#still in my medieval era
cardo-de-comer · 30 days
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Sigismund of Luxembourg aka the Red Fox his design in KCD is 👌
alt version and lineart
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iphigeniacomplex · 8 months
breaking my silence on chess the musical to say that i would literally not give a fuck about this show if i thought it was good or fully successful at what it is saying. SORRY! i love how messy she is. i love how since 1984 and continuing to this very day people with entirely different perceptions of and opinions on the musical have attempted in their own ways to "make it good" by creating all these different versions with like notably different plots, characterization, and song order, and i love how fucking bad the vast majority of these are despite it all. i hope people keep trying to fix chess the musical forever and until the end of time. i hope no one ever figures it out. i want every currently living theatre director in existence to make their own version and for all these versions to come out on broadway at the same time, making that year's musical season entirely comprised of various different versions of the cold war chess musical by tim rice and half of abba. i want not only our greatest minds but also our middlest-of-the-road and worst minds to come up with their own conclusions as to why chess does not entirely work in its original form or any subsequent forms like to really think about it and yes i do want someone to dedicate their entire life to perfecting chess by releasing version after version after version until they die peacefully but still, as always, in the grips of obsession. i want marriages to be broken up. i want mental states to be shattered. i dream of this world
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mikurulucky · 11 months
About the ending of The Troubadours of Roc-a-Pic...
I know Maximin's dad wanted to give him a reward for resisting his anger and Guillemette a reward for saving his ass, but after reading this one again for the first time since high school, I initially refused to believe that they just got married right then and there. They hardly interacted afaik. Idk it just seems kinda rushed at the time.
But eh, arranged marriages weren't unheard of in the middle ages anyway. Even if neither of them like each other in that way, at least they'll have heirs. I'm betting they were both like "Aw nice, I get to live with my best friend!"
Can't really see the marriage being very romantically fulfilling for them tho unless one or both of them are somewhere on the ace spectrum. But I guess after thinking about it, I can kinda see how it would be likely to happen considering the time period. Duke gets his heir back, and now there will be ANOTHER future heir to the dukedom. Guess it's a win win as far as inheritance is concerned ig. :/
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mspoodle1 · 2 years
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Once upon a time...
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wonderinc-sonic · 5 months
I thought I was really funny for calling the Ark Spaceship the Maria Celeste in a historical AU I'm working on, and tried to explain the joke to my boyfriend but apparently I don't know anything about boats and my history sucks, why do men ruin everything with their facts and logic that don't care about my feelings?
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knaveprints · 9 months
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woodcut wip for uni.
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auriidae · 11 months
just watched nimona feeling FANTASTIC
#hi friend who watched it with me if you see this <3333 i had a wonderful time i hope u did too#i am not good at articulating my thoughts in the moment but my brain was going BOING BOING BOING the whole time because THE SYMBOLISM....#(spoilers below be warned)#but the metaphors man. it's all about the metaphors#the colors and the dichotomy gahhhh (the black + white + pinkish-orange)#the blend of traditional medieval and modern in the setting because It Is A Changing Era#the fact that every one of nimona's forms was part of her identity! every time she was shown on screen it was very clearly her!#except in those last few scenes where she had Very Clearly Became What People Wanted To See !!!#and not one individual form could encompass her at all!#the mix of Individual People vs The System driving the story#the whole !!! the whole history being based on something inaccurate and one-sided and the walls literally breaking down.#(the fact that i didn't even notice when the director died lmao. i had to think back just now like 'wait what happened to her again')#the queer solidarity though auhhhh#the whole time at the beginning i was like 'OH IT'S BALLISTER ALMOST BEGINNING TO BE ACCEPTED... BUT NIMONA IS STILL TOO MUCH HMM?'#canonically gay & trans characters but they are a representation as well...#anyways. one of The Movies Ever i think#i am so so happy that it did get made!! and screw di sney for that i guess!!!#yeah. watch nimona i guess#i'm sad i didn't get to watch it through netflix though (my family lost the password). but when i can i just kind of want to loop it#so they know yknow#terra is rambling
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jackienova · 1 year
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Like constellations imploding in the night, Everything is turning, everything is turning. The shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light. And everything you thought you knew will fall apart, But you'll be all right. — Constellations, The Oh Hellos
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
and it goes without saying that the state of art history/visual culture video essay youtube is a bit dire. in that it like, doesnt exist outside of a few one off videos by general youtubers, decade old recordings of lectures, and random short text to speech videos that are likely ai generated
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sabertoothwalrus · 18 days
I'm going to think out loud about the dungeon meshi ages for a sec
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my existing knowledge, and fact checking is difficult because there is A LOT of contentious research out there.
First of all, I think a lot of people come at this from a modern lens, forgetting the context that this is fantasy medieval era. this is fiction. on top of that, this is specifically Ryoko Kui's understanding of medieval era aging. plus fantasy. So before anyone comes at me with a bunch of 'ermmmm actualy's just consider that I don't really care and also it might not matter in this context lol
as far as the "age of maturity" assigned for each race, something I don't see many people talk about is that "teenagers" are a fairly recent concept. For a long time, you were either considered A Kid or Not A Kid. but this doesn't necessarily mean kids were more/less developed then, just our cultural expectations for certain age groups have changed.
Laios says the age of maturity for tallmen is 16. I don't think that means 16 year olds in the dungeon meshi universe are necessarily "more mature" than modern 16 year olds, but moreso that they have more responsibilities. However, things like medicine, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, physical activity, etc all affect age, so it's possible that developmentally they're closer to modern 18 year olds? Izutsumi is 17 (less than two weeks from turning 18, actually), and very much acts like a modern 17 year old.
The age of maturity for half-foots is 14. Chilchuck was 13 when he got married and had his first two children. Even though, at age 29, he's the equivalent of a modern 50 year old, I don't think he was That much more developed at 13 than a tallman. I think if half-foot 14 is equal to tallman 16, then Chilchuck was Pretty Damn Young for a parent LMAO. Even if you're generous and say tallman 16 is a modern 18, he still would've been younger than that.
The long-lived races are interesting. Marcille is obviously a unique case, and not a lot of this applies to her. We do know what Senshi was like as a minor (miner, lol), and he seemed like a modern 15ish, considering he was 36 and dwarf maturity is 40. I think it'd be really interesting to delve into how a culture functions with people being developmentally adolescent for soooooo long. Imagine middle school lasting 20 years. that would fucking suck. I suppose it makes sense why long-lived races are so patronizing.
Moving onto lifespans, I want to emphasize that they're average lifespans. Even in the manga, they say some half-foots live to 100, it's just rare. So it's less that a tallman 60 year old is "older" than a modern 60 year old, it's that it's easier to keep people alive for longer nowadays. Modern medicine is a BIG contributor. Dental health as well, considering how much your health is affected by your diet (and how much the action of chewing alone aids in digestion). Curious to know what the FUCK elven dentistry is like.
It also makes me wonder if half-foots would have a longer average lifespan if they weren't like, used for bait and treated so poorly, but half-foot 29 does seem to be middle-aged for half-foots. so who knows!
In that vein, I don't know if I can see Mithrun quite making it to 400 😬 like, his experience as a dungeon lord took a lot out of him quite literally, and he's doing exceptionally well despite it! I imagine he'd eventually start to develop a lot of heart problems if he doesn't have them already. Perhaps early-onset dementia. His memory seems still quite intact (he corrects Kabru on his story's accuracy) and he doesn't act like, lobotomized. He doesn't seem forgetful or confused, and he has a sense of humor/sarcasm still. It's mostly his task initiation that's been affected.
I almost want to say that mana affinity could affect long-lived races' lifespans, except dwarves have very poor tolerance for mana, so it's probably not that.
okay anyway I didn't really have a point to this post so I'm just gonna end my rambling here
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katabay · 6 months
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my knight-monk agenda strikes again, but this was less of a 'I read something that made me experience several emotions and a strike of inspiration at once,' and more of a 'wouldn't it be fucked up if the bejeweled skeleton saints came to life and and started. eating people. or something. in revenge. medieval catholic horror, or an older horror of not being buried right. zombies, even. a complete bastardization of holy visuals. zombies.'
it's a far away idea, but I still wanted to play around with font layouts. like, if I DID make it into a full comic: these would be visual vibes, perhaps.
it's also a little bit about the kind of intimacy that these kinds of spaces provide, or in the case of this monk: the heavy trauma of war and the death of your brother, the escape to a secluded monastery, spiritual brotherhood to make up for your dead brother, but your role as a physician keeps pulling you back to this violence you want to escape. physician, heal thyself, only you have a holy calling to serve those in need, so instead: physician, open up your wounds again. saint jude, patron saint of lost causes, give us a fucking hand here, man. amen.
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Homosexuality in the Renaissance: Behavior, Identity, and Artistic Expression, James M. Saslow
and this one is about earlier history than the medieval period that this comic is set in, but the monk character is sort of an exploration of earlier themes. a little bit. I like overlapping eras with each other, I've done it before and I'll do it again. this character is an exploration of some other stuff too, but mostly this book was interesting to read
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From Monastery to Hospital: Christian Monasticism and the Transformation of Health Care in Late Antiquity, Andrew T Crislip
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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vinceaddams · 2 years
Top 5 historic clothing items we should bring back into style (stockings on men, big cuffs on coats etc.)
Well I am very biased, because my everyday clothes are mostly 18th century menswear inspired, but for a list as short as 5 it's good to narrow it down!
1. 18th century shirts. Big puffy soft linen shirts. Best shirts. Comfiest shirts. Though tragically, since they get softer with more washing, they're at their absolute most comfortable right before they wear out.
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(This one's from the post where I copied the tiddy-out violinist painting.) Besides being the nicest softest comfiest, they're also the most economical, being made entirely from rectangles. And they're versatile, they look good with lots of different garments! Someday I will do a very detailed youtube tutorial for my machine sewn shirt method. I've done so many now that I think I've finally got it down.
2. Adjustable waistbands. Why did this ever stop being a thing? 18th century breeches have lacing at the back, then in the 19th century trousers have a buckle tab. Now they do not, even though we're all still humans with bodies that change. (These are my orange silk breeches)
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Do you know how many hours of my life I've spent taking in or letting out the waist seams of modern trousers? I don't know either, but I've been an alterations tailor since 2019, so it's got to be a fair amount.
All that waist altering wouldn't be necessary if they still made them adjustable! Waistlines fluctuate, so too should waistbands!!
3. Shoulder capes attached to coats. This was a thing in the late 18th century, and in the 19th, and I think into the early 20th too. It adds extra protection from the rain and snow, and it looks cool.
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(c. 1812, The Met.)
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(c. 1840-60, MFA Boston. The cape on this one is detachable)
You can make them long or short, and stack them up like pancakes or just have one. I've got 2 small ones on my corduroy coat, and one on my dark blue wool. Both cut from almost the same 1790's-ish pattern.
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I also want to give a shoutout to fitted sleeves! I love me some two piece sleeves with a distinct elbow! And the coat pockets were bigger back then.
4. Indoor caps. I don't care what era or how fancy you go with it, I just want people to wear caps indoors when it's cold! This one's super simple, it's just a tube of linen tied with a ribbon.
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(Detail from Le Marchand d’Orviétan ou l’opérateur Barri by Etienne Jeaurat, 1743.)
If it's cold in your apartment you need slippers for the feets and a cap for the head. Speaking of which.
5. Medieval hoods. This one is wayyy outside my usual era, but the wintery below-freezing weather has just started here and the knit hat I've been wearing isn't quite long enough to cover my ears. I want to make a simple hat with ear flaps, but I also wouldn't be opposed to trying to work something vaguely similar to this into my wardrobe. It looks so warm!
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(Image source. Also she has a printable pattern available!) I actually made one of these once, an entire decade ago. But it was scratchy blanket wool and I've since given it away.
That's some of the main things I think we should bring back! There are lots of other things too, like men's nightgowns, and waistcoats with little scenes embroidered on them, but for this list I tried to be mostly practical.
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insipid-drivel · 1 month
Warhorses: Which horses are actually good candidates, anyway?
This post is in honor of @warrioreowynofrohan, who asked the question in the comments under my guide, "Horses: Since There Seems To Be A Knowledge Gap". Their question, "Given what you said about too much weight breaking a horse’s spine, how did that work with knights in plate armour?" is one I'm going to try to answer here, since the answer can be very nuanced depending on where and when you're talking about.
Also, while I was a stable hand for years as well as a rider, I never had the opportunity to directly learn more ancient styles of tacking, horse training, and combat, so I don't have any direct experience to draw from with regard to horses used for military purposes. I'm still gonna do my best here with what I know, and research what I don't.
As I've covered in the past, large horses (draft horses) make less-than-ideal warhorses, and so do carriage horses like the elegant and dramatic Friesians.
Let's begin by addressing this from the perspective of creative writing. For you writers and content creators out there, an essential part to the continuity of any historically-themed work you do involving horses will be depicting breeds of horses that didn't exist before a certain time in history. I'm going to approach this question from the stance of, "Medieval-type era warhorses". Horses were used in warfare as late was World War II, but actual horses you ride into battle with knights and archers and bannermen? We actually have to drop the subject of specific modern breeds altogether aside from using them for comparisons.
When discussing warhorses, various cultures have approached them differently. Some cultures will value a specific type of horse above all others, such as the Mongolian Steppe Horse or the American Mustang. Other cultures, which may be from biomes and territories where multiple types of horses are needed for different forms of warfare and tactics, value whichever horses can get their jobs done without their riders getting killed.
Carrying vs. Pulling:
Horses have been used in warfare since as far back as 4000 BC, but their first applications were more as chariot horses. Humans have been riding and working with horses since before we even had stirrups to more easily ride them with! As archaeologists and anthropologists make more discoveries, the more we learn that we humans have been working closely with horses since before we had specialized tools to ride them with. The very first warhorses pulled chariots or carts, which is much easier for a horse's anatomy to handle compared to carrying a heavy weight like an armored rider on their backs, which puts stress directly on their spines where they have very little supporting muscle for supporting a lot of heavy downward weight.
Warhorse Size Categories:
Really, any breed of horse can apply to a niche in warfare if it's needed enough. Even very small, delicate horses have had their place in the history of human combat! Before I continue, it's important to know that there's a unique unit of measuring a horse's height. Rather than measuring a horse's height in centimeters or inches, they're measured in units called "hands". A single "hand" = ~4 inches/10.16cm, and a horse's height is measured based upon the distance between the bottom of their hoof to the tallest part of their shoulders, just at the base of the back of their necks. We don't actually include neck length/head height in a horse's measurements with traditional measuring.
Another rule of thumb: The average horse cannot safely carry anything heavier than about 30% of their total body weight. This is a serious factor to take into mind when deciding on a type of or breed of horse for a mounted warrior of any kind: You need to factor in the OC's starting body weight, and then add on the weight of armor, weapons, and any armor the horse itself may wear along with the weight of its tack.
Light-Weight Horses:
A few examples of lightweight horse breeds whose ancestors have historically been used in combat are Arabians, Barber Horses, and the magnificent Akhal-Teke. Lightweight and delicately-boned horses like those are best applied for military maneuvers that require precision, speed, and endurance, and the rider themselves should specialize in some form of combat or reconnaissance that doesn't require them to wear heavy metal or laminated armors. Archers are good candidates for riding smaller horses, or lightly-armored swordsmen like an Ottoman Janissary.
Central-Asian and North African horses also benefit from having a higher tolerance for hot climates. They can absolutely suffer from heatstroke and cardiac arrest from being forced to run and work in extreme temperatures and should always be provided with the same protective measures in a heatwave as any other horse, but they have a little bit of an edge over horses descended from freezing and temperate climates.
Medium-Weight Horses:
Medium-weight horses started showing up in the archaeological record around about the Iron Age, where chariot warfare was becoming an increasingly utilized form of mobile combat, and people needed bigger, stronger horses capable of pulling heavier loads - such as a chariot with two passengers rather than just one. As cultures began to develop heavier-duty armors made of metals and laminated materials, it also became important to breed horses that were tall and stocky (muscular and with relatively short spines compared to their height), and therefore more capable of carrying riders in increasingly heavy armor. Medium-weight horses were also essential at the dawn of the gunpowder age when the cannon came into use in siege warfare for pulling the heavy, iron cannons into position.
Medium-weight horses are really where we see the beginnings of knights and other warrior classes on horseback come into the forefront of warfare. When you have a horse that's big and strong enough to carry heavier armor and heavier weapons along with a rider wielding them, you have a much deadlier force at your disposal. Strikes from a sword or spear from the back of a galloping horse basically results in a sword capable of cutting through enemy soldiers like a hot knife through butter.
Important Note: Traditionally, cavalrymen wield blunt swords when attacking from a charging horse's back. When a horse is charging at full speed, the sharpness of a blade becomes less important than the blade's ability to stay in one piece when it impacts hard armor and bone. A blunted edge basically turns a cavalryman's sword into a thin club that's better at holding up against smashing through multiple layers of armor and bone compared to a thinner, more delicate sharpened edge that can shatter from a high-speed impact.
Heavy-Weight Horses:
The direct ancestors of modern draft horses, such as the Shire Horse, only began to appear around about the beginning of the European Medieval Era, and were far and away not even close to the enormous sizes of the draft horses we have today. Any horse counts as a "Heavy-weight" classed horse if its weight exceeds 1500lbs/680kgs.
Heavy-weight horses were really more bred for pulling enormous weights rather than carrying knights. While yeah, there is some evidence that suggests that heavy-weight horses were used by heavily-armored knights, historians argue a lot about whether it was a rule or an exception (such as with Henry VIII, who continued to ride well after he had begun to weigh more than 350lbs/158kgs, and even went to war in France in his final years on horseback). Generally speaking, medium-weight horses tend to be the right balance of agile and strong for carrying someone that's going to actively be fighting. Heavy-weight horses were bred to be a lot more tolerant to the chaos and frightening stimulation of the sounds of battle, but medium-weighted horses generally tended to be more suited to moving efficiently through dense packs of soldiers and weaving around other horses.
While actually being the smallest class of warhorse, ponies were essential when it came to carrying cargo and working as pack-horses. In certain forms of terrain, such as mountains, large horses pulling big carts full of supplies or soldiers could often be extremely impractical. In situations where an army needed to move on foot and form a narrow line in order to travel, ponies were able to traverse much narrower and rougher terrain while carrying smaller loads to their destination, when heavier horses would struggle more under their own weight and dexterity.
Europe-Specific Terminologies:
If you're a writer reading this and writing a piece set in the European Medieval age, there are specific terms used for the different classes I listed of warhorses above that I'm gonna list:
Destriers: The Destrier was a universal term for the iconic knight-carrying, jousting horse. They were also sometimes referred to as "Great Horses" due to their reputations in combat settings. Destriers could have just about any appearance, but were rarely taller than 15.2 hands, or 62inches/157cm. They were capable of carrying heavily-armored knights (although knights in full plate mail rarely rode into battle and stayed on the horse the entire time - they tended to specialize at grouping up and killing a lot of footsoldiers swarming them at once and preventing breaks in defenses from being overwhelmed by an oncoming army; in the case of Edward the Black Prince, we have substantial evidence in the form of his surviving brigandine that a mounted soldier or knight was more likely to wear chainmail and brigandine with a tabard on their body with their arms, feet, and heads the most heavily armored in plate when they intended to fight on horseback, making them a little lighter and more maneuverable, but I may be waaay off base there because I'm thinking of more of Italian soldiers who used full plate and how they applied it in battle more than any other example) and wearing armor themselves.
Interestingly, the sex of a destrier was often chosen strategically. Stallions (horses that haven't been neutered) are more aggressive, and could both act as combatants on their own if their knight was dismounted or killed, but could give away an army's location if they were attempting to move stealthily. Stallions whinny and shriek a lot when they're horny or arguing with each other, which is most of the time.
Mares were often chosen by Muslim armies for being much less vocal, and therefore much more capable of stealth. Geldings (neutered males) were the preferred mounts of the Teutonic Knights, a Catholic military group, since they couldn't be stolen and used to breed more horses for the enemy army.
Coursers were the most common Medieval European warhorse. It's important to remember that in Medieval Europe, most armies were almost entirely comprised of common men - serfs subject to the will of their landlords, not far removed from slaves in many ways - who couldn't afford the highly-prized and expensive Destriers. Coursers were usually a bit lighter than Destriers, but were still strong enough to carry someone wearing armor. Coursers were also a little more utilitarian, because they were also sometimes used in hunting as well as warfare, so they had a valuable use outside of warfare that the owner could benefit from.
A rouncey was an all-purpose horse that could be used for leisure and travel-riding as well as be trained for war. They were a lot more likely to be found on the farm of a serf or independent farmer of some kind, as they could fill a lot of different roles depending on what they were needed for. Their sizes weren't really important as much as their ability to get the job done.
It's also critical to remember that, when talking about warhorses, we're usually talking about eras long past. In general, thanks to resource availability and incredible advances in medicine, modern humans are significantly taller, and therefore heavier, than people from the European Medieval era and prior. While fatness was valued in many cultures for its suggestion of wealth, most working-class and serf-class people worked intensely physically-demanding daily lives just to maintain their own homes. They were a few inches shorter on average than we are today, had greater fluctuations in body fat distribution depending on how harsh or bountiful the harvest season had been and the season in which a war was taking place (the average person's weight would swing by 30lbs or more on average every year prior to the industrial era), and cavalry were usually chosen based upon skill in the saddle as well as physical size when considering the application of medium or heavy armor being placed on the horse's back and body.
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simverses · 11 months
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Maxi's worlds emptied of era specific stuff – made for simmers who wants themed hoods of their choice.
So, you found T.O.O.L, the super useful mod by Twisted Mexi, and learned how to decorate your sim world.
But there is this problem with Maxis houses and items, which do NOT fit in your sim world. So far, the most used method has been to hide them, as in either move them away (if even possible) from sight or use a hider/override to make them invisible. That method has its limits, is very tedious (need to find, make an override, ect, and there are SO MANY items)
Blowtorch has another approach. It takes out the items (houses, vehicles, modern deco, well - all silly deco really) from the world. You can then place nicer deco or game items instead.
The items are not hidden from catalogue, so you can place the same items back but in a different place if you so wish. Or use cc deco. Make the world medieval, or Victorian, or sci-fi, or whatever.
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This mod edits the preloaded deco in the world. It changes game files – and the changes will affect all your saves, old and new. If you decide that you want the deco back, you can do it either with the GAME REPAIR function or using the backup of the original folders that I included in the mods folders.
You can either use all my edited files – or the ones you want. If you for example want Willow Creek to be as it always has, but want a blowtorched Oasis Springs, just delete the Willow Creek files before installation, and keep Oasis Springs.
I have blowtorched almost all the hoods in the worlds, both EP and GP: s (See list in Documentation PDF for exceptions.) If you don’t have all EP/GP I recommend to delete the ones you don’t have before installing.
(Save the zip with the mod somewhere safe so you can add new worlds when you add a new EP/GP with a world.)
Here are some general rules I went by:
- All landmarks, architecture deco, street deco, vehicles, with special effects - blowtorched
- Functional objects: outside tables, playground items, and such – blowtorched. Place them again where you want them!
- All lights, both streetlights and built in hood lights, blowtorched.
- All palm trees, ever pink trees, wispy modern beeches, and other modern plants, blowtorched. (I of course kept the palm trees in Sulani and Selvadorada)
- ALMOST ALL THESE THINGS (not the built in lights) are still available in the catalog (debug, live edit) items though. So, if you still want a modern, but DIFFERENT hood, you can place them again, as you want them. This is a big advantage compared to hiders – those usually hide the items also from the catalogue.
- Visual effects belonging to vehicles and other stuff mentioned above, blowtorched. No modern yachts, no airplanes.
- The lights are gone. The world will be dark at night if you don’t place streetlights or such.
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I kept the seasons stalls, where they are available (if you have the Seasons EP.) They can also be placed, but as they are in conditional layers (changes with the seasons) this can't be done by placing them manually.
I kept all spawners. All the fishing spots and all the bugs, frogs, dig sites, wild growing plants.
Lighting mod included
This mod also includes the Sunblind lighting mod by Softerhaze. Lighting mods also change these files, so I added Sunblind with the creator's permission. Read more about their mod here.
(You do not need to download or install the mod; it is included in the Blowtorch mod.)
If you want another lighting mod or no lighting mod, you need to edit the files manually.
This is done by replacing the resources “Sky Box Texture Data” and “World Timeline Color”.
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Unfortunately, the Evergreen Harbor world that came with Eco Lifestyle (EP 9) has some special evil magic and the deco needs hiders anyway. If you play with that world and want it to be BLOWTORCHED, install the file ELHoodHidersMerged in your Mods folder.
Other recommended mods:
Check out T.O.O.L and Twisted Mexis other mods here: https://twistedmexi.com/Mods/
To add deco stuff outside lots:
T.O.O.L – at Tmexis page you also find information about his CAW-project, still in alpha testing.
I also recommend his Better Build/Buy mod, and his toggle mods, especially the Strangerville Story Toggle on if you want to use Strangerville as a normal world. And also his that enabled build/buy on the Secret Lab lot – in new saves.
Zerbu has a couple of super useful mods:
All Worlds are Residential  https://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/173398784785/the-sims-4-mod-all-worlds-are-residential
Venue changes https://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/160347810775/the-sims-4-mod-venue-changes
Twelfth Doctor has a great mod for travelling to all the hidden/special lots, so you can edit them: https://td1sims.tumblr.com/post/635457539495084032/travel-to-venue
This mod is also useful if when you work with TOOL: Clickable worlds by Awingedlama
Q&A about Blowtorch mod
1. Can I use this on my old saves?
Answer: Yes. The mod does not affect the saves, or your CC, or anything other than the game files in the Windows directory. You can easily uninstall the mod by using the backup files (included) or do a Game Repair.
2. Why are there stuff not deleted? Annoying modern fences in Windenburg Ugly Modern Business district, for example?
Answer: some items are a part of the world mesh and is not yet possible to edit. If there will be a solution later, I will update the mod.
3. Will I have to update the mod after patches and new expansions?
Answer: Yes. If the patch/ep/GP does not include a new world, you just reinstall the mod (see instructions below) as you installed it the first time. I will make updated versions asap when new worlds are released.
4. I don’t have EP X or Y – can I use the Blowtorch mod?
Answer: Yes, but I recommend deleting the folders for EP/GP you don’t have. See list in the PDF-file with documentation.
5. Does this mod clash with Timeless mod? Answer: No, but it makes Timeless obsolete. Timeless hides stuff - Blowtorch removes the same stuff.
6. How about mods like Nandos Egypt (Strangerville) or The Sense Medieval's Medieval Windenburg? Answer: if you have a mod that changes one hood or one world, and want to keep them as they were, don't install the Blowtorch files for that world/hood. The Senses default replacements are not affected.
7. Should I keep my hiders of stuff used as hood deco? Answer: Better to take them out. This mod eliminates the need for hiders.
Even more detailed explanation here.
Where to find nice themes hood deco to use with Blowtorch?
You can basically use any item, from game or CC, to decorate hoods. Try out the options with T.O.O.L to change the size of objects!
I already posted some Hood Deco CC – and I have much more to come. I have been converting/editing/creating and preparing hood deco from Sims Medieval, Sims 2 and Sims 3 and other games – my CC is medieval/historical themed but I hope for other creators to add to the hood deco options in the future.
Due to filesize all the downloads can be found on Patreon (of course for free): Download Blowtorch (Patreon, always free)
There seemed to be some problems loading the Patreon page so I added a SFS-folder also with the same files. Download Blowtorch (SimFileShare)
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chosos-mascara · 9 months
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when flames dance
𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - as prince gojo's bride is chosen, you're left to experience one last night within his chambers.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - angst, prince! gojo, maid! reader, medieval era in my head, smut, gojo cries when he comes, love confession
2.4k words
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The facts were always abundantly clear. 
Even if you had wished for any other outcome, or to spend a few more nights beside him, moments were fleeting. They always had been once you'd thought about it - this relationship destines to end in departure. Heated kisses only with no eyes to see, gentle touches of soft skin. The only light to guide your actions had been the orange glow of candlelight, so frail in comparison to the sun.
The secretive romance between your uncanny pairing was something you'd cherished, even in its limited lifespan. Though, the sting of waking up alone had begun to cut much deeper than it had before. You'd pictured if servitude would have been much easier if Satoru wouldn't have requested your companionship, if you hadn't learned what it would be to feel loved nor safe. The fact of retirement had been ingrained, yet with each passing day, you had fought the urge to sabotage your own secret. Perhaps if the king were to see his son's happiness, he would relent - no, you would remind yourself that you had doubted it. 
Satoru Gojo had been destined to marry a high-born woman, one with an equal stature in the world of politics, whom could aid in the growth of the kingdom he would come to inherit. Although certain affairs were permitted behind closed doors, a public relation to anyone other than a princess picked to his right would be abhorrent. He'd indulged here and there, a man or woman wrapped beneath the sheets you'd felt brush over your own skin, never struggling to abide by one simple rule. No courting.
His bride had been picked before he'd set eyes over you. A new asset to aid in the upkeep of the castle, supporting housekeeping while remaining quiet and obedient to orders. Satoru had noticed the other maid's avoidance, and your still nature when within his presence. Perhaps he'd seen himself in your eyes - never fussing over the internalized pain you'd lived through, instead serving others. 
The first time you'd held a conversation had been pleasant. Nothing rich nor remarkable, though a satisfying exchange. 
He'd caught you walking through the halls, passing his chambers only to be stopped by a white head of hair poking through his door, a request of assistance with a new garment. A few buttons had been ripped from their place, and with your housekeeping expertise, you were summoned to service a repair. 
You would not be privy to one of Satoru's secrets; that he had torn them from cloth himself to gain a reason for aid, pulling harshly on the small wooden circles as he'd spoken to you through the door. 
He'd made you laugh with only the second one to one encounter. While tending to him within the garden, a pitcher and glass in hand, he'd been sat idly carving a piece of wood between finger. Either curiosity or kindness had encouraged you to ask what he'd been creating as the pitcher had been set down, his pale complexion turning to face you. You wouldn't see his eyes through the black barriers that had protected them, though with the feeling of his gaze dancing over your figure, you'd straightened your posture. 
He'd displayed a wide smile, a giggle to himself, before pushing the wood in your direction. He'd described it as an animal of some description - a horse to be exact, though it had resembled nothing of the sort. Air had passed through your nose, a gentle choke and light snort, though immediately met with an apology and bow. 
You were surprised when he had laughed along with you, and requested your company for the afternoon.
Few evenings had followed this before you were to find yourself within his presence once more. Midnight, signified only by twelve chimes on the grandfather clock as you'd pattered through the castle halls, candlelight your own guide. Within a mind of your own, you hadn't sensed the company of  another until your own gown had brushed theirs. You'd glanced up in fear as his figure had towered over yours, though once setting eyes across his increasingly familiar features, you'd felt somewhat at ease. With dimness, the prince's glasses were discarded, revealing to you the most precious set of eyes you'd ever laid sight upon. The blue had danced before your handheld flame, his smirk creeping over skin.
"What're you doing up?" Satoru's voice had always been doused in a playful tone, an informality in his greetings to you. He'd never opted to ask you good morning nor night, though this was something you'd came to adore - another reason he'd been so unlike other men. 
"Sorry, sir." With your head bowed, you had attempted to steady a sporadic heart.  "I didn't ask for an apology, did I?" His voice would always cause your chest to tighten and stomach to flutter, even if you'd been only his maid. "Walk with me." There was a gentleness to him that you hadn't recognized, but with the lateness of the day, there had been a good chance he'd been tired. When he'd placed his hand to the small of your back, you couldn't help but wonder if there had instead been a deeper meaning. 
As you'd wondered the corridors at his side, he'd allowed his slender fingers to entwine with the grip of the candle holder's metal handle. You'd been much too focused on your racing heart to notice that he'd navigated you back to his quarters, opening the old wood and inviting you inside. He'd closed it behind your reluctant footsteps, placing the wax that had lost most of it's height to sit atop a wooden dresser, turning to face you. 
The amber light had danced around the room as you'd peered less cluelessly into his eyes, his intent clear within your mind. Though, when he'd placed one large hand over cheek to pull you into a kiss, you hadn't quite expected things to progress as they had. 
During the day, you hadn't interacted with him more than usual, though at night, you were expected to knock over his door. Four raps with quick succession would signify your presence, and Satoru would allow you to his room. To begin with, you hadn't spoken all to much, though with weeks merging to months, it had been more often that you would simply share conversation in the other's presence. Lust had bloomed love, though with the differing status, you'd felt your time drawing to close. 
"My parents had me meet someone today." He'd spoken with a reluctance that had your stomach churning, tension evident through the tightness of his body. There had been a stiffness in the air following those words, a feeling you weren't able to let go. 
"Yes?" Although you'd encouraged explanation, he'd allowed moments to pass before providing one.   "A princess; my betrothed." Voice hushed and weak, there had been a bitter emphasis on the latter word, a poison passed from his tongue to yours. You'd swallowed deeply, breath in throat. He wouldn't dare to gauge your reaction, instead remaining slouched in his chair with eyes over the open fire, fist clammy and clenched over the ornately carved arms.
There had been many things you'd wished to exclaim, a form of comfort to be manifested, though thinking about losing time beside him with another to take your place had pained you all too much. 
"I don't want this." Satoru had spoken through only lightly parted lips.  "What will happen to us?" Part of you hadn't wanted to hear his answer, to instead play out your fantasy even if it would mark you mad. But, the glimmer of hope that had flickered among the flames had been snubbed out once he'd finally turned to face you, an emotionless gaze as he'd swallowed his feelings. 
"We always knew it would end." With those words you'd felt your stomach drop, a sensation much like being pierced with a dagger, the blade twisting within your gut. Although he'd been correct, there was always the burden of his duties, you had still found the truth difficult to accept. 
"Can we-" You paused as a wry sob escaped lip, a tear rolling over cold cheek. "Can I have you for one last night?" There was a stillness as you'd closed your eyes in embarrassment, though a gentle creek in Satoru's chair had signified his movement, a hand encasing your features to wipe the droplet from your skin.  "That sounds tragic." 
If his fingers hadn't interlaced with your own to be placed over his heart, lips ghosting your trembling ones, you would've taken his words as rejection. 
The salty taste of tears had been apparent the first moment his lips had pressed to yours. You'd inhaled sharply, a sob against him as he'd tilted your head back, a quick dart of his tongue against yours. He'd kissed you as he had that first night, with a sense of longing and loneliness, a reminder of solace found between two lost souls. 
Satoru had felt his grip tighten when he'd reminded himself this would be the last time, a squeeze over your skin as if to memorize each dip and curve. He ran his hands over your body, savoring the way you'd felt beneath his touch, even if each movement had pained him. You'd allowed him to guide you toward the four poster bed you'd found yourself tangled within most nights, back hitting familiar sheets beneath. 
As your arms reached around his shoulders, his fingers found their way to your undergarments. With night, you hadn't the usual layers, a uniform replaced with only a nightgown and shorts. Satoru had tugged them down, slipping the garment over thigh t leave your lower half bare. The skirt of your dress had ridden up to pool at your stomach with his lips still attached to your own. 
Your hands had trembled when you'd repeated the gesture, an unsettled feeling as you'd unbuttoned his trouser, bringing his hips closer to your own. Though his hardness had grazed your slick, he'd drawn himself back. 
"Allow us more time." The soft request had caused you to pause, peering to him with both swollen lips and teary eyes. His grasp had advanced to your nightgown, lifting the thin fabric above your head to free the flesh beneath. If this had been one of the first encounters, your hands would have moved to shield your pride, yet with time and trust, you'd no longer felt the need to hide yourself. 
"Beautiful." Satoru whispered praises over your skin, tender kisses over the warmth as he'd maneuvered over you, tongue flicking and teeth nipping over thicker parts of chest and stomach before reaching thigh. Palms had slipped over your figure, though halting their path when reaching inner thigh, pressing to part your legs, and then hold them open. 
Blue eyes had watched your expression change with a sigh on lip, mouth placed eagerly over the sensitive fold to swirl over bud. You sank back into the headboard, a plush and supportive fabric, appreciating the way Satoru had kneaded your thighs as he'd spelled his name over your clit, his breaths tickling surrounding skin. 
"Satoru..." You'd uttered in pleasure when reaching to tangle fingers through his hair, his appreciation voiced to you by the push of two fingers to your entrance, slowly easing their way to curl within you. A much louder whine had left your lips at the succession, hips bucking toward his face, though with each pulsing twist within your core, you'd felt tears return. 
"Wait-" You sat up, Satoru's lips parting from your folds, a string of spit snapping when he'd brought his face level to yours, concern across his brow. 
"I love you." Voice breaking, you reached to touch his cheek, beckoning him back toward your lips. He'd slid across your mouth as you'd made steady movements against him, saliva mixing with your own. When pulling back for air, you'd felt lost within his eyes, the cerulean swirling before you.
"I love you too." Satoru had whispered against your cheek, a kiss placed over skin. He held you close, large hand encasing one side of your face as his lips had moved against your neck. 
"Must you marry another?" The candle at his bedside table had finally flickered for the last time, a frantic dance growing weaker until finally extinguishing. Grey smoke had swirled at its wake, the only light within the room now emitted from the fireplace. 
"Do you have another idea?" The narrow face had pulled from it's place in your neck, searching your expression for an answer. His heart raced, throat tight.  "We could run." The suggestion had been spoken from a desperate idiot, grasping at her last chances at saving herself. He'd let out a laugh bathed in sorrow, dread pooling through his abdomen. "A prince fleeing his kingdom?" With his low voice, the warmth of his skin over yours, you'd almost been at peace. 
"Perhaps we should kill my father."Although spoken as a joke, there had been some seriousness within his insanity. "No, don't answer that - it would be treason." 
You'd laid back against pillow as he'd placed a kiss over your forehead, finally easing himself into you. Your breath and his had mingled as he'd edged himself to be fully sheathed, acting as both a sigh of relief and a sob of heartache as Satoru's expression feigned bliss. 
He'd never held you so tightly, chest to chest and moving with such leisure, lips refusing to part from your own disregarding breaths or faint groans. You'd questioned when you'd began to aquatint yourself with a prince's body between each working day, when the familiarity and endearment had felt so natural. 
The sensations between thigh had been one you'd become accustomed to, yet on this night, each rock of hips and push to fullness of length had felt more intense than the last. The slow kiss you'd felt enthralled within had your heart racing, fingers caressing the softness of Satrou's cheek and silk-like hair. 
"I'll always cherish you." Broken words had made way between kisses, Satoru's undoing much closer than he'd anticipated. There had been only a few more clashes of skin as he'd pinned his lips to yours in a stillness, stomach stuttering. As the waves crashed around him, he'd been encumbered by emotion, tears spilling from cheek as helpless moans had raked his body. You hadn't heard him come like this before - nor felt his body tremble as it had against you. 
An idle hand ran circles over your skin, an uncertainty of what was to come. If Satoru had known anything, it had been his willingness to try, and he'd questioned what rules he would bend to remain beside you. 
Reblogs and comments help me reach more people!! please consider reblogging and letting me know what you think <3
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a/n: i hope u enjoyed ! i tried something new with the cover, kinda took a while to find something i liked! i found that i'm running out of manga photos to use lol, and with a more angsty tone i felt this one needed to be a little different!
i was thinking about changing up my theme but i'm still unsure, but if i did i would want a dark fantasy kinda vibe. i am trying to learn how to gradient text but we are not there yet...
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