#still need to figure out what I'm going to do about those missing screws for the drawers
jedi-bird · 1 year
Today I acquired several new Star Wars rpg books I've been looking for (and left a lot behind because I didn't have my master list updated), some shiny new dice, and a few new cheap collectables. I was also good and didn't spend fifty bucks on a plush gelatinous cube (even though I really wanted him). Did get some new miniatures that I'll eventually get around to painting once I get my work space finally set up. I have a very long list of things that need to get done before the summer heat and I'll probably only get a small bit completed; progress is progress though.
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cosmerelists · 8 months
If Cosmere Characters Had Real-World Jobs (But Not The Obvious Ones)
In this list, I wanted to try to give Cosmere characters jobs in our world while avoiding the jobs that would be the most obvious picks--like, for example, the real world equivalent of whatever their canon job is.
1. Kaladin: Professional Football Player
It's a dangerous job that Kaladin's dad would scoff at, but the other kids in town think it's really cool and also the recruiters are coming through town and, I mean, he's really good at football.
2. Lirin: Public Defender
If we avoid the obvious job (doctor), then Lirin still needs a job where he is doing good, but it's pretty thankless and the general public are suspicious and think he might actually be evil somehow. So I figure: public defender. He's highly educated, helping people who need it, and just getting nothing but grief as a result. Worst of all, his smart son wants to be a FOOTBALL player!
3. Marsh: Masseuse
I feel like people who are good at hemalurgy know about the body and its pressure points and things like that. And frankly, "acupuncturist" felt too on the nose.
4. Shallan: Park Ranger
Shallan HATES to be confined, so no way she's going into an office job. Plus, she likes nature and animals, but I'm trying to avoid the more obvious jobs (like botanist or ecologist). It's just too bad that Shallan is SO bad at staring a campfire, though.
5. Navani: Wedding Planner
Navani is VERY good at managing people and events, as seen when she had to manage everything while Gavilar was off plotting. She's also very organized and literally invented wristwatches. So I think she's be very good at this job.
6. Elend: Grad Student
This one may be too obvious, but I figure something like "politician" or "philosopher" are more obvious. But to me, Elend has major grad student energy.
7. Nale: Insurance Adjuster
Nale is a cop, of course, through and through. But if he wasn't a cop, then he'd need some other job where he uses the rules to screw people over. So I see him as, like, an evil insurance guy who's denying people medical coverage because the company wants him to.
8. Blackthorn-Era Dalinar: Debt Collector
If flashback Dalinar couldn't make a living mowing people down in battle and had to find a less obvious job, then I could see him being the guy to hunt down people and demand money they don't have. He doesn't really care about the money. He just likes the hunt.
9. Adolin: eSports Player
It's a job where you can head-to-head battle people and your dad is vaguely puzzled and thinks you should be doing something more important with your life.
10. Lightsong: Customer Service Agent
In canon, Lightsong's job is to face down a huge line of people and tell them "no" in response to them asking for something they want. So, I mean, I feel like that's equivalent to one of those shitty customer service jobs where you're not really allowed to help people (until, of course, Lightsong goes rogue and does start helping people, but that's another story...)
11. Stormfather: Bus Driver
He has his route, and he's not deviating from it. And if you miss the bus, he's not stopping. He's not going back. You can try to run, but you will not catch up to him.
12. Tress: Mechanic
As a Sprouter, Tress had to figure out how each of the spores worked and how to use them. I just feel like she'd be good at diagnosing issues in machinery and then fixing them.
13. Steris: Programmer
She's precise, she's smart, she likes rules. I think coding would suit her.
14. Yumi: Waitress
She could stack the plates SO high.
15. Marasi: Investigative Reporter
Which, honestly, is what I wish she had been rather than being a cop like in canon. I think it would suit her! She'd get to research, investigate, find the truth...
16. Kelsier: Motivational Speaker
He tells you about the power of smiling no matter what, so that you are never defeated. He tells you to carry something small, some memento or photo, to help you find your motivation. You tells you that no goal is out of reach--you just have to find the right people and the right steps to move forward. And he tells you that the most important thing is to survive.
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randomshyperson · 1 year
A pinch of paprika | Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: The night when Vision cooks for Wanda end very differently than how it went because you show up to save the dinner (and the girl). | Writing Challenge
Warning: None, it’s pure fluff with teasing and bad jokes.| Words: 1.269k
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
“Wanda, no one dislikes you.”
She would have chuckled at the Synthesized's clumsy attempt to improve her mood - It was kind, after all. - But she didn't get the chance. Another figure was entering the kitchen at the same moment Vision made the comment, and your teasing expression drew a much more sincere smile from her.
"Oh, don't speak for me, Microwave." You told him, only to look at the witch standing at the stove the next moment. "I haven't decided my opinion on that cute little witch yet."
Wanda giggles shyly at the nickname, blushing at the greeting wink you throw her. She doesn't know exactly when you two fell into this playful and comfortable dynamic, she just knows it happened and that she wouldn't trade it for anything.
Or well, maybe she could add something more...
"Hello, Miss Rogers." Vision greets half-heartedly at the sudden arrival. "I did not realize that you were still in the Tower. I figured with the current status of the Accords, you would have joined your brother..."
You waved - cutting him off as if the Robot's questioning mattered little to you. It was true because Wanda had your complete attention. Or, rather, almost, because you seemed quite curious about the pot of food.
"What is this supposed to be?" You ask her with the same tone as before, but now, much closer, enough to press your arms together when you lean in to smell the contents of the pan. 
Wanda holds the spoon a little tighter. "Vision was making dinner."
You frown, looking at the robot in surprise. "I thought you couldn't eat, champ."
The machine clears its throat (Or mimics the motion, whichever way it operates). 
"I was intending to raise Mrs. Maximoff's spirits." He clarifies by exchanging a look between you and Wanda. "Given the current circumstances, a comfort food should bring, well, comfort."
"Got it." You murmur offering a forced smile to the Synthesized. Wanda has no idea of the jealousy that burns in your chest at having to witness Vision think about this before you can. Screw the Accords for keeping you busy often enough. 
The next moment, you taste the food, and your reaction is much more exaggerated than Wanda's, and maybe it's on purpose.
"Dude, whatever it is you tried to do here, it needs an intervention." You sneer and it's mean enough for Wanda to give you a gentle nudge for the robot's expression. You sigh begrudgingly. "Tell you what, Wanda and I will go get some ingredients at the market and you stay away from the stove-"
But just as you make mention of leaving the kitchen, Vision stands in your way. He exchanges a quick glance with Wanda to your confused chuckle.
"I'm afraid this isn't the best idea, Miss Rogers." He starts evidently uncomfortable with the whole thing. 
"Dude. what the...?"
"Vision." Interferes with the witch, stepping forward. " Aren't you letting us leave?"
The Synthesized, clearly embarrassed, tries to keep his gaze on you. "I'm very sorry, but those were Mr.Stark's orders. Y/N, you shouldn't even be in the tower, but now that you are, Tony fears that other incidents might happen... It's all to ensure safety-"
The shove throws Vision at least five steps away. He locks his jaw, but you glare at him angrily. 
"Get out of my way, Vision." You warn between teeth, raising a finger at the other. "Don't play Stark's butler on me. I'll have your ass unplugged."
With a gentle point toward the Stone on his head, you lower your hand. The Synthesized, though hesitating for a second, eventually steps forward.
"If you want to leave, you have every freedom to do so." He says seriously. "But Miss Maximoff-"
"Comes with me." You cut in, grabbing Wanda's hand with a tug. She gasps softly and holds your wrist with her free one, divided on not causing more trouble or just following you wherever you want. Your expression remains irritated toward the robot. "What kind of fucking attitude is that now, Vision? Betraying your own family and all that bull shit. I thought you cared about Wanda."
Vision's posture breaks, and it is evident that he would have blushed if he could. The Synthesized lowers his head in shame, and you sigh to calm yourself. When you speak again, it is much more tender than before.
"Me and Wanda just get something decent to eat. No trouble, no fuss." You say and move at a slow pace. Vision makes no mention of interfering now, and remains head down. "In the meantime, call Tony and tell him to stop being a dick."
Wanda bites back a laugh, gently pushing you out of the kitchen.
It shouldn't surprise her that you drive her into the garage, nor that you steal - borrow without asking - one of Stark's pickup trucks either. But still, seeing the set of backpacks inside, Wanda has to confirm:
"We're not going to the market, are we?"
You laugh. "Of course not, little witch." You assure her, stepping inside at the same time she does. The garage door opens, and you waste no time in taking the car out through the back of the Compound, the longer way but one that would arouse less suspicion. Splitting your gaze between the road and Wanda, you speak again: "I really thought there was something strange about this quarantine of yours, I had to check it out. Do you really think I was gonna let Tony Stark ground you? Even worse, with a guard dog at the door? Fuck them all. I'm taking you somewhere safe."
"B-but your brother..."
Your hand finds hers. "He will fight his own battles, as always." You retort gently, lacing your fingers over her thigh. "He's always done everything for Bucky, Wands. Nothing is going to change that. And I...I have someone like that now and I understand him. I finally do."
Wanda swallows dryly, shifting her gaze to your joined hands, her heart thumping in her chest. "This someone...you're talking about Natasha, right?"
You burst out laughing so loudly that you almost lose control of the car. Wanda would have slapped you if you weren't holding her hand. "Oh my god, I'm going all Thelma and Louise on you right now and you think I like Natasha? What the fuck..."
"Can you stop the car, please?" She cuts you off, and you grimace. 
"We should probably move further away before-"
"I'm going to kiss you, asshole, and I don't want you to crash"
"Oh. Oh... O- okay, sure." You mumble quickly, very flushed. You let go of Wanda's hand only to shift gears, and you've barely parked on the side of the road and she's grabbing the collar of your shirt. 
The first kiss you share on the highway exit under the starry New York sky tastes like chicken seasoning.
You and Wanda break into breathless laughter. 
"Vision really is a terrible cook." You comment, feeling your stomach fill with nervous butterflies at the way Wanda is staring at you.
She giggles at the comment, helping you wipe some of the smeared lipstick from your lips. "And I'm still starving, detka. Can we get something to eat on the way?"
"Anything for my little witch." You assure with a passionate smile, and Wanda kisses you again before letting you get back to driving.
Many hours later, when Clint finds you guys at one of Natasha’s safe houses, he would pretend not to notice the lipstick marks fading into the collar of your shirt, nor the matching purple marks on Wanda's neck.
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vincess-princess · 4 months
we, the psychos
ch. 5
Word count: 2724 Warnings: violence A/N: i really am spoiling you with all those updates. gene simmons fans, i'm sorry, i needed a bad guy
Vince was suffocating.
Water in his lungs, water in his eyes, water in his nose. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t even scream – no sound came out, only bubbling. The coldness burned his skin; he grasped the handles of the chair, but couldn’t feel its wooden texture. And it went on, and on, and on, and the world was just cold and water-
And then it ended. The water trickled down his body and pooled at his feet. Vince opened his eyes, but still couldn’t see anything and for a second panicked. Then he realised it was just his hair covering his eyes. He shook his head to get it out of sight.
His eyes were hurting as they do after you open them underwater, and his vision hadn’t returned to him completely, so he could only see a figure in white coming up to him. But the voice was unmistakable.
“Well, Wharton,” nurse Simmons said, “enjoyed the shower?”
“Screw you,” Vince coughed out.
“Well, you’re the only one screwed here,” nurse Simmons responded cheerily. “You might want to be more polite if you don’t want another shower. And you don’t, do you?”
Vince didn’t answer. Nurse Simmons came close to him and squatted down in front of him so that their faces were on the same level. He smiled. It was all fun and games to him.
“Yes,” Vince croaked. He wanted to spit in Simmons’s face so bad, but that would not help his situation.
“That’s a good boy. Now, I’ll untie you, and don’t you try to pull anything.” Simmons unfastened the belts first on Vince’s legs, then on his wrists.
Vince stood up, stretched his shoulders. And when nurse Simmons turned his back on him to fetch a towel, Vince launched at him.
He jumped on nurse Simmons’ back and clasped his arms around his neck. Simmons staggered back and clutched at Vince’s arms, but Vince clung to him like a tick. Simmons was like a head taller than him and twice as wide in the shoulders, so direct assault would have Vince on the ground the very next moment. This – this gave him a chance. Not to kill Simmons, no. That would be too much. To cause him at least a sliver of the pain and discomfort he just caused Vince.
“Let go,” Simmons croaked. He tried to poke at Vince’s eye with one hand, but missed. Vince bit his finger, and Simmons yelped in pain. “I’ll fucking kill you!”
Vince’s arms began to hurt, so he enclasped Simmons’ body with his legs to give himself some propping. Simmons finally realised trying to reach the parasite on his back was useless and backed into the wall with all the speed he was capable of.
Vince hit the wall with his back so hard all the air went out of his lungs. His grip weakened, and Simmons managed to shove his hand in between his arms. Now that he could breathe again, Simmons began slamming his back into the wall until Vince released his grip and slid to the floor.
Simmons began kicking him in the ribs vehemently, shouting curses along with it. Vince covered his head and lay onto the floor in the pose of an embryo – that minimized the damage to vital organs. And now just to wait, just to endure until Simmons runs out of steam. Blows rained down his back and legs, some even came at the arms covering his face – the nurses usually tried not to hit in the face, but Simmons must have got too carried away.
In a distance, as though through fog, Vince heard another voice – a different nurse. Wonder if he stops Simmons or joins him?..
Then blows stopped.
Stradlin stood over Vince, looking at him with his typical indifference. Nothing ever touched him. Vince wished he could go through life like that – with a glass shield separating him and the world, so that he could see everything but not care about it. Stradlin never got angry, even when a patient was smearing shit all over his face, and barely ever smiled.
But at least he stopped Simmons.
“What’s that again?” he asked Simmons tiredly.
“The motherfucker tried to choke me!” Simmons said, rubbing his neck.
“Why’d you do that?” Stradling now said to Vince, not a change in his tone.
Vince moved his arms away from his face. The back of his palm was bleeding from Simmons’s sharp heel. He licked the blood off and smiled.
“He’s a dick.”
”And what do we do with him now?” Stradlin asked Simmons, losing interest to Vince.
“I’ll go ask Dr. Duren. I don’t even know what else can be done.” Simmons spit on the floor. “Would you mind watching him while I am away?”
Simmons sent Vince the last hateful look and left. Stradlin picked up the towel that Simmons dropped when Vince attacked him and threw it at Vince.
“Wipe yourself up and dress.”
The man Duff delegated Tommy too surely was… peculiar. Long black hair that almost reached his waist that was unusually well-kept for a psycho streamed down his shoulders. Clear blue eyes looked at the world with wariness so old it was almost ingrained in them. His hospital robe was well-worn but clean, without a single wrinkle. This man hardly looked insane, and at first Tommy even doubted Duff told him the truth: how can be this man a patient? But then he looked at his fingers, and they were covered in wounds and scabs; the man kept picking at them absent-mindedly even as he and Duff spoke. Blood was under one of his nails. The man seemed not to notice.
“Bob, this is Tommy Lee. He just arrived to our asylum, so make sure his first impression is good!” Duff said with a smile. “Tommy, this is Bob Deal. He’s one of the oldies. Knows everything around here. He’ll show you around.”
“Hello,” Tommy said carefully to the man, hesitating whether he should offer him his hand. Then he decided to go for it – and the man looked at it like it was smeared with crap.
“Bob doesn’t shake hands,” Duff said apologetically. “He’s very… hygienic. Our laundresses’ favorite patient!”
“Ah, alright.” Well, what else could I expect.
“People used to show their hands to each other to prove they had no weapons. This is where hand-shaking comes from. You both can agree this is not needed in our situation,” the man spoke with a low, slightly hoarse voice. He must be a smoker. Were cigarettes allowed here?
“Well, you know, with some patients you wish they got in the habit of showing you their hands,” Duff laughed. “Not needed with you two, though, that’s true. Alright, I’ll be on my way. Please be back in twenty minutes, gents, or I’ll get into a big trouble. And keep out of nurse Simmons’ sight!”
“Don’t worry, boss,” Bob Deal said, made Tommy a lazy gesture to follow him and turned around. They went up the pathway circling the asylum.
“Hey, Bob. What’s so bad about nurse Simmons?” Tommy asked. Bob kept silent so long Tommy thought he was ignoring him. What did he do to earn such unfriendliness?
Then he stopped and turned to Tommy. “Two things,” he said. “First: don’t call me Bob. My name is Mick Mars. Nurses mustn’t know.”
“Mick Mars?” The name was more fit for a practicing performer than for a psych patient. Though… these were not too far apart. People of the arts were all a bit cooky. “Alright… And why nurses mustn’t know?”
“They will tell them.” Mick highlighted the last word with his voice. He looked at Tommy with grave seriousness. To laugh now would be to lose his favor for good.
“Oh. Them. Alright. And who are they?”
Mick didn’t answer, just put his finger to his mouth.
Well, if that was the asylum’s most reasonable fellow, Tommy feared to imagine what their worst case looked like. The blonde guy from the canteen? Or something worse?
They stood in silence until Tommy lost his patience.
“What’s the second thing?”
“Oh, yeah.” Mick’s tone switched to lazy casual so suddenly it gave Tommy a whiplash. “Nurse Simmons. Right. Well, he’s very good friends with Dr. Duren. And he tells him about everything he sees. And he usually sees things that we’d rather Dr. Duren didn’t know about.”
“A snitch,” Tommy concluded.
“You could say that.” Mick turned around and continued his path. He was surprisingly fast for a short man that he was - his head barely reached Tommy’s shoulder.
They went up the path and reached the asylum building.
“Alright. This,” Mick waved vaguely in the air, “is out beloved Feelgood Asylum. You feelin’ good here already?”
Tommy snorted. Mick clearly liked that.
“Our beloved asylum contains about seventy patients, give or take. About twenty nurses and then the director, Dr. Duren. He’s the one who’s gonna diagnose you and prescribe you stuff and all. Sometimes he requests help from other doctors when the case is tough, but usually he does it all himself.”
“And what kind of case is so tough Dr. Duren can’t crack it?” Tommy’s father spoke of him with much respect, even reverence. Dr. Duren also treated Tommy’s uncle, and, as far as he knew, successfully. Tommy never met him, but father said he was living peacefully in the Yorkshire countryside. If your treatment goes well, you can join him there, father used to say. That was before Tommy’s psychosis revealed itself, though.
“I think you’ve already met him,” Mick said, looking pointedly at Tommy’s cheek. Tommy couldn’t help but touch the bruise the blonde guy left him. It hurt a bit, and the cheekbone began to swell, but overall Tommy felt pretty good about the fight. He didn’t back off and stood up to himself.
“You saw the fight too?”
“No. But everyone had heard about that already. You did the right thing. Wharton had it coming.”
“He really is… something else.” Tommy recalled the inhuman shriek and shuddered. “Is he always like that?”
“Usually not. But he’s had a bad spell for a couple weeks. Spent almost all of them in a padded cell. Guess that makes a person a little bit… mad.”
Tommy snorted again. Well, at least this old man was fun.
“And what was the consensus on him?”
“I don’t know, but if I were those doctors, I’d say: pour more cold water on the bastard. He surely needs to cool down.” Mick started walking again, and Tommy followed him. “The problem is, he hurts other inmates. Some complain of sexual assault. Some… well, don’t react well to his antics. My advice is: keep away.”
“Alright,” Tommy said. What he saw and heard of Wharton convinced him this was rather sound advice. He only wished Wharton would also keep away from him. For some reason, Tommy doubted it. People like him tended to be pretty vindictive.
“Now, the asylum itself is Building A. Nurses live there – in Building B.” Mick waved at a smaller building a little bit farther away. It was connected with the asylum by a corridor. “We’re pretty far in the countryside, and they can’t commute here from London every day.”
“Looks much newer than the asylum.”
“Because it is. When asylum housed less people, nurses lived in the same building, just in a different wing. Good times those were. Peaceful.”
“You were there already?” Tommy stared at Mick. He didn’t look that old – in his forties, maybe. How long had he spent in the asylum?
“You heard Michael – I’m one of the oldies,” Mick huffed. He looked clearly displeased, and Tommy decided to drop the topic.
“And then the world went crazy, and people went crazy, and the asylum had to take in more and more patients. And now we’re all cramped in here, two, three in a ward… I heard you’ve got it rather fancy?”
“What, the ward?” Tommy clarified. “Fancy” was the last word he could come up with to describe it. But other patients probably didn’t have even that. “Well… the curtains are full of holes and the carpet needs washing, and I’m pretty sure someone bled on my mattress, but otherwise yeah, you could say it’s fancy.”
“Oh-oh, look at him, he’s got holes in his curtains!” Mick teased. “Spoiled little brat, you are. Why aren’t you wearing a robe like us peasants, anyway?”
“Du- Michael said there’s none in my size.”
“Well,” Mick looked him over critically, “your size is probably hard to match, that’s true. But don’t you worry – they’ll dress you up like the rest of us.”
“Oh no,” Tommy moaned. “These look just horrible.”
“You’re in an asylum,” Mick reminded sternly. ”It’s not a beauty pageant.”
“Maybe that’s why you all are crazy here,” Tommy grumbled. “Humans need beauty to live.”
“Humans need food, water and air to live. Everything else is secondary.” Mick waved his hand and headed up the path.
“Now, that’s the laundromat and that’s the kitchen. You might be assigned laundry or kitchen duty some time – if you’re normal around knives, of course.”
At home Tommy was forbidden from going to the kitchen after a maid discovered four knives under his pillow and two in the pockets of his coat. He decided not to tell Mick that, but the old man with his piercing gaze probably saw something anyway.
“So do the patients do all the work around here?”
“Well, not all. There are cooks and laundresses and cleaners. But there are too few of them to service all the patients, so yeah – we have to help ourselves.”
“And why don’t just hire more people?”
Mick stopped dead in his tracks, looked at Tommy, saw he was serious and erupted into laughter.
“Oh, sweet innocence! You do know that services cost money, right?”
“Of course,” Tommy pouted, crossing his arms on his chest in a defensive gesture. “It’s just… doesn’t the asylum have sponsors?”
“Sure it does. But sponsors are also not bottomless moneybags. And they, unlike patients, haven’t doubled in numbers in recent decades.”
“Oh.” Tommy’s father was one of the sponsors, and he never mentioned the asylum was underfunded. And Tommy’s father had no problem with money. Couldn’t he invest even a little in the place he sent his son to?
“Yeah. So that’s why we have to work. Dr. Duren says, of course, that labor humanizes and ennobles, but we all know that’s just an excuse.”
Tommy imagined himself mopping a bathroom floor and shuddered. Working like a servant, getting all sweaty and dirty, fumbling with psychos’ dirty underwear or washing the dishes – horrible, horrible! Maybe his privileged status would also absolve him of all this labor? He was already noble enough.
Duff would probably tell him to get off his high horse, and as much as Tommy liked him, that attitude irritated him. They all may be psychos here, but even among psychos there is variation. He needed to ask Dr. Duren about it. He was friends with Tommy’s father, surely he would cut Tommy some slack?
“And you sure need to learn what real labor is like. You look like you haven’t washed a dish in your life,” Mick added ruthlessly.
Well, he was not wrong. Tommy was used to considering that a reason for pride, but somehow the only thing he now felt was shame. And then – anger. How dares this lunatic shame him?
He just opened his mouth to express his resentment when Mick frowned, staring at the nurses’ dormitory, and then quietly cursed.
“Damn it. Nurse Simmons! He can’t see us!”
Tommy followed the path of his gaze and saw the nurse from the canteen. Even at this distance he instilled some primal fear in Tommy. Especially now, when he was walking in big strides, his hands were clenched into fists, and his coat half-soaked in water.
Mick dashed to the nearest tree and hid behind the trunk. From there he gestured to Tommy to hide behind another tree, which he did.
They watched the nurse enter the building, and even from their spots could hear the bang he slammed the door with.
“Hm. Someone got him real mad.” Mick scratched his stubbly chin. “We better go back to other patients.”
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imtrashraccoon · 11 months
Hello everyone!
Next Day
A month ago I saw a post by @scrambledmeggys (I hope you don't mind me tagging you!) for a month's worth of prompts for Self Shipping with UF! Papyrus. I originally wanted to try my hand at art but I am much better at writing imo, so here is what I've come up with so far!
I missed Day 1 so now I'm uploading that and Day 2 at the same time. I'm planning on continuing to write a continuous storyline with these prompts but I am pretty much making things up as I go lol.
Edit: I actually drew something for this chapter here if you want to check it out!
Day 1: First Meeting
You walked carefully through the snow, cringing slightly from the loud crunching sound it made, interrupting the otherwise quiet winter morning.
You were in a tough spot to say the least.
The fall had been an accident. One moment, your little friend was innocently kicking stones down the sink hole, and the next, they'd slipped and fell in. Of course, you'd tried your hardest to catch them but then you lost your balance and plunged in after them.
Against all odds, you'd both survived the fall. While your friend had thankfully only sustained a few small cuts, especially because you managed to shield them from the impact, you on the other hand had hit your head pretty hard. The bleeding had stopped by now but you still felt weak and rather lightheaded.
Still, you had to keep going. You had to find a way to get Frisk back to the surface. They were still a child, barely six, and had their whole life ahead of them afterall.
Speaking of, Frisk lightly tapped your shoulder and you paused so they could tell you what was on their mind. Shifting them from your back around your body until you were facing them, you flashed them a small smile.
"What happened?" you asked quietly.
Frisk's face reflexively screwed up. "You died again..." they signed slowly.
Your smile fell. "I'm sorry..." you murmured and let out a sigh.
You didn't understand how or why, but ever since falling down here, Frisk had seemingly developed an amazing power that allowed them to reset time to previous safe points. They didn't really know how to explain it but they claimed it was sort of like reloading a video game.
You didn't know how many times you'd apparently died so far, as Frisk hadn't been keeping track. You were instead focusing on doing your best to keep moving forward. Still, you were pretty concerned for them.
While you didn't remember any of your deaths up to this point, you knew Frisk did and while neither of you was discussing it, you knew this was something that would need to be dealt with. Once you got back to the surface, you would need to get therapy and figure out how to do the same for Frisk. They would definitely benefit from it at least.
Frisk patted your shoulder and you realized you'd zoned out. "It's alright, I'm getting used to it." They smiled but you knew it was a forced one.
"I promise I will keep you safe. No matter what happens, we will get through this together," you said.
Frisk nodded and their expression took on a more determined look.
You took a deep breath. "Let's do this again then," you muttered and started to shift Frisk back into a piggyback hold.
"Watch out for the skeleton up ahead," Frisk signed before wrapping their arms around your shoulders again.
You raised an eyebrow. Was that who'd killed you? Frisk hadn't elaborated further but you didn't blame them. You'd died a couple times to the traps in the Ruins and many times during your escape from Toriel. Many of those had apparently been pretty grisly if how shaken Frisk had been afterwards was any indication.
< ~ - . - ~ >
Someone was stalking you. While you were trying not to think about it, you were getting pretty anxious. Frisk hadn't said anything else so you just focused on continuing forwards.
Until you came to a narrow bridge with wooden bars across it that is. While you could still get through the gap between the bars with little effort, before you could do so, you heard footsteps approaching from behind you.
Frisk tightened their hold on your shoulders and you quickly turned around to put yourself between them and this new person.
It was a skeleton but not quite like what human skeletons looked like. He was only slightly taller than you were, but his bones seemed thicker and sturdier which gave him quite a bit of added bulk.
He was wearing a gray hoodie with a fur fringe, a red turtle neck sweater underneath, a pair of basketball shorts, and a pair of high tops. His smile was filled with sharp teeth, one of which was gold, and there was a pair of crimson pinpricks in his otherwise empty eye sockets that regarded you suspiciously.
"well, well, what have we here?" he drawled as his eyelights flickered over your body.
You narrowed your eyes in response, feeling a wave of disgust at the way he was eyeing you up. "My eyes are up here, thank you very much," you muttered through grit teeth.
The skeleton chuckled, "ah, my bad." He held out his right hand and added, "name's sans, sans the skeleton. and you are?"
Before you could actually shake his hand though, Frisk squeezed your shoulder. You assumed they were warning you not to, so you didn't.
"Rihanna," you said in response.
Sans raised a bonebrow when you left him hanging but seemed ultimately unbothered, which was a relief. "i'd say it's nice to meet ya, but that'd be a lie," he said and flashed a slightly menacing grin at you.
If you weren't holding Frisk, you would've crossed your arms, so instead you just gave him an unamused look.
Sans chuckled and started to walk around you, "ya know, i'm supposed to be on the look out for humans right now, but i don't really care about capturin' anyone."
You remained facing him as he walked until you'd essentially swapped places. You held Frisk a bit closer as well, just in case you'd have to run.
"now my brother, Papyrus, well, he's a human huntin' fanatic," Sans continued. He glanced through the wooden fence and added, "go on through, he made the bars too wide to stop anyone anyways." He turned and strode casually across the bridge as if to demonstrate.
You glanced at Frisk over your shoulder and they nodded. Well, at least he didn't seem like he wanted to immediately kill you like most monsters you'd met so far. So you followed him, although you maintained a safe distance just to be on the safe side.
Sans paused near a wooden booth up ahead and looked further down the path. As you walked over to him, he made a quiet "huh" sound. "ya know what, i think that's my brother comin' this way now..." There was a slightly amused tinge to the tone of his voice as he spoke which sent a wave of irritation through you.
You glanced over where he was looking and immediately spotted a tall skeleton wearing black armour with red accents approaching. Even from this distance, you could tell he was pissed and it sent a shiver down your spine.
Frisk squirmed in your grip to be let down and while you didn't want to let go of them, you relented and let go. They thankfully stayed behind you and clutched onto one of your pant legs.
You knelt down next to them and ruffled their fluffy hair a little. Flashing them a small smile, you whispered, "We doing this?"
Frisk got a familiar determined look and nodded. "I'll help you! I think we can talk him down if you say the right things."
You chuckled and stood up again, ready to face this new opponent. You could get through this, in fact, you would get through this...for Frisk's sake.
Papyrus certainly looked familiar and part of you wondered if he was actually the one who'd killed you last time. It would make sense, as he definitely looked more dangerous than Sans.
He was at least a foot taller than you were and looked quite a bit different from his brother. He still had sturdy bones but his frame was a lot more angular compared to Sans' more bulky look. He had sharp teeth as well, although his eyelights were a slightly different shade, maybe a scarlet? His left eye socket also had two long scars across it, presumably from a fight.
Besides his black chestplate, Papyrus also wore long red gloves, a red scarf that was more of a cape, and tall red boots with heels surprisingly. If you weren't battling to remain calm, you probably would've complimented his bold fashion sense. You didn't know of anyone else who could look so menacing and...hot at the same time.
"Sans! You Lazybones! You Have Not Reset Your Traps Yet Today! What If A Human Comes..." He paused mid rant when he took in your appearance.
Sans bristled and the corners of his smile fell slightly. He seemed like he was about to retort in kind but stopped himself.
Papyrus narrowed his eye sockets at you as if he was scrutinizing your appearance. He slowly strode forward, stopping a few feet away from you. "Why Does It Feel Like I Have Met You Before, Human?" he asked in a chillingly quiet tone.
You stared up at him unblinkingly and crossed your arms. "I could ask the same actually..." you answered.
Papyrus glanced at Sans, who merely shrugged. "don't ask me, bro," he hissed.
Frisk tugged at your pant leg to get your attention. When you glanced down, they quickly signed what was on their mind. "Flirt with him."
You had to bite your tongue to keep yourself from retorting and drawing too much attention. Why would they suggest such a thing? Where had this child even picked up the concept of flirting? If this worked, you were going to have a serious discussion with them at some point.
"So, Papyrus," you started to say, catching his attention once again. "Do you have more bones than the average human or would you like to find out?" You mentally kicked yourself for that one but tried to maintain face and batted your eyelashes at him.
Papyrus stared at you for a solid five seconds before the meaning of your question seemed to set it. A dusting of scarlet flickered across his cheekbones and he stepped back from you, covering his mouth as he did so.
You smiled and stepped slightly closer to him. Feeling slightly bolder, you called upon everything you had learned from sucking up to college professors and your boss.
"If I may be so bold, I think you also look very cool. Like seriously, humans dress so boring in comparison." You made a bit of a show of looking him up and down, nodding approvingly. "I'm actually jealous of how cool you are."
Papyrus opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it. The scarlet blush wasn't disappearing no matter how hard he probably wished it would. He stammered and stepped back again.
"You... Your Flattery Will Not Save You, Human." He scoffed and turned on his heal. As he stormed off, you heard him mutter something along the lines of, "Not Being Able To Talk Your Way Out Of My Traps."
You couldn't believe that had worked. You scooped Frisk into your arms and hugged them tightly. "You have some explaining to do later, kiddo..." you muttered but Frisk only grinned at you, clearly proud of themselves.
"wow, i can't tell if you're insane or just lucky. either way, i'll be keepin' an eye socket on ya, human..." Sans said quietly.
You chuckled and flashed him a triumphant grin, which caused him to huff and walk away in the direction you had come from. You'd survived just a little bit longer it seemed.
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Hopeless: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Summary: You and your lawyer try to fight your unlawful arrest but it's not looking good. The entire team feels your loss and tries to concentrate on the case at hand. None of them can predict the outcome.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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"There is no lasting hope in violence, only temporary relief from hopelessness." - Kingman Brewster, Jr.
You haven't received your cell number, so you're stuck in the interrogation room awaiting that information. You're already at the prison in Goochland but away from the rest of the inmates. Still, you can feel every bit of despair and sadness seeping through the walls. Your anxiety is in the form of tapping your finger on the desk and bouncing your leg. Your lawyer, Steve Grant is on his way to you to discuss your options and the details of the case.
The door to the interrogation room opens, and Steven walks in wearing a very nice suit and an expensive-looking briefcase.
"Y/N? My name is Steven Grant. I'm sure you know who I am by this point."
"Yeah, my father sent you to me?"
"Yes." He takes a seat across from you and opens his briefcase where the files of your case are. He removes the files and lays them out so you both can see it. "Let's get started, shall we?"
"I should start by saying I didn't do this. I've never seen those men before in my life. If I'm not at work, I'm at home with my boyfriend. I'm in the FBI, why would I want to kill one person much less seven?"
"You know more than most that people in power can do pretty horrible things."
"Before we begin, I just want to say I have everything riding on this. I have a life, a boyfriend, a home to get back to."
"I understand. I will do my best to give you the best possible outcome. They gave me everything they have on your case, so we'll go over the evidence and see if we can contradict what they have. Then, we'll go over possible alibis and prepare for the kind of questions they might ask you. They're giving us a couple of hours together, so that should be more than enough time."
"Okay," you whisper.
The tapping on the desk and bouncing of your leg doesn't stop. All you can think about is Spencer and how he must be taking this. You can't imagine he's doing well. In fact, he's far from it. He walks into work with his hair a bit messy, his eyes a bit puffy, and not his usual smile on his face. He's a complete wreck. He misses you so fucking much and hates that you're locked up for something you didn't do.
All he wants to do is visit you but they're not allowing visitors. You don't have access to a phone, so he's pretty much stuck where he is. He's so fucking sad all the time. He won't feel better until you're out and back in his arms. Derek sees the young genius hunched over as he walks past, and his heart aches for him. The entire team meets in the briefing room to go over the current case, but there is tension in the air because you're not with them.
"I know you're all worried about Y/N, but until we can figure out what's going on with her, I need everyone on assigned cases," Hotch says.
"I talked to the Captain of Virginia PD, but they don't want the Feds on it. Not since he knows she's one of us," JJ sighs.
"Screw them. We should be working on her case," Derek says.
"I understand, Morgan, but the focus is on this case right now. I will do my best to coordinate with Virginia PD. I promise I am doing whatever I can to help her, even if it doesn't look like it. JJ, begin."
"We've got four dead in a home invasion in southeast D.C."
"What was the cause of death?"
"Blunt force trauma. No knife or gun present at the scene."
"Have we been invited in?"
"Yeah, the cops want us to meet them at the crime scene."
"Isn't southeast where all that vandalism's been lately?" Emily asks.
"It's the same area, yeah. Do you think they could be connected?"
"I don't know. The weapon certainly doesn't fit the typical MO of a home invasion killer."
"Well, it's worth considering. It's common for vandalism to escalate into violence, plus there's a lot of anger out there. That neighborhood's mostly black working class. Now, it's being gentrified while the people who live there are having a tough time. Were the victims wealthy?"
"Yeah, it was two couples. They were both part of the influx of new wealth in the area."
"Did police report a robbery?"
"Nothing was taken."
"What race were the victims?" Derek asks.
"One couple was white, the other black."
"Well, if this is related to vandalism, four dead is a hell of an escalation."
"So, there's the potential for a lot more bodies out there?"
"That's what I'm afraid of. We leave in five," Hotch says and packs up his things.
The crime scene is in a house that has steps leading up to the front door, so Spencer stays outside with JJ and Hotch. The lead detective on the case is waiting for the team when they arrive, and JJ shakes his hand.
"Detective Andrews? I'm Jenifer Jareau. These are agents Rossi, Morgan, Hotchner, Prentiss, and Dr. Reid."
"Thanks for getting here so fast."
"What can you tell us?"
The detective walks to a car outside the house that has been blocked off by police tape. There is blood on the car and on the ground, signifying that an attack took place.
"It looks like one of the victims was attacked when he got out of his car. This means whoever did this probably used his keys to get inside and surprise the other victims."
"Who found the bodies?"
"The cleaning woman. She's giving her statement now."
"Dave, would you, Morgan, and Prentiss go inside? We'll cover out here," Hotch says.
"I know you're all used to this, but it's a hell of a sight in there," Andrews sighs and leads the three agents up the steps.
Spencer stays outside since he can't walk up the stairs but when the door is opened, he can see the array of bodies inside covered with white sheets. Emily and Derek are visibly upset but Rossi can tell that it's not because of what's in front of them. Derek looks around the room and clenches his hands into fists before releasing them.
"Are you two okay?"
"Y/N should be here," Derek says.
"I know."
"She would have already known what kind of unsub we'd be dealing with," Emily adds.
All three people hear a sniffle come from outside, and they see Spencer trying not to cry. Rossi is the only one who goes out there to talk to him while Derek and Emily stay inside to inspect the crime scene.
"Hey, kid, she's going to be okay."
"I should be with her," Spencer sighs.
"The most you can do for her is work the case. You know she would have wanted that."
Spencer shakes his head angrily and glares at Rossi.
"Don't talk about her like she's never coming back."
Spencer hobbles away and Rossi goes back inside the house to help Derek and Emily.
"Did the neighbors see anything?" JJ asks the detective.
"Oh, you know, the patrol cars are even doubled in this area because of the vandalism but nothing."
"The unsub would have to be extremely fast and efficient," Spencer adds.
"Look at this." Hotch kneels down next to the car and points to a red puddle on the ground and much smaller drops around it. "There's a pool of blood here and then drops as the victim moves toward the door. How big was the victim?"
"6'1", 6'2". Why?"
"If he was strong enough to move under his own power, you'd expect signs of a struggle. If not, there'd most likely be drag marks. He was carried. That's a lot of dead weight for one person to move alone."
"There's no pool of blood on the porch which means they didn't have to set him down to open the door. There's more than one unsub."
"So, victim one gets dropped here," Rossi points to where the first victim lays, "while number two comes around the corner to see what's going on, and the unsub attacks him there."
"The female victims were probably here when the first attack occurred," Emily points to a spot in the corner. "Which means somebody would have to control them pretty quickly. How many unsubs are you thinking?"
"At least one to move the body inside, another one to take out man number two, and one more to subdue the others."
"Well, vandalism breeds a pack mentality," Emily scoffs.
"If it's the same unsubs, then we're looking at a group of three, maybe four. These aren't kids. They're too efficient. There's control and precision. Juveniles are sloppy."
"He's right," Emily nods. "There is nothing tentative about these kills. There's no experimentation. These guys know what they're doing."
"I don't know," Derek sighs.
"What are you thinking?"
"I can understand vandalism escalating into violence, but that's usually gradual. This? This feels fully evolved."
The local police can handle cleaning up the crime scene, so the team heads back to the BAU to discuss the details of the case and what the next steps should be. Spencer sits down inside the office, looks at your empty chair, and grows sad. JJ pulls up the details of every crime related to the case on the big screen.
"Okay, on September 3rd, fifteen luxury cars had their windows smashed. On September 14th, a new upscale clothing boutique was vandalized. On September 24th, two different restaurants, both catering to a wealthy clientele, had their front windows smashed and their interiors torn apart. Finally, on October 1st, a newly renovated townhome was ransacked before the family could move in."
"So, they went from attacking public property to a private residence, but no victim?"
"The question is, what makes them move from that to this?"
"The vandalism targets were all symbols of the neighborhood's changing makeup and economy. Maybe there's something specific about these victims that set the unsubs off."
"I've spoken to the victims' family members. They've agreed to come in and help however they can," JJ says.
"Garcia, check social networking sites and see if these unsubs have coordinated these attacks online."
"If they dare tweet, I shall flush them out like a bird dog, sir," Penelope declares and leaves the briefing room.
"We need to be asking how these unsubs manage to not stand out in this neighborhood. Each of these crime scene locations is a representation of new wealth and status, but the area surrounding the crime scenes is still populated by long-time residents who are slowly being pushed out."
"That's a lot of disenfranchised people who are all part of the neighborhood makeup. Most likely these unsubs don't stand out because they're probably local themselves."
"I don't know. I'm with Rossi," Emily says to Derek. "I mean, the anger I get, but this much violence? We're looking at at least three men with an incredible amount of rage. Where do you hide that?"
Hotch's phone rings and he sees it's Cheif Strauss calling. He excuses himself and steps into a nearby empty office to take the call.
"Good afternoon, Chief Strauss."
"Good afternoon. I bet you can guess why I'm calling."
"We're working hard on the assigned case. I'm confident my team can handle this."
"I'm not calling about that. I'm calling about Y/N and her arrest." Hotch's heart drops but he keeps his cool. "I'm surprised you didn't call me about this."
"I'm handling it, ma'am."
"Local police have been in contact with me about you. They do not want our help on this. I know it's difficult, but you cannot be working on her case. None of your team can."
"I understand," Hotch sighs.
"I mean it, Aaron. Stay out of this one and let the local police handle it. Your involvement wouldn't be the best idea considering she is under your supervision. I'd hate to have to replace a good team for something like this."
"Yes, ma'am."
Strauss hangs up and Hotch sighs in frustration. It's going to be a lot harder to get information on your case if the local PD is going to his boss about his involvement. He pockets his phone and walks to Penelope's office to see where she's at. He knocks once and enters only to see the details of your case on her computer screen. She has the different victims on display to see the connection, and Hotch shakes his head.
"Garcia, I need you to focus on the case at hand."
"Sorry, sir." She exits out of every tab pertaining to your case. "I have the information you were looking for. My list has seven hundred and thirteen hits."
"Okay. Listen, Strauss cut us off from working on Y/N's case. If she finds out you're looking into it, you can be fired. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good." Hotch leaves her office and rejoins Derek in the briefing room. "I had Garcia run records on anyone in the target area who in the last year was foreclosed upon, filed for bankruptcy, or applied for unemployment, and then narrowed that list down to men between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five."
"Seven hundred and thirteen hits."
"The victims' families are here," JJ announces.
There are so many people inside the BAU that keep the entire team busy. Spencer has his part to do but he can't help but feel a bit distracted. His mind often drifts to you and what you might be doing right now.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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eisforeidolon · 8 months
Question: What episode are you guys most proud of, that you just made and you really knew this is something special?
Jared: What episode are we most proud of that we made - of Supernatural?
Question: Of any show.
Jared: I'll go with Supernatural because we've got some Supernatural family members up here. What episode - I guess I'll start - sorry, I hear a little "Eeeeeeeeeeee" Was E.T. just up here? Why are we hearing "Eeeeeeeee" - just kidding, kidding. I think for me, this may seem obvious, the episode I'm most proud of and the most difficult episode to shoot was the series finale. It was rough. It was really rough. And it was a weird - I think when the COVID strike happened, we got - Jensen and I got sent home from Canada on Friday March 13th, Friday the 13th, appropriately, of 2020 because they thought they were going to shut the borders down. So they were like, get across the border, go see your family, we don't know what's going on, you know, there's a worldwide pandemic. And so we had the scripts by then, we had the last two scripts of the series and we got home and didn't go back to Vancouver until August 1st-ish? So I had four months - and a half - to sit there and read through the dialogue, I couldn't read through the scene, the barn scene especially, without crying. And so I'd like go - yeah, we have a little treadmill at our house - and so I had nothing else to do, I'd be like hey Genevieve can you take the kids for a second, I'm gonna go and just get a little run in and read through the episodes. And she's like, yeah, do it. So I'd go and I'd come back and my face would be all puffy and red, and she'd be like, oh shit, are you okay? Like, thinking I got bad news about a friend with COVID or something, and I'd be like yeah, just read the finale, it's cool, it's cool. Yeah, so that was very difficult. But I was very proud of that and it was very heartbreaking as well. Guys and gals?
[Julian Richings talks about being proud he was able to hit his mark in the big boat of a car Death drove in his intro, Sam Smith talks about all the little missing pieces character moments of Mary in Absence, and Alaina Huffman reminisces about getting "to kick the shit out of Crowley" and how great Mark Sheppard is.]
Mitch Pileggi: I'm gonna keep it with Supernatural, because I've been so fortunate to have such a long career and I can't remember most of it, so I couldn't remember moments from it. Probably the hugest, one of the hugest moments of my life was the day that I met Jared Padalecki. And, I mean, I've got the job, so I don't need to say that. Yeah, he ain't gonna fire me. So it was huge, I met an individual that has been so giving and so - to my family, to me and to my family and everybody around us on the show that we're doing now. I have to say that the show that we're doing now is my favorite show that I've ever done in the forty plus years of my career. Without a question, without a doubt, if you haven't seen it, start watching, please. But I think as far as Supernatural, I didn't understand most of what that character was doing and I'm still trying to figure it out. So, I mean even Bob Singer was like, what the hell is going on with those Campbells? So. But I have to say, the scene that I had with Jensen where he turns into the Yellow Eyed Demon was a blast. I had so much fun. I got to get up and sniff on Jensen real good and it was fun, I really enjoyed doing it. And just - like for both of them, when I met both of them, I think I took Jensen aside about four days working on the show and I said I just want to say that you two guys have got your heads screwed on right. Keep it that way, because this business can really twist you up and it hasn't done it to this day, so.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 5
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Pull up the cams FRIDAY." Tony said, sighing as they regrouped back at the headquarters. "Track Y/N's movements."
Thor was the only one missing, still on Asgard, but would be on his way the minute Heimdall let him know that Y/N was gone.
Several cameras were pulled up over the holographic display, thanks to FRIDAY's abilities. They watched in silence, scrutinizing each frame as they watched her leave the coffee shop. Then when it had pulled up by the apartment.
Sam still couldn't help but feel proud about how easily she'd taken them down with nothing but an umbrella. All of the others also felt a sense of pride, though it was masked more by the uncomfortable, horrid feeling of knowing that she was in danger. The thought of all of them finally having their final soulmate or only soulmate, only to have her taken, perhaps killed, was nerve-wracking.
"That's was good work Parker." Tony said quietly, commemorating the Spider boy on his quick moves.
"Thank you Mr. Stark." Peter said quickly.
The next frame made all of them wince as they watched her get rammed with the car. Once again, proud that she kept trying to stand, but it was ultimately useless as she was drugged and dragged into the black vehicle.
"FRIDAY can you track that van to its location?" Tony asked.
"Yes sir." FRIDAY said, pulling up the tracking system which showed that the black van had gone to the airport.
"Which plane did the perpetrators take?" Fury asked.
"None from the looks of it. Neither public nor private sir." FRIDAY answered. "Nor can I track them anywhere in the airport. It seems they never entered."
"Fuck." Bucky muttered, drawing a hand down his face.
"FRIDAY what is the vent system in the airport both above and below?" Clint asked. Scott nodded.
FRIDAY computed and said, "The airport has security restrictions on those files. It will take me at least two hours to hack them. Do you still wish to continue?"
"Yes." Fury said. "Alert us the minute you've got them. Good thinking Barton."
"Thank you sir." Clint said quickly.
Fury stalked from the room.
Rhodey sighed, "I'm going to pick the sister up from school in an hour. Should I just bring her back here or-?"
"Probably would be for the best." Sam said with a shrug. "If she trusts you, of course. She has met you, hasn't she?"
"Yes." Rhodey said with a slight forward nod.
"Both of their rooms have been ready so you can just show her to it and then tell her she's free to roam about half the building." Tony muttered, still staring at the now blank hologram.
"Everyone should get some rest." Steve commanded. "You're going to need it when we figure out where they're keeping her."
Bucky put an arm around Steve, leading him from the room as Sam led the two out. Rhodey made a small nod, mostly to himself, before leaving to get ready to get Y/S/N from school. Peter went off to find MJ and Ned. Slowly, everyone dispersed until it was just Tony and Stephen.
"You can't torture yourself Tony." Stephen said softly.
Tony snapped his head to Stephen. "Should've made a tracker for her. Should've walked her home. Shit I screwed up so badly."
"We." Stephen said firmly. "We all knew the rules, we literally made them last night. She always has someone with her. I was the one already awake. I should've done it. It lands on me. Okay? Besides, I didn't get the portal there in time. Undershot it by a few blocks."
"Had to be indiscreet, that's not your fault." Tony muttered.
"We could play the blame game all day, or you can come over here and get some rest." Stephen commanded, sinking down on the soda that was in the room.
Tony stared at the blank hologram for a moment longer before moving over, laying down to rest his head in Stephen's lap. Stephen lowered his lips to kiss Tony's forehead. "We'll be okay Tones. We're gonna get her back."
"Yeah." Tony said with a bit of difficulty. "I just can't help thinking: In what condition?"
*Under the Airport*
You woke to muffled chaos. You could hear the sounds of hundreds of people talking, wheels clicking over tile, elevators working, food courts, dings, intercom noises, and everything else that came with a crowded place.
You blinked your eyes open, taking in your state. It was like you had been put into the 1966 Batman TV show. You sat on a normal wooden chair, arms tied around the back of it with rope. Your ankles were also tied to the chair along with your thighs and upper chest.
At least you were clothed.
Although, you were gagged.
Well. . . not gagged. There was something metal in your mouth, holding your mouth open. It felt weird and uncomfortable, tied behind your head. It trapped your tongue a little, making it impossible to talk, just make weird noises.
You scanned the dark area. There was a simple bodyguard whose eyes were trained on you, though he made no motion to let anyone know you were awake, nor did he move a muscle. You noticed that he didn't have any colouring marks around his wrists.
There were footsteps sounding on the opposite side and you turned your head to see a better dressed man, accompanied by two bodyguards.
He pulled up a chair, sitting across from you. One bodyguard moved behind you, unclasping the thing, pulling it from your mouth with a harsh jerk. It scraped the inside of your cheeks, drawing blood. You winced a little, letting your jaw fall slack at the sudden relief.
"Hello darling. Let's start easy. What's your name?"
"Y/N." You said quietly. There couldn't be any harm in telling him your name, right?
"Good girl."
"You're HYDRA?" You questioned.
He scoffed, "If we were HYDRA, we wouldn't be hiding under an airport. We'd have taken you to Germany or Russia by now. No, HYDRA is full of idiots who just want to take over the world using soldiers. Psh. They should just give up, seriously. They lost the Winter Soldier, they have nothing now."
"Then who are you?"
"Father of all monsters." You recited.
"Someone knows her mythology, good." He smirked. "I'm Vasagi Snyder. Not necessarily the leader of Typhon, but I'm in the top. My goal is to see whether or not you're worthy. Think it's an easy job though- you're basically the Avengers slut. Only a really good girl could possibly end up with the superheroes the world adores. . . right?"
You swallowed. "I don't get to choose my soulmates. No one does!"
He made a humming noise in his throat. "Very true."
Your bottom lip trembled and you quickly pressed them together. "What do you possibly want with me anyways?"
He smirked, "To create a super villain."
It took you a moment to realize that he meant make a baby with you.
You wrinkled your nose in disgust, "No thank you."
"You see, we've always wondered why children who are born from those who aren't bonded turn out bad. Sure, not all of them do, some get sick instead. And of course, just because you're born of two legitimate soulmates doesn't mean you're good. If that was the case, there wouldn't be any villains at all because no one would break the rules. But the thing is, if a child of unbonded parents has sex with a soulmate, it creates a powerful villain. The most notorious of them all was Thanos."
"You want to create another Thanos? You're insane." You sputtered. "The last Thanos cut half of every world's population in half!"
"And it was beautiful. But this time we'll get rid of every Avenger so it's impossible to go back and return the world to the former destruction. In fact, maybe we'll find a way to get rid of soulmate bonds for good."
You felt fear ping against you. Destroy the soulmate bonds? You couldn't destroy soulmate bonds! And what if they did? If they did. . . what would you be left with? Would any of them stay with you? Or would they start looking for others that were more worthy than you? T'Chall, Thor, Loki, would they go looking for those of royal blood? Other Goddesses? Stephen and Tony would certainly pull away. So would Bucky, Sam, and Steve.
Clint might stay. Rhodey too.
Vasagi chuckled, "Judging by the look in your eyes, you like the soulmate bond, don't you? You like knowing that there's unconditional love between you and someone that might not love you if there was no soulmate bond. But soulmate bonds are unnatural. They shouldn't exist. We should be able to fall in love as many times as we want, be able to sleep around without having to fear that we'll create a villain child. Without soulmate bonds, there is nothing to force a child to be one way or another. Think about the possibilities!"
They sounded horrendous.
Vasagi stood, coming over to lean over you. "But for now, while soulmate bonds still exist. . ." He ran a finger across your lines on the left arm, ". . . let's have some fun."
He dropped your wrist, turning to grab something, which- upon turning back- was revealed to be a knife.
He picked your wrist up again, dragging the tip lightly, back and forth across Sam's line.
You licked your lips in anticipation as you felt him move to Clint's line, pressing down slightly, but still not drawing blood.
Then Rhodey's line, which he sliced across in a quick succession of pain.
T'Challa's was like Clint's.
Tony's was cut deep. So deep you screamed. You could almost swear it touched bone.
Stephen's was scraped against, like the way you scraped cheese to make shavings.
Bucky's was cut and then the knife dug into my wrist, drawing more screams from you. You felt like passing out.
Steve's was cut down just as deep as Tony's.
He made simple slices on Fury's, Loki's, and Thor's, probably because if he cut as deeply as he had on some of the others, he'd cut your arteries and you'd bleed out.
"Bandage her, give her some water, take her to her cell." Vasagi commanded, "We'll try again to get her to comply tomorrow."
*Avengers Compound*
No one could actually wait all two hours. Around the hour and a half mark, Steve, Bucky, and Sam had filed back into the room, sitting down on the floor by the sofa. Stephen had drifted off slowly, though Tony was unable to sleep.
Everyone finally gathered back in the room by the time FRIDAY was done with the analysis.
"Here are the blueprints of the lower tunnels under the airport and the air ducts of the upper airport." FRIDAY's voice said.
"Thank you darling." Tony mumbled. "Clint?"
"Let's start with the basement vents." Clint said. "Makes more sense after all."
FRIDAY enlarged the basement plans. There were a few heat signatures, but they were faint. "It is impossible to get complete heat signatures. Though by estimate, there are about forty people down there. Could be more though."
"Where do you think they'd be able to hold Y/N?" T'Challa asked.
"The airport is built over an old army prisoner base." Fury explained, "Though a lot of it crumbled, if they were able to, they might've been able to open up a few of the cells."
Sam let out a sudden hiss, which made every look at him.
"Sorry, I just felt this. . . like a paper cut on my wrist. But there's nothing." He said with a shrug.
"Ow!" Clint yelped for a second, grabbing his wrist.
"What's happening?" Rhodey asked quickly, grabbing his wrist as though there had been a slice.
"He's using the pain part of the bonds." Stephen said quickly.
T'Challa grabbed his wrist as well. "It feels like he's pushing down with the blunt edge of a knife."
Tony let out a yell at that moment, nearly falling to his knees as he grasped his wrist. Everyone saw how it opened up to the bone before closing up again.
Then Stephen's wrist scraped together so that skin started to flake off.
Bucky let out a yell, pained tears coming to his eyes as the flesh of his wrist was cut open, and then the knife was dug into it, wiggling like an animal trying to burrow into the Earth. He fell heavily on his ass on the couch, holding his wrist, trying to breathe.
Sam went to comfort him as Steve gritted his teeth, his wrist cut open to the bone before healing like the others. Unlike with Y/N, the pain for them wouldn't last. It was simply symbolic.
Fury braced himself, but felt nothing more than a scratch. The same went for Loki and Thor.
"They're torturing her." Bucky growled ferally, still rubbing his wrist, though the pain had long faded. Tony was still bent over, Stephen's hands on his shoulders, trying to comfort him.
"Barton, figure it out." Fury said.
Nat took the lead though while Clint helped her.
"There we go." Clint said after thirty minutes. They had pulled up a section of cells that had been unblocked.
"FRIDAY, run heat signature test again." Stephen commanded.
FRIDAY did as asked, a slight heat signature in the shape of a ball curled up on one of the cell beds.
"Found." Clint said firmly, looking over at Fury.
"Get the team together Cap." Fury commanded, "And bring her home."
"Yes sir." Steve said, falling into Captain Rogers mode, "Avengers Assemble."
The others quickly moved to the Quinjet, although Steve sat Bucky down, "If you need to stay back-"
"No." Bucky growled, grabbing his gun and strapping it to his back, "I'm bringing our girl home."
Sam clapped him on the back, "That's my man."
Steve kissed both Sam and Bucky, "Just stay safe. I don't want to lose either of you."
"Sure thing Cap." Sam said while Bucky just nodded, his jaw clenched to tightly to speak.
Stephen was similarly trying to get Tony to stay home down in the lab.
"Tony, we got this covered. Besides, you're more for air combat, you don't need to go down into those tunnels." Stephen argued as Tony started to pick out which suit he was going to use.
"She's my soulmate too." Tony said. "I can't just- I have to go."
Stephen watched him with worry. "Can you handle it?"
"Yes, I can handle it. The pain just. . . surprised me. But you know it doesn't hurt anymore." Tony sighed, deciding on a black and silver suit as it was night out. "Bruce needs to have the lab prepped for when we get her home because-"
"He already does." Rhodey interrupted, coming into the room. "Also, her sister is here. We told her to just stay in the room. Vision and Wanda are staying behind so they can protect her if the Tower was infiltrated. I don't think anyone will go after the sister though."
Tony nodded, "Alright, let's get out there and bring her home."
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pearl-kite · 3 months
Trunk update:
I think I've gotten to the point where I can no longer advance by myself, I need help from someone who knows a bit more about carpentry, because it involves removing some old bent nails and replacing them.
But doesn't it look stunning at this point?
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When I got it, the locking mechanism was long gone, just the base of it remained. It was enough to find matching locks, and I got an original Excelsior set with some keys from Brettun's Village (where I've gotten all of my trunk-specific supplies so far, including some new leather handles).
It fits, BUT the lock is round, and the original is more of a cat's eye shape? So the lock doesn't actually connect and lock. So I need to remove the old one, which I've attempted to start, but I think I need advice from my dad before I muck something up. I've got one side loose enough to cut the nail heads off, but I'm not sure if that's wise yet.
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'Cause the thing is these trunks were not originally made with screws, they were made by clinching the nails back into the wood. Nice and sturdy, but it's making it a bit more complicated to remove because I can neither simply pry the nail straight out nor unscrew a screw. I don't know which direction each nail ended up turning, so I'm blindly trying to angle it out with no luck.
While the original trunk had one of the hasps (the one on the left) it was missing the other, but at the time Brettun's village had the exact hasp I needed so I got a spare. Literally fucking identical, I'm over the moon about that. The original holes are obviously still on the trunk, and I can get nails back through, but the OTHER dilemma I'm going to need assistance with: am I supposed to plug the holes up with wood putty before renailing? How do I clinch nails on a box that's a little wibbly? What am I DOING?
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The final two things are going to be replacing the handles, which I decided I need to do, and repapering the inside. I've got new leather, but I want to keep the caps as they're more unique than the replacements I can find online. So I'll need to figure out how to get those off without too much damage to replace the leather, then paint the caps black again, then tack them back down.
I'm still debating how to handle the paper. Proper restoration would have me completely removing what's there, but the last folks just repapered on top of the original paper, so I'd be stuck removing two layers. OR I could just remove what I can and repaper, OR I could get some poster board and cut it to size, paper the board, and just kind of wedge it in. That last option would probably be easier if it weren't a dome-back, but I could figure it out.
But yeah. Not quite there, but almost. I just need to clean my place up so when I ask my dad to come over to help I don't get scolded about keeping my place ~presentable~.
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NCT Spooky Season [Day 2]
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TW: Undead(?), Slight Body Horror Genre: Romance Pairing: Park Jisung x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 1.0K Prompt: "Can I put my tomb next to yours?"
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: Spooky season is officially here! And since I skipped 20 days of NCT for Christmas last year, what the hell, why not do spooky season instead? Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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It was the hottest game on the market right now, Tombcraft. You play as a living person designing their tomb for once they kick the bucket and head to the afterlife and, for organization nuts like you, it was simply perfect.
Or maybe it just gave a breath of life to those who no longer had it.
"Gosh, I missed having bright eyes like that," you watched your character move about their freshly decorated tomb and, to the corner of your screen, you saw the join request from your boyfriend, Jisung. You rolled back on your chair. "Jisung? I'm literally right behind you, you can just ask," you laughed.
Both you and Jisung actually died quite a while ago, freak accident, go figure, turns out when you get hit by a truck you don't get isekai-ed into a new world, nah, you just die. Luckily, you both were buried together so you ended up popping into the after-life at the same time and now you were existing just as you had lived. Living in a small crypt and in debt, turns out your life's debts are simply transferred to your death. And yours combined with Jisung's was just a trainwreck, if you knew you'd still be working a minimum wage 9-5 in the after-life maybe you would've tried harder to stay in the land of the living.
Jisung, though, seems to have no regrets. If anything he got bolder after being separated from the mortal world, and such was clear when he asked you to live- er- rest in the same crypt and now you've just been chilling playing this video game together. He looks around and smiles.
"Just in case! Sometimes you get so in the zone," he says, adjusting the screws in his head, "well?"
"Yeah, duh," you accepted his invite and Jisung's character appears on screen.
"Whoa, your tomb is so nice," Jisung comments. "Wish our house looked like this," he looks around your shared room and it was, as most crypts are, desolate.
"Would be nice to afford our own tomb," you sighed.
"Hey, wait, actually! Would it be cool if I put my tomb next to yours?" He asks.
"Stop! We could be neighbors!" You grinned. "Do it!" And, in seconds, his character successfully transfers over to your world and he takes the empty lot next to your tomb.
"Oh, darn, I didn't think this through," he says, staring at the literally empty lot, "the burden of creative freedom," he sighs.
"Hey, let's build a tomb together!" You offered, "it'll be fun! The one I'm in was one of the premade ones," you navigated your character to the empty lot, watching your two avatars interacting.
"Yes, that would be great," he says, "I was thinking of doing a classic mausoleum type?"
"Whoa, that's classic, classic," you muttered. "We have the funds, why not go gothic church?"
"Oh, I've always wanted a gargoyle!"
"Me too!" You beamed. "Wait, let me sell my tomb so we have enough."
"Maybe we should hold off on that for a second," Jisung waves his hand, "we still need a place to live for now," he says.
"Ooh, are you asking to move in with me?"
"(Y/N), we've been buried together for, like, ages."
"I know! But I still get giddy talking about it! Makes me feel alive, ya know?"
"I don't, actually."
"Oh, right!" You both laughed.
"I wonder what the others are up to," Jisung hums. "I miss our old friends," you heard the hint of sadness and you snapped your fingers.
"Wait, Jisung! This game has an option where we can play multiplayer with the living world!"
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah! Let's try getting into contact with one of our old friends," you opened the search tab and Jisung wheeled over to you. "Let's try Mark, he'll lose his head when he sees it's us!" You put his name into the search bar and after a few minutes the user 'Tigrrr' popped up. You opened the chat with him.
YN: Mark, it's (Y/N) and Jisung!
MK: HUH??? No way, whoever you are I'm gonna block u
MK: Sure!
"Quick! Type something only we would know!" You slid the keyboard to Jisung and he went to work.
YN: Hyung! It's really us! Remember that day before we died we went to the beach together and you got really drunk and told us that you thought that almond milk came from cows who only ate almonds?
MK: omg
MK: send a pic rn or i won't believe u
YN: dammit mark
"Get over here," you pulled Jisung closer to you and took a quick picture and sent it.
YN: (Image)
MK: Ew, you're missing a chunk of flesh on your face, (Y/N)
YN: Okay!
"Wow... that went smoother than I thought," Jisung hums. "I hope they don't mind that we're like... dead."
"Wow! Rude!" You pointed at the comment he made.
"I mean... you are missing a chunk of your face."
"Because you bit it off!"
"I tried to kiss your cheek!"
"And now it's gone," you puffed your cheeks(?) and crossed your arms. Jisung sighs and wraps his bone arms around you.
"And I'm missing my arms."
"Yeah... if only we had enough to replace them," you nuzzled(?) into the bone. "Anyway, looks like we got more people joining our server!"
"Yes! Finally!" Jisung scrambled back to his chair, ready to commune with the living.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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Dear Steph, firstly thank you so so much for your work, you‘ve lead me to so many brillant stories. I wonder what your idea might be as to what happened between season 3 and 4? Were they called back from the gay, was it all just a joke to begin with or have we fans never understood their intentions? I would sooo like to know. What do you guess?
Hey Nonny!
So glad you enjoy my blog, and continue to visit!
Ah, my speculations vary between petty / gossippy thoughts and likely causes based on speculations going around at the time.
I talked about this back in 2020, but I believe the major rumour was, at the time, the BBC was going through a shakeup in management between TAB and S4, and in turn, said management wasn't happy with the direction the series was going. WHICH makes no sense, so I suspect a threatened lawsuit from the then-copyright holders on the remaining stories, because they were ridiculous, and BBC just didn't want to deal with that, so put an axe on the original plan.
A few of my more petty, most-definitely wrong theories and gossip niblets I know of:
Mofftiss HATED that the fandom "figured out" TAB so changed the whole game plan to Shyamalan the whole series because it pissed them off that they couldn't have a twist if everyone knew.
Mofftiss supposedly REALLY didn't like the the fanbase was primarily women... JUST A RUMOUR I saw going around at the time, that's all. They wanted to bring in the more General audience and casuals and in turn ended up making something everyone hated.
Mofftiss got too full of themselves and thought they didn't need a third writer after the success of TAB. If I recall correctly, they were doing rewrites right up until filming days, so even the actors were blindsided by the scripts, I imagine.
Mofftiss just got bored with the property, because they wanted to do Dracula, so purposely sidelined it, but not enough to not still cash in on the Brand Sherlock with the Escape Rooms. This is why I think they won't confirm or deny an S5, because The Brand™ still gets them some residuals.
A big gossip/rumour going around at the time was that a certain Actor wanted to make it big like their co-stars before things got messy, and buddy-buddied up to Mofftiss so much to feature heavily in the series, and in turn screwing over a fellow co-star whom they were having a falling out with so that said Actor basically had the scripts tailored to what they wanted. Just made everyone uncomfortable, especially when said Actor was NOT supposed to drag the drama before the release of the series but they did. AGAIN, this is ALL RUMOUR and GOSSIP. Just giving you the info I saw at the time.
Those are all the rumours and gossip I remember at the moment; there's plenty more I missed, I'm sure.
It boggles me that they thought they really did something with S4, and then just played it off like the show was always that way :/
Anyway, if anyone recalls any other reasons they heard through the grapevine as to what may have happened behind the scenes, please add to this one.
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hello everyone and
Dear Diary
Welcome to another mod diary! If you missed it, here is my previous one. It's 30/01/2023 and I whispered to my computer screen, "Oh my McFuck, I figured it out."
Behold my progress:
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I'm absolutely feral over this.
But this is unclean because I still have to edit the code more since you can still see Connor's suit and things. Please don't save these pics! Better ones will come! I'm so excited to do a full photoshoot with him when he's ready!
I can't believe that a month ago, I could hardly imagine wading through screens like this:
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---And now I'm actually having a go. I'm so proud of myself. (This is a random screenshot with random highlighted text, so don't waste time scouring it for meaning lol)
Oh by the way, I know what a container is now! Scratch what I said in my third entry. A container is literally just a Tupperware container of data/information. Like information for SWATCAPTAIN_01. Or CONNOR_INT02. The 'model' names are the containers.
Unfortunately, I can't share the instructions about how to get SWAT Connor, because the person who gave me the notes trusts me to keep them private. However, I can share little tips with the hex editor:
The Tool will crash if you try to open it and load the data in the containers that you're messing around with in the hex editor.
Press ctrl + F for "find", where you can find a string or hex.
Press ctrl + G for "go to" an offset. Offsets aren't searched in "find".
Notepad is your best friend.
I can't share a step-by-step process on how to use HxD because frankly, I don't really know how to use it. I'm just following someone else's instructions.
If I start working on something that's my own method, I'll be sure to share tutorials. However, I'm simply not up to that stage yet. There's so much more to learn.
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Other things I've learned that's next on my agenda:
If the original model has another model loaded on top of it, the second model will conform to the skeleton of the original model. There is a model for Markus' backpack, and the backpack conforms to his skeleton which is why he can wear it. I think this might also be the case with Connor's tie, but I have to test that out.
"As far as I know [map swapping is] only achievable with hex editing. You need to open your game files with an editor, then find and swap out the bytes of those maps. You can start filtering out other codes unrelated to maps by typing the name of a map (for example Eden Club) into the hex editor's search function." - @kayla1507
If stuff is screwing up, delete the .mods file and verify your files (or copy, paste and replace the .d26 and .idx files with clean ones). With all my current efforts, I'm sure I can save my two files somewhere and just plug them in when I want SWAT Connor again.
It takes me hours of learning and doing stuff in order to make these entries. I'm tired. I pass my learnings onto you like a withered old man giving a young hero a magical sword. And I'm not even that good at modding--- I'm still learning through the blessings of the modding community lmao. But here, it's dangerous to mod alone, take this.
~ Trinity
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breakingbadmspaint · 9 months
Breaking Bad Season 4 (MS Paint)
I'm watching Breaking Bad and drawing my experience on MS Paint with my mouse.
[Season 2] [Season 3]
These seasons keep getting more intense and packed with stuff that I fear this is going to become more text than drawing soon.
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You can't just give me my baby boy looking so cute and excited!!
EVEN VICTOR IS UPSET (and I like to believe It's because he likes Gale)
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-- oh my god the rage you can feel off Gus right now. He's terrifying, I love him.
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THIS DOWN VIEW IS SO POWERFUL. THE REDS AND THE DARK BLUES OOOOOOO Gus feeling like he's towering over them.
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I'm watching with such intensity
-- money money money money money
-- aw they're actually trying to get clean- damn it Jesse
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I hope they go back to rehab group
-- That poor roomba
-- Walt really just going to get himself killed honestly.
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These shots just keep getting better and better. You're small and blue Walt.
Ep 3
-- Those bastards dare use Gale's coffee machine still.
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Okay so I love Huell. I swear to god if he dies.... I can't handle it.
-- It takes one threat to Walts ego for him to finally agree to the car wash🙄
-- oh Marie is going to get herself arrested, 100%.
-- man poor Jesse. The spiral his life has gone down.
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I think she likes the colour purple. Just a feeling.
Ep 4
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The things he has to put up with. He looks so fed up.
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LMAO Walts face when Skyler says "We want them to understand why you'd do something so stupid"
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omg Gale, my baby. I'm sobbing I love this man. Singing Karaoke in Thailand living his best life.
-- Man Walt, how can you not realise Jesse is god damn traumatised over that event and you're just trying to make him relive it.
Ep 5
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I would love some chicken right now
-- Jesse & Mike roadtrip montage!
-- HE SAID IT! "YOU! ARE NOT THE GUY! YOU'RE NOT CAPABLE OF BEING THE GUY, I HAD A GUY BUT NOW I DON'T~ YOU! ARE NOT! THE GUY~" I've heard part of the breaking bad remix before I even saw the show.
-- I really struggle to tell if Walt genuinely cares for Jesse or if it's just because he can easily manipulate him.
-- Oh no, Walt is drunk and getting his ego destroyed. This isn't a good combo.
Ep 6
-- I sense a war about to happen. Don't mess with Gus and his stuff.
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Big scary baby man with big ego wah wah
-- I don't think insulting Jesse is going to keep him on your side Walt
-- oh my god, Walt if you get those ladies killed because you don't want to clean... YOU'RE NOT EVEN HELPING THEM
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This is the father/son duo I want
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-- Walt you bastard, look what you did!
-- Does Gus actually see potential or is this manipulation???
Ep 7
-- I miss Huell, when do we get more Huell.
-- My god Walt, if you dare ask Jesse to kill for you again
-- I'm fist-fighting Walter White
-- oooh sly Hank, very sneaky. Also I just love Gus in his yellow uniform.
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He's just sat there like :T
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DAMN HANK!!! Great at his job, holy shit
Ep 8
-- I'm sure Gus will find a way out of this since he has a lot of contacts and he's smart
-- I think Hank is getting a bigger target on his back
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This is beautiful
Ep 9
-- Oh Skyler honey, I don't think you realise he can't quit even if he wants to. He screwed up any chance of that, It's either make meth or death
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-- ooh please say Saul walks in, pleaaase- Oh Skyler, that's unexpected. Oh my god is she playing dumb???? OH MY GOD
-- Jesse you need to stop throwing your DNA covered cigarettes everywhere
-- Walt is making me so mad omg. His ego and paranoia are going to make him end up alone
Ep 10
-- I wonder what Gus's plan is, I'm sure there is more to it than just sending Jesse away
-- HELL YEAH JESSE DAAAAMN Making Gus and Mike proud
-- Oh I'm so nervous
-- Please be poisoned, please be poisoned - wait no GUS no don't be poisoned aaaaah
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I'm so scared, how are they getting out of this
Ep 11
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Is Jesse going to have to do surgery on Mike?!?
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He's so happy with his revenge
-- God I thought he was going to hit him with that chair for a moment
-- OMFG TED - okay he's still alive(?)
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"Does it have to be dirty?" "No :)"
-- See, you pushed everyone away Walt- OH SNAP
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Walter White has been ejected
-- Oh my god Walt, don't test him, he will find a way to hurt you
-- Point proven, he just threatened to kill your baby
-- Walt joker moment
Ep 12
-- Damn he's good at talking his way into a place - OH SNAP DRUG DOG
-- My god, Marie really loves purple, EVEN HER COFFEE PACKAGING IS PURPLE???? Does she buy it because It's purple???
-- Gosh what mystery potion is Walter making - OH A BOMB
Ep 13
-- UH OH Jesse
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Walter climbing through a door like a gremlin is beautiful
-- That old lady aw, wait she's not going to get hurt right?!?
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I knew it was coming but I'm still so sad
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hepaidattention · 2 years
OBX s4 ideas?
• flashbacks throughout the season of stuff we missed between the time jump. maybe show us some jiara missing scenes, show us jarah starting up their surf shop
• Rafe full villain mode now. with Ward being dead, there's no way Rafe won't blame Sarah (who he instructed to keep his father safe). I feel like Rafe will either go completely nuts or take a 360 turn as a good guy. good guy feels unlikely. he'll probably get that arc once he's done some more horrible things in the name of his father
• vengeful Topper on Team!Rafe since ya boys now a full fledged arsonist tsk tsk
• Kie and JJ are together, but they're gonna have a rocky season OR they're not together and we have to watch them work stuff out to go back to each other again. considering we already watched all s3 will they/won't they my guess is just a rocky season. jarah has been through too much for them to be the rocky relationship anymore and JJ is too damaged for their not to be difficulties to overcome. Kie's parents, for one.
• jiara still be jiara. super casual about it all when with the pogues because they're still best friends, only when they're alone they get into a little more trouble ;)
• the pogues all dealing with a little bit of a identity crisis. they're rich but still pogues and still treated like pogues for the most part, and they'll have to figure out where they fit in now as young adults
• this is a longshot but always my dream: JJs mom comes back and turns out that Sarah and JJ are siblings
• they'll a be dealing with adulthood now and it'll be weird for them. jiara and jarah will have to face how to be in a mature relationship where they both have jobs and lives, and they'll have to now deal with their careers getting in the way of treasure hunting rather than school and parents
• JJ is going to try really hard not to screw stuff up with Kie and act on his natural self destructive tendencies and I think s4 might really focus on how damaged JJ really is, having to face those demons head on if he wants to really be with Kie.
• I would do anything for some pure full-pogue crew scenes, all of them just together and living life, dancing, laughing on JJs new boat
• Kie will still be working things out with her parents. she'll probably have some serious trust issues and probably a lot of fights.
• Jarah gets legally married. I would CRY for a Jarah wedding oh my god. And JJ and Pope the groomsmen and Sarah and Cleo the bridesmaids and JJ crying as John B gives his vows ALSO crying and Pope's dad marries them 😭😭 I literally would cry so hard it needs to happen.
• and meanwhile they'll still be trying to find Blackbeards treasure, which I am excited about because it isn't a personal treasure to find at this point. they're literally just looking for it because they love the hunt and they're a bunch of adrenaline junkies. there's no "if we don't find it I'll die of starvation" or "it belonged to my family legacy" mentality connected to it, so it makes the opportunity for seeing other characters growth much easier. I'm excited
• the Pogues being like official treasure hunters now, and JJ makes jokes about their new team name (bad ones only) and acts like they need to do a vlog and share it to the world.
• John B rebuilds the chateau with his new fortune and the Pogues still do most their hanging out there. JJ lives in his boat but he also docks it at John Bs dock and spends most his time annoying Sarah and John B, who I predict live together
• this season will likely happen the summer before Pope goes off to school, so directly after s3 ends. OBX is known for taking three months max in a time span for a season and Pope going to school will complicate things. if the show got a s5, they would either have to time jump AGAIN or only take place in the summer so Pope will still be there for the treasure hunting.
• Cleo and Pope will have to figure out what they really mean to each other, since Pope is going to school. my guess is the break up because of him leaving, but by the end they decide that's stupid and get back together.
what do you guys think will happen???
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs Missing Mobility Aids
Well, I'm kind of screwed for a couple of days.
A little something about my block of flats: we have four communal dumpsters for the entire block - two for regular garbage, two for recycling. In order to minimise the chance of vermin in the building, these four dumpsters are in a building outside the block of flats which we will call the dumpster shed. Now, the little dumpster shed is right up against the kerb (curb for you Americans; I don't know why they spell it differently here either, but they do) so that the bin men can get to it. Meanwhile, the actual apartment building is down a fairly steep downgrade from the road. And to encourage people to use the small flight of steps or the driveway if they want to get to the front door, there's some retaining wall and landscaping blocked off by mid-height fencing and/or mid-height brick wall. The kind of thing that it takes effort to vault over or climb. Now, the dumpster shed is accessible to those of us putting stuff into the dumpsters by means of going around to the side of the shed, where there's a little platform and some glassless windows at a level that's somewhat easier to lift the dumpster lids and put things in them. This platform overlooks the landscaping and retaining walls for a space of about two feet, and is separated from the landscaping by a steep drop and a bit of safety rail.
Note the bit of safety rail and the steep drop. It is relevant.
I wanted to do some tidying so I figured I'd take the recycling out, come back for the kitchen garbage, and head out to the corner shop for ibuprofen etc on my second trip with the kitchen garbage. As usual, they haven't collected our recycling recently and the recycling dumpsters were a bit full, so I had to play some Tetris with it. And because I needed both hands to do this, I leaned my cane up against the wall, sort of wedged into the corner between what I think is a drainpipe and the wall of the dumpster shed, near to the retaining wall.
Note I said "sort of" wedged. It is also relevant.
While digging recycling out of bags and stuffing it into anyplace it'd fit, I heard a clang. I thought it was a can shifting. It was not a can shifting. It was my cane, falling through the gaps in the safety rail. Made a maybe 7-foot drop into a bush.
I can't get to that bush. I can't vault the fence that might give me a chance to get there, and I sure as hell can't boost myself onto one of the walls. Even if I could, I'd have to get out again. I have no the fuck idea who to ask about retrieving it - probably the landscapers, but they only just turned up last week so we won't be seeing them for awhile. And, at the end of the day, it was a cheap thing and several years old and I probably needed a new one anyway.
Point is that I am without my cane. And I rediscovered just how badly I do actually need the damn thing, because after all that, I still had to take out the kitchen garbage and head out to the corner shop for some now even more badly needed ibuprofen. I'd forgotten how badly walking hurts without the cane.
Anyway, payday's Friday, but honestly, even with an Amazon rush order I probably wouldn't get a new cane until then anyway. I'll cope for the time being. I'll just have to be very careful about any walks longer than getting around the flat. Ugh. I did not need this today, after a particularly shitty day at work.
Just please remind me to get a spare cane. That sort of thing is good practice anyway. Shit happens.
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[Audio ID: The stuff written below the cut.]
Long story short...miss Shiawase Suzuhime and Pallas Feldspar Shirogane will be joining me now. And I'll be taking a vacation to Unova with them at some point, thank you very much.
(OoC) I'll still be using #shiroposting and #suzuposting to keep track of those two, jsyk. So don't worry about that.
Okay, audio recording... testing, one, two, one, two... ...well, that's boring. *ahm-hmm...* *Boy meets gir-rlk--!* [Sounds of something striking the head of what must be a large Pokemon.] You need better songs. Owww... that hurt, Shia... It was just a love tap to the head. You've had worse. Myeeeh...I have to listen to that happen again, Shia! How else am I gonna make sure the microphone works? Wouldn't it be a better idea to call one of the girls in order to test the reception at the same time? Well yeah, but... [Sounds of water splashing. Someone is using Waterfall nearby, but not immediately next to the microphone.] Oh dear, is this another Pelipper? What on earth could they-- [Sounds of something landing on what appears to be stone, wet, and maybe even clawed if you've got a sharp ear. Panting, of some kind.] ...oh, Chevalier. You're here early, did something happen at the-- YEAH something happened!!! Have you guys been screwing around on my Rotomblr this whole time?! Wh--PALLAS! I told you he wouldn't be so keen on that! Well, I got curious, is all! I was gonna make one myself, but uh, not, really, sure, how well that would work for hiding, eh... Yeah, like taking over my account is any better?! ... we didn't mess around with much. Dear fucking Arceus-- okay, you know? Sure. Why not. But you couldn't have bothered to ask first?! Well...I wanted to, but you left before I could. I saw this neat ask game, too, so at that point, I figured, it couldn't really hurt. ... okay. Pallas. I'm gonna ask you something, and you're gonna answer me straight, okay? Okaaaaaay...? Does this not establish an incredibly direct connection between us, now? It... might? ...oh, no. Shia's catching on. So if there's a direct link between us, now, don't you think people are gonna realize, that if they wanna know anything about you-- Oh. OH. That. Mm! Uh-huh. I think I understand. Yeah. And now you're gonna need to help me figure out a way to explain all of this without giving away the entire fact that you two--! Actually...I don't think you need to do much to explain at all. And why not, Shia. [Silence. Sounds of...feathers? Picking up the microphone.] ...uh-huh. And it's recording. I was testing the mike before you came in... you seriously don't think we can...? Followers of Rotomblr blog "Silverott-Chevalier"! It appears that our ruse is up. My name is Shiawase Suzuhime-- or Suzuhime Shiawase, if you wish to follow Nippon traditions. And my blue friend over here is... ...uh, Pallas Feldspar Shirogane! I'm, uh...Shiawase and I are Cooper's, uh... ... they're my mentors. And they like screwing around with me sometimes. No pictures-- they like their privacy. Thank you, Chevalier. Now. Chevalier. Would you mind if we continued using your blog to do things? As spontaneous as our takeover was... ... one condition. ... very well, we owe you that much. ... two conditions. ... speak. First of all, we go to Unova for vacation. Not Galar. Okay? ...I suppose that's fine. Pallas? Yeah, yeah, I'll make plans for that... And your second? [Sounds of water being displaced as it's falling, followed by sounds of flapping wings, and then something hitting a countertop heavily. And then another something. And another.] ...ah. I see how you found out, now. I dunno who sent popcorn as soon as I got Pelipper Mail active, but I'm glad they did. ... you didn't happen to-- We did. ... and did they manage t-- They did. ...shit. Pallas cut the audio, cut the audio--
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