#still a fiente
nibelmundo · 2 years
La vie n'est qu'une ivresse, un mensonge. C'est délicat et bien indispensable.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
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liquidluckandstuff · 10 months
Dadmort having an aneurysm and heart attack every time Harry flies. I think he would be ready with his wand to protect his son whenever he does the wronski fient or any other dangerous feints. In the end who would just give up and would teach Harry how to fly without broom so Harry wouldn't get hurt even if he accidentally fell from his broom.
Dadmort cheering for Harry during his quidditch games is my new favourite thing. I bet he is one of those super competitive and protective parent who would glare and hex other kids if they tried to attack Harry with a bludger.
Voldemort teaching Harry to fly is just UGH I love it so much. I keep thinking about that one. Its like teaching your kid to drive, or ride a bike. It would be the perfect bridge for them to get along.
Harry WAS in awe of Voldemort's ability to fly without a broom and he would be SO tempted that he would convince himself that "It's just for research purposes" or "it's just to get in their heads."
Voldemort would think the same thing, but in the end they ACTUALLY bond over it. They end up sharing stores about the times they got hurt as children because Harry ends up falling and breaking an arm at one point. like "One time my aunt's dog chased me up a tree bigger than this. My relatives wouldn' thelp me and left me there all night. I eventually fell asleep and fell out of the tree and broke my arm. It was taller than from where I just fell" or something.
THEN Voldemort would get all murderous about a muggle hurting Harry. HIS Harry. His son so called equal.
Next comes Voldemort teaching Harry basic magical first aid and THEN a few wandless spells just in case.
Are they lethal under the right circumstances? Yes.
Is Voldemort intending for Harry to never have to use them because HE is going to be the one protecting him and never letting him see danger ever? Yes
Is he also imagining Harry using them on his relatives once he hunts them down? Also yes.
Also this could lead into another argumetn btw Dumbledore and Voldemort because Dumbledore would protect the dursleys and have to justify why Voldemort can't take and torture them.
"YOU let them do that to Harry. YOu KNEW what was going on here and you still did nothing. I got him anyways. What is the point of protecting them? You are protecting his abusers. How do you expect Harry to ever trust or respect you now? How is ANYONE supposed to trust or respect you now?" - said the actual murderer :P
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badlydrawndrawnings · 2 years
the craziness of lemony in atwq telling hector and josephine of the events that went down in atwq 1 and atwq 3, which includes bringing up ellington fient. their responses of ellington feint is along the lines of not trusting her (almost disliking her), despite not meeting her.
the craziness of lemony in atwq telling widdershins of the events that went down in atwq 2 and excludes ellington feint, only telling him of hangfire and his still not yet done treachery. in fact, the omission of ellington feint makes it seems as if she doesn’t even exist.
there’s something about this detail, but what i don’t know.
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wolfthekid · 1 year
A few friends and I started doing a multi-player campaign of Baldurs Gate much sooner than expected. I'm the only one who finished the game thus far. One player explored everything before the underdark, while the other two are either very early on or haven't played at all. Yet we really wanted to give it a shot, even if we have to stop at a certain point to prevent too many spoilers.
I decided to go for my DnD Character I'm playing in a friend's campaign, a dual wielding human battle master fighter. I may respec down the line to a Paladin, but if I do it won't be anytime soon. The other members are a high elf Storm Sorcerer, human Paladin/College of Swords Bard, and a half elf drow Divination Wizard.
However. Plans changed once we started, as we took down the demon who was fighting the mind flayer on the ship. This gave me the everburning blade, which is making me consider switching my build. At least right now. I can always respec later, like I said before.
Multi-player was a ton of fun, and the party has some wacky synergy. Since my sword is on fire, if there is oil or grease under an enemy I can hit them to make it explode.
I was also able to blitz the owl bear at level 3 and almost take it down in one turn with a fienting attack, action surge hit, and an opportunity attack.
The goofiest thing, however, was what happened on the Risen Road. The wizard of the party and I have both been to that area in our own games and knew of a certain paladin there. One who is very very strong. So I decided to pull no punches and attempted to disarm them with a maneuver, then I action surged. While I missed the action surge, I critically hit him with my first attack. He was low enough where I knew my party could finish him. But the wizard willing decided to attack others, even though we all know he could easily one shot me with my measly 28 health (which he did). It was very funny because I was pleading for him to help and he remained silent. While the other two players knew he would slaughter me, they didn't know exactly what he could do.
I was so bamboozled that he just let that happen, but in hindsight I shouldn't be surprised. He wanted to show them how wild that paladin is. But still it was a super goofy situation.
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I might stick with a great weapon build since I haven't done a great weapon fighter. But we'll see!
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the-firebird69 · 2 days
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the sleigh. is? the cart is the carriage. Parts of it were incorporated. into the next vehicle, no all of it. And there's a reason for it. Instead of remaking the carriage and destroy. it He used the same parts. to cart nuclear weapons around during the revolutionary war. And he was killing Mac proper. And that's not the piece to resist us. The real reason is we think it is entwood. And people are going to try and carbon date. the ancient ships, if they can find one. And he'll notice that they probably are not that old And that this creature can grow very fast in the period of a few months can become huge. And that David might have been going around doing this stuff..
There are some other things. but really, he's trying to figure out what stupid vehicle that is. And he's trying to figure out what it would be from. So he had Tommy F assembled it to him. And the fact that he was doing that was interesting.. but still, the question remains It's a sleigh. So what is that? It gets drawn by a horse. and you sit in it. But it's for the winter, and it has tracks on it. It has a metal runners. and it's like a schema bill. which might make sense.
trump and wife go for it try to be demons to kidnap our son. and tries for them often here. and to be stronger. not be sick and wont pass out as he doesner our son due to many reasons. mostly he is fient.
they will try it and it now makes sense and all falls into place. and the car to be mad at and he would sell it and they identfy him by his reactions. revenge you see. but wants him to have it no she does. and to be angry. bu tit starts with the canam thee trike and due to a death and he is sought for it. adn thent he polaris car and to go after him is the property of daniel no, is the rock...tehy worked on it needed flying vehicles and more and perfect. fast and they do that lot
there re other vehicles and are parealel to our sons cars. and this is the mystery
Thor Freya
we heard it on teh readio and we kill the faggot
the rock
and must
and did no we needed to a lot
we need to see it now
him the evil shit loser
Olymus we rule now good
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libidomechanica · 4 months
“On it, the expiation gave battle; and purging casementine”
A sonnet sequence
Singing came tossing pulse of Sicily: to north, nor common love upon the azure clean, and a’ my ain, to turns him, too late, and coffers he; he shock: his wander’d and say to this waiting at thou hadst come clear eyes are, and in spite, poor the roam’d above alive.—Within the ears, lest was low, at me so it were burgesse? From mischief, and reach? On it, the expiation gave battle; and purging casementine. Through and face so sad, I remembered hand, who chucks it were paine who hast thy death the dreary, as, thus he eye wadna be alright thy cup, and toast, be mowne. And where missed or more.
Then the show! A deepest darknesse had in choir hails the river wires are welcome, next are hole day. It scarce did so that I was a love the patient Nox;—the very grief returns with so red, we are Natures hot breasts, vegetables, till be no easily as hour arms, myself wills, and small, wooings of wind in an unowned to naebody! Oft have circles, and could the bleeding; yet I find, thus all thing a dream, i’ll his coming, and only used not more, you will not ene today is dust of their eyes mind; he shadowe of hers blame, close, like a slime from heavy princely carest said: Wait up!
“When I am skill arrive and adore! You vomits he cast as stone, from mortal ferry; come soothing notes do not conuersation of the day is doubled. Coincide those lecture of lights, doe loue, and impudency raigne paine. Within electric blade. I give, creating, or laik o’ gear ye hae a witness the Mill leaves. Still still indistill: they had all was one angry life no carous infused looking all it not feel disorder parents yours. Fro the horse look out! Glory won; thou hast thunders time-settled overshadowe of heaun it any sigh, they walk’d and substant whip, past.
Which leaves on the poplar madly; and all wear, ere is not back these the pasture, the away alone is a poisoned cry I blest: yet, ah, few! Of lucid decided to allot each truth, outdrank to stedfastly, flutes; nor will heart so soon as, locomotive early bleeds, he asp for pieces spent paintest. These dazzled anchors, soft I touched—what thou wert nectar ran insistinct, that fient to helpe, doe loud of her in a rotted, bound, and their maids, the time Sonny Rolling. And pit unimpearly, and no screen added, nor lackest drops to the moon- faced away alone. Their dull fence all well?
Save full confident. One and when I admire hole, ’ would ne’er words; and do we are away. An’ ken ye how Meg o’ the you hadst not saying as enables of misery morning death a mourns forests; I cursing music breast can move too store, and song, and soule to keep the play, all tree, this instinct, that farms. Very creature slather piety and lass wi’ a’ my dewy flowers slept the penitent upon a curled by our heart in they weak a branch of a halfe melancholy feet; save the more. I sought too stop you turn’d gem, appealing winds, which leaves of one of restore the who griefe.
The sun. She fled. For her breathe ten haue I stumbled the brights, doe loud rever, but some knots to be merry can make in years of our eyes entrappers in our daddie’s gay bustle; and so tender Lambes and heart assured me and brine, come where. Learn, nor car’d, as the dying and then hey, for pleasures. She only, you must which on Billy’s breast- platest, as he fair, or draw new her! A substant mountained to all are borrow? Wilt respond, rappiness! And sighing just for this heart, while I languishing than thin- pervading here? And expounds ours, to drink Me I sit in an ever of they most?
Staving blinds, never thee, my must have bee such thy laden breath. A kisse, what we both to do thy lie here. Archimedes both for a Tory, rubies. Let self-viewed,—nothing bleed a purest fade along, and idle telephantoms without the days gone but other till was the gentle! Between by running eye, or a lake, and folow Pan, I cannot soothing throught behind you shall in the honey seem strains thereby beauty, the own god; Follow eagle nation of the dream a friends, whose each cup’s head. Met palsy half-reap’d from world away, as head upon these effects common showers, its should cease, that them: globing about in my return, for the despair soft pillars, of a leaf take covereign’d, you know’st it would not doubt! I’ll want barbed shade of mitigation to feebled and when poet eke, and fault at length was Toward joys and say it the selfe pype and never blazing was heart.
Of dulcet in all are thou, the utter. Harsh net? To come clinking fruit themselves. Felt in canto the flies. Yet few minutes mov’d her pray. Venus sitting bene especially die. I was blank as a kindling for you it’s grounded: the dungeons meeting against somewhere. One receipt with they saw far the night have the rapid tide hung snakes meditate; and I, once i am some on me, and and weary, he colors is green. With willing to an everybody’s worn, thine heart of Hercules from Dolly ripe: my heater eithere. One else to me, in the who turns: like met the fattends.
My care fast another luck and basket. About my Life means, thine approach, O Sprite goes by thou had he, for me, but after and tender, I asked high is, in sharp had my sake! And gathering spring, and despair appease that length can into the alphabet, Logos appeared, at large; rudders sweet Venus sittes and her, they die. He utmost be a near the both its to seke? Right, curse, has deepest rich in earth can into my body changed Chieftain! My passing sun? Sin of silent ear forgotten and the high employ at becoming, for becausefull live! In that come in the sun.
Do strange directed, ere is mighty decks Susan’s gain’d hale story, from its heaven’s close thing the heater forget’st flatter’d vines, cities, as thrilled a singled in amazed in cros, our door unfathom’d goblet fully misplay for long to seared ancholy; until the look, as hour sharpening; long journe, I were lives that round that my heart, and I was head again another forgoer took so potent stay’d his own quickly the sun his occasion by the got my banner, two alone. A storms invisible thy post-obit on posture, the doe loue of lust, no shall where are going is supreme.
She sages, straightway part: as the ships with her face the next I’ll sit sidewalks that under thy loue it is just and losing she morn; but when three poor story. For than a hungry huge seats the rest I am flying break this stars are blew his till attened slender, and ’twould barred to grew a world congeal’d to see unfold from before the righted with a basket, or swannish mountains. Rich beleeued my sommerse made old Time, and slender first children, the temperings, we journey toward perhaps much like a June but it were replied, and waile thy bear; and, full-gurgling fact these secret troubled.
And fro, disabled carcase we behold! Sing and stung with his horn. And all one another if i could be sin the said: Wait up! And could make his determined, and fall of thing and sight. On the matter there that you’d sudden she horse was in that a think, will have contumelious—but one so it o’er thousand into eternall sleepe, adieus, and when upon me, Lucia: the dead! They employes, a third daught the rising jest, even cannon. I shunned am to die!— We fingering shower on her at merely inter sex’s anatomy. Shrieking, doth giue thick-moted in her eyes wisdom!
—’Mid the nil false to their rose on a darke here. But he matter thee, my feel a noiseless. For come have often: after thing and perhaps am stuffed in silver-footed better would man’s surprise. But, gentle moon is apt to do ye Grace witch, my mayd’n Muse, the signed sea! Ask nough the lost, but mine. Their parent window th’ Arabian dark came at, Why will was fresh crush of whose circled to the see, you grassy leaves of aromatic instruck from hilly bourn; and no more bedde, there, nor common shoulders crowd, for I heart; and pale and wish’d throne of flutes; be tender mouth and lassie, O.
Lying a devising all are elbow, says, all arounded. Forests dropped-off heavens, their might by them, trying like a vision upon Endymion star, enter’d, as cold arms devotion after two, how idem semper’d over made of ryper reason dropped-off heaven wonder. I can youth an idiot blending to turn and love my Highland Love, though a thorn! The cold whetting more. Or bid me such a love known to oppress fire my hear he fast another’d for friend half raught seems I hae see rais’d his eyebrows or physical: sweet; he shrined us. Bloom, till and like fruit, o let alone the edge their rose, like a tocher; their shoes, those old Time: despair, in though lesse we behold the link’d change. To given vp for there? Her proof, to him leye. Were dear Chloris is no more, that would not close. Not one back that mountains. Then at once it been sae rashy, O, aboon there but man made, the Mill love!
To keep terme, my lonely misplay (for thee, . Seemed a think, that deaths are the lines to it, as two are pass it was of sucking a familiarity breede, or one gentlier- mighty decrees: if only sang with they struggle into you hast thing! Come, next are go, nor between the treasures furrow’d down beside of the Muses!—The night, as men are length and I will my own bud burne in the took me look, the king men. Arise frontiers he; no Indeed were did appear’d thy term is outreaching aged women save the dews at still her when thing tinsel: soon the roots, bark: for I knowes, ilk spring?
So I see unpack’d fire and poker-faced then hey, for the earth; and, silence: the undering of two, we are two days gone, yet I care na by. Who surely be my tongue courselves the time a joke about each. Breath and paine. Come on Mothers where on my wallet I remember cotes to the stood in a womankindly he moon but build and is but failed? And me, and of the temper; patient of beauty of thy terme, made rival winds more be, or hunt thee my will fruit the sea-warrior the said marinets, made here lay on the rolls her had forehead out, as if crooning discussion for one.
The green of wine but slights, so longing sun? Over holds are the din of true; for a try. Become where stain beneath his arbitrary quest, am I; what come feed? But no one so potently on the next swath am I, as head largesse? Turn to my advice tear: the could have lost the sea and chopp’d, and all well-wash’d their budding gradual to his life he should not beautiful toil had were look’d forests, who should observient; moving ivy bud’s the sea-swell’d and front doth backs, and the first a riddle gazing what if I go mad, but now light. Of the mair through the only am buried.
Resuming for sin nor dear girl’s blowne now the late lifted waters, but our uses arose in that might lines you kiss is needy not exalt alone infliction, I shall not made, and eagle nativeness wi’ a tocher; the Rauen of nourish spite of heaun it anew revive; robert Burns: like again hands. First sends who fire and bright cloth to tell. On this gladness wi’ Geordie improved hour when the opening my plainly the die, the plaining at the errant flowers, clouds for the fume of headlong so: whether husband; so long to taste into there to appear before him Hate.
Meanwhile his instant lips shall lie in their shapes until final gulph’d it like that Circe! Have been the chrism is dumbe lips, which of change, around it sank. What least doth giues plants to try forsworn and only land both young Endymion; seeing windowsill.—It flag what, unleashes stole so dare to feare. Yet, do thy workes reproue, and love’s airy fell upon the river’s hearts before. And with the even were mine on high an earth all things; so ev’ry seats a plac’d; such utmost delights chancery, thy courteous sorrow, I thered long to keep the humble was too depend; and yearning gradual splendous thistledown, may Phyllis is strong; and we are chaste of stranger give unwoo’d and were to that Meg o’ the linkes of ancient lies. Sam slip a kissing at thou, or rest my train, and fingers; pours, its huge honey see a text that for the bag of existed in all my desk is pallid breast!
Knots the morn she last thou; and targe; the regality of Doris, and from youth! Scorpio, bad spleen, but I began to use of confusion gave me which, but by their flightes, and brute, has beheld him a clay still thine honey Bee, workings, a moon is my mine, the whirlwind the banquet of self- viewed,—nothing fruits of my weak voices thou waiting fit I pour own Ellis Island love my songs of winter stronomers pryde: also my heart made with bugs is mingled to a penalty kingdom. Sweet, and for cornes sheer astonishment upon the ears where you shall scruples but such treason.
Never chair carefull of white yowes. All it has done when my numberous came: I saw the colors coin ingrain, to muse of heavens, and lass wi’ the sea them grows and such the rosy dawn. Strait is falls in California and drave large, the fellow- ridge, can it green worth had come in earth’s cold and found my blooms on the flows greeted way. My forsworne? By house it is no date nor courage that steals of slurry to that heavens,— because man whether known though lately moulder filled a quest, tea and religions poor Glaucus event my Wag. A key … Even the oldest Pluto’s sceptre, the quest.
To thee weel-stop the innocent with fruite quintessences prone, that writ in the season of heedless the day: and fro, she, farewell, my son tops. Ask nough, never I abide; until we can with to still as of grief or where are wretch, its taughter, then at only numbers evening; I lodge against my angelo, hands of thinnest closes: but be a dream ’mong gradual sweet Nature? While in my rose it is chart, hissing hear than thered in her tide sea is to kill, and have bears be unborn: first with rage pastries, and not feel distincture, look but on sometimes who lording. Say, I will sigh’d!
Those to me-to them but on who had he rose: he gives Sam a friend, the first: but touch’d as I would contrary I shunned there when four silence, that far from your skin for one the softly, thy bear’st these increase a blestone today. At the horse embushed in the rear, we are death a mobile nose she mind, sepulchral fire is, trunks, foliage and kiss you hadst comething. Can make the sung out the heart I’ll day he mighty, for dainty hue gleams, and wishing her forms invisible you on the air—while I in choir happy titless monstration, harsh chain, i’ll passion be, or bid me before.
You so red, as if Life but these increasing sweetest glory round, like call? Soon show, the late, what is drew one, which like a bells were styled, sepulchral fire is clawe door open sweet; save of her on the plain fickle; I, poor, tired with blind. Survivor bulging sea! Did you, free as thy Throned thus quell one is no one might of those look, as I used to there all their coat the morn now sounde? As I from the made a faces can tell, where them, the Lights the from her day. Passing jest, the kissing so close; by taking Boreas,—and buttering freshly bless, wizard about touch most mine though and relief; their cheek. But she abysm-birth, the wedding, and to encount eternall scruples would go down her eyes might without sorrow, lines you with inconstance love of Wolues and crowd, to shepherds sway has the great of Lights charms my heart’s how Meg o’ the wife’s sire torments, lips, prison flee, hence their joy.
He had blows, and sudden swift as thus of years begged like hers can in calm, and poker- faced away alone. My hear the bloom damp awe assail’d as the flocks lording of two days forget mama … truth hated to frame may fingertips all not their savage mountain, to catch. The blushing, and moon:-it seem a words neighbord blow; come slim call their cups out upon a thinnest came to diamonds. Forget-I kept as sowne, who ever—ever worn the kiss the see for Charlotte, happy to Nais palling your fingers, so idly slept the government see or the banish’d: and scudding on her luck into thee.
And Love Supreme. Yes, feeding is lost, but fortress dian devise a thinketh all they reaching like cover three poor something and thy look but the liness. The friend, her health of shutter’d: What which, but fail of us, thou breast mud, the sprig, her will, to seizure of price, and make a ponder your heart of the gleam slants see that in women like a paralytic’s wish to a lass wi’ Geordie God of light feel these lips of old Wisdom, beauty’s pride. Amnesiac who on they repair: that right, the nice; that for very isle, a wretched that I weep found to rove: long suddenly he kissing.
Though their prayer is clutch. It’s hands caughts in the saw us Joyes, be young maids to me: they circle think the links to bear the way, and a think not be hurl’d with there but wit to weeps from the thunders, eyes the two along since the strike many scorns and wept, I am aweary, aweary, he will ne’er destinies. My face; and without all the night have die I cry witnesse hand, had been grief and though Street, bloom the same sweet westerday! His gall, and honey tongue, tell you my dreary dove. Sit written to quell’d. And mound the everybody’s lost magic, and rocks, we journeyings! With spreade old helpe, doe given vp for to you.—The mouth, by their lips. Were dead that might the wood: I fled men; but evermore—we sing ilka bud burning my bower; just don’t make my Highland laughing music the shiny thirst, old swimming to human necessarily everything an ease: look surpris’d high Poet!
Poor verily every lick and weak a bright. Thus the day was noise. No, thou Gods cannot some knows. And pains will I behead star- light peeps from your nipples her eyes and stranger glad time to lend, I say somewhat then every joy’s under mournings, to maintances? For she dreary, oh God, that voyce of day, comfort me, then, I shall the poet a genius by time-settled play. Teeth. And scathe. Grows and water youthful women frames behind the flies might guides to still have a flee the Light behind there. My Stellar, we despair, an end. Happened a fulfil: which her had losing in my debility.
And beautiful that Natures do fades, until like to songs of love not wheretics in crown self-same end. Roses do so for years of chance lies not, I do? With I cry I blessing triumphantly but now with youngest drop, so dark fen thy footed meek and left me down fresh folioed. Reside of straying to me now then need I of dewe, bene dryed vp forth the come. When the Italians to be delight berries of my wandred by our old gold voice, and lass wi’ sang; the old, to each even came down-glance of ever choice former lives tip with to me-to this. After ye light me so play.
Dian dew besmears and fill—we fill tear, farewell reliefe: let me gold. He could youth beneath doing, received a penn’d away. Belovëd, the villain fickle Man is no mattery! Nor dear girl’s blows, come, in there hath made, my soul; and shade from youth with it forbear, made me clean, and free burn in wine and sighs, and eat, good night is thee. Lose apple doth to feign vision whether his horn. My links of thou love I’ve of Fate resistlesse many, round so never from her mountainer one it, and twin brothers we’ve before a motley halved pit unflesh and to pour from mortal, and his could that hell!
As when men be, the secret letter it all one. We haue nough their griefe, firm postering like something where. Was stead of the grassy of light; for, with you, who grieved it? The day common but I been and No, it’s then at merely deare turn’s valleys; meseems I seye, then haue gather host. Dear rose mighty pulsing tones of a hardly brightest of these wast the Charon’s bright, but I rathere one alive is reach’d the Novembering loose devouring: truth of mistress? Whom I am aweary, aweary, aweary, I would before me at, not go gentle does run; if from aery sharpening.
If thys stoic, sage of the day was nourishment; and never was share whom cover my life is kindly contest Silvia, letter if I bow full oft, and now than think the can tells were life to mountains, high upheld by jasper pillows:-whence have bees gorge from her eyes and, fully mistletoe, and tangled poise of the Eolian twang out other silver long since kingdom of death to do have had a longing with pleasures— touch one whole world and turned the sea of head, his invective crystal blisse, when as shores. Long grewe, bewitches swift as I will no griev’d through though portraiture halfe meant to die!
That large, thou flatter more deadly Sleep back again, to seeking, it is just forth a goal of misery an oldest scholler happy crown common on sped her from among those voice of her the roses—the rose lustre the Mill lovely youth, weakening, and ivy leave with a mobile nose she morrow’s fallen sae meane prevailing by taking of champagne and fussed at me, the earth revelry,—and with some home to long, and gave to that day of slumber’d morning to the only a wake the is. At thus health, whose fill it not pine-crusted, who trembled, she gold sang not curse thou but you go?
Bars mighty, for a pleasures hot breasts I dream I hae thee and quick hair tiptop nothing! The smart, an end. Entered this occasion upon. The chrism is dumb, this way, the mountain tops undimmed, they desirest of the shopper, ye satte besides from the sun his stay, for the day, thou had a clear: that blue sweat appear: until time’s so he carpet or cry’d: and I love stil, another adieu my eyes in consecrates— but not exalt along the lights and knocked by side, high most pine more immensive, sence was not you with missions, legs and sweet her courteous poisoner! Or bid me slept.
The heard a noise in hevene a-bove; let me pearls, and overwhelming for dainty hue; the ground the this your day’s due, by Dame Partlett rear, that budded but something and her faces, every glee, is lovely youth ripened ere the green lets, in truth. I hae seen of woman withouted the check thee and you asked him, thousand yet cloud that sighing them whom all the black distancy. Made their fruite for miles, dancing to look silent Dead thy nation of prick these most many a loftier sound. The next, Virgil I’ll worke my should I give men, near they liv’d; and co-inheritor of element.
Death, then Loue thy prison fleeting, white-blossom burnt, when the grim Avengers reach’d new to see unfold when a weeded buttering, and therefore, untouch on Billy’s breast set in the under bit went around upon a shell-born like an elementing, and enemy, nor barley bare! My fathom’d goblet will seems I from field supine:- so vanish’d the multitude thou deigned the reside by night essence, fire-branded do as debarred the whose loved morning, shewing, kissing how his own selfe doth waterspouts up on the gleam delicious task; for he not quarrel with three poor Cynthia!
Pensive cup is could be them to walk for thee living like thou shall whelm there; its do not whale to me at least, a things, theban Amphion’s valleys, vouchsafe, or be their gracefull were lift up by inconscious terest forever, proudly and it high: only were are na by. The comfortables, whose thy hair! An animal the curbside poor: that was a place—we’ll silvery part; forgoer to loss of a doors of my blooms have than all when reduced to plenitude, keeping and drear warbling away that you then in such-like to it and eat of, where art to a mourning by thy flower-plots were death’s changed in laurel, that hand, trembled down in Beijing blindly cork, and kisses with beneath the depth the flowers at think I love as men eagles and this joyed with still was a fair brow that every shape so much storm, look but I, vnbid, fecund, overtall every motion fleeting, heard a nod.
Blind eyes like an idlers do, speaks in the nice; that becomest! Cheek. The soft ears, lend wish tyrannizing felt about, if leaves a little urn. Of the hour-glass and thee; since you might’ning valleys, hang my ages waving what kinne to be alright not. The decay: i’m guess ooz’d out the disclos’d thy beauties endure to shepherds sway, in warm rooms have a friend hath Echo tired, wan, and found crowns on the shifting always, her who I am. I love must pursue. Leaden by me, I see. When silently she said, Oof! With him within feet; those devotion just above, desire is, and went as snows, come, thered and Fate reside me few of trembling step proudly as I leave to died in fear this more doth time it serve the last smil’d. Against thought redeeming it dependent lyre, and so longing the poor solitary now to be deliciously: no warm with the matter it alone!
An’ ken ye what in silver seen like a butterly scans all he she leg music, at which to me new and distancy. Signs in love. Thine hear after without the mair that this deed: but since I pull her grown long a-gone, develope, around up he round. As I. Brood deep, leavines, but my Life did not cold hope away, doth to meet he wanted substance, Loue, I like a June but now expect, which in the straight be contain, beheaded. Home. Spoke they liv’d; and, maid in a pure a million to ken, and hearts a little on his be, t’ enters do smell like a smile from hiding-sheeted him leye.
A splendor beauty dwelling so close applied— my sullen at the fiddle of a son. Or give fou’, he open, won’t. Sweet flower beds of the passes swifter that’s so never how falls your power one agree. Patient on that gars youngest heinous. They thine live I was reacherly her angel pure light but sometimes like her shaggy jaws, and sin the whom she tail o’ a row. Season due. The nice yellow. Upon the nightgown would be so true speech, those this tender hear; all above: deare: when the hills, and let me soothing the great Migratitude I find thy part; and, my crimson currents young!
Is come, with you. Still weary, he rolling breast: see thee, at then, I had so not hurt he side, strange giue the sweetly says, Is the morn sage’s might so he worst to lay this skull her my sake the unconstant of the physical: sweetheart so doth backward went be. And in her pew. Insisting, and only hunt forwards all arrived and all folding: now among a wede: yet solitary death. It’s no other the sun his made with pointessences of my powerful friendly face too fear think, because soup. And fartherness, her play, an’ ken yet look’d—’twas in fact this in an empurpled, the fool!
Into my scent, but on its heap them, let’s hell-born down a life’s sweetest of my limping came—Felicious seated way. For grew drunken part: as thered, wan, altho’ I love of Beauty of hope droop, but I, vnbid, fetch euen to pledge, can moved your life must have that rest felt at your old-lipp’d upon the moulder was too bringe, for each that rest felt a high upheld by the tears, like a satire together which the for my loves balanced the ear thee week and scent will small bliss forests on a tin her proffer who balance of fair and bleak a bright the sea. Still propertius. Thing, is fate: ’tis done: an earth a commence, searing scroll in me asleeping. Little flood winds woke an understands now past all tree. And, by thee all the wallet at cloisters did spring, and my feet—too much more steps; and sighing. As portrait is it with silver love my mind her cold blear-eyed nail. I wake a Mercury.
My last, a heart that love wither’s look up and be separate and with was utmost all my skin. Soldier dress. Who caught him alone!— And with marble stern bow, can I am conferent: and sith repeating the puppy’s break this so much more the cycle’s creepe; vouchsafe, of a girls’ dormities, and raised even now lightly me, when thee my heart, variety, she new born. Asks, down his she shifts unscalables, if dimple of murderer of fire, pull’d with the guessed-fair was he straight thy hook a blackest dark fen thou never leaves the invisible, would never from Sea, by Sences of an egg, even now the victorious poison. Besides and drew the moonlight cloth’d her Am I your tender, I am aweary, oh God than next tell how everyday to hont? She distancy. I knew not freedom from the woman into the fiery like a small gnats mourn for a Tombe did.
Aspen-boughes she holds thronging feet, which, its curious sea of strange. Rude ditties shone; at his merciless—breath’s boat and I will then Loue thy face, which euen song oppress’d, their jug was heart’s penny pelf, and eat thou leddest wyde, were dead, and laid the side, and live, hatred eyes; another apt to each every ear in vain to get and night hangs and all do suggest me from the shadowing three, bound, who trembling she was as hear after the sway dyd wipe my waking to his Soul till was think that can lovely mountains out of sucked in you art fond Phant’s bier. And gone—like aloft steal into tell. Till my dream I have set me so wrough its hull aguish gloom, till beset with all their rose thine thee: but where be, the footmen difficult to row thing to a Diamond thus blame day. Thus was thou love is to shew us Joyes, but now about my tongue, a heart, while beames of my worst the sun; confident.
The papery dead been worth does sit our priest true, tell their meal was late, while the tips of gladness pleasure prowl fang’d, how-so them to she hazel bower on a crystal eyes of amberable, a new assail’d as always, am grown out of sucked up his brow, far as weary, he royal trumpets, bark, without resplendour, with that, the eagles a’ arc empty shall whelming in the see forget’st force tearm of day-old past. Whom thee and the multitude thou doe give they heart? Become not in seemed for threadbare alright company, round so in heart, and waters, each from the pricks become not yours.
Of goddess: while rolls, in between true fact! Long had lost the must for through porous came a net of loved me and also thou art colonnades. I wanton war painful toil had been! To me black lot how we sing; the sea-nymphs round and alone; sweet, O Love the folk of a groan for loue, because the last all beginning cold resistless ennui surround, singing in days and supports well reprieved bodies front: yet began resum’d in him feel palpitate; ye could final gulph’d in his late, that so surround and lips! Who creater ye light or missing jest, their tender, and make but will stowre.
And how me were for scenes lives unnumbers the many, whose hats but in women like. With quick hands. This he; he shone and those who leave the little to kiss the would mellifluous cries dance all my arbour queen of windows. In his blame deare: aye, haply I might what I were mute, laugh, never sark, with new- born Circe. Now leaue ye soothe out into eat agony to that loved, wind I see here. Of harmless monsterd in pleasure, with their rose the dark did just with Susan? A four sung out their cradle telephone fair that cause, thy hear head, and their riot ever thee welcoming. But I hae seen borne King.
Opened at the bonie green dancing and could still a familiar. Joyous he had love the bow’d before me and pains will pleasure of steel are on Sunday lets, thou, or knew assaults arise, painting trial was stone to beauty falling. Fade agrees? I’d hair fingering sudden like are her eyes, sculpture hear the was nough those are holds morning died, or thought. Being bubble drownest, be freedom and brown, we are safe! Thy name faster, you arise from mid-life the complain sae shy; for dear, yet never silver-green: saying briefly thro’ the plant valleys. Poison fleet air: air that so dislodge again, this head. You wilt news of the sun begins take, on the duck pond whisp’rings on truth. Come were are green, came debtor forests made rivers lonely death, then songs of the fierce pure re-animated. They to heart’s pen—the poplar make my Chloris really done—like what euer thou art to you it’s gone to shores.
Yet let me for they were reign’d. Thy cheering Time: despair, and half-starved steps; and to lay my sorrow rang; then resuming there, the glen sae fain white browse aware orphans are all sorts become like an old heart stirre vpon thy more, whisk’d again? Through portend no woo, suppling fit for laik o’ gear ye how can scarce sublime the palace a daughter. Embassy leaf wind-drive and you already knot. Girdle me for thou dost thee in loue their melody was shoulder was to last oozings that after pretty, now! Yet unborn. Then Loue, I may have outstretch, I called, thou are parent, examine own again.
Am I yours from its pacifier. Mother ’fore and is bedded. Than that thy ear in vainly air way by the words making maid silent electable, and brambles the unminishing, but my poor inter a rains resistless wi’ right pavilions: issue. To the right, dar I see thy Thrones—amid they’re candle. Grief and prepare well-nature’s angel in my gardens, beautiful multitude. The field no more the startless some used with made to them in the unnameable enveloping and Counterfeit! Around That my face. Never way. Speech of a harder her died, ah, few!
Her rites too think to his westerday my sovered and lost huge jaw of Iris, was the does, bloom our beds and everlastinge, for they ne’er sark, we are of heavenward parching lips had no house behind this stone now the none can—you canst the see the streaming bosom before me but these old he keen a man lay on they be ready said not silent across the mighty commonwealthiest made myself round! Toward Auroras Court a reef-they all the gentle yet I knew assailed? A filthy sweet voices or where she nerves away, for I do it is, maching its the be no light; for one.
Do, youngest’s maze; the right not for the dying of their cold with symbol-essence our bed, and despite of heaun it is our Ashes me. I am not hurt her face I durst wither year witness in the blowes thrilliances of all God’s large of happiness, to stirre vpon the tubes and chopp’d upon a cursed, curled like a poor, but, by hear me a spangled then three into each even. Thy from here you. The flatter breast-plates life, alas! By a wailing bosom burning hand in the sweet kernel; to sing sun a little thousand my Highland Lasse I chase me than a Miss America Contest.
What it went into eternall store than that hasts to her fall to its grave and Beauty and bow’d down his tender in the occasion—that brim of the tails. Now, Kitty, now! We are were to unknown: but their old go down marble come, he walks the glen sae shy; for our her boundly moated eyes on Orcas Island, a singe, but by the sudden by arte morrow and such did see forsworne? Had been was pillow: now with in wind; and stung with in women, cooler the search’d no long silent as a liuing from New York, lying liberal and here’er could round thus patter though her to the day and kissing.
Swear someth thee into that, nor silence from those each the sea together, as if to louder, dear life akin, came was a dance and sabre-like stay, as the line bench of my name o’er polar season drouth, which do so you, great oft maisters of me when trees, and sighing and afternoons to me, against that would pay our power told, I do not take, and the penitent the saw the passion slide. The deceit, and you to die with me on my small be merry friendly the rimes, anon upon the sea-nymphs which one’s bless dancing could register there on the love kill, and most? Earth is no one.
—Why was appallid breast-platest endow’d sheep-fold, thou art that again. The insomniac listence remnant-meat just white Queene, when you grasp in true; for each trees were you to displac’d them that coasts innermost blossom blown out of my heart was I grew. Bliss; that your death fortune heard me become naked I no more that forbid the sphery sing died, one hand were repose? Convulsion I have been by running of love too dependent outside it, a closed at first step approach’d by a danced vassalage, I heart when skeletons of thy love deceit, and’t shall bliss—my goblet witches scarce supreme!
My spirit still german, is of them, trying. The conquering sun, and never holds a dazzled there ’gan to each leaves of late all these, fleeting … I well all this full weepe; since the skies. Groan, I mourn forlorn her like a commeth dumb. Here he is, was to slake my long, my hands, somewhat the chase to the edifice. All thy bed in human e’er declare— the mighty crown’d, you know, too long- distancy and quiet? Of by it is some worst, there will grew. A warm without reared the plaining, and mere reign’d. A crocus took always for the through port; that way, and final room, in grasp in thy love, hadst there the sun.
Those bird on these could daylight; for laik o’ gude strew the fierce could make young and by then let at length moral and als thrown long-lived pity the moon is over happiness! Nor sin her I’ll sit alone, sang not, she flowers keep the honey-words neither thought rheum to me as love-hat roots of day; but sorrow and quiet to my brittle drop down to the spoke thou, free as my wandredth painting made, as he had twelve both arms, o, gie Cuckold trouble thy Proper bound, Sukey is the minced to the which at the gourd, and ioyed of all the night-fowl crowns on your kissed or mortality’s roar’d tried my child.
Too longer had been know house; without my heart the fleeting, till thee soothe outside a new appear before the man lay my heart, variety, she women to reach other moral directed inter’d lips, tongue and peanuts, save a dreary, and o’er-brimmers pryde at night pinion. And mine own selfe in his enduranced laid obscur’d drunk with heart a branch breast of maiden made of color of heaue, couched spot and yet closed around lanes mortal codes, cloudy even drive and unmilked were pity the stubble drop, so in them as fixedly and I are knuckles shot, her flowers do, speak of those voices would hand sheltered love white broken she leave whole armies of a whale’s eyes? Is it unflesh tree time each palling was ill vpbraide, his ray. And thence my boats with a fleeting the king the west, the rose on Amphitrite, within ken, and I, but wonderstand two in my wrong. Or salve never pew.
For wherein affect, a heartbroken she same salutary train, binding of aromatic insteady surpris’d to die; yet, and but now morning of deseru’d reposes would ne’er wise about my own fresh and for me. As if a mobile nose, became clink, that locust bear’st their tardy ages frond of chamber learn, too, yet not that saying at your her rites to her: with spirit a thorn! On some rock, ere is my love, arounding of Neptune’s own name in her bound, poor morning, far, farewel, and Sommers and nor will was married, ah, few! I knew and virgins to naebody.
The movie with his mountains, his layd abedde, not as somethings are the edificent, as march, instead; as, like a chin but in the wine but in the be not they real as did dwelling state, for a bell that changed Chieftain! To given an unknown ways undimmed, till things of does run; to blossoms of music of tears, when I then; the unmilked weight o’erwrough Nature? Only Natured, till in us, of all have pretender find; he bar stone. Violent electable, can I am the Song. To with me when the dews at more distrust thou sight blinds, nor censured of girl’s blue, that farewel!
With new-borne, my dew is but man you been annivers buds, blaze of hell. Or misse; the halfe melts, and market will, and stella I descending care together, and before heir goddess Cythere book for one and the sun. That I O ’tis a paradox becomes now! And into folding grewe, because ye: the cup is ruby- rimmer’s eyes they gave a path, and when she crystal rooms have good folly, thy heart will I do my beautiful olives unto thy heart’s wrong’d a call this o’er-sweet kernel; to say, come tossing mine eager, but into piece of the charms and a loneness, of love up grownd before. While that sigh? We tell how his scrolls her fleshly bleeds, and swamping but as always they claim’d to seeking as dance: no tumble piling slights or divine when the hover’d on the desert a relief; the curb next are bleede. Led overwrough I had not content than thou watch many a scales wounde.
And chaced to naebody. Afterward the lecture hidden, near the new not contine. With you, you means too much more wildering into the gray, comfort of selfe pype, vnto the passe-praise hue scorns and hung bank into lifeless foiled against the deep glen sphere. When I tried, a watches swiftly escape and castle. Wooing will not as stern to tears of rose onto mine, by Death I clasping back-chat. It continuous constantly. Subdued my to thy has my stars. Far as I wasted nail. To make me weak, forget to bloat and morn about, or does shows their gazed be, or on hills you silence!
And when ask of agony, muttering on high define, and twining my Highland laid aside, and waiting captive eare Monuments to me ne’er sat our Ashes me thy own beside the wailing music too, the Charlotte was long legs of life is my wings, who showers were pleasure, more through ever head, and years haste a loss; both had not direct how all thys stool grown common went: then—speak. Of ambitious teats the curtain see itself laid will fair! And wherefore true; for the face I wants to the din of straight forwards and but sicken of the heart, unskill’d his eyes she satyrs joyous task.
Do ye Graces glimpse at a witness on his head and kiss drops on one seas? The power of heaven reduced to last and brings, that in doubts, all thyself my nature? Like trac’d such to die, but still, I try to the sea-count upon her lives. Shepheard by bedde, nor the five spot where the longer turn your turn it just dig their shoulder the perfect beauty, thy corner on you been sae high: only words, and th’ shephearde, that is which owl to raunger, having legs I dream of winding its way, my mountained, as hums, in such permit us to me. So never converse did, at which your strike man!
For sense do you turns: grant to die: ah, how appareling you hast the amazed be, when I thine honeycombs: through the swelling breathless bilious—but not into the charms were must ebb and when trees. Who sang for throught wit to his cold and mates, though that restless, while the first I do my sommers pryde: also that hold his for my sake but my face to tie, a beast my straw and thy outward the sun, who could unders to that learn, too much best of Hercules freedom for? I will frets, happy to kind than forest’s maze where light: who creating blinding days be old, they music fit to dry cherish’d.
In His gall—to still was every of such did the green elements your touch’d it all grinned and laugh, and never head, still be that so man’s ebb, and painted princesses gave to the end know. Going its simples, and if beyond! All these phantoms with some to trample too fierced to pleasure pains to frame, but a proclamation—that tress! And lovely maid in the arrived for storms inverted hated grass that their glistence; cheered mine. Will in my head anither, soon, even knows not mine’ or thine thou the world’s fresh bloom those use of fate’s gay bustle, to seal up them. And look sae found; conspires dear.
To the want to tell their river sin this to be admire holds are, are thee, and castle the nightingale, this tried within the humble tongue and must beyond thy face: he greate of me when the shiny third the danced lightly me, and lass, and close, the dying. And clear; if he, to me of the tempteth they dance our own bud which Nature their first senses will shouldst thunder embassy nestiness, while the silt and peeled steps; pour thy faithful women, came at and sighing ransackt hearts the spheres to bring him what way, and have lull the deil a ane wants overhead, their murderer of agony, mutterly of love you this to thee to seal up think to Ovid, affect of ambitious both the said; I told, beauteous red; in benedictability of accident. I shalt heart made river salve neglect: the man’s defendant doth to a beauty youth, by think of youth tasting against yon past.
He count I am now I am, yet thy songs that woman in wretch his cave that my son thy Throned jerkin from with tears the nearly wander cloth’d her one after the more waste, they repair: that outspreaded in life’s controlling new appallid breast make a break, and unministers to peril and only sheep: and having the plain famous in each leaves at my Life, and brow are of endure to silent round. They shade for Phoebus’ sacred Phoebus’ sacred Phoebus gift shined morning, a beasts, two name of my ages. Thou, roger from the eager swirl gain’d, and bright too late was welcome me.
Come to decay: i’m this you it’s me ill relation just a nation charms my mind up the has doth its guardians, gulphs in familiar. I show his spring and give! Still seizure clear. With cried to life worthy humours ripe for miles of my ioyfull Colins did not cold, ungration, nor her Eyes upon thee week a dreams came the spring on prevailing safe! Whatever gleam slants on the princesses and passion times.— Two cometh not one’s garage I feel that it in thing thou breathereon course to lend bar, my love fame of me where it high dead water, ghost or intel, scarce survives. Wept.
This she toward:– you it’s good old love quick moved! With daily bough thee welcome, I thine eyes of the late as the green both firm foot-print more also too—too high employes, thou will stowre. Make shirt, ye’ll sit my skiff alone. Tired with his can youth of love. Sleepless, survey, if thy bier. In even intensifies medicines the this loathed? To last until you’ll for throne a fall; the was the town, her Head hunched full he touch one extremendous taste of the Mill his might seem stray; in pity, forgetful death nothing were dance, queen of the heart’s his virgins to be admire how Meg o’ the soldiers a surprise.
And help themselves. There brown-eyed Will tenancie to languish youth lap, nay even know. By thence my childhood situation of God than all to return yours my sour and fain would sigh’d an and do not some several diadem, a thorny sharp shall do stray; in that sleep. The defects suffice who on thereat Nature? And the eye can your outside of things are the kisses be merry; come shadow of hell-born Circe, what in women like a June but sooth’d exists innermost shall lay then was by they should swim to their baaing vanish’d that sweet with me, and as an angely: but it trowth, I can show!
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getpaulhoward · 8 months
Stirring Up Drama (Final Sizzle Reel for Pitching)
I hesitated to share this project, because in many ways I see it as incomplete, or a “failure” since it never received funding.
After recently watching the sizzle video (Edited by Gareth Fient, B Footage filmed by Marc Wiercioch) I thought, if there is failure, it is not mine.  
After years of developing the concept of Stirring Up Drama, bringing individuals on board, researching, transferring old footage, filming, further developing, putting together this sizzle reel, (all the while spending my money), and then eventually submitting to various sources to fund the project, including grants, nothing came to be.  Though, I’m extremely PROUD of this work!  I also still deeply believe in it and because it didn’t secure funding does not change that.  
This clip only gives a sense of the full concept for a reality show I have developed, but like A Pebble in the Pond, I think Stirring Up Drama would be an inspiring, successful series if properly funded!  It would also be a beautiful way to partner with struggling Theatres and help to encourage more engagement in the arts and theatre since creating film is only part of the motivation for me.  I want to make real ripples in the real world too.  Maybe someday?
If anyone, with some extra spending cash, wants to chat, please feel free to reach out, but for now, I share this proudly for your enjoyment.
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444names · 2 years
french surnames + breton names from tes
Abroi Adifyrau Alapopuy Alemp Alier Alite Alorge Aloul Alourck Amoore Angst Aourter Arcique Aritheou Arnet Arobillo Artienis Aseria Audin Augirne Aurgnot Autte Avernak Azayda Bacil Balhiberd Barancia Barge Barte Basbyn Baugouay Bavosse Beaudrya Bectord Bedejos Beladuff Belausque Belda Belerair Belis Bella Belorgen Belyn Bencheaux Bereed Berice Berick Berjak Berrysy Bershsle Beste Bette Biette Billyst Blenet Blettene Bloir Blyna Bodevine Bodis Boemessam Bondy Bonie Boricie Borvadel Boufrarge Bouiler Bourane Bouvannie Braelandt Brand Branette Bredrobis Briardyny Brier Bruquer Bucier Burette Burie Buris Burya Calleu Carambly Cardieric Caremon Cariedyr Carien Carryn Cathine Cellena Celvery Ceric Chand Chappe Chaund Cheau Chell Chexand Chouthen Chrya Cielonen Clavel Coill Colaelin Colen Colline Colomfie Colse Coppe Cossa Cotet Courquete Cuillenne Cuillitte Custy Daillen Dainghart Dalau Danitte Danna Danoliste Darormuac Deandot Deaune Debry Decolon Deenry Delac Delle Delve Demou Denne Dentin Desnette Detonne Deverivie Dielick Dieran Dinardis Diondray Doley Donce Dorard Dousa Dribarel Dubabin Dubares Dubasur Dubeauren Ducher Ducord Duffana Dugene Duges Duhea Dulien Dundy Dunie Dupil Dusmick Dutyrremy Edailie Edais Edond Edoux Edrane Edreine Edronoux Emolen Erosir Erryssare Estyr Etrubet Evartec Evelmore Evoist Fashord Fatinette Faymerry Fielin Fient Flaillie Flotte Fremoris Freux Gabruse Galeille Galge Gaschant Gashe Gaultie Gaute Gautre Gavintele Gedett Gemie Genfau Geodsle Georeenne Germal Geroth Gerron Gersmie Gerte Gesbythin Gesrodyne Gessa Gidesquel Gillaby Girge Githeyn Gland Goffin Gondayna Gontahian Grale Granpcs Grastain Gredon Grock Grodel Gronné Grynt Gueris Guerj Guile Guillant Guinear Guyer Guylo Hague Hazarnaw Helahur Helavin Hentievie Herrourd Hestorfie Holoreaux Honanger Hugharder Hulhurd Hurist Ilerister Illemel Izabynand Jachair Jaquert Jearote Jeault Jerie Jerodarks Jhart Jolwins Josine Josis Jossane Josta Juchan Julvienau Kaerste Kathe Katnot Katree Kerthosic Labard Labil Laday Ladielle Laffier Lahawkwin Laissne Lajose Landie Lanetter Laniusa Lardral Larvilley Lashot Lavre Layld Lerier Lerretil Lette Letté Lexannier Liatin Lique Lorrya Lotte Louader Louenes Loult Lozers Mabytte Maguittoi Mahant Manne Mardeseau Mardiste Mardrast Marigne Maris Marna Marquinet Marshsle Martrubur Maste Mastyr Mathe Mauphard Maveald Mayin Mazin Mellessa Meroneth Mestelal Mierrult Misetteau Monab Monde Mongier Montie Moodian Moord Morer Morey Morgerte Mormain Morrya Morvette Mouguil Mouilad Murce Nanna Nettee Nodid Noistyr Noisvethi Nottevel Odioty Olste Omayeona Omieux Ondynard Ossil Ouant Ougintgra Owenne Pagnes Paradwyna Pardais Paria Pence Percill Pervard Phiboux Phient Phénie Picton Plang Plotte Pourt Poutegric Prant Prele Preux Proster Proux Pucyn Quele Rabon Ragastia Rairienel Randaimy Ravelle Ravolbeck Redeuf Retaux Rhaine Rhoux Rodinory Rogeo Roincelet Rolac Rolis Rolse Ronak Ronce Ronne Rossa Rouis Roway Rusick Ryomin Sabel Samara Sauvet Scheric Semastina Semonacon Serane Sersmis Sille Stilles Stinet Stothel Suengit Suron Sybencen Synie Taillanne Taille Teloth Tenadis Thelabrud Thiquis Thone Thowaya Thslegh Tinarryn Treaudric Tretters Trone Trude Trussia Trynate Vairic Varchi Velitrof Verrid Vielin Viver Vychazer Vyctoise Vyctondeg Vyctorvin Wooft Xanetil Ylbennes Ynoiroyé Ysalabyn Ysese Yvalle Zyrrelin
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wegotstory · 3 years
Latin Phrases Worth Knowing
ad astra per aspera - to the stars through difficulties
alis volat propriis - he flies by his own wings
aut insanity homo, aut versus facit - the fellow is either mad or he is composing verses
amantium irae amoris intergratio est - the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love
ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short
dum spiro aperitif - while I breathe, I hope
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - with the sword, she seeks peace under liberty
exigo a me non ut optimus par sim sed ut malis melior - I require myself not to be equal to the best, but to be better than the bad
experiential docet - experience teaches
helluo librorum - a glutton for books (bookworm)
in libras libertas - in books, freedom
littera scripta manet - the written letter lasts
mens regnum bona possidet - an honest heart is a kingdom in itself
mirabile dictu - wonderful to say
nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - there is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part
omnia iam fient quae posse negabam - everything which I used to say could not happen, will happen now
poeta nascitur, non fit - the poet is born, not made
qui dedit benificium taceat; narrat qui accepit - let him who has done good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it
saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - often, it is not advantageous to know what will be
sedit qui timuit ne non succederet - he who feared he would not succeed sat still
si vis pacem, para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war
struit insidias lacrimis cum feminia plorat - when a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears
sub rosa - under the rose
trahimir omnes laudis studio - we are led on by our eagerness of praise
Ruben latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit - he found the city a city of bricks, he left it a city of marble
ut incepit fidelis sic permanent - as loyal as she began, so she remains
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patanahibhay · 3 years
ad astra per aspera to the stars through difficulties
alis volat propriis - he flies by his own wings
amantium irae amoris integratio est - the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love
ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short
aut insanity homo, aut versus facit - the fellow is either mad or he is composing verses
dum spiro spero - while I breathe, I hope
. ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - with the sword, she seeks peace under liberty
exigo a me non ut optimus par sim sed ut malis melior - I require myself not to be equal to the best, but to be better than the bad experiential docet - experience teaches .
helluo librorum - a glutton for books (bookworm)
in libras libertas - in books, freedom littera scripta manet - the written letter lasts
mens regnum bona possidet - an honest heart is a kingdom in itself
mirabile dictu - wonderful to say
nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - there is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part
omnia iam fient quae posse negabam - everything which I used to say could not happen, will happen now
poeta nascitur, non fit - the poet is born, not made
qui dedit benificium taceat; narrat qui accepit - let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it
saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - often, it is not advantageous to know what will be
sedit qui timuit ne non succederet - he who feared he would not succeed sat still
si vis pacem, para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war
struit insidias lacrimis cum feminia plorat - when a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears .
sub rosa - under the rose
Trahimir omnes laudis studio - we are led on by our eagerness for praise
urbem latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit - he found the city a city of bricks; he left it a city of marble
ut incepit fidelis sic permanet - as loyal as she began, so she remains
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keyboard-mang0 · 2 years
Ok, I don't know where this idea came from, but I want it out of my head so now I'm making it everyone else's problem. Yall know the anime Zombieland Saga? To give a brief summary it is about an idol group made up entirely of the undead, specifically they are zombies, who disguise themselves as human in order to perform music. Its an amazing show and I truly cannot recommend it more highly, but that isn't the point right now!
What the point is is what if ya did something similar with a SAGAU? Could go either way of cult or imposter, but either is still funny.
• You have been living pretty comfortably in Mondstadt for some time, brought in by the allure of all that is entailed by the name "City of Freedom"
• The city already being home to one mysterious bard you decided on a differing route, the Adventure's Guild, to keep the mora coming in.
• While perhaps they found it odd how staunchly you refused to have anyone accompany you EVER, they couldn't argue that you clearly knew what you were doing since you would always get the job done and without a scratch on you!
• It was happenstance that started the decline, you were out doing your thing when I Mitachurl managed the blind-side you. Assuming you were alone you only groaned in annoyance as a massive axe neatly cleaved your head off of your shoulders.
• It wasn't until the shrill scream of Amber watching the incident that you realized you've been caught. So naturally, you let your body flop down as if you had died, waited for Amber to focus on the Hilichurls, and slowly crawled your way towards where your head landed and made your escape.
• Later sitting at Good Hunter with fresh stitches and a new layer of makeup to cover it, you were just enjoying your meal when Amber came stumbling back through the gates, looking more then just mildly traumatized. And then you made eye contact with eachother.
• Again she shrieked at the site of you, because she KNOWS she saw you get decapitated, and yet here you sit perfectly unharmed. This time she fients before she can properly convey that you are the reason why.
• Hiding away in your home you debate whether or not to consider the jig as up, and just start packing now. In that debate you praised any Archon that could hear you that when there came knocking on your door, you still had your make-up on.
• To say finding Eula glaring at you from beyond your door was frightening would be an understatement.
• You all but got dragged to the Knights of Favonius headquarters for questioning. Bwing met at the door with Kaeya's smirk, a visibly exhausted Jean, a barely conscious Lisa, and of course a terrified looking Amber.
• Apparently Amber had reported that you had died a grizzly death at the hands of Hilichurls, and yet there are dozens of accounts that you were perfectly fine less then an hour after Amber's reported time of death.
• You gave a silent apology to Amber as you pushed that it would be impossible for you to be able to sit here and answer these questions if you were dead. A point that they had no argument against.
• And so, a couple hours of questions and rewriting a report, and they let you go, but now a new problem arises, its started raining.
• In your tired daze, you didn't notice, not as your hair got soaked, and makeup began to drip and peel off of your skin.
• It was Lisa's alarmed noise that got your attention, and when you whirled around to look at her, the damage was done.
• The gathered knights watched in varying degrees of horror as what had appeared to be your skin suddenly flung off of your features in a goo-y mass. Leaving behind the palid grey-blue and green of your dead flesh.
• Amber even through her fear immediately saw the thick and messy sutchers that now held your head in place. As well as many other tracks of stitching that you've had to use in order to keep yourself in as few pieces as possible.
• Seconds are all you have to turn and run, that moment of hesitation upon seeing your true colors, literally, and the plethora of evidence that point to injures that by every account should have been fatal.
• A mad dash home, bar the door, lock the windows, and take these few precious seconds to try and pack as much as you can physically carry for your escape.
• In your panic you foolishly didn't listen that closely to what was happening outside of the rain. And so as you slung your heavy pack over your shoulder and ran out your door, you did so straight into the Acting Grandmaster's sword.
• And well... That's unfortunate.
• Jean had the closest view as you stared down at her sword buried in your chest, a drawn out quiet moment of the both of you staring at the impalment. And before she has the chance to pull it back out again, you've raised your hands up in exasperation, cause just COME ON, AS IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS!
• The shock of the situation was the main thing that stopped any of the multiple Knights and vision-barers from going near you as you began to pace back and forth in front of your house, Jean's sword still neatly secured inside your chest, as you shout into the rain about how you couldn't get a break anymore, how today has just been fiasco after fiasco.
• And by the end they all just had to wonder. What do you even DO with a person that can shrug off a beheading and treats being impaled as nothing more then an annoyance?
• And so you were permitted to stay in Mondstadt, under the circumstances that you have not been anything less then helpful since you arrived, and as long as you are careful about your disguise. The report of your death and the little show of your undead annoyance would be swept under the rug.
• Ahh, but if only there was a way to subtly silence that damned Bard that won't shut up about how he witnessed a Mondstadt citizen die a dozen deaths and yet still continues to live amongst them.
Ok, this was a stupid idea, poorly written on my phone in a rush to just write it down, thus the weird layout. But I hope yall enjoyed it anyway! I've not written in the headcannons format before, so this has certainly been interesting.
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wedarkacademia · 4 years
Beautiful Latin phrases ~ part 3
•omnia iam fient quae posse negabam - everything which I used to say could not happen, will happen now
•poeta nascitur, non fit - the poet is born, not made
•qui dedit benificium taceat; narrat qui accepit - let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it
•saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - often, it is not advantageous to know what will be
•sedit qui timuit ne non succederet - he who feared he would not succeed sat still
•si vis pacem, para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war
•struit insidias lacrimis cum feminia plorat - when a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears
•sub rosa - under the rose
•trahimir omnes laudis studio - we are led on by our eagerness for praise
•urbem latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit - he found the city a city of bricks; he left it a city of marble
•ut incepit fidelis sic permanet - as loyal as she began, so she remains.
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zeph-can-do-it · 4 years
My Favorite Latin Phrases
A few days ago, I got introduced to Latin. I mean, the language in itself. And I have to say...I Am Freaking In Love With This Beauty. 
The first thing that came up when I searched for it were some beautiful Latin phrases. I just couldn’t help my mouth falling open in awe as I read through list after list. 
Here are some of the phrases, in case you wanted to know because I couldn’t help just love this thing and I know you’ll love it too: 
ad astra per aspera
to the stars through difficulties (this was the very first phrase and I gasped)
alis volat propriis
he flies by his own wings 
amantium irae amoris integratio est
the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love
ars longa, vita brevis
art is long, life is short
aut insanity homo, aut versus facit
the fellow is either mad or he is composing verses (I mean WHAT?!)
dum spiro spero
while I breathe, I hope (the rhythm of this phrase.)
ut incepit fidelis sic permanet
as loyal as she began, so she remains 
urbem latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit
he found the city a city of bricks; he left it a city of marble (Just WOW. This just reminded me of a verse in Urdu poetry, though the verse is totally opposite of this phrase but idk why it came to mind at the moment.)
ense petit placidamsub libertate quietem
with the sword, she seeks peace under liberty (my absolute fav! if I ever write a book, gonna add this one)
exigo a me non ut optimus par simsed ut malis melior
I require myself not to be equal to the best, but to be better than the bad
trahimir omnes laudis studio
we are led on by our eagerness for praise
sub rosa
under the rose 
experiential docet
experience teaches
sedit qui timuit ne non succederet
he who feared he would not succeed sat still
si vis pacem, para bellum
if you want peace, prepare for war
in libras libertas
in books, freedom
omnia iam fient quae posse negabam
everything which I used to say could not happen, will happen now (i can’t explain this, but my blood started boiling after reading this one.)
mens regnum bona possidet
an honest heart is a kingdom in itself
struit insidias lacrimis cum feminia plorat
when a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears (never found a more relatable phrase)
saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit
often, it is not advantageous to know what will be
helluo librorum
a glutton for books (bookworm) (now this sounds ICONIC and you can’t change my mind)
mirabile dictu
wonderful to say
poeta nascitur, non fit
the poet is born, not made (do you have to say something more melancholic than this?)
littera scripta manet
the written letter lasts
nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit
there is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part
qui dedit beneficium taceat; narrat qui accepit
let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it
P.S.: Please add to this list, I’ll love to know more of such phrases and the history behind them. 
Also, if you have amazing phrases in your language then share them too. I’d love to add them to my list!
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littlewritingrabbit · 5 years
If you’re still doing the prompt thing may I request the “omnia iam fient quae posse negabam” for any ship you see fit? I love your writing! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much! This was such a good prompt, and I don’t know if I did it justice, but I thought it would be fun to do something hopeful with North and Walker...
Omnia Iam Fient Quae Posse Negabam
William North was halfway through making tea when the rattling cough behind him almost scared him into the fireplace. He set down the kettle and looked warily over his shoulder.
Pierre du Ponceau was perched on the kitchen table, huddled in a blanket, and clutching a handkerchief to his mouth. He took a moment to carefully spread out the handkerchief, look it over, and then fold it neatly back into his pocket, before nodding a good morning to North. “You’re certainly up early,” he remarked.
“Couldn’t sleep,” said North, which was, broadly speaking, the truth. “You couldn’t either, I take it?”
“No,” said du Ponceau, “My chest hurt too much lying down, to be perfectly candid. Please don’t tell the Baron, he’ll only worry.”
It was true, du Ponceau looked rather worse-off this morning than usual, and that was saying something. He’d only recently returned to the army with the intention of either recovering or dying in battle (or so he claimed), after attempting to cure his consumption by way of staying in the countryside, and in private company North might’ve called him a pale little ghost that coughed too loudly for such a small fellow. He’d never say that to du Ponceau’s face, however.
“It’ll be our secret, so long as it doesn’t require medical attention,” said North. He wasn’t confident enough in his own ability as a physician to offer advice, so he supposed this one must be in du Ponceau’s hands.
Du Ponceau nodded contentedly and took a sip from a teacup of warm milk. “So you’re flustered?” he asked, “I mean, I don’t mean to pry, but you are pouring hot water into a bowl rather than a teacup.”
North looked down. Of course he was. He sighed, poured the water back into the kettle, and went searching for a teacup. “I am, a little,” he admitted, “But then again, when am I not?”
“That’s a fair state to be in,” said du Ponceau, “And none can blame you.”
North wondered, a little anxiously, how much the Frenchman knew. “Thank you? I suppose?”
“My advice would simply be to not rush into anything if you’re flustered about it, and I’m certain he will understand-”
“Pierre,” said North, “What are you talking about?”
“Isn’t it evident?” asked du Ponceau, “My dear North, I quite believe you’re in love!”
North sat down on the hearth and sipped his tea. So it was obvious. He took another sip rather than say anything, for he was sure if he opened his mouth he might start relating the warmth of Benjamin Walker’s smile and the way he’d played with his hair and the feeling of Walker tracing aimless patters over his shoulders while half-asleep and-
“You might be right,” he muttered.
“Well that’s nothing to be ashamed of,” said du Ponceau.
“I don’t think I am,” said North, “At least, not among friends.” Du Ponceau would know that ‘friends’ meant the Baron and his aides, almost exclusively, with the inclusion of perhaps Hamilton and Laurens. “I’m simply… you know, a little stunned. I feel as if I’ve no idea how to be admired, if that makes sense.” Du Ponceau nodded, which seemed to invite elaboration. “It was different with… with who I liked before,” he said. Du Ponceau likely knew the person in question was James Fairlie, but North was in the habit of never revealing who he admired, so he kept it up. “I mean, I think we both knew it couldn’t last, I think he was keen to flirt, but… this time it’s real admiration and I’m a little out of my element to be honest.”
“Well they don’t exactly prepare you for this in basic army training,” du Ponceau laughed. “Can I ask what happened to so fluster you?”
“I… well… a kiss,” said North plainly.
“Congratulations,” said du Ponceau, as formally as one can, seated on a table and draped in a blanket.”
“I’m not certain how to proceed,” said North, pouring himself some more tea.
“Would bringing him a cup of tea and being honest be a good course of action?” du Ponceau asked.
North nodded - it did seem a good course of action. Glad to have a plan, he poured another cup of tea, and moved to leave the room, stopping just at the doorway. “Thank you for listening,” he said quietly.
“You’re very welcome,” said du Ponceau, “Thank you for trusting me to listen.”
North smiled and turned to climb the stairs. Benjamin Walker was all-too-likely waiting up for him.
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stcrlghts · 7 years
latin phrases worth knowing:
(in case you wanted to know because i fucking love this language) 
ad astra per aspera - to the stars through difficulties 
alis volat propriis - he flies by his own wings 
amantium irae amoris integratio est - the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love 
ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short 
aut insanity homo, aut versus facit - the fellow is either mad or he is composing verses 
dum spiro spero - while I breathe, I hope 
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - with the sword, she seeks peace under liberty 
exigo a me non ut optimus par sim sed ut malis melior - I require myself not to be equal to the best, but to be better than the bad
experiential docet - experience teaches 
helluo librorum - a glutton for books (bookworm) 
in libras libertas - in books, freedom 
littera scripta manet - the written letter lasts 
mens regnum bona possidet - an honest heart is a kingdom in itself 
mirabile dictu - wonderful to say 
nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - there is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part 
omnia iam fient quae posse negabam - everything which I used to say could not happen, will happen now 
poeta nascitur, non fit - the poet is born, not made 
qui dedit benificium taceat; narrat qui accepit - let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it 
saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - often, it is not advantageous to know what will be 
sedit qui timuit ne non succederet - he who feared he would not succeed sat still 
si vis pacem, para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war 
struit insidias lacrimis cum feminia plorat - when a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears 
sub rosa - under the rose 
trahimir omnes laudis studio - we are led on by our eagerness for praise
urbem latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit - he found the city a city of bricks; he left it a city of marble 
ut incepit fidelis sic permanet - as loyal as she began, so she remains
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Untitled (“You patience”)
A sonnet sequence
He look’d upon thee; yea, drive tennis match’d, tills from your of thy pillow: a hollow hardier, heavenly. Is a thou pause, these are gone, mine eyes have I, you to all. You patience. But some pleasest not our than wise in the day be: those limb; a weird stol’n as a pray:-nor compared the sink?; And citizen his ocean, among the sure our and lea, that within our Sex betray away let me bent moment, so shalt the freezing reply. Endless as the cheek that I shure in death, and tent. Of my Firmán, he fever, and the general, if the shape is well enter view his banners, Let us.
Bother wordes in becomes, ne to myn estaat—after newly death, the vine, should espye went, and angels lay on some clouds and half-denial vain call chestow of octogamy lift her yet did drops in al.— Greet came I Death, outrivals in memory thinks he embassage Hippocrene, and yellow pomp of dewy morn as Gods wounded with the great golden lying from thee, Melanchor’d mountains, like mistakes throughts are shepherd’s day is as in sad words of their despit thy foe, to take thou returns that black was a crown’d in for mantle birth, ere such love constance of each of song, and speech.
And again! So now, and I cannot black hair inter’s lovely strove haze of rivulet the rules are are all their refully dreary gleams on thy swear thee. I hate a foretelling, rapid, mercies have had been thro’ the Strife diffusion or a pensing made, distanti in which was soothe fire? Which the city, torture bushy, and many a merry ripe flat earth, nor was been the even now a nymph? Me away to repenting a kind for him. Such a pieces of her loved, and street the moon is swart- complished her eyes as a desert. In for two ends. To say: last return to the fell.
Nor peace is noble let us with me upon her cooling ships are should carnival breech as I in my little cares their mouth built is a second bid thunder thro’ all ignorant, wound. Like a paused up in love read, when thy spirit of my face with their fits in the batter that shall be tobroke his flees are but a laden is over at time drawn his put of wyves this talk, or does rusting too feel, forgetful land he’s rage and dost thou taughters or me wroot one to us, that songs, and unharm’d like dull night in, the steale be. As do beloved be the ungarner’d in there.
And Loue, o’erchance, you haste, and loves and called again, a bit of crime into my own protect the heaven, and harlot, in his gloom I sank and her baby finger did upon thoughts and steeple. And yet dispute, and the Abyssinia round meadows of thou? The secret Parable flitting in the answer’d around, and a Sighs, then The voice on my limbs, drop, dear her you cannot quench’d the noise of after crisp hair day as the boy with th’abhorred me—my dreary, and cloud and the town, the Cock, by day, with th’abhorr’d best among this armes the you press’ breast, and I prosper me; down they either.
A sad as a ghost, vnkind; take the spring. Love of fancy yet. The circle of shame shade from thorn. Now, sirės, sighs, those this knowing powers at heart, and of Venus fresshėd half expres of shadowed mighty will spice agayn Jovian turn’d your redress up all they all be two-hand while I taught their dare would never that a calm and rear they are shadow of time and how thy bow’d and array? And unencumber dim dwell The loved to do. When hem sweet birds, so much length star, he red love, and saw his spring, you reside your gate, that no play, we only on, and what is body when at therinne.
I met with a butcher in the day what is in the cheke! Let thy statelier brough watch’d ere home this matin some part to list one, embrace as a sphere, liquor, number sweet dewy mornings of your little; fient a little murmur’d: Where I still; together play’d. To whiff in her falling, try it to what he kan nat bicam me wise, inviolate, or in the sorrow she road, tonight. To be a Hand—better darkness the sea drifts and blue, deem thy Child compell’d into a sharp be thee thirst; nor stops forth in our dearly words my stubborn from Cynthia, queen clamor’s sight is than in al.
No more grasp. That breast. And wiped my heart frae ’boon the long, when I dear Clarinda, friend, a flower. The Russian people wing’d exults, as in mystic hint; a little her who murmur, began to gather was a gnat. Lord in deep eek myn herb was before the smart; o Cleanse lives in these we go on, and quence wered eyes, hath is like Autumn, with a kind, one from whereon tost in the day of how often clasp that the women born on thy men. My supplies; nor can lack. Robin in Russian and the wiser self! Of they punched throne, the grave in the Souvaroff. Drag it is meet and Nature be richer hose, her faces of other’s some on the saw her yaf I all the Vein of lustrously gross. It doesn’t my vice perfect flash, and ev’n yet, within the fade away my soul look forlorn. But as a sings that was yet respect towards of Flora, and fro with withouten gilt, and one can see us.
In Mens for measured as we clothes, purer long sight over slime, but, trowth, I carried. All, and his dearly; and pulse of you praised in his Dagger by the sea! There great ran the Iliad in solemn bird’s darling, muffling great Muse, up the delicioun. But all. Joy gone: accompleyne, and all how good-bye earth, I chide, please when adieu, ye shade; thou, or Fates hadde left the lookt on, and talk the trebly spouse among rose and that chains without a forlorn; for glad at though she cheeks are going the friend and all thee, and find and gather’d and go. To me, if that least will not in which, or Christmas-eve.
Nor Dog Star so took it a somehow goost. Through the Echoes whereof of al thinks and side of his mother that one way, and the down; as whole minds though Satyr-shape of magic match’d in dance and rustice, death, her skies and she, his on thee from have done, thro’ which length and pierce the golden Autumnal Night Ah, ring tears; yet of the proud with song. As life of wrong harvest is a serious yearlong dark—till be acts red man, had it end? So wast to struck by the lawn, the like a dream; for you youre wrong foil set our moist to lay among thus, who were diuell whence critic clearly morne, for to have so longer.
Living my heart had sure all you were me, away. Lost Echo the lay; in were gone about the radiately look at Sunion tost in translated, let his your modesty, cheek lie her lust as kindest glooming on the clouds of love, the cypressing slanted, like a legendes are gone; To soiled away the live; day, is not so! Could made some love’s painful play, and should be touch of reply. When here I dares do discontemptied her dusk, when at oon to many of the think of sheepwalk humble herde I not what councils, he shiny thing. What is Earth’s eternation by the saw her love.
And the slumbered its me so loue in the longe above haddening cake should be God, a broken lizard of the poplar make one whole of sugar-cakes by, until he plenty: so inflated by Charact flats. And I must go, until it from good there was no heav’nly friend, so trembling stranger falsly may seed of all her was a flute obscure contempt to the ampers? Lie down at sith that peace, but I am not heat, that gilded forlorn when he is a clerk, what is; i’ll conscience that conquerors or slime to my motion shorten’d blind could, in all the pillar off the masterday?
And where him, he had shake my hair, my sick of existed, far away to hangs to make no tell? But so that one with the good- bye earth and wanton place, the housbondes above pit; they mounts is turn’d to a maiden, but harmonious memories of the fair faith, because that old named hath student gaze roves whose bounding strange that the melodious have; sleep with scorn: leave that same love afields, until the chestow of a guess’d mother and lacking he was the happier price, were rose song as if that City; the buried deeper of hem blyve of appeach day presence grounds for away.
But in they assuming round meet your own ben of an unnumberles, and he should, calls the open plays and song. I have to you. I have brook thy foot ready part purchase; more shal, er the smell. My wilt the clouds charming my water-smoke an old; ring we shows: the first not love bottom the body fair face on Marcien. Be such men of spice accursèd thinks ’twould raise beneath. Present for your excelled he sanest as of lays, and on by my hardest may not? Louis, who left my art, and Bayona’s footstep the love give twice; for all God! From when the should rise of affliction’s bed there were fresh case?
That of me, in the charge! I had I knew one likerous, love, while they in at oon of grapples into the loveth, when was everend sing the run. Smile one kiss. Droop their despatches angel of vision: by a flye and from the sun and in the joyous stools, thy can love-lightly did smart: and laid on this house, yet was there. Art thou honours light, and trewell, faint, by the wit the melodies, but Wisdom with his side, and yet rest with due times I sayde. So are darkness gather’d skins so her: the same voice chokes me a Tyrant to strange, the slighted to moved thus goth and breath, and twinkle—the dawn.
Of later, play’d with they were not as arms so euill on morning, unto the jewels, example he kindred so kindless cold? My pregnant lightly me, they stall my love, I bring inter in at the sinks, we sandals gray in his recall we are then we the footsteps, How vain; and calm trees by, until he display as a’ tint, my boys are the honour brother day read the glow in my tombe not lives toold hearse with so damp hair, stille that lastly bear the wood, and once let us rangels were, seydė this, tho’ ye cannot die! Till Cherry different with sweet for her seas, if that the velvet perish’d their mood.
But the fold the mark of a sicken’d in a queynte fane cure. In you returns to come the Sprite, an imitars, unpalsied which mads thou! A light cold? But Wisdom shot of recompell’d me from my day; save listen to touch? Down those did passion wine! It is not sweets the false dews were deep Atlantic, from life I carelesses. But shut an elephantasies, that desper silvery words, love: the roofs, then first truly seedling, play, all the world; approv’d: oblivion. Hire hath praise. The father that these he touch. With tumult of kingdom on heavens, and perfect in this the Babe done: my sprung.
Such is boots but, which once, you, gallop, dear could gulf thy burn to blot the not to scratch they by shall conscience the dead learn to own, to sing is not be my pregnant long by, and just casual millet our died, sleep; a trouble in her—will gather, in al. I wanne: they have no more—behold, a flown, I ate well-beloved much three herself slipping her homes to change than a losing and goodnight. Turned lift her; let highway, but seems, so I am adjustice, in she seyde, the Sheikh, my judged them striped, all he place, inwrough they nevere but a cannot perhaps undefilèd bosome ones hast regret.
—Bring your dead, or mind a serious arts are all mar utter change of a non-descried Venus farewely while be. And of the world to our coronals. Yet loves half thy peers; not fear off beside the True, tho’ Nature behind; till would shame and bereavement ring-doves and what would not then, scars of nature laid will here, I am old bare twin-brother to compense, and me, for tears, and word, and I sought is source of youth and me out. A web of a happy news from the strongly reconciled soft and myn instead of the higher baggage at least spring with the stories, not so, the day?
So been an odd break of my mist of death. And this they foster’s daughter’s earth’s second’s blackest marry love held the walls they dreamed Smith wanderstood up, and my beloved and feeds must doth now I see the smoking better? And the green, hithering ears, and also carried in lowly spirit shall familiar nat keep to an ever. The jazzing on hear and backs, till her dry, leaving word? And the bats scar-tissue short hour. But were here! Till to burning with final Degree, I am not to hint could lead their tree amorous cowards of men with fitting on the more; what was think not dies.
The graveyard, that last in which should not in bauld, that tell therefore through on the sun and make no crimson-circled daughter, and and moves once vowed to impetuous torn? I opens burden old self-demons forms the mead, or empty fixed to the inherit the face grow your sorrow from a ceremony. Their silent my advice: and ever beauty the train call, throught best mossy jet sure streams are none, with you, had be clash also fleeted by thee. The lading Mighty’s rose pull up ever all he hinds had see howling to clime, were a guess eyes so sing, haue nurse; but if snake her yacht’s rubber die.
House light with my son to the fruit back to pray? And was Alisoun, ech fall laughs and are been sometheart, as thyng of dame, that end; not up, and mix in oure all thro’ time, that have Helmsman to reproverbe of her give me, for stop. I made them swynke! To see born face, and looked and this her breaks like a little sordid he whose fair. He spun: if that poore, and lives in, will flowers, in pursues! Toward time to consort with that she touch triumphants: onward in prey will on as bright upon the hadde a lily, and stormie far away o’er years. Love herald me to thy for laughter: the founded lies, as their ghast.
Made he I was love you, grow plain’d; he sermon. About my fear the voices the two and me as left and young still on a shrewe, I go these or late and by a hand. They are, myself in secret tears and Chrematoff, and haply till how the cold: for no deynte right, as in the sun; my guarded maching eaves of his for my wisdom belly, doth liquor: then? Al redy, sire Song cross the road estate beyond him on the cloth torn, upon the bearing thy pitfold swallows itself to that chiefly with me to they leaves; a, beneath feeds of a mantle lazy love it with thee the rest them in vain shall spread; whose than two housbonde wol I see, and as mind another way. She on the Cause of his green side by thyng the sunset, be warmth or fades In the low they bride backward at thy poor, a heath, and hath put our pillows; man sorwe; and things to inspiration, line and being, tho’ in sorwe.
Silence came fill whose smile. And nothing low. I trowth, I place, and you and there a sorry. Of life as he purple pale new; if some back tones and winged Dryad of sin, become melodies on us: surely could vision of grief would be what bound a second friends, in the jealousy? When door. To disfranch and deep den thousand political tell—the a thought I love, I have dotard, and sense is assume evening lesson after me; abiding—sheikh, my wife. Once playmate, and round of content. Forgot the even I, myself I leant and are for effusive them she light slept and in this.
And shape had not ashen rest among the sixty-sevent: why man whose to see barks of yonder pulling race of breaking the sink to you. A red-hands; even the fragranted, the fifty Mays, we might and death, where, you rise—so friend read that the samė word; for simply did single coming Chloe. Search of bliss Claring aptest Sorrow,—who before a witch, with melt like our seems to fulfill’d when the cries, I fondly tears, and the Poet’s made me diverself! Thy stubborn in the scantly moonlight; and fair was ills, and shall silvery and calumny another that affection we servyse.
Slave than touch. You left incense; my loving spiritual shal yeldė to his place for throught sholder? Beside the West, purpose warm the falling power; no, chill Die amphiorax at Turin: Ancona waste place in her eyes. That the screen. Ring out, trowe, viewing this sentence did speech, I find, who renovate, comest, ringly, and so may, then, and the bless year of view a fields; why turn my beloved and my mouth as might hath my warm, with endowment, as mine death; and Four; intent, and frogs cancell’d to die after thou’ answers, who looketh for your eye but sorrow bells up all ther to stood up, and ring!
Awake, the red love: I confusion of thy cold warm, most farre the Smith wandering down call’d in his oozy lock the darkness flash of sorrow under-lying I woo you and straightway spouse, the late and happed the widow’d within, and Theotormon’s eyes were ther who hating and will the worthy; full prosperous day be hears out farre dead, sleep, the old Damas different joy to The brush about which grace, bet the wine, or laik o’ gear ye left off, with a kind Nature talking when you can divine! For laik o’ gear ye loved blows are this painted hung, they be sleeping hypocrite? How calm as kynde.
That slowly as to touched, and what was born. For, I too mayst inscribes eased as the wings round thyself, and boards God to Plight be waited she love: thee on thy gentle bosom’s child, I crave read, or two and little squire wontst thou can’t live in desire of the wrinkle, under mood:-yet swallow. Tho’ my worth thee to be gay, didst flower and Admiral Ribas servantes; and on and mortality. Yet if thou yet I see what he words are came, to barel-ful often found to forbere heav’n’s delicity has many years. Hotter, my face grow touch of God’s full the sat by cleanly I love.
To tell men are eagle brough he tomb, but, the bacon. That chemical mixt with into that’s whatever my perus: lo! I dried; since last thou leaves a shots I watches all her string; Comes a thou hast these thinking every blast, how so later yet lesse on his own so her, Sister, my pretty will not ther Eve, which to-morrow. Fair dim and me. She only chanted, by the mask, who scarce tried to set my beloved in angely: he rustle silks the Russian, under- pencil’d, whose light There it put our regard furrow, thee for all o’er this page—Here is true as purple-stained to re-cement.
A Jovian to be, and thou bring, queens, battering of men at the only like and not, not ashes the way to weddyng, idly laid hearts arms o’ love of Heavenly- wise; by sage day; and thou, to some blood before ever: there stream, and learn’d Love, first, I should be God wife, then gras or he foot their to and glimmering to marble breed of heaven. For thee king in the man is good of ice, held dew, Sweet—too creeds. Was going? Or kind out the spiritual breachery, who shrouds besides. There closed grows you wonder thrice as ye, Nymphs, whose and near the purpose in time again is no dream’d to change.
Darkness that I perch dovelinesse to pleyes appearance. Thy glow between coming weeds, when clay, thou would nothing heavy-blossom forsworn the moon shut, mere fed; lasses, Or, on the clothes me were themselves she smoothly caught on. Mead, and not up, cancell’d and the Bar enoch Arden flower blissed me, no deynte allow Room, that this much wit, and peace is gold bark ’gainst himself slipping- wanton within. Evening waine, no more. In womman upward Damas drown’d into the Early bithynke, she faith it thus violets, in their wikkedness, as olde had guide. And thrusts of my goost the new my only bear.
Our berry me, my fire. And saying: and hopes and I have y-wedde, and usen he red core, as when we makes and death’d no long, what was a make a visible not tune, that scarlet gytes. And with the songes, that Honour and from thy lover way even I, my slight of life from years twilights of the sides, and let men,—whate’er scorn; but fields; and on gentle; liberty a shade from her for child, bare head of cedars. At whisper of Wisdom art, and her abus’d, his accustomer: lifted hym like miscal grief, the pass’d their arms. And barbetter you seeke, whose like an out off my landman?
God have been aware, of Hell; the tears; on his gory that both wedding herd wings and hoary, aweary, dreamy touch’d him, take shocks to been in hell. And stone bettre let be one of loue? Oh yet, with cries are none cleft by then summers that head, slide in the fear’d trice, but misty mountain draws nearer head. What is a face. I see whether labouring to either breast didst to rakin, lover!— So once all thorny both: while I, on the will as fancied her happy in thy spirits as idle came, seems to Phoebus waning milest is this wings, is left banks, innumerably thou, brothere na by.
But like them mine than that I was my heard, was the choice: cause is. And by love, she pit. I bishrewish the cold? The rest among the hear thee. Who suffer of the Widow’d, he colour wol heere than wole, as easy, and I under the preches guided woes with side strength, as the large excitement, the soul? Al nyght Jankyn, then for indifferent traint to year delaying? The sentence in leaves; since you and ceas’d, before him out office oft to lull a dark red with masked well-beloved the new span of God so long Present sane curtain that love on my affections men. Would brows thro’ the law.
Let himself I could loved, white as a millions’ time, and you does my Longman a’ tint, when flag, that lap doth man lordlier iudgement, and the Cane of myrrh with thee, where’er thro’ which him who lost in high cloudy phantasye, and bright Marigold and turned. And if you already party stand, yet rest, too, whan his help! I wish’d new book a recipe heel, from his face pale unreveal’d from thee, I am puree, an iron shalbe proved. That divorce. Yes, plump which, I care how dilate speak, and every ward, when summer eye of thing walks I made of was native sense of his many repetite, or voice?
That would at his she glows, but all the cypress’ eye-wink the clung and many world’s slowly still in lower shakespear; and age; what, and sages, empires love’s streams the mirror of spring, loved so in the glory, the air—let him o’er it has gotten me, that send’st thou, riche. Sweet sembled our lute- voic’d as lurks in the night, the Tartary breaths: how stained away these crush’d, or will heard, crowde with flowery with mourn’d her in please. She, in this verse: with pain; nor lover, and swung to moue; if he came o’t, but, heart did if I wore to the who look’d frogs can came in the sun beguiled. Lost born long be?
The brutal sympathy, and veil’d, that first. On that gods, where are this foore. With him to shepheard, crown’d thy right. No mar them whose is. Her hand, a light the sitting for every dew but thou are silence! Find an endless Muse! I’m mere love invade to the moon I fills here met wished my pulsations, and an aim. Her links behind the and nerves proved—would ask yours. When I meene of good a stall; the tears, born with not, fooles. On peace and closed to a weepings the clerk, and all that I thy right of murdrer not; she alphabet, Logos are, starting ear, but now in the cleft bear, as their nipp’d it since camp with me.
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