him? did he like the way cuddled when you'd watch these movies and shows with him?
you couldn't tell him though, what if he didn't feel the same way you did and it completely ruins the good friendship you have right now?
what would it take for you to finally tell him?
ding dong!
the doorbell ringing a couple times had you jogging down the stairs, opening the door with a warm smile to see hyper stiles.
"i'm so ready to get my movie night on! i had a math test today and let me tell you it sucked," he whines as he dramatically wraps his arms around your waist as he fake cries into your shoulder.
"well if it helps i have enough microwaveable popcorn to keep us going through the apocalypse soo you coming upstairs or what?"
with that said he zips past you up your stairs, falling up them in the process, making you giggle at his eagerness as you follow close behind him.
watching stiles practically swan dive onto your bed and aggressively sniff your pillow has you side eyeing him, "why is your bed so much comfier and smells so much nicer than mine? it's so not fair."
"it's a little thing called fabric softener and if you continuously jump into your bed the way you do mine, then i guess you've got your answer you dufus," you laugh at him burrowing himself deep under your duvet.
"plus i've slept in your bed it's plenty comfy, the key is lots of pillows and fluffy blankets." he hums as you settle yourself beside him before pressing play on the movie.
it was like ten minutes into the film when you could feel him slightly shuffle closer to you, keeping your eyes on the screen pretending it didn't happen. just patiently waiting until he felt comfortable enough to say something.
"can...can we cuddle?" you wordlessly lifted your arm, letting him slip himself under, his head on your chest, the rest of his body lightly pressed to your side.
it was like second nature to you two, whether either one of you had a bad week you'd take turns holding each other. you helped install healthy mannerisms that proved that it was okay for a man to be held because they deserve it too and that it was okay for guys to cry no matter who they're with.
so yes , when he had a rough day he'd often walk up to you and bury his face into your neck, his arms firmly wrapped around you as you cupped the back of his head and rubbed soft circles on his back just letting him know that you were there for him.
with everything he had gone through he deserved all the comfort he could get and if the source was you then so be it.
you would be lying if you said that your heart didn't speed up at the closeness and how his touch on your skin left goosebumps.
trying to be as casual as possible, you raise the hand that was currently wrapped around his shoulders to gently stroke his hair, feeling him physically melt into you calmed your nerves.
feeling your eyelids slowly droop, your hand movements become slower so your palm now laid on the back of his neck, fighting sleep felt so difficult when he was beside you. his presence was so peaceful, comforting even without him saying anything.
the early start of your day hitting even harder now. He won't mind if you rested your eyes for a little bit, right?
stiles noticed the similarities between the two characters to the both of you, but there's no way that you deliberately put this on as a sign? was he reading too deep into it?
when he went to question you about it, lifting his head he was met with you sleeping peacefully. his gaze softened at the sight, gently tucking the piece of hair that fell in front of your face.
"you are so goddamn beautiful and don't even know it, even when you sleep? like can you save some beauty for the rest of us?" he chuckles at his own joke.
"i don't know how long i can keep pretending that i'm not totally in love with you...there really isn't anything that i wouldn't do for you." he whispers and he studies your features.
"it's honestly crazy how i feel your absence in everything that i do when i'm alone, in every place i go without you." he sighs, going to go back to watching the tv.
"you really mean all of that?" you whisper, making him jump back.
"uh- i-i do, but i thought you were asleep?"
"no i was just resting my eyes, but i'm sorta glad that you thought i was for you to finally confess your feelings for me." you smirk at him.
his mouth opens and closes, utterly bewildered at what you just said, "what do you mean finally?"
"You realise that i like you too, right? that i have for the longest time?" stiles eyes now wide, looking even more lost than before.
"you like me? like like me like me?"
sitting up, grasping the back of his neck, "what are you..." pulling him closer, your lips brushing against his. it takes him a second to register the kiss before melting into it. leaning closer to deepen the kiss. his hands brushing over your hips as he laid you down, now hovering over you. your hand running through his hair, tugging at the roots.
you're both now smiling as you share a few more pecks before pulling away. "so you do like me!" he grins, "oh my god. dude yes!"
"ya know if you're gonna be my girlfriend, you're gonna have to calling me dude."
"would you prefer shnookums?"
"that's it!" he pulled away just enough to tickle you.
from that night forth you and stiles had become inseparable, practically connected at the hip. but you wouldn't want it any other way.
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© ruewrote.
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calumfmu · 3 months
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Steve Harrington
spread thin. (18+) You and Steve have been best friends for the entirety of your lives, always platonic and nothing more. As graduation approaches, you find yourself wishing that something would come out of this decades long friendship. During a recurring Friday movie night, you confess your feelings to him, not realizing the man had felt the same way the entire time.
bad decision, right? (18+) You were new in town, guarded from the wandering eyes of everyone in Hawkins High. You had one rule, don't overshare, even if it was at the hands of Steve Harrington, certified asshole and heartthrob of the school.
the king's reign. (18+) King Steve, the stupid nickname you had heard your entire life. The rumors, the huge ego to match. It was everything that made you hate him, especially when your best friend wouldn't shut up about him. Robin was forcing you to be friends with him, but it wouldn't stop the passion you had dedicated to wanting nothing to do with him.
sugar coated melting. (18+) Being assistant to the famous Steve Harrington wasn't an easy task, he was demanding as ever and made sure he was nice to everyone but you. But a job was a job, and it was the cost of working in Hollywood.
baby, no attachment. (18+) the 5 times Steve Harrington was an asshole to you, with the 1 time, he revealed his true self.
meeting drunk steve for the first time
first time with inexperienced steve
steve's mouth (18+)
steve x fuckgirl!reader (18+) (+part two)
loser!steve turned step-dad!steve (+part two)
steve stealing reader from eddie (18+) (+part two)
steve finding out you're pregnant with twins
affair with divorce lawyer!steve (18+) (+two) (+three)
Eddie Munson
arms of a careful lover. (18+) You didn't know how he was, the stranger driving you home. He knew you, knew all about your life, and his picture-perfect ideal of you. As you traveled through the town of Hawkins, you couldn't help, but ask yourself 'Who The Fuck is Eddie Munson'?
bad influence (18+)
i heard you liked magic. (18+) Eddie spoke often of Steve, mentioning how much he couldn't stand him, him stealing Dustin from him, being rude, so perfect in his perfect little house. You thought the feeling was mutual until you laid eyes on him, immediately understanding the tension was more than they both led on. (Steddie x reader)
steddie x reader who is playing them both (+part 2)
Felix Catton
tell me what you need. (18+) Felix was exactly what you needed to get your hands on, right here and now. Finding him in the maze was the easy part.
whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and I'll always remember it. (18+) Derek and Stiles meet on the day of their graduation. It's supposed to be the start of the rest of their lives, yet they can't get rid of each other, no matter how hard they both try. They weren't meant to meet that night, they weren't meant to be in each other's lives for the rest of it, yet they can't get rid of each other. Over the course of the next 15 years, they keep intersecting in each other's lives becoming the main reasons for why they keep on going.
inbox and requests are open ! xx
updated 25 may 2024 <3
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voidpetrova · 9 months
fake dating — isaac lahey x reader
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☄. *. ⋆
content warnings and genre: swearing, cheating, fake relationship — drama
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
synopsis: in a world where supernatural beings live in secret alongside humans, your ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when you and isaac decide to spark up a fake relationship to spite scott and allison. however, it takes a turn for the best.
through the windows of the cozy beacon hills cafe, you found yourself sitting across from isaac lahey, the enigmatic and brooding boy from your high school. the atmosphere was charged with an unspoken tension, a palpable energy that seemed to envelop the two of you.
his stormy blue eyes met yours, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. “so, we're really doing this, huh?” he murmured, his fingers tracing the rim of his coffee cup.
you nodded, a mixture of nerves and determination coursing through you. “yeah, it's crazy, i know. but it might just work.”
the idea had been born out of desperation. you had watched scott and allison's friendship blossom into something beautiful, something you'd secretly yearned for with scott. and you knew isaac had felt the same way about allison. so, in a moment of shared frustration, you both hatched a plan to stage a fake relationship, a way to counter the overwhelming presence of scott and allison's romance.
isaac leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving yours. “you know, this could get complicated,” he warned, a hint of caution in his voice.
uou chuckled nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “complicated is an understatement, Isaac. but maybe, it could also be the solution we've been looking for.”
and so, with that unspoken agreement, your fake relationship began. little did you know that this charade would lead to unexpected feelings, unexplored connections, and a journey of self-discovery neither of you had anticipated.
a few weeks into your fake relationship, everyone began to take notice of the change in dynamics between you and isaac. one sunny afternoon, as you all gathered at scott's house, stiles couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the two of you.
“so, when did you guys start dating?” he asked, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. the rest of the group turned their attention to you and isaac, curious expressions on their faces.
you exchanged a quick glance with Isaac, your heart racing. you knew that the façade you both had been keeping up was about to face its first real test. isaac cleared his throat, putting on a convincing smile.
“we, uh, didn't really make an official announcement,” he replied, his tone casual. “it just sort of happened.”
stiles raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his gaze. “really? because i'm pretty sure we would have noticed if you suddenly became an item.”
uou felt the weight of the group's gaze on you, waiting for an answer. with a nervous chuckle, you leaned in slightly closer to isaac, allowing your fingers to intertwine with his.
“yeah, stiles, isaac's right. it kind of just happened,” you chimed in, trying your best to sound genuine. “we've been spending more time together, and things naturally evolved.”
stiles eyed you both suspiciously, but seemed to accept the explanation. “huh, well, i guess congrats are in order then.”
as the day went on, you and Isaac continued to play your parts, though the act felt strangely less like acting and more like reality with every passing moment. the more you pretended to be a couple, the harder it became to differentiate between what was genuine and what wasn't.
a couple of days later, scott and allison approached you with smiles that held a hint of curiosity. “hey, so we heard you guys are a thing now?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
isaac and you exchanged a quick look, a silent understanding passing between you. “yeah, it's true,” he replied, his expression softening as he looked at you. “guess we just clicked.”
scott grinned, giving isaac a playful punch on the shoulder. “well, it's about time! you guys make a cute couple.”
allison nodded in agreement, her smile warm. “definitely. and you know what? we should all go on a double date sometime. what do you think?”
your heart skipped a beat as you glanced at Isaac. he met your gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and realization. it was a curveball you hadn't anticipated, but there was no turning back now.
“sure, that sounds like fun,” you replied, your voice steady despite the turmoil in your chest.
you couldn't help but groan in annoyance as you attempted to zip up the gorgeous, tight black dress you had on. isaac was sitting at the foot of your bed, watching with furrowed eyebrows in a playfully judgemental way. “trying to impress mccall?” he teased, a smile on his face. you shot him a glare
“the plan isn't working, jackass,” you snapped at him, struggling with the zipper as you pulled upwards with all your might. “besides, i assume the cologne you're wearing isn't just for shits and giggles, huh?” now, it was his turn to shoot you a glare.
isaac's lips quirked up at the corners, amusement dancing in his eyes. “you caught that, huh?” he replied, his tone mockingly innocent.
with a huff, you managed to get the zipper up a couple of inches, but it stubbornly refused to budge any further. frustration gnawed at you, and you realized you might need a bit of assistance.
“isaac,” you sighed, looking at him with a mix of annoyance and desperation. “could you maybe give me a hand here? this dress is conspiring against me.”
he chuckled softly, pushing himself off the bed and sauntering over to where you stood. his fingers brushed lightly against your shoulder, sending a shiver down your spine. “alright, stand still,” he instructed, his voice surprisingly gentle.
as his fingers grazed the exposed skin of your back, a jolt of electricity shot through you. you sucked in a breath, feeling the tension between the two of you intensify. his touch was warm, his fingers deftly working to guide the zipper upwards. each inch he pulled the zipper, your heart seemed to beat faster, the proximity between you both becoming palpable.
“better?” his voice was low and husky, the words a mere whisper against your ear.
you nodded, struggling to find your voice. “yeah, thanks.”
isaac stepped back, his hand lingering on your waist for just a moment longer before he let go. the room was thick with unspoken words, a charged atmosphere that neither of you could ignore. you met his gaze, a mixture of emotions swirling in his stormy blue eyes.
“anytime,” he murmured, his lips curving into a small, almost shy smile.
the night of the double date had arrived, and there you were, seated across from scott and allison in a dimly lit bar. the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and tension, with each of you trying to play your roles convincingly. you shot Isaac a quick glance, finding him seated next to you, engaged in what appeared to be a polite conversation with allison.
“so, isaac, what is it you like to do in your free time?” allison asked, her smile warm as she leaned in slightly.
isaac's lips quirked into a smile, though you could sense a hint of restlessness in his gaze. “oh, you know, the usual stuff. hanging out with friends, reading, being apart of a pack of werewolves,” he replied, his voice casual as he earned some laughs from allison.
as the conversation between isaac and allison continued, you found yourself in a similar situation with scott. the two of you were making small talk, discussing school, training, and everything in between. but just like isaac, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of boredom settling in.
as the minutes turned into what felt like hours, you exchanged a glance with isaac, your eyes meeting for a fleeting moment. there was something unspoken in that shared look—a mutual understanding that this double date was nothing like what you had anticipated. the connection you had both been cultivating, the emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface, seemed to be fading away in the presence of scott and allison.
you cleared your throat, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction. “so, scott, any exciting plans for the weekend?” you asked, a forced smile on your face.
scott's eyes lit up as he began talking about his plans to hang out with his friends and maybe catch a movie. as he spoke, you found your attention drifting, your mind wandering to the enigmatic boy seated beside you. you watched isaac, his expression polite but distant, as he exchanged pleasantries with allison.
feeling the need to escape the stifling atmosphere of the bar, you excused yourself under the pretense of getting a drink. your heart felt heavy with the weight of the evening's events, and you hoped that a moment alone would give you a chance to clear your mind. you walked over to the bar and leaned against it, ordering a drink to soothe your frayed nerves.
a little while later, as you stared down at the swirling liquid in your glass, you felt a presence beside you. you turned slightly, not surprised to find isaac standing there, his gaze fixed on the array of bottles behind the bar.
“mind if i join you?” he asked, his voice soft.
you shook your head, offering him a faint smile. “not at all.”
isaac signaled to the bartender and ordered a drink for himself before turning to you. “you looked like you could use some company.”
“thanks,” you replied, taking a sip from your glass. “honestly, i just needed a break from all the...acting.”
isaac's lips quirked into a rueful smile. “tell me about it. allison's nice and all, but i feel like we're running out of things to say.”
you chuckled softly in agreement. “yeah, scott and i were discussing the most mundane things. i never thought a conversation about the weather could be so painful.”
isaac chuckled too, his laughter mixing with the low hum of the bar. “guess our plan didn't exactly go as smoothly as we hoped.”
“no, it definitely didn't,” you admitted, glancing at him with a mixture of amusement and something deeper. “but you know what's even weirder? as boring as this night has been, it kind of made me realize something.”
he arched an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in his eyes. “and what's that?”
you took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. “i actually prefer talking to you.”
isaac's expression softened, his gaze locking onto yours. “really?”
“yeah,” you replied, a small smile tugging at your lips. “i mean, it's like we can actually be ourselves around each other, even when we're faking it. does that even make sense?”
isaac's lips curved into a genuine smile, and you could see a spark of something in his eyes. “yeah, it does. it's strange, isn't it? how this whole thing started as a charade, but now i feel like i can be more honest with you than I can with anyone else.”
the honesty in his words tugged at your heart, and you felt a sense of connection that was impossible to ignore.
as the night continued, you decided to engage in some friendly competition, moving over to a corner of the bar where a dartboard was set up. you found yourself standing at the line, a dart in hand, ready to take your shot. scott sidled up next to you with a confident grin.
“careful, (y/n),” he teased, his eyes dancing mischievously. “i've got pretty good aim, you know.”
you rolled your eyes playfully, focusing on the dartboard. “we'll see about that, mccall.”
just as you were about to throw the dart, you heard a dry chuckle from behind you. isaac's voice was laced with sarcasm. “oh, this should be good. the mighty scott mccall taking on the humble game of darts.”
you couldn't help but smirk at Isaac's remark, feeling a surge of camaraderie between the two of you.
ignoring isaac, scott leaned in a bit closer to you, his tone more intimate. “you know, if i win, maybe i'll finally get that real date.”
you couldn't help but laugh, your aim slightly off as you released the dart. it hit the board, but not in the bullseye you had intended. “nice try, mccall. but i think i'll be just fine on my own.”
isaac's voice chimed in again, dripping with sarcasm. “at least you almost hit the board.”
scott narrowed his eyes at him. “got something to say, lahey?”
isaac leaned casually against the bar, a smug grin on his face. “oh, nothing really. just enjoying the show.”
scott picked up a dart, gaze switching between the object and isaac. “alright, let's see if you're as good as you think you are, asshole.”
you watched as he handed isaac the dart. isaac couldn't help but smirk at the challenge, returning scott's gaze as he picked his poison. he turned to face thw board, positioning his hands at a good angle in order to get the best throw possible. scott was praying on his downfall, but your expectations remained high. eventually, fulfilled, as the sharp end stuck itself into the thick material of the wood.
“would you look at that,” isaac murmured, making his way to you as he had been doing for a while. “seems like i'm the one getting a date instead.”
as the night wore on, with the dartboard now a backdrop to your laughter and light-hearted teasing, you couldn't help but feel that maybe this night had turned out to be a success after all—not in terms of the original plan, but in terms of the bonds that had formed, the walls that had crumbled, and the unexpected connection that had taken root between you and isaac.
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obriengf · 2 months
24 Crayons || Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: A boy met a girl in the midst of innocence, and formed a friendship that would last the ages. Words: 1.1k Warnings: omg just cuteness to the max Notes: written in third person, remaining chapters set in first person!
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part one of TWENTY FOUR - a stiles stilinski series (masterlist)
Innocence was the simplicity of a sunny day; the way the light warmed skin and caught reflections in a twinkling gleam. It was the gentle hum of a small Californian town, filled with buzzing townsfolk in suburban settings and singing birds that found sanctuary in the surrounding wilderness. It was the floral scent of garden-lined sidewalks that was encapsulated within a plethora of beautiful flowers. But most of all, on this very particular day, innocence was the budding friendship between two children on their first day of kindergarten. Brown, doe-like eyes, peered upward as lips jutted out in a pout. They belonged to a young boy as nerves overtook his small body, worried about being alone and away from his parents. His hands were small as they gripped onto the pant legs of his father before cementing his little feet to the pavement below. He was refusing to move; head shaking, frown quivering, cheek rubbing against khaki-coloured material. "Stiles, honey..." A tender voice cooed, a woman with dark brown hair and the sweetest of smiles now moving to crouch to his level. She was among the shining light of the sun, ethereal glows highlighting her frame before a hand with a loving touch cupped the young boy's face. "You'll have the best time, I promise. Once you make some friends, you will love it here." "B-but you and dad are my friends!"
The woman's gaze saddened as they flickered up toward her husband, a mutual conversation of silent expressions and empathy. With a tender pat to her shoulder, the woman stood, instead replaced by a man with kind eyes and a gold badge that glimmered in the light. Stiles' focus moved to the word 'Deputy' as his small finger dragged over the engraving on the golden metal, his sobs quietening only in the slightest.
"Do you want to see the special big boy present we got for your first day, bud?" The man spoke with a gentle tone before being met with a sniffle and hesitant head nod from his son. He was careful as he dug through the spiderman backpack in front of him, his facial features contorting with funny expressions to make Stiles laugh. The sound of happiness made the man sigh with contentment as he pulled out a yellow box - colours, one of every rainbow shade, were lined up perfectly and ready for a creative imagination.
"Crayons!" Any prior sense of despair had dissipated as the boy's eyes grew, childlike wonder and jovial sounds now becoming his persona in the way his parents had always known him. The box was grasped with delicate fingers before small arms were thrown behind the father's neck, holding him in a loving embrace.
The man smiled. All surroundings slowly faded as this family of three stood within their bubble of perfection - of love, and purity. Everything was right in the world, and nothing could stand in their way.
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Stiles stood off to the side; his senses were on alert, nervousness working through his small frame as he overlooked the large classroom and the many bodies that took up its space. He was too shy to speak to anyone, and he felt as if the room began to close in on him the longer he isolated himself. He dreamed of being back in the arms of his father, to be looking up at his mother's graceful smile that made all the scary moments go away. Everybody seemed to have someone and Stiles had never felt so alone.
It wasn't until he looked across to the far side of the room - past the children playing with their toys, and his new teacher talking to other adults that he didn't know - that he spotted another that seemed as lonely as he did. She had her back turned to him, but he could tell that she was sad by the way her pencil moved slowly over the page in front of her.
Little feet padded with caution as Stiles made his way toward her, the box his father gave him clutched tightly to his chest as a reminder that he was a big boy now and that alone was enough to give him some courage.
He cleared his throat, voice quiet as he peered over her shoulder, "Can I sit with you?"
Her head shot up with surprise to hear another voice, body turning quickly to see a young boy with the biggest brown eyes she'd ever seen. She nodded eagerly, pushing the chair beside her out for him to drop beside her. Stiles felt relief, his smile wide with anticipation as he stuck his hand out - something his father taught him when saying hello to new people. The girl looked at him funny before she smiled too, her hand sliding against his easily.
"Hi, my name is Mieczyslaw!" He spoke quickly, the sound of his name amusing as it came from his young squeaky voice. It didn't make it any easier to understand with the tooth missing from his bottom row, either.
Her head tilted, lashes fluttering as she thought of what he said. The girl hummed, "Mich.. ca.. slor?"
Stiles laughed loudly, his grin growing wider, if even possible. The boy nodded, "Kinda, but it's okay, it's hard to say sometimes."
The girl giggled along with him, her body turning further in her seat until she was facing him front on. "That's a funny name!"
"It's my grampa's name.." He started, shuffling closer to the girl, "But you can call me Stiles! Erry'one calls me that."
"Okay, Stiles. That's a funny name too!" She followed his earlier sentiment as her small hand was thrown toward him, ready for another shake, "I'm Y/n."
He took it gladly, "I like that name, it's pretty. Y/n."
A red hue dusted her cheeks, a mix of excitement and happiness as she found someone to talk to. And he was someone that made her laugh, which she liked most of all.
Stiles wasn't afraid as he put his box of crayons on the table between them, a sense of pride filling him as he saw her eyes widen in amazement. He patted the top, "My dad and mom gave me these."
"Wow! And you got the big box too, with all the good colors!"
Stiles' smile never faltered, and he knew that he liked you straight away. You were going to be a good friend. "Yeah! I haven't opened 'em yet. Did you wanna color with me?!"
That was the beginning of an unbreakable friendship, the first chapter in the lives of you and Stiles Stilinski.
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pinkdick79 · 4 months
love; derek hale x reader
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back to masterlist
pairing: derek hale x reader (she/her)
warnings: none
prompt: 5. “he loves you, you know? he’s just afraid of admitting it.”
summary: in which the reader and derek are oblivious to liking eachother and it’s painful for everyone to watch.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
derek hale is called many things - sour wolf, the mean alpha, power hungry, and selfish. but turns out, he’s not any of those things. well, maybe a bit power hungry but he got past that.
derek has always been nothing but nice to you. always been courteous and sweet whenever you’re around, never mean or selfish like stiles or scott says he is.
the first time you met derek was when peter resurrected himself by using lydia. you were out for a walk when came across the hale house. you’ve heard tales about it and decided to go inside, little did you know that would be the start of your friendship with the one and only, derek hale.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
right now, you’re sitting in derek’s loft waiting to have a mandatory pack meeting that scott called. you’re with lydia, peter, stiles, issac, allison, erica, and boyd.
“what do you think this is about?” lydia asks.
“no idea. but it’s probably pretty importing seeing as though it’s seven in the morning.” stiles says, wrapped up in a fluffy blanket that was previously sitting on the back of derek’s couch.
“it’s more than likely about the kanima issue we’re currently having.” issac matter-of-factly says. he’s always been a straight to the point type of guy, kind of like derek.
“where are derek and scott? they called this meeting and yet they aren’t even here.” you speak out to nobody in particular.
“they’re probably getting snacks or something. they know how the betas get in the morning and during meetings without some form of food consumption.” peter replies to you with a small smirk at your mention of derek.
everyone knows of your crush on derek. and of derek’s crush on you. yet, neither of you two act on it. the pack is getting tired of the small glances and touches you guys share and not putting a label on whatever you guys have going on.
it’s obvious to anyone looking at you both that there is something going on, except the two of you.
“well, well. would you look who decided to show up.” you break out of your thoughts and look up and see scott and derek. heart fastening a little at the sight of him.
“oh, would you be quiet? you know how everyone gets without food during these meetings. you should be thanking us.” scott says, setting the food down on the coffee table and taking a seat by allison.
derek sits down next to you on the couch, putting his arm around the back of you. admittedly, it makes you blush a little bit. but you can’t let him know that so you try to avoid eye contact with him. obviously it didn’t work.
derek looks at you confused because you never purposely turn away from him. he looks down at you, “hey, you good? these guys didn’t bother you that much did they?”
“uh no no it’s fine. it’s just a little warm in here, you know?” you try to hide your face with embarrassment while talking to him.
“oh, okay. do you want me to turn the heat down or anything?” he asks you.
“no, it’s fine.” you say.
“okay.” he drops the subject and goes to listening in on scott telling the pack about what needs to happen with the kanima issue.
you look up at him, admiring all his features. his eye, his hair, his body. holy shit. you can’t help but think, he’s really pretty. i guess he noticed you staring at him because he looks down at you mid stare.
“what are you looking at?” he questions.
“nothing, nothing at all.” you say with a little smile while turning away and focusing on what scott is saying. roles reversed now.
this time, derek is staring at you while you listen to scott speak. man, she’s so pretty. he thinks to himself. i wish i could just tell her how i feel without putting her in danger.
“hey y/n? can i talk to you a second?” lydia asks, “in private?”
“yeah, sure.” you say.
she gets up and you follow in tow. she leads you up the stairs of the loft, up into derek’s bedroom.
his room his neat. bed made and well put together. you could’ve guessed that it would’ve been considering how much of a neat freak derek is.
“y/n.” lydia speaks.
“what? what’s wrong, lyds?” you question her.
“you and derek keep looking at each other like your in love. when are you gunna to confess to him that you’ve liked him for the past two years?”
“what?! one, derek definitely doesn’t like me like that, we’re just friends. and two, we aren’t looking at each other like we love each other.” you try explaining, lying out of your ass.
“bullshit. he loves you, you know? he’s just too afraid to admit it. he just doesn’t want you wrapped up in all his issues and getting you in danger or hurt.” lydia says.
“i don’t know, lyds. there’s no way he could like me. i mean, we’ve been friends for almost three years and he hasn’t once shown an interest in me.”
lydia leads you to the bed, sitting you down on it and her sitting right next to you.
“i think you need to ask him how he feels, ‘cause i can tell you right now that the whole pack is getting tired of you guys making googly eyes at each other and acting like you’re in love.” she’s definitely speaking facts. ever since about a year ago, you and derek’s relationship has been different, more flirty but not enough for you to notice a drastic change.
“fine. i’ll ask him after the pack meeting, but if he doesn’t feel the same way i’m not coming to another meeting for like, four months.” you say.
“you’re being dramatic, y/n.”
“nope. i’m serious, id be too embarrassed coming back.” you explain, smiling cheekily.
“you promise to ask him after the meeting then? because i can swear to you that he feels the same way.” lydia says.
“yes lyds, i promise.”
“perfect. then let’s go back down there.” she gets up and starts walking back down to the main floor with you in tow right behind her.
you guys make your way back to the pack and you sit back down by derek. except this time when you look up at him, he’s smirking back down at you.
“what are you smirking at, huh?” you ask him with a slight smile on your face.
he leans down to whisper in your ear so only you can hear what he’s saying, “oh nothing, just that i think you and lydia forgot that i could hear every word that you guys just said.”
oh shit
“whattt… i uh, don’t know what you’re talking about, der.” you try to play it off. acting like your heart rate isn’t beating a thousand miles per hour right now.
“don’t worry, love. i think we have something to talk about after the meeting though.” he says, and then bringing his head back up and focusing on the meeting once more, not giving you time to respond.
the remainder of the meeting seems like it’s forever, when in reality it was probably only twenty minutes at most. at the end, everyone gets up to leave and when you try to, derek grabs your wrist bringing you back down beside him. “i don’t think so, love. we need to talk.”
der, i really don’t think we should. i already know you don’t feel the same way i feel. so what’s the point in even talking about it?” you say.
“who said i don’t feel the same?” he says with a smirk on his face.
“what’s that suppose to mean?”
“it means that i like you too, dumbass. in fact, i am in love with you. i didn’t want to tell you because with us being together it would put you in danger.” he confesses.
“derek..” you start.
“with everything going on, you’re always there for me and i don’t know what i would do without you. if something were to happen i couldn’t live with myself. you’re perfect. you’re funny, smart, beauti-“ you cut him off.
you kiss him.
you couldn’t take him rambling and rambling about how much he wanted you but couldn’t have you. you’re fine with being in danger as long as your with him.
your guys’ mouths mold perfectly in sync. this is even better than i thought it would be. you think to yourself.
eventually, you pull away. gasping for breath and looking at derek. he looks happy, ecstatic even. you’ve never seen him smile this big before.
“yes, love?”
“i don’t care if i am in danger in order to be with you. i want to be with you no matter what is happening in our lives.” you say.
“then i promise to keep you safe, no matter the circumstances.” he says.
“so what does this mean then? like, us?” you ask.
“i guess this means i finally get to take you out.” he pronounces, goofy smile on his face.
“about time.”
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gayandfairycore · 2 years
movie night
scott x stiles x reader smut 
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Summary: having a movie night with your childhood friends of whom you have harbored feelings for could only ever end up the same way. them absoloutely worshipping you.
Warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it) breeding kink (kinda), p in v, fingering, friends to lovers.
A/n this isn’t proofread and it’s the first thing I’ve written in months, this is also the first time I’m writing for teen wolf! This doesn’t really have a set time in the series of where it’d be, probably around like? Season 2? Idk
the warmth of the mcall house had been a breath of fresh air to the three friends, as they all had came crashing through the door stilies rambling on about anything and everything as you three had planted yourselves onto the grey couch.
leaning forward to grab the remote and flick on the tv, both scott, and stiles had begun to argue abut what movie you were going to watch. stilies’ answer was of course star wars, for quote on quote “obvious reasons” whilst scott had wanted to watch edward scisorhands.
chuckling at your childhood friends behaviour you had decided to press play on twilight, a wicked grin had spread across your face as the expressions on both your friends had dropped immediately.
stiles had locked eyes on the remote, before making eye contact with yours. an exasperated “oh shit” had left your mouth before stilies’ lanky body had begun to topple over scotts kneeing him in the crotch by accident.
“sorry dude!” stiles exclaimed snickering lightly
 “dude!” shouted scott lifting his hands in the air, before pushing stiles onto the ground in exasperation.
“scott! what the hell” stiles muttered laying beow his best friend, attempting to stand up again the faded grey fabric of his shirt had rode up, showing his pale v line. 
you halted your movements you had always had a slight thing for your best friend but you had always felt rejected because of his thing for lydia. scott had ofc purse reassured you that stiles does feels the same.
the warm smile on his face when he had reassured you had sent butterflies into your stomach. in retrospect it had seemingly been ovbious from the start, you hhad a thing for them both.
from how nervous youd get lying on them, to how jealous youd feel if one had gotten a date, with a pretty girl like allison.
you never thought that either had felt the same about you until you were lying underneath them, chuckles ecaping from them as they highfived with eachother. the remote lying discarded. 
a shiver had seethed up your spine, as heat rushed to your face at the realisation, standing up rather quickly, your face pale and eyes blown wideat the relvelatio you had quickly exclaimed 
“i need to pee!” before scampering off to the bathroom, both boys had looked to eachother concerned glances shooting towards the bathroom as the sound of the sink running had muffled any indication of whatever was appening with you.
“is she okay dude?” stiles pondered, eyebrows screwn together. his eyes looking at scott expecdantly.
“ehy are you asking me?” scott spoke, a clueless expression on his face, stiles had rolled his eyes at his best friend. pinching the bridge of hi nose before back handing scott and exclaiming 
“dude! warewolf, remember? listen in.”
“ew, dude! no, what if ses actually peeing?” scott whispered into stiles’ ear raising his eyebrows. 
“dude. really? shes not. just listen.” 
“alright! fine fine” scott muttered before shaking his head and straining his ear to hear you in the bathroom.
the cool white tiles of scott mcalls bathroom hadfelt very different now you were sitting on the porcelain seat sobbing over the fact that youre going to ruin not one but two lifelong friendships.
and you knew you couldnt keep it a secret much longer. as soon as you walk out of this bathroom you promised yourself youd come clean.
“cmon y/n pull yourself together and get back out there.”  you spoke wiping your stray tears away with your hands and splashing water on your face 
 with every tug of a new emotion on scotts face stiles had been bounching on his heels and leaning in, intently, they had been standing directly outside of the bathroom door for as long as youd been in there.
“so, whats she doing?” stiles whispered
“id tell you if you stopped talking.” 
“fine” stiles muttered dijectively
“She’s…upset. At herself.” Scott mutters eyebrows pulling together in concern as he strains his ears past the sputtering of a sink.
Your sobs faintly fill his ears as his mouth falls into a frown, stiles had been intently watching his best friend chewing on his already taught nails.
“She’s crying.” Scott recalls turning to stiles in awkward concern,
“She’s worried that we don’t love her like she loves us…” Scott mutters looking up towards his best friend, concern and a sense of desire pools in his chocolate brown eyes.
“what should we do?” Stiles asks, a familiar feeling begins to brew in both the boys, as they move themselves back to the couch.
“We need to remind her how much we love her” Scott instigates, whispering something into stiles’ ears as a warm blush flourishes on his cheeks.
The click of the bathroom door opens and out steps you, wiping your cheeks with the sleeves of your sweater you clear your throat and sit leisurely on the arm of the couch.
the guily faces of your bestfriends had looked at you with pity as you wiped your eyes again with the palm of your hands.
“how much of that did you hear?” you questioned not sparing them a glance.
with a whip of their heads in your direction stiles’ eyes had immediatley blown wide astounded with the fact you had accused him of ears dropping opening his mouth to protest he spoke
“how much of that did we hear? none- nope! nadaaaa” he spoke dragging out the a and bouncing on the balls of his feet “and quite frankly im offended youd even think that!”
the only thing to cut off his ramblings was your sharp glare you sent his way suceeding in shtting the loveable spaz up.
“all of it. we-we heard all of it.” scott but in embarrassment creeping up his neck as he scratched the back of his tanned neck.
only when you turned your attention to their statures did you realise how embarressed and bashful both boys were did you finally make up the courage to say “well what are you gonna do about it then..”
at your suggestion both boys had turned their attention to eachother as if communicating telepathically they spoke at the same time with a quiet and simple but still impactful 
as they approched your smirking figure scott had taken his place behing your body before delicately moving your h/l h/c hair. placing feather light kisses on the skin of your neck, nipping and pulling, and sucking on the soft flesh, pulling soft moans from your mouth.
a dark look had presented itself in stiles’ eyes as moans slipped from you, the lanky boy had cupped your jaw with is big hands tilting your plump lips delicately to his own he begun to move his lips feverishly.
slipping his wet toungue through the devide of your mouth fighting for dominance with the pale boy, only for a harsh bite on the dip of your neck to destract you from what you were doing with stiles, when the soothing feeling of scotts cool toungue ran itself over the previously mentioned affliction.
getting up from the leg of the couch you had begun to shred yourself of your baggy starwars tshirt thst had definetly belonged to stiles to reveal a dark red lace bra cupping your chest delicately.
boy were you glad you chose this bra, by the beguiled look that adorned stiles’ face at the sight of your bra had a blush lingering on your cheeks as the dent in the boys’ pants had grown a lot bigger as they had thrown their shirts off in desperation, stiles lanky limbs flailing everywhere
scott had also shed his jeans and boxers with ease leaving both you and stiles the only ones with shorts on and gaping at his length you had known he was big from kira, and allison, but seeing his length in person was beguiling.
the sound of stiles’ belt buckle struggling to come undone had filled the room, a forgotten movie playing in the background, as you had brought yourself over to stand infront of tiles, before lowering your hand to his bucke and undoing it with ease before placing a kiss on his lips
as the black haired alpha had come up behind you pacing a kiss on your shoulders before fiddling with the clasp of your bra and pulling it down your shoulders gently.
before dropping it all together, as stiles moves his hand to cup your boobs gently, squeezing lightly, and rolling your nipple in his gargantuan hands with light pressure before kissing the top of your right boob, and moving lower, and lower, placing wet kissing on every inch of your skin he coukd reach rolling your head back with pleasure. arousal swimming in your lower stomach, as wetness begins to pool in your panties, meanwhile scotts calloused hands wrap around your throat tightly as he squeezes.
cutting off your moans, as stiles latches his mouth onto your erect nipple sucking with force moans threaten to spill from your mouth only when they do does scott tut tut tut you placing a kiss on your lips and squeezing your thrpat and whispering in your ear 
“if you continue to be this loud youre gonna get us caught, and we dont want that do we sweetness.” before biting and tugging your ear lobe gently.
stiles had been sucking dark red marks on your boobs and running his tongue over them lightly.
“stiles switch cmon” scott says as he detaches his lips from your neck moving himself infront of you, pulling your sweatpants down legs as they pool at your feet.
your laced panties slick to your pussy soaked with your juices as scott slinks his hand into your panties running his hand up your slit with his middle finger, he inserts a finger into your pussy, as he slowly begins to pump leisurely,
stiles had shed himself of his boxers whilst scott had begun fingering you, stiles had planted himself in scotts previous position, running his hands over your body with need, as he places sloppy kisses on your shoulders 
“god you are gorgeous, you are like the most beautiful girl ive ever seen” he cries slapping the band of your panties as scotts fingers are still pumping into you, the familliar feeling begins to bubble in your stomach 
almost boiling over when stiles runs his hands over your breasts, and squeezing on your neck enough to stifle your moans, and halt your breathing for a moment, only subsiding when scott halts his movements pulling his hand out of you, licking your juices off of his fingers and shoving a finger in stiles’ mouth 
only for the lanky boy to suck off your juices his eyes rolling to the back of his head, scott had moved his position around enough to place a kiss on stiles’ lips before ushering you both to the matress that laid on the floor of the lounge room.
Your back pressing gently onto Scott’s sheets the smell of him fills your nose as you lay there stiles plants himself over you a wild smile dances across his pale mole dotted face as he slowly began to insert himself into you.
Feeling your walls stretch with his length he stays still for a moment brown eyes scanning your face in concerned filled anticipation.
Before slowly beginning to rock himself back and forth, soft moans escape from your lips as he moves inside of you groans escape from him as a proud smile covers his face.
Stiles leans down placing a delicate kiss on your lips, the sounds of Scott viciously masterbating the sound of skin slapping from stiles’ thrusts sweat begins to build on you both as you reach over for Scott pulling him into a kiss and taking his cock into your hands as you continue to pump his member as stiles hits that spot sending a wave of pleasure over you.
As you moan into your kiss with Scott, the building feeling of your quickly approaching orgasm begins to grow as stiles begins to squeeze your breasts sending you over the edge as Scott detached from your lips coming up for air.
And watching as your face morphs with pleasure, moans coming from both you and stiles, as he finally releases, his cum filling you. As he stays inside of you, your belly bulging with his seed, as he slowly pulls out rolling beside you and Scott.
Laying on Scott’s tan chest as stiles cuddles up beside you covering you all with a sheet before darkness begins to overtake you you mutter softly
“I love you boys” stiles could’ve missed it if he wasn’t practically oogiling you and your beauty both Scott and stiles had turned their attention to eachother.
A smile taking over Scott’s face before he mutters
“I could get use to this”
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renjunniex · 10 months
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Ice Pick
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: You haven’t seen Isaac since that night and it’s been effecting you more than you care to admit. However, after finding out Derek is turning teenagers, you have more dangerous things to worry about.
a/n: So i don’t think there’s gonna be a lot of issac and y/n in this chapter :(( but i hope you guys still find it enjoyable! I really love writing her friendship between Scott and Stiles. I know we've seen a lot of the bond between Stiles and y/n so im excited to add more to the bond of Scott and y/n this time!
It’s been a little while since that night on the full moon, you haven’t seen Isaac or Derek so you couldn’t even ask the so called ‘sour wolf’ on whether Isaac was okay or not. You finally told Scott about what happened on the field that day and it was nice for you two just to talk about everything. Everything ended up including how you felt about Isaac, which was definitely embarrassing to come clean about. You still remember the slight tear that had traveled down your face as Scott held your hand. Scott had made it clear that everything was okay and when you saw Isaac again, you would be able to talk to him about everything for real.
To say you dwelled on it the last few days would be an understatement, it plagued your mind every second of everyday. Where was he? Was he okay? Was he mad at you?
You grumbled in frustration, giving your cheeks slight taps, you could worry some more later. Right now, you would just let yourself be entertained by Allison dominating Scott at the rock climb.
“For a werewolf, he’s really bad at this,” you said, looking at Stiles.
He laughed, “Yeah, at this rate, I could beat him.”
“Okay, don’t get too ahead of yourself, you can’t even beat me.” Stiles looked at you, “Uh yeah, that’s because you cheat,” he sassed back.
“How do you cheat at rock climb,” you exclaimed.
Stiles folded his arms, “You just do,” by now Scott had joined the two of you along with Allison, “Alright you two, chill out.” You pointed at Stiles accusingly, “He started it!” The boy gasped in horror as if the accusation had pierced him but before he could make a comeback, Coach had already called for him.
“Alright, next two! Stilinski, Erica, let’s go!”
Your expression dropped, Erica was called. The poor girl was never good at these types of things, not to mention, you could tell she struggled with being in front of other people. It didn’t help that half the school took any opportunity to laugh at her. In the end, you did truly feel bad for her, you tried to reach out but every try was a failure. She would get these big ‘deer stuck in headlights’ eyes and stutter off an apology before escaping through to the nearest door.
Your attention went to the two of them as they started to make their way up the wall. Stiles surprisingly made his way up and down pretty fast, he whipped around when he hit the ground to send you a smug grin. Erica on the other hand, barely made it off the ground before she had started to hyperventilate.
“Erica, you dizzy? Is it vertigo?” You gave Coach a confused look at the suggestion and you weren’t the only one.
“Vertigo’s a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She’s just freaking out.” Lydia explained with a roll of her eyes. Everyone continued to look up at Erica.
“I’m fine,” she called out.
“Coach, maybe it’s not safe,” Allison voiced her concern, “you know she’s epileptic.” Coach’s head snapped towards her in shock, “Why doesn’t anybody tell me this stuff?” You raised an eyebrow at him, “It would be in her file.” He waved you off before going back to Erica.
“Erica, you’re fine. Just kick off from the wall,” he explained slowly, “there’s a mat to catch you.” She nodded ever so slightly before slowly separating from the wall and gliding down towards the mat. Coach supported her weight as she regained her balance. “You’re alright, shake it off,” he said lightly. You had reached out to take her hand but she had already started making her way through the crowd. You could tell she was embarrassed. How could she not be? Half the class was chuckling at her misfortune like it was some kind of comedy show. Walking up to Scott, your eyes kept burning into her back, making sure she was physically okay.
“They’re all such jackasses,” you remarked. Scott’s attention was now on you, he agreed before his shoulders dropped in concern.
Soon enough class was over, you were in the girl’s locker room when you felt your eyes glow. You hid your face from the rest of the girls but Allison must have seen because her hand was on your shoulder in a second, “Y/N what’s wrong?” Shaking your head, you shrugged her hand off slightly. “I don’t know, probably nothing, I still haven’t really learned to control it,” you suggested. It convinced the dark haired girl enough because she turned back to her gym locker to continue what she was previously doing. You did as well, opening your locker you looked in the small mirror you had attached to the door. Examining your face slightly, your eyes glowed once more, this time something in your mind snapped. You flung your body around, staring at the door.
Allison looked at you once more, “What?” She questioned. She never got an answer, you had already sprinted out the door. Allison called for you, following you down the hallway.
“Scott!” You screamed noticing his figure just barely before he disappeared into the dark gym. You followed him, feet slamming heavily on the gym floor. The sound of others rushing towards you guys could be heard as Scott caught Erica just before she hit the ground and you reached her as well, supporting her weight to the best of your ability. She had starting seizing, shaking uncontrollably in Scott’s arms.
“Set her on the ground,” you urged, Scott nodded and hurriedly placed her on the floor as gentle as he could. By now others had joined you, including Allison and Stiles both with worried expressions. “Put her on her side. Put her on her side,” Allison repeated. She looked at both of you, “How’d you guys know?”
The two of you made eye contact both shrugging, “I just felt it,” Scott said and you nodded.
It was the next day, in the cafeteria and right now your time was being occupied by Stiles. He had dragged you with him to talk to Boyd, another kid in your class who worked at the ice rink. Currently said spastic boy was trying to get the keys to the rink from Boyd. However, things weren’t going as planned.
“You got the keys?” Stiles asked his body turned half away facing towards the windows of the cafeteria. Boyd stuck his hand out keys dangling making Stiles smile. He grasped the keys from the boy’s hand but to no avail Boyd didn’t release his grip. Confused Stiles tugged again. No progress.
“This isn’t a favor. It’s a transaction,” Boyd reminded.
“Right, yeah,” Stiles replied retrieving his wallet from his pocket, “Absolutely,” he placed a twenty dollar bill on the table. Boyd gave nothing but an unimpressed look, “I said fifty.”
“Really-,” stuttered back Stiles, “I remember twenty. I don’t know. I have a really good verbal memory. And I remember twenty. I remember that distinctive ‘twa’ sound. Twa-enty.” Boyd cut him off, “I said fifty,” he said firmly.
“With a ‘fa’ sound. Hear the difference? If you can’t, I can demonstrate some other words with the ‘fa’ sound.”
Your head rolled from side to side, “Yes trust me, he remembers,” you concluded with annoyance. You didn’t even care if you actually got the keys or not. You didn’t even want to go, well not now, you did before. Before Stiles had invited Lydia at least. You didn’t mind the red haired girl, or you didn’t hate her that is, but Scott had also invited Allison before hand. Originally, it was just meant to be your four meaning Stiles and you were gonna be the other pair since no doubt Allison and Scott were gonna have one another’s attention. Now that Lydia was invited, you were for sure gonna be the one left out. You weren’t angry at either of the boys or girls, just a little bummed that one of your favorite activities was now going to cause you to be an awkward fifth wheel.
Stiles blinked rapidly, “No, no, no. I think I’m recalling it now. Maybe I just got it confused with forty.” He slowly placed another twenty on the table. You could practically feel your eyes roll into the back of your head ‘this was getting to be too idiotic’ you thought. Boyd stayed silence, slowly putting a Dorito in his mouth causing you to snort. Boyd smirked pushing the bag towards you and you gladly took one. Giving him a slight nod, you leaned back in your chair to finish watching the train wreck in front of you. Stiles let out a defeated huff, “Come on, man, have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?”
“Have you seen the piece of crap bus that I take,” Boyd countered effortlessly.
You reached into your bag and quickly grabbed a ten dollar bill from the side pocket, “Here, I’m growing bored of this back and forth your trying to pull with him,” you said to Stiles sliding the cash across the table. Boyd smiled wide, reaching out once more keys in hand, this time Stiles needed no effort to take them from his hand. Cocking an eyebrow over at you he stood from his seat, “What’s your problem?”
“Sorry, I’m not exactly excited to be a fifth wheel,” you snarked before looking back at Boyd, “Thank you, you’re the best. Sorry about him.” The boy acknowledged your statement before returning to his act of eating.
“What do you mean ‘fifth wheel’,” Stiles questioned confused. You scoffed at him, “I mean exactly what I said,” you gestured your hand back towards your usual table, “you invited Lydia. Scott, Allison, Lydia, you,” you counted on your hand then motioned to yourself, “Fifth wheel.”
He mocked your scoff, “Oh, please, you’re not going to be a fifth wheel.” He wrapped his arm around you, “You’re our girl, you know that. We’re never just gonna leave you out.” You rolled your eyes, “Maybe not intentionally but Scott’s like a lost puppy dog around Allison and you’re no better when it comes to Lydia.” You saw a slight smirk rise onto the boy’s face, he tilted his head towards you, “We’ll if you’re that jealous we could always invite Jackson to keep you company.”
Disgusted, you made a face, “Ew gross, I wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with Jackson especially not by choice.” He hummed, “You’re not denying that you’re jealous.”
You jabbed his gut causing him to recoil slightly, “I’m not jealous. Why is that even the first thing that comes to your mind? What, are you trying to make me jealous, Stilinski? Have all these years you harbored a crush on me, huh?” You teased, “Are you in love with me, Stiles?” He jumped back, “Don’t you even start with me, no, to all of that,” he waved his hands motioning to your figure.
“Wow didn’t realize I was that ugly,” by now you had reached where Scott was sitting, taking his apple you bit into while you listened to Stiles ramble, “THAT is NOT what I meant and you know it.” You assumed Scott had been listening in on the whole discussion since he was wearing an amuse look on his face. Stiles had sat across from you two, pointing at you like a disappointed parent, “Got em’,” he finally concluded placing the keys onto the table, “Pick you up right after work tonight and we’ll meet at the rink, cool?” Scott’s attention was already caught somewhere else and so was yours.
As if it was a whole different person, Erica strutted through the cafeteria wearing an outfit you would’ve never even considered that she owned. Her hair was done and her makeup as well. She made her way to a table where sat two random boys as she reached over and grabbed one of their apples, biting into it. Her dark red lipstick smeared slightly and she wasted no time wiping it away with a sultry smirk.
“What,” Lydia had joined her hands lightly slapping on your table, “the holy hell is that?”
“It’s Erica.”
You three never even had to look at each other before you dashed into the hallway together, jumping down the stairs and out the doors you find her once more but this time she was with someone. Derek. She was getting into Derek’s car, staring you down as if she was some kind of Bond villain. Once she was fully in the car, Derek sped away. You and Stiles both just sighed as your shoulders dropped, while Scott’s jaw tighten.
“Well now there’s three,” you remarked monotonously.
After school you had joined Scott at his work. While you didn’t work there, you often joined him on his shifts, thankfully early on Scott had gotten Deaton (his boss) to agree to it. Provided that you of course didn’t mess with anything, which you never did. It was just a great way to make sure Scott’s homework would actually get finished, plus it gave you somewhere to be instead of just home alone.
When Peter was alive, Scott had gotten shot and Deaton had taken care of it, he had also kept Peter from taking Scott. To this day you and Scott still don’t understand what exactly happened. How exactly Deaton knows about how to heal Scott. Actually, when you found out that Deaton knew something about the supernatural, he was your first choice to ask about what’s going on with you. You just never found a good time to ask, hence why you ended up asking Derek. Scott has also been trying to have a talk with Deaton about everything, which is where you are right now.
“Hey Doc.”
Deaton turned to face Scott. “When are we gonna talk about… the thing that we never got a chance to talk about?”
“Ah, yes. We never did get a chance to talk about that, did we?” You perked up, trying to listen to the quiet conversation going on across the room. Scott shook his head in response to Deaton’s question.
“Now is definitely a good time.”
“Thank God.”
“What do you think? Two dollars?” You tilted your head, what the hell? Apparently you weren’t the only the only one thrown off by the statement. Scott’s eyebrows scrunched together slightly, “Two dollars?”
“Ah you’re right, two-fifty more a hour. It seems like a pretty good raise.” You sighed, apparently now wasn’t a good time to talk about what you two actually wanted to know.
“That’s not exactly what I was… wait two-fifty more a hour?” Scott was cut off guard by the offer, “Done, don’t forget to clean up the cat cages.” Deaton shook his hand and left the room before Scott could come to terms with what just happened.
“Damn, he just cleaned your clock, you know that right?”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, “Nevermind.”
After Scott had finished his shift, Stiles arrived to pick you both up. You were on your way to the ice rink now, you were also still grumbling and whining in the back seat as he was driving. He looked at you from the rear view mirror and Scott twisted back to see you as well, they both laughed at your small fit you were in the process of throwing.
“Come on, Y/N. It won’t be that bad, we’re not gonna leave you out,” Scott reassured tapping your knee as you turned up your nose at them.
“Yeah, brighten up, plus we could still call Jackson to come hang out with you, if you want,” Stiles laughed.
You moaned, “No, absolutely not.”
Scott had glanced at Stiles slightly, had you been paying attention you would’ve seen the sly look they exchanged before Scott turned towards you once more, “Are you sure you’re not jealous?” You felt yourself choke on air, clearing your throat you said, “Why would I be?” Scott shrugged, “I don’t know, you didn’t have a problem with this idea until Lydia was invited. Maybe you wanted Stiles all to yourself.” You snapped your head down from looking at the ceiling to now both boys and you saw the cocky smirks they were both wearing. You scoffed and kicked both their seats, “Bite me.”
“Hey, what did Roscoe do to you?”
To be honest, this isn’t the first time you three have had this back forth (all joking of course), since Melissa has had you for so long she’s always treated you and Scott like you two were siblings. Stiles on the other hand, wasn’t allow in your room because he was a boy. Melissa had always given him a slight look when he would get too close as well. Those two things eventually dissipated and became less of a concern as you both got older. The inside joke between you three, did not unfortunately. After Scott had found out about your slightly different rules when it came to Stiles, you were teased tremendously for supposedly having a crush on the boy. Every time brought both boys pain to the gut.
You three arrived at the ice rink, Scott leaving and holding his door opened for you as Stiles came around the side to join you. Allison and Lydia had shown up already waiting for you. The boys went to unlock the doors as you follow close behind, when they finally got them unlocked they turned to you both playfully biting each side of your shoulders.
“Ow, what the hell was that for?”
“You said to bite you,” they synced.
The girls walked up, Allison reaching for Scott and Lydia barely acknowledging Stiles before walking past you both. You gave him a pointed and mocking look, he gave you a push before closing the doors and you both made your ways towards the rink.
You sat down in the bleachers, little bit away from where Lydia and Stiles were currently sitting. You know they were talking but quite frank you couldn’t really hear them. You had brought yourself a book because even though your best friends spent the whole day stressing that you wouldn’t be sidelined, you knew them way better than they thought you did. You glanced at your phone and debated on maybe calling someone to pick you up, but who would you even call?
Jackson? Absolutely not, even if you did, he wouldn’t come get you and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from punching him in the face if he did.
Danny? No, you didn’t want to bother the poor boy.
Matt? No way in hell, he gave you the absolute creeps.
Isaac? Now that, was a maybe, however the boy was in the wind. You didn’t even know if he had his phone or if he would even pick up. You haven’t spoken since that night at the police station and considering Erica’s behavior you were skeptical that the Isaac you knew would be the one to show up.
You sighed, placing your phone back next to you, with your hands at your cheeks and elbows on your knees, you watched Scott and Allison walk off towards the rink. Eventually so did the silent pair that was on your other side. Deciding it was best to just suck it up, you got off the bench and stepped onto the ice. It was one of your favorite activities after all. You twirled and skated, playfully messing around in the corner while the other four did their thing, all in their own worlds. That is, until you heard a scream. It was truly deafening, terrifying, unlike anything you had ever heard before. You placed your feet in stopping position and scanned to find the owner of the scream, only to find Lydia on her hands and knees screeching at the ice below her.
You all make your way towards her, inquiring on if she was alright, searching for any sign that something was wrong but nothing. All that could be done was Stiles holding her while she whaled.
The next morning at school, you were leaving class. You kind have been avoiding Stiles and Scott today, only talking to them this morning while on the way to school. You didn’t realize it before but you were more hurt by being left alone than you thought. After what happened with Lydia you guys all decided it was time to leave and when you got home, you quietly made your way to your room mentioning to Scott about just being tired. You had laid in bed for a couple hours wide awake, just thinking.
Were you jealous? No, you couldn’t be, despite the jokes, you didn’t actually like Stiles nor Scott like that.
After you had pondered for a little bit, you had found your answer.
Were you scared? Maybe. But scared of what?
Being replaced.
For the longest time, it was just Scott, Stiles and you. The trio. Always together, always there for each other. You did everything together and sure you knew eventually you would find partners and maybe other friends but it never dawned on you that if the boys each found someone, you would possibly be fazed out. You knew they would never intentionally do anything to push you away but that didn’t stop your worrying.
Your thoughts were cut off by a slam to the lockers. You turned the corner to see Erica backing up Scott against the lockers. Allison was in the distance too, she was witnessing everything. You didn’t know what exactly was happening but you knew that it was nothing good. You marched towards the two, grabbing Erica’s shoulder.
“What do you think you're doing?”
Erica finished her sentence to Scott, he gripped her wrist and pulled her off of him. She snarled at you before turning her back away from you.
“I’ll tell Isaac you said hi.”
You felt yourself falter, Scott noticed that your whole demeanor changed as well. He looked down and grabbed your hand squeezing it.
“I haven’t seen you today, we haven’t seen you,” he clarified. You took a shallow breath, “Yeah just had a lot on my mind.” He kept his gaze on you, “Is it about Isaac?”
You shook your head.
“Is it about the ice rink?”
You hesitated, before slowly nodding. Scott sighed, before pulling you off to the side, “We weren’t kidding when we said you’re not a fifth wheel.”
“I know, it’s not really that,” you mumbled, staring at your feet.
“Then what’s the matter?” You shrugged, swaying like a child before mumbling your answer once more, “I just kind of feel like I’m being replaced.” Scott was taken aback by your answer, he had no clue what to say. There was an odd silence in the air for a little while before Scott finally figured out what he wanted to say, “What made you feel like that?”
All you could do was shrugged once more. Talking about this was so hard. You finally sighed, “Okay, before I start, I’m gonna say this once and only once. No, I don’t have a crush on Stiles. Look honestly it’s just the fact that he’s trying to integrate her to be a part of us. I know it sounds silly but it’s true. It’s completely different with Allison, she’s your girlfriend, plus I’ve never had any problems with her. Lydia’s just I don’t know, she’s not awful, definitely better than Jackson. I guess since she’s not Stiles’ girlfriend, I get annoyed because with you two it’s different. You guys are DATING, of course I expect you guys to be in your own world but Stiles… she doesn’t even acknowledge him half the time so I know all his attention is going to be him trying to get hers. At least if they were dating it would be the same situation but it’s not. He’s-.”
“Okay, okay, hey look at me. Calm down, at this rate you're gonna make the lockers fly off the wall,” Scott joked holding your hands.
You wiped the tears that you hadn’t even realized had been falling, “Sorry.” Scott moved his hands to your shoulders, “Don’t be sorry, now what were you going to say?”
You took a deep breath, “He’s supposed to be my single buddy, you know, the friend that becomes your pair when the other starts dating someone. I guess in the end, I don’t really feel like you’re trying to replace me but Stiles is.”
“No, no, no, look I know I don’t need to say it but I’m going to, we’re not trying to replace you. Y/N, you’re our best friend, we’re family. Nothing and I mean nothing, could ever replace the bonds we share with you.”
Hearing that made you feel so much lighter, you know deep down you were being kind of ridiculous but maybe to keep you from imploding you just needed to hear that. That you were important.
“You’re right.”
“And I’m gonna talk to Stiles.” Your eyes widened, “What, no! Don’t do that, it’s fine!”
“Too late. Now come on let’s go to lunch.”
Scott had that goofy grin, that grin that says ‘I’ve got everything planned.’ “Also, you didn’t need to say that you didn’t have a crush on Stiles. I know you only have eyes on Isaac.” That caught you off guard, you choked on air, your head shooting up to look at Scott who just had that stupid smug smile on his face.
“Shut up.”
“It’s true! Even before all this happened, I remember when you two got assigned for that project together. You wouldn’t stop talking about it and you would mention him one too many times for it just to be because you had a project together.” You felt like your heart was gonna beat out of your chest. You knew that he knew but you didn’t know that he knew all that.
“Is it that obvious?” You said meakly.
During lunch, Stiles had rushed in to point out that Boyd was missing from school today, meaning Derek had gotten to him. That’s what you were dealing with now, the game plan. It was already after school and Scott was sending Stiles to Boyd’s house. He was also trying to send you as well but you wouldn’t budge, not when there was a chance to see Isaac. To see him okay.
“If he’s not home you call me, got it?” Scott instructed as you three headed down the hallway.
Stiles had slow his pace which Scott noticed immediately, “What?”
“Maybe we should let him. Boyd, you know? You said Derek’s giving them a choice, right?”
Scott grabbed his shoulder pulling him down the hallway, you trailing right behind them, “We can’t.”
“You got to admit, Erica looks pretty good. The word 'sensational' comes to mind.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, because she was basically manipulated into believing that this would fix all her problems. Sure she heard what Derek warned her about but I can guarantee she wasn’t listening. Big difference. I would put money on it that Derek is brushing it off like he did with Scott ‘If you listen to me, you’ll be fine.’ He won’t give them answers just false security.”
“How do you think she’s gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head,” Scott argued as well.
Stiles took both your comments to heart, “Alright, all I’m saying is maybe this one, isn’t totally your responsibility.”
“They are,” Scott disagreed, “You know this thing is gonna get out of control and that makes me responsible.”
“Not to mention, could we live with ourselves if something happened to them, knowing we could have possibly helped them?” You added.
Stiles’ hands clapped to his sides, “Alright, I’m with you guys. And I also got to say this newfound heroism in you two is making me very attracted to you.”
You and Scott scoffed, “Shut up.”
“No, seriously. Do you want to just try making out for a second? We could take turns,” he suggested gesturing to you three as you pushed him away, “Just to see how it feels.”
“How about I take my fist to your face so you can see how that feels?”
Scott and you had reached the ice rink to see Boyd finishing out his shift. You had hurried closer, calling to him to get his attention.
“We just want to talk,” you pleaded.
At the sound of your voice, Boyd’s head had tilted up towards you.
“Hey, come on, Boyd, please,” Scott begged, “Did Derek tell you everything? And I don’t just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything.” Boyd had shut down the machine he was using, “He told me about the hunters.”
“And that’s not enough for you to say no,” you asked. Scott continued your point, “Whatever you want, there’s other ways to get it.”
“I just want to not eat lunch alone everyday.” His statement froze you, you hadn’t considered something like that but still.. this wasn’t the best way.
“Trust us, Boyd, if you’re looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek,” you said.
“That really hurts, Y/N.” Derek. Of course he was here. Scott had turned around making sure you were behind him but that didn’t stop you from seeing him.
Isaac. He was okay, well at least you thought so. You were right though, he definitely wasn’t the same boy from before. Now, he not only dressed differently but he wore a different expression entirely. The sweet smile you adored was gone, replaced with a smug smile. “I mean if you’re gonna review me at least take a consensus,” Derek motioned to the two teenagers beside him.
“Erica, how’s life been for you since we met?”
“In a word… transformative,” She roared, literally. You and Scott adjusted your stances already seeing where this was going.
“Well, I’m a little bummed about be a fugitive but other than that, I’m great.”
You scoffed, “Let me add to that. Did dear old Derek tell you the whole reason Scott is in this mess, the whole reason all of us are in this mess, is because of his family.” You had moved next to Scott by now, pointing at Derek, “Did he tell you that the only reason he’s an alpha is because he decided to be a selfish prick and slash his own uncle’s throat? Even after he said he wouldn’t for Scott’s sake?” Your rant had caused an awkward feeling to fall in the room. The two teenagers clearly looked slightly uncomfortable at the new information, Derek had cleared his throat before staring back at Scott. You crossed your arms, looking at Scott before facing the newly formed pack, “I guess he didn’t. Hm, interesting, don’t you think?”
Scott had taken a few steps forward, “Okay, hold on. This isn’t exactly a fair fight.”
“Then go home, Scott,” Derek smiled.
With a growl, Scott had punched the ice denting the surface, “I meant fair for them.”
Isaac and Erica had no problem advancing towards Scott. He had taken your arm and quickly moved you closer to the machine and Boyd, out of the way and safe. Scott turned and without any effort flung Isaac across the rink, moving on to slam Erica into the side of the ice rink machine. That didn’t stop the two from getting back up and trying again. They had actually had a second where they got the upper hand, pushing him in between them before Isaac flung him away just like Scott had.
“Isaac, stop! Leave him alone!” He ignored you, his focus completely on Scott. It didn’t matter, Scott beat them down again and again, until they finally stayed down.
“Don’t you get it? He’s not doing this for you, he’s just adding to his own power, okay? It’s all about him. He’s makes you feel like he’s giving you some kind of gift, when all he’s done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!” Scott yelled, slinging them across the ice and back to Derek. They laid there in shock of what Scott had just done all by himself.
“It’s true. It is about power.” Derek started making his way towards Scott now, transforming, his eyes glowing that blood red and fangs growing. He slashed at Scott, punched, kicked, beaten down your best friend. You couldn’t believe your eyes, it was brutal, it made you shake out of fear for the boy. You had to do something but you didn’t know what. All you knew was that you were afraid, afraid of what might happen if you didn’t do something. You glanced at Isaac and Erica, still sitting on the floor their attention now switching from Derek to you. You could see it in Isaac’s eyes, he knew you were gonna do something.
“Y/N, No!”
You ran as fast as you could on the ice, reached for Derek’s hand before he could slash at Scott again but it was useless. He threw you like trash, away from them. You landed with a loud crash and a groan from pain. You heard your name being called from a few different sources but you couldn’t tell. Everything got fuzzy. Only it wasn’t from the throw it was like from before, with Lydia. Your senses were basically rendered useless, you couldn’t hear anything and everyone looked slightly blurry. You knew they were looking at you though, you knew they could see it.
Your eyes glowing.
Before Derek could notice you, before he could stop you, you picked your head up and that’s when your sense came back. Heighten, stronger and clearer than ever.
“Get away from him!”
You slammed your hands on the ice, causing it to ripple like it was water, it traveled towards Derek knocking him off his position on Scott’s throat. He fell to the floor and an energy pushed him into the ice by his throat, almost like someone was stepping on his now. The ice cracked underneath him but you didn’t care. You rushed to Scott putting his head in your lap.
“Scott are you okay?” He lightly nodded, coughing up some more blood. By now Derek had risen up, staring at you in shock. You shot him a glare, “Leave, or I’ll do it again. And this time, I won’t stop.” Derek had slowly backed away going to his two new betas, who were now staring at you. Erica try to tend to Derek but he just brushed her off, Isaac on the other hand, he kept staring at you even when Derek tried to guide him out. You couldn’t tell if he was concerned for you or scared of you. Boyd had gotten down from where he was sitting getting ready to join the others.
“Boyd, please don’t, we don’t want to see you get hurt,” you pleaded one last time.
“You don’t want to be like them,” Scott warned
“You’re right,” Boyd lifted his shirt, revealing his bite, “I want to be like you.”
You had gotten Scott back to the clinic where he was worrying about his wounds from Derek, “Why aren’t you healing?” You shrugged even though he was mainly talking to himself, you rounded the corner to see a guy on the table, slashed.
“It’s from an alpha,” Deaton said coming from the shadows, “I think maybe we better have that talk now.”
a/n: I don't have much to say other than I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! let me know what you think!
taglist: @somiaw
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cmncisspnandmore · 7 months
Study Breaks
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Minors DNI, NSWF, Swearing, P in V Sex, Praise kink,
Beta Reader:
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When you first met Stiles, you were both in diapers. Your mothers were childhood friends, they did everything together, they were maids of honor at each other's weddings. They found out they were pregnant a month apart, Stiles was older than you by exactly a month. You grew up together, you did everything together. You were there for him when his mom died, you attended the funeral with him. Bravely holding his hand the entire time, you put on a brave face for him when he would cry. You held him in your small arms when he couldn't sleep because he kept reliving the last moments of her life. Watching her fade away, it almost destroyed him.
Now 9 years later, you’re both 17, starting your junior year of highschool. That alone would be enough to make anyone stressed. But the fact that you were constantly dealing with the supernatural beings in Beacon hills on top of it. You were both stressed out. 
Between dealing with Scott being a werewolf, and the Kanima, terrorizing everyone. Plus a certain Hale alpha making a new pack using teenagers. You were about ready to bite someone's head off. Not to mention this year was the most important year grade wize for college. You had no room to fail this year, especially if you wanted to get into a good college. 
You lay across Stiles’ bed, your feet crossed as you look down at the history homework in front of you. The words blur together from staring at it so long. You rub your eyes, sighing softly as you put your head down on the open book. 
“You alright?” Stiles asks, looking over at you from his desk, and you lift your head looking at him.
“I feel like I've been staring at this forever and haven't read a single thing,” you groan, closing the heavy book and shoving it harshly off the side of his bed. It slides to the floor with a heavy thud. 
Stiles grabs his drink from his desk and watches you over the rim of the can, his knee bouncing. “How about we take a break?” He suggests, taking a sip of his soda.
“I can’t, I need to finish,” you sigh, sitting up. “You know how important grades are Junior year.”
Stiles raises an eyebrow at you,”And your sanity is important too. Why don't you take a break and then go back to it? It’ll make you feel better.”
You pull your knees to your chest, looking at him for a moment. You chew your bottom lip as he puts his soda can down on the desk, and swivels in his chair, turning towards you fully. His long legs outstretched as he crosses his arms across his chest. A small smile on his face as he watches you debate it in your head.
After another long moment you let out a breath, “okay, fine.” 
Stiles gives a small cheer as he stands from his chair and comes over to you, settling next to you on the bed. His back against the wall, legs out in front of him.  His shoulder bumps yours and you can't help the smile that breaks out on your face. 
“So what do you want to do? We can watch a movie, or just talk. I feel like i haven't seen you in forever even though we spend almost everyday together. Between everything going on with Scott, Derek, the Kanima, and school. I haven't had time to actually talk to you.” Stiles says softly, as you lay your head on his shoulder. Something you have done a million times, in your years of friendship.
“I know, I feel like it's never just you and me anymore. It’s always you, me and scott. Or you, me, Scott and Allison. I'm honestly surprised one of them hasn't called us tonight to drag us off somewhere to do something.” You whisper, trailing your hand up and down his red hoodie sleeve.
Stiles turns his hand over on the bed, exposing his palm to you, you trace patterns into his palm, something you have done since you were kids. You used to just sit next to him and draw patterns into his skin for hours. It soothed you, now, whenever you and stiles were sitting together, he would turn his hand over so you could draw patterns. It was an instinct for him now, oftentimes not even realizing he had done it.
As your fingers trail along his palm, Stiles leans his head against yours. The vanilla scent of your shampoo, settling the every present anxiety in his chest. He would never admit it out loud, but you were like his own anchor. Whenever you were around, he was able to focus more. He wasn't terrified of the unknown as much when you were around because he knew you would always stay. There wasn't anything he could do that would cause you to run. You have proven that time and time again. It was something Stiles was grateful for, especially lately. 
You turn your head ever so slightly so your cheek is pressed into the soft fabric of his red hoodie. You let your eyes fall closed as you inhale the amber and musk scent of his cologne filling your lungs. Your fingers pause their patterns and you slide your hand into his. Hooking your fingers around his, holding his hand gently. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, sure you have held hands plenty of times. You held Stiles’s hand more than you held your own mothers as a child. But lately, things have felt different between you two.
There had always been the what if thoughts. What if you dated? What if you kissed? What if you were more than best friends? 
There was this underlying tension lately.
Probably because of what Allison and Lydia had said a few weeks ago at lunch. They had mentioned that you would make a cute couple. They were surprised you hadn’t dated already, but you knew Stiles was helplessly in love with Lydia so you laughed it off. 
Stiles had too. 
Until now, when you're sitting shoulder to shoulder, his hand in yours, his fingers tightening around yours ever so slightly. His cheek resting on the top of your head, yours pressed against his shoulder.
“Y/N?” Stiles whispers, and you tip your face up. Your y/e/c eyes meeting his light brown ones. His cheeks slightly pink as he looks down at you.
“Yeah?” You ask softly, your eyes flickering between his, as his flit between your eyes and your mouth. Your heart hammers in your chest as his free hand comes up to cup the side of your face. He slides his hand into the hair at the nape of your neck, his thumb brushing along the top of your cheek bone. Your breath catches in your throat as he leans down, his lips brushing against yours softly.
Your cheeks flame as he kisses you, your eyes sliding closed as he guides you closer with his hand on the back of your neck. You lean forward, pressing your lips against his more as you sigh, your entire body relaxing into him. Your lips move softly against each other, your hands coming to rest against his chest. You fist the fabric of his hoodie, as you drag him closer. Stiles shifts, laying you back against the bed, holding himself over you with his arms. His hips settled against yours, as he nips softly at your bottom lip. Eliciting a small moan from you, Stiles smiles against your lips. 
He pulls away slightly, breathless as he looks down at you. You can't help but blush and smile, trying to catch your breath. 
“Are you okay with this?” He whispers.
“More than…” You whisper, leaning up and capturing his lips in yours again. Your hands slide under his hoodie and shirt, your nails skimming across his stomach. The muscles flex and tense under your hands. Soft moans leave your lips as he nips and sucks on your bottom lip. Stiles hand grazes the bottom of your shirt and you gasp, as his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your waist. 
Sparks of electricity sizzle across your skin as Stiles’ fingers skim up your waist to brush along the skin of your ribcage. You tug the bottom of his shirt and Stiles sits up on his knees, settled between your spread thighs as he pulls his shirt and hoodie off in one smooth movement. You bite your lip as your eyes rake over his chest and abs, he was lean, with defined muscles from playing Lacrosse. Even though he didn't get much time on the field during games he still stayed in shape. 
Stiles leans down and kisses you once more before he tugs your shirt up slightly, and you lean up on your elbows. Balancing in a half sit up position as you tug your shirt up and over your head. Leaving you in your lacey black bra, Stiles lets out a small groan as his eyes trail down your chest. 
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he whispers as he leans down, kissing you roughly. There's more passion behind the kiss as his arms rest on either side of your head. The kiss becomes a flurry of clashing teeth and tongue. 
Somewhere along the line you both end up under his sheets, bodies bare of clothes. Stiles hovers over you, his knees between your thighs. Stiles trails a line of kisses down your neck, nipping softly at the skin there. You moan softly, as one of his hands skims down your chest between the valley of your breasts towards your stomach. His fingers brush along your waist as before his fingers slip between your folds. 
“Stiles… Please,” You whimper, your eyes closed tight as he eases a finger into you. Slowly he begins to thrust his finger in and out of you, working you until you’re breathless.
“Shhh baby, gotta open you up for me first.. Don't want to hurt you,” he whispers against your ear. His tongue flicks out to trace the shell of your ear, as he adds a second finger. Your slick coats his fingers, each thrust of his fingers inside of you makes the pleasure pooling in your lower stomach coil tighter. 
“Look at you, so wet for me,” Stiles whispers,”Such a good girl,” 
You can't help the lude whimper that leaves your mouth, you reach down, hands wrapping around his wrist, stopping his movements. 
“Please, i need you,” You pant, turning your head towards him, your tongue licking along your bottom lip. Stiles smiles down at you, before leaning in and kissing your full lips. His lips leave yours a second later, as he reaches over to his nightstand and pulls open the top drawer. He grabs a foil packet and holds it between his teeth. You watch through half lidded eyes as He sits up, the sheet falling from around him. 
Stiles tears the condom open with his teeth, before rolling it down his long, thick cock. Your mouth waters as you watch, you attempt to squeeze your thighs together to create some friction. Stiles’ eyes meet yours and he resumes his position, hovering over you. One hand gripping the base of his cock as he settles between your thighs. He slowly pushes forward, the tip of his cock bumping against your entrance. He slowly sinks into you, a low moan rumbles in his chest. 
“Fuck, Stiles.” You gasp as he bottoms out, filling you. There's a delicious burn as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of you.
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight.” Stiles grunts as he picks up his pace, his hips hitting yours with each thrust. 
“Don't stop,” You gasp as you grab the sides of Stiles’s face, bringing his lips to yours for a brief kiss. Stiles’s head drops into the crook of your neck as he pants against your skin. A layer of sweat clings to his skin, as his hips hit yours in a bruising pace. 
Your nails rake down his back leaving red nail tracks across his pale skin. You’re reduced to nothing more than breathy moans as your orgasm peaks. Stiles senses your closeness and snaps his hips against yours harder. The hard thrust of his hips tips you over the edge. Your orgasm crashes into you with a loud moan of his name.
Stiles’s thrusts become sloppy, as his own orgasm teeters on the edge. You lean up and kiss and suck along his neck to his ear. “Let go baby, please, come for me.” you whisper in his ear and Stiles’s thrusts a few more times before he stills inside of you. His cock twitching as he spills into the condom. 
Stiles pants and pulls out of you, before he climbs off the bed and cleans himself up, he grabs a towel and hands it to you. You clean yourself up before throwing it off to the side and laying back on the bed. Stiles grabs a pair of boxers and pants and pulls them on before handing you your underwear. You pull them on and then reach over grabbing his hoodie off the floor before Sitles climbs into the bed. He lays behind you and pulls you back against his chest. His hands snaking under the hoodie and his palm rests flat against your lower stomach. His arm anchors you in place. 
“See, I told you taking a break from studying would be worth it,” he whispers in your ear.
‘Mmm, totally worth it…” You whisper as your eyes flutter closed.
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hyunjin-amore · 6 months
Void stiles x reader
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In the small town of Beacon Hills, enigmatic events frequently took place under the moon. As a regular local, you became engaged in the mystery surrounding Stiles Stilinski. You had no idea that the naughty twinkle in his eyes was actually a link to the otherworldly emptiness inside. The closer the two of you got, the more the darkness threatened to engulf Stiles. However, your constant assistance served as an anchor and a lighthouse in his otherwise chaotic environment. Conversations late at night evolved into snooped looks, and before long, the beat of his inner battles rang in your chest. Stiles opened up to you about his inner emptiness one fateful night as you were bathed in the eerie glow of the nemeton.
The void's strength increased, but your love protected you from its wrath. You set out on a mission to find a method to tame the darkness within him. Your friendship became stronger as you faced risky adventures and heartbreaking trials. Stiles found consolation in your company, and you discovered inner power you didn't know existed. Love became the power that defied the impending emptiness, weaving a tapestry of hope in the face of despair. Stiles was ultimately saved by your love.
The void that had threatened to devour him had retreated, leaving behind a transformed yet strong soul. As the moon lit up Beacon Hills, you and Stiles stood hand in hand, the echoes of your love drowning out the night's silence. You demonstrated that, even in the face of darkness, love can be the guiding light, transforming emptiness into echoes of a love story inscribed in the stars.
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Friendship and Fate teaser
So I may or may not have written all of chapter 6 (which will need to go through some editing tomorrow and then i have to make the banner for it) and the start of Chapter ... Not sure if folks are still here so I am tagging no one but I am going to post a little bit of it below the cut
it's 186 words.. not a lot but... hopefully a small gift?
Kira and Scott were not only much more relaxed than the younger couple, but they typically didn’t flaunt their relationship. Something newer in their relationship, something that Kira had had to fight for in order to be comfortable with. 
Though to be fair, Malia, Theo, Lydia and Jordan… they were all a bit more relaxed about their relationships and a lot less likely to flaunt it. Not say that Malia wouldn’t stake a claim on Theo if she needed to… they just didn’t start their nights off that way usually. 
Immediately, you could feel the peace that had filled you just a few short moments ago try to escape. Taking a deep breath you try to hold onto it while attempting to plaster a smile on your Not just for the bonding time that it allowed you but for the way that it made you all forget your worries and just have fun… be silly… and forget the world around you for a bit.  
But you weren’t entirely sure how you were going to feel about it tonight. 
Especially with that damned scent torturing your nose. 
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rafeyybabyy · 1 year
✨may 2023 fic recs✨
please please please reblog to show your support for these incredible creators! and please check out/reblog their work!
also if anyone would like to send me fics to read i would love that!
this rec list includes fics for: bucky barnes, sam winchester, rafe cameron, jj maybank, negan smith, rick grimes, chris evans, and harry styles
bucky barnes
designated spider killer - @morsmordre-writes
“yelena accidentally plays matchmaker, bucky pretends he doesn’t want to live out his friends to lovers dream, and you’re just trying to live your life… to bad a stalker wants to be apart of it.”
sam winchester
we could stay - @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
“help me i’m doing hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second”
rafe cameron
fair play - @laiiaaa
“you spend a sleepy morning with rafe”
one step forward - @biisexualemma
“rafe tried to help you out”
jj maybank
paradise on earth - @xreaderbooks
“y/n routledge was just an ordinary girl from the wrong side of the island in north carolina, school is out and a summer of keggers, surfing, and denying for feelings for her brothers best friend awaits her. that is until her brother john b and her friends find clues to a treasure her and john b’s dad spent his entire life searching for.”
the part where you kiss me - @laiiaaa
“you’re stuck with the job of getting a very drunk, very lovesick jj into bed”
negan smith
love made me crazy - @velvetcloxds
“falling for negan while he’s still being kept in his cell in alexandria has you questioning your sanity”
rick grimes
four words - @murd0cksl0ver
just some good rick fluff
chris evans
out of left field - @time-for-a-library
“after 29 years of friendship with chris, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him. when he finds himself in the midst of a PR nightmare at the same time your ex-boyfriend starts lurking around every corner, you enter a mutually beneficial, strictly PR relationship to save his career and keep your ex away”
harry styles
Jamaica causes lines to blur for Harry and best friend!Y/N - @harryisalrightig
“jamaica causes lines to blur for harry and best friend!y/n”
honey, i’m home! - @meetmeonafineline
“in which harry stiles and up and coming writer, y/n y/l/n, have been close friends for years. but when a photo posted to y/n’s instagram leads his fans to suspect the man in the picture is harry, and that the two are perhaps more than friends.
with her debut novel coming out, and the release of his second solo album, what will be revealed?”
latina!reader x harry universe - @avatar-anna
“a compiled list of all of harry and latina!reader’s adventures together”
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dazzlinghazefics · 10 months
Derek Hale x Reader : How Far We Have Come
This is my very first work here, so would mean a lot if you guys respond!
Requests open on any teen wolf character, even though I'll mainly be writing on ~
scott mccall
stiles stilinski
derek hale
issac lahey
liam dunbar
theo raeken
jordan parrish
If years ago, someone would have pointed out to both of you that it's a forever for you and that you both will go long and last a life time, both you, Y/N Stilinski and Derek Hale would have scoffed, scowled and laughed your asses out.
In love with my bestfriend? you would have scoffed.
Falling in love again? Derek would have scowled.
But here you are, with your children, Eli Hale , the second one, the third yet to pop out of the werewolf oven, as your brother, Stiles quotes. And the first child? It's Isaac Lahey. Your motherly instincts had kicked in after you had learned of him when was turned by Derek and you had immediately volunteered to take the young beta under your wing.
Your and Derek's friendship ties were severed when he decided to leave Beacon Hills with his sister Laura, after losing his family in the fire. You were badly hit emotionally. He had left without a goodbye.
Both of your mothers were close friends and you were close to the Hales and knew what they were. Talia loved and adored you like her own child, Peter and you had a bickering relationship, Laura, the elder sister you never had, Cora sister you loved as much as you love Stiles.
And Derek?
Well, you met him on one full moon night in the woods, where he had run off, struggling to control his shift.
You were 8 and he was 9.
He was about to attack you but as soon as his eyes fell on yours, under the moon light, he felt something shift in him.
You had always been his anchor, not anger.
And he was the one you had run to comfort yourself after you had given the shoulder to your father and brother to rely on after losing your mother.
He had been there all along, holding you on his arms. And you needed just that.
When Derek had returned back to Beacon Hills 6 years after he had left, none of you were the same.
Even though he was present round for months, you hadn't known he was there until you saw the news of his arrest, on charges of killing Laura Hale, thanks to your brother and his best friend.
You couldn't recognize the man you had know for so much time, except his forest green eyes.
You felt your heart shatter again.
Reason, unknown.
He saw you in the hospital, where you were working as a nurse.
The world came to a standstill for him, again, the moment his eyes fell on you.
He felt the pull he had felt long ago.
And he understood the pull this time.
Derek Hale was in love with you. In love with Y/N Stilinski.
All those years he had been away from you, from Beacon Hills, his heart was slowly realizing it.
When he had approached you as soon as he was broken out of his trance, he was met with a pale face and tear stained cheeks and greeted with a hard blow on the cheek.
He deserved that, he knew.
It too him months to get his best friend back and few years to get you as his lover and you both started dating secretly, but Stiles being Stiles, had found out about it soon, and his first reaction was
'Sour wolf and my sister! Y/N and Sour wolf!'
And you had simply sighed while Derek Hale had rolled his eyes as you lay cuddling in his loft while Stiles paced around and the rest of the pack stood dumfounded ( even though Issac had won the bet on Derek and You possibly dating and Lydia grumpily had to hand the money over after losing. And Scott literally fainting. )
'You know, it's a girl.' You said to your husband and rubbed your baby bump.
'Yeah? What are we going to name our princess?' Derek asked nuzzling his nose on your neck.
' Talia. Talia Hale.'
'Talia Claudia Hale.' He corrected, both of your eyes glistening with tears.
'Mommy! Daddy! Uncle Stiles fell in a ditch!' Eli barged in the house, yelling.
'Your son tackled me purposefully, Y/N! I didn't -'
How far you both have come!
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welcome to your new home :D title is from remember my name by mitski
○ Christian ○ call me bee or bug or swan ○ she/ her ○ infp-t writer ○ azaleas, picrews, and sims ○ wattpad is keeperofthelostsleep ○ no smut, y/n, or x readers ○ singer, writer, reader, photographer (of inanimate objects) ○ I always try to be nice ○
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mainly kotlc and (bbc) merlin
kotlc- big sokeefe shipper but not like those annoying ones; stitz and lava cake shipper; dexiana and tiana shipper; sophie, keefe, and fitz defender; lover of platonic sokeefitz; firm believer that dex and linh aren't cinnamon rolls and that tam isn't emo, overdramatic, or a cold person
m(bbc)- huge freylin and gwenthur shipper; lover of arthur pendragon; lover of all of the cast just especially arthur
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some other things I like/ thoughts
○ tpq (aru shah) ○ sisters grimm ○ willow falls ○ sxf (manga) ○ asoue (show) ○ ouat (not s7) ○ clone wars (show) ○ paf ○ (some) marvel ○ stranger things ○ pll (show) ○ clue (og movie) ○ some disney ○ pjo/ hoo (book) ○ pjo (show) ○ 12 monkeys (show) ○ teen wolf (show) ○ ouat in wonderland ○ psych (2006) ○ charmed (og) ○ haven (syfy) ○ mitski ○ indila ○ eah ○
aruden/ mindy shipper; still mad about rory and jake; twiyor shipper; not a big fan of the charmings (ouat); regina mills defender; henry x violet shipper; lover of enchanted forest snow and rump; lover of the ouat realms
lover of ashoka tano and r2-d2; moon knight lover; lover of lucas sinclair and dustin henderson; mucas shipper; robin buckley defender; caleb rivers and hanna marin defenders (also I ship them); could quote clue don't even try
arabian nights is the best aladdin song; anastasia is an official disney princess to me; jasmine, tiana, rapunzel, and merida are the best princesses; rachel dare defender; lover of percy jackson and grover underwood; hater of how rick wrote calypso
jennifer goines and deacon defender for life; literally lover of the entire cast of the 12 monkeys show its incredible; derek's pack trio defender for life; beta group>>>; stiles stilinksi lover; stydia and stalia shipper, scira and scallison shipper; I love kira yukimura
alice x cyrus and knave x ana shipper; ouat in wonderland> ouat; shawn spencer and burton guster lover for life (their friendship is just>>>); chief vick deserves a raise; shules shipper
prue halliwell, chris halliwell, and cole turner lover to the death; hater of phoebe halliwell and later seasons charmed sisters; nathan wuornos and duke crocker defenenders; I love the audreys; be the cowboy>>; ainsi ba la vida and ego>>
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kits4!- kotlc in the sims. lmk ab your hcs. any hcs are welcome. probably gonna raise their grandparents bcz I'm too deep in this family tree lol
kap!au- kotlc in pjoverse and pjo in kotlcverse. may or may not write it out.
twilomiwb- mainly kotlc writing kinda stuff but not fics usually. it's stuff I'm proud of so go check it out!!
tiwtr-vc- random stuff I want to remember. check it out.
wings caress ink- my thoughts when rereading kotlc
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voidpetrova · 9 months
marriage pact — stiles stilinski x reader
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☄. *. ⋆
content warnings and genre: unrequited love, heartbreak — angst
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
synopsis: you and stiles had made a pack as kids to get married when the time came
in a quaint garden bathed in soft afternoon sunlight, the air was abuzz with the melody of laughter and cheerful chatter. white chairs were neatly arranged in rows, leading to a flower-adorned altar where you stood, radiant in your wedding gown. beside you, your now-husband, smiled adoringly, his eyes filled with love and anticipation. as the ceremony began, your heart raced with excitement.
among the guests, your eyes found stiles stilinski, his usually animated face now tinged with a bittersweet mixture of joy and melancholy. memories of your childhood came flooding back: the days when you and stiles had made that whimsical pact, pinky-swearing that if you were both still single at 30, you would marry each other.
stiles watched you exchange vows with Isaac, his lips curling into a wistful smile. he remembered the day you two had concocted that pact, a mixture of innocent dreams and youthful naiveté. back then, it was a mere joke, a silly promise made by two best friends who thought they'd be inseparable forever. but life had its own plans, and now, he stood there witnessing the culmination of your journey with someone else.
as the ceremony continued, stiles couldn't help but steal glances at you. your happiness was palpable, your eyes sparkling with adoration for isaac. he couldn't deny the beauty of the love you shared, even if it meant his own heart was breaking in the process. he found solace in the memories of your adventures together, the late-night talks, and the unwavering support you'd given each other over the years.
the reception followed, a joyful celebration under the open sky. stiles watched from a distance as you danced with isaac, your laughter carried by the wind. he held a glass of champagne, toasting to your happiness with a mixture of genuine joy and masked sorrow. the guests around him chatted and laughed, unaware of the complex emotions that churned within him.
when the time came for toasts, stiles stood up, his voice steady but laced with emotion. he spoke of your unwavering friendship, the unbreakable bond you shared since childhood. he recounted tales of your misadventures and the countless moments that defined your relationship. amidst the smiles and chuckles, his gaze met yours, and for a fleeting moment, the weight of his unspoken feelings hung heavy in the air.
as the night waned, he found himself stealing away to a quiet corner of the garden. you eventually found him, a concerned look on your face. he managed a small smile, brushing off your worry with a lighthearted joke. but you knew him too well. the unshed tears glistened in his eyes, the cracks in his facade too obvious to ignore.
“stiles,” you said softly, reaching out to touch his arm. “are you okay?” he nodded, taking a deep breath. “yeah, i am. just reminiscing, you know?”
you leaned against the railing beside him, your gaze fixed on the stars above. “it's been quite a journey, hasn't it?” he chuckled, a touch of sadness in his voice. “yeah, from making that ridiculous pact to this. life works in mysterious ways.”
you bumped your shoulder gently against his, a fond smile on your lips. “i'm glad you're here, stiles. you've always been a constant in my life.” he turned to you, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he mustered a genuine smile. “and i always will be.”
in that moment, you both knew that while the nature of your relationship had evolved, the bond you shared remained unbreakable. as the night drew to a close, you held onto the memories of your shared history and looked forward to the future with isaac, carrying stiles' silent support with you, forever etched in your heart. if only you hadn't missed the tears that filled his eyes when you weren't looking.
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hersie44 · 1 year
Old Friends (Derek Hale x Reader)
Characters included: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Jordan Parrish, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar.
Requested: No
Type: Reader insert (no use of y/n though), fan fiction.
Word Count: 2315 words
warning: Strong language used.
Chapter Two.
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I smiled at my phone, another message from Derek just before my classes started.
Derbear: ‘Be safe.’
I raised an eyebrow at the message, usually he would just say goodbye and that we would talk again after school. But for some reason it sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, something so simple was now going to be on my mind the rest of the day.
I walked into my classroom and put my bags down by my desk, the bell rang, and students began filing into my class. I had now been at the school for a few weeks, and Derek and I have been getting close again. He doesn’t text me during my classes unless it’s to tell me that he was going out to look for Kate. I told him to always have his location on in case he needed help, though I’m not sure if I could help if something supernatural was attacking him.
“Now, continuing on from where we left off yesterday…” I paused as a boy skidded to a stop in front of me, nearly knocking the textbook out of my hand.
“My bad…” He stuttered out, breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon to get here. I gave the boy a long look, I didn’t recognise him from any of my classes.
“Are you new?”
“Uh yeah! New to History! I’m Stiles, uh Stilinski.” He handed me a form, raising an eyebrow I opened it and read what was inside.
“Usually, students change their curriculum in the first week, why are you so late?”
“Uh…” He blew a raspberry, he obviously didn’t expect me to question him. That was when another boy slid into my class, holding another form.
“I’m starting to think that History is the most interesting subject in the whole school. Front row, both of you.” I sighed, taking the other form and reading the name.
“Scott, Stiles. Please see me after school, I will help you two catch up on the chapters that you’ve missed.” I placed the forms on my desk and without taking a second look at them, I started the lesson.
After School…
Me: ‘Der, I’m going to be late. I got two new students and I want to help them catch up.’
Derbear: ‘Okay, I’ll wait to make dinner then.'
I sighed, I was looking forward to another quiet night with him. It had finally become a routine, he would come over to my place or I would go over to his. He would cook when I came over or vice versa. The only time we hadn't had a sleepover was last night, he had gotten a lead on Kate and needed to check up on it. I guess it could wait, the man was worth waiting for. I sat at my desk, staring at his message as the image of him flooded my brain. We were friends, I mean we are friends, but he was just so attractive now…I mean he was attractive when we were younger too, but he always had a girlfriend, so I never thought of him beyond friendship.
A knock on my door interrupted my train of thought, my head whipped around to see who it was.
“Oh, Stiles. Come in, we’re just waiting for Scott now.” I stood up and started writing on the board, I wanted to start with the first chapter of the textbook. Hopefully, I can get through the first few chapters without boring them.
“Thanks.” He sat down in the front row, our eyes met, and he gave me an awkward smile. He kept clearing his throat and tapping anxiously on his textbook.
“Something wrong?”
“What? No, everything is totally fine.” I didn’t believe him, but I somehow knew that prying wouldn’t get any information out of him. He was definitely a smart kid, but he was a terrible liar, especially on the spot.
“Is Scott even coming?” I raised an eyebrow and he nodded, though he didn’t look convinced. That’s when he was saved by someone running into my classroom which caught my attention immediately.
“Sorry I’m late, coach uh…” Our eyes locked for the first time and that’s when I realised, I had seen him before, the night that I found out the supernatural was real.
“What a coincidence.” I looked at Stiles, “I assume that means you were there too, you know when Derek told me about you two, I somehow pictured you looking different. But that’s not important, why are you suddenly taking my class?”
“Uh, obviously history is so interesting, and we wanted to learn.” Scott gave me a smile which might have convinced me if I was a sixteen-year-old girl that melted whenever a handsome boy looked at me. I rubbed my temples and gently pushed the door closed behind him.
“Sit.” The smile disappeared from his face, and he slid into his seat.
“When Derek texted me this morning, he told me to be safe and I thought he was being sweet. Now, you two are here like guard dogs. Now that I think about it, I’ve seen you loitering around my class for the entire day, even during lunch. So, you are going to tell me what is going on or I’m going to make your grades so low that you won’t be able to play Lacrosse for the rest of your school career.”
“What!? That’s so unfair!” Stiles exclaimed, sitting forward in his seat.
“What is unfair is that Derek is treating me like a child that needs a babysitter, so you either tell me what’s going on or you can kiss lacrosse good-bye.” I felt bad threatening a sport both of them loved but they were giving up their futures taking a class they don’t need just to look after me. I know that the world I’ve now found myself involved in was dangerous, I still have nightmares about those men with animal skulls covering their faces. The only reason I’ve been able to sleep most of the night is because Derek holds me.
Stiles takes a deep breath; he taps his foot before the words spill out of his mouth.
“There is a dead pool that’s hunting supernatural people and everyone in the pack is on it including Derek, also Derek has been kind of losing his werewolf abilities and can’t heal now so he’s basically human.”
Then Scott cuts in.
“And he got hurt last night but ending up going back to the loft with Braeden so that she can patch him up.”
I don’t know remember what I said to them, hell I don’t think I said anything at all before I grabbed my bag and stormed out. I practically ran to my car, slamming the door shut before driving off towards the loft.
More lies. More secrets. Getting hurt and acting like everything is okay? It wouldn't be the first time it's happened in our friendship but I thought we were beyond that now.
My knuckles were paling from the grip I had on the steering wheel, there were so many thoughts and emotions running through my mind that I couldn’t focus on one. I felt worried, scared, betrayed, angry…
The wheels of my car screeched as I stopped in front of the loft, my door slamming behind me as I got out. I could feel my heart sinking as I climbed the stairs, what if I interrupted as intimate moment between him and Braedon? I wouldn’t be able to unsee it or live it down, but for some reason the thought constricted my heart. Was I jealous? No, no. Can’t be.
I took out the spare keys that Derek gave me and unlocked the door, my hands paused before I opened the door. It was embarrassing to say but I listened for any sort of noise to indicate I shouldn’t go in, as angry as I was there was another feeling fighting to come to the surface. Why am I like this? I was Derek’s best friend when he was dating Paige, I was his best friend when he was dating Kate. Why now…why am I feeling like the moment I see him with another woman now, I won’t be able to take it?
The thoughts continued to battle in my mind, until the door opened on its own. On the other side was a woman I assumed was Braedon, I remember seeing her when I woke up here a few weeks ago. She was beautiful to say the least, had an amazing fashion sense and looked like she knew her way around weapons.
“Uh…excuse me.” I stepped to the side for her, and she walked out, she turned her head and gave me a smile before walking down the stairs and disappearing. I raised an eyebrow at this, maybe I was just the extremely jealous type but if I saw another girl coming to visit the guy, I just slept with I’d be pissed. Even if it was just his friend.
“You’re early.” I whipped my head around at the sound of the familiar voice, and there he stood. Derek Hale. Shirtless. With bandages covering what I assumed to be wounds on his chest and torso. I dropped my bag by the door, walking over to him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, he grunted in surprise as he fell on the bed. His eyes widened as I stood between his legs, his hands gripping his thighs as he looked up at me.
“When was the last time you changed the bandages?” He blinked, once, twice before the question finally sank in.
“Yesterday.” With that I turned around, walking into the bathroom and getting the first aid kit. I only noticed that he had one in the last week that I had been sleeping over here, maybe that should have been a sign that he was getting hurt or at least someone who didn’t have healing abilities was. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm the sudden overwhelming rage that I felt. All the feelings from the car ride returning to me.
As I walked back to him, I noticed how his eyes followed me. He didn’t move from his spot on the bed, he didn’t speak when I kneeled in front of him. My breath caught in my throat as his muscles tensed under my touch, my hands removing the older bandage from his wounds. His eyes were on me, burning holes into my soul as I worked on his wounds.
“You’re angry.”
“No shit, sherlock.”
That was the end of the conversation until I finished rebandaging his body. I stood up and our eyes finally met for the first time I’d been there, that was when I caved. My arms found their place around his neck, hugging him tightly. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me into his lap and holding me as close as physically possible. I breathed in his scent, a musky smell that reminded me of the forest.
“You’re an idiot.”
“I know.”
“You should have told me.”
“I know.”
“What if I lost you? I’d never be able to forgive myself.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered to me, one of his hands moving to the back of my head. Derek was stubborn and he was never the sentimental type, but he knew when he was wrong, and when it comes to me losing him or him losing me…
“I didn’t want you to get involved, that means I could lose you.” I don’t know if I love or hate when he’s so honest, hearing him admit this made my heart ache.
“I don’t know what’s happening, I can’t shift, I can’t heal.” He pulled back, our gazes never leaving each other, “If I can’t do those things then I can’t protect you.”
“Derek…” I push him back slightly, “You can’t keep doing this to me.”
“I…If I tell you this then our friendship is over, I’ll ruin it if I tell you.” He calls out my name softly, his right hand resting on my cheek. He’s making it impossible to look away, impossible to not tell him all these confused emotions that I’m feeling.
“When we’re together, everything is just perfect. It’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist when I’m looking at you and it hurts, it hurts so bad because I know it’s wrong. I shouldn’t be seeing you in this light, I’m supposed to be your best friend and if I develop feelings for you and it doesn't work out then I lose you. Again. I can’t, Derek. I can’t…” I was silenced by his lips on mine, the touch setting my nerves alight. I should have hesitated, but I didn’t, my body reacted before my brain could.
My arms found their place around his neck, pressing my body into his. My eyes closed, my mouth working against in a desperate attempt to claim him. I wanted to, I needed to claim this man. His back met the soft surface of his bed, my body following his without so much as a protest. His right hand now tangled itself in my hair, his left cupping my thigh. I slipped my tongue into his mouth making him groan in approval, the muscle explored his mouth with vigor, not letting up as he flipped me over.
He pulled back first, breathing heavily as he stared down at me. He might not have been a werewolf anymore, but his eyes reminded me of one, almost like a predator staring at his prey. His hands tugged on my belt, but I grabbed his wrists.
“Nah uh…” I tried to catch my breath, “date first, then sex. I’m not easy.”
He let out a breathless chuckle, his hands resting on my cheeks.
“Fine, this Saturday?”
Who was I to say no?
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